Model source code

by not-found - opened

It seems that is incorrect and usage guide is inaccurate in general.

There is no such branch my_openmoe in hpcaitech/ColossalAI. It seems that actual branch is feat/moe. Anyway, it is a separate headache building from sources third-party library.

Thank you for pointing that out. It seems the Colab link has expired. Please try these two Colab links for compilation or inference demo. Since OpenMoE were released about a year ago, using an older version of ColossalAI should work fine. The Colab demo includes an archived version of ColossalAI from that time. If you encounter any issue, feel free to let me know!

Thank you for sharing your notebooks!

However, it would be great to update model card in these lines in order to not lose people interested in OpenMoE but who don't figure out with colossalai package.

not-found changed discussion status to closed

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