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She has the full story. | Ana hadithi kamili. |
Their father's death caused them great sorrow. | Kifo cha baba yao kilisababisha huzuni kubwa. |
They were very uncertain about their future. | Hawakuwa na hakika sana juu ya maisha yao ya baadaye. |
She interviewed them to get their side of the story. | Alihoji nao ili kupata upande wao wa hadithi. |
It is very painful to lose someone. | Ni chungu sana kupoteza mtu. |
The senior officers took the lead in receiving their bodies. | Maafisa wakuu waliongoza katika kupokea miili yao. |
She was around the scene to report the events as they occurred. | Alikuwa karibu na eneo hilo kuripoti matukio kama walivyotokea. |
Some women are still seen as unqualified for white collar jobs. | Wanawake wengine bado wanaonekana kama wasio na sifa kwa kazi nyeupe za kola. |
Certain work policies don't favor the females which has forced majority to leave employment. | Sera zingine za kazi hazipendekezi wanawake ambao wamewalazimisha wengi kuacha kazi. |
Some rich people enjoy playing golf. | Watu wengine matajiri hufurahia kucheza gofu. |
Some football fans are obsessed with the sport. | Baadhi ya mashabiki wa mpira wa miguu wanachukizwa na mchezo huo. |
The event will be broadcasted live. | Hafla hiyo itatangazwa moja kwa moja. |
One of the presidential candidates is popular. | Mmoja wa wagombea wa urais ni maarufu. |
Our neighbor wanted to contest for the presidential seat in the recent elections. | Jirani yetu alitaka kugombea kiti cha rais katika uchaguzi wa hivi karibuni. |
He wants to stand for presidency in the next elections. | Yeye anataka kusimama kwa urais katika uchaguzi ujao. |
Campaigns are a way of getting supporters. | Kampeni ni njia ya kupata wafuasi. |
The actual voting day should be peaceful. | Siku halisi ya kupiga kura inapaswa kuwa ya amani. |
We are currently in Kigali keeping up with the events. | Hivi sasa tuko Kigali kuendelea na matukio. |
Some top legislators have private bodyguards. | Wabunge wengine wa juu wana walinzi wa kibinafsi. |
The family was attacked in the night by a gang of thieves. | Familia hiyo ilishambuliwa usiku na genge la wezi. |
There are many opposition parties in Uganda. | Kuna vyama vingi vya upinzaji nchini Uganda. |
Sometimes the role of a coach can be hard to handle . | Wakati mwingine jukumu la kocha linaweza kuwa ngumu kushughulikia. |
He is taking charge of the football team. | Anachukua jukumu la timu ya mpira wa miguu. |
Strategy is always important before doing anything. | Mkakati daima ni muhimu kabla ya kufanya chochote. |
Some top officials were involved in the land scandals. | Maafisa wengine wa juu walihusika katika kashfa za ardhi. |
He was accused of selling public land. | Alishtakiwa kwa kuuza ardhi ya umma. |
The surveyor showed them the actual boundaries of their land. | Mtafiti aliwaonyesha mipaka halisi ya ardhi yao. |
The primary elections are starting soon. | Uchaguzi wa msingi unaanza hivi karibuni. |
The National Resistance Movement party has a lot of confidence. | Chama cha Upinzani wa Kitaifa kina ujasiri sana. |
He was released on bail last week. | Aliachiliwa kwa dhamana wiki iliyopita. |
This trial will determine his fate. | Kesi hii itaamua hatima yake. |
He thought he would be released after the court hearing. | Alidhani ataachiliwa baada ya kusikilizwa kwa korti. |
The soldiers didn't deserve death. | Askari hawakustahili kifo. |
They had plans of returning home. | Walikuwa na mipango ya kurudi nyumbani. |
There will be a car racing competition tomorrow. | Kutakuwa na mashindano ya mbio za gari kesho. |
The football players for the best team were in one accord during the match. | Wachezaji wa mpira wa miguu kwa timu bora walikuwa katika makubaliano moja wakati wa mechi. |
He has a bad side. | Ana upande mbaya. |
The coach will be resigning at the end of the season. | Kocha atajiuzulu mwishoni mwa msimu. |
The contractors need to be careful about the environment. | Wakandarasi wanahitaji kuwa waangalifu juu ya mazingira. |
