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dear american teens question dutch person heard guys get way easier things learn age us sooooo thth graders like right guys learn math
[ "dear american teens question dutch person heard guys get way easier things learn age us sooooo thth graders like right guys learn math" ]
querida americana adolescentes pregunta holandés persona escuchó chicos conseguir cosas mucho más fáciles aprender edad nosotros soooooo de los estudiantes de tercer grado como los chicos correctos aprenden matemáticas
nothing look forward lifei dont many reasons keep going feel like nothing keeps going next day makes want hang myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing look forward lifei dont many reasons keep going feel like nothing keeps going next day makes want hang myself" ]
nada mira adelante la vida no hay muchas razones para seguir adelante siento que nada sigue adelante al día siguiente hace que el deseo me ahorque
music recommendations im looking expand playlist usual genres alt pop minnesota hip hop steampunk various indie genres artists people like cavetown aliceband bug hunter penelope scott various rhymesayers willing explore new genresartists such anything generic rap the type exclusively sex drugs cool rapper is rap types pretty good pop popular couple years ago dunno technical genre name anyways anyone got music recommendations favorite artistssongs
[ "music recommendations im looking expand playlist usual genres alt pop minnesota hip hop steampunk various indie genres artists people like cavetown aliceband bug hunter penelope scott various rhymesayers willing explore new genresartists such anything generic rap the type exclusively sex drugs cool rapper is rap types pretty good pop popular couple years ago dunno technical genre name anyways anyone got music recommendations favorite artistssongs" ]
recomendaciones de música im looking ampliar lista de reproducción géneros habituales alt pop minnesota hip hop steampunk varios géneros indie artistas gente como cavetown aliceband bug hunter penelope scott varios rimasayers dispuestos a explorar nuevos génerosartistas tales cualquier cosa generic rap el tipo exclusivamente drogas sexuales rapero cool es tipos de rap bastante bueno pop popular pareja hace años no sé nombre género técnico de todos modos cualquiera tiene recomendaciones de música artistas favoritos canciones
im done trying feel betterthe reason im still alive know mum devastated ever killed myself ever passes im still state im going hesitate ending life shortly after im almost take meds go therapy nothing seems help enough dont want around anymore hate feeling like this wouldnt wish upon enemy brain feels like constantly like static tv wont shut overthinking do think im running options dont see living past got accepted health science degree dont even know wanna try know im smart mental illness holds back think cant anything im good enough need fucking help dont know anymore ive run options
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im done trying feel betterthe reason im still alive know mum devastated ever killed myself ever passes im still state im going hesitate ending life shortly after im almost take meds go therapy nothing seems help enough dont want around anymore hate feeling like this wouldnt wish upon enemy brain feels like constantly like static tv wont shut overthinking do think im running options dont see living past got accepted health science degree dont even know wanna try know im smart mental illness holds back think cant anything im good enough need fucking help dont know anymore ive run options" ]
Estoy tratando de sentirme mejor la razón por la que todavía vivo sé que mamá devastada me mató nunca me pasa el estado todavía voy a dudar terminar la vida poco después de que casi tomo medicamentos ir a terapia nada parece ayuda suficiente no quiero alrededor más odio sentimiento como esto no desearía sobre el cerebro enemigo se siente como constantemente como estática televisión no se cierra demasiado pensando no creo que la ejecución de las opciones no ver vida pasado consiguió aceptado grado de ciencias de la salud ni siquiera saben querer intentar saber im inteligente enfermedad mental se detiene pensar nada im suficiente buena necesidad puta ayuda no saber más opciones de funcionamiento en vivo
hey rredflag sure right place post this goes im currently student intern sandia national labs working survey help improve marketing outreach efforts many schools recruit around country were looking current undergradgrad stem students stem student know stem students would greatly appreciate help take pass along short survey thank you everyone helps take survey entered drawing chance win one three amazon gcs
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hey rredflag sure right place post this goesim currently student intern sandia national labs working survey help improve marketing outreach efforts many schools recruit around country were looking current undergradgrad stem students stem student know stem students would greatly appreciate help take pass along short survey thank you everyone helps take survey entered drawing chance win one three amazongcs" ]
hey rredflag seguro correcto lugar post este goim actualmente estudiante interno sandia nacional laboratorios de trabajo encuesta ayudar a mejorar esfuerzos de extensión de marketing muchas escuelas reclutan alrededor del país estaban buscando estudiantes de tallo de posgrado actuales estudiantes de tallo saben que los estudiantes de tallo apreciarían enormemente la ayuda a pasar a lo largo de la encuesta corta gracias a todos ayuda a tomar encuesta entró la oportunidad de dibujo ganar uno tres amazongcs
feel like someone needs hear tonight feeling right think cant anything people keep puting listen this its your life everyone else living it someone tells unable something work get done say wrong someone says youl never make it work hard make end one make it could make putting people like that see life nobody tell cant do one tell live where love look end let climb height hope someone needed hear tonight beutiful life good night sincerely austin zippy
[ "feel like someone needs hear tonight feeling right think cant anything people keep puting listen this its your life everyone else living it someone tells unable something work get done say wrong someone says youl never make it work hard make end one make it could make putting people like that see life nobody tell cant do one tell live where love look end let climb height hope someone needed hear tonight beutiful life good night sincerely austin zippy" ]
Siento como si alguien necesita escuchar esta noche sentir bien pensar cualquier cosa que la gente sigue poniendo escuchar esta es su vida todos los demás vivirlo alguien le dice incapaz algo trabajo hacer decir mal alguien dice youl nunca hacer que trabajar duro terminar uno hacer que poner a la gente como que ver la vida nadie decir no decir uno decir vivir donde el amor mira final dejar subir altura esperanza alguien necesitaba escuchar esta noche bella vida buenas noches sinceramente Austin Zippy
deserve liveif died right noone would carei real friendsi always start conversations get dry responses i feel comfortable around females emotional abuse mom put left usi never find love i keep getting reminded everyday failure disappointment parents compared siblingsi first suicidal thought afraid grades good enough parents this probably end soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "deserve liveif died right noone would carei real friendsi always start conversations get dry responses i feel comfortable around females emotional abuse mom put left usi never find love i keep getting reminded everyday failure disappointment parents compared siblingsi first suicidal thought afraid grades good enough parents this probably end soon" ]
mereze liveif morid right a nadie le importa si amigos reales siempre iniciar conversaciones obtener respuestas secas me siento cómodo alrededor de las mujeres abuso emocional mamá puso izquierda usi nunca encontrar amor me siguen recordando fracaso diario decepción padres comparados hermanos primer suicida pensamiento miedo calificaciones suficientemente buenos padres esto probablemente termine pronto
feels good ive set dateim killing friday nice finally know im gonna it bye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feels good ive set dateim killing friday nice finally know im gonna it bye" ]
Se siente bien ive set dateim matar viernes agradable finalmente sé que me va a despedir
live guiltok made stupid random choice its getting me basically molested relative super erratic thing haunting right now random walk home randomly assaulted classmate screamed name loud pretty much annoying asshole everything could torment later excluded i excluded well none mattered later went bunch horrible things people already loner death wish gets everyday living guilt possibly created mass shooter hear hes basically end life ready die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "live guiltok made stupid random choice its getting me basically molested relative super erratic thing haunting right now random walk home randomly assaulted classmate screamed name loud pretty much annoying asshole everything could torment later excluded i excluded well none mattered later went bunch horrible things people already loner death wish gets everyday living guilt possibly created mass shooter hear hes basically end life ready die" ]
vida culpaok hecho estúpida elección al azar su conseguirme básicamente abusado relativa cosa super errática embrujada en este momento al azar camino a casa al azar asaltado compañero de clase nombre gritado ruidoso bastante molesto imbécil todo podría atormentar más tarde excluido bien ninguno importó más tarde fue montón horrible cosas la gente ya solitario deseo de muerte consigue cotidiana vida culpa posiblemente creado shooter masivo escuchar él básicamente fin de la vida listo morir
excercise motivated ngl cant wait get shape know gonna overnight im happy right now
[ "excercise motivated ngl cant wait get shape know gonna overnightim happy right now" ]
excercise motivado ngl cant wait get form know will evernightim feliz en este momento
know youd rather laid big booty body hella positive cuz got big booty
[ "know youd rather laid big booty body hella positive cuz got big booty" ]
sabes que preferirías tener un gran cuerpo de culo hella positivo porque tienes un gran trasero
usual hollywood stereotyped everyone movie but one classic uptight white collar banker russian woman well done even facial expressions great language perfect even russian language nicole splendid job hey guys get pay for
[ "usual hollywood stereotyped everyone movie but one classic uptight white collar banker russian woman well done even facial expressions great language perfect even russian language nicole splendid job hey guys get pay for" ]
usual hollywood estereotipado todo el mundo película pero un clásico estirado banquero blanco ruso mujer bien hecho incluso expresiones faciales gran lenguaje perfecto incluso ruso idioma nicole espléndido trabajo hey chicos obtener pago por
think it nearly unbelievable film could made death penalty one worlds controversial topics offends neither against testament tim robbins extraordinary intelligence sensitivity traits seen acting roles well shawshank redemption jacobs ladderbr br this film fact hints subtle compromise for against camps subtle cant put words subtle point vanishing yet one gets sense watching picture compromise possible somehow worked look deeply enough
[ "think it nearly unbelievable film could made death penalty one worlds controversial topics offends neither against testament tim robbins extraordinary intelligence sensitivity traits seen acting roles well shawshank redemption jacobs ladderbr br this film fact hints subtle compromise for against camps subtle cant put words subtle point vanishing yet one gets sense watching picture compromise possible somehow worked look deeply enough" ]
Creo que casi increíble película podría hacer pena de muerte un mundo temas controvertidos ofende ni contra el testamento ti tim robbins extraordinaria inteligencia rasgos de sensibilidad vistos papeles de actuación bien shawshank redención jacobs scalederbr br este hecho de la película sugiere sutil compromiso para contra campos sutil cant poner palabras punto sutil desapareciendo sin embargo uno tiene sentido viendo imagen compromiso posible de alguna manera trabajado buscar lo suficientemente profundamente
trying rd time k krma special
[ "trying rd time k krma special" ]
prueba rd tiempo k krma especial
guy coming sure wear f hey guy friend coming tomorrow im excited im sure wear ive known since middle school weve talking couple months and honest know really care wear will want wear dress something thatd give way feminine impression like dresses often want give impression me makes sense im thinking wearing cargo shorts friends tell nobody likes cargo shorts though like normal pants know of cargo pants thing is seen person since want make absolutely sure good impression want look nice like put much effort casual like care im gonna light makeup ive got couple pics makeup im gonna bc makeup like yesterday anyone wants see makeup uh guess ill link it also anyone makeup advice hmu think ill worry nails ill probably something pastelmakeup lookhttpsimgurcomaqaorpl
[ "guy coming sure wear f hey guy friend coming tomorrow im excitedim sure wear ive known since middle school weve talking couple months and honest know really care wear will want wear dress something thatd give way feminine impression like dresses often want give impression me makes sense im thinking wearing cargo shorts friends tell nobody likes cargo shorts though like normal pants know of cargo pants thing is seen person since want make absolutely sure good impression want look nice like put much effort casual like care im gonna light makeup ive got couple pics makeup im gonna bc makeup like yesterday anyone wants see makeup uh guess ill link it also anyone makeup advice hmu think ill worry nails ill probably something pastelmakeup lookhttpsimgurcomaqaorpl" ]
