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- Above are the top 10 moments from last night's WWE RAW at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. - It was noted earlier in the announcement for WWE Week on the USA Network that next Wednesday's broadcast debut of WWE NXT will feature NXT Champion Andrade "Cien" Almas, NXT Women's Champion Ember Moon, Adam Cole, Aleister Black and more. The one-hour special airs at 7pm EST. Based on what happened at the recent NXT TV tapings, it looks like the USA Network special could feature Almas vs. Fabian Aichner, Black vs. Cole and Moon vs. Peyton Royce. - We noted earlier how fans voted that a "deletion" by Matt Hardy would be worse than being "burned" by Bray Wyatt. "Woken" Matt responded to the poll on Twitter today and addressed Wyatt's Sister Abigail for the first time, as seen below: The results of this MORTAL poll shall ultimately be rendered OBSOLETE..— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 5, 2017 It shall be a 100% DELETION of Bray Wyatt & his PROMINENT PASSENGER, The HORRENDOUS Sister Abigail. https://t.co/hBu7LtRyz3
Cyber forensics services that helps enterprises respond to cybercrime attacks have seen increased queries in the past couple of years. This indicated two things: that the number of attacks being faced and identified by our clients was increasing; and organizations appeared to understand that cyber-attacks are a reality that need to be addressed. This could possibly signal a change in mindset around how organizations have traditionally perceived cyber security efforts. From a reluctance to report such attacks and incidents, clients are now more keen to remediate with external assistance, where required. While more may need to be done to create and maintain a national repository of incidents, CERT-IN has seen an increase in reporting by organisations. What may help is perhaps masking the name of the affected organisations and limiting the details to the industry sector. Another conversation we often have with clients tends to be about the return on investment (RoI) for their cyber security spends and whether this is ‘justified’. (To start with relatively large amounts of money tends to be invested towards cybercrime prevention. Should breaches occur, additional investments are necessary for remediation.) While budgetary spends have increased, and are split over the tools and people (skills) required for prevention, organisations are under pressure due to the rising salaries for skilled professionals. Increased demand and limited supply of skilled cyber security and cyber forensic professionals have resulted in higher salaries putting additional pressure on organisations. A number of companies have chosen the outsourcing model where either the personnel, or the staff and in some cases both are outsourced to external parties. So how then should one look at the RoI from cyber security initiatives? The response to this question is in two parts. First, it would not be wise to look at security spends from a ‘successful attack’ perspective. It would be more prudent to see how many attempts and attacks have been prevented by the cyber security initiatives undertaken by the organization. While it may be difficult to estimate the damage that could have been caused by any of these ‘successful attacks’, it would at the very least be possible to assess the number and volume of incidents that the organization would have had to respond to in the absence of the right cybersecurity The second part of the response to the RoI question is the opportunity to gather intelligence that can be derived from collating, aggregating, and correlating the different attempts identified by the cybersecurity infrastructure. Of course, while performing such assessments organizations need to keep smokescreens and diversionary tactics of attackers in mind. We have, in our cyber forensics practice, however seen clients fall prey to ‘forced’ attempts to correlate. For example, in many cases we have seen clients eager to correlate events occurring around the same time. While this could help in the analysis, there are times when they can negatively impact investigations or root case analysis. Especially in case of spam attacks, we see no correlation to start with but in case it becomes a successful phishing attack, there is a rush to connect every spam email to the phishing attack. Organizations need to remember that cyberattacks are not one-to-one. It is often one attacker attempting to breach several organizations in parallel and similarly each organization may be the target for several cyber attackers at the same time.Efficacy of cybersecurity initiatives It is important to focus on three key points over and above creating a technology-driven cybersecurity or cyber defense capability. These are not very different from what one would seek from an overall fraud risk management First, people tend to be the weakest link in cyber security initiatives. In almost every cyberattack there is a human action that enables the attack to become successful — whether it is clicking on a phishing link, visiting a malicious site that infects a machine, or opening an attachment that could result in ransomware or other malware entering an organization’s technology environment. It is imperative that adequate effort is made to regularly train employees and other third parties who access the organization’s network about existing and emerging threats. Second, in addition to relying on technology driven controls, there is need for additional steps that can help prevent an attack from being successful. For example, a common occurrence is a business email compromise that often results in an email being received by members of the finance team from a supplier or vendor instructing change in bank account details followed by payment instructions to the new account. We have noted in some instances that the person in finance team replies seeking more information to the spoofed email, which naturally goes back to the fraudster or external attacker. If the control is modified that any such change needs to be verified on the phone with a fresh email being sent to the vendor, some instances of such fraud can be prevented. Of course, how the compromise happened might still need to be investigated but at least the organization does not lose money due to funds transferred to an account controlled by a fraudster. Third, it is important that the organization has an incident response plan to respond to a cyber-incident. This is similar to the organization implementing a fraud response plan that defines roles, responsibilities, and the process for responding to an incident. This can equip organizations with a speedy response to incidents or attacks. A typical cyber incident response plan comprises/contains documented ownership of actions based on the nature of incidents, involvement of other departments such as the legal team, human resources and media relations, besides instructions to contain the damage. This also includes arrangements with external teams to come and assist with remediation efforts should the need arise. We expect to see a large number of organizations developing cyber incident response plans, given the high preference to opt for cyber liability insurance plans. Lastly, an issue often noted when organizations initiate incident investigations is that the IT operations team may not be fully aligned with the cyber security operations team. The former tends to focus on business operations and when an incident occurs, the organization finds that information necessary for investigation purposes is often not available, rendering any remediation next to impossible. Alongside conducting a readiness assessment addressing the availability of information in case of an incident, it would be prudent if organizations created a channel for transfer of data ownership between multiple teams. Cyber incidents will continue to affect our lives as we spend more time on the web, both as organizations and as individuals. Investments made towards prevention should no doubt be monitored closely. However, a significant portion of efforts should also go towards awareness creation and preparedness to respond. About the author: Jayant Saran is Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP. DISCLAIMER: Views expressed above are the author's own and ETCFO.com does not necessarily subscribe to them. ETCFO.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.
LIC. JULIETA OVALLE PIEDRA Julieta Ovalle Piedra has more than seventeen years of experience in Commercial, Administrative, Civil, Familiar and amparo Litigation. She has acted as arbitrator and counsel in institutional and ad hoc arbitrations, both domestic and international, and as expert in Mexican Law before foreign courts. She completed her J.D. at the Faculty of Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM), and her LL.M. at the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She obtained both degrees with honors (mención honorífica and mention assez bien respectively). She also has completed a Diploma in Business Law (ITAM), a Diploma in American Law (Universidad Iberoamericana and Georgetown University Law Center), a Diploma in European Law (Universidad Iberoamericana and Universidad de Deusto), and a Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration (ICC México and Escuela Libre de Derecho), and attended the International Business Postgraduate Program at Escuela Libre de Derecho. Currently she is participating in the ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Latin America. She has been professor of private international law at the ITAM, of civil liability and comparative law at the Universidad Iberoamericana, and currently she is professor of arbitration at the Postgraduate Studies Division of the Faculty of Law of the UNAM. She is also part of the faculty that runs the Diploma of International Commerce and the Diploma of International Commercial Arbitration at the Escuela Libre de Derecho in collaboration with the Mexican Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce. She lectures in conferences in Mexico and abroad. She published the book La responsabilidad civil por productos en México, Canadá y Estados Unidos (Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas UNAM, 2001) and several publications and articles on Arbitration, international successions, among other subjects. She is member of the Mexican Bar Association (BMA). From 2009 to 2011 she coordinated the Equity and Gender Commission and at present she is the Secretary of the Board of Honor of the BMA. She is also a member of the Mexican Arbitration Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Arbitraje- IMA), of the Latin American Group of Arbitrators of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, and of the Mexican Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Mexico), where she actively participates in the Arbitration Commission. She was President of the Young Arbitrators Committee and ICC YAF Latin America Representative from 2014 to 2017. She is member of the Council of the Construction Industry Arbitration Center (Centro de Arbitraje de la Industria de la Construcción-CAIC) and founding member of the Mexican Society of Construction Law (Sociedad Mexicana del Derecho de la Construcción). She was included in the Chambers Latin America 2018 ranking for her practice in international arbitration and in the issue "The most influential female lawyers in Mexico" of Foro Jurídico magazine, Mexico, March 2018. Ms. Ovalle Piedra first language is Spanish, is fluent in English and Spanish, has working knowledge of Italian and has a basic level of German.
FACTORY UNIT WITH YARD This conveniently located factory unit of 190m2 (approx) with a Light & Service Industry zoning features: - Brick office area - Rear yard of 85m2 (approx) - Multiple power outlets including one 3 phase *Information Disclaimer: This document has been prepared for advertising and marketing purposes only. It is believed to be reliable and accurate, but clients must make their own independent enquiries and must rely on their own personal judgment about the information included in this document. De Freitas & Ryan provides this document without any express or implied... Expressions of Interest Date and Time:
I’ve been working on the campaign for marriage equality here in Minnesota since March, and as I’ve written before, it’s the most fulfilling political, social, and activist project I’ve ever worked on. I’m a total addict to the amazing people and experiences I encounter every single time I put in some time, and I’m going to crash hard on November 7, even if we manage to win. I’m already getting the shakes. Last night, I asked my friend and co-trainer Scott, who works in politics for his day job, for a new campaign–I’m lining up a new dealer once Minnesotans United for All Families skips town. MN United has built a campaign unlike any other, rejecting the messages and tactics that have failed in 30 states where anti-marriage amendments have gone up for a popular vote. While talk about the rights and benefits that attach to marriage, and how the denial of those rights amounts to separate-but-equal discrimination on par with civil rights fights of the past, are important to many supporters of marriage equality, they aren’t generally persuasive for people who are on the fence about gay marriage. So we’re having personal conversations with voters, using our own life stories, to make it clear that marriage is about love and commitment, no matter the gender of the partners. These stories are powerful, and they change hearts and minds and votes. Only four days remain until the election, so I’m going to share the core of the conversations I’ve been having with you today. If you’re in one of the four states voting on marriage equality, I hope that this strengthens your resolve if you’re a supporter, and opens your heart to the conversation if you’re still undecided. I find this amendment personally hurtful on so many levels. I have the great good fortune to be married to the love of my life, despite the astronomical odds that we would ever find one another on opposite sides of the world. And for the last sixteen years, we’ve had each other in good times and bad. I’ve rejoiced in the affection and the support and the million inside jokes and shorthand references that weave us closer, and I’ve buckled with relief into that tightly knit fabric of partnership in the times of crisis and grief. I think marriage is the best game in town, and I devoutly wish the same celebration and endorsement for every loving, committed couple who lean into the unknown future together. All of this hinges, though, on one critical fact: my beloved was the opposite gender. When we fell madly in love, we had many obstacles to overcome so we could be together, but the legal right for me to marry him and secure his immigration status so we could start our new life together was not one of them. We obtained a K-1 “fiance” visa that allowed him to enter the country and get on the fast track for a green card by submitting evidence of our marriage. We went through the separate interviews to assure our marriage wasn’t a scam. But I’m bisexual. There was no guarantee that my soulmate would be a man. And if he weren’t, the last sixteen years–all the love, all the progress, all the family we’ve built–disappear. That one thought blows through my gut like an icy wind and fills me with unbearable sorrow. I cannot imagine the pain and devastation of being told I couldn’t marry and be with my beloved. And I look at my amazing, difficult, brilliant, gorgeous, perfect sons, and I marvel even more. We didn’t have to submit any applications or pass any interviews before we decided to conceive them, and not once have we ever had to fear that they would be taken away from us. We’re far from perfect parents, but no one has ever questioned whether we’re the best people to raise them. It’s assumed that they’re safe and happy and healthy and loved, and there’s no awkwardness when I introduce their other parent at school events or church functions. Believe me, all this “traditional”-ness is positively mortifying to a weird, eclectic nonconformist like me. Frankly, it’s embarrassing. We didn’t set out to create a “traditional” family, and we’ve done everything in our power to the least traditional traditional family around. But we are very aware of our privilege, and there’s no reason in the world it should be reserved to our narrow demographic. Marriage is an important but limited part of how I envision family. I’m a child of divorce, and even as an eight-year-old, I knew that my mother and father weren’t working out. I knew that marriage stood in the way of being our best selves, and I told my mom often as a kid, then a teenager, then an adult, that she made the right call. That divorce didn’t dissolve the ties of family, though–I’m still close with my father’s family, and I kept my birth last name as a second middle name when my stepdad adopted us years later. But I also watched my grandparents’ marriage, which started with my grandma saying, “I’ll marry you so I can get out of the house before I kill my sister. But if it doesn’t work out, you go your way, I’ll go mine, and no hard feelings.” It lasted 62 years. We teach our sons that families come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, we didn’t have to work too hard to teach them this: they already knew it. They have friends who have a mom and a dad like they do, and friends who only live with their mom or their dad, or travel between their parents’ houses. They know friends who live with extended family, or foster parents, or adoptive families. And they know friends with two dads or two moms. All they care about is that their friends are as loved and secure as they are. So I’m voting no. I’m voting no because I treasure my marriage. No other word in our language and society so completely sums up the lifelong commitment and enduring love that I share with my partner, and it hurts to imagine being told that we didn’t qualify for that word by something we couldn’t change or improve. My marriage is strong, and no married gay couple down the street, arguing about bills and chores like we do, makes that less secure. I’m voting no because I hold my sons in hope and love. I feel that they’re better people because we’ve taught them that every person is worthy of the same dignity, no exceptions. My dream for my boys is to dance at their weddings, and the only thing I care about is that the person they marry loves them as much as I love their father. I’m going to dance, it’s going to be Bad Mom Dancing, and it’s going to live on in infamy on YouTube, to forever embarrass them, like every good mom should. I’m voting no because my understanding of the world’s faiths teaches me that the most universal truth among humans is to treat one another the way we would want to be treated. Whether it’s the Judeo-Christian Golden Rule, or the Confucian Silver Rule, this is held as a central tenet. We rarely follow the ancient scriptures that prohibit same-sex partners on other subjects; we acknowledge that they’re historical documents, and that society’s values have evolved since they were written. I want my church to have the religious freedom to marry gay and lesbian couples as our faith embraces as equally entitled. I’m voting no because I’m a historian. I can see that the institution of marriage predates the Bible and that it began as an economic transaction to link families and secure heredity. It was not always a sacrament, and it was not always available to every heterosexual couple. It hasn’t “always been” any particular way. Marriage for love is a damned newfangled idea, relatively speaking. If you married someone not from your hometown, you’re already breaking “traditional” convention, let alone someone of a different church, faith, ethnic group, or race. I’m voting no because I’m a teacher and a parent, and the health, safety, and wellbeing of every child matters to me. I can’t imagine the horror of waiting to know how the state where they were born is going to vote on whether they and their families are welcome. LGBT youth are so fragile already, under siege in schools and churches and media, and it’s a sacred trust we are given to show them that they can aspire to fully participate in society and experience the range of human love. I have great confidence that other teachers will continue to teach age-appropriate lessons, and that as parents we still have the greatest power to teach our children about morality. I’m voting no because I’m a patriot. I believe in the founding principles of our country, especially the purpose of our constitution as a document that secures personal freedoms and limits government intrusions. The constitution should never be used to carve out a segment of the population and deprive them of the same liberties as others enjoy. And we certainly shouldn’t be putting rights up for a popular vote. Ideological conservatives have made some of the most persuasive arguments along these lines. I’m voting no because I’m an optimist, and I believe our society is moving toward a broader, more inclusive understanding of one another. The less we allow race, gender, faith, class, and sexual orientation to cloud our vision of a common humanity, the more we will recognize that we all want the same thing. We’ve got a long way to go on all of those issues, but we can (and should!) work on them simultaneously. I reject the arguments of fear, division, and misunderstanding, and I put my hope in the journey we’re on toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The fact is that no one wants to get hurt while at work, and no one wants to be responsible for someone else getting hurt. However, the truth is that accidents do happen in the workplace, and people do get hurt, particularly in workplaces where there is a higher risk of injury, such as within the manufacturing industry. Sometimes accidents happen, and when they do the consequences can be serious, although the majority of the time thankfully they’re not. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t want to try and ensure that you prevent all accidents. After all, every time there is an accident, there’s a risk that it will end with serious consequences for both the person affected and the company involved. That’s why it’s so important that when it comes to running a business within the manufacturing industry, that you take health and safety seriously from the start. Bearing that in mind, below is a guide to better understanding the risks that come with manufacturing and how you can mitigate them by implementing effective health and safety practices. Invest in health and safety surveys You can perform as many risk assessments as you like, and you should regularly do, but there’s always a chance that you will miss something important. That’s why it’s so vital when it comes to your manufacturing business, that you are willing to invest in professional health and safety surveys. The fact is that by doing so, you can ensure that any potential health and safety issues that you and your team may not spot can be quickly brought to light before they cause an accident or injury to occur. By employing a specialist to perform a detailed audit of your company, you can ensure that when it comes to health and safety regulations and practices, you are as clued up as possible. Unfortunately, you may not notice problems with the safety procedures you have in place, or if a certain system that your team uses to work could cause a serious accident, whereas a professional health and safety specialist will notice these things and make sure you are aware of them. Make health and safety training mandatory If you want to reduce the risk you have of being sued by an injured employee, it is vital that you put the right safety processes in place to protect your entire team. What does this mean? It means taking steps to ensure that when it comes to health and safety, your team members are clued up on what they can do to prevent accidents from occurring. The key to doing this is training. As a rule of thumb, if you are serious about making workplace accidents and injuries a thing of the past, it’s vital that you implement mandatory employee health and safety training. That way, you can make sure that before any new team members begin working for you, they have undergone training to help them stay safe while working. It is important, as it is your responsibility as an employer, to ensure that you give your team members everything that they need to stay safe while at work. If you fail to do this, you could be held accountable for any accidents or injuries that occur. Take part in safety conferences In addition to ensuring that your team members undergo adequate health and safety training, it’s also vital that you know how to keep your team safe. That’s why it’s so important to consider taking part in industry-specific health and safety conferences, such as the safety conference in 2018. If you want to ensure that your team members can stay safe while on the job, it’s vital that you take steps to learn more about workplace health and safety. Attending an industry-specific conference could help you to do that. As while you are at the conference, not only will you learn about all of the newest inventions in health and safety and methods for staying safe while at work, you will also learn about any new risk factors that have developed. It’s impossible to stay abreast of everything that’s going on in the industry, which is why attending these kinds of things is so important. Understand the risks As a business owner, it’s your job to understand the risks that come with running a manufacturing business. When it comes to keeping your team members safe, it’s essential that you understand what risks there are and how they can pose a threat to your team members and what it takes for you to keep them safe. It’s important to make sure that you spend plenty of time researching, educating yourself and reading up about the risks that your team members deal with on a daily basis so that you are able to keep the risk of accidents and injuries as low as possible. Part of the issue with workplace accidents and injuries is the fact that in order to be able to mitigate risk, you need to understand and assess what these risks are. That’s why it is vital that you make time to learn as much about your business’s process and systems, and how you can significantly reduce the chance of any serious accidents taking place. It won’t always be easy getting to grips with this, but if you take the time to invest in health and safety, it is possible to do so. In manufacturing, there is nothing more crucial than health and safety. If you want to make sure that your business reduces the risk of any serious safety issues leading to accidents and injuries, it’s vital that you take health and safety seriously from the moment when you first launch your business. By taking note of the tips and advice above, you can make doing so much easier and less stressful, and you can increase the chance that your business will be able to avoid accidents altogether, or at least, any major accidents.
In fact, one person in the organization expects Harper to be off the Major League Spring Training roster in the next few days. Sources have indicated for weeks that Harper will start his first regular season of professional ball with Class A Hagerstown. Harper, 18, acknowledged he has a lot to learn when it comes to professional baseball. 2010 Spring Training - null Sights & Sounds Spring Training Info "Right now, no," Harper said about making the Nationals' Opening Day roster. "I totally respect it. I have a lot of things I could learn from Minor League baseball, and I have to go through all the things that everybody has gone through. "I have to go through the grind of playing 142 games a year. I've never done that. It's something I have to go through and I have to learn. I'm really excited to go through it. Hopefully, I will get a September callup or something like that -- maybe even earlier. "Like I said, I'm excited to be [in big league camp] right now. I look forward to the season and being with the team that I'm going to be with. Hopefully, I'll get moved up sooner rather than later." Harper has taken advantage of being in big league camp. In 12 games, all coming as a replacement in right field or as a designated hitter, Harper is 7-for-18 (.389) with five RBIs. Harper went 1-for-2 with an RBI on Friday against the Astros. He credits veterans such as Matt Stairs and Rick Ankiel for his development this spring. "I've had a lot of fun out here. I've learned a lot being around the veteran guys," Harper said. "They took me under their wing. Ankiel and Stairs have been huge with me in the outfield. So I'm learning everything from them. There is nothing better than being around those big league guys." Don't think Harper is content with his success this spring. He is the first to say he needs to improve his game. This is coming from a person who is considered by many to be the LeBron James of baseball. "There are always things I can get better at -- hitting, catching, throwing and baserunning," Harper said. "There are a lot of things I could get better at, and that's how I feel. I want to be perfect in every aspect of the game. That's how I've always been. I've been blessed. I've had the good success. I'm excited to be up here. As long as I can stay up here as long as I can and be around the big league guys, that would be great." During most of Spring Training, Harper has had his father, Ron, around for moral support, but he recently told him to go back home to Nevada and be with his mother, Sherri. Bryce said Ron has nothing to be concerned about leaving his youngest son in the hands of the Nationals. "There is nothing [my dad] needs to worry about," Harper said. "I'm pretty low key. I'm going to do everything I can to make [my parents] happy and make this organization happy. I'm here to play baseball. That's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to do things I shouldn't be doing. I'm here to play and it's a job I have to do." Bill Ladson is a reporter for MLB.com and writes an MLBlog, All Nats All the time He also could be found on Twitter @WashingNats. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
While there have been several heavy rainstorms in the community area abutting Tsavo’s Northern boundary, which changed the normally dry Kalovoto watercourse into a river on the 25th, and in isolated areas of the Park, sadly Ithumba itself had received only two light showers during the month and both weeks apart. By the end of November the browsing areas utilized by our Keeper Dependent Orphans remained bone dry, which is most unusual. Hence the handout of Lucerne has had to continue (mercifully funded by a very kind and caring donor). The Juniors were joined by the Ex Orphans daily but for the few days following those light showers ( i.e. from 4th- 9th and from the 13th- 14th . The Ex Orphan herd as a whole was last seen on 21st, when Yatta’s baby, little “Yetu” enjoyed running around Kandecha and Ololoo, leaving the two Juniors with outspread ears wondering what she was up to! Thereafter Yatta and the main Ex Orphan herd left the area completely along with their wild friends and all the wild elephant herds in search of greener pastures elsewhere. However, Kora, Lualeni, Naserian and Rapsu opted out of the great trek and returned to the Stockades, where they were a daily fixture until the end of the month, choosing to remain close where they obviously felt safer and had access to both Lucerne and water. They even slept the night of the 29th actually within the compound. We believe the reason that these 4 Ex Orphans opted out of accompanying the others further afield is because Kora has been poison arrowed before (returning to the Stockade for treatment), and Lualeni is his best friend who remained with him throughout his convalescence. Rapsu and Naserian are believed to have been with Selengai when she died from a poisoned spear wound not far from the Stockades, probably desperately trying to help her return to the Stockades. Sadly, she never made it, but those particular Ex Orphans turned up that day at the Juniors’ mudbath, all visibly upset. Since “Elephants Never Forget” we believe that this explains why they have chosen to remain close despite the obvious temptation of greener pastures elsewhere. Lualeni came alone to join the Juniors at their noon mudbath on the 3rd, and escorted them to the Kalovoto area where the Senior Ex Orphans were believed to be browsing that day. She then escorted the Juniors back to the Stockades in the evening, where she awaited the arrival of the Yatta’s Senior Group to rejoin them again. Zurura was another Ex Orphan who came alone to the Stockades at the beginning of the month to enjoy the Lucerne, but was amongst the main herd thereafter. It was so hot on the 24th that Makireti and Ishanga, relative newcomers to Ithumba who have obviously not yet fully acclimatized to such conditions, had to resort to drawing out stomach water to spray behind their ears and cool their bodies down. On very hot days the Juniors have enjoyed their “gooey” black Cotton artificial mudbath, which is fed from the overflow of the Stockade drinking trough, and in the dry season is not quite as tempting as when it transforms into a proper waterhole. However, Ololoo never misses out being very fond of wallowing and water generally. All enjoyed the few damp puddles left by the two light showers which were obviously much more popular at this time of the year. This month Leaders of the Junior group, besides their main Matriarch Suguta, have been females Makireti, Melia, Kalama and Chaimu with young bull Kandecha who always knows the time, usually leading the way to the milk and mudbath venue to get the ball rolling. The Junior Boys have enjoyed their usual Pushing Tests of Strength, with Ololoo taking on Kilaguni several times despite being much smaller, but by the end of the month he was making progress in this respect. Makireti had a friendly bout with little Chemi Chemi, allowing him to win the contest, which made him feel good. Kilaguni is usually the victor over Sabachi and Kasigau. We sincerely hope for rain in December, and pray also that our Ex Orphans will all eventually return intact, and that the poisoned arrow Poachers will be otherwise occupied planting their crops!
