sequence | teff
float32 3.72k
| logg
float32 0.9
| m_h
float32 -1.18
⌀ | alpha_m
float32 -0.05
⌀ | teff_err
float32 4.06
| logg_err
float32 0.01
| m_h_err
float32 0
⌀ | alpha_m_err
float32 0
⌀ | radial_velocity
float32 -120.3
| restframe
bool 0
classes | object_id
stringlengths 21
{"flux":[235.30462646484375,235.57249450683594,239.5323486328125,237.77813720703125,234.297592163085(...TRUNCATED) | 5,402.044922 | 4.417627 | -0.19084 | 0.126275 | 30.448032 | 0.032528 | 0.009653 | 0.15244 | -34.259705 | null | b'2M00000523-1937381' |
{"flux":[732.2905883789062,732.4035034179688,735.8148193359375,734.8836669921875,731.9428100585938,7(...TRUNCATED) | 5,645.554199 | 4.109479 | 0.025355 | -0.003634 | 24.981119 | 0.020328 | 0.00523 | 0.006582 | -5.426919 | null | b'2M00001217-1949306' |
{"flux":[740.72314453125,745.2369384765625,743.4450073242188,743.7548828125,747.1035766601562,744.96(...TRUNCATED) | 5,501.772949 | 4.304115 | -0.26875 | 0.090978 | 25.553564 | 0.024555 | 0.006753 | 0.007373 | 19.073862 | null | b'2M00000019-1924498' |
{"flux":[942.277099609375,933.7540893554688,923.4721069335938,930.7180786132812,927.505126953125,912(...TRUNCATED) | 5,740.898926 | 4.483627 | -0.28259 | 0.043098 | 31.077063 | 0.025717 | 0.010371 | 0.106555 | 24.225086 | null | b'2M00001210-1903382' |
{"flux":[579.7974243164062,575.0453491210938,579.459716796875,580.5637817382812,581.3765869140625,58(...TRUNCATED) | 5,555.275391 | 4.2715 | -0.079423 | 0.165715 | 25.872255 | 0.023187 | 0.006249 | 0.07639 | -30.364964 | null | b'2M00001362-1913042' |
{"flux":[628.99365234375,632.7462158203125,627.5806884765625,625.1633911132812,616.106201171875,611.(...TRUNCATED) | 5,945.750977 | 4.123192 | -0.26704 | 0.012409 | 44.246799 | 0.033373 | 0.008147 | 0.012326 | -12.087924 | null | b'2M00000103+1525513' |
{"flux":[1085.29345703125,1084.4114990234375,1107.48291015625,1138.2598876953125,1150.87646484375,11(...TRUNCATED) | 4,784.116699 | 4.536657 | 0.33274 | -0.019712 | 10.28097 | 0.013251 | 0.004441 | 0.003192 | -38.495186 | null | b'2M00000233+1452324' |
{"flux":[397.5511474609375,398.9176025390625,406.7888488769531,414.92901611328125,421.020751953125,4(...TRUNCATED) | 4,914.675293 | 3.30056 | -0.088788 | 0.075476 | 10.838367 | 0.025471 | 0.006966 | 0.006559 | 18.400673 | null | b'2M00000535+1504343' |
{"flux":[495.8196716308594,530.5184936523438,577.9013061523438,605.0595703125,597.1480712890625,596.(...TRUNCATED) | 3,767.693848 | 4.651192 | 0.13223 | -0.052623 | 7.136315 | 0.018335 | 0.008849 | 0.014389 | -20.354631 | null | b'2M00000549+1524008' |
{"flux":[1493.1678466796875,1512.3961181640625,1481.025390625,1448.8934326171875,1471.330810546875,1(...TRUNCATED) | 6,185.443848 | 4.346241 | -0.028165 | -0.042646 | 57.011604 | 0.041619 | 0.008841 | 0.015442 | -2.130117 | null | b'2M00000585+1451550' |
Apogee Dataset
Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is a high-resolution (R~22,000), high signal-to-noise (>100 per pixel typically) stellar spectroscopic survey with 2.5-m telescopes in northern and southern hemisphere in the near infrared H-band wavelength region.
