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Title: Feature request: Play sound in OSX notifications Question: username_0: First of all: Even if this is beta, it works better than some released product. Kudos for that! What I really like to see in one of the next versions of the OS X app is playing a sound when something happens. Like Apple's built-in message app does. Answers: username_1: A general sound notification for incoming chat messages would be much appreciated. In any case, great piece of software! username_2: I'm loving Keybase so far, but it is very surprising that there are no desktop sound notifications. That kind of makes it unusable, doesn't it? Am I missing something? username_3: Ditto for linux, it would be great.
Title: TabItem:selected selector for Descendant control does not work Question: username_0: i use selector <Style Selector="TabItem:selected TextBlock.TabTitle"> so that the header if the selected tab is bold but the issue is that all header are bold although for the tabitems that are not selected Any ideas? Settings the background of the selected tabitem works fine but here i don't have to use a descendant selector .... Answers: username_0: Issue solved: The tabitem was also a descendant of another tabcontrol so i had to use <Style Selector="TabItem:selected TabItem:selected TextBlock.TabTitle"> then everything works fine Status: Issue closed
Title: Turning an app with embedded Python into a Jupyter kernel Question: username_0: I am doing a few experiments on apps with Python integration via embedded Python, i.e. QGIS (and FreeCAD). The objective is to turn them into Jupyter kernels. Both apps come with their own Python console, but I'd like to run their GUI and Jupyter lab side-by-side while Jupyter's kernel is actually the embedded Python interpreter of the GUI app. I essentially want to use Jupyter for interacting with the apps instead of the apps' own consoles. I started with QGIS (and on Windows, because I was curious ...). For "implementation details" see below. QGIS launches, but from Jupyter's perspective, the kernel keeps starting. It never "finishes" starting. Interestingly, I can actually re-start the kernel, i.e. QGIS, from within Jupyter just fine. Either way, code can not be executed. - Completely ignoring my "implementation": Is what I described even possible? - I am trying to make sense of `ipykernel` (and `ipython` for that matter), but it is not trivial to get started. Does my "implementation" make any sense or do I have to approach things differently altogether? - Alternatively, could I turn an already running process (pure Python or with embedded Python) into a "kernel" by attaching to it from some kind of a wrapper process (via some form of IPC) which is the actual kernel from Jupyter's perspective? --- This is what I have so far: `kernel.json`, which [injects code at startup]( via `PYQGIS_STARTUP`: ```JSON { "argv": [ "C:/Users/demo/mambaforge/envs/cluster/Library/bin\\qgis.exe", "-m", "ipykernel_launcher", "-f", "{connection_file}" ], "display_name": "QGIS", "language": "python", "env": { "PYQGIS_STARTUP": "C:/Users/demo/mambaforge/envs/cluster/share/jupyter/kernels/qgis/" } } ``` `` which is supposed to launch the `kernelapp`. `argv` is a bit of an issue because QGIS does not expose it via `sys`, hence the ugly hack. I think it [should forward the args to the right place in traitlets]( ```python from threading import Thread import os from time import time import sys from qgis.core import QgsApplication from ipykernel import kernelapp as app LOG_FN = 'C:/Users/demo/mambaforge/envs/cluster/share/jupyter/kernels/qgis/log.out' def log_out(msg): with open(LOG_FN, mode = 'a') as f: f.write('%d | %s\n' % (round(time()), msg)) def launch_ipython(): log_out('Argv...') argv = QgsApplication.arguments().copy() # HACK: sys.argv not available log_out(str(argv)) log_out('App...') app.launch_new_instance(argv = argv) # Blocks ... ? log_out('Done?') sys._ipython = Thread(target = launch_ipython) # HACK for later access sys._ipython.start() ``` `log.out` from a *single* kernel start. Looks like two instances, threads or processes are getting started: ``` 1621087447 | App... 1621087681 | Argv... 1621087681 | ['C:/Users/demo/mambaforge/envs/cluster/Library/bin\\qgis.exe', '-m', 'ipykernel_launcher', '-f', 'C:\\Users\\demo\\AppData\\Roaming\\jupyter\\runtime\\kernel-b5e49e78-f742-49c1-b75d-6425c4fbee6a.json'] 1621087681 | App... 1621087681 | Argv... 1621087681 | ['C:/Users/demo/mambaforge/envs/cluster/Library/bin\\qgis.exe', '-m', 'ipykernel_launcher', '-f', 'C:\\Users\\demo\\AppData\\Roaming\\jupyter\\runtime\\kernel-b5e49e78-f742-49c1-b75d-6425c4fbee6a.json'] 1621087681 | App... ``` Answers: username_1: Hey @username_0 this we are definitely interested in this application (embedding a Jupyter kernel into a desktop application). It turns out we have done it already for Slicer3D (a medical imaging Qt desktop app developed by Kitware). You may be interested in the following article, which dives into this example: Actually, FreeCAD and Blender are mentioned in the post as possible applications that could benefit from this approach. Long story short, the approach is to use xeus-python. - Xeus-python is a python kernel based on xeus (a C++ implementation of the kernel protocol). - Xeus-python relies on IPython (just like ipykernel) so that it supports all IPython magics, rich display mechanism, widgets etc. however, xeus-python differs from ipykernel in that it has a *pluggable concurrency model*. In the case of Slicer, which is a Qt application, we override that concurrency model to make use of the Qt event loop, so that polling the kernel sockets does not block the application (and reversely). username_0: I recently came across [this concept via qasync]( If I am not mistaken, [ipython supports a similar concept]( username_1: That is meant to run the GUI event loop of matplotlib backends.
Title: Add a "random strategy" that changes its strategy randomly after each turn Question: username_0: This strategy should be able to make use of other defined strategies, changing it dynamically after each turn. Answers: username_0: FYI @username_1 username_1: Sorry, I think I wasn't clear when we talked today. By random strategy I mean a strategy that picks which column to play at random (of course choosing from the available non-full columns). username_0: Oh! I totally misunderstood what you wanted to tell me, thanks for the clarification. Status: Issue closed
Title: unable to view the leaderboard Question: username_0: It has been like this for quite some hours. ![image]( Answers: username_1: We are aware of it, it is being diagnosed where the problem crept in as we had all clean merges none went bad or below quality username_1: See #83 Status: Issue closed
Title: Support scanning for UIMA components Question: username_0: Support initializing an OMTD-SHARE descriptor from a UIMA descriptor. Answers: username_1: I've had a quick look at the xml and what is generated seems ok. Two things to consider that will help automatic validation: - add the line <ms:componentMetadataRecord xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:ms="" xmlns:xsi=""> in the beginning - instead of "ns1" could you generate "ms" (I think it hs to do with the qualified or not namespace) username_0: @username_1 @courado I think that is something that would be done in the omtd-registry-api module, right? username_0: @username_1 what does "ms" mean? username_1: It stands for "MetaShare" and it's because of the namespace; if I had the time, it would be "ms" for the inherited ones from metashare and "omtd" for the new ones from OpenMinTeD (or at least ms-omtd). username_0: @username_1 @courado Looks like I cannot easily change the namespace prefix during serialization with recent Java versions - it is something that needs to be added to the JAXB omtd-registry-api classes. See @username_1 I'll add the schema location info. username_0: Created a new issue for the schema location: #8 Status: Issue closed
Title: torch.fft functionality Question: username_0: **Describe the bug** The new version of the `torch==1.8` does not support `torch.fft()` functionality. Now it should be used as `torch.fft.rfft()` since `torch == 1.7.0`. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Update pytorch and torchvision 2. Run `pytest test` 3. See error **Suggestion** Upgrade the requirements and change the code correspondently.<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: IBTool error Question: username_0: He, I'm getting this error: `"/Users/david/Downloads/ContactsDemo-master/ContactsDemo/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard: Exception while running ibtool: *** -[NSRegularExpression enumerateMatchesInString:options:range:usingBlock:]: nil argument`" Any ideas? Thanks!! Answers: username_0: I solved the issue by rebuilding the storyboard. A new question -- probably dumb - how to get all contacts? Thanks
Title: [Bug] Question: username_0: Hello dev: I write a demo that calling **kotlin-native function** in C++. Then i add **android ndk build feature** in `build.gradle` like below code (my demo) : Everything is ok that launched by `./gradlew :app:installDebug`, but open in android studio 3.3 and after `gradle sync` i met a problem: ```ruby WARNING: API 'variant.getPackageLibrary()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getPackageLibraryProvider()'. It will be removed at the end of 2019. For more information, see To determine what is calling variant.getPackageLibrary(), use -Pandroid.debug.obsoleteApi=true on the command line to display a stack trace. Affected Modules: kt_mpp ``` I think there is sth wrong between `kotlin-multiplatform gradle plugin` and [android ndk build system]( Answers: username_1: Not sure if there's any problem, you just got a warning. Status: Issue closed username_0: Yes, just got a warning, so close this issue.
Title: See how many users have favorited your uploads Question: username_0: **Type:** feature request **Priority:** low **Description:** In order to fulfil my pathetic desire for validation, on the "uploaded songs" page I should be able to see how many users have added each song that I have uploaded to their favorites list.
Title: analyze bad attributes in polymer element declaration Question: username_0: ``` <element string-only-prop="[[boolean-prop]]" -- wrong type non-existent-property="value" -- property doesnt exist> </element> ``` Answers: username_1: I think this will be handled by which is integrated in the editor-service for the editor plugins. username_2: Thanks for filing this issue! Moved to two different polymer-linter feature requests Status: Issue closed
Title: Criar o PG de Comunicação Question: username_0: GanttStart: 2017-07-20 GanttDue: 2017-08-01 Answers: username_0: ###### Identificar as partes interessadas (INICIAÇÃO) ###### Planejar as comunicações (PLANEJAMENTO) - Determinar as necessidades de informações e comunicações das partes - Ex: Determinar as atividades aos envolvidos - Métodos de comunicação - INTERATIVA: reuniões, telefonemas, videoconferências - ATIVA(push): cartas, memos,relatórios, e-mails,... - PASSIVA(pull): intranet, e-learning, ... - Identificação das necessidades de informação e comunicação dos envolvidos - Ex: Quem precisa da informação? ###### Distribuir as informações (EXECUÇÃO) ###### Gerenciar as expectativas das partes (EXECUÇÃO) ###### Reportar o desempenho (MONITORAMENTO) username_1: Conclui olhem e vejam o que precisa ser alterado ou inserir username_0: Correção do link quebrado... Status: Issue closed
Title: order of controls Question: username_0: is there a way to control the order of the appearance of controls? e.g. i want to have tabs _above_ a button. But now i always get a button _above_ a tab, even though in the code tabs are defined first. ``` uint16_t tab1 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Settings 1", "WIFI" ); uint16_t tab2 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Settings 2", "Sensors" ); uint16_t tab3 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Settings 3", "Light" ); //Under Tab1 wifi_control = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Text, "Wifi SSID:", config.ssid, ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &textCallBack ); ``` and down lower in the file : ` button1 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Button, "", "Apply", ControlColor::Peterriver,Control::noParent, &buttonCallback );` Answers: username_1: I don't really understand the issue here, can you post a screenshot of this behaviour ? username_0: ![image]( username_0: i found the answer, though it doesn't solve the problem. In the read me it says : ``` ### Using Tabs ![tabs]( Tabs can be used to organize your widgets in pages. Check the tabbedGui example. Tabs can be created using the generic functions like so: `ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Settings 1", "Settings 1" );` Then all widgets for the tab need to be added to it by specifying the tab as the parrent (widgets not added to a tab will be shown above the tab selctor) `ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Text, "Text Title:", "a Text Field", ControlColor::Alizarin, tab1, &textCall );` ``` is there a way to move the button below the tabs ? :) username_1: In your upper code you use Control::noParent, this is clearly wrong and should be the tabid username_0: I understand "parent" as the control will be on one of the tabs, no? I want to have the button outside (and below) the entire tab control... username_1: No, that is currently not possible as it is also confusing in my opinion > On Monday, Jul 06, 2020 at 8:09 PM, username_0 <<EMAIL> (mailto:<EMAIL>)> wrote: > > > > I understand "parent" as the control will be on one of the tabs, no? > I want to have the button outside (and below) the entire tab control... > > > username_0: What controls the order of elements (buttons, tabs, labels) on the page? Having a button above the tab group is weird. On Mon, Jul 6, 2020, 14:15 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> wrote: > No, that is currently not possible as it is also confusing in my opinion > > > On Monday, Jul 06, 2020 at 8:09 PM, username_0 <<EMAIL> > (mailto:<EMAIL>)> wrote: > > > > > > > > I understand "parent" as the control will be on one of the tabs, no? > > I want to have the button outside (and below) the entire tab control... > > > > > > username_1: controls without a parent always are rendered above the tab bar as of right now Status: Issue closed
Title: [BUG] getUsername of returns the null Question: username_0: # To reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: java ./ []( Answers: username_1: This application is using an unsupported syscall: Getgroups There is a quick workaround: [getgroups.txt]( The official fix will be available soon. Status: Issue closed
Title: NoSuchMethodError: The method '>' was called on null. Question: username_0: ## Steps to Reproduce this is my code : ``` Widget build(BuildContext context) { final CustomThemeData cusTheme = kDefaultGalleryTheme.cusTheme; final Key key1 = new Key('key1'); return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text('test'), automaticallyImplyLeading: false, actions: <Widget>[ new IconButton(icon: new Icon(Icons.close), onPressed: _cancle), ], ), body: new Container( color: cusTheme.pageBackground, padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ new TextFormInput( placeholder: 'test', validator: _validate, ), const SizedBox(height: 10.0), new TextFormInput( placeholder: 'test', validator: _validate, suffixIcon: Icons.keyboard_arrow_down, iconPress: _cancle, ), const SizedBox(height: 10.0), new Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ new TextFormField( // new Text('test'), // this place !!!! if the widget is Text . it can word keyboardType: TextInputType.text, validator: _validate, textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.words, obscureText: false, decoration: new InputDecoration( fillColor: Colors.white, border: InputBorder.none, filled: true, hintText: 'test', labelText: 'test', hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Color(0x73000000), fontSize: 14.0), labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Color(0x73000000), fontSize: 14.0), ), ), ], ), ], ), )); } } [Truncated] To upgrade: brew upgrade cocoapods pod setup [✓] Android Studio (version 3.1) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android • Flutter plugin version 28.0.1 • Dart plugin version 173.4700 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b01) [✓] VS Code (version 1.27.0) • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio • Flutter extension version 2.18.0 [✓] Connected devices (2 available) • MI 6X • 9e7680a • android-arm64 • Android 8.1.0 (API 27) • iPhone 8 • 4498DDA5-0749-4FE7-AE73-D6A866972B1F • ios • iOS 11.4 (simulator) ! Doctor found issues in 1 category. ``` Answers: username_1: Could you please create a complete runnable example (main.dart) that allows to reproduce? username_0: @username_1 I creat a example , this is all of the main.dart。 when i run , i get the same error : ` flutter: Another exception was thrown: NoSuchMethodError: The method '>' was called on null.` ``` import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() => runApp(new MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { // This widget is the root of your application. @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new MaterialApp( title: 'Flutter Demo', theme: new ThemeData( primarySwatch:, ), home: new MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'), ); } } class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget { MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key); final String title; @override _MyHomePageState createState() => new _MyHomePageState(); } class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> { _cancle(){ } String _validate(String value) { return null; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text('test'), automaticallyImplyLeading: false, actions: <Widget>[ new IconButton(icon: new Icon(Icons.close), onPressed: _cancle), ], ), body: new Container( color:, padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ new TextFormField( keyboardType: TextInputType.text, validator: _validate, [Truncated] border: InputBorder.none, filled: true, hintText: 'test', labelText: 'test', hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Color(0x73000000), fontSize: 14.0), labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Color(0x73000000), fontSize: 14.0), ), ), ], ), ], ), )); } } ``` username_1: Thanks a lot for the reproduction code. With this code I get ``` Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode... Initializing gradle... Resolving dependencies... Running 'gradlew assembleDebug'... Built build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk. Installing build/app/outputs/apk/app.apk... I/Choreographer(11232): Skipped 35 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. D/EGL_emulation(11232): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa90daf00: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x969e50a0) Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86... I/flutter (11232): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY RENDERING LIBRARY ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ I/flutter (11232): The following assertion was thrown during performLayout(): I/flutter (11232): BoxConstraints forces an infinite width. I/flutter (11232): These invalid constraints were provided to RenderAnimatedOpacity's layout() function by the I/flutter (11232): following function, which probably computed the invalid constraints in question: I/flutter (11232): _RenderDecoration._layout.layoutLineBox (package:flutter/src/material/input_decorator.dart:808:11) I/flutter (11232): The offending constraints were: I/flutter (11232): BoxConstraints(w=Infinity, 0.0<=h<=Infinity) I/flutter (11232): I/flutter (11232): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: I/flutter (11232): #0 BoxConstraints.debugAssertIsValid.<anonymous closure>.throwError (package:flutter/src/rendering/box.dart:514:9) I/flutter (11232): #1 BoxConstraints.debugAssertIsValid.