int32 0
| NNQT_question
stringlengths 25
| paraphrased_question
stringlengths 0
| question
stringlengths 1
| simplified_query
stringlengths 57
| sparql_dbpedia18
stringlengths 311
| sparql_wikidata
stringlengths 37
| answer
listlengths 0
| solved_answer
listlengths 0
| subgraph
stringclasses 14
values | template
stringclasses 26
values | template_id
stringclasses 13
values | template_index
int32 0
23,500 | Give me {Mahavidya} that contains the word {tara} in their name | Tell me Mahavidya whose name contains the word tara. | Tell me Mahavidya whose name has the word tara in it | SELECT DISTINCT ?d WHERE { ?d rdf:type ontology:Mahavidya . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( LCASE ( ?d ) , 'tara' ) ) } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'tara')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q1076022 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'tara')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
] | [
] | string matching simple contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; contains word > | 1 | 149 |
1,487 | How many {operator} are for {MiG-21} ? | How many operators does MiG-21 have? | MiG-21 has how many operators? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?k ) AS ?y ) { resource:MiG-21 property:operator ?k } | SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?objs ) {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
| SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?value ) { wd:Q150609 wdt:P137 ?obj } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count Obj (ent-pred-obj) | Count_1 | 487 |
16,555 | What is {found guilty of} of {artist} of {Seen It All} ? | Which artist that has seen it all been found guilty? | What is the found guilty of artist seen it all? | SELECT ?o WHERE { resource:Seen_It_All property:performer ?k . ?k property:convicted_of ?o } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q18163700 wdt:P175 ?X . ?X wdt:P1399 ?answer} | [
] | [
"driving under the influence",
"copyright infringement",
"false imprisonment",
"illegal weapon possession",
"terroristic threat"
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 190 |
15,755 | What is {field of this employment} of {employment} of {Tatsuya Sugai} ? | What kind of job does Tatsuya Sugai have? | Which is employment field of Tatsuya Sugai's employment? | SELECT ?f WHERE { ?m property:field_of_this_occupation ?f . resource:Tatsuya_Sugai property:occupation ?m } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q11619106 wdt:P106 ?X . ?X wdt:P425 ?answer} | [
] | [
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 18 |
21,806 | What is the {group} for {has effect} of {Congress of Vienna} | What gather had impact on Congress of Vienna? | What group had effect on Congress of Vienna? | SELECT DISTINCT ?k WHERE { ?k rdf:type ontology:group . resource:Congress_of_Vienna property:has_effect ?k } | select distinct ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?obj <> <> } | select distinct ?obj where { wd:Q46362 wdt:P1542 ?obj . ?obj wdt:P31 wd:Q16887380 } | [
] | [
"Border Kingdom of Saxony-Kingdom of Prussia 1815",
"borderstones Belgium-Prussia"
] | simple question right | <S P ?O ; ?O instanceOf Type> | 1 | 2,152 |
18,613 | Does the {sublimation temperature} of the {carbon dioxide} {equals} {-109} | does carbon iv oxide sublime at -109 degrees? | Is the sublimation temperature of carbon dioxide equal to -109? | ASK WHERE { FILTER ( ?n = -109 ) . resource:carbon_dioxide property:sublimation_temperature ?n } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj = -109) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q1997 wdt:P2113 ?obj filter(?obj = -109) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 631 |
12,651 | What is {woman} of {Ernst Wilimowski}, that has {acronym} is {чол} ? | What is the lady in Ernst Wilimowski whose acronym is чол? | What is the woman in Ernst Wilimowski whose acronym is чол? | SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a property:short_name ?s . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( ?s , 'чол' ) ) . resource:Ernst_Wilimowski property:sex_or_gender ?a } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <чол> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q559779 wdt:P21 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P1813 ?x FILTER(contains(?x , 'чол'))} | [] | [] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 4,182 |
28,114 | What is <eBird hotspot ID> of <Joshua Tree National Park> ? | [] | Which means {eBird hotspot ID} from{Joshua Tree National Park} ? | SELECT DISTINCT ?j WHERE { resource:Joshua_Tree_National_Park property:eBird_hotspot_ID ?j } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q735202 wdt:P5200 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 2,411 |
8,536 | what is the {attributed to} for {Auschwitz Album} has {creator} as {anonymous} ? | Who created the Auschwitz album? | Who is the attributed creator for Auschwits Album? | SELECT ?u WHERE { resource:Auschwitz_Album property:creator ?w . ?w property:P1773 ?u . ?w property:creator resource:anonymous } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q667830 p:P170 ?s . ?s ps:P170 wd:Q4233718 . ?s pq:P1773 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 4,981 |
16,804 | What is {follower of} of {lyracist} of {Khandana Bhava–Bandhana} ? | Lyracist Khandana Bhava-Bandhana's followers are know for what title? | What is the title of the followers of lyracist Khandana Bhava-Bandhana? | SELECT ?o WHERE { ?k property:follower_of ?o . resource:Khandana_Bhava–Bandhana property:lyrics_by ?k } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q2998432 wdt:P676 ?X . ?X wdt:P1775 ?answer} | [
] | [
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 117 |
6,746 | what is the {start time} for {Arab League} has {shares border with} as {Ethiopia} ? | What year was the Arab League founded? | When was the Arab League founded that shares a border with Ethiopia? | SELECT ?t WHERE { resource:Arab_League property:shares_border_with ?i . ?i property:start_time ?t . ?i property:shares_border_with resource:Ethiopia } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q7172 p:P47 ?s . ?s ps:P47 wd:Q115 . ?s pq:P580 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 3,191 |
22,464 | What is the {think tank} for {parent organization} of {Smithsonian Institution} | What is the research organization for the Smithsonian Institution's parent association? | What is the think tank for the Smithsonian Institution's parent organization? | SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { ?y rdf:type ontology:think_tank . ?y property:parent_organization resource:Smithsonian_Institution } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P749 wd:Q131626 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q155271 } | [
] | [
"Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars"
] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 3,525 |
18,172 | Does the {patronage} of the {Guiuan Airport} {equals} {1.2} | What is the patronage of the Guiuan Airport? | Is the patronage of the Guiuan Airport equal to 1.2? | ASK WHERE { FILTER ( ?b = 1.2 ) . resource:Guiuan_Airport property:patronage ?b } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj = 1.2) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q301648 wdt:P3872 ?obj filter(?obj = 1.2) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 190 |
19,435 | Does the {flexural strength} of the {callitris glaucophylla} {less than} {85.2} | Is the flexural quality of the callitris glaucophylla less than 85.2? | Is the flexural strength of the callitris glaucophylla less than 85.2? | ASK WHERE { resource:Callitris_glaucophylla property:flexural_strength ?v . FILTER ( ?v < 85.2 ) } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj < 85.2) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q7177505 wdt:P5677 ?obj filter(?obj < 85.2) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 1,453 |
1,302 | How many {powerplant} are for {Airbus A320} ? | What is the number of engines on the Airbus A320? | How many engines does the Airbus A320 have ? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?b ) AS ?v ) { resource:Airbus_A320_family property:powered_by ?b } | SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?objs ) {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
| SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?value ) { wd:Q6475 wdt:P516 ?obj } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count Obj (ent-pred-obj) | Count_1 | 302 |
30,200 | What is the {diocese of the Catholic Church} for {office held by head of the organisation} of {pope} | [] | Which is the office held by head of the organisation of Pope in diocese of the Catholic Church? | SELECT DISTINCT ?q WHERE { ?q property:office_held_by_head_of_the_organization resource:pope . ?q rdf:type ontology:diocese_of_the_Catholic_Church } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P2388 wd:Q19546 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q3146899 } | [] | [] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 3,423 |
18,254 | Does the {family relationship degree} of the {great-grandfather} {equals} {3.6} | Does the degree of connection of a incredible granddad break even with 3.6? | Does the degree of relation of a great grandfather equal 3.6? | ASK WHERE { FILTER ( ?c = 3.6 ) . resource:great-grandfather property:family_relationship_degree ?c } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj = 3.6) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q2500621 wdt:P4500 ?obj filter(?obj = 3.6) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 272 |
