describe('jsonPath', function(){ describe('compiles valid syntax while rejecting invalid', function() { it("compiles a basic pattern without throwing", function(){ expect(compiling('!')).not.toThrow(); }); describe("syntactically invalid patterns", function() { it("fail on single invalid token", function(){ expect(compiling('/')).toThrow(); }); it("fail on invalid pattern with some valid tokens", function(){ expect(compiling('foo/')).toThrow(); }); it("fail on unclosed duck clause", function(){ expect(compiling('{foo')).toThrow(); }); it("fail on token with capture alone", function(){ expect(compiling('foo$')).toThrow(); }); }); }); describe('patterns match correct paths', function() { describe('when pattern has only bang', function() { it("should match root", function(){ expect('!').toMatchPath([]); }); it("should miss non-root", function(){ expect('!').not.toMatchPath(['a']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath(['a', 'b']); }); }); it('should match * universally', function() { expect('*').toMatchPath( [] ); expect('*').toMatchPath( ['a'] ); expect('*').toMatchPath( ['a', 2] ); expect('*').toMatchPath( ['a','b'] ); }); it('should match empty pattern universally', function() { expect('').toMatchPath( [] ); expect('').toMatchPath( ['a'] ); expect('').toMatchPath( ['a', 2] ); expect('').toMatchPath( ['a','b'] ); }); it('should match !.* against any top-level path node', function() { expect('!.*').toMatchPath( ['foo']) expect('!.*').toMatchPath( ['bar']) expect('!.*').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('!.*').not.toMatchPath( ['foo', 'bar']) }); it('should match !..* against anything but the root', function() { expect('!..*').not.toMatchPath( [] ); expect('!..*').toMatchPath( ['a'] ); expect('!..*').toMatchPath( ['a','b'] ); }); it('should match *..* against anything except the root since it requires a decendant ' + 'which the root will never satisfy because it cannot have an ancestor', function() { expect('*..*').not.toMatchPath( [] ); expect('*..*').toMatchPath( ['a'] ); expect('*..*').toMatchPath( ['a','b'] ); }); it('should match !.foo against foo node at first level only', function(){ expect('!.foo').toMatchPath( ['foo'] ); expect('!.foo').not.toMatchPath( [] ); expect('!.foo').not.toMatchPath( ['foo', 'bar']); expect('!.foo').not.toMatchPath( ['bar'] ); }); it('should match ! against paths with foo as first node and bar as second', function() { expect('!.a.b').toMatchPath( ['a', 'b']) expect('!.a.b').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('!.a.b').not.toMatchPath( ['a']) }); it('should match ! against any path ending in foo', function(){ expect('!').not.toMatchPath( []); expect('!').toMatchPath( ['foo']); expect('!').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'a']); expect('!').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo']); expect('!').toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'foo']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'foot']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo', 'a']); }); it('should match like !', function() { expect('').not.toMatchPath( []); expect('').toMatchPath( ['foo']); expect('').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo']); expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'a']); expect('').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo']); expect('').toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'foo']); expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'foot']); expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo', 'a']); }); it('should match foo like ! or', function() { expect('foo').not.toMatchPath( []); expect('foo').toMatchPath( ['foo']); expect('foo').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo']); expect('foo').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'a']); expect('foo').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo']); expect('foo').toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'foo']); expect('foo').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'foot']); expect('foo').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo', 'a']); }); it('is not fooled by substrings in path nodes', function(){ expect('!.foo').not.toMatchPath( ['foot']) }); it('matches ! against bars which are direct children of a foo anywhere in the document', function() { expect('!').not.toMatchPath( []); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['foo']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo']); expect('!').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'bar']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo']); expect('!').toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'bar']); expect('!').