import torch, matplotlib, os, sys, argparse |
import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
matplotlib.use('Agg') |
def generate_histogram_for_quantized_layer(layer_key, layer_weight, layer_bias, checkpoint_type, histograms_folderpath): |
histogram_folder_exists = os.path.isdir(histograms_folderpath) |
if not histogram_folder_exists: |
os.makedirs(histograms_folderpath) |
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, tight_layout=True, figsize=(20, 10)) |
ww = layer_weight.flatten(); |
bb = layer_bias.flatten(); |
ww_max = np.amax(ww) |
ww_min = np.amin(ww) |
ww_unq = len(np.unique(ww)) |
bb_max = np.amax(bb) |
bb_min = np.amin(bb) |
bb_unq = len(np.unique(bb)) |
if checkpoint_type=='hardware': |
ww_num_bins = ww_unq*3 |
bb_num_bins = bb_unq*3 |
ww_max_lim = ww_max+1; |
bb_max_lim = bb_max+1/16384; |
elif checkpoint_type=='training': |
ww_num_bins = min(ww_unq*3,800) |
bb_num_bins = min(bb_unq*3,800) |
ww_max_lim = ww_max+1/128; |
bb_max_lim = bb_max+1/128; |
axs[0].grid(True) |
axs[0].set_title('weight', fontdict={'fontsize': 22, 'fontweight': 'medium'}) |
axs[0].hist(ww, range=(ww_min, ww_max_lim), bins=ww_num_bins, align='left') |
axs[1].grid(True) |
axs[1].set_title('bias', fontdict={'fontsize': 22, 'fontweight': 'medium'}) |
axs[1].hist(bb, range=(bb_min, bb_max_lim), bins=bb_num_bins, align='left') |
filename = os.path.join(histograms_folderpath,layer_key + '.jpg') |
plt.savefig(filename) |
plt.close() |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Print out model statistics file and optionally also save weight/bias histogram figures for each layer') |
parser.add_argument('-c','--checkpoint-name', help='Name of folder under the checkpoints folder for which you want to generate a model statistics file', required=True) |
parser.add_argument('-q','--checkpoint-type', help='checkpoint type can be either a hardware or training checkpoint.', required=True) |
parser.add_argument('-g','--generate-histograms', help='Add this flag if you want to save jpg figures inside the checkpoint folder for histograms of bias and weight values of each layer in the network', action='store_true', default=False, required=False) |
args = vars(parser.parse_args()) |
checkpoint_folder = os.path.join('checkpoints',args['checkpoint_name']); |
if(os.path.isdir(checkpoint_folder)): |
print('') |
print('Found checkpoint folder') |
else: |
print('') |
print('Could not find checkpoint folder. Please check that:') |
print('1- you are running this script from the top level of the repository, and') |
print('2- the checkpoint folder you gave the name for exists (needs to be created manually)') |
sys.exit(); |
checkpoint_type = args['checkpoint_type'] |
if(checkpoint_type=='hardware'): |
print('') |
print('Searching for a hardware_checkpoint.pth.tar') |
print('') |
check_for_bit_errors = True; |
elif(checkpoint_type=='training'): |
print('') |
print('Searching for a training_checkpoint.pth.tar') |
print('') |
check_for_bit_errors = False; |
else: |
print('') |
print('Something is wrong, we dont know of a',checkpoint_type, 'checkpoint. Perhaps a misspelling?' ) |
print('') |
sys.exit() |
checkpoint_filename = checkpoint_type+'_checkpoint.pth.tar'; |
a = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint_folder,checkpoint_filename)) |
flag_generate_histograms = args['generate_histograms'] |
if(flag_generate_histograms): |
print('[INFO]: Will generate histograms') |
with open(os.path.join(checkpoint_folder,'statistics_'+checkpoint_type+'_checkpoint'), 'w') as f: |
print('[INFO]: Generating statistics file') |
print('Top:', file=f) |
for key in a.keys(): |
print(' ', key, file=f) |
if( 'arch' not in a.keys()): |
print('[ERROR]: there is no key named arch in this checkpoint', file=f) |
print('[ERROR]: there is no key named arch in this checkpoint') |
if( 'state_dict' not in a.keys()): |
print('[ERROR]: there is no key named state_dict in this checkpoint', file=f) |
print('[ERROR]: there is no key named state_dict in this checkpoint') |
