describe('instance api and pattern adaptor composed',function(){ "use strict"; var bus, api, matches; beforeEach(function(){ bus = spiedPubSub(); matches = {}; function jsonPathCompiler(pattern){ function compiled ( ascent ){ if( matches[pattern] === ascent ) { return head(ascent); } else { return false; } } return compiled; } api = instanceApi(bus); // For now, tie the patternAdapter into the bus. These tests are // for the composition between patternAdaptor and instanceApi patternAdapter(bus, jsonPathCompiler); }); function anAscentMatching(pattern) { var ascent = list(namedNode('node', {})); matches[pattern] = ascent; return ascent; } it('has chainable methods that don\'t explode', function() { // test that nothing forgot to return 'this': expect(function(){ function fn(){} api .path('*', fn) .node('*', fn) .fail(fn).path('*', fn) .path({'*':fn}) .node({'*': fn}) .done(fn) .path({'*':fn}) .start(fn) .on('path','*', fn) .on('node','*', fn) .fail(fn) .on('path','*', fn) .on('path',{'*':fn}) .on('node',{'*': fn}) .on('path',{'*':fn}) .on('done',fn) .on('start',fn); }).not.toThrow(); }) describe('header method', function(){ it('returns undefined if not available', function() { expect( api.header() ).toBeUndefined(); }); it('can provide object once available', function() { var headers = {"x-remainingRequests": 100}; bus(HTTP_START).emit( 200, headers ); expect( api.header() ).toEqual(headers); }); it('can provide single header once available', function() { var headers = {"x-remainingRequests": 100}; bus(HTTP_START).emit( 200, headers ); expect( api.header('x-remainingRequests') ).toEqual(100); }); it('gives undefined for non-existent single header', function() { var headers = {"x-remainingRequests": 100}; bus(HTTP_START).emit( 200, headers ); expect( api.header('x-remainingBathtubs') ).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('root method', function(){ it('returns undefined if not available', function() { expect( api.root() ).toBeUndefined(); }); it('can provide object once available', function() { var root = {I:'am', the:'root'}; bus(ROOT_FOUND).emit( root); expect( api.root() ).toEqual(root); }); }); describe('node and path callbacks', function(){ it('calls node callback on matching node', function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy('node callback'), ascent = anAscentMatching('a_pattern'); api.on('node', 'a_pattern', callback); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() bus(NODE_FOUND).emit( ascent) expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled() }); it('calls path callback on matching path', function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy(), ascent = anAscentMatching('a_pattern'); api.on('path', 'a_pattern', callback); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() bus(PATH_FOUND).emit( ascent) expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled() }); it('does not call node callback on non-matching node', function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy(), ascent = anAscentMatching('a_pattern'); api.on('node', 'a_different_pattern', callback); bus(NODE_FOUND).emit( ascent) expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }); it('calls node callback again on second match', function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy(), ascent = anAscentMatching('a_pattern'); api.on('node', 'a_pattern', callback); bus(NODE_FOUND).emit( ascent) expect( bus(NODE_FOUND).emit( ascent) expect(callback.calls.length).toBe(2) }); }); });