The Collegiate team will not face an international opponent this summer; instead, this year’s Collegiate team will feature 48 players on two 24-man rosters, the Stars and Stripes, who will play 11 intrasquad games in July. He made his international debut when he was only 18 years old. On the other hand, if the engagement is decreasing, the first thing you should do is subtract the new percentage from the old one. This is probably because many people play on the basketball court or adapt an existing one to become a makeshift futsal pitch. They gave her a deal and what she’s done for women’s basketball since then has been incredible. The statement then says: ‘With respect to the remaining five players, FIFA’s position was that it “deemed” these players to have registered prior to any application for registration being made. Months later, Liverpool has sunk to fourth position and hasn’t scored in its last four EPL games. Name me the four semi-finalists too. Everyone only cares about the team name on the chest in front of the shirt rather than the name on the back of someone. 4. Go back to your home screen. This blog described how one guy’s need for instant SF Muni information in his home led him to work through the pain points of writing to an LED sign and ultimately, open sourcing his code. After perusing Google, I came across an interesting blog: SF Muni LED Sign at Home with Raspberry Pi - Bingo! 2. An LED sign for the novelty of displaying the game information. All sporting events are covered, including college sports activities, the Olympics games, the World Cup and Basketball tournament etc. Sports Ticker displays are mostly showed data in the form of text .Sometimes it used small images and animation for displaying the data. This was an adventure in of itself best described in a programmatic sports stat blog post. High cut: The high cut cleat is the largest football cleat you can find on the market and the best protection for your feet. Although expectations will be high for the English (and pressure will be high on Southgate) to put in a good shift against the Czechs, the Czechs are no pushover. I’ve received a generous donation from some people (thank you) and as an act of good faith I’m looking to provide an effortless experience. Otherwise, he may well be looking for guaranteed play time elsewhere. Just what I was looking for. The team desperately needs to zhuzh up their defence and they could also use another top-six winger – maybe two top-six wingers if they plan on playing J.T. The Danes must beat Russia to have any chance of qualifying from Group B. They will go for victory galvanised by team spirit and global support following Christian Eriksen’s collapse. Just with one small feature they managed to make regular players feel like they have made it to the big leagues, and that’s really the point of an RPG, right? Players performing headers were prospectively evaluated. You can view the IPL 2012 players list on the website. Iyer hit 10 sixes in a match against Kolkata Knight Riders in the 2018 IPL season. After 15 match weeks, Birmingham are in fourteenth place in the Premiership points table, barely three points above Wigan who are in the relegation zone, while Tottenham are fifth-placed and vying for a Champions League qualification. I think they match up nicely against Stanford. If you select yes to the notifications service, 스포츠 토토사이트 you will be asked to select an update interval. You will see non-intrusive game updates no matter where you are in Kodi if you select yes. If you are interested in checking out the Sports Guru Kodi addon, check out our guide below for more information. The Sports Guru Kodi addon is a unique source for sports scores, live updates, and a live ticker. Notifications for the sports and teams you want right within Kodi. Now you have a real excuse for your spouse when you say you have to head to the sports bar to watch football all day – research.
Translation of protein sequence to nucleotide sequence mcbaet at MCBSGS1.IMCB.NUS.EDU.SG Mon Aug 10 22:17:55 EST 1998 Is anyone aware of a program that translate a protein sequence into a nucleotide sequence given a specific codon usage table? More information about the Bio-soft
Empress Tea found its beginnings as an experimental creative group blog. It provides an artistic outlet to inspire and encourage talented female minds from across the globe. In this collaboration we openly share a wealth of ideas, exhibiting freedom of expression within a positive and supportive group dynamic. Using the internet as a medium to express our creativity we commit to taking time for ourselves to dream and expand our creative nature. What We Do: Empress Tea is a collaboration of talented women from across the globe. It is a wonderful organic mesh of creativity and complete randomness. According to sequence on the Empress List, each woman gets an opportunity to post something creative on the blog. There is currently 1 post per week — every Monday. Each woman looks to the previous weekly posts for inspiration for her own piece. Her response does not have to be a piece of writing–we are encouraged to use our imagination and express ourselves creatively. A response can reflect upon a previous post or it can continue onto a new topic but there should be some kind of through-line in this ever-growing organic evolution of topics and themes. The proverbial conch will thus continue to be passed around between the ladies with the hopes of inspiring each other and perhaps even a passerby along the way. We hope you enjoy our musings!
I've not been caned hard for some time until last Wednesday that is when I client came and paid extra to really cane me hard which he did and made me bleed as well as breaking a cane on my bum. In fact this is the first one of my canes that has ever been broken. I took a couple of days of in order to recover and even though still marked my bum was more or less all better until today that is when another client phoned up requesting a hard caning session on my bum. I needed the money and I like this client so went ahead with the session. In the end I took an impressive(I think) 82 hard strokes. Although my bum is now quite painful and I'm going to have to rest it again for the next few days. I'll probably go into detail about both canings for my naughty Nina kinky blog as not updated that for quite a while. For anyone who likes my blog but would like to hear more about the kinky things I do in much more details check out my blog on Other than being caned what have I been up to. To be honest it's all very quiet I've even got my house to myself at the moment which is strange as I have lived with someone for years and not used to having nights alone. It's not bad just different. This won't last though so I'd better make the most of having my house to myself. On Saturday I went to Exodus and in hind site shouldn't have gone as I wasn't really up for it and was feeling tired. I didn't enjoy my night much although Mike who I went with did his best to cheer me up on the night but it was no use. I need to say sorry again to Mike about acting like a moody child most of the night. This has made me feel like taking a break from scene events for a while as again I find I'm not enjoying them much. I say this but people are already asking if I'm going to be at SWAMP this Sunday not to mention SPARKLE in Manchester. For anyone who doesn't know what sparkle is look here http://www.sparkle.org.uk/ It's the seventh and maybe last one so I should really go as I've been at all the previous ones and even entered Miss Sparkle in the very first year(although I didn't even make the top three!) but I'm probably not going to make it this time. I say probably as there's still a very small chance I'll change my mind and go at the last minute. very small chance getting smaller by the second though! BTW this event is organised by my sister and Repartee editor Bella Jay(Don't ask how we became sisters) and she's been part of the organisation from day one and done a fantastic job every year so If I don't get there I'd like to wish her the best of luck with what's looking like being her final Sparkle. Well done sis.
Twenty-seven percent of all Willard Hay residents and 17 percent of its residents over the age of 65 lived in poverty in 1999. The percentage of the senior population living below the poverty level decreased in 1989 but increased beyond the 1979 percentage after that. The overall percentage of people living in poverty in Willard Hay was 10 percent higher than in the City of Minneapolis. Overall poverty levels are higher in Willard Hay than in the City of Minneapolis. In 1999, 20 percent of all families in the neighborhood and 25 percent of families with children earned incomes below the poverty level. The poverty levels in Willard Hay peaked in 1989, with 25 percent of all families and 34 percent of families with children living in poverty. Last updated Sep 27, 2011
[Nitro] [PATCH] Prototype ACGI support bryan.a.soto at gmail.com Sun Jan 15 13:42:10 EST 2006 I think you forgot to attach the patch. Just curious, google seems to think ACGI is Mac only. Is that the case? I was going to try it out, but I'm on WinXP and Linux. On 1/15/06, Kashia Buch <kashia at vfemail.net> wrote: > Hi all, > yesterday I spent half of the day, just to implement ACGI. Result: ACGI > seemed nice at first, but on my computer it is unusable. This patch is _not_ > for production use, it's only for those who want to experiment with it a > bit. Maybe it works better at someone elses computer, I seem to have > problems with file locks on my computer (which actually shouldn't happen) > So, for those who want to take a look, this patch doesn't break anything, > it just adds another cgi handler. > * copy acgi.c and Makefile.acgi to your public/ folder. > * in public/: make -f Makefile.acgi > * edit your .htaccess file to use acgi.cgi instead of fcgi/cgi.rb > * Then just point your browser to your application. > If you enabled error loggin in Apache, "tail -f" it to get an idea on how > your program is doing. What it should doing is: start the Nitro application > once (it uses the normal rub.rb) and handle the incoming requests from the > The idea from acgi is quite nice for small applications (if it would work > correctly). It creates a server (nitro application) and locks server.lockin /tmp/acgi_ipc/. For each request from the browser it locks > client.lock, processes the request and unlocks the client.lock again. > The server will stay started for all requests. > All this is done by the acgi.c program so it works very fast. Blocking > lock requests handle concurrent requests. > Well, since I spent this half day getting it to work, maybe someone can > make use of it, it may be of educational value for someone, it may even work > perfectly for someone. > Have a nice day, > Feel the love > Nitro-general mailing list > Nitro-general at rubyforge.org -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... More information about the Nitro-general
NIST publikoval dlouho očekávanou zprávu o výběru finalistů SHA-317.02.2011 Zpráva byla publikována dnes ráno v poštovní konferenci (včera o půlnoci středoamerického času) a bude k dispozici až se Američané vzbudí, dojdou do práce a během dne jí umístí na uvedeném linkuZdroj: http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/hash/sha-3/Round3/index.html Ke zprávě NISTu jsem do poštovní konference hash-forum napsal toto své stanovistko: (1) If you're not ready to accept new technology, you had to choose Skein. (2) I really like Skein, due to its conservative design. I (as a member of BMW team) proposed another strategy, but it was not accepted. Nothing happened. I do not want to change the NIST decission. I want to have fast and secure hash standard. (3) The things are clear. Congratulations to Skein team, the winner of SHA-3. (4) SHA-3 is dead king. It will offer sometimes lower and sometimes a bit greater performance than SHA-2. SHA-3 will have no significant improvement of efficiency over SHA-2. So the industry will not accept it due to the performance. If you will force the industry to use it, it will be contraproductive. NIST would become (5) It is the time to think of closing SHA-3 competition due to that reason. You also understood it well, as you wrote it in the Report on page 5: "... However, during the analysis of the second round candidates, it became apparent that significant improvement in efficiency while fulfilling the security requirements was not easily attainable." (6) You can announce new competition SHA-5, what can bring the new rechnology. I believe it strongly. In the meantime SHA-4 can be used. (7) I hope the finalist's teams will understand it. It is better to be really king that the dead king. It would be better for the algorithm (and its team) to be really used in the world than to be pushing there by NIST.
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BEACH SAFARI BY BIKE A brilliant way of exploring KO YAO NOI is to hire a motorcycle sidecar and potter around the island, following the main road as it runs just inches from the shoreline and cuts across a lush interior of tropical forests and rubber plantations. There’s very little traffic, and you can take it as slowly as you like. Most hotels carry copies of the free Map of Koh Yao, but it’s pretty hard to lose your way on what is for the most part a single circular road that loops around the island’s lower half. The beaches on Ko Yao Noi itself lack the pizazz of Phuket, Krabi and Ko Phi Phi, but then they also lack the crowds; apart from the odd local family or two, you’re likely to have only coconut trees for company. The best beaches are on the island’s east coast, namely the southern end of laid-back PASAI BEACH and the northern end of pristine KLONG JARK BEACH, slender stretches of sand that look out onto the islands dotted around Phang Nga Bay; make sure you check the tide times before you set out, as some areas are unswimmable at low tide due to the coral that lies just offshore. It’s fun to explore the other side of the island as well, though – your route will take you through a patchwork of rice paddies, dotted with grazing water buffalos, and you’re bound to see some of Ko Yao Noi’s predominantly Muslim population tending their fields or on their way to the local mosque. The west coast is the place to be at sundown, when the Andaman Sea is bathed in a deep orange. It’s a glorious sight and a fitting way to bring your time on the island to a close. TOP TIP Standard three-wheeled motorcycle sidecars cost around ฿600 for 24 hours and can fit up to 4 people, with an adult and a small child in the sidecar itself; make sure helmets are included in the rental. Another option are the contraptions that you’ll recognise from the night markets in Chiang Mai, a motorcycle and sidecar combo that looks more like a mobile street cart. These seat up to 5, are more comfortable for longer journeys and are covered, so you’ll be protected from the sun; they cost slightly less, too, at ฿500 for 24 hours. They take some getting used to, though, and are pretty cumbersome to manoeuvre, but they’re good fun once you (carefully) get the hang of it. WHERE TO STAY THE LIJOMA LOWDOWN Delve deeper with our tips on what to read and watch before you go, foods and drinks your kids must try, and some key cultural advice From jungle treehouses to floating bungalows – our pick of the most memorable places for families to stay in Thailand NEED TO KNOW A handy overview of Thailand’s weather and climate throughout the year, with recommendations for the best time to visit Pre-trip practicalities, including getting there, visas and passports, health and safety and how to get around MORE AMAZING TRIPS Inside glaciers, under waterfalls and out into the Atlantic to watch whales Eight days across Morocco, from spice souks to the Sahara
Tailor-Made Private Lessons In addition to my regular class schedule, I also offer private lessons. So you have the opportunity to systematically learn bellydance at your own pace, working on your own targets (such as the preparation for a performance, for instance). Classes can be offered in German, Portuguese, English or French. Coaching for Performances and Dance Troupes Do you already have dance experience but want to work on your individual needs? Or do you want to have a choreography especially tailor-made for you? During the personal coaching, we analyze your dance movements and work to improve your technique. Thanks to my years of performance experience, I am able to give you valuable tips to make your next appearance on stage a great success. While coaching I can advise you on the following topics: - Music selection - Choreography selection - Choosing the right costume and accessories - Dealing with clients and audience - Dance for audiences from different cultures - Dos and don’ts during a performance - Show organization and sequence - Pitfalls of technology - Choreography advice - Video analysis - Tips for negotiating salary
This is no sweet fairy tale. This is a story of mind boggling events in my life. It starts the night I had to say goodbye. Some days I ask myself if it was only a dream. I am Charline Mare' Swanson, but most call me Char. I'll tell you it exactly as I saw it. Tears run red down my face. Is this the end for me? I've asked myself when will it end, before, yet as I think I may die I see happy times of myself, times that I've forgotten. He walks up to me and takes my face in his hands, his love till the end. Do I still love him? Yes, I do, and let tears fall. "Don't cry, my sweet girl." he tells me and wipes these bloody tears from my face. He kisses me softly and I cry one last time. "Please. Please. Don't cry. I love you. I swear." he says and the world turns dark. "Goodbye." I whisper and I feel his soft lips one last time. He lifts me up in his arms, even blind I know how his arms feel. Feeling disappears and I am in nothing. Is this what it's like to die? So there's no God? I'm lost in emptiness. Just as I think this is it, the burning begins. So painful, I'm in Hell. I was a horrible person now; I'm in a horrible place. I feel the tears even though I know they're not there. I scream and burn my lungs even though I know no one hears. I scream until my screams fall silent and I hear his sobs. I've only heard them once before when she dumped him and I came in. I felt like I was walking on air when he asked me out now I'm falling and there's no net, only fire. Deeper and deeper into the pain I go, only the sobs make me wish I was never born. I listen and slowly die inside. I feel as if I'm being torn in half. I wish to repent my sins. I wish to live. I wish to stop the sobs I hear. I guess I was the one to prolong her end, but bring forth my own. There was no one to prolong my own death. The end for me, but I am nothing to the government. There is little record of me in any country. There is no one to ask for a missing person's report. I shall not be his end. Death is said to be easy and life hard, but I guess the people who said these things haven't died. Then again, it could be just me feeling this way. I quit listening as of the pain I feel from his sobs. The pain slows to a dull and I start to rethink my life. My home was nice, I had a family, and then I ran away. I miss my big brother and my little sisters I think. I remember the reason I left, mom and dad fighting. He beat her and forced her to have sex. It was horrible, but it wasn't always like that. We were once a normal happy family. Then, Shon died, my littlest sibling, a baby brother. The car crash killed him and my mom felt so guilty. She said it was her fault, but it was really my fault. I was the one who didn't see the stop sign. We had almost made it, but the truck couldn't stop. Our minivan couldn't take the power of the truck and the back end was as flat as a pancake. Shon was only a few days old, and his end came. I guess that is why I'm in hell, not heaven. My older brother has long moved out, but my sisters are still there. I thought if I left, life for them would be better. Maybe dad would stop drinking and mom would forgive him if I left. Now, I'm not so sure it's that simple. My life as a street walker hadn't been so bad. I was my own person and I found a job as a pizza girl. I had a little room in a motel. Life was sweet and simple, back then. On the day he and I met, I saw his bright green eyes through his tears. I went and sat beside him in the alleyway. He looked hungry, maybe a new streetwalker I thought to myself. I opened my pizza box that was part of my pay and handed him a slice. He looked at it in surprise and looked up at me. I smiled and said to him "I understand how it feels to be new, a first time runaway. If you need a place to stay while you figure this out, I'm at the 'ol motel down on Elmer Drive in room 107.". I got up and went back on my way to deliver the other pizzas. Once I finished with work, I went to my little home and sat on my bed. I munched on pizza while watching the news. Then I heard a knock and I looked out the peephole. There he was and I opened the door. "Hello. Come on in. It's not much. Sorry." I said to him and he didn't say much for a while. We just stood there. Then he spoke with the most amazing voice ever and said "Thank you, but I don't need it. I'm not a runaway." I sat on my bed and pat beside me. He stood at the open door. "If you're not a new runaway, why are you sad? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I whispered. He laughed such a beautiful, but sad laugh and he looked down as he spoke. "It's just someone." he said. "Oh. I'm sorry." I said and looked at his sad face and a tear found its way from my eye down my cheek. He looked at my face for a while and sat beside me. He took my hand and placed it in his and spoke slowly, looking me in the eye "Why are you crying?" I smiled a tiny bit and said "It's just someone." He just stared at me for a while. Do I wish I never met him? No, I don't, he was the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me. He took my face in both his hands and came forward about to kiss me, but then he stopped. He got up and left. He rattled me; I needed to see him again. I went back to school. The angers of high school all for him. I thought to myself even if I didn't find him, I'd have graduated. I found my old ID and said my family moved. It worked. I picked out visual art, genetics, astronomy, and world history, boy; I did not know how that would help me understand what I should have never found out. In the few weeks I had before school, I got myself 7 pairs of jeans, 7 black band tees, and a pair of tall black combat boots. I took a razor and started to thin my long black hair. I gave my hair an emo look. I dragged the jeans along the pavement so they had that worn and torn look. I put black duct tape over the holes I made. I got my nose, eyebrow, tongue, and belly button pierced, each had a black stud. I got a black studded bracelet. I got black snake bites. I got black gauges in my ears. I took a pocket knife and put it on a chain around my neck. I got a black messenger bag and put a lot of little buttons on it. I got a black I-phone and I was ready for school. Getting ready for school, I applied a lot of eyeliner and fluffed my hair. I grabbed my checkerboard skateboard and skated to school making myself a little late. I smacked my 5 gum and kicked open the school doors. Everyone stopped rushing to class and looked at me. I smirked and strode into class a couple of seconds after the bell rang. Mr. Bondin or Mr. B pointed to a seat next to him. I sat down and looked him up and down. "You never told me your name." I whispered. His eyes got big for a second and he whispered back "Alex. Yours?" I smiled a little and said "Char.". That was the beginning of everything. It turned out he had all my classes and my lunch. 7:30 – 8:25 8:30 – 9:25 9:30 – 10:25 10:30 – 11:25 11:30 – 12:25 12:30 – 1:25 1:30 – 2:25 2:30 – 3:30 And so the day went on. Mr. Bondin was a little crazy. Coach Fitzgerald was nice and kind and respected my hate for Gym. Ms. Joejeep was boring and mighty mean. Señor Jesule (Pronounced He-sool) was a retired Army Officer and taught us using Army methods. Mr. Marsh was hilarious and short! Alex invited me to sit with him at lunch. SCORE! Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Hastan were okay. Mrs. Hastan is also my homeroom class. It was a really cool day. Alex walked me home. I walked in and sat down on my bed. He shut the door behind him then he looked at me almost sadly. "Why?" he whispered those words with such sadness that I started crying. He came over and pulled me in him lap. I cried into his shirt and he stroked my hair. He didn't utter a word and I soon fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, he was in the kitchen. He was drinking Starbucks and staring out my little boarded up, broken window. I yawned just for effect and he turned. He looked me over then gazed in my eyes and smiled. "Good morning." he said. "You stayed." I whispered. He nodded. I looked at my clock. "Crap! We gotta go to school!" I almost screeched and ran to my bag. Suddenly, it was as if he teleported beside me, grabbed my wrist. "One day absent isn't gonna hurt." he whispered and pulled me forward. He placed my hand on his chest and wrapped his arms around me. Then he kissed me. So gentle and sweet at first and then with more desire and passion. We fell onto the carpet with me on top. Sparks surged through my body and I lost track of time and place. When we stopped the sun was shining through my window. I smiled and laid there. He eased me off him and got up. I sat in the kitchen. He opened my fridge and stared at the boxes of pizza. "I guess we're having pizza." he mumbled and pulled out a random box. He heated up two slices and put them on paper towels. It wasn't much, but all the same it was romantic and sweet. He handed me a slice and sat in the other chair. He stretched out his legs and we ate in silence. He finished long before me, but didn't complain. Once I finished, he lifted me up and kissed me. He set me down gently on the bed. "I'll be back at 5 to pick you up." he said and left. I looked at the clock and it was only 3 in the afternoon. I groaned and took a slow shower. I used my nice soap and washed the best I'd ever had since before Shon died. I dressed in my BOTDF tee and pulled on a clean pair of jeans. I noticed Alex left his jacket so I pulled it on. Sure, it covered the back. The shirt was bare on the front. I smirked and fluffed my hair. I pulled on my boots and looked at the clock. It was 4:30. My stomach growled, but I silently willed it to hush. I thought to myself maybe he'll take me out to dinner. I lay on my bed and wrote a fake excuse for being absent today. Just as I was singing it, I heard a knock on my door. I looked at the clock. 5 'o clock! It's him! I practically ran to the door and swung it open. He smiled and kissed me. "Where are we going?" I asked. He tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and sparks sizzled through me. "It's a surprise." he whispered, teasing. I pouted. He raised an eyebrow and then kissed me, gently. I smiled and he picked me up. I giggled and he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He opened the door and walked out, carrying me. He shut it behind me and pulled out a pair of keys. He set me down beside a motorcycle. He hopped on and handed me a black helmet as he put on his. I pulled on the helmet and got on behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist. He put up the kick stand and then we were screeching out of the parking lot. We hit the empty interstate and I smiled. I yelled. I heard him chuckle and then we were going faster. I watched as the glare of the main city came up. I lost track of time, who I was, and where exactly I was, when I was riding on the back of that motorcycle. He parked it beside a meter in a little square. He pulled out load of quarters from his pocket. I helped him put them in the meter. There was a total of 20 quarters. Each quarter meant 30 minutes of parking; I wondered what we'd be doing for 10 hours. We took off our helmets and set them on the bike. He grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand to a motorcycle clothing shop. We walked in together. "Stay here." he said. He dropped my hand and disappeared into the racks. I smiled and sat down on one of the black benches with bordering silver studs. He came back carrying leather. There were leather jackets, and leather pants. He handed the piles to me and sat down. "Try them on." he said, beaming. I smiled and got up. I wound my way through the racks when I saw her. Long blonde hair rippled down over her shoulders and her eyes were a beautiful blue-gray. She had a way about her that made her seem mean, almost evil. I stopped straight there as she stared at me and looked me over. She walked up and hugged me. "I'm Alice. I'm Alex's ex. Thank you. I'm gonna try and help you since you helped Me." she said. "Okay." I said and continued on my way, confused. All of it was black with orange just like his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The first set, the jacket was too big and the chaps were too short. The next set, the jacket was too huge and the pants were too big. The last set was snug. I zipped up the jacket and my boobs looked amazing. I smiled at my reflection and walked out to show him, but he was talking to Alice. I took off the clothes and went out the back way. I walked until my legs were sore and I ended up on a bridge over a lake. I remembered my journey here from Texas. I bathed by jumping off bridges like this. I sighed. I saw him trying to touch her face. I stood up at the edge and got ready to dive. I heard the rumble of a motorcycle. I turned and saw his face and at the same time I tripped. I was falling. I was screaming. I heard his yell "Char!" I heard him screech down the bridge and lay it down beside the water. I heard him running, splashing through the water. Then I was in him arms. I sobbed into his chest as he patted my hair and whispered calming words. When I regained my composure, he asked me "Why'd you leave?" I shoved him away and started to walk home. He followed behind me slowly. I heard the rumble all the way home. I slammed my door and heard him park his motorcycle. I slid down behind my door and cried. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I jumped up. SCHOOL! I looked in the mirror before hopping in the shower and saw how my eyeliner had run. I noted I was going to start buying water-proof eyeliner. I rushed and grabbed my bag and fake excuse. I opened the door and there he was. He hugged me and kissed me. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." he said, his voice cracking. I hugged him and kissed him. "Of course." I whispered. "Do you need a ride today at all?" he asked, smiling. "This evening I do." I whispered, smirking. He got on his motorcycle and sped off. I hopped on my board and stuck a piece of gum in my mouth. I started smacking. I kicked open the doors again today. I strut to class and made it to my seat just as the bell rang. "Well hello, Ms. Smexy." he whispered to me as he walked to his seat. I giggled and pulled him towards me by the shirt. Then I kissed him. We broke for a second before he went back with some tongue. Mr. B coughed and I noticed the entire class was looking at us. I smirked and smacked my gum. We hid out in the janitor's closet after that and made out. We came out just in time for our lunch period. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "I never really got introduced to your friends, baby." I whispered. He groaned. "Fine, but you have to finish our date from yesterday." he whispered back as we walked into the cafeteria. It suddenly got very quiet. Then I heard heels, 4 pairs of heels walking after us. I turned. It was her and her little group of cheerleaders. I smacked my gum. One came up to me and whispered in my ear "Slut.". As she started to continue, I grabbed her by her shirt and pushed her on the ground. I pulled my gum from my mouth and stuck it between her boobs. Everyone was staring at me. Then I grabbed my skateboard and hit her in the face. "BITCH!" I practically yelled in her face. I pulled out another stick of gum and started smacking again. Alex came and threw one arm around me protectively. I blew a bubble for emphasis and when it popped, I gave each and every one staring a glare. The second each single person saw it they turned and ate their meal silently. Once everyone was back to eating, I smirked. Alex tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed me. We walked to his table and sat down. Everyone sitting there looked up. I blushed. There were 3 guys and 1 girl. The girl took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Hello, I'm Daniella Dawn Dinte', but ever call me any of those names and I'll kill you." she said, smirking. "I'm Char. So what should I call you?" I asked. "Dani 2-D." she replied. The guy who had black hair and green eyes spoke next. "This one's a nice catch, bro. Hey, I'm little Alex James' bro. I'm Roland Allen Lamia, but you can call me Ro-Ro." he said, showing his teeth the guy with red dreadlocks moved his head towards me as if he was looking at me. Maybe he was, but his dreads were in the way. "Hi. I'm Dani's bro, Drake Drew aka Dreads." he said. Ro-Ro pulled Dani 2-D towards him and kissed her. "They go out." said the third boy in a girly voice. He had shoulder length blonde hair and grey eyes. "I'm Fawn Amelia Franklin, but just call me Fawn." he said and I realized it wasn't a guy, but a girl. She unzipped her massive jacket, revealing her tiny body. She scooched and snuggled with Dreads. "And he's mine." she said staring at Dreads' invisible face. I smiled and laughed. They were all so amazing and now I was a part of this mismatched, amazing group. Alex kissed me. "So what do you think?" he asked aloud. "Is there a ceremony I have to go through to be apart or is that the wedding?" I asked, jokingly. They all laughed and Alex kissed me. "Maybe someday." he whispered in my ear. I smiled. He pulled me into his lap. I snuggled towards his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "Wanna hang at the mall? I hate Ms. Joejeep. She's always getting me in trouble with coach. I have her next and I don't have practice today." suggested Ro-Ro. I looked at Alex for an answer, but he only asked "Do you want to?" I nodded. He breathed in deep as if it were a problem, and whispered "Okay.". "I'm in!" Fawn practically screeched. Dreads pulled Fawn closer and nodded. Ro-Ro looked at Dani 2-D sadly. "I can't believe you." she said, frowning. Ro-Ro looked at his hands. "I can't believe you think I'd say no!" she said and kissed him. He beamed like he won national football championship by himself. Everyone laughed. The bell rung signaling the end of lunch and we all headed into the courtyard with our stuff. I looked around. "What now?" I asked. Ro-Ro laughed and went and stood next to the wall. "I'll go first." said Fawn. Ro-Ro interlocked his hands and placed them on top of his knee. Fawn ran as fast as lightning and jumped onto his hands and he vaulted her over the wall onto the roof. I gulped. "My turn!" yelled Dani 2-D excitedly. She placed her glasses in her bag and did the same and did a flip in the air. Fawn, Dreads and Alex clapped as she bowed and put her glasses back on. Ro-Ro looked at me expectantly. Dreads turned to look at me and said "Your turn." I shook my head. Alex turned to Ro-Ro. "Can you lift hoist her up?" asked Alex. "She's too short." Ro-Ro said, shaking his head. "I can do it." I said with more confidence. "That's the spirit!" yelled Fawn as Dani 2-D shook her head. I looked at my skateboard in my hands. "But what about my 'board?" I asked. Alex pulled out some straps. "I was gonna give them to you later." he said as he strapped my skateboard to my book bag. I ran and jumped as Ro-Ro pushed up and I landed on my butt on the roof but I gave a thumbs up. Alex smiled and backed up and ran towards the wall and pulled himself up. Alex came and hugged me as Ro-Ro and Dreads were getting on the roof. I looked over the other side of the roof. Fawn slid down on top of a dumpster. Dreads jumped off. Dani 2-D and I followed Fawn off and Ro-Ro and Alex followed Dreads off. I took my skateboard off my back and started to skate. "We going?" I asked, not looking back. "We're taking the Jeep." Ro-Ro said. "Oh.. Okay." I said, getting off my skateboard. I turned around and saw they had all piled into a white Jeep Wrangler. I climbed in. I smiled. "Fawn and I can get your ride, Alex." said Dreads. "Thanks." said Alex. Fawn and Dreads hopped out. They ran off. I kissed Alex's cheek. "Where do ya live?" asked Ro-Ro. Alex looked at me, scared almost. "I umm... I live in a motel room down on Elmer Drive." I whispered. Ro-Ro slammed on the brake. "WHAT?" Ro-Ro yelled and glared at Alex. I gulped and scooted closer to Alex and wrapped my arms around him. "You're moving in with us. Don't try to argue." said Ro-Ro and we started moving again. "Oh.. Okayy.." I said. Alex held me the entire ride. We drove not to the mall, but my motel room. Fawn and Dreads were already there. My stuff was with them. "You really need a wardrobe makeover." said Fawn. My face reddened at the fact they ransacked my closet. "Don't worry. We'll go shopping." said Dani 2-D as she came up behind me. "Uhh okayyy.." I whispered. "You're scaring her." spoke Dreads aka the guy who never speaks. Dani 2-D shook her head. The scary thing was, he was right, they were creeping me out with all these major changes to my life so suddenly.