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'bar', 'a']); }); it('matches like !', function() { expect('').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['foo']) expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo']) expect('').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'bar']) expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo']) expect('').toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'bar']) expect('').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'bar', 'a']) }); it('matches !*.bar only if there is an intermediate node between foo and bar', function(){ expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['foo']) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo']) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'bar']) expect('!*.bar').toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'a', 'bar']) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'foo', 'foo']) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'bar']) expect('!*.bar').toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'a', 'bar']) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'bar', 'a']) expect('!*.bar').not.toMatchPath( ['a', 'a', 'a', 'foo', 'a', 'bar', 'a']) }); describe('with numeric path nodes in the pattern', function() { it('should be able to handle numeric nodes in object notation', function(){ expect('!.a.2').toMatchPath( ['a', 2]) expect('!.a.2').toMatchPath( ['a', '2']) expect('!.a.2').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('!.a.2').not.toMatchPath( ['a']) }); it('should be able to handle numberic nodes in array notation', function(){ expect('!.a[2]').toMatchPath( ['a', 2]) expect('!.a[2]').toMatchPath( ['a', '2']) expect('!.a[2]').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('!.a[2]').not.toMatchPath( ['a']) }); }); describe('with array notation', function() { it('should handle adjacent array notations', function(){ expect('!["a"][2]').toMatchPath( ['a', 2]) expect('!["a"][2]').toMatchPath( ['a', '2']) expect('!["a"][2]').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('!["a"][2]').not.toMatchPath( ['a']) }); it('should allow to specify child of root', function(){ expect('![2]').toMatchPath( [2]) expect('![2]').toMatchPath( ['2']) expect('![2]').not.toMatchPath( []) expect('![2]').not.toMatchPath( ['a']) }); it('should be allowed to contain a star', function(){ expect('![*]').toMatchPath( [2]) expect('![*]').toMatchPath( ['2']) expect('![*]').toMatchPath( ['a']) expect('![*]').not.toMatchPath( []) }); }); describe('composition of several tokens into complex patterns', function() { it('should be able to handle more than one double dot', function() { expect('!') .toMatchPath( ['foods', 2, 'name', 'fr']); }); it('should be able to match ..* or ..[*] as if it were * because .. matches zero nodes', function(){ expect('!..*.bar') .toMatchPath(['anything', 'bar']); expect('!..[*].bar') .toMatchPath(['anything', 'bar']); }); }); describe('using css4-style syntax', function() { it('returns deepest node when no css4-style syntax is used', function(){ expect( matchOf( 'l2.*' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: {l2: {l3:'leaf'}}}) )).toSpecifyNode('leaf'); }); it('returns correct named node', function(){ expect( matchOf( '$l2.*' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: {l2: {l3:'leaf'}}}) )).toSpecifyNode({l3:'leaf'}); }); it('returns correct node when css4-style pattern is followed by double dot', function() { expect( matchOf( '!..$' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: {foo: {l3: {bar: 'leaf'}}}}) )).toSpecifyNode({l3: {bar: 'leaf'}}); }); it('can match children of root while capturing the root', function() { expect( matchOf( '$!.*' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: 'leaf' }) )).toSpecifyNode({ l1: 'leaf' }); }); it('returns captured node with array notation', function() { expect( matchOf( '$["l1"].l2' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: {l2:'leaf'} }) )).toSpecifyNode({ l2: 'leaf' }); }); it('returns captured node with array numbered notation', function() { expect( matchOf( '$["2"].l2' ).against( ascentFrom({ '2': {l2:'leaf'} }) )).toSpecifyNode({ l2: 'leaf' }); }); it('returns captured node with star notation', function() { expect( matchOf( '!..$*.l3' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: {l2:{l3:'leaf'}} }) )).toSpecifyNode({ l3: 'leaf' }); }); it('returns captured node with array star notation', function(){ expect( matchOf( '!..