diff --git "a/files/ycombinator_Z_ZzQmmSN5Y.txt" "b/files/ycombinator_Z_ZzQmmSN5Y.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/files/ycombinator_Z_ZzQmmSN5Y.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,1596 @@ + +00:00 +00:00 +okay we're live hi my name is Eric I'm the course facilitator at startup school +好的,我们开始了嗨,我叫埃里克,我是创业学校的课程辅导员 +hi I'm Michael I'm a partner at Y Combinator and help her yeah our +嗨,我是 Michael,我是 Y Combinator 的合伙人,帮助她,是的,我们的 +volunteer today to help answer your questions so thanks very much for +今天自愿帮助回答您的问题,非常感谢 +joining in we've got a bunch of questions that people asked about MVPs +加入我们后,我们收到了人们提出的一系列有关 MVP 的问题 +on the forum we're planning to spend a couple minutes just answering each one +在论坛上,我们计划花几分钟来回答每个问题 +and really trying to dive in and give some give some advice tailored +并真正尝试深入研究并给出一些量身定制的建议 +specifically to the syrup so it's just let's do it yeah first question from +特别是糖浆所以我们就这样做是的第一个问题 +Luke at Zeff Zephyrus zephyrus is an analytics platform for competitive +Zeff Zephyrus 的 Luke zephyrus 是一个竞争分析平台 +gamers that provides users with game specific tools and data to help analyze +游戏玩家为用户提供游戏特定工具和数据以帮助分析 +track improve their performance well let's start with the one-liner I I +跟踪提高他们的表现 让我们从一句台词开始 I I +thought it was pretty clear I kind of knew what it was I'm from the space it's +我认为这很清楚我知道那是什么我来自它所在的空间 + +00:01 +00:01 +not the sexiest one layer in the world but it definitely accomplished the goal +虽然不是世界上最性感的一层,但它确实实现了目标 +of me having a good picture yeah it does I kind of nodding my head and I +我有一张好照片是的,我有点点头,我 +understand where this is going that's like a a - for sure yeah +明白这是怎么回事,就像一个 - 当然是的 +it currently is focused on Starcraft - awesome +它目前专注于星际争霸 - 太棒了 +consumers expect more than a scrappy MVP if there are existing products in the +如果市场上有现有产品,消费者期望的不仅仅是一个斗志旺盛的 MVP +space - advice for MVPs entering the space with existing developed +空间 - 对 MVP 进入现有已开发空间的建议 +competitors so that that was the funny bit because I felt like the first +竞争对手,这很有趣,因为我觉得自己是第一个 +sentence in that should have been the paragraph do consumers expect more than +其中的句子应该是消费者期望的段落 +a scrappy MVP if their other example that's the question and the answer is +如果他们的另一个例子就是问题和答案,那么他就是一个斗志旺盛的 MVP +hopefully no because it's a start-up your ability to build more than a +希望不是,因为这是一家初创公司,你有能力打造更多的产品 +scrappy MVP is very challenging I would say that if I go back to the to the +斗志旺盛的 MVP 非常具有挑战性,我想说,如果我回到过去 +justin.tv days like if you can find a small population of people that have +justin.tv 的日子就像你能找到一小部分人一样 + +00:02 +00:02 +enough of a problem that the other folks aren't solving that they're willing to +其他人没有解决但他们愿意解决的问题已经够多了 +use something that's pretty bad that's a very good sign if the only way +使用一些非常糟糕的东西,这是一个非常好的迹象,如果唯一的方法 +you can find any group of users even ten even 100 who love you +你可以找到任何一群爱你的用户,甚至十个甚至一百个 +to have a very polished product that's not a good sign that's actually a good +拥有一个非常精致的产品,这不是一个好兆头,实际上是一个好兆头 +sign that the other folks are doing a really good job yeah that the products +表明其他人做得非常好,是的,产品 +work yeah so one of the hacks that I like to use at this stage is to actually +工作是的,所以我在这个阶段喜欢使用的技巧之一是实际上 +layer the MVP on to the existing product so for example if there's already some +将 MVP 分层到现有产品上,例如,如果已经有一些 +software that your users know you're like the people in the community are +您的用户知道您就像社区中的人一样的软件 +already using to track their competitive Starcraft 2 analysis what you could +已经用它来跟踪他们的星际争霸 2 竞争分析,你可以做什么 +consider doing is actually like building +考虑做实际上就像建造 +say like a Chrome extension that sits on top of the other products and just +就像一个位于其他产品之上的 Chrome 扩展一样 +overlays the extra data because you're really like the goal of any good MVP is +覆盖额外的数据,因为你真的很喜欢任何优秀 MVP 的目标 +to fist it is to test your hypothesis is +拳头是为了检验你的假设 +what you're making like important enough for people to care about like will they +你所做的事情足够重要,人们会像他们一样关心 + +00:03 +00:03 +actually care that you're building it and so you want to do that with like the +实际上关心你正在构建它,所以你想用像 +least amount of effort and if there's already existing good products like it's +最少的努力,如果已经有像这样的好产品 +possible that you may find the users of those products pretty easily and you can +您可能很容易找到这些产品的用户,并且您可以 +like build that little little bit that's that's special to you there you go yeah +就像构建对你来说很特别的一点点,你就可以了是的 +number two cool next up is from plumbing at flat row or flat row we automate +接下来第二个很酷的是来自平排或我们自动化的平排管道 +billing customer care and maintenance for property managers ok the only thing +向物业经理收取客户服务和维护费用是唯一的事情 +that's confusing to me is that I thought that property managers do billing +让我感到困惑的是,我认为物业经理负责计费 +customer care maintenance so are you replacing property managers is it +客户服务维护所以你要更换物业经理是吗 +software for property managers yeah or is it like the billing of property +物业经理的软件 是的,还是像物业账单一样 +managers yeah so maybe a bit of clarification maybe a bit like I would I would +经理是的,所以也许需要一些澄清,也许有点像我会的那样 +probably just start off by we make software for product map for property +可能只是从我们为财产的产品地图制作软件开始 +managers we help them automate billing customer care and maintenance of their +经理,我们帮助他们自动化计费客户服务和维护 + +00:04 +00:04 +properties something yeah yeah if it's a tool part managers are using to be more +属性有些东西是的,如果它是零件经理使用的工具,则更多 +efficient than not to be more clear in the up front and maybe even speaking to +事先说得更清楚,甚至可能与他们交谈,这比不更有效 +how much more efficient does that mean the typical property manager can go from +这意味着典型的物业经理可以提高多少效率 +managing one property to five or from five to fifteen yeah like what that +管理一处房产到五处,或者从五处到十五处,是的,就像那样 +what's the value prop that you're offering to them yeah I'm not a property +你向他们提供的价值支柱是什么,是的,我不是财产 +manager we didn't get it right off though I mean +经理,但我的意思是我们没有立即得到它 +like I can't visualize the pain though I'm sure there's Rangers so we are +虽然我确信有流浪者队,但我无法想象那种痛苦,所以我们是 +currently starting with a few clients and are basically tailoring our service +目前从一些客户开始,基本上正在定制我们的服务 +then cool how do we avoid the trap of making our service too specific and how +那么很酷的是,我们如何避免让我们的服务过于具体的陷阱以及如何 +do we balance between the requirements of a few clients with the need to build +我们是否在少数客户的需求与构建需求之间取得平衡? +a platform that is more Universal so I kind of think that like when I see a +一个更通用的平台,所以我觉得就像当我看到一个 +start-up like this I really have this basic question which is are you going +像这样的初创公司我真的有一个基本问题,那就是你要去吗? +into this space with knowledge of the space like were you a previous property +进入这个空间并了解该空间,就像您以前是房产一样 +manager if so you should have a lot of insights and the types of problems that +经理如果是的话,你应该有很多见解以及问题的类型 + +00:05 +00:05 +are general that can be applied across the industry and so you should have a +是通用的,可以应用于整个行业,所以你应该有一个 +lot of insights on what your initial product should be sub a set B if you're +关于您的初始产品应该属于 B 组的很多见解(如果您是) +coming into this with little personal experience you think there's an +在没有多少个人经验的情况下进入这个领域,你认为有一个 +opportunity here but you kind of don't know what it is I don't know any I this +这里有机会,但你有点不知道这是什么,我对此一无所知 +is your problem and like I don't know a clever way of avoiding it just learning +是你的问题,就像我不知道一个聪明的方法来避免它只是学习 +the business means you're gonna be building a lot of features that probably +这项业务意味着您将构建许多可能的功能 +are not generally applicable and that's the cost of learning about this business +并不普遍适用,这就是了解这项业务的成本 +so my mind like if you already know about the business use your gut if +所以我的想法是,如果你已经了解这项业务,请用你的直觉 +someone asks you to build something that like your experience tells you is not +有人要求你建造一些东西,但你的经验却告诉你不是这样的 +general great don't do it if not consider the first five customers as you +一般来说,如果不考虑前五个客户,就不要这样做 +just getting an education on the industry and it might be a very +只是接受有关该行业的教育,这可能是一个非常好的机会 +expensive one that's fine for the case of someone who's coming into the +昂贵的,适合即将进入的人的情况 +industry that they're not already a participant of some of the like some of +他们还不是某些类似行业的参与者 +the best founders that I've seen they just immerse themselves in it like for +我见过的最好的创始人他们只是沉浸在其中 +example they may actually become absolutely manager like they may +例如,他们实际上可能会像他们一样成为绝对的经理 +volunteer or they just like go and say I'm gonna help you run your business for +志愿者或者他们只是喜欢说我会帮助你经营你的生意 + +00:06 +00:06 +like a week or two I think like that would be great +大约一两周我想那样就很好了 +yeah even if I mean if you are a property manager yourself you don't +是的,即使我的意思是,如果您自己是物业经理,您也不会 +necessarily have to do that because hopefully that's yeah why we're starting +必须这样做,因为希望这就是我们开始的原因 +this company that seems like an even better offer than giving them software +这家公司似乎比给他们提供软件更好的报价 +it'd be like hey I'll just do some of your work for you so I can learn one of +就像嘿,我会为你做一些你的工作,这样我就可以学习其中之一 +the things that I learned from kind of like to this to this question of like +我从类似的问题中学到的东西 +how do you prioritize prioritize features I always like try to +你如何优先考虑我总是喜欢尝试的功能 +as I'm doing user interviews or talking to initial users I really try to find +当我进行用户访谈或与初始用户交谈时,我真的试图找到 +pain points that people are already trying to solve so for example like if +人们已经在尝试解决的痛点,例如,如果 +you're talking