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/rendering/box.dart:555:21) I/flutter (11232): #2 BoxConstraints.debugAssertIsValid (package:flutter/src/rendering/box.dart:561:6) I/flutter (11232): #3 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1546:24) I/flutter (11232): #4 _RenderDecoration._layout.layoutLineBox (package:flutter/src/material/input_decorator.dart:808:11) I/flutter (11232): #5 _RenderDecoration._layout (package:flutter/src/material/input_decorator.dart:839:18) I/flutter (11232): #6 _RenderDecoration.performLayout (package:flutter/src/material/input_decorator.dart:969:44) I/flutter (11232): #7 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #8 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #9 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #10 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #11 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #12 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #13 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #14 RenderFlex.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/flex.dart:738:15) I/flutter (11232): #15 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #16 RenderFlex.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/flex.dart:738:15) I/flutter (11232): #17 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #18 RenderPadding.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/shifted_box.dart:199:11) I/flutter (11232): #19 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #20 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #21 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #22 MultiChildLayoutDelegate.layoutChild (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:141:11) I/flutter (11232): #23 _ScaffoldLayout.performLayout (package:flutter/src/material/scaffold.dart:338:7) I/flutter (11232): #24 MultiChildLayoutDelegate._callPerformLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:211:7) I/flutter (11232): #25 RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:355:14) I/flutter (11232): #26 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #27 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #28 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #29 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #30 _RenderCustomClip.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:1192:11) I/flutter (11232): #31 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #32 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #33 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #34 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) I/flutter (11232): #35 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1631:7) I/flutter (11232): #36 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:108:13) [Truncated] • Xcode 9.4.1, Build version 9F2000 • ios-deploy 2.0.0 • CocoaPods version 1.5.3 [✓] Android Studio (version 3.1) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android • Flutter plugin version 23.1.2 • Dart plugin version 173.4700 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b01) [✓] IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2018.2) • IntelliJ at /Applications/IntelliJ • Flutter plugin version 26.0.3 • Dart plugin version 182.3569.4 [✓] Connected devices (1 available) • Android SDK built for x86 • emulator-5554 • android-x86 • Android 8.1.0 (API 27) (emulator) • No issues found! ``` Status: Issue closed username_1: Adding a `Flexible` fixed it for me ```dart new Row( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ Flexible( child: new TextFormField( ``` See also Tentatively closing. Add a comment to reopen if you disagree. username_2: I/flutter ( 4598): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY RENDERING LIBRARY ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ I/flutter ( 4598): The following assertion was thrown during performResize(): I/flutter ( 4598): Vertical viewport was given unbounded height. I/flutter ( 4598): Viewports expand in the scrolling direction to fill their container.In this case, a vertical I/flutter ( 4598): viewport was given an unlimited amount of vertical space in which to expand. This situation I/flutter ( 4598): typically happens when a scrollable widget is nested inside another scrollable widget. I/flutter ( 4598): If this widget is always nested in a scrollable widget there is no need to use a viewport because I/flutter ( 4598): there will always be enough vertical space for the children. In this case, consider using a Column I/flutter ( 4598): instead. Otherwise, consider using the "shrinkWrap" property (or a ShrinkWrappingViewport) to size I/flutter ( 4598): the height of the viewport to the sum of the heights of its children. I/flutter ( 4598): I/flutter ( 4598): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: I/flutter ( 4598): #0 RenderViewport.performResize.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/rendering/viewport.dart:1147:15) I/flutter ( 4598): #1 RenderViewport.performResize (package:flutter/src/rendering/viewport.dart:1200:6) I/flutter ( 4598): #2 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1604:9) I/flutter ( 4598): #3 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #4 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #5 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #6 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #7 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #8 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #9 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #10 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #11 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #12 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #13 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #14 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #15 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #16 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #17 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #18 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #19 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #20 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #21 RenderFlex.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/flex.dart:743:15) I/flutter ( 4598): #22 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #23 MultiChildLayoutDelegate.layoutChild (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:142:11) I/flutter ( 4598): #24 _ScaffoldLayout.performLayout (package:flutter/src/material/scaffold.dart:443:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #25 MultiChildLayoutDelegate._callPerformLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:212:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #26 RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:356:14) I/flutter ( 4598): #27 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #28 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #29 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #30 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #31 _RenderCustomClip.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:1214:11) I/flutter ( 4598): #32 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #33 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #34 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #35 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #36 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #37 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #38 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #39 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #40 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #41 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #42 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #43 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #44 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #45 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) I/flutter ( 4598): #46 RenderObject.layout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1619:7) I/flutter ( 4598): #47 _RenderProxyBox&RenderBox&RenderObjectWithChildMixin&RenderProxyBoxMixin.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/proxy_box.dart:105:13) [Truncated] I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderViewport#45ad5 NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderViewport#45ad5 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderIgnorePointer#319d0 relayoutBoundary=up10 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderSemanticsAnnotations#2ba03 relayoutBoundary=up9 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderPointerListener#b33b0 relayoutBoundary=up8 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler#f2dab relayoutBoundary=up7 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderPointerListener#32d8b relayoutBoundary=up6 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: _RenderScrollSemantics#1ae00 relayoutBoundary=up5 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderRepaintBoundary#18c71 relayoutBoundary=up4 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderCustomPaint#b23cc relayoutBoundary=up3 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderRepaintBoundary#b9ed0 relayoutBoundary=up2 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderFlex#1565e relayoutBoundary=up1 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE I/flutter ( 4598): Another exception was thrown: NoSuchMethodError: The method '>' was called on null. how do i solve this I m also new one in flutter gang plzzzzzzzzzz help username_3: I got a very similar error recently. In my case, I was running a forloop inside the children property of a Column widget. What I did wrong? for(int i; i<data.length; i++) so I is really null and I am running "<" against null.
Title: Centralized logs for bot-related events Question: username_0: It should be possible to log all the critical bots events in a one place, both for transparency and debug reasons. The resulting logs should be displayed at admin page with possible subset of events redirected to public page.
Title: [GTA2, Linux/Wine] Cannot get WF to work Question: username_0: I know, there was several issues about Wine. Unfortunately overriding d3d9 native (as well as d3d8 and d3d10) in Wine settings doesn't seems to work. There isn't such resolution in GTA Manager, and game itself runs in default mode. ![Wine settings]( I changed GTA2.WidescreenFix.ini changing `ResX = 1366 ResY = 768` - no effect. Answers: username_1: I can't get the widescreen fixes for GTA1 or GTA2 to work in Wine on macOS. I also tried the overrides that @username_0 mentions above.
Title: Using behind "Pull through cache" Question: username_0: Hello! So I don't know if I am being thick here, but I can't see how to set things up so the image will use a pull through cache I have setup? I have no internet access on the Kubernetes cluster being used to build images, so I have a docker pull-through cache setup on another machine. When Kaniko tries to build something, based off another image, it fails, because it gets a time out trying to pull from docker hub. How do I tell Kaniko to use the pull-through cache? I have set this up for the hosts running docker so the cluster normally pulls images through the cache. In docker, I usually set this is daemon.json, or at run-time for the docker daemon. Status: Issue closed Answers: username_0: This is actually a duplicate of: #406
Title: Upgrade NonSilo.Tests to .NET 4.7 to support ValueTuple Question: username_0: ValueTuple support is "spotty" on older versions of .NET and we're seeing that type equality fails. Answers: username_0: For the time being, I'm going to skip some tests and link them to this issue. We must reenable the tests when this is fixed. username_1: Is it better to upgrade to 4.7.1? username_0: either way is fine for ValueTuple. Generally we try to stick to Version - 1. In this case it's just a test project, though.
Title: Core-Swarm-Meeting - 13th August 2021 - 17:00 UTC Question: username_0: ## Core-Swarm-Meeting - 13th August 2021 - 17:00 UTC - Last Meeting - ### Moderator - [ ] JakobD ### Attendees Checked Names confirmed as Attendees. - [ ] DominikTilman - [ ] FelixWeber - [ ] Filip - [ ] Tevo - [ ] <NAME> - [ ] Seomon ### Documentation - [x] @username_0 ## Agenda Items List of Open Agenda Items -<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Opdracht 1 Question: username_0: Maak een reguliere expressie voor de volgende onderdelen: A. Nederlandse postcode B. Nederlands telefoonnummer C. Email D. Adres E. Man of vrouw invoer Op de volgende websites kan je jouw reguliere expressie uitproberen: - -<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Make UI prototype for POS Question: username_0: ![изображение]( Answers: username_0: ![изображение]( username_0: ![изображение]( ![изображение]( ![изображение]( Done! Status: Issue closed
Title: Error running `make check` on Windows Question: username_0: Following the new guide in the readme for building on Windows, I run into this error: ``` maketest: bootstrap-from-c-with-green ----- C:/msys64/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/src/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green/ -------------------- ------ stdout --------------------------------------------- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/src/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green' PATH="/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green:C:/msys64/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/stage2/bin:/mingw32/bin:/mingw32/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/bin:/c/Ruby200/bin:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/Program Files (x86)/Intel/OpenCL SDK/3.0/bin/x86:/c/Program Files (x86)/Intel/OpenCL SDK/3.0/bin/x64:/c/Python27:/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2013a/runtime/win64:/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2013a/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/cmd:/c/Python27/Scripts:/c/Program Files (x86)/ctags58:/c/Program Files (x86)/Rust/bin" C:/msys64/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/stage2/bin/rustc.exe --out-dir /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green -L /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green ln -nsf /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green/boot-*.dll /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green/boot.dll gcc -Wall -Werror -g -m32 -march=i686 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/src/etc/mingw-fix-include -L /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green main.c -o /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green/main -lboot PATH="/mingw32/bin:/mingw32/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/bin:/c/Ruby200/bin:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/Program Files (x86)/Intel/OpenCL SDK/3.0/bin/x86:/c/Program Files (x86)/Intel/OpenCL SDK/3.0/bin/x64:/c/Python27:/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2013a/runtime/win64:/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2013a/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/cmd:/c/Python27/Scripts:/c/Program Files (x86)/ctags58:/c/Program Files (x86)/Rust/bin:C:/msys64/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/stage1/bin/rustlib/i686-pc-mingw32/lib:/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green" /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green/main Makefile:8: recipe for target 'all' failed make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/src/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green' ------ stderr --------------------------------------------- make[1]: *** [all] Error 127 ------ --------------------------------------------- /home/John/programming/forks/rustmain/rust/mk/ recipe for target 'i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green-2-T-i686-pc-mingw32-H-i686-pc-mingw32.ok' failed make: *** [i686-pc-mingw32/test/run-make/bootstrap-from-c-with-green-2-T-i686-pc-mingw32-H-i686-pc-mingw32.ok] Error 2 ``` cc @alexcrichton Answers: username_1: This was merely another case of #18733. username_2: @huonw, @username_3: as mentioned above, this is a dupe. Please close. Status: Issue closed
Title: Public Guild API Question: username_0: ## Description Add a Guild settings to expose Guild Information like Name, Icon, Member Count and online Member Count via the REST API. The settings would contain following preferences: - Enabled State: Whether the API endpoint is enabled or disabled for the guild *(default: `disabled`)* - CORS Origins: The allowed CORS origins URLs *(default: `*`)* - Auth Token: A required auth token to access the endpoint *(default: `none`)*<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Staff should be able to view all orders belonging to a single dentist Question: username_0: On dentist show page? Status: Issue closed Answers: username_0: Front end solved cac37288a24f066064c96aa8e4f0626f63c241f9 Mostly solved with 57cff7e2e3d293c87d50333a128577738b64492c Backend basically will check if the currently logged in user is an admin (determined by checking token generated on login). If admin will return all orders and admin: "true", if not will return only the orders belonging to that dentist and admin: "false" Frontend will then use that admin value to determine which page to route to, a dentist show page or order index username_0: On dentist show page? username_0: Misunderstood this one - needs to be when you click on the dentists name within order index, it shows their orders - alternatively search bar at top that filters which dentists orders are shown Status: Issue closed username_0: 9e01d964d2a41b68e8bd4890a80d7ac189b6016b
Title: GIDS: Query optimization for institutions_programs Question: username_0: As a developer, I need to improve the performance of the institutions and institutions_programs queries in order to enhance performance and stability of the application. ## Assumptions ## Acceptance Criteria 1. TBD ## Supporting Artifacts: 1. Research story and outcomes can be found here: Answers: username_0: No work to be completed here (see #6282) Status: Issue closed
Title: Journey parser should use frozen string literals Question: username_0: At the moment jouney parser does not have the comment ``` # frozen_string_literal: true ``` at the top. This means that lines like this: end up causing retention of 4961 objects on boot for Discourse. Is there anything stopping us adding `# frozen_string_literal: true` to the parser? Answers: username_0: also, it seems ``` SLASH ='/') def _reduce_15(val, _values) SLASH end ``` makes much more sense than: ``` def _reduce_15(val, _values)'/') end ``` username_1: cc @tenderlove @pixeltrix username_0: also ... scanner.rb has tons to win with frozen string literals... counting about 2500 retained strings there. username_2: Looks like a Slash singleton would obviate a change in the parser. I see no string literals in [scanner.rb]( other than the args to `tr` :confused: username_0: @username_2 yeah that `tr` is called and retained about 2500 in our app. I guess this change would cut down on 5000 or so allocations. I tested on local and a slash singleton seems to work fine, app boots routes seem to work. Couldn't, simply be changed to ``` SLASH { ::ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::SLASH } ``` or something along those lines? username_2: Surely the result of the tr is being retained, not the throw-away literal arguments. Yep, that slash change sounds fine. username_0: yeah retention is absolutely a result of the transposed string but can avoid allocating 5000 objects here, sounds like an easy win by just freezing "" '\\' username_2: I just had a look at this, and freezing the slash singleton reveals some relevant-sounding mutation on `memo`. Even though we're not currently doing any compilation in parallel here (which is presumably why it still works for you), I'd rather pay the allocations than explicitly depend on that fact. I haven't looked into the use of that attribute, though.. particularly given how little Slash does, maybe it could be skipped / worked around. I've done the easy ones in 4273ab34c484f38fa9f77d133cd83256d721e7c8.
