import torch from PIL import Image import requests from openai import OpenAI from transformers import (Owlv2Processor, Owlv2ForObjectDetection, AutoProcessor, AutoModelForMaskGeneration) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches import base64 import io import numpy as np import gradio as gr import json import os from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables load_dotenv() OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') def encode_image_to_base64(image): print(f"Encode image type: {type(image)}") # Debug print try: # If image is a tuple (as sometimes provided by Gradio), take the first element if isinstance(image, tuple): print(f"Image is tuple with length: {len(image)}") # Debug print if len(image) > 0 and image[0] is not None: if isinstance(image[0], np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image[0]) else: image = image[0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid image tuple provided") # If image is a numpy array, convert to PIL Image if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image) # If image is a path string, open it elif isinstance(image, str): image = print(f"Image type after conversion: {type(image)}") # Debug print # Ensure image is in PIL Image format if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): raise ValueError(f"Input must be a PIL Image, numpy array, or valid image path. Got {type(image)}") # Convert image to RGB if it's in RGBA mode if image.mode == 'RGBA': image = image.convert('RGB') buffered = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") return base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: print(f"Encode error details: {str(e)}") # Debug print raise def analyze_image(image): client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) base64_image = encode_image_to_base64(image) messages = [ { "role": "user", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": """Your task is to determine if the image is surprising or not surprising. if the image is surprising, determine which element, figure or object in the image is making the image surprising and write it only in one sentence with no more then 6 words, otherwise, write 'NA'. Also rate how surprising the image is on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is not surprising at all and 5 is highly surprising. Additionally, write one sentence about what would be expected in this scene, and one sentence about what is unexpected. Provide the response as a JSON with the following structure: { "label": "[surprising OR not surprising]", "element": "[element]", "rating": [1-5], "expected": "[one sentence about what would be expected]", "unexpected": "[one sentence about what is unexpected]" }""" }, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}" } } ] } ] response = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=messages, max_tokens=100, temperature=0.1, response_format={ "type": "json_object" } ) return response.choices[0].message.content def show_mask(mask, ax, random_color=False): try: # Debug print to understand mask type print(f"show_mask input type: {type(mask)}") # Convert mask if it's a tuple if isinstance(mask, tuple): if len(mask) > 0 and mask[0] is not None: mask = mask[0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid mask tuple") # Convert torch tensor to numpy if needed if torch.is_tensor(mask): mask = mask.cpu().numpy() # Handle 4D tensor/array case if len(mask.shape) == 4: mask = mask[0, 0] # Handle 3D tensor/array case elif len(mask.shape) == 3: mask = mask[0] if random_color: color = np.concatenate([np.random.random(3), np.array([0.6])], axis=0) else: color = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]) mask_image = np.zeros((*mask.shape, 4), dtype=np.float32) mask_image[mask > 0] = color ax.imshow(mask_image) except Exception as e: print(f"show_mask error: {str(e)}") print(f"mask shape: {getattr(mask, 'shape', 'no shape')}") raise def process_image_detection(image, target_label, surprise_rating): try: # Handle different image input types if isinstance(image, tuple): if len(image) > 0 and image[0] is not None: if isinstance(image[0], np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image[0]) else: image = image[0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid image tuple provided") elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image) elif isinstance(image, str): image = # Ensure image is in PIL Image format if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): raise ValueError(f"Input must be a PIL Image, got {type(image)}") # Ensure image is in RGB mode if image.mode != 'RGB': image = image.convert('RGB') device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" print(f"Using device: {device}") # Get original image DPI and size original_dpi ='dpi', (72, 72)) original_size = image.size print(f"Image size: {original_size}") # Calculate relative font size base_fontsize = min(original_size) / 80 print("Loading models...") owlv2_processor = Owlv2Processor.from_pretrained("google/owlv2-large-patch14") owlv2_model = Owlv2ForObjectDetection.from_pretrained("google/owlv2-large-patch14").to(device) sam_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-large") sam_model = AutoModelForMaskGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-large").to(device) print("Running object detection...") inputs = owlv2_processor(text=[target_label], images=image, return_tensors="pt").to(device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = owlv2_model(**inputs) target_sizes = torch.tensor([image.size[::-1]]).to(device) results = owlv2_processor.post_process_object_detection(outputs, target_sizes=target_sizes)[0] # Use original image dimensions for figure size dpi = 300 width, height = image.size figsize = (width / dpi, height / dpi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(image) scores = results["scores"] if len(scores) > 0: max_score_idx = scores.argmax().item() max_score = scores[max_score_idx].item() if max_score > 0.2: print("Processing detection results...") box = results["boxes"][max_score_idx].cpu().numpy() print("Running SAM model...") # Convert image to numpy array if needed for SAM if isinstance(image, Image.Image): image_np = np.array(image) else: image_np = image sam_inputs = sam_processor( image_np, input_boxes=[[[box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]]]], return_tensors="pt" ).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): sam_outputs = sam_model(**sam_inputs) masks = sam_processor.image_processor.post_process_masks( sam_outputs.pred_masks.cpu(), sam_inputs["original_sizes"].cpu(), sam_inputs["reshaped_input_sizes"].cpu() ) print(f"Mask type: {type(masks)}, Mask shape: {len(masks)}") mask = masks[0] if isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor): mask = mask.numpy() show_mask(mask, ax=ax) rect = patches.Rectangle( (box[0], box[1]), box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1], linewidth=max(2, min(original_size) / 500), edgecolor='red', facecolor='none' ) ax.add_patch(rect) # Only add the probability score #plt.text( # box[0], box[1] - base_fontsize, # f'{max_score:.2f}', # color='red', # fontsize=base_fontsize, # fontweight='bold' #) plt.axis('off') print("Saving final image...") try: buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, format='png', dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # Open as PIL Image output_image = # Convert to RGB if needed if output_image.mode != 'RGB': output_image = output_image.convert('RGB') # Save to final buffer final_buf = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG', dpi=original_dpi) plt.close(fig) buf.close() return final_buf except Exception as e: print(f"Save error details: {str(e)}") raise except Exception as e: print(f"Process image detection error: {str(e)}") print(f"Error occurred at line {e.__traceback__.tb_lineno}") raise def process_and_analyze(image): if image is None: return None, "Please upload an image first." print(f"Initial image type: {type(image)}") # Debug print if OPENAI_API_KEY is None: return None, "OpenAI API key not found in environment variables." try: # Convert the image to PIL format if needed if isinstance(image, tuple): print(f"Image is tuple, length: {len(image)}") # Debug print if len(image) > 0 and image[0] is not None: if isinstance(image[0], np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image[0]) else: print(f"First element type: {type(image[0])}") # Debug print image = image[0] else: return None, "Invalid image format provided" elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image) elif isinstance(image, str): image = print(f"Image type after conversion: {type(image)}") # Debug print if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): return None, f"Invalid image format: {type(image)}" # Ensure image is in RGB mode if image.mode != 'RGB': image = image.convert('RGB') # Analyze image print("Starting GPT analysis...") # Debug print gpt_response = analyze_image(image) print(f"GPT response: {gpt_response}") # Debug print try: response_data = json.loads(gpt_response) except json.JSONDecodeError: return None, "Error: Invalid response format from GPT" if not all(key in response_data for key in ["label", "element", "rating"]): return None, "Error: Missing required fields in analysis response" print(f"Response data: {response_data}") # Debug print if response_data["label"].lower() == "surprising" and response_data["element"].lower() != "na": try: print("Starting image detection...") # Debug print result_buf = process_image_detection(image, response_data["element"], response_data["rating"]) result_image = analysis_text = ( f"Label: {response_data['label']}\n" f"Element: {response_data['element']}\n" f"Rating: {response_data['rating']}/5\n" f"Expected: {response_data['expected']}\n" f"Unexpected: {response_data['unexpected']}" ) return result_image, analysis_text except Exception as detection_error: print(f"Detection error details: {str(detection_error)}") # Debug print return None, f"Error in image detection processing: {str(detection_error)}" else: return image, "Not Surprising" except Exception as e: error_type = type(e).__name__ error_msg = str(e) detailed_error = f"Error ({error_type}): {error_msg}" print(detailed_error) # Debug print return None, f"Error processing image: {error_msg}" # Create Gradio interface def create_interface(): with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# Image Anomaly-Surprise Detection") gr.Markdown( "This project offers a tool that identifies surprising elements in images, " "pinpointing what violates our expectations. It analyzes images for unexpected objects, " "locations, social scenarios, settings, and roles." ) # Add example images as a table gr.HTML( """
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