to property managers and they're totally comfortable doing all +您正在与物业经理交谈,他们非常乐意做所有事情 +the books by themselves like they just have like their weekly like hour that +这些书本身就像他们每周的时间一样 +they spend doing all this that might not actually be the right place to start +他们花了很多时间做这一切,但实际上可能不是正确的起点 +with maybe maybe you could start with like are they are they actively +也许你可以从他们是否积极开始 + +00:07 +00:07 +experimenting and trying other tools are they have they tried like a competitor +尝试和尝试其他工具,他们是否像竞争对手一样尝试过 +product those are usually the problems that I like to start with because like +产品这些通常是我喜欢开始解决的问题,因为喜欢 +the person's already trying to find a solution so they're primed when you come +这个人已经在尝试寻找解决方案,所以当你来时他们已经做好了准备 +to talk to them like to be excited and to try it versus you having to like +与他们交谈喜欢感到兴奋并尝试而不是你必须喜欢 +pitch them hard and like changing their entire business workflow or whatever +大力推销他们,喜欢改变他们的整个业务工作流程或其他什么 +yeah I think we see the opposite of a lot where somebody says if something's +是的,我认为我们看到了与很多人说的相反的情况 +being undone on paper there is a business in putting it into the computer +在纸上撤销后,将其放入计算机中是有生意的 +and like by nature of the fact that it's being done on paper you could build a +就像它是在纸上完成的事实一样,您可以构建一个 +billion dollar company bringing to the computer and that's actually not true +价值数十亿美元的公司将计算机引入计算机,但事实并非如此 +like there are some things that done on paper that are not broken +就像有些在纸上完成的事情并没有被破坏 +that's like build it and they'll come then yeah yeah so really works all right +就像建造它然后他们就会来是的,所以真的很好用 +what's next how do you okay we're asking +下一步你好吗我们问 +and answering questions from sky who has started fridge worthy let's see what's +并回答来自天空的问题,谁已经开始使用冰箱了,让我们看看有什么 +fridge where should we use first they did with young maybe will be your +冰箱我们应该先用在哪里,他们对年轻人做的也许会是你的 + +00:08 +00:08 +initial users ok fridge worthy a social network where people share their +最初的用户认为冰箱值得建立一个人们分享他们的社交网络 +accomplishments well sounds good for Ivy Leaguers you mean like LinkedIn people +对于常春藤联盟成员来说,成就听起来不错,比如 LinkedIn 的人 +are using LinkedIn more as a social network yeah things were they there's +更多地使用 LinkedIn 作为社交网络 是的,他们就在那里 +just an urban I'm trying to see if there's like a website no website yeah +只是一个城市 我想看看是否有一个网站 没有网站 是的 +okay how do you launch an MVP of user generated a user-generated content +好的,如何启动用户生成的用户生成内容的 MVP +platform if I make an MVP with minimal content users will probably leave since +如果我用最少的内容创建 MVP,用户可能会离开这个平台 +there's not too much to consume so the classic answer to this is one does your +没有太多可以消耗的,所以这个问题的经典答案是你的 +platform have a lot of replay value is there any reason why I should come back +平台有很多重玩价值 我有什么理由应该回来 +daily or weekly I think that that's a really important question ask +每天或每周我认为这是一个非常重要的问题 +because even if you get a lot of people if there's no reason for them to come +因为即使你有很多人,如果他们没有理由来的话 +back it doesn't really matter I think - is there a smaller community that if +回来,我认为这并不重要 - 是否有一个较小的社区,如果 +that community was using a product they would find it useful even if others +该社区正在使用一种他们会发现它有用的产品,即使其他人 + +00:09 +00:09 +weren't the classic I guess now old example of this was Facebook at Harvard +这不是经典,我想现在最古老的例子是哈佛大学的 Facebook +like as long as the Harvard kids were using it or even a class even just one +就像哈佛的孩子们在使用它,甚至是一堂课,哪怕只有一个课 +of the grades in Harvard was using the product it was useful and so therefore +哈佛的成绩正在使用该产品,它很有用,因此 +they didn't need to have millions of users day one +他们不需要第一天就拥有数百万用户 +literally users of the order of like a couple thousand was very useful so the +从字面上看,大约几千个用户非常有用,因此 +way that I'd be thinking about this question is one how frequent do I get +我思考这个问题的方式是我多久会遇到一次 +value out of it if it's not that frequent is there any value on creating +如果不是那么频繁,那么创造价值是否有任何价值 +- is there a smaller population of people who can find this useful even if +- 是否有少数人会发现这很有用,即使 +all our friends aren't using it and those people might use it like have the +我们所有的朋友都没有使用它,而那些人可能会像拥有 +problem or whatever on a more regular basis so they'll be like participating +定期解决问题或其他问题,这样他们就会喜欢参与 +more so start with like a focus smaller group I think there's always you know +更重要的是从一个焦点小组开始我认为你总是知道 +tricks of the trade like generate them yourself a lot of the best user +行业技巧,比如自己生成很多最好的用户 +generated content networks like 9gag which is now this like massive meme meme +生成了像 9gag 这样的内容网络,现在就像是巨大的模因模因 +website was started by like scraping memes from other sites that's not that +网站是通过从其他网站抓取模因来启动的,但事实并非如此 + +00:10 +00:10 +shouldn't be something too too crazy to think about reddit same story in the +不应该是太疯狂的事情,以至于无法在 Reddit 上思考同样的故事 +early days Sachs Amster um so like in this case if you're talking like if +早期萨克斯·阿姆斯特(Sachs Amster)嗯,就像在这种情况下,如果你说的是如果 +you're building a network for people sharing their accomplishments you could +你正在建立一个网络,让人们分享他们的成就 +look to where people are already sharing +看看人们已经分享过的地方 +this and like prime prime it by grabbing the accomplishments like for example if +这和像prime prime一样,通过获取成就来完成,例如如果 +someone's tweet like if you're trying to like get an someone who's already on +某人的推文,例如您想点赞某个已经上线的人 +Twitter on to your platform you could potentially like go through each +Twitter 到您的平台,您可能会喜欢浏览每个内容 +person's Twitter account and scrape their the things that they're proud of +某人的 Twitter 帐户并抓取他们引以为豪的东西 +crunch page is actually interesting example of this before people cared +在人们关心之前,紧缩页面实际上是一个有趣的例子 +about their approach phrase profile TechCrunch just built the profiles on +关于他们的方���短语简介 TechCrunch 刚刚构建了这些简介 +CrunchBase yeah if I'm media reports and +CrunchBase 是的,如果我是媒体报道的话 +it was media reports and so and so forth and after a while people cared about +这是媒体报道等等,过了一段时间人们就关心了 +their profile and so they tried to keep it updated and when I'm thinking more +他们的个人资料,所以他们试图保持更新,当我想更多的时候 +about this problem like it's true like we have a lot like one github we're on +关于这个问题,就像我们有很多类似的 github 一样 +like dribble there's all these different +就像运球一样,有很多不同 +platforms that people may participate in so that's us I mean that's a service +人们可以参与的平台,这就是我们,我的意思是这是一项服务 + +00:11 +00:11 +right there like not how generate your own page yeah cool +就在那里,不像如何生成自己的页面,很酷 +next up Dennis at swish swish swish swish technologies we're building the +接下来丹尼斯在 swish swish swish swish 技术我们正在构建 +self-driving cars for ride-sharing and retirement communities and for schools +用于拼车、退休社区和学校的自动驾驶汽车 +in the US okay so I'm imagining like club cars or whatever got down please +在美国,好吧,所以我想象像俱乐部车或其他什么东西下来 +share some of your advice for founders like us with a product that can take a +与像我们这样的创始人分享一些您对可以接受的产品的建议 +very long time to launch how do we get users even before we launch how can we +发布时间很长,在发布之前我们如何吸引用户 +generate sales even before we launch so I deal with a lot of companies you seen +甚至在我们推出之前就产生了销售,所以我与你见过的很多公司都有业务往来 +a lot of this we hope they like 25 companies that are all you know working +其中很多我们希望他们喜欢 25 家你所知道的公司 +their way through the FDA process and we've also funded a lot of like +他们通过 FDA 流程,我们也资助了很多类似的项目 +supersonic aircraft companies that will probably take a little while for launch +超音速飞机公司可能需要一段时间才能推出 +so this is like this hands-on I mean Guardian self-driving car companies in +所以这就像这样的实践 我的意思是卫报自动驾驶汽车公司 +fact probably we follow this exact idea yeah so there's a couple different +事实上,我们可能遵循这个确切的想法,是的,所以有几个不同的 + +00:12 +00:12 +there's a couple different ways that you can go with this I'd say that in in +有几种不同的方法可以解决这个问题,我想说的是 +areas where there's like the possibility +有可能的领域 +for harm or there's like safety concerns you have to be extremely careful about +为了避免伤害或存在类似的安全问题,您必须非常小心 +what you consider an MVP in any way that can actively like harm somebody so that +你所认为的 MVP 会以任何方式积极地伤害某人,以便 +having been said we have had companies test smaller versions of what they're +话虽如此,我们已经让公司测试了他们的较小版本 +like smaller versions of their larger vision with kind of off-the-shelf +就像他们更大的愿景的更小的版本,带有某种现成的 +technology some of the best hardware companies that I've worked with even +技术 我曾经合作过的一些最好的硬件公司 +though they now make their own hardware and they they build a bunch of custom +尽管他们现在制造自己的硬件并且他们构建了一堆定制的 +stuff they started using they started by using off-the-shelf systems like +他们开始使用的东西他们首先使用现成的系统,例如 +raspberry pies cameras just existing technology and put them together in +树莓派相机只是现有技术并将它们组合在一起 + +00:13 +00:13 +interesting kind of normal ways so in this case like there is +有趣的正常方式所以在这种情况下就像有 +now you know more and more kind of off-the-shelf tech that you could use to +现在你知道越来越多的现成技术可以用来 +craft together a like a rudimentary self-driving car +一起制作像一辆基本的自动驾驶汽车 +I think we're getting back to like I guess like why we work on MVPs one +我想我们又回到了为什么我们要致力于 MVP 的话题 +reason we do is to actually validate that people want this +我们这样做的原因是为了真正验证人们想要这个 +the second reason we work on MVPs is to demonstrate that we as founders have the +我们致力于 MVP 的第二个原因是为了证明我们作为创始人拥有 +skills and capabilities to like to that kind of like take the problem from just +喜欢那种喜欢的技能和能力,把问题从简单的角度解决 +an idea to an actual implementation even if that implementation is not the like +实际实现的想法,即使该实现并不相��� +long vision of this so in this case it's +对此有长远的眼光,所以在这种情况下 +very easy to have the idea to say I want to build like a self-driving car or +很容易有想法说我想建造一辆自动驾驶汽车或 +something like that but it's but there's like a huge gap there's a huge discrete +类似的东西,但确实有一个巨大的差距,有一个巨大的离散 +bump between people who have the idea for self-driving car and people who have +有自动驾驶汽车想法的人和有自动驾驶汽车想法的人之间的碰撞 + +00:14 +00:14 +like built something that resembles it so in this case like building something +就像建造了一些类似的东西所以在这种情况下就像建造了一些东西 +that demonstrates your capability could separate you dramatically from the pack +证明你的能力可以让你从人群中脱颖而出 +so we've had companies that are now off building like embark which builds +所以我们有一些公司现在正在建设中,比如 Board 正在建设 +self-driving trucks like literally they're running on the streets in the +自动驾驶卡车就像在美国的街道上行驶一样 +highways in Nevada they started with a cop car yeah I think like at demo day +内华达州的高速公路他们从一辆警车开始是的,我想就像在演示日一样 +they had a golf cart that they rigged up with like six cameras I don't even know +他们有一辆高尔夫球车,上面安装了六个摄像头,我什至不知道 +if it was autonomous it might have just been remotely driven or something like +如果它是自主的,它可能只是远程驾驶或类似的东西 +that there's a great there's a great like comic on how to build an MVP and it +有一部很棒的漫画,讲述了如何打造 MVP,它 +literally is someone building a car but the first step is building like a +从字面上看,就是某人制造汽车,但第一步是像汽车一样建造 +skateboard and then you build a bicycle and then you build a car so you can +滑板,然后你制造一辆自行车,然后你制造一辆汽车,这样你就可以 +apply the same logic here that like if you're trying to figure out how to build +在这里应用相同的逻辑,就像你试图弄清楚如何构建一样 +something that's autonomous that works in these communities maybe you start +一些在这些社区中起作用的自主的东西也许你会开始 +with like an autonomous wheelchair right like you just create like or one of +就像自动轮椅一样,您只需创建类似或其中之一 + +00:15 +00:15 +those personal mover things right you start with that and it still kind of +那些个人搬家的事情是对的,你从那开始,它仍然有点 +accomplishes the first the overall goal of making something that's for +实现了第一个总体目标,即制作适合的东西 +retirement communities for example but much safer much cheaper and that +例如退休社区,但更安全、更便宜,而且 +actually sounds like kind of a cool idea maybe Segen or not at all +实际上听起来像是一个很酷的主意,也许是Segen,或者根本不是 +the couple of parts of this question how do we generate sales before we launch I +这个问题的两个部分是我们如何在推出之前产生销售 +actually think that that is sales are hard generating letters of intent or +实际上认为销售很难产生意向书或 +agreements to pilot you shouldn't be very hard if there's a lot of demand for +如果有很多需求,试点协议应该不会很难 +this sort of thing so being able just to get your customer to sign anything even +这类事情所以能够让你的客户签署任何东西 +if doesn't have a price on it is evidence that you can sell to an +如果没有价格,则表明您可以将其出售给 +investor and is often seen as more valuable than not having it so some +投资者,通常被认为比没有更有价值,所以一些人 +other things that people have done in this way is if your plan is to sell cars +人们以这种方式做的其他事情是如果您的计划是出售汽车 +maybe the first thing you do is you sell the service so you don't have you don't +也许你做的第一件事就是出售服务,这样你就没有了 +have autonomous you know self-driving cars yet but you do have yourself so +拥有自动驾驶 你还知道自动驾驶汽车,但你确实拥有自己 + +00:16 +00:16 +what if you ran a car sharing service in this retirement community to start that +如果您在这个退休社区运营汽车共享服务来启动该服务会怎样? +would demonstrate to people that you know there are people who want to use +会向人们证明你知道有人想要使用 +smartphones to like request cars not kind of thing and you could you could +智能手机喜欢要求汽车不是一种事情,你可以你可以 +literally get started like tomorrow doing that potentially all right what's next +从字面上开始,就像明天一样 做那件事可能没问题 接下来做什么 +we've got Ethan at volley word volley we facilitate the servicing of users +我们有伊森(Ethan)在齐射词齐射,我们促进为用户提供服务 +vehicles they do not need to leave the home or office servicing that seems like +他们不需要离开家或办公室的车辆服务似乎 +an awkward way of saying we're a car mechanic that yeah anywhere you are I +这是一种尴尬的说法,我们是一名汽车修理工,是的,无论你在哪里,我 +think this is a perfect example of like the description requiring examples +认为这是一个完美的例子,就像需要例子的描述一样 +because servicing does not put a picture in my head as opposed to refuelling +因为与加油相比,维修并不会在我的脑海中留下画面 +changing the tires doing an annual checkup all those things create pictures +更换轮胎 进行年度检查 所有这些事情都会产生图片 +in my head and also there's probably something that you're starting with I +在我的脑海里,也可能有一些你正在从我开始的事情 +imagine that you're not like servicing every end-to-end thing in the car to +想象一下,您不想为汽车中的每个端到端设备提供服务 + +00:17 +00:17 +start so some of the best pitches like like Michael said they cause you to like +开始一些最好的宣传,就像迈克尔说的那样,它们会让你喜欢 +visualize what the service does but here's actually a problem that a lot of +可视化该服务的作用,但这实际上是一个很多人都关心的问题 +founders run into is they think that their one-liner or their short +创始人遇到的问题是,他们认为自己的俏皮话或短句 +description has to encompass like everything that they'll ever do under +描述必须涵盖他们将要做的一切 +the ends of the earth because they won't +天涯海角,因为他们不会 +they think that like investors only will +他们认为像投资者一样只会 +get excited by these like big dreams but in reality like we're actually just +为这些伟大的梦想而兴奋,但实际上我们只是 +trying to understand what your company is so that we could talk about something +试图了解您的公司,以便我们可以讨论一些事情 +else and so your description doesn't need to be this all-encompassing future +否则,所以你的描述不需要是包罗万象的未来 +vision it's just like we won't I know what you do quickly like get to +愿景就像我们不会一样我很快就知道你在做什么 +the next step what's while getting all of the legal taken care of to protect +下一步是什么,同时采取所有法律措施来保护 +from liability so Ethan the first question I would ask you before you even +免于承担责任,所以伊森,我会在你之前问你的第一个问题 +think about this is have you studied every startup that has failed trying to +想一想,你是否研究过每一个尝试失败的初创公司 +do this idea and do you understand why if not you are doomed to repeat their +做这个想法,你明白为什么如果不明白,你注定会重复他们的做法吗? +failure so you can start by looking in the YC database we have funded this so I +失败,所以你可以先查看我们资助的 YC 数据库,所以我 +really think that the real number one questions do you understand something +真的认为真正的第一个问题是你理解什么吗 +that everyone else doesn't know about this space the other thing that I think +其他人都不知道这个空间 我认为的另一件事 + +00:18 +00:18 +is tricky is that like the population that has the most problem with their +棘手的是,就像那些最有问题的人群一样 +cars tends to also be in a population that is extremely price sensitive about +汽车往往也属于对价格极其敏感的人群 +fixing their cars and so make sure that you have some insight on how you can be +修理他们的汽车,因此请确保您对如何能够做到有所了解 +offering the cheapest option because if you're if you're the kind of issue here +提供最便宜的选择,因为如果你是这里的问题 +is a lot of people like to go with luxury and high price first but the +很多人喜欢先选择奢华和高价,但 +problem is like you're solving like car braking which is way less common if I +问题就像你正在解决汽车制动这样的问题,如果我 +bought it a year ago and so make sure that you're actually letting this up so +一年前买了它,所以请确保你真的放弃了它,这样 +you actually have a product that can have demand oh yes we've seen in other +你实际上有一个可以有需求的产品哦,是的,我们在其他地方看到过 +countries as well yes say in terms of the liability question like you got to +国家也是如此,就责任问题而言,就像您必须说的那样 +be you got to be extremely careful especially when you're dealing with like +你必须非常小心,尤其是当你处理类似的事情时 +large expensive items that people care about the way that I like to think about +人们以我喜欢的方式关心的大型昂贵物品 +this is you know trust your gut you're usually not going to make you're usually +这是你知道的,相信你的直觉,你通常不会这么做 + +00:19 +00:19 +not going to try to put yourself in a position where you're taking too much +不会试图让自己处于承受太多的境地 +risk naturally so like listen listen to listen to yourself and listen to other +自然而然地冒险,比如听听听听自己的声音和听听别人的声音 +people when they when they when they kind of bring up problems that you that +人们当他们提出你认为的问题时 +they think you might encounter alright okay this one's okay can you pronounce +他们认为你可能会遇到 好吧 好吧 这个好吧 你能发音吗 +that one no are we doing high-five or this Oh being being stopped gonna stop +那个,不,我们是在高五,还是这个哦,被阻止了,要停止了 +Louis Louis okay Louis we're a been a stop we build a home wellness service +路易斯路易斯好吧路易斯我们已经停止了我们建立家庭健康服务 +and products marketplace for people's wellness objectives okay no idea I don't +和针对人们健康目标的产品市场 好吧,不知道,我不知道 +really know what they do home wellness I think I'm like thinking +真的知道他们做什么家庭健康我想我就像在想 +of home gym I'm telling you I don't even +家庭健身房 我告诉你我什至不 +want to stretch my mind to try to figure out what emotions because it's so much +想要拓展我的思维,试图找出什么情绪,因为它太多了 +jargon it is a unique name let's see let's see if the website has anything more +行话这是一个独特的名字让我们看看网站是否还有更多内容 + +00:20 +00:20 +didn't step Oh best app surfing this oh no is it be honest Dennis being a step +没有迈出一步哦,最好的应用程序冲浪这个哦,不,说实话,丹尼斯迈出了一步 +ok services for your well-being at home what kind of services what kind of +好的服务,让您在家安康 什么样的服务 什么样的服务 +service Quest Oh exercises meditation sports when you say like yeah like your +服务 Quest Oh 练习冥想运动 当你说“像是的像你的”时 +description on your front page is much better than scription does so that okay +首页上的描述比文字说明要好得多,所以没关系 +back to the question great should we launch our MVP for free or is +回到这个问题,我们应该免费推出 MVP 还是 +it better to charge people let's be clear you have a service where you're +最好向人们收费 让我们明确一下您所在的地方有一项服务 +actually like there is real cost meaning like your service is helping someone +实际上就像有真正的成本意味着你的服务正在帮助某人 +exercise there is cost to sending someone to that place +练习派人去那个地方是有成本的 +there's costs recruiting them there's a cost to their time in any situation +招募他们是有成本的 在任何情况下他们都会付出时间成本 +where you actually have real cost you should be charging from day one in a +如果您实际上有实际成本,则应该从第一天开始收费 +pure software play where you don't have any costs maybe consider something +纯软件游戏,你没有任何成本也许可以考虑一些 + +00:21 +00:21 +that's freemium but like you don't want to anchor like the number one thing with +这是免费增值,但就像你不想像第一件事一样锚定 +these like marketplaces that are actually moving humans around is that if +这些实际上正在推动人类流动的市场是,如果 +you can do a situation where you're providing a dollar with a value and +你可以做这样一种情况:你提供一美元的价值,并且 +you're only getting 75 years that sets back you're gonna get a lot of demand +你只有 75 年的时间,这会阻碍你会得到很多需求 +but you're gonna lose a lot of money and when you actually equalize the the +但你会损失很多钱,当你真正平衡时 +demand in the price you'll lose a lot of customers especially for something like +价格需求你会失去很多客户,尤其是像这样的东西 +this where it's an existing service that people are already buying from other +这是人们已经从其他地方购买的现有服务 +vendors yeah so you kind of don't need to validate that like people want to +供应商是的,所以你不需要像人们想要的那样验证这一点 +have yoga classes or people want to have dance classes what you want to validate +上瑜伽课或者人们想要上舞蹈课你想验证什么 +is do they want to have them at their home like that's the that's the thing +他们想把它们放在家里吗?就是这样 +that's kind of new and I think unique about this +这有点新奇,我认为这是独一无二的 +so like definitely definitely charge for +所以肯定要收费 +it yeah I think just charge a lot charge more than you might feel comfortable so +是的,我认为收取的费用比你可能感觉舒服的多得多,所以 +you can identify the people are most desperate for it here's your crazy idea +你可以找出最渴望它的人 这是你疯狂的想法 +charge more than the existing solutions because like when I think about it if +比现有解决方案收费更高,因为就像当我想到如果 +I'm like I want to have a private yoga class that's expensive I would have to +我想我想要上一个私人瑜伽课,但价格昂贵,我不得不这样做 + +00:22 +00:22 +schlep out to go to the studio and I'm having it at home yeah I mean and that +出去去录音室,我在家里做,是的,我的意思是 +would actually charging more it sounds a +实际上会收取更多费用,听起来 +little bit weird but it would like force it would really force the question of +有点奇怪,但它会喜欢强制它真的会强制这个问题 +like are you building something that people really want you would get an +就像你正在建造人们真正想要的东西你会得到 +answer really quickly if you were charging more than like the neighborhood +如果您的收费比附近的收费高,请快速回答 +yoga studio and people are still coming to you then you're really on to +瑜伽馆,人们仍然来找你,那么你就真的开始了 +something if like you're constantly having to cut the price and like you +如果你经常不得不降价并且喜欢你 +know run discounts and stuff like that like maybe they're only coming to you +知道运行折扣和类似的东西,也许他们只会来找你 +because it's slightly cheaper than the alternative so there you go yeah okay +因为它比其他选择稍微便宜一点,所以你就可以了,好吧 +now we're on to high five high five is a local news website that helps you get +现在我们进入高五 高五是一个本地新闻网站,可以帮助您获得 +invited to activities based on topics you enjoy discussing we help people in +受邀参加基于您喜欢讨论的主题的活动,我们帮助人们 +their 20s and 30s meet new friends with similar hobbies humor and lifestyle that +他们的 20 多岁和 30 多岁结识了具有相似爱好、幽默和生活方式的新朋友 +sounds like two one-liners in one or three or three yeah so once again Vlad +听起来像是一、三或三中的两句单行话,是的,弗拉德再次 +something that a lot of people have tried before is both local news and +很多人以前尝试过的东西既是本地新闻,也是 + +00:23 +00:23 +interest based social networks and dating and dating and meeting new people +基于兴趣的社交网络和约会、约会和结识新朋友 +yeah so like make sure that you're studying those products and you have a +是的,所以就像确保你正在研究这些产品并且你有一个 +strong opinion about why they suck it's gonna help you two reasons one it'll +关于他们为什么糟糕的强烈意见这会对你有帮助,原因有二:一是 +help you figure out what to make is a good product and two a very common +帮助您弄清楚要制作什么才是好产品以及两个非常常见的产品 +investor question if you ever want to raise money is like well what about this +投资者的问题是,如果你想筹集资金,那么这个怎么样? +everyone's always heard of like the other app that they funded they may have +每个人都听说过他们资助的其他应用程序 +funded like five of them yeah and if your answer is like oh I don't know then +资助了其中五个是的,如果你的答案是“哦,我不知道” +instantly you lose credibility so make sure you're an expert on all of these +您会立即失去信誉,因此请确保您是所有这些方面的专家 +various things my hunch here is that Vlad this might actually be a problem +各种各样的事情我的预感是弗拉德这实际上可能是一个问题 +that you're solving for yourself which is great like maybe you just moved to a +你正在自己解决这个问题,这很好,就像你刚刚搬到一个 +new city and like you're experiencing this exact problem so like or yeah or +新城市,就像您遇到这个确切的问题一样,或者是的或者 +your friend has so like the way that I would start building an MVP is kind of +你的朋友非常喜欢我开始构建 MVP 的方式 +like what we mentioned at the beginning it's taking what you already do on a +就像我们在开始时提到的那样,它正在采取您已经在 +regular basis like maybe you go to meetups maybe you like read it for the +定期,比如也许你去参加聚会,也许你喜欢阅读它 + +00:24 +00:24 +subreddit event of that city and like think clearly about like what are you +那个城市的 Reddit 子活动,想清楚你是谁 +doing today and what's the smallest thing that you could do that has an +今天正在做的事情以及你能做的最小的事情是什么 +outsized impact like you want to you want to add the least amount of new kind +巨大的影响就像你想要的你想要添加最少数量的新种类 +of like process to your weekly workflow that just has this like out sized large +与您每周的工作流程类似的流程,只是有这样的超大尺寸 +impact yeah all right okay what do you do after you +影响 是的 好吧 好吧 你之后做什么 +launch an MVP exciting okay next up we got a keys from small scope what are +推出 MVP 令人兴奋,接下来我们从小范围内得到了一个关键是什么 +some steps to launch an MVP that found that what are some steps after launch of +启动 MVP 的一些步骤发现启动后有哪些步骤 +an MVP that fence founders should follow in the video there are some examples of +视频中围栏创始人应该遵循的 MVP 有一些例子 +successful companies MVPs however there's no discussion at all on how they +成功公司的 MVP,但是根本没有讨论他们如何 +iterated what they learned why they narrowed it down to those features so +迭代了他们所学到的知识,为什么他们将范围缩小到这些功能,以便 +Peter from segment Donahoe actually had a talk at yce +多纳霍片段的彼得实际上在 yce 做了一次演讲 +this week on this subject which i think is really interesting so we started with +本周关于这个我认为非常有趣的主题,所以我们从 + +00:25 +00:25 +like this depressing fact most startups are in the process of dying and that's +就像这个令人沮丧的事实一样,大多数初创公司都处于消亡的过程中,那就是 +offense in fact one and depressing fact two is that most startups have convinced +第一个冒犯和第二个令人沮丧的事实是,大多数初创公司都相信 +themselves that they're right on the verge of product market fit one of the +他们自己认为他们正处于产品市场的边缘,符合其中之一 +fact they're actually in the process of dying so if you set that as the like +事实上他们实际上正处于死亡的过程中所以如果你将其设置为类似 +environment that you live in one of the things he said that I thought was really +你所生活的环境之一他说我认为真的 +helpful is take your MVP and be a skeptic have someone in your company be +有用的是接受你的 MVP 并保持怀疑态度,让你公司中的某个人 +dyspeptic and basically ask the question is this providing any value to my users +消化不良,基本上问的问题是这是否为我的用户提供任何价值 +and not like oh well you know if I built these 17 features than it would is my +而不是像哦,你知道如果我构建了这 17 个功能,它就会比我的 +first MVP what the service that I could write people today is it providing any +第一个 MVP 我今天可以写给人们的服务是什么? +value to my users then if the answer is no go figure out who's in so much pain +对我的用户有价值,那么如果答案是否定的,那就找出谁承受了如此大的痛苦 +around this problem that they would use your MVP and get them to use it and then +围绕这个问题,他们会使用你的 MVP 并让他们使用它,然后 +ask that question again am i providing any value to those users it turns out +再次问这个问题,我是否为这些用户提供了任何价值? + +00:26 +00:26 +that like it's too easy to go down a track where step one you're not +就好像很容易走上一条你不属于第一步的道路 +providing any value and just to make it so that iteration one you're providing +提供任何价值并使其成为您提供的迭代之一 +no value iteration two you're writing no value iteration three of writing value +您正在编写的无值迭代二 无编写值的值迭代三 +if your product if your problem you're solving is severe enough there should be +如果你的产品 如果你要解决的问题足够严重 应该有 +some over people who are willing to use a really bad product to help solve it +有些人愿意使用非常糟糕的产品来帮助解决问题 +and so go find them that's where I think the best folks that +所以去找他们吧,我认为那里是最好的人 +do MVPs and go and what they do is they literally take what they have to +获得 MVP 后就离开,他们所做的就是真正接受他们必须做的事情 +and they talked to different groups of users and they begin to kind of instead +他们与不同的用户群体进行了交谈,然后他们开始 +of iterating on the product like building more features they actually +迭代产品,比如构建更多的功能 +iterate on the market yeah so they'll find like I mean it's it's always a +在市场上迭代是的,所以他们会发现就像我的意思是它总是一个 +great example but the superhuman the super hold the founder of superhuman +伟大的例子,但超人 超人 超人的创始人 +board a great blog post on how you iterate towards product market fit and +发表一篇精彩的博客文章,介绍如何迭代产品市场契合度以及 +one of the things that he talks about is looking at like the demographics within +他谈到的一件事是关注内部的人口统计数据 + +00:27 +00:27 +the first hundred users and he realized that like founders sales people were +前一百名用户,他意识到,就像创���人的销售人员一样 +really like really taking advantage of the basic features that super human had +真的很喜欢利用超人的基本特征 +and then like product managers and some of the people who didn't like deal with +然后像产品经理和一些不喜欢打交道的人 +email on the same volume just like did not get value and stopped like using it +同一卷的电子邮件就像没有获得价值并停止使用它一样 +another test to kind of your point of like do people benefit from this very +另一项测试是为了检验你的观点,人们是否能从中受益 +first version one like kind of crazy out there test that I sometimes seen people +第一个版本就像是一种疯狂的测试,我有时会看到人们 +run is they kind of they turn off their product and they see how complaints like +运行是他们关闭他们的产品,他们看到投诉是如何的 +you don't really have to do this but you could kind of figure out ways to +你实际上不必这样做,但你可以想办法 +simulate this so for example if you had an outage if your servers went down like +模拟这个,例如,如果您的服务器出现故障,则发生中断 +last week look back at your email logs to see like did anyone care did anyone +上周回顾一下你的电子邮件日志,看看是否有人关心有人关心吗? +care so you might already have run this experiment by accident at some point +小心,这样你可能已经在某个时候意外地运行了这个实验 +it's a perfect example of doing something doesn't scale like a big +这是一个完美的例子,说明做一些规模不大的事情 + + + +00:28 +00:28 +from yeah like I mean it Twitter did to but like a small start-up but something +是的,就像我的意思是 Twitter 所做的那样,但就像一家小型初创公司,但有些东西 +you totally can do and if you think about the environment is like the +你完全可以做到,如果你考虑一下环境就像 +greatest percentage chance of what I'm doing is death then you should be +我正在做的事情的最大概率是死亡,那么你应该是 +willing to experiment with extreme things fairly with death yeah that's weird +愿意用死亡来公平地尝试极端的事情是的,这很奇怪 +alright that's next I do remember a lot of failed wills funds whatever else and +好吧,接下来我确实记得很多失败的遗嘱基金,不管怎样, +I always complained like whenever reddit would go down I would complain to my +我总是抱怨每当 Reddit 宕机时我就会向我的朋友抱怨 +friends when we were trying to like oh yeah router where I would text Eve it +朋友们,当我们试图喜欢“哦耶”路由器时,我会在其中给夏娃发短信 +would be funny I'd be like Steve your website's down I'm sure I'm the first +会很有趣,我会像史蒂夫一样,你的网站瘫痪了,我确信我是第一个 +person who's telling you like that's a massive sign that you're +一个人这样告诉你,这是一个很大的迹象,表明你是 +onto something if like people can't live without your website like five minutes +如果人们没有你的网站就无法生活,比如五分钟 +yep got something yeah next up from posh wha-at local be my +是的,接下来有一些事情是从时髦的那里得到的,在当地是我的 +company's our website for shopping from home base and small businesses around us +公司是我们从家庭基地和我们周围的小型企业购物的网站 +after evaluating what I do I've realized that I have a small I have I have users +在评估我所做的事情之后,我意识到我有一个小我有我有用户 +interaction that we do not have product market fit now the question is should I +我们现在没有适合市场的产品互动,问题是我应该 +continue working on this especially since margins are thin or should I quit +继续努力,特别是因为利润微薄,或者我应该退出 + +00:29 +00:29 +this and beginning in and search for market product market fit you know I +这并开始寻找市场产品市场适合你知道我 +think this is always the hardest question to answer because I see +认为这始终是最难回答的问题,因为我看到 +problems on both sides there's a set of founders who if they don't succeed +双方都有问题 如果创始人不成功的话 +immediately their mental model is that their company's a failure but then +他们的心理模型立刻就认为他们的公司失败了,但随后 +there's also a set of founders who even after learning two years worth of +还有一些创始人即使在学习了两年之后 +horrible facts they still like will not acknowledge that it's not working I +他们仍然喜欢的可怕事实不会承认这不起作用 +think the best strategy for this the one that's easiest to execute is to +认为最好的策略是最容易执行的策略 +time-bound it so what I would say is like hey we're gonna try everything as +有时间限制所以我想说的是嘿我们要尝试一切 +hard as possible to make this work for this period of time probably no less +在这段时间里尽可能努力地完成这项工作可能同样困难 +than six months and if we haven't figured it out then then we're gonna be +超过六个月,如果我们还没有弄清楚,那么我们就会 +open ourselves up to pivoting I find it's easier to time bandit because like +让我们自己敞开心扉,我发现计时强盗更容易,因为就像 +you can it's easier to be intellectually honest with yourself about like have I +你可以更容易在理智上对自己诚实,就像我一样 +worked on this really hard for six months versus three versus have I tried +我在这个问题上花了六个月的时间,而我尝试过三个月 + +00:30 +00:30 +all of my ideas like that's a look at they're running out of ideas then yeah +我所有的想法就像这样,看看他们的想法已经用完了,是的 +yeah like you like ideas they're kind of thing it's it's it's easy to trick +是的,就像你喜欢的想法一样,它们是一种很容易被欺骗的东西 +yourself that you've tried all of your ideas it's not easy to trick yourself +你自己已经尝试了所有的想法,欺骗自己并不容易 +have I been working on this for six months so some strategies that you can +我已经为此工作了六个月了,所以您可以采取一些策略 +use during that six months are like put all the ideas that you still have up on +这六个月的使用就像把你仍然有的所有想法都放在上面 +a whiteboard and like pick the top one and spend a week working really hard on +一块白板,比如选择最上面的一个,然后花一周的时间努力工作 +that because it's possible that like you've been going through this for you +因为有可能就像你已经经历过这一切一样 +know a couple months or a year and you've gotten into this into this setup +知道几个月或一年,你就已经进入这个设置了 +where you think you've you know tried everything or you're not sure like about +你认为你已经尝试过一切或者你不确定的地方 +a specific question that you might have like am I going after a demographic am i +您可能会问一个具体的问题,比如我是在追求人口统计吗? +and I use it do I have the right stores or small businesses on my platform and +我使用它 我的平台上是否有合适的商店或小型企业并且 +you could test it you say like actually we don't have product +你可以测试一下,你说实际上我们没有产品 +market fit the founder of TaskRabbit was just speaking last night and she was +市场契合 TaskRabbit 的创始人昨晚刚刚发表讲话,她 +talking about how like different that first every single everything like +谈论如何不同,首先每件事都像 +TaskRabbit you could just do anything yeah but then they started realizing +TaskRabbit 你可以做任何事,是的,但后来他们开始意识到 + +00:31 +00:31 +that like some people who really just wanted idea furniture set up and so one +就像有些人真的只是想要一套创意家具等等 +of the things that she said that she was looking back and she was like I wish we +她说的那些话,她回首往事,她就像我希望我们 +tried this at the beginning was saying what if we just made like a landing page +一开始尝试过这个是说如果我们只是制作一个登陆页面会怎样 +that was just like get your IKEA furniture set up and so I could imagine +这就像安装你的宜家家具一样,所以我可以想象 +something like this really like forcing that issue and the cool thing about that +像这样的事情真的就像强迫这个问题以及这很酷的事情 +is you can do that in a week yeah like you already have built all the framework +你可以在一周内完成吗 是的,就像你已经构建了所有框架一样 +for it you could spin up a landing page that's like I wanted my hypothesis is +为此,你可以启动一个登陆页面,就像我想要的那样,我的假设是 +that people really want to buy you know baby stuff on like a really short term +人们真的很想在短期内购买你知道的婴儿用品 +basis because they can't run out and get it so I'm gonna use my existing website +基础,因为他们无法跑出去并获得它,所以我将使用我现有的网站 +and the existing like whole thing that I've built and just test that one +和我构建的现有的整个东西一样,只是测试它 +demographic with one use case and then when to like when to quit +具有一种用例的人口统计数据,然后什么时候喜欢什么时候退出 +insert start the search over again what did Peter say about that because he did +插入重新开始搜索彼得对此说了些什么,因为他做了 +like they certainly I think Peter said that like if you can convince the critic +就像他们当然一样,我认为彼得说过,如果你能说服批评家 +in the company but basically he was like identify a critic in the company +在公司里,但基本上他就像是在公司里找出一个批评者 + +00:32 +00:32 +identify a sign that would either that would even convince the critic that +找出一个标志,甚至可以让批评者相信 +there's something here if you can't hit that sign within a period of time you +如果您在一段时间内无法击中该标志,则表示存在某种情况 +should move so like don't trust the faith of the optimist like try to assume +应该采取行动,就像不要相信乐观主义者的信念一样,尝试假设 +the pessimist role and like try to come up with an objective measure of like +悲观主义者的角色和类似尝试提出类似的客观衡量标准 +yeah next person would be like holy yeah yeah even the skeptic would be like +是的,下一个人会像神圣的,是的,即使是怀疑论者也会像 +yeah okay I guess we have to work on this like that's what you're looking for +是的,好吧,我想我们必须努力解决这个问题,就像你正在寻找的那样 +and like for him he tells a story segment which is really cool which was +就像他一样,他讲了一个非常酷的故事片段 +that the idea of segments he didn't believe in and his co-founder did and +他不相信他的联合创始人相信的细分市场的想法 +his test was like well okay put it on Hacker News let's see what like +他的测试结果很好,可以把它放在黑客新闻上让我们看看怎么样 +engineers think and he thought it was like it was just gonna not get any up +工程师认为,他认为这就像它不会起床一样 +votes and move on to the next topic and the next day it's from an age of hacker +投票并转到下一个主题,第二天是黑客时代 +news and he was like oh crap like even as a skeptic I must acknowledge that like +新闻,他就像哦废话一样,即使作为一个怀疑论者我必须承认,就像 +is way more demand for this than ever thought like that is a good yeah a good +对这个的需求比想象中要多得多,这是一个很好的事情,是的一个很好的事情 + +00:33 +00:33 +mental framework you have to get yourself out of tricking yourself that +你必须让自己摆脱欺骗自己的心理框架 +that it's working when it's not next up crystal at site full along our journey +当我们的旅程中没有下一个水晶时,它正在工作 +we've done surveys interviews and had many conversations with users once the +我们进行了调查采访,并与用户进行了多次对话 +MVP is live and we invite users to use and test our tool what are the top +MVP 已上线,我们邀请用户使用和测试我们的工具,其中最重要的是什么 +methods you recommend for capturing and measuring feedback I often think that +您推荐的用于捕获和衡量反馈的方法我经常认为 +startups try to scale this effort way too fast the things that I've seen work +初创公司试图以太快的速度扩展这项工作,而我所见过的行之有效的方法 +really well are you call the users yourself personally you invite the users +你亲自打电话给用户,邀请用户,真的很好吗? +to your office you host a dinner for your users you put your initial users in +在您的办公室为您的用户举办晚宴您将最初的用户放入其中 +a whatsapp group that you can all talk with together but like things that +一个 Whatsapp 群组,大家可以一起聊天,但喜欢的事物 +absolutely don't scale another famous one was Airbnb where customer service +绝对不要规模化另一个著名的是Airbnb,那里的客户服务 +was one of the co-founders Joe's cellphone number like this is the +是联合创始人之一乔的手机号码,就像这样 +perfect area we're like you want there to be so much information flow from the +完美的区域,我们就像您希望的那样,有如此多的信息流 +customers to you that like you have to do things that don't scale you shouldn't +客户告诉你,你必须做一些你不应该做的事情 + +00:34 +00:34 +be thinking about oh how do I get my like ideal intercom setup and my Zen +正在思考哦,我如何获得理想的对讲机设置和我的 Zen +desk set up in the other days you do not need that stuff but let me unpack +桌子在其他日子里设置,你不需要那些东西,但让我打开包装 +something there because it's easy to overlook I think why we talk about do +那里有一些东西,因为它很容易被忽视,我想我们为什么要谈论做 +things that don't scale the the reason in this case is actually you don't know +无法扩展的事情在这种情况下的原因实际上是你不知道 +the questions to ask yet and so you want a really high bandwidth a really wide +尚未提出的问题,因此您需要非常高的带宽和非常宽的带宽 +broad way of collecting feedback because you don't know the questions that you +收集反馈的广泛方式,因为您不知道您要解决的问题 +want to ask it and so by having this like open-ended like the example there +想要问它,所以通过像那里的例子一样开放式 +may be very cool because they're literally just like talking like +可能很酷,因为他们真的就像在说话一��� +actually talking to users that have problems so you could ask questions like +实际上与有问题的用户交谈,这样你就可以提出这样的问题 +when they when they phone up and say like hey like take him to my Airbnb you +当他们打电话说“嘿,带他去我的爱彼迎”时,你 +solve that and then while they're on the +解决这个问题然后当他们在 +phone you say like oh by the way how did +电话你说,哦,顺便说一句,怎么样 +you find us how's your experience so far +您找到我们了,到目前为止您的体验如何 +like your friends you like you basically can you basically can like pack the +喜欢你的朋友你喜欢你基本上可以你基本上可以喜欢打包 +system and instead of having to create like the perfect survey the perfect you +系统,而不必像完美的调查那样创建完美的您 +just like talk my recommendation is to write that all down and maybe on like a +就像谈话一样,我的建议是将所有内容写下来,也许可以像写下来一样 + +00:35 +00:35 +weekly basis get together with you and your co-founders kind of debrief about +每周与您和您的联合创始人聚在一起进行汇报 +these conversations that you have because like some of the times like +您进行的这些对话是因为像某些时候一样 +during office hours I really like talking to founders that +在办公时间我真的很喜欢和创始人交谈 +have had these conversations and we just kind of just talked through I'm like +我们已经进行了这些对话,我们只是简单地讨论了一下,我想 +tell me about like this users background like where do they work how do they and +告诉我这个用户的背景,比如他们在哪里工作,他们是如何工作的 +and sometimes you can pull interesting insights out of this that can help you +有时你可以从中得出有趣的见解,对你有帮助 +like tune and tweak your MVP to basically like kind of to the point that +就像调整和调整你的 MVP 一样,基本上达到这样的程度: +we were talking about before about these like experiments that you can run you +我们之前讨论过这些类似的实验,你可以运行你 +could say like well actually like a lot of you know singles are using this tool +可以这么说,实际上就像很多人都知道单身人士正在使用这个工具一样 +and I've talked to like three of them maybe we could like try something that +我和他们中的三个人谈过也许我们可以尝试一些 +just goes after this demo yeah next up MVP as part of your startup +只是关注这个演示,是的,下一个 MVP 作为您初创公司的一部分 +pitch well let's see what Spencer has to say from Spencer at carnuba work her +投得好,让我们看看斯宾塞在卡努巴工作时对斯宾塞说了什么 +nuba the first online back office and field service management platform for +nuba 第一个在线后台和现场服务管理平台 + +00:36 +00:36 +independent car care professionals Wow that is a mouthful and you say mechanics +独立汽车护理专业人士 哇,这太拗口了,你说的是机械师 +Detailers etc field service management platform is jargon that's something that +细节人员等现场服务管理平台是行话 +probably they understand in a normal investor will not independent I'm +也许他们明白,作为一个普通投资者,我不会独立 +imagining like awesome one-off mechanic yeah I don't know what's good like a +想象像一个很棒的一次性机械师是的我不知道什么是好的 +nutburger professional is either okay here's what I think you do you write +坚果汉堡专业人士要么可以,这就是我认为你写的 +software for mechanics shops and it helps them manage dinner there it like +机械店的软件,它可以帮助他们在那里管理晚餐 +what places the paper with them yeah I'm still not totally alright so that's the +是什么把纸和它们放在一起是的,我仍然不太好,所以这就是 +question our end goal is to build an online marketplace to connect car owners +问题 我们的最终目标是建立一个在线市场来连接车主 +with local independent car care professionals and get it to go chain +与当地独立汽车护理专业人士合作并使其进入连锁店 +says but our VP is the back-office a pure service management platform to +说但我们的副总裁是后台一个纯粹的服务管理平台 +build up our supply side of the marketplace should we be pitching to our +如果我们要向我们的产品推销的话,就要建立我们的市场供应方 +investors our end goals or what we're working on now classic question so +投资者我们的最终目标或我们正在做什么现在是经典问题 +here's how I would probably structure the pitch step one what you're working +这就是我可能会如何构建你正在做的第一步 + +00:37 +00:37 +on now step two the traction step three the business model and then step four +现在,第二步是牵引力,第三步是商业模式,然后是第四步 +division it's a lot easier to sell me if I know what the hell's going on and +如果我知道到底发生了什么,那么卖给我就容易多了 +those first three now I kind of know okay this is what you're doing today I +前三个现在我有点知道了,这就是你今天要做的事情 +have a base of knowledge so I can basically when you tell me the vision I +有一定的知识基础,所以当你告诉我我的愿景时,我基本上可以 +have context enough to how where you are today connects with +有足够的背景知识来了解你今天所处的位置如何与 +the vision if you just send me the vision I'm gonna be very confused that +如果你把愿景发给我,我会很困惑 +you you know if you're saying this marketplace I'm imagining why don't you +你知道,如果你说的是我想象中的这个市场,为什么你不呢? +just build the marketplace today and then like Oh actually we're doing this +今天就建立市场,然后就像哦,实际上我们正在这样做 +like b2b product now I'm just confused so Star Tours you're doing today then +现在就像 b2b 产品一样,我只是很困惑,所以你今天正在做的 Star Tours +talk about the vision here's here's another reason why I really like +谈论这里的愿景这是我真正喜欢的另一个原因 +confounders do that is I can evaluate like I'm mostly at this early stage I'm +混淆因素是我可以评估,就像我主要处于这个早期阶段一样 +mostly just trying to like understand you and like are you are you cool are +大多数时候只是想了解你,比如你是吗,你很酷吗? +you like you're smart have you have you figured out a pain point and by sharing +你喜欢你很聪明,你有没有找到一个痛点并通过分享 + +00:38 +00:38 +like what you're doing and some but if you just talk about this vision I have +喜欢你正在做的事情,但如果你只是谈论这个愿景,我有 +no like metrics to evaluate you you you you know if you pitch you're short if +没有类似的指标来评估你你你你知道如果你推销你是矮的 +you pitch your short-term goal I can say like what you're like is every part of +你提出你的短期目标我可以说你喜欢的是每一个部分 +the way there's no way there if you pitch this like take over the world +如果你像“占领世界”那样宣传的话,那是没有办法的 +vision you're like no winner yeah I just can't really differentiate like are you +愿景你就像没有赢家是的,我只是无法像你一样区分 +a poser or you just like talking a big idea thing where are you actually +一个装腔作势的人,或者你只是喜欢谈论一个伟大的想法,你实际上在哪里 +getting deliver on this oh no it's questions during 3 what we're gonna go +得到交付这个哦不,这是问题 3 我们要去什么 +into some YouTube questions see how this goes autumn at jump dot IO asks says my +进入一些 YouTube 问题,看看这在跳点 IO 的秋天如何进行,我说 +name is autumn and my business is a barter service that connects startup +我的名字是秋天,我的业务是连接初创公司的易货服务 +entrepreneurs with one another ok bartering ok I thinking back the barter +企业家彼此之间可以进行物物交换,好吧,我回想一下物物交换 +system once again no pictures yeah maybe like an Olympic +系统再次没有图片是的,也许像奥运会 +training are they trading desks or the trading computers the trading service +培训 是交易台还是交易计算机 是交易服务 +providers software's no idea in consideration of getting an MVP up as +供应商软件不知道如何获得 MVP +soon as possible what are the pros and cons of using white label services so +尽快使用白标服务的优点和缺点是什么 + +00:39 +00:39 +this is a good this really brings up kind of a classic thing so I would say I +这是一件好事,这确实带来了一种经典的东西,所以我想说我 +would say a couple things to this point one if you're just trying to test any +就这一点来说,如果您只是想测试任何一个,请说几件事 +demand at all and a white label service between like let you do that great but +根本需求和白标服务之间就像让你做得很好但是 +I'd argue that like if you want to test any demand at all for this type of +我认为如果你想测试这种类型的任何需求 +product probably like a Google sheet spreadsheet could do it too and so if +像 Google Sheet 电子表格这样的产品也可以做到这一点,所以如果 +you're just looking to test is there any demand like go as simple as possible +你只是想测试是否有任何需求,比如尽可能简单 +if you have seen demand and you're thinking to yourself ok I want to make +如果你看到了需求并且你自己想,好吧我想做 +this a company if you want to make it a software company that can +如果你想把它打造成一家软件公司,那么这家公司可以 +scale that can raise money it's a lot easier if you're building your own +可以筹集资金的规模 如果你自��建造的话会容易得多 +software what's an exit vivec at fleet code I am +软件 我是车队代码的退出 vivec 是什么 +asks says fleet Co provides a business assistant for transport and logistics +询问说车队公司提供运输和物流业务助理 +companies which helps business owners to know how much their vehicles are making +帮助企业主了解他们的车辆赚多少钱的公司 +and profit a profit and loss oh I don't know what a business assistant is is +和盈利有盈有亏哦我不知道商务助理是什么 + +00:40 +00:40 +that like it my consultant is it an analyst +喜欢我的顾问是分析师吗 +it sounds like an Indian specific thing potentially so oftentimes like we you +这听起来像是印度特有的东西,可能很多时候就像我们你们一样 +know are investing a lot in India right now and I think one of the things that +我知道现在在印度进行了大量投资,我认为其中一件事是 +I'm learning is that there are certain different like just different facts in +我了解到,存在某些不同之处,就像不同的事实一样 +the Indian market but as someone who lives in San Francisco I can't like +印度市场,但作为住在旧金山的人,我不喜欢 +visualize that as much so some of the best Indian fakirs they actually like +想象一下他们真正喜欢的一些最好的印度托钵僧 +spend