"@NewsomeJade: I ain't never seen a bitch so obsessed with they nigga😂" I'm obsessed with mine 😑
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@NewsomeJade: I ain't never seen a bitch so obsessed with they nigga😂\" I'm obsessed with mine 😑" ]
"@NewsomeJade: Nunca he visto a una perra tan obsesionada con ellos negro😂" Estoy obsesionada con el mío 😑
"@Nicholas_ted33: Kobe stay talking trash. But let's not forget http://t.co/VH4tnEkvTP" @J_Austin12 I meant to do this one. Smh.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Nicholas_ted33: Kobe stay talking trash.But let's not forget http://t.co/VH4tnEkvTP\" @J_Austin12I meant to do this one.Smh." ]
"@Nicholas_ted33: Kobe sigue hablando basura.Pero no olvidemos http://t.co/VH4tnEkvTP" @J_Austin12I would to do this one.Smh.
"@NoChillPaz: "At least I'm not a nigger" http://t.co/RGJa7CfoiT" Lmfao
[ "hate" ]
[ "\"@NoChillPaz: \"At least I'm not a nigger\" http://t.co/RGJa7CfoiT\"\n\nLmfao" ]
"@NoChillPaz: "Al menos no soy un negro" http://t.co/RGJa7CfoiT" Lmfao
"@No_FAKINGG: People always asking me what I'm mixed with." She a bad asian bitch lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@No_FAKINGG: People always asking me what I'm mixed with.\"She a bad asian bitch lol" ]
"@No_FAKINGG: La gente siempre me pregunta con qué me mezclo."Ella es una mala perra asiática lol
"@NotoriousBM95: @_WhitePonyJr_ Ariza is a snake and a coward" but at least he isn't a cripple like your hero Roach lmaoo
[ "hate" ]
[ "\"@NotoriousBM95: @_WhitePonyJr_Ariza is a snake and a coward\" but at least he isn't a cripple like your hero Roach lmaoo" ]
"@NotoriousBM95: @_WhitePonyJr_Ariza es una serpiente y un cobarde" pero al menos no es un lisiado como tu héroe Roach lmamoo
"@OSAY_it_aint_so: “@IgnoreAllLaws: Fosters home for imaginary trash” WHOA CHILL" that show was everything tf
[ "\"@OSAY_it_aint_so: “@IgnoreAllLaws: Fosters home for imaginary trash” WHOA CHILL\"\n\nthat show was everything tf" ]
"@OSAY_it_aint_so: “@IgnoreAllLaws: Hogares de acogida para basura imaginaria ” WHOA CHILL" que muestran era todo tf
"@OfficialReplay: I am lowkey tired." ...if you tired, be quiet and go to sleep hoe!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@OfficialReplay: I am lowkey tired.\"...if you tired, be quiet and go to sleep hoe!" ]
"@OfficialReplay: Estoy muy cansado."... si estás cansado, ¡cállate y vete a dormir!
"@PRAYINGFORHEAD: “@macklemroe: Stop bringing weird niggers into my mentions! @PRAYINGFORHEAD” http://t.co/cussDJesRK"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@PRAYINGFORHEAD: “@macklemroe: Stop bringing weird niggers into my mentions!@PRAYINGFORHEAD” http://t.co/cussDJesRK\"" ]
"@PRAYINGFORHEAD: “@macklemroe: ¡Deja de traer negros raros a mis menciones!@PRAYINGFORHEAD” http://t.co/cussDJesRK"
"@PRETTyBOSs_BRAt: We don't love these hoes 👐🙅"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@PRETTyBOSs_BRAt: We don't love these hoes 👐🙅\"" ]
"@PRETTyBOSs_BRAT: No nos encantan estas azadas 👐🙅"
"@PatrickQuelo: If yo girl cant have homeboys you a ol weak bitch ass nigga!"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@PatrickQuelo: If yo girl cant have homeboys you a ol weak bitch ass nigga!\"" ]
"@PatrickQuelo: ¡Si tu chica no puede tener amigos, eres una perra débil negra!"
"@Patsfanjoe32: @d_palomino52 I think worst advice I gave you was " don't be a pussy and speed up" lol"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Patsfanjoe32: @d_palomino52 I think worst advice I gave you was \" don't be a pussy and speed up\" lol\"" ]
"@Patsfanjoe32: @d_palomino52 Creo que el peor consejo que te di fue "no seas un cobarde y acelera" lol"
"@PoemsPorn: Quote this tweet with your favorite animal."pussy
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@PoemsPorn: Quote this tweet with your favorite animal.\"pussy" ]
"@PoemasPorn: Cita este tuit con tu animal favorito."
