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Perfect service music & even frozen crawfish was good!
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,038 | Musikk og til og med fryst crawfish var bra! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Music and even frozen crawfish were good! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Write a positive yelp review. | I don't know how anyone can give this below a 4 star rating. As I read the other reviews I see that most of the problems are fixable. Yes the dance floor is a mosh pit (So don't go inside) the bar was 5+ deep (there's a bar outside), "and you have to walk up a spiral staircase to get there" (Or you can enter from the 2 outside staircases.... jeeze louise! Babies. I celebrated the wrap of the Miss USA pageant here and it was fantastic here, good drinks, good people, and good music; but I give the 5 stars because I was in Vegas for a month and I found myself here almost 3 times a week. A great release from the PH and it's "Living Room" and "Pussycat Lounge" (look at my reviews, the quickie is, the LR is like a bad Rap Club; and Pussycat is like a strip club). It's not the best of the best, but if you want a club to go to that has a great view, open space, and a place to hang out with friends without being harassed then come here. The security are also really cool here, I had a dance off with a few others and after I was done, the security guard jokingly asked "why'd you stop? I was about to jump in there!". Well done Paris, I'll see you next year. Enjoy! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,039 | Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a positive yelp review. | Jeg vet ikke hvordan noen kan gi dette under en stjerneserie på 4 stjerner. Når jeg leser de andre omtalene, ser jeg at de fleste av problemene kan løses. Ja dansegulvet er en mossgrop (Så ikke gå inn) bommen var 5+ dyp (det er en bar utenfor),<unk>og du må gå opp en spiraltrapp for å komme dit<unk> (eller du kan gå inn fra de 2 utvendige trappene.... jeeze louise! Spebarn. Jeg feiret wrap of the Miss USA pageant her og det var fantastisk her, gode drinker, gode mennesker, og gode folk, og god musikk; men jeg gir de 5 stjernene fordi jeg var i Vegas i en måned og jeg fant meg selv her nesten tre ganger i uken. En flott utgivelse fra PH og it's<unk>Living Room<unk> og<unk>Pussycat Lounge<unk> (se på mine anmeldelser, kvikkisen er, LR er som en dårlig Rap Club; og Pussycat er som en strippeklubb). Det er ikke det beste av de beste, men hvis man vil at en klubb skal gå til det har flott utsikt, åpen plass og et sted å henge med venner uten å være trakassert kommer man så hit. Sikkerheten er også veldig kul her, jeg hadde en frik med noen få andre og etter at jeg var ferdig spurte sikkerhetsvakten spøkefullt: \"Hvorfor sluttet du? Jeg holdt på å hoppe inn der... Godt gjort i Paris, vi ses neste år. Dette er en opplevelse! | I don't know how anyone can give this in a four-star star series. When I read the other reviews, I can see that most of the problems can be solved. Yes, the dance floor is a muss pit (so don't go in) the bar was 5+ deep (there's a bar outside),<unk> and you have to go up a spiral staircase to get there<unk> (or you can go in from the two exterior stairs.... jeeze lounge! Babies. I celebrated the wrap of the Miss USA pageant here and it was wonderful here, good drinks, good people, and good people, and good music; but I give the 5 stars because I was in Vegas for a month and I found myself here almost three times a week. A great release from PH and it's<unk>Living Room<unk> and Pussycat Lounge<unk> (look at my reviews, the quickie is, the LR is like a bad Rap Club; and Pussycat is like a strip club). It's not the best of the best, but if you want a club to go until it has a great view, an open space and a place to hang out with friends without being harassed, you come here. Security is also very cool here, I had a freak with a few other people and after I finished, the security guard asked me, "Why did you quit?" I was about to jump in there... Well done in Paris. See you next year. This is an experience! |
Is the following review positive or negative?
Upon walking in I was excited. Just like a kid in a candy store. Displays of delicious treats lined up and frosted to perfection is my idea of a good time. I tend to go crazy in bakeries like this and buy a little more than I need but it was worth it. The customer service here is amazing, they answered numerous questions from my friend and I about their products and seemed eager to please. I typically don't tip those in a bakery but the woman who helped us deserved it. She went above and beyond the call of duty and really helped us find what we were looking for. I will be back!
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,040 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg var spent da jeg gikk inn. Akkurat som en guttunge i en godteributikk. Det jeg synes er en god tid. Jeg pleier å bli gal i slike bakerier og kjøpe mer enn jeg trenger, men det var verdt det. Kundeservicen her er fantastisk, de svarte adskillige spørsmål fra min venn og jeg om deres produkter og virket ivrige etter å gjøre det. Jeg pleier ikke å tipse dem i et bakeri, men kvinnen som hjalp oss fortjente det. Hun gikk over og etter pliktens kall og hjalp oss virkelig med å finne det vi lette etter. Jeg kommer tilbake! VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I was excited when I went in. Just like a kid in a candy store. What I think is a good time. I tend to go crazy in these bakerys and buy more than I need, but it was worth it. The customer service here is fantastic, the black questions from my friend and I about their products and seemed eager to do so. I don't usually tip them off in a bakery, but the woman who helped us deserved it. She went over and at the call of duty and really helped us find what we were looking for. I'll be back! VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Write a negative yelp review. | I imagine that this is the restaurant that I would make if I were 20 years old and knew nothing about restaurants except dining in them and what looks and sounds cool. In that it does some things right, but none of the important things. It has a decent sized shop with large windows and its bright, so that's good. They have good music, but unfortunately we were seated right below one of what looked like two speakers in the place. Its a large restaurant so in order to make it the right volume for people far away from the speaker it has to be too loud for the people close to the speaker. I know the trade-offs of sound systems all too well. If only there was a way to solve this problem like... just riffing here... more speakers at a lower volume? They had a greatest hits of the thrift store type of decor and the standard shitty artists selling their paintings like at every coffee house you've ever been to. They include coffee/tea/juice/whatever in the price of the brunch because, like everyone, I hate choices too and I definitely wanted at least one of those. I'm looking at the menu and its a vegan/veggie place so we're never going to be good friends but I'd like to think that there's something that looks halfway decent but it all looks awful. There are two Tex-Mex-Ranchero breakfast dishes... that's at least one too many; and there's only like eight choices which sounds like plenty as a number but I assure you it was not enough here. I go with the Egg Frittata as my least bad option and it ends up tasting mostly flavorless but with a distinct stale note. It comes with a salad that is not bad, but who wants a salad for breakfast. As we're leaving the waiter, who's been fine the whole time, asks us where we're from and my girlfriend answers "D.C." The waiter replies, "Oh, I'm sorry about that." Now, neither of us is actually born in the D.C. area, nor do I even particularly like living there. So I'm not personally offended, but I'm not sure if someone from or living in Pittsburgh has solid footing to talk the business about Washington D.C. or almost any other large city. Its not like property values in Pittsburgh are indicating that everyone's clammoring to live there, whereas in Washington D.C., they are. I was not enjoying the restaurant before that, but this kid actually threw me to straight up hating it. If you're vegan and have literally no other options... then I guess you're going here. If both of those conditions aren't true, then go anywhere else. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,041 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg forestiller meg at dette er den restauranten jeg ville ha laget hvis jeg var 20 år gammel og ikke visste noe om andre restauranter enn å spise i dem, og hva som ser og høres kult ut. I og med at den gjør visse ting rett, men ikke noe av de viktigste ting. Den har en ganske liten butikk med store vinduer og den lyse, så det er bra. De har god musikk, men dessverre satt vi rett under en av de som så ut som to høyttalere på stedet. Det er en stor restaurant, så for at det skal bli det rette bind for folk som befinner seg langt borte fra taleren, må det være for høyt for dem som står i nærheten av taleren. Jeg kjenner godt til lydsystemene. Hvis det bare var en måte å løse dette problemet på som å bare streife her... flere høyttalere på et lavere volum? De hadde en hit av typen dekor og de vanlige kunstnerne som selger maleriene sine, som i alle kaffebarene du har vært på. De inkluderer kaffe/tea/juice/hvil som helst i prisen på brunsjen fordi, som alle andre, jeg hater valg også og jeg definitivt ønsket minst en av disse. Jeg ser på menyen og dens vegan/vege-sted så vi aldri kommer til å bli gode venner men jeg vil gjerne tro at det er noe som ser halvveis bra ut men det hele ser forferdelig ut. Det er to tex-mex-ranchero frokostretter som er minst en for mange, og det er bare åtte valg som høres ut som masse som et tall men jeg forsikrer deg at det ikke var nok her. Jeg går med Egg-fetta som mitt minst dårlige alternativ og det ender opp med smakssmak som stort sett er smaksløs, men med en tydelig, gammel tone. Den følger med en salat som ikke er dårlig, men som ønsker en salat til frokost. Idet vi forlater servitøren, som har hatt det fint hele tiden, spør oss hvor vi er fra og mine kjærestesvar<unk>D.C<unk> Servitøren svarer:<unk>Å, jeg beklager at<unk> Nå er ingen av oss faktisk født i DC, og jeg liker heller ikke å leve der. Så jeg er ikke personlig fornærmet, men jeg er ikke sikker på om noen fra eller bor i Pittsburgh har solid støtte til å snakke forretninger om Washington D.C. eller nesten noen annen stor by. Det er ikke som eiendomsverdier i Pittsburgh indikerer at alle klamrer seg til å bo der, mens i Washington D.C. er de det. Jeg likte ikke restauranten før det, men denne gutten kastet meg faktisk for å hate den. Hvis du er veganer og har bokstavelig talt ingen andre alternativer... så antar jeg at du skal hit. Hvis begge disse forholdene ikke er sanne, så gå et annet sted. | I imagine that this is the restaurant I would have made if I were 20 years old and knew nothing about restaurants other than eating in them and what looks and sounds cool. Since it does certain things right, but none of the most important things. It's got a pretty small store with big windows and the bright one, so that's good. They have good music, but unfortunately we sat right under one of the people who looked like two speakers on the spot. It is a large restaurant, so for it to be the right binding for people far away from the speaker, it must be too high for those near the speaker. I'm well aware of the sound systems. If there was only one way to solve this problem, like just roaming here... more speakers on a lower volume? They had a hit of decor and the regular artists selling their paintings, like all the coffee bars you've been to. They include coffee/tea/juice/rest at any price of brunch because, like everyone else, I hate choices too and I definitely wanted at least one of these. I'm looking at the menu and its vegan/roads place so we'll never be good friends but I'd like to think that it's something that looks half good but it looks terrible. There are two tex-mex-ranchero breakfast dishes that are at least one too many, and there are only eight choices that sound like mass as a number, but I assure you there were not enough here. I'm wearing Egg Fat as my least bad alternative and it ends up with tasteful taste that's mostly tasteless, but with a clear, old tone. It comes with a salad that is not bad but that wants a salad for breakfast. As we leave the waiter, who's had a good time the whole time, ask us where we're from and my girlfriend's answers, Now, none of us are actually born in DC, and I don't like living there either. So I'm not personally offended, but I'm not sure if anyone from or lives in Pittsburgh has strong support to talk business about Washington D.C. or almost any other big city. It's not like property values in Pittsburgh indicate that everyone clings to living there, while in Washington, D.C., they are. I didn't like the restaurant before that, but this kid actually threw me out to hate it. If you're a vegan and you literally have no other options... I guess you're going here. If both of these conditions are not true, go elsewhere. |
So I've been dying to check this place out, since like forever. Unfortunately, since they are only open Monday-Friday that is difficult for me because of my work schedule. A couple of weeks ago I finally had a day off during the week and the hubby was also available (double yay) so we decided to have breakfast here. Baguette Caf\u00e9 is hidden away in an office complex right of the 215, kind of like Vintner Grill. I chose a prosciutto sandwich and my husband opted for one of their specials, a Moroccan chicken sandwich. We also shared a bowl of the corn chowder. Wow, everything was super delicious! The bread is amazing and the ingredients are top notch. The corn chowder was incredible as well. Although the portions seem kind of small, the meal ended up being quite hardy. Besides the food being amazing, the service is great too. The owner, Olivier, is super nice and chats up all of his customers. I only wish they would open on the weekends, but either way, this is definitely in my top three places for breakfast.
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,042 | Så jeg har holdt på å undersøke dette stedet siden for alltid. Siden de bare er åpne mandag-fredag, er det dessverre vanskelig for meg på grunn av arbeidstiden min. For et par uker siden hadde jeg endelig fri en dag i løpet av uken og hubby var også tilgjengelig (dobbel yoy) så vi bestemte oss for å ha frokost her. Baguetten Caf<unk>u00e9 er gjemt bort i et kontorkompleks rett ved det 215, slags som Vintner Grill. Jeg valgte en prosciuttosmørbrød og mannen min valgte en av spesialseriene deres, et smørbrød. Vi delte også en skål med maiskålen. Jøss, alt var supergodt! Brødet er forbausende, og ingrediensene står øverst. Kornskålen var også utrolig. Selv om stykkene virker litt små, endte det med at måltidet ble ganske hardfør. I tillegg til at maten blir så stor, er også tjenesten stor. Eieren, Olivier, er superfin og prater med alle kundene sine. Jeg skulle ønske de ville åpne i helgene, men uansett, dette er definitivt blant mine tre beste steder til frokost. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | So I've been looking into this place ever since. Since they're only open Monday Friday, I'm afraid it's difficult for me because of my working hours. A couple of weeks ago, I finally had a day off during the week and Hubby was also available (double yoy) so we decided to have breakfast here. The Baguet Caf<unk>u00e9 is hidden away in an office complex right next to the 215, kind of like Vintner Grill. I picked a prosciutto sandwich and my husband picked one of their specials, a sandwich. We also shared a bowl with the May bowl. Wow, everything was super good! The bread is amazing, and the ingredients are at the top. The grain bowl was also amazing. Although the pieces seem small, the meal ended up being quite hardy. Apart from the large amount of food, the ministry is great. The owner, Olivier, is super fine and talks to all his customers. I wish they'd open on weekends, but anyway, this is definitely in my three best places for breakfast. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Is the following review positive or negative?
OK, let me first state that I shop here often, they have lots of my hard earned dollars over the years. They have a lot more to offer consumers than most electronic stores. My last visit on Saturday October 15th, 2011, I was interested in purchasing a product that would a) wirelessly transfer content from my PC to my HDTV or b) wirelessly transfer content from the internet to my HDTV. I spoke to a sale rep in the TV section about the Logitech Revue. When I asked him if he knew anything about the product, how it worked, performance, etc he said he knew nothing. I asked if he could refer me to someone who did, he then went on to say all you have to do is hook it up to your TV and proceeded to walked away. NOT MUCH HELP HERE... So I decided I would visit the computer section in the store. I asked a sales rep about the capability of my computer that I purchased at Fry's about 4-months ago. He proceeded to check the Sony laptop specs on the Fry's website; however the computer I purchased from Fry's about 4-months ago was not listed as an item they sell anymore. What gives?? After some prompting I was able to get him to look on the Sony website where he reviewed the specs and said that a Push2TV type product would be able to wirelessly send my PC content to my HDTV. When I asked where I could find these products I was expecting him to show me personally where they are located and possibly give me more information about each. Instead he pointed to a corner in the store to make my way to without any further assistance. WHAT GIVES?? After much deliberation and very little direction from Fry's sales staff I decided to purchase the Logitech Revue simply because it appeared to be the easiest of all products to access the web, Netflix, etc. While still looking around I came across the Roku unit in the PC parts location of the store. I was looking over their display and another customer approached and also began to look over the product. I asked him if he knew anything about the Roku, he went on to say he had tried it and returned it earlier and decided to try the Sony TV box. I went on to comment I wish the sales staff at Fry's was more helpful and he too stated he received no help when asking about these products as well from the Fry's sales staff. So, not a good experience at all. VERY Disappointing when compared to Best Buys sales staff that have always sought me out and took plenty of time answering my questions which allowed me to make a better informed purchasing decision. BEST BUY here I come!!!!!!!! UPDATE: After reviewing the Logitech Revue installation instructions at home and calling Logitech I determined this product lacks the capability of connecting to Hulu, the big boy networks of ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. therefore I returned it to fry's for a refund. Sure would have been nice to know these limitations on the front end. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!!!! Again, BEST BUY will get my business!!!
