stringlengths 1
| labels
sequence | __index_level_0__
int64 0
| processed_text
sequence | text_es
stringlengths 1
@iaha2014 http://t.co/SQvG5j1Jvf | [] | 101 | [
"@iaha2014 http://t.co/SQvG5j1Jvf"
] | @iaha2014 http://t.co/SQvG5j1Jvf |
I've never been one to follow suit. March to the beat of my own Dre's. #takeaminute | [] | 102 | [
"I've never been one to follow suit.March to the beat of my own Dre's.#takeaminute"
] | Nunca he sido uno para seguir el ejemplo.Marcha al ritmo de mi propio Dre.#takeaminuto |
Indeed. @Mello_Mark: @YesYoureSexist Lol okaaaay, what I meant doesn't really pertain to the workforce but whatever | [] | 103 | [
"Indeed.@Mello_Mark: @YesYoureSexist Lol okaaaay, what I meant doesn't really pertain to the workforce but whatever"
] | De hecho.@Mello_Mark: @YesYoureSexist Lol okaaaay, lo que quise decir no pertenece realmente a la fuerza laboral, pero lo que sea |
Like seriously if I can just get one racist sexist fuckwad out of a leadership position today | [] | 104 | [
"Like seriously if I can just get one racist sexist fuckwad out of a leadership position today"
] | Como en serio si pudiera sacar a un sexista racista de una posición de liderazgo hoy. |
I love sleeping in on Saturday and I love college football games and I love not acting my age :) #loveyourlovethemost | [] | 105 | [
"I love sleeping in on Saturday and I love college football games and I love not acting my age :) #loveyourlovethemost"
] | Me encanta dormir en el sábado y me encantan los juegos de fútbol universitario y me encanta no actuar mi edad :) #ama tu amor más |
Last but not least, shoutout to those guys on the bus in Georgia that were talking shit until they ran after being confronted by my friend. | [] | 106 | [
"Last but not least, shoutout to those guys on the bus in Georgia that were talking shit until they ran after being confronted by my friend."
] | Por último, pero no menos importante, gritar a los chicos en el autobús en Georgia que estaban hablando mierda hasta que corrieron después de ser confrontados por mi amigo. |
@iAmRandomRose yes ! Bullying ! Verbal etc lol | [] | 107 | [
"@iAmRandomRose yes !Bullying !Verbal etc lol"
] | @iAmRandomRose si !Bullying !Verbal etc lol |
Kind of sad to see the girls go 😐 kind of #mkr #mkr2015 @mykitchenrules | [] | 108 | [
"Kind of sad to see the girls go 😐 kind of #mkr #mkr2015 @mykitchenrules"
] | Un poco triste ver a las chicas ir tipo de #mkr #mkr2015 @mykitchenrules |
I hate when the smallest bitches try to bully the big girls O_o. U sure u wanna ride tht ride? | [] | 109 | [
"I hate when the smallest bitches try to bully the big girls O_o.U sure u wanna ride tht ride?"
] | Odio cuando las perras más pequeñas tratan de intimidar a las chicas grandes. ¿Seguro que quieres montar a caballo? |
@carlosfaboayuso c te hace conocida esa history en yuctan se llama gobierno ya no es sólo escolar llega a todos lados #bullying | [] | 110 | [
"@carlosfaboayuso c te hace conocida esa history en yuctan se llama gobierno ya no es sólo escolar llega a todos lados #bullying"
] | @carlosfaboayuso c te hace conocida esa history en yuctan se llama gobierno ya no es sólo escolarlega a todos lados #bullying |
sou motivo de risos neste momento... qdo eu era criança sofria bullying... eu era agredida pelas empregadas da casa ehehe | [] | 111 | [
"sou motivo de risos neste momento...qdo eu era criança sofria bullying...eu era agredida pelas empregadas da casa ehehe"
] | sou motivo de risos niste momento...qdo eu era criança sofria bullying...eu era agredida pelas empregadas da casa ehehe |
We have 3 forums on bullying and would like to promotes awareness! Thank you :) http://t.co/VxFkn6G | [] | 112 | [
"We have 3 forums on bullying and would like to promotes awareness!Thank you :) http://t.co/VxFkn6G"
] | Tenemos 3 foros sobre el acoso y nos gustaría promover la sensibilización!Gracias :) http://t.co/VxFkn6G |
@cxarli it was private messages. | [] | 113 | [
"@cxarli it was private messages."