Title: ping Latency Issue Question: username_0: This issue is On branch v1.3 This issue is occurring with few VMs not 100% reproducible (so far). This issue is not specific to a compute host/VLAN type/Provider network ``` # This ping is good $ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.402 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.277 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.316 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.253 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.370 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.273 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.339 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.237 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.272 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=0.319 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9196ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.237/0.305/0.402/0.054 ms # this ping is bad, see 400+ ms for response time for some $ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=486 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.385 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=414 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.319 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=423 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=3.42 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=328 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.219 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=34.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=37.9 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9068ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.219/173.095/486.827/199.830 ms ``` Answers: username_1: @username_0 Can we please close this if not valid anymore. username_0: This environment is teared down. I can't provide any more information on this issue so we can close it for now. Status: Issue closed
Title: Rework chapters management Question: username_0: Chapters management is currently awkward, which make it error prone when something new must be done which depends on current position in the chapters tree (e.g. handle remove chapter button sensitivity #74 ). Besides, the code for this is getting large. The plan is the following: 1. Move the existing code to a dedicated type. 2. Add a member which will track current chapter. Currently, `chapter_iter` is used for that which requires the user to check whether current iter is actually selected in order to handle cases such as first chapter starting later than the beginning of the stream or gap between chapters or current position past the last chapter.<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: None Question: username_0: Vous avez des retouches à faire dans la page d'accueil. Créez deux dossier "fr" & "ar" et mettez la version arabe et français dans leur dossier respective. Renommez les deux fichier accueil en index.html. Answers: username_0: Pour les retouches sa concerne la section Hero Header & Hero Footer. Je pense la source du problème de scroll est la section Header. username_0: - Convertissez le design graphique de la page d'accueil en un code HTML CSS compressé et Compatible avec tous les navigateur en utilisant NPM, SASS. - Analysez bien le [Design]( - Intégrez votre code html en respectant la structure que vous venez d’imaginer - Pensez bien à votre stratégie de découpage. - Nommez vos blocs de façon sémantique en utilisant le concept BEM - Incluez un [reset ]( css dans le header de votre page html. - [x] Intégration section Hero Header contenant Menu , Warning Info, Illustration et son texte et Boutton Test - [x] Intégration section Symptômes - [x] Intégration Recommandations officielles - [x] Intégration section Hero Footer contenant la section Test et le footer username_0: le scroll est encore la.
Title: Strange behaviour on ggplot for bivariate maps Question: username_0: The panel and text axis shows an undesired output when I take the ggplot2 rayshader, I think there are extra parameters that I should set on ggplot2 that it can work properly. ` #libraries library(sf) library(biscale) library(ggplot2) library(cowplot) library(rayshader) #read shapefile nc = st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"), quiet = TRUE) #create bi_class df <- bi_class(.data = nc, x = SID74, y = SID79, style = "quantile", dim = 3) %>% #set bivariate class na.omit() map <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = df, mapping = aes(fill = bi_class), color = "black", size = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE) + bi_scale_fill(pal = "DkViolet", dim = 3) + labs(title = "title", subtitle = "subtitle") legend <- bi_legend(pal = "DkViolet", dim = 3, xlab = "SID74", ylab = "SID79", size = 8) plotf <- cowplot::ggdraw() + draw_plot(map, 0, 0, 0.8, 1) + draw_plot(legend, 0.76, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, scale = 2.5) plot_gg(plotf, multicore = TRUE, width = 6 ,height=2.7, fov = 70) render_depth(focallength=100,focus=0.72) ` Answers: username_1: The panel and axis text shouldn't be an issue now in commit ba3a3b960f785cd4d635ad120b314863c124bf5c, but bivariate maps aren't really a good match for 3D: it's mapping two variables to color rather than one, so there isn't a straightforward way to convert it to 3D. Status: Issue closed
Title: Tiêu dè Question: username_0: Description: --- Nội thất Device info: --- <table> <tr><td>App version</td><td>1.1.8</td></tr> <tr><td>App version code</td><td>19100202</td></tr> <tr><td>Android build version</td><td>A520FXXSBCSJ2</td></tr> <tr><td>Android release version</td><td>8.0.0</td></tr> <tr><td>Android SDK version</td><td>26</td></tr> <tr><td>Android build ID</td><td>R16NW.A520FXXSBCSJ2</td></tr> <tr><td>Device brand</td><td>samsung</td></tr> <tr><td>Device manufacturer</td><td>samsung</td></tr> <tr><td>Device name</td><td>a5y17lte</td></tr> <tr><td>Device model</td><td>SM-A520F</td></tr> <tr><td>Device product name</td><td>a5y17ltexx</td></tr> <tr><td>Device hardware name</td><td>samsungexynos7880</td></tr> <tr><td>ABIs</td><td>[arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]</td></tr> <tr><td>ABIs (32bit)</td><td>[armeabi-v7a, armeabi]</td></tr> <tr><td>ABIs (64bit)</td><td>[arm64-v8a]</td></tr> </table>
Title: Cm_RedisSession & Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis Question: username_0: I am using both extensions alongside this Redis Manager: and noticed the following behavior: If I only include the edits for Cm_RedisSession in my local.xml, the Redis Manager will list the session database as being in use. As soon as I also include the Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis edits, both databases will be listed in the Redis Manager but the session db will remain empty. Is this a problem with the Redis Manager or am I doing something wrong? This is the related code in my local.xml I am trying: <!-- Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis --> <cache> <backend>Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis</backend> <backend_options> <server></server> <port>6379</port> <persistent></persistent> <database>1</database> <password></password> <force_standalone>1</force_standalone> <connect_retries>1</connect_retries> <read_timeout>10</read_timeout> <automatic_cleaning_factor>0</automatic_cleaning_factor> <compress_data>1</compress_data> <compress_tags>1</compress_tags> <compress_threshold>20480</compress_threshold> <compression_lib>gzip</compression_lib> <use_lua>0</use_lua> </backend_options> </cache> <!-- Cm_RedisSession --> <session_save>db</session_save> <redis_session> <host></host> <port>6379</port> <password></password> <timeout>2.5</timeout> <persistent></persistent> <db>2</db> <compression_threshold>2048</compression_threshold> <compression_lib>gzip</compression_lib> <log_level>4</log_level> <max_concurrency>6</max_concurrency> <break_after_frontend>5</break_after_frontend> <break_after_adminhtml>30</break_after_adminhtml> <first_lifetime>600</first_lifetime> <bot_first_lifetime>60</bot_first_lifetime> <bot_lifetime>7200</bot_lifetime> <disable_locking>0</disable_locking> <min_lifetime>60</min_lifetime> <max_lifetime>2592000</max_lifetime> </redis_session> Status: Issue closed Answers: username_1: Sounds like a bug with Redismanager... Cool tool. However, in a production environment do you really want anyone to have the ability to flush cache and sessions from the admin UI? Seems like this is something that should be needed extremely rarely and considering the potential destructiveness do you really even want it? For monitoring I'd recommend something like Munin or one of the other countless monitoring tools to monitor Redis directly. username_0: I never used it to flush the cache, only for monitoring. I will take a closer look at munin, I did not know you could see statistics for each separate database in there. Thanks Colin! username_1: I think I have a munin script for redis in my public gists or git repos.
Title: Add comments and trace failed rules when false Question: username_0: Hi, New to Github... I'm using a fork of jsonLogic for a product configurator we're developing, which will need regular updates of the rule set, so it fits our needs. I've added two small features that we found handy: 1) the ability to have comments in the JSON file to explain complex rules and 2) a (still rather coarse) way of reporting which rule(s) fail when the result is false. Perhaps this may be useful to others too? Since JSON doesn't allow comments, I've basically just added the operators // and # which don't do anything. This allows me to add 'comments' like this: {"//": [ "THIS IS A SAMPLE COMMENT", "AND THE SECOND LINE OF THIS COMMENT. OR EVEN A THIRD...", "OR A NEW COMMENT, WHATEVER YOU WISH!" ]} Not a paragon of elegance, but it does the trick. The trace method I added simply returns a list of the rule(s) that failed with expected value and the actual value. Cheers, Elco Answers: username_1: That's not so hard to do
Title: Smart button - Credit Question: username_0: ### Description I can't see the PayPal credit button when displaying my smart buttons using the JavaScript SDK, is this intended behaviour? ### Steps to reproduce When using the SDK library... 1. 2. No **PayPal Credit** button visible This works... 1. Access 2. I can see the **PayPal Credit** button as a payment method ### Affected browsers - [🆗] Chrome - [ ] Safari - [ ] Firefox - [ ] Edge - [ ] IE - [ ] Chrome Mobile/Tablet - [ ] Safari Mobile/Tablet - [ ] Web View / Safari ViewController - [ ] Other Answers: username_1: Which country are you browsing from? username_0: @username_1 United Kingdom (England) username_1: @username_2 can you take a look? Thanks username_2: @username_0 could you pls post the `Paypal-Debug-Id` under response headers of the `smart/buttons` call from your network tab? Also pls specify the env. Thanks! username_0: @username_2 thanks for the response... debugId: a276aeef4924a env: sandbox username_2: @username_0 I see that the credit button is not allowed due to MERCHANT_NOT_ALLOWED for client id = `AVnZ9VGXvqdiE_qh2d5U9N9s4HnhDGFxD_mFuRLQssc9ys1WQJqUjBu7DMK47JHhb-JUenmDBIP4odYc`. username_0: @username_2 ok thanks. Is there documentation on credit about where this setting can be enabled? username_0: Also on this [] and pretty much all of the documentation I've seen I can't find a working example that displays the PayPal credit button. I've only seen this working on the checkout.js implementation username_3: Hi, any update on this? Can we get @username_0 questions answered please.
Title: Fix exact match Question: username_0: (main) ÷19-07-09 17:59:39|ttys040|trippings-mbp-3|~\÷ ncluster connect \'mnist\' ncluster version 0.1.72 Region (us-east-1) $USER (username_0) account (331439827203:yacht) Using region us-east-1 Couldn't find instances in state () matching '''"'"'mnist'"'"''' for key ncluster-username_0
Title: Upgrade expo-branch to Aug 17 release of react-native-branch Question: username_0: ### Summary Here is the related discussion I had with @wodin : Basically PrivateRelay for iCloud+ users on iOS 15 kills Branch functionality completely. The SDK already solved it but needs to be upgraded in the Expo SDK (I'm using managed workflow). My expectation was that the Oct release of SDK 43 would have this Aug 17 version of branch, but apparently [it does not]( Obviously, the easiest thing would be to get expo-branch on the latest version for SDK 43 release. Would this be possible to do? could render expo-branch **unusable for 25% of all smartphones** (50% being iphone * 50% using private relay which is enabled by default for icloud paying customers). Not sure if I could just bump the react-native-branch version myself but if there are some linking required or what not, it likely won't work. I'd be happy to pay a developer too to get this working. It's crucial attributing installs for my project. ### Managed or bare workflow? If you have `ios/` or `android/` directories in your project, the answer is bare! managed ### What platform(s) does this occur on? iOS ### SDK Version (managed workflow only) 43 ### Environment I know I'm not on 43 yet...but I will be... Expo CLI 4.8.1 environment info: System: OS: macOS 11.1 Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash Binaries: Node: 14.12.0 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.5 - /usr/local/bin/yarn npm: 6.13.4 - /usr/local/bin/npm Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman Managers: CocoaPods: 1.10.1 - /Users/aryk/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.0/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: iOS 14.5, DriverKit 20.4, macOS 11.3, tvOS 14.5, watchOS 7.4 IDEs: Android Studio: 4.0 AI-193.6911.18.40.6514223 Xcode: 12.5.1/12E507 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild npmPackages: expo: ^41.0.0 => 41.0.1 react: 16.13.1 => 16.13.1 react-dom: 16.13.1 => 16.13.1 react-native: => 0.63.2 npmGlobalPackages: expo-cli: 4.4.4 Expo Workflow: managed ### Reproducible demo or steps to reproduce from a blank project None Answers: username_1: Any news on this? We want to use this in an enterprise app to handle deep links, but then I found this issue. username_2: i would suggest using EAS Build for your app and then using the library provided by Branch directly. more info on how you can do that in this forums post: username_0: @username_1 - in case you decide to roll your own...maybe this is helpful: username_1: Thanks for the follow-up guys will investigate both suggestions. We're using EAS build, but there are contradicting information in the documentation about what to do when you want to use branch on EAS ( indicates that expo-branch should work just fine, official branch documentation says you need to eject ( Since there is a valid suggestion on the forums for how to implement it, but not a proper implementation in expo-branch I guess it is because Expo does not want to maintain it? Or has just no one got around to make a PR for it (I could help out)? username_1: We decided to work around branch for now without the integration :(. If there is a solution readily available but not merged is it because expo do not want to support it or should someone make a PR for it? username_2: you can use branch with eas build with this package: Status: Issue closed
Title: Mistaken link? Question: username_0: "If you are using ExpressRoute and you have a default route published, see Azure VM may fail to activate over ExpressRoute." The link at the end of this statement is a Japanese blog post. I happen to be able to read that, so it's much appreciated, but that doesn't seem useful to most English readers. Is this doc using some tricky method to provide a link in the other language I frequently consume documentation in, or is it just wrong? Sadly, with the current state of localization of these docs, I realize we'll probably lose that useful Japanese link in the actual Japanese doc if you update the English, but please confirm. I'll post it here just for posterity. --- #### Document Details ⚠ *Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.* * ID: 4620505b-a2d7-c17e-23e0-9f82ce19fbd8 * Version Independent ID: 3b149dcb-9f53-8887-8c19-a6c21b06d4e6 * Content: [Troubleshoot Windows virtual machine activation problems in Azure]( * Content Source: [articles/virtual-machines/windows/]( * Service: **virtual-machines-windows** * GitHub Login: @username_2 * Microsoft Alias: **genli** Answers: username_1: Thanks for the feedback! I have assigned the issue to the content author to investigate further and update the document as appropriate. username_2: @username_0 Thanks for pointing out the problem. I will update the article username_2: @username_0 A pull request has been submitted to fix this problem. We will process to close this issue when the pull request is merged. Feel free to reopen it if you have any addition questions or feedbacks. Status: Issue closed
Title: Alien Swarm Question: username_0: Hello, there is such game Alien Swarm, please, release the server for Linux! (now only under win) Answers: username_1: October 2015, Valve's promoting Linux so much, 1550 total Linux games, why isn't Valve's own Alien Swarm not one of them? username_2: @username_3 Any updates regarding this feature request? username_3: I haven't heard anything either way, so no there's no news. username_4: @username_2 Alien Swarm seems to be EOL'd, even though it's technically the most up-to-date public branch compared to their latest games it's missing a lot of critical security patches username_2: Could they release it to community for maintenance then? Alien Swarm was never among Valve's well known IPs (I'd say its somewhere around Ricochet), and since Valve said making games isn't their main focus any more (correct me if I'm wrong), allowing community to maintain and update game would be best case scenario. They are already doing something similar with TF2, where community has very big input in game's development. username_1: Agreed, that sounds like a great idea. Turn it into a source mod or something. username_5: That's effectively what the Alien Swarm is, and the [Alien Swarm SDK]( provides source for the game specific DLLs. I've been hoping for the past couple of years to find time to poke around and see if I could port that to a Linux supporting Source game, but it's low on my priority list. username_6: No progress for migrate on Linux?( username_7: I recently looked into doing a community port, but it doesn't look like that's possible. We don't just need a game DLL that runs on Linux, but also an engine. Our current options are: 1. Source SDK 2013 Base. Lacks all the features that were implemented after HL2. We'd have to backport 6 years of engine development and patch the binary. Pretty sure that's not going to happen. 2. Hack together an SDK for one of the more "recent" Valve releases. I found this [reddit thread]( speculating how the Source branches developed. Dota, CS:GO are out because they're Source 2 and something in between 1 and 2. Anything based on Orange Box is out as well, like explained above. All that's left now is Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead (2). I have some doubts they're going to be able to run Alien Swarm, but maybe it's worth further investigation. Still, we'd need to reverse engineer our own SDK and that's a ton of work. 3. Backport everything to the leaked Source 2007 code. Basically 1., but binary patching gets replaced with legal risk. 4. Ask for a custom license. No idea how our chances would be. They've been quite helpful towards mod developers who want to release on Steam, but also really secretive about their terms. I hope this helps everyone who wants to go down the same rabbit hole. The most promising solution at this point would be that someone at Valve regains interest after the release of Reactive Drop and decides to do the port. username_5: I wasn't meaning to imply that getting a DLL built was the limit of the work, just that the game specific code is present within the Alien Swarm SDK. L4D2 would be the most likely candidate for porting AS to - Alien Swarm shared a bunch of L4D features (like the AI Director, etc.) and is probably closest to that branch. I can't imagine it'd require much reverse engineering based on the superficial investigation I'd done, but it'd still be a huge amount of work for anybody without experience working with Source/migrating between Source versions. username_7: The SourceMod people have already done quite a bit of work on the SDK, but there's still a lot missing to write an actual mod for L4D2. The thing that worries me the most are potentially missing engine features. They'd probably be really hard to patch in. But if you want to give it a try, I'm in. username_1: An engine upgrade to Source 2013 wouldn't hurt, well, except for developer's available time that is. How much of the code for Alien Swam do you think could be modularized and be made portable? username_8: I've been taking a stab at shoehorning the Swarm/Reactive Drop SDK into Source 2013 SDK. The original Swarm SDK makes it evident that it was written primarily for Windows and a lot of things that Visual Studio would let you get away with become issues with Mac/Linux compilers. There are also some files that are making calls to Windows libraries. In some cases like itoa or _countof, it's easy to supersede them with more cross-platform-friendly replacements, but there are other cases like inter-process-semaphores where it gets real ugly. So far I've been lucky that the ones without quick workarounds have been able to get stubbed out on other platforms via ```#ifdef _WIN32``` because they aren't essential to making the game run. After that, it's a matter of: - Restoring Alien Swarm-specific customizations to the newer source 2013 sdk files - Updating older SDK version functions that are missing in the 2013 sdk. - Updating Swarm files to incorporate 2013 sdk changes As to how it will run, once I have the libraries built I will let you know. username_2: Thank you man, we appreciate it a lot :) username_8: After going over the code bases for Alien Swarm and the Source 2013 SDK, I've come to the conclusion that, without any assistance from Valve, it's not possible to create a Linux/Mac port. The Source 2013 SDK, the only SDK that has Linux/Mac support, is based on just Half-Life 2. Other Source games branched off from it long ago and have other components that aren't provided in the 2013 SDK, such as VScript, Response Rules, Logging Channels, etc. Existing components in the 2013 SDK are missing functions that were part of the Alien Swarm SDK. I was able to find them in static libraries from other Source-engine-based games but not all. If it was the case that the core c++ files for these components were available, it would be possible to build the libraries for Linux and Mac, but these code bases are closed off to the public. The Alien Swarm SDK has lib and dll files that cover these but they are only for Windows. username_1: What about porting to another version of the Source SDK? username_4: The only other versions of the SDK are previous iterations of Orangebox SDK, not viable either. I really wish Valve would release an SDK using L4D2 or Portal 2 as base if they won't release Source 2 for developer, doesn't need game code from those games, just a stable codebase from a template that's closer to what they have internally, ASW SDK doesn't even run in certain modern systems due to lack of updates even if it's the latest public version of the engine. username_8: To elaborate a little, here were some of the things I see missing in the Alien Swarm/Reactive Drop SDK that are crucial to building the libs for Alien Swarm to work in Linux: -The devtools files for Linux/Mac support -The vpc files to create the make ones for client, server, and missionchooser -The Linux library files usually located in lib/common and lib/public Looking at the platform.h file in public/tier0, I see that this version of the SDK has support for non-Windows operating systems: ``` #ifdef COMPILER_GCC #define GNUC 1 #endif ``` ``` #ifdef PLATFORM_POSIX ``` username_4: These preprocessor defines are a leftover for Linux servers, something that was never delivered for ASW either, rip
