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classes | PolicyLabel
bool 2
classes | NetzeroLabel
bool 2
classes | GHGLabel
bool 2
classes | IKI_Parameter
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | CW_QuestionDefinition
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⌀ | AdaptationLabel
bool 2
classes | Context
stringlengths 56
| MitigationLabel
bool 2
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⌀ | Document
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| UnconditionalLabel
bool 2
classes | ConditionalLabel
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values | ActionLabel
bool 2
classes |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Unconditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Hydro",
] | BDI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target"
] | false | Table 1: Emissions by mitigation targets OBJECTIVES Percentage Emission eq CO2 (Gg) Unconditional (2030) % Conditional (2030) % Unconditional (2025) % Conditional (2025) % Unconditional (2020) % Conditional (2020) % Source: CDN 2015 To achieve the unconditional target, the following measures were planned: - in the forestry sector, Burundi planned to increase GHG sinks by (re)forestation of 4ha/year for 15 years from 2016 to 2030. - in the energy sector, Burundi planned to build three hydroelectric power stations to increase the electrification rate to 35%, i.e. 45.4 MW of output in 2030. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | false |
null | null | [
] | [
"Water management",
"Health services and assessment",
"Climate services",
"Sustainable urban planning",
"Early warning system"
] | GHA | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Social Development",
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Refer to 6a and 7a. 6.2 Annexe 2: Adaptation and Mitigation Contribution Table11. Nationally determined contribution policy actions. Climate Objective. Socio-economic Outcomes. Jobs Prospects (No). Funding (US$ mil). Beneficiaries (No.). Emission Reduction (kt). Gender* Responsive. SLCP** mitigation Relevance. Manage climate-induced and gender-related health risks. Adaptation. Social Inclusion/Early Warning and disaster risk management. 130. 117. 31,500,000. High. Low. City-wide resilient infrastructure planning. Adaptation. Resilience Building. 1,025. 827. 500,000. Medium. Integrated water resources management. Adaptation. Resilience Building/Social Inclusion. 20. 108. 200,000. High. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority",
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Sectoral plans on",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Waste: General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | NRU | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions",
"Information on sectoral plans",
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Increased use of groundwater will reduce demand for water from electricity intensive RO plants. Addressing household cesspits. Conditional on access to means of implementation. Governance. Develop and Adopt Republic of Nauru Environmental Management and Climate Change Bill. Unconditional. Adaptation. Improved coordination of Government Ministries in adaptation actions. Increased effectiveness of implementation efforts. Mitigation. Improved coordination of Government Ministries in mitigation actions. Increased effectiveness of implementation efforts. Develop and Adopt Nauru Climate Change Policy. Unconditional. Loss & Damage. National Long-Term Risk Assessment. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions",
"Adaptation Commitments",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector",
"Adapt Now sector (2)"
] | [
"Health: General",
"Early warning system",
"Disease surveillance and control"
] | MOZ | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | It is recognised that the pursuit of resilient, low-carbon development can be a driver for poverty reduction, reduced inequities for the most vulnerable and post-COVID green economic recovery19. Thus, the implementation of the NDC will take into account the most vulnerable groups in communities, promoting climate-proof and inclusive development with increased access to efficient technologies and clean energy, prioritising environmental integrity, human health and the creation of green jobs. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Sectoral plans on",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Waste-to-Energy",
"Renewable Energy",
"Renewable Energy: Wind",
"Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement: Fuel switching"
] | YEM | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Large-scale power generation from renewable energy sources (gridconnected), including solar thermal power plants, solar PV plants, and wind farms including :. Grid electricity (large scale electricity generation): 15 percent of generation mix in 2025 (2600 GWh). This translates into an overall installed capacity in 2025 of:. 400 MW from wind farms. 160 MW from geothermal power stations. 6 MW from power stations using landfill gas. Fuel switching to natural gas. Promoting the wide use of natural gas for power generation, industry and other economic sectors. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | ZAF | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Goal 3, Human Settlements: “ensure urban planning and design incorporates climate change concerns. Consideration of climate risk in the new settlement and mainstreaming of climate science into the building standards will be catalytic to facilitate climate-resilient human settlement.” (p. 10) | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Unconditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | SGP | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Unconditional sectoral actions"
] | true | Large freshwater bodies surrounded by forested catchments help to ameliorate the urban island heat effect and conserve our rich natural heritage of flora and fauna. Singapore will continue efforts to safeguard its biodiversity despite an urban environment. The array of natural ecosystems (including evergreen rain forest, mangroves, freshwater streams, freshwater swamp forest, coral reefs and mudflats) will continue to be conserved, with targeted programs for habitat enhancement and species recovery where required. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Technology Transfer Needs for Sectoral Implementation"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | SYC | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Technology transfer needs for sectoral implementation"
] | true | Many government sectoral plans and strategies also call for research and monitoring related to climate change adaptation but they lack the human and financial resources to fully undertake this task. The way forward will include innovative approaches in partnerships between the University, local agencies and overseas research institutions. Technology - In many cases, Seychelles lacks the technological capacity to undertake effective research on climate change modelling and risks, monitoring of climate change impacts and implementation of adaptation measures. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Waste: General"
] | THA | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | National Industrial Development Master Plan B.E.2555-2574 (2012-2031). Waste Management Roadmap. Implementation Plans:Thailand s NDC target has been integrated into the National Strategy. It will be implemented through the NDC Roadmap on Mitigation 2021-2030, the NDC Sectoral Action Plans and the NDC Supportive Action Plan which were carried out with a wide range of stakeholders consultation and public participation processes at the national and local levels. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Implementing Agency for Sectoral Unconditional Actions"
] | [
"Water infrastructure",
"Water quality"
] | TKM | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"The agency responsible for implementing the sectoral unconditional actions"
] | true | At the national level, the progress of implementation of adaptation measures is under control of the government and relevant ministries and agencies. Regularly 2 times a year all ministries, departments prepare reports for the higher instances on implementation of the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change and national adaptation plans. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Climate risk management"