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,043 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? OK, la meg først si at jeg handler her ofte, de har mange av mine hardt tjente dollar opp gjennom årene. De har mye mer å tilby forbrukere enn de fleste andre elektronikkbutikker. Mitt siste besøk lørdag 15. oktober 2011 var jeg interessert i å kjøpe et produkt som ville en) overføre innhold fra min PC til min HD-TV eller b) trådløst overfør innhold fra Internett til min HD-TV. Jeg har snakket om å selge på nytt i TV-delen om Logitekrevyen. Da jeg spurte om han visste noe om produktet, hvordan det fungerte, ytelse osv sa han at han ikke visste noe. Jeg spurte om han kunne henvise meg til en som gjorde det, han sa så videre at alt du trenger å gjøre var å koble det opp til TV-en din og gå sin vei. MER H HJ MER HJEL... Jeg bestemte meg derfor for å besøke dataseksjonen i butikken. Jeg spurte en selger om min datamaskin jeg kjøpte hos Fry for 4 måneder siden. Han sjekket spess på Frys nettsted, men datamaskinen jeg kjøpte fra Frys for fire måneder siden var ikke oppført som en vare de selger lenger. Hva gir? Etter en stund fikk jeg ham til å se på nettstedet til Sony, hvor han så nærmere på spesifikasjonene og sa at et Push2TV - typeprodukt ville kunne sende PC - innholdet mitt til min HDTV. Da jeg spurte hvor jeg kunne finne disse produktene forventet jeg at han skulle vise meg hvor de er lokalisert og eventuelt gi meg mer informasjon om hver enkelt. I stedet pekte han på et hjørne i butikken for å komme seg til uten ytterligere hjelp. HVA GJØR?? Etter mye overveielse og svært lite retning fra Frys salgspersonale, bestemte jeg meg for å kjøpe Logitech Revue bare fordi det så ut til å være det letteste av alle produkter å få tilgang til web, Netfix osv. Mens jeg fremdeles så meg omkring, kom jeg over Roku-enheten på stedet der butikken ligger. Jeg kikket over deres utstilling og en annen kunde og begynte også å se over produktet. Jeg spurte ham om han visste noe om Roku, han sa han hadde prøvd det og leverte det tilbake tidligere, og bestemte seg for å prøve på Sony TV-boksen. Jeg gikk videre til å kommentere at jeg skulle ønske salgspersonalet hos Frys var mer hjelpsom og han også uttalte at han ikke fikk hjelp til å spørre om disse varene samt om Frys salgsmann. Ikke en god erfaring i det hele tatt. Det er veldig skuffende når du sammenligner med Best Buss salgspersonale som alltid har oppsøkt meg og brukt mye tid på å svare på spørsmålene mine, noe som gjorde at jeg kunne ta en bedre, velbegrunnet beslutning. BEST BYRKE Her kommer jeg!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE: Etter gjennomgang av Logitech Revue-installasjonsinstruksjonene hjemme og oppkall Logitech I fant jeg ut at dette produktet mangler evne til å koble seg til Hulu, storgutt-nettverkene til ABC, CBS, NBC, osv. derfor leverte jeg den tilbake for å steke den tilbake. Det hadde vært fint å vite disse begrensningene på frontpartiet. Du fikk lov til å være konge!!!!!!! Ja, BEST BUY skal få min business!!!!! VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? OK, first let me say that I shop here a lot, they have a lot of my hard-earned dollars over the years. They have much more to offer consumers than most other electronics stores. My last visit on Saturday, October 15, 2011, I was interested in buying a product that would be transferred from my computer to my HD TV or (b) wirelessly transfer content from the Internet to my HD TV. I've been talking about reselling in the TV section about the LogiteKrey. When I asked him if he knew anything about the product, how it worked, how it was performance, etc., he said he didn't know anything. I asked him if he could refer me to someone who did it, he said so on and on that all you have to do is connect it up to your TV and walk away. MORE HJEL... So I decided to visit the computer section of the store. I asked a seller about my computer I bought from Fry four months ago. He checked specs on Fry's website, but the computer I bought from Fry's four months ago wasn't listed as a product they're selling anymore. What gives? After a while, I had him look at Sony’s website, where he looked at the specifications and said that a Push2 TV type product would send my computer content to my HDTV. When I asked where I could find these products, I expected him to show me where they were located and, if necessary, give me more information about each of them. Instead, he pointed to a corner of the store to get to it without further help. WHAT DO? After much consideration and very little direction from Fry's sales personnel, I decided to buy Logitech Revue just because it seemed to be the easiest of all products to access the Web, Netfix, etc. While I was still looking around, I came across the Roku unit at the place where the store is. I looked over their exhibition and another customer and began to look over the product. I asked him if he knew anything about Roku, he said he'd tried it and returned it earlier, and decided to try on the Sony TV box. I went on to comment that I would like the sales staff of Frys to be more helpful and he also stated that he was not helped to ask about these goods and about Fry’s salesman. Not a good experience at all. It's very disappointing when you compare it to Best Bus sales personnel who've always come to me and spent a lot of time answering my questions, which enabled me to make a better, well-founded decision. Here I come!!!!!!!! UPDATE: After reviewing the Logitech Revue installation instructions at home and calling Logictech I, I found out that this product has no ability to connect to Hulu, the big-boy networks to ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. So I returned it to cook it back. It would be nice to know these constraints on the front section. You were allowed to be king!!!!!! Yes, BEST BUY will have my business!!!!! VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Write a positive yelp review. | If you are looking for something new, Rincon is a great place. It has everything from a deli with wonderful cheeses, olives and other items you rarely see any where esle to a small mart where you can buy good quality olive oil and especially malta(goes good with rum). They do have a menu to order from with a few tables. My wife and I love to go in for a quick grab n go lunch. We usually order the Empanadas and grab a couple of maltas to go. They staff is always very helpful and nice. Also in you are into soccer, its a great place to go on a weekend to have a sit down lunch and watch a game or two. Again, if you are looking for something new, check this place out. Oh yeah, try the chimmichurri, its awsome(you can buy a jar for like 5 bucks(well-worth it) | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,044 | Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a positive yelp review. | Hvis du ser etter noe nytt, er Rincon et flott sted. Den har alt fra en deli med deilige oster, oliven og annet man sjelden ser noen hvor esle til en liten mår hvor man kan kjøpe god kvalitet olivenolje og spesielt malta(gos god med rom). De har en meny å bestille fra med noen tabeller. Min kone og jeg liker å gå inn og spise lunsj. Vi pleier å bestille Empanadas og ta et par maltas å gå. De ansatte er alltid svært hjelpsomme og hyggelige. I fotball er det også et stort sted å dra på en helg for å ha et møte og se en kamp eller to. Hvis du ser etter noe nytt, så sjekk dette stedet. Å ja, prøv simmikhurri, dens lykkebringende (du kan kjøpe en krukke for 5 dollar (vel verd den) | If you're looking for something new, Rincon's a great place. It has everything from a deli with delicious cheeses, olives, and other things rarely seen where the eel of a small moon can buy fine quality olive oil and especially malta (gos good with rum). They have a menu to order from with some tables. My wife and I like to go in for lunch. We usually order Empanadas and have a couple of maltas to go. Employees are always very helpful and pleasant. In soccer, there is also a big place to go on a weekend to have a meeting and watch a game or two. If you're looking for something new, check this place out. Oh, yeah, try simmikhurri, its good luck (you can buy a $5 jar (well worth it) |
Write a negative yelp review. | I recently had a horrible experience at Girasole. I used to really enjoy going to this restaurant due to its cozy atmosphere and decent Italian food. However, this past visit was unfortunate. The host was horrendous and extremely rude. I had brought my parents, who were visiting from out of town, and they were appalled at how rude the host was. Girasole is usually quite busy but it was also disorganized. I had made a reservation and arrived early knowing that there would be a wait. However, we saw three tables be seated prior to us, all of which had arrived much after us. When we tried to tell the hostess, he was even more rude than when we had arrived. To be honest, I could have overlooked the seating other parties prior to us if we had at least been given a friendly smile or a warm welcome. Regarding the food, it is adequate, nothing in comparison to other much more exciting and fulfilling Italian restaurants in Pittsburgh. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,045 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg hadde nylig en forferdelig opplevelse på Giasole. Jeg pleide å like å dra til denne restauranten på grunn av den koselige atmosfæren og den anstendige maten. Dette tidligere besøket var imidlertid uheldig. Verten var forferdelig og svært uhøflig. Jeg hadde med meg foreldrene mine, som kom utenbys fra, og de var forferdet over hvor uhøflig verten var. Girasole er gjerne ganske travel men det var også uorganisert. Jeg hadde bestilt og kom tidlig for å vite at det ville bli en ventetid. Vi så imidlertid tre bord bli satt foran oss, og alle disse var kommet meget efter oss. Da vi prøvde å si det til vertinnen, var han enda mer uhøflig enn da vi kom. For å være ærlig, kunne jeg ha oversett andres plasser før oss hvis vi i det minste hadde fått et vennlig smil eller en varm velkomst. Når det gjelder maten, er den nok, ikke noe i forhold til andre langt mer spennende og mer givende italienske restauranter i Pittsburgh. | I recently had a terrible experience on Giasole. I used to like to go to this restaurant because of the cozy atmosphere and the decent food. However, this earlier visit was unfortunate. The host was awful and very rude. I brought my parents, who came from out of town, and they were horrified at how rude the host was. Girasole's a bit busy, but it was disorganized, too. I had ordered and arrived early to know that there would be a waiting period. But we saw three tables set before us, and all these came after us much. When we tried to tell the landlady, he was even more rude than when we arrived. To be honest, I could have overlooked other people’s places ahead of us if we had at least received a friendly smile or a warm welcome. As for food, it is probably nothing compared to other far more exciting and rewarding Italian restaurants in Pittsburgh. |
Went here a few weeks ago. This place is great! Casual dress with small plates that are very good. Prices are reasonable for what you get as well. We had quite a few plates, however, my favorite was the foie gras stuffed cannelloni with black shaved truffles. It was phenomenal. We shared sangria, which was good. I eyed another customer receiving a dish in a shoe, literally a old loafer type shoe, I asked the waitress about it and she informed me it was a chicken dish that was popular. I would like to go back and try the risotto. Anywhere that is good enough for the owner of El Bulli is good enough for me *wink wink*
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,046 | Jeg var her for noen uker siden. Dette stedet er flott! En tilfeldig kjole med små plater som er svært gode. Prisene er rimelige for det man får også. Vi hadde mange plater, men favoritten min var foie gras-steikt cannelloni med svart, barbert trøffel. Det var fenomenalt. Vi delte sangria, noe som var bra. Jeg så en annen kunde få en rett i en sko, bokstavelig talt en gammel sko, spurte jeg servitrisen om det, og hun fortalte meg at det var en kyllingrett som var populær. Jeg vil gjerne tilbake og prøve risottoen. Hvor er det godt nok for eieren av El Bulli er godt nok for meg *wink blunk* Var denne anmeldelsen gitt positivt eller negativt? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I was here a few weeks ago. This place is great! A casual dress with small records that are very good. Prices are reasonable for what you get, too. We had a lot of records, but my favorite was foie gras-steak cannelloni with black shaved truffle. It was phenomenal. We shared sangria, which was good. I saw another customer get one right in a shoe, literally an old shoe, I asked the waitress about it, and she told me that it was a chicken dish that was popular. I'd like to go back and try the risotto. How is it good enough for the owner of El Bulli is good enough for me *wink wink* Was this review given positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
Using T&M for about 6 years with my 4 vehicles. It's so hard to find a mechanic you can trust and Nick earned my trust years ago. These guys are clearly interested in long term relationships, not just trying to get you for what they can at the moment.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,047 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg brukte T&M i seks år med mine fire kjøretøy. Det er så vanskelig å finne en mekaniker du kan stole på og Nick har fortjent min tillit for mange år siden. Disse fyrene er tydelig interessert i langsiktige forhold, ikke bare prøver å få deg for hva de kan for øyeblikket. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? I spent six years using T'M with my four vehicles. It's so hard to find a mechanic you can trust and Nick has earned my trust years ago. These guys are obviously interested in long-term relationships, not just trying to get you for what they can at the moment. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Is the following review positive or negative?
The food was tasty but cold after I ordered at 6:22 and the driver called to tell me he forgot the address and is lost. I then tell him where the apartments are then I had to stay on the phone with him. He was a nice guy but my food arrived at 7:51. The expected arrival time is 45mins to an hour. The manager did provide compensation of discount delivery fee.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,048 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Maten var velsmakende, men kald etter at jeg hadde bestilt klokken 06.22 og sjåføren ringte for å fortelle meg at han glemte adressen og gikk seg bort. Jeg forteller ham da hvor leilighetene er da måtte jeg bli i telefonen med ham. Han var en hyggelig fyr, men maten min kom til 751. Den forventede ankomsttiden er 45 min til en time. Bestyreren ga kompensasjon for levering av rabatt. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The food was delicious, but it was cold after I ordered it at 6:22 and the driver called to tell me that he forgot the address and got lost. I'll tell him where the apartments are then I'd have to stay on the phone with him. He was a nice guy, but my food came to 751. The ETA is 45 minutes to one hour. The manager made compensation for the discount delivery. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
my bf and i were seated right away when we came here around 6pm. I had the Evelyn's pasta, which wasn't very good. It was on the light side, so I didn't enjoy it. My bf got some pasta with bacon, peas, and a creamy sauce, which was very good. We had two alcoholic ice cream drinks called caramel twister and kahlua kisser were both strong. I liked the sticky caramel though. The drinks were are about $8.50. Our bill was $40+. I really liked the strawberry creamsicle alcohol drink back at the one in san jose, CA. It has no alcoholic taste, but i guess its vegas, so they hook it up.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,049 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? min bf og jeg satt straks da vi kom hit rundt kl. 18. Jeg hadde Evelyns pasta, som ikke var så bra. Det var på den lyse siden, så jeg likte det ikke. Min bf fikk litt pasta med bacon, erter og en kremsaus, noe som var veldig bra. Vi hadde to drinker med alkoholholdig is, karamellformiger og kahlua-slikker var begge sterke. Jeg likte karamellen. Drinkene er omtrent 20 kroner. Vår regning var $40+. Jeg likte jordbærkremdrikken på den på do, CA. Den har ingen alkoholsmak, men vegaene er vel der, så de finner den. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? My bf and I were sitting right away when we got here around 6:00. I had Evelyn's pasta, which wasn't so good. It was on the bright side, so I didn't like it. My bf got some pasta with bacon, peas and a cream sauce, which was really good. We had two drinks of alcoholic ice cream, caramels and kahluas licks were both strong. I liked the caramel. The drinks are about 20 kroner. Our bill was $40 plus. I liked the strawberry cream drink on the toilet, CA. It doesn't have a taste of alcohol, but I'm sure the vegans are there, so they'll find it. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Zink is super cool. Right in the center of Uptown Charlotte, so it's easy to get to, and easy to hit up before, after or FOR your dinner plans. It's definitely a swanky place, so be prepared. It feels like you're in a bigger city like New York or Miami when you're eating there, which is cool. Lots of young, attractive people, I guess. I always get their burgers, but apparently most of their options are good. My girlfriend really likes their sushi of all things. And their pizzas. Tons of options on a very diverse menu, so you can plan on being able to order anything your heart desires. Great drinks--and a great place TO drink, if that's what you're in the mood for. Definitely a "pre-game" type of place if you're looking to get sauced before hitting a livelier scene.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,050 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Zink er superkul. Midt i sentrum av Uptown Charlotte, så det er lett å komme til, og lett å treffe før, etter eller før middagsplanene dine. Det er definitivt et flott sted, så vær forberedt. Det føles som om du er i en større by som New York eller Miami når du spiser der, noe som er kult. Mange unge, attraktive folk, antar jeg. Jeg får alltid haburgere, men de fleste alternativene er gode. Kjæresten min liker sushien sin. Og deres pizzaer. Mange alternativer på en veldig mangfoldig meny, så du kan planlegge å kunne bestille alt ditt hjerte ønsker. Store drinker - og et flott sted å drikke, hvis det er det du er i humør til. En for-for-spill-type plass hvis du vil bli sadlet før du treffer en live-scene. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? Zik is super cool. Right in the center of Uptown Charlotte, so it's easy to get to, and easy to hit before, after or before your dinner plans. It's definitely a great place, so be prepared. I feel like you're in a bigger town like New York or Miami when you eat there, which is cool. A lot of young, attractive people, I guess. I always get the Haburgers, but most of the options are good. My boyfriend likes his sushi. And their pizzas. A lot of options on a very diverse menu, so you can plan to order anything your heart wants. Big drinks and a great place to drink, if that's what you're in the mood for. A for-game-type place if you want to be saddled before you hit a live scene. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
I've been coming to Vegas over 15 years and I've been to almost every pool from Red Rock Casino to Hooters. The pool at the MGM is one of the main reasons I keep coming back to this hotel. I guess the best compliment I could give the pool at MGM is variety. With most Vegas have one pool and maybe a side small pool. MGM offers multiple pools....a lazy river....Wet Republic. The drink service is top notch. You have a walk up food area which has good food options and decent Vegas pool side prices. Towel service is also a plus as they hand you two huge white towels when you walk in. The pool areas are also very clean and MGM does a great job of constant sweeping and trash maintenance. Just a heads up to this pool area.....they check your bags for glass/outside alcohol. My advice if you need to bring in outside alcohol is to fill a plastic bottle becuase they arent letting you in with anything else. You can spring for a bucket of tall Budweiser products....6 beers for $36. They have yards of alcohol slushies you can buy as well and refills are less expensive. All in all....the MGM pool is fantastic and I will keep coming back
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,051 | Jeg har vært i Vegas i over 15 år og jeg har vært i nesten alle bassenger fra Red Rock Casino til Hotters. Bassenget på MGM er en av hovedgrunnene til at jeg stadig kommer tilbake til dette hotellet. Den beste komplimenten jeg kan gi ved MGM, er vel variasjon. Med de fleste bassenger i Vegas har man ett basseng og kanskje et lite basseng. MGM tilbyr flere bassenger. En lat elv.... Republikken. Det er ikke noe mer å si om drikken. Du har et matområde med gode matmuligheter og gode priser i Vegas biljard. Det er også et pluss når man får to store hvite håndklær når man går inn. Bassengets arealer er også svært rene og MGM gjør en stor jobb med stadig feie- og søppelvedlikehold. Bare en tur opp til bassengområdet, sjekk bagasjen for glass/utenfor alkohol. Mitt råd hvis du trenger å få inn alkohol utenfra, er å fylle en plastflaske og slik at du ikke får være med på noe annet. Du kan skaffe deg en bøtte høye Budweiser-produkter. ...6 øl for $ 16 De har mange meter med alkoholslusser som du kan kjøpe, og påfyllinger er billigere. Alt i alt er MGM-bassenget fantastisk, og jeg vil fortsette å komme tilbake Hva mener du om denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I've been in Vegas for over 15 years and I've been in almost every pool from Red Rock Casino to Hotters. The pool at MGM is one of the main reasons why I keep coming back to this hotel. I guess the best compliment I can give at MGM is variety. With most pools in Vegas, you have one pool and maybe a small pool. MGM offers more pools, a lazy river, the Republic. There's nothing more to say about the drink. You have a food area with good food opportunities and good prices in Vegas pool. It's also a plus when you get two big white towels when you go in. The pool's land is also very clean and the MGM is doing a big job of constantly sweeping and garbage maintenance. Just a walk up to the pool area, check the luggage for glass/without alcohol. My advice if you need to bring in alcohol from the outside is to fill a plastic bottle and keep you out of it. You can get yourself a bucket of high Budweiser products, six beers for $16. They have many feet of alcohol locks that you can buy, and fillings are cheaper. All in all, the MGM pool is amazing, and I want to keep coming back what do you think of this review? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Write a negative yelp review. | I'm not sure about the other locations but the service at this place is unbelievable our server went from the cash to the phone to mopping the floors then serving our food with out even washing her hands once (EWWW) and this place would need a flood to clean out the mess and lingering dirt . we strolled in the location at 11:15pm (munchies) and were rushed to make our order and hurry up and eat because they wanted to close at 12pm. I'll sum it up like this this is a take out joint because the dieing experience isn't catered in this Wok Cafe. oh the Pad Thai is out of intergalacticly out of this world and is to die for ! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,052 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg er ikke sikker på de andre stedene men tjenesten på dette stedet er utrolig at serveren vår gikk fra kontanter til telefon for å moppe gulvene og servere maten vår med ute selv vaske hendene hennes en gang (EWWWW) og dette stedet ville trenge en flom for å rydde opp i rotet og legge på skitt . vi tok en tur på stedet kl. 23.15 og ble hastet til å bestille og skynde oss og spise fordi de ville stenge kl. 12.00. Jeg skal oppsummere det slik at dette er en ta-out-join, fordi den døende opplevelsen ikke finnes i denne Wok Café. Pad thai er ute av denne verden og skal dø for ! | I'm not sure about the other places, but the service at this place is amazing that our server went from cash to phone to mopping the floors and serving our food with our own out there wash her hands once (EWWW) and this place would need a flood to clean up the mess and put on dirt. We took a walk at 11: 15 p.m. and were rushed to order and hurry and eat because they wanted to close at noon. I'm going to sum it up so that this is a take-out-join, because the dying experience is not in this Wok Cafe. Pad Thai is out of this world and will die for! |
Generate a negative review for a place. | Went here for breakfast since it was recommended. Service was very good since it was a busy morning. I thought it was odd they service pickles with your drinks but hey I love pickles so I ate some! I ended up order french toast but the new york style. It was really fried so get ready for something greasy. I think it wasn't what I expected so I did not enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my boyfriends bagel egg sandwich. Will try again another day. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,053 | Lage en negativ omtale av et sted. | Make a negative reference to a place. | Jeg har vært her til frokost siden det var anbefalt. Tjenesten var svært god siden det var en travel morgen. Jeg syntes det var rart at de serverer sylteagurk med drinkene dine, men jeg elsker sylteagurk, så jeg spiste litt! Jeg endte opp med ordre fransk toast, men stilen i New York. Den var stekt så gjør deg klar til noe fett. Jeg tror ikke det var det jeg forventet, så jeg likte det ikke like mye som jeg likte det. Prøv igjen en annen dag. | I've been here for breakfast since it was recommended. The ministry was very good since it was a busy morning. I thought it was weird that they serve pickles with your drinks, but I love pickles, so I ate some! I ended up with orders of French toast, but the style in New York. It was fried, so get ready for some grease. I don't think that's what I expected, so I didn't like it as much as I liked it. Try again another day. |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
This place is Hipster central but that is not necessarily a bad thing. I had the daily fish which was the sea bass and it was delicious!!! The reuben is also very delicious. On Sunday's they have half off bottles of wine. We ordered a nice bottle of white pinot and complimented the fish very well. The folks split a reuben sandwich and it was phenomenal. We have a high standard when it comes to deli meat and, believe me, this sandwich was on point. The corned beef was still dripping its own juices and garnered bits of fat that accentuated the entire flavor of the sandwich. All in all, very good. Might have to come back to The Vig for happy hour.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,054 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Dette stedet er Hipster-sentralt, men det er ikke nødvendigvis en dårlig ting. Jeg hadde døgnfisken som var havabboren og det var deilig!!!! Reuben er også meget deilig. På søndager har de halvpart av flasker vin. Vi bestilte en fin flaske hvit pinot og roste fisken godt. Folk delte en ny sandwich, og det var fenomenalt. Vi har en høy standard når det gjelder kjøttdeig, og dette smørbrødet var på sin plass. Den corned beef var fortsatt drypping egne safter og opprevet biter av fett som fremhevet hele smaken på smørbrødet. Alt i alt, veldig bra. Kan ha kommet tilbake til Vigen for happy hour. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? This place is Hipster Central, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. I had the sea bass, and it was delicious!!! Reuben is also very nice. On Sundays they have half a bottle of wine. We ordered a nice bottle of white pinot and commended the fish well. People shared a new sandwich, and it was phenomenal. We have a high standard of meat dough, and this sandwich was in order. The corned beef was still dripping its own juices and torn bits of fat that highlighted the full flavor of the sandwich. All in all, very good. Might have come back to Viggen for happy hour. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
It was a super hot day when we went here and it was uncomfortably hot inside as well. There were only 3 tables seated and yet it took forever for us to get our drinks, refills and food. I don't eat pork and often have to special order menu items without bacon. NOTHING angers me more than when places forget while making the food and then pull the bacon off before serving which is what obviously happened here. I had to dissect my wrap in order to remove bits of bacon and could taste it in every bite. Totally ruined my meal. I doubt we'll be back.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,055 | Det var en supervarm dag da vi gikk hit og det var ubehagelig varmt inne også. Det var bare satt tre bord, og det tok tid før vi fikk oss noe å drikke, påfyll og mat. Jeg spiser ikke svinekjøtt og må ofte spesialbestille menyer uten bacon. DET er ikke noe som gjør meg mer sint enn når steder glemmer å lage maten og så trekker av baconet før jeg serverer, noe som tydeligvis skjedde her. Jeg måtte ta farge på omslaget for å fjerne baconbiter og kunne smake det i hvert bit. Jeg ødela hele måltidet mitt. Jeg tviler på at vi kommer tilbake. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | It was a super hot day when we came here and it was uncomfortable hot in here too. Only three tables were set, and it took time for us to get drinks, refills, and food. I don't eat pork. I often have to make special menus without bacon. THERE is nothing that makes me more angry than when places forget to cook and then pull off the bacon before serving, which apparently happened here. I had to dye the cover to remove bacon pieces and taste them in each piece. I ruined my whole meal. I doubt we'll be back. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Great grilled chicken burrito which believe it or not coming to California, too hard to find here in Arizona. Very nice service, clean place only thing I was looking for chips but 5 stars
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,056 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Stor kyllingburrito som tror det eller ikke kommer til California, for vanskelig å finne her i Arizona. Veldig fin service, rent sted Det eneste jeg lette etter chips men 5 stjerner OPSJON: - negativ - positiv | How can the words of this article be described? Big chicken burrito who believes it or doesn't come to California, too hard to find here in Arizona. Very nice service, clean place The only thing I was looking for was chips but five stars OPTION: negative--positive | Fra eller | From or |
Keiko did a good job on my 3 yr old's haircut. Price was very reasonable for a kids cut.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,057 | Keiko gjorde en god jobb med tre år gamle frisyre. Prisen var svært rimelig for et barnekutt. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Keiko did a good job with three-year-old hairstyle. The price was very reasonable for a child's shot. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an positive review? | I like simple places. The downfall of many restaurants (IMHO) is attempting to do too much. Rather than stick to what they can excel at, many owners try to extend themselves into arenas where they should not go. This strategy is usually driven by incremental revenue or to appeal to new demographics. What usually results is a culinary travesty that leaves everyone unsatisfied and ultimately another statistic in the world of failed businesses. THMMB is not that sort of place, and I suspect, that it is the sort of joint that has real staying power. The reason: THMMB does one thing - burgers, and it does it with aplomb. I get one thing when I come here - the green chili cheese burger combo for $5. Good burger, good price point. Nuff said. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,058 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Jeg liker enkle steder. Mange restauranters fall (IMHO) forsøker å gjøre for mye. I stedet for å holde seg til det de kan utmerke seg ved, forsøker mange eiere å utvide seg til arenaer hvor de ikke bør gå. Denne strategien er vanligvis drevet av gradvise inntekter eller av å appellere til nye dempinger. Det som vanligvis blir resultatet, er en kulinarisk parodi som gjør at alle er utilfredsstilte og til syvende og sist en annen statistikk i verden av mislykkede bedrifter. TOMB er ikke et slikt sted, og jeg antar at det er den typen felles som har ekte støtte. Grunnen: THMMB gjør én ting - hamburgere, og den gjør det med aplogb. Jeg får én ting når jeg kommer hit - den grønne chiliost-burger kombinasjon for fem dollar. - Gode, gode, gode penger. sa han. | I like simple places. The downfall of many restaurants (IHO) is trying to do too much. Instead of sticking to what they can excel at, many owners try to expand into arenas where they should not go. This strategy is usually driven by gradual incomes or by appealing to new dampings. What usually results is a culinary parody that leaves all dissatisfied and ultimately another statistic in the world of failed achievements. The TOMB is not such a place, and I guess it's the kind of joint that has real support. The reason: TBMB does one thing - hamburgers, and it does it with aplogb. I get one thing when I get here - the green chili cheese burger combination for five bucks. - Good, good, good money. he said. |
What would be an example of an positive review? | This has been my third time at iPic and I have to say each time has been great. Although the prices are a little high, the truth is, the food, drink and comfort you get make the whole experience completely worth it. The bartenders were friendly and the servers were just fantatic. I can't say enough great things about how good the food was. If you havn't tried it, I would recommend the delux seats for your first experience. If that isn't for you, the normal seats are still super comfortable. Way better than any other theater I have been to. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,059 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Dette har vært tredje gang på iPic og jeg må si at hver gang har vært flott. Selv om prisene er litt høye, er sannheten den at maten, drikken og trøsten du får, gjør hele opplevelsen fullstendig verdt det. De var vennlige, og serverne var bare fantatiske. Jeg kan ikke si så mye stort om hvor god maten var. Hvis du ikke har rett til å prøve det, vil jeg anbefale at du får delux plassene for din første erfaring. Hvis det ikke er for deg, er de normale setene fortsatt superkomfortable. Mye bedre enn noe annet teater jeg har vært på. | This has been the third time in iPic and I have to say, every time has been great. Although prices are a little high, the truth is that the food, drink, and comfort you receive makes the whole experience worthwhile. They were friendly, and the servers were just fantatic. I can't tell you much about how good the food was. If you don't have the right to try it, I'd recommend you get delux seats for your first experience. If it's not for you, the normal seats are still super comfortable. Much better than any other theater I've ever been to. |
What would be an example of an positive review? | Great customer service, beautiful hotel design, great location on the strip. The rooms are a little smaller than I care for, but I have stayed here a number of times regardless. I usually stay at the Palazzo properties, but this would be my next choice if I could not... If you can swing upgrading to a room facing the fountains it's always fun to watch the show. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,060 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Flott kundeservice, vakker hotelldesign, flott beliggenhet på stripa. Lokalene er litt mindre enn jeg tar vare på, men jeg har bodd her en rekke ganger uansett. Jeg pleier vanligvis å bo ved Palazzo-egenskapene, men dette ville være mitt neste valg om jeg ikke kunne... Hvis du kan begynne å oppgradere til et rom med fontener, er det alltid gøy å se showet. | Great customer service, beautiful hotel design, great location on the strip. The rooms are a little smaller than I'm keeping, but I've lived here a lot of times anyway. I usually live at the Palazzo property, but this would be my next choice if I couldn't... If you can start upgrading to a room with fountains, it's always fun to watch the show. |
What would be an example of an negative review? | Do not go here. The positive reviews must have been written by the dentist himself or his family. The previous reviewer is absolutely right about his interaction with children and adults. I was appalled how he treated our children. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,061 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale? | What would be an example of negative publicity? | Ikke gå her. De positive omtalene må ha vært skrevet av tannlegen selv eller hans familie. Den tidligere anmelderen har helt rett i forhold til sitt samspill med barn og voksne. Jeg ble rystet over hvordan han behandlet barna våre. | Don't go here. The positive comments must have been written by the dentist himself or his family. The former critic is absolutely right in relation to his interaction with children and adults. I was shocked at the way he treated our children. |
"You get what you pay for" If only that were the truth. Let's see.... We got there and: 1) The elevator from the parking structure is out - so we hoof it from the 4th floor all the way to reception with our bags in tow. 2)We got booked into a smoking room when we specifically asked for a non-smoking room 3)We got transferred to a non-smoking room (after a few hours) with a view of the Airport.... well, there would have been a view if the windows weren't so damned grimy 4)Uncomfortable Bed 5)Tube TV that kept cutting out every few minutes, which wouldn't have been bad on its own, but the batteries on the remote were dead.. HAH! Okay, at 25 bucks a night, I might have agreed that we got what we paid for and it might have been a So-so 2.5 to three stars. MAYBE. But when you tack on an additional UNDISCLOSED $15/day "Resort Fee" (What resort? it was 40 freakin Degrees out!), No Wi-Fi AND $15/day wired internet fee?? .... Umm... Yeah ... 1.5 stars and I'm not even going to round it up to two. PROTIP: Hooters appears to be where failed Import model wannabes with bad boob jobs go to die. - Enjoy.
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,062 | <unk>Du får det du betaler for<unk> om bare det var sannheten. La oss se, vi kom dit og: 1) heisen fra parkeringsanlegget er ute, så vi kjører den fra 4. etasje hele veien til resepsjonen med bagasjen på slep. 2) Vi ble booket inn på en røykestue da vi ba om rom uten røyk 3) Vi ble overført til et rom uten røyk (etter noen timer) med utsikt over flyplassen.... Vel, det ville ha vært en utsikt hvis vinduene ikke var så fordømte grima bommer Uncomfortable sed 5)Tube TV som stadig kuttet ut hvert minutt, som ikke ville ha vært dårlig på egen hånd, men batteriene på fjernkontrollen var døde. HAH! Ok, på 25 dollar per kveld, kan jeg ha avtalt at vi fikk det vi betalte for og det kan ha vært en Så-så 2,5 til tre stjerner. MAYBY. Men når du tar på deg en ekstra DISCLOSESED $15/day<unk>Resort Fee<unk> (hvilken utvei? Det var 40 grader! Ikke noe wi-fiw og $15 per dag, overført honorar? Ja, 1,5 stjerner, og jeg skal ikke engang runde den opp til to. PROTIP: Hooters ser ut til å være der feilslåtte modell-knupper med dårlige pupper dør for å dø. - Nyt. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | You get what you pay for<unk> if only that were the truth. Let's see, we got there and: (1) the elevator from the parking structure is out, so we drive it from the fourth floor all the way to the reception with the luggage on the tow. ( 2) We were booked into a smoking room when we asked for a smokeless room 3) We were transferred to a smokeless room (after a few hours) overlooking the airport...; well, there would have been a view if the windows weren't so damned grima miss Uncomposable Sed 5)Tube TV that kept cutting out every minute, which wouldn't have been bad on its own, but the batteries on the remote were dead. HAH! Okay, at $25 a night, I might have agreed that we got what we paid for and it might have been a So-so 2.5 to three stars. MAYBY. But when you put on an extra DISCLOSESED $15/day<unk>Resort Fee<unk> (what way out? That was 40 degrees! No wi-fiw and $15 a day, transferred fee? Yeah, 1.5 stars, and I'm not even gonna round it up to two. PROTIP, Hooters seem to be where failed model bumps with bad tits die to die. - Enjoy. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
After hearing so many people rave about this place I had to go in and see what all the fuss was about. I ordered a country club sub and I was not impressed. The sandwich was mediocre at best, overloaded with mayo- I think I could have tossed together a better sandwich at home. The bread was too thick, I had to pick a lot of it off just to get to the meat. I would possibly consider trying another sandwich sometime but my first experience with Jimmy Johns doesnt leave me wanting to go back or suggest it to someone else.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,063 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Etter å ha hørt så mange folk grine over dette stedet, måtte jeg se hva oppstyret dreide seg om. Jeg bestilte en klubbklubb, og jeg var ikke imponert. Smørbrødet var middelmådig i beste fall, overbelastet med majones-- jeg tror jeg kunne ha kastet sammen et bedre smørbrød hjemme. Brødet var for tykt, jeg måtte plukke mye av det bare for å komme til kjøttet. Jeg kunne tenke meg å prøve en ny sandwich en gang, men min første erfaring med Jimmy Johns gjør ikke at jeg vil dra tilbake eller foreslå det for en annen. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? After hearing so many people cry over this place, I had to see what the fuss was about. I ordered a club, and I wasn't impressed. The sandwich was mediocre at best, overloaded with mayonnaise-- I think I could have thrown up a better sandwich at home. The bread was too thick, I had to pick a lot of it just to get to the meat. I'd like to try a new sandwich sometime, but my first experience with Jimmy Johns doesn't make me want to go back or suggest it to someone else. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
The best in prices and service. Had my pool acid washed and then refilled they came by and ck my pool until everything was right.did not try to get me to buy the whole store....great job.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,064 | De beste i priser og tjenester. Jeg vasket bassenget, og så fylte de på nytt. De kom innom og stakk meg i bassenget til alt var som det skulle. Prøvde ikke å få meg til å kjøpe hele butikken. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | The best in prices and services. I washed the pool, and then they filled it up again, and they came by and they stuck me in the pool until everything was okay, and they didn't try to get me to buy the whole store. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Is the following review positive or negative?
Pretty espresso mocha. The art stays together while you drink. Uncrowded with tables and chairs. Maneuvering a stroller is not a problem.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,065 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Pen espresso mocha. Kunsten holder sammen mens du drikker. Ubefolket med bord og stoler. Det er ikke noe problem å takle en barnevogn. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Nice espresso mocha. The art stays together while you drink. Unpeople with tables and chairs. It's no problem dealing with a stroller. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an positive review? | What fun! We had a great dinner at our first visit to Noca and thoroughly enjoyed the taste, presentation and unique flair of the food. The cuisine was creative yet yet still harmonious, fresh and high quality. A culinary adventure (in a good way) - we couldn't wait to experiencet each course. After we ordered we received two complementary treats - first a gazpacho "granita" (like a tomato icee with basil oil) and a cold fresh pea soup. Both excellent and perfectly refreshing. For starters, my husband got the cold corn soup, which was naturally sweet, rich and luscious. I had the squash blossoms stuffed with ricotta and fried tempura style. Excellent, though I think I'd like anything cheesy and done tempura style, so maybe I should have tried something a little less conventional. We then shared a large raviolo with duck egg in the center and rich lobster sauce with mushrooms. Delectable; and I'm glad we shared because it was quite rich and filling. The serving temperature was luke warmish - I'm not sure if that was by design, but it would have been even better piping hot. Our main courses were scallops for me and sliced rolled beets stuffed with cheese for my husband. The scallops were done just right, and nicely salty (too much so for my husband's taste by I loved it). The beet dish was a play on a "pasta" dish with beets instead of pasta. The sweetness of the beets was nicely offset by the bitterness of broccoli rabe. By the time we got through all this (OK I had to have some of the scallop dish packed to go), we were stuffed but were dying to see what they could do with the desserts. A complementary bowl of green apple cotton candy kept us entertained while we perused the dessert menu. If we had listened to our stomachs we would have stopped there, but the taste buds were in charge by that time. The lemon tart was a wonderful. The donuts were, well ... donuts. I personally think that's a good thing (mmmm...donuts), but next time I'll try a more creative selection. On a Thursday evening we found the place less than half full so apparently weeknight crowds are hit or miss. The interior decor is spare yet comfortable. Until sundown the natural light through the windows is bright enough to make the interior a bit harsh and difficult to focus. I generally love lots of natural light, so I don't know why I found the lighting here so difficult. prices are fairly high, and I'm not surprised considering the uniquness of each dish - many items are locally sourced and and are clearly albor intensive. Regarding the of the dishes, I would be nicely sated with an appetizer and an entree, or only an entree for a light meal. The multi-course feast I described here had me uncomfortably full, and I'm not a skimpy eater. We aready have reservations to try one of their tasting dinners. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,066 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Hva er det som er så morsomt! Vi hadde en stor middag første gang vi besøkte Noca, og vi likte godt matens smak, presentasjon og unike teft. Retten var ennå ikke blitt frambrakt, men fremdeles harmonisk, frisk og høy kvalitet. Et kulinarisk eventyr (på en god måte) - vi kunne ikke vente med å oppleve hvert kurs. Etter at vi hadde bestilt, fikk vi to typer godbiter - først en gazpacho<unk>granita<unk> (som en is med basillolje) og en kald, frisk erteolje. Både utmerket og strålende. Til å begynne med fikk mannen min maissuppe, som var naturlig søt, rik og velsmakende. Jeg hadde squashblomstene stappet med riscotta og frityrstekt tempura. Selv om jeg tror jeg vil ha alt cheesy og gjort istempura stil, så kanskje jeg burde ha prøvd noe litt mindre konvensjonelt. Så delte vi en stor raviovo med andeegg i midten og en rik saus med sopp. Jeg er glad vi delte det fordi det var rikt og fylt. Det er ikke sikkert at det var design, men det ville vært bedre varmt. Hovedkursene våre var forelegg for meg og skiver av rullebeter som var fylt med ost til mannen min. Grangranene ble gjort akkurat riktig, og pent salt (for mye for min manns smak av jeg elsket det). Beteretten var et skuespill på en<unk>pasta<unk> matrett med beter i stedet for pasta. Bettenes sødme blev vellig utlignet ved brokkoliens bitterhet. Da vi hadde kommet igjennom alt dette (OK jeg måtte ha noe av den matretten jeg skulle ha pakket for å få), var vi stappmett, men vi ville gjerne se hva de kunne gjøre med dessertene. En tilleggsskål med grønt eplepaispinn holdt oss underholdende mens vi tenkte på dessertmenyen. Hvis vi hadde lyttet til magene våre, ville vi ha stoppet der, men smaksløkene hadde ansvaret innen den tid. Det var en herlig sitrontert. Donutene var, vel ... donuts. Jeg tror det er bra, men neste gang prøver jeg en mer kreativ utvelgelse. En torsdag kveld fant vi stedet under halvparten fullt så tilsynelatende ukeskvelds folkemengder blir truffet eller bom. Den innvendige dekoren er komfortabel. Inntil det naturlige lyset gjennom vinduene står ved solnedgang, er det lyst nok til at det indre er litt vanskelig å fokusere. Jeg elsker generelt mye naturlig lys, så jeg vet ikke hvorfor jeg fant lyssettingen her så vanskelig. prisene er ganske høye, og jeg er ikke overrasket over å tenke på hvor ulike hver rett er - mange ting er lokalt kildebelagt og og er tydelig alborint. Når det gjaldt oppvasken, pleide jeg å sitte pent sammen med en forrett og en forrett eller en forrett, eller bare et juletre for et lett måltid. Flerfagsfesten jeg beskrev her, hadde meg ubehagelig mett, og jeg er ikke en skummel eter. Vi har reservasjoner til å prøve en av deres el-smak middager. | What's so funny? We had a large dinner the first time we visited Noca, and we enjoyed the taste, presentation, and unique flair of food. The right had not yet been brought forth but was still harmonious, fresh, and high quality. A culinary adventure (in a good way) - we couldn't wait to experience every course. After ordering, we received two types of treats - first a gazpacho<unk>granita<unk> (as an ice cream with basilla oil) and a cold, fresh pea oil. Both excellent and brilliant. At first, my husband had corn soup, which was naturally sweet, rich, and tasty. I had the squash blossoms stuffed with ricecotta and fried tempura. Even though I think I want all the cheese and done the ice-tempura style, maybe I should have tried something a little less conventional. Then we shared a large ravo with duck eggs in the middle and a rich sauce with mushrooms. I'm glad we shared it because it was rich and filled. It may not have been design, but it would have been better hot. Our main courses were for me and slices of rolled beets filled with cheese for my husband. The spruce was done just right, and fine salt (too much for my husband’s taste of I loved it). The beett was a play on a<unk> pasta with beets instead of pasta. The sweetness of the beets was offset by the bitterness of the broccoli. After we had all of this (OK I had to have some of the food I would have packed to get), we were stuffed, but we wanted to see what they could do with the desserts. A dish with green apple piespin kept us entertaining as we contemplated the dessert menu. If we had listened to our stomachs, we would have stopped there, but taste buds were in charge by then. It was a lovely lemon-traded one. The doughnuts were, well... doughnuts. I think that's good, but next time, I'll try a more creative selection. One Thursday night we found the site less than half the time the apparent weekly evening crowds are hit or missed. The interior decorations are comfortable. Until the natural light through the windows is at sunset, it is bright enough to make the interior a little difficult to focus. I generally love a lot of natural light, so I don't know why I found the lighting here so hard. prices are pretty high, and I'm not surprised to think about how different each dish is -- a lot of things are locally sourced and clearly alborin. When it came to washing dishes, I would sit comfortably with an appetizer and an appetizer, or just a Christmas tree for a light meal. The multidisciplinary party I described here, I had an unpleasant appetite, and I'm not a scary eater. We have reservations to try one of your electric dinners. |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
Bacchanal Buffet is an absolutely superior buffet!! EVERY single dish was incredibly delicious. I am not a fan of trying normal dishes at LV buffets just because I like to try things I normally wouldn't. However I did try the Mac and cheese and It was delicious as well. I found it hilarious that something so simple could be made to have such a delicious taste. We went with a party of eight therefore they automatically added the 18% tip. I was not surprised being most restaurants do that nowadays. I am happy to say that every single person in our party agreed it was the best buffet in LV. It was such a nice experience. Everything about the restaurant is awesome. Additionally I enjoyed their decoration and the way the food is presented. I cannot say enough great things about this place definitely worth the price considering there are other buffets that cost nearly the same and are not close to being as good! Can't wait to be in Las Vegas again so that I can come to this buffet again!!
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,067 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Buffet er en absolutt overlegen buffet!! En rett var utrolig deilig. Jeg liker ikke å ta vanlige retter på LV-buffas bare fordi jeg liker å prøve ting jeg normalt ikke ville gjort. Men jeg prøvde Mac og osten, og den var også deilig. Jeg syntes det var morsomt at noe så enkelt kunne gjøres for å ha en slik smak. Vi gikk med en del på åtte, derfor la de automatisk til 18% tips. Jeg var ikke overrasket over at de fleste restauranter gjør det nå. Jeg er glad for å kunne si at hver eneste person i vårt parti var enig i at det var den beste buffeten i LV. Det var en så fin opplevelse. Alt om restauranten er råkult. Jeg likte å pynte dem, og jeg likte den måten maten blir presentert på. Jeg kan ikke si nok store ting om dette stedet definitivt verdt prisen siden det er andre buffeter som koster nesten det samme og ikke er i nærheten av å være like god! Gleder meg til å være i Las Vegas igjen så jeg kan komme til denne buffeten igjen!! VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? Buffet is an absolutely superior buffet! A dish was incredibly delicious. I don't like taking regular courses on LV buffets just because I like to try things I wouldn't normally do. But I tried the Mac and the cheese, and it was delicious too. I found it amusing that something so simple could be done to have such a taste. We went with a portion of eight, so they automatically added 18% tips. I was not surprised that most restaurants do now. I am happy to say that every person in our party agreed that it was the best buffet in the LV. It was such a nice experience. Everything about the restaurant is awesome. I enjoyed decorating them, and I enjoyed the way the food is presented. I can't say enough big things about this place definitely worth the price because there are other buffets that cost almost the same and are nowhere near as good! I can't wait to be back in Las Vegas so I can get to this buffet again! VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an positive review? | We were very happy to fly with American Airlines. The check in process was very quick and easy. My boyfriend and I had completely desperate seats. At the gate they upgraded our seats for us to sit together without us even asking them to do so. Awesome experience with outstanding customer service! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,068 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Vi var veldig glade for å fly med American Airlines. Sjekken i prosessen var veldig rask og enkel. Kjæresten min og jeg hadde desperate plasser. Ved porten oppruster de plassene våre slik at vi kan sitte sammen uten at vi ber dem om det. Forferdelig erfaring med gjestekundeservice! | We were very happy to fly with American Airlines. The check in the process was very fast and simple. My boyfriend and I had desperate places. At the gate, they equip our seats so that we can sit together without asking them to. Terrible experience with guest customer service! |
Steak is fabulous, the best I ever had, but there is nothing really wrong with any other meats on the menu. Truly anything is excellent though. The best deal is a 3 course meal during the queens feast. $30 for 3 courses. Beat deal in town.
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,069 | Stek er fantastisk, det beste jeg har hatt, men det er ikke noe galt med andre kjøtt på menyen. Alt dette er bedre enn noe annet. Den beste avtalen er et treretters måltid under dronningenes fest. Det koster tre kurs. - Jeg har en avtale i byen. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Fry is amazing, the best I've ever had, but there's nothing wrong with other meat on the menu. All of this is better than anything else. The best deal is a three-course meal at the queens' party. It's three courses. - I have an appointment in town. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
The atmosphere was nice and impressive. I myself ordered the Chicken Meatloaf which was very tasty. My partner on the other hand had the Chicken Royale which was very unsatisfying. It had no flavor and to be honest the green beans and carrots that were the side dishes had lots more flavor and were more pleasing. My waiter was attentive once the food came out, but before hand he was out of sight. I probably will not be back.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,070 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Atmosfæren var fin og imponerende. Jeg bestilte kjøttpuddingen som var veldig god. Partneren min hadde derimot Hønse Royale, som var svært utilfredsstillende. Den hadde ingen smak og var ærlig talt de grønne bønner og gulrøtter som var sideoppvaskene hadde en mye mer smak og var mer tiltalende. Kelneren min var oppmerksom da maten kom ut, men han var ute av syne for hånd. Jeg kommer nok ikke tilbake. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? The atmosphere was fine and impressive. I ordered the meatloaf that was really good. On the other hand, my partner had Chicken Royale, who was very unsatisfactory. It had no taste and was, to be honest, the green beans and carrots that were the side dishwashing were much more flavorful and appealing. My waiter was attentive when the food came out, but he was out of sight by hand. I don't think I'm coming back. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
Had a great week in Vegas BABY, and the Wynn Theater was great. We took in a show, similar to Cirque Soleil but not as good.The seats at the Wynn are comfortable and roomy. The sound very good, and special effects amazing. I'd go back to see another show at the Wynn.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,071 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Hadde en flott uke i Vegas BABY, og Wynn Teater var flott. Vi tok inn et show som ligner på Cirque Soleil, men ikke like bra. Lyden meget god, og spesialeffekter . Jeg ville dratt tilbake for å se et annet show på Wynn. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? Had a great week in Vegas BABY, and the Wynn Theater was great. We took on a show that looks like Cirque Soleil, but not as well. The sound very good, and special effects. I'd go back and watch another show at Wynn. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Awesome bar, waiter was fast, owner was awesome. The only thing, SECURITY SUCKED!! My fiancee, my friend and I arrived for my sisters B-Day. My fiance and I both have our old ID's. i was 16 in mine which was 8 YEARS AGO. ID is not expired so i still can use it. 2 stupid security guards stopped me from going in because THEY THOUGHT THE PERSON IN THE ID WASNT (ME) we were like "r u kidding me, they are totally wasting their time cuz it IS ME!" So somehow it wasnt me cuz for 1. i dont look like the id ((Like if a 24 yr oldis supposed to look like theyre still 16)) WTF??? And for 2. Since i had a labrae piercing when i was 16, it's not me because "I DONT HAVE MY LABRAE SCAR" AGAIN, PICTURE WAS TOOKEN 8 YRS AGO!! Security asked for a 2nd identity, like "REALLY? I DIDNT KNOW I HAVE TO WALKAROUND WITH MY I.D PLUSMY BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND SOCIAL" That's me being a smart ass lol. he THEN asked "if i have a FB" No luck there cuz me n fiance share one and it's under our kids names. but showed him our LOG IN E-MAIL Which did have our names. The whole thing was RIIIDICULOUS. ALL BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT IT WASNT ME. I'M A HARD WORKING MOTHER OF 2. BORN IN PHX. I DONT NEED TO BE AN IDENTY THIEF. My fiancee told me "dont worry, theyre gna say all they want. your sister is gna come and we're gna walk RIGHT IN" AND thats exactly what happened. My sister walked right out with the owner and we walked RIGHT IN! Security guards mustve felt stupid. all that for NOTHING. LMAO IDIOTS. Next time pick on some one whos ACTUALLY stealing someone's IDENITY.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,072 | Regnbar, kelner var rask, eieren var utrolig. Det eneste, SIKKERHETEN SUKKER!!! Min forlovede, min venn og jeg kom til min søsters B-dag. Forloveden min og jeg har våre gamle ID-er. i var 16 i gruve som var 8 ÅR AGO. ID er ikke gått ut på dato så i kan fortsatt bruke den. To dumme sikkerhetsvakter hindret meg fra å gå inn fordi DE TELT PERSONEN I IDAVSNITT (ME) Vi var som <unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk> du du du du dumme dumme, dumme sikkerhetsvakten dumme sikkerhetsvakten hindret hindret hindret hindret hindret hindret hindret hindret hindret meg hindret meg hindret meg hindret meg fra meg fra meg fra meg fra meg fra meg fra meg fra fordi de T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T som T som T som T som T som T som hindret som hindret .: <unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>::::::::: , var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var vi var liksom . . . . . . . <unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>: . . . <unk><unk><unk>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <unk><unk>:::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liksom liksom liksom liksom liksom liksom liksom liksom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Så på en eller annen måte var det ikke meg kus for 1. jeg ser ikke ut som id ((som om en 24 yr oldis skal se ut som de fortsatt er 16)) WTF?? Og for 2. Siden jeg hadde en labrae piercing når jeg var 16, er det ikke meg fordi <unk>Jeg har DONTDY MY LABRAE SCAR <unk> AGAIN, PICTURE PALL TOOKEN 8 YRS AGO!!! Sikkerhetssikkerheten ba om en annen identitet, som: \"NÅ? Jeg vet at jeg må gå rundt med min I.D. PLUSMY DIRT CERTIFIKAT OG SOSIAL - Det er meg som er en smart rumpe lol. \"Hvis jeg har en FB\" \"ingen hell der\" \"som meg n-fiance dele en\" \"og det står under navnene på barna våre.\" men viste ham at vår LOG I E-POIL Som hadde våre navn. Hele greia var VELDYKTIG. Alle sammen ved tanken på at det var meg. JEG ER HARDBEIDENDE MOR AV 2. BORGN I FHX. Jeg trenger ikke å være en gammel person. Forloveden min sa til meg: \"Slapp av, de er gna sier alt de vil.\" Søsteren din er gnegna kommer og vi er gneg går rett i - og det er akkurat det som skjedde. Søsteren min gikk rett ut sammen med eieren, og vi gikk RETT INN! Sikkerhetsvaktene må ha følt seg dumme. Alt det for MER. LMAO-AVTALER. Neste gang du velger en som faktisk stjeler noens IDENTABEL. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Rainbar, waiter was fast, owner was amazing. The only thing, SECURITY SUGER!! My fiancée, my friend and I came to my sister's B-day. My fiancé and I have our old IDs. I was 16 in a mine that was 8 years AGO. Id has not expired, so I can still use it. I'm saying that I'm not the one that I'm not the one that I'm not the one that I'm not the one that I'm not the one that I'm not the one that I'm saying is """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""d""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" So somehow it wasn't me being for 1. I don't look like ID (like a 24-year-old is going to look like they're still 16) WTF? And for 2. Since I had a Labra piercing when I was 16, it's not me because I have DONTTY MY LABRAAR <unk> AGAIN, PICTURE PALL TOOKEN 8 YRS AGO!!!! Security called for another identity, like, "Now?" I know I have to walk around with my I.D. PLUSMY DIRT CERTIFICATE AND SOCIAL-- it's me who's a smart ass lol. "If I have an FB" "no good luck there." "If I have an FB" but showed him that our LOG in E-POIL who had our names. The whole thing was VERY. Everyone at the thought that it was me. I AM THE HARD - DIRECTOR MOTHER OF 2 Timothy 2: 1. BORGN I FHX. I don't have to be an old person. My fiancé said to me, "Don't worry, they're gna says anything they want." Your sister's a chipper, and we're all gneg walking right in-- and that's exactly what happened. My sister went right out with the owner, and we went RIGHT IN! Security must have felt stupid. All that for more. LMAO AGREEMENTS. Next time you pick someone who actually steals someone's IDENTABEL. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Write a negative yelp review. | Run don't walk away from the express breakfast buffet. Way overpriced for inedible food. I've had better free hotel continental breakfasts. This place is horrid. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,073 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Løp ikke gå bort fra frokosten. Overpriset for uspiselig mat. Jeg har hatt bedre gratis hotell-kontinental frokost. Dette stedet er forferdelig. | Don't run away from breakfast. Overpriced for inedible food. I've had better free hotel-continental breakfast. This place is terrible. |
Is the following review positive or negative?
The food is fantastic. The staff is attentive and polite. We had the vegetable samosa and onion kulcha to start. Followed by chicken tikka masala (really good) and a mushroom dish that I cant remember the name of but we thought it could've been a little more spicey hot for our taste, but was still good. We also had rice with peas and nuts with various spices. The dips they serve when you sit down are tasty. One spicy hot pepper, one sweet, and the other a mint. Overall everything was very tasty, and they didn't seem to use too much salt like most restaurants do. It's a bit far from where we live but will be worth the trip back.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,074 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Maten er fantastisk. Staben er imøtekommende og høflig. Vi hadde grønnsaken samosa og løkkulcha å starte med. Etterfulgt av kylling tikka masala (virkelig god) og en sopprett som jeg ikke kan huske navnet på men vi trodde det kunne ha vært litt mer krydret varmt for vår smak, men var fortsatt bra. Vi hadde også ris med erter og nøtter med diverse krydder. De dikene de tjener når du setter deg, er velsmakende. Den ene er sterk, sterk pepper, den ene er søt, den andre er en mynte. Alt var veldig velsmakende, og de brukte ikke så mye salt som de fleste andre restauranter. Det er litt langt fra der vi bor, men vil være verdt turen tilbake. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The food is amazing. The staff is accommodating and polite. We had the vegetable samosa and the onion globe to start with. Followed by chicken tikka masala (very good) and a wasteland that I can't remember the name of but we thought it might have been a little more spicy for our taste, but was still good. We also had rice with peas and nuts with various spices. The dikes they earn when you sit down are tasty. One is strong, strong pepper, one is sweet, the other is a mint. Everything was very tasty, and they did not use as much salt as most restaurants. It's a little far from where we live, but it'll be worth the trip back. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Ny style
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,075 | Ny stil Hva mener du om denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | What do you think of this review? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an positive review? | Ashton Duffy has been cutting and coloring my hair for several years now and she is amazing! She truly cares about everyone and wants to give them the best, and she does! I have recommended her and will continue to do so! Thank you Ashton for always making me look and feel beautiful every time! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,076 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Ashton Duffy har klippet og farget håret mitt i flere år nå, og hun er fantastisk! Hun bryr seg virkelig om alle og ønsker å gi dem det beste, og det gjør hun! Jeg har anbefalt henne og vil fortsette å gjøre det! Takk skal dere ha for at dere alltid får meg til å se på meg og føle meg vakker hver gang! | Ashton Duffy's been cutting and dyeing my hair for years now, and she's amazing! She really cares about everyone and wants to give them the best, and she does! I've recommended her, and I want to keep doing it! Thank you for always making me look at me and feel beautiful every time! |
Generate a positive review for a place. | I just went there there for lunch today. The food was good and it was a great price. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,077 | Lage en positiv omtale av et sted. | Make a positive reference to a place. | Jeg var bare der til lunsj i dag. Maten var god og det var en stor pris. | I was only there for lunch today. The food was good and it was a huge price. |
A M B I A N C E: Moderately busy, no wait, gargantuan tables, and relatively quick service. It's a stones throw from the casino floor, so you can gamble and nibble, at your leisure. The Noodle Shop seems to attract families with kids, the most. T H O U G H T S: I basically paid to have a tummy ache. Grease takes the place of quality. I went because it's here, but immediately regretted it. Despite all this ''luxury'' and ''high end'' prices in Las Vegas, I find the food doesn't match other western cities like San Francisco, Vancouver, Los Angeles or Seattle. Shame.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,078 | A M B I A N C C E: Tålmodig opptatt, ikke vente, fengende bord og relativt rask service. Det er et steinkast fra kasinoet, så du kan spille og småspise, på fritiden. Noodle Shop ser ut til å tiltrekke seg familier med barn, mest. Jeg betalte for å ha vondt i magen. Greasing tar plassen til kvalitet. Jeg gikk fordi den er her, men angret straks. Trass i alle disse prisene i Las Vegas, er ikke maten i andre vestlige byer som San Francisco, Vancouver, Los Angeles eller Seattle. .. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | A M B I A N C C E: patiently busy, not waiting, catchy table and relatively fast service. It's a stone's throw from the casino, so you can play games and snacks, in your spare time. Noodle Shop seems to attract families with children, mostly. I paid to have a stomach ache. Grease takes the place of quality. I left because it's here, but I immediately regretted it. Despite all these prices in Las Vegas, the food in other Western cities is not like San Francisco, Vancouver, Los Angeles, or Seattle. .. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Nice place. I liked the good atmosphere, food is good but portions r too small. Clientele seem nice and classy.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,079 | Fint sted. Jeg likte den gode atmosfæren, maten er god, men porsjonene er for små. Det ser ut til å være en hyggelig og hyggelig familie. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Nice place. I liked the good atmosphere, the food's good, but the portions are too small. It seems to be a nice and pleasant family. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
What would be an example of an negative review? | Bad service and bad food. I ordered the chicken fajita's and the chicken was all dark meat and overspiced. I've had better Garcia's experiences but I'm souring on the chain. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,080 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale? | What would be an example of negative publicity? | Slem service og dårlig mat. Jeg bestilte kyllingen fajita's og kyllingen var alt mørkt kjøtt og overstekt. Jeg har hatt bedre erfaringer, men jeg drømmer om kjedet. | Bad service and bad food. I ordered the chicken fajita's, and the chicken was all dark meat and overcooked. I've had better experiences, but I dream about the necklace. |
What would be an example of an positive review? | We ate dinner here three times in a five-night stay, and were delighted each time. I have a sushi problem (in that I can't stop eating it; delicious, fishy crack). We did the "Roll Boat" twice to eliminate the drama of getting four people to pick what they like individually, and both times attacked that ship like it was the Bismarck. Sure, some the rolls were a bit "Americanized"--tempura, cream cheese, goo--but they were yummy. One that's not on the boat is the Sunshine Roll, which includes thinly sliced lemon, a new sushi-flavor-favorite of mine. The foodie pickin's are slim at The Orleans (to quote a friend, you can only Ruck so much Fudd). Koji is a winner--and not just by default. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,081 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale? | What would be an example of positive publicity? | Vi spiste middag her tre ganger i et fem-natts-opphold, og var henrykt hver gang. Jeg har et sushiproblem (ved at jeg ikke kan slutte å spise det; deilig, fiskeaktig sprekk). Vi gjorde \"Rollebåten\" to ganger for å eliminere dramaet med å få fire personer til å velge hva de liker best individuelt, og begge gangene angrep det skipet som om det var Bismarck. Ja, noen av rundrullene var litt... Amerikanske --tempura, kremost, goo - men de var jo helt fine. En som ikke er på båten er Sunshine Roll, som inkluderer tynn skivet sitron, en ny sushi-smak-favoritt av min. Matrikseplukkerens er slanke hos The Orléans (til sitat en venn kan du bare Ruck so mye fudd). Koji er en vinner - og ikke bare som standard. | We had dinner here three times in a five-night stay, and we were thrilled every time. I have a sushi problem (by not being able to stop eating it; delicious fishy crack). We did the "Rolling Boat" twice to eliminate the drama by getting four people to choose what they like best individually, and both times attacked that ship as if it were Bismarck. Yeah, some of the rolls were a little... American --tempura, cream cheese, goo-- but they were just fine. One that's not on the boat is Sunshine Roll, which includes thin sliced lemon, a new sushi-flavoured favorite of mine. The matrix picker is slim at The Orleans (for a quote a friend can only Ruck so much fudd). Koji's a winner and not just as standard. |
How might one describe the sentiment of this review?
I love this place. Great sliders and thats the only thing I get.
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,082 | Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg elsker dette stedet. Store glidebrytere, og det er det eneste jeg får. VANS: - - negativ - positive | How can the words of this article be described? I love this place. Big sliders, and that's all I get. VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Is the following review positive or negative?
The M Resort is perhaps the most overrated Casino in Las Vegas, it sits as the very first Casino into Las Vegas - and it's well worth driving past and heading onto other properties. I'm a local player and I have never experienced bad service as I have at the M Resort, on the first night - a friend wanted to introduce me to the M Resort, she boasted at how well I would be taken care off, so off we went. I dropped $700 on the table for change, and we proceeded to play. I was doing okay, friend was losing a lot and quickly - and as we were playing, I was quite shocked to hear the Pit Boss turn and scold the dealer in front of me in fact, it can be described as a 3 minute argument - as I sat there staring at them, waiting for the cards to be dealt. After that little fiasco, I cashed out at $950 and headed back to Green Valley Ranch. On several occasions after, I have opted to visit the M outside of my favorite local hangout (GVR), The M is quite out of the way for me, as I live just around the corner from GVR - and I usually play around 5pm 3-4 days a week. I enter the M to find that there are no double deck Blackjack tables available, either they were too full or changed to a higher limit to accommodate one person. I asked if there was a way to get a table open, and I was told I had to wait until 7:30pm. The first time this happened, I was disappointed because I was looking forward to an evening at the M. The second time this happened, I immediately contacted my Casino Host Gary to bring his attention to the matter. He asked me to speak with the Floor Manager the next time I am in. I once again attempted a trip out to the M, this time I was told that there wasn't enough business during the day to open another table. I come in to play $25 blackjack, which means I have more than $100 in my wallet - I would imagine that I had more to spend than it would cost to pay the full days salary of one dealer - so this made no sense to me, I didn't argue and I headed to Green Valley Ranch where I played happily and stayed the night. What burns me about this, is that the M is out of the way for me, and I only ever visit to accommodate my friends or because I really do like my Casino Host. Last night I once again went to the M Resort - this was at 7pm but I had a bad losing streak at GVR so I wasn't in the mood to play at the M. We opted to go to the Buffet for dinner, we entered the Casino Host room - and was greeted by Myong - I asked for Gary who wasn't available, we then asked her if she could write up a comp for my friend and we were given 2 buffets - she then says "In the future, this room is for M Card Holders" go outside to get your comps. I was nearly flabbergasted at how she responded, she did not look at us, nor did she bother to acknowledge that we called for my Casino Host who is incidentally working with me to get my play at the M Resort instead of GVR - I quickly looked at her and said - that she and the Casino has lost my business - and that she could relay that to my Casino Host. I understand that businesses offer extra services for people who play often and high, but I have tried on many occasions to spend money at the M, and then to be brushed off without so much as trying to help or being nice about it, is just plain rude. I hold a chairman's card at GVR - one would assume, that if I play that much at one place - you had an open door to steal that business, apparently they are not interested. We went to the buffet and sat all the way at the back - the room with a view which was fine, we had a nice booth and that worked. I recall going to the M Buffet in the past, and was always happy, and perhaps it was the way I was treated at the Host Room that may have influenced my experience, but the food was just boring... I really wished we had gone to GVR's buffet were I could have my crab stir fried spicy rather than praying that the oysters they had out weren't going to kill me. This was perhaps surprising for me, as I had just lost a heck of a lot of money at GVR but I wanted to be there instead. Unfortunately for me, my friend is heading into town this week for a few days and staying at the M - I won't spend a dime in there, so now I need to figure out how to venture her out of that forsaken place and head into perhaps the Wynn Resort - which is now growing into my second favorite hang out. In conclusion, if you are going to the M Resort to eat, don't expect the same as you had in the past, the buffet at Planet Hollywood is still better and one I highly recommend over the M Resort. For gaming, if you're opting for tables other than machines - you are much better off passing this place up.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,083 | Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? M Resort er kanskje den mest overvurderte Casino i Las Vegas, den er den aller første Casino i Las Vegas - og det er vel verdt å kjøre forbi og på vei til andre eiendommer. Jeg er en lokal spiller og jeg har aldri opplevd dårlig service som jeg har gjort på M Resort, den første kvelden - en venn ønsket å introdusere meg for M Resort, hun skrøt av hvor godt jeg ville bli tatt vare på, så av sted dro vi. Jeg falt $700 på bordet for forandring, og vi fortsatte å spille. Jeg hadde det bra, venn var i ferd med å tape mye og raskt - og mens vi spilte, var jeg ganske sjokkert over å høre Pit Boss-svingen og skjenne på langeren foran meg faktisk, det kan beskrives som et 3-minutters argument - mens jeg satt der og stirret på dem, og ventet på at kortene skulle bli delt ut. Etter den lille fiaskoen tjente jeg 950 dollar og drog tilbake til Grønnedalen. Flere ganger etter har jeg valgt å besøke M-en utenfor favorittstedet mitt (GVR), M-en er ganske ute av veien for meg, siden jeg bor rett rundt hjørnet fra GVR - og jeg spiller vanligvis rundt 5pm 3-4 dager i uken. Jeg går inn på M-en for å finne ut at det ikke finnes dobbeltdekkerbord tilgjengelig, enten de var for fulle eller endret til en høyere grense for å få plass til én person. Jeg spurte om det var en måte å få et bord åpent på, og jeg fikk beskjed om at jeg måtte vente til 19.30pm. Første gang dette skjedde, var jeg skuffet over at jeg så fram til en kveld på M. Den andre gangen dette skjedde, kontaktet jeg straks min Casino Host Gary for å gjøre ham oppmerksom på saken. Han ba meg om å snakke med første etasje neste gang jeg er i. Jeg forsøkte atter en gang en tur ut til M-en, denne gangen fikk jeg beskjed om at det ikke var nok forretninger om dagen til å åpne et annet bord. Jeg kommer inn for å spille på en vanlig blackjack, som betyr at jeg har mer enn 100 dollar i lommeboka mi - jeg vil tenke meg at jeg hadde mer å bruke enn det ville kostet å betale hele lønnen på en dag - så dette ga ingen mening for meg, jeg kranglet ikke og jeg dro til Green Valley Ranch hvor jeg spilte lykkelig og ble natten over. Det som plager meg, er at M-en er ute av veien for meg, og jeg besøker bare for å ta meg av vennene mine, eller fordi jeg virkelig liker Casino-verten min. I går kveld gikk jeg nok en gang til M Resort - dette var på 7pm men jeg hadde en dårlig tapsrase ved GVR så jeg var ikke i humør til å spille på M. Vi valgte å gå til Buffeten for middag, vi kom inn i rommet til Casino verten - og ble hilst av Myong - jeg spurte etter Gary som ikke var tilgjengelig, vi spurte henne så om hun kunne skrive opp et komp for min venn og vi fikk 2 buffet - så sier hun - I fremtiden, dette rommet er for M Card Holders - gå utenfor for å få din comps. Jeg var nesten flabbete over hvordan hun svarte, hun så ikke på oss, og hun brydde seg ikke med å erkjenne at vi ringte etter min Casino Host som tilfeldigvis jobber med meg for å få mitt spill på M Resort i stedet for GVR - Jeg raskt så på henne og sa - at hun og Casino har mistet min virksomhet - og at hun kunne relansere det til min Casino Vert. Jeg forstår at firmaer tilbyr ekstra tjenester for folk som spiller ofte og høyt, men jeg har mange ganger prøvd å bruke penger på M, og deretter å bli avfeiet uten så mye som å prøve å hjelpe eller være snill med det, er bare rett og slett uhøflig. Jeg har et styreformannkort på GVR. En ville anta at hvis jeg spiller så mye på et sted, hadde du en åpen dør til å stjele den, tydeligvis er de ikke interessert. Vi gikk bort til buffeten og satt helt bak - rommet med en utsikt som var fin, vi hadde en fin bod og som fungerte. Jeg gikk til M-buffetten tidligere, og var alltid glad, og kanskje det var måten jeg ble behandlet på på Vertsrommet som kan ha påvirket min erfaring, men maten var bare kjedelig... Jeg skulle ønske vi hadde dratt til GVRs buffa, om jeg kunne få min krabbe-steikte krydder istedenfor å be om at de østersene de hadde ut ikke ville drepe meg. Dette var kanskje overraskende for meg, for jeg hadde akkurat tapt en haug med penger på GVR, men jeg ville være der i stedet. Dessverre for meg, er min venn på vei til byen denne uken for noen dager og bor på M - Jeg vil ikke bruke en krone der inne, så nå må jeg finne ut hvordan jeg kan ta henne ut av det forlatte stedet og dra inn i kanskje Wynn Resort - som nå vokser inn i min andre favoritt henger ut. Hvis du skal spise på M Resort, ikke forvent det samme som du hadde tidligere, er buffeten på Planet Hollywood enda bedre og en jeg anbefaler over M Resort. For spilling, hvis man velger andre bord enn maskiner - er det mye bedre å dele ut dette stedet. VANS: - - negativ - positive | Is this a good thing or a bad thing? M Resort is perhaps the most overrated Casino in Las Vegas, it's the very first Casino in Las Vegas - and it's well worth driving by and on the way to other properties. I'm a local player and I've never had bad service like I've done at M Resort, the first night--a friend wanted to introduce me to M Resort, she bragged about how well I'd be taken care of, so off we go. I fell $700 on the table for change, and we kept playing. I was fine, my friend was about to lose a lot and fast--and while we were playing, I was quite shocked to hear the Pit Boss turn and scold the dealer in front of me actually, it could be described as a three-minute argument-- sitting there staring at them, waiting for the cards to be handed out. After that little fiasco, I made $950 and returned to the Valley of Greens. Several times after, I have chosen to visit the M outside my favorite place (GVR), the M is pretty out of my way, since I live right around the corner from the GVR - and I usually play around 5pm 3-4 days a week. I'm going into the M to find out that there are no double deck tables available, whether they were too full or changed to a higher limit to make room for one person. I asked if there was a way to get a table open, and I was told to wait until 7:30 p.m. The first time this happened, I was disappointed that I was looking forward to an evening at M. The second time this happened, I immediately contacted my Casino Host Gary to alert him to the matter. He asked me to talk to the first floor the next time I'm in. I once again tried to get out to the M, this time I was told that there wasn't enough business a day to open another table. I come in here to play on a regular blackjack, which means I have more than $100 in my wallet--I'll imagine I had more to spend than it would cost to pay the entire salary in one day-- so this made no sense to me, I didn't fight and I went to Green Valley Ranch where I played happy and stayed the night over. What bothers me is that the M is out of my way, and I'm just visiting to take care of my friends, or because I really like my Casino host. Last night, I went to the bathroom. I was almost flabbergasted at how she answered, she didn't look at us, and she didn't bother to admit that we called after my Casino Host who happens to work with me to get my game at M Resort instead of GVR-- I looked at her quickly and said that she and Casino have lost my business--and that she could relocate it to my Casino Host. I understand that companies offer extra services for people who play often and aloud, but I have tried many times to spend money on M, and then to be dismissed without so much as trying to help or be kind to it, is just rude. I have a chairmanship card on GVR, one would assume that if I played so much in one place, you had an open door to steal it, obviously they're not interested. We walked over to the buffet and sat all the way in the back with a nice view, we had a nice booth and that worked. I went to the M-buffette earlier, and I was always happy, and maybe it was the way I was treated in the inn that might have affected my experience, but the food was just boring... I wish we'd gone to the GVR's buffet, if I could have my crab-steak spice instead of praying that the oysters they had out wouldn't kill me. This may have been surprising to me because I had just lost a lot of money on GVR, but I wanted to be there instead. Unfortunately for me, my friend is on his way to town this week for a few days and I don't want to spend a penny in there, so now I have to figure out how to take her out of the abandoned place and go into maybe Wynn Resort-- who now grows into my other favorite hangout. If you're gonna eat at M Resort, don't expect what you had before, the buffet at Planet Hollywood is even better and one I recommend over M Resort. For gambling, if you pick tables other than machines, it's much better to hand out this place. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Over the last 2 weeks, I have bussed down to Penn Avenue in the heart of what many Pittsburgher's know as 'The Cultural District' to enjoy dinner with old friends. BOTH times, the meeting spot was supposed to be Sienna Mercato. Busy with a waiting list, we ended up landing next door for dinner at August Henry's City Saloon. Upon entry to August Henry's, we got a seat right away. This American pub is located between two newer restaurants that are getting a lot of buzz as Downtown Pittsburgh destinations: Ten Penny and the abovementioned Sienna Mercato. With unique ambiance decorating both establishments, I truly believe you are paying for the name vs. the quality experience I had at August Henry's. While dining at August Henry's, friends and I enjoyed sandwiches and salads with drinks from the bar. On visit one, I devoured a Steelworker burger, complete with a sizable beef patty, saut\u00e9ed onions and a pierogie. As decadent as this was, I psyched myself into having a side salad with balsamic dressing in order to feel better about myself. The second visit was equally enjoyable, as I ordered the popular Sweet Potato Chicken Salad as my entr\u00e9e. It was sooooo good. Washing this all down with Vodka and soda on a warm summer evening made for the best cocktail choice (and they have a generous pour I might add). Even though this restaurant is not new, I had never been to it before the restaurants mentioned above along the Pittsburgh - Penn Avenue corridor. Yes, that means August Henry might be the overflowing second choice to the newer options, but I truly did enjoy this staple and hope that it sticks around for years to come.
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,084 | De siste to ukene har jeg kjørt ned til Penn Avenue i hjertet av det mange Pittsburghers kjente som \"kulturdistriktet\" for å nyte middag med gamle venner. Tidligere skulle møtestedet egentlig være Sienna Mercato. Vi var opptatt med en venteliste, og vi havnet på nabo-middag på August Henry's City Saloon. Under ankomsten til August Henry's fikk vi plass med en gang. Denne amerikanske puben ligger mellom to nyere restauranter som er i ferd med å bli mye sus som Downtown Pittsburgh destinasjoner: Ten Penny og den ovennevnte Sienna Mercato. Med unike, tvetydige innredninger i begge virksomheter, tror jeg virkelig at du betaler for navnet vs. kvaliteten erfaringen jeg hadde på August Henrys. Mens vi spiste middag på August Henry's, likte venner og jeg smørbrød og salater med drinker fra baren. På besøk en av dem slukte jeg en Steelworker burger, komplett med en stor biff patty, saut <unk>u00e9ed løk og en mologie. Selv om dette var så ideelt som det var, tenkte jeg meg til å ha et sidekjøkken med balsamdressing for å føle meg bedre. Det andre besøket var like hyggelig, for jeg bestilte den populære Søtpotetkyllingsalaten som min forrett <unk>u00e9e. Det var godt. Å vaske alt dette ned med Vodka og brus på en varm sommerkveld laget for beste åttak for det beste åttak (og de har en generøs porsjon jeg kan legge til). Selv om denne restauranten ikke er ny, hadde jeg aldri vært på den før de ovennevnte restaurantene langs korridoren mellom Pittsburgh og Penn Avenue. Ja, det betyr at August Henry kan være den store andrevalget til de nyere valgene, men jeg virkelig likte denne stiften og håpet at den holder seg rundt i årevis fremover. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | For the past two weeks, I've been driving down to Penn Avenue in the heart of many Pittsburghers known as "the cultural district" to enjoy dinner with old friends. Earlier, the meeting place was supposed to be Sienna Mercato. We were busy with a waiting list, and we ended up at the next-door dinner at August Henry's City Saloon. On arrival at August Henry's, we were able to fit right away. This American pub is located between two more recent restaurants that are becoming a lot of sus like Downtown Pittsburgh destinations: Ten Penny and the above - mentioned Sienna Mercato. With unique, ambiguous furnishings in both businesses, I really believe you're paying for the name vs. the quality of experience I had on August Henrys. While we were having dinner at August Henry's, friends and I liked sandwiches and salads with drinks from the bar. Visiting one of them, I swallowed a Steelworker burger, complete with a big beef patty, saut <unk>uncumbered onions and a mologie. Although this was as ideal as it was, I thought of having a side kitchen with balsam dressing to make me feel better. The second visit was just as pleasant, since I ordered the popular Sweet Potato Chicken Salad as my appetizer <unk>u00e9e. It was good. Washing all this down with Vodka and soda on a hot summer evening made for the best bait (and they have a generous portion to add). Although this restaurant is not new, I would never have been in it before the above - mentioned restaurants along the corridor between Pittsburgh and Penn Avenue. Yeah, that means August Henry may be the big second choice to the newer elections, but I really liked this staple and hoped it'd stay around for years to come. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Went on a Sunday morning about 10am. It was clearly busier than the staff and kitchen crew are able to handle. The place was packed but the tables were not full. It took a while to order and then the order was not correct when it came to the table. The appetizer cinnamon roll never came, my drink was not refilled and my pancake was burnt (black). The hash browns needed some love and my french toast seemed old. I hope they get their act together, it has the right ingredients to make it happen.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,085 | Var på en søndag morgen ved 10-tiden. Det var tydelig mer travlere enn de ansatte og kjøkkenpersonalet er i stand til å håndtere. Stedet var fullt, men bordene var ikke fulle. Det tok en stund å bestille og da var ikke rekkefølgen riktig når den kom til bordet. Forrett kanelrullen kom aldri, drikken min ble ikke gjenfylt og pannekaken min ble brent (svart). Hashbrunsen trengte litt kjærlighet og min franske toast virket gammel. Jeg håper de tar seg sammen, at det har de rette ingrediensene til å få det til å skje. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I was on a Sunday morning around 10:00. It was clearly more busy than staff and kitchen staff are able to handle. The place was full, but the tables weren't full. It took me a while to order, and then the order wasn't right when it came to the table. The cinnamon roll never came, my drink was not refilled and my pancake was burned (black). Hashbrunsen needed a little love and my French toast seemed old. I hope they pull themselves together, that it has the right ingredients to make it happen. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Generate a negative review for a place. | Says they are open til 7, so why when I walk in at 6:30 they are going to turn my business away... Never going back here | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,086 | Lage en negativ omtale av et sted. | Make a negative reference to a place. | Når jeg går inn kl. 06.30, vender de meg ryggen og vender aldri tilbake hit. | When I go in at 6:30, they turn their backs on me and never return here. |
Write a negative yelp review. | I wanted to try another Vietnamese place other than Cyclo and friends suggested we try Pho. Well lesson learned. This place is no Cyclo period. The food was just OK and while the service was friendly enough I couldn't help but think it was all a pale imitation of the best Vietnamese joint in Chandler ... so if you are craving this type of food stick with Cyclo. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,087 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg ville prøve et annet vietnamesisk annet annet sted enn encyklo og venner foreslo at vi prøvde Pho. Dette er et godt eksempel på dette. Dette stedet er ikke en tidsperiode. Maten var bare OK og mens servicen var vennlig nok kunne jeg ikke unngå å tro at det hele var en blek etterligning av det beste vietnamesiske leddet i verdi, så hvis du er suge denne typen matstokk med cyclo. | I wanted to try another Vietnamese place other than encyclo and my friends suggested that we try Pho. This is a good example. This place is not a time period. The food was just OK and while the service was friendly enough I couldn't help but think it was a pale imitation of the best Vietnamese joint in value, so if you're sucking this kind of food stick with cyclo. |
Horrible customer service. Asked if there was a wait, they stated ""No, we can take you now." Was seated to soak and I waited 15 min. They took another customer before me and I asked again at this point how long was the wait. They stated 10 more min. Was more upset that they lied about taking me right away and still didn't apologize for having me wait. Wouldn't recommend this place to anyone!
Was this review given positively or negatively?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,088 | Fryktelig kundeservice. De spurte om det var noen som ventet, og sa: \"Nei, vi kan ta deg med nå<unk> Jeg satt på do og ventet i 15 min. De tok en annen kunde foran meg og jeg spurte igjen på dette punktet hvor lenge det var vent. De sa ti til min. Var mer opprørt over at de løy om at de tok meg med en gang, men ba ikke om unnskyldning for at jeg måtte vente. Det er ikke til noen å anbefale dette stedet! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Terrible customer service. They asked if anyone was waiting and said, "No, we can take you now. I was in the bathroom waiting 15 minutes. They took another customer in front of me and I asked again at this point how long it was waiting. They said ten to mine. I was more upset that they lied about taking me right away, but I did not apologize for waiting. It's not for anyone to recommend this place! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Write a positive yelp review. | My hubby really wanted to try Emeril's table 10....I on the other hand am not a huge fan of New Orleans style cooking, but I'm always game to try something fresh. We were the only ones dining for lunch because we got there right as they opened at 11AM. He had the po boy and I had rotisserie chicken salad. My salad was pretty tasty and he really enjoyed his po boy, so all in all it made for a great place to catch lunch before hitting the tables. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,089 | Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a positive yelp review. | Jeg er ikke så glad i New Orleans-stil-laging, men jeg er alltid med på å prøve noe nytt. Vi var de eneste som spiste til lunsj fordi vi kom dit rett som de åpnet på 11AM. Han hadde po gutten og jeg hadde hasselsyrekylling. Salaten min var ganske smakfull og han likte pogutten sin, så alt i alt laget for et flott sted å spise lunsj før å ta bordene. | I don't like New Orleans style making, but I'm always in the mood to try something new. We were the only ones who ate for lunch because we got there just like they opened at 11AM. He had the po boy and I had hazel acid chicken. My salad was quite tasty and he liked his poy boy, so everything in all made for a great place to have lunch before taking the tables. |
Generate a positive review for a place. | I was very impressed with the decor, the service and the food! My colleague and I were staying at Treasure Island for a trade show and decided on Mexican food for dinner. I'm happy ISLA was the choice. Warm, crunchy tortillas with three dipping sauces came out and made no need for an appetizer, although they had very tempting choices. My co-worker ordered the steak pyramid and it looked amazing on the menu. When it actually came out, my first impression was that it was smaller than I expected, but it did come with a side of rice and beans. I got a bite of the meat and ohhhhh la la, that's some tender ass meat! I don't know what they use to marinate it but damn it was yummy. I, on the other hand, ordered the pork sliders with fries (I am a french fry fiend!) There were 3 total and I got full after the 2nd one. The entire experience, lighting, decor, food presentation was all very impressive. It was definitely a far call from the hole-in-the-wall joints in SJ. If you're ever by Treasure Island, drop by ISLA, you won't be disappointed! | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,090 | Lage en positiv omtale av et sted. | Make a positive reference to a place. | Jeg ble svært imponert over dekoren, tjenesten og maten! Min kollega og jeg bodde på Skattøya for et handelsshow og bestemte oss for å spise meksikansk mat til middag. Jeg er glad det var ISLA som var valget. Varm, sprø tortillas med tre dippingsauser kom ut og gjorde at de ikke trengte en forrett, selv om de hadde svært fristende valg. Min kollega bestilte biffpyramiden, og den så fantastisk ut på menyen. Da det faktisk kom ut, var mitt første inntrykk at det var mindre enn jeg forventet, men det kom med en side av ris og bønner. Jeg fikk en bit av kjøttet, og det er litt av et kjøttstykke! Jeg vet ikke hva de bruker til å marinere den, men det var godt. Jeg derimot, bestilte svinegull-sliperne med pommes frites (Jeg er en frityrstekt frityrstekt fiend!) Det var tre og jeg fikk full etter den andre. Hele opplevelsen, lyssettingen, dekoren, matpresentasjonen var imponerende. Det var definitivt langt fra de hull i veggen i SJ. Hvis du noen gang er ved Skatteøya, kommer du ikke til å bli skuffet! | How impressed I was by the decoration, the ministry, and the food! My colleague and I stayed on Treasure Island for a trade show and decided to eat Mexican food for dinner. I'm glad it was ISLA who was the choice. Hot, crisp tortillas with three dipping sauces came out and made them not needing an appetizer, even though they had very tempting choices. My colleague ordered the steak pyramid, and it looked fantastic on the menu. When it actually came out, my first impression was that it was less than I expected, but it came with a side of rice and beans. I got a piece of the meat, and it's quite a piece of meat! I don't know what they use to marinate it, but it was good. I, on the other hand, ordered the pork toasters with French fries (I am a fried fried fart!) It was three and I got drunk after the other one. The whole experience, the lighting, the decor, the food presentation was impressive. It was definitely a long way from those holes in the wall in SJ. If you are ever at Treasure Island, you will not be disappointed! |
What would be an example of an negative review? | I went to first watch for first time and will not be back. I ordered the Chickichanga. The potatoes were burned. I also feel like they were frozen potatoes. The chicken I had inside felt like rubber. And tasted just like frozen Tyson chicken. I felt like I was on an episode of restaurant impossible where I had to taste and criticize the terrible food. The service was not as wonderful as everyone is saying. Yes they were nice but that's all. The host sat us in the very back of the restaurant when there was clearly room towards the front for us to sit. It took at least 10 min for anyone to come to us. After we got our food about 15 min later the waitress brought our bill. It felt as if they were trying to rush us out. But by then I was disgusted by the food I honestly was ready. But hey the water was good. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,091 | Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale? | What would be an example of negative publicity? | Jeg var på første vakt for første gang, og jeg kommer ikke tilbake. Jeg bestilte chickichanga. Potetene ble brent. Jeg føler også at det var fryste poteter. Den kyllingen jeg hadde inni meg føltes som gummi. Og smakte akkurat som frossen Tyson kylling. Det føltes som om jeg var på restaurant, umulig der jeg måtte smake og kritisere den forferdelige maten. Tjenesten var ikke så fantastisk som alle sier. Ja, de var hyggelige, men det er alt. Verten satte oss helt bak på restauranten da det var tydelig plass foran så vi kunne sitte. Det tok minst 10 min før noen kom til oss. Da vi hadde fått mat 15 min, kom servitrisen med regningen. Det føltes som om de prøvde å jage oss ut. Men da følte jeg avsky for den maten jeg var klar til å spise. Men hei vannet var godt. | I was on the first watch for the first time, and I'm not coming back. I ordered the chicichanga. The potatoes were burned. I also feel like they were frozen potatoes. That chicken I had inside felt like rubber. And tasted just like frozen Tyson chicken. I felt as if I were in a restaurant, impossible where I had to taste and criticize that terrible food. The ministry was not as wonderful as everyone says. Yeah, they were nice, but that's all. The host put us all the way in the back of the restaurant when there was clear space in front for us to sit. It took at least 10 minutes before someone came to us. When we had food 15 minutes, the waitress brought the check. I felt like they were trying to run us out. But then I was disgusted with the food I was ready to eat. But hey the water was good. |
Not a 3 or 4 star. This place needs some real work and improvement from salads to steak menu if its claiming an Iron chef menu ! You will not get a Bobby Flay experience here just descent food.
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,092 | Ikke en tre- eller firestjerner. Stedet trenger virkelig arbeid og forbedring fra salater til biffmeny hvis det skal være en Iron Chef-meny. Du vil ikke få en Bobby Flay-opplevelse her bare føde her. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Not a three or four stars. The place really needs work and improvement from salads to the steak menu if it's going to be an Iron Chef menu. You won't have a Bobby Flay experience here just giving birth here. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Who doesn't love Dunkin donuts?! However cashier rude about using coupons and when I visit donuts I want they are never available & manager doesn't even care ! It sad
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,093 | Hvem elsker ikke Dunkin Donuts?!! Uansett hva kassatøren er frekk med å bruke kuponger og når jeg besøker donuts Jeg vil at de aldri er tilgjengelige & manager ikke engang bryr seg . Hva er det trist å høre i denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | Who doesn't love Dunkin Donuts?!! Whatever the cashier has a nerve about using coupons and when I visit doughnuts I want them never to be available & manager doesn't even care. What's sad about this review? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Write a negative yelp review. | I really didn't know what to make of this place when I first saw it. It looked like a shopping center, but one look inside tells a different story. It's actually a historical building that houses a few businesses, and had plaques and displays on the walls telling the stories of some of the men who helped develop the south end area. After reading about their various deeds I came to the conclusion that like most historically great men, these guys were misguided elitists. Culturally accepted child labor and class-ism aside, this place had a kind of creepy old institution/ Resident Evil feel to it. But then I'm into that kind of thing. It's a nice place to visit if you're in the neighborhood, but I wouldn't seek it out. | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,094 | Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse. | Write a negative yelp review. | Jeg visste ikke hva jeg skulle gjøre med dette stedet da jeg så det første gang. Det så ut som et kjøpesenter, men ett av dem forteller en annen historie. Det er egentlig en historisk bygning som huser noen få bedrifter, og hadde plaketter og utstilling på veggene som forteller historiene til noen av mennene som hjalp til med å utvikle søndre ende-området. Etter å ha lest om deres ulike gjerninger, kom jeg til den konklusjon at som de fleste historiske stormenn, var disse karene ville elitister. Kulturelt akseptert barnearbeid og klasse-isme til side, dette stedet hadde en slags skummel gammel institusjon/Resident Evil føler for det. Men så er jeg inne i den slags ting. Det er et fint sted å besøke hvis du er i nabolaget, men jeg ville ikke funnet det ut. | I didn't know what to do with this place when I first saw it. It looked like a mall, but one of them tells another story. It's actually a historic building that houses a few companies, and had plaques and exhibitions on the walls that tell the stories of some of the men who helped develop the south end area. After reading about their various works, I came to the conclusion that, like most historical lords, these men were savagely elitist. Culturally accepted child labor and class-ism aside, this place had some kind of creepy old institution/Resident Evil feels about it. But then I'm in that kind of thing. It's a nice place to visit if you're in the neighborhood, but I wouldn't have found out. |
What is the sentiment of the following review?
The rave reviews around this buffet has made it out to be legen, wait for it, I hope your not lactose intolerant, DARY! A group of nine came in here for a joint birthday after hearing that it was an amazing treat. Some of us got there early in case there was a line, but were greeted with five or six people queuing at any given moment. We decided to go downstairs, get a few drinks, and chill at the Vesper bar while the rest of our party gathered. Eventually everyone made it for the 6 o'clock dinner appointment. The cashier was very patient with us as we sorted out our bill. Some had cards, while others had cash. Not once did she cringe or look put out. That was a good start. The weekend dinner was $35 dollars, add tax and the 18% gratuity for a large party, and it comes out to $45 per person. The service was quick and attentive, so the gratuity was deserved, but the food selection does not warrant the price. The few specialty items such as the truffle potatoes, bone marrow, ratatouille, and lamb were delicious. Chinese food is like a salad bar, meant to fill you up and cost them nothing. I cannot help, but make a stop at this station when visiting a buffet. It pains me to say that the best dish offered at this station was the General Tsao Chicken. The kalbi was mediocre in flavor, but had a great charred crust. The consideration of removing the complete shell on the shrimp made for quick eating, but the cocktail sauce has no zest. The crab claws had a nice briny taste which I enjoy in seafood. The ceviche was good, but not spectacular. The most disappointing part of the whole experience was the dessert island. They are all visually astonishing, but lacked in pleasurableness to the palate. The chocolate strawberries were plump and juicy, but the chocolate did not contribute anything to it. The salted peanut gelato was my favorite. The creamy streaks of caramel, vanilla base, and bits of salted peanuts reminded me of a Payday. The balance of flavors were exquisite. The pistachio, lemon, and mint were also delicious. Be careful of the lemon, because it is pucker inducing. Overall, you can do one of the other buffets for a fraction of the price and be satisfied.
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,095 | Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Rav-anmeldelsene rundt denne buffeten har gjort det ut til å bli benent, vent på det, jeg håper ikke du har laktoseallergi, DARY! En gruppe på ni kom inn hit for en felles fødselsdag etter å ha hørt at det var en utrolig godbit. Noen av oss kom tidlig i tilfelle det var en kø, men ble møtt med fem eller seks personer som ble spurt når som helst. Vi bestemte oss for å gå ned, ta noen drinker og ta det med ro på Vesper-baren mens resten av partiet vårt var samlet. Etterhvert gjorde alle det til middagsavtalen klokken 6. Kassereren var svært tålmodig med oss da vi ordnet opp i regningen vår. Noen hadde kort, mens andre hadde kontanter. Ikke en eneste gang bedste hun, eller se utskutt. Det var en god start. Helgemiddagen var på 35 kroner, tilleggsskatt og 18% grati for en stor fest, og det kommer ut til 45 kroner per person. Tjenesten var rask og oppmerksom, så gratuiteten var fortjent, men matutvalget gir ikke rett til prisen. De få spesialitetene som trøffelpotetene, benmargen, ratatouille og lam var deilige. Kinesisk mat er som en salatbar, ment for å fylle deg opp og koste dem ingenting. Jeg kan ikke hjelpe, men ta en stopp på denne stasjonen når jeg besøker en bable. Det smerter meg å si at den beste retten på denne stasjonen var general Tsao. Kalbien var middelmådig i smak, men hadde en stor forkullet skorpe. Det å fjerne hele skallet på reken som er laget for hurtigspising, men cocktailsausen har ikke noe å si. Krabbeklørne hadde en fin, bitende smak som jeg liker i sjømat. C-seksjonen var god, men ikke oppsiktsvekkende. Det mest mest første av hele opplevelsen var dessertøya. De er alle synlige, men de kan ikke måle seg med ganen. Sjokoladejordbæret var plopp og saftig, men sjokoladen bidro ikke til noe. Jeg likte best saltet peanøttgelé. De kremaktige innslagene av karamell, vanilje og små biter av salte peanøtter minnet meg om en søndag. Smaksbalansen var utsøkt. Pistasje, sitron og mynte var også deilig. Vær forsiktig med sitronen, for den er puck inducing. Du kan gjøre en av de andre prosentene for en brøkdel av prisen og være fornøyd. VANS: - - negativ - positive | What will the following article show? The rav reviews around this buffet have made it look like it's going to be boned, wait for it, I hope you're not lactose intolerant, DARY! A group of nine came in here for a shared birthday after hearing that it was an incredible treat. Some of us arrived early in case there was a line but were met with five or six people who were asked at any time. We decided to go downstairs, have a few drinks and take it easy at the Vesper bar while the rest of our party was together. Eventually, everyone made it to their dinner date at 6. The cashier was very patient with us when we straightened out our bill. Some had cards, others had cash. Not once did she pray or look shot. That's a good start. The weekend dinner was $35, plus tax, and 18% grati for a big party, and it comes out at $45 per person. The ministry was quick and alert, so the congratulations were deserved, but the food committee does not give the right to the price. The few specialties such as truffle potatoes, bone marrow, ratatouille, and lamb were delicious. Chinese food is like a salad bar, meant to fill you up and cost them nothing. I can't help you, but when I visit a babbling, take a stop at this station. It pains me to say that the best dish on this station was General Tsao. The Kalbi was mediocre in taste, but had a large charred crust. Removing the entire shell of the shrimp made for fast eating, but the cocktail sauce does not matter. The crab claws had a fine, biting taste that I like in seafood. The C section was good, but it wasn't spectacular. Most of the whole experience was dessert Island. They're all visible, but they don't match the palate. The chocolate strawberry was plump and juicy, but the chocolate did nothing. I liked the salted peanut jelly the best. The creamy bits of caramel, vanilla, and small pieces of salted peanuts reminded me of one Sunday. The balance of taste was exquisite. Pistachio, lemon and mint were delicious too. Be careful with the lemon because it's puck inducing. You can do one of the other percentages for a fraction of the price and be satisfied. VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
I forgot what I ordered but anything chocolate is good here. Just remember to eat dessert before the main meal.
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,096 | Jeg har glemt hva jeg bestilte, men alt er bra her. Husk å spise dessert før hovedmåltidet. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I forgot what I ordered, but everything's fine here. Remember to eat dessert before the main meal. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Great place to go on First Fridays. Phoenix has an art walk, galleries are open, food and street art all available, even Ollie the trolley to give you a lift from the Phoenix Art Museum to the main areas of the art galleries. So Park at the Phoenix Art Museum on the first Friday of the month, free admission, donation recommended and enjoy the museum. Once your done with the museum Ollie the trolley will give you a ride to downtown where more art and food can be had. As for the museum it has great contemporary art as well as classic art. It is several stories high and displays several exhibits throughout. We enjoyed the classic art and the modern exhibits as well. My suggestion is to go on the first Friday of the month so that you can enjoy the museum at a donation admission price. Then take Ollie the trolley to Roosevelt and enjoy local art, street art, and food. Take in the complete Phoenix art scene in one night. Enjoy :)
Is this review positive or negative?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,097 | Det er et fint sted å dra på første fredager. Føniks har en kunstgang, gallerier er åpne, mat- og gatekunst alt tilgjengelig, selv Ollie trolleyen for å gi deg en heis fra Fønikskunstmuseet til hovedområdene i kunstgalleriene. Park i Phoenix kunstmuseum første fredag i måneden, gratis adgang, donasjon, anbefalte derfor og likte museet. Når du er ferdig med museet Ollie, vil trolleyen kjøre deg til et sted hvor man kan få mer kunst og mat. Når det gjelder museet har det både stor samtidskunst og klassisk kunst. Det er flere eventyr høyt og viser flere utstillinger gjennom hele. Vi likte også den klassiske kunst og de moderne utstillinger. Mitt forslag er å gå på den første fredagen i måneden slik at du kan nyte museet på en donasjonsnotispris. Så tar du Ollie trolleyen til Roosevelt og liker lokal kunst, gatekunst og mat. Ta inn den komplette kunstscenen i Phoenix på én natt. Du kan lese:) Er denne anmeldelsen positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive | It's a nice place to go on Fridays. Phoenix has an art gallery, galleries are open, food and street art all available, even Ollie the Trolley to give you an elevator from the Phoenix art museum to the main areas of the art galleries. Park, Phoenix Museum of Arts, Friday of the month, free entry, donation, recommended and enjoyed the museum. When you finish the museum Ollie, the trolley will take you to a place where you can get more art and food. In the museum it has both contemporary art and classical art. There are several adventures high and showing more exhibitions throughout. We also enjoyed classical art and modern exhibitions. My suggestion is to go to the first Friday of the month so you can enjoy the museum at a donation note price. Then you take Ollie the trolley to Roosevelt and you like local art, street art, and food. Bring in the complete art scene in Phoenix in one night. You can read:) Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
definitely comforting that this place is not too far from where i live now. back in LA we went to in n out ALL THE TIME! anyway, service here is ok. it gets a little busy at times, but they are definitely pretty good about being friendly and as quick as they can. after reading a friend's facebook post about that maxim article and the "secret menu" i had to try and order "road kill" fries...and they refused to make them. that was a total bummer. i thought it wasnt a vegas thing or something, but apparently the one near UNLV will make them. since its so close to my place, im sure i'll be back. gotta love the animal style fries and neopolitan shake!!! and - major plus - i always order extra pickles with my burger and usually i'll get a few on my burger, but they really load it on!!!
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
- negative
- positive | positive | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,098 | Det er en trøst at dette stedet ikke er langt fra der jeg bor nå. I L.A. gikk vi til i n ut hele TID! Uansett, service her er ok. det er litt opptatt av og til, men de er ganske bra om å være vennlig og så fort de kan. etter å ha lest en venns facebook post om den maxime artikkelen og den hemmelige menyen<unk> jeg måtte prøve å bestille way kill<unk> pommes frites ... og de nektet å lage dem. Det var helt forferdelig. Jeg trodde det ikke var en vega-greie eller noe, men tilsynelatende den i nærheten av FN-tilsynet vil lage dem. siden den er så nær mitt sted, så jeg kommer tilbake. Må elske dyrestil pommes frites og nyklassik!!!!!! - og major pluss - jeg bestiller alltid ekstra pickles med min burger og vanligvis vil jeg få noen få på min burger, men de virkelig la det på!!! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive | It's comforting that this place isn't far from where I live now. In L.A., we went to the end of the day! Anyway, the service here is okay. It's a little busy sometimes, but they're pretty good about being friendly and as fast as they can. after reading a friend's Facebook post about the Maxime article and the secret menu<unk> I had to try to order the way kill<unk> fries... and they refused to make them. It was horrible. I thought it wasn't some kind of vegan thing or anything, but apparently the one near the U.N. government is gonna make them. Since it's so close to my place, I'll be back. Must love the animal-style fries and the new classic!!!!!! - and major plus--I always order extra pickles with my burger and usually I'll get a few on my burger, but they really put it on!!!! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive | Fra eller | From or |
Ate here last night for dinner. Overall, this buffet was hit or miss, with a lot of misses. The selection of food was on the small side, compared to most other buffets in town. Most of the entrees were not very good. Stand outs were the short ribs and chili chicken. The do pasta extremely poorly. We only managed to eat one bite of both the lasagne and the shrimp stuffed ravioli w/ pesto sauce. If I hadn't ready the description of the dish I never would have known it was shrimp stuffed OR had a pesto sauce. The filling was white and mushy with no taste. The pesto sauce was dry and green. The vegetables and salads were outstanding! It's really hard to believe. There was mashed butternut squash that was at the very end of the buffet that was very very good. It was next to made to order NY steak and had already been cooked. Not sure where the "made to order" came in. Broccoli, roasted vegetables, fish with mango sauce and five grain salad were also very good. The Tuscan bread salad was awful. The turkey from the carving station was not good either. Hard to believe that they could mess up vegetable pizza, but they did. The dessert bar had great chocolate flan, but not much else of note. The service was not much better. They promptly cleared dishes the moment you got up and they were very good about bringing fresh silverware/napkins, but they managed to spill water on us every time they refilled our glasses! The iced tea was delicious. I would spend my money and calories somewhere else!
What is the sentiment of this review?
- negative
- positive | negative | yelp_polarity_reviews_10templates | 2,772,099 | Spiste her i går kveld til middag. Samlet sett ble denne buffeten truffet eller bom, med mange bom. Utvalget av matvarer var på den lille siden, sammenlignet med de fleste andre bunadsområdene i byen. Det meste av skattene var ikke særlig gode. Utestående var de korte ribbene og kyllingen. Den er ikke så godt som pasta. Vi klarte bare å spise en bit av både lasagne og reke-ravioli med pestosaus. Hvis jeg ikke hadde klargjort beskrivelsen av retten, ville jeg aldri ha visst at det var rekepai med pestosaus. Fyllet var hvitt og grøtete uten smak. Pistosausen var tørr og grønn. Grønnsaker og salater var enestående! Det er vanskelig å tro. Det var moset butternuttersmuliscar som var helt på slutten av buffeten som var veldig bra. Den var ved siden av laget til å bestille NY biff og hadde allerede blitt kokt. Vet ikke hvor den laget til bestilling<unk> kom inn. Brokkoli, stekte grønnsaker, fisk med mangosaus og femkornssalat var også svært gode. Toskcan-brødsalaten var forferdelig. Heller ikke kalkunen fra helleristningsstasjonen var god. Vanskelig å tro at de kunne rote til pizza, men det gjorde de. Desserten hadde stor sjokoladeflan, men ikke mye annet å merke seg. Tjenesten var ikke mye bedre. De ryddet opp så snart du sto opp og de var veldig flinke med ferske sølvtøy/søpler, men de klarte å søle vann på oss hver gang de fylte glassene våre på nytt! Isteen var deilig. Jeg ville brukt penger og kalorier et annet sted! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive | I ate here last night for dinner. Overall, this buffet was hit or missed, with many booms. Food was on the small side, compared with most other rural areas of the city. Most of the taxes weren't very good. The outstanding were the short ribs and the chicken. It's not as good as pasta. We were only able to eat a bite of both lasagna and shrimp ravioli with pesto sauce. If I hadn't prepared the description of the court, I never would have known it was shrimp pie with pesto sauce. The filling was white and mushy, tasteless. Pisto sauce was dry and green. Vegetables and salads were outstanding! It's hard to believe. It was mashed buttersmuliscar that was right at the end of the buffet that was very good. It was next to the team to order New York beef and had already been cooked. I don't know where it was made for ordering<unk> came in. Broccoli, fried vegetables, mango sauce, and five - grain salad were also very good. The Tuscan bread salad was terrible. And the turkey from the lay-off station wasn't good either. It's hard to believe they could fuck up pizza, but they did. Dessert had a large chocolate flan, but not much else to notice. The ministry was not much better. They cleaned up as soon as you got up and they were very good with fresh silver/stopples, but they managed to spill water on us every time they filled our glasses again! The iced tea was delicious. I'd spend money and calories somewhere else! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive | Min_ | Min_ |
Subsets and Splits