Title: Add catalogWatchTaskScheduler to exclusions Question: username_0: With the latest snapshots we're getting a lot of spans looking like this {"traceId":"57b378dd4d9894f4","id":"57b378dd4d9894f4","name":"catalogWatchTaskScheduler","timestamp":1597813849961483,"duration":2006611,"localEndpoint":{"serviceName":"ingredients"}}<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Allow user to modify an existing event Question: username_0: Story As a user, I should be able to modify an event that I previously created Acceptance Criteria Given a user wants to modify an event that is not in the past When the user is viewing their events Then there should be an affordance that allows the user to modify the event<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Reorganize screens in demo app Question: username_0: In my mind, there's really three purposes for screens in the demo app: 1. Show what can be built using Stagehand. 2. Show how each feature can be used. 3. Help with debugging certain features. I'd like to reorganize the demo app a bit to make it clear which of these categories each screen falls into. Alongside that, I think we should add some more interesting multi-part animations that fall into the first category, and we can use those as a sort of integration test.<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: import seurat object error:cannot coerce class ‘structure("AnnotatedDataFrame", package = "Biobase")’ to a data.frame Question: username_0: `Error in : cannot coerce class ‘structure("AnnotatedDataFrame", package = "Biobase")’ to a data.frame` Answers: username_1: Hello, new_cell_data_set takes data.frames as input for gene_metadata and cell_metadata. You should no longer convert to an AnnotatedDataFrame. Status: Issue closed
Title: Memory not manage on Navigation from leftview controller Question: username_0: - [ ] I have verified there are no duplicate active or recent bugs, questions, or requests ###### Include the following: - AKSideMenu version: `1.0.0` - Device OS version: `6.0` - Device Name: `iPhone 6` ###### Reproduction Steps 1. Just try to tap on menu icon and select an item from table 2. Check the memory for the debug navigator pane in left hand side. 3. If you repeat this step, memory increase to 1 gb and app got crashed ###### Expected Result Memory should be manage itself ###### Actual Result Memory increase unexpectedly while we have used side menu for navigation ### Tell us what could be improved: You should provide the array of content vc in side menu controller Answers: username_1: @username_0 Could not reproduce, tested with Simple App example and the memory consumption remained at 57.4 ~ 57,7 <img width="270" alt="screen shot 2019-01-08 at 00 01 45" src=""> Could you please provide me more information about the issue? Status: Issue closed
Title: Currently 16.4 is released, but it looks like 16.3.5 in npm. Question: username_0: y did not see? Answers: username_1: @username_3 is on vacation I believe. username_2: +1 for this, I'm having issues with node and tween which are resolved in this current version username_3: OK I am having a terrible workload after vacation and haven't had time to look into this yet, you can install from github in the meantime. username_2: No problem @username_3 . I did that in the meantime, just wanted to ping you and tell you that there are problems in node that has been resolved. Please reply to me when you have a new version thanks username_3: So I have investigated this, it seems that semantic-release is unable to find the differences between versions in order to create a commit log. This is what the [output of the command]( in travis says (make sure to unfold the output of line 486 to read it): ``` [Travis Deploy Once]: Success at attempt 1. All 1 jobs passed. semantic-release ERR! commits The commit the last release of this package was derived from is not in the direct history of the "master" branch. semantic-release ERR! commits This means semantic-release can not extract the commits between now and then. semantic-release ERR! commits This is usually caused by force pushing, releasing from an unrelated branch, or using an already existing package name. semantic-release ERR! commits You can recover from this error by publishing manually or restoring the commit "b5e62cc88ea2e098f5ca0d2e76e0b74b66985162". semantic-release ERR! pre Failed to determine new version. semantic-release ERR! pre ENOTINHISTORY Commit not in history ``` The b5e62cc88ea2e098f5ca0d2e76e0b74b66985162 commit was from the 11 of December... my only guess is that somehow merging using the GitHub UI is confusing the git history (?) but I do not see any discontinuity in the history between that commit and the following commits that should have triggered semantic-release npm publishes: <img width="934" alt="screen shot 2017-01-24 at 18 30 42" src=""> I have updated `semantic-release` in `package.json` as it was using a very old version, and also hoping that maybe this has been resolved, but it seems the output is the same. All builds after that commit do not result in a successful npm publish. I'm at a complete loss as to how to fix this, and also how to prevent it in the future as well. Any pointers will be much appreciated. Definitely not really keen on rolling back to that commit and rebuilding history! PS there's no need to 'ping' or '+1' issues, this only adds extra stress and doesn't help *at all* (cc @username_2) username_4: @username_3 I just looked into this. I noticed that the commit from November is b5c08f323f264d66d6af8b9e203b52b8dbce1593 not b5e62cc. They just happen to look alike 😄 So the problem actually is that at some point someone maybe forced pushed to master. This could be prevented by using a [protected master branch]( in the future. To make `semantic-release` work again the easiest solution for this would be to manually publish 16.4.0. Then npm will have a commit hash that is in the history and semantic-release will work again. The alternative would be to use the `16.3.5` tag to rewrite the history on master. username_3: Ohhh @username_4 thank you so much. I was also thinking about doing a manual push before resorting to re-writing commits. Thanks... I'll try this (also look into the settings to avoid force pushes...!) username_3: 🎉 The trick suggested by @username_4 worked! You can see that semantic-release is [happy and finding changes now]( This is what I did, just in case someone else has the issue in the future: In my computer, I edited `package.json` and changed the value of`version` manually to `16.4` Then ran `npm publish`. This published the module to npm. Now I created a few minor [commits]( updating docs and stuff. Pushed them to GitHub. Travis ran the tests and also semantic-release but since they were `docs:` no release was created. Then I created a commit whose message started with `feat:` and pushed it to GH. This was finally picked by semantic-release and now builds are automatically generated again. I've also disabled forced pushes to `master`. They should also pass the tests to be merged (this was the idea before, just it was enforced manually by the humans, rather than automatically by the system). Status: Issue closed
Title: salt-cloud: Creating EC2 ebs volume from snapshot ignores volume type Question: username_0: I've declared an EC2 EBS volume in a cloud profile that is to be created from an existing snapshot. I've also specified that I want it to be a GP2 (SSD) volume: ``` volumes: - { device: /dev/sdf, type: gp2, snapshot: snap-63380d10 } ``` The volume is created, but it is always a 'standard' magnetic volume, not the gp2 SSD volume that was requested. ``` root@ops2:~# salt --versions Salt Version: Salt: 2015.8.0-1233-g03262c4 Dependency Versions: Jinja2: 2.7.2 M2Crypto: Not Installed Mako: 0.9.1 PyYAML: 3.10 PyZMQ: 14.4.0 Python: 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) RAET: Not Installed Tornado: 4.2.1 ZMQ: 4.0.4 cffi: Not Installed cherrypy: 3.2.2 dateutil: 1.5 gitdb: 0.5.4 gitpython: 0.3.2 RC1 ioflo: Not Installed libnacl: Not Installed msgpack-pure: Not Installed msgpack-python: 0.3.0 mysql-python: 1.2.3 pycparser: Not Installed pycrypto: 2.6.1 pygit2: Not Installed python-gnupg: Not Installed smmap: 0.8.2 timelib: Not Installed System Versions: dist: Ubuntu 14.04 trusty machine: x86_64 release: 3.13.0-74-generic system: Ubuntu 14.04 trusty ``` Answers: username_1: @username_0, thanks for the report. username_2: @username_0 I think #30677 will help with this bug. Can you give that a try and let us know if that is fixed for you? Status: Issue closed username_2: Fixed by #30677.
Title: Login screen not showing till press and hold random keys from keyboard Question: username_0: ## Describe the bug Recently after update whenever doing shutdown & start or restart, manjaro deepin inux doesn't start loading login screen until several keys form keyboards are pressed ## To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour: 1. Update from pacman. 2. Reboot or Power Off and start the computer 3. After selecting Manjaro from grub menu stuck at black screen until several random keys are pressed and hold on keyboard. ## Expected behavior Login screen should appear without me holding several random keys from keyboard ## Screenshots Blank screen (not even blinking cursor is displayed) ## Enviroments: ` ![System Info]( ### Distro & Version Manjaro Deepin Linux 18.1.0 ### Related package version don't know ### Additional context I tried more than 5 times till now same problem persists. Last night before going to bed I restarted and left it at blank screen, morning when I woke it was still stuck at that blank screen without any sign of displaying login screen. Attaching dmesg.log [dmesg.log](<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Roughness information is lost with ETC1 Question: username_0: Godot doesn't have any special workarounds to handle alpha channels with ETC1. This is just a statement of a trivia of course, but with new PBR textures, this is a real concern because alpha is used encode roughness in specular textures. One solution could be to disable ETC1 for specular texture (in specular workflow). An alternative is to drop ETC1 altogether in favor of ETC2, since OpenGL ES 3.0 is a requirement for mobile. Answers: username_0: Of course this is also true for all other 4-channel textures like anisotropy, detail, ... username_1: ETC1 kind of sucks, as no alpha is supported username_0: @username_1 I have a feeling that this is fixed (after you modifications to etc2comp)? Status: Issue closed username_1: I did not do any modification to etc2comp, but roughness is not any longer in the alpha channel so... closing this. username_0: How about other RGBA textures?
Title: add license Question: username_0: Thank you for this cool proof of concept! I think we're overdue for more sensory feedback and transparency into the workings of our computers. Is this open source? Could you please clarify what license this is released under? The Rust Programming Language and all other official projects are generally dual-licensed: - Apache License, Version 2.0 - MIT license I personally prefer AGPL but the Rust ecosystem seems to disagree with me. Answers: username_1: Thank you for your interest! I feel the same and wish I could devote more of my time for the purpose. This is definitely open source and I just added an MIT license if that helps :+1: Status: Issue closed
Title: Add tests for recursive reevaluation Question: username_0: #96 implements recursive reevaluation of subgroups. We should write tests to ensure that subgroups with existent parents are properly reevaluated on their parents' selections and not the network's entire collection of respective containers. Answers: username_0: Implemented in #96 Status: Issue closed
Title: Usage with confluent-kafka-dotnet's DependentProducerBuilder? Question: username_0: Hi--thank you for putting this library out there. It looks like it could help us get past several limitations we've encountered with the current Apache/Confluent versions. The confluent-kafka-dotnet library provides a [DependentProducerBuilder]( which can be used to create additional Avro producers for messages of different types, while still using a single underlying librdkafka handle. Between this library and the Confluent one, I am not seeing a way to create Avro producers of multiple types that use a single handle. Am I missing anything, or is this something that would require extending your existing `ProducerBuilder` extension methods to cover `DependentProducerBuilder`s as well? Answers: username_1: Yeah, I think adding similar extensions for `DependentProducerBuilder` would be good (pretty sure that the `API-SUBJECT-TO-CHANGE` notice was the reason we didn’t in the past). The extension methods are pretty thin, so it’s easy to work around if you don’t want to wait for a change: ```csharp var producer = new DependentProducerBuilder<Null, SomeRecord>(handle) .SetValueSerializer(new AsyncSchemaRegistrySerializer<SomeRecord>(...)) .Build(); ``` Status: Issue closed username_1: Added with #33, will land in 3.0.
Title: Project Feedback! Question: username_0: Hello Danny, :+1: nice work. With this assignment, we've now explored all the main patterns for building MVC clients! If this were 2009, you would be well on your way to building most apps that you could find in the app store. Over the next few weeks, we'll be focusing on custom views and view controllers to implement the interactions and visual effects that we find in more modern iOS apps. We have a detailed [Project 3 Feedback Guide]( which covers the best practices for implementing this assignment. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine ways you might be able to improve your submission. You should consider going back and implementing these improvements as well. Keep in mind that one of the most important parts of iOS development is learning the correct patterns and conventions. If you have any particular questions about the assignment or the feedback, feel free to reply here or email us at <<EMAIL>> This was a very challenging assignment, congrats on completing it successfully!
Title: GenerateName Option for tkn task/pipeline start Question: username_0: Currently, the CLI specifies `generateName` for pipelineruns/taskruns by using the name of the pipeline/task. `tkn pipeline start:` `tkn task start:` We should provide an option to allow the user to specify what the pipelinerun/taskrun should be named: `tkn pipeline start myPipeline --generate-name myGeneratedName` `tkn task start myTask --generate-name myGeneratedName` If this override option for generateName is specified with `--last`, we should also allow the user to specify the pipelinerun/taskrun name without taking the last name into account as we do now: `tkn pipeline start --last:` `tkn task start --last:`
Title: UnboundLocalError Question: username_0: <<< When searching, too many time out exceptions when getting progress element........... (some more info with detail I don't have time to filter out).... "line 123, in __get_search_progress for element in progress_elements: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'progress_elements' referenced before assignment" Can you assist pls? Status: Issue closed Answers: username_0: Ahh - I entered pw again (3rd time) - working now yeah!! thanks- really cool program/code.
Title: blog Question: username_0: golang blog : Answers: username_1: get√ | | 李宗泰 | | <EMAIL> | 签名由网易邮箱大师定制 username_0: 又找到个好东西 username_1: 谢谢老板,这个真是好东西 | | 李宗泰 | | <EMAIL> | 签名由网易邮箱大师定制 username_1: 这个“面向信仰编程”也牛逼 | | 李宗泰 | | <EMAIL> | 签名由网易邮箱大师定制 username_0: 你把这看完可以说精通golang了 username_1: 安排! | | 李宗泰 | | <EMAIL> | 签名由网易邮箱大师定制
Title: 缺少香港城区城市码 Question: username_0: 缺少香港城区城市码 ```dart "810000": { "810100": {"name": "香港城区", "alpha": "x"} }, ``` Status: Issue closed Answers: username_1: 香港地区的城市码较为特殊. 暂时只到一级.