] | @cxarli eran mensajes privados. |
@ShaofHappiness all my sexts are orange. BECAUSE THEY ARE LEGENDARY, GET IT? :P | [] | 114 | [
"@ShaofHappiness all my sexts are orange.BECAUSE THEY ARE LEGENDARY, GET IT? :P"
] | @ShaofHappiness todos mis sexts son naranjas. PORQUE ES LEGENDARIO, ¿lo entiendes? :P |
If someone is too drunk to drive, they're too drunk to consent. If someone is trying to get your friend alone, protest. LOUD. | [] | 115 | [
"If someone is too drunk to drive, they're too drunk to consent.If someone is trying to get your friend alone, protest.LOUD."
] | Si alguien está demasiado borracho para conducir, está demasiado borracho para consentir.Si alguien está tratando de conseguir a su amigo a solas, proteste.LOUD. |
We are losing our mum and dad..Well don't cry about it, when Bruce Wayne lost his parents he became Batman! #MKR | [] | 116 | [
"We are losing our mum and dad..Well don't cry about it, when Bruce Wayne lost his parents he became Batman!#MKR"
] | Estamos perdiendo a nuestra madre y a nuestro padre... ¡Bueno, no llores por ello, cuando Bruce Wayne perdió a sus padres se convirtió en Batman!#MKR |
And we'll keep doing instant restaurant rounds until these people can learn to bloody cook! #MKR | [] | 117 | [
"And we'll keep doing instant restaurant rounds until these people can learn to bloody cook!#MKR"
] | ¡Y seguiremos haciendo rondas instantáneas de restaurantes hasta que esta gente pueda aprender a cocinar! #MKR |
Bad call: Telstra accused of bullying over non-payments | News.com.au http://t.co/WOd8pt1 | [] | 118 | [
"Bad call: Telstra accused of bullying over non-payments | News.com.au http://t.co/WOd8pt1"
] | Mala llamada: Telstra acusada de acoso por falta de pago News.com.au http://t.co/WOD8pt1 |
lol. is she still screeching about me blocking her? what a turd. | [] | 119 | [
"lol.is she still screeching about me blocking her?what a turd."
] | Lol.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaa aaa aaaa! |
me: im gonna try im@s again maybe the ugly ass art style will grow on me | [] | 120 | [
"me: im gonna try im@s again maybe the ugly ass art style will grow on me"
] | yo: voy a probar im@s de nuevo tal vez el feo estilo de arte culo crecerá en mí |
Darn I want a lemon tart now :/ #killerblondes #MKR | [] | 121 | [
"Darn I want a lemon tart now :/ #killerblondes #MKR"
] | Quiero una tarta de limón ahora :/ #killerblondes #MKR |
Now that the world is starting to see him for what he is, he must be living in a perpetual cloud of disappointment. #stopwadhwa2015 | [] | 122 | [
"Now that the world is starting to see him for what he is, he must be living in a perpetual cloud of disappointment.#stopwadhwa2015"
] | Ahora que el mundo está empezando a verlo por lo que es, debe estar viviendo en una nube perpetua de decepción.#stopwadhwa2015 |
@NewEraJihadi @ShamiAnalyst You seem to have a small vocabulary. But being stupid and being Muslim go together. | [] | 123 | [
"@NewEraJihadi@ShamiAnalyst You seem to have a small vocabulary.But being stupid and being Muslim go together."
] | @NewEraJihadi@ShamiAnalyst Parece que tienes un vocabulario pequeño.Pero ser estúpido y ser musulmán van juntos. |
RT @WittySam: Refined & pretty? Looks like something a blind kindergarten student chucked on a plate. #MKR | [] | 124 | [
"RT @WittySam:Refined & pretty?Looks like something a blind kindergarten student chucked on a plate.#MKR"
] | RT @WittySam:¿Refinado & bonito?Parece algo que un estudiante ciego del jardín de infantes tiró sobre un plato.#MKR |
@CocaCola That's fucking rich from the company draining CA of desperately needed water for Dasani brand tap water. | [] | 125 | [
"@CocaColaThat's fucking rich from the company draining CA of desperately needed water for Dasani brand tap water."