] | TUN | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Measure 5: Extension, rehabilitation, and protection of fishing ports in line with the results of the master plan of ports and taking into account the impacts of climate change. 1.5 Economic Resilience – ECOR. Priority 1: Modernize information management, facilitate access to and sharing of knowledge and forecast risks related to climate change. Measure 1: Undertake, in consultation with stakeholders, prospective studies on the vulnerabi- lities, costs of inaction and adaptation options of the main vulnerable economic sectors (tou- rism, buildings/constructions, banking and finance, transport, energy, digital, etc.). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | VEN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Action. Estimation of carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Energy: General"
] | SLV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Energy Sector. From the Energy Sector, and based on a "bottom-up" approach, El Salvador will be reducing its annual GHG emissions between 819 and 640 Kton CO2Eq by 2030, based on measures 1.1 .1 and 1.1.5, whose GHG annual emission reduction goals confer values between 485 and 306 Kton CO2Eq (Goal 1.1.1.A) and 334 Kton CO2 Eq (Goal 1.1.5.A), for 2030. Both goals are additional to each other and provide the previous result. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
] | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General"
] | BEN | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Sustainable Tourism Development in W Regional Park (2017-2021 PAG Project). Integrate climate change into tourism promotion programs. 30. 5,84. 70. 13,61. 19,45. Integrated Border Management Program (2017-2021 MAP Project). Strengthen the food, social and economic security of border populations in the context of climate change. 60. 10,73. 40. 7,15. 17,88. Disaster and Risk Prevention and Management Program (2017-2021 MAP Project). Adapt production and consumption patterns to the environmental and climatic constraints of disaster risk areas. 60. 1,96. 40. 1,30. 3,26. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies"
] | [
"Solid Waste"
] | VEN | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on"
] | false | "Promote actions at the national level that allow the proper management of waste and solid waste (garbage) generated by the population of the country, emphasizing the integral management of garbage, in order to reduce its generation and guarantee that its collection, use and final disposal is carried out in a sanitary and environmentally safe way (Law of Integral Management of Garbage and Plan of the Homeland. 2019 - 2025)." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water sanitation",
"Food security",
"Sustainable urban planning"
] | MRT | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | In order to do so, Mauritania seeks the support of its international partners for the achievement of its adaptation priorities, which include:. A food requirement ratio of 117% for rice, 80% for wheat, 75% for traditional cereals; 160% for milk, 126% for white meat;. The realization of the sanitation networks (sewage and rainwater) of the cities of Nouakchott, Rosso, Kaedi, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, Nema, Aioun, Timbedra, Akjoujt, Atar;. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector",
"Adapt Now sector (2)"
] | [
"Awareness raising and behavior change",
"Health: General",
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Health services and assessment"
] | MDA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | Human Health: Improving health services for vulnerable groups of the population;. Improving the infrastructure of hospitals for operationalization to “green”. Updated Nationally Determined Contribution of the Republic of Moldova. standards; Prevention, early warning, management and overcoming the impact of extreme weather events (heat and cold waves, floods). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Target"
] | [
] | MDG | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation targets/ objectives at the sectoral level"
] | true | Environmental amenities and ecosystem services associated with the restoration of 55,000 ha of forests and mangroves;. Downturn up to trend 0 of the receding shorelines progression in the most affected coastal zones. The estimated amount of the adaptation cost is 28.713 billion US dollars (see Table 2). SECTION 3: MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION. Madagascar is committed to evolve in the pathways leading to the sustainable economic and social development, whilst being environmentally aware and resilient to various hazards. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Emission reduction potential"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Solar"
] | VEN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action"
] | false | "Increase the generation of solar energy through the installation of solar panel factories, which give priority to energy demand at the national level.": "19,158 photovoltaic solar modules manufactured annually, equivalent to 3.74 MW. With the average annual installation of 70% of the panels manufactured, it is expected to generate an accumulated 3.8 GWh in 9 years. A decrease in GHG 774.67 tCO2 is estimated for consideration" | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Sectoral plans on",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Solid Waste",
"Recycling, Reuse, Reduce",
"Renewable Energy: Waste-to-Energy",
] | KHM | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Waste -MSW. Agriculture - landrelated. 11. Composting of biodegradable organic fraction of MSW supplemented with separation of organic waste (at source). If 10% of all MSW generated is composted by 2030 then up to. 500 ktCO2e/year of GHG emissions can be avoided by 2030. MoE. Waste- MSW. 12. Production of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) from either a) fresh MSW or b) old MSW mined from the Dangkor landfill. MoE. Cement sector Waste -MSW. GHG ER from RDF + anaerobic digestion up to 200 ktCO2e/year. 13. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | [
"Water management",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Environment: General",
"Climate risk management",
"Climate smart agriculture",
"Climate services",
"Water conservation and reuse",
"Water sanitation",
"Watershed and river basin management",
"Health: General",
"Early warning system",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | ZMB | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | true | Time frame and/or period for implementation, including start and end date, consistent with any further relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA);. From 1st January 2015 – 31st December 2030. (b). Whether it is a single-year or multi-year target, as applicable. Single-year target in 2030. 3. Scope and coverage:. (a). General description of the target;. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Infrastructure and roads",
"Sustainable Land Management",
"Sustainable land management",
"Sustainable forest management",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | TJK | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | true | In forestry, adaptation measures (many of which also have strong mitigation benefits) include reforestation/afforestation, natural and active/assisted regeneration, forest protection from cutting, grazing, fire, pests etc., improved and sustainable management of existing forest, improved pasture productivity, promoting crosscutting actions: integrated land management, improving the regulatory framework, strengthening law enforcement, developing a sustainable financing system, conducting inventory and monitoring, and investing in science and innovation. List of adaptation measures in the transport sector:. improving the protection and long-term maintenance of transport infrastructure;. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans",
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
] | BLZ | [
"Coastal Zone"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Promote public measures and partnerships with private landowners, local communities, and other relevant stakeholders to encourage mangrove preservation and reduce mangrove loss by 2025. The actions identified here are considered conditional on 1) provision of technical expertise and development of capacity for the implementation of an information clearing house and Informed Management zoning regime and 2) financial support for protection and restoration of mangroves and seagrass habitats. Type. SDG linkages. Target. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions"
] | [
"Land degradation",
"Renewable energy",
"Sustainable land management"
] | IDN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Reduction of deforestation and forest degradation. Land conservation. Utilization of degraded land for renewable energy. Improved energy efficiency and consumption patterns. Social and Livelihood Resilience. Climate change impacts the day-to-day lives of all Indonesians, but most severely Indonesia s most vulnerable populations. Climate change-induced natural disasters will impact a greater number of people living below the poverty line, preventing asset accumulation. Rising food, water and energy prices, which often follow drought, floods, and other disasters, will drive the poor further into poverty. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water efficiency"