Title: Search method async? Question: username_0: Hi There. Firstly, thanks so much for your working in getting this running on .net core! I'm looking to use your project in an aspnet core project and am having some challenges performing a search from a web api controller. I'm essentially getting 0 search results back from the search. If I add a Thread.wait(100) after the search I invariably get search results ... am I using search incorrectly? Is there a sync method that I'm missing? Again, thanks for your work! Mark Answers: username_1: Search has a couple of versions: some of them are async (not in the .net style, but nevertheless there are async) - the ones returning LdapSearchQueue, some of them are sync (in the implementation there are using the async version and block waiting for the response) - the ones returning LdapSearchResults. I just pushed a test for the sync version of Search and is working fine - take a look at it. If you still have problems send a repro or even better send a pull request with a failing test. Status: Issue closed username_1: Close this as in this case no news should be good news :) username_2: Hi @username_1 , I have the same kind of issue. I am running a simple sync search that should returns results (checked with an ldap explorer tool) with debugger attached : var users = con.Search(searchBase, scope, searchFilter, attrs, typesOnly); int count = users.Count; Console.WriteLine(count); When executing this code directly, `count` is 0. When executing step by step, `count` is 1. `searchBase` is my users group "ou=People", `scope` is 1, `searchFilter` is "(uid=myusername)", `attrs` is string[0], `typesOnly` is false. Instead of trying to understand why it fails, is it possible to make a "task async" extension method that hides all your "async" complexity so the method signature would be `Task<LdapSearchResults> SearchAsync(string @base, int scope, string filter, string[] attrs, bool typesOnly)` ? Thanks. username_2: Sample "async" extension method : public static Task<IList<LdapEntry>> SearchAsync(this ILdapConnection con, string @base, int scope, string filter, string[] attrs, bool typesOnly) { var queue = con.Search(@base, scope, filter, attrs, typesOnly, (LdapSearchQueue)null); //TaskCompletionSource<LdapSearchResults> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<LdapSearchResults>(); return Task.Factory.StartNew<IList<LdapEntry>>(() => { List<LdapEntry> lst = new List<LdapEntry>(); LdapMessage message; int status = LdapException.OTHER; while ((message = queue.getResponse()) != null) { // OPTION 1: the message is a search result reference if (message is LdapSearchResultReference) { // Not following referrals to keep things simple String[] urls = ((LdapSearchResultReference)message).Referrals; Console.WriteLine("Search result references:"); for (int i = 0; i < urls.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine(urls[i]); } // OPTION 2:the message is a search result else if (message is LdapSearchResult) { // Get the object name LdapEntry entry = ((LdapSearchResult)message).Entry; lst.Add(entry); } // OPTION 3: The message is a search response else { LdapResponse response = (LdapResponse)message; status = response.ResultCode; // the return code is Ldap success if (status == LdapException.SUCCESS) { //Console.WriteLine("Asynchronous search succeeded."); } // the return code is referral exception else if (status == LdapException.REFERRAL) { String[] urls = ((LdapResponse)message).Referrals; Console.WriteLine("Referrals:"); for (int i = 0; i < urls.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine(urls[i]); } else { Console.WriteLine("Asynchronous search failed."); Console.WriteLine(response.ErrorMessage); } // Server should send back a control irrespective of the [Truncated] if (bad != null) Console.WriteLine("Offending " + "attribute: " + bad); else Console.WriteLine("No offending " + "attribute " + "returned"); } } } } } if (status == LdapException.SUCCESS) { return lst.AsReadOnly(); } else { //TODO error message throw new LdapException(); } }); } username_1: Count doesn't return "correctly" because is not blocking and doesn't wait to get the results and is returning whatever is available at that moment. It is true that this behavior is not the most expected one :) - and it may have an easy fix. It will return correctly after calling hasMore - which is blocking (e.g. wait for the result). Probably will be useful to make the "async" methods match the .net style. And even make the sync methods to return IEnumerable as will make the usage easier. Happy to take pull requests :)
Title: Put mouse on center of new focused window Question: username_0: Whenever I focus a new window, I'd like the mouse to be moved to the center of that window. I only found the option `focus_follows_mouse` which does the opposite. I looked at the wrapping and warping, but neither did the job. Any hints? Answers: username_1: There's no option to do this in i3. However, it should be easy enough to write a script yourself. Here's a quick version: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab xprop -root -spy _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | while read win; do eval $(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowgeometry --shell) X=$((X + (WIDTH / 2))) Y=$((Y + (HEIGHT / 2))) xdotool mousemove ${X} ${Y} done ``` Status: Issue closed
Title: third-party.js:517 Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined Question: username_0: 1. Use vue cli 4.1.2 to create project : vue create vjsf_test 2. install vuetify plugin: vue add vuetify 3. install vuetify-jsonschema-form : npm install @koumoul/vjsf 4. add imports to HelloWorld.vue (file attached) 5. compiles OK 6. open in Chrome http://localhost:8080/ 7. browser console displays subject error (screenshot attached) []( ![Screen Shot 2020-06-16 at 8 47 43 AM]( Answers: username_1: Did you try this username_0: Thanks for you reply but I still am not able to get this going. Status: Issue closed username_2: Sorry for the lack of response. I wanted to look into this sometime in the next few days. Can you tell me why you closed the issue ? Did you find a solution, did you give up ? username_0: I stumbled around until I found enough information to get a (at least basic types) form working in a nuxt app (but still not a vue cli app) by just commenting out the third-party import. I will be playing with this more over the next few days to see if this will meet the requirements of my application. I am new to Vue... what would really help me (and I suppose people like me) is a step by step that more or less follows the steps I listed in the original issue... 1. create an app with vue cli. 2. install the required dependencies. 3. show and explain any config change requirements. 4. create a form component that uses VJsf. 5. display the form component on App.vue along with or instead of Helloworld.vue I probably require more hand-holding than your typical user so I appreciate whatever direction you can give me. Thanks. --clarke username_2: I don't think I will go that far back in the process. This library is just a layer on top of vue and vuetify for some specific use cases, most users will already have a working project and basic knowledge of the underlying frameworks. Also the setup will vary from user to user. But still I do need to make sure that everything works smoothly in a new project created by vue-cli and I will improve the getting-started. username_3: @username_2 Hey, I got the same error yet could not find a solution or understand the cause, I followed the getting started steps but it did not work. username_2: I just added a section to the [getting started]( with a simple Vue CLI based setup. Hope this helps. username_3: I have checked it already but it did not work 😅 Outlook for Android<> <NAME> username_2: The section "Vue CLI setup" I added only a few minutes ago at the end of the page ? username_3: Okay I just read it, I have not done the config thingy, I will update you after doing it 🤗 Thanks Outlook for Android<> <NAME> From: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 12:42:06 AM To: koumoul-dev/vuetify-jsonschema-form <<EMAIL>>; koumoul-dev/vuetify-jsonschema-form <<EMAIL>> Cc: Comment <<EMAIL>> Subject: Re: [koumoul-dev/vuetify-jsonschema-form] third-party.js:517 Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined (#113) I have checked it already but it did not work 😅 Outlook for Android<> <NAME> username_3: @username_2 thank you, It's working now. in the previous setup I did add anything to the config file - which was the cause of my problem :)
Title: [PRE REVIEW]: StoSpa2: A C++ software package for stochastic simulations of spatially extended systems Question: username_0: **Submitting author:** <EMAIL> (<a href=""><NAME></a>) **Repository:** <a href="" target ="_blank"></a> **Version:** v2.0.27 **Editor:** Pending **Reviewer:** Pending **Managing EiC:** <NAME> **:warning: JOSS reduced service mode :warning:** Due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, JOSS is currently operating in a "reduced service mode". You can read more about what that means in [our blog post]( **Author instructions** Thanks for submitting your paper to JOSS @<EMAIL>. **Currently, there isn't an JOSS editor assigned** to your paper. @<EMAIL> if you have any suggestions for potential reviewers then please mention them here in this thread (without tagging them with an @). In addition, [this list of people]( have already agreed to review for JOSS and may be suitable for this submission (please start at the bottom of the list). **Editor instructions** The JOSS submission bot @username_0 is here to help you find and assign reviewers and start the main review. To find out what @username_0 can do for you type: ``` @username_0 commands ``` Answers: username_0: Hello human, I'm @username_0, a robot that can help you with some common editorial tasks. **:warning: JOSS reduced service mode :warning:** Due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, JOSS is currently operating in a "reduced service mode". You can read more about what that means in [our blog post]( For a list of things I can do to help you, just type: ``` @username_0 commands ``` For example, to regenerate the paper pdf after making changes in the paper's md or bib files, type: ``` @username_0 generate pdf ``` username_0: ``` Software report (experimental): v 1.84 T=0.18 s (247.2 files/s, 119026.9 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C/C++ Header 8 3287 1366 13960 Markdown 3 96 10 431 Python 10 105 72 349 C++ 7 95 26 276 Jupyter Notebook 1 0 648 259 YAML 2 38 13 172 TeX 1 7 0 101 reStructuredText 3 73 21 101 CMake 7 32 19 75 Bourne Shell 2 7 4 26 TOML 1 0 0 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 45 3740 2179 15752 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistical information for the repository '2208' was gathered on 2020/05/22. The following historical commit information, by author, was found: Author Commits Insertions Deletions % of changes bartosz.bartmanski 41 20987 641 100.00 Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still intact in the current revision: Author Rows Stability Age % in comments bartosz.bartmanski 20346 96.9 0.3 8.75 ``` username_0: ``` Reference check summary: OK DOIs - 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004923 is OK - 10.1063/1.4975167 is OK - 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005387 is OK - 10.1007/s40571-015-0082-3 is OK - 10.1063/1.4816377 is OK MISSING DOIs - may be missing for title: The reaction-diffusion master equation as an asymptotic approximation of diffusion to a small target INVALID DOIs - None ``` username_0: [ :point_right: Check article proof :page_facing_up: :point_left: ]( username_1: @username_0 invite @username_5 as editor username_0: @username_5 has been invited to edit this submission. username_2: 👋 @username_5 - note that this is waiting for your response. username_2: @username_0 invite @username_5 as editor username_0: @username_5 has been invited to edit this submission. username_3: If there is no reply from @username_5 I can handle this paper. username_1: @username_3 - feel free to grab this. @username_5 has limited availability right now. You can ask Whedon to assign you with `@username_0 assign me as editor` username_3: @username_0 assign me as editor username_0: OK, the editor is @username_3 username_3: @username_4 could you review the JOSS article StoSpa2 ? username_3: @arosen93 could you review the JOSS article StoSpa2 ? username_3: @arosen93 thank you for the quick reply :-) username_3: @CFGrote could you review the JOSS article StoSpa2 ? username_3: @username_0 assign @CFGrote as reviewer username_3: Thank you @CFGrote , the review will start in another github issue once there are two reviewers. username_4: Yes. Could you please send me a formal invite for the review? username_3: @username_4 by email? If so, can you give me an email address? username_4: <EMAIL> username_5: Apologies, just got to this but I see it's in hand. username_4: Yes. I can review as 3rd reviewer. username_3: Thank you @username_4 username_3: @username_0 start review Status: Issue closed
Title: [FEATURE REQUEST] Support Microsoft MQ (MSMQ) Question: username_0: Add MSMQ as a named, supported protocol. It is similar to JMS in function. DTC transactions should be out of scope for now and could be added as a separate feature later as the feature may apply to multiple protocols. Answers: username_1: Can you please add more information about it? How do you imagine the protocol binding shape? username_0: Similar to IBM MQ, MSMQ uses a concept of write servers and read servers. These are usually clustered (primary and backup) behind a load balancer but the spec need not include that. There may be separate clusters per location. (So you write to server cluster in Houston, read from server cluster in Tallahassee.) There is a concept of message priority. There is also a concept where the message writer can block until the receiver accepts the message. username_1: Same as with IBM MQ. We'll have to do some investigation. Any draft binding work would be appreciated.
Title: add ipywidgets to requirements and Question: username_0: Add ipywidgets to the requirements and files. Use a python environment to check what else also needs to be added to these files. Maybe reconsider the need for ipywidgets? Answers: username_1: Is there any function that needs ipywidgets? username_2: ipywidgets is used to create progress bars for some of the shear functions. It could be removed, as it is not essential. IPython is also used by shear and needs to be added to the requirements file. ipython==7.4.0 ipywidgets==7.4.2 ( if it is to be kept) Status: Issue closed
Title: Accessibility issues with player controls Question: username_0: I got the demo running on a Samsung Galaxy S8 after applying the changes in [this PR]( All the controls seem to work fine when the voice assistant is turned off. When I turn the voice assistant on, the player becomes extremely difficult to use. In portrait mode: * I can tap the screen to view the controls, tap a control to see that it is in focus (marked by a blue border) and hear the role, but all the buttons do not do anything except for the initial play button and the repeat video button. * I can double tap and long press to see the 'About This Video' option, and I can select that, but then the close button does not work. In landscape mode (which you can only get to by rotating the device): * The controls work, but they do not announce the role or show the blue border so you can see which button is focused. Answers: username_1: Hello @username_0 , I'll copy here my response to you from elsewhere so that it can be seen publicly. * As it turns out, [Accessibility]( support is not yet a feature of our Android SDK's default player controls. * It is an outstanding Feature Request, however, and I know that Product is very keen to bring this into our offerings. * To that end, we are busy rewriting our SDKs from the ground up in a way that should support Android's out-of-the-box Accessibility features, like Voice Assistant/TalkBack navigation. * At that point, Product and the mobile team will be in a position to officially support (test, debug, and fix) accessibility features and issues. Just to be clear, this is ongoing iterative software development, and please do not construe anything I say to be making a commitment or promise in the course of explaining where we stand right now. In the meantime, the way forward on this requires you to implement a custom native UI that lends itself to TalkBack navigation. For a helpful reference to start you off on this process, try looking at our Best Practice App target [Demo Native Controls]( Best regards, <NAME> Support Engineer, Mobile SDKs Status: Issue closed
Title: Moving windows interrupts audio playback Question: username_0: If you play an audio file in aplay then move the terminal window or move any other window, it causes interruptions and drop-outs to the audio output. Answers: username_0: A small update/correction. You can move the windows of most of the other serenity desktop apps whilst aplay is playing and not disturb the sound. It is only when moving either the window of the terminal running aplay or any other terminal window that aplays audio output starts to break up. Status: Issue closed username_0: Audio playback still seems flawed but the good news is that I discovered today that you can now play wav files with aplay in a terminal and drag it around without the sound playback being interrupted. It could just be because kvm is enabled now.
Title: Background maintenance taking too long and creating read spikes on DynamoDB Question: username_0: Hello there, First, thank you for creating and maintaining this plugin! I'm using this module with Caddy version 2.4.6 running inside Kubernetes with 3 replicas. It's working great, serving 25k+ certificates, with low resources usage for cpu and memory. 😄 The issue I'm having is when the `background maintenance task` starts. It's taking to long to finish and it creates spikes of read on DynamoDB for the duration of the background maintenance task. On normal usage reads on DynamoDB are around 700 per minute, but we are seeing spikes going up to 40k. The last maintenance task took 14hs to finish, and the read was in 40k for the whole time. Are there any suggestions or workarounds for this issue? 1. I've posted this problem on [Caddy forum](, and they recommended switching to Redis. 2. I'm thinking on running fewer replicas, because based on the logs, each replica is scanning the DynamoDB table. Is this correct, I'm not sure about this? 3. Any other ideas or suggestions? Thank you! **Dockerfile** ``` FROM caddy:2.4.6-builder AS builder RUN xcaddy build \ --with FROM caddy:2.4.6-alpine COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy ``` **Caddyfile** ``` { on_demand_tls { ask https://check-domain.internal.endpoint/cname interval 1m burst 200 } storage_clean_interval 90d storage dynamodb caddy-certificates { aws_region us-east-1 } } https:// tls { on_demand issuer zerossl <key> { email <email> timeout 3m } issuer acme { email <email> timeout 3m } } reverse_proxy hostingapp ``` Answers: username_0: []( Status: Issue closed username_0: fix for this problem: TL;DR: switch storage to file system with JSON config and enable `renew_interval` (at this time this config is only available in JSON)
Title: enable_autocomplete_brackets Question: username_0: Firstly, thanks for this nice module ! I don't like brackets to be automatically closed so I choose to deactivate it with: ``` enable_autocomplete_brackets(false) ``` However, when I type single or double quotes as the first symbol in the REPL it is invisible until another character is typed: ``` julia>" <-- not visible julia>"a <-- now fine ``` Here's my environment: ``` Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.7/Project.toml` [052768ef] CUDA v3.8.0 [5ae59095] Colors v0.12.8 [587475ba] Flux v0.12.9 [e9467ef8] GLMakie v0.5.1 [28b8d3ca] GR v0.63.1 [4d00f742] GeometryTypes v0.8.5 [7073ff75] IJulia v1.23.2 [916415d5] Images v0.25.1 [eb30cadb] MLDatasets v0.5.15 [ee78f7c6] Makie v0.16.2 [5fb14364] OhMyREPL v0.5.12 [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.25.7 [c3e4b0f8] Pluto v0.17.7 [b873ce64] ReplMaker v0.2.6 ``` P.S : I'm not a fan of font ligature is there a way to deactivate those ? Answers: username_1: not controlled by pkg, it's from the font you're using username_0: My bad, it was indeed due to my terminal font ;-)
Title: .runsettings file Question: username_0: The plugin lets you select a .runsettings file: Is this feature implemented; will it let me pick what classes to run coverage for? Do you have an example file that works with open cover? I have been takeing a look at theese two links, but i am not sure it is run at all by the plugin: i was looking at MSTestExecutor.cs and diddent really understand how it works, it seems to pass the filepath as a commandline argument somehow?<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Only Published and Created API resources should be available for API Product creation Question: username_0: When creating API products, the API resources are not properly filtered out based on the API lifecycle state but allowed to create products out of deprecated, retired, blocked and prototyped APIs. But the product creation fails after selecting a resource from some API which is not in Published or Created state.