How Foster Care Can Split Up Siblings — And Result In Very Different Lives For Them In the middle of the night, next to garbage cans overflowing with liquor and beer bottles, my sister and I sat alone in “time-out.” I was five; Ashley, whose name has been changed for this story, was eight. It wasn’t our first time being left alone, so I trusted Ashley to protect me like she always did, and fell asleep. But my big sister couldn’t remove the fear that struck when I was told they were taking us away from our home. Flashing cop lights illuminated the room as our clothes and toys were stuffed into garbage bags. We entered the foster care system. At first, my sister and I were kept together. But at any moment, we could be — and were — pulled from class, or beds late at night, and brought to a new home or school, placed with a new mother or father. Whenever the news of a move came, we packed our garbage bag and hoped our next home wouldn’t be worse. Being in foster care felt like being thrust into a lottery we could never win.
Hovercraft Home Page > Burnham Hovercraft for a flight on Burnham's Spirit Of Lelaina hovercraft users have leapt at the opportunity to buy a 30-minute flight onboard the life-saving Burnham hovercraft. BARB, the organisation that runs the hovercraft, launched an online auction - with a flight around Bridgwater Bay on the Spirit Of Lelaina up for grabs. bids were received for the flight, which sold for £245 on Wednesday May 25. Within four hours of the auction starting ten days earlier, price of £50 for the trip had been met. The successful bidder, Graham Hobden of Weston-super-Mare, will meet the crew, be given a guided tour of the hovercraft station and receive a pre-flight briefing before boarding the craft for an unforgettable trip over land and water. trip will last at least 30 minutes and possibly longer, depending on complete, the auction winner will be flown back to Burnham to see the craft refuelled, cleaned and prepared for its next launch. After a flight de-brief, there will be a chance for a photograph session with the crew and craft - giving the bidder a lasting reminder of the The flight is one of several Burnham hovercraft items which Web users will be able to bid for in coming months. is just the start of an ongoing fundraising initiative that we hope will raise a good sum over the next year," added organiser Chris Burnham-On-Sea's hovercraft costs more than £20,000 a year to run. With plans to introduce a second craft later this year, additional funds are needed. Hovercraft's eBay section Hovercraft Web site home page
Abba Gabra Hanna Jemma (circa 1896-December 1960), also known as Abba Hanna, was personal chaplain to Emperor Haile Selassie (q.v.) [reigned 1930-74]. The son of Fitawrari Jemma (Abba Gataw) and Wayzaro Essayu, he was born at Gri Goear in Harar province. He studied first in the town of Jar Sonini, and entered the service of Dajazmach Tafari Makonnen (later to become Emperor Haile Selassie) in 1909. In about 1917 he retired to Dabra Libanos, the Ethiopian Orthodox monastery in Shawa, 45 miles (72 km) north of Addis Ababa, and became a monk. On instructions from Tafari, he established a house for the poor, known as Beta Salihom, at the monastery. Shortly after 1930, Gabra Hanna came to Addis Ababa and took office at the palace, with the special responsibility of distributing vestments and money to various churches and monasteries. At the time of the Italian invasion in 1935-36, he accompanied the emperor as far as Yaju in Wallo province, but was then ordered to Nagalle, in south-east Sidamo, to organize the supply of provisions for the army of Ras Dasta Damtaw (q.v.). From there he went to Yergelam, provincial capital of Sidamo, and then accompanied Princess Tanagna Warq, eldest child of Haile Selassie, to Addis Ababa. He later escaped with the emperor to Great Britain, returning with him via Khartoum to Addis Ababa in 1941. He was killed in the attempted coup against the emperor which took place in December 1960, and was buried at Dabra Libanos. Addis Zaman (“New Times”), Addis Ababa, 26 Tahsas, 1953 (Ethiopian Calendar) [December 22, 1960]. See also Ethiopian Herald, Addis Ababa, December 21, 1960. This article was reprinted from The Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography (in 20 Volumes). Volume One Ethiopia-Ghana, ©1997 by L. H. Ofosu-Appiah, editor-in-chief, Reference Publications Inc., New York, NY. All rights reserved.
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Unabridged [CD-Audio/MP3 Edition] Christmas Letters by Debbie Macomber Book DescriptionKatherine O'Connor often spends her days at a cozy cafe on Blossom Street in Seattle, where she writes Christmas letters for other people. She's good at making their everyday lives sound more interesting. More humorous. More dramatic. But for Dr. Wynn Jeffries, who also frequents the cafe, Christmas means lies and deception. In fact, the renowned child psychologist recommends that parents "Bury Santa Under the Sleigh." Katherine, however, feels that his parenting philosophy is one big mistake-at least, based on her four-year-old twin nieces, who are being raised according to his "Free Child" methods. She argues with Wynn about his theories, while he argues that her letters are nothing but lies. They disagree about practically everything-and yet, somehow, they don't really want to stop arguing. As the days-and nights-move closer to Christmas, Katherine and Wynn both discover that love means accepting your differences. And Christmas is about the things you share. Buy Christmas Letters book by Debbie Macomber from Australia's Online Bookstore, Boomerang Books. Book DetailsISBN: 9781400103201 (137mm x 163mm x 27mm) Imprint: Tantor Media, Inc Publisher: Tantor Media, Inc Publish Date: 1-Nov-2006 Country of Publication: United States Books By Author Debbie Macomber Twelve Days of Christmas, Paperback (November 2016)View all books by Debbie Macomber Julia is infuriated by her grumpy neighbour, Cain, who can't even be pleasant when they bump into each other. So on the suggestion of her best friend, Cammie, Julia concocts a plan. She starts a blog in order to clinch her perfect job, and now she has a subject. Over the next twelve days, she is going to kill Cain with kindness and document it... » Have you read this book? We'd like to know what you think about it - write a review about Christmas Letters book by Debbie Macomber and you'll earn 50c in Boomerang Bucks loyalty dollars (you must be a member - it's free to sign up!) Author Biography - Debbie Macomber Debbie Macomber is one of today's leading voices in romance and women's fiction and the author of the popular Cedar Cove series, the Blossom Street books, and the Angelic Intervention series. Renee Raudman is a multi-award-winning audiobook narrator and actor. A multiple Audie Award nominee, she has earned a number of "AudioFile" Earphones Awards, and her narration of "Homer's Odyssey" by Gwen Cooper was selected by "Library Journal" as one of the best audiobooks of 2009. Bestselling Books: Our Current Bestsellers | Australia's Hottest 1000 Books | Bestselling Fiction | Bestselling Crime Mysteries and Thrillers | Bestselling Non Fiction Books | Bestselling Sport Books | Bestselling Gardening and Handicrafts Books | Bestselling Biographies | Bestselling Food and Drink | Bestselling History | Bestselling Travel Books | Bestselling School Textbooks & Study Guides | Bestselling Children's General Non-Fiction | Bestselling Young Adult Fiction | Bestselling Children's Fiction | Bestselling Picture Books | Top 100 US Bestsellers Phone: 1300 36 33 32 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri AEST) - International: +61 2 9960 7998 - Online Form Address: Boomerang Books, 878 Military Road, Mosman Junction, NSW, 2088 © 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved. Eclipse Commerce Pty Ltd - ACN: 122 110 687 - ABN: 49 122 110 687 For every $20 you spend on books, you will receive $1 in Boomerang Bucks loyalty dollars. You can use your Boomerang Bucks as a credit towards a future purchase from Boomerang Books. Note that you must be a Member (free to sign up) and that conditions do apply.
EXCLUSIVE: Attorneys representing the Gotham-based real estate clan The Durst Organization are threatening to sue over the December release of All Good Things. The Andrew Jarecki-directed drama in thinly veiled fashion tells the story of Robert Durst, who was a suspect in the disappearance of his wife and the murders of two other people. I’ve learned that New York-based attorney Richard Emery, representing the Durst Organization and Seymour Durst’s other son Douglas, has been sending letters threatening legal action to distributor Magnolia Pictures, Jarecki, his CAA reps, and others involved past and present. Those letters are trying to stop the pic’s release in December for a qualifying Oscar run. In a letter sent on September 8 to Magnolia Pictures head Eamonn Bowles, obtained by me, Emery wrote: “It is currently our plan to sue Mr. Jarecki and Magnolia if you distribute this film. It appears that the current version of the film defames the Durst and the Durst Organization. We will file the action after the film has been released and run its course, so that our lawsuit will not aid the film’s promotion. We recognize that it is very unlikely that any court will grant a prior restraint enjoining the release of the film. The consequence will be that our lawsuit will not be settled because the harm to the Durst will have been inflicted by release of the film. We will have no choice but to proceed through full discovery, trial and all available appeals, if only because Mr. Jarecki and Magnloia and its insurers will not be able to compensate the Durst and The Durst Family Organization sufficiently to undo the damage. We believe that it is incumbent upon you to convey to any potential insurer that the lawsuit described above, with the goals described, will be filed by The Durst Organization… “The Dursts and the DO are pained and concerned by the film’s false depiction of their family and their family-owned company as criminal collaborators in the prostitution and drug rings that plagued Time Square in the 1970s… Seymour Durst prided himself on his creative and legally ground-breaking role as an advocate for change in Times Square, and vigorously opposed the old status quo that had permitted crime to flourish in the area. To see a long record of hard work and civic accomplishment so casually maligned in the film is simply intolerable for the family.”” Similar missives were sent directly to Jarecki, who claimed he attempted to get cooperation from Robert Durst but was rebuffed, as well as to his agents at CAA. Ryan Gosling plays David Marks (aka Robert Durst), Kirsten Dunst plays Katie (based on Durst’s wife Kathie McCormack, whose body was never found) and Frank Langella plays real estate magnate Sanford Marks, a character modeled after Durst Organization patriarch Seymour Durst. The character David Marks is depicted as an uneasy guy traumatized by the suicide death of his mother. After marrying Katie, David Marks seems on the verge of finding happiness when they open a Vermont health food store called All Good Things, hence the movie’s title. But after he’s coaxed by his real estate magnate father to return to NYC and enter the family’s commercial real estate business, David disintegrates into a regular Norman Bates-caliber creep who talks to himself and becomes increasingly abusive to his wife. Before she can file for divorce, she disappears in 1982. The movie strongly suggests that Gosling’s character is responsible for her demise. After he bolts for Texas, he hides out by dressing as a woman and pretending to be mute. The film infers that he also was involved in the killing of a friend (who tried to get money out of him to keep his secrets) and a neighborr who made the same mistake. The actual Robert Durst was never tried for the disappearance of his wife or his friend. But he was tried for the murder of his neighbor, Morris Black, whose remains were discovered floating in Galveston Bay. Durst admitted to cutting up the body with a hacksaw and paring knife, but claimed it was in self defense. The Texas jury acquitted him of murder but found him guilty of illegally disposing of a body. He served nine months of a five year sentence. According to reports, Robert Durst agreed to cut all ties to the Durst family trusts in exchange for $65 million. Jarecki, who made a fortune as co-founder/CEO of Moviefone when the service was sold to AOL, makes his scripted directing debut on All Good Things. He previously directed the Sundance prize-winning and controversial documentary Capturing the Friedmans. There is little complaint over the depiction of Robert Durst in the legal letters that first came to Jarecki from the Durst Organization attorney. Nor are the murders really addressed. Instead, the attorney objects to the film’s depiction of the fictional real estate family’s role in the 42nd Street squalor as a porn/prostitution center and subsequent clean-up. Right now, insiders tell me the film will be released as planned — platformed on December 3 in New York and opening the following week in Los Angeles to qualify for Oscars. It will then add theaters starting December 17 and into January. It’s been very difficult to gain injunctions against film releases, unless there is a rights clearance issue (The Dukes of Hazzard, Watchmen). The fact that Seymour Durst died in 1995 adds a level of complexity, since the deceased can’t be libeled. But the letters say The Durst Organization will claim corporate defamation.
The AnyPen technology lets users write with a ballpoint pen or graphite pencil, delivering more precise navigation than a finger and eliminating the need for a proprietary stylus. Carnegie Mellon University will use IBM’s cloud-based smart building analytics software to gauge energy consumption across campus buildings. Three rural telecommunications infrastructure projects in Arkansas, Iowa and New Mexico will get loans from USDA to improve broadband service. Public-safety answering points and other 911 service providers need cybersecurity professionals and continuity plans in case of cyber disasters. Microsoft’s Azure Government cloud is certified to handle criminal justice information in the cloud, the California Department of Justice said. With integrated electronic systems, agencies can better control their personnel security. Marking its one-year anniversary, 18F unveiled analytics.usa.gov, a public digital analytics dashboard for almost 300 executive branch government domains. The growth of big data, analytics and the challenge of getting data consumers to use new tools is driving proliferation of serious games in government. According to recent reports IBM and Intel – and possibly the Federal Reserve – are considering using the blockchain technology associated with bitcoin to create a new digital payments system. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention built a microsite that automatically updated information online for public viewing pertaining to the agency’s Ebola efforts. The Identity of Things creates a single, consistent, panoramic view of a citizen across every department in an organization, reducing the time to roll out new services from years to weeks. Google said its Nearline Storage service provides users with rapid retrieval of long-term storage at a low cost.
Despite his unstable condition, Ryan was able to convert a large group of the construction workers and they're quickly taking over the surrounding territory. - Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players He's probably promising them parts of the complete construction. Greed is a powerful motivator. Previous Quest: Not Listening Next Quest: Ryan's Goal
Skip to content We are closed for the season. See you in April 2021! Thank you for an incredible 2020 Season. Shipwreck’d Location Map Sign-up to find out more. Shipwreck'd @ Pemberton Point Leave this field empty if you're human:
Ethernity Chain is pleased to introduce the Ethernity STONES to our community. STONES can be used to redeem curated and selected Ethernity NFTs that will only be available to STONES holders via the Ethernity Chain platform. How do I get Ethernity STONES? STONES can only be earned by using ERN tokens to farm STONES. You can farm STONES using ERN tokens by connecting your Metamask wallet that holds your ERN tokens to our Ethernity.io website and clicking on the “Farm STONES” button. Metamask is the only wallet that can be used to farm STONES. How is STONES yield calculated? For each ERN token locked into the farming contract, you will earn 1000 STONES per 24 hours. There are no fractional STONES, staking yields are non-divisible and are stored on the farming contract in units of 1000. If you remove your ERN tokens halfway through a 24 hour cycle, you will receive 0 STONES. You must stake your ERN tokens for a full 24 hour cycle to receive your STONES yield. Do you have to deposit all of your ERN at once? You can choose how many ERN tokens you would like to deposit to earn STONES yield. You do not have to deposit all at once, but remember that deposited ERN tokens must be staked for a full 24 hour cycle to earn STONES yield. Where are STONES held? STONES are held in the farming contract and locked into the address you use to farm STONES. You cannot withdraw STONES to another wallet, STONES are non-transferrable, have no monetary value and you cannot redeem STONES for ETH or ERN. STONES are redeemable for curated and specific NFTs on the Ethernity Chain platform only. ⚠️Farming ETHERNITY STONES will be available beginning March 24th⚠️ What is Ethernity Chain? Ethernity is the groundbreaking authenticated NFT project which auctions verified artwork featuring the top artists and stars from music, film, sports, and entertainment. Each of these digital artworks is represented as a non-fungible token (NFT). The pieces feature well-known public figures and a portion of all funds raised from the endeavor will be donated to charitable causes. Ethernity Chain combines the utility of DeFi and merges it with NFTs to create an exclusive pipeline to rare, collectible content from notable figures and well-established digital artists. 👉 Ethernity Chain Links: ➡️ Website (https://ethernity.io/) ➡️ Twitter (https://twitter.com/EthernityChain) ➡️ Discord (https://discord.gg/EtPCBmDUHY) ➡️ Medium (https://ethernitychain.medium.com/) ➡️ Telegram Group (https://t.me/ethernitychain) ➡️ Telegram ANN (https://t.me/ethernitychainnews)
|« Special Educational Needs: Changes for the better?||My Baby's Better Than Your Baby! »| Young children, boys and girls, love camps - there's nothing better than a 'secret' place where they can hide from grown ups and feel inside a world of their own. As summer approaches, it becomes easier to build camps outdoors. Find a secluded spot in the garden and fashion some branches into a cover, or use an old sheet and drape it from the fence. You can even buy tents for next to nothing these days - the kids will go mad for that! During colder months, and on days when the weather's not so good, you can build camps indoors. Erect your masterpiece in a spot where the children won't get in the way, bearing in mind that it may have to stay up for a few days! Use sheets or large towels, draped from furniture to radiators, or over clothes horses. Use clothes pegs to help secure your materials in place. Young children love enclosed spaces in which to play. It really does become their own world set apart from the real one, and gives them a place that is theirs, where you cannot follow. They will quickly stockpile teddies, dinosaurs, dolls, tea sets, cars and all manner of kids' paraphernalia! Let them loose in their imaginative play, it's great for them to engage in pretend play, especially if they voice scenes between animals or teddies which helps them develop their language and thinking skills. Listen to them discretely from a distance and they will bring joy to your heart! |<< <||> >>| Hi! I'm Tikal the Toucan, the mascot for ToucanLearn. Follow my blog to find out interesting things relating to babies, toddlers and preschool children! Sign up FREE to ToucanLearn to follow our activity based learning programme for babies, toddlers and children. We offer hundreds of fun learning craft, games and activities - every activity is aimed at the capabilities of your specific children. Download custom activity sheets, and log their progress in each child's unique Daily Diary! You'll also find sticker and reward charts, certificates, number and letter practice. Every activity links into the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning and development. Fill in our Daily Diary to log progress against the EYFS and add photo entries instantly simply by sending them straight from your phone. You can share diaries back with parents or childminders so that everyone can enjoy watching your children develop. activities animals art babies baby bath behaviour books «child development» childcare childminder children christmas colours communication confidence cooking counting craft «daily diary» development doctor «early years foundation stage» eating eyfs family «fine motor skills» food fruit fun games garden «gross motor skills» happy health healthy «healthy eating» ideas language «language development» learning letters «make believe» music nature numbers nursery ofsted outdoors parenting park pictures play pregnancy reading relax research routine safety school shapes sleep sounds speech sun television toddler toddlers toucanlearn «toucanlearn blog» toys vegetables water words writing ©2018 by ToucanLearn Ltd.Credits: b2evo
Feminist Review: Issue 38 (Paperback)The Feminist Review Collective (editor) Paperback 140 Pages / Published: 11/07/1991 - We can order this This issue of Feminist Review concentrates on cultural studies: the modernist style of Susan Sontag, fashion and representation, and a very witty look at lesbian photographs. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd Number of pages: 140 Weight: 453 g Dimensions: 234 x 156 x 8 mm You may also be interested in... Please sign in to write a review Thank you for your reservation Your order is now being processed and we have sent a confirmation email to you at When will my order be ready to collect? Call us on or send us an email at Unfortunately there has been a problem with your order Please try again or alternatively you can contact your chosen shop on or send us an email at
Handheld Surface Velocity Radar Handheld SVR “Surface Velocity Radar” The handheld SVR allows hydrologists to quickly and safely determine the surface velocity of water even during emergency conditions. Using historically profiled cross-section of rivers and discharge rates, hydrologists can use the portable handheld SVR to easily and efficiently obtain real-time data to estimate the water discharge rates during high risk flooding and in mud slide areas in order to make scientific decisions to alert control centers. At a lightweight 2.1 lbs and water resistant , the handheld SVR can easily be carried around by monitors under all weather conditions and locations. The easy to read backlit LCD display, automatic vertical angle compensation and 50 reading recall features allow operators to easily and efficiently take measurements. - Accuracy +/- 0.1 ft/s (+/- 0.03 m/s) - Measurement range of 1 – 65 ft/s (0.3 – 20 m/s) makes it suitable for agricultural irrigation and emergency high flow conditions - 5 digit LCD display with backlighting for low light use - Saves and recalls the last 50 measurements - Automatic angle correction (vertical) and user selectable (horizontal) - FCC Part 15 (no license required) - Battery powered – 6 AA rechargeable batteries - Tripod mountable - 2 year parts and labor warranty
Only special characters "-" and "," are allowed! For other notifications, click here. Concurrences: Frédéric Jenny Liber Amicorum Toh Han Li (Chief Executive, CCCS) contributed an article "Convergence and Divergence in Singapore’s Competition Law Regime” pp. 79-92. Archive: Past Concurrences Publication Last Updated on 18 November 2020
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GSM Remote Control Product Compare (0) E300GSM is a GSM Power Control working with SIM card. Use your mobile phone to control appliances, a.. Compact breakout board (45x50 mm) with GSM/GPRS module SIM800C of SIMCom, ant.. ABS case specifically drilled to accommodate the thermostat with GSM control code TDG139. It has rou.. ABS case specifically drilled for gate opener GSM TDG134. It has rounded corners.. ABS case specifically drilled for GSM-8100 telecontrolli TDG133, and TDG140. It has rounded corners,.. Connected to a burglar alarm or fire alarm in the event of making phone calls playing voice messages.. The GSM gate controller allows you control a relay whenever it receives a call from a stored telepho.. Excellent to remotely control via GSM the activation of engines, lightening or watering systems and .. Allows to remotely manage the heating or cooling system. This is a thermostat that can act locally,.. It allows you to remotely control up to two different devices and read the state of other two device.. Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)
The food, beverage and perishables industry faces unique importing and exporting challenges, including the following. - FDA regulations pertaining to imports of safe, sanitary, and properly labeled goods, including compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act. - USDA regulations ensuring that imported meat, poultry, eggs, animals, and agricultural products are sanitary, pest-free, and properly labeled. - Food products such as pasta, olives, crawfish, salmon, honey, mushrooms. and tomatoes face antidumping and countervailing duties or may face marking orders. - Excise taxes can impact these imports as well as tariff rate quotas on an MFN basis and under various free trade agreements. ST&R attorneys serve clients in the seafood, produce, beverage, perishables, agricultural, and tobacco industries on the full range of importing and exporting issues. Our firm also has a 25+ year history of membership in the Association of Food Industries.
