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| Darija
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He asked me | هكاك رت ل الباطرون الزلافه وهو كي سولني |
and I did not understand, and he | وانا ما فاهم |
was trying to bring the meaning closer to me in different ways | والو حااول يقرب لي المعناه بطرق مختلفه |
and signs, but my brain was | واشارات ولكن دماغي |
icy. He banged his feet on the ground with his knees and cried. I could | جليج خبط الباطرون على الارض برجليه كاعي |
not hold back my tears. He | وان نتفرع بالبكا ماقدرش نحبس دموعي ما |
did not know why, but the tears were overwhelmed by his anger and the hunger | عرفش علاش ولكن فاطو الدموع غضبه والجوع |
that had gathered in me these | اللي تجمعوا فيا هذ |
two days. I told him that I could not help myself, so let me | يومين قلت له انا ما نقدرش على هشي خصني |
walk. I did not come for | نمشي را ماجيتش على الخدمه |
this service. I knew that he would not understand the one I came to say a | دي كنت عارف بلي ماغادي يفهم من هضرت حى |
word to him. I wanted him to see me with | كلمه هو كنت باغي يشوفني بعند |
mercy, and I did not show this kind of sympathy. He did not blame me for the one who | الرحمه وما صورت من هذا الاستعطاف والو جر |
pushed me on the | علي من تما دفعني على |
outside. I walked like tears. I came to the bed of Al-Buhali and | برا مشيت كدمع جيت السرير ديال البوهالي |
I smelled next to him. Al-Buhali was busy serving him, | وريحت في جنبه البوهالي كان مشغول بخدمته |
and my eyes and heart were in it. They were | و ماديتها فيه عيني وقلبي بجوج كانوا |
full of tears at that | شارجين بالدموع في هذ |
moment. That boy kept coming out of | اللحظه ذاك البوي بقى داخل خارج من |
the pen and shouting to me, with his voice. Maybe he was | الزريبه ويدوي معايا بلي من صوته بلي يمكن |
trying to introduce me to the new service and not | كيحاول يعرفني على الخدمه الجديده ولا |
consoling me and sharing my | يواسيني ويشاركني |
sadness. He released the sheep for me from the pen | حزاني طلق البوها لي الغنم من زريبه |
and they went out running and from Hadaya to the desert. | وخرجوا تجري و من حدايا لجيه الصحراء |
He followed them and left me alone for a | وتبعهم خلاني بوحدي |
while while they were coming. One of the big bikos came | هنايا شويه وهي تجي واحد البيكو كبيره نزل |
from the first tycoon who brought me here | منها الباطرون الاول اللي جابني هنا |
yesterday. Look, today it came in a better mobile than the | البارح يروا اليوم جا في طوموبيل حسن من |
one that came yesterday. I | الليي جاب البارح ويلا رديت البال باللي |
thought about the pykoy that was crammed with yesterday's dial. It was not in my place here. In one of the corners, I felt comfortable, so I saw that the | الكوان حسيت بواحد الراحه فاش شفت |
first tycoon was not looking at the face of the cake in any | الباطرون الاول ما بانش ليه في وجه الكعيه |
condition. Yesterday, I didn't turn to my side in the same way that I | بحال البارح غير هو ما تلفت لجهتي بحال |
saw an invisible, | راني انفيزيبل |
not the tent. Something was defeated. Some of the little girls came out of | مش الخيمه هزم شي لعيبات خرجوا من |
the mobile phone and I was going to see it. How did a dog | الطوموبيل وانا غادي موراه كيف شي كلب |
move his dial and he started following | يحرك ديالو وغادي يتابع |
his master saying that the Patrons were coming? | مولاه تقول الباترونات بجوج فاش تلاقاو |
The other, the Patron, who spent the night in the | عل في الاخر الباطرون اللي دوز الليله في |
tent, gathered everything they needed from their home in the mobile phone, | الخيمه جمع شي حوايج دارهم في الطوموبيل |
and he became more and more miserable. He did not say goodbye to | وزاد فحاله مور ما ودع |
the other. I was standing on the outside of the tent, and I was crying a lot. The | الاخر كنت واقف على برا الخيمه وك بكي ملي |
Patron came to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and began to heal. He | جا عندي الباطرون حط ايد على كتفي وبدا |
could | داوي مكن كي |
comfort me with words that eased my tears, but he did not | واسيني كلام مخفف من دموعي ولكن ما |
comfort me. The Patron entered the tent and opened it. He | واساني دخل الباطرون الخيمه فتح واحد |
took the bread and gave it to me, but I still haven't brushed | الخيشه الخبز وعطاه لي ولكن مازال ما غسلت |
my teeth in the morning and I haven't relieved myself. There's no food | سناني في الصباح وما قضيت حاجتي ولا دوج |
in the country. We don't even drink a cup of coffee | في البلاد ما كنشرب حتى كاس ديال القهوه |