"@Poetic_Success: I hate when strippers tell you they're "dancers". Hoe, ballet dancers don't pop their pussy to Beethoven. You a STRIPPER!"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Poetic_Success: I hate when strippers tell you they're \"dancers\".Hoe, ballet dancers don't pop their pussy to Beethoven.You a STRIPPER!\"" ]
"@Poetic_Success: Odio cuando las strippers te dicen que son "bailadores".Aguardiente, las bailarinas de ballet no le hacen estallar el coño a Beethoven.¡Eres un STRIPPER!"
"@Poffalicious: Andrewbryant: Poff has double vision after 2 beers Poff: ... Double pussy 😎" smh
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Poffalicious: Andrewbryant: Poff has double vision after 2 beers\nPoff: ...Double pussy 😎\" smh" ]
"@Poffalicious: Andrewbryant: Poff tiene doble visión después de 2 cervezas Poff: ...doble coño 😎" smh
"@Poobie_: When bitches TWERK on the computer.... ME: "In ya 👙, in ya damn 👙‼️""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Poobie_:When bitches TWERK on the computer....\n\nME: \"In ya 👙, in ya damn 👙‼️\"\"" ]
"@Poobie_:Cuando perras TWERK en el ordenador.... ME: "En ya 👙, en ya maldito 👙‼️""
"@ProdsJewel_: “@sreadthepeace: “@yungmindless: @PeacePunkPrince Prince, THIS is art. http://t.co/EPHRWxMBHr” nobody takin his bitch!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@ProdsJewel_: “@sreadthepeace: “@yungmindless: @PeacePunkPrince Prince, THIS is art.http://t.co/EPHRWxMBHr” nobody takin his bitch!" ]
"@ProdsJewel_: “@sreadthepeace: “@yungmindless: @PeacePunkPrince Prince, This is art.http://t.co/EPHRWxMBHr” ¡nadie tome a su perra!
"@QUAN1T0: 61% of welfare/government aid is claimed by white people. So y'all black slander is trash now."
[ "\"@QUAN1T0: 61% of welfare/government aid is claimed by white people.So y'all black slander is trash now.\"" ]
"@QUAN1T0: El 61% de la ayuda social/gubernamental es reclamada por los blancos, así que ahora ustedes las calumnias negras son basura".
"@QUAN1T0: These bitches don't care they just play that role."
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@QUAN1T0: These bitches don't care they just play that role.\"" ]
"@QUAN1T0: A estas perras no les importa que solo jueguen ese papel".
"@Queen_Kaaat: It took a while for you to find me, but I was hiding In the lime tree." @Iemonaids dis bitch in da wrong tree bro.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Queen_Kaaat: It took a while for you to find me, but I was hiding In the lime tree.\"\n@Iemonaids dis bitch in da wrong tree bro." ]
"@Queen_Kaaat: Te tomó un tiempo encontrarme, pero me estaba escondiendo en el tilo." @Iemonaids esta perra en el árbol equivocado hermano.
"@RTNBA: Drakes new shoes that will be released by Nike/Jordan.... Yes, there's glitter on the shoes http://t.co/QCtPLxHEXM" ....dudes a fag
[ "hate" ]
[ "\"@RTNBA: Drakes new shoes that will be released by Nike/Jordan....Yes, there's glitter on the shoes http://t.co/QCtPLxHEXM\" ....dudes a fag" ]
"@RTNBA: Drakes zapatos nuevos que serán lanzados por Nike/Jordania....Sí, hay brillo en los zapatos http://t.co/QCTPLxHEXM" ....dudes a maricón
"@RachieSoul: @DizzleOfficial inna di ghetto!!!" You alone lmaoo
[ "\"@RachieSoul: @DizzleOfficial inna di ghetto!!!\"You alone lmaoo" ]
"@RachieSoul: @DizzleOfficial inna di gueto!!!"Tú solo lmauoo
"@RamBoutIt: “@Master11_: @20ToLife_ @RamBoutIt hoes Austin” teach us Austin."I teach u how to get curved? That's all I know
[ "\"@RamBoutIt: “@Master11_: @20ToLife_ @RamBoutIt hoes Austin” teach us Austin.\"I teach u how to get curved?That's all I know" ]
"@RamBoutIt: “@Master11_: @20ToLife_ @RamBoutIt hoes Austin” enséñanos Austin."¿Te enseño a curvarte?Eso es todo lo que sé
"@ReachtheeCLIMAX: bitches can't cook but know how to suck dick .." s/o to the ones that can do both!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@ReachtheeCLIMAX: bitches can't cook but know how to suck dick ..\"s/o to the ones that can do both!" ]
"@ReachtheeClIMAX: las perras no pueden cocinar pero saben cómo chupar la polla ..."s/o a los que pueden hacer las dos cosas!