] | @CocaColaEso es jodidamente rico de la compañía drenando CA de agua desesperadamente necesaria para el agua del grifo de la marca Dasani. |
RT @PaulHaydon: You've got big hearts! Colin, I believe what you're meant to say was that they have enlarged, clogged hearts! #MKR | [] | 126 | [
"RT @PaulHaydon: You've got big hearts!Colin, I believe what you're meant to say was that they have enlarged, clogged hearts!#MKR"
] | RT @PaulHaydon: ¡Tienes un corazón grande!Colin, creo que lo que quieres decir es que tienen corazones agrandados y obstruidos.#MKR |
RT @IIXXIV_: My face be oily as hell when I wake up, I hate it. | [] | 127 | [
"RT @IIXXIV_:My face be oily as hell when I wake up, I hate it."
] | RT @IIXXIV_:Mi cara es aceitosa como el infierno cuando me despierto, lo odio. |
@EA_Pakistani @JRCallsTheNews @ShamiAnalyst LOL Your supporting animals that indulge in an orgy of gruesome murders and you talk about hate. | [] | 128 | [
"@EA_Pakistani @JRCallsTheNews @ShamiAnalyst LOL Your supporting animals that indulge in an orgy of gruesome murders and you talk about hate."
] | @EA_Pakistáni @JRCallsTheNews @ShamiAnalyst LOL Sus animales de apoyo que se complacen en una orgía de horribles asesinatos y hablan de odio. |
@iAmKaylaM_ lmao, I just paid it in class after I checked my account on the chromebook lol | [] | 129 | [
"@iAmKaylaM_ lmao, I just paid it in class after I checked my account on the chromebook lol"
] | @iAmKaylaM_ lmmao, acabo de pagarlo en clase después de comprobar mi cuenta en el lol de Chromebook |
Thank god for consulting to fuel my blackmilk addiction. | [] | 130 | [
"Thank god for consulting to fuel my blackmilk addiction."
] | Gracias a Dios por consultar para alimentar mi adicción a la leche negra. |
Within these three weeks i have missed 4 classes out of a total out of 15? Absolute handicap bastard has not got a fucking notion!! | [] | 131 | [
"Within these three weeks i have missed 4 classes out of a total out of 15?Absolute handicap bastard has not got a fucking notion!!"
] | Dentro de estas tres semanas he faltado a 4 clases de un total de 15?Absolutamente hadicap bastardo no tiene una puta idea!! |
@NewIdeamagazine No, that kid is just a brat #mkr | [] | 132 | [
"@NewIdeamagazine No, that kid is just a brat #mkr"
] | @NewIdeamagazine No, ese chico es sólo un mocoso #mkr |
Tmr going to burn my grandmother really can't let go. | [] | 133 | [
"Tmr going to burn my grandmother really can't let go."
] | Quemar a mi abuela no puede dejarlo ir. |
Come on Sheri and Em you can't go to sudden death love you xx good luck #mkr #mkr2015 | [] | 134 | [
"Come on Sheri and Em you can't go to sudden death love you xxgood luck #mkr #mkr2015"
] | Vamos, Sheri y Em, no puedes ir a la muerte repentina, amor, buena suerte. #mkr #mkr2015 |
Thanksgiving: When we somehow get roped into talking to those insufferable problematic relatives we avoid 364 days a year. | [] | 135 | [
"Thanksgiving: When we somehow get roped into talking to those insufferable problematic relatives we avoid 364 days a year."
] | Acción de Gracias: Cuando de alguna manera nos encadenan para hablar con esos parientes problemáticos insufribles evitamos 364 días al año. |
Bully - missed this game. | [] | 136 | [
"Bully - missed this game."
] | Bully se perdió este juego. |
@SFtheWolf @max2000warlord people confuse empathy with being scared, and that says more about them than anything. | [] | 137 | [
"@SFtheWolf @max2000warlord people confuse empathy with being scared, and that says more about them than anything."