FERMI LARGE AREA TELESCOPE OBSERVATIONS OF TWO GAMMA-RAY EMISSION COMPONENTS FROM THE QUIESCENT SUN 2011 (English)In: Astrophysical Journal, ISSN 0004-637X, E-ISSN 1538-4357, Vol. 734, no 2, 116- p.Article in journal (Refereed) Published We report the detection of high-energy gamma-rays from the quiescent Sun with the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope (Fermi) during the first 18 months of the mission. These observations correspond to the recent period of low solar activity when the emission induced by cosmic rays (CRs) is brightest. For the first time, the high statistical significance of the observations allows clear separation of the two components: the point-like emission from the solar disk due to CR cascades in the solar atmosphere and extended emission from the inverse Compton (IC) scattering of CR electrons on solar photons in the heliosphere. The observed integral flux (>= 100 MeV) from the solar disk is (4.6 +/- 0.2inverted right perpendicularstatistical errorinverted left perpendicular(-0.08)(+1.0)inverted right perpendicularsystematic errorinverted left perpendicular) x 10(-7) cm(-2) s(-1), which is similar to 7 times higher than predicted by the nominal model of Seckel et al. In contrast, the observed integral flux (>= 100 MeV) of the extended emission from a region of 20 degrees radius centered on the Sun, but excluding the disk itself, (6.8 +/- 0.7[stat.](-0.4)(+0.5)[syst.]) x 10(-7) cm(-2) s(-1), along with the observed spectrum and the angular profile, is in good agreement with the theoretical predictions for the IC emission. Place, publisher, year, edition, pages 2011. Vol. 734, no 2, 116- p. astroparticle physics, cosmic rays, gamma rays: general, Sun: atmosphere, Sun: heliosphere, Sun: X-rays, gamma rays IdentifiersURN: urn:nbn:se:su:diva-67590DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/734/2/116ISI: 000291386500044OAI: oai:DiVA.org:su-67590DiVA: diva2:470472
If you are a seasoned angler or are just looking for the perfect vacation destination along the Gulf Coast, then you may probably want to fishing in New Orleans. The Gulf Coast is one of the most popular places to fish in the country, and in New Orleans you’ll find some of the best fishing spots. New Orleans Fishing Charters are also some of the most entertaining and accommodating. Since fishing has been a major part of New Orleans culture, you can also share in the adventure and fish in the swamps, bays or head out to the open waters. Since the notorious pirate Jean Lafitte created his own Kingdom of Barataria in the swampy area near the city, fishing in New Orleans has become a custom. With many charter boat companies operating in this area, you can get the right vessel for an offshore fishing excursion. These charters are affordable and come with professional captains and crews complete with the best fishing gear money can buy. The Best Fishing Spots In The Gulf Coast Apart from Barataria Bay, there are freshwater lakes in New Orleans that offer the setting for best fishing grounds. With New Orleans fishing charters at your service, you can access these spots or even cast a line from the shore. Lake Pontchartrain can be quite rough during windy conditions, but most skippers especially those that are born and bred in New Orleans know the area quite well. Depending on prevailing weather conditions, they will advise on when to fish in such areas, the right bait to use and the best way to set your tackle. The lake area is also well known for its amazing variety of fish that swim in these waters. If the wind is high, you can stay close to the marshy areas and catch Drums, Redfish and Trouts. You can also fish in Lake Borgne and Lake Salvador. Unmatched New Orleans Fishing Charters To most local boat charters fishing is more than just a simple activity. They take it seriously and therefore provide modern vessels that are not only well maintained but are also equipped with the state of art navigational equipment. Large vessels come with additional amenities such as bathrooms, dining rooms, bars, deck chairs and sound systems. This makes fishing in New Orleans an even more thrilling prospects for all visitors. Inshore fishing charters normally yield catches of red Snapper, Flounder, Speckled Trout, Marlin, Redfish and more fish varieties. Many charter providers are also skilled at targeting specific game fish depending on the time of year. Some charters can even help you catch shrimps, crabs and oysters to make your fishing trip even more unique. It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional angler or you are a beginner in matters fishing. Under the guidance of experienced captains and deckhands, you will quickly grasp what needs to be done to make your fishing adventure successful. With the many fishing options that New Orleans has to offer, local boat charters won’t disappoint. A Variety Aboard Fishing Charters New Orleans While some fishing charters in New Orleans provide transportation for groups most accommodate 1 to 6 anglers on either on a half or full day trip. Private charters are also available. Passengers that prefer overnight fishing trips should however expect to pay more. Party charters are also provided. It is however recommended that you check with the company before making your reservation. If you intend to stay in New Orleans for one, they may also recommend First class Water Front Accommodations. While fishing in New Orleans, you’ll get a charter service that includes everything you’ll need at one convenient price. As you embark on one of the most unique fishing adventures in the world, these charters will make it worthwhile. You will be treated to first class service and hospitality from the moment you book your trip and pull out of the docking facility to when you get back. They accommodate all group sizes some to even 50 passengers. They’ll help you explore the Barataria waterways and as you cruise around you can spot alligators, pelicans, bald eagles, ducks, raccoons, nutria, blue and white herons. You can also fish in the Louisiana marsh and watch the beautiful sunset. Hassle-Free Fishing Trips These charter guides are USCG licensed, knowledgeable and friendly. Captains are also trained to administer CPR in case of emergencies. While fishing in New Orleans, your trip will include fuel, gas or oil, ice, bait, tackle, rods and reels. Some charters offer refreshments and snacks but you can also bring yours along. The fish will also be cleaned and bagged at no additional charge. Bring a camera along as well and capture those beautiful memories for those back at home. If you want to take your fish back home, bring an ice chest to take your cleaned fish fillets home. Single-Day fishing charters may cost $400 per person up to $750 for 5 anglers. They offer both morning and evening charters and you’ll be picked at the dock. Some New Orleans fishing charters have a $200 deposit policy on all advance bookings with 100% refund for cancellations with 10 days advance notice. New Orleans Attractions There are many other fun activities you can do in New Orleans, Louisiana. You can take a bike ride along the Mississippi River or visit the many attraction sites and go back into the past. You can also visit some of the wildlife reserves, see alligators in their natural habitat and even feed them. The city still has much to offer whether you are an outdoor adventure, a sports fan or a history buff. If you are an aspiring chef, you will find many things to fuel your dream. For music lovers, New Orleans has plenty to suit your every need. New Orleans Nightlife is a major attraction for visitors and along Bourbon Street, there are many clubs that play live music of nearly every style. You can also tour the French Quarter, Chalmette Battlefield and The National World War II Museum. You can also learn more about New Orleans’s culture by visiting one of the famous cemeteries. Then again, you can visit the Backstreet Cultural Museum or shop for souvenirs in the many antique stores along Magazine Street in the Garden District. Book your New Orleans Fishing Charters through CharterBoatBooker.Com today! Click right here to view all New Orleans Fishing Charters. Other Great Charter Fishing Destinations: Key West Fishing Charters, Destin Charter Boats, Miami Fishing Charters, Port Aransas Fishing Charters, Gulf Shores Charter Boats, Islamorada Fishing Charters, Tampa Fishing Charters, Orange Beach Charter Boats, Clearwater Charter Boats, Corpus Christi Fishing Charters
There are many explanations why Russian females are so thinking about western guys and vice versa. First, the cultural element of these countries are very completely different and so, these kinds of females will be more inclined to western males. Russia is regarded as as a incredibly tough country and there are hardly any opportunities for your job in the garden the cities. Therefore , the guys tend to search for more pleasing lives. Yet , there is not very much difference among a man from the slavicovskiy or the Soviet republic, therefore it is easier to get a Russian woman to find a western man. Russian females also like those men who happen to be tall and robust. The most crucial part in regards to Russian women is her beauty and her attraction. The good searching https://lovesasianwomen.net/thai-brides/ men make Russian women adore them quickly and once and for all. However , beauty of a man would not compensate his bad individuality. A Russian wife will only time frame a man who can protect her and consider proper care of her constantly. If you possess such features then you can anticipate to get close to a Russian women instantly. Usually, it can be declared that Russian brides are incredibly easy to get hitched to. The marriages do not last long, but Russian women are extremely choosy when it comes to marital relationship. They might not agree to get married to someone simply because he appears good or has a decent car. This will make Russian customs interesting since marriages derive from a lot of hidden factors. Therefore , in case you are willing to dedicate your life with a Russian female, you need to understand that she is not only a simple new bride but a person who have an excellent offer of expectations from a marriage.
Blessed Is He Who Comes: A Palm Sunday or Advent Anthem Sheet Music - Choral Octavo Share with your friends Available for sale by Show Store Details orAdd to wish list to buy later A rich organ fanfare heralds the coming of the King who sets us free in this brightly festive anthem from Eugene Butler. Optional text additions render this suitable for Advent or Palm Sunday. This sheet music has not received any reviews yet, you can be the first one to write one! Music44 is one of the biggest online stores to find all the best selections of sheet music, sheet music downloads, songbooks, music books and software for all instruments. They serve the music needs of individual musicians as well as church groups, schools and choirs all over the world. They have a best price guarantee which is called Beat-The-Best-Price-Now(TM) that lets customers purchase sheet music at the lowest prices found on the web. This store has not received any reviews yet, you can be the first one to write one!
From the “Couldn’t They Have Come Up With a Less Literal Title Dept.” comes the Netflix original movie Tall Girl, a teen comedy which I wish I had watched with my friend who has a savant-like ability to use only his eyeballs to assess celebrities’ heights, plus-or-minus an inch or so. (Google confirms the accuracy of this highly particular and exquisitely honed skill.) Will this movie be good enough to involve us in its featherweight high-school emo drama, and therefore transcend our compulsion to continuously assess how much taller than everyone else the title character is? TALL GIRL: STREAM IT OR SKIP IT? The Gist: Jodi (Ava Michelle) is 6’1½”. She wears a men’s size 13 shoe. Jerks at school call her giraffe, Godzilla, sasquatch and Amazon, but we know before we even hit “play” on this thing that she’s actually a Wonder Woman. She’s a skilled pianist, is sensitive and quiet, has a sharp mind and loves to read. But the first scene illustrates a problem: Conversing about — LITERARY SYMBOLISM ALERT — A Confederacy of Dunces, she hits it off with a boy, but as soon as she stands up, he looks at her as if he’s a microscopic plankton in the presence of a baleen whale. This is what you’d call a social conundrum. Fareeda (Anjelika Washington), queen of the pep talk, is Jodi’s very supportive BFF. Dunkleman (Griffin Gluck) has been Jodi’s pal since childhood, but he’s progressed to the years-long crush stage; she brushes him off as not her type, mostly because he’d need Elton John’s personal cobbler to craft platform clogs so he could look her in the eye. Her family is eccentric but supportive. Her dad (Steve Zahn) tries too hard to make her feel “normal,” out of love. Her mom (Angela Kinsey of The Office) is a former pageant queen coaching Jodi’s older sister and object of physical perfection Harper (Sabrina Carpenter) in the ways of cramming oneself into ridiculous ball gowns. Lizzie (Paris Berelc) and Schnipper (Rico Paris) are Jodi’s longtime verbal abusers. In the middle of expressing her hormonal frustrations to Fareeda, Jodi’s eyes magnetize to the new kid in school: Stig (Luke Eisner), a towering, handsome Swedish exchange student who walks through the halls with a Christlike glow. Her jaw hits the floor, which is a big deal, because it has a long way to go, because she’s tall, which requires her jaw to fall a longer distance to the floor than everyone else at school. Yet how will meek, insecure Jodi fight through the ducklipped masses swarming at sculpted Stig’s sculpted feet, and get his attention? Will she solicit a makeover from her sister? Will she literally finally literally let her literal hair down? Will she experience psychological growing pains instead of the usual physical ones? Will she Google “height reduction surgery” while listening to mopey Mazzy Star songs? No spoilers! What Movies Will It Remind You Of?: Mean Girls, Clueless, The Edge of Seventeen, Juno, Easy A, nearly every John Hughes movie, most movies based on E.S. Hinton novels, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Charlie Bartlett, Rocket Science — all are better than Tall Girl. (Especially Rocket Science, which you probably haven’t seen. It’s Early Anna Kendrick, and it’s great.) Performance Worth Watching: Michelle ably carries the movie with forthright sincerity and some well-timed moments of vulnerability. Even though the movie kinda sucks, she inspires enough empathy to make us want to kill the crap out of Jodi’s bullies, which is not nothing. It’ll make you wish the character was more robustly written. Memorable Dialogue: “Oh, don’t be so best supporting actress,” Lizzie taunts, after Jodi reacts angrily to a mean prank. Sex and Skin: Just some light teenage smooching. Our Take: As soon as someone puts up a poster advertising the school’s homecoming dance, we can smell the third-act punch barf, tux wax and limo volumizer coming from miles away. Oh, and the gallons of gooey schmaltz in the inevitable speech-in-front-of-the-school, which was surely generated by an autopilot cliche machine and inserted into the script for no logical reason. That’s one of the bullet points on our list of justifications for wanting to shoot a Scud missile at the final act. Everything leading up to Tall Girl‘s klutzy formula fulfillment is mostly acceptable. It wavers from likeable (Jodi’s warm interactions with her dad and sister) to eye-rollingly dumb (a reference to the pottery scene in Ghost). It works in fits and starts. It’s rarely funny, not for a lack of trying. There’s an awkward party scene, an awkward locker-room scene and a bunch of awkward cafeteria scenes, but there apparently wasn’t enough budget for an awkward gym-class scene, which is too bad, because it blows an opportunity for the Tall Girl to spike volleyballs into her tormentors’ faces because she’s taller than them. See? I’m already writing a better screenplay without even really trying.The movie apparently intends to cover up its obvious and monetarily substantial Louisiana film-budget incentives by depicting the rich culture of its New Orleans setting, but instead half-assedly tosses in bland establishing shots and a dancing-in-the-streets marching-band scene so it’s just barely not another generic suburban high-school movie. It indulges the type of teen-misfit low-self-esteem character arc we’ve seen dozens of times before except, like, we haven’t seen a movie about an ostracized tall girl before, right? Is she really that much taller than everyone else? Maybe it’d be easier to buy into the concept if the movie put more effort into its characters and comedy, and bucked a few more cliches. To each their own insecurities, I guess. Far be it for me to pooh-pooh another person’s specific suffering. I’m sensitive. I’m empathetic. But I’m also not laughing as much as I should — and I’m a little bit bored. Also, Luke Eisner’s accent is so poor, he may have learned it by YouTubing old Swedish Chef clips. Our Call: SKIP IT. Should I say Tall Girl ultimately falls short? Probably not!
Candle Roof Top - Brands: THE DIFFERENT COMPANY - Product Code: 3760033634364 - Availability: In Stock SEK 490.00Ex Tax: SEK 392.00 Candle Roof TopA luxurious olfactory signature for your interior. As if the nature comes into the city, unwind and take a break from the urban world. A moment of relaxation on a roof top thanks to ultra-realistic and revivifying notes: green moss, earthy wood and crumpled leaves. Green, woody, moss.
Log in with a social network: Log in with your username or email: LMAO. I was thinking whats eating gilbert grape too but then I scrolled down. I so wish I had this teacher. Hahahahaha, now that is genius. Carrie`s Mom: Do you see a lot of peeps in New York?Carrie: ...The little marshmallow birds?Carrie`s Mom: No! That`s what you call people on AOL. "i do it to objectify women" lol, shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush.... der not supposed 2 no dat......... ive had the same idea XD jk From ODU, hell yeah i`m proud to go there... Brittany: Eww that fog machine smells gross. They should make different scents.Gale: Yeah, like "drunk."Brittany: What would that smell like?Kenny: Like stale beer, used condoms and vomit? -On hazy propositionsUniversity of Washington Louie: Dude that girl just sucked me off in the restroom like half an hour ago.LJ: drat dude she just gave me a good night kiss!Louie: But she doesn`t even know you....-Discussing party etiquetteUniversity of Puerto Rico LOL!!! that one really made me crack up :-P hey, I actually made that one up myself earlier :P You have to love that kind of stupidity. Reading the site makes me want to have a drink... wierd.
A Mad Tea Party table is quite unlike any other! It involves thinking in a different way. The more mismatched, odd or whimsical the items on it, the better. ALL manner of unrelated objects and knick-knacks might be found on it – some used in obscure ways, some chipped, some big, some tiny, all colors! There isn’t a wrong way. As the Cheshire Cat would say, ‘Every way is the right way’! Objects of a shabby chic, vintage garden nature, or Victorian English style look perfectly at home together. This eclectic and whimsical, but artfully disarrayed, tea table looks completely random but actually, is anything but random. Bring it on, the more the merrier!! Above, you see three sides to one small table of four at the Mad Tea Party. As you can see each guest’s perspective of the centerpiece collage is quite different than the other’s. You can see all types of bottles (some from India, some English, some antique and some new), framed illustrations and tea-stained quotes from ‘Alice in Wonderland’, miscellaneous objects and knick-knacks, china or glass animals, bookends, clocks, vases with fresh and silk flowers, small potted flowers or plants (silk or real), stacked teacups and saucers, teapots, beribboned keys, “Drink Me” tags, full-size and miniature playing cards and rose petals. On some of the other tables you would also see various hand-held magnifying glasses, small baskets, various china rabbits, pocket watches, a bird’s nest, oversized teacup planters with flowers, wood and silver candlesticks, chess pieces, and doll house furniture. Miss Party recommends collecting up all you might have in your own personal collection of objects, first. Then, regularly stopping in at garage sales or secondhand stores to supplement the collection inexpensively. (While at those stores or garage sales, also look for super cheap mismatched china to fill in to what you already own.) Be sure to make several “Teetering Teacups” Centerpieces to add to the full collage of objects on your table(s). Have fun!
TURBAT: Counter Terrorism Directorate (CTD) Arrests Suicide Bomber who wanted attack a Chinese convoy on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), ARY News reports. on Monday. According to the details, CTD Turbat and women’s police raided Khoshab and arrested the suicide bomber. During the raid, explosives and detonators were also recovered. CTD said the woman belonged to a banned organization and wanted attack a Chinese convoy on KPEC route. CTD said the woman belonged to the same group who carried out in attack on University of Karachi. Read more: Investigators are preparing a sketch of alleged female facilitator in KU explosion Last month, a suicide bomber named Shari Baloch attacked a van carrying Chinese citizens to the Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi. As a result of the explosion, three Chinese teachers and their driver were killed. Earlier, the police released another CCTV footage related to the explosion at the University of Karachi. shows alleged intermediary of suicide bomber Shari Baloch. attack who killed at least four people including three Chinese teachers who worked for Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi, carried out from a female suicide bomber of forbidden terror organization.
Anyone who has a pot or pan of simmering liquid, and turned off the heat (gas), must have noticed the instant "burst" of steam coming from the liquid surface. I mean instant. There is no way that any change in heat transfer from the source, to the liquid surface, could be involved in that instant. I understand all the physics of boiling, atmospheric pressure, heat transfer, and the energy of the molecular movement of water molecules. But, I still don't get the "puff" of steam which happens when the energy source is removed. And, that elevated emission continues for some period of time. My latest sighting just occurred when finishing a reduction of half and half, a head of garlic, and two tins of anchovies for a northern Italian bugna couda dip. Thanks for the time.
JF Ptak Science Books Post 1695 “That was mere foreplay; Where books are burned, human beings are destined to be burned too. " (In German: “Das war Vorspiel nur. Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.”) - Heinrich Heine, Almansor (1821) This sickly pamphlet America and Germany Against the World Crisis, 1935), written by Carl M. Selle, is a comparison of the “American and German New Deal”, and their joint effort in fighting the great depression as one of the “overwhelming catastrophe(s) of the Great War” by the “new governments” of the United States and Germany. It is a ludicrous, damaging, offalous piece of Berlin-published propaganda aimed at winning soft hearts and minds in the U.S. and other English-speaking countries. “In Germany Hitler so augmented relief measures that a new note of hope as heard in that country”. These measures included—according to Selle, the Winterhilfswerk* which he equated with Roosevelt’s NRA, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fier Offenliche Agbeiten (Oeffa) with the PWA (Public Works Administration). What Selle didn’t mention is the story here, and not the seeming correspondences between the economic policies of the two countries. Principal in Selle’s Corrupt Memory Timeline (and this just dealing with the Nazis up until 1935) are the Nuremberg Race Laws, which were the principal step in outlawing the right of “human being” for a segment of the German human society. "The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" (regarding Jewish marriage) and "The Reich Citizenship Law" (designating Jews as subjects) were the major components of these laws--there would be a dozen more which would classifying the Jewish people as subjects of the Reich and eventually, simply, disposable “things”. On June 30, 1934, Hitler consolidated his power with The Night of the Long Knives, sealing his control of the Nazi army by ridding it of the “corrupt” influences of the SA, murdering the lice’s lice. In May 1933 was the first great Nazi book burning, which was a continuation of a tradition that spread across the continents and back through the millennia (and that’s another story for another day), destroying the ideas held in physical form of the works of H.G. Wells, Jack London, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and other “non-patriotic” and “anti-German, anti-Aryan” "degenerate" works.* Book burning was the visual record of a much deeper destruction of the intellectual and cultural heritage of Germany, and was a very direct effort for thought and language control, autonomizing the creativity of an entire people (or at least those who were still considered to be "people"). It was also one of the early steps in eradicating ideas that were dangerous to a fragile and highly suspect intellectual foundation of a movement; that led inexorably to the destruction of the people who would have those ideas. It was also in this year that the Nazi Party was declared the only legitimate, political organization in Germany. So, when Hindenburg dies in 1934 and Hitler is made Fuhrer, it is not surprising that Hitler receives a 90% “yes” vote in the national referendum of August 19, 1934.. Earlier in the same year as the publication of this dirty little piece, January 26, 1935, was the passing of a law for forced abortions for people with hereditary diseases. And on and on. The pamphlet was a meagre attempt to legitimize the cancerous growth of Nazism, equating it in whatever way possible with the efforts of the Roosevelt administration in order to give themselves some small washing of external friendly legitimacy. I don't know anything about the author (though the name of the publisher related to a famous German American from the Civil War/Reconstruction period of U.S. history), but his efforts were soft, conservative, and embarrassing. And nothing new, or original. But this sort of activity--hearts and minds campaigns--is still the coin of the realm of aspects of political /power relationship interactions. * In Berlin, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels gives a speech to the students, stating... "...The era of extreme Jewish intellectualism is now at an end. The breakthrough of the German revolution has again cleared the way on the German path...The future German man will not just be a man of books, but a man of character. It is to this end that we want to educate you. As a young person, to already have the courage to face the pitiless glare, to overcome the fear of death, and to regain respect for death - this is the task of this young generation. And thus you do well in this midnight hour to commit to the flames the evil spirit of the past. This is a strong, great and symbolic deed - a deed which should document the following for the world to know - Here the intellectual foundation of the November (Democratic) Republic is sinking to the ground, but from this wreckage the phoenix of a new spirit will triumphantly rise..." When he visited Germany in 1939 as a reporter for the North American Newspaper Alliance Dr. Lothrop Stoddard wrote: "...Once a fortnight, every city, town, and village in the Reich seethes with brown-shirted Storm Troopers carrying red-painted canisters. These are the Winter-Help collection-boxes. The Brown-Shirts go everywhere. You cannot sit in a restaurant or beer-hall but what, sooner or later, a pair of them will work through the place, rattling their canisters ostentatiously in the faces of customers. And I never saw a German formally refuse to drop in his mite, even though the contribution might have been less than the equivalent of one American cent. "During these periodic money-raising campaigns, all sorts of dodges are employed. On busy street-corners comedians, singers, musicians, sailors, gather a crowd by some amusing skit, at the close of which the Brown-Shirts collect. People buy tiny badges to show they have contributed—badges good only for that particular campaign. One time they may be an artificial flower; next time a miniature dagger, and so forth. The Winter-Help campaign series reaches its climax shortly before Christmas in the so-called Day of National Solidarity. On that notable occasion the Big Guns of the Nazi Party sally forth with their collection-boxes to do their bit."