"@RenegadeMo: Fat hoes get chose" lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@RenegadeMo: Fat hoes get chose\" lol" ]
"@RenegadeMo: Eligen a las gordas" lol
"@RiahSM: #hoesaintloyal" well they're hoes,no one expects them to be loyal
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@RiahSM: #hoesaintloyal\" well they're hoes,no one expects them to be loyal" ]
"@RiahSM: #hoesaintloyal" bueno, son hoes, nadie espera que sean leales
"@RishaaWilliams: @TRESHON_SCROOGE @_Nevertrustt ol bitch ass" http://t.co/AmcOinY0wG
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@RishaaWilliams: @TRESHON_SCROOGE @_Nevertrustt ol bitch ass\" http://t.co/AmcOinY0wG" ]
"@RishaaWilliams: @TRESHON_SCROOGE @_Nevertrust ol perra culo" http://t.co/AmcOinY0wG
"@RnadJorell: Bruh im tired of niggas retweetin Miley Cyrus naked that bitch aint no types of bad" lmaooo
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@RnadJorell:Bruh im tired of niggas retweetin Miley Cyrus naked that bitch aint no types of bad\" lmaooo" ]
"@RnadJorell:Bruh estoy cansado de los negros retweetin Miley Cyrus desnuda esa perra sin ningún tipo de mal" lmmaooo
"@SacTownProdigy: Just because tony romo at the mavs game dont mean he still not a bitch lmao.. Fuk them cowgirls" lol bitch fuck you
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SacTownProdigy:Just because tony romo at the mavs game dont mean he still not a bitch lmao..Fuk them cowgirls\" lol bitch fuck you" ]
"@SacTownProdigy: Sólo porque Tony Romo en el juego de Mavs no significa que todavía no es una puta lmmao..Fuk las vaqueras" Lol perra follar
"@SamJLayman : Holy shit, Freddie Highmore was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Me: *rolls on the floor, laughing*
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SamJLayman : Holy shit, Freddie Highmore was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory\"\nMe: *rolls on the floor, laughing*" ]
"@SamJLayman: Mierda, Freddie Highmore estaba en Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate" Yo: *rollos en el suelo, riendo*
"@Samirahusic_: "I don't want to have sex with my gf because I feel like I'm using her.." - anonymous" Whata faggot
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Samirahusic_: \"I don't want to have sex with my gf because I feel like I'm using her..\" - anonymous\" Whata faggot" ]
"@Samirahusic_: "No quiero tener sexo con mi gf porque siento que la estoy usando." - anónimo" Whata maricón
"@SexualGxfs: @ One of your followers with this 😍😩 http://t.co/F1TJl9xnCT" @ somebody, bitch if you don't
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SexualGxfs: @ One of your followers with this 😍😩 http://t.co/F1TJl9xnCT\" @ somebody, bitch if you don't" ]
"@SexualGxfs: @ Uno de tus seguidores con este 😍😩 http://t.co/F1TJl9xnCT" @ alguien, perra si no lo haces
"@Shaa_Jenkins: If ya bitch always bitching clearly she care!" Or just an annoying Bitch!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Shaa_Jenkins: If ya bitch always bitching clearly she care!\"Or just an annoying Bitch!" ]
"@Shaa_Jenkins: ¡Si tu perra siempre queriendo claramente le importa!" ¡O solo una perra molesta!
"@ShanTaughtHer: These catfish hoes thinkin they slick.. But niggas catching on 😌"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@ShanTaughtHer: These catfish hoes thinkin they slick..But niggas catching on 😌\"" ]
"@ShanTaughtHer: Estas zorras de bagre piensan que son astutos.. Pero los negros atrapan en 😌"
"@SheWentToJordan: Can't worry about a bitch that ain't worried bout me" #real
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SheWentToJordan: Can't worry about a bitch that ain't worried bout me\" #real" ]
"@SheWentToJordan: No puedo preocuparme por una perra que no está preocupada por mí" #real
"@ShowArrive: Side hoes are for insecure niggas that can't handle a real one."
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@ShowArrive: Side hoes are for insecure niggas that can't handle a real one.\"" ]
"@ShowArrive: Las azadas laterales son para negros inseguros que no pueden manejar una verdadera".