chico que viene seguro usar f hey chico amigo venir mañana im emotiveim seguro usar ive conocido desde la escuela secundaria weve charling par de meses y honesto saber realmente cuidado desgaste querrá usar vestido algo que da lugar impresión femenina como vestidos a menudo quieren dar impresión me hace sentido im pensar usar shorts de carga amigos decirle a nadie le gusta pantalones cortos de carga aunque como normal sabe de pantalones pantalones de carga cosa se ve persona ya que quiere hacer absolutamente seguro buena impresión querer verse bien como poner mucho esfuerzo casual como cuidado im va a luz maquillaje i i got par de fotos maquillaje im va a bc maquillaje como ayer nadie quiere ver maquillaje uh adivina mal enlace también cualquier persona maquillaje consejo hmu piensa mal preocuparse uñas mal probablemente algo pastelmakeup lookhttpsimgurcomaqaorpl
one best episodes entire xfiles series creepy beyond words tension suspense episode well executed entire minutes managed almost scary entire movie episode joins ranks best episodes greats home humbug bad blood milagro best respective seasonbr br mulder scullys growing relationship put test episode really trust other episode also contains tiny scene leave romantic viewers smilingbr br mulder bring mittens
[ "one best episodes entire xfiles series creepy beyond words tension suspense episode well executed entire minutes managed almost scary entire movie episode joins ranks best episodes greats home humbug bad blood milagro best respective seasonbr br mulder scullys growing relationship put test episode really trust other episode also contains tiny scene leave romantic viewers smilingbr br mulder bring mittens" ]
uno de los mejores episodios entero xfiles serie espeluznante más allá de las palabras tensión suspenso episodio bien ejecutado minutos enteros gestionado casi terror entero episodio de la película se une filas mejores episodios grandes home humbug mala sangre milagro mejor respectiva temporadabr br mulder scullys creciente relación poner prueba episodio realmente confianza en otro episodio también contiene minúscula escena dejar espectadores románticos sonrientebr br mulder traer manoplas
good byehey you know sure hell know me goodbye probably mean anything you plus bother read rules sub may may taken down hard getting harder weakened much ever since small innocent child things bad almost every day stuck middle parents fighting years id hide table parents shouted eachothe marriage children mistake maybe mistake remember one morning sitting dining room table eating breakfast hear mother become hysterical upstairs run house backyard screaming sky remember words screamed later learned oldest brother attempted redflag remember lot things childhood years trying forget many memories theyve coming back me kid socially isolated stuck day friends one entire life panic inside even saying one word people know ive thinking maybe different tried talk people littlemaybe social outcast today many opportunities ive missed thrown away hurts im waste life whole life ive trapped body constantly wish someone else hope die come back good person people actually like care about knew age definitely say im young way young stay wait things around crumbling including myself ive crumbling know like im dust time wind take me hope you reading good life things bad turns around you me love love
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "good byehey you know sure hell know me goodbye probably mean anything you plus bother read rules sub may may taken down hard getting harder weakened much ever since small innocent child things bad almost every day stuck middle parents fighting years id hide table parents shouted eachothe marriage children mistake maybe mistake remember one morning sitting dining room table eating breakfast hear mother become hysterical upstairs run house backyard screaming sky remember words screamed later learned oldest brother attempted redflag remember lot things childhood years trying forget many memories theyve coming back me kid socially isolated stuck day friends one entire life panic inside even saying one word people know ive thinking maybe different tried talk people littlemaybe social outcast today many opportunities ive missed thrown away hurts im waste life whole lifeive trapped body constantly wish someone else hope die come back good person people actually like care about knew age definitely say im young way young stay wait things around crumbling including myself ive crumbling know like im dust time wind take me hope you reading good life things bad turns around you me love love" ]
bueno Byehey usted sabe seguro infierno me sabe adiós probablemente significa cualquier cosa que usted más molestia leer reglas sub puede tomar duro conseguir más duro debilitado mucho desde pequeños niños inocentes cosas malo casi todos los días pegado padres intermedios lucha años id escondite padres gritan cada uno matrimonio niños error tal vez error recordar una mañana sentarse comedor mesa comer desayuno escuchar madre se vuelve histérica arriba run house patio trasero cielo recordar palabras gritado más tarde aprendido hermano mayor intentó Redflag recordar muchas cosas infancia años tratando de olvidar muchos recuerdos que han vuelto a mi niño socialmente aislado amigos atascados día una vida entera pánico dentro incluso decir una palabra la gente sabe iive pensar tal vez diferente hablado gente poco tal vez social marginado hoy muchas oportunidades ive perdido lejos duele im desperdicio vida toda vida cuerpo atrapado constantemente desea que alguien más esperanza de morir volver buena persona gente realmente como cuidar de la edad conocido definitivamente decir im joven manera estancia espera cosas alrededor de desmoronarse incluyendo yo mismo ive crumbling sabe como polvo tiempo viento me lleva esperanza usted lectura buena vida cosas malas vueltas alrededor de usted amor amor
tried put sugar coffee back spoon happy monday everyonestay safe sunflowers one days
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried put sugar coffee back spoon happy monday everyonestay safe sunflowers one days" ]
trató de poner azúcar café cuchara de vuelta feliz lunes todo el mundo estancia girasoles seguros un día
sure leave noteso im struggling place leave note obvious family die find read it especially includes instructions funeral i want wasting money it shit like that need find soon can want find kill though difficult impulsive person know exactly im going it definately happening soon want find die freak out leave this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sure leave noteso im struggling place leave note obvious family die find read it especially includes instructions funeral i want wasting money it shit like that need find soon can want find kill though difficult impulsive person know exactly im going it definately happening soon want find die freak out leave this" ]
seguro leave noteso im lucha lugar dejar nota obvia familia morir encontrar leer especialmente incluye instrucciones funeral quiero desperdiciar dinero mierda como esa necesidad encontrar pronto puede querer encontrar matar aunque difícil impulsivo persona saber exactamente lo que está pasando definitivamente pronto quiero encontrar morir freak out dejar esto
bruh wish dumb years ago ignorance bliss im aware fucked people enjoyable
[ "bruh wish dumb years ago ignorance bliss im aware fucked people enjoyable" ]
bruh deseo tonto hace años ignorancia bienaventuranza im consciente follada gente agradable
want die even tho feels like dead yearshello everyone want tell u depression loneliness general feeling wanting end life good dont even know im this idk im looking posting so im ashamed problems point feel ashamed writing strangers wont ever see life since like years ago problem bad breath really mean bad cant erase even directly brushed teeth trying heal sickness long time little success many doctors free health care dont live us obviously im unemployed cant afford pay doctor stopped trying go doctors one doctor laughed sickness literally could feel didnt care gave vibe its sickness go home imagine struggling even talk openly doctor receiving ur nuts sick threatment him im sure people dont problem hard understand hard me let put like would u feel u stepped shit couldnt wipe offwould u comfortable walking around standing next someone talking someone obviously dont even need talk someone smell it breathing thru nose like result got anxiety standing someone going shop like climbing mount everest me achieve nothing life none want anything person smells none ever take serious someone like that want able interact people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die even tho feels like dead yearshello everyone want tell u depression loneliness general feeling wanting end life good dont even know im thisidk im looking posting so im ashamed problems point feel ashamed writing strangers wont ever see life since like years ago problem bad breath really mean bad cant erase even directly brushed teeth trying heal sickness long time little success many doctors free health care dont live us obviously im unemployed cant afford pay doctor stopped trying go doctors one doctor laughed sickness literally could feel didnt care gave vibe its sickness go home imagine struggling even talk openly doctor receiving ur nuts sick threatment himim sure people dont problem hard understand hard me let put like would u feel u stepped shit couldnt wipe offwould u comfortable walking around standing next someone talking someone obviously dont even need talk someone smell it breathing thru nose like result got anxiety standing someone going shop like climbing mount everest me achieve nothing life none want anything person smells none ever take serious someone like that want able interact people" ]
Quiero morir incluso tho se siente como años muertoshello todo el mundo quiere decir u depresión soledad general sentir querer terminar la vida bien ni siquiera sé im thisidk im mirar publicar tan im problemas avergonzados punto sentir vergüenza escribir extraños nunca ver la vida desde hace años problema mal aliento realmente significa mal no puede borrar incluso directamente dientes cepillados tratando de sanar la enfermedad mucho tiempo poco éxito muchos médicos gratis atención de la salud no nos viven obviamente im desempleado no puedo pagar doctor dejó de intentar ir médicos un doctor rió enfermedad literalmente podría sentirse no le importa dio vibra su enfermedad ir a casa imaginarse luchando incluso hablar abiertamente doctor recibir nuestras nueces amenaza leim seguro que la gente no problema duro entender me deja poner como u se siente que la mierda escalonada no podría limpiarse se sentiría cómodo caminar de pie siguiente alguien hablando alguien obviamente ni siquiera necesita hablar alguien oler la respiración a través de la nariz como resultado consiguió ansiedad de pie alguien va a comprar como montar el Everest me lograr nada vida nadie quiere nada persona huele a nadie tomar serio alguien como que quiere interacción personas capaces
im barely holding oni night prolonged panic attack get lot one sustained take loraz butbit isnt working im back lamictal hasnt kicked yet bipolar ii im depressed phase im clawing skin fantasizing bleeding out punch feel dont know long this everything spiraling hold together dont lose apartment job family want dead done dont know help point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im barely holding oni night prolonged panic attack get lot one sustained take loraz butbit isnt working im back lamictal hasnt kicked yet bipolar ii im depressed phase im clawing skin fantasizing bleeding out punch feel dont know long this everything spiraling hold together dont lose apartment job family want dead done dont know help point" ]
i apenas sostener oni noche prolongado ataque de pánico conseguir lote sostenido toma loraz butbit ist trabajo im back lamictal hant pateado pero bipolar ii im fase deprimida im garra de piel fantaseando sangrado ponche sentir no sé por mucho tiempo este todo en espiral mantener juntos no perder apartamento trabajo familia quiere muerto no saber punto de ayuda
im warn you please hear out hello getting straight point searching friends know basic daily stuff hitted upon someone nickname umykittylolitahttpswwwredditcomusermykittylolita asking discord since everything started get outta hand stalking even hiding fact they even doubt really girl digging private info even that one hella weird cutting or faking cut seem rly legit me arm nickname used go by owie sending images time trying take logic understanding approach understood much blocked em off got join discord server mins also banned em server order keep rest members save started inviting many active people server server started straightup talking shit me dropping many screenshots private conversations possible weirdconcerning creepy repulsive yall doublecheck watchout
[ "im warn you please hear out hello getting straight point searching friends know basic daily stuff hitted upon someone nickname umykittylolitahttpswwwredditcomusermykittylolita asking discord since everything started get outta hand stalking even hiding fact they even doubt really girl digging private info even that one hella weird cutting or faking cut seem rly legit me arm nickname used go by owie sending images time trying take logic understanding approach understood much blocked em off got join discord server mins also banned em server order keep rest members save started inviting many active people server server started straightup talking shit me dropping many screenshots private conversations possible weirdconcerning creepy repulsive yall doublecheck watchout" ]
Im advertising you please hell get right point searching friends know basic daily thing hitted on someone mote umykittylolitahttpswwwredditcomusermykittylolita pidiendo discordia desde que todo empezó a salirse de las manos acosando incluso ocultando hecho incluso dudan realmente chica cavando información privada incluso que un corte raro o corte falso parecen rly legítimo mi brazo apodo utilizado ir por owie enviar imágenes tiempo tratando de entender lógica enfoque entendido mucho bloqueado em off consiguió unirse discordancia servidor minutos también prohibido em orden de servidor guardar los miembros de descanso comenzó a invitar a mucha gente activa servidor comenzó a hablar mierda me soltar muchas capturas de pantalla conversaciones privadas posible raro relativo espeluznante yull repulsivo doble chequeo vigilancia
me think think lost matter point never felt want much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "me think think lost matter point never felt want much" ]
Creo que el punto de la materia perdida nunca se sintió desear mucho.