@ARTICLE{2017AJ....154...28B, author = {{Blanton}, Michael R. and et al.}, title = "{Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe}", journal = {j}, keywords = {cosmology: observations, galaxies: general, Galaxy: general, instrumentation: spectrographs, stars: general, surveys, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies}, year = 2017, month = jul, volume = {154}, number = {1}, eid = {28}, pages = {28}, doi = {10.3847/1538-3881/aa7567}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1703.00052}, primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AJ....154...28B}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }
@ARTICLE{2022ApJS..259...35A, author = {{Abdurro'uf} and et al.}, title = "{The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data}", journal = {pjs}, keywords = {Astronomy data acquisition, Astronomy databases, Surveys, 1860, 83, 1671, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics}, year = 2022, month = apr, volume = {259}, number = {2}, eid = {35}, pages = {35}, doi = {10.3847/1538-4365/ac4414}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2112.02026}, primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022ApJS..259...35A}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }
@ARTICLE{2017AJ....154...94M, author = {{Majewski}, Steven R. and {Schiavon}, Ricardo P. and {Frinchaboy}, Peter M. and {Allende Prieto}, Carlos and {Barkhouser}, Robert and {Bizyaev}, Dmitry and {Blank}, Basil and {Brunner}, Sophia and {Burton}, Adam and {Carrera}, Ricardo and {Chojnowski}, S. Drew and {Cunha}, K{'a}tia and {Epstein}, Courtney and {Fitzgerald}, Greg and {Garc{'\i}a P{'e}rez}, Ana E. and {Hearty}, Fred R. and {Henderson}, Chuck and {Holtzman}, Jon A. and {Johnson}, Jennifer A. and {Lam}, Charles R. and {Lawler}, James E. and {Maseman}, Paul and {M{'e}sz{'a}ros}, Szabolcs and {Nelson}, Matthew and {Nguyen}, Duy Coung and {Nidever}, David L. and {Pinsonneault}, Marc and {Shetrone}, Matthew and {Smee}, Stephen and {Smith}, Verne V. and {Stolberg}, Todd and {Skrutskie}, Michael F. and {Walker}, Eric and {Wilson}, John C. and {Zasowski}, Gail and {Anders}, Friedrich and {Basu}, Sarbani and {Beland}, Stephane and {Blanton}, Michael R. and {Bovy}, Jo and {Brownstein}, Joel R. and {Carlberg}, Joleen and {Chaplin}, William and {Chiappini}, Cristina and {Eisenstein}, Daniel J. and {Elsworth}, Yvonne and {Feuillet}, Diane and {Fleming}, Scott W. and {Galbraith-Frew}, Jessica and {Garc{'\i}a}, Rafael A. and {Garc{'\i}a-Hern{'a}ndez}, D. An{'\i}bal and {Gillespie}, Bruce A. and {Girardi}, L{'e}o and {Gunn}, James E. and {Hasselquist}, Sten and {Hayden}, Michael R. and {Hekker}, Saskia and {Ivans}, Inese and {Kinemuchi}, Karen and {Klaene}, Mark and {Mahadevan}, Suvrath and {Mathur}, Savita and {Mosser}, Beno{^\i}t and {Muna}, Demitri and {Munn}, Jeffrey A. and {Nichol}, Robert C. and {O'Connell}, Robert W. and {Parejko}, John K. and {Robin}, A.~C. and {Rocha-Pinto}, Helio and {Schultheis}, Matthias and {Serenelli}, Aldo M. and {Shane}, Neville and {Silva Aguirre}, Victor and {Sobeck}, Jennifer S. and {Thompson}, Benjamin and {Troup}, Nicholas W. and {Weinberg}, David H. and {Zamora}, Olga}, title = "{The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)}", journal = {j}, keywords = {Galaxy: abundances, Galaxy: evolution, Galaxy: formation, Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics, Galaxy: stellar content, Galaxy: structure, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies}, year = 2017, month = sep, volume = {154}, number = {3}, eid = {94}, pages = {94}, doi = {10.3847/1538-3881/aa784d}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1509.05420}, primaryClass = {astro-ph.IM}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017AJ....154...94M}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }
author = {{Wilson}, J.C. and {Hearty}, F.R. and {Skrutskie}, M.F. and {Majewski}, S.R. and {Holtzman}, J.A. and {Eisenstein}, D. and {Gunn}, J. and {Blank}, B. and {Henderson}, C. and {Smee}, S. and {Nelson}, M. and {Nidever}, D. and {Arns}, J. and {Barkhouser}, R. and {Barr}, J. and {Beland}, S. and {Bershady}, M.A. and {Blanton}, M.R. and {Brunner}, S. and {Burton}, A. and {Carey}, L. and {Carr}, M. and {Colque}, J.P. and {Crane}, J. and {Damke}, G.J. and {Davidson}, J.W., Jr. and {Dean}, J. and {Di Mille}, F. and {Don}, K.W. and {Ebelke}, G. and {Evans}, M. and {Fitzgerald}, G. and {Gillespie}, B. and {Hall}, M. and {Harding}, A. and {Harding}, P. and {Hammond}, R. and {Hancock}, D. and {Harrison}, C. and {Hope}, S. and {Horne}, T. and {Karakla}, J. and {Lam}, C. and {Leger}, F. and {MacDonald}, N. and {Maseman}, P. and {Matsunari}, J. and {Melton}, S. and {Mitcheltree}, T. and {O'Brien}, T. and {O'Connell}, R.W. and {Patten}, A. and {Richardson}, W. and {Rieke}, G. and {Rieke}, M. and {Roman-Lopes}, A. and {Schiavon}, R.P. and {Sobeck}, J.S. and {Stolberg}, T. and {Stoll}, R. and {Tembe}, M. and {Trujillo}, J.D. and {Uomoto}, A. and {Vernieri}, M. and {Walker}, E. and {Weinberg}, D.H. and {Young}, E. and {Anthony-Brumfield}, B. and {Bizyaev}, D. and {Breslauer}, B. and {De Lee}, N. and {Downey}, J. and {Halverson}, S. and {Huehnerhoff}, J. and {Klaene}, M. and {Leon}, E. and {Long}, D. and {Mahadevan}, S. and {Malanushenko}, E. and {Nguyen}, D.C. and {Owen}, R. and {S{'a}nchez-Gallego}, J.R. and {Sayres}, C. and {Shane}, N. and {Shectman}, S.~A. and {Shetrone}, M. and {Skinner}, D. and {Stauffer}, F. and {Zhao}, B.},
title = "{The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Spectrographs}",
journal = {\pasp},
keywords = {Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics},
year = 2019,
month = may,
volume = {131},
number = {999},
pages = {055001},
doi = {10.1088/1538-3873/ab0075},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1902.00928},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.IM},
adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019PASP..131e5001W},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
@ARTICLE{2016AJ....151..144G, author = {{Garc{'\i}a P{'e}rez}, Ana E. and {Allende Prieto}, Carlos and {Holtzman}, Jon A. and {Shetrone}, Matthew and {M{'e}sz{'a}ros}, Szabolcs and {Bizyaev}, Dmitry and {Carrera}, Ricardo and {Cunha}, Katia and {Garc{'\i}a-Hern{'a}ndez}, D.~A. and {Johnson}, Jennifer A. and {Majewski}, Steven R. and {Nidever}, David L. and {Schiavon}, Ricardo P. and {Shane}, Neville and {Smith}, Verne V. and {Sobeck}, Jennifer and {Troup}, Nicholas and {Zamora}, Olga and {Weinberg}, David H. and {Bovy}, Jo and {Eisenstein}, Daniel J. and {Feuillet}, Diane and {Frinchaboy}, Peter M. and {Hayden}, Michael R. and {Hearty}, Fred R. and {Nguyen}, Duy C. and {O'Connell}, Robert W. and {Pinsonneault}, Marc H. and {Wilson}, John C. and {Zasowski}, Gail}, title = "{ASPCAP: The APOGEE Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundances Pipeline}", journal = {j}, keywords = {Galaxy: center, Galaxy: structure, methods: data analysis, stars: abundances, stars: atmospheres, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics}, year = 2016, month = jun, volume = {151}, number = {6}, eid = {144}, pages = {144}, doi = {10.3847/0004-6256/151/6/144}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1510.07635}, primaryClass = {astro-ph.SR}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016AJ....151..144G}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} }
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