"@Shun_stokes: 😂😂😂😂RT @bluprint_4: Lmao! This bitch come scooting in the tent like she about to fuck some shit up!" 😭😭😭
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Shun_stokes: 😂😂😂😂RT @bluprint_4: Lmao!This bitch come scooting in the tent like she about to fuck some shit up!\" 😭😭😭" ]
"@Shun_stokes: 😂😂😂😂RT @bluprint_4: ¡Lmao!¡Esta perra viene corriendo en la tienda como si estuviera a punto de joder una mierda!" 😭😭😭
"@Shun_stokes: My cousin said he share hoes with his brothers. He said sharing is caring and he love his brothers 😂"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Shun_stokes: My cousin said he share hoes with his brothers.He said sharing is caring and he love his brothers 😂\"" ]
"@Shun_stokes: Mi primo dijo que comparte azadas con sus hermanos.Dijo que compartir es cuidar y ama a sus hermanos 😂"
"@SlimGirl_Probz: i'm hungry but ionn wanna spend my money on food😒"Broke hoe problems 😂😂😂💀
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SlimGirl_Probz: i'm hungry but ionn wanna spend my money on food😒\"Broke hoe problems 😂😂😂💀" ]
"@SlimGirl_Probz: Tengo hambre, pero ionn quiere gastar mi dinero en comida 😒"Problemas de azada de broke 😂😂😂💀
"@SmeegBaby: Dese hoes be LYIN to all of us nigga"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SmeegBaby: Dese hoes be LYIN to all of us nigga\"" ]
"@SmeegBaby: Dese hoes ser LYIN para todos nosotros negro"
"@SnakecharmsDump: http://t.co/4b427dQZCV" oh yeah fuck that bitch
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SnakecharmsDump: http://t.co/4b427dQZCV\"oh yeahfuck that bitch" ]
"@SnakecharmsDump: http://t.co/4b427dQZCV"oh yeahfuck esa perra
"@SportsCenter: Eli Manning just threw his NFL-leading 27th interception of the season." Lmao trash
[ "\"@SportsCenter: Eli Manning just threw his NFL-leading 27th interception of the season.\"Lmao trash" ]
"@SportsCenter: Eli Manning acaba de lanzar su 27a interceptación de la temporada, liderada por la NFL."
"@SportsCenter: USC senior RB Anthony Brown calls head coach Steve Sarkisian a racist and quits team. » http://t.co/JOOsdSubIR" he's a bitch
[ "\"@SportsCenter: USC senior RB Anthony Brown calls head coach Steve Sarkisian a racist and quits team.» http://t.co/JOOsdSubIR\" he's a bitch" ]
"@SportsCenter: RB de la USC Anthony Brown llama al entrenador jefe Steve Sarkisian un equipo racista y renuncia. » http://t.co/JOOSdSubIR" es una perra
"@StellaTex: Guess what? I also have zero time for your mansplaining! Adios!" Stfu pussy
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@StellaTex: Guess what?I also have zero time for your mansplaining!Adios!\"Stfu pussy" ]
"@StellaTex: ¿Adivina qué?¡También tengo cero horas para tu explicación!¡Adios!"
"@Stephenwildboy: Chilling 👅™ http://t.co/mik3iPNle6" sexy scally lad
[ "\"@Stephenwildboy: Chilling 👅™ http://t.co/mik3iPNle6\" sexy scally lad" ]
"@Stephenwildboy: Chilling 👅™ http://t.co/mik3iPNle6" sexy scally lad
"@Strap__: I ain't sharing no bitch if you mines you mines 💯"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Strap__:I ain't sharing no bitch if you mines you mines 💯\"" ]
"@Strap__:No compartiré ninguna perra si minas minas 💯"
"@SukMySweetness: money only impress the simple broke bitches"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@SukMySweetness: money only impress the simple broke bitches\"" ]
"@SukMySweetness: el dinero sólo impresiona a las simples perras quebradas"
"@Sylvieamx: #Pisces will never be anybody's bitch, they don't let people control or change them." Rigghhht
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Sylvieamx: #Pisces will never be anybody's bitch, they don't let people control or change them.\"Rigghhht" ]
"@Sylvieamx: #Piscis nunca será la perra de nadie, no dejan que la gente los controle o los cambie".Rigghhht
"@TEE_JONEZ: @16stanleys @KingCuh tuku ho idk blah blah blah" 😂😂😂
[ "\"@TEE_JONEZ: @16stanleys @KingCuh tuku ho idk blah blah blah\" 😂😂😂" ]
"@TEE_JONEZ: @16stanleys @KingCuh tuku ho idk bla bla" 😂😂😂
"@TEE_JONEZ: @KingCuh @16stanleys I'm not mad cuh hahaha" suure.. tuku ho ita! 😂😂
[ "\"@TEE_JONEZ: @KingCuh @16stanleys I'm not mad cuh hahaha\" suure.. tuku ho ita! 😂😂" ]
"@TEE_JONEZ: @KingCuh @16stanleys No estoy loco cuh hahaha" suure.. tuku ho ita! 😂😂
"@TayKnosBest: These hoes is crazy"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TayKnosBest: These hoes is crazy\"" ]
"@TayKnosBest: Estas putas están locas"
"@Taylorr_Babee: You ain't ever gonna be a slice bitch." Kevin hart. (:
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Taylorr_Babee: You ain't ever gonna be a slice bitch.\"Kevin hart.(:" ]
"@Taylorr_Babee: Nunca vas a ser una perra rebanada."Kevin Hart.(:
"@ThatniggaTroy: Oomf so fuckin fine tho 😩 dam" @ her, don't be no bitch.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@ThatniggaTroy: Oomf so fuckin fine tho 😩 dam\" @ her, don't be no bitch." ]
"@ThatniggaTroy: Oomf tan jodidamente fino tho 😩 represa" @ ella, no seas una perra.
