# -------------------------------------------------------- # X-Decoder -- Generalized Decoding for Pixel, Image, and Language # Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Modified by Xueyan Zou (xueyan@cs.wisc.edu), Ziyi Dou (zdou@cs.ucla.edu) # -------------------------------------------------------- import copy import itertools import logging from collections import OrderedDict import torch from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval import detectron2.utils.comm as comm from detectron2.evaluation.evaluator import DatasetEvaluator try: from detectron2.evaluation.fast_eval_api import COCOeval_opt except ImportError: COCOeval_opt = COCOeval class RetrievalEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator): """ Evaluate AR for object proposals, AP for instance detection/segmentation, AP for keypoint detection outputs using COCO's metrics. See http://cocodataset.org/#detection-eval and http://cocodataset.org/#keypoints-eval to understand its metrics. The metrics range from 0 to 100 (instead of 0 to 1), where a -1 or NaN means the metric cannot be computed (e.g. due to no predictions made). In addition to COCO, this evaluator is able to support any bounding box detection, instance segmentation, or keypoint detection dataset. """ def __init__( self, dataset_name=None, output_dir=None, ensemble=False, distributed=True, ): """ Args: dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to be evaluated. It must have either the following corresponding metadata: "json_file": the path to the COCO format annotation Or it must be in detectron2's standard dataset format so it can be converted to COCO format automatically. tasks (tuple[str]): tasks that can be evaluated under the given configuration. A task is one of "bbox", "segm", "keypoints". By default, will infer this automatically from predictions. distributed (True): if True, will collect results from all ranks and run evaluation in the main process. Otherwise, will only evaluate the results in the current process. output_dir (str): optional, an output directory to dump all results predicted on the dataset. The dump contains two files: 1. "instances_predictions.pth" a file that can be loaded with `torch.load` and contains all the results in the format they are produced by the model. 2. "coco_instances_results.json" a json file in COCO's result format. max_dets_per_image (int): limit on the maximum number of detections per image. By default in COCO, this limit is to 100, but this can be customized to be greater, as is needed in evaluation metrics AP fixed and AP pool (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.01066.pdf) This doesn't affect keypoint evaluation. use_fast_impl (bool): use a fast but **unofficial** implementation to compute AP. Although the results should be very close to the official implementation in COCO API, it is still recommended to compute results with the official API for use in papers. The faster implementation also uses more RAM. kpt_oks_sigmas (list[float]): The sigmas used to calculate keypoint OKS. See http://cocodataset.org/#keypoints-eval When empty, it will use the defaults in COCO. Otherwise it should be the same length as ROI_KEYPOINT_HEAD.NUM_KEYPOINTS. allow_cached_coco (bool): Whether to use cached coco json from previous validation runs. You should set this to False if you need to use different validation data. Defaults to True. """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._dataset_name = dataset_name self._output_dir = output_dir self._ensemble = ensemble self._distributed = distributed if 'p2i' in dataset_name: self.mode = 'patch2image' elif 'interactive2i' in dataset_name: self.mode = 'interactive2image' else: self.mode = 'default' def reset(self): self._text_embeds = [] self._image_embeds = [] self._image_embeds2 = [] self._text_ids = [] self._image_ids = [] def process(self, inputs, outputs): """ Args: inputs: the inputs to a COCO model (e.g., GeneralizedRCNN). It is a list of dict. Each dict corresponds to an image and contains keys like "height", "width", "file_name", "image_id". outputs: the outputs of a COCO model. It is a list of dicts with key "instances" that contains :class:`Instances`. """ for output in outputs: self._text_ids.extend(output['caption']['caption_ids']) self._image_ids.append(output['caption']['image_ids']) self._text_embeds.append(output['caption']['text_embeds']) self._image_embeds.append(output['caption']['image_embeds'][0]) if self._ensemble: self._image_embeds2.append(output['caption']['image_embeds'][1]) def evaluate(self, img_ids=None): if self.mode == 'default': return self.evaluate_default(img_ids) elif self.mode in ['patch2image', 'interactive2image']: return self.evaluate_p2i(img_ids) else: assert False, "Unknown mode for retrieval evaluation" def evaluate_default(self, img_ids=None): """ Args: img_ids: a list of image IDs to evaluate on. Default to None for the whole dataset """ if self._distributed: comm.synchronize() def gather(x, move=False): x = comm.gather(x) x = list(itertools.chain(*x)) if move: x = [xx.to(self._text_embeds[0].device) for xx in x] return x text_embeds = gather(self._text_embeds, move=True) image_embeds = gather(self._image_embeds, move=True) if self._ensemble: image_embeds2 = gather(self._image_embeds2, move=True) text_ids = gather(self._text_ids) image_ids = gather(self._image_ids) if not comm.is_main_process(): return {} else: text_embeds = self._text_embeds image_embeds = self._image_embeds if self._ensemble: image_embeds2 = self._image_embeds2 text_ids = self._text_ids image_ids = self._image_ids if len(text_embeds) == 0: self._logger.warning("[COCOCaptionEvaluator] Did not receive valid predictions.") return {} iids = torch.tensor(image_ids).view(-1) tiids = torch.tensor(text_ids).view(-1) image_embeds = torch.cat(image_embeds) text_embeds = torch.cat(text_embeds) image_embeds = image_embeds / image_embeds.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) text_embeds = text_embeds / text_embeds.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) scores = image_embeds @ text_embeds.t() if self._ensemble: image_embeds2 = torch.cat(image_embeds2) image_embeds2 = image_embeds2 / image_embeds2.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) scores2 = image_embeds2 @ text_embeds.t() scores = scores2 * 0.5 + scores * 0.5 topk10 = scores.topk(10, dim=1) topk5 = scores.topk(5, dim=1) topk1 = scores.topk(1, dim=1) topk10_iids = tiids[topk10.indices] topk5_iids = tiids[topk5.indices] topk1_iids = tiids[topk1.indices] tr_r10 = (iids.unsqueeze(1) == topk10_iids).float().max(dim=1)[0].mean() tr_r5 = (iids.unsqueeze(1) == topk5_iids).float().max(dim=1)[0].mean() tr_r1 = (iids.unsqueeze(1) == topk1_iids).float().max(dim=1)[0].mean() topk10 = scores.topk(10, dim=0) topk5 = scores.topk(5, dim=0) topk1 = scores.topk(1, dim=0) topk10_iids = iids[topk10.indices] topk5_iids = iids[topk5.indices] topk1_iids = iids[topk1.indices] ir_r10 = (tiids.unsqueeze(0) == topk10_iids).float().max(dim=0)[0].mean() ir_r5 = (tiids.unsqueeze(0) == topk5_iids).float().max(dim=0)[0].mean() ir_r1 = (tiids.unsqueeze(0) == topk1_iids).float().max(dim=0)[0].mean() self._results = OrderedDict() # Copy so the caller can do whatever with results self._results['recall'] = {} self._results['recall']['irtr'] = float("{:.3f}".format((ir_r1 + tr_r1).item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['ir1'] = float("{:.3f}".format(ir_r1.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['ir5'] = float("{:.3f}".format(ir_r5.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['ir10'] = float("{:.3f}".format(ir_r10.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['tr1'] = float("{:.3f}".format(tr_r1.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['tr5'] = float("{:.3f}".format(tr_r5.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['tr10'] = float("{:.3f}".format(tr_r10.item() * 100)) self._logger.info(self._results) return copy.deepcopy(self._results) def evaluate_p2i(self, img_ids=None): """ Args: img_ids: a list of image IDs to evaluate on. Default to None for the whole dataset """ if self._distributed: comm.synchronize() def gather(x, move=False): x = comm.gather(x) x = list(itertools.chain(*x)) if move: x = [xx.to(self._text_embeds[0].device) for xx in x] return x text_embeds = gather(self._text_embeds, move=True) image_embeds = gather(self._image_embeds, move=True) image_embeds2 = gather(self._image_embeds2, move=True) text_ids = gather(self._text_ids) image_ids = gather(self._image_ids) if not comm.is_main_process(): return {} else: text_embeds = self._text_embeds image_embeds = self._image_embeds image_embeds2 = self._image_embeds2 text_ids = self._text_ids image_ids = self._image_ids if len(text_embeds) == 0: self._logger.warning("[COCOCaptionEvaluator] Did not receive valid predictions.") return {} iids = torch.tensor(image_ids).view(-1) tiids = torch.tensor(text_ids).view(-1) image_embeds = torch.cat(image_embeds) text_embeds = torch.cat(text_embeds) image_embeds = image_embeds / image_embeds.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) text_embeds = text_embeds / text_embeds.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) image_embeds2 = torch.cat(image_embeds2) image_embeds2 = image_embeds2 / image_embeds2.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) # compute image to image retrieval self._results = OrderedDict() self._results['recall'] = {} ii_scores = image_embeds2 @ image_embeds.t() topk10 = ii_scores.topk(10, dim=1) topk5 = ii_scores.topk(5, dim=1) topk1 = ii_scores.topk(1, dim=1) topk10_iids = iids[topk10.indices] topk5_iids = iids[topk5.indices] topk1_iids = iids[topk1.indices] iir_r10 = (iids.unsqueeze(1) == topk10_iids).float().max(dim=1)[0].mean() iir_r5 = (iids.unsqueeze(1) == topk5_iids).float().max(dim=1)[0].mean() iir_r1 = (iids.unsqueeze(1) == topk1_iids).float().max(dim=1)[0].mean() # Copy so the caller can do whatever with results self._results['recall']['p2ir1'] = float("{:.3f}".format(iir_r1.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['p2ir5'] = float("{:.3f}".format(iir_r5.item() * 100)) self._results['recall']['p2ir10'] = float("{:.3f}".format(iir_r10.item() * 100)) self._logger.info(self._results) return copy.deepcopy(self._results)