7,115 | what is the {start time} for {José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero} has {spouse} as {Sonsoles Espinosa} ? | Name the date on which José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Sonsoles Espinosa were wed. | When did José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero marry Sonsoles Espinosa? | SELECT ?w WHERE { ?a property:start_time ?w . resource:José_Luis_Rodríguez_Zapatero property:spouse ?a . ?a property:spouse resource:Sonsoles_Espinosa } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q41395 p:P26 ?s . ?s ps:P26 wd:Q41261 . ?s pq:P580 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 3,560 |
11,850 | What is {musical artist} of {Deck the Halls}, that has {nomination received} is {MTV Video Music Award for Best Artist Website} ? | Which artist of Deck the Hallas granted the designation for MTV Video Music Grant in Online Craftsman catagory? | Which musician of Deck the Hallas awarded the nomination for MTV Video Music Award in Online Artist catagory? | SELECT ?e WHERE { resource:Deck_the_Halls property:performer ?e . ?e property:nominated_for resource:MTV_Video_Music_Award_for_Best_Artist_Website } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q2287842 wdt:P175 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P1411 wd:Q821166} | [
] | [
"Red Hot Chili Peppers"
] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 211 |
4,281 | what is the {valid in period} for {Aix-en-Provence} has {located in time zone} as {UTC+02:00} ? | In what time zone is Aix-en-Provence located? | What time zone is Aix-en-Provence located? | SELECT ?z WHERE { ?i property:located_in_time_zone resource:UTC+02:00 . resource:Aix-en-Provence property:located_in_time_zone ?i . ?i property:valid_in_period ?z } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q47465 p:P421 ?s . ?s ps:P421 wd:Q6723 . ?s pq:P1264 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 726 |
10,677 | What is {prize money} and {point in time} of {{John Galsworthy} has {award received} as {Nobel Prize in Literature}} | When did John Galsworthy win the Nobel Prize in Literature and how much used to be the prize money? | When did John Galsworthy win the Nobel Prize in Literature and how much was the prize money? | SELECT ?m ?l WHERE { resource:John_Galsworthy property:award_received ?g . ?g property:prize_money ?m . ?g property:point_in_time ?l . ?g property:award_received resource:Nobel_Prize_in_Literature } | select distinct ?value1 ?value2 where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <>. ?statement <> ?value1 . ?statement <> ?value2 } | SELECT ?value1 ?value2 WHERE { wd:Q82248 p:P166 ?s . ?s ps:P166 wd:Q37922 . ?s pq:P2121 ?value1 . ?s pq:P585 ?value2 } | [] | [] | [] | [] | 2 | 911 |
15,687 | What is {alma mater} of {musical score by} of {Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party} ? | What college did the writer of the music score in Holly Hobbie and Friends Surprise Party go to? | Who is alma mater of music score by Holly Hobbie and Friends surprise Party? | SELECT ?s WHERE { ?z property:educated_at ?s . resource:Holly_Hobbie_and_Friends:_Surprise_Party property:composer ?z } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q12124801 wdt:P86 ?X . ?X wdt:P69 ?answer} | [
] | [
"Berklee College of Music"
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 11,580 |
21,823 | What is the {painting} for {depicts} of {Richard III of England} | Which is the portray that delineates the Richard III of England? | Which is the painting that depicts the Richard III of England? | SELECT DISTINCT ?t WHERE { ?t rdf:type ontology:painting . ?t property:depicts resource:Richard_III_of_England } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P180 wd:Q133028 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 } | [
] | [
"Richard III",
"Richard III wakes up from his nightmare in his tent in Bosworth",
"Portrait of Richard III of England",
"Richard III (1452-85)",
"King Richard III",
"King Richard III"
] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 2,169 |
23,490 | Give me {ballet} that contains the word {terpsichore} in their name | What are the expressive dance which begin with the letter terpsichore | What are the ballet which start with the letter terpsichore | SELECT DISTINCT ?e WHERE { ?e rdf:type ontology:ballet . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( LCASE ( ?e ) , 'terpsichore' ) ) } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'terpsichore')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q15079786 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'terpsichore')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
] | [
] | string matching simple contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; contains word > | 1 | 2,379 |
20,529 | What is the {single execution of an artwork} for {exemplar of} of {The Great Wave off Kanagawa} | Which is the SI inferred unit for the measured physical amount of the warm conductivity? | Which is the single execution of an artwork as the exemplar of The Great Wave off Kanagawa? | SELECT DISTINCT ?b WHERE { ?b rdf:type ontology:single_execution_of_an_artwork . ?b property:exemplar_of resource:The_Great_Wave_of_Kanagawa } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P1574 wd:Q252485 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q28912688 } | [
] | [
"The Great Wave Off the Coast of Kanagawa",
"The Great Wave off Kanagawa"
] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 875 |
18,866 | Does the {stated age at event} of the {Hammou Mouhal} {greater than} {30.4} | Is the stated age greater than 30.4 in the Hammou Mouhal event? | Is the stated age at the event of the Hammou Mouhal greater than 30.4? | ASK WHERE { FILTER ( ?o > 30.4 ) . resource:Hammou_Mouhal property:age_at_event ?o } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj > 30.4) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q3126541 wdt:P3629 ?obj filter(?obj > 30.4) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 884 |
14,255 | What is {seat} of {KGB}, that has {has states} is {Golyanovo District} ? | With states of the Golyanovo Area, what is the situate of the KGB? | With states of the Golyanovo District, what is the seat of the KGB? | SELECT ?f WHERE { resource:KGB property:headquarters_location ?f . ?f property:contains_administrative_territorial_entity resource:Golyanovo_District } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q80919 wdt:P159 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P150 wd:Q2365753} | [
] | [
] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 450 |
12,426 | What is {interaction} of {antiparticle (symmetric correspondence)}, that has {Q48460} is {521.1} ? | What is the interaction of antiparticle symmetric correspondence with Q48460 521.1? | What is the interaction of antiparticle symmetric correspondence with Q48460 521.1? | SELECT ?a WHERE { resource:antiparticle property:interaction ?a . ?a property:Dewey_Decimal_Classification ?p . FILTER ( ?p = 521.1 ) } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <521.1> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q182717 wdt:P517 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P1036 ?x FILTER(contains(?x , '521.1'))} | [
] | [
] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 66 |
2,897 | What is the {country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands} with the {MAX(VAT-rate)} whose {member of} is {International Trade Union Confederation} ? | State the country in the Netherlands that has the largest VAT-rate and is a member of the International Trade Union Conference. | Which country in the Netherlands has the largest VAT-rate and is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation? | SELECT ?c WHERE { ?c rdf:type ontology:country_of_the_Kingdom_of_the_Netherlands . ?c property:VAT-rate ?u . ?c property:member_of resource:International_Trade_Union_Confederation } | select ?ent where {
?ent <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?ent .
?statement1 <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?obj1.
?statement2 <> ?ent .
?statement2 <> <> .
?statement2 <> <> .
LIMIT 5 | select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:P31 wd:Q15304003 . ?ent wdt:P2855 ?obj . ?ent wdt:P463 wd:Q1071706 } ORDER BY DESC(?obj)LIMIT 5 | [
] | [
] | rank | ?E is_a Type. ?E pred Obj. ?E-secondClause value. MAX (value) | Rank2 | 96 |
12,986 | What is {has brother} of {Elon Musk}, that has {daughter of} is {Maye Musk} ? | Does Elan Musk brother have a daughter identify Maye Musk? | Does Elan Musk brother have a daughter name Maye Musk? | SELECT ?t WHERE { resource:Elon_Musk property:sibling ?t . ?t property:mother resource:Maye_Musk } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q317521 wdt:P3373 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P25 wd:Q24007468} | [
] | [
"Kimbal Musk",
"Tosca Musk"
] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 114 |
15,812 | What is {actor} of {in narrative} of {Gregory House} ? | Who is the on-screen character within the account of Gregory House? | Who is the actor in the narrative of Gregory House? | SELECT ?u WHERE { ?h property:cast_member ?u . resource:Gregory_House property:present_in_work ?h } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q842945 wdt:P1441 ?X . ?X wdt:P161 ?answer} | [
] | [
"Kayla Ewell",
"Jeremy Renner",
"Sarah Jones",
"Jason Lewis",
"Matthew Lillard",
"Mos Def",
"Sam Trammell",
"Katherine LaNasa",
"Holly Gagnier",
"Fred Durst",
"Hugh Laurie",
"LL Cool J",
"Freda Foh Shen",
"Joshua Malina",
"Lee Tergesen",
"Vicki Davis",
"Franka Potente",
"Michael Weston",
"Carmen Argenziano",
"Danny Nucci",
"Candice Bergen",
"Janel Moloney",
"Riki Lindhome",
"Jack Coleman",
"Zachary Knighton",
"Meat Loaf",
"Peter Graves",
"Laura Prepon",
"John Kapelos",
"Carmen Electra",
"John Scurti",
"Sasha Roiz",
"Amanda Seyfried",
"Zena Grey",
"Robert Sean Leonard",
"Howard Hesseman",
"Jennifer Morrison",
"Leighton Meester",
"Olivia Wilde",
"Meredith Eaton",
"Sarah Wayne Callies",
"James Earl Jones",
"Dominic Purcell",
"David Marciano",
"Robin Tunney",
"Larry Cedar",
"Mira Sorvino",
"Bridgit Mendler",
"Zoe McLellan",
"Kal Penn",
"Bryan Singer",
"Nestor Carbonell",
