import time print(f"Starting up: {time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") # Standard library imports import os from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime from itertools import chain # Third-party imports import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import gradio as gr from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles import uvicorn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tqdm import colormaps import matplotlib.colors as mcolors from matplotlib.colors import Normalize import opinionated # for fonts"opinionated_rc") from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors def is_running_in_hf_space(): return "SPACE_ID" in os.environ if is_running_in_hf_space(): import spaces # necessary to run on Zero. import datamapplot import pyalex # Local imports from openalex_utils import ( openalex_url_to_pyalex_query, get_field, process_records_to_df, openalex_url_to_filename ) from styles import DATAMAP_CUSTOM_CSS from data_setup import ( download_required_files, setup_basemap_data, setup_mapper, setup_embedding_model, ) from network_utils import create_citation_graph, draw_citation_graph # Configure OpenAlex = "" print(f"Imports completed: {time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") # FastAPI setup app = FastAPI() static_dir = Path('./static') static_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory=static_dir), name="static") # Gradio configuration gr.set_static_paths(paths=["static/"]) # Resource configuration REQUIRED_FILES = { "100k_filtered_OA_sample_cluster_and_positions_supervised.pkl": "", "umap_mapper_250k_random_OA_discipline_tuned_specter_2_params.pkl": "" } BASEMAP_PATH = "100k_filtered_OA_sample_cluster_and_positions_supervised.pkl" MAPPER_PARAMS_PATH = "umap_mapper_250k_random_OA_discipline_tuned_specter_2_params.pkl" MODEL_NAME = "m7n/discipline-tuned_specter_2_024" # Initialize models and data start_time = time.time() print("Initializing resources...") download_required_files(REQUIRED_FILES) basedata_df = setup_basemap_data(BASEMAP_PATH) mapper = setup_mapper(MAPPER_PARAMS_PATH) model = setup_embedding_model(MODEL_NAME) print(f"Resources initialized in {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # Setting up decorators for embedding on HF-Zero: def no_op_decorator(func): """A no-op (no operation) decorator that simply returns the function.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Do nothing special return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper # Decide which decorator to use based on environment decorator_to_use = spaces.GPU() if is_running_in_hf_space() else no_op_decorator #duration=120 @decorator_to_use def create_embeddings(texts_to_embedd): """Create embeddings for the input texts using the loaded model.""" return model.encode(texts_to_embedd, show_progress_bar=True, batch_size=192) def predict(text_input, sample_size_slider, reduce_sample_checkbox, sample_reduction_method, plot_time_checkbox, locally_approximate_publication_date_checkbox, download_csv_checkbox, download_png_checkbox,citation_graph_checkbox, progress=gr.Progress()): """ Main prediction pipeline that processes OpenAlex queries and creates visualizations. Args: text_input (str): OpenAlex query URL sample_size_slider (int): Maximum number of samples to process reduce_sample_checkbox (bool): Whether to reduce sample size sample_reduction_method (str): Method for sample reduction ("Random" or "Order of Results") plot_time_checkbox (bool): Whether to color points by publication date locally_approximate_publication_date_checkbox (bool): Whether to approximate publication date locally before plotting. progress (gr.Progress): Gradio progress tracker Returns: tuple: (link to visualization, iframe HTML) """ # Check if input is empty or whitespace print(f"Input: {text_input}") if not text_input or text_input.isspace(): error_message = "Error: Please enter a valid OpenAlex URL in the 'OpenAlex-search URL'-field" return [ error_message, # iframe HTML gr.DownloadButton(label="Download Interactive Visualization", value='html_file_path', visible=False), # html download gr.DownloadButton(label="Download CSV Data", value='csv_file_path', visible=False), # csv download gr.DownloadButton(label="Download Static Plot", value='png_file_path', visible=False), # png download gr.Button(visible=False) # cancel button state ] # Check if the input is a valid OpenAlex URL start_time = time.time() print('Starting data projection pipeline') progress(0.1, desc="Starting...") # Split input into multiple URLs if present urls = [url.strip() for url in text_input.split(';')] records = [] total_query_length = 0 # Use first URL for filename first_query, first_params = openalex_url_to_pyalex_query(urls[0]) filename = openalex_url_to_filename(urls[0]) print(f"Filename: {filename}") # Process each URL for i, url in enumerate(urls): query, params = openalex_url_to_pyalex_query(url) query_length = query.count() total_query_length += query_length print(f'Requesting {query_length} entries from query {i+1}/{len(urls)}...') target_size = sample_size_slider if