] | @SFtheWolf @max2000La gente de Warlord confunde la empatía con el miedo, y eso dice más sobre ellos que nada. |
How and why did Kat and Andre make it through?! They're seriously awful. #mkr | [] | 138 | [
"How and why did Kat and Andre make it through?!They're seriously awful.#mkr"
] | ¿Cómo y por qué Kat y Andre lo lograron?!Son realmente horribles.#mkr |
Pete's palate is a sentient being, and it's confused! #MKR | [] | 139 | [
"Pete's palate is a sentient being, and it's confused!#MKR"
] | ¡El paladar de Pete es un ser sensible, y está confundido!#MKR |
@buttercupashby @MaDaSaHaTtEr_17 I already gave you the shitty proof directly from the Quran and Hadith. And you keep lying about it. | [] | 140 | [
"@buttercupashby @MaDaSaHaTtEr_17 I already gave you the shitty proof directly from the Quran and Hadith.And you keep lying about it."
] | @buttercupashby @MaDaSaHaTtEr_17 Ya te di la prueba de mierda directamente del Corán y Hadith.Y sigues mintiendo sobre ello. |
I'm a proud supporter of the Romney/Ryan campaign. I'm not a dumb ass, and I don't need to be told how ignorant or wrong I am. #thanks | [] | 141 | [
"I'm a proud supporter of the Romney/Ryan campaign.I'm not a dumb ass, and I don't need to be told how ignorant or wrong I am.#thanks"
] | Soy un orgulloso partidario de la campaña Romney/Ryan.No soy un idiota, y no necesito que me digan lo ignorante o equivocado que soy.#Gracias |
RT @sudixitca: .@OnlyTheTruthNow Islam is not a religion. This is what an honest ex-Muslim woman victim of Islam says: http://t.co/Rt9muyOG… | [] | 142 | [
"RT @sudixitca: .@OnlyTheTruthNowIslam is not a religion.This is what an honest ex-Muslim woman victim of Islam says: http://t.co/Rt9muyOG…"
] | RT @sudixitca: .@OnlyTheTruthNowIslam no es una religión.Esto es lo que una ex musulmana honesta víctima del Islam dice: http://t.co/Rt9muyOG... |
#MKR how intense was tonight's ep? | [] | 143 | [
"#MKR how intense was tonight's ep?"
] | #MKR lo intenso que fue la ep de esta noche? |
@CesarSaysNo *stifles laughter* | [] | 144 | [
"@CesarSaysNo *stifles laughter*"
] | @CesarSaysNo *stifles risa* |
RT @gemma92rogers: Really? #mkr | [] | 145 | [
"RT @gemma92rogers: Really?#mkr"
] | RT @gemma92rogers: ¿En serio?#mkr |
@Mello_Mark And God said, "Don't pay them a living wage for that shit because then they might leave men!" | [] | 146 | [
"@Mello_Mark And God said, \"Don't pay them a living wage for that shit because then they might leave men!\""
] | @Mello_Mark Y Dios dijo, "¡No les pagues un salario digno por esa mierda porque entonces podrían dejar a los hombres!" |
Here is Mullah Choudary explaining how the practice of Islamic extortion works. https://t.co/OJTE3sa3aJ #Islam #Islamophobia | [] | 147 | [
"Here is Mullah Choudary explaining how the practice of Islamic extortion works.https://t.co/OJTE3sa3aJ#Islam #Islamophobia"
] | Aquí está Mullah Choudary explicando cómo funciona la práctica de la extorsión islámica.https://t.co/OJTE3sa3aJ#Islam #Islamophobia |
@alihadi68 @MaxBlumenthal @rudoren @nytimes Hey, it's what your prophet Mohammed actually did, not just talk about. So what is your problem? | [] | 148 | [
"@alihadi68 @MaxBlumenthal @rudoren @nytimes Hey, it's what your prophet Mohammed actually did, not just talk about.So what is your problem?"