"Cynthia Nixon",
"Piper Perabo",
"Elle Fanning",
"Jennifer Stone",
"Sela Ward",
"Lisa Edelstein",
"Alyson Stoner",
"Elizabeth Mitchell",
"Michelle Trachtenberg",
"Shohreh Aghdashloo",
"Lyndsy Fonseca",
"Sherilyn Fenn",
"Cynthia Watros",
"Meaghan Jette Martin",
"Jayma Mays",
"Amber Tamblyn",
"Odette Annable",
"Jennifer Grey",
"Sheryl Lee",
"Felicia Day",
"Marin Hinkle",
"Sarah Clarke",
"Amy Irving",
"Kim Rhodes",
"Taraji P. Henson",
"Melanie Lynskey",
"Justin Chon",
"Judy Greer",
"Beau Garrett",
"Kathleen Quinlan",
"Anne Dudek",
"Samantha Mathis",
"Salli Richardson",
"Sasha Pieterse",
"Shirley Knight",
"Leslie Hope",
"Natasha Gregson Wagner",
"Frank Whaley",
"Keiko Agena",
"Wendy Makkena",
"Bailee Madison",
"Linda Park",
"Cameron Richardson",
"Rena Sofer",
"Meredith Monroe",
"Amy Davidson",
"Laura Allen",
"Ivana Miličević",
"Meagan Good",
"Taylor Dooley",
"Sprague Grayden",
"Eva Amurri",
"Clare Kramer",
"Adair Tishler",
"Lori Petty",
"Azura Skye",
"Jessy Schram",
"Michael Michele",
"Marnette Patterson",
"Skye McCole Bartusiak",
"Margo Harshman",
"Ashley Jones",
"Lindsey McKeon",
"Diane Baker",
"Vinessa Shaw",
"Katheryn Winnick",
"Leigh-Allyn Baker",
"Michelle Clunie",
"Jesse Spencer",
"Paula Marshall",
"Daryl Sabara",
"Megan Follows",
"Mika Boorem",
"Tracy Middendorf",
"China Shavers",
"Lucinda Jenney",
"Kay Lenz",
"Carl Reiner",
"Christine Woods",
"David Morse",
"David Henrie",
"Omar Epps",
"Patrick Bauchau",
"Greg Grunberg",
"David Strathairn",
"Kevin Zegers",
"John Cho",
"Peter Jacobson",
"Patrick Stump",
"Lucas Till",
"Joel Grey",
"Nathan Kress",
"Kurtwood Smith",
"Edi Gathegi",
"Holmes Osborne",
"Courtney Henggeler",
"Adam Garcia",
"Ricky Ullman",
"R. Lee Ermey",
"Jamie Bamber",
"Andy Milder",
"Thomas F. Wilson",
"Breckin Meyer",
"Scott Foley",
"Kadeem Hardison",
"Thomas Dekker",
"Greg Finley",
"Joel David Moore",
"Kuno Becker",
"Wings Hauser",
"Elias Koteas",
"Jake Thomas",
"Carter Jenkins",
"Željko Ivanek",
"Marc Blucas",
"Ethan Embry",
"Chris Marquette",
"Carla Gallo",
"Maria Thayer",
"Mimi Kennedy",
"Jane Adams",
"Amanda Foreman",
"Emily Rios",
"Karolina Wydra",
"Yvette Nicole Brown",
"Toni Trucks",
"Smith Cho",
"Sammi Hanratty",
"Marika Domińczyk",
"Erica Gimpel",
"Jenny O'Hara",
"Keri Lynn Pratt",
"Faith Prince",
"Alyssa Shafer",
"Megan Dodds",
"Bevin Prince",
"Mel Harris",
"Sunny Mabrey",
"Beverly Todd",
"Darcy Rose Byrnes",
"Jamie Rose",
"Charles Robinson",
"Scott Mechlowicz",
"Monique Gabriela Curnen",
"Joe Morton",
"Stacy Edwards",
"Ever Carradine",
"Alexis Thorpe",
"Roxanne Hart",
"Martin Henderson",
"Anne Ramsay",
"Jay Karnes",
"Andre Braugher",
"Julie Warner",
"Patrick Fugit",
"Cassi Thomson",
"Meta Golding",
"Vanessa Zima",
"Hedy Burress",
"John Larroquette",
"Chi McBride",
"Wentworth Miller",
"Andrew Keegan",
"Christina Vidal",
"Chloe Webb",
"Erika Flores",
"Donal Logue",
"Damien Dante Wayans",
"Mary Kate Schellhardt",
"Ron Livingston",
"Madison Davenport",
"Wes Ramsey",
"Corri English",
"Tracy Vilar",
"Sarah Danielle Madison",
"Julia Campbell",
"Orlando Jones",
"Art LaFleur",
"Jake McDorman",
"Anthony Montgomery",
"Nicholas D'Agosto",
"Eddie McClintock",
"Dan Butler",
"Geoffrey Lewis",
"Michael O'Keefe",
"Jonathan Sadowski",
"Elizabeth \"Bitsie\" Tulloch",
"Jake Richardson",
"Harry Lennix",
"Albert Espinosa",
"Rekha Sharma",
"Marc Menard",
"D. B. Sweeney",
"Marshall Bell",
"Brandy Norwood",
"Charles S. Dutton",
"Christopher Gartin",
"Kurt Fuller",
"Currie Graham",
"Tyler James Williams",
"Dylan Baker",
"Kristoffer Polaha",
"Eyal Podell",
"Josh Zuckerman",
"Evan Peters",
"Chad Faust",
"Matt Malloy",
"Brent Briscoe",
"Tom Verica",
"Nathan Gamble",
"Jascha Washington",
"Clifton Powell",
"Jack Plotnick",
"George Wyner",
"Jeremy Howard",
"José Zúñiga",
"Evan Jones",
"Gabrielle Christian",
"Charlie Hofheimer",
"A.J. Trauth",
"Mary Elizabeth Ellis",
"Bryce Johnson",
"Cress Williams",
"Curtis Armstrong",
"Nate Mooney",
"Dakin Matthews",
"Ralph Garman",
"Jimmi Simpson",
"Pruitt Taylor Vince",
"Dru Mouser",
"Sterling Beaumon",
"Tom Lenk",
"Wood Harris",
"Jason Winston George",
"William Katt",
"Robin Thomas",
"Jon Seda",
"Kip Pardue",
"Sharif Atkins",
"John Patrick Amedori",
"Mike Starr",
"Italia Ricci",
"Krista Kalmus",
"Tiya Sircar",
"Jacob Zachar",
"Brian Klugman",
"Braeden Lemasters",
"James Ingersoll",
"Jim Gleason",
"Kevin Christy",
"Tom Wright",
"Slade Pearce",
"John Rubinstein",
"Natalie Dreyfuss",
"Julia Ling",
"Lindsay Pulsipher",
"Caroline Lagerfelt",
"Vicellous Reon Shannon",
"Marcus Giamatti",
"Skylar Astin",
"Ashton Holmes",
"Charlyne Yi",
"Stella Maeve",
"Jurnee Smollett",
"Barry Pearl",
"Todd Louiso",
"Christopher Cousins",
"Mark Harelik",
"Clementine Ford",
"Ann Dowd",
"Mackenzie Astin",
"Tina Holmes",
"Jennifer Landon",
"Erich Anderson",
"Erin Cahill",
"Jeff Hephner",
"David Costabile",
"Tyson Ritter",
"Matt DeCaro",
"Aaron Himelstein",
"Adrienne Janic",
"Alanna Ubach",
"Allison Smith",
"America Olivo",
"Amy Landecker",
"Andray Johnson",
"Arabella Field",
"Audrey Marie Anderson",
"Candace Kita",
"Charlie Weber",
"Claire Rankin",
"Samantha Smith",
"Derek Mio",
"Drew Powell",
"Sarah Aldrich",
"Heather Kafka",
"Hillary Tuck",
"Shari Headley",
"Jennifer Crystal Foley",
"Lance Guest",
"Lisa Darr",
"Whitney Cummings",
"Maurice Godin",
"Michael A. Goorjian",
"Gerald McCullouch",
"Pej Vahdat",
"Tory Kittles",
"Kenneth Choi",
"Matthew John Armstrong",
"Paul Rae",
"Henri Lubatti",
"Nate Torrence",
"Salvator Xuereb",
"Scott Michael Campbell",
"Susan Egan",
"Pat Finn",
"Cynthia Ettinger",
"Andrew Airlie",
"Blake Anderson",
"Dwier Brown",
"Ed Brigadier",
"Edward Kerr",
"Elizabeth Sung",
"Ellery Sprayberry",
"Erin Foster",
"F. William Parker",
"Kavi Raz",
"Nancy Criss",
"Omar Avila",
"Seidy López",
"Wendy Gazelle",
"Joseph Culp",
"Michelle Harrison",
"Amanda Leighton",
"Tony Ray Rossi",
"Bruno Amato",
"Charlene Amoia",
"James Immekus",
"David Wells",
"Kimberly Quinn",
"Angela Gots",
"Cody Saintgnue",
"Demetrius Grosse",
"Shelby Rabara",
"Tina Huang",
"Brittany Ishibashi",
"Brad Carter",
"Jamie McShane",
"S.E. Perry",
"Charles C. Stevenson Jr."
] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 1,769 |
14,430 | What is {has towns} of {land} of {Taekyeung college} ? | In what town is Taekyeung College? | In what town is Taekyeung College? | SELECT ?a WHERE { ?h property:contains_administrative_territorial_entity ?a . resource:Daekyeung_University property:country ?h } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q491524 wdt:P17 ?X . ?X wdt:P150 ?answer} | [
] | [
"Sejong City",
"Gyeonggi Province",
"North Chungcheong Province",
"South Chungcheong Province",
"Gangwon Province",
"South Gyeongsang",
"North Gyeongsang Province",
"North Jeolla Province",
"South Jeolla",
"Jeju Province",
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 24,239 |
21,935 | What is the {group of organisms known by one particular common name} for {natural product of taxon} of {cashmere} | Which creature produces cashmere? | Which animal produces cashmere? | SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { resource:Cashmere property:natural_product_of_taxon ?i . ?i rdf:type ontology:organisms_known_by_a_particular_common_name } | select distinct ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?obj <> <> } | select distinct ?obj where { wd:Q333631 wdt:P1582 ?obj . ?obj wdt:P31 wd:Q55983715 } | [
] | [
"Cashmere goat"
] | simple question right | <S P ?O ; ?O instanceOf Type> | 1 | 2,281 |
13,112 | What is {died in} of {Nadezhda Mandelstam}, that has {sister city} is {Vienna} ? | What is the title of the metropolis that Nadezha Mandelstam died in, whose sister town is Vienna? | What is the name of the city that Nadezha Mandelstam died in, whose sister city is Vienna? | SELECT ?y WHERE { ?y property:twinned_administrative_body resource:Vienna . resource:Nadezhda_Mandelstam property:place_of_death ?y } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q234765 wdt:P20 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P190 wd:Q1741} | [
] | [
] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 3,158 |
22,907 | What is the {transcontinental country} for {country of citizenship} of {Vladimir Lenin} | Do you know Vladimir Lenin's nation of citizenship, is it cross-country country? | Do you know Vladimir Lenin's country of citizenship, is it transcontinental country? | SELECT DISTINCT ?u WHERE { resource:Vladimir_Lenin property:country_of_citizenship ?u . ?u rdf:type ontology:transcontinental_country } | select distinct ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?obj <> <> } | select distinct ?obj where { wd:Q1394 wdt:P27 ?obj . ?obj wdt:P31 wd:Q1323642 } | [] | [] | simple question right | <S P ?O ; ?O instanceOf Type> | 1 | 3,968 |
26,384 | What is <LdiF ID> of <Die Hard> ? | [] | What is Die Hard's LdiF ID? | SELECT DISTINCT ?q WHERE { resource:Die_Hard property:LdiF_ID ?q } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q105598 wdt:P3107 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 681 |
19,798 | What is the {language} for {language of work or name} of {Hebrew alphabet} | What language is the Hebrew alphabet? | who is the language of work or name of hebrew alphabet? | SELECT DISTINCT ?f WHERE { ?f rdf:type ontology:language . resource:Hebrew_alphabet property:language_of_work_or_name ?f } | select distinct ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?obj <> <> } | select distinct ?obj where { wd:Q33513 wdt:P407 ?obj . ?obj wdt:P31 wd:Q34770 } | [
] | [
] | simple question right | <S P ?O ; ?O instanceOf Type> | 1 | 144 |
3,344 | What is the {church} with the {MIN(maximum capacity)} whose {diocese} is {Diocese of Lapua} ? | Which church has the smallest space in the Diocese of Lapua? | In the Diocese of Lapua, which church is the smallest in capacity? | SELECT ?c WHERE { ?c property:diocese resource:Diocese_of_Lapua . ?c rdf:type ontology:church_building . ?c property:maximum_capacity ?w } | select ?ent where {
?ent <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?ent .
