""" Processor class for Molmo. """ from typing import Optional import PIL from PIL import ImageOps from PIL.Image import Image try: from typing import Unpack except ImportError: from typing_extensions import Unpack import numpy as np import torch from transformers.image_utils import ImageInput from transformers.processing_utils import ( TextKwargs, ProcessingKwargs, ProcessorMixin, ) from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import TextInput, PreTokenizedInput from transformers.utils import logging from transformers import AutoTokenizer from .image_preprocessing_molmo import MolmoImagesKwargs, MolmoImageProcessor logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN = f"" DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN = f"" DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN = f"" DEFAULT_IM_COL_TOKEN = f"" IMAGE_PROMPT = "<|image|>" EXTRA_TOKENS = (DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN, DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN, DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN, DEFAULT_IM_COL_TOKEN, IMAGE_PROMPT) def get_special_token_ids(tokenizer): ids = tokenizer.encode("".join(EXTRA_TOKENS), add_special_tokens=False) assert len(ids) == len(EXTRA_TOKENS) return {k: i for k, i in zip(EXTRA_TOKENS, ids)} class MolmoTextKwargs(TextKwargs, total=False): style: Optional[str] system_prompt: Optional[str] message_format: Optional[str] always_start_with_space: Optional[bool] sequence_length: Optional[int] class MolmoProcessorKwargs(ProcessingKwargs, total=False): text_kwargs: MolmoTextKwargs images_kwargs: MolmoImagesKwargs _defaults = { "images_kwargs": { "max_crops": 12, "overlap_margins": [4, 4], "base_image_input_size": [336, 336], "image_token_length_w": 12, "image_token_length_h": 12, "image_patch_size": 14, "image_padding_mask": True, }, "text_kwargs": { "style": "long_caption", "system_prompt": "none", "message_format": "role", "always_start_with_space": True, "sequence_length": 1536, "padding": False, }, } class MolmoProcessor(ProcessorMixin): attributes = ["image_processor", "tokenizer"] image_processor_class = "AutoImageProcessor" tokenizer_class = ("Qwen2Tokenizer", "Qwen2TokenizerFast") def __init__(self, image_processor: MolmoImageProcessor = None, tokenizer : AutoTokenizer = None, **kwargs): # self.image_processor = image_processor # self.tokenizer = tokenizer super().__init__(image_processor, tokenizer) self._special_tokens = None @property def special_token_ids(self): if self._special_tokens is None: self._special_tokens = get_special_token_ids(self.tokenizer) return self._special_tokens def get_tokens_input(self, prompt, message_format, always_start_with_space, out_text=None, pad_length=None): if message_format == "none" or message_format is None: pass elif message_format == "role": prompt = "User: " + prompt + " Assistant:" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Message format {message_format} not implemented") if always_start_with_space: prompt = " " + prompt if out_text is not None: prompt = " ".join([prompt, out_text]) tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=False) if pad_length is not None: assert isinstance(pad_length, int) if len(tokens) > pad_length: tokens = tokens[:pad_length] if len(tokens) < pad_length: pad_token_id = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id or 0 # Use 0 if pad_token_id is not set tokens = tokens + [pad_token_id] * (pad_length - len(tokens)) return tokens def process( self, text: TextInput = None, images: ImageInput = None, out_text: TextInput = None, pad_length: int = None, *, tokens: Optional[PreTokenizedInput] = None, out_tokens: Optional[PreTokenizedInput] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[MolmoProcessorKwargs], ): output_kwargs = self._merge_kwargs( MolmoProcessorKwargs, tokenizer_init_kwargs=self.tokenizer.init_kwargs, **kwargs, ) if tokens is None: tokens = self.get_tokens_input( text, output_kwargs["text_kwargs"]["message_format"], output_kwargs["text_kwargs"]["always_start_with_space"], out_text, pad_length, ) if out_tokens is not None: tokens = torch.cat([tokens, out_tokens], dim=0).tolist() image_token_id = self.special_token_ids[IMAGE_PROMPT] if images is not None: if not isinstance(images, (list, tuple)): images = [images] image_arrays = [] for image in images: if isinstance(image, Image): image = image.convert("RGB") # Handle images with EXIF orientation tags, which PIL will ignore by default # https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/4703 img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image) image_arrays.append(np.array(image)) else: assert len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[-1] == 3 image_arrays.append(image.astype(np.uint8)) images = image_arrays # For now only support inserting images at the start image_idx = [-1]*len(images) else: image_idx = None sequence_length = output_kwargs["text_kwargs"]["sequence_length"] image_patch_token_id = self.special_token_ids[DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN] image_col_token_id = self.special_token_ids[DEFAULT_IM_COL_TOKEN] image_start_token_id = self.special_token_ids[DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN] image_end_token_id = self.special_token_ids[DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN] out = self.image_processor.multimodal_preprocess( images=images, image_idx=image_idx, tokens=np.asarray(tokens).astype(np.int32), sequence_length=sequence_length, image_patch_token_id=image_patch_token_id, image_col_token_id=image_col_token_id, image_start_token_id=image_start_token_id, image_end_token_id=image_end_token_id, **output_kwargs["images_kwargs"] ) # Prepend BOS # qwen2 and olmo do not have a BOS, and instead use EOS as a generic seperator token. bos = self.tokenizer.bos_token_id or self.tokenizer.eos_token_id decoder_input_tokens = np.pad(out["input_ids"], [[1, 0]], constant_values=bos) out["input_ids"] = decoder_input_tokens if "image_input_idx" in out: # Shift patch mapping up by one since we added BOS image_input_idx = out["image_input_idx"] out["image_input_idx"] = np.where(image_input_idx < 0, image_input_idx, image_input_idx + 1) for k, v in out.items(): out[k] = torch.from_numpy(v) return out MolmoProcessor.register_for_auto_class()