### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,TrickBot has used macros in Excel documents to download and deploy the malware on the user’s machine.### Assistant: T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,SombRAT has the ability to use an embedded SOCKS proxy in C2 communications.### Assistant: T1090: Proxy
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Silent Librarian has exfiltrated entire mailboxes from compromised accounts.### Assistant: T1114: Email Collection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Azorult can collect a list of running processes by calling CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.### Assistant: T1057: Process Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,SeaDuke is capable of executing commands.### Assistant: T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,HOPLIGHT has the capability to harvest credentials and passwords from the SAM database.### Assistant: T1003: OS Credential Dumping
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Kobalos's authentication and key exchange is performed using RSA-512.### Assistant: T1573: Encrypted Channel
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Duqu examines running system processes for tokens that have specific system privileges.### Assistant: T1134: Access Token Manipulation
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Messages can be forwarded to internal or external recipients, and there are no restrictions limiting the extent of this rule.### Assistant: T1114: Email Collection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Machete malware used FTP for C2.### Assistant: T1071: Application Layer Protocol
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,BONDUPDATER can download or upload files from its C2 server.### Assistant: T1105: Ingress Tool Transfer
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,The malware operates on victims’ systems as a svchost-based service and is capable of downloading executables, changing its own configuration, updating its own binaries, terminating its own processes, and activating and terminating denial-of-service attacks### Assistant: T1543: Create or Modify System Process
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Golden tickets enable adversaries to generate authentication material for any account in Active Directory.### Assistant: T1558: Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,BabyShark has used dir to search for "programfiles" and "appdata".### Assistant: T1083: File and Directory Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,OSInfo discovers the current domain information.### Assistant: T1016: System Network Configuration Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Pysa has extracted credentials from the password database before encrypting the files.### Assistant: T1552: Unsecured Credentials
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may abuse these functionalities to hide otherwise visible windows from users so as not to alert the user to adversary activity on the system.### Assistant: T1564: Hide Artifacts
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Instead, an adversary can manipulate domain trusts to add their own signing certificate.### Assistant: T1484: Domain Policy Modification
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Dragonfly 2.0 has used various forms of spearphishing in attempts to get users to open links.### Assistant: T1204: User Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,WINERACK can enumerate active windows.### Assistant: T1010: Application Window Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may attempt to access detailed information about the password policy used within an enterprise network or cloud environment.### Assistant: T1201: Password Policy Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Tasks or services contain other fields, such as a description, that adversaries may attempt to make appear legitimate.### Assistant: T1036: Masquerading
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Similar to Process Hollowing, process doppelgänging involves replacing the memory of a legitimate process, enabling the veiled execution of malicious code that may evade defenses and detection.### Assistant: T1055: Process Injection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Certain methods of executing a program rely solely on the PATH environment variable to determine the locations that are searched for a program when the path for the program is not given.### Assistant: T1574: Hijack Execution Flow
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Programs that fall victim to path hijacking may appear to behave normally because malicious DLLs may be configured to also load the legitimate DLLs they were meant to replace.### Assistant: T1574: Hijack Execution Flow
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,CARROTBAT has the ability to download and execute a remote file via certutil.### Assistant: T1105: Ingress Tool Transfer
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Information obtained could be used to gain an understanding of common software/applications running on systems within the network.### Assistant: T1057: Process Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,PoisonIvy also creates a Registry entry modifying the Logical Disk Manager service to point to a malicious DLL dropped to disk.### Assistant: T1543: Create or Modify System Process
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,SharpStage has been used to target Arabic-speaking users and used code that checks if the compromised machine has the Arabic language installed.### Assistant: T1614: System Location Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,The image is downloaded directly, and the shellcode is loaded and executed in memory### Assistant: T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Cadelspy has the ability to discover information about the compromised host.### Assistant: T1082: System Information Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,It then sends the following IRC commands: NICK bxphzrjbxp USER bxphzrjbxp bxphzrjbxp bxphzrjbxp bxphzrjbxp To make sure it connected to the correct server, the Trojan checks for the message sent from the IRC server after the bot connects: Welcome to the MpkNet IRC Network The MPK bot does not join a specific IRC channel, instead sending private messages (PRIVMSG) to a user with the nick “mpk”### Assistant: T1132: Data Encoding
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Sandworm Team also collected a list of computers using specific software as part of its targeting efforts.### Assistant: T1592: Gather Victim Host Information
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Remsec schedules the execution one of its modules by creating a new scheduler task.### Assistant: T1053: Scheduled Task/Job
