DuckLink /
muhammadsalmanalfaridzi's picture
79a92e5 verified
import logging
import json
import yaml
import gradio as gr
import gradio.themes as themes
from pathlib import Path
from docling.backend.pypdfium2_backend import PyPdfiumDocumentBackend
from docling.datamodel.base_models import InputFormat
from docling.document_converter import DocumentConverter, PdfFormatOption, WordFormatOption
from docling.datamodel.pipeline_options import PdfPipelineOptions, TableFormerMode, EasyOcrOptions
from docling.utils.export import generate_multimodal_pages
from docling.utils.utils import create_hash
import pandas as pd
import time
import datetime
# Set up logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# OCR Configuration
ocr_options = EasyOcrOptions(force_full_page_ocr=True)
pipeline_options = PdfPipelineOptions(do_table_structure=True)
pipeline_options.do_ocr = True # Enable OCR for images and text
pipeline_options.table_structure_options.do_cell_matching = True
pipeline_options.table_structure_options.mode = TableFormerMode.ACCURATE # More accurate table model
pipeline_options.ocr_options = ocr_options
pipeline_options.ocr_options.lang = ["id", "en"] # OCR languages
# Function to handle document conversion and exports
def export_tables_and_figures(conv_res, output_dir):
"""Exports tables, figures, and multimodal pages from the converted document."""
start_time = time.time()
output_files = []
# Export tables
for table_ix, table in enumerate(conv_res.document.tables):
table_df = table.export_to_dataframe()
table_csv_filename = output_dir / f"{conv_res.input.file.stem}-table-{table_ix + 1}.csv"
table_html_filename = output_dir / f"{conv_res.input.file.stem}-table-{table_ix + 1}.html""Saving CSV table to {table_csv_filename}")
table_df.to_csv(table_csv_filename)"Saving HTML table to {table_html_filename}")
with"w") as fp:
# Append to output files
# Export pictures (e.g., images with OCR or annotations)
for picture_ix, picture in enumerate( # Changed 'figures' to 'pictures'
if picture.image: # Check if picture.image is not None
picture_image_filename = output_dir / f"{conv_res.input.file.stem}-picture-{picture_ix + 1}.png""Saving Picture to {picture_image_filename}")
# Append to output files
_log.warning(f"Skipping picture {picture_ix + 1} due to missing image.")
# Export multimodal pages
rows = []
for content_text, content_md, content_dt, page_cells, page_segments, page in generate_multimodal_pages(conv_res):
dpi = page._default_image_scale * 72
# Ensure page.image exists and handle the case where it may be None
image_width = image_height = 0
image_bytes = None
if page.image:
image_width = page.image.width
image_height = page.image.height
image_bytes = page.image.tobytes()
"hash": conv_res.input.document_hash,
"page_hash": create_hash(conv_res.input.document_hash + ":" + str(page.page_no - 1)),
"image": {
"width": image_width,
"height": image_height,
"bytes": image_bytes,
"cells": page_cells,
"contents": content_text,
"contents_md": content_md,
"contents_dt": content_dt,
"segments": page_segments,
"extra": {
"page_num": page.page_no + 1,
"width_in_points": page.size.width,
"height_in_points": page.size.height,
"dpi": dpi,
except Exception as e:
_log.warning(f"Failed to process page {page.page_no + 1}: {e}")
# Generate one Parquet from all documents
df = pd.json_normalize(rows)
now =
output_filename = output_dir / f"multimodal_{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S}.parquet"
# Append to output files
end_time = time.time() - start_time"Tables, figures, and multimodal pages exported in {end_time:.2f} seconds.")
return [str(file.resolve()) for file in output_files]
# Main conversion function
def convert_document(input_file):
# Create a temporary output directory
output_dir = Path("scratch")
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Create DocumentConverter instance
doc_converter = DocumentConverter(
allowed_formats=[InputFormat.PDF, InputFormat.IMAGE, InputFormat.DOCX, InputFormat.HTML],
format_options={InputFormat.PDF: PdfFormatOption(pipeline_options=pipeline_options, backend=PyPdfiumDocumentBackend)}
# Convert the input file
input_path = Path(
conv_results = doc_converter.convert_all([input_path])
# Export to markdown, json, yaml with UTF-8 encoding
output_files = []
for res in conv_results:
out_path = output_dir / res.input.file.stem
out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Export Markdown and JSON with utf-8 encoding
with (out_path / f"{res.input.file.stem}.md").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
with (out_path / f"{res.input.file.stem}.json").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(json.dumps(res.document.export_to_dict(), ensure_ascii=False))
with (out_path / f"{res.input.file.stem}.yaml").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
fp.write(yaml.safe_dump(res.document.export_to_dict(), allow_unicode=True))
# Append to output files
output_files.append(str((out_path / f"{res.input.file.stem}.md").resolve()))
output_files.append(str((out_path / f"{res.input.file.stem}.json").resolve()))
output_files.append(str((out_path / f"{res.input.file.stem}.yaml").resolve()))
# Export tables, figures, and multimodal content
output_files.extend(export_tables_and_figures(res, out_path))
return output_files
# Create the Gradio interface
def gradio_interface(input_file):
output_files = convert_document(input_file)
return output_files
# Create the Gradio interface with a theme
iface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.File(file_count="single", type="filepath"),
title="Document Conversion with OCR",
description="Upload your document or image, and get the converted output with OCR and other exports.",
theme=themes.Base(primary_hue="teal", secondary_hue="teal", neutral_hue="slate"), # Set the theme here
if __name__ == "__main__":