] | PRY | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Promote the articulation of governance systems through inter-institutional coordination of water resources by river basin, at an appropriate scale. Promote awareness-raising actions for> the efficient use of water resources in communities and productive sectors. Promote studies to identify and address the existing capacity gaps for the application of integrated water resources management, particularly in planning, protection, inspection, conflict resolution, and financing related to water resource management needs. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Health services and assessment",
"Disease surveillance and control"
] | SDN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Controlling of diseases shared between humans and animals. Improve community sanitation and medical services, including capacities for diagnosis and treatment. Planning Process. Mitigation and adaptation actions are implemented across the various sectors at both the national and states administrative levels. The Framework of National Appropriate Mitigation Actions and the National Adaptation Planning process being undertaken by Government provides a good basis for long- term adaptation and mitigation programming and mainstreaming of climate change adaptation/mitigation into the existing national planning processes. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Industries",
"Buildings: General",
"Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings",
"Energy Efficiency",
"Demand-side Efficiency"
] | TLS | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral upstream policy"
] | false | This and other disclosure based- actions will be pursued throughout the 2022-2030 period in keeping with EITI recommendations and best practices Unconditional 3.4 Energy Efficiency Improvements Enabling cost-effective energy efficiency improvements Through the development and implementation/ enforcement of product efficiency standards, energy- efficient building designs, new fuel standards, closer regulation of industrial processes, and the energy efficiency improvements that can be derived from changes to primary energy sources used by communities, there is potential to increase the overall efficiency of Timor-Leste’s energy sector. To do so research will be conducted to improve the understanding of key opportunities and improve the cost-benefit analysis available on potential demand-side efficiency improvements in Timor-Leste. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Buildings: General"
] | MCO | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | The main actions are detailed below:2.3.1 Energy. The consumption of fossil fuels in buildings is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The priority areas developed by the Principality in this sector aim to decarbonize the energy consumed by buildings and improve their energy efficiency. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | VEN | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | To carry out training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021. - 2030. Description of the action. To carry out nine (09) training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Energy: General"
] | SLV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | according to which, 2019 emissions were 986 KtonCO2Eq, it leads to a trend to reach 793 Kton CO2Eq in 2030. This means a reduction in annual emissions between 485 and 306 KtonCO2Eq in 2030 compared to emissions from the BAU scenario (Fig.I.1). By 2025, annual GHG emissions will decrease to a value in the range between 346 and 540 Kton CO2 Eq corresponding to a reduction between 39% and 5%, compared to the BAU scenario, according to which emissions in 2019 were 986 Kton CO2Eq which leads to a trend to reach 570 KtonCO2Eq in 2025. This means a reduction in annual emissions between 224 and 30 KtonCO2Eq in 2025 compared to emissions from the BAU scenario (Fig.I.1)." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Energy: General"
] | ARM | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | Provisions of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement Roadmap5 with 12 actions on climate change and 34 energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy security actions;. "Strategic Program for the Development of the Energy Sector of the Republic of Armenia (until 2040)”6, which safeguards national priority of energy security based upon nuclear energy, modern gas fired generation plants, development and expansion of economically viable and technically available renewable energy sources, mostly solar energy. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Climate smart agriculture"
] | TUN | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | The updated NDC allows, with its cross-cutting «Resilience Star» approach that aims to address the country’s adaptation needs for the benefit of the people, to identify priority actions at the sectoral level that aim to maximize cross-sectoral co-benefits. 1.1 Food Resilience- FR. Priority 1: Achieve the digital transition of agro-sylvo-pastoral, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture production systems, improve the sharing of information, data and knowledge for a better resilience to the effects of climate change on territories and societies. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Tracking progress towards targets"
] | [
"Clean Cooking and Heating: Efficient cookstoves"
] | NGA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on progress towards a given sectoral target"
] | false | "For example, in addition to reporting on mitigation policies and measures -- which is already required in Biennial Update Reports -- countries will also need to report on progress indicators to track NDC implementation. GHG projections -- something that is currently required from developed countries in their reports but not from developing countries -- will also be a feature of the new Biennial Transparency Reports that all countries will need to submit, although this element of the BTRs will be optional. At the core of the MRV approach for Nigeria is the GHG inventory. The institutional arrangements for the inventory are set out in the Third National Communication. This involves sectoral working groups that sit between the GHG Inventory Division in the Department of Climate Change, and the data providers in MDAs, sub-national government, businesses and civil society. Technical support from international consultants will be used as needed, but a specific requirement of any such support will be that capacity building for Nigerian institutions is built into the specification of work, so that Nigeria can move towards a more self-sufficient arrangement for data compilation and NDC tracking." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | null | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Unconditional Actions",
"Funders for Sectoral Unconditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Water sanitation",
"Climate risk management"
] | DJI | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators",
"The funders for sectoral unconditional actions",
"Unconditional sectoral actions"
] | true | Rural settings that are scattered, often nomadic, or just beginning to settle down;. The district administrative centres of Ali Sabieh, Dikhil, Arta-Wea, Tadjourah and Obock;. The peripheral neighbourhoods of Djibouti, particularly those to the west of Ambouli Oued. Funding: World Bank and UNICEF. Support for adaptation to climate change among rural communities in mountainous regions. This project helps to strengthen the resilience of Aidalou Assamo populations in the face of shocks related to climate change. Funding: UNDP. Pastoral system security project – PSSP/SHARE (2014). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Health services and assessment",
"Air quality management"
] | JOR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Introducing new indicators that are useful for protecting health, such as Air Quality Index, UV index, in cooperation with the relevant institutions; and. Utilizing effective tools (e.g. GIS or Health Mapper) to link environmental and climatic factors to health outcomes. Details of the projects can be found in “CHAPTER 9 ADAPTATION PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR THE SIX CLIMATESENSITIVE HEALTH ISSUES” in the National Climate Change Health Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan of Jordan, which can be accessed from the MoH’s official website (www.moh.gov.jo). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority",
"Time frame"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General",
