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तद्यथा तस्य विक्रान्तमनुरूपं महात्मनः।भवेदाहवशूरस्य तथा त्वमुपपादय।।5.68.15।। | 'You may make arrangement in such a way that the exalted hero Rama exhibits his might according to his stature'. |
तदर्थोपहितं वाक्यं प्रश्रितं हेतुसंहितम्।निशम्याहं तत श्शेषं वाक्यमुत्तरमब्रुवम्।।5.68.16।। | "Hearing the meaningful, courteous and reasonable words of Sita, I replied : |
देवि हर्यृक्षसैन्यानामीश्वरः प्लवतां वरः।सुग्रीवस्सत्त्वसम्पन्नस्तवार्थे कृतनिश्चयः।।5.68.17।। | 'O queen The lord of the army of bears and vanaras who is the foremost among the monkeys is endowed with enough strength and has resolved to rescue you. |
तस्य विक्रमसम्पन्नास्सत्त्ववन्तो महाबलाः।मन स्सङ्कल्पसम्पाता निदेशे हरयः स्थिताः।।5.68.18।। | 'Mighty, powerful and tough monkeys who have the speed of thought are under the command of Sugriva. |
येषां नोपरि नाधस्तान्न तिर्यक्सज्जते गतिः।
न च कर्मसु सीदन्ति महत्स्वमिततेजसः।।5.68.19।।
'All of them can go upward in the sky, downward into the underworld or obliquely in any direction without obstruction. They are brilliant enough to do any great task without any difficulty. |
असकृत्तैर्महाभागैर्वानरैर्बलदर्पितैः।प्रदक्षिणीकृता भूमिर्वायुमार्गानुसारिभिः।।5.68.20।। | 'O great lady the mighty vanaras of extraordinary strength can fly with the wind and have even circumambulated the earth. |
मद्विशिष्टाश्च तुल्याश्च सन्ति तत्र वनौकसः।मत्तः प्रत्यवरः कश्चिन्नास्ति सुग्रीवसन्निधौ।।5.68.21।। | 'There are monkeys who are more powerful than me or equal to me. None are less strong than me or Sugriva. |
अहं तावदिह प्राप्तः किं पुनस्ते महाबलाः।न हि प्रकृष्टाः प्रेत्यन्ते प्रेष्यन्ते हीतरे जनाः।।5.68.22।। | 'When I could come here, what to speak of the mightier monkeys?, People do not send the superior ones on errand, but send only the juniors. |
तदलं परितापेन देवि मन्युर्व्यपैतु ते।एकोत्पातेन ते लङ्कामेष्यन्ति हरियूथपाः।।5.68.23।। | 'O noble lady give up your lamentation. Enough of sorrowing. The vanara army will fly and reach this place at one leap and fill it. |
मम पृष्ठगतौ तौ च चन्द्रसूर्याविवोदितौ।त्वत्सकाशं महाभागे नृसिंहावागमिष्यतः।।5.68.24।। | 'O noble lady the lions among men, Rama and Lakshmana who resemble Sun and Moon will ascend on my back and reach here. |
अरिघ्नं सिंहसङ्काशं क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम्।लक्ष्मणं च धनुष्पाणिं लङ्काद्वारमुपस्थितम्।।5.68.25।। | 'You will see the lionlike Rama, a slayer of enemies and Lakshmana wielding bow in hand standing at the entrance of Lanka very soon. |
नखदंष्ट्रायुधान् वीरान् सिंहशार्दूलविक्रमान्।वानरान्वारणोन्द्राभान् क्षिप्रं द्रक्षसि सङ्गतान्।।5.68.26।।शैलाम्बुदनिकाशानां लङ्कामलयसानुषु।नर्दतां कपिमुख्यानामचिराच्छ्रोष्यसि स्वनम्।।5.68.27।। | 'You will hear before long the shouts of generals of the vanaras who resemble rainclouds on the mountain roaring like lions from the Malaya mountain of Lanka. |
निवृत्तवनवासं च त्वया सार्धमरिन्दमम्।अभिषिक्तमयोध्यायां क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम्।।5.68.28।। | 'You will soon see Rama, the slayer of enemies crowned as king of Ayodhya with you, having duly completed the term of exile in the forest'. |
ततो मया वाग्भिरदीनभाषिणा शिवाभिरिष्टाभिरभिप्रसादिता।
जगाम शान्तिं मम मैथिलात्मजा तवापि शोकेन तदाभिपीडिता।।5.68.29।।
Sita though afflicted heard from me that you were also in excessive grief on account of separation from her and from my soothing, auspicious and welcome words, she derived comfort and remained quiet.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे अष्टषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyeighth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
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