import argparse import itertools import json import os import re import time import torch from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file from tqdm import tqdm from library import sai_model_spec, train_util import library.model_util as model_util import lora from library.utils import setup_logging setup_logging() import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CLAMP_QUANTILE = 0.99 ACCEPTABLE = [12, 17, 20, 26] SDXL_LAYER_NUM = [12, 20] LAYER12 = { "BASE": True, "IN00": False, "IN01": False, "IN02": False, "IN03": False, "IN04": True, "IN05": True, "IN06": False, "IN07": True, "IN08": True, "IN09": False, "IN10": False, "IN11": False, "MID": True, "OUT00": True, "OUT01": True, "OUT02": True, "OUT03": True, "OUT04": True, "OUT05": True, "OUT06": False, "OUT07": False, "OUT08": False, "OUT09": False, "OUT10": False, "OUT11": False, } LAYER17 = { "BASE": True, "IN00": False, "IN01": True, "IN02": True, "IN03": False, "IN04": True, "IN05": True, "IN06": False, "IN07": True, "IN08": True, "IN09": False, "IN10": False, "IN11": False, "MID": True, "OUT00": False, "OUT01": False, "OUT02": False, "OUT03": True, "OUT04": True, "OUT05": True, "OUT06": True, "OUT07": True, "OUT08": True, "OUT09": True, "OUT10": True, "OUT11": True, } LAYER20 = { "BASE": True, "IN00": True, "IN01": True, "IN02": True, "IN03": True, "IN04": True, "IN05": True, "IN06": True, "IN07": True, "IN08": True, "IN09": False, "IN10": False, "IN11": False, "MID": True, "OUT00": True, "OUT01": True, "OUT02": True, "OUT03": True, "OUT04": True, "OUT05": True, "OUT06": True, "OUT07": True, "OUT08": True, "OUT09": False, "OUT10": False, "OUT11": False, } LAYER26 = { "BASE": True, "IN00": True, "IN01": True, "IN02": True, "IN03": True, "IN04": True, "IN05": True, "IN06": True, "IN07": True, "IN08": True, "IN09": True, "IN10": True, "IN11": True, "MID": True, "OUT00": True, "OUT01": True, "OUT02": True, "OUT03": True, "OUT04": True, "OUT05": True, "OUT06": True, "OUT07": True, "OUT08": True, "OUT09": True, "OUT10": True, "OUT11": True, } assert len([v for v in LAYER12.values() if v]) == 12 assert len([v for v in LAYER17.values() if v]) == 17 assert len([v for v in LAYER20.values() if v]) == 20 assert len([v for v in LAYER26.values() if v]) == 26 RE_UPDOWN = re.compile(r"(up|down)_blocks_(\d+)_(resnets|upsamplers|downsamplers|attentions)_(\d+)_") def get_lbw_block_index(lora_name: str, is_sdxl: bool = False) -> int: # lbw block index is 0-based, but 0 for text encoder, so we return 0 for text encoder if "text_model_encoder_" in lora_name: # LoRA for text encoder return 0 # lbw block index is 1-based for U-Net, and no "input_blocks.0" in CompVis SD, so "input_blocks.1" have index 2 block_idx = -1 # invalid lora name if not is_sdxl: NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 12 # up/down blocks m = if m: g = m.groups() up_down = g[0] i = int(g[1]) j = int(g[3]) if up_down == "down": if g[2] == "resnets" or g[2] == "attentions": idx = 3 * i + j + 1 elif g[2] == "downsamplers": idx = 3 * (i + 1) else: return block_idx # invalid lora name elif up_down == "up": if g[2] == "resnets" or g[2] == "attentions": idx = 3 * i + j elif g[2] == "upsamplers": idx = 3 * i + 2 else: return block_idx # invalid lora name if g[0] == "down": block_idx = 1 + idx # 1-based index, down block index elif g[0] == "up": block_idx = 1 + NUM_OF_BLOCKS + 1 + idx # 1-based index, num blocks, mid block, up block index elif "mid_block_" in lora_name: block_idx = 1 + NUM_OF_BLOCKS # 1-based index, num blocks, mid block else: # SDXL: some numbers are skipped if lora_name.startswith("lora_unet_"): name = lora_name[len("lora_unet_") :] if name.startswith("time_embed_") or name.startswith("label_emb_"): # 1, No LoRA in sd-scripts block_idx = 1 elif name.startswith("input_blocks_"): # 1-8 to 2-9 block_idx = 1 + int(name.split("_")[2]) elif name.startswith("middle_block_"): # 13 block_idx = 13 elif name.startswith("output_blocks_"): # 0-8 to 14-22 block_idx = 14 + int(name.split("_")[2]) elif name.startswith("out_"): # 23, No LoRA in sd-scripts block_idx = 23 return block_idx def load_state_dict(file_name, dtype): if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == ".safetensors": sd = load_file(file_name) metadata = train_util.load_metadata_from_safetensors(file_name) else: sd = torch.load(file_name, map_location="cpu") metadata = {} for key in list(sd.keys()): if type(sd[key]) == torch.Tensor: sd[key] = sd[key].to(dtype) return sd, metadata def