?statement1 <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?obj1.
?statement2 <> ?ent .
?statement2 <> <> .
?statement2 <> <> .
LIMIT 5 | select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:P31 wd:Q16970 . ?ent wdt:P1083 ?obj . ?ent wdt:P708 wd:Q871032} ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5 | [
] | [
"Kauhajärvi Church",
"Hietama Church",
"Kauhajärvi Church",
"Haapamäki Church",
"Kannonkoski Church"
] | rank | ?E is_a Type. ?E pred Obj. ?E-secondClause value. MIN (value) | Rank2 | 566 |
11,513 | What is {member of sports team} of {Javier Zanetti} and {number of points/goals/set scored} | What sports group is Javier Zanetti a member of and how many points/goals/sets did he score? | What sports team is Javier Zanetti a member of and how many points/goals/sets did he score? | SELECT ?r ?k WHERE { ?e property:member_of_sports_team ?k . ?e property:number_of_points/goals/set_scored ?r . . resource:Javier_Zanetti property:member_of_sports_team ?e } | select distinct ?dataprop1 ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?statement <> ?dataprop1 . } | SELECT ?value1 ?obj WHERE { wd:Q52876 p:P54 ?s . ?s ps:P54 ?obj . ?s pq:P1351 ?value1 . } | [] | [] | [] | [] | 3 | 1,043 |
27,641 | What is < director ID> of <Bernard Arnault> ? | [] | What is Bernard Arnault's director ID? | SELECT DISTINCT ?d WHERE { resource:Bernard_Arnault property:Societe.com_director_ID ?d } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q32055 wdt:P4942 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 1,938 |
3,291 | What is the {common name} with the {MIN(minimum frequency of audible sound)} whose {use} is {pet} ? | What domesticated animal emits audible sound at the least frequency? | What kind of pet has the least frequency of audible sound? | SELECT ?h WHERE { ?h property:use resource:pet . . ?h property:minimum_frequency_of_audible_sound ?o . ?h rdf:type ontology:common_name } | select ?ent where {
?ent <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?ent .
?statement1 <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?obj1.
?statement2 <> ?ent .
?statement2 <> <> .
?statement2 <> <> .
LIMIT 5 | select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:P31 wd:Q502895 . ?ent wdt:P3387 ?obj . ?ent wdt:P366 wd:Q39201. } ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5 | [] | [] | rank | ?E is_a Type. ?E pred Obj. ?E-secondClause value. MIN (value) | Rank2 | 513 |
11,438 | What is {award received} of {Park Geun-hye} and {point in time} | When did Stop Geun-hye get an grant, and what was it? | When did Park Geun-hye receive an award, and what was it? | SELECT ?q ?t WHERE { ?f property:award_received ?t . ?f property:point_in_time ?q . . resource:Park_Geun-hye property:award_received ?f } | select distinct ?dataprop1 ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?statement <> ?dataprop1 . } | SELECT ?value1 ?obj WHERE { wd:Q138048 p:P166 ?s . ?s ps:P166 ?obj . ?s pq:P585 ?value1 . } | [] | [] | [] | [] | 3 | 912 |
9,460 | What is {population} of {Taraz} that is {point in time} is {1989-0-0} ? | In 1989 what was the population of Taraz ? | What was the population of Taraz in 1989? | SELECT ?c WHERE { FILTER ( CONTAINS ( YEAR ( ?u ) , '1989' ) ) . ?c property:point_in_time ?u . ?c property:population ?c . resource:Taraz property:population ?c } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <1989-0-0>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q486545 p:P1082 ?s . ?s ps:P1082 ?obj . ?s pq:P585 ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1989')) } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 5,905 |
8,270 | what is the {country} for {F. Scott Fitzgerald} has {place of birth} as {Saint Paul} ? | From which country is F. Scott FItzgerald, who was born in St. Paul? | From what country is F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was born in St. Paul? | SELECT ?z WHERE { ?i property:country ?z . ?i property:place_of_birth resource:Saint_Paul . resource:F._Scott_Fitzgerald property:place_of_birth ?i } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q93354 p:P19 ?s . ?s ps:P19 wd:Q28848 . ?s pq:P17 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 4,715 |
824 | Did {Orson_Welles} {educated at} {School of the Art Institute of Chicago} and {Cawthra Park Secondary School} ? | Did Orson Welles receive his education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Cawthra Park Secondary School? | Was Orson Welles educated at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Cawthra Park Secondary School? | ASK WHERE { resource:Orson_Welles property:educated_at resource:Cawthra_Park_Secondary_School . resource:Orson_Welles property:educated_at resource:School_of_the_Art_Institute_of_Chicago } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <>. } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q24829 wdt:P69 wd:Q7432601 . wd:Q24829 wdt:P69 wd:Q5055242 } | [] | [] | boolean double one_hop right subgraph | Ask (ent-pred-obj1 . ent-pred-obj2`) | 2 | 324 |
27,412 | What is <Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux ID> of <Notre Dame de Paris> ? | [] | Which is the Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux ID for Notre Dame de Paris? | SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { resource:Notre-Dame_de_Paris property:Observatoire_du_Patrimoine_Religieux_ID ?z } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q2981 wdt:P3371 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 1,709 |
590 | Did {Toni_Braxton} {record label} {Elektra Records} and {Arista Records} ? | Is Elektra Records of Arista Records the label that Toni Braxton works with? | Is Toni Braxton's record label Elektra Records or Arista Records? | ASK WHERE { resource:Toni_Braxton property:record_label resource:Arista . resource:Toni_Braxton property:record_label resource:Elektra } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <>. } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q155412 wdt:P264 wd:Q726251 . wd:Q155412 wdt:P264 wd:Q664167 } | [] | [] | boolean double one_hop right subgraph | Ask (ent-pred-obj1` . ent-pred-obj2) | 2 | 90 |
1,206 | How many {position held} are for {Napoleon III} ? | Napoleon III held how many different positions? | How many positions has Napoleon III held? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?m ) AS ?u ) { resource:Napoleon_III property:position_held ?m } | SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?objs ) {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
| SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?value ) { wd:Q7721 wdt:P39 ?obj } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count Obj (ent-pred-obj) | Count_1 | 206 |
18,548 | Does the {Alexa rank} of the {Wolfram Alpha} {less than} {1290.4} | Is the Alexa rank of Wolfram Alpha less than 1290.4? | Is the Alexa rank of Wolfram Alpha less than 1290.4? | ASK WHERE { resource:Wolfram_Alpha property:Alexa_rank ?n . FILTER ( ?n < 1290.4 ) } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj < 1290.4) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q207006 wdt:P1661 ?obj filter(?obj < 1290.4) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 566 |
25,594 | Give me {association football league} that {organizer} {Italian Football Federation} and which that starts with {'s'} | What affiliation football alliance that begins with the letter "s" is organized by the Italian Football League? | What association football league that starts with the letter "s" is organized by the Italian Football Federation? | SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { ?v property:organizer resource:Italian_Football_Federation . FILTER ( STRSTARTS ( LCASE ( ?v ) , 's' ) ) . ?v rdf:type ontology:association_football_league } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement2 <> ?sbj . ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 's')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q15991303 . ?sbj wdt:P664 wd:Q201897 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 's')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
"Serie D"
] | [
"Serie D",
"Serie D"
] | string matching type + relation contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; starts with character > | 4 | 3,280 |
30,089 | What is the {non-metropolitan county} for {shares border with} of {Hampshire} | [] | What non-metropolitan county shares a border with Hampshire? | SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { ?r rdf:type ontology:non-metropolitan_county . ?r property:shares_border_with resource:Hampshire } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P47 wd:Q23204 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q769603 } | [
] | [
"West Sussex"
] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 2,496 |
29,029 | What is <CAS Registry Number> of <calcium chloride> ? | [] | Which is the CAS Registry Number for calcium chloride? | SELECT DISTINCT ?r WHERE { resource:calcium_chloride property:CAS_Registry_Number ?r } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q208451 wdt:P231 ?answer} | [
] | [
] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 3,326 |
28,558 | What is < artwork ID> of <Laocoön and His Sons> ? | [] | Who are artwork ID of Laocoön and His Sons? | SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { resource:Laocoön_and_His_Sons property:Sandrart.net_artwork_ID ?v } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q465762 wdt:P4380 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 2,855 |
1,620 | How many {route of administration} are for {acetaminophen} ? | You can ingest acetaminophen how many different ways? | How many different ways can you ingest acetaminophen? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?c ) AS ?q ) { resource:paracetamol property:route_of_administration ?c } | SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?objs ) {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
| SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?value ) { wd:Q57055 wdt:P636 ?obj } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count Obj (ent-pred-obj) | Count_1 | 620 |
11,760 | What is {noble title} of {Lothair I} and {follows} | What was Lothair I's noble title? | What was the noble title of Lothair I? | SELECT ?j ?p WHERE { ?p property:noble_title ?p . resource:Lothair_I property:noble_title ?p . ?p property:follows ?j . } | select distinct ?dataprop1 ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?statement <> ?dataprop1 . } | SELECT ?value1 ?obj WHERE { wd:Q150735 p:P97 ?s . ?s ps:P97 ?obj . ?s pq:P155 ?value1 . } | [] | [] | [] | [] | 3 | 1,553 |
16,048 | What is {observable dimension} of {main topic} of {Introduction to entropy} ? | I would like to know in the introduction to entropy what the dimension of the topic is. | Tell me the dimension of the topic called introduction to entropy. | SELECT ?v WHERE { ?h property:ISQ_dimension ?v . resource:Introduction_to_entropy property:facet_of ?h } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q6058959 wdt:P1269 ?X . ?X wdt:P4020 ?answer} | [] | [] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 0 |
3,565 | What is {position held} of {Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim} that is {replaced by} is {Juho Kusti Paasikivi} ? | What role did Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim occupy until Juho Kusti Paasikivi took over? | What position did Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim have until he was replaced by Juho Kusti Paasikivi? | SELECT ?m WHERE { ?w property:position_held ?m . resource:Carl_Gustaf_Emil_Mannerheim property:position_held ?w . ?w property:replaced_by resource:Juho_Kusti_Paasikivi } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q152306 p:P39 ?s . ?s ps:P39 ?obj . ?s pq:P1366 wd:Q202171 } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 10 |
23,117 | Give me {mythical human-animal hybrid} that contains the word {polkan} in their name | Let me know legendary human-animal half breed that contains the word polkan in their name | Tell me mythical human-animal hybrid that contains the word polkan in their name | SELECT DISTINCT ?u WHERE { FILTER ( CONTAINS ( LCASE ( ?u ) , 'polkan' ) ) . ?u rdf:type ontology:mythical_human-animal_hybrid } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'polkan')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q20902363 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'polkan')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
] | [
] | string matching simple contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; contains word > | 1 | 2,394 |
25,086 | Give me {cation} that {antiparticle} {antiproton} and which contains the word {proton} in their name | Tell me me a cation whose identify consist of the word "woman" and whose antiparticle antiproton proton | Tell me me a cation whose name consist of the word "woman" and whose antiparticle antiproton proton | SELECT DISTINCT ?z WHERE { FILTER ( CONTAINS ( LCASE ( ?z ) , 'proton' ) ) . ?z rdf:type ontology:cation . ?z property:antiparticle resource:antiproton } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement2 <> ?sbj . ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'proton')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q326277 . ?sbj wdt:P2152 wd:Q107575 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'proton')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [] | [] | string matching type + relation contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; contains word > | 3 | 3,921 |
16,295 | What is {has grammatical person} of {languages of expression} of {Magda Szabó} ? | Which was the grammatical person in the languages of expression of Magda Szabó? | What has a grammatical person in the languages of expression of Magda Szabó? | SELECT ?t WHERE { ?o property:has_grammatical_person ?t . resource:Magda_Szabó property:languages_spoken,_written_or_signed ?o } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q231948 wdt:P1412 ?X . ?X wdt:P5110 ?answer} | [
] | [
"first-person singular",
"first-person plural",
"second-person singular",
"second-person plural",
"third-person singular",
"third-person plural"
] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 71 |
18,792 | Does the {galactic latitude} of the {Crab Pulsar} {greater than} {18.29464} | Is the Crab Pulsar over 18.29464 having a galactic latitude? | Does the Crab Pulsar have a galactic latitude over 18.29464? | ASK WHERE { resource:Crab_Pulsar property:galactic_latitude ?b . FILTER ( ?b > 18.29464 ) } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj > 18.29464) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q1044623 wdt:P6261 ?obj filter(?obj > 18.29464) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 810 |
1,662 | How many {patron saint} are to/by {Thomas the Apostle} ? | How many patron saints of Thomas the Apostle are there? | Tell me the number of patron saints of Thomas the Apostle. | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?a ) AS ?p ) { ?a property:patron_saint resource:Thomas_the_Apostle } | SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?subs ) {
?statement <> ?sub .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> .
| SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:P417 wd:Q43669 } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count ent (ent-pred-obj) | Count_2 | 1,006 |
21,943 | What is the {human spaceflight} for {astronaut mission} of {Yuri Gagarin} | Let me know around Yuri Gagarin's spaceflight. | Tell me about Yuri Gagarin's spaceflight. | SELECT DISTINCT ?j WHERE { ?j rdf:type ontology:human_spaceflight . resource:Yuri_Gagarin property:astronaut_mission ?j } | select distinct ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?obj <> <> } | select distinct ?obj where { wd:Q7327 wdt:P450 ?obj . ?obj wdt:P31 wd:Q752783 } | [
] | [
"Vostok 1"
] | simple question right | <S P ?O ; ?O instanceOf Type> | 1 | 3,004 |
16,944 | What is {type of music} of {from work} of {Guitar Player} ? | Which is the sort of music from the work of Guitar Player? | Which is the type of music from the work of Guitar Player? | SELECT ?s WHERE { resource:Guitar_Player property:present_in_work ?g . ?g property:genre ?s } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q42384429 wdt:P1441 ?X . ?X wdt:P136 ?answer} | [
] | [
"fantasy film",
"action film",
"adventure film",
"science fiction film",
"mystery film"
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 5,252 |
17,111 | What is {governing text} of {life stance} of {saint} ? | Saint governing texted the life stance at what point? | When did the life stance of saint governing text ? | SELECT ?w WHERE { ?d property:main_regulatory_text ?w . resource:saint property:religion ?d } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q43115 wdt:P140 ?X . ?X wdt:P92 ?answer} | [] | [] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 206 |
23,687 | Give me {card game} that contains the word {uno} in their name | What are the card amusement which begin with the letter uno | What are the card game which start with the letter uno | SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { ?y rdf:type ontology:card_game . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( LCASE ( ?y ) , 'uno' ) ) } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'uno')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q142714 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'uno')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
] | [
] | string matching simple contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; contains word > | 1 | 1,052 |
24,628 | Give me {commune of France} that starts with {'é'} | What are the commune of france which begin with the letter e | What are the commune of france which start with the letter e | SELECT DISTINCT ?j WHERE { FILTER ( STRSTARTS ( LCASE ( ?j ) , 'é' ) ) . ?j rdf:type ontology:commune_of_France } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'é')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q484170 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'é')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
] | [
] | string matching simple contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; starts with character > | 2 | 3,937 |
16,324 | What is {movie director} of {appears in} of {Theodoros Angelopoulos} ? | WHO Shows up TO BE THE Motion picture Chief OF THEODOROS ANGELOPOULOS? | WHO APPEARS TO BE THE MOVIE DIRECTOR OF THEODOROS ANGELOPOULOS? | SELECT ?o WHERE { ?a property:director ?o . resource:Thodoros_Angelopoulos property:present_in_work ?a } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q55168 wdt:P1441 ?X . ?X wdt:P57 ?answer} | [
] | [
"David Lynch",
"Arthur Penn",
"Spike Lee",
"James Ivory",
"Thodoros Angelopoulos",
"Andrei Konchalovsky",
"Abbas Kiarostami",
"John Boorman",
"Peter Greenaway",
"Wim Wenders",
"Zhang Yimou",
"Helma Sanders-Brahms",
"Michael Haneke",
"Patrice Leconte",
"Idrissa Ouédraogo",
"Jacques Rivette",
"Liv Ullmann",
"Nadine Trintignant",
"Claude Lelouch",
"Alain Corneau",
"Youssef Chahine",
"Lasse Hallström",
"Fernando Trueba",
"Claude Miller",
"Bigas Lupas",
"Cédric Klapisch",
"Hugh Hudson",
"Gabriel Axel",
"Sarah Moon",
"Vicente Aranda",
"Francis Girod",
"Ismail Merchant",
"Jerry Schatzberg",
"Régis Wargnier",
"Lucian Pintilie",
"Gaston Kaboré",
"Jaco Van Dormael",
"Merzak Allouache",
"Raymond Depardon",
"Yoshishige Yoshida"
] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 3,492 |
29,353 | What is <Operone composer ID> of <Vincenzo Bellini> ? | [] | Which is the Operone composer ID for Vincenzo Bellini? | SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { resource:Vincenzo_Bellini property:Operone_composer_ID ?y } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q170209 wdt:P5359 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 3,650 |
27,157 | What is <contributing factor of> of <Wars of the Diadochi> ? | [] | What is a contributing factor to the Wars of Diadochi? | SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { resource:Wars_of_the_Diadochi property:contributing_factor_of ?i } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q2912306 wdt:P1537 ?answer} | [
] | [
"Jewish history"
] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 1,454 |
25,349 | Give me {place with town rights and privileges} that {list of monuments} {listed objects in Salzburg} and which that starts with {'s'} | What place, beginning with the letter s, has town rights and privileges as nicely as listed monuments and objects in Salzburg? | What place, starting with the letter s, has town rights and privileges as well as listed monuments and objects in Salzburg? | SELECT DISTINCT ?m WHERE { ?m property:list_of_monuments resource:listed_objects_in_Salzburg . FILTER ( STRSTARTS ( LCASE ( ?m ) , 's' ) ) . ?m rdf:type ontology:place_with_town_rights_and_privileges } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement2 <> ?sbj . ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 's')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q13539802 . ?sbj wdt:P1456 wd:Q1188436 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 's')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
] | [
] | string matching type + relation contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; starts with character > | 4 | 2,420 |
14,984 | What is {1st place medalist} of {awards} of {Amotz Zahavi} ? | Who gave the {1st put medalist} of {grants} of {Amotz Zahavi} ? | Who gave the {1st place medalist} of {awards} of {Amotz Zahavi} ? | SELECT ?r WHERE { resource:Amotz_Zahavi property:award_received ?q . ?q property:winner ?r } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q201550 wdt:P166 ?X . ?X wdt:P1346 ?answer} | [
] | [
"W. D. Hamilton",
"Amotz Zahavi",
"Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza",
"Colin Renfrew",
"Vernon Benjamin Mountcastle",
"Alan Walker",
"André Leroi-Gourhan",
"Lewis Binford",
"Philip Johnson-Laird",
"Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic",
"Pasko Rakic",
"Brent Berlin",
"Jack Goody",
"George Armitage Miller",
"Joseph E. LeDoux",
"Michael Tomasello",
"Harold Conklin",
"Michael Posner",
"Simha Arom",
"Chris D. Frith",
"David Premack",
"William Homan Thorpe",
"Michel Jouvet",
"Peter Marler",
"David Pilbeam",
"Pierre Buser",
"Lila R. Gleitman",
"Roger Brown",
"Joaquin Fuster"
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 30 |
16,553 | What is {trend} of {sculptors} of {Physichromie 48} ? | What is the slant of stone carvers of Physichromie 48 | What is the trend of sculptors of Physichromie 48 | SELECT ?v WHERE { ?r property:movement ?v . resource:Physichromie_48 property:creator ?r } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q28036714 wdt:P170 ?X . ?X wdt:P135 ?answer} | [
] | [
"abstract art",
"op art",
"kinetic art"
] | left-subgraph | C RCD xD . xD RDE ?E | 5 | 209 |
2,111 | How many {partner} are to/by {Iron Man} ? | How many partner with Ironman? | How many partners does Iron man have? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?i ) AS ?p ) { ?i property:unmarried_partner resource:Iron_Man } | SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?subs ) {
?statement <> ?sub .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> .
| SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:P451 wd:Q180704 } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count ent (ent-pred-obj) | Count_2 | 1,455 |
8,200 | What is {award received} of {Christopher Lambert} that is {point in time} is {1986-0-0} ? | Which award was received by Christopher Lambert in 1986? | What award did Christopher Lambert receive in 1986? | SELECT ?p WHERE { resource:Christopher_Lambert property:award_received ?a . ?a property:award_received ?p . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( YEAR ( ?e ) , '1986' ) ) . ?a property:point_in_time ?e } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <1986-0-0>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q105158 p:P166 ?s . ?s ps:P166 ?obj . ?s pq:P585 ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1986')) } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 4,645 |
28,595 | What is <ICF canoer ID> of <Michal Martikán> ? | [] | What is Michal Martikán's ICF canoer ID? | SELECT DISTINCT ?u WHERE { resource:Michal_Martikán property:ICF_canoer_ID ?u } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q287399 wdt:P3689 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 2,892 |
21,093 | What is the {essential medicine} for {medical condition treated} of {leprosy} | What basic pharmaceutical is required to treat leprosy? | What essential medicine is needed to treat leprosy? | SELECT DISTINCT ?i WHERE { ?i property:medical_condition_treated resource:leprosy . ?i rdf:type ontology:essential_medicine } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P2175 wd:Q36956 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q35456 } | [
] | [
] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 1,439 |
5,080 | What is {population} of {Cambridge, Massachusetts} that is {point in time} is {1880-0-0} ? | What is the number of inhabitants in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the year 1880? | What is the population of Cambridge, Massachusetts in the year 1880? | SELECT ?n WHERE { ?w property:population ?n . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( YEAR ( ?w ) , '1880' ) ) . resource:Cambridge property:population ?w . ?w property:point_in_time ?w } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <1880-0-0>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q49111 p:P1082 ?s . ?s ps:P1082 ?obj . ?s pq:P585 ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1880')) } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 1,525 |
19,342 | Does the {lower flammable limit} of the {hydrogen cyanide} {equals} {5.6} | Is the lower combustible restrain of the hydrogen cyanide break even with to 5.6? | Is the lower flammable limit of the hydrogen cyanide equal to 5.6? | ASK WHERE { resource:hydrogen_cyanide property:lower_flammable_limit ?s . FILTER ( ?s = 5.6 ) } | ASK { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?obj. filter(?obj = 5.6) } | ASK WHERE { wd:Q26075 wdt:P2202 ?obj filter(?obj = 5.6) } | [] | [] | boolean with filter | ASK ?sbj ?pred ?obj filter ?obj = num | 3 | 1,360 |
28,272 | What is <copyright owner> of <RIA Novosti> ? | [] | Who is the copyright owner for RIA Novosti? | SELECT DISTINCT ?j WHERE { ?j property:copyright_holder resource:RIA_Novosti } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> ?answer. ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <>. } | select distinct ?answer where { ?answer wdt:P3931 wd:Q821172} | [
] | [
] | center | ?D RDE E | 1.2 | 2,569 |
15,320 | What is {MASL} of {twin town} of {Iași} ? | what is the MASL of the twin town of lasi? | what is the MASL of the twin town of lasi? | SELECT ?f WHERE { ?o property:elevation_above_sea_level ?f . resource:Iași property:twinned_administrative_body ?o } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q46852 wdt:P190 ?X . ?X wdt:P2044 ?answer} | [
] | [
] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 3,483 |
22,956 | What is the {sovereign state} for {country of citizenship} of {Salman of Saudi Arabia} | What nation is Salman of Saudi Arabia a citizen of? | What country is Salman of Saudi Arabia a citizen of? | SELECT DISTINCT ?q WHERE { resource:Salman_of_Saudi_Arabia property:country_of_citizenship ?q . ?q rdf:type ontology:sovereign_state } | select distinct ?obj where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?obj . ?obj <> <> } | select distinct ?obj where { wd:Q367825 wdt:P27 ?obj . ?obj wdt:P31 wd:Q3624078 } | [
] | [
"Saudi Arabia"
] | simple question right | <S P ?O ; ?O instanceOf Type> | 1 | 2,017 |
7,052 | What is {head of government} of {New Jersey} that is {start time} is {1935-1-15} ? | Who was the governor of New Jersey, January 1, 1935? | Who was the head of government in New Jersey beginning in 1935-1-15?W | SELECT ?c WHERE { ?r property:head_of_government ?c . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( YEAR ( ?j ) , '1935' ) ) . resource:New_Jersey property:head_of_government ?r . ?r property:start_time ?j } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <1935-1-15>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q1408 p:P6 ?s . ?s ps:P6 ?obj . ?s pq:P580 ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1935')) } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 3,497 |
10,452 | What is {followed by} and {follows} of {{Clovis I} has {noble title} as {king of Franks}} | Who was the King of Franks before and after Clovis I? | Who preceded and who succeeded Clovis I as king of Franks? | SELECT ?z ?a WHERE { ?j property:follows ?a . resource:Clovis_I property:noble_title ?j . ?j property:noble_title resource:king_of_Franks . ?j property:followed_by ?z } | select distinct ?value1 ?value2 where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <>. ?statement <> ?value1 . ?statement <> ?value2 } | SELECT ?value1 ?value2 WHERE { wd:Q82339 p:P97 ?s . ?s ps:P97 wd:Q22923081 . ?s pq:P156 ?value1 . ?s pq:P155 ?value2 } | [] | [] | [] | [] | 2 | 469 |
22,341 | What is the {cultural region} for {history of topic} of {history of China} | WHAT IS THE Social HISTORY OF CHINA? | WHAT IS THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF CHINA? | SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { ?v property:history_of_topic resource:history_of_China . ?v rdf:type ontology:cultural_region } | select distinct ?subj where { ?statement <> ?subj . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?subj <> <> } | select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:P2184 wd:Q82972 . ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q3502482 } | [] | [] | simple question left | <?S P O ; ?S InstanceOf Type> | 2 | 3,402 |
6,239 | what is the {point in time} for {Reese Witherspoon} has {award received} as {British Academy of Film and Television Arts} ? | When did Reese Witherspoon get the British Foundation of Film and Tv Expressions award? | When did Reese Witherspoon receive the British Academy of Film and Television Arts award? | SELECT ?p WHERE { ?z property:award_received resource:British_Academy_of_Film_and_Television_Arts . resource:Reese_Witherspoon property:award_received ?z . ?z property:point_in_time ?p } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q44063 p:P166 ?s . ?s ps:P166 wd:Q159661 . ?s pq:P585 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 2,684 |
12,454 | What is {play} of {Jules Rimet}, that has {executive authority} is {FIFA} ? | What does Jules Rimet play whose official specialist is FIFA? | What does Jules Rimet play whose executive authority is FIFA? | SELECT ?i WHERE { resource:Jules_Rimet property:sport ?i . ?i property:authority resource:FIFA } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q199642 wdt:P641 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P797 wd:Q253414} | [
] | [
"association football"
] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 1,625 |
29,383 | What is <symptoms> of <leukemia> ? | [] | What are Symptoms of Leukemia | SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { resource:leukemia property:symptoms ?v } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q29496 wdt:P780 ?answer} | [
] | [
"angina pectoris",
"chest pain",
"weight loss",
"bone pain",
] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 3,680 |
3,281 | What is the {spacecraft} with the {MIN(orbits completed)} whose {instance of} is {spacecraft} ? | Which spacecraft has the lowest number of orbits completed in a single occurrence? | what is the spacecraft with the lowest orbits completed whose instance of is spacecraft? | SELECT ?v WHERE { ?v rdf:type ontology:spacecraft . ?v rdf:type ontology:spacecraft . ?v property:orbits_completed ?l } | select ?ent where {
?ent <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?ent .
?statement1 <> <>.
?statement1 <> ?obj1.
?statement2 <> ?ent .
?statement2 <> <> .
?statement2 <> <> .
LIMIT 5 | select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:P31 wd:Q40218 . ?ent wdt:P1418 ?obj . ?ent wdt:P31 wd:Q40218} ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5 | [
] | [
"Apollo 8"
] | rank | ?E is_a Type. ?E pred Obj. ?E-secondClause value. MIN (value) | Rank2 | 503 |
4,186 | What is {work location} of {Willem de Kooning} that is {end time} is {1926-7-18} ? | At what place worked Willem de Kooning in 1926? | Where did Willem de Kooning work on 7-18-1926? | SELECT ?f WHERE { ?s property:work_location ?f . resource:Willem_de_Kooning property:work_location ?s . ?s property:end_time ?o . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( YEAR ( ?o ) , '1926' ) ) } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <1926-7-18>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q132305 p:P937 ?s . ?s ps:P937 ?obj . ?s pq:P582 ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1926')) } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 631 |
15,508 | What is {genetic association} of {die from} of {John Gotti} ? | What hereditary affiliation caused John Gotti to die? | What genetic association caused John Gotti to die? | SELECT ?v WHERE { resource:John_Gotti property:cause_of_death ?q . ?q property:genetic_association ?v } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q301646 wdt:P509 ?X . ?X wdt:P2293 ?answer} | [
] | [
] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 2,353 |
26,456 | What is <World Heritage Tentative List ID> of <University of Tehran> ? | [] | what is the world heritage Tentative liste ID of Univirsity of Tahran | SELECT DISTINCT ?y WHERE { resource:University_of_Tehran property:World_Heritage_Tentative_List_ID ?y } | select distinct ?answer where { ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> <> . ?statement <> ?answer. } | select distinct ?answer where { wd:Q737835 wdt:P4171 ?answer} | [] | [] | center | E REF ?F | 1.1 | 753 |
24,561 | Give me {beer style} that starts with {'t'} | let me know brew fashion begins with t | tell me beer style starts with t | SELECT DISTINCT ?v WHERE { ?v rdf:type ontology:beer_style . FILTER ( STRSTARTS ( LCASE ( ?v ) , 't' ) ) } | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label { ?statement1 <> ?sbj . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 't')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31 wd:Q1998962 . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 't')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25 | [
"Trappist beer",
"Triple India Pale Ale"
] | [
"Trappist beer",
"Trappist beer",
"Triple India Pale Ale",
"Triple India Pale Ale"
] | string matching simple contains word | <?S P O ; ?S instanceOf Type ; starts with character > | 2 | 3,682 |
9,321 | what is the {start time} for {Walgreens} has {chairperson} as {Charles Rudolph Walgreen, Sr.} ? | When did Charles Rudolph Walgreen Sr, the chairperson for Walgreens start? | When will the chairperson for Walgreens, Charles Rudolph Walgreen, Sr., start? | SELECT ?p WHERE { ?s property:chairperson resource:Charles_Rudolph_Walgreen,_Sr. . ?s property:start_time ?p . resource:Walgreens property:chairperson ?s } | select distinct ?value where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?value.
| SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:Q1591889 p:P488 ?s . ?s ps:P488 wd:Q5082215 . ?s pq:P580 ?value} | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred ?Obj ) prop value | statement_property_1 | 5,766 |
5,013 | What is {headquarters location} of {Lenovo} that is {located at street address} is {No. 6 Chuang Ye Road, Shangdi Information Industry Base} ? | Which is the street address of Lenovo headquarters? | what is the lenovo headquarters street address? | SELECT ?t WHERE { resource:Lenovo property:headquarters_location ?d . FILTER ( CONTAINS ( ?a , 'No.6 Chuang Ye Road, Shangdi Information Industry Base' ) ) . ?d property:P969 ?a . ?d property:headquarters_location ?t } | select distinct ?obj where {
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> ?obj .
?statement <> <No. 6 Chuang Ye Road, Shangdi Information Industry Base>
| SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:Q14799 p:P159 ?s . ?s ps:P159 ?obj . ?s pq:P969 ?x filter(contains(?x , 'No. 6 Chuang Ye Road, Shangdi Information Industry Base')) } | [] | [] | statement_property | (E pred F) prop ?value | statement_property_2 | 1,458 |
12,703 | What is {toponym} of {battleship}, that has {has cities} is {Hickman County} ? | What is it? | What is it? | SELECT ?t WHERE { ?t property:contains_administrative_territorial_entity resource:Hickman_County . resource:battleship property:named_after ?t } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?answer . ?statement2 <> ?answer. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q182531 wdt:P138 ?answer . ?answer wdt:P150 wd:Q502047} | [] | [] | right-subgraph | E REF ?F . ?F RFG G | 1 | 626 |
10,158 | What is the {said to be the same as} and the {participant} of {Pacific_War} ? | What is the same saying as the pacific war and who is the participants? | What is the same saying and the participant of the Pacific War? | SELECT ?l ?t WHERE { resource:Pacific_War property:participant ?t . resource:Pacific_War property:said_to_be_the_same_as ?l } | SELECT ?ans_1 ?ans_2 WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> ?ans_1. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?ans_2. } | SELECT ?ans_1 ?ans_2 WHERE { wd:Q184425 wdt:P460 ?ans_1 . wd:Q184425 wdt:P710 ?ans_2 } | [
] | [
"Great East Asia War",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Far East War",
"Great East Asia War",
"United States of America",
"Asia Pacific War",
"United States of America",
"Far East War",
"United States of America",
"Great East Asia War",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Far East War",
"Great East Asia War",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Far East War",
"Great East Asia War",
"United Kingdom",
"Asia Pacific War",
"United Kingdom",
"Far East War",
"United Kingdom",
"Great East Asia War",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Far East War",
"Great East Asia War",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Far East War",
"Great East Asia War",
"Soviet Union",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Soviet Union",
"Far East War",
"Soviet Union",
"Great East Asia War",
"Empire of Japan",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Empire of Japan",
"Far East War",
"Empire of Japan",
"Great East Asia War",
"Dominion of New Zealand",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Dominion of New Zealand",
"Far East War",
"Dominion of New Zealand",
"Great East Asia War",
"Republic of China (1912–1949)",
"Asia Pacific War",
"Republic of China (1912–1949)",
"Far East War",
"Republic of China (1912–1949)"
] | two intentions right subgraph | select where (ent-pred-obj1 . ent-pred-obj2) | 1 | 485 |
1,864 | How many {astronomical filter} are to/by {visible spectrum} ? | What is the number of astonomical filters on the visible spectrum? | How many astonomical filters are on the visible spectrum? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?q ) AS ?o ) { ?q property:astronomical_filter resource:visible_spectrum } | SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?subs ) {
?statement <> ?sub .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> .
| SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:P1227 wd:Q76299 } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count ent (ent-pred-obj) | Count_2 | 1,208 |
1,729 | How many {industry} are to/by {textile manufacturing} ? | There are how many textile manufacturing industries? | How many industries are textile manufacturing? | SELECT ( COUNT ( ?r ) AS ?u ) { ?r property:industry resource:textile_manufacturing } | SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?subs ) {
?statement <> ?sub .
?statement <> <> .
?statement <> .
| SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:P452 wd:Q1505660 } | [
] | [
] | statement_property | Count ent (ent-pred-obj) | Count_2 | 1,073 |
16,859 | What is {tributary} of {on coast of} of {Cape of Good Hope} ? | On the cost of the Cape of Good Hope, who gave the tributary? | Who gave the {tributary} of {on coast of} of {Cape of Good Hope} ? | SELECT ?c WHERE { ?r property:tributary ?c . resource:Cape_of_Good_Hope property:located_in_or_next_to_body_of_water ?r } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { ?statement1 <> <> . ?statement1 <> <>. ?statement1 <> ?X . ?statement2 <> ?X. ?statement2 <> <> . ?statement2 <> ?answer . } | SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:Q4092 wdt:P206 ?X . ?X wdt:P974 ?answer} | [
] | [
"Niger River",
"Senegal River",
"Tagus river",
"Tambre River",
"Eume River",
"Lérez river",
"Minho River",
"Limia River",
"Cávado River",
"Ave River",
"Vouga River",
"Mondego River",
"Sado River",
"Mira River",
"Río de la Plata",
"Massa River",
"Loukkos River",
"River Erne",
"São Francisco River",
"Gambia River",
"Orange River",
"Nickerie River",
"Geba River",
"Gironde estuary",
"Cuanza River",
"Chesapeake Bay",
"River Sorn",
"Amazon basin",
"Casamance River",
"Colorado River",
"Cunene River",
"Savannah River",
"Aille River",
"Altamaha River",
"Gallegos River",
"Draa River",
"Exploits River",
"Potaro River",
"Courantyne River",
"Merrimack River",
"Saint Croix River",
"Mearim River",
"Essequibo River",
"Ribeira da Garça",
"Jökulsá á Fjöllum",
"Suriname River",
"Mana River",
"Chuí Stream",
"Delaware Bay",
"Raritan River",
"Nunez River",
"River Bush",
"Yaque del Norte River",
"Barranco de Guayadeque (Agüimes)",
"Río Negro",
"Long Island Sound",
"Gulf of Maine",
"Bou Regreg",
"River Dun",
"Congo basin",
"Saloum River",
"Dajabón River",
"River Corrib",
"Chubut River",
"Massachusetts Bay",
"Piranhas River",
"Potenji River",
"Cape Fear River",
"Coig River",
"Main River",
"Sebou River",
"rivière de Crac'h",
"Sergipe River",
"Dande River",
"Saint John River",
"Saint Paul River",
"Demerara River",
"Sèvre Niortaise",
"Lower New York Bay",
"Gander River",
"Mano River",
"Farmington River",
"River Valency",
"Parnaíba River",
"Kuiseb River",
"Lis River",
"Albemarle Sound",
"Swakop River",
"Ugab River",
"Santa Cruz River",
"River Garavogue",
"Pomeroon River",
"Alcoa River",
"Deseado River",
"Hamza River",
"Kouilou-Niari River",
"Rio Grande",
"Lofa River",
"St. Johns River",
"Doce River",
"Mystic River",
"Oum Er-Rbia River",
"Nun River",
"Rokel River",
"Paraíba do Sul River",
"Margaree River",
"Matawan Creek",
"Mersey River",
"Les Trois Rivières",
"Flatt's Inlet, Bermuda",
"Rivière de Pénerf",
"Cayenne River",
"Araguari River",
"Presumpscot River",
"Rhode Island Sound",
"Caeté River",
"River Taw",
"Santee River",
"Berg River",
"Abiaí River",
"Río de la Plata Basin",
"Tensift River",
"Satilla River",
"Tijucas River",
"Cacheu River",
"Arade River",
"Jaguaribe River",
"Konkouré River",
"Gurupí River",
"Moa River",
"Barima River",
"Río Grande de Tierra del Fuego",
"Komo River",
"Itapicuru River",
"Una River",
"Benito River",
"Acaraú River",
"Jequitinhonha River",
"Paraíba do Norte River",
"Noun River",
"Sous River",
"St. Marys River",
"Tucunduba River",
"Berbice River",
"Rivière du Grand Carbet",
"Chiluango River",
"courant d'Huchet",
"Courant de Contis",
"Courant de Soustons",
"Courant de Mimizan",
"Nyanga River",
"Campo River",
"Grande Rivière à Goyaves",
"Grande Rivière du Nord",
"Chico River",
"Lobé River",
"La Lézarde Rivière",
"Mellacoree River",
"Capibaribe River",
"Oued Mellah",
"Quinnipiac River",
"Ribeira da Torre",
"Ribeira do Paul",
"Araranguá River",
"Calçoene River",
"Cassiporé River",
"Cunani River",
"Itajaí-Açu river",
"Itapocu River",
"Mampituba River",
"Rio Miriri",
"São Mateus River",
"River Add",
"River Carron",
"Sierra Leone River",
"Quequén Grande River",
"Water of Leith",
"Bot River",
"Kolenté River",
"River Blackwater",
"Little Scarcies River",
"Aljezur River",
"Bay du Nord River",
"Kennebunk River",
"Pardo River",
"Ribeira de Seixe",
"Saguia el-Hamra",
"Alcobaça River",
"Cestos River",
"Rio Quicombo",
"Lokundje River",
"Sinoe River",
"Oued Ksob",
"Omaruru River",
"Imo River",
"Green River",
"Klein River",
"Uilkraal River",
"Verlorevlei River",
"Eerste Rivier",
"Benevente River",
"Caraíva River",
"Caño de Sancti Petri",
"Choró River",
"Coreaú River",
"Coruripe River",
"Damariscotta River",
"De Contas River",
"Guajataca River",
"Halifax River",
"Barranco de Guiniguada",
"Río Jatibonico del Sur",
"Barranco de Santos",
"Barranco de Taborno",
"Barranco de Tahodio",
"Igaraçu River",
"Itabapoana River",
"Itaúnas River",
"Japaratuba River",
"Jequiriçá River",
"Jucu River",
"LaHave River",
"Lazaretto Creek",
"Macaé River",
"Machipongo River",
"Mambucaba River",
"Maracanã River",
"Medway River",
"Mill River",
"Morse River",
"Mucuri River",
"Novo River",
"Pacoti River",
"Palmiet River",
"Papocas River",
"Pejibaye River",
"Penguin River",
"Persinunga River",
"Pirangi River",
"Piscataqua River",
"Pojuca River",
"Lucaia River",
"Das Pedras Basin",
"Jaguaribe Basin",
"Passa-Vaca Basin",
"Real River",
"Red River",
"Reis Magos River",
"Ribeira Grande",
"Ribeira River",
"Ribeira da Janela, Cape Verde",
"Ribeira de Iguape River",
"Ribeira do Calhau",
"Río de la Plata",
"River Evelix",
"River Ferta",
"River Gannel",
"River Hayle",
"River Lliedi",
"River Menalhyl",
"River Shira",
"Río Jatibonico del Norte",
"Sauce Grande River",
"Shark River",
"Silver River",
"Sirinhaém River",
"Spurwink River",
"Sydney River",
"São João River",
"Timonha River",
"Trairi River",
"Turiaçu River",
"Vaza-Barris River",
"White Oak River",
"Winyah Bay",
"York River",
"Loxahatchee River",
"Piedras River",
"Goiana River",
"Ribeira das Águas Claras",
"Ribeira de Caparide",
"Ribeira de João Gomes",
"Ribeira de Santa Luzia",
"Ribeira de São João",
"Ribeira dos Socorridos",
"Alcabrichel River",
"Bengo River",
"Bero River",
"Grande de Buba River",
"Camaragibe River",
"Catumbela River",
"Rio Cocó",
"Curoca River",
"Cuvo River",
"Itapemirim River",
"Jaboatão River",
"Leça River",
"Lizandro River",
"Loge River",
"Longa River",
"Mbridge River",
"Mongaguá River",
"Neiva river",
"Rio Sizandro",
"Rio Tornada",
"Rio da Mula",
"Âncora river",
"Olifants River",
"Ribeira da Janela",
"River Gwaun",
"Newport River",
"Río Grande de Loíza",
"Ribeira Brava",
"Abbey River, Limerick",
"Nuluk River",
"Salt River",
"Dealagh River",
"Inagh River",
"Jökulsá á Breiðamerkursandi",
"Grande Rivière de la Capesterre",
"Rivière Grande Anse",
"Rivière de Saint-Louis",
"Rivière du Petit Carbet",
"Rivière du Pérou",
"Rivière du Trou au Chien",
"Rivière du Vieux-Fort",
"Coporolo River",
"New River",
"Véu da Noiva Falls",
"Rivière Moustique",
"Jong River",
"Ayensu River",
"River Pol",
"Rio Joanes",
"Man O'War Brook",
"Eagle River",
"Ballisodare River",
"Owenmore River",
"River Maine",
"River Lennon",
"River Pedro",
"Rio Mansôa",
"rivière de Saint-Philibert"
] | right-subgraph | E REF xF . xF RFG ?G | 2 | 405 |
Dataset Card for LC-QuAD 2.0 - SPARQLtoText version
Dataset Summary
Special version of LC-QuAD 2.0 for the SPARQL-to-Text task
New field simplified_query
New field is named "simplified_query". It results from applying the following step on the field "query":
Replacing URIs with a simpler format with prefix "resource:", "property:" and "ontology:".
Spacing the delimiters
.Adding diversity to some filters which test a number (
contains ( ?var, 'number' )
can becomecontains ?var = number
Randomizing the variables names
Shuffling the clauses
New split "valid"
A validation set was randonly extracted from the test set to represent 10% of the whole dataset.
Supported tasks
- Knowledge-based question-answering
- Text-to-SPARQL conversion
- SPARQL-to-Text conversion
- English
Dataset Structure
The corpus follows the global architecture from the original version of CSQA (
There is one directory of the train, dev, and test sets, respectively.
Dialogues are stored in separate directories, 100 dialogues per directory.
Finally, each dialogue is stored in a JSON file as a list of turns.
Types of questions
Comparison of question types compared to related datasets:
SimpleQuestions | ParaQA | LC-QuAD 2.0 | CSQA | WebNLQ-QA | ||
Number of triplets in query | 1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
2 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
More | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||
Logical connector between triplets | Conjunction | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Disjunction | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Exclusion | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Topology of the query graph | Direct | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Sibling | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Chain | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Mixed | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Other | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Variable typing in the query | None | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Target variable | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Internal variable | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Comparisons clauses | None | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
String | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Number | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||
Date | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Superlative clauses | No | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Yes | ✓ | |||||
Answer type | Entity (open) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Entity (closed) | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Number | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||
Boolean | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Answer cardinality | 0 (unanswerable) | ✓ | ✓ | |||
1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
More | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Number of target variables | 0 (⇒ ASK verb) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
2 | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Dialogue context | Self-sufficient | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Coreference | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Ellipsis | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Meaning | Meaningful | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Non-sense | ✓ |
Data splits
Text verbalization is only available for a subset of the test set, referred to as challenge set. Other sample only contain dialogues in the form of follow-up sparql queries.
Train | Validation | Test | |
Questions | 21,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
NL question per query | 1 | ||
Characters per query | 108 (± 36) | ||
Tokens per question | 10.6 (± 3.9) |
Additional information
Related datasets
This corpus is part of a set of 5 datasets released for SPARQL-to-Text generation, namely:
- Non conversational datasets
- Conversational datasets
Licencing information
- Content from original dataset: CC-BY 3.0
- New content: CC BY-SA 4.0
Citation information
This version of the corpus (with normalized SPARQL queries)
title={SPARQL-to-Text Question Generation for Knowledge-Based Conversational Applications},
author={Lecorv\'e, Gw\'enol\'e and Veyret, Morgan and Brabant, Quentin and Rojas-Barahona, Lina M.},
journal={Proceedings of the Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP)},
Original version
title={LC-QuAD 2.0: A Large Dataset for Complex Question Answering over Wikidata and DBpedia},
author={Dubey, Mohnish and Banerjee, Debayan and Abdelkawi, Abdelrahman and Lehmann, Jens},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)},
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- 143