Anime Image Tagger

An advanced deep learning model for automatically tagging anime/manga illustrations with relevant tags across multiple categories, achieving 61% F1 score across 70,527 possible tags on a test set of 20,116 samples.

Key Highlights:

  • Efficient Training: Completed on just a single RTX 3060 GPU (12GB VRAM).
  • Fast Convergence: Trained on 7,024,392 samples (3.52 epochs) in 1,756,098 batches.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: 70,527 tags across 7 categories (general, character, copyright, artist, meta, rating, year).
  • Innovative Architecture: Two-stage prediction model with cross-attention for tag context.
  • Model Size: Initial model (214M parameters), Refined model (424M parameters).
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use application with customizable thresholds.

This project demonstrates that high-quality anime image tagging models can be trained on consumer hardware with the right optimization techniques.


  • Multi-category tagging system: Handles general tags, characters, copyright (series), artists, meta information, and content ratings.
  • High performance: 61% F1 score across 70,527 possible tags.
  • Dual-mode operation: Full model for best quality or Initial-only mode for reduced VRAM usage.
  • Windows compatibility: Initial-only mode works on Windows without Flash Attention.
  • Streamlit web interface: User-friendly UI for uploading and analyzing images.
  • Adjustable threshold profiles: Overall, Weighted, Category-specific, High Precision, and High Recall profiles.
  • Fine-grained control: Per-category threshold adjustments for precision-recall tradeoffs.

Loss Function:

The model employs a specialized UnifiedFocalLoss to address the extreme class imbalance inherent in multi-label tag prediction:

class UnifiedFocalLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, device=None, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, lambda_initial=0.4):
        # Implementation details...

Key Components:

  1. Focal Loss Mechanism:

    • Down-weights well-classified examples (γ=2.0) to focus training on difficult tags.
    • Addresses the extreme imbalance between positive and negative examples (often 100:1 or worse).
    • Uses α=0.25 to balance positive/negative examples across 70,527 possible tags.
  2. Two-stage Weighting:

    • Combines losses from both prediction stages (initial_predictions and refined_predictions).
    • Uses λ=0.4 to weight the initial prediction loss, giving more importance (0.6) to refined predictions.
    • This encourages the model to improve predictions in the refinement stage while still maintaining strong initial predictions.
  3. Per-sample Statistics:

    • Tracks separate metrics for positive and negative samples.
    • Provides detailed debugging information about prediction distributions.
    • Enables analysis of which tag categories are performing well/poorly.

This loss function was essential for achieving high F1 scores across diverse tag categories despite the extreme classification challenge of 70,527 possible tags.

DeepSpeed Configuration:

Microsoft DeepSpeed was crucial for training this model on consumer hardware. The project uses a carefully tuned configuration to maximize efficiency:

def create_deepspeed_config(
    # Implementation details...

Key Optimizations:

  1. Memory Efficiency:

    • ZeRO Stage 2: Partitions optimizer states and gradients, dramatically reducing memory requirements.
    • Activation Checkpointing: Trades computation for memory by recomputing activations during backpropagation.
    • Contiguous Memory Optimization: Reduces memory fragmentation.
  2. Mixed Precision Training:

    • FP16 Mode: Uses half-precision (16-bit) for most calculations, with automatic loss scaling.
    • Initial Scale Power: Set to 16 for stable convergence with large batch sizes.
  3. Gradient Accumulation:

    • Micro-batch size of 4 with 8 gradient accumulation steps.
    • Effective batch size of 32 while only requiring memory for 4 samples at once.
  4. Learning Rate Schedule:

    • WarmupLR scheduler with gradual increase from 3e-6 to 3e-4.
    • Warmup over 1/4 of an epoch to stabilize early training.

This configuration allowed the model to train efficiently with only 12GB of VRAM while maintaining numerical stability across millions of training examples with 70,527 output dimensions.


The model was trained on a carefully filtered subset of the Danbooru 2024 dataset, which contains a vast collection of anime/manga illustrations with comprehensive tagging.

