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Jean Louis


AI & ML interests

- LLM for sales, marketing, promotion - LLM for Website Revision System - increasing quality of communication with customers - helping clients access information faster - saving people from financial troubles

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reacted to dylanebert's post with 👍 about 1 hour ago
replied to dylanebert's post about 1 hour ago
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Thank you, that is very meaningful for development.

New activity in TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 about 1 hour ago
replied to juhoinkinen's post about 4 hours ago
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That is incredibly useful tool ,it is exactly what I wanted, and I hope that you can give me structured results over the API endpoint. Before I was using the LLM but it wasn't deterministic. It seems that it is tool that does exactly very deterministic results.

replied to AtAndDev's post 1 day ago
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I'm sorry but open source or better Free Software doesn't mean it is accessible to everyone to download, not at all. You don't even need to publish software on internet to make it Free Software. You can freely sell software and it can be "open source" Free Software and you can sell it for a million of dollars. It is up to the receiver to decide if he is going to share with other people or not. Free software means it is not proprietary software. It is not protected. It means you are giving other people freedom to study the software, to modify the software and to distribute it and distribute modified copies to anyone, including selling the software.

Please see definition here from GNU project:

What is Free Software? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation:

Also see the fully compatible definition from Open Source Imitative:

The Open Source Definition – Open Source Initiative

The point of Free Software is that you can sell it! But it has such a license that once you receive the software, you are free to modify it, sell it, study, etc.

replied to ritvik77's post 1 day ago
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It is totally fine to make money by selling models which are open source or better said free software. Free software never related to free as being free as for the price. It is free as in freedom.

Absolutely no problem by having free software sold commercially. I also wish you the same, just use the models and make money on that. That is exactly the point. Let people have freedom, do whatever they want with it.

What is Free Software? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation:

New activity in canopylabs/orpheus-3b-0.1-ft 1 day ago

Serious licensing issue

#5 opened 4 days ago by
reacted to MonsterMMORPG's post with 👍 2 days ago
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I am doing a workflow research for a company and our Ultimate Image Processing tool is being extremely helpful. You can auto zoom / crop into desired aspect ratio with using prompts (like a shoe) via SAM2 that we have in our batch processing app.

Gradio based App link :

replied to OFT's post 2 days ago
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Talking of $9? Isn't that something you are going to spend for next lunch of yours?

replied to nicolay-r's post 3 days ago