"@TheGamerKingKev: I wonder if the girl that gave head to 24 boys for a drink in magaluf has twitter" she probly sends nudes for fags
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheGamerKingKev: I wonder if the girl that gave head to 24 boys for a drink in magaluf has twitter\" she probly sends nudes for fags" ]
"@TheGamerKingKev: Me pregunto si la chica que le dio la cabeza a 24 chicos para una copa en magaluf tiene twitter" probablemente envía desnudos por maricas
"@TheNewSAT: #NewSATQuestions Yeah bitch, yeah bitch, call me _______: a.) Maybe b.) Steve-O c.) Later d.) Jesse Pinkman" @machinegunkelly
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheNewSAT: #NewSATQuestionsYeah bitch,yeahbitch, call me _______:\na.)Maybe\nb.)Steve-O\nc.)Later\nd.)Jesse Pinkman\"\n@machinegunkelly" ]
"@TheNewSAT: #NewSATPreguntasSí perra, síperra, llámame ______: a.) Tal vez b.)Steve-O c.)Más tarde d.)Jesse Pinkman" @machinegunkelly
"@TheNymphoTweets: Hickies in between her thighs right by her pussy >>>" Its only right
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheNymphoTweets: Hickies in between her thighs right by her pussy >>>\" Its only right" ]
"@TheNymphoTweets: Hickies en medio de sus muslos justo al lado de su coño >>>" Es la única derecha
"@TheOneMiss_Luu: Would you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?" No. Ugly monkey ass.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheOneMiss_Luu: Would you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?\"No. Ugly monkey ass." ]
"@TheOneMiss_Luu: ¿Todavía me amarías cuando ya no sea joven y hermosa?"No. Culo de mono feo.
"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher @Gook____ y'all come through the front."bitch I ain't coming
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher @Gook____y'all come through the front.\"bitchI ain't coming" ]
"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher @Gook___y'all vienen por el frente."perraNo voy a venir
"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher faggot bitch" http://t.co/2HyyAbk4eH
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher faggot bitch\" http://t.co/2HyyAbk4eH" ]
"@TheRealRickyB21: @JetsAndASwisher perra marica" http://t.co/2HyyAbk4eH
"@The_Realist_Sam: @Madrid2_ yea, I'm on my iPad. I don't work this Friday. Let's ball this faggot up @TropicalBlanket"i work 2-5
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@The_Realist_Sam: @Madrid2_ yea, I'm on my iPad.I don't work this Friday.Let's ball this faggot up @TropicalBlanket\"i work 2-5" ]
"@The_Realist_Sam: @Madrid2_ sí, estoy en mi iPad.No trabajo este viernes.Vamos a jugar a este maricón @TropicalBlancet"yo trabajo 2-5
"@Theo17100: http://t.co/BYj1HOyhmG" this scally lad would get it
[ "\"@Theo17100: http://t.co/BYj1HOyhmG\" this scally lad would get it" ]
"@Theo17100: http://t.co/BYj1HOyhmG" este escalofriante muchacho lo conseguiría
"@TheoMaxximus: #GerrysHalloweenParty http://t.co/3ycrSrnjHc" Halloween was yesterday stupid nigger
[ "hate" ]
[ "\"@TheoMaxximus: #GerrysHalloweenParty http://t.co/3ycrSrnjHc\" Halloween was yesterday stupid nigger" ]
"@TheoMaxximus: #GerrysHalloweenParty http://t.co/3ycrSrnjHc" Halloween fue ayer negro estúpido
"@TheoMaxximus: Chrus still supahot tho" *walks up to teacher with test, drops test in that bitch fohead* http://t.co/nb5VgdssgI
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TheoMaxximus: Chrus still supahot tho\" *walks up to teacher with test, drops test in that bitch fohead* http://t.co/nb5VgdssgI" ]
"@TheoMaxximus: Chrus still supahot tho" *lleva al profesor con la prueba, prueba de caídas en esa perra fohead* http://t.co/nb5VgdssgI
"@Thornton25: “@KantKeepAhBYTCH: I love eating pussy lol I never get full lol” I can eat that shit forever lol" and ever.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Thornton25: “@KantKeepAhBYTCH: I love eating pussy lol I never get full lol” I can eat that shit forever lol\" and ever." ]
"@Thornton25: “@KantKeepAhBYTCH: Me encanta comer coño lol Nunca me lleno lol” Puedo comer esa mierda para siempre lol" y para siempre.