got told im lot prettier person girl talked lot video chat idk feel it good thing think ugly video calling prettier relative saw before think
[ "got told im lot prettier person girl talked lot video chat idk feel it good thing think ugly video calling prettier relative saw before think" ]
se le dijo im lot persona más bonita chica hablado lot video chat idk sentir lo bueno pensar feo vídeo llamando más bonito pariente visto antes de pensar
every success ever life come extremely lucky high school applied one college early got in senior year college depressed incapacitated managed send one grad school application somehow got accepted grad school ending still depressed actually work applying jobs replied email got sent mailing list on miraculously got hired last year got laid covid could even work motivation send resume anywhere old boss called offered position back somebody else quit spot opened upi never done work deserve things feel like cannot actually function independent adult wait things magically fall lap keep going another year every time way rock bottom manage make back surface water keep desperately gasping air little longer honestly wish could finally drown get with everything pure luck deserve it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "every success ever life come extremely lucky high school applied one college early got in senior year college depressed incapacitated managed send one grad school application somehow got accepted grad school ending still depressed actually work applying jobs replied email got sent mailing list on miraculously got hired last year got laid covid could even work motivation send resume anywhere old boss called offered position back somebody else quit spot opened upi never done work deserve things feel like cannot actually function independent adult wait things magically fall lap keep going another year every time way rock bottom manage make back surface water keep desperately gasping air little longer honestly wish could finally drown get with everything pure luck deserve it" ]
cada éxito siempre la vida llega extremadamente afortunado escuela secundaria aplicado una universidad temprano consiguió en la universidad de último año deprimido incapacitado manejado enviar una solicitud de la escuela de posgrado de alguna manera aceptó la escuela de posgrado final todavía deprimido trabajo aplicación empleos respondió correo electrónico enviado lista de correo en milagrosamente consiguió contratado el año pasado se puso covid podría incluso trabajo motivación enviar curriculum vitae cualquier lugar viejo jefe llamado oferta posición de vuelta alguien otro lugar abierto upi nunca hizo trabajo merecer las cosas se sienten como no puede funcionar independiente adulto espera cosas mágicamente caída vuelta seguir adelante otro año cada vez que la manera de rock fondo manejar volver agua superficial mantener desesperadamente aire jadeante poco más honestamente deseo podría finalmente ahogarse conseguir con todo lo que pura suerte merece
emptynever know time gonna up id admit mental ward im
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "emptynever know time gonna up id admit mental wardim" ]
Vacío nunca sabe que el tiempo va a subir id admitir a los enfermos mentales
bad memories keep playing headover again thought this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bad memories keep playing headover again thought this" ]
malos recuerdos siguen jugando cabeza arriba de nuevo pensó esto
wish people family owned cats dogs like cousins million nd amp rd cousins like aunts uncles none pets like how nearly classmates least family member pet im one family genuinely loves animals understand cousins living situation unable pets rich cousins
[ "wish people family owned cats dogs like cousins million nd amp rd cousins like aunts uncles none pets like how nearly classmates least family member pet im one family genuinely loves animals understand cousins living situation unable pets rich cousins" ]
deseo gente familia dueño gatos perros como primos millones nd amp rd primos como tías tíos ninguna mascotas como cómo casi compañeros de clase menos miembro de la familia mascota im una familia realmente ama a los animales entender primos situación de vida incapaces mascotas primos ricos
got friends prank call yoooooo yall got numbers boys prank call us
[ "got friends prank call yoooooo yall got numbers boys prank call us" ]
Tengo amigos broma llamar yoooooo yall tengo números chicos broma llamar
discovered film love it right mix fast moving story entertaining characters hilarious moments but overloaded stupid jokes fun performances kelsey grammar harry dean stanton ron schneider rip torn more buckman especially good really enjoyed watching guy played stapanickbr br i also find interesting used real submarine pampanito running top scenes emulated almost exactly sets set decoration really impressive digital tour pampanito online compare scenes movie excellent job filmbr br what light entertaining truly enjoyable movie
[ "discovered film love it right mix fast moving story entertaining characters hilarious moments but overloaded stupid jokes fun performances kelsey grammar harry dean stanton ron schneider rip torn more buckman especially good really enjoyed watching guy played stapanickbr br i also find interesting used real submarine pampanito running top scenes emulated almost exactly sets set decoration really impressive digital tour pampanito online compare scenes movie excellent job filmbr br what light entertaining truly enjoyable movie" ]
descubierto película amor derecho mezcla rápido movimiento historia entretenido personajes divertidos momentos pero bromas estúpidas sobrecargadas diversión actuaciones Kelsey gramática Harry Dean Stanton ron schneider rasgado más buckman especialmente bueno realmente disfrutado viendo chico jugado stapanickbr br también encuentro interesante utilizado real submarino pampanito correr escenas superiores emulación casi exactamente sets set decoración realmente impresionante gira digital pampanito en línea comparar escenas película excelente trabajo filmbr br lo luz entretenido realmente agradable película
redflag vegas final chapteri know lame op deliver especially know right begging pull figurative trigger ive seen beautiful crosssection humanity last hours im hopeless position im end resources ive tried positive thinking reaching friends like nothing helping came back guys sorry gender specific pronoun actually helped last night wrestle fact still think desperate plea attention even worse attempt guerrilla marketing struggling writer lack success intentions last night paints unfavorable light get that shit bothers too gets right even solve problems listed previous entry im still pretty doomed heres another desperate cast sea lowliness feel struggling find reason keep going responded previous post please take personally im really hoping see efforts wasted im asking help situation tonight dire before though id fault equate boy cried wolf help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag vegas final chapteri know lame op deliver especially know right begging pull figurative trigger ive seen beautiful crosssection humanity last hours im hopeless position im endresources ive tried positive thinking reaching friends like nothing helping came back guys sorry gender specific pronoun actually helped last night wrestle fact still think desperate plea attention even worse attempt guerrilla marketing struggling writer lack success intentions last night paints unfavorable light get that shit bothers too gets right even solve problems listed previous entry im still pretty doomed heres another desperate cast sea lowliness feel struggling find reason keep going responded previous post please take personally im really hoping see efforts wasted im asking help situation tonight dire before though id fault equate boy cried wolf help" ]
redflag vegas final capituli know come op deliver special know right roging pull figurative trigger veed beautiful crosssection humanity last hours im desesperance position im endresources ive tryed position position geting friends like nothing anything helped through specific pronombre de género really helped fact through desesperated plus guerrillera marketing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing inten intentions through night pints infavorable light lights get that stup tool mools gets rights even resover problems allding anterior entrada im todavía bastante condenado heres otro desesperado elasted mar lowlinthing encontrar la razón seguir contestando post anterior por favor tome personalmente im realmente espero ver esfuerzos desperdiciados im pidiendo ayuda situación esta noche grave antes aunque id falta igualar niño llorado lobo ayuda
cant go oni wanna kill ive gone shit cant bare life anymore im always shouted main person complain fucking shit self harm cuts armwrist cant tell anyone coz one mum dad always going want stop think redflag everyday probably leave everything soon need support reason live please help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant go oni wanna kill ive gone shit cant bare life anymoreim always shouted main person complain fucking shit self harm cuts armwrist cant tell anyone coz one mum dad always going want stop think redflag everyday probably leave everything soon need support reason live please help" ]
No puedo ir oni quiero matar ive got mierda cant desnudo vida másim siempre gritaba persona principal queja mierda autodaño cortes armwrist no puedo decirle a nadie porque una mamá papá siempre va a querer dejar de pensar Redflag todos los días probablemente dejar todo pronto necesita apoyo razón vivir por favor ayuda
im probably going get body pillow printed plain white body pillow need hug something im crying sleep
[ "im probably going get body pillow printed plain white body pillow need hug something im crying sleep" ]
Im probablemente va a conseguir cuerpo almohada impreso simple cuerpo almohada necesita abrazo algo im llanto sueño
cant cope please helpso im bi cant cope mum hates parents going disown find im bi theyve made clear religion family classmates mocking accidently swore loudly class teacher took class grandma basically raised really young terminally ill dying friend nearly killed weeks ago kind mental illness already feel suicidal deppresed think im going another deppriesive episode cant deal another one nearly killed last time time worse know mum also gaslights think tell shell say im selfish making dad worry last timethe time ever told suicidal said selfish fault satan decided test faith must easy target know cope please help parent gonna disown way kill save mum hassle cutting off
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant cope please helpso im bi cant cope mum hates parents going disown find im bitheyve made clear religion family classmates mocking accidently swore loudly class teacher took class grandma basically raised really young terminally ill dying friend nearly killed weeks ago kind mental illness already feel suicidal deppresed think im going another deppriesive episode cant deal another one nearly killed last time time worse knowmum also gaslights think tell shell say im selfish making dad worry last timethe time ever told suicidal said selfish fault satan decided test faith must easy target know cope please help parent gonna disown way kill save mum hassle cutting off" ]
No puedo sobrellevarlo por favor ayuda así que no puedo sobrellevarlo mamá odia padres ir repudio encontrar im bitheve dejó en claro religión compañeros de familia burlarse accidentalmente jurado en voz alta profesor de clase tomó clase abuela básicamente criado muy joven enfermo terminal amigo moribundo casi asesinado semanas hace tipo enfermedad mental ya se siente suicida desplegada pensar im ir otro episodio depriesive cant trato otro casi muerto peor tiempo knowmum también gaslights piensa decir Shell decir im egoísta hacer a papá preocuparse la última vez que se le dijo suicida dicho egoísta culpa satanás decidió prueba fe debe fácil objetivo sabe hacer frente por favor ayudar a los padres va a repudio matar salvar mamá molestia cortar
finally upgarded grandma bought new phone beneath using s yearsd
[ "finally upgarded grandma bought new phone beneath using s yearsd" ]
Por fin la abuela compró un nuevo teléfono bajo el uso de s añosd
giving thoughtsive wanting od since im almost getting worse started wasnt bad easy distract thoughts pretty infrequent cant get head things much complicated thoughts mainly bother me part wants give make stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "giving thoughtsive wanting od since im almost getting worse started wasnt bad easy distract thoughts pretty infrequent cant get head things much complicated thoughts mainly bother me part wants give make stop" ]
dar pensamientos deseoso od ya que casi cada vez peor comenzó no era mal fácil distraer pensamientos bastante infrecuentes no puede conseguir las cosas de la cabeza pensamientos muy complicados me molestan parte quiere dar parar
im fine lost good longtime friend addiction and directly od morning let world get you seek help pleaseugh ugh
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fine lost good longtime friend addiction and directly od morning let world get you seek help pleaseugh ugh" ]
im fine perdido buen amigo de larga duración adicción y directamente od mañana dejar que el mundo conseguir que buscar ayuda pleaseugh ugh
slept hours want relapse cannot stop thinking abt got raped everytbint bad parente abuse me hooked drugs going kill myself cannot
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "slept hours want relapse cannot stop thinking abt got raped everytbint bad parente abuse mehooked drugs going kill myself cannot" ]
horas de sueño quieren recaída no puede dejar de pensar Abt fue violada cadastbint mala parentela abuso mehooke drogas va a suicidarme no puede
remember always saying cannot wait til kid now nothing changed work manage finish school slipped groups friends bad guys all effect indirectly motivating skip work skip classes rather take take drugs them point hanging without sort drug involved exist anymore blame still love friends moved another city currently months since moved room mess know nobody city still work still drink take drugs difference take alone constantly depressed nothing changed better all wish people could relate situation all wish best nothing changed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "remember always saying cannot wait til kid now nothing changed work manage finish school slipped groups friends bad guys all effect indirectly motivating skip work skip classes rather take take drugs them point hanging without sort drug involved exist anymore blame still love friends moved another city currently months since moved room mess know nobody city still work still drink take drugs difference take alone constantly depressed nothing changed better all wish people could relate situation all wish best nothing changed" ]
Recuerden siempre diciendo que no puede esperar hasta que el niño ahora nada cambio trabajo manejar terminar la escuela grupos deslizados amigos malos todos efecto indirectamente motivador saltar trabajo saltar clases en lugar de tomar drogas punto colgar sin tipo drogas involucrados existen más culpa todavía amor amigos se trasladó a otra ciudad actualmente meses desde que nadie ciudad todavía trabajo todavía beber tomar drogas diferencia tomar solo constantemente deprimido nada cambió mejor todos los deseos la gente podría relacionar situación todos los deseos mejor nada cambió
start feeling anything better wth anybody know long citalopram eight years mgs daily feedback appreciated almost months without citalopram
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "start feeling anything better wth anybody know long citalopram eight years mgs daily feedback appreciated almost months without citalopram" ]
empezar a sentir algo mejor con alguien sabe largo citalopram ocho años mgs retroalimentación diaria apreciado casi meses sin citalopram
starting feel like endive married years give take last wife affair guy try leave move on keeps coming back guilt decided go back lost jobs day thanksgiving lucky enough land two interviews get offer day thanksgiving least today told offer rescinded signed anything yet dealing suicidal thoughts number years aside lack funds dealing personal issues also fulltime student working towards degree years left earn it lost motivation still continue study complete assignments live area job market great could due holidays sure made plan wrote notes tried even talk think getting closer finally ending all son pretty much focusing future even moved back moms finish final year school mother keeps telling im fighter survivor get anything fight years old yeah young spent life working taking care wife could get degree left days later came back months left mom got cancer motives guy claims keeps wanting end side relationship healthy previous job became toxic group employees like guy me accused affair playing favorites making work environment hostile primary person reported someone worked with least month longer made comments asking still favorite prior never reciprocated smiling going day entire department turned scared making wild claims false even started looking work immediately grounds borderline sexual misconduct pursuing career cybersecurity could affect future things like made feel like secret clearance jobs required trustworthy employee going grasp panicked another complaint came department saying texted someone outside work called beautiful got mad reciprocated office full women healthcare environment felt like management everyone suddenly buying it point coo told if feel need go one making stay here said blue investigation spoke people outside work even got legal advice much could done without evidence proof slandered completely cut ties everyone felt like toxic untrustworthy environment made matters worse let go not cultural fit difficult understand things went wrong fault way keep telling nothing needed apologize for every day passes get calls anyone interviews etc makes feel like given sign give up little money unemployment keep roof head long wife left coming back help me little family struggling themselves idea cope much last jobs toxic like was maybe sign dunno