Title: NpgsqlTsVector.Matches() does not honour the TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION Question: username_0: ## Description The entity: ``` public class Page { public long Id { get; set; } public string? Title { get; set; } public string? Content { get; set; } public NpgsqlTsVector? SearchVector { get; set; } } ``` The configuration: ``` modelBuilder.Entity<Page>() .HasGeneratedTsVectorColumn( p => p.SearchVector!, // 'mydict' is the name of the TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION config: "mydict", p => new { p.Title, p.Content }) .HasIndex(p => p.SearchVector) .HasMethod("GIN"); ``` The query: ``` var results = await _appDbContext.Pages .Where(p => p.SearchVector!.Matches(query)) .ToListAsync(); ``` Actual SQL: ``` SELECT p."Id", p."Content", p."SearchVector", p."Title" FROM "Pages" AS p WHERE p."SearchVector" @@ plainto_tsquery(@__query_0) ``` Expected SQL: ``` SELECT p."Id", p."Content", p."SearchVector", p."Title" FROM "Pages" AS p WHERE p."SearchVector" @@ plainto_tsquery('mydict', @__query_0) ``` Example: ``` SELECT plainto_tsquery('zluty dzus') ---> 'zluti' & 'dzus' SELECT plainto_tsquery('mydict', 'zluty dzus') ---> 'zluty' & 'dzus' ``` Note the 'y' vs 'i' character in the first word. The first query generated by EF Core apparently uses a default TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION, even though the 'mydict' configuration was explicitly configured to be used for the ``` NpgsqlTsVector? SearchVector ``` property. The 'mydict' is a custom TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION, created explicitly using the following SQL. ``` CREATE EXTENSION unaccent; CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION mydict ( COPY = simple ); ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION mydict ALTER MAPPING FOR hword, hword_part, word WITH unaccent, simple; # test the correct expected query [Truncated] # test the query created by EF Core ('mydict' settings is ignored) SELECT * FROM "Pages" p WHERE p."SearchVector" @@ plainto_tsquery('zluty dzus') ``` ## How to reproduce Use the attached demo project: 1. Update the connection string to postgres database in the Program.cs file. 2. Apply db migration using ```dotnet ef database update --project NpgsqlNet6 --startup-project NpgsqlNet6``` 3. Run the app. 4. Use swagger to call the /seed endpoint to seed some data. 5. User swagger to call /search endpoint to invoke the fulltext searching. 6. Inspect the actual SQL. ## My environment - Target framework: net6.0 - Database provider: Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL 6.0.2 - Operating system: Windows 11 Pro 64bit - IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit), version 17.0.3 []( Answers: username_1: /cc @username_2 username_2: This seems like an Npgsql-specific issue - could you please reopen this in Status: Issue closed username_0: Thank you, reopened here
Title: Constraints issue Question: username_0: ### What was the expected behaviour? No constraints issue ### What happened instead? Reported constraints issue in console ### Version info: - Cocoapods (if applicable): 1.6 - Onfido SDK (Debug/Release): 10.6.0 - iOS: 12.1.4 - Xcode: 10.1 - Device/Simulator: iPhone - Device/Simulator language: en ### Integration configuration: ```swift do { let config = try OnfidoConfig.builder() .withToken(Constants.Configuration.Onfido.sdkKey) .withApplicantId( .withDocumentStep(ofType: .drivingLicence, andCountryCode: "us") .build() let flow = OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: config) return IdentityCardConfig(applicant: applicant, flow: flow) } catch { throw error } ``` ### Steps to reproduce: after scanning front screen of drivers license, I get this ``` 2019-03-28 11:08:53.637528+0100 MyApp PRODUCTION[1401:111878] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. ( "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x28336ecb0 == + 131.532 (active)>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x283089b80 == + 145.139 (active)>" ) Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint <NSLayoutConstraint:0x283089b80 == + 145.139 (active)> Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger. The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKitCore/UIView.h> may also be helpful. 2019-03-28 11:08:53.640454+0100 MyApp PRODUCTION[1401:111878] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. ( "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x2830846e0 == + 145.139 (active)>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x2830a5590 == + 176.691 (active)>" ) ``` Answers: username_1: Hi @username_0, Thanks for reaching out to us. We will look into the issue and get back to you as soon as we can. Anurag username_1: Hi @username_0, Sorry for the late reply. We have the task to fix this on our backlog. Anurag Status: Issue closed username_2: Hi @username_0 , First of all sorry for the late response. This issue has been resolved in 14.0.0 version. I'm closing the ticket, please open new one if you think issue persists. Thanks, Kerem
Title: Win 10 LTSC 1809 not working Question: username_0: Hello! Thanks for script, but its not working for me. OOAPB shows that all installed, but GPU is not used for decoding videos on youtube. Answers: username_1: I don’t know what version you have, added x86 version today. Check that vc++ 2015-2019 is installed and video-drivers are updated. Reboot your PC. Try another browser. username_1: I don’t know what version you have, added x86 version today. Check that vc++ 2015-2019 is installed and video-drivers are updated. Reboot your PC. Try another browser. username_2: Works for me, but its working OOB, win10 LTSC 2019, no updates installed, youtube vp09 gpu utilisation 30%. username_1: Because H265 = HEVC. This is in the instructions... You can try install Windows Store and install HEVC (0.99$) + HEIF. Or you can try search "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer" and try to install it by you own risk. I will not post it here because it illegal. username_1: MB because h265 = HEVC (now 0.99$ in Windows Store). This repository for non-entertainment version of Windows and contains only free versions of files. username_1: MB because h265 = HEVC (0.99$ in Windows Store). This repository for non-entertainment version of Windows and contains only free versions of files. username_3: I have the same issue, but I have pinpointed to privileges issue. When I run my Firefox under my administrator account as a normal user 'User' with this command; C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /profile /savecred /user:User "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" HW Acceleration does not work. I wonder if this is an issue with the location of the appx packages not accessible by the regular user? username_1: If you asked about rights to the folder or rights in your system incorrect now, then I can’t help you. The current status of granted rights allows us to use the attached official applications. If you using LTSC I think you can correct granted rights yourself: you can try to give the specified user full access. If you cannot correct, install another version of Windows or another OS and forget about this repository. Or if you just fun (and run firefox as not-login account), I can’t help you too. username_3: Nope its not a directory/file issue. Even if so sfc /scannow should correct this. I'm just mentioning that the breaking of hardware video decoding is also caused by what I mentioned earlier. username_1: If you asked me about granted rights or granted rights in your system incorrect now, then I can’t help you. The current status of granted rights allows us to use the attached official applications. If you using LTSC, I think, you can correct granted rights yourself: can try to give the specified user full access. If you cannot correct, install another version of Windows (or another OS) and forget about this repository. Or if you just fun and run Firefox as non-login account, I can’t help you too. Status: Issue closed
Title: oleggator/esports-backend: vendor/; 3 LoC Question: username_0: [Click here to see the code in its original context.]( <details> <summary>Click here to show the 3 line(s) of Go which triggered the analyzer.</summary> ```go for propName, prop := range schema.Properties { res.Merge(ex.validateExampleValueSchemaAgainstSchema(path+"."+propName, in, &prop)) } ``` </details> Leave a reaction on this issue to contribute to the project by classifying this instance as a **Bug** :-1:, **Mitigated** :+1:, or **Desirable Behavior** :rocket: See the descriptions of the classifications [here]( for more information. commit ID: d69dd5b143e5faf8bb6696aa25be2648af1d1bef<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Yank 1.1.2, publish 2.0.0 Question: username_0: Bumping a minor or patch number breaks downstream libraries when Cargo attempts to link two different versions of the same crate. Answers: username_0: Should probably wait for username_1: In general, depending on two different versions of the same crate is perfectly legal (they are just treated as two different crates). What error are you running into? username_0: Glutin is broken because it depends on tempfile and another version of kernel32-sys. username_0: The problem with depending on two different versions of the same crate is that existing code breaks when you bump the minor version instead of the major version. See username_1: Unless I'm mistaken, this issue is not related to crates. I believe the issue is that rustc/cargo don't handle linking to the same dynamic library (kernel32) twice well which I consider to be a bug in either cargo or rust. That's why I'm asking for the error. username_0: I don't think the link problem is a bug in Cargo, but intended behavior. There are several libraries that got problems, for example Error message: ``` native library `kernel32` is being linked to by more than one package, and can only be linked to by one package kernel32-sys v0.1.4 kernel32-sys v0.2.0 ``` username_1: I know it's intended but I don't think the devs saw this consequence so I plan on writing an RFC to fix it (that's why I was asking for the error). I'm not going to maintain two versions because one of my dependencies bumps its version. Status: Issue closed username_1: Also, this should be fixed:
Title: Map Y-bus node names to GridLAB-D node names Question: username_0: ### Description of Issue The state estimator receives Y-bus data from OpenDSS and simulation output from a GridLAB-D simulation. The naming convention for nodes is different between the OpenDSS Y-bus export files and the GridLAB-D model; as long as the bus name matches, a one-to-one mapping is possible. This needs to be implemented. In addition, the number of nodes does not exactly match between OpenDSS and GridLAB-D for the 8500-node system. This needs to be reconciled or elevated.<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Fix missing space Question: username_0: Somewhere down the line, probably in a previous batch conversion, a lot of significant spaces were lost. The result is that pretty much any part of a manuscript description that marks up elements inline in the middle of sentences (such as when a `persName` is used to tag a person mentioned in a `note`) has lost spaces around tags, causing words to run into each other (e.g. "Translation by<NAME>"). This can be fixed with some XSL.<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: can't use general chat Question: username_0: **Describe the bug** <!--- A clear and concise description of what the bug is. --> cannot post in general chat /1 does nothing **To Reproduce** <!--- Steps to reproduce the behavior. Note that providing as much details as possible will help us fix it faster! --> 1. Cast X on target affected by ... 2. 3. <!--- Please include ids of affected creatures / items / quests with a link to the relevant wowhead-like page. --> Item: Quest: Spell: **Expected behavior** <!--- A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. --> **Screenshots/videos** <!--- Adding screenshots/videos to help explain your problem is *extremely* appreciated. --> **Additional context** <!--- Add any other context about the problem here. --> Answers: username_1: Can confirm this. Happened to me a couple of times before. username_0: seems to come and go, working for the moment now. I got a message in game from a GM saying it was a server side issue that they are resolving currently username_2: Know issue, thanks for the report. Use /join global meanwhile. Status: Issue closed
Title: GradWork Question: username_0: Проверить чтобы на мобильных устройствах отступы по бокам были одинаковых размеров на всем сайте: ![Снимок экрана 2020-02-17 в 03 42 48]( Answers: username_0: На смартфонах появился справа пустой блок, проверить чтобы элементы не выходили за всю ширину устройства: ![Снимок экрана 2020-02-17 в 03 45 00]( username_0: Всему виной этот блок, нужно его адаптировать: ![Снимок экрана 2020-02-17 в 03 46 06](
Title: Two Body.cpp caused link problem Question: username_0: Two or more files with the name of Body.cpp will produce outputs to the same location. This can lead to an incorrect build result. The files involved are ..\..\..\addons\ofxKinectForWindows2\src\ofxKinectForWindows2\Data\Body.cpp, ..\..\..\addons\ofxKinectForWindows2\src\ofxKinectForWindows2\Source\Body.cpp. And looks like it is causing unresolved externals problem Answers: username_1: aha i guess the fix might somehow be missing from the project settings? did you follow these settings? it sounds like you've added the ofxKinectForWindows2 to your project using the project generator (which doesn't have all the project settings ready for you). Otherwise you need to add this setting: ``` ``` it should be somewhere in your Project Settings (Output Files section) if you go into project settings in Visual Studio Elliot username_0: Thanks I followed the instruction and it worked well! However I'm using VisualStudio 2015. I can not find "Add Existing Property Sheet". I had to open "ofxKinectForWindows2.props" in texteditor and add paths manually. username_1: can you take a screenshot of your solution? you need to do 'Add existing property sheet' in 'Property Manager' (it's like Solution Explorer but different. i think there's a search box at the top right of Visual Studio and you can just type 'Property Manger' there to get to it) but is sounds like your setup is still a bit off (maybe you don't have the ofxKinectForWindows2Lib inside of your solution yet?) did you do the 'Add reference' step? elliot username_1: Hi @username_0 sounds like your problem is solved ok to close this issue? Status: Issue closed
Title: AXIT: Textarea Question: username_0: it is better to make two columns and put flexes with a row. if we change the number of inputs on the right, the layout will all go <img width="670" alt="Снимок экрана 2021-06-17 в 23 23 49" src=""> .message-sec-col { margin-left: 700px; margin-top: -235px; }
Title: Provide suggestions on how to make code more widely compatible (CLI) Question: username_0: You might be willing to avoid using some features (or polyfill them if non-syntax) in order to widen compatibility. The CLI could provide suggestions on this. (feature follows-on from #5) ``` $ npx check-es-compat -- --widen source.js ✔ Chrome 80+ 73+ without nullish coalescing operator (??) earlier without Object.fromEntries [or polyfill] ... ``` Answers: username_0: Doesn't sound that useful Status: Issue closed
Title: PKGBUILD has nitrogen as dependency Question: username_0: AUR package has nitrogen as dependency, it isn't optional. I'm running Manjaro Xfce and I suppose there's no actual need for nitrogen unless it's explicitly run from the code by default? Answers: username_1: @username_0 Yes, you're right. I think I forgot to remove it. I will do that in the next release perhaps.! username_1: @username_0 Should be fixed now. Made `nitrogen` optional dependency Status: Issue closed
Title: Add support for logging to /dev/log (syslog) Question: username_0: <!-- Uncomment leaving one or more of the following to ensure that the appropriate working groups are aware of the issue: /area monitoring --> <!-- Uncomment leaving one or more of the following to classify the kind of issue: /kind dev --> <!-- You may also assign an issue via: /assign @username_0 --> ## Expected Behavior Developers can send logs to `/dev/log` (syslog) ## Actual Behavior No support for logging to `/dev/log` (syslog) ## Additional Info has some good reasons for preferring /dev/log (syslog) over bytestream logging. Answers: username_1: If this is implemented, will the Fluentd daemonset collect /dev/log? username_0: We need to configure the Fluentd daemonset if we want it to collect /dev/log username_2: @username_4 @username_0 @bsnchan Should I remove your names from the assignees field and let someone else pick this work up? username_0: Feel free to remove my name. username_3: We should try to get this closed out in 0.7 on if this is something we plan to support for a v1 release, or update our runtime contract and provide logging guidance for other methods if this is something we think no longer makes sense. username_3: Unassigning this issue as I don't believe anyone is working on it. username_4: @username_3 It'll be worth to dig into the original requirement (assuming a customer request) for `/dev/log` and if it's still relevant username_5: /assign @username_3 @username_2 I believe that this was pulled in to make a call on whether to remove it from the runtime contract. I'm assigning this to the folks driving that decision. username_3: The use of /dev/log has some nice benefits to it as highlighted in the blog post in the top of this issue. However, due to the current complexities with implementation combined with the lack of demand I think it makes sense to punt on this issue. The two provided logging methods in Knative (stdout/stderr and /var/log) seem to cover the large majority of use-cases and many of the public containerized applications I have found seemed to exclusively use one of these two options. As support for /dev/log is currently listed as a [MUST in our runtime contract](, I also propose that we remove the requirement from the contract. We should do this because (1) we do not have line of sight to implementing this feature and (2) our v1 release should implement all MUST statements in the contract. username_3: I have moved this out of Serving 0.7 and the Conformance project. I added this as an agenda item to the observability working group this week for visibility. username_3: This was discussed in the last observability meeting and consensus was to remove this for now.
Title: Manifest builder module. Question: username_0: @kouks, should we include this is Minimal Pouch Requirements milestone? Will you continue the cli package you started? I would have a look into this otherwise. Answers: username_0: @kouks, should we include this is Minimal Pouch Requirements milestone? Will you continue the cli package you started? I would have a look into this otherwise. username_0: Requirements: - Manifest builder - App builder - Environment handling Status: Issue closed username_0: closed by #2
Title: What is the purpose/function of overlap? Question: username_0: My understanding is that `overlap` just specifies how many frames overlap when splitting a video into segments. If that's correct, what's the purpose? Does it actually do anything for the user? (E.g. if I do the tracks on the first segment, are they copied across to the next segment in the overlapping region? This doesn't appear to be the case.) Put another way- should I just set `overlap=0` in my video tagging examples, to avoid having to manually resolve different taggings from each segment in the overlap? Sorry if I've misunderstood something obvious. PS - great tool! Answers: username_1: Hi @username_0 , Thanks for your question and feedback. Your understanding is correct. There are several ways to use the parameter: - For an interpolation task (video sequence) if an object exists on overlapped segments it will be automatically merged into one track (with overlap=0 in annotation file you will have several tracks, one for each segment, which correspond to the object): - For an annotation task (separate images) if an object exists on overlapped segments bounding boxes will be automatically merged into one (if it is possible): - Use overlap=n to estimate quality of the annotations (it isn't implemented) Does it answer your question? username_0: OK, I'm getting a little confused - I thought `overlap=n` meant there were `n` frames overlapping between segments? Just thinking - maybe a video illustrating this would be good? I found the [annotation video]( really useful, so maybe something quick demonstrating how segments/overlap work (and what happens in edge case you refer to e.g. "automatically merged into one *(if it is possible)*"). username_1: CVAT can annotate video or images (you can upload a set of images or even an archive with images). For example, you upload 100 images, segment size is 50 and overlap is 10. In this case you should have (if I remember correctly) 3 segments: 0 - 49, 40 - 89, 80 - 99. Thus two adjacent segments have 10 images overlap. In general "overlapped" images can be annotated differently. Merge works in such cases. username_0: In our case it would be correct to do this - we'd prefer to label something only once. I.e. I add tracks in segment 1, and then when I go to segment 2, it carries across all tracks from e.g. the last 10 frames of segment 1 (for overlap = 10) to the first 10 frames of segment 2. There won't be any need to merge the tracks, as it's obvious that if you've copied track 1, then it's still track 1. However - maybe ours is a special use case (and we have no experience with big tagging tasks). Anyway, thank @username_1 - feel free to close the task, or leave it open as a reminder to update the docs etc. Status: Issue closed