before we hit it. It's hot in the valley together, as if it were | قبل ما نضربها بتحمحم في الواد سوا كانما |
hot or | الشو ولا البرد |
cold. This is the first day of the day. My scales are imbalanced. My | الكاسي هذا اول نهار ك تختل في الموازين |
habits have drank a cup of milk. It's early in the morning | ديال عاداتي شربت كاس ديال الحليب الصباح |
without us scratching my | بكري بلا ما نحك |
teeth. The hunger that has plagued me for the last two days has ruined my | سناني الجوع اللي فرعني اليومين خربق لي |
system. My life is familiar with the smell of the outside. | السيستم د حياتي اللي موالف ريحت برا |
I stuffed my mouth with that | دكست فمي بذاك الخبز |
dry bread. I couldn't find anything to dip in to moisten it. I didn't | الناشف ما لقيت فاش نغمس باش نرطب وما |
feel that I | حسيت باللي راني |
needed the bread. It was still hot. It was fine this | محتاجه الخبز باقي سخون عاد طيب هذا |
morning. I took out four of it to eat and drink. | الصباح فكيت منه اربعه باش ن شارجي معت |
As | اللي ك |
you whistled, I asked the Patrons to give me the grain of what | تصفر ساليت عطاني الباطرون غراف ديال الما |
I drank. I got another piece of bread and I turned to him. May | شربته تاتني خبزه اخرى ودرت ليه براسي |
God make the blessing come. I was full and relaxed and was | الله يجعل البركه شبعت وارتاحيت وكنت |
happy until | فرحان حيت ع |
one of them picked up a little bit and you received a return with sheep on the leg of the barn | ب واحد شويه وصلك راجع بالغنم ساق الزريبه |
and wind in front of the tent. The Patrons gave him something like six | وريح قدام الخيمه عطاه الباطرون شي سته |
breads, all of them tied from the water. He did not dip him | ديال الخبزات كلاهم كابلين من مور ما غمس |
in water and he drank. Above them was the sparkle of the dial of water, and he did | في الماء وشرب فوقهم بريق ديال الماء ومش |
not say anything. | بلا ما ينطق ح |
Every time I was like a blow to the face, he was like he was eating, and I saw nothing | كلما كنت كضرب على وجه فاش كان كياكل وما |
in him except that he was alive, drying, hungry, and sad. He | شفت فيه غير حيا تنشف وجاعه وحزان مور |
went back and continued his service without | المقامه من بعد رجع كمل خدمته بلا ما |
resting even | يرتاح حتى |
a minute. | دقيقه مش الباطرون طوم جاب ليشابه |
There is one of us who | وسبط شديت ديك القشب سرحت وهي طلع مننا |
smells like a | الريحه كتجيب |
response in which he does not see a | بالرده فيها ما يتشاف |
chanter with the shorts of the lace in my top and trousers and | مرتله بقصي الباطرون في قمي والسروال |
says to me, “Shut up, | ويقوللي شدي |
hold on to something.” These three times, I understood what | شدي عا شي ثلاه دي المرات فهمت باللي بغ |
someone was telling me, so I decided in the first step that I was going to poke my head | حدهم فحتم في اول خطوه باش غادي نخز راسي |
and turn into something calm and I don’t want to | وتحول انا لشي هداوي ولا بوهالي |
wear your straw cloth other than the bottoms of a | لبستك القشب الخانز غير بزز حيدت سباط |
new leather rug. I bought it only before we traveled and exchanged it | جديد الجلد شريته غير قبل ما نسافر بدلت |
for this crammed saddlebag that | بهذا السباط المحشر اللي |
he gave me. I started thinking things would stop and | عطاني بدا كيبان بالي الامور غا |
stop, but I wanted to give orders to | وتكف ولكن كنت باغي نط الاوامر ديال |
the patroun so that we could thank him for that bread | الباطرون باش نشكر على ذاك الخبز اللي |
he gave me. He said, “the patroun is something that is spoken in Arabic,” and Abu Hali points out. “I pulled | عطاني قال الطرون شي كلام بالعربيه ويشير |
from it a different word. The word ‘al-mazraa’ is | شديت منه غير الكلمه ديال |
associated with the one that means water, so I walked away, shaken.” | المزرعه تصحب للي كتعني الماء فمشيت هزيت |
One of the tanks and followed the Buhali, | واحد السيله وتبعت البوهالي |
I released the water from the reservoir, filled the tank and | طلقت الماء من الريزيرف عمرت السيله |
put it into the corral, like a house for animals in the large basin, with drinking water. The | وديتها ل الزريبه كبيت البهايم في الحوض |
corral was divided into several small corrals, and | الشريب الزريبه كانت مقسمه على بزاف ديال |
each unit received between | الزرايب صغار وكل وحده كتلقى فيها ما بين |
50 and 100 dinars for goats | 50 حتى 100 د المعيز |
and sheep. They were approximately 25 small corrals, | والخرفان كانوا تقريبا شي 25 زريبه صغيره |
each unit containing a basin. Where do you put the water and its waste? Why do | كل وحده فيها حوض ديال الماء و بلاصه فين |
Subsets and Splits