$[*].l3' ).against( ascentFrom({ l1: {l2:{l3:'leaf'}} }) )).toSpecifyNode({ l3: 'leaf' }); }); }); describe('with duck matching', function() { it('can do basic ducking', function(){ var rootJson = { people:{ jack:{ name: 'Jack' , email: '' } } }; expect( matchOf( '{name email}' ).against( asAscent( [ 'people', 'jack' ], [rootJson, rootJson.people, rootJson.people.jack ] ) )).toSpecifyNode({name: 'Jack', email: ''}); }); it('can duck on two levels of a path', function(){ var rootJson = { people:{ jack:{ name: 'Jack' , email: '' } } }; expect( matchOf( '{people}.{jack}.{name email}' ).against( asAscent( [ 'people', 'jack' ], [rootJson, rootJson.people, rootJson.people.jack ] ) )).toSpecifyNode({name: 'Jack', email: ''}); }); it('fails if one duck is unsatisfied', function(){ var rootJson = { people:{ jack:{ name: 'Jack' , email: '' } } }; expect( matchOf( '{people}.{alberto}.{name email}' ).against( asAscent( [ 'people', 'jack' ], [rootJson, rootJson.people, rootJson.people.jack ] ) )).not.toSpecifyNode({name: 'Jack', email: ''}); }); it('can construct the root duck type', function(){ var rootJson = { people:{ jack:{ name: 'Jack' , email: '' } } }; expect( matchOf( '{}' ).against( asAscent( [ 'people', 'jack' ], [rootJson, rootJson.people, rootJson.people.jack ] ) )).toSpecifyNode({name: 'Jack', email: ''}); }); it('does not match if not all fields are there', function(){ var rootJson = { people:{ jack:{ // no name here! email: '' } } }; expect( matchOf( '{name email}' ).against( asAscent( [ 'people', 'jack' ], [rootJson, rootJson.people, rootJson.people.jack ] ) )).not.toSpecifyNode({name: 'Jack', email: ''}); }); it('fails if something upstream fails', function(){ var rootJson = { women:{ betty:{ name:'Betty' , email: '' } }, men:{ // we don't have no menz! } }; expect( matchOf( 'men.{name email}' ).against( asAscent( [ 'women', 'betty' ], [rootJson, rootJson.women, rootJson.women.betty ] ) )).not.toSpecifyNode({name: 'Jack', email: ''}); }); it('does not crash given ascent starting from non-objects', function(){ var rootJson = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; expect( function(){ matchOf( '{spin taste}' ).against( asAscent( [ '0' ], [rootJson, rootJson[0] ] ) )}).not.toThrow(); }); it('does not match when given non-object', function(){ var rootJson = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; expect( matchOf( '{spin taste}' ).against( asAscent( [ '0' ], [rootJson, rootJson[0] ] ) )).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); beforeEach(function(){ this.addMatchers({ toSpecifyNode: function( expectedNode ){ function jsonSame(a,b) { return JSON.stringify(a) == JSON.stringify(b); } var match = this.actual; var notClause = this.isNot? ' any node except ' : 'node'; this.message = function () { return "Expected " + notClause + ' ' + JSON.stringify(expectedNode) + " but got " + (match.node? JSON.stringify(match.node) : 'no match'); } return jsonSame( expectedNode, match.node ); } , toMatchPath:function( pathStack ) { var pattern = this.actual; try{ return !!matchOf(pattern).against(asAscent(pathStack)); } catch( e ) { this.message = function(){ return 'Error thrown running pattern "' + pattern + '" against path [' + pathStack.join(',') + ']' + "\n" + (e.stack || e.message) }; return false; } } }); }); function compiling(pattern) { return function(){ jsonPathCompiler(pattern); } } function matchOf(pattern) { var compiledPattern = jsonPathCompiler(pattern); return { against:function(ascent) { return compiledPattern(ascent); } }; } // for the given pattern, return an array of empty objects of the one greater length to // stand in for the nodestack in the cases where we only care about match or not match. // one greater because the root node doesnt have a name function fakeNodeStack(path){ var rtn ={return {}}); rtn.unshift({iAm:'root'}); return rtn; } function asAscent(pathStack, nodeStack){ // first, make a defensive copy of the vars so that we can mutate them at will: pathStack = pathStack && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pathStack)); nodeStack = nodeStack && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nodeStack)); // change the two parameters into the test from arrays (which are easy to write as in-line js) to // lists (which is what the code under test needs) nodeStack = nodeStack || fakeNodeStack(pathStack); pathStack.unshift(ROOT_PATH); // NB: can't use the more functional Array.prototype.reduce here, IE8 doesn't have it and might not // be polyfilled var ascent = emptyList; for (var i = 0; i < pathStack.length; i++) { var mapping = {key: pathStack[i], node:nodeStack[i]}; ascent = cons( mapping, ascent ); } return ascent; } });