Title: The result of sum is less by 0.000000000000001 Question: username_0: ## Steps 1. Open IntelliJ IDEA 2. Create New Project 3. Create New Java Class with Main name 4. Insert code Precision code 7. Run the program ## Expected Result The result of addition is 0.9 ## Actual result Actual result is 0.8999999999999999 ## Screenshot <img width="1080" alt="sum" src=""> ## Environment * OS Windows 10 x64 * Java version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14 * IntelliJ Idea 2020 1.2 Community Edition @coursar
Title: failed to req API: code:500 msg: ja Question: username_0: <!-- Here is for bug reports and feature requests ONLY! If you're looking for help, please check our mail list、WeChat group and the Gitter room. Please try to use English to describe your issue, or at least provide a snippet of English translation. 我们鼓励使用英文,如果不能直接使用,可以使用翻译软件,您仍旧可以保留中文原文。 --> ## Issue Description Type: *bug report* or *feature request* ### Describe what happened (or what feature you want) ### Describe what you expected to happen ### How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible) 1. 2. 3. ### Tell us your environment ### Anything else we need to know? Answers: username_1: Please give complete error information.
Title: Add a message if most failed task is null Question: username_0: Feature: **Describe the bug** If a Job fails before it reaches any task or before actually running the tasks on a host, the most failed task is `Null`. We can add an enhancement where in such cases the Most failed case should be displayed as: `Failed before reaching any task` **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to Clusters page 2. Click on JT (that failed before reaching any task) on Top Templates module 3. Observe that Most failed task is `null` Answers: username_0: cc @username_1 username_0: cc @kialam @trahman73 Please feel free to move this to 1.2 if you think this might not make it in 1.1 username_1: so there are probably 2 things: 1. When API returns `most_failed_tasks: []`. We show `Most failed tasks: Unavailable`, the section should probably just disappear as @benthomasson mentioned in the slack chat (there is no failure). I think we plan to do this with 1.2 design (most failed tasks bars) 2. When API can't determine the task name, it returns `null`, e.g. from v0_1 API: ``` most_failed_tasks: [{fail_rate: 83, task_name: null, failed_count: 5, failed_hosts_count: 0},…] 0: {fail_rate: 83, task_name: null, failed_count: 5, failed_hosts_count: 0} fail_rate: 83 failed_count: 5 failed_hosts_count: 0 task_name: null 1: {fail_rate: 17, task_name: "Add yum repository", failed_count: 1, failed_hosts_count: 1} fail_rate: 17 failed_count: 1 failed_hosts_count: 1 task_name: "Add yum repository" ``` this is v0_1, in v1 we also return `module_name`, so then there are 2 results from this: R1. task_name is null but it has module name => users didn't add any task name, we can show module name R2. both task_name and module name are null => the job failed before reaching any task (e.g. failing to fetch role/collection ) or there is no failed task (not sure how it could happen) ---------- @kialam @trahman73 @username_0 I'd say lets do these edge cases as part of , so moving it to 1.2. (if it'll make sense, API can return some of these) username_2: migrated to Status: Issue closed
Title: (develop) : submodules not pulled in configure Question: username_0: When installing clustermq@develop, the configure script hits a wall when trying to run `src/libzmq/` , as that in a submodule that isn't initialized yet. Personally, I added `git submodule update --recursive --init` to configure, to rememdy this, though i haven't yet finished the install.<issue_closed> Status: Issue closed
Title: Allow cards to be configured per project Question: username_0: * default card set configurable in plugin settings * concrete card set configurable in board configuration Answers: username_1: I would like this feature very much. As the deck could differ between projects and teams this should be configurable per project as defined in the issue. Right now I can think of those decks: - Fibonacci - T-Shirts - Days - Working hours - Yes/No - (custom decks) username_0: Thank you for your comment, @username_1! I will start refactoring out the card deck into configurable assets soon but until now I am unsure how to address the fact that the default estimation field is a number only field. So one would need to configure another target field for the estimation with the chosen set. username_1: For some card decks a number would probably be not enough yes. I think starting with Fibonacci, Days, Working hours and a set of custom numbers would be enough. I think it is not a problem if other values are possible to set. username_0: First iteration done: 883eefae4057adabe22ebeebc16bf75fbce5bdfb username_0: Next version will come with a configurable card set. username_0: Closing this issue and rising a new issue for project specific card sets. Status: Issue closed
Title: Manipulate Status Codes Question: username_0: Hello, where can i manipulate the status codes of the simulation nodes in the Server? I try to get random codes between good and bad. Answers: username_1: StatusCodes are currently expressed as enum see node-opcua\lib\datamodel\opcua_status_code.js, node-opcua\lib\raw_status_codes.js This is convenient but doesn't allow any statuscode to be easily written. What sort of missing StatusCode do you need ? Can you elaborate. Status: Issue closed username_1: StatusCode can be enriched with Status bits now ( see makeStatusCode ) and example of use:
Title: Change text color and fonts Question: username_0: <!--- @huboard:{"order":0.00048828125,"milestone_order":0.0078125} --> Status: Issue closed Answers: username_0: Published new format though done it under a new branch name metrostyle Please don't merge it yet, still in the work. Just updated the text color username_0: <!--- @huboard:{"order":0.0008544921875,"milestone_order":19.0,"custom_state":""} --> Status: Issue closed
Title: Mac でVLANのタグを読めるインターフェイスを作成する Question: username_0: Mac &#12391;VLAN&#12398;&#12479;&#12464;&#12434;&#35501;&#12417;&#12427;&#12452;&#12531;&#12479;&#12540;&#12501;&#12455;&#12452;&#12473;&#12434;&#20316;&#25104;&#12377;&#12427;<br> MacOS &#12398;LAN&#12452;&#12531;&#12479;&#12540;&#12501;&#12455;&#12540;&#12473;&#12391;VLAN&#12434;&#25201;&#12358;&#24517;&#35201;&#12364;&#12354;&#12387;&#12383;&#12290;&#12401;&#12401;&#12387;&#12392;&#35373;&#23450;&#12375;&#12383;&#12392;&#12365;&#12395;&#12393;&#12358;&#12420;&#12387;&#12383;&#12363;&#12513;&#12514;&#12434;&#27531;&#12375;&#12390;&#12362;&#12365;&#12414;&#12377;&#12290; &#29872;&#22659;&#35373;&#23450;&#12398;&#12493;&#12483;&#12488;&#12527;&#12540;&#12463;&#12434;&#12402;&#12425;&#12367;&#12290; &#24038;&#19979;&#12398;&#27503;&#36554;&#12398;&#12450;&#12452;&#12467;&#12531;&#12434;&#25276;&#12377;&#12290;&#65288;&#12371;&#12371;&#12364;&#12509;&#12452;&#12531;&#12488;&#65289;<br>
Title: CLI selfupgrade to RC20 Claims Success But Does Not Update Question: username_0: Used `bin/gpm selfupgrade` successfully on my local dev system (PHP 7.3.20). When I tried that on production (PHP 7.3.25), I got the success message below: ![CLI_selfupgrade-result]( But `bin/grav -V` returns "Grav CLI Application 1.7.0-rc.17" Ran the update in Admin and it succeeded and CLI now throws error "PHP version ">= 7.3.6". You are running 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.7". So my CLI version on production was the issue - a check and warning message before update/upgrade would be helpful. Answers: username_1: Can you try this again with the latest 1.7.0 final release? I think it must be a caching issue, can you try clearing cache afterward also? username_2: Grav 1.7.0-rc.17 was the last version supporting PHP 7.2. To me, it looks like the installation fails but CLI fails to report the error. You need to upgrade your PHP. username_2: OK, this was an issue with installation error detection when using the command (it was only detecting unzip issues). Unfortunately, this will still be an issue when upgrading from older versions, but at least it is fixed from Grav 1.7.1 onwards. username_0: Thanks, I'll test this on my next update. username_2: I don't think you can test this as the issue is in Grav 1.6 and you need to get your CLI to use PHP 7.3/7.4 to update in the first place. username_0: I have other sites hosted on this server, and I have updated my CLI PHP version. Status: Issue closed
Title: renatta bugz Question: username_0: t1 dwarf lair boss vanished yesterday morning just after killing one of my team members, no boss or corpse in the lair and she hasnt been seen for about 24 hours now Status: Issue closed Answers: username_1: The lair boss will be back after the next server restart.May it be the next patch or hotfix or....
Title: `CkanCatalogGroup` ignores `supportedResourceFormats` Question: username_0: terria.js version|8.0.0-alpha.80 ----|---- Hi all, I'm trying to use CKAN to manage datasets for Terria.js and ran into a problem. I have fixed it locally, and I want to know if there is any chance it gets resolved in the mainstream terria.js. ### Problem description `CkanCatalogGroup` and `CkanCatalogResource` support the following 7 formats by default: `WMS, CSV, GeoJson, ArcGIS MapServer, ArcGIS FeatureServer, Kml and Czml` What I was trying to do is to load datasets of other formats (like 3d-tiles) from CKAN. For `CkanCatalogResource`, I was able to extend it to support more formats with the `supportedResourceFormats` option, which looks like the following in a catalog file: ```json { "catalog": [ { "name": "My dataset from CKAN", "type": "ckan-item", "url": "", "resourceId": "<the-id-of-the-resource>", "supportedResourceFormats": [ { "id": "3d-tiles", "definition": { "type": "3d-tiles" }, "formatRegex": "3d-tiles" } ] } ] } ``` For `CkanCatalogGroup`, however, the option `supportedResourceFormats` seemed to have no effect. Thus, it cannot handle formats other than the ones it supports by default. ### Proposed solution What I suggest is to make `CkanCatalogGroup` forward `supportedResourceFormats` to its child members so that we can extend it to support any format that terria.js supports. A `CkanCatalogGroup` configured to handle 3d-tiles datasets would look like this: ```json { "catalog": [ { "name": "My datasets from CKAN", "type": "ckan-group", "url": "", "filterQuery": [ { "fq": "" } ], "supportedResourceFormats": [ { "id": "3d-tiles", "definition": { "type": "3d-tiles" }, "formatRegex": "3d-tiles" } ] } ] } ``` I have a patch to implement this, as mentioned above. I'll make a PR if that helps. Thanks!
Title: OpenVPN is not setting the foreign_option_* variables to be consumed in the UP script Question: username_0: **Important notices** Before you add a new report, we ask you kindly to acknowledge the following: - [X] I have read the contributing guide lines at - [X] I have searched the existing issues and I am convinced that mine is new. **Describe the bug** OpenVPN is supposed to set any server PUSH-ed dhcp-option variables into variables named foreign_option_N with N being a number. This is where important bits such as the upstream DNS can be mined. This does not appear to be happening. I don't know if it was happening in older versions as I had no need of it before now. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Create an OpenVPN client to an OpenVPN server that uses PUSH to set the DOMAIN/DNS information via dhcp-option 2. Connect the client 3. Save the environment from the "up" script (/usr/local/etc/inc/ to a temporary file 4. Observe that there are no "foreign_option_" variables defined at all, so it's impossible to mine the DNS information from there. **Expected behavior** foreign_option_* variables should exist. **Relevant log files** ``` 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[22431] OpenVPN 2.4.9 amd64-portbld-freebsd12.1 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [MH/RECVDA] [AEAD] built on Jul 28 2020 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[22431] library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1i 8 Dec 2020, LZO 2.10 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] MANAGEMENT: unix domain socket listening on /var/etc/openvpn/client5.sock 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] LZO compression initializing 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1626 D:1140 EF:110 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ] 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1626 D:1450 EF:126 EB:407 ET:0 EL:3 ] 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Fragmentation MTU parms [ L:1626 D:1300 EF:125 EB:407 ET:1 EL:3 ] 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Local Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1606,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,mtu-dynamic,keydir 1,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client' 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1606,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,mtu-dynamic,keydir 0,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-server' 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET] 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] Socket Buffers: R=[42080->524288] S=[57344->524288] 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] UDP link local: (not bound) 2021-01-22T13:50:23 openvpn[27551] UDP link remote: [AF_INET] 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET] (via [AF_INET], sid=54a2e8d5 4b0e233b 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=VG, ST=BVI, O=ExpressVPN, OU=ExpressVPN, CN=ExpressVPN CA, emailAddress=<EMAIL> 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] VERIFY KU OK 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] Validating certificate extended key usage 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] VERIFY EKU OK 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] VERIFY X509NAME OK: C=VG, ST=BVI, O=ExpressVPN, OU=ExpressVPN, CN=Server-9598-0a, emailAddress=<EMAIL> 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=VG, ST=BVI, O=ExpressVPN, OU=ExpressVPN, CN=Server-9598-0a, emailAddress=<EMAIL> 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] Control Channel: TLSv1.3, cipher TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, 2048 bit RSA 2021-01-22T13:50:24 openvpn[27551] [Server-9598-0a] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] (via [AF_INET] 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] SENT CONTROL [Server-9598-0a]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1) 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,dhcp-option DNS,comp-lzo no,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig,peer-id 10,cipher AES-256-GCM' 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] Pushed option removed by filter: 'redirect-gateway def1' 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] Options error: option 'dhcp-option' cannot be used in this context ([PUSH-OPTIONS]) 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] Options error: option 'route' cannot be used in this context ([PUSH-OPTIONS]) 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] OPTIONS IMPORT: compression parms modified 2021-01-22T13:50:25 openvpn[27551] OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified [Truncated] tls_serial_1=1 tls_serial_hex_0=0f:95:26 tls_serial_hex_1=01 trusted_ip= trusted_port=1195 tun_mtu=1500 untrusted_ip= untrusted_port=1195 verb=4 xormask_1= xormasklen_1=0 xormethod_1=0 ``` Software version used and hardware type if relevant, e.g.: OPNsense 20.7.8-amd64 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p12-HBSD OpenSSL 1.1.1i 8 Dec 2020 --
Title: [BUG] Strange non user friendly behavior controlled by the package itself Question: username_0: I created an throughout issue for this at [stackoverflow]( ### Expected Behavior: When installing using NPM install on a Reactjs project errors should be user-friendly and easy to spot. ### Steps To Reproduce: Here is a [link]( to complete 300.000 letters long error message produced by NPM since stackoverflow above only could handle 30.000. Read the SO question for details --> ### Environment: OS: Win 10 Node: v12.8.1. npm: 6.10.2 VSCode latest Status: Issue closed Answers: username_1: In npm 7, we only print install script output when the install script fails in such a way that it breaks the install. Changing this was be a breaking change, so we cannot do it in the v6 release line.
Title: pgbackrest for backup with s3 Question: username_0: **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I have tried several times for backup with pgbackrest. local is good but s3 occures some following issues。 ![image]( Has anyone encountered this problem? **Please tell us about your environment:** * Operating System: Centos 7 * Where is this running ( Local, Cloud Provider):AliCloud with OSS * Storage being used (NFS, Hostpath, Gluster, etc): NAS * Container Image Tag: 4.4.1 * PostgreSQL Version: 12.4 * Platform (Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift): K8S * Platform Version: 1.16 **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here. Status: Issue closed Answers: username_1: Ensure that `stanza-create` successfully runs. Also ensure that you are creating the stanza in a clean directory. username_2: If the `stanza-create` does not complete successfully, is there any way to get back into a good state without recreating the cluster? I created a cluster with s3 backup, but the s3 bucket DNS hadn't fully propagated so the job failed. username_1: Re-create the `stanza-create` job. After that, you can kick off an initial backup with `pgo bacup`
Title: gson null exceptions Question: username_0: I solved this issue by reverting back to gson version 2.6.2. But Now I have to use gson 2.8.2 because other sdk are using this version. Any solution other then reverting back. Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'long java.util.Date.getTime()' on a null object reference at java.util.Calendar.setTime( at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.formatImpl( at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.format( at java.text.DateFormat.format( at at at at$1.write( at$Adapter.write( at at at at at Source) at com.quickblox.auth.session.QBSessionManager.setActiveSession(Unknown Source) at com.quickblox.auth.session.QBSessionJsonParser.extractEntity(Unknown Source) at com.quickblox.auth.session.QBSessionJsonParser.extractEntity(Unknown Source) at com.quickblox.core.parser.QBJsonParser.parse(Unknown Source) at com.quickblox.auth.session.Query$VersionEntityCallback.completedWithResponse(Unknown Source) at com.quickblox.auth.session.Query.completedWithResponse(Unknown Source) at com.quickblox.core.server.HttpRequestRunnable$1.handleMessage(Unknown Source) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at Answers: username_1: which version of QuickBlox Android SDK do you use? username_0: compile 'com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-messages:3.5.0' compile 'com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-core:3.5.0' compile 'com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-content:3.5.0' compile('com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-chat:3.5.0') { transitive = true } compile '' username_1: in latest version (3.5.1) we updated Gson lib to 2.8.2, so try use it. Looks like other lib in your project uses Gson lib version 2.8.1, check it by reviewing "External Libraries" in Android Studio username_0: @username_1 Thankyou. Its working fine now. Status: Issue closed
Title: Always Embed Message Content Question: username_0: <!-- Please do not edit the layout of this template, more specifically the titles and the spacings. Replace the template text by what your request is about. --> ### Description Have a setting that allows messages to always embed content, even if the channel/role disallows it ### More info Description is self explanatory ---- <!-- Put "x" between the brackets --> - [x] I checked if this request wasn't already proposed - [x] I made sure this request follows Powercord's [plugin guidelines]( Answers: username_1: I assume you mean a client side embed? username_0: Yes, of course, should specify that.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