"@Tmacc_GFG: “@VoiceOfDStreetz: "@Tmacc_GFG: “@tizzimarie: No slushes 😥”hoes nasty anyway fam"😴”them hoes taste like meds"🍇🍇🍼
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Tmacc_GFG: “@VoiceOfDStreetz: \"@Tmacc_GFG: “@tizzimarie: No slushes 😥”hoes nasty anyway fam\"😴”them hoes taste like meds\"🍇🍇🍼" ]
"@Tmacc_GFG: “@VoiceOfDStreetz: "@Tmacc_GFG: “@tizzimarie: No slushes 😥”hoes desagradables de todos modos fam"😴”them hoes suert like meds"🍇🍇🍼
"@Tmacc_GFG: “@tizzimarie: No slushes 😥”hoes nasty anyway fam"😴
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Tmacc_GFG: “@tizzimarie: No slushes 😥”hoes nasty anyway fam\"😴" ]
"@Tmacc_GFG: “@tizzimarie: No slushes 😥”hoes desagradables de todos modos fam"😴
"@Tmacc_GFG: BOBBY BITCH-by @BobbyShmurdaGS9 be getting me live as fuck" hell yea i play that hoe before my workout
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Tmacc_GFG: BOBBY BITCH-by @BobbyShmurdaGS9 be getting me live as fuck\"hell yeai play that hoe before my workout" ]
"@Tmacc_GFG: BOBBY BITCH-by @BobbyShmurdaGS9 me está haciendo vivir como una mierda"infierno yeai jugar esa azada antes de mi entrenamiento
"@TreLeKidd: Yo bitch is Gucci Mane RT @JabariTheGreat : My bitch a stoner 💯💯 http://t.co/lt9LIJjpg9"😂😂😂😂😂😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TreLeKidd: Yo bitch is Gucci Mane RT @JabariTheGreat :My bitch a stoner 💯💯 http://t.co/lt9LIJjpg9\"😂😂😂😂😂😂" ]
"@TreLeKidd: Yo perra es Gucci Mane RT @JabariTheGreat: Mi perra una drogadora 💯💯 http://t.co/lt9LIJjpg9"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"@TweetGameLazy: I can ride your bitch with no handle bars"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TweetGameLazy: I can ride your bitch with no handle bars\"" ]
"@TweetGameLazy: Puedo montar a tu perra sin barras de agarre"
"@TyJonCuffee: And if you ain't a hoe get up out my traphoussseeeee"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@TyJonCuffee: And if you ain't a hoe get up out my traphoussseeeee\"" ]
"@TyJonCuffee: Y si no eres una azada, saca mi traphousseeeee"
"@UberFacts: 15 sad TV character deaths we're still bitter over... http://t.co/uLclFUF8nC http://t.co/1RXYQOOsM0"ned stark was the man
[ "\"@UberFacts: 15 sad TV character deaths we're still bitter over... http://t.co/uLclFUF8nC http://t.co/1RXYQOOsM0\"ned stark was the man" ]
"@UberFacts: 15 tristes muertes de personajes de televisión por las que todavía estamos amargados... http://t.co/uLclFUF8nC http://t.co/1RXYQOOSM0"
"@UnHoly_Jack: These harbor bitches are all "Party Bus hoes"" Lol all?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@UnHoly_Jack: These harbor bitches are all \"Party Bus hoes\"\" Lol all?" ]
"@UnHoly_Jack: Estas perras del puerto son todas "Hoes del autobús de la fiesta" Lol all?
"@Vbomb20: @Woodchuck20 pussy" love it
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@Vbomb20: @Woodchuck20 pussy\" love it" ]
"@Vbomb20: @Woodchuck20 coño" le encanta
"@VeronikaHumbert: Ultraviolence video, its coming you little bitch! #MTVHottest Lana Del Rey http://t.co/533fLbvWqh" bitchy promo
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@VeronikaHumbert: Ultraviolence video, its coming you little bitch!#MTVHottest Lana Del Rey http://t.co/533fLbvWqh\"\n\nbitchy promo" ]
"@VeronikaHumbert: ¡Video ultraviolencia, viene tu pequeña perra! #MTVHottest Lana Del Rey http://t.co/533fLbvWqh" promoción perra
"@VineForTheByrd: On my way to fuck your bitch https://t.co/4lMTFNL2iy" LMFAO KITTYCOPTER
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@VineForTheByrd: On my way to fuck your bitch https://t.co/4lMTFNL2iy\"\n\nLMFAO KITTYCOPTER" ]
"@VineForTheByrd: Voy a follarme a tu perra https://t.co/4lMTFNL2iy" LMFAO KITTYCOPTER
"@WBUR: A smuggler explains how he helped fighters along the "Jihadi Highway": http://t.co/UX4anxeAwd"
[ "\"@WBUR: A smuggler explains how he helped fighters along the \"Jihadi Highway\": http://t.co/UX4anxeAwd\"" ]
"@WBUR: Un contrabandista explica cómo ayudó a los combatientes a lo largo de la "autopista Jihadi": http://t.co/UX4anxeAwd"
"@WBeezy_: "@QuaTheGreat: Aww their avis look so cute together 💑 http://t.co/9lPorCb8w0" 💀💀💀" do I gotta get Ike avi on this bitch ?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@WBeezy_: \"@QuaTheGreat: Aww their avis look so cute together 💑 http://t.co/9lPorCb8w0\" 💀💀💀\" do I gotta get Ike avi on this bitch ?" ]
"@WBeezy_: "@QuaTheGreat: Aww su avis se ve tan lindo juntos 💑 http://t.co/9lPorCb8w0" 💀💀" ¿Tengo que conseguir Ike avi en esta perra ?
