from typing import Tuple, List import cv2 import numpy as np import supervision as sv import torch from PIL import Image from torchvision.ops import box_convert import bisect import groundingdino.datasets.transforms as T from groundingdino.models import build_model from groundingdino.util.misc import clean_state_dict from groundingdino.util.slconfig import SLConfig from groundingdino.util.utils import get_phrases_from_posmap # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OLD API # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def preprocess_caption(caption: str) -> str: result = caption.lower().strip() if result.endswith("."): return result return result + "." def load_model( model_config_path: str, model_checkpoint_path: str, device: str = "cuda" ): args = SLConfig.fromfile(model_config_path) args.device = device model = build_model(args) checkpoint = torch.load(model_checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") model.load_state_dict(clean_state_dict(checkpoint["model"]), strict=False) model.eval() return model def load_image(image_path: str) -> Tuple[np.array, torch.Tensor]: transform = T.Compose( [ T.RandomResize([800], max_size=1333), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ] ) image_source ="RGB") image = np.asarray(image_source) image_transformed, _ = transform(image_source, None) return image, image_transformed def predict( model, image: torch.Tensor, caption: str, box_threshold: float, text_threshold: float, device: str = "cuda", remove_combined: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[str]]: caption = preprocess_caption(caption=caption) model = image = with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(image[None], captions=[caption]) prediction_logits = ( outputs["pred_logits"].cpu().sigmoid()[0] ) # prediction_logits.shape = (nq, 256) prediction_boxes = outputs["pred_boxes"].cpu()[ 0 ] # prediction_boxes.shape = (nq, 4) mask = prediction_logits.max(dim=1)[0] > box_threshold logits = prediction_logits[mask] # logits.shape = (n, 256) boxes = prediction_boxes[mask] # boxes.shape = (n, 4) tokenizer = model.tokenizer tokenized = tokenizer(caption) if remove_combined: sep_idx = [ i for i in range(len(tokenized["input_ids"])) if tokenized["input_ids"][i] in [101, 102, 1012] ] phrases = [] for logit in logits: max_idx = logit.argmax() insert_idx = bisect.bisect_left(sep_idx, max_idx) right_idx = sep_idx[insert_idx] left_idx = sep_idx[insert_idx - 1] phrases.append( get_phrases_from_posmap( logit > text_threshold, tokenized, tokenizer, left_idx, right_idx ).replace(".", "") ) else: phrases = [ get_phrases_from_posmap( logit > text_threshold, tokenized, tokenizer ).replace(".", "") for logit in logits ] return boxes, logits.max(dim=1)[0], phrases def annotate( image_source: np.ndarray, boxes: torch.Tensor, logits: torch.Tensor, phrases: List[str], ) -> np.ndarray: """ This function annotates an image with bounding boxes and labels. Parameters: image_source (np.ndarray): The source image to be annotated. boxes (torch.Tensor): A tensor containing bounding box coordinates. logits (torch.Tensor): A tensor containing confidence scores for each bounding box. phrases (List[str]): A list of labels for each bounding box. Returns: np.ndarray: The annotated image. """ h, w, _ = image_source.shape boxes = boxes * torch.Tensor([w, h, w, h]) xyxy = box_convert(boxes=boxes, in_fmt="cxcywh", out_fmt="xyxy").numpy() detections = sv.Detections(xyxy=xyxy) labels = [f"{phrase} {logit:.2f}" for phrase, logit in zip(phrases, logits)] bbox_annotator = sv.BoxAnnotator(color_lookup=sv.ColorLookup.INDEX) label_annotator = sv.LabelAnnotator(color_lookup=sv.ColorLookup.INDEX) annotated_frame = cv2.cvtColor(image_source, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) annotated_frame = bbox_annotator.annotate( scene=annotated_frame, detections=detections ) annotated_frame = label_annotator.annotate( scene=annotated_frame, detections=detections, labels=labels ) return annotated_frame # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NEW API # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Model: def __init__( self, model_config_path: str, model_checkpoint_path: str, device: str = "cuda" ): self.model = load_model( model_config_path=model_config_path, model_checkpoint_path=model_checkpoint_path, device=device, ).to(device) self.device = device def predict_with_caption( self, image: np.ndarray, caption: str, box_threshold: float = 0.35, text_threshold: float = 0.25, ) -> Tuple[sv.Detections, List[str]]: """ import cv2 image = cv2.imread(IMAGE_PATH) model = Model(model_config_path=CONFIG_PATH, model_checkpoint_path=WEIGHTS_PATH) detections, labels = model.predict_with_caption( image=image, caption=caption, box_threshold=BOX_THRESHOLD, text_threshold=TEXT_THRESHOLD ) import supervision as sv box_annotator = sv.BoxAnnotator() annotated_image = box_annotator.annotate(scene=image, detections=detections, labels=labels) """ processed_image = Model.preprocess_image(image_bgr=image).to(self.device) boxes, logits, phrases = predict( model=self.model, image=processed_image, caption=caption, box_threshold=box_threshold, text_threshold=text_threshold, device=self.device, ) source_h, source_w, _ = image.shape detections = Model.post_process_result( source_h=source_h, source_w=source_w, boxes=boxes, logits=logits ) return detections, phrases def predict_with_classes( self, image: np.ndarray, classes: List[str], box_threshold: float, text_threshold: float, ) -> sv.Detections: """ import cv2 image = cv2.imread(IMAGE_PATH) model = Model(model_config_path=CONFIG_PATH, model_checkpoint_path=WEIGHTS_PATH) detections = model.predict_with_classes( image=image, classes=CLASSES, box_threshold=BOX_THRESHOLD, text_threshold=TEXT_THRESHOLD ) import supervision as sv box_annotator = sv.BoxAnnotator() annotated_image = box_annotator.annotate(scene=image, detections=detections) """ caption = ". ".join(classes) processed_image = Model.preprocess_image(image_bgr=image).to(self.device) boxes, logits, phrases = predict( model=self.model, image=processed_image, caption=caption, box_threshold=box_threshold, text_threshold=text_threshold, device=self.device, ) source_h, source_w, _ = image.shape detections = Model.post_process_result( source_h=source_h, source_w=source_w, boxes=boxes, logits=logits ) class_id = Model.phrases2classes(phrases=phrases, classes=classes) detections.class_id = class_id return detections @staticmethod def preprocess_image(image_bgr: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: transform = T.Compose( [ T.RandomResize([800], max_size=1333), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ] ) image_pillow = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) image_transformed, _ = transform(image_pillow, None) return image_transformed @staticmethod def post_process_result( source_h: int, source_w: int, boxes: torch.Tensor, logits: torch.Tensor ) -> sv.Detections: boxes = boxes * torch.Tensor([source_w, source_h, source_w, source_h]) xyxy = box_convert(boxes=boxes, in_fmt="cxcywh", out_fmt="xyxy").numpy() confidence = logits.numpy() return sv.Detections(xyxy=xyxy, confidence=confidence) @staticmethod def phrases2classes(phrases: List[str], classes: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: class_ids = [] for phrase in phrases: for class_ in classes: if class_ in phrase: class_ids.append(classes.index(class_)) break else: class_ids.append(None) return np.array(class_ids)