"Climate services",
"Agriculture: General",
"Watershed and river basin management",
"Coastal Zone: General",
"Health: General",
"Fisheries and aquaculture",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Water supply",
"Sustainable land management",
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Disaster preparedness",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General",
"Sea-level rise protection",
"Tourism: General",
"Awareness raising and behavior change",
"Sustainable urban planning",
"Early warning system",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | LKA | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Coastal Zone",
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Time frame"
] | true | 2023. 5.1 Strengthening timely and accurate early warning receipt and dissemination to health sector on possible extreme events or rainfall variability and linking them to national, regional, MOH and village level interventions. 2022. 5.2 Risk assessment for all hazards including climate-related events for the health sector. 2022. 5.3 Improved health preparedness for all hazards including climate related events at national, subnational, MOH and village level both in curative and preventive sectors. 2023. 5.4. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Unconditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water supply",
"Climate services",
"Disaster preparedness",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | KOR | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Unconditional sectoral actions"
] | true | At the national level, Korea is developing guidance and tools to support the assessment of vulnerability and risks, and is implementing projects on research and development for comprehensive and quantitative analysis of climate change impacts. In order to promote a Climate Friendly and Safe Society, Korea aims to strengthen its capacity for climate change adaptation by implementing the following strategic actions:. Strengthening infrastructure for climate change monitoring, forecasting and analysis;. Developing a management system for disaster prevention and stable water supply;. Developing a climate-resilient ecosystem;. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Emission reduction potential"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Wind",
"Energy: General",
"Renewable Energy: Solar"
] | LKA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"emission reduction potential for a given sectoral target"
] | false | Energy sector has a 20% GHG emission reduction target in the NDCs, which amounts to 39,383Gg of the total GHG emissions (196,915Gg for the period 2020-2030 as per the BAU scenario of the Long Term Generation Expansion Plan 2013-2032 published in October 2013). The reduction of emissions includes 4% (9,173Gg) unconditional and 16% (30,210Gg) conditional reduction. The NDCs for the energy sector include:. NDC 1: Establishment of large scale wind power plants of 514 MW. NDC 2: Establishment of 115 MW of solar power plants. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | [
"Water management",
"Monitoring and Evaluation System",
"Health: General",
"Poverty reduction",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Disaster preparedness",
"Agriculture: General",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General",
"Sustainable land management",
"Sustainable urban planning",
"Fisheries and aquaculture",
"Social Development: General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | PER | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Social Development",
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | true | Pursuant to decision 1 / CP.19 and 1 / CP.20, the Peruvian State formally communicates the iNDC proposal and its complementary information. II. INDC IN MITIGATION. 2.1. Proposal of iNDC in Mitigation. The Peruvian iNDC envisages a reduction of emissions equivalent to 30% in relation to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of the projected Business as Usual scenario (BaU) in 2030. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Industries: General",
"Waste: General"
] | IDN | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | of Public Work and the Min. of Health. SUB-SECTOR: INDUSTRIAL LIQUID WASTE. BAU. CM1. CM2. Management of industrial liquid waste. No mitigation actions. Pulp and paper industry implement the waste water treatment sludge management, and utilization of methane. Pulp and paper industry implement the waste water treatment sludge management and utilization of methane. Waste water treatment (palm oil mill effluent or POME) in palm oil industry: implement methane capture & utilization. Note: A quantitative target to be defined by the Min. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Emission reduction potential"
] | [
] | VEN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Emission reduction potential for a given sectoral downstream action"
] | false | "Creation of BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Systems in the cities of Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, Mérida and Caracas.": "It is estimated to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon monoxide by about 500 mg/km, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard through the conversion of public transport based on NGV and on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 regulations to the current diesel public transport units." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Unconditional Actions"
] | [
"Sea-level rise protection"
] | BRN | [
"Coastal Zone"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Unconditional sectoral actions"
] | true | As explained above actions to preserve the forest provide flood management benefits (adaptation) and where this is coupled with reforestation or afforestation to expand the forests reserves area, there could be enhanced mitigation benefits too. 3.2.3 Coastal and flood protection. Regarding flood protection, an integrated approach combining flood protection, river quality improvement and coastal protection has been initiated by The Government of Brunei Darussalam to implement both structural measures (such as flood walls, drainage improvement, and energy efficient pumping stations) and non-structural measures (such as land use planning, capacity building, collaboration across sectors and research institutes). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies"
] | [
"Energy Efficiency"
] | PNG | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on"
] | false | Reducing energy demand - through. adoption and implementation of Minimum. Energy Performance Standards and. Labelling (MEPSL) Regulations as well as. enhancing public awareness of energy use. and means of reducing energy use. Establishing a framework for fossil fuel. emission offsetting – PNG remains committed. to an energy transition but also recognizes. that a full transition will take time given. PNG’s complex geographies and dispersed. population as well as a growing economy. As. such a framework for offsetting of emissions. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
"Energy: General",
] | SDN | [
] | true | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | National REDD+ strategy. 1.The carbon balance and incentives for energy substitution to LPG;. 2.Incentives for using sustainable charcoal, firewood efficiency, increased gum Arabic production, forest conservation and sustainable forest management, Reforestation, Forest Plantations and more balanced livestock production;. 3. 4. Reconciliation of conflicting policies of rival economic sectors and streamlining of activities of supporting sectors such as education and research. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation enhance carbon sequestration and livelihoods. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Emission reduction potential",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Agriculture: General"
] | COD | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"emission reduction potential for a given sectoral plan",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | , 2009):. Subsistence agriculture: mainly itinerant and slash and burn: potential reduction of emissions of 15 to 17 Mt CO2e in 2030, based on a program to improve productivity affecting 50% of subsistence farms. Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2e, linked to the implementation of two types of programs to increase productivity and affecting around 75% of farms. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Policies"
] | [
"Water management",
"Water conservation and reuse",
"Sustainable forest management",
"Water efficiency",
"Wastewater treatment",
"Food security",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | LBN | [
] | true | true | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral plans and strategies for adaptation."