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "starting feel like endive married years give take last wife affair guy try leave move on keeps coming back guilt decided go back lost jobs day thanksgiving lucky enough land two interviews get offer day thanksgiving least today told offer rescinded signed anything yet dealing suicidal thoughts number years aside lack funds dealing personal issues also fulltime student working towards degree years left earn it lost motivation still continue study complete assignments live area job market great could due holidays sure made plan wrote notes tried even talk think getting closer finally ending all son pretty much focusing future even moved back moms finish final year school mother keeps telling im fighter survivor get anything fightyears old", "yeah young spent life working taking care wife could get degree left days later came back months left mom got cancer motives guy claims keeps wanting end side relationship healthy previous job became toxic group employees like guy me accused affair playing favorites making work environment hostile primary person reported someone worked with least month longer made comments asking still favorite prior never reciprocated smiling going day entire department turned scared making wild claims false even started looking work immediately grounds borderline sexual misconduct pursuing career cybersecurity could affect future things like made feel like secret clearance jobs required trustworthy employee going grasp panicked another complaint came department saying texted someone outside work called beautiful got mad reciprocated office full women healthcare environment felt like management everyone suddenly buying it point coo told if feel need go one making stay here said blue investigation spoke people outside work even got legal advice much could done without evidence proof slandered completely cut ties everyone felt like toxic untrustworthy environment made matters worse let go not cultural fit difficult understand things went wrong fault way keep telling nothing needed apologize for every day passes get calls anyone interviews etc makes feel like given sign give up little money unemployment keep roof head long wife left coming back help me little family struggling themselves idea cope much last jobs toxic like was maybe sign dunno" ]
comenzar sentir como endivias años casados dar tomar última esposa asunto chico tratar de dejar movimiento en sigue regresando culpa decidido volver trabajos perdidos día de acción de gracias suficiente tierra dos entrevistas obtener oferta día de acción de gracias menos hoy dijo oferta revocado firmado cualquier cosa aún tratando pensamientos suicidas número años aparte falta fondos tratando asuntos personales también estudiante a tiempo completo trabajando hacia los años de grado izquierda ganarlo perdido motivación todavía continuar estudio tareas completas área en vivo mercado de trabajo grande podría debido a vacaciones hecho plan escrito notas incluso hablar pensar llegar a más cerca final todo hijo bastante enfoque futuro incluso se trasladó atrás mamás terminar último año de la escuela madre sigue diciendo im luchador sobreviviente conseguir cualquier lucha años de edad
pls stop please stop posts ask crush kinda weird im pretty sure reddit dating app text something sorry bad english even though english first language
[ "pls stop please stop posts ask crushkinda weirdim pretty sure reddit dating app text something sorry bad english even though english first language" ]
pls stop por favor stop posts pregúntale a mauchkinda razyim bastante seguro reddit texto de la aplicación de citas algo lamentable mal inglés a pesar de inglés primer idioma
wanna im sure howso uh yeah really wanna myself im tired everything need permanent solution point dont really means anything im kinda fucked rn dont want live anymore fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanna im sure howso uhyeah really wanna myself im tired everything need permanent solution point dont really means anything im kinda fucked rn dont want live anymore fuck" ]
Quiero estar seguro de cómo uhyeah realmente quiero a mí mismo estoy cansado todo lo que necesita punto de solución permanente realmente no significa nada im un poco jodido rn no quiero vivir más follada
keep ya head bro girls call ugly want remember go swipe makeup remover keep ya head king
[ "keep ya head bro girls call ugly want remember go swipe makeup remover keep ya head king" ]
mantente cabeza hermano chicas llaman feos quieren recordar ir deslizar maquillaje removedor mantener ya cabeza rey
done misery tired tired going bed every night tired waking every morning tired listening fucking dumb every day tired looking job tired opening people make fun me pretend care tired tell only reason still alive want destroy brothers life knowing brother would even care real reason coward tired looking fucking reason tomorrowi know do know even trywhen fell friends family showed real faces showed much care much want deal shit much want leavei wish end it done take away want iti wish could restart fucking game delete old saves start over fucking wishi hope everyone reading someone around hard times everyone deserves it hope happy tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "done misery tired tired going bed every night tired waking every morning tired listening fucking dumb every day tired looking job tired opening people make fun me pretend care tired tell only reason still alive want destroy brothers life knowing brother would even care real reason coward tired looking fucking reason tomorrowi know do know even trywhen fell friends family showed real faces showed much care much want deal shit much want leavei wish end it done take away want iti wish could restart fucking game delete old saves start over fucking wishi hope everyone reading someone around hard times everyone deserves it hope happy tired" ]
hecho miseria cansado cansado ir a la cama cada noche cansado despertar cada mañana cansado escuchar puto tonto todos los días cansado buscar trabajo cansado abrir la gente hacer diversión finge cuidado cansado decir sólo razón todavía vivo querer destruir hermanos vida saber que hermano incluso le importa verdadera razón cobarde cansado buscar puta razón mañana sé incluso intentar cuando amigos caídos familia mostró caras reales mostró mucho cuidado mucho quieren trato mierda mucho deseo fin fin lo hizo quitar deseo iti deseo podría reiniciar juego eliminar viejos salva empezar sobre puto deseo espero que todos leyendo a alguien alrededor de tiempos difíciles todos merecen la esperanza feliz cansado
feel cold hollow insideive never written anything like before everyone know getting married long term relationships cant seem even garner interest thought never anyone puts deepest darkest depression want beautiful woman feel like utter failure im friend intimacy feel like im always awkward embarressing want end waste life really want die ill struggle along really want stop know im typing this get chest perhaps whatever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel cold hollow insideive never written anything like before everyone know getting married long term relationships cant seem even garner interest thought never anyone puts deepest darkest depression want beautiful woman feel like utter failure im friend intimacy feel like im always awkward embarressing want end waste life really want die ill struggle along really want stop know im typing this get chest perhaps whatever" ]
Se siente frío hueco interior nunca escrito nada como antes de que todo el mundo sabe casarse relaciones a largo plazo no puede parecer incluso despertar interés pensamiento nunca nadie pone más profunda depresión más oscura desea hermosa mujer sentir como fracaso total im amigo intimidad se siente como im incómodo embarressing querer final desperdicio vida realmente quiero morir mal lucha a lo largo realmente quiero dejar de saber im teclear este conseguir pecho tal vez lo que sea
year old sister attempted redflag friday looking guidanceshes currently hospital still psych weve helping treatment past year im loss communicate effectively positively anymore want upset want trust me im looking sort guidance go this im lost love much want help much possible sure correct place post is
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "year old sister attempted redflag friday looking guidanceshes currently hospital still psych weve helping treatment past year im loss communicate effectively positively anymore want upset want trust me im looking sort guidance go this im lost love much want help much possible sure correct place post is" ]
año de edad hermana intentó Redflag viernes mirando guidelines actualmente hospital todavía psych weve ayudar a tratamiento el año pasado im pérdida comunicarse efectivamente positivamente más quieren molestos quieren confiar en mí im buscando clase guía ir este im perdido amor mucho quieren ayuda mucho posible seguro correcto lugar post es
failing college know do long post yo repeat exams im sure failed them second time im sure get college majority friends gt people left city countries parents live km away anyone give good reason end now friend left im tired time im fucking failing every aspect life exercise eat properly try get early nights cant ever feel happy social life one talk to future college air feel like im stuck mud everyones passing by apologies upset anyone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "failing college know do long post yo repeat examsim sure failed them second time im sure get college majority friends gt people left city countries parents live km away anyone give good reason end now friend left im tired time im fucking failing every aspect life exercise eat properly try get early nights cant ever feel happy social life one talk to future college air feel like im stuck mud everyones passing by apologies upset anyone" ]
fallida universidad saber hacer larga post yo repetir exámenesim seguro les falló segunda vez Im seguro conseguir universidad mayoría amigos gt gente izquierda ciudad países padres viven a kilómetros de distancia cualquiera da buena razón fin ahora amigo izquierda im cansado tiempo im fracaso todos los aspectos de la vida ejercicio comer adecuadamente tratar de llegar temprano por la noche no se puede sentir feliz vida social uno habla con futuro universidad aire se siente como im barro atascado todo el mundo pasando por disculpas molestar a nadie
current bf care guy friends trusts put precarious position feeling guilt go away cant spend rest life working spending time home away people level redflag near panic attack occasionally leads one point dont eat barely sleep days tldr feeling guilty nothing conditioned previously abusive relationship
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "current bf care guy friends trusts put precarious position feeling guilt go away cant spend rest life working spending time home away people level redflag near panic attack occasionally leads one point dont eat barely sleep days tldr feeling guilty nothing conditioned previously abusive relationship" ]
actual bf cuidado chico amigos confianzas poner posición precaria sentimiento de culpa se van no puede pasar el resto de la vida trabajando pasar el tiempo a casa personas nivel de bandera roja cerca de ataque de pánico ocasionalmente lleva un punto no comer apenas dormir días tldr sentimiento de culpa nada condicionado previamente relación abusiva
rabbit died rabbit named thumper died fell garden pot broke neck really nice bunny fearless scared anyone add insult injury happened right birthday idk posting sad
[ "rabbit died rabbit named thumper died fell garden pot broke neck really nice bunny fearless scared anyone add insult injury happened right birthday idk posting sad" ]
conejo murió conejo llamado thumper murió caida jardà n pote roto cuello muy agradable conejito valiente asustado alguien añadir lesión insulto sucediÃ3 derecho cumpleaños idk publicación triste
okay wasnt expecting rented film see would since want see first one anyway film bmovie it watched realized funny first minutes snowman kiiling people one man losing sanity first minutes funny one liners it throws first little minions knew would funny act like gremlins ninteen eighty four hit gremlins made look like spoofing made forget bmovie like laugh rent one
[ "okay wasnt expecting rented film see would since want see first one anyway film bmovie it watched realized funny first minutes snowman kiiling people one man losing sanity first minutes funny one liners it throws first little minions knew would funny act like gremlins ninteen eighty four hit gremlins made look like spoofing made forget bmovie like laugh rent one" ]
De acuerdo no esperaba una película alquilada ver desde que quería ver la primera película de todos modos bmovie vio realizado divertido primeros minutos muñeco de nieve kiiling gente un hombre perdiendo cordura primeros minutos divertidos uno tira primero pequeños secuaces sabía que actuaría divertido como gremlins ninteen ochenta y cuatro hit gremlins hizo parecer como spoofing hizo olvidar bmovie como risa alquiler uno
title rock abuse im scared deadrock bullying lately really wanted kill myself thing is scared scared rock music genre rock person online terryfing im scared violent im scared listen im scared please redflag way nothing else im scared im fucking scared meeting since threatend sell valuable things life yes power im scared im really scared please help myself im scared sorry im scared tried meet park pictured him scared even more big cant strong big scares me tried stab i scared said try would slaughter dog dont want anymore mg acetaminophen way please painless im scared im scared ok love hate im scared miss pebble was might need call help help im scared rock remember im gone ill haunt you scared best regards dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "title rock abuse im scared deadrock bullying lately really wanted kill myself thing is scared scared rock music genre rock person online terryfing im scared violentim scared listen im scared please redflag way nothing else im scared im fucking scared meeting since threatend sell valuable things lifeyes power im scaredim really scared please help myself im scaredsorry im scared tried meet park pictured him scared even more big cant strong big scares me tried stab i scared said try would slaughter dog dont want anymoremg acetaminophen way please painless im scared im scared ok love hate im scared miss pebble was might need call help help im scared rock remember im gone ill haunt you scared best regards dead" ]
title rock abuso im asustado deadrock bullying últimamente realmente quería matarme a mí mismo cosa es asustado rock música género rock persona en línea terryfing im asustado violentoim asustado escucharme miedo por favor redflag manera nada más im miedo im puta reunión asustada desde amenazada vender cosas valiosas lifeyes poder im miedom realmente asustado por favor ayudarme a mí mismo im miedo im asustado intentar conocer a Park foto de él miedo aún más grande cant fuerte grandes miedos me intentó apuñalar dije intento iba a matar perro no quiero más mg acetaminofeno manera por favor indoloro im asustado ok amor odio im asustado señorita guijarro era posible que necesite ayuda ayuda im miedo rock recordar im ido mal embrujo usted miedo mejores saludos muertos
mom literally yells get house moment im asked hang friends mom yells anyway summer house basically everyday walking around town friends everyone stoped inviting hang out meanwhile mom yells asking stopped getting house little bit ago one friend called asked wanted hang her go ask mom drive says no give reason keeps saying no idek think rn im mad upset
[ "mom literally yells get house momentim asked hang friends mom yells anyway summer house basically everyday walking around town friends everyone stoped inviting hang out meanwhile mom yells asking stopped getting house little bit ago one friend called asked wanted hang her go ask mom drive says no give reason keeps saying no idek think rn im mad upset" ]
mamá literalmente grita get house momentim pidió colgar amigos mamá grita de todos modos casa de verano básicamente todos los días paseando por la ciudad amigos todos dejaron de invitar a pasar el rato mientras mamá grita pidiendo dejó de conseguir la casa un poco hace un amigo llamado pidió quería colgar ella ir a pedir mamá conducir dice no dar razón sigue diciendo no idek pensar rn im loco molesto
hello anyone feeling suicidal hear people lying truth httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjkcjcbtqehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjkcjcbtqe feel suicidal go
[ "hello anyone feeling suicidal hear people lying truth httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjkcjcbtqehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjkcjcbtqe feel suicidal go" ]
Hola a cualquiera que se sienta suicida escuchar a la gente mentir verdad httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjkcjcbtqehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjkcjcbtqe sentir suicidio ir
husband told odive detoxing trying hard get clean husband told im well well saturday got blackout drunk hit hard od hang slit wrists unlike know save family ive put hell detox got hit man almost hundred pounds weight more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "husband told odive detoxing trying hard get clean husband told imwell well saturday got blackout drunk hit hard od hang slit wrists unlike know save family ive put hell detox got hit man almost hundred pounds weight more" ]
marido le dijo a desintoxicación de códice tratando de conseguir duro limpio marido dijo imwell bien sábado se emborrachó apagón golpeó duro od colgar las muñecas cortadas a diferencia de saber salvar familia ive poner infierno desintoxicación consiguió hit man casi cien libras de peso más
reasons suck generally cold unfeeling person most know definitely come dick robot somethin friends rarely ever show emotion say talk shit must major trust issues something cuz even tell best friend feel however time definitely dump drama certain way much may tell bff anything really bad habit bitching one friends im sure sucks them feel like id rather tell randos subreddit friends fact did one previous posts here drag people shit reason recently took break instagram felt like bad mental health way ive pretty depressed passed months first time really public friends going even though go detail anyways got bunch em concerned well being brought up days directed towards checking see im okay im completely wasting time im genuinely rude family already mentioned im generally robotic im significantly worse family zero respect them im holding grudges probably
[ "reasons suck generally cold unfeeling person most know definitely come dick robot somethin friends rarely ever show emotion say talk shit must major trust issues something cuz even tell best friend feel however time definitely dump drama certain way much may tell bff anything really bad habit bitching one friends im sure sucks them feel like id rather tell randos subreddit friends fact did one previous posts here drag people shit reason recently took break instagram felt like bad mental health way ive pretty depressed passed months first time really public friends going even though go detail anyways got bunch em concerned well being brought up days directed towards checking see imokayim completely wasting time im genuinely rude family already mentioned im generally robotic im significantly worse family zero respect them im holding grudges probably" ]
Razones chupar generalmente frío persona sin sentir más saben definitivamente venir polla robot algo amigos rara vez mostrar emoción decir hablar mierda debe mayores problemas de confianza algo cuz incluso decir mejor amigo sentir sin embargo tiempo definitivamente dejar drama cierta manera mucho puede decir bff cualquier cosa muy mal hábito quejando a un amigo estoy seguro de que se siente como id más bien decir randos amigos subredit hecho hizo un posts anteriores aquí arrastrar gente mierda razón tomó recientemente descanso instagram se sintió como mala salud mental manera de vida bastante deprimida pasó meses realmente amigos públicos a pesar de ir detalles de todos modos se preocupa em bien ser criados días dirigidos a comprobar ver im imokayim completamente perder el tiempo im familia genuinamente grosero ya mencionado im im generalmente robótica peor familia cero respeto Im tener rencores probablemente
got practicals files chem project assignments software based project submit tomorrow gonna go school tomorrow deal whatever monday or tuesday thank you thats much work sooo tired watching netflix stuff
[ "got practicals files chem project assignments software based project submit tomorrow gonna go school tomorrow deal whatever monday or tuesday thank you thats much work sooo tired watching netflix stuff" ]
Tengo archivos prácticos proyectos de química asignaciones de software proyecto basado presentar mañana va a ir a la escuela mañana acuerdo lo que sea lunes o martes gracias que es mucho trabajo sooo cansado ver netflix cosas
even bother anymorehi got suspended hours school parents told wont care killed told multiple times past weeks suicidal thoughts im saying attention ive almost killed times past year seems like everytime im it start thinking effect would cause parents even death would burden them however said today im sure even bother continue ive got massive list punishments im allowed see friends next months celebrate birthday next week going improve would really easier end now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even bother anymorehi got suspended hours school parents told wont care killed told multiple times past weeks suicidal thoughts im saying attention ive almost killed times past year seems like everytime im it start thinking effect would cause parents even death would burden them however said today im sure even bother continue ive got massive list punishments im allowed see friends next months celebrate birthday next week going improve would really easier end now" ]
Incluso la molestia máshi consiguió horas suspendidas de la escuela padres le dijeron no cuidado asesinado varias veces semanas pasadas pensamientos suicidas im diciendo atención ive casi muertos veces el año pasado parece como cada vez que empiezo a pensar efecto causaría padres incluso la muerte les cargaría sin embargo dijo hoy estoy seguro de que incluso molestar a seguir ive tiene castigos masivos lista im permitido ver amigos los próximos meses celebrar cumpleaños la próxima semana va a mejorar realmente más fácil final ahora
feel like attempting againthe last time first time ever tried september ended hospital mental hospital back home it wanted life change wanted guy wanted confident wanted ability actually make friends get that felt like going but nope im still pathetic loser goes stupid school fucking hate that im butt listening dad complain financial emotional stress hes under fucking ask that makes feel horrible hes saying shit like i think realize much trouble caused do know much bills cost thats masters degree makes feel like im unwanted am stupid kid fucked everything up feel suicidal dad deserve asshole kid like me sad part is hes fucking right says care anyone myself point view feelings matter feel okay whats point living fuck everyone else care dad cant find job someone even know pain fuck them get bent obviously im exaggerating pretty selfish want someone im upset nonjudgmental say everythings okay let cry like fucking baby basically want mom again maybe shed emotional wreck too shed disappointed me least would compassionate she know pussy guy even act like one ill get pushed around men actually dude fuck want that theres girl school intimidates me really let get me anyway im loser like alpha female thats even thing mocks say something stupid lesbian man am girl fuck say oh im transgender school would make much better candidate would fuck that hell pissed off cant cooperate people try make lives easier make everything harder feel like people need me one ever understand ive done many dumb things want deal everything ive caused want find shotgun flip everyone again deal shit anymore feel like waiting live own friends actually selfworth want see change life now want go new school want practice assertiveness want want want want yeah me im asshole anything unless feel like crap know would time obviously would much effective way took pussy way even physically hurt me maybe all know fuck need help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like attempting againthe last time first time ever tried september ended hospital mental hospital back home it wanted life change wanted guy wanted confident wanted ability actually make friends get that felt like goingbut nope im still pathetic loser goes stupid school fucking hate that im butt listening dad complain financial emotional stress hes under fucking ask that makes feel horrible hes saying shit like i think realize much trouble caused do know much bills cost thats masters degree makes feel like im unwanted am stupid kid fucked everything up feel suicidal dad deserve asshole kid like me sad part is hes fucking", "right says care anyone myself point view feelings matter feel okay whats point living fuck everyone else care dad cant find job someone even know pain fuck them get bent obviously im exaggerating pretty selfish want someone im upset nonjudgmental say everythings okay let cry like fucking baby basically want mom again maybe shed emotional wreck too shed disappointed me least would compassionate she know pussy guy even act like one ill get pushed around men actually dude fuck want that theres girl school intimidates me really let get me anyway im loser like alpha female thats even thing mocks say something stupid lesbian man am girl fuck sayoh im transgender school would make much better candidate would fuck that hell pissed off cant cooperate people try make lives easier make everything harder feel like people need me one ever understand ive done many dumb things want deal everything ive caused want find shotgun flip everyone again deal shit anymore feel like waiting live own friends actually selfworth want see change life now want go new school want practice assertiveness want want want wantyeah me", "im asshole anything unless feel like crap know would time obviously would much effective way took pussy way even physically hurt me maybe all know fuck needhelp" ]
Tengo ganas de intentarlo de nuevo la última vez que lo intenté por primera vez en septiembre terminó en el hospital psiquiátrico de vuelta a casa quería cambio de vida quería tener confianza quería habilidad quería realmente hacer amigos conseguir que se sentían como ir pero no im todavía patético perdedor va estúpido escuela odio mierda que mi culo escuchar papá queja estrés emocional financiero él está bajo puta pregunta que hace sentir horrible él dice mierda como creo que se dan cuenta de muchos problemas causados hacer saber mucho costo de los estudios superiores que hace sentir como im no deseado soy estúpido niño jodido todo se siente suicida papá merece hijo imbécil como yo triste parte es hes follando
dont deserve helpim victim cant victim youre simultaneously assailant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont deserve helpim victim cant victim youre simultaneously assailant" ]
No mereces ayuda. La víctima no puede ser una víctima simultáneamente asaltante.
eat whole ass grape one bats eye eat whole ass lemon societ goes wild
[ "eat whole ass grape one bats eye eat whole ass lemon societ goes wild" ]
comer entero culo uva un ojo murciélago comer entero culo limón societ se vuelve salvaje
lot delayed this im doneim sorry thank kind words cant keep anymore cant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lot delayed this im doneim sorry thank kind words cant keep anymore cant" ]
mucho retraso este im dodeim lo siento gracias amables palabras no pueden mantener más cant
might play song repeat next week december frankie vali seasons fucking slap might listen times week depends feel
[ "might play song repeat next week december frankie vali seasons fucking slap might listen times week depends feel" ]
podría reproducir canción repetir la semana que viene diciembre Frankie Vali temporadas puto bofetada puede escuchar veces semana depende sentir
imm kill himgave dealer xtx mdma speed ran without giving shit swear god text back ill murder ass
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "imm kill himgave dealer xtx mdma speed ran without giving shit swear god text back ill murder ass" ]
Imm matar hengave distribuidor xtx mdma velocidad corrió sin dar mierda jurar Dios texto de nuevo mal asesinato culo
friends turn to want alone anymoreis advice give make friends in person
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friends turn to want alone anymoreis advice give make friends in person" ]
amigos se vuelven a querer solos más consejos dar hacer amigos en persona
anyone else get education fucked corona school decided mark everyone result cant continue second year maths alevelit feels unfairbecause start yeari couldve improved much even able take second year fucking virus
[ "anyone else get education fucked corona school decided mark everyone result cant continue second year maths alevelit feels unfairbecause start yeari couldve improved much even able take second year fucking virus" ]
cualquier otra persona conseguir educación follada escuela corona decidido marca todos resultado no puede continuar segundo año matemáticas alevel se siente injusto porque el año de inicio podría haber mejorado mucho incluso capaz tomar segundo año puto virus
said no but feel great quarantine tough lonely asking someone great thing either keep current position get something great keep asking im right ya
[ "said no but feel great quarantine tough lonely asking someone great thing either keep current position get something great keep asking im right ya" ]
Dijo que no, pero se siente una gran cuarentena duro solitario preguntando a alguien gran cosa o mantener la posición actual obtener algo grande seguir preguntando a la derecha ya
insanitygirlfriend broke me put alot feelings onto suppressed problems tell about said needed time is dating someone else dont know expected anything different continue fucked around with cast aside walk forward stumble im tired getting back up people work telling kill ask help basic tasks supposed friends abandoning time need wrists blank slates carvings among them know am alone hollow pariah amongst living feel dead join dead pain go away life gift cant give someone else know people around would devastated ive seen anything years replaced temporary mourning continuation life strength strength death death hope
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "insanitygirlfriend broke me put alot feelings onto suppressed problems tell about said needed time is dating someone else dont know expected anything different continue fucked around with cast aside walk forward stumbleim tired getting back up people work telling kill ask help basic tasks supposed friends abandoning time need wrists blank slates carvings among them know am alone hollow pariah amongst living feel dead join dead pain go away life gift cant give someone else know people around would devastated ive seen anything years replaced temporary mourning continuation life strength strength death death hope" ]
insania novia me rompió poner muchos sentimientos en problemas suprimidos decir acerca de que el tiempo necesario es salir con alguien más no sé esperar nada diferente continuar follada con desechado caminar hacia adelante tropecina cansado volver arriba personas trabajo decir matar pedir ayuda tareas básicas supuestos amigos abandonar el tiempo necesidad muñecas pizarras en blanco tallados entre ellos saben que soy solo paria hueco entre la vida se siente muerto unirse muerto dolor desaparecer vida regalo no puede dar a alguien más saber la gente alrededor se devastó vi ve cualquier cosa años reemplazo temporal luto continuación vida fuerza fuerza muerte muerte esperanza
like memes happy guy last post making comment section controversial tries prove point cant like memes happy
[ "like memes happy guy last post making comment section controversial tries prove point cant like memes happy" ]
como memes feliz chico último post haciendo comentario sección controvertida intenta probar punto cant como memes feliz
starting online school weeks school could teaching us differently expected starters think wed using zoom all were gonna log in tasks thats it know could same
[ "starting online school weeks school could teaching us differently expected starters think wed using zoom all were gonna log in tasks thats it know could same" ]
empezar semana escolar en línea la escuela podría enseñarnos diferente esperada principiantes pensar que casar usando zoom todos iban a iniciar sesión en tareas que sabe que podría igual
loookin friends magical dms open lookin peeps hang n long conversations
[ "loookin friends magical dms open lookin peeps hang n long conversations" ]
Loookin amigos mágicos dms mirada abierta en peeps colgar n largas conversaciones
understand life might difficult right trust life sucks tell amazing going great things anyone needs talk see queens later amazing people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "understand life might difficult right trust life sucks tell amazing going great things anyone needs talk see queens later amazing people" ]
entender la vida podría difícil derecho confianza la vida chupa decir increíble yendo grandes cosas que cualquier persona necesita hablar ver reinas más tarde increíble gente
yo guys house right now hugged loooool cant express words happy
[ "yo guys house right now hugged loooool cant express words happy" ]
Yo chicos casa en este momento abrazó loooool no puede expresar palabras feliz
normally like romantic films love film much story really touching ending appropriate feel really care many characters film feel feel feelings romantic films always make feel detached bored one completely makes feel involved starting scene capshaw running along beach scott ending scene want rate film want give extra one point ending acting part strong kate capshaw good opportunity show talent though im impressed scott dead man campus film completely changes viewpoint towards him hes irresistibly charming here geraldine mcewan terrific everbr br film might good complex deep believable films deal little bit kind relationship lecole de la chair post coitum animal triste the love letter still proud casts rare different light kind relationship difference makes film eminently enjoyable unambitious relying great charms small stars dreamworks time really make dream come true
[ "normally like romantic films love film much story really touching ending appropriate feel really care many characters film feel feel feelings romantic films always make feel detached bored one completely makes feel involved starting scene capshaw running along beach scott ending scene want rate film want give extra one point ending acting part strong kate capshaw good opportunity show talent though im impressed scott dead man campus film completely changes viewpoint towards himhes irresistibly charming here geraldine mcewan terrific everbr br film might good complex deep believable films deal little bit kind relationship lecole de la chair post coitum animal triste the love letter still proud casts rare different light kind relationship difference makes film eminently enjoyable unambitious relying great charms small stars dreamworks time really make dream come true" ]