save_to_file(file_name, state_dict, metadata): if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] == ".safetensors": save_file(state_dict, file_name, metadata=metadata) else:, file_name) def format_lbws(lbws): try: # lbwは"[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]"のような文字列で与えられることを期待している lbws = [json.loads(lbw) for lbw in lbws] except Exception: raise ValueError(f"format of lbws are must be json / 層別適用率はJSON形式で書いてください") assert all(isinstance(lbw, list) for lbw in lbws), f"lbws are must be list / 層別適用率はリストにしてください" assert len(set(len(lbw) for lbw in lbws)) == 1, "all lbws should have the same length / 層別適用率は同じ長さにしてください" assert all( len(lbw) in ACCEPTABLE for lbw in lbws ), f"length of lbw are must be in {ACCEPTABLE} / 層別適用率の長さは{ACCEPTABLE}のいずれかにしてください" assert all( all(isinstance(weight, (int, float)) for weight in lbw) for lbw in lbws ), f"values of lbs are must be numbers / 層別適用率の値はすべて数値にしてください" layer_num = len(lbws[0]) is_sdxl = True if layer_num in SDXL_LAYER_NUM else False FLAGS = { "12": LAYER12.values(), "17": LAYER17.values(), "20": LAYER20.values(), "26": LAYER26.values(), }[str(layer_num)] LBW_TARGET_IDX = [i for i, flag in enumerate(FLAGS) if flag] return lbws, is_sdxl, LBW_TARGET_IDX def merge_lora_models(models, ratios, lbws, new_rank, new_conv_rank, device, merge_dtype):"new rank: {new_rank}, new conv rank: {new_conv_rank}") merged_sd = {} v2 = None # This is meaning LoRA Metadata v2, Not meaning SD2 base_model = None if lbws: lbws, is_sdxl, LBW_TARGET_IDX = format_lbws(lbws) else: is_sdxl = False LBW_TARGET_IDX = [] for model, ratio, lbw in itertools.zip_longest(models, ratios, lbws):"loading: {model}") lora_sd, lora_metadata = load_state_dict(model, merge_dtype) if lora_metadata is not None: if v2 is None: v2 = lora_metadata.get(train_util.SS_METADATA_KEY_V2, None) # return string if base_model is None: base_model = lora_metadata.get(train_util.SS_METADATA_KEY_BASE_MODEL_VERSION, None) if lbw: lbw_weights = [1] * 26 for index, value in zip(LBW_TARGET_IDX, lbw): lbw_weights[index] = value"lbw: {dict(zip(LAYER26.keys(), lbw_weights))}") # merge"merging...") for key in tqdm(list(lora_sd.keys())): if "lora_down" not in key: continue lora_module_name = key[: key.rfind(".lora_down")] down_weight = lora_sd[key] network_dim = down_weight.size()[0] up_weight = lora_sd[lora_module_name + ".lora_up.weight"] alpha = lora_sd.get(lora_module_name + ".alpha", network_dim) in_dim = down_weight.size()[1] out_dim = up_weight.size()[0] conv2d = len(down_weight.size()) == 4 kernel_size = None if not conv2d else down_weight.size()[2:4] #, network_dim, alpha, in_dim, out_dim, kernel_size) # make original weight if not exist if lora_module_name not in merged_sd: weight = torch.zeros((out_dim, in_dim, *kernel_size) if conv2d else (out_dim, in_dim), dtype=merge_dtype) else: weight = merged_sd[lora_module_name] if device: weight = # merge to weight if device: up_weight = down_weight = # W <- W + U * D scale = alpha / network_dim if lbw: index = get_lbw_block_index(key, is_sdxl) is_lbw_target = index in LBW_TARGET_IDX if is_lbw_target: scale *= lbw_weights[index] # keyがlbwの対象であれば、lbwの重みを掛ける if device: # and isinstance(scale, torch.Tensor): scale = if not conv2d: # linear weight = weight + ratio * (up_weight @ down_weight) * scale elif kernel_size == (1, 1): weight = ( weight + ratio * (up_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) @ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) * scale ) else: conved = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(down_weight.permute(1, 0, 2, 3), up_weight).permute(1, 0, 2, 3) weight = weight + ratio * conved * scale merged_sd[lora_module_name] ="cpu") # extract from merged weights"extract new lora...") merged_lora_sd = {} with torch.no_grad(): for lora_module_name, mat in tqdm(list(merged_sd.items())): if device: mat = conv2d = len(mat.size()) == 4 kernel_size = None if not conv2d else mat.size()[2:4] conv2d_3x3 = conv2d and kernel_size != (1, 1) out_dim, in_dim = mat.size()[0:2] if conv2d: if conv2d_3x3: mat = mat.flatten(start_dim=1) else: mat = mat.squeeze() module_new_rank = new_conv_rank if conv2d_3x3 else new_rank module_new_rank = min(module_new_rank, in_dim, out_dim) # LoRA rank cannot exceed the original dim U, S, Vh = torch.linalg.svd(mat) U = U[:, :module_new_rank] S = S[:module_new_rank] U = U @ torch.diag(S) Vh = Vh[:module_new_rank, :] dist =[U.flatten(), Vh.flatten()]) hi_val = torch.quantile(dist, CLAMP_QUANTILE) low_val = -hi_val U = U.clamp(low_val, hi_val) Vh = Vh.clamp(low_val, hi_val) if conv2d: U = U.reshape(out_dim, module_new_rank, 1, 1) Vh = Vh.reshape(module_new_rank, in_dim, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1]) up_weight = U down_weight = Vh merged_lora_sd[lora_module_name + ".lora_up.weight"] ="cpu").contiguous() merged_lora_sd[lora_module_name + ".lora_down.weight"] ="cpu").contiguous() merged_lora_sd[lora_module_name + ".alpha"] = torch.tensor(module_new_rank, device="cpu") # build minimum metadata dims = f"{new_rank}" alphas = f"{new_rank}" if new_conv_rank is not None: network_args = {"conv_dim": new_conv_rank, "conv_alpha": new_conv_rank} else: network_args = None metadata = train_util.build_minimum_network_metadata(v2, base_model, "networks.lora", dims, alphas, network_args) return merged_lora_sd, metadata, v2 == "True", base_model def merge(args): assert len(args.models) == len( args.ratios ), f"number of models must be equal to number of ratios / モデルの数と重みの数は合わせてください" if args.lbws: assert len(args.models) == len( args.lbws ), f"number of models must be equal to number of ratios / モデルの数と層別適用率の数は合わせてください" else: args.lbws = [] # zip_longestで扱えるようにlbws未使用時には空のリストにしておく def str_to_dtype(p): if p == "float": return torch.float if p == "fp16": return torch.float16 if p == "bf16": return torch.bfloat16 return None merge_dtype = str_to_dtype(args.precision) save_dtype = str_to_dtype(args.save_precision) if save_dtype is None: save_dtype = merge_dtype new_conv_rank = args.new_conv_rank if args.new_conv_rank is not None else args.new_rank state_dict, metadata, v2, base_model = merge_lora_models( args.models, args.ratios, args.lbws, args.new_rank, new_conv_rank, args.device, merge_dtype ) # cast to save_dtype before calculating hashes for key in list(state_dict.keys()): value = state_dict[key] if type(value) == torch.Tensor and value.dtype.is_floating_point and value.dtype != save_dtype: state_dict[key] ="calculating hashes and creating metadata...") model_hash, legacy_hash = train_util.precalculate_safetensors_hashes(state_dict, metadata) metadata["sshs_model_hash"] = model_hash metadata["sshs_legacy_hash"] = legacy_hash if not args.no_metadata: is_sdxl = base_model is not None and base_model.lower().startswith("sdxl") merged_from = sai_model_spec.build_merged_from(args.models) title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.save_to))[0] sai_metadata = sai_model_spec.build_metadata( state_dict, v2, v2, is_sdxl, True, False, time.time(), title=title, merged_from=merged_from ) if v2: # TODO read sai modelspec logger.warning( "Cannot determine if LoRA is for v-prediction, so save metadata as v-prediction / LoRAがv-prediction用か否か不明なため、仮にv-prediction用としてmetadataを保存します" ) metadata.update(sai_metadata)"saving model to: {args.save_to}") save_to_file(args.save_to, state_dict, metadata) def setup_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--save_precision", type=str, default=None, choices=[None, "float", "fp16", "bf16"], help="precision in saving, same to merging if omitted / 保存時に精度を変更して保存する、省略時はマージ時の精度と同じ", ) parser.add_argument( "--precision", type=str, default="float", choices=["float", "fp16", "bf16"], help="precision in merging (float is recommended) / マージの計算時の精度(floatを推奨)", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_to", type=str, default=None, help="destination file name: ckpt or safetensors file / 保存先のファイル名、ckptまたはsafetensors", ) parser.add_argument( "--models", type=str, nargs="*", help="LoRA models to merge: ckpt or safetensors file / マージするLoRAモデル、ckptまたはsafetensors", ) parser.add_argument("--ratios", type=float, nargs="*", help="ratios for each model / それぞれのLoRAモデルの比率") parser.add_argument("--lbws", type=str, nargs="*", help="lbw for each model / それぞれのLoRAモデルの層別適用率") parser.add_argument("--new_rank", type=int, default=4, help="Specify rank of output LoRA / 出力するLoRAのrank (dim)") parser.add_argument( "--new_conv_rank", type=int, default=None, help="Specify rank of output LoRA for Conv2d 3x3, None for same as new_rank / 出力するConv2D 3x3 LoRAのrank (dim)、Noneでnew_rankと同じ", ) parser.add_argument( "--device", type=str, default=None, help="device to use, cuda for GPU / 計算を行うデバイス、cuda でGPUを使う" ) parser.add_argument( "--no_metadata", action="store_true", help="do not save sai modelspec metadata (minimum ss_metadata for LoRA is saved) / " + "sai modelspecのメタデータを保存しない(LoRAの最低限のss_metadataは保存される)", ) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": parser = setup_parser() args = parser.parse_args() merge(args)