] | true | Yet climate change is one of many challenges to national development in Lebanon: population growth, rapid urbanization and geopolitical location provide additional challenges, and addressing these should be pursued simultaneously to avoid working in silos through collaboration between multiple government ministries and agencies, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders. Lebanon has already made progress in mainstreaming climate change adaptation into the biodiversity (draft National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, NBSAP, 2015), water (National Water Sector Strategy, 2012), forestry and agriculture (National Forest Plan, NFP, 2015 and Ministry of Agriculture Strategy, 2015) sectors. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Awareness raising and behavior change"
] | LBR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Promote household and community-level adoption of practices that improve air quality, improve water safety and reduce the risk of disease transmission, while also reducing fuelwood use, such as water filters and improved cookstoves (Link to Forest and Agriculture sectors). Conduct 40 training sessions on health risks of using firewood and other climate-related health risks by 2030 (Link to Forest sector). Provide at least 170 water safety and purification kits to rural communities by 2030. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General"
] | CHL | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on"
] | false | Specific contributions to the LULUCF sector:a) Chile has committed to the sustainable development and recovery of 100,000 hectares of forest land, mainly native, which will account for greenhouse gas sequestrations and reductions of an annual equivalent of around 600,000 of CO2 as of 2030. This commitment is subject to the approval of the Native Forest Recovery and Forestry Promotion Law. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
"Sustainable forest management",
] | TON | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Promoting integrated agroforestry in areas earmarked for agriculture;. Discouraging tree removal on tax allotments;. Encouraging tax allotment holders to plant and manage trees on their properties. In addition, the importance of trees for protection of coastal areas is identified. All of the above are important adaptation measures which will provide significant mitigation co-benefits. The latter are discussed more fully in the mitigation section. There are also significant gaps with sector plans. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority",
"Sectoral Policies"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Sustainable forest management",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | NGA | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | true | true | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Sectoral plans and strategies for adaptation.",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | restore community and private natural forests, plantations and nurseries. Improve management of forest reserves and enforce low impact logging practice. D. STRATEGIES FOR BIODIVERSITY. Support the active implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), particularly those strategic actions that address climate change impacts. Support recommended climate change adaptation policies and programmes in sectors that affect biodiversity conservation, including agriculture, forestry, energy and livelihoods. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Coastal Zone: General"
] | MMR | [
"Coastal Zone"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into protected areas management and sustainable landscape management including marine ecosystems, MPA (marine Protected Areas), and dryland ecosystem. Enhancing climate resilience of coastal communities through promotion of forest and fisheries dependent livelihoods, support for innovative SMEs in sustainable value- addition, and capacity-building for community-based natural resources management institutions. Understanding, developing, integrating, and implementing nature-based solutions to climate change. Creating knowledge platforms, information dissemination, and stakeholder engagement mechanisms to share information, related to the above. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Climate smart agriculture"
] | LKA | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Develop/introduce varieties resistant/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses arising from climate change. 2.1 Introduce/promote/develop heat tolerant varieties. 2.2 Introduce/promote/develop drought tolerant varieties. 2.3 Introduce /promote/ develop flood tolerant varieties. 2.4 Introduce /promote/ develop salt tolerant varieties. 2.5 Develop and promote maturity varieties. Re-demarcating Agro Ecological Regions (AERS) maps of Sri Lanka with current climate and future climate, and recommend appropriate crops for different areas to reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Building on existing downstream actions"
] | [
] | ARE | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Existing sectoral downstream actions that the NDC builds on"
] | false | The UAE is recognized amongst the few countries that have, through a range of restoration and conservation efforts implemented since the 1970s, proactively expanded its mangrove forest cover. Following the success of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project that made significant contribution to the understanding of blue carbon stocks in the UAE, the value of these stocks has been incorporated into federal and Emirate level policies. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Unconditional part of mitigation target",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Industries: General"
] | MAR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target",
"Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target",
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Industry (excluding cement and phosphates). Energy efficiency program in industry. Reduction of energy consumption in the industrial sector by 17% by 2030. 25 106.2. 5,028.7. 200.0. 10. Implementation of energy performance rules (MEPS) for electric motors greater than 75 kW. Establishment of minimum energy performance standards (NMPE) for electric motors. 630.0. 105.0. N / A. 11. Natural gas in the industrial sector by 2030. Importing liquefied petroleum gas to increase industrial use as a replacement for fuel oil to improve efficiency and the local environment. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Early warning system",
"Disease surveillance and control"
] | JOR | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Key measures include:. Establishing an early warning system to trigger prompt public health intervention when certain variables exceed a defined threshold. Building the capacity of public health and health care professionals to monitor, diagnose, and treat cases of climate-sensitive health outcomes, even when they change their incidence, seasonality, and geographic range. 4.5 Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction. The main climate related hazards to the urban sector are represented by severe wind, increased or decrease in temperature, heavy rainfall, snow and drought events. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Renewable energy",
"Economy-wide: General"
] | ATG | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | This will be implemented through the target Building Code updated and passed into law in line with a climate resilient development pathway including, inter alia, a requirement that all new homes built after 2025 have back-up renewable energy generation and storage systems. 7.5 Mitigation. Antigua and Barbuda’s total emissions are negligible globally as it contributes less than 0.002% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
] | MWI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Conservation agriculture: crop residue and rotation Support and implementation of the planned expansion targets for crop residue and crop rotation to improve soil conservation, resulting in increase of soil carbon stock and improved crop yields. MOA (Department of Crop Development). MOFNR, LUANAR, million. NGOs, donors uc: US$ 236m c: US$ 236m. US$ 472 million. Increased food security and agricultural resilience through enhanced soil fertility, increased crop stability and reduced soil erosion. Cleaner water provision, through reduced nutrient and soil runoff. ✔. ✔. ✔. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Inland Waterways"
] | LKA | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | 2021-2030. 7.1 Introduce canal-based water transport using diesel or grid electricity-powered boat service for selected canal routes. 2021-2030. NDC 8. Modernizing and upgrading of suburban railway. 2021-2030. 8.1 Electrification of railway lines. 2021-2030. 8.2 Develop new railway lines and expansion of existing railway network. 2021-2030. NDC 9. Promote electric mobility and hybrid vehicles. 2021-2030. 9.1 Increase tax concessions for electric & hybrid vehicles. 2021-2030. 9.2 Facilitate supportive infrastructure developments such as charging stations, battery swapping & replacements. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Coastal fisheries",
"Sea-level rise protection"
] | TON | [
"Coastal Zone"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | 30% of land in Tonga utilized for agro-forestry or forestry by 2025. Planting of one million trees by 2023. Technical expertise. Financial support. Consensus on the kind of trees to be planted, the land on which the trees are to be planted, and responsibility for planting the trees. Prevent any permanent loss of land to rising sea levels on Tonga’s four main islands. Expansion of MPAs and SMAs to 30% of Tonga’s EEZ. Consensus on definition of MPAs and SMAs. Strengthened enforcement. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Unconditional part of mitigation target",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Energy Efficiency"