Filtering Process:

The dataset was filtered with the following constraints:

# Minimum tags per category required for each image
min_tag_counts = {
    'general': 25, 
    'character': 1, 
    'copyright': 1, 
    'artist': 0, 
    'meta': 0

# Minimum samples per tag required for tag to be included
min_tag_samples = {
    'general': 20, 
    'character': 40, 
    'copyright': 50, 
    'artist': 200, 
    'meta': 50

This filtering process:

  1. First removed low-sample tags (tags with fewer occurrences than specified in min_tag_samples)
  2. Then removed images with insufficient tags per category (as specified in min_tag_counts)

Training Data:

  • Starting dataset size: ~3,000,000 filtered images.
  • Training subset: 2,000,000 images (due to storage and time constraints).
  • Training duration: 3.5 epochs.

The model could potentially achieve even higher accuracy with more training epochs and the full dataset.


Images were preprocessed with minimal transformations:

  • Tensor normalization (scaled to 0-1 range).
  • Resized while maintaining original aspect ratio.
  • No additional augmentations were applied.

Model Architecture:

The model uses a novel two-stage prediction approach that achieves superior performance compared to traditional single-stage models:

Image Feature Extraction:

  • Backbone: EfficientNet V2-L extracts high-quality visual features from input images.
  • Spatial Pooling: Adaptive averaging converts spatial features to a compact 1280-dimensional embedding.

Initial Prediction Stage:

  • Direct classification from image features through a multi-layer classifier.
  • Bottleneck architecture with LayerNorm and GELU activations between linear layers.
  • Outputs initial tag probabilities across all 70,527 possible tags.
  • Model size: 214,657,273 parameters.

Tag Context Mechanism:

  • Top predicted tags are embedded using a shared embedding space.
  • Self-attention layer allows tags to influence each other based on co-occurrence patterns.
  • Normalized tag embeddings represent a coherent "tag context" for the image.

Cross-Attention Refinement:

  • Image features and tag embeddings interact through cross-attention.
  • Each dimension of the image features attends to relevant dimensions in the tag space.
  • This creates a bidirectional flow of information between visual features and semantic tags.

Refined Predictions:

  • Fused features (original + cross-attended) feed into a final classifier.
  • Residual connection ensures initial predictions are preserved when beneficial.
  • Temperature scaling provides calibrated probability outputs.
  • Total model size: 424,793,720 parameters.

This dual-stage approach allows the model to leverage tag co-occurrence patterns and semantic relationships, improving accuracy without increasing the parameter count significantly.


Simply run the included setup script to install all dependencies:


This will automatically set up all necessary packages for the application.


  • Python 3.11.9 specifically (newer versions are incompatible).
  • PyTorch 1.10+.
  • Streamlit.
  • PIL/Pillow.
  • NumPy.
  • Flash Attention (note: doesn't work properly on Windows).

Running the Application:

The application is located in the app folder and can be launched via the setup script:

  1. Run setup.bat to install dependencies.
  2. The Streamlit interface will automatically open in your browser.
  3. If the browser doesn't open automatically, navigate to http://localhost:8501.

Model Files:

The model files are located in the app/exported-model directory:

  • Initial-only model (214M parameters).
  • Full model with refinement capability (424M parameters).
  • metadata.json: Contains the complete list of supported tags and their categories.
  • thresholds.json: Contains optimized thresholds for different profiles.


After installation, run the application by executing setup.bat. This launches a web interface where you can:

  • Upload your own images or select from example images.
  • Choose different threshold profiles.
  • Adjust category-specific thresholds.
  • View predictions organized by category.
  • Filter and sort tags based on confidence.

Model Details:

Tag Categories:

The model recognizes tags across these categories:

  • General: Visual elements, concepts, clothing, etc. (30,841 tags)
  • Character: Individual characters appearing in the image. (26,968 tags)
  • Copyright: Source material (anime, manga, game). (5,364 tags)
  • Artist: Creator of the artwork. (7,007 tags)
  • Meta: Meta information about the image. (323 tags)
  • Rating: Content rating. (4 tags)
  • Year: Year of upload. (20 tags)

All supported tags are stored in app/exported-model/metadata.json, which maps tag IDs to their names and categories.

Performance Notes:

The full model with refined predictions outperforms the initial-only model, though the performance gap is surprisingly small given the same parameter count. This is an interesting architectural finding - the refined predictions layer adds significant value without substantial computational overhead.