] | @alihadi68 @MaxBlumenthal @rudoren @nytimes Oye, es lo que tu profeta Mahoma realmente hizo, no solo habla.Entonces, ¿cuál es tu problema? |
Plot Twist: BOTH teams get eliminated. #MKR | [] | 149 | [
"Plot Twist: BOTH teams get eliminated.#MKR"
] | Plot Twist: Ambos equipos son eliminados.#MKR |
RT @TRobinsonNewEra: http://t.co/enEd81tCJf Mangaluru: Women allegedly assaulted for opposing loudspeakers in Madrasa | [] | 150 | [
"RT @TRobinsonNewEra: http://t.co/enEd81tCJf Mangaluru: Women allegedly assaulted for opposing loudspeakers in Madrasa"
] | RT @TRobinsonNewEra: http://t.co/enEd81tCJf Mangaluru: Mujeres presuntamente agredidas por oponerse a los altavoces en Madrasa |
I cant believe Vicky and Celine didnt just make fully sick fish and chips vre #mkr | [] | 151 | [
"I cant believe Vicky and Celine didnt just make fully sick fish and chips vre #mkr"
] | No puedo creer que Vicky y Celine no hicieran pescados y papas fritas completamente enfermas vre #mkr |
@BrianHallDev @sindarina not fond of the idea of creating features with a money barrier. | [] | 152 | [
"@BrianHallDev @sindarina not fond of the idea of creating features with a money barrier."
] | @BrianHallDev @sindarina no le gusta la idea de crear características con una barrera de dinero. |
“@BurrawongGaian: @Le_bon_vivant_ @ConjurupFood @mykitchenrules well really spatchies are one of our specialties !!” Best spatchcock #mkr | [] | 153 | [
"“@BurrawongGaian: @Le_bon_vivant_@ConjurupFood @mykitchenrules well really spatchies are one of our specialties !!”Best spatchcock #mkr"
] | “@BurrawongGaian: @Le_bon_vivant_@ConjurupFood @mykitchenrules bien realmente los spatchies son una de nuestras especialidades!” |
i can already tell this week is going to go by so damn slow. | [] | 154 | [
"i can already tell this week is going to go by so damn slow."
] | Ya puedo decir esta semana va a ir por tan malditamente lento. |
@dsmyxe @PolitiBunny people reply, and mentions get inundated. yay. | [] | 155 | [
"@dsmyxe @PolitiBunny people reply, and mentions get inundated.yay."
] | @dsmyxe @PolitiBunny la gente responde, y las menciones se inundan.yay. |
The number of #MKR #instantrestaurant rounds is actually getting ridiculous now. STOP! This TV show loves itself way too much! | [] | 156 | [
"The number of #MKR #instantrestaurant rounds is actually getting ridiculous now.STOP!This TV show loves itself way too much!"
] | El número de rondas de #MKR #instantrestaurante se está volviendo ridículo ahora.¡PARA!¡Este programa de televisión se ama demasiado a sí mismo! |
@BonsaiTreehouse @srhbutts I was never a part of that... | [] | 157 | [
"@BonsaiTreehouse @srhbutts I was never a part of that..."
] | @BonsaiTreehouse @srhbutts Nunca fui parte de eso... |
RT @martydownunder: BREAKING: #MKR was not first audition for Kat and Andre! http://t.co/3lblH8l1mk http://t.co/AF8ZxQ9JcQ | [] | 158 | [
"RT @martydownunder: BREAKING: #MKR was not first audition for Kat and Andre! http://t.co/3lblH8l1mk http://t.co/AF8ZxQ9JcQ"
] | RT @martydownunder: BREEKING: #MKR no fue la primera audición para Kat y Andre! http://t.co/3lblH8l1mk http://t.co/AF8ZxQ9JcQ |
Somehow this never stops being relevant: http://t.co/hBBh4ludyw @INKdaRapper | [] | 159 | [
"Somehow this never stops being relevant: http://t.co/hBBh4ludyw @INKdaRapper"
] | De alguna manera esto nunca deja de ser relevante: http://t.co/hBBh4ludyw @INKdaRapper |
This is absolutely ridiculous how bad my ankles and legs hurt from playing football. | [] | 160 | [
"This is absolutely ridiculous how bad my ankles and legs hurt from playing football."
] | Esto es absolutamente ridículo lo mal que me duelen los tobillos y las piernas por jugar al fútbol. |
@discerningmumin No, they aren't. | [] | 161 | [
"@discerningmumin No, they aren't."