reduce_sample_checkbox and sample_reduction_method == "First n samples" else query_length records_per_query = 0 should_break = False for page in query.paginate(per_page=200, n_max=None): for record in page: records.append(record) records_per_query += 1 progress(0.1 + (0.2 * len(records) / (total_query_length)), desc=f"Getting data from query {i+1}/{len(urls)}...") if reduce_sample_checkbox and sample_reduction_method == "First n samples" and records_per_query >= target_size: should_break = True break if should_break: break if should_break: break print(f"Query completed in {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # Process records processing_start = time.time() records_df = process_records_to_df(records) if reduce_sample_checkbox and sample_reduction_method != "All": sample_size = min(sample_size_slider, len(records_df)) if sample_reduction_method == "n random samples": records_df = records_df.sample(sample_size) elif sample_reduction_method == "First n samples": records_df = records_df.iloc[:sample_size] print(f"Records processed in {time.time() - processing_start:.2f} seconds") # Create embeddings embedding_start = time.time() progress(0.3, desc="Embedding Data...") texts_to_embedd = [f"{title} {abstract}" for title, abstract in zip(records_df['title'], records_df['abstract'])] embeddings = create_embeddings(texts_to_embedd) print(f"Embeddings created in {time.time() - embedding_start:.2f} seconds") # Project embeddings projection_start = time.time() progress(0.5, desc="Project into UMAP-embedding...") umap_embeddings = mapper.transform(embeddings) records_df[['x','y']] = umap_embeddings print(f"Projection completed in {time.time() - projection_start:.2f} seconds") # Prepare visualization data viz_prep_start = time.time() progress(0.6, desc="Preparing visualization data...") basedata_df['color'] = '#ced4d211' if not plot_time_checkbox: records_df['color'] = '#5e2784' else: cmap = colormaps.haline if not locally_approximate_publication_date_checkbox: # Create color mapping based on publication years years = pd.to_numeric(records_df['publication_year']) norm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=years.min(), vmax=years.max()) records_df['color'] = [mcolors.to_hex(cmap(norm(year))) for year in years] else: n_neighbors = 10 # Adjust this value to control smoothing nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors) distances, indices = nn.kneighbors(umap_embeddings) # Calculate local average publication year for each point local_years = np.array([ np.mean(records_df['publication_year'].iloc[idx]) for idx in indices ]) norm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=local_years.min(), vmax=local_years.max()) records_df['color'] = [mcolors.to_hex(cmap(norm(year))) for year in local_years] stacked_df = pd.concat([basedata_df, records_df], axis=0, ignore_index=True) stacked_df = stacked_df.fillna("Unlabelled") stacked_df['parsed_field'] = [get_field(row) for ix, row in stacked_df.iterrows()] extra_data = pd.DataFrame(stacked_df['doi']) print(f"Visualization data prepared in {time.time() - viz_prep_start:.2f} seconds") if citation_graph_checkbox: citation_graph_start = time.time() citation_graph = create_citation_graph(records_df) graph_file_name = f"{filename}_citation_graph.jpg" graph_file_path = static_dir / graph_file_name draw_citation_graph(citation_graph,path=graph_file_path,bundle_edges=True, min_max_coordinates=[np.min(stacked_df['x']),np.max(stacked_df['x']),np.min(stacked_df['y']),np.max(stacked_df['y'])]) print(f"Citation graph created and saved in {time.time() - citation_graph_start:.2f} seconds") # Create and save plot plot_start = time.time() progress(0.7, desc="Creating interactive plot...") # Create a solid black colormap black_cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('black', ['#000000', '#000000']) plot = datamapplot.create_interactive_plot( stacked_df[['x','y']].values, np.array(stacked_df['cluster_2_labels']), np.array(['Unlabelled' if pd.isna(x) else x for x in stacked_df['parsed_field']]), hover_text=[str(row['title']) for ix, row in stacked_df.iterrows()], marker_color_array=stacked_df['color'], use_medoids=False, # Switch back once efficient mediod caclulation comes out! width=1000, height=1000, point_radius_min_pixels=1, text_outline_width=5, point_hover_color='#5e2784', point_radius_max_pixels=7, cmap=black_cmap, background_image=graph_file_name if citation_graph_checkbox else None, #color_label_text=False, font_family="Roboto Condensed", font_weight=600, tooltip_font_weight=600, tooltip_font_family="Roboto Condensed", extra_point_data=extra_data, on_click="`{doi}`)", custom_css=DATAMAP_CUSTOM_CSS, initial_zoom_fraction=.8, enable_search=False, offline_mode=False ) # Save plot html_file_name = f"{filename}.html" html_file_path = static_dir / html_file_name print(f"Plot created and saved in {time.time() - plot_start:.2f} seconds") # Save additional files if requested csv_file_path = static_dir / f"{filename}.csv" png_file_path = static_dir / f"{filename}.png" if download_csv_checkbox: # Export relevant column export_df = records_df[['title', 'abstract', 