normally like romantic films love film much story really toating finding appropriate feel really care many characters film feel feels romantic films make sense dislated one completely make feel involved scene scene scene capshaw scott scott finding scene want rait raid raid extra one point action part strong kate capshaw good opportunity show talent through im im imimpressed scott dead man campus film completamente cambia punto de vista hacia himhes irresistiblemente encantador aquí geraldine mcewan excelente everbr br película podría ser un buen complejo películas muy creíbles trato poco amable relación lecole de la silla post coitum animal triste the love letter aún orgulloso casts raro diferente luz clase relación diferencia hace película eminentemente agradable unambitious confiar grandes encantos pequeñas estrellas dreamworks tiempo realmente hacer realidad el sueño
wish werent alonei wish outlet time dont want unload friends know problems cant talk parents either dad thinks people narcolepsy demonpossessed hates lgbt moms bit openmindedexposed cares grades im tired process everything diary tired it one comforts myself im fucking tired it im run down barely energy process feelings friendships wavering im glad friends arent judgmental wouldnt want bother rants somehow im glad dont seem hate really talking much dont like anything ive got energy even myself much less people although havent told anything mental state think sense im really well mean tell worried might failing school year seemed perceptive understanding it need write diary right now like said im done alone feel like going diary signifier nobody nobody talk to im done carrying everything myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish werent alonei wish outlet time dont want unload friends know problems cant talk parents either dad thinks people narcolepsy demonpossessed hates lgbt moms bit openmindedexposed cares grades im tired process everything diary tired it one comforts myself im fucking tired itim run down barely energy process feelings friendships wavering im glad friends arent judgmental wouldnt want bother rants somehow im glad dont seem hate really talking much dont like anything ive got energy even myself much less people although havent told anything mental state think sense im reallywell mean tell worried might failing school year seemed perceptive understanding it need write diary right now like said im done alone feel like going diary signifier nobody nobody talk to im done carrying everything myself" ]
No sólo yo deseo salida tiempo no quiero descargar amigos saber problemas no puedo hablar padres o papá piensa que la gente narcolepsia demonposeed odios Igbt mamás poco de mente abiertaxposed cuidados grados im cansado proceso todo diario cansado se consuela yo mismo estoy cansado itim correr abajo apenas energía proceso sentimientos amistades vacilando im alegre amigos arent juicional no quisiera mofarse de alguna manera me alegra no parece odio realmente hablar mucho no me gusta cualquier cosa tengo energía incluso yo mismo mucho menos gente aunque no he dicho nada mental estado pensar sentido im bien significa decir preocupado podría fallar año escolar parecía comprensión perceptiva necesita escribir diario ahora mismo como dicho im hecho solo se siente como ir significante diario nadie habla con im hecho llevar todo yo mismo
im exhausted want end alloriginally posted rdepression ive suffered depression since young age life threatening hereditary illness reduced life expectancy years old carry healthy lifestyle successfully receive organ transplants etc illness cannot children unlikely ever able adopt foster im currently years old made sure everything wanted life bar family early possible try focus career ensure made sort difference world three years university worked dream job ended quitting due stress anxiety depression bullying work basic administration job half pay limiting amount travel one thing actually made happy hate job mostly unfulfilling mundane come home work eat dinner watch tv go bed begins again applying jobs attending interviews almost every one applied for past months shitty job managed bag feedback interviews almost always you right experienceskillsdrive looking for another candidate experiencewho worked past whole life obviously revolve around job big part influences mood daytoday basis since teenager bounced relationship relationship focusing energy person allowing control happiness understand pathetic unhealthy is around people always something made feel better myself despite enjoying around people much tolerance actually quite low find getting irritated small things quite frequently months ago met boy got well seemed really me met point ready give up everything prepared end life plan boy walked life gave reason carry on maybe pinned much hope working out seemed genuine supported days pushed look better job made feel like life worth living again weekend told despite liking me happy me come realisation prepared relationship something hes ready for understand cannot make stick around would cruel guilt trip staying tried avoid best can realisation hit one darkest days ive several years might hit hard forcing even darker bout depression im angry deciding want suddenly making wanted first place understand fleeting people be taking relationship one day time happy wanted spend time liked am made solid permanent thing made believe longhaul wanted me that started calling girlfriend suggested introducing parents planned trips together im angry changed mind im angry still likes me happy me genuinely sees ruining good thing still continues anyway im angry despite telling closest friends already feeling day telling decision yet get touch make sure im okay people friends decade shaped life personality likes dislikes people know best know struggle depression anxiety know history drug abuse redflag attempts failed medications therapy sessions know reach need help im lowest keep myself want end life day told thinking want to told needed help told much live for make list told me plans weekend cancel despite everything boy told would me friend want life friend want continue boyfriend understand cannot force that hurts know cant like again know live friend nothing more always going want more think fair either us but actual friends stopped caring clearly ive cried wolf one many times maybe time cry wolf maybe time ill it go ahead original plan end all sad sounds reason go ahead kill soon left yesterday hope might change mind hope dwindling second
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im exhausted want end alloriginally posted rdepression ive suffered depression since young age life threatening hereditary illness reduced life expectancy years old carry healthy lifestyle successfully receive organ transplants etc illness cannot children unlikely ever able adopt foster", "im currently years old made sure everything wanted life bar family early possible try focus career ensure made sort difference world three years university worked dream job ended quitting due stress anxiety depression bullying work basic administration job half pay limiting amount travel one thing actually made happy hate job mostly unfulfilling mundane come home work eat dinner watch tv go bed begins again applying jobs attending interviews almost every one applied for past months shitty job managed bag feedback interviews almost always you right experienceskillsdrive looking for another candidate experiencewho worked past whole life obviously revolve around job big part influences mood daytoday basis since teenager bounced relationship relationship focusing energy person allowing control happiness understand pathetic unhealthy is around people always something made feel better myself despite enjoying around people much tolerance actually quite low find getting irritated small things quite frequently months ago met boy got well seemed really me met point ready give up everything prepared end life plan boy walked life gave reason carry on maybe pinned much hope working out seemed genuine supported days pushed look better job made feel like life worth living again weekend told despite liking me happy me come realisation prepared relationship something hes ready for understand cannot make stick around would cruel guilt trip staying tried avoid best can realisation hit one darkest days ive several years might hit hard forcing even darker bout depression im angry deciding want suddenly making wanted first place understand fleeting people be taking relationship one day time happy wanted spend time liked am made solid permanent thing made believe longhaul wanted me that started calling girlfriend suggested introducing parents planned trips together", "im angry changed mindim angry still likes me happy me genuinely sees ruining good thing still continues anyway im angry despite telling closest friends already feeling day telling decision yet get touch make sure imokay people friends decade shaped life personality likes dislikes people know best know struggle depression anxiety know history drug abuse redflag attempts failed medications therapy sessions know reach need help im lowest keep myself want end life day told thinkingwant to told needed help told much live for make list told me plans weekend cancel despite everything boy told would me friend want life friend want continue boyfriend understand cannot force that hurts know cant like again know live friend nothing more always going want more think fair either us but actual friends stopped caring clearly ive cried wolf one many times maybe time cry wolf maybe time ill it go ahead original plan end all sad sounds reason go ahead kill soon left yesterday hope might change mind hope dwindling second" ]
Los niños que han perdido la esperanza de vida tienen un estilo de vida saludable y reciben con éxito transplantes de órganos, etc. La enfermedad no es probable que los niños puedan adoptar un hogar de acogida.
family friends one talk toand people internet offer talk them also severe trust issues paranoia cant develop healthy relationship anyone unless comfortable someone tell really feel basically im traped mind able tell anyone sick really want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "family friends one talk toand people internet offer talk them also severe trust issues paranoia cant develop healthy relationship anyone unless comfortable someone tell really feel basically im traped mind able tell anyone sick really want die" ]
amigos de la familia uno habla y la gente de Internet ofrecen hablar también graves temas de confianza paranoia no puede desarrollar una relación saludable a menos que alguien cómodo decir realmente se siente básicamente mente atrapado capaz de decirle a alguien enfermo realmente quiere morir
damn miserable alone loner confidence awful pitiful miserable existencei cinema alone one go withi everything life miserable alone nobody england final euro cup football nobody watch match with even though monumental huge thing countrybeing alone fucking awful spend life alone remain miserable alone death life fucking awful cope miserable alone loner confidence
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "damn miserable alone loner confidence awful pitiful miserable existencei cinema alone one go withi everything life miserable alone nobody england final euro cup football nobody watch match with even though monumental huge thing countrybeing alone fucking awful spend life alone remain miserable alone death life fucking awful cope miserable alone loner confidence" ]
maldito miserable solitario confianza solitario terrible miserable existenciai cine solo uno va con todo la vida miserable solo nadie Inglaterra final euro Copa de fútbol nadie ver partido con a pesar de monumental enorme cosa countryestar solo mierda horrible pasar la vida sola siguen miserables solo muerte vida mierda horrible hacer frente miserable solitario confianza solitario
years last postmany helped overcome last rock bottom years ago would like share update still alive still constantly thinking ending life sometimes manage distract never long time today ordered helium tanks feel like really tried years find happiness find way accept scars find way fill endless hole inside me cant everyone tells give another year tired trying want peace days helium tanks arrive finally end sadness life remember me want know really tried overcome years extra thank investing energy time trying save me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "years last postmany helped overcome last rock bottom years ago would like share update still alive still constantly thinking ending life sometimes manage distract never long time today ordered helium tanks feel like really tried years find happiness find way accept scars find way fill endless hole inside me cant everyone tells give another year tired trying want peace days helium tanks arrive finally end sadness life remember me want know really tried overcome years extra thank investing energy time trying save me" ]
años pasados postmany ayudó a superar la última roca fondo hace años quisiera compartir actualización todavía vivo todavía constantemente pensando fin vida a veces manejar distraer nunca mucho tiempo hoy ordenado tanques de helio sentir como realmente probado años encontrar felicidad encontrar manera de aceptar cicatrices encontrar manera de llenar un agujero sin fin dentro de mí cant todo el mundo dice dar otro año cansado tratando de querer paz días tanques de helio llegar finalmente fin tristeza vida recordarme quiero saber realmente probado superar años extra gracias inversión de energía tiempo tratando de salvarme
sort like primitive episode general hospital set natal ward and one tough cases that fastmoving programmer satisfying emotional impact mainly eric linden distraught young husband main plot palpably wreck good reason expectant wife loretta young brought ward beginning year prison sentence offing lecher probably coming him ms young always anything disinvite audience sympathy little good true though sympathetic lovely look at course difficult pregnancy relationships girls ward form heart movie outcome entirely happy one feels right aline macmahon one cinemas perfect actresses apt words film historian david thomson exudes warmth authority head nurse glenda farrell nonetoowilling new mom twins gets croon frankie johnny drunken lullaby frank mchugh figures another subplot gets show range warners usually permitted him scaled paced modestly lindens expectantdad panic stays days sort part often played laughs hes terrified young kid trouble persuasive
[ "sort like primitive episode general hospital set natal ward and one tough cases that fastmoving programmer satisfying emotional impact mainly eric linden distraught young husband main plot palpably wreck good reason expectant wife loretta young brought ward beginning year prison sentence offing lecher probably coming himms young always anything disinvite audience sympathy little good true though sympathetic lovely look at course difficult pregnancy relationships girls ward form heart movie outcome entirely happy one feels right alinemacmahon one cinemas perfect actresses apt words film historian david thomson exudes warmth authority head nurse glenda farrell nonetoowilling new mom twins gets croon frankie johnny drunken lullaby frank mchugh figures another subplot gets show range warners usually permitted him scaled paced modestly lindens expectantdad panic stays days sort part often played laughs hes terrified young kid trouble persuasive" ]
tipo como episodio primitivo hospital general establecer sala natal y un caso difícil que programador de movimiento rápido satisfacer impacto emocional principalmente eric tinden distraído joven marido trama principal naufragio palpable buena razón expectante esposa loretta joven trajo sala de principios año prisión sentencia lecher probablemente venir lecher jóvenes siempre cualquier cosa desinvitado público simpatía poco buena verdad aunque simpático encantadora mirada en curso difícil relaciones de embarazo niñas sala de corazón resultado película completamente feliz uno se siente derecho alinemacmahon uno cines actrices perfectas aptas palabras película historiador David thomson exude calor autoridad jefe enfermera Glenda farrell ningunatowill nueva madre gemelos consigue crono frankie johnny borracho lullaby franco mchugh figuras otro subplot consigue show adverters generalmente le permitió escalado ritmo modestamente tindens esperantdad pánico días clase parte a menudo jugó risas hes aterrorizado joven niño problemas persuasivo persuasiva
im bored asf someone entertain please like anything want dm
[ "im bored asf someone entertain please like anything want dm" ]
I aburrido asf alguien entretener por favor como cualquier cosa quiere dm
reading likely know feeling also reading may realise important people talk getting this one anymore ex took them found new man took everything still admire her why want someone ask question too god hate this realised position people talk too not
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reading likely know feeling also reading may realise important people talk getting this one anymore ex took them found new man took everything still admire her why want someone ask question too god hate this realised position people talk too not" ]
leer probablemente saber sentir también leer puede darse cuenta de gente importante hablar conseguir este uno más ex les llevó a encontrar nuevo hombre tomó todo todavía admirarla por qué quieren que alguien pregunta demasiado odio Dios esta posición se dio cuenta de que la gente habla demasiado no
honestly fuck im gonna acid like wanna try astral projection yeah
[ "honestly fuck im gonna acid like wanna try astral projection yeah" ]
En serio voy a tomar ácido como quiero probar proyección astral yeah
got rejected jobbasically got rejected personality enthusiastic enough reserved truly realize bad introvert actually is selfesteem already completely ruined year old kissless virgin utterly annihilated truly feel like im worthless allowed live wish somebody would shoot bullet head end misery