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When you start using expressions like hijo de puta and plata in your daily life, you know you’ve been watching too much Narcos. Still one episode left of the second season. Good thing about this TV marathon is that my Spanish is coming back, all those two beginners courses that I took back in the Uni. I’m not sure when I can use my revived skills though (*dreaming of a holiday in Mexico…) and if people will appreciate the gangster Spanish I’ve learned. Other than watching Narcos I also went to movies on Friday, official fall movie season opening! And it was a good one, I saw Divines by Houda Benyamina that won Camera d’Or award in Cannes. Heartbreaking story about teenagers living in cités, poor suburbs of Paris, who get immersed in drug dealing with severe consequences. Yet above all it is a story of a great friendship. I was of course crying in the end (I’m a known crier) and when leaving I noticed that I was not the only one. Strong recommendation to this one! What is sad is that I can easily see most scenes of the movie happen in real life in one of the cités HLM that surround Paris, mostly populated by immigrants. Without a doubt a wildest achievement of this weekend was the delicious coconut chicken curry that I cooked. Actually it is an achievement, as I’m not really known for my cooking. If you are a Finn reading this and you got hungry, you might wanna check the recipe here. This one has a bit of a spicy kick and will be perfect for winter nights. Although in Paris the temperatures are still summery! Even if I love sun and warm, I have mixed feelings about this, +30 degrees again next week? I was kind of hoping that I can soon were my new cashmere sweater from that All Saints summer sale. Sur ce, have a good evening! x
Ugh. A study released last year by Deloitte Canada reported that “Canadian output per worker is only 86% of American output.†What does this mean for the Canadian economy? Our children will not be as affluent as we are. Not only are we behind, but the gap grows every year. We use the U.S. as a benchmark, but we’re behind other countries as well. And as we continue to slide, the long-term implications for Canadians are very significant. Most income growth in the last decade and more has gone to the top 1% or top .1% of Canadians. Part of the reason for that is because our productivity lags. Productivity is not about people working harder. Productivity is about people producing more per hour worked, which is a different thing. Our problem is not Canadian workers. Canadian workers work as hard, they work as many hours, they are as capable as U.S. or other workers. But we need business to invest in their companies in order to allow those workers to produce more. And we need our workers to accept the fact that that’s actually the key to getting better pay. If you want to fix income disparity, improve productivity. If we don’t do anything about productivity, we’ll go from earning three-quarters of what a U.S. family does for the same work today, to earning half or some other smaller number. The standard of living our children experience will not be what we enjoy.
Tetris 3D is a breathtaking online game. In this mindfulness puzzle game, you have to control the falling blocks-figures. Your goal is to knock the blocks off the top of the screen. You can also move the blocks from left to right, rotate, and reflect them. Try to build the field in such a way as to fill the rows and clear as much of its area as possible! Collect points and remember your retro puzzle game!
I basically had the most amazing weekend! Thursday night, my friends watched my boys so I could go to sushi and drinks with my doting husband. It was so wonderful! Friday, I had my mom’s group and then I left for mom’s weekend away with two of my dearest, dearest friends. Fellow graduate school wives, one of the ladies had an apartment in St. Joe, Michigan from her husband’s internship. (You read that correctly. free lodging.) The drive was only four hours from where we live, but the traffic on the way there was crazy- so it took us 6 hours to get there. We were all exhausted when we arrived. That wouldn’t have compared to how exhausted we would have been if we went away for the week to Rimington Leisure Park in the Ribble Valley in England, as we had planned. Saturday- we woke up and enjoyed a beautiful breakfast. It was so peaceful to eat, not feel rushed, not need to cut someone else’s food up, or barter with them to eat. We drank delicious coffee and perused the farmer’s market. It was so wonderful to stroll through, in no rush. To look at everything, at our own pace, to be inspired by the beauty around us. From flowers to tables laden with colorful fruits and vegetables. It was just a creative person’s paradise, really. We ate delicious food, including gyros and shrimp. We drank too much wine, and even attended the area’s wine festival. That night we got home relatively early and watched a retro chick flick before crashing out before midnight. Sunday- Knowing it was our last day, there was a lot of pressure to see everything we wanted to see. We visited South Haven, Michigan for a relaxing boat cruise (with wine) more delicious food, and these gorgeous sites, including a fruit mural wall downtown. After some Moscow mules, not so light shopping, and a broken cell phone, we headed home. It was such a treat to leave my family and mommy obligations for a weekend. I was definitely nervous to go away, I’ve probably left my kids twice overnight. I was comforted knowing they have an amazing dad, who spoiled them rotten all weekend with swimming and junk food. They probably didn’t even notice I was gone. My soul was filled by the beauty and peace in the area, but more so by the intimate conversations and free therapy from friends. We laughed, let ourselves get misty eyed, and made memories that will linger for years to come. Friendship is such a wonderful gift.
Danny Gokey fans, show us your glasses and win this autographed photo As the nation gears up for American Idol season 9, which starts at 8 tonight on Fox, some Idol devotees are still talking about their faves from last season. How 'bout that Danny Gokey kid, huh? You remember him; he's the one with the glasses. When Gokey stopped by Tampa's Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino last week for an intimate performance, he revealed that not only is he okay with being known as the Glasses Guy, but he's working on starting his own line of specs. At the Hard Rock event, we got our hands on an autographed photo of Gokey, which we will in turn give to one of you, dear readers. In honor of everyone's favorite four-eyed reality show contestant, send us the best picture of you in glasses. We'll pick a winner to receive the Gokey autograph. Coke bottle frames from your class photo three decades ago? Bring 'em. Dwayne Wayne-style flip-up shades? Excellent. Heck, if you want to put glasses on your dog and us a pic, that's fine, too. Send your best glasses photo to [email protected], along with your name and city of residence. (First name only is fine.) The contest ends Tuesday, Jan. 26. -- Dalia Colon, tbt*. Photo by Getty Images.
Flower Carpet U.S.A. Inc. Flower Carpet Appleblossom from Gardena, Calif.-based Flower Carpet U.S.A. Inc. is an easy-care groundcover rose that stands 24 to 32 inches tall, with a spread of 3 to 4 feet. Hardy in U.S.D.A. zones 4-10, the pastel pink roses bloom from late spring until frost. A mature, healthy bush can produce up to 2,000 flowers per season. Reader Service No. 300 CCTV Corp. The GBC CW-350 ceiling/wall camera from CCTV Corp., South Hackensack, N.J., measures 2 1/4 x 1 3/4 x 3 1/4 inches and weighs less than 2 ounces. It has more than 425 lines of resolution and a .02 sensitivity lux and comes standard with an electronic shutter and 4mm wide-angle lens. Lenses ranging from 2.5mm to 12mm also are available. Reader Service No. 302 Stone Panels Inc. With Ultra-Lite Stone Panels from Dallas, Texas-based Stone Panels Inc., building owners can renovate facades without relocating tenants. Made of natural granites, limestones and marbles, the material is maintenance-free and has higher impact resistance than solid stone. Ultra-Lite Stone weighs 3.3 pounds per square foot. Reader Service No. 304 Skanda Lights The KlemLite CE Series 171 from Elk Grove, Ill.-based Skanda Lights is a low-voltage spotlight for use in custom exhibits, portable displays, kiosks and other merchandise lighting. The light utilizes a 20-, 35- or 50-watt MR16 lamp, with rod arms that extend up to 18 inches and a fixture head that rotates. KlemLite is available in black, silver or white finishes. Reader Service No. 306 Locus Communications Inc. The Work Order System from Buffalo, N.Y.-based Locus Communications automates ongoing building and property maintenance requirements with a cost-effective computer solution. The company also offers Looking Glass software, which focuses on daily sales/marketing management. Reader Service No. 308 FRED Systems Ltd. The Digital SignPost from Waterloo, Canada-based FRED Systems Ltd. uses a gas-plasma display panel to cycle multiple electronic sign images, animations and video. Designed to sort more than 1,000 images, the Digital SignPost presents 20 to 30 ads in six- to 10-second spots, creating a two- to three-minute repeating cycle. The system stands 36 inches high. Reader Service No. 310 The No Butts Bin Co. The No Butts Bin(R) from The No Butts Bin Co., Stoughton, Mass., has a stainless steel exterior with concealed fasteners. A grill prevents the deposit of fire hazards. It is available in a brushed or polished finish. Reader Service No. 312 Southwall Technologies Solis, an applied window film from Palo Alto, Calif.-based Southwall Technologies, reduces undesirable solar heat without significantly reducing visible light. The transparent polyester film, which is coated with a clear, ultra-thin layer of metals, blocks 98 percent of UV radiation. Reader Service No. 314 Reeve Store Equipment Co. Specialized wall-mount standards are offered by Pico Rivera, Calif.-based Reeve Store Equipment Co. The #38 standard, made of 16-gauge steel, is designed for flush mount in loose fixtures and back islands. The #54 standard, made of 0.74-inch-thick steel, is designed for use between slatwall sheets for heavy-duty merchandising. Both items are available in custom sizes and finishes. Reader Service No. 316 United Coatings Roof Mate from Greenacres, Wash.-based United Coatings is a water-based, high-solids elastomer that forms a permanently flexible reflective membrane. Easy to apply and maintain, Roof Mate conforms to all VOC regulations and extends the life of new or existing roofing systems by providing long-term weatherproofing and light reflectivity. Reader Service No. 318 Thomas Enterprises The RCC Series of fire extinguisher cabinets from Fort Myers, Fla.-based Thomas Enterprises is designed to fit into any corner. They are available in aluminum, satin-anodized or white-painted finishes and in a variety of sizes. Reader Service No. 320 Spartan Chemical Co. Inc. Fragrance-free L.O.E. Stripper from Toledo, Ohio-based Spartan Chemical Co. Inc. removes finish and wax buildup. Reader Service No. 322 Air Quality Engineering Inc. Smokemaster C-12 electronic air-cleaning system from Minneapolis-based Air Quality Engineering Inc. is designed to remove tobacco smoke, dust, dirt and other airborne particles. The system, which can be mounted on the ceiling or wall, employs a four-way method of air recirculation that is multidirectional. Reader Service No. 324
ThinkFun Dog Crimes Item # 1552 ThinkFun Dog Crimes is the follow-up to their top-selling deductive reasoning game, Cat Crimes. A stand-alone game, Dog Crimes features an all-new cast of characters —and 40 all-new mysteries to solve. Each of the 40 challenge cards presents a canine crime and a series of clues to help you identify the culprit. The six dog suspects feature distinctive characteristics and traits, and the gameboard supplies additional supporting evidence to help you solve the crimes. It's a great game for dog lovers and anyone who loves a good mystery! - Features: game board, 6 dog tokens, 6 crime tokens, 40 challenge cards with solutions - Only one player needed - Ages 8 and up 0.0/5.0Review Stats 0 total reviews No reviews have been written for this product. Be the first one! –
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This is a creative outlet for me. I enjoy photography and enjoy showing it to others. Feel free to leave a comment, I do appreciate feedback. Hi Christy, how have you been? He looks like he's holding a black fishing pole... heheheee! Love that hat Very cute - love the bright colors! Post a Comment
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New Delhi: Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao’s divorce announcement a couple of days again left their followers in a state of shock. However, the couple continues to co-father or mother their baby Azaad Rao Khan and might be working collectively on the skilled sphere. Now, days after their divorce information, videos of them dancing collectively, wearing conventional Ladakhi outfits has hit the web. It is reportedly from the Ladakh taking pictures schedule of their film Laal Singh Chaddha. Several fan pages have shared it on-line. Take a glance right here: The completely happy couple dance is making followers recall the fond reminiscences of the duo collectively. The energy couple introduced the separation on July 3 with a joint assertion, ending 15 years of their marriage. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao bought married on December 28, 2005. She was an assistant director to Ashutosh Gowariker on the set of Lagaan. On December 5, 2011, the duo introduced the beginning of their son, Azad Rao Khan via surrogacy. The actor was earlier married to Reena Dutta. Together, the couple has two youngsters – a son named Junaid and a daughter, Ira. Laal Singh Chaddha options Kareena Kapoor Khan, Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya in outstanding roles. Laal Singh Chaddha is the official Hindi remake of Tom Hanks’ 1994 blockbuster Forrest Gump. Atul Kulkarni has written the script and it’s slated to launch on Christmas 2021. Advait Chandan of Secret Superstar fame has directed the enterprise.
The following photos were taken in a chic downtown Atlanta apartment. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with a living / dining room combination and small kitchen. The owner did a great job of purchasing furnishings that double as storage (creative space). Ottomans with storage and serving trays The owner converted a book case into a mini bar. I think this is a great use of space and bonus the bar ware is attractive sitting out. This bookcase has 2 medium size deep baskets. A great place to hide items that are not so attractive but the baskets look great.
SAN ANTONIO, TX. – "It's something I always wanted to do," Lance Ten Broeck said an hour ago, catching his breath after shooting a second-round 70 at the Valero Texas Open. "I don't think anybody has ever caddied and played in the same PGA Tour event."There's certainly nothing in the Tour's media guide to contradict Ten Broeck's claim – not even in the skinny "Tour Players Who Became Caddies" chapter. Ten Broeck played the PGA Tour from 1980 to 1994, recording 10 top-ten finishes and a second at the 1991 Chattanooga Classic; but in recent years he has toted staff bags for a living. Yesterday, after looping for three-time Ryder Cupper Jesper Parnevik in the morning, Ten Broeck borrowed a set of clubs from Richard Johnson and teed off as first alternate, replacing David Berganio, who had withdrawn due to injury. Today Ten Broeck played with yet another set – which, he admitted, "made it a little difficult."Not that rounds of 71-70 are shabby for a 53-year-old pulling double shifts. Ten Broeck will miss the cut by a stroke or two, but he's currently ahead of half the field, including his boss. (Parnevik teed off at 12:25 with Ten Broeck's redheaded son, Jonathan, on his bag.) And now Mr. Double Duty is back in harness, winking at those – players and caddies alike – who find the hilly La Cantera Resort Course to be an ordeal to walk. "Physically, I'm fine," Ten Broeck said during his mini-break. "I'm just disappointed I didn't play better."And if you wonder why Lance had to play with borrowed clubs …"I don't like to travel with my golf clubs," he said. "It's just a pain to carry them around." (Photo by Eric Gay/AP Photos)
Welcome to the DNS Privacy project home page This site is the home of a collaborative open project to promote, implement and deploy DNS Privacy. The goals of this project include: QUICK START GUIDES High level overview of ongoing work on DNS Privacy with monthly updates Catch up with the latest standards being developed to support DNS Privacy: DPRIVE Working group For a list of useful RFCs, Internet Drafts and presentations see the Reference Material page. Thanks to NLnet Foundation and OTF for donations to support DNS Privacy work. Thanks for past support from Verisign Labs. If you are interested in contributing by running a server see our how-to guide: Running a DNS Privacy server If you are interested in contributing to the project please contact: To submit issues in the issue tracker and contribute to the code repositories create a user account:
Why do small businesses fail? I had a chat with Digital Media Marketer and Brand Strategist, Adeola Kayode at the Lagos WordCamp Conference and he talked about how customers are key to the success of any business, he also pointed out that small businesses fail because they pay too much attention to the products and services they offer instead of the customers they set out to serve. Find out more about Adeola on his website here Be the first to know when there is a new video on my YouTube Channel by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button HERE Adeola Kayode effectively combines the roles of a Brand and Communications Strategist, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Writer, Counselor, Graphic Designer, Public Speaker, Blogger and a passionate Patriot of the New Nigeria. So why do small businesses fail? Watch my short interview with Adeola Kayode below. If there are more reasons you think we should know about, please don’t don’t hesitate to share in the comment box And finally, don’t stop being awesome!
El Paso police detectives are looking for a man with a handgun who robbed a check-cashing shop Tuesday evening in the East Side. A police spokesman said an unidentified man walked up to a clerk, took out a gun and demand money at about 5 p.m. in the Check 'n Go at 1491 N. Lee Treviño near Vista Del Sol Drive. The robber left with an undisclosed amount of cash. No one was injured. The robber, who had a thin build, was wearing a light-colored baseball cap, a dark-colored shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, police said. An El Paso police spokesman said the case is not believed to be linked to the robbery of a Check 'n Go in Las Cruces on Saturday by a man disguised as a landscaper and armed with a weed whacker. Anyone with information on the robbery may call police at 832-4400 or Crime Stoppers of El Paso at 566-8477.
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2 ადამიანი + 2 Extra bed Starting Price From 249 ₾ / Day The spacious Junior Suites with balcony do not overpromise: with direct view at the seaside these spacious min 44 sqm rooms are equipped with one king size bed. Modern flat screens TV, as well as a cosy seating area with desk and chairs offer further comfort. Room Size: 44 – 60 m², Maximum 2 persons. Room Facilities: One king-size bed, non-smoking, central cooling/heating with individual control, flat screen tv with satellite channels, telephone, desk, fully stocked mini bar, coffee/tea making facilities, in-room safety box, cribs/infant beds are available on request and subject to confirmation. Bathroom fittings: Fully equipped bathroom with shower/bath, hair dryer in bathroom, bathrobe with cotton slipper, complimentary beauty set. Food & Drink: Breakfast, Lobby (coffee and drinks), Restaurant (à la carte) and restaurants nearby. Services: 24-hour front desk, meeting facilities, laundry and ironing services, car rental, airport transfer (surcharge), wake-up service, fax/photocopying. Internet: Wi-Fi is available in the hotel rooms and is free of charge. Security fittings: keycard-operated door locks, smoke alarm in every room. Parking: Free private parking is available on site. Pets: Pets are not allowed.
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A couple of weeks ago he reconnected with his former agent, Todd Ramasar, and Saturday held a private workout for the Dallas Mavericks. They supposedly remain interested, but as with everyone else, they want to see him play first. While a source close to Davis says interest also has been expressed by teams in Finland, Israel and Australia, where former Knicks teammate Al Harrington is currently playing for the Sydney Kings, going overseas would probably push a return to the NBA to next season. It also might make it difficult for him to keep up his maintenance work with Hines and Dr. Khaziran. Forging his way back through the no-frills D-League actually holds a certain appeal. He doesn’t want to come back because of who he was. He wants to make it back because of who he is. David ‘Dubi’ Pick: Lithuania, Espana, Poland, Turks & more NTs ramping up complaints to FIBA about poor hotel conditions in Lille. Poland & Lithuania stressed that delivered cuisine isn’t fit for Marcin Gortat, Jonas Valanciunas – NBA stars. Espana, Finland, Turks, others called for field trips for dinner. Opted against hotel menus. 30 Mar 15 Irrespective of the quality of the foe that got smoked 114-55 and forced into 31 turnovers while mustering just five assists. Finland looked every bit the lowest-ranked invite via wild card in the history of this event — 39th worldwide in FIBA’s latest rankings — but the way Team USA lasered right in and immediately embraced the challenge to defend with a greater ferocity than past Team USAs could only impress the bosses. “The ball pressure was great,” Thibodeau said. “Challenging shots, finishing our defense, guys being tied together … it was terrific.” Point guard Petteri Koponen took the floor hoping for a showing that would convince the critics Finland deserved its FIBA wild card for something other than the raucous band of traveling fans it could bring to the World Cup or its ties to the big money of Rovio and their Angry Birds franchise. Koponen and his pals wound up running straight into a pack of Angry Yanks and their buzzsaw D. “Maybe they’re missing some great players, but for sure these players want to show how great they are, too,” Koponen told ESPN.com just before making the much longer walk to his team bus. “They want to show the whole world they are the next generation, and they’re going to be the next superstars.” 30 Aug 14
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Youngster speaks ahead of B Team game against Rochdale - Etienne Camara seeing improvements in his game - Young Terrier enjoying playing with the older age groups - B Team host Rochdale on Wednesday (10 March 2021) Huddersfield Town Under-19s midfielder is pleased with how he’s improved since joining Town’s Academy in October 2020. The youngster signed for Town from French Ligue 1 side Angers SCO and has since linked up with Jon Worthington’s Under-19 side. Camara joins fellow French Young Terriers Loick Ayina and Brahima Diarra, who he admits have helped him settle in since arriving in Huddersfield. “Moving away from home is new for me. When I played in France before I got to go home every week, whereas now I can’t do that. “It really helps having Loick and Brahima here. When I don’t understand they can help me.” The 17-year-old has had to adapt to a new playing style as part of Town’s Academy, something which has already helped him see improvements in his game. “When I first came it was hard physically because I’m not used to the same type of style in France. “There’s a lot more running here, so now I can play 90 minutes, whereas before I couldn’t. “I’m much faster now, I’m stronger and I’m more confident. I’m still working on my speed though!” The youngster has made an instant impression at Town, seeing himself play regularly for the B Team. “I like playing with the older players because it helps me prepare for when I get to play in the Championship. I know that the Championship is very physical. “It can be hard playing for the Under-19s and B Team sometimes because we don’t have a league, so we don’t really play in any competitions. “However, it’s also good because we play against men, which helps me get stronger. “It also helps me prepare for playing with the First Team.” The B Team are back in action on Wednesday afternoon, when they host Rochdale. You can follow live match updates on Town’s official Academy Twitter; @htafcacademy.
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Multiple Nebula and Hugo Award winner Greg Bear returns to the Earth of his acclaimed novel "Eon" in "Eternity. " The crew of the asteroid-starship "Thistledown" has thwarted an attack by the Jarts by severing their link to the Way, an endless corridor that spans universes. The asteroid settled into orbit around Earth and the tunnel snaked away, forming a contained universe of its own. Forty years later, on Gaia, Rhita Vaskayza recklessly pursues her legacy, seeking an Earth once again threatened by forces from within and without. For physicist Konrad Korzenowski, murdered for creating The Way, and resurrected, is compelled by a faction determined to see it opened once more. And humankind will discover just how entirely they have underestimated their ancient adversaries.