Sometimes construction is harmful to the environment . | Wakati mwingine ujenzi ni hatari kwa mazingira. |
The problem of harmful substances was noted during the inspection. | Shida ya vitu vyenye madhara ilibainika wakati wa ukaguzi. |
She advised them to change the current university curriculum. | Aliwashauri wabadilishe mtaala wa sasa wa chuo kikuu. |
The youth who acquired the relevant skills will grow the economy. | Vijana waliopata ujuzi unaofaa watakua uchumi. |
There was an accident in Maya that claimed six lives. | Kulikuwa na ajali huko Maya ambayo ilidai maisha sita. |
Her children died in an accident. | Watoto wake walikufa katika ajali. |
There was an accident on Masaka road. | Kulikuwa na ajali kwenye Barabara ya Masaka. |
The government supports most business sectors. | Serikali inasaidia sekta nyingi za biashara. |
The government has ensured the expansion of the dairy sector. | Serikali imehakikisha upanuzi wa sekta ya maziwa. |
The people of Rwanda will decide their next president on the fourteenth of August. | Watu wa Rwanda wataamua rais wao ujao tarehe kumi na nne ya Agosti. |
Uganda's prices for food crops dropped in July. | Bei ya Uganda ya mazao ya chakula ilishuka mnamo Julai. |
Sometimes prices for food crops drop. | Wakati mwingine bei ya mazao ya chakula hushuka. |
Our journalist has more details. | Mwandishi wetu wa habari ana maelezo zaidi. |
The athletes travelled to London for the tournament. | Wanariadha walisafiri kwenda London kwa mashindano hayo. |
Uganda has qualified for the olympics. | Uganda imehitimu kwa Olimpiki. |
Public officers that plot with fraudsters to steal public land were exposed. | Maafisa wa umma ambao wanapanga na wadanganyifu kuiba ardhi ya umma walifunuliwa. |
Some private developers acquire government property illegally. | Watengenezaji wengine wa kibinafsi hupata mali ya serikali kinyume cha sheria. |
The officials had no proper explanations on how the property was grabbed. | Maafisa hawakuwa na maelezo sahihi juu ya jinsi mali hiyo ilikamatwa. |
The army lost some of its soldiers in an ambush conducted by Al-Shabaab. | Jeshi lilipoteza baadhi ya askari wake katika shambulio lililofanywa na al-Shabaab. |
The army spokesperson is to address the press tomorrow. | Msemaji wa Jeshi ni kushughulikia waandishi wa habari kesho. |
They lost their lives while on duty. | Walipoteza maisha wakati wakiwa kazini. |
She has more information about the events. | Ana habari zaidi juu ya matukio. |
This telecommunications company will sponsor the volleyball tournament this year . | Kampuni hii ya mawasiliano itadhamini mashindano ya mpira wa wavu mwaka huu. |
The company made a three year deal with a local football team. | Kampuni hiyo ilifanya mpango wa miaka mitatu na timu ya mpira wa miguu. |
The number of vehicles taken for inspection has significantly dropped. | Idadi ya magari yaliyochukuliwa kwa ukaguzi yamepungua sana. |
Some sections of the public misunderstood the news. | Sehemu zingine za umma hazikuelewa habari. |
Mandela National Stadium is the host of the upcoming corporate league over this weekend. | Uwanja wa Kitaifa wa Mandela ni mwenyeji wa Ligi ya Ushirika inayokuja mwishoni mwa wiki hii. |
A significant number of corporate companies will be competing with a purpose of networking. | Idadi kubwa ya kampuni za ushirika zitashindana na madhumuni ya mitandao. |
They held their annual seminar to educate athletes about dangers of using drugs. | Walifanya semina yao ya kila mwaka kuelimisha wanariadha juu ya hatari ya kutumia dawa za kulevya. |
Uganda will be sending a capable group to the very first world cup wood-ball championship. | Uganda itakuwa ikituma kikundi chenye uwezo kwenye ubingwa wa kwanza wa mpira wa miti wa Kombe la Dunia. |
The coach has confidence that his team will win the game. | Kocha anajiamini kuwa timu yake itashinda mchezo. |
The vendors will be providing various services during the upcoming carnival. | Wauzaji watakuwa wakitoa huduma mbali mbali wakati wa Carnival inayokuja. |
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