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Kinsing has created and run a Bitcoin cryptocurrency miner.### Assistant: T1496: Resource Hijacking
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Most utilities include functionality to encrypt and/or compress data.### Assistant: T1560: Archive Collected Data
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,msiexec, odbcconf### Assistant: T1218: Signed Binary Proxy Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,APT29 collected emails from specific individuals, such as executives and IT staff, using New-MailboxExportRequest followed by Get-MailboxExportRequest.### Assistant: T1114: Email Collection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,One technique the group has used was to perform a WMI query SELECT * FROM MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature to check the temperature to see if it’s running in a virtual environment.### Assistant: T1497: Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Zeus Panda checks processes on the system and if they meet the necessary requirements, it injects into that process.### Assistant: T1055: Process Injection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,WinMM sets a WH_CBT Windows hook to collect information on process creation.### Assistant: T1057: Process Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,StreamEx has the ability to enumerate processes.### Assistant: T1057: Process Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,TEMP.Veles has obtained and used tools such as Mimikatz and PsExec.### Assistant: T1588: Obtain Capabilities
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Chimera has used credential stuffing against victim's remote services to obtain valid accounts.### Assistant: T1110: Brute Force
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Chaes has decrypted an AES encrypted binary file to trigger the download of other files.### Assistant: T1140: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Webshell can issue commands via HTTP POST.### Assistant: T1071: Application Layer Protocol
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,In order to move laterally from a compromised host, adversaries may take advantage of trust relationships established with other systems via public key authentication in active SSH sessions by hijacking an existing connection to another system.### Assistant: T1563: Remote Service Session Hijacking
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,They can modify the tool by removing the indicator and using the updated version that is no longer detected by the target's defensive systems or subsequent targets that may use similar systems.### Assistant: T1027: Obfuscated Files or Information
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,There are several known examples of this occurring.### Assistant: T1189: Drive-by Compromise
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,AppleScript### Assistant: T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,APT-C-36 has used port 4050 for C2 communications.### Assistant: T1571: Non-Standard Port
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may gather information about the victim's client configurations that can be used during targeting.### Assistant: T1592: Gather Victim Host Information
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Metamorfo has injected a malicious DLL into the Windows Media Player process .### Assistant: T1055: Process Injection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,4H RAT obfuscates C2 communication using a 1-byte XOR with the key 0xBE.### Assistant: T1573: Encrypted Channel
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Even though Delphi Cannon uses POP3S and SMTPS for its C2 communications like Cannon, it is arguably easier to defend against as it uses an actor owned domain that defenders can easily block and not a legitimate email provider such as Seznam### Assistant: T1071: Application Layer Protocol
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,If an SMS message contained either a phone number, IMSI number, or keyword that matched the predefined list, it is saved to a CSV file for later theft by the threat actor.### Assistant: T1119: Automated Collection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,UEFI BIOS ### Assistant: T1542: Pre-OS Boot
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,MuddyWater has used developed tools in Python including Out1.### Assistant: T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,After running the malware, the batch script goes on to cleans up all signs of its existence on the system, this includes: Deletion of all initial files created during installation, as well as all associated files required on disk during initial execution### Assistant: T1070: Indicator Removal on Host
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,!DWN Downloads a file from a specified URL### Assistant: T1105: Ingress Tool Transfer
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning is also typically used by Windows systems as a backup protocol when SMB is blocked or fails.### Assistant: T1187: Forced Authentication
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Taidoor has modified the HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key for persistence.### Assistant: T1547: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,In Kubernetes, if an adversary has sufficient permissions, they may gain remote execution in a container in the cluster via interaction with the Kubernetes API server, the kubelet, or by running a command such as kubectl exec.### Assistant: T1609: Container Administration Command
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Depending on the browser, adversaries may also manipulate an extension's update url to install updates from an adversary controlled server or manipulate the mobile configuration file to silently install additional extensions.### Assistant: T1176: Browser Extensions
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Many email clients allow users to create inbox rules for various email functions, including moving emails to other folders, marking emails as read, or deleting emails.### Assistant: T1564: Hide Artifacts
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,2 Successful payload download Astaroth’s initial payload is a malicious .lnk file, a common delivery method used by threat actors### Assistant: T1547: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Higaisa used JavaScript to execute additional files.### Assistant: T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Successful authenticated API calls can return data such as the operating system platform and status of a particular instance or the model view of a virtual machine.### Assistant: T1082: System Information Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Netsh.exe is a command-line scripting utility used to interact with the network configuration of a system.### Assistant: T1546: Event Triggered Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,MegaCortex has checked the number of CPUs in the system to avoid being run in a sandbox or emulator.### Assistant: T1497: Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Blue Mockingbird has used Mimikatz to retrieve credentials from LSASS memory.### Assistant: T1003: OS Credential Dumping
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,FIN7 has conducted broad phishing campaigns using malicious links.### Assistant: T1566: Phishing
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,AuditCred can search through folders and files on the system.### Assistant: T1083: File and Directory Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Bundlore creates a new key pair with ssh-keygen and drops the newly created user key in authorized_keys to enable remote login.### Assistant: T1098: Account Manipulation
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,ShadowPad has used UDP for C2 communications.### Assistant: T1095: Non-Application Layer Protocol
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,BitPaymer has used dynamic API resolution to avoid identifiable strings within the binary, including RegEnumKeyW.### Assistant: T1106: Native API
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may abuse the Windows Task Scheduler to perform task scheduling for initial or recurring execution of malicious code.### Assistant: T1053: Scheduled Task/Job
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Patchwork has used spearphishing with links to try to get users to click, download and open malicious files.### Assistant: T1204: User Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may craft malicious stored procedures that can provide a persistence mechanism in SQL database servers.### Assistant: T1505: Server Software Component
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Xbash can create a Startup item for persistence if it determines it is on a Windows system.### Assistant: T1547: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,It was pretending to be an Adobe flash player update installer on a compromised website to lure users to click for the execution### Assistant: T1036: Masquerading
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Stolen Pencil sent spearphishing emails containing links to domains controlled by the threat actor.### Assistant: T1566: Phishing
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,CosmicDuke searches attached and mounted drives for file extensions and keywords that match a predefined list.### Assistant: T1083: File and Directory Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Typical web servers and applications only require GET, POST, and HEAD.Where possible, minimize server fingerprinting by configuring web servers to avoid responding with banners identifying the server software and version number.Secure both the operating system and the application.Update and patch production servers regularly.Disable potentially harmful SQL-stored procedure calls.Sanitize and validate input to ensure that it is properly typed and does not contain escaped code.Consider using type-safe stored procedures and prepared statements.Audit transaction logs regularly for suspicious activity.Perform penetration testing on web services.Ensure error messages are generic and do not expose too much information.Permissions, Privileges, and Access ControlsSystem operators should take the following steps to limit permissions, privileges, and access controls.Reduce privileges to only those needed for a user’s duties.Restrict users’ ability (permissions) to install and run unwanted software applications, and apply the principle of “Least Privilege” to all systems and services### Assistant: T1505: Server Software Component
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may use this technique to replace legitimate binaries with malicious ones as a means of executing code at a higher permissions level.### Assistant: T1574: Hijack Execution Flow
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,HOPLIGHT has been observed enumerating system drives and partitions.### Assistant: T1083: File and Directory Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,APT19 configured its payload to inject into the rundll32.exe.### Assistant: T1218: Signed Binary Proxy Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may craft various search engine queries depending on what information they seek to gather.### Assistant: T1593: Search Open Websites/Domains
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,FIN7 has used mshta.exe to execute VBScript to execute malicious code on victim systems.### Assistant: T1218: Signed Binary Proxy Execution
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Lazarus Group malware IndiaIndia saves information gathered about the victim to a file that is compressed with Zlib, encrypted, and uploaded to a C2 server.### Assistant: T1560: Archive Collected Data
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Netwalker's DLL has also been embedded within the PowerShell script in hex format.### Assistant: T1027: Obfuscated Files or Information
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Tropic Trooper used letmein to scan for saved usernames on the target system.### Assistant: T1033: System Owner/User Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,menuPass has used the Csvde tool to collect Active Directory files and data.### Assistant: T1119: Automated Collection
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,In certain circumstances, such as an air-gapped network compromise, exfiltration could occur via a USB device introduced by a user.### Assistant: T1052: Exfiltration Over Physical Medium
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Adversaries may search in different open databases depending on what information they seek to gather.### Assistant: T1596: Search Open Technical Databases
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Machete has distributed Machete through a fake blog website.### Assistant: T1189: Drive-by Compromise
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Threat Group-3390 has used CVE-2014-6324 to escalate privileges.### Assistant: T1068: Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,Conficker variants used the Windows AUTORUN feature to spread through USB propagation.### Assistant: T1091: Replication Through Removable Media
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,A Patchwork payload has searched all fixed drives on the victim for files matching a specified list of extensions.### Assistant: T1083: File and Directory Discovery
### Human:Find the techniques and ID from MITRE ATT&CK framework.,One TYPEFRAME variant decrypts an archive using an RC4 key, then decompresses and installs the decrypted malicious DLL module.### Assistant: T1140: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information
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