'doi', 'publication_year', 'x', 'y','id','primary_topic']] export_df['parsed_field'] = [get_field(row) for ix, row in export_df.iterrows()] export_df['referenced_works'] = [', '.join(x) for x in records_df['referenced_works']] export_df.to_csv(csv_file_path, index=False) if download_png_checkbox: png_start_time = time.time() print("Starting PNG generation...") # Sample and prepare data sample_prep_start = time.time() sample_to_plot = basedata_df#.sample(20000) labels1 = np.array(sample_to_plot['cluster_2_labels']) labels2 = np.array(['Unlabelled' if pd.isna(x) else x for x in sample_to_plot['parsed_field']]) ratio = 0.6 mask = np.random.random(size=len(labels1)) < ratio combined_labels = np.where(mask, labels1, labels2) # Get the 30 most common labels unique_labels, counts = np.unique(combined_labels, return_counts=True) top_30_labels = set(unique_labels[np.argsort(counts)[-50:]]) # Replace less common labels with 'Unlabelled' combined_labels = np.array(['Unlabelled' if label not in top_30_labels else label for label in combined_labels]) #combined_labels = np.array(['Unlabelled' for label in combined_labels]) #if label not in top_30_labels else label colors_base = ['#536878' for _ in range(len(labels1))] print(f"Sample preparation completed in {time.time() - sample_prep_start:.2f} seconds") # Create main plot print(labels1) print(labels2) print(sample_to_plot[['x','y']].values) print(combined_labels) main_plot_start = time.time() fig, ax = datamapplot.create_plot( sample_to_plot[['x','y']].values, combined_labels, label_wrap_width=12, label_over_points=True, dynamic_label_size=True, use_medoids=False, # Switch back once efficient mediod caclulation comes out! point_size=2, marker_color_array=colors_base, force_matplotlib=True, max_font_size=12, min_font_size=4, min_font_weight=100, max_font_weight=300, font_family="Roboto Condensed", color_label_text=False, add_glow=False, highlight_labels=list(np.unique(labels1)), label_font_size=8, highlight_label_keywords={"fontsize": 12, "fontweight": "bold", "bbox":{"boxstyle":"circle", "pad":0.75,'alpha':0.}}, ) print(f"Main plot creation completed in {time.time() - main_plot_start:.2f} seconds") if citation_graph_checkbox: # Read and add the graph image graph_img = plt.imread(graph_file_path) ax.imshow(graph_img, extent=[np.min(stacked_df['x']),np.max(stacked_df['x']),np.min(stacked_df['y']),np.max(stacked_df['y'])], alpha=0.9, aspect='auto') # Time-based visualization scatter_start = time.time() if plot_time_checkbox: if locally_approximate_publication_date_checkbox: scatter = plt.scatter( umap_embeddings[:,0], umap_embeddings[:,1], c=local_years, cmap=colormaps.haline, alpha=0.8, s=5 ) else: years = pd.to_numeric(records_df['publication_year']) scatter = plt.scatter( umap_embeddings[:,0], umap_embeddings[:,1], c=years, cmap=colormaps.haline, alpha=0.8, s=5 ) plt.colorbar(scatter, shrink=0.5, format='%d') else: scatter = plt.scatter( umap_embeddings[:,0], umap_embeddings[:,1], c=records_df['color'], alpha=0.8, s=5 ) print(f"Scatter plot creation completed in {time.time() - scatter_start:.2f} seconds") # Save plot save_start = time.time() plt.axis('off') png_file_path = static_dir / f"{filename}.png" plt.savefig(png_file_path, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print(f"Plot saving completed in {time.time() - save_start:.2f} seconds") print(f"Total PNG generation completed in {time.time() - png_start_time:.2f} seconds") progress(1.0, desc="Done!") print(f"Total pipeline completed in {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") iframe = f"""""" # Return iframe and download buttons with appropriate visibility return [ iframe, gr.DownloadButton(label="Download Interactive Visualization", value=html_file_path, visible=True, variant='secondary'), gr.DownloadButton(label="Download CSV Data", value=csv_file_path, visible=download_csv_checkbox, variant='secondary'), gr.DownloadButton(label="Download Static Plot", value=png_file_path, visible=download_png_checkbox, variant='secondary'), gr.Button(visible=False) # Return hidden state for cancel button ] theme = gr.themes.Monochrome( font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont("Roboto Condensed"), "ui-sans-serif", "system-ui", "sans-serif"], text_size="lg", ).set( button_secondary_background_fill="white", button_secondary_background_fill_hover="#f3f4f6", button_secondary_border_color="black", button_secondary_text_color="black", button_border_width="2px", ) # Gradio interface setup with gr.Blocks(theme=theme, css=""" .gradio-container a { color: black !important; text-decoration: none !important; /* Force remove default underline */ font-weight: bold; transition: color 0.2s ease-in-out, border-bottom-color 0.2s ease-in-out; display: inline-block; /* Enable proper spacing for descenders */ line-height: 1.1; /* Adjust line height */ padding-bottom: 2px; /* Add space for descenders */ } .gradio-container a:hover { color: #b23310 !important; border-bottom: 3px solid #b23310; /* Wider underline, only on hover */ } """) as demo: gr.Markdown("""
The visualization map will appear here after running a query