maybe like a sentence or two bringing me up to speed on what's +大概花一两句话让我了解最新情况 +happening in their market so that I could begin to like understand what that +发生在他们的市场上,这样我就可以开始了解那是什么 +is it's question about pricing yeah and so the same answers we get before price +这是关于定价的问题是的,所以我们在价格之前得到的答案相同 +expensively make it so that you have a high bar for delivering great value and +成本高昂,这样您就有一个高标准来提供巨大的价值,并且 +that you have a good verification that the person has a lot of pain it's more +你有充分的证据证明这个人有很多痛苦 +often that people price under price than over price so lean towards over pricing +通常,人们定价低于价格而不是高于价格,因此倾向于定价过高 + +00:41 +00:41 +again it forces it forces the issue see what else we got let's do this one okay +它再次迫使它迫使这个问题看看我们还有什么让我们做这个好吧 +okay Deb food is an e-learning platform to help people learn software +好吧 Deb food 是一个帮助人们学习软件的电子学习平台 +development okay we've already launched our MVP it's basically a publication +开发 好的,我们已经推出了 MVP,它基本上是一个出版物 +text plus YouTube we get about a thousand users on our channel monthly +文本加上 YouTube,我们的频道每月约有 1000 位用户 +shall we focus on building new features and innovations or should we go after +我们应该专注于构建新功能和创新,还是应该追求 +currently implement a little revenue sources like subscription court oh ok so +目前正在实施一些收入来源,例如订阅法庭,哦,好的,所以 +should we start charging for things that we're already offering or should we +我们应该开始对我们已经提供的东西收费还是应该 +build new free features this is a tricky one because it really goes to like what +构建新的免费功能这是一个棘手的问题,因为它真的会喜欢什么 +your current situation is aka do you need money right look how big of a +你目前的情况就是你需要钱吗?看看有多大 +startup you're looking to build if you're looking at with a lifestyle +如果您正在寻找一种生活方式,那么您正在寻找一家初创公司 +business then like I would definitely charge right now +那么业务就像我现在肯定会收费 +and kind of what your vision of what the +以及你的愿景是什么 +product should be and so like this one's hard to answer just straight away if +产品应该是这样的,如果这样的话,很难立即回答 +you're thinking oh I don't need this to be a venture scale business I want it to +你在想哦,我不需要这成为一家风险规模的企业,我希望它成为一家 +be something I can do with all my time so it needs to make money so I can quit +是我可以用我所有的时间做的事情,所以它需要赚钱,这样我才能退出 +my job then charge great if you're thinking like oh I'm looking to build a +如果你想,哦,我想建立一个 + +00:42 +00:42 +free product for teaching people to learn the software development because I +用于教人们学习软件开发的免费产品,因为我 +want to monetize it in this other way then I'm not so sure and then in terms +想要以其他方式货币化,那么我不太确定,然后就条款而言 +of building new features like that's a question for your users like what +构建这样的新功能对你的用户来说是一个问题,比如什么 +what do your users want what are they how are they frustrated with your +您的用户想要什么 他们对您的产品有何不满 +product today I mean you're also looking at engagement like our people coming +今天的产品我的意思是您也在关注参与度,就像我们的员工一样 +back and using your service on a regular basis we often get questions like this +定期回来并使用您的服务,我们经常收到这样的问题 +that basically asked us for product insights when we're not the customer and +当我们不是客户时,这基本上要求我们提供产品见解 +like be very careful about asking any startup person who's not your customer +就像询问任何不是你的客户的初创公司人员时要非常小心 +for for customer insight because they won't have them it's a great point yeah +对于客户洞察力,因为他们不会拥有它们,这是一个很好的点是的 +and but they'll offer them they will yes +但他们会提供他们会的 +yeah a bunch of recommendations that are based on ok now we're actually we're +是的,一堆基于好的建议,现在我们实际上是 +gonna get ready to the YouTube comments oh here's a good one how do you deal +准备好观看 YouTube 评论哦,这是一个很好的评论,你觉得怎么样 + +00:43 +00:43 +with co-founders conflict with regards to company direction so that's never +与联合创始人在公司方向上存在冲突,因此永远不会 +yeah I think that step one is to have the conversation in a respectful way I +是的,我认为第一步是以尊重的方式进行对话,我 +think oftentimes what happens is that people avoid this conversation until it +人们常常想,发生的事情是人们会避免这种对话,直到它发生为止。 +becomes so problematic that it causes a founder breakup and in the early days +问题变得如此严重,以至于导致创始人分手,并且在早期 +just people being heard and conflict being heard actually helps to spell it +只有人们被倾听和冲突被倾听实际上有助于拼写它 +so that would be my first step I think step two is we talked about kind of time +所以这将是我的第一步,我想第二步是我们讨论了一些时间 +bounding and dealing with the sceptics let's say that your co-founder becomes a +限制和应对怀疑论者 假设你的联合创始人成为 +skeptic ask him ok what's the test that would prove that the direction we're +怀疑论者问他好吧,有什么测试可以证明我们的方向 +going in right now is a good one and what is the time period that we can all +现在就进去是个好主意,我们可以在什么时间段内进行 +agree with to go after that and then BAM we're running an experiment now if we +同意继续,然后砰的一声,我们现在正在进行一个实验,如果我们 +don't make it we'll switch if we do well +不成功的话,如果我们做得好,我们就会换 +you'll change your mind much is your way to what once you're having a +你会改变你的想法,这很大程度上是你的方式,一旦你有一个 +conversation and kind of structure that way as opposed to like you have to +对话和结构是这样的,而不是像你必须的那样 + +00:44 +00:44 +listen to me because I'm the product guy or I'm the CEO that that really works +听我说,因为我是真正有效的产品人员或首席执行官 +well you give this piece of advice at the beginning of YC that I really like +好吧,你在 YC 开始时给出的这条建议我非常喜欢 +which is to get all the co-founders together in a room and plan the week or +就是让所有联合创始人聚集在一个房间里,制定一周或一周的计划 +two to plan your two-week sprint and then to ask everyone to put their ideas +两个人计划你的两周冲刺,然后要求每个人提出他们的想法 +let's on the white board all ideas go up there like you don't you don't start +让我们在白板上所有的想法都在那里,就像你不开始一样 +like deleting ideas at this point and then you like once the ideas are up then +就像此时删除想法,然后一旦想法出现,你就会喜欢 +you prioritize I think too often especially like developers we're already +你优先考虑我经常想特别是像我们已经是的开发人员 +internalizing like how difficult things are gonna be to build yeah when we might +内化就像建造东西会有多困难是的,当我们可能的时候 +not have understood like the potential benefit from building this and it's +还没有理解建造这个的潜在好处,它是 +always a trade-off so like go broad think think of what think of like +总是需要权衡,所以就像广泛思考思考什么思考一样 +entertain the idea of what you can build +考虑你可以建造什么 +and then filter it then and kind of like prioritize the list rather than just +然后对其进行过滤,有点像对列表进行优先级排序,而不仅仅是 +like preemptively shooting down ideas yeah brainstorms turn into shooting down +就像先发制人地否决想法是的,头脑风暴变成了否决 + +00:45 +00:45 +ideas so fast yeah oh god that's more pricing questions hard tech +想法如此之快,是的,上帝,这是更多的定价问题硬技术 +cuz at the bottom of the list no I'm just looking through to see which one +因为在列表的底部 不 我只是想看看是哪一个 +okay they're not I was like okay here we go +好吧,他们不是,我当时想,好吧,我们走吧 +Elias asks how should I talk to my first b2b customers to let them know that I +Elias 问我应该如何与我的第一批 B2B 客户交谈,让他们知道我 +want them to sell but also that they are part of like a beta test so this is a +希望它们出售,但也希望它们是 Beta 测试的一部分,所以这是一个 +fun one I always think and a lot of times +我总是觉得很有趣,而且很多次 +founders ask these questions where it's basically like the answer is just to be +创始人提出这些问题,基本上答案就是这样 +honest right like or the answer is you can just ask right and this comes up +诚实正确的喜欢或者答案是你可以直接问正确的问题就会出现 +with investment car investor conversations and customer conversations +与投资汽车投资者对话和客户对话 +right you're looking for early customer who is excited by the opportunity to +是的,您正在寻找对有机会感到兴奋的早期客户 +work really closely with the founder be able to give feedback quickly to be able +与创始人密切合作 能够快速提供反馈 +to get changes fit quickly and it's not intimidated by something that's actually +快速适应变化,并且不会被实际情况吓倒 +a feature yeah but a lot of customers that's like they would pay more for that +是的,但很多客户愿意为此支付更多费用 +yeah and so you're looking for that customer so be upfront about it and it's +是的,所以你正在寻找那个客户,所以要坦率地说,这是 +same thing with an investor really like a lot of times we get asks a question +与投资者同样的事情真的很像很多次我们被问到的问题 + +00:46 +00:46 +like what did the investor mean by this or what stage of the process in my--in +就像投资者的意思是什么或者我的流程的哪个阶段 +and the answer is like just ask the investor I think like it actually shows +答案就像问投资者一样,我认为这实际上表明了 +a level of sophistication to ask the question when you don't know as opposed +当你不知道时提出问题的复杂程度 +to just kind of like not as if you do know and not and then leave without any +只是有点像不知道,好像你不知道,然后什么也不知道地离开 +insights and the failure mode here is if +见解和失败模式是如果 +you don't bring this up now and you just like present yourself as this big +你现在不提这个了,你只是喜欢把自己表现得这么大 +enterprise software company like they're gonna be disappointed you're gonna be +企业软件公司就像他们会让你失望的那样 +disappointed like everyone's gonna have a not fun time so spin it in a positive +很失望,因为每个人都会度过一段不愉快的时光,所以要积极地看待它 +yeah like it's it's again you might even +是的,就像它又来了,你甚至可能 +close the deal because you bring this up +因为您提出了这个问题,所以达成了交易 +maybe don't call it a beta test just say like I'm gonna work extremely closely +也许不要称其为 Beta 测试,只是说我会非常密切地工作 +with you to make this a success like I'm gonna I'll be awake 24/7 making this +和你一起让这件事取得成功,就像我会一样,我会 24/7 保持清醒做这件事 +work because you will be awake 24/7 all right what else here we go +工作,因为你会 24/7 都醒着,好吧,我们还能做什么 +Oscar says we're blue a platform where housewives resell products from +奥斯卡说我们是一个家庭主妇转售产品的平台 + +00:47 +00:47 +suppliers using whatsapp it's like me show for let him get that should we give +使用 Whatsapp 的供应商就像我展示的那样,让他得到我们应该给予的东西 +incentives to our housewives to trust us like uber did at the beginning +激励我们的家庭主妇像 Uber 最初那样信任我们 +so um interestingly enough this is a common thing that happens where a +所以嗯,有趣的是,这是一个常见的事情,发生在 +start-up thinks they know what happened at the beginning of a company and +初创公司认为他们知道公司成立之初发生了什么 +sometimes they don't so in the extreme beginning of uber what we're so +有时候,在 Uber 的最开始阶段,他们并不像我们这样 +interesting was that it launched in San Francisco and it launched as uber black +有趣的是,它在旧金山推出,并以 uber black 的名字推出 +which is really expensive product actually it wasn't well subsidized and +这是非常昂贵的产品,实际上它没有得到很好的补贴, +the real value is that it was impossible get a taxi in San Francisco absolutely +真正的价值在于,在旧金山绝对不可能打到出租车 +impossible so they didn't have to incentivize people to use the first +不可能,所以他们不必激励人们使用第一个 +version very much because like the alternative was like you couldn't move +非常喜欢这个版本,因为替代方案就像你无法移动 +around the city at all now as they expand to new markets and they figured +随着他们向新市场扩张,他们现在已经在整个城市周围了,他们认为 +out how marketing worked and they figured out that like they could +了解营销是如何运作的,他们发现他们可以 +accelerate penetrating into a new city if they gave away rewards that was all +如果他们赠送奖励,就可以加速渗透到一个新城市 + +00:48 +00:48 +stuff they did later much like yes we don't copy what you think someone did in +他们后来所做的事情就像是的,我们不会复制你认为某人所做的事情 +the beginning when actually that wasn't what they did in the beginning in the +实际上这并不是他们一开始所做的 +beginning they solved like a really hilarious pain point and if uber had +一开始他们解决了一个非常搞笑的痛点,如果 Uber 有的话 +launched in New York City it wouldn't have worked because like yeah did not +在纽约市推出它不会起作用,因为就像是的那样没有 +exist in New York City the pain was so great great in San Francisco that +存在于纽约市,而旧金山的痛苦是如此之大,以至于 +everyone was willing to use uber black like they turned a lot of it such a +每个人都愿意使用超级黑,就像他们把很多它变成这样 +money so they did the exact thing that in charge way too much and they +钱,所以他们做了同样的事情,收费太多了,他们 +found like a very specific pain point that like certain very wealthy people +发现像某些非常富有的人一样非常具体的痛点 +had I remember the first time I got an overt that was yeah it was good I felt +我记得我第一次公开的时候是的,我感觉很好 +like for like a king they had a limo in their first initial fleet and every once +就像国王一样,他们在第一批最初的车队中拥有一辆豪华轿车,并且每一次 +in a while you recall uber and like a stretch limo would come and pick you up +过一会儿你就会想起优步,就像一辆加长豪华轿车会过来接你 +yeah like two people it was crazy they charged you for charge extra for the +是的,就像两个人一样,他们向你收取额外费用,这太疯狂了 +excellent idea but it was expensive okay okay this is this is a really important +好主意,但价格昂贵,好吧,这是一个非常重要的事情 +escort the next question Ashly asks if we're gonna be if we're if we're +护送下一个问题 Ashly 问我们是否会 如果我们是 如果我们 + +00:49 +00:49 +starting a technology service that has never been done before is it important +开始一项以前从未做过的技术服务重要吗 +to get it patented before we release the +在我们发布之前获得专利 +MVP and I have I have some ideas on this but I want to hear only you your I +MVP 和我对此有一些想法,但我只想听听你的意见 +usually abstain far away from my PMS it's a buyout company but you have more +通常远离我的 PMS 这是一家收购公司,但你有更多 +experience than idea so this is such like like I I started my company +经验胜于想法所以这就像我创办了我的公司 +and you know a small town in Ontario just outside of Toronto like I was not +你知道安大略省多伦多郊外的一个小镇,就像我不知道的那样 +in the thick of startup world and I'm trying to think back to like how many +在创业的世界里,我试图回想有多少 +people told me to patent that yeah this is like one of those things that people +人们告诉我要申请专利,是的,这就像人们所做的事情之一 +who are not in the startup world think is a critical piece of starting a +那些不在创业界的人认为这是创业的关键部分 +business because they may have heard of like someone else who got screwed out of +生意,因为他们可能听说过像其他被搞砸的人一样 +their idea or something like that but if you're starting a startup which is kind +他们的想法或类似的东西,但如果你正在创办一家初创公司,那就太好了 +of defined as a technology company that's designed to grow rapidly then the +的定义是一家旨在快速发展的科技公司 +the number one thing that you need to do is find something that people want and +你需要做的第一件事就是找到人们想要的东西 +sell it to them and then iterate and grow patents are not a critical step +把它卖给他们,然后迭代和增加专利并不是关键的一步 + +00:50 +00:50 +necessarily in this path in fact a lot of times like I had a conversation with +事实上,很多时候,就像我和他交谈过一样,一定会走这条路 +a founder NYC and they were talking about how they needed to get their stuff +纽约的一位创始人,他们正在谈论如何获得他们的东西 +patented before they launched as a YC company and we just I didn't dismiss it +在他们作为 YC 公司成立之前就申请了专利,我们只是我并没有否认它 +outright because there's always edge cases where it could be could be +彻底,因为总是存在可能的边缘情况 +critical but we talk through like what are the benefits that you're like then +很重要,但我们会讨论您喜欢的好处是什么 +you expect to come from this patent and most of them are for like circumstances +您期望从该专利中获得,并且大多数都是针对类似情况 +that are after you've already hit product market fit they're like +在你已经找到适合市场的产品之后,他们就像 +projecting problems that they will have in the future there are a multitude of +预测他们将来会遇到的问题有很多 +problems that you may have you need to keep focused on the problems like you +您可能遇到的问题 您需要继续关注像您这样的问题 +actually have which is you have no users you have no product and you have no +实际上有,就是你没有用户,你没有产品,你没有 +revenue you solve those ones you will have the pleasure of like running into +您解决那些您将有幸遇到的收入 +patent stuff later in the future should we do one more yeah we get a little more +将来晚些时候我们应该再做一个专利吗 是的,我们会多做一点 +last one where you talk about design there's one of our platform risk where +最后一个你谈论设计的地方是我们的平台风险之一 + +00:51 +00:51 +is that one this girl daddy was the YouTube platform risk alarm there it is +是这个女孩爸爸是 YouTube 平台风险警报中的一个吗? +okay Rahmi asks we have a project that solves a very critical and wide pain +好的,拉赫米问我们有一个项目可以解决一个非常关键和广泛的痛苦 +point but it totally depends on youtube so if YouTube decides to block it well +一点,但这完全取决于 YouTube,所以如果 YouTube 决定很好地阻止它 +but we we will be out of business is it a good risk it doesn't this risk we +但我们会倒闭 这是一个很好的风险 这不是我们的风险 +render the business worthless Wow I think this is something that's changed +让生意变得毫无价值哇我认为这已经改变了 +that feels like it's changed over the last 15 years I feel like when I came +感觉就像过去 15 年里发生了变化 我来时的感觉 +into the startup world there were these basically there were these systems that +进入创业世界,基本上有这些系统 +were open and so Google felt like a very open system for finding websites that +是开放的,所以谷歌感觉就像一个非常开放的系统,可以找到那些 +Google didn't have a whole bunch of other products that were competing with you +谷歌没有一大堆其他产品与你竞争 +messaging felt like a very open system it was SMS email for like a very open +消息传递感觉就像一个非常开放的系统,短信电子邮件就像一个非常开放的系统 +system most emails that were sent were received even promotional ones +系统大多数发送的电子邮件都收到了,甚至是促销电子邮件 + +00:52 +00:52 +the tricky thing now is that almost all of these systems are now closed and +现在棘手的事情是几乎所有这些系统现在都已关闭并且 +almost all of these companies understand that they exploited an open system to +几乎所有这些公司都明白,他们利用开放系统来 +get big and that if their system is open +变得更大,如果他们的系统是开放的 +if YouTube system isn't open if Facebook +如果 YouTube 系统未开放 如果 Facebook +system is open they will be exploited by +系统是开放的,他们将被利用 +the next person and so the problem is is that you're not only competing with +下一个人,所以问题是你不仅要与 +other players in your market you're competing against the platform you're on +您所在市场中与您所在平台竞争的其他参与者 +if this is a significant revenue opportunity for the platform you're on +如果这对于您所在的平台来说是一个重要的收入机会 +they have every incentive to either by you or kill it and they're not gonna buy +他们有充分的动机要么通过你,要么杀死它,但他们不会购买 +you for a lot of money because they have a lot of leverage over you so the +你要很多钱,因为他们对你有很大的影响力,所以 +question would ask you is like is your dependence on youtube today +我会问你的问题是你今天对 YouTube 的依赖程度如何 +or is it dependence on YouTube forever if it's that forever question I'd be +或者我会永远依赖YouTube吗?如果这是我永远的问题的话 +very very cautious about building this into a business I might consider making +对于将其纳入我可能考虑开展的业务,非常非常谨慎 +it a lifestyle business where you can monetize it quickly so that if it does +这是一个生活方式业务,您可以快速将其货币化,因此如果它确实如此 +go away at least you've made money and it brings in this like subscription +走吧,至少你赚了钱,而且它带来了类似订阅的功能 +revenue that like youtubers must like hardcore youtubers must have this and +喜欢 youtube 的人必须有喜欢硬核 youtube 的人必须有这个和 +therefore they're willing to pay fifty or hundred bucks a month or something +因此他们愿意每月支付五十或一百美元之类的 + +00:53 +00:53 +yeah the only other way you can get away with this is kind of like the eBay +是的,唯一可以摆脱这种情况的其他方法就是像 eBay +PayPal case we're like your product becomes so mainstream on +PayPal 案例,我们希望您的产品成为主流 +you tube so quickly that if you to tried to shut it down like there be a mass +你管得太快了,如果你试图关闭它,就像有一个质量 +revolt yeah which is hard but interesting enough like do you remember +反抗是的,这很难,但很有趣,就像你还记得吗 +vine like Twitter shut down the vine replace or not fine periscope yep +像 Twitter 一样的 vine 关闭 vine 更换或不精细潜望镜 是的 +and that was popular like that was popular with all the cool kids in San +这很受欢迎,就像受圣城所有酷孩子的欢迎一样 +Francisco and they still got like me captain so yeah alright cool everyone +弗朗西斯科,他们仍然有像我这样的队长,所以是的,好吧,大家都很酷 +thank you very much for asking all these excellent questions we'll be back next +非常感谢您提出所有这些精彩的问题,我们下次会回来 +Wednesday at 11 a.m. Pacific time to answer questions about next week's +太平洋时间周三上午 11 点回答有关下周的问题 +lectures so thanks see you later +讲座,谢谢,稍后见