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Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Изобретение относитс к вибрационной обработке и может быть использовано дл зачистки заусенцев на наружных поверхност х деталей.
English: The invention relates to vibratory processing and can be used to clean the burrs on the outer surfaces of the parts. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: ф-лы, 3 ил.
English: 2 hp f-ly, 3 ill. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The present invention relates to use of mast cell carboxypeptidase as a marker for anaphylaxis or mastocytosis in serum, plasma or saliva samples.
French: La présente invention a trait à l’utilisation de la carboxypeptidase mastocytaire comme marqueur de l’anaphylaxie ou de la mastocytose dans des échantillons sériques, plasmatiques ou salivaires. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le dispositif est pourvu de moyens de mémorisation servant à stocker les coups successifs d'une partie, d'un clavier comportant des touches spécifiques pour l'introduction des coups successifs de la partie en question, et de moyens de sortie pour le transfert de l'enregistrement de l'évolution de la partie.
English: The device is provided with storage means for storing the successive moves of a game, with a keyboard comprising specific keys for inputting the successive moves of the game in question, and with output means for transferring the recording of the course of the game. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Chaque récipient comprend au moins un composant.
English: Each container includes at least one component. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Ces dispositifs électroniques (50) comportent des moyens de traitement (52) permettant de traiter ces signaux correspondant à l'image ainsi qu'un autre signal représentatif au moins de la vitesse ou de la longueur de l'objet, ce qui permet de déterminer la longueur de l'objet entre les balayages de ligne.
English: The electronic means (50) includes processing means (52) whhich processes the signals indicative of the image of the object together with a signal representative of at least one of the speed or length of the object to determine a length of the object between line scans. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: Wirings connecting logic elements are arranged between the plurality of columns.
French: Des câbles connectant les éléments logiques sont placés entre cette pluralité de colonnes. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Echangeur de chaleur comportant des conduites (5) d'un premier type et des conduites (5) d'un second type, les conduites des deux types étant au moins en partie contiguës les unes aux autres, parallèles et reliées les unes aux autres selon une configuration régulière en section transversale de telle sorte que l'une des faces de chacune des parois des conduites soit tournée vers une conduite (5) du premier type, tandis que l'autre face est tournée vers une conduite (5) du second type.
English: The heat exchanger comprises ducts (5) of the first type and ducts (5) of the second type, wherein ducts (5) of both types are at least partly mutually adjacent, wherein the ducts (5) extend mutually parallel, the ducts (5) are arranged in cross section mutually connecting in accordance with a regular pattern so that substantially each of the separating walls is bounded on at least one side by a duct (5) of the first type and is bounded on the other side by a duct (5) of the second type. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The invention further relates to a method of condensing a gas using the condenser, a process of making a chemical using the condenser and a kit adapted to be assembled into the condenser.
French: L'invention concerne en outre un procédé de condensation d'un gaz à l'aide du condenseur, un procédé de fabrication d'un produit chimique utilisant le condenseur et un kit apte à être assemblé pour constituer le condenseur. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le procédé comprend également l'exposition des couches déposées à un rayonnement actinique pour déclencher la polymérisation des composés pouvant subir une polymérisation radicalaire et les composés cationiques polymérisables à l'intérieur des couches déposées.
English: The method further includes exposing the deposited layers to actinic radiation to initiate polymerization of the free- radical polymerizable compounds and the cationic polymerizable compounds within the deposited layers. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Une deuxième réalisation comporte une structure améliorée qui facilite le remplacement du moteur, et une troisième réalisation possède une structure encore améliorée qui élimine plusieurs pièces nécessaires dans les première et deuxième réalisations.
English: A second embodiment has an improved structure that facilitates replacement of the motor, and a third embodiment has a further improved structure that eliminates several parts required in the first and second embodiments. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: In the production process, rough yarn of three different colors are fed through the three roller sleeves, the rotating speed of the rear roller is the same as the rotating speed of the feeding roller, three states exist, and the first state is that three pieces of rough yarn are fed at the same time, and the three bearings are in the closed state; the second is that two pieces of rough yarns are fed at the same time, two bearings are in the closed state, and the other bearing is in the open state; the third state is that a single piece of yarn is fed, two bearings are in the open state, and the other bearing is in the closed state.
Chinese: 本发明给出一种三色段彩纱纺纱装置和纺纱方法,在后罗拉后部加装一列喂入罗拉,喂入罗拉包括罗拉轴,在罗拉轴上连接三个罗拉套,每个罗拉套通过轴承与罗拉轴相连,轴承有两种工作状态,开状态和关状态,两种状态通过电磁开关控制,罗拉轴由第一伺服电机带动,后罗拉和中罗拉分别由第二伺服电机和第三伺服电机带动,三个电磁开关与第一、第二和第三伺服电机通过可编程逻辑控制器相连,生产时,三种不同颜色的粗纱分别由三个罗拉套喂入,后罗拉和喂入罗拉的转速相同,包括三个状态,一是三粗纱同时喂入,三轴承均处于关状态,二是两粗纱同时喂入,两轴承处于关状态,另一轴承处于开状态,三是单粗纱喂入,两轴承处于开状态,另一轴承处于关状态。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: The inventive solution provides for a process in which 25 to 70% of the continuously introduced precondensate are removed several times, each for a very short period of time, from the higher-viscosity melt and condensed separately, and subsequently the viscositol-elevated precondensate together with the higher-viscosity melt with mixing to form a very highly viscous reaction product is condensed.
German: Die erfindungsgemaesze Loesung sieht ein Verfahren vor, bei dem 25 bis 70% des kontinuierlich eingetragenen Vorkondensates mehrmalig, jeweils fuer eine sehr kurze Zeitdauer, von der hoeherviskosen Schmelze abgenommen und separat kondensiert werden und anschlieszend das viskositaetserhoehte Vorkondensat gemeinsam mit der hoeherviskosen Schmelze unter Vermischung zu einem sehr hochviskosen Reaktionsprodukt kondensiert wird. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The process for manufacturing the alkaline-based hybrid supercapacitor type battery according to the invention is characterised in that it comprises a step a) of forming a negative electrode A from an electrode material B originating from a used alkali-ion battery having lost at least some of its initial capacity.
French: Le procédé de fabrication de la batterie du type supercondensateur hybride à base d'alcalin selon l'invention est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend une étape a) de formation d'une électrode négative A à partir d'un matériau d'électrode B provenant d'une batterie alcalin-ion usée ayant perdu au moins une partie de sa capacité initiale. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: SOLUTION: The in-mold coating composition includes an acrylic modified polyolefin (A) and a reactive oligomer and/or a reactive monomer (B) and a radical polymerization initiator (C), a ratio of (A) to (B) ((A)/(B)) is 6.5/93.5 to 60/40 (weight ratio), a ratio of (C) in terms of (C)/[(A)+(B)] is 0.1/100 to 10/100 (weight ratio), a polyolefin component constituting (A) is more than 3.0 wt.% per the total weight of (A) and (B), and an acrylic component constituting (A) is more than 2.5 wt.%.
Japanese: 【解決手段】 アクリル変性ポリオレフィン(A)と反 応性オリゴマーおよび/または反応性モノマー(B)と ラジカル重合性開始剤(C)とを含有し、(A)と (B)の割合が(A)/(B)=6.5/93.5〜6 0/40(重量比)であり、(C)の割合が(C)/ 〔(A)+(B)〕=0.1/100〜10/100 (重量比)であり、(A)と(B)の総重量に対し、 (A)を構成するポリオレフィン成分が3.0重量%以 上、かつ、(A)を構成するアクリル成分が2.5重量 %以上である。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The method comprises a preheating step of carrying out the preheating of the rectifying column using a hydrocarbon oil which contains at least a portion of the hydrocracking product and has a liquid form at ambient temperature and ambient pressure.
French: Le procédé comprend une étape de préchauffage consistant à effectuer le préchauffage de la colonne de distillation en utilisant une huile hydrocarbure contenant au moins une partie du produit d'hydrocraquage et se présentant sous forme liquide à température ambiante et à pression ambiante. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: The mixture is stirred and poured into a molding apparatus, where it is pressed, cut into pieces, kept in molds, pressed, salted and sent to maturity.
Russian: Смесь перемешивают и сливают в формовочный аппарат, где ее подпрессовывают, разрезают на куски, выдерживают в формах, прессуют, сол т и направл ют на созревание. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 生成された高温高圧ガスは燃焼炉10上方の高温高圧ガス排出管13から排出され、ガスタービン50などの機械装置を駆動し、更に、高温高圧ガスは動力として車両60A、ポンプモータ60Bまたは交流発電機60Cなどの機具を運転させることができる。
English: Additionally, the high-temperature and high-pressure gas is used as motive force for operating equipment such as a vehicle 60A, a pump motor 60B or an AC generator 60C. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Les unités de test ont pour rôle de procéder à un contrôle en continu synchronisé et dupliqué de signaux de l'état de tous les éléments du dispositif, et de s'assurer de la présence d'un obstacle optique entre l'émetteur (40) et le récepteur (60).
English: The test units are operative to effect continuously signal-synchronized and duplicated monitoring of the serviceability of all of the components in the device and also to ascertain the presence of an optical obstacle between the transmitter (40) and the receiver (60). |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Далее преобразованные световые потоки регистрируют на основе фотоэффектов в точках пространства, соответствующих частотам во второй и третьей анализируемых группах, затем преобразовывают в электрические напряжения.
English: Then conversed light fluxes are registered on base of photo-electric effects in points of space, which correspond to frequencies in second and third analyzed groups; then they are conversed into electric voltages. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: At least one rotor blade is connected with the hub; the rotor blade comprises an internal part and a formed external part; the fairing is suitable to be covered on a substantial part of the internal part of the rotor blade in the wind direction; and the fairing is provided with a front part which is suitable to be arranged in front of the internal part of at least one rotor blade of the wind turbine in operation.
Chinese: 另外,本申请涉及一种包括毂和连接至毂上的至少一个转子叶片的风力涡轮机,转子叶片具有内部部分和成形外部部分,风力涡轮机进一步包括安装在毂上的整流罩,其中整流罩适于在风向上覆盖内部部分的相当大的部分,整流罩具有前部部分,其中前部部分适于设置在运行中的风力涡轮机的至少一个转子叶片的内部部分的前面。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le résultat de l'évaluation déterminant si la carte de crédit est utilisable ou non est renvoyé par le système d'évaluation du crédit.
English: A judgement result as to whether the credit card is usable or not is sent back from the credit judgement system. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Les ouvertures de mise en forme des faisceaux sont créées pour réguler la lumière qui se propage entre les terminaisons à combustion cyclonique et la zone latérale à la sonde, et pour contrôler la forme du faisceau émis, mais aussi le sens dans lequel la lumière est recueillie.
English: The beam shaping apertures are provided for controlling light propagating between the side-firing terminations and the region lateral to the probe, in order to control the shape of the emitted beam and also, the direction from which light is collected. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Korean.
English: CONSTITUTION: A light source(20) is irradiated using optical beam.
Korean: 광빔의 주사방향이 정방향인지 역방향인지의 구별을 용이하게 할 수 있도록 된 구조의 광주사유니트 및 이를 채용한 화상형성장치가 개시되어 있다. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and Ukrainian.
Russian: Дезинфицирующее средство относится к ветеринарной медицине, а именно к дезинфицирующим средствам из группы гуанидина, и применяется для дезинфекции объектов ветеринарно-санитарного надзора.
Ukrainian: Засіб дезінфікуючий належить до ветеринарної медицини, а саме: до дезінфікуючих засобів з групи похідних гуанідину, і застосовується для дезінфекції об'єктів ветеринарно-санітарного нагляду. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The method comprises the following steps of vacuumizing resin ink through a vacuum machine to remove bubbles; carrying out hole plugging operation on a via hole in the printed board by adopting a vertical or horizontal hole plugging machine, wherein the hole plugging plumpness is greater than 100%; baking at 80 DEG C, 120 DEG C and 150 DEG C in stages for 30min separately; and smoothing resin which protrudes out of the surface of the printed board.
Chinese: 该印制板树脂塞孔饱满度控制方法通过对树脂油墨去气泡,并在真空状态下采用垂直或水平塞孔,有效解决了树脂气泡的技术问题,同时塞孔后进行阶段式烘烤,保证了树脂在固化时均匀收缩,保证了塞孔的可靠性,并在固化后采用磨平处理,有效保证了树脂的平整度,解决了埋孔线路板、VIP线路板板面平整等技术问题。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: The master process 10 confirms the marks of all the slave processes and completes processing by deleting the processing request report telegraphic message 40.
Japanese: 専用キュー30に処理依頼が届いている 場合、マーク領域42をチェックして自分のマークが設 定済みでなければ依頼内容41をコピーした後、自分の マークを設定して再び専用キュー30につなぎ込む。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: 3 cl, 3 dwg
Russian: ф-лы, 3 ил. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: After the structure of light emitter on umbrella tail is pressed for many times, the spring is not easy to separate from the small circuit board so that a light emitter on an umbrella tail has more convenient and reliable function.
Chinese: 本实用新型公开了一种伞尾发光器结构,由伞尾底座、弹簧、主电路板和软性灯罩组成,主电路板上设有发光元器件和电池,其特征在于:在主电路板一端部垂直固定一小电路板,弹簧一端固定在小电路板上,一并放入伞尾底座中,软性灯罩扣合于伞尾底座上,在多次按压后,弹簧不易与小电路板脱落,使伞尾发光器的功能更加方便、可靠。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Un cylindre annulaire (1) possédant sur ses deux côtés des rebords (2) pour fixer les talons d'un pneu entoure sa partie centrale périphérique extérieure avec une saillie annulaire (4) d'un diamètre suffisant pour dépasser les extrémités extérieures des rebords (2).
English: An annular barrel (1) equipped on both sides thereof with rims (2) for securing the bead portions of a tire is provided around its outer peripheral central part with an annular projection (4) of a diameter large enough to project beyond the outer ends of the rims (2). |
Here is the parallel text in French and German.
French: Un conteneur ou wagon de marchandises comprend un fond intérieur de chargement (2) aux côtés longitudinaux duquel sont assujetties plusieurs colonnes (3).
German: Der Güterwagen oder Container hat einen unteren Ladeboden (2), an dessen Längsseiten mehrere Säulen (3) befestigt sind. |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: The transponder includes a transponder element with its own transceiver coil coupled with a coupling coil which is in turn connected to the antenna.
German: Die Anordnung enthält einen Transponderkörper mit einer eigenen Sende-Empfangs-Spule, die mit einer Koppelspule verkoppelt ist, die wiederum mit der Antenne verbunden ist. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: A lid 3 is coupled with the positioning base 2 rotatably.
Japanese: 【解決手段】 位置決め台2の溝2Aは、プラグ1Bの 長手方向の幅で案内し、プラグ1Bを溝2Aの底面に載 置する。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The media gateway determines that the calling is a internal calling by analyzing the remote media information in the RTP end node, then finds the other association corresponding to the current association by using the media bearing information in the RTP end node, therefor, the users in the two associations can be directly connected by the center TDM switch unit.
French: La passerelle multimédia détermine que l'appel est un appel interne par analyse des informations multimédia éloignées dans le noeud d'extrémité RTP, puis trouve l'autre association correspondant à l'association courante au moyen des informations multimédia dans le noeud d'extrémité RTP, par conséquent, les utilisateurs des deux associations peuvent être directement reliés par l'unité de commutation TDM centrale. |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Bei einem Verfahren zur Beeinflussung der Darstellung einer bildhaften Information durch eine Anzeigeeinrichtung (2) eines informationstechnischen Gerätes (1) durch einen Benutzer dieses informationstechnischen Gerätes mit Hilfe einer Bewegung eines Körperteils dieses Benutzers wird die Darstellung der bildhaften Information einer Transformation aus einer Menge von Transformationen, die Translationen, Rotationen, Stauchungen und/oder Streckungen und/oder Kombinationen aus diesen Transformationen umfasst, unterworfen.
English: In a method for influencing the representation of pictorial information by a display device (2) of an information technology apparatus (1) by a user of said information technology apparatus with the aid of a movement of a body part of said user, the representation of the pictorial information is subjected to a transformation from a set of transformations comprising translations, rotations, compressions and/or expansions and/or combinations of these transformations. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: Then, the sound volume of telephone service or the like is adjusted by operation of up and down buttons 16 and 18.
Japanese: 本発明の一実 施例によれば、アップ・ボタンまたはダウン・ボタンの どちらか1つが始動されると同時にユーザが画面の所定 の位置に触れると、これに応じてコントラストが調整さ れる。 |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 当取样开始时,PLC及变频器控制取样电机正转或反转使滑块通过摆杆带动取样漏斗在左极限位置及右极限位置之间向左或向右滑动,直到测量时间结束无需继续取样为止。
English: After sampling is finished, the slide block is located at the left limit position or the right limit position, the sampling hopper is stopped below a left rubber baffle or a right rubber baffle. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: of a compound capable of being reacted with the component B.
Japanese: マイク ロエレクトロニクス材料、半導体実装材料として工業的 に極めて利用価値が高い。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: IL 2.
Russian: 2 ИЛ. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: SOLUTION: The method for manufacturing the glass ceramic having photocatalytic activity includes a compacting step of compacting pulverized glass obtained from a glass body containing a niobium component and/or tantalum component into a compact of a desired shape, and a sintering step of sintering the compact by heating to manufacture a sintered compact.
Japanese: 【解決手段】ガラスセラミックスの製造方法は、光触媒活性を有するガラスセラミックスの製造方法であって、ニオブ成分及び/又はタンタル成分を含有するガラス体から得られる粉砕ガラスを所望形状の成形体に成形する成形工程と、前記成形体を加熱して焼結を行うことで、焼結体を作製する焼結工程と、を有する。 |
Subsets and Splits