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "got rejected jobbasically got rejected personality enthusiastic enough reserved truly realize bad introvert actually is selfesteem already completely ruined year old kissless virgin utterly annihilated truly feel like im worthless allowed live wish somebody would shoot bullet head end misery" ]
se rechazó trabajobásicamente se rechazó personalidad suficientemente entusiasta reservado realmente darse cuenta mal introvertido en realidad es la autoestima ya completamente arruinado año virgen sin besos totalmente aniquilado realmente se siente como im sin valor permitido en vivo deseo alguien disparar bala cabeza final miseria
anyone predictions disasters coming months one hope year wont bring many tragedies last lets make guesses anyway
[ "anyone predictions disasters coming months one hope year wont bring many tragedies last lets make guesses anyway" ]
cualquier persona predice desastres que vienen meses un año de esperanza no traerá muchas tragedias última permite hacer conjeturas de todos modos
feel completely lifelessive felt way couple years now hardly feel real emotion put happy face throughout day want nothing break get home cant thing keeps happy skateboarding girl loved last years life seeing totally dropped life feel left nothing im start second year college royally fucked first year im pretty much retaking classes get kicked ive academic probation since first semester course parents know make seem everything great ill never able hold steady job life know fact ill either able find job within skateboarding industry stuck working pathetic job rest useless existence tip iceberg terrible person am could go day terrible things done huge disappointment parents generally worthless am im ready end all ive thought rational irrational times decided whats best me world around leaving make space someone succeed wont want die pill bottle could demise mere feet away calling possibly night end bullshit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel completely lifelessive felt way couple years now hardly feel real emotion put happy face throughout day want nothing break get home cant thing keeps happy skateboarding girl loved last years life seeing totally dropped life feel left nothing im start second year college royally fucked first year im pretty much retaking classes get kicked ive academic probation since first semester course parents know make seem everything great ill never able hold steady job life know fact ill either able find job within skateboarding industry stuck working pathetic job rest useless existence tip iceberg terrible person am could go day terrible things done huge disappointment parents generally worthless am im ready end all ive thought rational irrational times decided whats best me world around leaving make space someone succeed wont want die pill bottle could demise mere feet away calling possibly night end bullshit" ]
Se siente completamente sin vida sentido manera pareja años ahora apenas sentir emoción real poner cara feliz a lo largo del día no quiero nada descanso llegar a casa cant thing mantiene feliz chica skateboarding amado los últimos años vida ver totalmente caída vida se siente nada izquierda im inicio segundo año universidad real follada primer año im casi mucho tomar clases recibir patadas en directo academic probance desde primer semestre curso padres saben hacer parecer todo grande mal nunca capaz mantener estable vida laboral saber hecho mal bien capaz encontrar trabajo dentro de skateboarding industria atascada trabajo patético descanso inútil existencia tip iceberg terrible persona am podría ir terrible cosas hecho enorme decepción padres generalmente no vale la pena estoy listo fin todo pensamiento live racional irracional tiempos decidió lo mejor que yo mundo alrededor de dejar hacer espacio alguien éxito no quiere morir botella píldora podría morir solo pies de distancia llamando posiblemente noche final mierda
hate bryce hall wanted make clear bye
[ "hate bryce hall wanted make clear bye" ]
odio Bryce Hall quería dejar claro adiós
weird or im ambivert already tell pretty weird me scenarios ive every one either extravert part kicks introverted part does talking girls im extraverted talking siblings cousins im extraverted talking older relatives uncles aunts etc im introverted this includes parents too talking random people ive never met probably weirdest one them depending theyre looks age gender depends im extraverted introverted talking friends think two friends talk without introverted pretty decent amount friends too weird
[ "weird or im ambivert already tell pretty weird mescenarios ive every one either extravert part kicks introverted part does talking girls im extraverted talking siblings cousins im extraverted talking older relatives uncles aunts etc im introverted this includes parents too talking random people ive never met probably weirdest one them depending theyre looks age gender depends im extraverted introverted talking friends think two friends talk without introverted pretty decent amount friends too weird" ]
rarito o im ambivert ya decir bastante raro mescenarios ive cada uno extravert parte patadas introvertido parte hace chicas que hablan im extravertido hablando hermanos primos im extravertido hablando parientes mayores tíos tías etc introvertido esto incluye padres demasiado hablando personas al azar ive nunca conocido probablemente más raro que ellos dependiendo de que se vean edad sexo depende in introvertido introvertido amigos piensan dos amigos hablar sin introvertido cantidad bastante decente amigos demasiado raro
weeks ago saved friend redflag suspended reddit day got unbanned checked online friends accounts one active rredflagwatch gonna commit days talked it still talk day pissed got banned temporarily saved life end probably wouldnt checked account didnt happen btw know check accounts posts banned put app took break would terrifying check wouldnt able message talk out
[ "weeks ago saved friend redflag suspended reddit day got unbanned checked online friends accounts one active rredflagwatch gonna commit days talked it still talk day pissed got banned temporarily saved life end probably wouldnt checked account didnt happen btw know check accounts posts banned put app took break would terrifying check wouldnt able message talk out" ]
hace semanas, amigo salvado Redflag suspendido día de reddit consiguió no prohibido chequeado en línea cuentas de amigos un activo rredflagwatch va a comprometer días habló todavía hablar día cabreado consiguió prohibido temporalmente salvo vida final probablemente no chequeó cuenta no sucedió btw saber cuentas de cheques entradas prohibidas aplicación de puesta se tomó un descanso terrorífico cheque no podría mensaje hablar
emo anything but songs lonely palaye royal irony christopher resonate like alot supposed to like first time listened like damn son thats me
[ "emo anything but songs lonely palaye royal irony christopher resonate like alot supposed to like first time listened like damn son thats me" ]
emo cualquier cosa menos canciones solitario palaye real ironía christopher resuenan como mucho se supone que gusta la primera vez escuchado como maldito hijo que me
else dobefore begin long post amp hope take time read this need help think im rational person understand impact redflag affect connected me but feeling myself honestly believe peaked human hope writing community strangers may help find relief constant tightness feel chest maybe someone relate im going through since ive hit s life starting reflect mistakes yesterday ive moved back parents pictures last years life lost lot confidence myself year old female starting balding see scalp day even taking showers makes depressed run fingers hair doesnt stop falling out dont want go anymore dont want sun without hat hair loss definitely wrecked confidence im trying take depression hands exercise days week see positive change body even friends havent see awhile tell end day dont want alive anymore feel like dont anything offer recklessly put debt hindered ability buy home own watch friends buy first homes share lives significant others put wall around myself havent dated sex anyone years tell im okay myself always going emptiness may sound weird im oddly okay wanting end life affect family friends keeping here heal time cant put fast forward button that im tired feeling way tired crying tired me religious im tried looking sort guidance god thought would be would god speak me would tightness chest lifted accepted god life else do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "else dobefore begin long post amp hope take time read this need help think im rational person understand impact redflag affect connected me but feeling myself honestly believe peaked human hope writing community strangers may help find relief constant tightness feel chest maybe someone relate im going through since ive hit s life starting reflect mistakes yesterday ive moved back parents pictures last years life lost lot confidence myself year old female starting balding see scalp day even taking showers makes depressed run fingers hair doesnt stop falling out dont want go anymore dont want sun without hat hair loss definitely wrecked confidence im trying take depression hands exercise days week see positive change body even friends havent see awhile tell end day dont want alive anymore feel like dont anything offer recklessly put debt hindered ability buy home own watch friends buy first homes share lives significant others put wall around myself havent dated sex anyone years tell imokay myself always going emptinessmay sound weird", "im oddly okay wanting end life affect family friends keeping here heal time cant put fast forward button that im tired feeling way tired crying tired me religious im tried looking sort guidance god thought would be would god speak me would tightness chest lifted accepted god life else do" ]
other do before begin long post amp hope take time leed this need help think im racional person entended impact redflag affect me conectó pero sintiéndome honestamente creo que el pico de esperanza humana escritura comunidad extraños pueden ayudar a encontrar alivio constante opresión sentir pecho tal vez alguien se relaciona im pasando desde ive hit s life start reflect errors ayer ive moved back padres fotos los últimos años vida perdido mucha confianza yo mismo año edad mujer comenzando calvicie ver día cuero cabelludo incluso tomar duchas hace correr dedos deprimidos pelo no deja de caer fuera no quiere ir más no quiere sol sin sombrero pérdida de cabello definitivamente destrozado confianza im tratando de tomar manos depresión ejercicio días semana ver cambio positivo cuerpo incluso amigos no han visto un tiempo decir fin día no quiero vivir más se siente como no nada ofrecer imprudentemente poner deuda dificultad capacidad comprar casa propios ver amigos comprar primeros hogares compartir vidas significativos otros han puesto pared alrededor de mí mismo nadie años decir imokay yo mismo ir vacíomay suena raro
im ready plan redflagimagine chronically ill slowly killing you imagine active person young s sick hospitals wheelchair imagine dislocating times day thats tip iceberg pain wise like youre ripped apart crushed time im done things keep happening things keep happening fears theres nothing death black leaving family friends dont want hurt anyone many illnesses diagnosed ptsd times yeah things tip breaking point ive tried staying strong want believe god dont want nothing tomorrow makeup last time tomorrow ill say goodbye parents grandpa tomorrow ill give one last good memory me ill leave court documents mom take lawsuit company caused major car accident resulting airlifted ill call friends siblings ill finish hard drive send man groomed took family body still damaged mind forever ill write notes mother taking people civil criminal courts tonight ill type will saturday night ill overdose somewhere loved ones wont see associate dying im done im done theres one wish family okay black something something real want watch loved ones dont want die wanted live life living want smell flowers hike again dance again want go gorge wanted live bad help people cant anymore cant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im ready plan redflagimagine chronically ill slowly killing you imagine active person young s sick hospitals wheelchair imagine dislocating times day thats tip iceberg pain wise like youre ripped apart crushed time im done things keep happening things keep happening fears theres nothing death black leaving family friends dont want hurt anyone many illnesses diagnosed ptsd timesyeah things tip breaking pointive tried staying strong want believe god dont want nothing tomorrow makeup last time tomorrow ill say goodbye parents grandpa tomorrow ill give one last good memory me ill leave court documents mom take lawsuit company caused major car accident resulting airlifted ill call friends siblings ill finish hard drive send man groomed took family body still damaged mind forever ill write notes mother taking people civil criminal courts tonight ill type will saturday night ill overdose somewhere loved ones wont see associate dying im done im done theres one wish family okay black something something real want watch loved ones dont want die wanted live life living want smell flowers hike again dance again want go gorge wantedlive bad help people cant anymore cant" ]
i plan listo redflagimagine crónicamente enfermo lentamente matar imaginar persona activa joven enfermo hospitales silla de ruedas imaginar tiempo dislocante día que tip iceberg dolor sabio como youre destrozado triturado tiempo hecho cosas sigue sucediendo cosas sigue sucediendo miedos no hay nada muerte negro dejar amigos familiares no quieren lastimar a nadie muchas enfermedades diagnosticados tiempos ptsd síh cosas punta romper puntivo intenta mantenerse fuerte quieren creer dios no quieren nada mañana maquillaje mañana mal decir adiós padres abuelo mañana mal dar una última buena memoria me mal dejar documentos de la corte la madre tomar demanda empresa causado accidente de coche grave resultado aerotransportado mala llamada amigos hermanos mal terminar viaje duro enviar hombre preparado tomó cuerpo familiar todavía dañado mente para siempre mal escribir notas madre llevar a personas tribunales penales civiles esta noche mal tipo va a sábado enfermedad sobredosis en algún lugar seres queridos no ver asociado morir im hecho theres un deseo familia bien negro algo real quieren ver seres queridos no quieren morir quiere vivir vivir quiere olor flores caminatas otra vez bailar
driven redflagi think partners negativity driving redflag started months ago depression past two weeks reaching help get supportive remarks followed negative conversation example happened today asking last week could help get bed mornings im up wanted make sure wasnt laying left work could get daughter school asked didnt said shouldnt mothering you far worse said past weeks thats started episode said daughter living around needs im school last week trying open talk struggles jokingly said maybe kill already laughed isnt dramatic sounds since said cant get head offers support never gives it im quickly going hill dont eat drink water sleep maybe hours night havent seen friends months grades going down interest around daughter anymore feel like burden someone help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "driven redflagi think partners negativity driving redflag started months ago depression past two weeks reaching help get supportive remarks followed negative conversation example happened today asking last week could help get bed mornings im up wanted make sure wasnt laying left work could get daughter school asked didnt said shouldnt mothering you far worse said past weeks thats started episode said daughter living around needs im school last week trying open talk struggles jokingly said maybe kill already laughed isnt dramatic sounds since said cant get head offers support never gives it im quickly going hill dont eat drink water sleep maybe hours night havent seen friends months grades going down interest around daughter anymore feel like burden someone help" ]
drive redflagi pensar socios negatividad conducción Redflag comenzó hace meses la depresión hace dos semanas llegar ayuda obtener comentarios de apoyo seguido el ejemplo de conversación negativa sucedió hoy preguntando la semana pasada podría ayudar a conseguir cama mañanas im up quería asegurarse de que no estaba tendido trabajo izquierdo podría conseguir hija escuela preguntó didnt dijo no debe mamar mucho peor dijo semanas pasadas que comenzó episodio dijo hija viviendo alrededor de la escuela la semana pasada tratando de abierta charla luchas bromas dijo tal vez matar rió ist dramática sonidos desde dijo cant conseguir la cabeza ofrece apoyo nunca le da im rápido va colina no beber agua dormir tal vez horas noche no ha visto amigos grados va abajo interés alrededor hija más se siente como carga alguien ayuda
dont wanna feel betteri dont wanna get point life im better dont feelings anymore wanna die move next life whatever suicidal depressed anxious dont know dont want want exist
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont wanna feel betteri dont wanna get point life im betterdont feelings anymore wanna die move next life whatever suicidal depressed anxious dont know dont want want exist" ]
no quiero sentirme mejor no quiero tener un punto de vida mejor no quiero sentimientos más quiero morir mover la próxima vida lo suicida deprimido ansioso no sé no quiero querer querer existir
somebody talkim attempt right something urgent need somebody talk feel alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "somebody talkim attempt right something urgent need somebody talk feel alone" ]
Que alguien hable bien. Algo urgente. Que alguien hable solo.
