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No man is an island, but some are better suited to their place on a peninsula than others. |
For I believe that the godhead resides within each of us, as an inherent extension of our very existence. |
*** |
Consciousness itself is the gift by which a being may hope to attain a seat at the infinite table, and individuation is the means by which to attain it. |
We were each born to ascend back to our place as part of the universal whole, from which we left to live a life characterized by our very striving to achieve that goal again. |
Only in death will we reunite completely with the peace of light. |
*** |
So ask yourself: |
'How have my habits affected those around me? |
How can this be made right? |
And what if it cannot? |
At what point will I take a step back? |
At what point will I observe the consequences and assess the alternatives? |
Will it be me, on my deathbed, begging for forgiveness? |
Or will I ride into that eternal dark, having left integrity in my wake?' |
*** |
In life there are journeys one must make alone. Some by choice, some by circumstance, some by downright (and damned if I do say,) blind luck. It is easy to believe that others will be there, to believe that sympathy and empathy are one and the same. You would be wise to reconsider your approach, if you find this to be the case. |
No one can hold your hand through the trials of growth. No one can carry your burden through the tribulation of development. The anger that you feel may be emulated, even reciprocated, but the sorrow you know will always be yours alone. |
This is how we grow, as strong and vibrant individuals: by facing the harsh realities of a world that would love to otherwise destroy the very fabric of what makes us human. |
*** |
All systems trend toward disorder, and as such, control is a fool’s illusion. The acceptance of this fact will serve you well along the way. |
Human beings are frail creatures, lacking the physical fortitude of our primate relatives. It is by intelligence and sheer indomitable will that our species was chosen by the process of natural selection. |
This is what separates us from other life forms: the ability to subconsciously comprehend abstraction and formulate complex responses to the circumstances of the reality in which we find ourselves inextricably bound. |
*** |
Now, through deduction and subsequent reduction, we draw conclusions based upon the observable data. For some of us, the outcome is purely analytical, for others spiritual, and for the vast majority it’s somewhere in between. |
Any man or woman who claims to fully understand the nature of reality is a bald-faced liar. Accept no single source at their word, whether it be pope or parent. |
By any account this point of view is solipsistic, even nihilistic in nature. And yet, tens of thousands of years of selective breeding have not produced a generation of minds capable of truly comprehending and enveloping the ineffable nature of reality. |
Though there may be a theoretical framework laid; and though our practices may have become infinitely more complex, the bounds of human knowledge have yet to define age old questions of the purpose of life or the individual. |
*** |
What I am about to say is not an original thought: Individuality is a game that the supreme being plays with itself. |
Within the infinite nature of creation lies the sobering realization that a life alone is not a life worth living. Surviving for the sake of survivability produces negligible intellectual development. |
To exist as a single being in the void, a single light in the dark, would cause one to atrophy in all forms. As such, the only answer to stemming the tide of this infinite entropy is individuality. |
*** |
I truly believe, blindly and without evidence, that the ability to live as a single and distinct being amongst many is the single wish of the prime mover. |
So enjoy your life. You aren’t getting any younger, and you’ve been around a lot longer than it may seen. |
To be quite honest, there isn’t a single thing that hasn’t been said before. |
The responsibility of the individual is to present their ideas in a manner which compliments the zeitgeist. |
*** |
At our core, we are creatures of habit, and the written word is a dated means of communication. At least, for me, therein lies the appeal: poetic prose allows the re-iteration of the current state of memetics in a form often disregarded by the uninitiated, but well known to the venerable. |
In short, it carries the weight of the visual and sonic arts to a crowd otherwise oblivious to the active evolution of the psyche. |
*** |
You may think you can do this on your own and at your wish, it shall be done. |
You may know it’s just another flaw, but I would love to prove you wrong. |
As imperfect as you feel right now, I have been down that same road: |
And we could move in you as rivers dammed, or dead seas on which to float. |
*** |
I find me asking myself what this all means and what I really want you to take away from this. As I have previously stated, that is for you to decide. |
In this moment, I am attempting to find a fitting conclusion to that which never ends. There is a relative seduction to the chattering inside my head, and I struggle to find a way to sum this all up. |
Perhaps you have already drawn every meaning which I have intended for you to glean. |
More likely, you never will. |
Subsets and Splits