] | @discerningmumin No, no lo son. |
Rose and Josh are great haha. #MKR | [] | 162 | [
"Rose and Josh are great haha.#MKR"
] | Rose y Josh son un gran jaja.#MKR |
I need to get this college shit going I'm bored of not conforming. Also, I can get my shit poppin. | [] | 163 | [
"I need to get this college shit going I'm bored of not conforming.Also, I can get my shit poppin."
] | Necesito hacer que esta mierda de la universidad se ponga en marcha Estoy aburrido de no conformarme.También, puedo conseguir mi mierda poppin. |
cuidado con hacer bullying cabros que se enoja Mr Rojas XD (@LatorreRafa live on http://twitcam.com/62y3l) | [] | 164 | [
"cuidado con hacer bullying cabros que se enoja Mr Rojas XD (@LatorreRafa live on http://twitcam.com/62y3l)"
] | el Sr. Rojas XD (@LatorreRafa en vivo en http://twitcam.com/62y3l) |
It's pretty funny that Georgie claims I harassed her. Never talked to her until last night, ignored the smear "article" she wrote. @sakjur | [] | 165 | [
"It's pretty funny that Georgie claims I harassed her.Never talked to her until last night, ignored the smear \"article\" she wrote.@sakjur"
] | Es bastante gracioso que Georgie diga que la acosé.Nunca habló con ella hasta anoche, ignoró el "artículo" que escribió.@sakjur |
#vicsocialites pulled it off! Credit where credit is due! Well done! #MKR | [] | 166 | [
"#vicsocialites pulled it off!Credit where credit is due!Well done!#MKR"
] | #vicsocialites lo logró!Crédito donde se debe el crédito!Bien hecho! #MKR |
@Moccochang Você sofre bullying? Acho que sim né, vai fazer algo que preste ao invés de ficar irritando os outros. E eu sou mt trouxa... | [] | 167 | [
"@Moccochang Você sofre bullying?Acho que sim né, vai fazer algo que preste ao invés de ficar irritando os outros.E eu sou mt trouxa..."
] | @Moccochang Você sofre bullying?Acho que sim né, vai fazer algo que preste ao invés de fichero irritando os outros.E eu sou mt trouxa... |
Baked beans tin on the Weber and jaffles in the fire. Should've gone on #mkr | [] | 168 | [
"Baked beans tin on the Weber and jaffles in the fire.Should've gone on #mkr"
] | Alubias al horno de estaño en el Weber y jaffles en el fuego.Debería haber ido #mkr |
College perks, when kids still in school and you | [] | 169 | [
"College perks, when kids still in school and you"
] | Los beneficios de la universidad, cuando los niños todavía en la escuela y usted |
You suck Kat and Andre. Poorest form ever! Onya Manu.. "Only way to stay in this competition is to cook good food" #MKR | [] | 170 | [
"You suck Kat and Andre.Poorest form ever!Onya Manu.. \"Only way to stay in this competition is to cook good food\" #MKR"
] | Usted chupa Kat y Andre.Pobre forma nunca!Onya Manu.. "La única manera de permanecer en esta competencia es cocinar buena comida" #MKR |
@Wrenesse Haha, hope it works with Tallula It was my last ditch attempt to stop him crying! | [] | 171 | [
"@Wrenesse Haha, hope it works with Tallula It was my last ditch attempt to stop him crying!"
] | @Wrenesse Haha, espero que funcione con Tallula ¡Fue mi último intento de dejar de llorar! |
#itreallymakesmemad when people bully , it ,makes me want to tell the bully , to try to mess wit me , bet yo ass wake up on the floor! #word | [] | 172 | [
"#itreallymakesmemad when people bully , it ,makes me want to tell the bully , to try to mess wit me , bet yo ass wake up on the floor!#word"
] | #realmente me vuelve loco cuando la gente abusa, # #me hace querer decirle al matón, para tratar de enredar mi ingenio, ¡apuesto a que tu culo se despierta en el suelo! #palabra |
@SuperSpacedad @ashleylynch @DiscordianKitty @desertfox899 @srhbutts can't comment on that. I have some runway to get my NPO off the ground. | [] | 173 | [
"@SuperSpacedad @ashleylynch @DiscordianKitty @desertfox899 @srhbutts can't comment on that.I have some runway to get my NPO off the ground."