need help finding meme meme roblox guys one says something along lines rat fat cant find anywhere
[ "need help finding meme meme roblox guys one says something along lines rat fat cant find anywhere" ]
Necesito ayuda para encontrar meme meme roblox chicos uno dice algo a lo largo de líneas rata grasa no puede encontrar en cualquier lugar
dedicate thosewho kept going posting darkest moments even though clue thats doing especially dedicate trying times know redditors big country music one countryish maybe could bear long enough hear message one day willhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchveyyctljoo
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dedicate thosewho kept going posting darkest moments even though clue thats doing especially dedicate trying times know redditors big country music one countryish maybe could bear long enough hear message one day willhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchveyyctljoo" ]
Dedicar a aquellos que siguen publicando los momentos más oscuros a pesar de que la pista que está haciendo especialmente dedicar los tiempos difíciles saber redditors gran música country un countryish tal vez podría soportar el tiempo suficiente para escuchar el mensaje un día httpwwwyoutubecomwatchyyctljoo
know originally film box office hit light recent hollywood releases most decidedly formularidden plot less pointless savetheblondechicknomatterwhat drivel feast saints certainly sorry context deserves second opinion filmlike bookloses anchoring historical background depicts uniquely american dilemma set uniquely horrific american institution human enslavement tragic and funny touching consequencesbr br and worthy singling youthful robert richard cast leading figure marcel whose idealistic enthusiasm truly universal sets beginning coming age cruelly disappointed turns become true education ways southern plantation world louisiana apex antebellum period saw previews featuring dreaded blondhaired richard expected buffoon fop caricaturei pleasantly surprisedbr br ossie davis ruby dee late ben vereen pam grier victoria rowell even jasmine guy lend vivid imagery formidable skill actors backdrop tapestry placage voodoo creole aristocracy haitian revolt woven tale human passion hate love family racial perplexity society supposedly gone yet somehow still us
[ "know originally film box office hit light recent hollywood releases most decidedly formularidden plot less pointless savetheblondechicknomatterwhat drivel feast saints certainly sorry context deserves second opinion filmlike bookloses anchoring historical background depicts uniquely american dilemma set uniquely horrific american institution human enslavement tragic and funny touching consequencesbr br and worthy singling youthful robert richard cast leading figure marcel whose idealistic enthusiasm truly universal sets beginning coming age cruelly disappointed turns become true education ways southern plantation world louisiana apex antebellum period saw previews featuring dreaded blondhaired richard expected buffoon fop caricaturei pleasantly surprisedbr br ossie davis ruby dee late ben vereen pam grier victoria rowell even jasmine guy lend vivid imagery formidable skill actors backdrop tapestry placage voodoo creole aristocracy haitian revolt woven tale human passion hate love family racial perplexity society supposedly gone yet somehow still us" ]
know origine film box office hit light Últimas versiones de hollywood más decididamente fórmula trama menos inútil savetheblondechicknomatterWhat drill festín santos ciertamente lamentable contexto merece segunda opinión película como bookloses anclando el fondo histórico retrata singularmente dilema americano establecido singularmente horrible institución americana esclavitud humana consecuencias conmovedoras trágicasbr br y digno joying joven robert richard elenco protagonista figura Marcel cuyo idealista entusiasmo verdaderamente universal comienza edad cruelmente decepcionado se convierte en verdadera educación maneras sur plantación mundo luisiana ápex antebellum período vio preestrenos con temido rubio richard richard esperado buffoon fop caricaturei gratamente sorprendidobr br ossie davis ruby dee late ben vereen pamier victoria rowell incluso jasmine chico prestar vívidas imágenes formidable habilidad actores telón de fondo tapice vudo creole aristocracia haitian cuento tejido pasión humana odio familia racial perplexity sociedad supuestamente ido sin embargo de alguna manera todavía nosotros
literally escape brainthis really really really really long one ive always great mentally tried commit redflag several times mostly pills bad times blood loss simply tried coke overdose went maybe years since teens stuff happened maybe warrantedvalidated felt i dont mean diminish anyone elses feelings warranted head ended horrible relationship wanted help sort of girlfriend brother committing redflag gave black eye time excused somehow ended married despite abusive behaviour changing lost nan complications regular surgery mum cancer space month mother law who gentlest caring person ive ever known and helped wife less abusive died miss fucking much years finally sense push divorce switched antidepressants fellhad first time seizure possibly new antidepressants brain haemorrhage lost hearing playing musicbandplaying shitty gritty clubs etc everything me made lose sense smelltaste i loved food cooking brain isnt was aside music thing made feel useful writing joking cant spell read well find words easily get stuck part way joke makes people laugh scramble wrong words thats funny itself head injury ive developed epilepsy seizures landed hospital get dizzy nauseous cant leave bed sometimes even get stairs get frequent night terrors ive without headache since three nearly four years ago head injury three years headache headache bad makes want smash face wall genuinely mean literally theres nothing else pain despite every sensible pain treatment cant take pain supposed stop childhood home divorce got married early s previously mentioned older woman supposed stop till found another place haemorrhage im stuck childhood bedroom incapable anything able contribute anything cant leave cant sleep cant taste cant smell cant hear well struggle understand words conversation alwayshaveanexcruciatingheadache night terrors make sleep rest awful cant help it fall asleep part way work in job im blagging takes long understand im readinghearing wake up desk feeling fucking terrified push day im lucky enough working home dont feel like it genuinely wish seizure would take out way noone feel responsible take cocktail epilepsypain meds four times day every time think miss one skip day time stop breathing indefinitely instead paramedics round inject put mask on dad said reason brother got sectioned psychotic depression seizure kept night depressingly paragraphs took long write ive look spelling spelling literally taken hours write doesnt even feel real dont even feel real im leaning tablets dont want leeching people shouldnt accommodate someone barely formulate sentence real time im completely lost mentally physically person cant mentally physically function pain specialist told xmany years pain isnt going do do im stuck every sense word youve got way far youre fucking trouper lol know everyones struggling know many people much much much grapple with make feel proud
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "literally escape brainthis really really really really long one ive always great mentally tried commit redflag several times mostly pills bad times blood loss simply tried coke overdose went maybe years since teens stuff happened maybe warrantedvalidated felt i dont mean diminish anyone elses feelings warranted head ended horrible relationship wanted help sort of girlfriend brother committing redflag gave black eye time excused somehow ended married despite abusive behaviour changing lost nan complications regular surgery mum cancer space month mother law who gentlest caring person ive ever known and helped wife less abusive died miss fucking much years finally sense push divorce switched antidepressants fellhad first time seizure possibly new antidepressants brain haemorrhage lost hearing playing musicbandplaying shitty gritty clubs etc everything me made lose sense smelltaste i loved food cooking brain isnt was aside music thing made feel useful writing joking cant spell read well find words easily get stuck part way joke makes people laugh scramble wrong words thats funny itself head injury", "ive developed epilepsy seizures landed hospital get dizzy nauseous cant leave bed sometimes even get stairs get frequent night terrors ive without headache since three nearly four years ago head injury three years headache headache bad makes want smash face wall genuinely mean literally theres nothing else pain despite every sensible pain treatment cant take pain supposed stop childhood home divorce got married early s previously mentioned older woman supposed stop till found another place haemorrhage", "im stuck childhood bedroom incapable anything able contribute anything cant leave cant sleep cant taste cant smell cant hear well struggle understand words conversation alwayshaveanexcruciatingheadache night terrors make sleep rest awful cant help it fall asleep part way work in job im blagging takes long understand im readinghearing wake up desk feeling fucking terrified push day im lucky enough working home dont feel like it genuinely wish seizure would take out way noone feel responsible take cocktail epilepsypain meds four times day every time think miss one skip day time stop breathing indefinitely instead paramedics round inject put mask on dad said reason brother got sectioned psychotic depression seizure kept night depressingly paragraphs took long write ive look spelling spelling literally taken hours write doesnt even feel real dont even feel real im leaning tablets dont want leeching people shouldnt accommodate someone barely formulate sentence real time im completely lost mentally physically person cant mentally physically function pain specialist told xmany years pain isnt going do do im stuck every sense word youve got way far youre fucking trouper lol know everyones struggling know many people much much much grapple with make feel proud" ]
Literalmente escapar del cerebro esto realmente realmente realmente muy largo uno vive siempre grande mentalmente tratado cometer bandera roja varias veces sobre todo píldoras malos tiempos pérdida de sangre simplemente probado sobredosis de coca pasó tal vez años desde adolescentes cosas sucedió tal vez justificados sentía que no significa disminuir cualquier otra persona sentimientos justificados cabeza final horrible relación quería ayuda tipo de novia hermano cometer Redflag dio ojo negro tiempo excusado de alguna manera terminó casado a pesar de comportamiento abusivo cambio pérdida de complicaciones nene cirugía normal mamá cáncer espacio mes madre ley que amable persona cariñosa nunca ha conocido y ayudado esposa menos abusivo murió falta mierda muchos años finalmente sentido empujar divorcio cambio antidepresivos falhhad primera vez crisis posiblemente nuevos antidepresivos cerebro hemorragia pérdida audición música bandplaying mierda clubs etc todo lo que me hizo perder sentido olor sabor a comida cocina cerebro esnt fue aparte música hecho sentir útil escritura broma cant hechizo leer bien encontrar palabras fácilmente se atascó parte broma hace que la gente se ríe mal palabras que sí mismo gracioso lesión en la cabeza
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