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Results 1 to 5 of 18 Thread: Names that End with N July 25th, 2013 10:48 AM #11 Great list, mclola! Thank you! I'm particularly interested in Aeredin and Suthen. I've never heard those before. I think I'll research them. Thanks again! whitefeather01, Lincoln, and Sebastian are a couple of my favorites too. Caledon is different. It's going on the list! Thanks! lexiem, Imogen and Helen! I love those two as sister names. And I'm loving Odin and Oberon too. Thank you! shvibziks, my baby girl's name is Arwen Elizabeth. ^_^ I just love it! I love Eowyn too, but I'm afraid people might really think me a humongous nerd if I had two children with LOTR names. lol Darn! Victarion and Aurelien are catching my eye on your boy list. Thank you!~Cathryn Elizabeth~ Stay at home mommy to Benton Grover and Arwen Elizabeth. My fur babies are Walter and Marcheline aka Mooch. Current favorites: Imogen Temperance, Gwendolyn Lucille, Jessamyn Hazel, Charleston Hawk, Harrison Ambrose, Thompson Conrad
Sept. 11, 2007 NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The 136th season of Yale football kicks off Saturday the 15th with the Bulldogs' first trip to Washington, D.C. and a 1 p.m. game against Georgetown (0-2, 0-1 Patriot) at Multi-Sport Field. The first-ever Hoyas-Bulldogs matchup can be heard live on WELI (960-AM), WYBC (1340-AM) and on 960weli.com and wybc.com. Verizon Fios TV will provide a delayed broadcast that airs Sept. 17 at noon and again at midnight. The Bulldogs have been ranked as high as No. 18 and as low as 25th in seven different FCS (formerly I-AA) pre-season polls. This is the first time a Yale football team has been included in the national (I-AA) pre-season rankings. The Elis are currently ranked 21st in this week's Sports Network Poll and sit 24th in the FCS Coaches Poll. GROWING ON IVY The Elis are the 2007 pick of the Ivy by every media prognosticator. This is the first time Yale has been slated No. 1 by the Ivy media since 2000 when Cornell and the Blue shared the top spot. The Bulldogs were picked fifth last year before sharing the league title with Princeton. The August 2007 picks were: 1. Yale; 2. Penn; 3. Harvard; 4. Princeton; 5. Cornell; 6. Columbia; 7. Brown; 8. Dartmouth. STREET & SMITH PICKS One of the most recognized of the college football prognostication publications, Street & Smith picked them this way: 1. Yale; 2. Princeton; 3. Harvard; 4. Penn; 5. Cornell; 6. Columbia; 7. Dartmouth; 8. Brown... Offensive Top Player: Mike McLeod, Yale; Defensive Top Player: Joe Anastasio, Penn, LB; Top Newcomer: Nicolai Schwarzkopf, Harvard, TE FIRST TIME IN CAPITOL CITY Yale has played in 17 different states but never in the Nation's Capitol. The Bulldogs have competed on gridirons in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia and Wisconsin. TALE OF THE SCALE Yale's starting offensive line, which helped lead the league in rushing last fall, averages 280 pounds compared to a Georgetown defensive front that goes at 245 (35-pound difference). The Bulldog defensive front (257, including DEs) faces a 12-pound disadvantage against the Hoya OL (269 lbs). Jack Siedlecki (Union '74), in his 11th season as the Joel E. Smilow '54 Head Coach of Football at Yale, is 111-66-2 as a collegiate head coach, 55-44 at Yale. Siedlecki, who has never faced Georgetown or its head coach, Kevin Kelly, has coached in four of the oldest rivalries in college football (Lehigh-Lafayette, Yale-Princeton, Yale-Harvard and Amherst-Williams). Kelly, who won a 1991 Ivy title as a Dartmouth assistant and also coached at Southern Connecticut (1994-95), is in his second season and brings a 2-11 career record into Saturday's game. There were nine practices before Princeton came to New Haven on Aug. 30 for a scrimmage and 14 between that meeting and opening day. Joel E. Smilow '54 Head Coach of Football Jack Siedlecki was happy to get an early look and what needs work the most. The highlights of the day included a 17-yard TD pass from Ryan Fodor to Ken Ebeling, interceptions by DBs Andrew Liyana and Rylan Spence, impact hits by DBs Paul Rice and Gio Christodoulou and sacks by DL Stephen Schmalhofer and Shane Jones. SIEDLECKI ON HOYAS "We are looking forward to our season opener in the Nation's Capitol. It is always a challenge to open with a team that has already played two games. We must be game ready because we know they are. Georgetown runs a spread-option offense with excellent skill players and an experienced quarterback. Defensively, they are an eight-man front and we must keep the offense balanced to succeed. The kick game is always the wild card in the opener. We have worked very hard on it and feel it is a team strength." GEORGETOWN GOES 0-2 The Hoyas, who opened with a 35-28 loss at Stony Brook before falling to Lafayette 28-7, play this Saturday for the third consecutive week. Mychal Harrison had the lone GU score against the Leopards with an eight-yard run. QB Matt Bassuener finished the day completing 17-of-27 passes for 131 yards, while senior back Kyle Van Fleet had 19 carries for 58 yards. Brent Craft had four catches for 51 yards to lead the receivers. Shawn Halloran, who was a Yale assistant from 1997 to 2001, returned to New Haven last spring as the special teams coordinator and an assistant on both offensive and defense... Freshman DE Sean Williams, who transferred to Yale this summer from Navy, is the son of a former Notre Dame and NFL standout Larry Williams. The father is currently Director of Athletics at the University of Portland... Two freshmen, WR Jordan Forney and PK Alex Barnes, appear on the current two-deep depth chart. Georgetown, the oldest catholic university in the nation, has played every Ivy school other than Harvard and Yale... The Hoyas, who moved up to I-AA status in 1993, have not had a winning season since 1999... They have not defeated an Ivy squad since Cornell in 2003... RB/WR Charlie Houghton was named 2006 Patriot League Rookie of the Year... GU, which runs an offense that is difficult to categorize, has a very young (2 sophomores, 2 seniors, 1 junior) offensive line. NUTMEG STATE PLAYERS IN D.C. GU has four Connecticut residents on its roster, including two from the Elm City: QB Jon Schoen (Darien); QB Keerome Lawrence (New Haven); DB Enrico Jones (New Haven) and WR Anthony Homsey (Oakdale). The Yale team poll revealed some interesting facts about the Bulldogs. QB Richie Scudellari and LB Bobby Abare are considered the hardest working players. DT Stephen Schmalhofer is the funniest, DE Matt Plummer the smartest and TB Mike McLeod the most athletic. The best leader other than the captain is QB Matt Polhemus, while captain Brandt Hollander was voted the strongest. Bobby Abare has been named the toughest. WR Jarren Simmons (most musical), RB David Silberstein (community service) and DE Tim Handlon (most likely to be U.S. President) also were listed the most. MORE FUN STUFF DE Joe Hathaway was named the player with the most unique hobbies (Star Wars trivia knowledge, WWE fanaticism)... LBs Shebby Swett and Jay Pilkerton were voted the guys most players would want their sisters to date... Seventy percent of the team lives on campus... No player owns a Bulldog but 91 percent of the team prefers dogs over cats... The favorite New Haven restaurant among the Elis is Yorkside Pizza & Restaurant... Carmen Anthony (Steak House) came in second. The Bulldogs return 11 all-league players from an 8-2 (6-1 Ivy) team that shared the Ivy title with Princeton. Here is a breakdown with their uniform number, position, name, class, notes and stats: 44 LB Bobby Abare '08 - First-Team, All-New England (46-30-76, 4 ints) 32 DE Larry Abare '08 - Second-Team (46-29-75, 1 int) as a DB 50 LB Lee Driftmier '07 - sat out 2006 with injury; HM '05 (led team with 54 solos and 89 total and 5 ints) 90 DE Kyle Hawari '09 - HM (15-8-23, 3 sacks, 1 int) 94 MG Brandt Hollander '08 - First -Team, All-New England (17-7- 24, 4 sacks) 17 TE Langston Johnson '08 - Second-Team (4 catches, 58 yards) 48 PK Alan Kimball '08 - Second-Team (12-19 FG, 29-31 PAT) 28 TB Mike McLeod '09 - First-Team All-Ivy (1,364 yards, 20 TDs) 54 OG Jeff Monaco '08 - First-Team (offense led Ivy in rushing), named pre-season All-America 14 FS Steven Santoro '09 - HM (35-9-44, 4 ints) 77 C Nick Wachtler '08 - HM (offense led Ivy in rushing) MAKING UP FOR McCARTHY Consensus All-American Ed McCarthy has graduated and left large shoes to fill on the offensive line. All-Ivy guard Jeff Monaco and honorable mention pick Nick Wachtler (center) are back. Darius Dale was Yale's top quick tackle in 2006 but only had four starts due to injury. Stephen Morse, a former LB and RB who has earned two letters from special teams, and converted DL Bryan Kana, who had 14 tackles and played in every game last fall, earned starting roles on the offensive front at guard and tackle. Junior fraternal twins LB Bobby and DE Larry Abare (started as a DB in 2006) are possibly the only twins in college football starting together on defense. Public address announcers around the league are familiar with the last name. The Abares led the Blue in tackles and combined for five interceptions in 2006. Yale captain Brandt Hollander, listed by the players as the strongest (bench press of 480, hang clean 368) player on the team, is a senior nose guard from Indianapolis, Ind. Hollander is one of five Elis from Indiana. STILL LEAD THE NATION Yale has not won a national football title since 1927, but the Bulldogs still have more championships (26) than any other school in the country. Notre Dame is second with 11 national titles. In addition, the Elis were the first football team of any kind to win 800 games but have since been overtaken by Michigan. IT'S JUST PRACTICE The normal practice week is from Tuesday through Friday, 4:15 to 6:15. Note that Friday times could be altered on travel days. Practice is held on the fields behind the baseball stadium (Yale Field) and inside the outdoor track. Inclement weather could bring the team inside to either Coxe Cage or the Lanman Center (back of Payne Whitney Gym). Players might be available for interviews before/after practice around the Smilow Center or out on the fields. It is best to email Steve Conn to arrange a meeting at least a day before you would like to speak with a player or coach. BULLDOGS LOVE BOWL Despite suffering both 2006 losses on the Class of '54 Field, the Yale Bowl has been a happy place for Bulldogs. Since opening the national historic landmark in 1914 with a 36-0 loss to Harvard, the Blue has gone 355-187-21 (563 games) at home. Since formal Ivy play began in 1956, the Elis are 117-74-3 vs. Ancient Eight foes at home. There are five sets of brothers on the 2007 Yale roster: LB Bobby and DE Larry Abare; DBs Matt and John Coombs; DE Eric and OL Louis Gresham; DE Brady and QB Brook Hart; and student assistant coach Kevin and DL Tom McCarthy. Connecticut has always provided talented athletes for the Yale football team with offensive stars such as Rich Diana (Hamden High) and John Pagliaro (Derby High), and 2007 is no exception. QBs Ryan Fodor (Hand of Madison) and Matt Kelleher (Southington High) both earned state player of the year honors as seniors. In addition, RB Mike McLeod (New Britain High) was the New Haven Register's player of the year. Pagliaro's son, John Jr., came to Yale this fall from Maryland. GALIETTE MEDIA LUNCHEON This Wednesday at noon, Yale head coach Jack Siedlecki will be joined by senior captain and NG Brandt Hollander. The Galiette Luncheon interviews can be heard on Don Boyle's sportingnewsct.com. Yale's weekly media luncheon was named after legendary play-by-play announcer Dick Galiette, who called Yale Football for 33 seasons until his death in 2005. FORMER BLUE ON SUNDAYS Tony Bellino '05, who started on the Yale offensive line, is attending Notre Dame Law School and heads up the student radio coverage of Fighting Irish football... Eric Johnson '01, starting TE for the New Orleans Saints, opened the season with eight catches for 57 yards against the Colts... Nate Lawrie is a backup TE for the Cincinnati Bengals, who opened with a win over Baltimore... Dick Jauron '73 is in his second season as head coach of the Buffalo Bills. PHASE 1 AND DONE Phase 1 restoration of Yale Bowl and the Class of '54 Field has been completed and a dedication event is scheduled for the Nov. 17 Harvard game. Phase 2, which begins next spring, includes the Jensen Family Plaza, which will be located on the walkway to the Bowl from Central Avenue, and honors the Jensen brothers: Irving '54, Colin '57, Erik '63 and Mark '67. The welcoming plaza will serve as the perfect place for fans to gather before and after games. The Kenney Family Field Center, which includes renovations to the existing field center and halftime room and additional special event space, will also be completed in the next phase of Bowl renovations. It honors the Kenney brothers: Jerry P. `63 (who will be honored by the Ivy Football Association in January), Brian R. '60, Robert D. '67 and Richard L. '71, and a son, Jeffrey S. '93. FATHER OF FOOTBALL For the ninth straight season, the Walter Camp Football Foundation honors Yale's game MVP as the Walter Camp Yale Player of the Game. This award is handed out both at home and on the road. Mike McLeod took Cornell (three TDs), Lafayette (172 yds, three TDs), Lehigh (204 yards, two TDs) and Princeton (4 TDs) honors in 2006 to lead all Bulldogs. Walter Camp (class of 1880), commonly known as the father of American football, captained two Yale teams and coached five others. He compiled a 67-2-0 record and won three national titles as coach. LOOKING AHEAD TO WEEK 10 As always, there are numerous activities centered around The Game on Nov. 17. One of the highlights is the handing out of the George H.W. Bush Lifetime of Leadership Awards at the Blue Leadership Ball (Nov. 16). The honorees include Richard P. Cooley `44, Charles B. Johnson `54, Anne F. Keating `77, James McNerney `71 and Kurt L. Schmoke `71. Johnson and Schmoke played football at Yale. This year, Yale also celebrates the completion of phase one of the Yale Bowl, Class of '54 Field restoration with a dedication ceremony. In addition, there are many alumni functions. ELIS ON ELI NEWS/TALK 960 WELI will broadcast all 10 Yale football games this fall on 960-AM and online at 960WELI.com. Ron Vaccaro '04 returns for his second year as play-by-play announcer. Yale football coaching legend Carm Cozza, a 2003 College Football Hall of Fame inductee, returns for his 10th season as color commentator. If you are not within listening range of WELI, you can access the games via TEAMLINE at 1-800-846-4700 and enter Yale's four-digit code of 5682. WELI's Jerry Kristafer begins home game coverage from the Bowl with a half-hour tailgate party broadcast. Kristafer, who has WELI's weekday morning show, speaks with Vaccaro about the Elis every Friday morning at 8:15. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK The slogan coined by the 2006 Ivy League co-champion Bulldogs is the name of the 30-minute WELI Radio show that precedes the normal pre-game show. Ron Vaccaro and WELI engineer Tom Ivanovich produced the piece - that includes an interview with 2006 captain Chandler Henley '06 -- to celebrate last fall's title and will air at noon before Saturday's season opener. WYBC ALSO AIRS WYBC (1340-AM) also covers each game and has a 30-minute pre-game show. Bob Heussler, WYBC's Director of Football Radio Broadcasts, and Anthony Brooks, the station's sports coordinator, lead a talented group of Yale student broadcasters who can also be heard on wybc.com. WYBC also hosts Sports Sunday from 9-10 p.m., a show that wraps up each Yale sports weekend and includes interviews with coaches and players. Designed to keep Yale Athletics fans and alumni informed and entertained, the voice of the Elis, Ron Vaccaro '04 hosts a series of netcasts available via Apple iTunesU. This series will feature season previews, event coverage (such as Yale's Ivy title clinching defeat of Harvard in The Game last year), and commentary from coaches, players, and analysts, while also taking the fan inside special events such as the Blue Leadership Ball. You can download from iTunesU at yalebulldogs.com (see Yale Athletics Netcasts on right side of front page). The Blue has five games on the tube this fall, three of which are at home. The Oct. 6 game against Dartmouth on NESN is the ECAC Game of the Week. WFMZ-TV airs the Oct. 13 Lehigh game in the Bowl that also shows up on FSN Pittsburgh (DirecTV 628, Dish Network 428). The first of two road games on YES Network is Oct. 20 at Penn, the second is Nov. 10 at Princeton. The 124th edition of The Game will be carried on HDNet nation wide (available on DirecTV 79, Dish Network 9422 and various cable providers), SportsNet NY (New York), WPHL (Philadelphia), WLVI (Boston) and WTXX (Hartford). Jack Ford '72 will provide color on the broadcast after serving as master of ceremonies at the Blue Leadership Ball. Somewhere between 500 and 700 New Haven children will take part in sports clinics, a youth fair and more in the 2007 Yale Youth Day on Sept. 22, the day of the Bulldogs' home opener against Cornell. Youth football games in the morning are followed by clinics, a youth fair, a pass-kick competition and more. Contact Youth Day co-chair Don Scharf '55 (432-7678) for more information. release filed by Steve Conn, Yale Sports Publicity Director
With the contracts, both Sidney Ponson and Brad Voyles, have received invitations to Spring Training. Sidney Ponson’s 2006 stats with the New York Yankees and the St.Louis Cardinals: Stats with the Yankees: Stats with the Cardinals: My thoughts: Sidney Ponson has struggled to find his control for quite some time now. His ERA of 10.47 is one of the reasons that absolutely no team should pick-up Sidney. Now, for Voyles. I am not very familiar with his career. But, his stats look like a solid middle reliever. But, of course, that was in the minors.
The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors mulled their options for implementing the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, more commonly known as Prop 64, during their meeting in Martinez on Tuesday. Proposition 64 allows local jurisdictions like the county to write their own regulations for businesses in the recreational marijuana industry, according to county staff. Failing to do so before January 1, however, will cede that option to the state. Under those circumstances, inspections and complaints involving cannabis operations in Contra Costa County could end up handled at the state level by an office that county officials expect to be staffed with fewer than 35 personnel. No action was taken in terms of crafting an ordinance, but the presentation provided the supervisors with an overview of different regulatory strategies that could be pursued. “Overall, the staff has found that there’s no one-size-fits-all ordinance,” county Conservation and Development Director John Kopchik said. “In terms of the approach presented to the board here today, staff wanted to provide a broad starting point.” Zoning is for indoor and outdoor growing operations as well as the manufacturing of cannabis products like concentrates or extracts. Director of Public Health Dan Peddycord said that the county license only facilitates the use of non-volatile solvents in the extraction process to avoid public safety hazards like the explosions commonly associated with butane hash oil labs. He also raised questions about the chemical content of cannabis products manufactured with volatile solvents. Other uses like dispensaries or delivery services could also be licensed, and there was discussion of using that process as a way of limiting or “capping” the number of such operations to be allowed. There was some consideration of buffers to keep commercial cannabis activities from taking place too close to “sensitive” sites like schools, playgrounds, parks, libraries, and drug treatment centers as well as residential zoning districts. One proposal entailed a 2,000-foot buffer for schools, parks, and playgrounds with just 1,000 feet for residential areas. Another called for buffers of 1,000 feet and 500 feet, respectively. After adjourning for lunch, County Administrator David Twa addressed the matter of taxation and revenue. “Generally there is an appearance that people overestimate the tax revenue and underestimate the cost of all the services necessary to provide the regulation,” Twa said. Due to federal prohibitions preventing banks from doing business with dispensaries, the marijuana business tends to be largely cash-based, according to Twa, who cited anecdotal evidence about cannabis entrepreneurs paying their taxes with “hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash.” In the end, taxes on the cannabis industry should not be high enough to create an incentive to keep doing business on the black market, Twa said. “What I’m concerned about is that they’re going to put arbitrary caps and make entry into the cannabis industry in Contra Costa County just too high,” said Ashley Bargenquast in an interview after the meeting. Bargenquast, from Tully and Weiss Attorneys at Law, spoke during public comment, citing recent news of a marijuana shortage in Nevada and the potential challenges of bringing California’s first crop of legal marijuana to the recreational market. Even after cannabis suppliers are licensed to operate in early 2018, it could take six months or more to begin retail sales. First and foremost, Bargenquast said the emphasis should be on protecting access for medical marijuana patients. After that, she’d like to see the county allow for a robust adult-use market. “I want to see us allow for obstacles to entry to be removed so we have a diverse industry that allows for entrepreneurial spirit to thrive,” Bargenquast said.
Mustang MonthlyHow To Paint Body The Latest in Body & Paint New body shop technology you need to know about Automotive paint technology has come a very long way since Henry Ford coated his Model As with a cotton-derived nitrocellulose lacquer paint. Refinish technology changes regularly as EPA regulations get tighter, pollution and waste management mandates change, and technology simply progresses over time. We got the chance to talk with Brian Smith of Single Source, Inc., in Nashville, Tennessee, one of America’s largest paint-supply retailers. Single Source handles many major lines of paint and body shop supplies, including PPG Paints, which is a favorite of ours for a number of reasons. Brian shared with us some of the new tools and equipment on the shelves of his Nashville store, and his insight based on his 20-plus years helping painters and restoration enthusiasts reach their goals with great customer service and the latest technology. With all the paint and restoration materials currently available on the internet, it’s nice to know that providing solid customer service is the most important thing to Brian and his Single Source team. Rumors persist about impending EPA regulations that will restrict hobbyists from buying what they need to resurrect a vintage Mustang, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. “Unless you’re generating an enormous amount of hazardous waste—100 gallons a year or more—the EPA doesn’t monitor small-waste generators,” Brian says. That being said, it’s still important to know how to responsibly dispose of hazardous chemicals. This is another way Single Source and other body-shop jobbers like Brian Smith can help. You have to really understand how to properly use and handle today’s paint supplies. Education is critical, and Brian’s outlet offers regular certification classes as a service to their customers. Paint products are more expensive, and the toxins are more concentrated than in years past. You have to know how to safely use automotive paint, as well as how to responsibly dispose of the waste. Technically speaking, paint can be shipped—expensively—from state to state, but as end users we just can’t ship our cleanup thinner back to the internet when we’re done with our paintjob. Single Source and other local brick-and-mortar jobber stores can help with that, too. If you want to educate yourself on restoration techniques, several training products are available either on DVD or streamed and downloaded from Paintucation.com and other online trainers. But Brian also let us know that PPG now has hot-rod and restoration focused hands-on classes for hobbyists and professional restorers available at several of their U.S. training center locations. PPG is one of the only major paint manufacturers to allow hobbyists into their standard certification classes, as well. So there are plenty of ways we as weekend warriors can learn how to use this new technology. Sometimes progress comes at a price, and we have to readjust our techniques and adopt a new learning curve. When you embrace the fact that paint technology is constantly changing—and improving—then it’s easy to get excited about new innovations. The basic process of automotive painting hasn’t changed much over the past 60 years or so. Though, there are some new tools, products, and equipment that we wanted to share with you that will hopefully make your restoration project a little easier.
Author + information - Received July 23, 1986 - Revision received February 18, 1987 - Accepted March 2, 1987 - Published online September 1, 1987. - William F. Armstrong, MD, FACC*,1, - Jacqueline O’donnell, MD, FACC1, - Thomas Ryan, MD1 and - Harvey Feigenbaum, MD, FACC1 - ↵*Address for reprints: William F. Armstrong, MD. Indiana University School of Medicine, University Hospital N562, 926 West Michigan Street. Indianapolis, Indiana 46223. Exercise echocardiography is an emerging technique for the evaluation of patients with suspected coronary artery disease. In this study, rest and immediate postexercise echocardiograms were performed in 123 patients who were stratified on the basis of prior myocardial infarction and the number and location of coronary artery stenoses at cardiac catheterization. The location of wall motion abnormalities on rest and postexercise studies was correlated with the location of coronary artery stenoses. The sensitivity of exercise echocardiography for detecting coronary artery disease in patients with multivessel disease was 97% in those with and 86% in those without prior infarction. The corresponding sensitivity for patients with single vessel disease was 100% and 72%, respectively. Multivessel disease was present in 59 patients, but specifically identified as such in only 32 (54%). Normal rest and exercise echocardiograms were seen in 12 patients with coronary artery disease, 8 of whom had single vessel disease. It is concluded that the subjective analysis of the exercise echocardiogram accurately identifies the majority of patients with coronary artery disease. Its sensitivity is greatest in those with multivessel coronary disease. It is limited in those with single vessel coronary disease and in accurately identifying the subset of patients with multivessel disease. - Received July 23, 1986. - Revision received February 18, 1987. - Accepted March 2, 1987. - American College of Cardiology Foundation
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Start your tour from Kócsagvár with a name that literally means ‘Egret Castle’ in Hungarian, which is most fitting, as the great egret is one of the characteristic birds you’ll find here. You can also go to Öntésmajor, just 7 km from Kapuvár, to visit the exhibit on the fauna of the Hanság region, as well as on the preservation of the remains of the former swamp and marshland. Sarród and Lászlómajor used to be one of the nerve centres of the great Esterházy estates, and you can visit to catch a glimpse of contemporary village life. If you love active recreation, the canoe tour will be the perfect activity for you. The 6 km tour will take you through the channels cut into the contiguous thick layer of reeds on Lake Fertő to an almost untouched world that will definitely be an unforgettable experience. If you don’t feel like paddling, board one of the specially designed solar boats to discover the fauna living in the reeds and the open water on Lake Fertő. The almost non-existent sound of the engine will not disturb the water birds and mammals that hide away in the vegetation or which are less tolerant of human presence. The tours organised by the Fertő-Hanság National Park, to bring bird life in the region closer to tourists, affords you the chance to see several spectacular migrating and resident birds living in the Hanság region. Almost 300 migrating and resident bird species have been identified that use this place as a major resting, feeding and nesting location. The National Park is primarily known for the egret, which is also the symbol of the park. This bird has become extinct in the Carpathian Basin and in most of Europe.