] | @SuperSpacedad @ashleylynch @DiscordianKitty @desertfox899 @srhbutts no puede comentar sobre eso.Tengo alguna pista para sacar mi NPO del suelo. |
@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept Are you talking about Jews? They are not leaving western Ukraine these days. | [] | 174 | [
"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept Are you talking about Jews?They are not leaving western Ukraine these days."
] | @edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept ¿Estás hablando de judíos?No están saliendo del oeste de Ucrania en estos días. |
Cage Facts: Bully Syndrome http://t.co/EdbsnII via @AddThis | [] | 175 | [
"Cage Facts: Bully Syndrome http://t.co/EdbsnII via @AddThis"
] | Datos de la jaula: Síndrome de Bully http://t.co/EdbsnII vía @AddThis |
This video could be terrible and my weave would still be snatched https://t.co/yliPvSPr2d | [] | 176 | [
"This video could be terrible and my weave would still be snatched https://t.co/yliPvSPr2d"
] | Este video podría ser terrible y mi tejido todavía sería arrebatado https://t.co/yliPvSPr2d |
#MistakesGirlsMake GET PREGNANT! | [] | 177 | [
"#MistakesGirlsMake GET PREGNANT!"
] | #ErroresLas niñas se hacen embarazada! |
alterou esportes para: bullying | [] | 178 | [
"alterou esportes para: bullying"
] | alterou esportes para: bullying |
@ScudsCorp as was @alexlifschitz and @TheQuinnspiracy | [] | 179 | [
"@ScudsCorp as was @alexlifschitz and @TheQuinnspiracy"
] | @ScudsCorp al igual que @alexlifschitz y @TheQuinnspiracy |
I love it when these judges compromise their values because the channel 7 script writers tell them to. No credibility. #MKR | [] | 180 | [
"I love it when these judges compromise their values because the channel 7 script writers tell them to.No credibility.#MKR"
] | Me encanta cuando estos jueces comprometen sus valores porque los escritores de guiones del canal 7 se lo dicen.No hay credibilidad.#MKR |
@MrTheGeoff ❤️😘 | [] | 181 | [
"@MrTheGeoff ❤️😘"
] | @MrTheGeoff |
@dcstarkey yeah, I've seen them cheapish on amazon, but shipping is spendy and the clips slide. | [] | 182 | [
"@dcstarkeyyeah,I've seen them cheapish on amazon, but shipping is spendy and the clips slide."
] | @dcstarkeyyeah, los he visto baratos en Amazon, pero el envío es gastado y la diapositiva de clips. |
Se vc me der unfollow vou | [] | 183 | [
"Se vc me der unfollow vou"
] | Se vc me der unfollow vou |
RT @TheFIXninemsn: That just happened, right? The catwalk?! The cat-bloody-walk?! #mkr | [] | 184 | [
"RT @TheFIXninemsn: That just happened, right?The catwalk?!The cat-bloody-walk?!#mkr"
] | RT @TheFIXninemsn: Eso acaba de pasar, ¿verdad?, ¿la pasarela?, ¡la maldita caminata de los gatos?! #mkr |
@emitans i love what they've done with trolls | [] | 185 | [
"@emitans i love what they've done with trolls"
] | @emitans me encanta lo que han hecho con los trolls |
Oh Kat & André when will you learn that you shouldn't go mouthing off and acting smug like you do! Biggest idiots this year. #mkr | [] | 186 | [
"Oh Kat & André when will you learn that you shouldn't go mouthing off and acting smug like you do!Biggest idiots this year.#mkr"
] | Oh Kat & André, ¿cuándo aprenderás que no deberías ir a hablar y actuar engreído como lo haces!Los idiotas más grandes de este año.#mkr |
I would have never believed someone from my school would be playing with the Chiodos. That's actually really cool. | [] | 187 | [
"I would have never believed someone from my school would be playing with the Chiodos.That's actually really cool."