This efficiency makes the initial-only model particularly valuable for Windows users or systems with limited VRAM, as they can still achieve near-optimal performance without requiring Flash Attention.

In benchmarks, the model achieved a 61% F1 score across all categories, which is remarkable considering the extreme multi-label classification challenge of 70,527 possible tags. The model performs particularly well on general tags and character recognition.

Real-world Tag Accuracy:

In personal testing, I've observed that many "false positives" according to the benchmark are actually correct tags that were missing from the Danbooru dataset (which itself is not 100% perfectly tagged). Some observations:

  • The model often correctly identifies artists, characters, and series that weren't included in the original image tags.
  • For character, copyright, and artist categories, the top predicted tag is frequently correct even when the model isn't highly confident.
  • Many seemingly incorrect general tags are actually appropriate descriptors that were simply not included in the original tagging.

For these reasons, the High Recall threshold profile often produces better perceived results in practice despite a lower formal F1 score. When using the application, limiting the output to the top N tags per category tends to deliver the most accurate and useful results.

Threshold Profiles:

  • Overall: Single threshold applied to all categories.
  • Weighted: Threshold optimized for balanced performance across categories.
  • Category-specific: Different thresholds for each category.
  • High Precision: Higher thresholds for more confident predictions.
  • High Recall: Lower thresholds to capture more potential tags.

Tag Distribution:

The model covers a total of 70,527 tags distributed across categories:

Category Tag Count Example Tags
General 30,841 blue_hair, smile, school_uniform
Character 26,968 hatsune_miku, reimu_hakurei, asuka_langley_soryu
Copyright 5,364 touhou, fate/grand_order, neon_genesis_evangelion
Artist 7,007 Various artist names
Meta 323 highres, absurdres, translation_request
Rating 4 safe, questionable, explicit, general
Year 20 Years 2005-2024

This diverse tag distribution creates a challenging multi-label classification problem, particularly for the general and character categories which together account for over 57,000 possible tags.

Initial vs. Refined Prediction Performance:

    INITIAL     |   0.612    |   0.635    |  0.591   
    REFINED     |   0.615    |   0.636    |  0.595

As shown, the refined predictions offer a small but consistent improvement over the initial predictions. The difference is minimal (0.2% absolute F1 improvement), making the Initial-only model a good choice for Windows users where Flash Attention isn't available.

Category-Specific Performance (Refined Model):

    artist      |   7,007   |   0.460    |   0.474    |   +3.10%   
    character   |  26,968   |   0.741    |   0.747    |   +0.81%   
    year        |     20    |   0.326    |   0.328    |   +0.47%   
    rating      |      4    |   0.806    |   0.809    |   +0.32%   
    general     |  30,841   |   0.606    |   0.608    |   +0.32%   
    copyright   |   5,364   |   0.783    |   0.785    |   +0.29%   
    meta        |    323    |   0.593    |   0.593    |   +0.11%

The model performs particularly well on character identification (74.7% F1 across 26,968 tags), copyright/series detection (78.5% F1 across 5,364 tags), and content rating classification (80.9% F1 across 4 tags). General tags achieve a solid 60.8% F1 score despite being the most numerous category with 30,841 tags.

Threshold Profiles:

The model has been tuned with three different threshold profiles to support different use cases:


   BALANCED     |   0.330    |   0.616    |   0.642    |   0.592   
HIGH PRECISION  |   0.496    |   0.500    |   0.840    |   0.356   
  HIGH RECALL   |   0.201    |   0.507    |   0.373    |   0.788   
  • Balanced: Optimized for overall F1 score.
  • High Precision: Prioritizes accuracy (84.0% precision) at the cost of recall.
  • High Recall: Captures more tags (78.8% recall) with lower precision.

These threshold profiles can be selected in the application interface to adjust the model's behavior according to user preferences.

Windows Compatibility:

The full model uses Flash Attention, which does not work properly on Windows. For Windows users:

  • The application automatically defaults to the Initial-only model.
  • Performance difference is minimal (0.2% absolute F1 score reduction, from 61.6% to 61.4%).
  • The Initial-only model still uses the same powerful EfficientNet backbone and initial classifier.