"@WBeezy_: "@Run_DRC: Its simple, dont be a hoe=dont worry about being exposed 😜" fight me"why ?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@WBeezy_: \"@Run_DRC: Its simple, dont be a hoe=dont worry about being exposed 😜\" fight me\"why ?" ]
"@WBeezy_: "@Run_DRC: Es simple, no seas un hoe=no te preocupes por estar expuesto 😜" pelea conmigo"¿por qué ?
"@WannabeKanye: whys this bitch boosting herself http://t.co/uOd2f5WtKV" Her size isn't exactly the most healthy tho
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@WannabeKanye: whys this bitch boosting herself http://t.co/uOd2f5WtKV\"\n\nHer size isn't exactly the most healthy tho" ]
"@WannabeKanye: ¿por qué esta perra se aumenta a sí misma http://t.co/uOd2f5WtKV" Su tamaño no es exactamente el más saludable
"@WitHaPrettyface: @_1nonlykeisha bet not be no bitches! 😂👐🔫🔫🔪" 😂😂 Kim bye!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@WitHaPrettyface: @_1nonlykeisha bet not be no bitches!😂👐🔫🔫🔪\" 😂😂 Kim bye!!!" ]
"@WitHaPrettyface: @_1nonlykeisha apuesta no ser ninguna perras!😂👐🔫🔫🔪" 😂😂 Kim adiós!!!
"@X_XPDOTJDOT: Damn near gotta protect my tweets.. stalkers being annoying" you got that dope dick. Drive these bitches loco
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@X_XPDOTJDOT: Damn near gotta protect my tweets..stalkers being annoying\" you got that dope dick.Drive these bitches loco" ]
"@X_XPDOTJDOT: Maldita sea cerca tengo que proteger mis tweets..stalkers siendo molestos" tienes esa polla droga.Conduce estas perras loco
"@XoJennyGirl: I'm making marack my girlfriend ." @marackaf aye b you pullin hoes just like o taught you
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@XoJennyGirl: I'm making marack my girlfriend .\"@marackaf aye b you pullin hoes just like o taught you" ]
"@XoJennyGirl: Estoy haciendo marack mi novia." @marackaf aye b tire de azadas como te enseñó
"@XoXo__Angiee: Bruno fag boy" you love me.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@XoXo__Angiee: Bruno fag boy\" you love me." ]
"@XoXo__Angiee: Bruno maricón" me amas.
"@YEHits_Von: “@Run_DRC: I must be a bitch” you are 😂😂😂 sike naw" This why we always beefing 😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@YEHits_Von: “@Run_DRC: I must be a bitch” you are 😂😂😂 sike naw\" This why we always beefing 😂" ]
"@YEHits_Von: “@Run_DRC: Debo ser una perra ” usted es 😂😂😂 sike naw" Esto es por lo que siempre nos preocupa 😂
"@Yankees: Down 6-1, #Yankees look to rally in the bottom of the 9th." #RALLYCAP
[ "\"@Yankees: Down 6-1, #Yankees look to rally in the bottom of the 9th.\"#RALLYCAP" ]
"@Yankees: Abajo 6-1, #Yankees buscan un rallye en la parte inferior de la novena." #RALLYCAP
"@YoungRicooo: “@WexicanAfro702: Don't take advantage of a nice person”@ hoes"@ everyjuan
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@YoungRicooo: “@WexicanAfro702: Don't take advantage of a nice person”@hoes\"@ everyjuan" ]
"@YoungRicooo: “@WexicanAfro702: No te aproveches de una buena persona ”@hoes"@ everyjuan
"@YoungRicooo: Happy birthday bitch nigga @WexicanAfro702" Thanks pal
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@YoungRicooo: Happy birthday bitch nigga @WexicanAfro702\" Thanks pal" ]
"@YoungRicooo: Feliz cumpleaños perra negro @WexicanAfro702" Gracias amigo
"@YoungRicooo: Sad knowing that most hoes won't fuck with you bc you ain't got stacks." wait till friday
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@YoungRicooo: Sad knowing that most hoes won't fuck with you bc you ain't got stacks.\"wait till friday" ]
"@YoungRicooo: Triste saber que la mayoría de las putas no te van a joder, pero no tienes pilas."Espera hasta el viernes
"@YunGMiGo: @Shane_A1 cinco shit harder fucc nigga"yee but you fucc wit rich homie cuz dats ya homeboy fucc nicca
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@YunGMiGo:@Shane_A1 cinco shit harder fucc nigga\"yeebut you fucc wit rich homie cuz dats ya homeboy fucc nicca" ]
"@YunGmiGo:@Shane_A1 Cinco mierda más dura fucc negro"yeeepero tú fucc ingenio rico homie cuz dats you homeboy fucc nicca
"@ZoeBarton3: @h0rheyd ewww I said THAT last Sunday..as in the last Sunday I was there. Read it again nigs"😳😳😳😳😳
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@ZoeBarton3: @h0rheyd ewww I said THAT last Sunday..as in the last Sunday I was there.Read it again nigs\"😳😳😳😳😳" ]
"@ZoeBarton3: @h0rheyd ewww dije que el domingo pasado... como en el último domingo estuve allí. Léelo de nuevo nigs"😳😳😳😳😳😳
"@_BaDa_Bing: I only punch real niggas in the face cause a pussy Nigga is gonna punch me right back" Strong Mush or Shake..