] | LBN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target",
"Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target",
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Lebanon commits to unconditionally reduce power demand through energy efficiency measures by 3% under the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario and to conditionally reduce power demand through energy efficiency measures by 10% under the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030. Numbers reflect rounding. Information necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding (ICTU) of Lebanon s NDC. Para. Guidance in decision 4/CMA.1. ICTU guidance as applicable to Lebanon s NDC. 1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a base year):. (a). | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
] | FSM | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | "The Ridge to Reef program focuses on the main, or High Islands, of the four states of the FSM. Its objective is to strengthen local, State and National actions and capacities to implement integrated ecosystems management across the islands, from the terrestrial high points, the ridges, to the coastal ecosystems, the reefs. Working with institutions and individuals in state and national government, environmental NGOs and local communities, Reef to Ridge focuses on two principal areas: Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Protected Areas (PAs)" | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
] | KHM | [
"Social Development"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Strengthen institutional capacities at national and sub-national levels to integrate gender responsiveness in climate change adaptation s policies, plans, programming, including gender budgeting. MOWA. Improve gender equality, Gender responsive action, Gender responsive budgeting in policies planning of action and programmes. Enhance coordination and implementing accountability mechanisms to reduce climate change vulnerabilities of disadvantaged women and other marginalized groups such as ethnic minority women and men, People with Disability (PWD), youth, and elderly. MOWA. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water efficiency",
] | JOR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Agriculture/food security: "— Implementation of supplemental irrigation, water harvesting techniques, maximizing treated waste water re-use in agriculture, improving water use efficiency and the augmentation of drip irrigation in irrigated areas and utilization of saline water in the irrigation of crops tolerant to salinity | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Sustainable Forest Management"
] | KHM | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Enhance timber supply and wood-based energy sourced from community-based forest management areas and private plantations to reduce pressure on forest areas. Promote effective, equitable, sustainable management and use of forests, forest lands and non-timber forest products. Identify and implement alternative and sustainable livelihood development programmes for local communities most dependent on forest resources. 13. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Health services and assessment",
"Climate risk management",
"Disaster preparedness",
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Early warning system"
] | BTN | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Assessment and management of risk and damage from windstorms on agricultural crops and human settlements. Enhancement of emergency medical services and public health management to respond to climate change induced disasters. Enhancing preparedness and response to climate change induced disasters at the national and local levels. Minimize climate‐related health risks through:. Strengthening integrated risk monitoring and early warning systems and response for climate sensitive diseases. Promotion of climate resilient household water supply and sanitation. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | [
"Coastal Zone: General",
"Watershed and river basin management",
"Climate risk management",
"Climate smart agriculture"
] | HTI | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Coastal Zone"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | true | Install by 2030 (4 wind farms: 50 MW, hydroelectricity: 60MW additional, solar parks: 30 MW, biomass: 20 MW). Reduce fuelwood consumption by 32% by 2030. Set up well-managed energy forests (10 000 ha by 2030). Develop and implement transport NAMAs. Promote the use of energy-efficient stoves to replace traditional fireplaces (energy savings of 25-30% per stove). Improve the energy efficiency of wood-burning furnaces (increase yields from 10-15% to 30-45%). Disseminate 1,000,000 low-consumption lamps for the replacement of incandescent bulbs. AFAT. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Building on existing downstream actions"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | LCA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Existing sectoral downstream actions that the NDC builds on"
] | false | Adoption of a National Environmental Policy and National Environment Management Strategy (2004; Revised 2014). Sustainable Energy For All initiative [4]. Annual observance of Energy Awareness Week. Development of a Climate Change Public Education and Awareness Strategy Implementation Plan. Sustainable Development Benefits. Achievement of the mitigation targets will translate to significant sustainable development benefit for Saint Lucia. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Agricultural Waste"
] | LKA | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | The Overarching Agriculture Policy (OAP) which is being formulated will focus on improving productivity, self-sufficiency, and safety of food. Table 4.4. 6: NDCs in Agriculture Sector. NDC #. NDC and Action. Timeline. NDC 1. Reduce post-harvest losses and value addition of fruits and vegetables. 2021-2030. 1.1 Planning of cultivation management. 2021-2030. 1.2 Improve post-harvest management. 2021-2030. 1.3 Managing excess production. 2021-2030. 1.4 Product innovation. 2021-2030. 1.5 Monitoring of post-harvest management process. 2021-2030. 1.6 Introduce policy and other support instruments. 2021-2030. NDC 2. Increase crop productivity. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Urban: General"
] | JOR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | There is a strategic need for enhancing institutional and coordination conditions to improved community participation in identification and addressing climate change impacts at community level in urban areas. Key proposed measures include:. Use of existing local based organizations and neighborhood networks to identify and respond to climate risks in urban areas based on participatory consultation and supporting joint actions. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Social Development: General"
] | JOR | [
"Social Development"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | 2- Development of a human rights guidelines and indicators for climate adaptation plans and projects with effective implementation and monitoring tools through policy and legal frameworks. 4.8.6 Integrating climate change impacts and adaptation into education curricula. Education is one of the most powerful tools for positive change in Jordan which has always invested heavily in enhancing educational infrastructure, learning systems and maximizing the potential of students. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Technology needs"
] | [
"Gas Flaring",
"Energy: General"
] | IRN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Technology needed for a given sectoral plan"
] | false | Unfortunately, due to the unjust sanctions imposed on our economic, financial and technological sectors, not only this target was not achieved, but energy intensity was increased in recent years. E. Financial and Technological Needs. Due to the significant share of energy sector in emissions (more than 90%) and consequently the high potential of this sector in emissions mitigation, its major technological requirements are as follows:. Technologies needed to curb and utilize gas flares;. Reducing natural gas leakage in the distribution networks;. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Sea-level rise protection",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Early warning system",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | ZAF | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Coastal Zone",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Health: monitoring, surveillance and early warning systems for climate-induced diseases. Biodiversity: Enhance the Monitoring of Climate Change impacts on Biodiversity and Ecological Infrastructure,. Human Settlements: ensure urban planning and design incorporates climate change concerns. Consideration of climate risk in the new settlement and mainstreaming of climate science into the building standards will be catalytic to facilitate climate-resilient human settlement. Coastal Settlement: urban and rural settlements should be prioritised in addressing climate risks such as sea-level rise and flooding. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Building on existing NAMAs"
] | [
"Energy: General"
] | CIV | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Whether the upstream policy in the given sector builds on NAMA"
] | false | Establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Improving the environment around the energy sector. Development of new qualified job streams. Reduction of social conflicts. Improved coverage and access rates for energy services. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO 2. Decrease of pressure on natural resources. Strengthening Côte d Ivoire s integration into the regional energy market, through interconnection with other countries in the region. Increase in national income. Strengthening Côte d Ivoire s share in UEMOA GDP. Improved quality of life. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector"