] | Nunca hubiera creído que alguien de mi escuela jugaría con los Chiodos.Eso es realmente genial. |
My day tomorrow would be mint without my English one to one would only be in for an hour but its better than nothing I guess :') | [] | 188 | [
"My day tomorrow would be mint without my English one to one would only be in for an hour but its better than nothing I guess :')"
] | Mi día de mañana sería la menta sin mi inglés uno a uno sólo estaría en una hora, pero es mejor que nada supongo :') |
Katie & Nikki need to show more effort. I hope they win. #MKR | [] | 189 | [
"Katie & Nikki need to show more effort.I hope they win.#MKR"
] | Katie & Nikki necesita mostrar más esfuerzo.Espero que ganen.#MKR |
Fuck you, fuck you very very mu~ch, Lily Allen. Your latest video is racist and awful and does nothing to promote "feminism." Christ. | [] | 190 | [
"Fuck you, fuck you very very mu~ch, Lily Allen.Your latest video is racist and awful and does nothing to promote \"feminism.\"Christ."
] | Vete a la mierda, vete a la mierda muy mu~ch, Lily Allen.Tu último video es racista y horrible y no hace nada para promover el "feminismo".Cristo. |
Since when did @Mamamia give a fuck about science? go sell your advertisers cosmetics wuth their wild claims #mkr | [] | 191 | [
"Since when did @Mamamia give a fuck about science?go sell your advertisers cosmetics wuth their wild claims #mkr"
] | ¿Desde cuándo a @Mamamia le importa una mierda la ciencia?Ir a vender a sus anunciantes cosméticos wuth sus afirmaciones salvajes #mkr |
@PeerWorker I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Go fuck yourself. | [] | 192 | [
"@PeerWorkerI mean this from the bottom of my heart: Go fuck yourself."
] | @PeerWorkerMe refiero a esto desde el fondo de mi corazón: Vete a la mierda. |
Good morning @Carmeldip | [] | 193 | [
"Good morning @Carmeldip"
] | Buenos días @Carmeldip |
Sudden death for Annie and Lloyd, maybe they will buy a BBQ and practice for next time? @mykitchenrules #MKR #mkr2015 | [] | 194 | [
"Sudden death for Annie and Lloyd, maybe they will buy a BBQ and practice for next time?@mykitchenrules #MKR #mkr2015"
] | Muerte súbita para Annie y Lloyd, ¿quizás compren una barbacoa y practiquen para la próxima vez?@mykitchenrules #MKR #mkr2015 |
Así con el bullying de @BernieViverosG y @FranGreave xD | [] | 195 | [
"Así con el bullying de @BernieViverosG y @FranGreave xD"
] | Así con el acoso de @BernieViverosG y @FranGreave xD |
So the Quds general leading the assault on ISIS in #Tikrit is 35 miles from the action. Not my idead of valiant leadership. | [] | 196 | [
"So the Quds general leading the assault on ISIS in #Tikrit is 35 miles from the action.Not my idead of valiant leadership."
] | Así que el general Quds que dirige el asalto al ISIS en #Tikrit está a 35 millas de la acción.No es mi idea de liderazgo valiente. |
@RudawEnglish Utterly insane article. | [] | 197 | [
"@RudawEnglish Utterly insane article."
] | @RudawEnglish Artículo totalmente loco. |
El Bullying no es nuevo, asi es como uno aprende a defenderse, dejen de criar niños lelos!! Suficiente tienen con lo que ven en la TV!! | [] | 198 | [
"El Bullying no es nuevo, asi es como uno aprende a defenderse, dejen de criar niños lelos!!Suficiente tienen con lo que ven en la TV!!"
] | El Bullying no es nuevo, así es como uno aprende a defender, ¡dejen de gritar niños lelos!!¡Suficiente tienen con lo que ven en la TV!! |
@jasonbentley sure, I think I can stop by for a bit. Giving a talk, but should be out of here by 1:15. | [] | 199 | [
"@jasonbentley sure, I think I can stop by for a bit.Giving a talk, but should be out of here by 1:15."
] | @jasonbentley seguro, creo que puedo pasar por aquí por un rato.Dando una charla, pero debería estar fuera de aquí a la 1:15. |
RT @GordyPls: To get the skin really crispy you have to burn it alive in front of its family. #mkr | [] | 200 | [
"RT @GordyPls: To get the skin really crispy you have to burn it alive in front of its family.#mkr"
] | RT @GordyPls: Para conseguir la piel muy crujiente tienes que quemarla viva delante de su familia.#mkr |
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