Lee Junbum PRO


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# PyTorch == 2.5.0 Breaks Transformers' SDPAttention!

When you encounter "RuntimeError: cuDNN Frontend error: [cudnn_frontend] Error: No execution plans support the graph."

We can use workaround like this:


but this slow downs the performance gain from PyTorch 2.5.

Although it is fixed(not "fixed" but default option is turn-off the cuDNN SDPA) at here -- https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/138587 , but not released yet. (you need to install directly from source)

Fastest way for now : pip install "torch<2.5"

Ref: https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/issues/9704#issuecomment-2422585273
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#TPU #PyTorch #Jax

When You're trying to use PyTorch or Jax on TPU,

for v2/v3/v4:
use tpu-ubuntu2204-base

for v5p:
use v2-alpha-tpuv5

for v5e:
use v2-alpha-tpuv5-lite

You must use these base images for the system to 'boot'.

Previously used tpu-vm-v4-pt-1.13 images might seem to start the VM, but SSH connections do not work.

I thought it was a firewall issue and spent a lot of time on it before realizing it was a problem with the boot image 🥲