Web Interface Guide:

The interface is divided into three main sections:

  1. Model Selection (Sidebar):

    • Choose between Full Model or Initial-only Model.
    • View model information and memory usage.
  2. Image Upload (Left Panel):

    • Upload your own images or select from examples.
    • View the selected image.
  3. Tagging Controls (Right Panel):

    • Select threshold profile.
    • Adjust thresholds for precision-recall tradeoff.
    • Configure display options.
    • View predictions organized by category.

Display Options:

  • Show all tags: Display all tags including those below threshold.
  • Compact view: Hide progress bars for cleaner display.
  • Minimum confidence: Filter out low-confidence predictions.
  • Category selection: Choose which categories to include in the summary.

Interface Screenshots:

Application Interface

Tag Results Example

Training Environment:

The model was trained using surprisingly modest hardware:

  • GPU: Single NVIDIA RTX 3060 (12GB VRAM).
  • RAM: 64GB system memory.
  • Platform: Windows with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
  • Libraries:
    • Microsoft DeepSpeed for memory-efficient training.
    • PyTorch with CUDA acceleration.
    • Flash Attention for optimized attention computation.

Training Notebooks:

The repository includes two main training notebooks:

  1. CAMIE Tagger.ipynb:

    • Main training notebook.
    • Dataset loading and preprocessing.
    • Model initialization.
    • Initial training loop with DeepSpeed integration.
    • Tag selection optimization.
    • Metric tracking and visualization.
  2. Camie Tagger Cont and Evals.ipynb:

    • Continuation of training from checkpoints.
    • Comprehensive model evaluation.
    • Per-category performance metrics.
    • Threshold optimization.
    • Model conversion for deployment in the app.
    • Export functionality for the standalone application.

Training Monitor:

The project includes a real-time training monitor accessible via browser at localhost:5000 during training:

Performance Tips:

⚠️ Important: For optimal training speed, keep VSCode minimized and the training monitor open in your browser. This can improve iteration speed by 3-5x due to how the Windows/WSL graphics stack handles window focus and CUDA kernel execution.

Monitor Features:

The training monitor provides three main views:

1. Overview Tab:

Overview Tab

  • Training Progress: Real-time metrics including epoch, batch, speed, and time estimates.
  • Loss Chart: Training and validation loss visualization.
  • F1 Scores: Initial and refined F1 metrics for both training and validation.
2. Predictions Tab:

Predictions Tab

  • Image Preview: Shows the current sample being analyzed.
  • Prediction Controls: Toggle between initial and refined predictions.
  • Tag Analysis:
    • Color-coded tag results (correct, incorrect, missing).
    • Confidence visualization with probability bars.
    • Category-based organization.
    • Filtering options for error analysis.
3. Selection Analysis Tab:

Selection Analysis Tab

  • Selection Metrics: Statistics on tag selection quality.
    • Ground truth recall.
    • Average probability for ground truth vs. non-ground truth tags.
    • Unique tags selected.
  • Selection Graph: Trends in selection quality over time.
  • Selected Tags Details: Detailed view of model-selected tags with confidence scores.

The monitor provides invaluable insights into how the two-stage prediction model is performing, particularly how the tag selection process is working between the initial and refined prediction stages.

Training Notes:

  • Training notebooks require WSL and likely 32GB+ of RAM to handle the dataset.
  • Microsoft DeepSpeed was crucial for fitting the model and batches into the available VRAM.
  • Despite hardware limitations, the model achieves impressive results.
  • With more computational resources, the model could be trained longer on the full dataset.


I plan to move onto LLMs after this project as I have lots of ideas on how to improve upon them. I will update this model based on community attention.

If you'd like to support further training on the complete dataset or my future projects, consider buying me a coffee.


  • Claude Sonnet 3.5 and 3.7 for being incredibly helpful with the brainstorming and coding.
  • Danbooru for the incredible dataset of tagged anime images.
  • p1atdev for the processed Danbooru 2024 dataset.
  • Microsoft for DeepSpeed, which made training possible on consumer hardware.
  • PyTorch and the open-source ML community.
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Inference Providers NEW
This model is not currently available via any of the supported Inference Providers.
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Model tree for Camais03/camie-tagger

1 model

Dataset used to train Camais03/camie-tagger

Space using Camais03/camie-tagger 1