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Subitec GmbH, a manufacturer of fully automated algae photobioreactors, hascloseda second round of financing. The CleantechFonds of eCAPITAL entrepreneurial Partners AG, Fraunhofer Venture, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and KfW Bankengruppe’s ERP-Startfonds participated in the capital increase. Subitec funds to the amount of 4.5 Mio Euros will accrue in this round of financing. The raised capital is to be used mainly for launching bioreactors on the international market and to extend technological leadership. “Compared to other energy crops such as maize or wheat, algae are considerably more efficient in creating biomass. To exploit this potential, Subitec has developed highly efficient algae photobioreactors which permit the propagation of algae and the creation of algae biomass at competitive prices on an industrial scale. Together we would now like to encourage the further development of this innovative company”, says Dr Michael Lübbehusen, Managing Partner of eCAPITAL AG. The capital made available would enable Subitec to further extend its market position. Among other things, source materials for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries can be obtained from the microalgae.Lübbehusen further adds that Subitec is making the fully automated operation of algae photobioreactors possible with its patented flat panel airlift process. The creation of biomass is not in competition with food production here. Subitec’s reactors can be operated at locations where no other form of farming is possible. eCAPITAL acted as lead investor in the current round of financing. KfW Bankengruppe’s ERP-Startfonds took a share in the company in collaboration with eCAPITAL. Subitec will use the funds from the capital increase among other things to develop the fourth generation of the flat panel airlift reactor (FPA). “The collaboration with our new investors enables us to address international markets and further extend our technological leadership”, explains Dr Peter Ripplinger, Managing Director of Subitec GmbH, on the occasion of the recent closing. Subitec was founded in 2000 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB. Subitec GmbH was already being supported by Fraunhofer Venture in this first phase. Matthias Keckl, Investment Manager at Fraunhofer Venture, adds: “Together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, the Management of Subitec and later High-Tech-Gründerfonds, we worked out a good basis for this round of financing. We are very happy that with eCAPITAL and KfW’s ERP Startfonds, Subitec now has two new and ambitious partners at its side to give further positive encouragement to the development of the business.” High-Tech-Gründerfonds (HTGF) took a share in the first round of Subitec financing in 2007, and has now extended its commitment. Marco Winzer, Senior Investment Manager at HTGF, adds: “This round of financing shows that an innovative and solid technology coupled with a strong and committed company team can find the right investor even in a weak VC environment.” The photobioreactor developed by Subitec GmbH enables efficient production of algae biomass on an industrial scale. Microalgae such as the freshwater algae Haematococcuspluvialis or the diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutum can for example provide fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, carotenoids and colorants. Among other things, these are needed as primary products for the production of cosmetics, food additives and animal feed. Conventional algae cultivation in Asia takes place mainly in open ponds. The Subitec algae bioreactor in contrast allows land-based cultivation in closed bioreactors without water loss from evaporation. It can also be operated sterilely, i.e. under conditions essential for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Under these controlled conditions algae biomass can be produced continuously, cheaply and in an environmentally compatible way. Also noteworthy is the positive energy balance. The yield from the solar energy stored in the algae through photosynthesis is higher than the energy needed to operate the facility. The FPA is made of transparent plastic and fulfils the preconditions for commercial mass production of photoautotrophic microalgae, which subsist only on light energy and CO2 as a carbon source. A directed conduction of flow via static mixers ensures an optimum light supply even with very high algae concentrations. Their modular structure means that capacities can be flexibly extended. Further Information:SUBITEC GmbHNobelstrasse 12D-70569 StuttgartPhone: +49 (0) 711 / 365 40 29 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 711 / 365 40 29 - 10
Red Dot Design Awards- a German international design prize by Red Dot GmbH & Co. KG. This year, a record number of companies and design studios from across the world took part in this competition. The international jury mentioned the extraordinary quality and the degree of innovation of Hanshow’s Self-Checkout Kiosk. Hanshow’s Self-Checkout Kiosk is a terminal that mixes self-checkout, scan-and-go, and receipt printing functions for hypermarkets, convenience, and cashier-less stores. Unlike bulky traditional cashiers, Hanshow’s Self-Checkout Kiosk helps consolidate space and improve store organization efficiency. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the checkout-free shopping experience can significantly reduce queuing and ensure social distancing. The large touch displays of the Self-Checkout Kiosk enable the user to easily select their service, while its smart scanner seamlessly identifies items for purchase. The built-in printer prints the receipt to complete the transaction. The integration of multiple PCI makes the connection of Self-Checkout with other devices easier. With these features, the Self-Checkout Kiosk delivers excellent shopping experience for the store customers, and work optimization for the retailers! Congratulations to Hanshow product developers on this well-deserved achievement!
* Bluetooth version: 3.0 * Magnetic slot: The unique slot magnetic design strong magnetic firmly attract ipad to effectively offer protection to the ipad from slipping out of the ipad mini bluetooth keyboard. * Multi-angle adjustment: Built-in bracket can make stronger your iPad with a comfortable position for typing and watching videos. * Battery: Lithium Polymer 150mAh * Charging time: as much as 4 t 4.5 hours by USB cable * Working Current : 2.5 mAh * Sleeping Current : 200 uAh * DC-IN: 5V 500 mA * Weight :235g 1 X Bluetooth keyboard 1 X Manual 1 X USB charging cable 1. Make certain the keyboard is on(the power indicator is shine) 2. Make certain the keyboard is in operating distance(within 10 meters) 3. Ensure that the battery storage have power 4. Make certain the bluetooth in tablet pc is on 5. Press the important thing “connect” , check the bluetooth status. 6. Ensure that Wireless Keyboard have already match with bluetooth. Bluetooth 3.0 Keyboard with Holder /Stand connection with iPad mini, and make stronger iPad`s function key The body thinkness is 7.7mm , which matches thinkness of iPad mini the Magnetic slot is powerful to fix iPad mini, it is vitally easy to put on or take off iPad mini. When you don’t use the keyboard, you’ll be able to cover with your iPad so to perfectly offer protection to the screen from dust and scratches 110 Degree Swivel Rotating,When you don’t use the keyboard, you’ll be able to cover with your iPad Mini so to perfectly offer protection to the screen from dust and scratches
Time for banks to act The Bank of Korea’s Monetary Policy Committee lowered the benchmark interest rate by 0.25 percent from the current 4.25 percent to 4 percent on Friday. This amounts to 125 basis points in three cuts over a month. The interest rate on loans set aside as financial policy funds for small- to medium-sized firms has also been lowered from 2.5 percent to 2.25 percent. This is an indication of how rapidly policy makers believe that the real economy will weaken with the global financial crisis. The move is also aimed to mitigate the interest burden on small- and medium-sized firms and households that will suffer most from an economic recession. Red flags have recently been raised for all domestic macroeconomic indexes, such as production, consumption, employment and investment. The dark shadow of an economic recession has already been cast. Economic growth during the third quarter this year dropped to 3 percent and the observation that it will be difficult to reach the government forecast of 4 percent is beginning to ring true. Once the world economic recession sets in next year, the consequences will be more pronounced. We think the Bank of Korea’s additional lowering of interest rates was a timely preemptive measure against an economic recession. The bank has also started to buy bonds issued by domestic banks to alleviate their capital difficulties. Except for tax cuts and expansion of fiscal expenditure, all the government’s promised financial policy measures have been implemented. It is the banks’ turn to act. It is important to prepare in the medium to long term against an economic recession, but what is imperative is having money circulating in the markets. Healthy firms are about to collapse as liquidity dried up long before a recession fully set in. If firms collapse because of a tight capital market, measures to support businesses, slated to be implemented next year, will be meaningless. The problem of won liquidity at banks has been solved to an extent thanks to the lowering of interest rates and purchase of bank bonds. What the banks should do from now on is to let money flow into firms in dire need for the real economy to move. Of course, this does not mean heedlessly pouring money into firms that will collapse anyway. The elaborate screening for loans once used in ordinary times to distinguish healthy firms should be put into action now. But banks should not hold onto money lest healthy firms fall into insolvency.
The Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men : When people think of plastic surgery, they often think of Plastic Surgery procedures for women. However, there are also many popular procedures available for men so that they too can feel more confident and more in tune with how they look. Male Eyelid Surgery Male eyelid surgery is a common Miami male plastic surgery procedure. This procedure removes excess fat and skin, reshaping the eye. This helps to alleviate the appearance of drooping or puffiness and gives a more youthful, masculine appearance. Miami male eyelid surgery, also known as an eyelid lift, can also help to alleviate some vision problems caused by excess sagging skin. Gynecomastia surgery, also known as a male breast reduction, is another popular plastic surgery in Miami. Men may experience an enlarged chest for a number of reasons, including hormonal changes, past steroid use, weight gain, or genetics. This surgery involves the removal of excess fat and skin and the reshaping of the chest area. Men who undergo this procedure often achieve a more masculine, contoured, fit appearance. As men age, skin can become loose, and this loose skin can sometimes cause the neck area to appear as if it’s sagging. A neck lift can help to remove this excess skin, giving the neck a much smoother, more youthful appearance. A neck lift can also sharpen and enhance the appearance of the jaw, giving men a more defined, masculine look. Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation Yet another popular plastic surgery for men is rhinoplasty. This is when the nose is slightly reshaped so as to make it appear more in balance with the rest of the facial features. Rhinoplasty is often paired with another common male plastic surgery procedure called chin augmentation. Slightly reducing the size or shape of the nose and augmenting the size of the chin can make the face appear not only more masculine but also more proportionate. Liposuction is a common practice for both men and women. People who are fit but still have not achieved the sculpted body shape they desire are often excellent candidates for liposuction. This procedure, which helps to remove excess fat from the desired areas, can be used to reshape the appearance of the abdomen, chest, or flanks. Liposuction is minimally invasive, leaves few scars, and has a short recovery time. Hair transplants are a very popular plastic surgery procedure for men who have thinning hair. This procedure involves moving hair follicles from a healthy area of the head to a balding area. This can help men achieve a fuller, more natural hair appearance, and new advances in the surgery have made the success rate quite high. Related Videos about The Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men : Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men What are the common types of cosmetic surgery for men? Popular Male Plastic Surgery Procedures That Make a Difference Popular plastic surgery procedures for men What are the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for men? The Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men male plastic surgery prices, men’s plastic surgery jawline, male plastic surgery abs, male model plastic surgery, male plastic surgery prices in india, men’s plastic surgery near me, plastic surgery before and after, male enhancement plastic surgery,
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Help support New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99... From the earliest days the Church has employed utensils and vessels of metal in its liturgical ceremonies. This practice increased during the Middle Ages. The history of the metalwork of the Church in the Middle Ages is in fact the history of the art of metalworking in general, and this is not only because the Church was the foremost patron of such works and because almost all the works that have been preserved from the Middle Ages are ecclesiastical in character, but also because until the twelfth century the works of the goldsmith were also almost exclusively manufactured by monks and clerics. But in the period of the Renaissance also the manufacture of church metalwork formed a very important branch of the goldsmith's art, and even in our own day these works are counted among those in the production of which that art can be most profitably developed; but not only the goldsmith's art, that is the artistic treatment of the precious metal, had its growth and development in the service of the Church, the base metals also, especially iron, bronze, and brass, have been largely used. As we are dealing, however, with the historical development of the metalwork in the service of the Church, we shall confine ourselves more particularly to works in the precious metals, without however entirely excluding those in the inferior metals from our consideration. Beginning with antiquity, we must first prove that the Church did in fact make use of valuable works of metal in the most ancient times. Honorius of Autun (d. 1145) makes the remark that the Apostles and their followers had employed wooden chalices in the celebration of the holy Mass, but that Pope Zephyrinus had ordered the use of glass and Pope Urban I of silver and gold vessels (Gemma animae, P.L., CLXXII, 573). This opinion seems to have been widely disseminated during the Middle Ages; it is nevertheless untenable. Recourse to chalices made of wood or some other cheap material was undoubtedly often made necessary in antiquity as the result of a lack of the more valuable materials or during the stormy times of the persecutions, but this custom cannot have been general. If the earliest Christians believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and of this there can be no doubt, they assuredly also made offering of their most precious vessels in order that the Sacred Mysteries might be worthily celebrated. The earliest positive notices of the use of metalwork in the service of the Church date from the third and fourth centuries. It is especially the "Liber pontificalis", which is now accessible in the critical editions of Duchesne and Mommsen from which we derive the most interesting information concerning the subject under discussion. Here we first meet with the statement that Pope Urban had the sacred vessels made of silver, which does not by any means imply that before that time they were all made of glass. Of greater importance are the accounts of the magnificent donations of valuable works in metal made by Emperor Constantine to the Roman basilicas. It would take up too much space to enumerate them all, and we shall content ourselves with mentioning a few examples. A large amount of metalwork is also required for the illumination of the basilica. Constantine alone presented to the Lateran church 174 separate articles of the greatest variety intended for this purpose. It is sufficient here to make mention merely of the chandeliers or lustres (coronae), the candelabra and lamps; they were made of bronze, silver, or gold. The Lateran church received among the rest a chandelier with fifty lamps of the purest gold, weighing 120 pounds, and a candelabrum of the same material, with eighty lamps. Even the vessels for storing the oil were sometimes made of precious metal. The Lateran basilica was the owner of three such vessels of silver, weighing 900 pounds. Practically nothing however of all these treasures has come down to us only a few small chandeliers of bronze, dating from the fifth to the eighth centuries, have been found, most of them in Egypt. There remains one more article of metal that was much used in the service of the Church from the earliest centuries, the censer. According to the "Liber pontificalis" the baptistery of St. John at the Lateran had a censer of gold weighing fifteen pounds, which was ornamented with green precious stones. If we take account then of all these articles, the conclusion naturally follows that the use of articles of metal in the service of the Church had attained extraordinary proportions in Christian antiquity. More difficult than the enumeration of the works in metal is the description of their decoration and the technical processes employed in their manufacture, because on this point our literary sources are almost wholly silent, while of the old Christian works, which might enlighten us, but very few are extant. We must therefore, in this case also, confine ourselves particularly to the statements of the "Liber pontificalis". Here we find numerous references to images (imagines) of Christ, the Blessed Virgin, the Angels, and Apostles; in most cases it is impossible to determine whether the works were carved or cast, certain it is that both methods were employed. The statues of Christ and the Apostles on the ciborium presented by Constantine to the Lateran church were undoubtedly carved. In some cases the core of the statue was of wood which was overlaid or covered with silver or gold. Painted images also were sometimes decorated with reliefs of silver or gold. Gregory III, for example, employed five pounds of pure gold and precious stones in the decoration of a statue of the Madonna in S. Maria Maggiore. Precious stones in particular were a favourite form of decoration for articles made of metal golden statues were at times completely covered with them. When Sixtus I provided the confession of the Vatican basilica with costlier furnishings, Valentinian presented a tablet in relief with the images of Christ and the Apostles which was studded with precious stones. The baptistery too beside the Lateran church possessed a censer which was adorned with precious stones. The works in bronze were often inlaid with silver decorations. Thus the chapels of St. John received doors with silver ornamentation. This was probably a kind of niello. To obtain colour effects enamel and verroterie cloisonee were likewise employed; of these a more detailed account will be given later. We shall call attention here only to the best-known specimen that has been preserved, the pentaptych in the treasury of Milan cathedral the central division of this is ornamented by this process with the paschal lamb and the cross. Finally, as to the workshops from which the Church derived its metalwork, there can be no doubt that they existed in all the larger cities of the civilized countries of ancient Christendom; but the cities of the Eastern Roman Empire, and especially Byzantium, seem to have been pre-eminent. There is a tendency even at the present day to consider almost all of the larger works that have been preserved as products of Eastern art. In fact a large number of works in metal were brought from the Orient to the Western countries. We mention here only a reliquary cross in St. Peter's at Rome, a present of the Byzantine emperor Justin II. We begin the Middle Ages with the Byzantine metalwork, in order to remove at the outset the impression that the term Byzantine is used to express a definite period of time; it is used rather to denote a definite geographical circle of art and culture, that is to say, Byzantium with its immediate and more distant surroundings. There were two factors that exerted a powerful influence upon the Byzantine work: first, the almost boundless extravagance which prevailed at the imperial Court, and which, as a result of the intimate relations existing between State and Church, made itself felt also in the latter; second, the close contact with the art of the inland provinces, particularly with Persian art. The Persian, or, to use a more general term, the Oriental, influence gave rise to an extravagant seeking after colour effects in the art of metalworking accompanied by a suppression of the main object, namely the production of plastic works. To understand the latter change, we must briefly explain a few technical terms. To give artistic form to the shapeless mass of metal the processes employed are casting and hammering or chiselling. In the former process the metal is brought to a liquid state and poured into a hollow form, which has previously been prepared by pressing a solid model into a yielding mass. Although casting must be regarded as the original mode of treating metals, nevertheless, so far as giving artistic form to gold and silver is concerned, hammering was of greater importance. By means of hammers the sheet of metal is hollowed out and in this way given plastic form. Very closely connected with hammering is the art of engraving this consists in directing the blow of the hammer not directly upon the metal but transmitting it by means of small steel chisels. It is these two latter processes that we have chiefly in mind when we speak of the goldsmith's art. By means of these the ancient art of the Occident produced its most beautiful works in metal. A different state of affairs existed in the Orient, and particularly in the home of the Mesopotamio-Persian and Syrian art, where, so to say, the hand had less plastic training than the eye a gift for colour. The glittering gold here received additional decoration by means of coloured enamels. This preference for coloured representation instead of the plastic was transmitted to Byzantium also. But it will always remain to the credit of the Byzantine goldsmith's art that it produced magnificent works in metal for the service of the Church. The process employed in the Orient and Byzantium is known as cloisonne enamel (émail cloisonné); it consists in soldering very thin strips of gold on the gold baseplate so as to form cells into which the coloured enamel paste is pressed and fused in place, the enamel combining with the metal during fusion. In Byzantium cloisonné enamel forced the art of hammering and chiselling into a very subordinate position; enamel was used to decorate secular articles, such as bowls and swords, but especially the metalwork of the Church. The ornamentation consisted partly of decorative designs partly of figurative representations. Among the works that have come down to us there are many of a miniature- like purity, which in spite of their small size are truly monumental in conception. Of the larger works only a very small number have been preserved, the most famous is the golden altar-front (Pala d'oro) of St. Mark's at Venice. The remaining pieces are for the most part relic-cases which were suspended from the neck or placed upon the altar (examples at Velletri and Cosenza), crosses and book covers (a magnificent specimen in the royal jewel-room at Munich). From the period in which this art reached its highest perfection, the tenth and eleventh centuries, we have the so-called staurotheca (a reliquary tablet) in the cathedral at Limburg on the Lahn the reliquary of Nicephorus Phocas (963-969) in the convent of Lavra (Athos), and the lower band of the so-called crown of St. Stephen in the crown treasures at Budapest (1076-77). The terrible pillaging of the capital by the western crusaders, 1204, dealt the deathblow to this flourishing art. Although the examples of Byzantine metalwork decorated with enamel are by far the most numerous, specimens of hammered work are not entirely lacking. In the first place we may mention two architectural relic-cases which are in the form of a central structure surmounted by a dome (at Aachen and Venice). The reliquary tablets with carved reliefs are either in the form of a small folding-altar or of a cross, which often bears the portraits of the emperor, Constantine, and his mother on the obverse, and on the reverse, the crucifixion. A distinct type of the Greek goldsmith's art are the icons; one of the most valuable is in the Swenigorodskoi collection (St. Petersburg). A rare specimen with excellent chasing, a gilded silver pyx with the crucifixion of Christ, is in the cathedral at Halberstadt (eleventh century). At only one place in the West is it possible at the present day to get an idea of the magnificence and costliness of the Byzantine metalwork, in the treasures and library of St. Mark's at Venice, which still possesses a portion of the booty of the year 1204. Though the manufacture of artistic metalwork for the Church was accompanied by no difficulties in the countries of the older civilization conditions were much more unfavourable among the barbarian nations which embraced Christianity. Nevertheless we know that among them articles of metal were much used in the service of the Church. Gregory of Tours in one place speaks of sixty chalices fifteen patens, twenty encolpia of pure gold, which King Childebert took as booty in the year 531 in a campaign against the Visigoths. When St. Patrick came to Ireland, he had in his retinue, among others, three workers in metal namely Mac Cecht, Laebhan, and Fortchern. There are still in existence fifty-three small bells, tubular and box-shaped, which belong to this Irish art of metalworking; among the Franks Saint Eligius of Noyon (588-659), a goldsmith, was even consecrated bishop. Here the interesting question arises, how these "barbarians" succeeded in producing artistic work in metal. The works themselves that have been preserved alone can answer this question. There are, it is true, but few of these the most important to be considered here are a chalice and a paten which were found near Gourdon (Burgundy) and are now preserved in the National Library of Paris, a relic-case also Burgundian, in St Maurice (Switzerland), the famous votive-crowns of the Visigothic kings from Guarrazar, especially those of Recesvinth and Svintila (631), a Gospel-cover of Queen Theodolinda in Monza, a reliquary in purse form from Hereford (now in Berlin), a Gospel-cover from Lindau (later purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan) and the Tassilo chalice in Kremsmünster (Austria); there may further be assigned to this period, because of their style the St. Cuthbert cross in the cathedral at Durham, the chalice of Ardagh, the shrines of several old Irish bells, and a number of croziers and crosses in the collection of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, and in the British Museum, London. When we consider that these works extend over a period of more than four centuries and are the products of several races it is at once apparent that we can give but a faint intimation of the character and decoration of the metalwork of the Church among barbarian nations. The material used in the manufacture of these works is almost exclusively gold, while their artistic decoration consists for the most part of the so-called verroterie cloisonnée, a glass mosaic. The process employed in this decoration is akin to that of cloisonne enamel; the setting of the semiprecious stones or paste gems is done in one of two ways: they are either bedded between thin bands of metal like cloisonne enamel, or set in openings which are cut into the gold plate itself. At times the gold plate is completely covered with the stones. Chased ornamentation on the other hand is of rarer occurrence it is found in a crude fashion on the Hereford reliquary. That niello was not unknown to the "barbarian" nations is proved by the chalice in Kremsmünster, a present of Tassilo, Duke of Bavaria (about 780). In Irish art filigree also found a very delicate development one of the most valuable examples, one that displays a concentration of all the processes with which the native masters were conversant, is the chalice of Ardagh. The second period embraces the age of the Carolingian and Othonian emperors, i.e., in round numbers a period of 200 years. While it can hardly be said that this period added anything essentially new to the metalwork of the previous centuries, it is nevertheless true that it gave new forms and a further development to many of the articles already in use. We now also more frequently meet with works cast in bronze, whereas in the so-called "style of the period of migrations" of the preceding age it was not necessary even to mention them. With the increase in the wealth of the Church, there arose also the necessity for an increased amount of valuable metalwork, this was especially the case in the large monasteries which counted among their own members metalworkers of great artistic skill. The manufacture of the metalwork for the Church during the tenth and eleventh centuries was in fact so largely in the hands of the monks that this entire period has been designated as the period of monastic art. While France had led in the development during the ninth century, from the tenth century it gradually fell behind Germany. One of the causes that helped to bring about this result was the lively interest which several of the prominent ecclesiastical princes took in the art of metalworking as developed within the Church, the most deserving of mention in this connection is Archbishop Egbert of Trier and after him Bishops Meinwerk of Paderborn and Bernward of Hildesheim. In France the art of metalworking flourished especially in Reims, but also in Corbie Tours, and Metz. In Germany the centres of the goldsmith's art of the Church were, besides Trier, especially the monasteries at Ratisbon, Reichenau, Essen, Hildesheim, and Helmershausen. The characteristic feature of the art of the period of migrations, the verroterie cloisonnée, gradually disappears and yields precedence to the Byzantine cloisonné enamel which flourished especially at Trier and Reichenau. The revival of the plastic tendency in metalworking was of greater importance. We have from the period under discussion even at this day several altar-decorations and book-covers with figural representations, which reveal a truly amazing skill in metal-hammering; such is the valuable antipendium of Henry II from Basle. The primitive method of covering a wooden core with thin sheets of metal was also still practiced. A Madonna in the collegiate church at Essen (Rheinland) and an image of St. Fides (Foy) at Conques, France, are the two best known examples of this art. In Italy the most important work of this period is the decoration of the high altar in the church of St. Ambrose in Milan the work of Wolvinus, executed under Archbishop Angelbert II (824-66). Prominent examples of the French metal work are the portable altar, shaped like a ciborium, and the binding of a copy of the Gospels in the royal jewel-room at Munich, which were probably made at Reims and were brought to Germany as early as the reign of King Arnulf (d. 899). Germany possesses, as evidence of a more advanced art of metalworking, four crosses in the collegiate church at Essen which reveal the powerful influence of the Byzantine art. Closely connected with Essen are the school of the monastery at Helmershausen, where the monk Rogerus wrote the first handbook of the industrial arts, "Schedula diversarum artium", and the school of Hildesheim, which through the activity of Bishop Bernward became the centre of the metalworker art in Northern Germany; the folding-doors of the cathedral with crude reliefs, a column, which is patterned after Trajan's Column in Rome, and two candle-sticks belong to this period. In France scarcely a single work of any size has been preserved; in Italy several bronze doors, for instance, those of the basilica of St. Paul at Rome (1070) and Monte Gargano (1070), are noteworthy, because they were procured from Byzantium and show the influence of the Byzantine art. The golden age of the metalwork of the Church is the Romanesque period (1050-1250). We have already, it is true, mentioned above several works belonging to this age, because the various styles of art often overlap, and sharp distinctions can be drawn only by force. The characteristic which at once distinguishes the metalworks of the Romanesque period from the older works is their large size; this distinction is most noticeable in the reliquaries. For, while the receptacles for relics had up to that time been uniformly of small dimensions, they grew in the Romanesque period into large shrines, for the transport of which three or four men were necessary. Several new varieties of metalwork also were added to the old, especially the aquamanile, i.e., a vessel in the form of an animal, used for washing the hands, and the metal structures placed upon the altar; other articles assumed new forms. These changes are in part due to the evolution of the liturgy. Almost to the close of the tenth century, for instance, neither cross nor candlestick was permitted upon the altar, only small reliquary caskets being tolerated; the altar itself up to this time had preserved the shape of a table or sarcophagus. As soon as these regulations were broken and candlestick, cross, and superfrontal found a place upon the altar. this change necessarily exerted a strong influence upon the manufacture and decoration of the articles mentioned. The material employed in the manufacture of the metalwork of the Church also experienced a change, as copper took the place of gold. Furthermore the cloisonné enamel was supplanted by the champlevé. The champleve enamel differs from the cloisonné by the small cells intended to receive the enamel not being made in the Byzantine fashion by means of strips of flat gold wire soldered to the gold plate, but by being dug out of the plate with a burin. A peculiarity of the workshops of Limoges (France) was the affixing of the heads of persons or even of the entire figure in high relief. The design in the figures themselves was for the most part filled out with coloured enamel. A second difference consists in the more frequent occurrence of plastic ornamentations in silver. Of course plastic decorations, as we have already seen, were not lacking in the earlier periods, but the Romanesque period gave a mighty impulse to this branch of the metal worker's art and can show many extraordinary productions, for instance on the shrine of the Three Kings at Cologne. Lastly, a third difference is apparent in the ornamentation, in that secular types of decoration are now more and more used on articles intended for the Church. On a reliquary at Siegburg (near Cologne), for example, apes, deer, dogs, and naked men are represented; the well-known fabulous creatures of the Romanesque art also win a place for themselves in the art of metalworking. The evolution in style may be briefly characterized as follows: the monastic art of the previous period with its Byzantine tendencies is subdued but not entirely supplanted by the popular tendency; the two rather enter into a close union which we designate as Romanesque art. Monuments of the Romanesque art in metals still exist in large numbers, but these are almost exclusively works of ecclesiastical origin. This is due not merely to the fact that the churches, which have been correctly called the oldest museums, have guarded their treasures more carefully than the worldly owners; it is rather to be ascribed to the fact that at that time the metalwork for secular purposes was a practically negligible factor. We must not infer from this, however, that in the Romanesque period, as in the preceding, it was monks and clerics who were the principal manufacturers of the metalwork for the Church. During this period the art of metalworking, as well as the plastic arts in general, gradually passed into the hands of the laity. A number of Benedictine monasteries, it is true, still clung to the old traditions of the order, and remained centres of artistic pursuits By far the largest amount of ecclesiastical metalwork of the Romanesque period is to be found in Germany, where the art of metalworking created magnificent works in the districts bordering on the Rhine and the Meuse. On the Rhine the Benedictine monks Eilbert (1130) and Friedericus (1180) of the Benedictine monastery of St. Pantaleon produced several reliquaries and portable altars which they decorated for the most part with enamel. They were far surpassed by the laymen Godefroi de Claire and Nicholas of Verdun, who combined plastic ornamentation and enamelling with amazing perfection. They are the creators of the two most beautiful reliquaries of this whole period; Godefroi wrought the shrine of St. Heribert at Deutz (1185), and Nicholas the shrine of the Three Kings at Cologne. In France likewise the art of enamelling was zealously cultivated, especially in Limoges, where small articles of metal for church use were manufactured in large quantities and exported in all directions. The art of casting also can show several famous names such as Reiner of Huy, who cast the well-known baptismal font at Liège, and Riquinus of Magdeburg in whose workshop the gate of the cathedral at Novgorod was probably manufactured (1150). All these works are surpassed by the beautiful baptismal font at Hildesheim, the work of an unknown master. Italy has almost nothing to show from this period, except a few bronze doors, which enlighten us to the position of casting in bronze; such are the doors of Barifano of Trani in Ravello (1179), and the doors of Monreale (1189) and of Bonano at Pisa (1180). The Gothic epoch (1250-1500) brought numerous changes and new requirements, also in church metal vessels. In this period the feast of Corpus Christi was first introduced (1312), and thereby a new metal vessel, the monstrance or ostensory, made necessary. For this purpose a vessel was employed like those which up to that time had been in general use for exhibiting relics. Another vessel, which came into use at this time and upon whose manufacture great stress was laid, is the "pax", or "osculatorium" (instrumentum pacis). The growing veneration of saints and relics required an increase of reliquaries. One of the results of this was that these were no longer made as large and costly as in the Romanesque epoch. Combined with this was the striving for constantly new forms of reliquaries, among which busts in particular now became very popular. The early Gothic altars with double folds or wings became in fact small galleries of busts of the saints. The number of cast statues of the saints and of the Blessed Virgin also increases very considerably from the fourteenth century. The material as well as the technique and decoration of the works of the goldsmith again experience a change. Copper, which has been almost a necessity for the bulky Romanesque reliquaries, now gives way to silver; this is employed especially for the figures in relief which were then much used, and which served more frequently than in the Romanesque period as statuettes for the decoration of shrines. Very intimately connected with this change of material was an alternation in the mode of ornamentation. The champlevé enamel had lost its power of attraction, and indeed it could not very well be used upon the thin sheets of silver translucent enamel therefore took its place; this was applied by cutting the relief-like representation in the silver ground and pouring a transparent enamel over the relief, so that the different parts according as they are higher or lower produce the effect of light and shade in their various gradations. Siena has long been regarded as the starting point of this new mode of ornamentation, because a chalice in Assisi made by the Sienese Guccio Manaja about 1290 is the oldest example of this process. From Italy it early spread to Germany, where it flourished especially on the Upper Rhine, and to France. The features of the religious metalwork of this age that more than any other distinguish it from the earlier productions are the superstructure and construction; the same difference prevails as between a Romanesque and a Gothic church. The ponderous Romanesque style is replaced by a pleasing lightness and mobility of form. However in the art of metalworking as in the other arts we must carefully distinguish within this period between the early Gothic work and the late Gothic. Only the early Gothic work may be described as possessing so to say, an aristocratic character, a certain ideal striving after the sublime; like the fairest period of chivalry, however, this striving lasts but a short time; it soon gives way to the homely and real actuality. The late Gothic metalwork throughout lacks the idealism of the early Gothic. This likewise is connected with the cultural development. The common people, who had grown in power, took pride, as the nobility had done before, in securing for themselves a lasting memorial by means of religious foundations and presents to churches. To dedicate magnificent, artistically executed works, however, their means were in many cases insufficient, thus giving rise to many works in metal of poor workmanship, especially chalices, monstrances, and reliquaries. So far as lightness of the structure in particular is concerned, this peculiarity is again best recognized in the reliquary and also in the monstrance. Very frequently since the fourteenth century the form chosen is that of two angels kneeling upon a base-plate and supporting the reliquary, sometimes holding it in a horizontal position as a casket, sometimes vertically as a tower. In Germany there are two excellent examples of this inverted position, two reliquaries in the cathedral treasures of Aachen which are constructed in the form of chapels with towers abounding in openwork, and are borne by saints. Reliquaries in general assumed the form of churches in miniature; gabled hood-mouldings, pinnacles, finials, crockets, rampant arches and buttresses, in short the whole architectural scaffolding of the early Gothic cathedral are found in the shrines, of which the most important is the reliquary of St. Gertrude in Nivelles, the work of Nicholas in Douai and Jacquemon de Nivelles (1295). The same is true of the remaining works in metal. The architectural ornaments forced themselves also upon articles on which we would not expect them; thus the knob (nodus) of the chalice often became a small chapel with many sharp corners and edges making the handling of the chalice more difficult. Likewise, the popular plastic figures were placed upon articles of use that require a heavy formation, such as book-covers. A beautiful silver book-cover from the Benedictine convent of St. Blasien in the Black Forest is studded in this way with numerous figures of saints; they are found even upon the smaller articles of use, as upon a cloak-clasp in the cathedral of Aachen. The manufacture of the religious works is taken more and more out of the hands of the monks and clerics, who now furnish only the ideas, and gradually passes altogether into the hands of the lay goldsmiths. By this statement of course we do not wish to imply that there were not individual artists still active in the convents, for that remains true even to the present day, but for the development of an entire period they are of no moment. Among the few works of France, that have been preserved, the so-called "golden horse of Altötting" attained great fame; it is a half-worldly, half-religious ornament representing the veneration of the Madonna by King Charles VI, whose horse in the lower part of the picture is held by a squire (1404). In Germany we can find no evidence of such exactly defined schools of art as in the Romanesque age; the works still in existence are exceedingly numerous, especially busts of saints and chalices. In contrast with the preceding epochs Italy now took a pronounced lead in the execution of artistic metalwork for the Church; the Italian works are compact, they favour a strong substructure, which permits the application of the favourite translucent enamel; there is evident also a tendency to excessive ornamentation, whereby the fixed forms are almost suffocated. Among the schools of Italy Siena was at first pre-eminent; from this city the goldsmith Boninsegna was called to Venice in 1345 to make repairs there to the Pala d'Oro of St. Mark's. Sienese masters also began in 1287 the silver altar in the cathedral at Pistoia, which was finally completed in 1399 by Florentine goldsmiths and is the largest piece of work of this kind. The masterpiece of the Florentine school, the silver altar of the baptistery, was begun in 1366 by Leonardo di Ser Giovanna and Berto di Geri; this too was not completed until one hundred years later, when the Renaissance had already fully entered into Italian art. Bronze casting also continued to produce numerous works for the service of the Church. North Germany and the Netherlands (Dinant) were most prominently active in this field. Here we must mention first of all the numerous baptismal fonts of bronze, which are decorated on their outer sheathing with representations in relief and architectural ornament, next the seven-armed candelabra, door-knobs, water-vessels (aquamanile), lecterns, especially the beautiful eagle-lecterns. In Germany the names of many of the masters have been handed down; in Wittenberg, Wilkin (1342), in Elbing, Bernhuser, and in Lubeck and Kiel, Hans Apengeter. Lastly mention should be made of the bells which were also cast in bronze. While Germany distinguished itself by its religious works cast in bronze, it was surpassed by France in another branch of the metalworker's art. Here in the beginning of the thirteenth century the art of the smith passed through its first period of full vigour. At that time, thanks to the highly developed technical processes, France produced metalwork for the doors of churches such as has never been produced since. Germany, England, and the Netherlands felt the favourable influence of the French art, which produced its magnificent works on the cathedrals at Rouen, Sens, Noyon and especially on the cathedral at Paris. Here every wing of the folding doors has three iron bands, that serve also as hinges, divided into a thousand branches and decorated with birds of every kind and fantastic creatures. In addition to the metalwork of the doors the blacksmith furnished the Church with artistic chandeliers, railings, pedestals for the Easter candle, lamps, and lecterns. The first place in the manufacture of artistic railings undoubtedly belongs to Italy, where the high perfection attained by the art of the Italian blacksmiths may best be seen in Florence (Sta Croce), Verona, and Siena. While the religious metalwork in the Gothic style had increased in quantity often at the expense of quality, a decided retrogression in respect to quantity is noticeable during the Renaissance. This is especially true of Germany. The distressing religious agitations, the defection of many of the faithful from the old religion and the increasing indifference to religious faith had the effect of reducing the production of articles for church use to very small proportions. In Italy, it is true, we know the names of numerous artist goldsmiths there are about 1000 of them but there also the number of religious works of the Renaissance is very small. At the head of the new movement in metalwork for the Church we find the most distinguished sculptors, in fact the leading masters of the Renaissance preferred to execute their work in metal (bronze); we need mention here only the names of Ghiberti and Donatello, the former the creator of the famous bronze doors of the baptistery at Florence, the latter the maker of the high altar in bronze in II Santo at Padua as these works however belong to the domain of sculpture we must leave them out of consideration here. The changes in style follow the course of the general evolution in art. The vertical forms of the Gothic style give way to the horizontal tendency, the forms become more vigorous and compact, the vessels acquire a more flexible silhouette. However, the early Renaissance left the forms of the commonest vessels, the chalices and crosses, almost untouched, inasmuch as the tradition of a thousand years made them appear sacred; we have numerous chalices of the Renaissance the base of which shows the Moorish and Gothic foils and the knob, the Gothic rotuli. Not until the late Renaissance were the circular forms and volutes generally employed. In other respects the customary Renaissance ornaments, which are by no means the least charm of this style, are employed in ecclesiastical and worldly articles indifferently. Putti, hermae, caryatides, garlands, grotesques, acanthus leaves, furthermore the elements taken from architecture, such as columns, pillars, capitals, entablatures, balusters form an inexhaustible source of constant change. Silver during the Renaissance no longer maintains the position it won for itself during the Gothic period. Several distinguished religious works in silver have been preserved, but they are far surpassed both numerically and artistically by the works in bronze; the latter are often covered with silver or gold. The artistic ornamentation of both ecclesiastical and secular metalwork consists especially of delicately executed representations in relief, which at first appear in moderation at the more important points, but later presumptuously cover the entire surface. At the same time enamel is very frequently employed, sometimes the previously mentioned translucent enamel, which completely covers the portions in relief with a coloured surface, sometimes also the Venetian enamel, which flourished from about 1500-1550. It was used to coat jugs and bowls, candlesticks, candelabra, and ciboria. Another favourite form of decoration consisted in the combination of metals and crystals this type of decoration occurs during the Middle Ages, but was more systematically and artistically carried out in the Renaissance. The art of gem engraving likewise was again practiced after ancient models upon cameos and gems. The ecclesiastical works of the Renaissance therefore often represent an enormous value. We need mention here only the value of a few papal tiaras. A tiara, which Sixtus IV had made by the Venetian goldsmith Bartolomeo di Tomaso, was valued at 110,000 ducats. Julius II confided to the Milanese jeweller Caradossa the making of a tiara valued at 200,000 ducats (nearly 200,000 dollars). Hardly any works of really marked importance, if we except the previously mentioned altars in Florence and Pistoia, the completion of which falls in this period, have been preserved from the Renaissance. We may again mention a few reliquaries at Siena, which reveal a pronounced change compared with the monumental shrines of the Romanesque and Gothic periods. They are silver caskets with sides in openwork, permitting a view of the relics. The use of crystals is exemplified in a beautiful pax from Monte Cassino (now in Berlin). Elsewhere the influence of the Renaissance upon church metalwork was early apparent. In the beginning only the non-essentials were borrowed from the Italian Renaissance; it was the ornament that was copied; the fundamental forms long remained Gothic. To the above-mentioned types the Germans added especially the scroll work, which was by preference combined with the Moresque and then served as a pattern for the surface; it is not unknown in Italy, but in Germany it held almost undisputed sway for about thirty or forty years. In Germany during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the cities of Augsburg and Nuremberg gained extraordinary fame by the manufacture of artistic metalwork; their products were eagerly sought after throughout the entire world. The Augsburg goldsmith, George Seld, in 1492 furnished one of the first Renaissance works in Germany, a silver altar in the Reichen Kapelle at Munich; here we find nude putti, flowers growing out of acanthus calyces, friezes, and panels which breathe wholly the spirit of the Italian Renaissance. A goldsmith of Nuremburg, Melchior Bayo, in 1538, by order of King Sigismund I of Poland, made an altar of chased silver which is in the chapel of the Jagellons in the cathedral at Krakow. Besides these there are no religious works of any importance from this period. As is proved by the "Book of Holy Objects" of Cardinal Albrecht of Mayence, a few prelates indeed were intent on increasing the treasures of their churches in the new style, but as a rule the exigencies of the times did not permit the manufacture of larger works in metal. So far as the smaller utensils are concerned, these, even as late as the middle of the sixteenth century, still show Gothic forms as, for instance, a chalice of the well-known Gebhard von Mansfeld, Archbishop of Cologne, in the "grünen Gewölbe" at Dresden (about 1560). All the works of this period are surpassed by the productions which the goldsmith Anton Eisenhoit made about the year 1590 for Theodor am Fürstenberg, Prince-Bishop of Paderborn; these are a chalice, crucifix, book-cover and a vessel for holy water. The articles are most exquisitely ornamented with noble Renaissance forms done in flat chasing. The most beautiful works of the Renaissance in Southern Germany, reliquaries, chalices, monstrances, etc., are in the Reichen Kapelle at Munich. France, like Italy, has a large amount of documentary evidence of the manufacture of metalwork for the Church, but the endless wars of Louis XIV and the Revolution consigned them almost without exception to the melting-pot. A chalice in the church of St-Jean du Doigt (about 1540), which has a stout knob transformed into a chapel, and the cup and base being covered with clumsy tendrils, is the only work which we are able to name here. Besides the works of the goldsmith's art, the productions in base metal must not remain entirely unnoticed. These came not rarely from the workshops of the goldsmiths. The most important foundries were in Florence and Padua. It is not always easy to distinguish between the works of sculpture and those of the industrial arts. Certainly a large number of magnificent bronze railings belong to the latter the most beautiful is in the cathedral at Prato, the work of Bruno di Ser Lapo Mazzei (1444) as do also the candelabra, which, because of their elegance of form and delicate ornamentation, are very effective. The best known specimen is the excessively ornamented candelabrum in Il Santo at Padua, the masterpiece of Riccio (1516). From bronze there were also manufactured for the service of the Church Sanctus bells, candlesticks, vessels for holy water, hanging lamps, about the details of which we need not here concern ourselves. We merely add that the works in iron are confined more particularly to the railings in the side-chapels of the larger churches; they are of no interest, however, from the standpoint of the history of art. The last periods of church metalwork can be concisely described. Like the whole of the baroque art, the metalwork of the Church of this epoch, when compared with the delicately balanced regularity of the Renaissance, also shows a certain clumsiness and unrest, which in the rococo develops onesidedly into absolute irregularity, to be changed in the Classicism which followed, into the exact opposite, a pedantic, inflexible rigidity. These peculiarities of the new styles do not, of course, find expression in the goldsmith's art to the same extent as in the plastic arts. Nevertheless this evolution is not wholly lacking even in the smaller church utensils it may, for instance, be clearly observed in the chalice, which in the baroque style is overloaded with broad, clumsy ornaments; in the rococo the forms become more delicate, all the parts assumed wavy lines, false and genuine gems and porcelain paintings formed the decoration; Classicism discarded these baubles and produced chalices of the severest forms and with straight lines. In France, which during this epoch set the fashion in Europe, the Court and a number of prominent individuals devoted enormous sums to provide valuable church furniture, at times in such a way that true art was lost in splendid display. In a completely equipped "chapel", which Cardinal Richelieu presented to the crown in 1636, there was a cross, ornamented with 2516 diamonds of various kinds, a chalice and a paten with 2113 diamonds, a madonna with 1253 diamonds, altogether 9000 diamonds and 224 rubies were employed in furnishing the chapel. The Sainte-Chapelle at Paris was presented by the "Chambres de comptes" with a reliquary one metre in length, for which they paid 13,060 livres. New metalwork was at that time produced in larger quantities in Germany, which in this art especially maintained its pre-eminence. Indeed it is the time of the so-called Counter-Reformation, which in Southern Germany and Austria beheld the erection of so many magnificent churches. The new houses of God, however, required new metal furniture. To the present day the treasure rooms of many a cathedral and convent church are filled with the crosses, candlesticks, and antipendia that were made at that time; they are remarkable, however, for their size rather than their artistic qualities; the material is mostly silver. But works of art of great excellence are not entirely lacking. The Abbey of St. Blasien formerly owned an antipendium portraying the passage of the imperial army through the Black Forest in the year 1678, a most beautiful piece of work (now in Vienna). Other examples of the zeal employed in the manufacture of precious metalwork are the reliquary shrine of St. Engelbert in Cologne, dating from 1633, which shows the saint lying prostrate on the cover, and statues of bishops on the sides, but otherwise only architectural forms; also the shrine of St. Fridolin at Säckingen (Baden), characterized by the complete mobility of its lines, and furthermore the valuable monstrance in Klosterneuburg near Vienna, which is in the form of an elder-tree (1720). Probably at no time was so little money expended upon religious furniture as during the period of Classicism; it is the age of barren Rationalism, which was practically devastating in its effect upon the liturgy and religious life. To devote large sums to the acquisition of precious furniture was not in consonance with the spirit of this age. For this reason candlesticks and even monstrances were not infrequently made of tin or wood, but to preserve appearances, often coated with silver or gold. We do not desire, however to leave this period with this gloomy picture. In the baroque period the art of the blacksmith reached its second climax in Germany and France. Under the hammer of the smith the inert mass began to sprout and blossom. The superb choir-railings, lanterns, candle-stands, and chandeliers show to the present day that the art of the blacksmith in the service of the Church was at that time spurred on to the highest endeavours. The revival of the styles of the Middle Ages during the nineteenth century proved beneficial to the religious metalwork also. At the present day candlesticks, chalices, monstrances are manufactured, which in costliness and purity of style are not inferior to the best works of ancient art. Moreover the tendency toward the creation of a new style is noticeable also in the art of metalworking. Whether this is to be crowned with lasting success, is a question for the future to decide. APA citation. (1911). Metalwork in the Service of the Church. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10218a.htm MLA citation. "Metalwork in the Service of the Church." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10218a.htm>. Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Michael C. Tinkler. Images scanned by Wm Stuart French Jr. Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. October 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is webmaster at newadvent.org. 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Kant wrote in his first critique: Space is not a discursive, or as one says, general concept of relations of things in general, but a pure intuition. This is simply saying we shouldn't confuse the immediate experience of space with the concepts that we use to talk about it; this actually has been important in both physics and geometry, especially because of the popularity of the Cartesian notion of describing space, where one imposes a system of axes and then gives the coordinates of space; instead, when we look at space we see no cartesian grid, taking this cue leads to the notion of general covariance in physics, and describing geometry intrinsically. it follows from this an a priori intuition (which is not empirical) underlies all concepts of space. He's elaborating here what he means by a pure intuition - it's an 'a priori intuition'. Similarly, geometric propositions, that, for instance in a triangle two sides together are greater than the third, can never be derived from the general concepts of line and triangle, but only from intuition, and indeed a priori with apodictic certainty (A24-5/B39-40) This is where Kant opens up the possibility for non-Euclidean geometry; if we exchange the axiom he mentions with a similar one (that is easier to work with, and changes nothing in what Kant wrote): that the angles of a triangle need not add upto 180 degrees; then, if they add up to less, we get hyperbolic geometry, and if they add upto more, we get elliptic geometry. Gauss was known to have read Kants first critique where this extract is taken from (at least five times, according to one source) then one could conjecture that this - which is talking about geometry, his speciality - opened up for him the possibility of making a definite mathematical model of non-Euclidean geometry. Sometimes in mathematics all one needs is a hint or a cue, and Kant may, and more than likely to, have provided this for him.
Apartments in Sofia are so Expensive they Set Records. Is the Property Market Overheated? Do you remember the boom in real estate prices from 2008 just before the start of the global financial crisis. Well, it turns out that some properties in the Bulgarian capital are even more expensive than then, based on their sales prices. More specifically, it is about the three-room housing in Sofia. A report indicates that by mid-August the offer prices for this type of dwelling are at a level of EUR 90,250 compared to an average of EUR 89,775 on a property in 2008. Certainly, the data gives rise to concern over the property market as a result of the booming housing prices. For the past three years, average property prices have added more than 30% to their values. There is no way not to recall a graph that points to real estate prices targeting their highest pre-crisis rates and worrying closeness to them. As can be seen from the graph, other types of properties, apart from the three-story, have not yet peaked since 2008. But they very close. The closest to peak values are property prices of four-room apartments, which are less than 10% of these levels. Nearly 15% of the top are two-room properties. Furthest to their record sale prices are single-room - about 25% of them. Data may be the first major symptom of "overheating" on the property market. In this regard, we can point out several factors that may still be of concern to market segment participants. The rise of prices of properties in the defrost the market and a lot of projects were restarted. A report for Sofia indicates that in the second quarter, were commissioned about 6,000 square meters. By comparison, in the second quarter of last year, the areas put into operation were only 1,634 square meters, according to NSI statistics. The building permits in Sofia were for 205 new buildings in the first quarter of this year, with a total area of 301,000 square meters and 216 new buildings - in the second quarter for a total of 362,000 square meters. For comparison last year 157 permits for construction in the first quarter were issued for nearly 200 000 square meters and 207 permits in the second quarter for 249 000 sq. m. There were fewer permits in Sofia in 2016 - 186 in the first quarter for 188,000 square meters and 170 in the second quarter for 205,000 sq. m. Or there is a serious increase is both in the number of permits and in the total area. Undoubtedly, the rise in property prices is supported by their investment demand. After returning the depositors' money from the bankrupted KTB bank, most of them began looking for a better investment alternative for their funds, in a record low interest rate environment. And the properties proved to be the natural choice for the traditionally conservative in their investments Bulgarians. Capital properties have rental yields of about 5% on an annual basis, which is still at times higher than the best interest rates on one-year deposits - at levels of about 0.9%. The strong appreciation of properties so far has been accompanied by a comparable increase in rents. The latter, however, can hardly continue to rise at their current rates, given that they are tied to the real income of the population, whose growth is far weaker. Negative effects on property and rent prices may also be expected in the event of a potential increase in interest rates on loans and deposits possibly in the next year (when the ECB is expected to end its incentive program and resort to its first interest rates). In conclusion, the rise in property prices over the past two or three years can hardly continue at the current pace, in an environment of expected increase in supply and reach a peak in rental prices. The rise in interest rates may be another factor in the future to curb the rise in prices on the "hot market." - » Can Cannabis be Grown Legally in Bulgaria? - » 2 Reasons Why Bulgaria may not Join the Eurozone Waiting Room in July - » 3 Scenarios for the Bulgarian Economy by 2020: Good, Bad and very Bad - » Bulgarians Feel the Least that they are Part of the EU Compared to All Other Members - » Eastern Europe and Bulgaria can Bring their Workers Back and Two Cities Showed How - » Dramatic Increase in Murders of Women in Domestic Violence in Bulgaria