] | [
"Awareness raising and behavior change",
"Health: General",
"Disease surveillance and control"
] | KEN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | Drought and floods are the main climate hazards, negatively impacting lives and livelihoods, with human health increasingly being at risk. Extreme climate events cause significant loss of life, and adversely affect the national economy. They are a threat to Kenya s security. Adverse climate effects, particularly floods and droughts, have the catastrophic and increasing impacts across the country. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
] | MWI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Increased food security and resilience of livestock farmers and rural communities through enhanced yields. Increased access to clean and sustainable energy sources. ✔. ✔. ✔. FORESTRY AND LAND USE. Afforestation (protective forests, woodlots and urban forests). Production and planting of native Eucalyptus and Pinus trees in 45,000 Ha of areas, withpotential to be scaled-up to 600,000 Ha with international support, based on NFLRS targets. MOFNR (Department of Forestry). FRIM, DFOs, NGOS, local communities, village associations, and traditional authorities. US$ 515 million including riparian restoration. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Climate smart agriculture"
] | MUS | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Policy, Strategic Framework and Action Plan 2020- 2030. Mauritius Vision 2030. Master Plan on Environment (2020-2030) - under finalisation. Land Drainage Master Plan (2021-2030) –under finalisation. Moreover, building on current adaptation actions and policies, the following list of actions is identified:. Rehabilitation of degraded coastline. Development of a coral restoration strategy. Increase of conservation area for terrestrial biodiversity. Develop climate smart agriculture and sensitize farmers of vulnerable areas. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General"
] | CRI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | As of 2030, a reduction in the total pasture area is maintained at an annual rate of 1% and the increase in the area of pasture with good management, at a rate of 1 to 2% per year over the baseline trend. 7.9. By 2026, at least 6 biological corridors will manage climate shelters, defined by SINAC. 7.10. By 2030, 1,000,000 hectares of forest cover-landscapes will have been intervened to avoid land degradation and favor biodiversity. 7.11. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Food security"
] | SGP | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | To make food supply more resilient, Singapore is pursuing three strategies, namely: 1) Diversification of import sources; 2) Grow local; and 3) Grow overseas. In particular, Singapore has set an ambitious target for local food production. By 2030, Singapore aims to meet 30% of Singapore’s nutritional needs with food produced in Singapore. To do so, the Singapore Government will support the local agri-food industry to adopt innovative solutions and raise productivity. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Health services and assessment",
"Early warning system",
"Awareness raising and behavior change"
] | SOM | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Implement integrated Water resources Management strategy. Public health awareness campaign, targeting rural areas on climate change effects and public health related issues. Establish and operationalise public health facilities in rural areas. $15 billion. 3. Disaster preparedness and management. Establish effective early warning systems and disaster risk management policies to improve resilience to extreme weather events. Establish he meteorological networks to enhance early warning systems. Increase resilience of communities, infrastructures and ecosystems to droughts and floods. Enhanced coordination and information-sharing between relevant ministries and stakeholders. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | CHL | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | I1) In 2020, develop a Circular Economy Roadmap for the years 2020 to 2040, agreed at a national level, which will focus on the transition towards a circular economy with short, medium and long-term measures established to 2040. Contribution to Integration - Circular Economy N°2 (I2). CONTRIBUTION. SDG. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions"
] | [
"Water management"
] | MRT | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Implementation of hydrogeological syntheses and assessment of water resources in difficult or vulnerable areas and extension of regular monitoring to all fields collected with the telecommunications system; Implementation of the drinking water supply (PW) project in 4 wilayas in the northern part of the country; Implementation of desalination projects for coastal and other areas; Implementation of 2000 small isolated drinking water supply (PW) networks in rural areas equipped with solar panels. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Clean Cooking and Heating: Cleaner household fuels",
"Renewable Energy",
"Renewable Energy: Biofuels"
] | VUT | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target"
] | false | Others: 0 Gg CO2eq. c. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction. The quantified targets presented in this section are all conditional, will be implemented upon international (Technical and Financial) support by 2030. Energy Sector:. Target Indicator. 2010. 2025. 2030. Renewable Energy Generation -Grid Connected (%). 11.69%. 50%. 100%. Improve transport (land and marine) energy efficiency. -. -. 10%. Improve biomass end use (cooking and drying) efficiency. -. -. 14%. Electric Vehicles – e-Buses. -. -. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies"
] | [
"Energy Efficiency",
"Energy: General"
] | SEN | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on"
] | false | The Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE ) reinforces the orientations of the Energy Sector Development Policy Letter of October 2012 concerning electricity, hydrocarbons, accessibility to energy in rural areas, energy efficiency and domestic fuels. Electricity generation sub-sector. Context of the sub-sector. The public electricity production park is essentially thermal, ie 93% of installed capacity and the dominant fuel is fuel oil, up to 75%. Access to electricity in rural areas is still limited. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | MLI | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | The priority programs contained in Mali s announcements to the World Summit on Dimat in September 2014 in New York. It is:. forest management to restore degraded ecosystems to reforest 325,000 hectares, promote assisted natural regeneration and silt control, and strengthen protection of protected areas on 9 million hectares. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Technology Transfer Needs for Sectoral Implementation"
] | [
"Water management",
"Climate services"
] | THA | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Technology transfer needs for sectoral implementation"
] | true | (2) Water Resource Management, in need of networking (via pipes and canals) and management of infrastructures (including zoning), seasonal climate prediction, and sensor web using observation and/or modeling data. (3) Modeling, in need of an integrated national data center, national data transfer/management process and the advanced research, weather research and forecasting (WRF - ARW) model, and an integrated model to address the need of agricultural sector and water resource management sector. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water management"
] | MDV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Enhance decentralized water security and safety plans to be implemented in all islands, considering the nuanced differences of the available water resources and minimize the detrimental impacts on the water resources. Integrate stormwater management into infrastructure development projects. Improve the overall understanding of impacts from climate change on the natural water resources based on the latest science and implement policies, standards, regulations to preemptively protect the natural water resources from future impacts. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | MCO | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | With regard to waste-to-energy, the Principality of Monaco has had a tri-generation plant since 1982, and this is due to be replaced soon. Reducing emissions from this source and from waste management more broadly is a priority for the Government. The focus is on both technical treatment systems and defining a new way to manage waste. In this area, the technical choices made will have an impact on emissions for the next 30 years. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions"
] | [
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Early warning system",
"Disaster preparedness",
"Sustainable urban planning"
] | SSD | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Reduce vulnerability of population by integrating climate change considerations into land use planning. vii. Increase investments in disaster prevention mechanisms, such as early warning systems, rather than disaster response mechanisms. viii. Improve environmental health-related infrastructure to reduce the spread of water-borne diseases which will be exacerbated by climate change. ix. Create buffer zones and relocate vulnerable communities away from flood-prone areas. Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Policies"
] | [
"Climate smart agriculture"
] | ETH | [
] | true | true | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral plans and strategies for adaptation."
