Top Models I have personally tested and approved
This is a list of models I have tested on a variety of characters and worlds I create. Nothing was tested on generic crap.
Text Generation • Updated • 126 • 20Note Amazing model. One of my favorite 22B model thus far. It is beyond doubt capable of making perfect decisions with the plot. It sticks to characters really well and can read subtle changes between the lines.
Text Generation • Updated • 42 • 3Note A Gemma 2 model that is simply astonishing. Tested on multiple cards and can easily switch between good and evil. It is also one of the very few models that not only sounds perfectly human and is able to generate on point and "in-the-moment" text, but it is also one of the few models which actually pushed for plot progression. Easily steerable.
Text Generation • Updated • 7.58k • 126Note This Nemo tune just packs all the punches. Extremely smart and very good at emotions. Is able to make very smart choices and will play an evil character like it owns the place. Is very able to portray conflicting emotions on par with larger models.