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@_BaDa_Bing: I only punch real niggas in the face cause a pussy Nigga is gonna punch me right back\" Strong Mush or Shake.." ]
"@_BaDa_Bing: Sólo golpeo a los negros reales en la cara porque un coño de negro me va a pegar de vuelta" Strong Mush o Shake..
"@_BeeDontCare My pussy still fresh" <----- something stank girls say.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@_BeeDontCare My pussy still fresh\" <----- something stank girls say." ]
"@_BeeDontCare Mi coño todavía fresco" <---- algo que las chicas apestan decir.
"@_GeeWillikers_: Ass slapping is one the greatest things. Haha. 😏" I slapped a girl on the ass. . She got mad I aint get pussy for a week
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@_GeeWillikers_: Ass slapping is one the greatest things.Haha.😏\" I slapped a girl on the ass. .She got mad I aint get pussy for a week" ]
"@_GeeWillikers_: Abofetear es una de las mejores cosas.Haha.😏" Abofeteé a una chica en el culo.
"@_TommyCollins: @WeAreRichnow @buffalobills yeah Texans are so much better you fucking retard" I see that you're mad about this.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@_TommyCollins: @WeAreRichnow @buffalobills yeahTexans are so much better you fucking retard\" I see that you're mad about this." ]
"@_TommyCollins: @WeAreRichnow @buffalobills yeahLos texanos son mucho mejores que el maldito retardado" Veo que estás enojado por esto.
"@__MALIBUbarbie: Nd wtf is up with dark bitches with blonde.. PLEASE HAVE SEVERAL SEATS HOE!" ..looking like black&milds out here
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@__MALIBUbarbie:Nd wtf is up with dark bitches with blonde..PLEASE HAVE SEVERAL SEATS HOE!\"..looking like black&milds out here" ]
"@_MALIBUbarbie:Nd wtf está arriba con las perras oscuras con rubia .. PLAYE TENER AZUL SEVERAL ASIENTOS!".. luciendo como negro&suaves aquí
"@__Sugga: There's a lane some bitches need to stay in 😎" the left n get right the fuck outta our face 😭💁😘
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@__Sugga:There's a lane some bitches need to stay in 😎\" the left n get right the fuck outta our face 😭💁😘" ]
"@__Sugga: Hay un carril que algunas perras necesitan permanecer en 😎" la izquierda n salir de nuestra cara 😭💁😘
"@__sneakyb: I hate when boys deny that they have bitches 👐😩" smh
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@__sneakyb: I hate when boys deny that they have bitches 👐😩\" smh" ]
"@__sneakyb: Odio cuando los chicos niegan que tienen perras 👐😩" smh
"@__taradise__: Ya nigs out there still saying y'all don't eat butt?!" WITH A STRAIGHT FACE!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@__taradise__:Ya nigs out there still saying y'all don't eat butt?!\"WITH A STRAIGHT FACE!" ]
"@__taradise_: ¡Ya nigs por ahí todavía diciendo que ustedes no comen traseros?!"¡Con una cara estirada!
"@__youreWelcome: Im a boss ass bitch" ...that needs to sit in a corner
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@__youreWelcome: Im a boss ass bitch\" ...that needs to sit in a corner" ]
"@__youreBienvenido: Soy una perra jefe del culo" ...que necesita sentarse en una esquina
"@_iwantfranny: He's a hoe , I can't"
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@_iwantfranny: He's a hoe , I can't\"" ]
"@_iwantfranny: Es una azada, no puedo"
"@_prettyflvck0: Me And Paul Thinkin Bout Gettin Rentals For Da Weekend 🚙💨💨"oooh shit bitches betta stay out da streets
[ "offensive" ]
[ "\"@_prettyflvck0: Me And Paul Thinkin Bout Gettin Rentals For Da Weekend 🚙💨💨\"oooh shit bitches betta stay out da streets" ]
"@_prettyflvck0: Yo y Paul Thinkin Bout Alquileres Gettin para Da Weekend 🚙💨💨"oh mierda perras Betta permanecer fuera de las calles