GitHub Issues & Kaggle Notebooks


GitHub Issues & Kaggle Notebooks is a collection of two code datasets intended for language models training, they are sourced from GitHub issues and notebooks in Kaggle platform. These datasets are a modified part of the StarCoder2 model training corpus, precisely the bigcode/StarCoder2-Extras dataset. We reformat the samples to remove StarCoder2's special tokens and use natural text to delimit comments in issues and display kaggle notebooks in markdown and code blocks.

The dataset includes:

  • 🐛 GitHub Issues – 11B tokens of discussions from GitHub issues sourced from GH Archive.
  • 📊 Kaggle Notebooks – 1.7B tokens of data analysis notebooks in markdonw format, curated from Kaggle's Meta Kaggle Code dataset. These datasets have undergone filtering to remove low-quality content, duplicates and PII. More details in StarCoder2 paper

How to load the dataset

You can load a specific subset using the following code:

from datasets import load_dataset

issues = load_dataset("HuggingFaceTB/github-issues-notebooks", "issues", split="train")  # GitHub Issues
kaggle_notebooks = load_dataset("HuggingFaceTB/github-issues-notebooks", "kaggle", split="train")  # Kaggle Notebooks

Dataset curation

These curation details are from the StarCoder2 pipeline. The original datasets can be found at: and more details can be found in the StarCoder2 paper.

🐛 GitHub Issues

The GitHub Issues dataset consists of discussions from GitHub repositories, sourced from GHArchive. It contains issue reports, bug tracking, and technical Q&A discussions.

To ensure high-quality data, the StarCoder2 processing pipeline included:

  • Removing bot-generated comments and auto-replies from email responses.
  • Filtering out short issues (<200 characters) and extremely long comments.
  • Keeping only discussions with multiple users (or highly detailed single-user reports).
  • Anonymizing usernames while preserving the conversation structure, names, emails, keys, passwords, IP addresses using StarPII.

We format the conversatiosn using this template:

Title: [Issue title]

username_0: [Issue content]

username_1: [Answer from user 1]
username_0: [Author reply]
username_2: [Answer from user 2]
Status: Issue closed (optional)

📊 Kaggle Notebooks

The Kaggle Notebooks are sourced from the Meta Kaggle Code dataset, licensed under Apache 2.0. They were cleaned using a multi-step filtering process, which included:

  • Removing notebooks with syntax errors or less than 100 characters.
  • Extracting metadata for notebooks that reference Kaggle datasets. When possible, we retrieve the datasets references in the notebook and add information about them to the beginning of the notebook (description, output and 4 examples)
  • Filtering out duplicates, which reduced the dataset volume by 78%, and redacting PII. Each notebook is formatted in Markdown format, where we start with the notebook title, dataset description when available and put the notebook (converted to a Python script) in a code block.

Below is an example of a kaggle notebook:

# Iris Flower Dataset

### Context
The Iris flower data set is a multivariate data set introduced ... (truncated)

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('iris-flower-dataset/IRIS.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 150 entries, 0 to 149
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------        --------------  -----  
 0   sepal_length  150 non-null    float64
 1   sepal_width   150 non-null    float64
 2   petal_length  150 non-null    float64
 3   petal_width   150 non-null    float64
 4   species       150 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(4), object(1)
memory usage: 6.0+ KB

Examples from the dataset:
    "sepal_length": 5.1,
    "sepal_width": 3.5,
    "petal_length": 1.4,
    "petal_width": 0.2,
    "species": "Iris-setosa"
... (truncated)

import numpy as np  # linear algebra
import pandas as pd  # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)

# Input data files are available in the read-only "../input/" directory
import os

for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk("/kaggle/input"):
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
# You can also write temporary files to /kaggle/temp/, but they won't be saved outside of the current session
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/iris-flower-dataset/IRIS.csv")
X = data.drop("species", axis=1)
... (truncated)


  title={Starcoder 2 and the stack v2: The next generation},
  author={Lozhkov, Anton and Li, Raymond and Allal, Loubna Ben and Cassano, Federico and Lamy-Poirier, Joel and Tazi, Nouamane and Tang, Ao and Pykhtar, Dmytro and Liu, Jiawei and Wei, Yuxiang and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.19173},
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