import streamlit as st import os import time import yaml import asyncio # Add asyncio for async handling from tqdm import tqdm from crawl4ai_scrapper import * # Import Crawl4AI Scraper from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task, LLM from crewai_tools import FileReadTool docs_tool = FileReadTool() # Using the Cerebras Llama 3.3 70B model def load_llm(): # Set up the Cerebras model with the Llama 3.3 70B API llm = LLM(model="llama3.3-70B", api_key=os.getenv("CEREBRAS_API_KEY")) return llm # =========================== # Define Agents & Tasks # =========================== def create_agents_and_tasks(): """Creates a Crew for analysis of the channel scraped output""" with open("config.yaml", 'r') as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) analysis_agent = Agent( role=config["agents"][0]["role"], goal=config["agents"][0]["goal"], backstory=config["agents"][0]["backstory"], verbose=True, tools=[docs_tool], llm=load_llm() ) response_synthesizer_agent = Agent( role=config["agents"][1]["role"], goal=config["agents"][1]["goal"], backstory=config["agents"][1]["backstory"], verbose=True, llm=load_llm() ) analysis_task = Task( description=config["tasks"][0]["description"], expected_output=config["tasks"][0]["expected_output"], agent=analysis_agent ) response_task = Task( description=config["tasks"][1]["description"], expected_output=config["tasks"][1]["expected_output"], agent=response_synthesizer_agent ) crew = Crew( agents=[analysis_agent, response_synthesizer_agent], tasks=[analysis_task, response_task], process=Process.sequential, verbose=True ) return crew # =========================== # Streamlit Setup # =========================== st.title("YouTube Trend Analysis") if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] # Chat history if "response" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.response = None if "crew" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.crew = None # Store the Crew object def reset_chat(): st.session_state.messages = [] async def start_analysis(): """Async version of start_analysis to handle coroutines correctly""" # Create a status container with st.spinner('Scraping videos... This may take a moment.'): status_container = st.empty()"Extracting videos from the channels...") # Trigger Crawl4AI scraping instead of BrightData channel_snapshot_id = await trigger_scraping_channels(st.session_state.youtube_channels, 10, st.session_state.start_date, st.session_state.end_date, "Latest", "") status = await get_progress(channel_snapshot_id['snapshot_id']) while status['status'] != "ready":"Current status: {status['status']}") time.sleep(10) status = await get_progress(channel_snapshot_id['snapshot_id']) if status['status'] == "failed": status_container.error(f"Scraping failed: {status}") return if status['status'] == "ready": status_container.success("Scraping completed successfully!") # Show a list of YouTube videos here in a scrollable container channel_scrapped_output = await get_output(status['snapshot_id'], format="json") st.markdown("## YouTube Videos Extracted") # Create a container for the carousel carousel_container = st.container() # Calculate number of videos per row (adjust as needed) videos_per_row = 3 with carousel_container: num_videos = len(channel_scrapped_output[0]) num_rows = (num_videos + videos_per_row - 1) // videos_per_row for row in range(num_rows): # Create columns for each row cols = st.columns(videos_per_row) # Fill each column with a video for col_idx in range(videos_per_row): video_idx = row * videos_per_row + col_idx # Check if we still have videos to display if video_idx < num_videos: with cols[col_idx]:[0][video_idx]['url'])"Processing transcripts...") st.session_state.all_files = [] # Calculate transcripts for i in tqdm(range(len(channel_scrapped_output[0]))): # Save transcript to file youtube_video_id = channel_scrapped_output[0][i]['shortcode'] file = "transcripts/" + youtube_video_id + ".txt" st.session_state.all_files.append(file) with open(file, "w") as f: for j in range(len(channel_scrapped_output[0][i]['formatted_transcript'])): text = channel_scrapped_output[0][i]['formatted_transcript'][j]['text'] start_time = channel_scrapped_output[0][i]['formatted_transcript'][j]['start_time'] end_time = channel_scrapped_output[0][i]['formatted_transcript'][j]['end_time'] f.write(f"({start_time:.2f}-{end_time:.2f}): {text}\n") f.close() st.session_state.channel_scrapped_output = channel_scrapped_output status_container.success("Scraping complete! We shall now analyze the videos and report trends...") else: status_container.error(f"Scraping failed with status: {status}") if status['status'] == "ready": status_container = st.empty() with st.spinner('The agent is analyzing the videos... This may take a moment.'): # create crew st.session_state.crew = create_agents_and_tasks() st.session_state.response = st.session_state.crew.kickoff(inputs={"file_paths": ", ".join(st.session_state.all_files)}) # =========================== # Sidebar # =========================== with st.sidebar: st.header("YouTube Channels") if "youtube_channels" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.youtube_channels = [""] # Start with one empty field # Function to add new channel field def add_channel_field(): st.session_state.youtube_channels.append("") # Create input fields for each channel for i, channel in enumerate(st.session_state.youtube_channels): col1, col2 = st.columns([6, 1]) with col1: st.session_state.youtube_channels[i] = st.text_input( "Channel URL", value=channel, key=f"channel_{i}", label_visibility="collapsed" ) with col2: if i > 0: if st.button("❌", key=f"remove_{i}"): st.session_state.youtube_channels.pop(i) st.rerun() st.button("Add Channel ➕", on_click=add_channel_field) st.divider() st.subheader("Date Range") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: start_date = st.date_input("Start Date") st.session_state.start_date = start_date st.session_state.start_date = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") with col2: end_date = st.date_input("End Date") st.session_state.end_date = end_date st.session_state.end_date = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") st.divider() st.button("Start Analysis 🚀", on_click=lambda: # Here we use # =========================== # Main Chat Interface # =========================== if st.session_state.response: with st.spinner('Generating content... This may take a moment.'): try: result = st.session_state.response st.markdown("### Generated Analysis") st.markdown(result) # Add download button st.download_button( label="Download Content", data=result.raw, file_name=f"", mime="text/markdown" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") # Footer st.markdown("---") st.markdown("Built with CrewAI, Crawl4AI and Streamlit")