if( 'extras' not in a.keys()): |
print('[ERROR]: there is no key named extras in this checkpoint', file=f) |
print('[ERROR]: there is no key named extras in this checkpoint') |
print('-------------------------------------', file=f) |
print('arch:', a['arch'], file=f) |
print('-------------------------------------', file=f) |
print('extras:', a['extras'], file=f) |
print('-------------------------------------', file=f) |
print('state_dict:', file=f) |
layer_keys = [] |
layers = [] |
for key in a['state_dict'].keys(): |
fields = key.split('.') |
if(fields[0] not in layer_keys): |
layer_keys.append(fields[0]) |
layers.append({'key': fields[0], |
'weight_bits':None, |
'bias_bits':None, |
'adjust_output_shift':None, |
'output_shift':None, |
'quantize_activation':None, |
'shift_quantile':None, |
'weight': None, |
'bias':None }) |
idx = -1 |
else: |
idx = layer_keys.index(fields[0]) |
if((fields[1]=='weight_bits') or \ |
(fields[1]=='output_shift') or \ |
(fields[1]=='bias_bits') or \ |
(fields[1]=='quantize_activation') \ |
or (fields[1]=='adjust_output_shift') \ |
or (fields[1]=='shift_quantile')): |
layers[idx][fields[1]] = a['state_dict'][key].cpu().numpy(); |
elif(fields[1]=='op'): |
layers[idx][fields[2]] = a['state_dict'][key].cpu().numpy(); |
else: |
print('[ERROR]: Unknown field. Exiting', file=f) |
print('[ERROR]: Unknown field. Exiting') |
sys.exit() |
for layer in layers: |
print(' ', layer['key'], file=f) |
print(' output_shift: ', layer['output_shift'], file=f) |
print(' adjust_output_shift: ', layer['adjust_output_shift'], file=f) |
print(' quantize_activation: ', layer['quantize_activation'], file=f) |
print(' shift_quantile: ', layer['shift_quantile'], file=f) |
print(' weight bits: ', layer['weight_bits'], file=f) |
print(' bias_bits: ', layer['bias_bits'], file=f) |
print(' bias', file=f) |
print(' total # of elements, shape:', np.size(layer['bias']), ',', list(layer['bias'].shape), file=f) |
print(' # of unique elements: ', len(np.unique(layer['bias'])), file=f) |
print(' min, max, mean:', np.amin(layer['bias']), ', ', np.amax(layer['bias']), ', ', np.mean(layer['bias']), file=f) |
if((len(np.unique(layer['bias'])) > 2**layer['bias_bits']) and (check_for_bit_errors)): |
print('', file=f) |
print('[WARNING]: # of unique elements in bias tensor is more than that allowed by bias_bits.', file=f) |
print(' This might be OK, since Maxim deployment repository right shifts these.', file=f) |
print('', file=f) |
print('') |
print('[WARNING]: # of unique elements in bias tensor is more than that allowed by bias_bits.') |
print(' This might be OK, since Maxim deployment repository right shifts these.') |
print(' Check stats file for details.') |
print('') |
print(' weight', file=f) |
print(' total # of elements, shape:', np.size(layer['weight']), ',', list(layer['weight'].shape), file=f) |
print(' # of unique elements: ', len(np.unique(layer['weight'])), file=f) |
print(' min, max, mean:', np.amin(layer['weight']), ', ', np.amax(layer['weight']), ', ', np.mean(layer['weight']), file=f) |
if((len(np.unique(layer['weight'])) > 2**layer['weight_bits']) and (check_for_bit_errors)): |
print('', file=f) |
print('[ERROR]: # of unique elements in weight tensor is more than that allowed by weight_bits.', file=f) |
print(' This is definitely not OK, weights are used in HW as is.', file=f) |
print(' Exiting.', file=f) |
print('', file=f) |
print('') |
print('[ERROR]: # of unique elements in weight tensor is more than that allowed by weight_bits.') |
print(' This is definitely not OK, weights are used in HW as is.') |
print(' Exiting.') |
print('') |
sys.exit() |
if(flag_generate_histograms): |
generate_histogram_for_quantized_layer(layer['key'], layer['weight'], layer['bias'], checkpoint_type, os.path.join(checkpoint_folder, 'histograms_'+checkpoint_type+'_checkpoint')) |
print('[INFO]: saved histograms for layer', layer['key']) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |