stringlengths 35
Word: Utterson
Definition: An awesome name for an awesome person. If you are called this you are an absolutely epic person. But you aren't absolutely flawless. After all, you do crap your pants. And you are an EXTREME furry.
Example: 1: Oh, noes! I crapped ma panties!
2: Pwned. You just pulled an Utterson.
Word: nsovo
Definition: the coolest guy to walk this planet
Example: Everybody loves Nsovo
Word: Looks like school's out!
Definition: Ironical, douche thing to say when a large group of young people show up somewhere all at once. Must be said in a very loud voice so as to be overheard by the young'uns.
Example: Freshly arrived young patrons mill about at Tijuana Flats.
"Looks like school's out!" says douche guy in an ironic tone.
Kids regard douche guy with impotent annoyance.
Word: Tu madre
Definition: How you say "Yo' momma" in Spanish.
Example: Tu madre es así que el viejo dios pidió que ella nombrara Adán y víspera
Word: LAPD
Definition: London Asshole Po-lice Department. If you're reppin in the LDN, this applies to you, so if you're cruisin around piccadily or edgeware road a bit drunk or high on shisha or whatever and you see a cop car, someone in the car will say in a stupid voice 'its the LAPD, London Asshole Po-lice Department', get me?, and every will respond with a 'BOOF BOOF!', cos its famblad, family bizniss, pure, safe yeh?
The phrase was coined by Big Mo, safe, but 'low Epsom tings yeh?
Example: RT Bizzle Situations: Lacartes is growing so much bruf
Flo-bare/TommyGunz: ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudeboi!
Salad Tings: you like a bit mooooody n ting!
Big Mo: waaasss gwandarisin, its the LAPD, London Asshole Po-lice department! have some more Bailey (sic, 's' of Bailey's missed out), its good shizzl ma nizzl
Flo-bare/TommyGunz: u sure oh mighty gibbon?
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