] | true | Furthermore, measures to address climate change will be planned and implemented in a manner that addresses the wellbeing of the elderly, persons with disabilities and environmental refugees. Current and near-term action:Ethiopia has undertaken several strategic and programmatic adaptation actions. The strategies and plans include:a. The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) since 2007;. b. The Ethiopian Programme of Adaptation to Climate Change (EPACC 2011);. c. Nine National Regional States and two City Administrations adaptation plans;. d. Five sectoral adaptation plans;. e. Agriculture sector adaptation strategy. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector (2)"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | PER | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | In addition, five crosscutting areas, where action must be taken in order to address adaptation effectively, are identified: disaster risk management, resilient infrastructure, poverty and vulnerable populations approach, gender approach and promotion of private investment in climate change adaptation. Goals are proposed for each one of them (see Table 2). The objectives and goals are formulated in consultation with the relevant sectors. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies"
] | [
"Energy: General"
] | ALB | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on"
] | false | Albania is a contracting party of the Energy Community Treaty which aims to extend the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework. The overall objective of the Energy Community Treaty is to create a stable regulatory and market framework which also includes legislation aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Key Assumptions. Metric Applied. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Cities",
"Energy Efficiency",
"Industries: General"
] | BEN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Development/extension of actions to promote public lighting by LEDs or solar lamps. Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Land degradation",
"Coastal Zone: General",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | COG | [
"Coastal Zone",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Put in place effective measures to control the introduction and spread of non-native biodiversity in the environment;. Identify ecosystems vulnerable to climate change and develop and implement appropriate adaptation plans;. Implement rehabilitation plans in at least 20% of degraded sites so that they can ensure the sustainable provision of ecosystem services. Adaptation priority 5. Reducing the vulnerability of the impacts of climate change on coastal areas, especially in cities. The gender dimension is taken into account. 6, 9, 10 and 14. Mitigation co-benefit. Key activities. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
] | ZWE | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target"
] | false | Increase area of forest plantation from 68848 hectares to 118848 hectares by 2025: Add 10,000 hectares of plantation forest land per year between 2021 and 2025 (Priority 3). National Development Strategy. 1.33%. 1000.7. $ 1,028.98. 15. Reduce area burned by 500,000 hectares between 2020 and 2025 inclusive of agricultural production landscapes (Priority 2). National Development Strategy. 27.75%. 20925.1. $ 49. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Energy Efficiency",
"Renewable Energy"
] | SSD | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Promote the use of energy-efficient technologies to reduce energy requirements of industrial processes (for example, waste heat recovery from utilities such as boilers, chillers and air compressors). Yet to be implemented. Medium to long term. Increase share of or integrate renewable energy in industrial office/building operations (captive electricity) as the industrial sector in South Sudan grows. Yet to be implemented. Medium to long term. Promote the use of alternate sources of energy. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Land degradation",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | LKA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Some of the mitigation co-benefits of biodiversity including carbon sequestration is captured under Forestry Sector under the mitigation NDCs, where the adaptation co-benefits of forest conservation are described in NDCs below. Table 5.1.5: NDCs in Biodiversity Sector. NDC #. NDCs and Actions. Target Year. NDC 1. Management of climate- sensitive areas and restoration of degraded areas inside and outside the protected areas (PAs) network to conserve habitats that are highly vulnerable to climate change. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Energy Efficiency"
] | MKD | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | The enhanced NDC echoes the Green scenario from the National Strategy for Energy Development up to 2040 and is fully aligned with the draft National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). It is consistent with the following long term (2040) goals: % reduction of primary and final energy consumption vs. BAU: 51.8 primary, 27.5 final" | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies"
] | [
"Renewable Energy"
] | SYC | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on"
] | false | It is assumed that the structure of the GDP is the same as for 2010 throughout the study period 2010-2035. The SEC has revealed that the realistic non-GHG targets that have been proposed in the Energy Policy 2010 should be 15% for diversification of electricity generation using renewables by 2030, and to achieve the energy efficiency scenario given in the figure above. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General",
"Sustainable urban planning"
] | BFA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Population centre. 149. 250. 300,000. All population centres of urban and rural communes of Burkina Faso. 14,016,646. 0. 62,580,000. 105,000,000. Emphasis on local materials and promotion of wood and metal-free housing as an adaptation to climate change in rural and semi- urban areas of Burkina Faso. Cumulative housing units (90%) Average: 27m² / housing unit. 1432. 5,806. 19,152. 100 us$ /m2. Outreach to 5 rural communities per province (225 sites. 1 outreach in 30% of the villages, 80% of the communes. 16,676. 906,178. 7,393,778. 29,960,392. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water management",
"Disaster preparedness",
"Economy-wide: General"
] | FJI | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
] | true | Fiji will take measures to ensure that public infrastructure is resilient to cyclones and floods, prioritizing nature-based economically viable solutions, and developing future infrastructure and building projects while keeping in mind the effects of climate change. Fiji will undertake measures under a comprehensive and integrated water resource management approach to conserve and enhance the productivity of its freshwater sources and ensure their judicious and equitable use. Fiji will prioritize the conservation and protection of its marine biodiversity and critical ocean ecosystems. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |