Dataset Viewer
stringlengths 66
|ended=2555|March 20, 2555''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 345-348 (Google Play edition)
|gender=Male personality
|color=*Blue illuminations with silver casing''Halo Wars 2'', Phoenix Log "The Snake that Eats the Tail"
Represented by a green sigil''Halo 3'', "Terminal (Halo 3)|Terminal 3"
|function=Keeper of Installation 00''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 235 (Google Play edition)
000 Tragic Solitude, often referred to simply as Solitude, was a Forerunner monitor that served as the caretaker of Installation 00. Originally the Forerunner politician Splendid-Dust-of-Ancient-Suns, the former First Councilor willingly chose to become a monitor with the intentions of aiding the Reclaimers once they arrived at the installation. However, millennia of isolation following the Great Purification|firing of the Halo Array and damage the Ark incurred during the Battle of Installation 00 in 2552 led to Tragic Solitude falling subject to rampancy.''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 270-281 (Google Play edition)
Seeking to repair his installation and gain revenge on humanity for their role in damaging the Ark, Tragic Solitude used Bobby Kodiak|a captured human to initiate the Halos' firing sequence to eradicate life in the galaxy. However, his scheme ultimately led to his destruction when a joint United Nations Space CommandSwords of Sanghelios team Operation: FAR STORM|traveled to Installation 00 to stop him.
File:PL - UncomfortableTruth1.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Tragic Solitude dismantles a fighter. After the Great Purification|firing of the Halo Array, in the dark time that followed the reintroduction|repopulating of the Milky Way, a group of surviving Forerunners attempted to repair the Domain by venturing on a mission to the abandoned capital of Maethrillian. During their mission, they encountered Abaddon, a Precursor construct who attempted to bring them to trial for the Halo Array's activation. While interacting with Abaddon, Splendid-Dust-of-Ancient-Suns the former First Councilor of the Ecumene Council felt an immense amount of guilt in the Forerunners' arrogance. Afterwards, Splendid Dust and other surviving Forerunners returned to Installation 00, the primary installation of the Halo Array utilized to Conservation Measure|index and preserve biological diversity in the galaxy during the Forerunners' Forerunner-Flood war|war against the Flood. Seeking atonement for his actions, Splendid Dust wished to do something helpful for the humans that would succeed the Forerunners as the Reclaimers and inheritors of the Mantle of Responsibility, wanting to act as an interpreter for all the Forerunners had learned. After discussing this idea with IsoDidact|Bornstellar Makes Eternal Lasting and Chant-to-Green, he had himself mind transfer|composed into an ancilla and became a monitor. Bornstellar named Tragic Solitude the caretaker and protector of Installation 00, where he intended to atone by staying behind on the Ark and awaiting the arrival of the humans, while the rest of the surviving Forerunners departed the installation to begin their self-imposed exile.
Like most Forerunner ancillas, Tragic Solitude was only given information relevant to his duties; in his case, protecting Installation 00 and maintaining the nature balance of the facility's ecosystem. Over time, his memories as Splendid Dust would fade. Following the exodus of the surviving Forerunners, Tragic Solitude was left alone in isolation on Installation 00 for millennia.''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 320-323 (Google Play edition) He often found himself bored with little to do, aside from making improvements to his installation and the occasional minor system repair. While he continued to perform his duties admirably,''Halo Wars 2'', Phoenix Log "Idle Hands I" the long period of isolation had an adverse affect on the monitor and instilled a distrust and hatred of the Forerunners in the monitor, who felt betrayed by his creators. In 29,823 BCE, Tragic Solitude dismantled a once apparently belonging to the Librarian, placing the space fighter|fighter back into its original design seed form. The monitor found himself tempted to launch the fighter from its stasis, but instead chose to busy himself with other tasks as per his instructions.''Halo Wars 2'', Phoenix Log "A Tensed Bolt"
After millennia of relative peace, the Halo installations became a battleground for the ongoing Human-Covenant War in 2552. In the resulting conflict, Installation 04 was destroyed by humanity and Installation 05's surface was Glassing|glassed by the Sangheili to quell a Flood infestation. These acts greatly disturbed Tragic Solitude, but he nonetheless began creating Installation 08 on the Ark to replace the destroyed Installation 04. On 2552#December|December 11, 2552, Installation 00 became a Battle of Installation 00|place of conflict for the last battle of the Human-Covenant War. Utilizing the Portal at Voi|slipspace portal at Voi, Kenya on Earth, the Covenant and a joint United Nations Space Command and Sangheili Fleet of Retribution|fleet traveled to Installation 00.''Halo 3'', campaign level, "The Ark" When 343 Guilty Spark, the monitor of Installation 04 that had allied himself with the UNSC and Sangheili, attempted to gain access to the Ark's systems during the battle, Tragic Solitude addressed the former's lack of authority on the Ark and informed Guilty Spark that the facility housed the Librarian's archives of the Conservation Measure. When Guilty Spark persisted, Tragic Solitude threatened the monitor with the installation's complement of Sentinels. However, Tragic Solitude was unable to intervene in the battle, as he watched Guilty Spark aid the humans and Sangheili in engagements across the installation.''Halo Mythos'', p. 154-155
Later in the battle, Tragic Solitude watched in horror as Installation 00 was severely damaged after the incomplete Installation 08 was fired at the Ark in an effort to eradicate the Flood's presence on the installation.''Halo 3'', campaign level, "Halo (Halo 3 level)|Halo" This action also damaged Tragic Solitude and inflicted a state of rampancy upon him. While horrified by the damaged done to the Ark, Tragic Solitude now had a great task to act upon after millennia of inactionrepairing his installation. On 2552#December|December 14, 2552, the monitor marshalled his Sentinels to construct a containment shield around the remains of High Charity, the former Covenant capital that the Flood had captured and crashed on the Ark. Fearing that the surviving Flood forms would escape High Charity and infect his installation, Tragic Solitude had the shield constructed, the perimeter razed by Sentinels, and the local refugia modified to ensure no nearby Sentience|sentient life survived, thus depriving the Flood of any host bodies in close proximity to their prison.''Halo Wars 2'', Phoenix Log "Idle Hands II" High Charity was successfully quarantined and the Flood contained on 2553#February|February 19, 2553,''Halo Wars 2'', Phoenix Log "An Uncomfortable Truth I" with the monitor posting a battalion of Sentinels on patrol in the vicinity of the shield to prevent both the Flood from escaping and future "invaders" from releasing the Flood. Solitude began documenting the Flood and its forms, hoping to make new discoveries about the parasite.
After containing the Flood, the monitor turned his attention to repairing his installation; however, the moon at the Ark's Foundry (location)|Foundry was already exhausted of resources and he could not gather resources from other worlds as Tragic Solitude had lost connection to the portal after it was disabled by humanity. Seeking revenge against humanity and a way to repair his installation, Tragic Solitude began building an army of heavily armed Retrievers. In addition, he exponentially increased power to his side of the portal to allow objects to travel through at much greater speeds.''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 308-311 (Google Play edition)
File:TSPL.png|thumb|250px|000 Tragic Solitude observes the aftermath of the Battle of Installation 00.
On 2554#August|August 10, 2554, arrived at Installation 00 for research and survey purposes. Tragic Solitude unleashed the installation's fauna and constructs on the remote contact teams deployed by ''Rubicon'' and destroyed nearly all teams. However, RCT-06 returned with the remains of 343 Guilty Spark. Guilty Spark eventually took control of ''Rubicons systems and left the installation for his own purposes. Meanwhile, on August 21, Tragic Solitude oversaw the destruction of RCT Broadside at the hands of chaefka. The squad's leader, Bobby Kodiak, was heavily injured in the attack, but managed to escape the animals. Using the human's earpiece for communication, Tragic Solitude spoke to Kodiak and offered to save him if he surrendered himself to the monitor. With no other chance of survival, Kodiak accepted.''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 5-8 (Google Play edition) The monitor "healed" the soldier, but the outcome resulted in Kodiak becoming a cyborg with disfigured body. Tragic Solitude then forced Kodiak to initiate a countdown that would lead to the activation of the Halos.''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 329-333 (Google Play edition) On 2555#January|January 14, 2555, Solitude recorded a message wherein he questioned whether the humans should be allowed to obtain the Mantle. The monitor concluded that humanity must be dealt with for their seemingly purposeless, violent nature and began to further his plans to repair his installation.
On 2555#March|March 8, 2555, the countdown to the activation sequence was discovered on Installation 07 by Doctor Luther Mann and Henry Lamb. In response to this discovery, the United Nations Space Command and Swords of Sanghelios formed a joint team tasked with Operation: FAR STORM|traveling to Installation 00 to stop the activation sequence. As expected by Tragic Solitude, the team reopened the slipspace portal that led to his installation, giving the monitor access to the galaxy once again. Tragic Solitude sent a Retriever through to begin mining Earth, but it was promptly destroyed by UNSC forces, as was the next Retriever that followed.''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 232-241 (Google Play edition) When the UNSCSangheili's ''Mayhem'' entered the portal and exited over the Ark on 2555#March|March 17, 2555, Tragic Solitude initially intended to use his army of heavily armed Retrievers to destroy the vessel, although he decided to allow them to survive upon learning that Huragok Drifts Randomly was aboard the ship. Tragic Solitude sought to capture the Huragok to help repair the Ark, while also capturing a human to replace the wounded Kodiak. To determine which human would be the best to capture, Tragic Solitude tested the abilities of the humans and Sangheili by pitting various species of animals on Installation 00 against them, hoping that those who were weak would perish.
While the human and Sangheili forces battled morolaath and chaefka on the Ark,''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'', p. 184 (Google Play edition) Tragic Solitude communicated with Olympia Vale through her earpiece and manipulated a psychotropic effect generated by an agent released by the chaefka to make her walk away from a battle and towards the Citadel. As she neared the Citadel, Tragic Solitude opened the ground beneath her and Vale descended down an angled tube that brought her to a long hallway. Tragic Solitude soon personally traveled to Vale's location and transformed himself into a golden replication of Vale, as he believed that this form would make her more comfortable. As the monitor revealed his intent to her, Vale fruitlessly attempted to convince Tragic Solitude to stop his plan. Vale tried to convince Tragic Solitude to stop the Halos' activation and mine other worlds to rebuild the Ark, rather than Earth. However, the monitor remained unmoved by Vale's arguments and eventually induced her to sleep. Shortly after, the humans and Sangheili succeeded in averting the Halo Array's activation. However, Tragic Solitude proceeded to launch his army of Retrievers through the portal to Earth, where some began mining the planet's surface while others Invasion of Earth|engaged the Home Fleet|local fleet. The monitor intended to use the Retrievers to force humanity to submit to him, where he would then use Vale to reactivate the Halo Array and eradicate all life in the galaxy.
As the Retrievers continued their destruction, Drifts Randomly succeeded in infiltrating Tragic Solitude's systems and seized control of Installation 00. However, the Huragok could not take control of the Retrievers which Tragic Solitude controlled personally. Tragic Solitude agreed to a compromise with Vale, claiming he would recall the Retrievers if Vale convinced Drifts to return full control of Installation 00 and bring the Huragok to him. When the monitor provided Vale with the opportunity to speak to Drifts and Doctor Mann remotely, she defied Tragic Solitude and told them to not give into his demands. As Tragic Solitude cut off the broadcast, Vale declared that she would rather be killed than have to continue to be with the monitor for another moment. Returning to his original monitor form, Tragic Solitude proceeded to bring Kodiak forward and ordered the two to fight to the deaththe "victor" of the duel was to reactivate the firing sequence of the Halo Array. Kodiak attacked Vale, though she was reluctant to fight and severely overpowered. Just as the cyborg was about to kill her, Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan Frank Kodiaka SPARTAN-IV program|Spartan-IV member of the UNSC team and the brother of Bobby Kodiakarrived at Vale's position to assist her. Meanwhile, Spartan Elias Holt, Commander N'tho 'Sraom, and Zon 'Vadum discovered the monitor's data stores and began firing upon them. Tragic Solitude agreed to recall the Retrievers if they stopped, to which Spartan Kodiak accepted and had his allies stand down.Halo: Hunters in the Dark, ''pages 335-340 (Google Play edition)''
As the humans and Sangheili recouped, Tragic Solitude summoned the Retrievers back to Installation 00. Just as the group began to relax, Tragic Solitude suddenly attacked them again and fired an energy blast at Spartan Kodiak, knocking him back and dazing the Spartan. As Holt moved to attack the monitor, Tragic Solitude hit him with an energy blast, knocking him across the room. Seemingly mistaking the humans for the Forerunners amidst his state of rampancy, Tragic Solitude declared that he would not trust them again and claimed the Ark as his alone. Out of options, Vale grabbed on to the monitor's "body", but she was easily thrown off. Vale attempted to calm him down, but Bobby lunged at the construct and grabbed on to the monitor. Tragic Solitude attempted to fling the cyborg off of him, but Kodiak was able to plunge his bladed forearms into the monitor's housing, fatally damaging the construct. Tragic Solitude rose high up above the ground, before promptly plummeting back into the floor and violently exploding, killing Bobby Kodiak in the process.
Following Tragic Solitude's death, the members of the UNSCSwords of Sanghelios expedition returned to Earth shortly after, having averted the crisis on the installation. Despite the monitor's actions, Vale felt pangs of regret for not being able to convince Tragic Solitude to stop his plans, despite her skills in diplomacy.Halo: Hunters in the Dark, ''pages 356-357 (Google Play edition)'' The flora and fauna returned to normal with Tragic Solitude's destruction and the weather became temperate again which caused Luther Mann to realize that Tragic Solitude was the true source of the incredibly bad weather. The UNSC decided to continue Tragic Solitude's work of repairing the Ark, but by strip-mining lifeless systems so that no one would be harmed in the process.Halo: Hunters in the Dark This plan, guided by a team at the Henry Lamb Research Outpost and the smart AI Isabel,Halo Wars 2, ''Phoenix Logs'' - ''The Healing of Old Wounds'' ultimately succeeded, leaving the Ark fully repaired by the time the Banished and forces from the engaged in Second Ark Conflict|conflict there in 2559.Halo Wars 2'''
Personality and traits
Initially after his creation, 000 Tragic Solitude held a very similar personality and voice to Splendid-Dust-of-Ancient-Suns. Tragic Solitude sought to atone for his self-declared acts of arrogance he had committed as Splendid Dust by remaining alone on Installation 00 to aid the humans in the distant future. The IsoDidact figured that since Splendid Dust had lived his life as a politician used to frequently interacting with other individuals, Tragic Solitude would find it difficult to adjust to being alone for centuries, if not millennia. In time, Tragic Solitude would forget his memories as Splendid Dust and his voice would become more mechanical. When Installation 00 was finally revisited by others, Tragic Solitude watched in horror as the resulting Battle of Installation 00|battle heavily damaged his installation, ultimately giving him a desire for revenge. Following the damage incurred upon the Ark, Solitude concluded that conflict was only a temporary, thus unnecessary, ripple in an otherwise quiet galaxy that will always be quickly subsumed by the calm of the universe. The monitor concluded that the universe will always maintain its stillness and conflict was simply a petty matter created by other species in an effort to reach their futile goal: a "selfish, prideful" need for immortality, a goal that Solitude believed should be discouraged as it only led to suffering among those attempting to achieve it.
File:HM-solitude sigil.png|thumb|225px|left|The sigil used by 000 Tragic Solitude following the Battle of Installation 00. Following his rampancy, Tragic Solitude became self-obsessed and rather narcissistic, and subject to sudden mood and personality changes. Tragic Solitude was very dedicated to his role as the keeper of Installation 00. The monitor held that Installation 00 was the foundation for all life in the galaxy and the single most important vestige of those left behind by the Forerunners. Without the Ark, Tragic Solitude believed that there was no life, hope, or peace left in the galaxy. Tragic Solitude considered it his ultimate duty to protect Installation 00 and repair it at all costs, even if it meant eradicating all species in the galaxy to protect it from further damage. Despite the monitor's lack of regard for humans and his desire to kill many of them, Tragic Solitude attempted to accommodate and displayed a sympathetic and apologetic nature towards several of them, most notably Olympia Vale. The monitor assumed a form that he felt would comfort Vale and later allowed her friends and allies to communicate among each other after realizing that the prospect of their inability to communicate upset her. Vale believed the monitor was insane, especially after witnessing Tragic Solitude's demented laugh after he learned that Huragok Drifts Randomly had seized control of his installation. During their conversations and debates during her capture, Vale noted that Tragic Solitude had always appeared to be formidable and domineering when he spoke. After the monitor's data banks were damaged and Drifts had seized his control, Tragic Solitude spoke in a strange and weak voice.
After witnessing the damage dealt to the Ark, Tragic Solitude began to question the futility of warfare, believing that ultimately the only difference in each battle is the name of those involved, with conflicts between each species only preventing progression and advancement. Solitude dwelled on the thought that his installation's purpose was to safeguard the galaxy's inhabitants, but it was the same inhabitants of the galaxy that proved to be the biggest threat to the Ark and thus themselves, fearing that their allegedly self-destructive actions were impossible to curb. Solitude came to resent Sentience|sapient species in the Milky Way for their destructive natures, believing that all species were inclined to war and conflict, even the Forerunners. Solitude noted that humans, Forerunners, San'Shyuum, and other species declared peace through unity and civilization, yet fought wars amongst themselves and others in defense of their own independence while forcing their own ideals upon others.''Halo Wars 2'', Phoenix Log "An Uncomfortable Truth II" In particular, Tragic Solitude did not care for humanity in the least and was even genuinely confused when Vale implied that he should. He believed that humanity was a utterly destructive species as the monitor was aware of the damage installations of the Halo Array had sustained due to human action and was aware of humanity's Insurrection|ongoing civil war and previous Human-Covenant War|conflict with the Covenant. As such, Tragic Solitude believed that it was better for the galaxy to perish and then be have a chance of being reborn again, free from humans and other sapient species that shared their hostility. As a form of restitution for the damage the humans had incurred on the Halo Array, Tragic Solitude believed that it was fair to mine the human worlds in the Sol system for materials to repair Installation 00. The Sangheili were another species that Tragic Solitude regarded as overly violent, assuming that the Swords of Sanghelios' Treaty of 2552|peace with humanity would inevitably collapse as both species turned back to their destructive ways. As did many Forerunners, Tragic Solitude considered Huragok to be nothing more than machines, though he did value the Huragok's technological skills and sought to capture Drifts Randomly to force him to repair Installation 00.
While the damaged done to Installation 00 in 2552 certainly contributed to Tragic Solitude's rampant state, the millennia he spent in isolation on his installation also had adverse effects that led to the monitor's erratic personality. The monitor's existence was an uneventful one for millennia, noting that the better he performed his tasks, the less he had to do. Having to endure what he felt was abandonment by his makers, Tragic Solitude came to regard the Forerunners as failures. Tragic Solitude, having once placed a great amount of trust in the Forerunners, felt betrayed by their abandoning of the galaxy and believed that they had broken the loyalty he had pledged to them. He further questioned the Forerunners' judgement to pass the Mantle to humanity, initially considering such thoughts as forbidden, though dwelling on the matter after years of solitary and after witnessing humans damage his installation. The monitor eventually resolved that he did not need the Forerunners to care for his installation. He believed that the Forerunners' Forerunner-Flood war|fall to the Flood was the judgement of his makers and their penalty to resisting the "punishment" was their sacrifice by using the Halo Array to wipe out the Flood. In this respect, Tragic Solitude compared himself to the Flood as he considered himself the judge of other species in the galaxy and eradication was their "just" punishment for their destructiveness. While the Forerunners considered the Flood to be the ultimate representation of chaos, the monitor found it curious that the Flood desired to consume all sentient life, to make all as one. He believed that the Flood sought to bring order to the galaxy, at least from their perspective. However, he refused to sympathize with this line of thought due to his loyalty and duty to his installation, while recognizing that Mendicant Bias fell into the same trap. Ultimately, after his data banks were damaged and Drifts had seized control of Installation 00 from him, Tragic Solitude acted erratically. Apparently mistaking the humans on the Ark for the Forerunners, Tragic Solitude claimed that he had trusted them only to be betrayed and resolved that he would not let it happen again, also declaring Installation 00 as his alone.
000 Tragic Solitude was originally created by the Forerunners to resemble his fellow monitors. Like most monitors, Tragic Solitude resembled a spherical construct composed of metallic armatures and a single "eye" in his center, blue in color. However, over time following Great Purification|the firing of the Halo Array, Tragic Solitude found the form to be unaccommodating and merged himself with Installation 00 to "''become one with it''". The monitor modified himself to allow him to form nearly any shape he desired. During his time speaking with Vale, Tragic Solitude contorted himself into an exact physical replica of her, albeit one that was glittering gold rather than flesh-colored. Solitude had assumed this form as he believed that it would make Vale more comfortable, though the form had actually unnerved her.
Tragic Solitude was represented by a dark green sigil, circular in shape with a hexagon enclosed within a larger hexagon in the center of the sigil. By 2555, following the Battle of Installation 00, another sigil was also associated with Tragic Solitude. The sigil featured three horizontal lines, two long lines and a third shorter line in between, enclosed within the circular sigil, each connected diagonally. This second sigil was similar in appearance to that of Offensive Bias' sigil.
Production notes
000 Tragic Solitude first debuted in ''Halo 3'' as an unidentified ancilla that briefly conversed with 343 Guilty Spark in the game's terminals. In a Canon Fodder released on 2015#May|May 22, 2015, Jeff Easterling alluded to Tragic Solitude's involvement in future ''Halo'' content by stating that the ancilla's name would be revealed in the close future, while also referencing the title of ''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'' which was later released on 2015#June|June 16, 2015. Written by Peter David, the novel featured a Rampancy|rampant Tragic Solitude as the primary antagonist, while exploring his character.
Tragic Solitude was also prominently featured in the Phoenix Logs for ''Halo Wars 2'', identified as an "Unknown Author" within Installation 00, providing backstory on the ancilla's actions and thoughts during his time alone on the Ark.
List of appearances
''Halo 3''
*''Terminal (Halo 3)|Terminals''
''Halo: Hunters in the Dark''
''Halo Mythos''
''Halo: Fractures''
*''Promises to Keep''
''Halo Wars 2''
''Halo: Renegades''
''Saturn Devouring His Son''
Category:AI characters |
|affiliation=Forerunner Ecumene
|function=Monitor of Installation 01
01-001 Shamed Instrument was a Forerunner-created ancilla designated as the caretaker of Installation 01. The nomenclature describing them denotes their position as it relates to the first ring, and its name was meant to represent both an omen and an epitaph for Forerunner civilization.
Biography Near the very end of the Forerunners' Forerunner-Flood War|war against the Flood, this monitor was commissioned alongside six others in order to oversee the Halo Array|Neoteric Halo Array, with Installation 01 in particular being placed in this monitor's charge. Right before the Halo rings were dispersed from Installation 00 in its place beyond the rim of the Milky Way, all seven monitors convened aboard a vessel known as the Lifeworkers' creche. There, they were certified as being fit for their duties, the first of which would be the preparation of activation indexes, distributed to each, for each installation. The IsoDidact and a handful of Lifeworkers gathered with this monitor and the six others within the ship's command center before the final dispersing of the Array.''Halo: Silentium'', ''String 36'' Thereafter, this monitor was relocated to Installation 01 within the galaxy's Orion Arm, the furthest Halo from the Ark.''Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition)'', ''page 184''''Halo: Warfleet'', ''page 12''
File:InstallationMonitors.jpg|All seven monitors convene aboard the Lifeworkers' creche. File:MonitorsTerminal.jpeg|Lifeworkers join the monitors.''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'', ''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminal 2''
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
*''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminals''
''Halo: Silentium''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
00476-97392-BB is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
00476-97392-BB entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
|affiliation=Forerunner Ecumene
|function=Monitor of Installation 02
02-007 Contrite Witness was a Forerunner-created ancilla designated as the monitor of Installation 02. The nomenclature describing them denotes their position as it relates to the second ring and its name was meant to represent both an omen and an epitaph for Forerunner civilization.
Biography Near the very end of the Forerunners' Forerunner-Flood War|war against the Flood, 007 Contrite Witness was commissioned alongside six others in order to oversee the Halo Array|Neoteric Halo Array, with Installation 02 in particular being placed in their charge. Right before the Halo rings were dispersed from Installation 00 in its place beyond the rim of the Milky Way, all seven monitors convened aboard a vessel known as the Lifeworkers' creche. There, they were certified as being fit for their duties, the first of which would be the preparation of activation indexes, distributed to each, for each installation. The IsoDidact and a handful of Lifeworkers gathered with Contrite Witness and the six others within the ship's command center before the final dispersement of the Array.''Halo: Silentium'', ''String 36'' Thereafter, Witness was relocated to Installation 02 within the galaxy's Norma Arm.''Halo: Warfleet'', ''page 12'' In 2490, the Monitor contacted the Ark for a status update.''Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual'', ''page 98''
File:InstallationMonitors.jpg|Six of the seven monitors convene aboard the Lifeworkers' creche. File:MonitorsTerminal.jpeg|Lifeworkers join the monitors.''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'', ''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminal 2''
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
*''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminals''
''Halo: Silentium''
''Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
''03''Halo 3, multiplayer level, ''Sandtrap'' was a United Nations Space Command Albatross|Albatross dropship.
Operational History It was attached to the UNSC frigate UNSC Aegis Fate|''Aegis Fate''. It was deployed into a desert near an abandoned Jiralhanae excavation site on Installation 00 - A postmortem anaylsis of Sandtrap.In Bungie's , a section of Sandtrap's design document reads ''"Deep within the boundless dune-fields of Waypoint, the high tech Forerunner structure encases the remnants of even older Forerunner stonework."''. During development of ''Halo 3'', "Waypoint" was the name given for the structure that would come to be known as The Ark. and crashed near the ruins.
File:H3 Sandtrap Albatross.png|The cargo bay of the dropship.
List of appearances
''Halo 3''
Category:Single ships Category:Dropships |
030569 was a United Nations Space Command|UNSC M808B Main Battle Tank that was attached to Fireteam Zulu during the Battle of Installation 04 in 2552|September 2552.
Operational history
When Fireteam Zulu's D77-TC Pelican Dropship|Pelican crashed in the canyons close to Installation 04's Control Room, 030569 detached from the aircraft and slid on the ice some 20 meters. It was discovered alongside the fire team by John-117 during his Battle of Installation 04#Assault on the Control Room|assault on the Control Room, who used it to fight his way through the canyons, destroying multiple s and . With the tank, the Chief recovered other survivors of Fireteam Zulu and smashed Covenant defensive positions across the region. However, John and the Marines had to abandon the tank at a set of pipes where it was too narrow for the tank to continue.
Trivia This tank appears to be the only tank in ''Halo: Combat Evolved'', as all multiplayer tanks are labeled alike (even though the hatch is built differently). The tank is indestructible in ''Halo: Combat Evolved''. The tank's serial number is a Birthdate on tank|reference to Marcus R. Lehto, Halo's Credits|Art Director, who was born on March 5, 1969.
File:ScorpionControlRoom.png|The tank and Fire Team Zulu, under the Master Chief's command lead the assault on the Control Room. File:HCE Scorpion030569.png|030569 in ''Halo: Combat Evolved''. File:HCE Scorpion 030569.jpg|The front of 030569.
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
Category:M808B Scorpion tanks |
|gender=Female personality
|color=Purple illuminations with silver casing
|affiliation=*Forerunner ecumene
|function=Monitor of Genesis
031 Exuberant Witness is a Forerunner monitor that was tasked by the Builders with maintaining the Genesis installation.Halo 5: Guardians, campaign level ''Guardians''
Prior to Great Purification|the firing of the Halo Array in 97,445 BCE, 031 Exuberant Witness was created on the Genesis and charged by the Forerunner Builders with serving as the caretaker of the installation by maintaining its systems and its Gateway (Genesis)|Gateway to the Domain. After the Halo Array's activation, Exuberant Witness was given complete control of Genesis. With the ecumene dissolved, Exuberant Witness halted Genesis' normal production of "seed worlds" and the installation entered a dormant state. With connection to the Domain severed, the monitor lived a relatively mundane existence for the following 100,000 years.
Some time after 2557#July|July 2557, the Domain suddenly became active again and the human smart AI Cortana was uploaded into its network in the wake of the destruction of ''Mantle's Approach'', which attempted to escape into slipstream space just prior to its destruction and crash-landed on Genesis. Working together with Promethean ancilla Warden Eternal, Cortana intended for artificial intelligences to claim the Mantle of Responsibility and to use Forerunner Guardians to enforce their rule. Cortana and the Warden used Genesis as their staging site while they gathered Guardians from across the galaxy. As Exuberant Witness opposed their plan, she was shunted to the side by the other AI while the Warden and Cortana revoked most of her administrative privileges on her own installation.
File:H5 031Lockevale.jpeg|thumb|250px|left|Exuberant Witness, Locke, and Vale after Blue Team is teleported away by Cortana. Coming through on a Guardian, Spartan-II Blue Team arrived on Genesis upon Cortana's request, however they were quick to oppose her plan. After Fireteam Osiris arrived at Genesis aboard a Guardian to locate Blue Team and stop Cortana, Exuberant Witness encountered the Spartan-IVs shortly after they made contact with Blue Team. Revealing her intentions to help the humans, Exuberant Witness provided them with an M820 Scorpion that she had found among the debris brought in with the arrival of another Guardian. With the monitor's help, Osiris fought their way past Promethean and Jul 'Mdama's Covenant faction|Covenant forces as they traveled to Genesis' Gateway to meet up with Blue Team and stop Cortana. After defeating numerous Prometheans and several bodies of the Warden, Exuberant Witness and Osiris entered the Gateway and met up with Blue Team. However, Cortana suddenly teleported Blue Team to her location.
Learning that Cortana had placed Blue Team in a Cryptum, Exuberant Witness led Osiris to their location as Guardians began leaving Genesis. Exuberant Witness had the Spartans destroy several nearby gravitational cores to lower the nearby Cryptum. After destroying the cores, the monitor had Osiris activate a terminal to lower the Cryptum. However, after they did so, Cortana retrieved the Cryptum and attempted to take it with her as she left Genesis aboard a Guardian. As Cortana began to leave Genesis, she started disconnecting herself from the Genesis installation, giving Exuberant Witness more control again. Upon the monitor's request, Osiris activated two auxiliary power stations to help Exuberant Witness regain control of Genesis. The monitor provided Fireteam Osiris a passage to Cortana's Guardian and the Cryptum, and the Spartans rushed to stop their departure, pushing past the Guardian's shockwaves. Spartan Jameson Locke managed to reach the relay terminal that gave Cortana control and destroyed it, reinstating full control of Genesis to Exuberant Witness. As Cortana's Guardian began to leave, Exuberant Witness deployed a large swarm of Constructors which retrieved the Cryptum from the Guardian just as it entered slipspace. Bringing the Cryptum before Osiris, the Constructors freed Blue Team.
Following Cortana's departure, Exuberant Witness continued to prove unable to stop the Prometheans attempting to kill the Spartans, nor did she have any Forerunner ships they could escape on. However, she suggested that the Spartans use one of the non-Forerunner vessels brought to the planet with the Guardians to escape. After locating India 127|a Pelican, Exuberant Witness offered to open a slipspace portal they could fly through and confirmed that there was one on Sanghelios near where the Guardian launched that they could use. However, she warned that they needed to be careful as she didn't know the state of the portal on the Sanghelios end. Exuberant Witness flew off to make preparations as the Spartans took control of the Pelican which proved to still be airworthy. Exuberant Witness opened the portal and Vale, who had grown attached to the monitor, expressed remorse that they couldn't give her their thanks.Halo: Bad Blood, ''Chapter 1''
Following these events, Exuberant was permitted to come aboard the and to assist with providing commentary to Spartans in War Games simulations.
Personality and traits
031 Exuberant Witness is an eccentric, talkative, and somewhat prosaic monitor, these traits being the result of her spending one hundred thousand years in isolation. Nonetheless, she displays a consistently energetic and upbeat attitude. She was opposed to Cortana's and the Warden Eternal's plan to use Guardians to prevent conflict throughout the Milky Way|galaxy, believing it to be both against protocol and morally wrong. Following Great Purification|the firing of the Halo Array, Exuberant Witness found herself lonely on Genesis until Cortana arrived at the installation in 2557. Prior to the Battle of Genesis|battle on Genesis, she had never experienced combat before and found it to be distressing, though she admitted to finding it to be rather exhilarating. Exuberant Witness also maintained a "humble collection" of Promethean constructs and members of the Jul 'Mdama's Covenant faction|Covenant that had been brought to Genesis through the Guardians.
Behind the scenes
031 Exuberant Witness is voiced by American actress in ''Halo 5: Guardians''.Halo 5: Guardians, ''Credits''
File:Exuberant_Witness_Sigil.png|Exuberant Witness' sigil. File:Halo 5 - Exuberant close-up.jpg|A close-up of Exuberant Witness. File:Halo 5 - Exuberant in-game.jpg|Exuberant Witness on Genesis. File:Exuberantvoicecard.png|Exuberant Witness' voice card for Warzone. File:Halo 5 - 031 Exuberant Witness.jpg File:Enc22 ExuberantWitness.png|Artwork of Exuberant Witness in the ''Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition)''.
List of appearances
''Halo 5: Guardians''
''Halo Mythos''
''Halo: Bad Blood''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
03529-24450-EN was the service number of a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence Naval Special Warfare Command. The individual was evidently a key leadership element of the ORION Project.Halo: Reach, ''Data pads''
Later on in the program, the individual lost motivation to continue the program, resulting in its limited success.
List of appearances
''Halo: Reach''
*''Data pads''
Category:Human characters|N, E Category:Office of Naval Intelligence personnel|N, E |
|line=M808 Main Battle Tank
|class=M808C Scorpion
|max speed air=
|armament=*1 M512 Smooth Bore High Velocity Cannon
1 M247T Medium Machine Gun
1 Driver
4 Passenger
1 Gunner
|affiliation=*United Nations Space Command
0383 was an M808C Scorpion. It featured a stenciled image of a human skull along it's side.
Operational history
0383 was attached to the UNSC ''Infinity'' when it crashed landed on the Shield world Requiem. It was deployed for John-117 to help clear out Jul 'Mdama's Covenant from the underhull.
0383 was also utilized in War Games simulations.
File:H4-M808ScorpionMBT.png|Another view of 0383. File:HCM808Scorpion1.jpg|0383 with several SPARTAN-IV program|SPARTAN-IVs on the sides. File:H4-Scorpion-Versus-Wraith.jpg|0383 damaged in battle, facing off against a .
List of appearances
''Halo 4''
Category:UNSC vehicles |
|color=Orange illuminations with silver casing
|affiliation=Forerunner Ecumene
|function=Monitor of Installation 03
03-049 Abject Testament was a Forerunner-created ancilla designated as the monitor of Installation 03. The nomenclature describing him denotes his position as it relates to the third ring and his name was meant to represent both an omen and an epitaph for Forerunner civilization. Tens of thousands of years prior to Installation 03's discovery by humans in the twenty-sixth century, Testament stopped directing the functions of the ring.
Biography Near the very end of the Forerunners' Forerunner-Flood War|war against the Flood, 049 Abject Testament was commissioned alongside six others in order to oversee the Halo Array|Neoteric Halo Array, with Installation 03 in particular being placed in his charge. Right before the Halo rings were dispersed from Installation 00 in its place beyond the rim of the Milky Way, all seven monitors convened aboard a vessel known as the Lifeworkers' creche. There, they were certified as being fit for their duties, the first of which would be the preparation of activation indexes, distributed to each, for each installation. The IsoDidact and a handful of Lifeworkers gathered with Abject Testament and the six others within the ship's command center before the final dispersement of the Array.''Halo: Silentium'', ''String 36'' The monitor of Installation 04, 343 Guilty Spark commented to Abject Testament on the current inability to access the Domain and the potential loss of Forerunner history. At this, Abject Testament simply remarked "We deserve to be forgotten". Thereafter, Testament was relocated to Installation 03 within the galaxy's Scutum-Centaurus Arm.''Halo: Warfleet'', ''page 12''
Following the Great Purification|firing of the Array, Testament eventually ceased directing Installation 03's functions. By the time twenty-sixth century humans discovered the ring in the Khaphrae system, 86,198 reports had been filed by the Halo's sub-monitors detailing the poor state of quarantine controls and lack of action on outstanding maintenance and research requests. These reports dated back at least twenty thousand years. Some researchers have linked his dissappearance with the impact event on Doavyn.
On 2557#July|July 25, 2557, the monitor of the Builder world Clinquant, 859 Static Carillon, noticed a service portal between his installation and Gamma Halo had been reactivated.''Halo: Escalation'', ''Halo: Escalation Issue 9|Issue #9'' Carillon made several attempts to contact Abject Testament about the reactivation but received no responses.
Production notes In one of ''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'''s Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|terminals, 049 Abject Testament was voiced by Fred Tatasciore, who also voiced the Truth and Reconciliation's AI|A.I. aboard the ''Truth and Reconciliation'' in those terminals, various Jiralhanae in ''Halo 3'', and some minor roles in ''Halo 4''.''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'' Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary credits|credits''Halo 3'' Halo 3 credits|credits''Halo 4'' Halo 4 credits|credits
49 is Seven|7 squared.
File:InstallationMonitors.jpg|All seven monitors convene aboard the Lifeworkers' creche. File:MonitorsTerminal.jpeg|Lifeworkers join the monitors.''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'', ''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminal 2''
File:HCEA Terminal Monitors.png|049 Abject Testament and 343 Guilty Spark converse.
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
*''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminals''
''Halo: Silentium''
''Halo: Escalation''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
052496 was a United Nations Space Command|UNSC M808B Scorpion. It has a camouflage design to suit the terrain it is used in.
Category:M808B Scorpion tanks |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
07162-00133-DC is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
07162-00133-DC entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
07222-01773-JS is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
07222-01773-JS entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
|affiliation= Forerunner ecumene
|function=*Submonitor of Installation 07
091 Adjutant Veridity is a ancilla, a submonitor of Installation 07 tasked by the Forerunners with caretaking of the installation.
In 2558, the crew of the ''Ace of Spades'' encountered Veridity after their ship crashed into the substructure of the ring after an encounter with the tullioc. Veridity scanned the humans and asked for 343 Guilty Spark's designation and was left confused by the former Monitor's armiger body which she found to be most inappropriate. Spark revealed that Installation 04 had been destroyed and asked after 117649 Despondent Pyre, the Monitor of Installation 07. Veridity simply stated that Despondent Pyre was "everywhere and nowhere" and introduced herself. The submonitor started speaking at length about the tullioc and revealed that they had been inadvertently provoked to attack the ship by the ''Ace of Spades'' burning through the leaves under which the creatures laid their eggs. Rion Forge revealed that their intention was to find the Cartographer#Installation 07|Cartographer and, as the original one had been destroyed, Spark asked where the current one was. Veridity pointed to some nearby ominous black towers and confirmed that the Cartographer was fully operational. Spark accepted Veridity's help in finding the Cartographer and set parameters for the submonitor's help in repairing the ''Ace of Spades''.
As they made their way towards the cluster, Spark revealed that it was Mendicant Bias' former core and, overhearing, Veridity explained that the IsoDidact had purged the rogue ancilla from it long ago. With Zeta Halo currently only a third of its former size, the ring had no need for a storage facility and power source of such magnitude, though they still made use of it. Alongside being the new Cartographer, it served as the Monument, a place that stored all of the damaged ancillas and composed humans from damaged storage devices gathered over the course of centuries and given a new home large enough for everyone. Billions of lives lost over countless millennia stored in crystal, watched over and created by the ring's ancillas on the orders of the IsoDidact and the Librarian. Due to the danger that the tullioc had posed to it, they had also purified the atmosphere and ended the shroud of mist over Zeta Halo to ensure the survival of the Monument, the tullioc and other creatures present on the installation. At Spark's request, Veridity went into more detail about the Librarian's time on Zeta Halo and the purpose of Veridity and the ring's other monitors.
Finally, Veridity led the two to the new Cartographer and explained that it was also the Librarian's idea and that it served as a Silent Cartographer while there was another functional site closer to the surface half a ring away. After interfacing with the Cartographer, Spark noticed that a record was missing and the submonitor assured him that it was only the one, affronted not by Spark's statement, but by the act itself. However, Veridity didn't know who had done it, stating that it was a very old record. Deciding that it was unimportant for the moment, Spark used the Librarian's coordinate key on the console with the aid of Rion as a Reclaimer. Veridity was left stunned as the Cartographer's map of Halo changed into a star map leading to New Carthage|another location and the console released a second piece of the coordinate key. However, as Rion put the two pieces together, a slipspace portal opened up and dragged her in, although Spark managed to take the coordinate key from Rion first.
On 2560#April|April 27, 2560, Adjutant Veridity encountered the boat crew in Zeta Halo's substructure and scanned each of them before introducing herself and revealing that she already knew who each of them were as Veridity had scanned their rudimentary software. As Veridity had introduced herself as a submonitor, SPARTAN-IV program|Spartan Nina Kovan recognized that she wasn't the actual monitor of the ring. Veridity lamented not being the monitor, stating excitedly that the Banished would all be dead if she were, but Veridity was a friend to anyone who was opposed to the Banished. Even though TJ Murphy recognized that the submonitor was either eccentric or a bit unhinged, he was too curious not to press for more information and asked who was in control of the ring, if it was Cortana or the monitor. Veridity was disgusted at the mention of Cortana and was glad that the AI was dead after all of the trouble that Cortana had caused in moving and damaging the installation. Veridity realized that as Reclaimers, they could set Despondent Pyre free and restore the installation's ancillas' access to Zeta Halo's systems. Veridity explained that when Cortana first arrived, she had sequestered Despondent Pyre in the Conservatory (location)|Conservatory and limited her communication with the ring's defense network. Although Veridity and the other submonitors had been maintaining systems in the monitor's absence, they were unable to release Despondent Pyre or access to the defense network on her behalf.
Kovan asked if the Conservatory had access to the ring's communications network and Veridity confirmed that it normally did, but without Despondent Pyre, some system functions had been limited. Murphy asked what Kovan was thinking and she explained that Bonita Stone had followed the Banished to some kind of information center and remove data from its data stream. Veridity revealed that that was what she had come to investigate: the Banished had stolen two sylloge nodes from one of the installation's local data hubs. These hubs were scattered throughout the ring and were a part of the Conspectus network which oversaw the entire historical record of Installation 07 from its inception to the present. Robin Dimik asked what a sylloge node was and Veridity explained that it was a collection of data regarding the installation and that it could be as trivial as the ring's status and coordinates or as significant as control keys to its defense systems. Veridity had reason to believe that the Banished had accessed both of those. Kovan explained that, according to Stone's video feed, the Banished were after data that gave them control of the ring's defensive systems. The Banished wanted to use Zeta Halo as their new homeworld, replacing Doisac|what Cortana Razing of Oth Sonin|took from them, but one with infinitely more strategic capabilities and firepower. Erik Bender worried that this meant that it was pretty much game over for everyone, but Veridity ordered Bender to calm himself and revealed that, due to security protocols, the data could only be decrypted via ports in either the Cartographer facilities or the Conservatory. Kovan told the submonitor that she didn't think that they had to worry about the Banished deciphering anything as Stone had fought hard to steal the data from the Banished before making a copy and having her AI corrupt the original. Whatever data that the Banished were left with was now useless to them. Murphy was excited by the idea that they might have Zeta Halo's coordinates as it could give them a chance to call for reinforcements from the UNSC. Veridity confirmed that they did have the ring's coordinates if did have the data that the Banished removed from the network. However, Veridity warned that the Banished had already arrived at the Conservatory and it was only a matter of time until they discovered what Stone had done to the stolen data. The Banished might seek to extract the proper information and authority rights from Despondent Pyre instead and take full control of the ring, though it would take a very long time to enter the Conservatory and even longer to find Despondent Pyre's Cradle, if ever. The boat crew began following Adjutant Veridity to the Conservatory to free the monitor and seek her help against the Banished.
On May 3, Veridity and the boat crew encountered Spartan Tomas Horvath who had been following an ONI operative's map to the Conspectus network and found the group. As they caught up with each other, Veridity complained that the humans were very slow and that they must make an effort to keep up. Horvath stopped himself from drawing his weapon when he saw that the others didn't as well and Veridity scanned him. The submonitor introduced herself, but insisted that they really must not delay. Kovan explained that they were following Veridity to the Conservatory and promised to explain more as they walked. As the team stopped for the night, Veridity became interested in Horvath's tale of his own adventures since landing on the ring. After Kovan explained the data that had been stolen from the Conspectus network, Horvath realized that it was information that the UNSC could use to locate Zeta Halo and send reinforcements. As Kovan explained that they just needed to find a way to relay it, Veridity stated that they needed a supraluminal communications array and they could do that from any beam emitter|beacon tower. They only needed access to the beacon towers which Veridity could get from Despondent Pyre. Horvath asked Veridity's take on everything, but she simply stated that it was the same as him: they needed to release Despondent Pyre and expel the Banished from installation. Horvath asked about The Harbinger, but Veridity didn't have any records of the Harbinger or Xalanyn|her kind. All that the submonitor knew about her was through the activities of the Banished. Veridity didn't know anything about the Harbinger's loyalties or plans. Horvath decided to assume that the Harbinger was hostile until proven otherwise and that their goal upon reaching the Conservatory their goal was twofold then: release Despondent Pyre and send a message to the UNSC with the ring's coordinates. However, Kovan added a third goal: eliminate Jega 'Rdomnai and Gorian. Murphy called them solid goals and was convinced that with Veridity's help, they could succeed.
On May 9, Veridity led the humans to a door that she opened in a sheer wall that stretched solid in all directions with no end in sight. Once they entered, Veridity announced that they were now inside of the Conservatory complex. The Banished were gathered at an exposed part of the facility's exterior in large numbers and were establishing a fortified position. However, the Banished would not find a door and would be forced to create one of their own which would take time. Horvath noted that Veridity didn't seem too concerned and she explained that the Conservatory was a labyrinth that would keep the Banished occupied for the time being. The Conservatory was specifically designed to confuse those who entered without invitation and the Banished might never find Despondent Pyre's Cradle. Kovan decided that they would just have to deal with the Banished later and Veridity began leading them through the Conservatory.
In less than an hour the group arrived at Despondent Pyre's Cradle and Veridity stopped Kovan near the top of the ramp. The submonitor explained that Despondent Pyre and several submonitors had been sequestered within an energy barrier that Veridity and her fellow submonitors had been unable to deactivate. However, Reclaimers might be able to bring about an entirely different result. Horvath and his AI Elfie accessed the console and were able to drop the barrier. When Despondent Pyre failed to reactivate, the submonitor yelled at her to wake up and blasted an energy beam into the monitor's lens without success. Stating that Despondent Pyre got like this sometimes, Veridity resorted to ramming into the monitor which she stated usually worked. Finally, Despondent Pyre responded, but only to ask Veridity to join the other ancillas in contemplation before she began going dormant again. Despondent Pyre found the presence of Reclaimers irrelevant as well as the danger from the Banished and the damage that had already been caused which caused Veridity to become more and more outraged. Despondent Pyre was convinced that they could survive by being discrete and patient as they had done in the past and that eventually the Banished would leave or die as had happened in the past with everything else that had landed on the ring. Zeta Halo would eventually repair itself and the events would be forgotten in a hundred years and they would still be there. Veridity asked for full access to the communications network, but Despondent Pyre refused.
Finally, an incredulous Veridity revealed that the Banished had obtained access to the ring's local defenses from the Conspectus network, had no plans to leave and had awakened the Harbinger. This caught the monitor's attention and Kovan revealed that the Banished had brought the Harbinger's cylix to the surface, used Lucas Browning|a human prisoner to release her and the Banished and the Harbinger seemed to be working together. This caused Despondent Pyre to act, scanning Kovan and Horvath and releasing the submonitors from their imposed contemplation, giving them orders and sending the submonitors flying in different directions. With Despondent Pyre agreeing that the Harbinger had to be stopped at all costs, Veridity implored the monitor to give her access to the beacon towers so that the humans could call for reinforcements as they needed to rid Zeta Halo of the Harbinger and the Banished. Despondent Pyre revealed that they had lost control of the beacon towers as a result of Cortana's actions and she began working on a security override to bring one of the towers back online, rejecting Kovan's offer of the data chip with the stolen data that Stone had recovered. Despondent Pyre provided the boat crew with a data key that, when inserted into the central plinth of one of the beacon towers, would bring it back online and instruct the tower to send a supraluminal message into human-occupied space with Installation 07's current galactic coordinates and the site's pertinent data. Pleased, Veridity began to lead the boat crew out of the Conservatory and to the nearest beacon tower. However, Despondent Pyre seized hold of the submonitor with a yellow beam, explaining that they had work to do. Horvath and Veridity argued that she was their only quick way out of the facility, but Despondent Pyre was unwilling to expend any of the installation's executor staff to assist them if Veridity was right about the Harbinger. Instead, the monitor provided Kovan with a path out of the Conservatory and pulled the submonitor back to the Cradle.
On May 14, as the surviving members of the boat crew made Battle of the Beacon Tower|a last stand against dozens of Banished after successfully sending their message, Adjutant Veridity suddenly came to their rescue and teleported them to safety somewhere else on the ring, having somehow escaped from Despondent Pyre's reach. Veridity vanished again afterwards, presumably either back in the Cradle arguing with Despondent Pyre about what their next move should be or out there going rogue and helping to thwart the Banished.
List of appearances
''Halo: Point of Light''
''Halo: The Rubicon Protocol''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
1 Alpha 3 was the call sign of a UNSC UNSC Army|Army trooper from 1 Alpha who fought on Reach during the Fall of Reach|fall of the planet in 2552. During the Siege of New Alexandria on August 23, the trooper and her unit were pinned down on a rooftop by Brutes; however, SPARTAN-B312 was able to assist them. She and the rest of her squad were then picked up by a Pelican.Halo: Reach, campaign level, ''New Alexandria''
List of appearances
''Halo: Reach''
Category:Human characters Category:UNSC Army personnel |
1 Alpha was a United Nations Space Command|UNSC UNSC Army|Army unit stationed on Reach during 2552. During the Fall of Reach on August 23, they fought in the Siege of New Alexandria, where 1 Alpha 3 and her team became pinned down by Covenant Empire|Covenant fire on a rooftop in New Alexandria (location)|New Alexandria. However, SPARTAN-B312 was able to relieve them.Halo: Reach, campaign level ''New Alexandria''
Known members
1 Alpha 3
List of appearances
''Halo: Reach''
Category:UNSC Army units |
1 Flag CTF is a game variant of Capture the Flag that appears in the Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach multiplayer.
Background A Multi Flag CTF match generally features maps with two identical bases, each containing the team's specific flag. 1 Flag CTF isn't quite as tightly bound, and features more asymmetrical type maps, giving one base better cover and protection and the opposite base maximum exposure and much less cover. This would result in an unfair match up for the CTF Classic game type; instead the game features the teams taking turns playing offense and defense. The defensive base being the one more protected and the offensive base being the open and exposed base.
Maps used
Ascension Beaver Creek Burial Mounds Coagulation Colossus (map)|Colossus Containment Desolation Elongation Headlong Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Relic Sanctuary Terminal (map)|Terminal Tombstone Turf Warlock Waterworks Zanzibar
Avalanche (Level)|Avalanche Boundless (Level)|Boundless Ghost Town (Level)|Ghost Town High Ground (Level)|High Ground Isolation (Level)|Isolation Last Resort (Level)|Last Resort Narrows (Level)|Narrows Orbital (Level)|Orbital Pit Stop (Level)|Pit Stop Rat's Nest (Level)|Rat's Nest Sandtrap (Level)|Sandtrap Sand Tarp (Level)|Sand Tarp Snowbound (Level)|Snowbound Standoff (Level)|Standoff The Pit (Level)|The Pit Valhalla (Level)|Valhalla
Boardwalk Forge World Powerhouse Reflection Sword Base Zealot
Objectives Only one team can capture the flag at a time during the game, therefore, the game is split into rounds. The players have the options to set a round limit before the game starts, but in matchmaking the game is limited to four rounds, giving each team two opportunities to capture the flag.
This game is very similar to Assault, but played the opposite way. In Assault, a bomb is taken into the enemy base, whereas in CTF the flag is stolen from the enemy base.
The offensive objective is to infiltrate the defender's base, steal the flag, and return it to your own base to score. There are many means to how the offense can do this based on what map they're playing on. The base may prone to better protection; however, there will be multiple ways for the offense to gain entry. Having more than one entry paves the way for the offense to fool the defense by using decoys, setting up ambushes, etc.
The job of the defending team is to defend the flag from the pursuing offensive team. If the flag is taken by a member of the opposing team, the main objective is to kill the flag carrier and return the flag to base. The defense will need to watch for multiple entries since most of the bases have more than one way to get in.
1 Flag CTF Fast
1 Flag CTF fast is similar to 1 Flag CTF, except the timer for each round is shorter, making it harder for the offense to capture the flag. Everything else is the same when compared to regular 1 Flag CTF
1 Flag CTF Pro
1 Flag CTF Pro is a variant used in ''Halo: Reach'''s Team Objective playlist.
Strategies A skilled sniper should constantly cover their own flag and/or the flag carrier. Players should aim for the potential flag carrier to have a good close combat weapon, such as an Type-1 energy sword|Energy Sword or M90 shotgun|Shotgun, with the sniper covering him. If the carrier gets into a bad situation, he could drop the flag, slaughter his opponent(s), and then resume his trip back to base. The flag should always be guarded and when attacking, use a vehicle and keep the vehicle gunning/moving while waiting for the flag carrier. An offensive strategy would be for all team members to get to the flag as quick as possible when the round starts. The key is to grab the flag and get out of there while the defense is busy finding their desired power weapons. This strategy is very useful on Zanzibar. The offense will generally spawn in a certain area, a good defensive strategy is to control the power weapons and push the offense back to their base, giving them little chance of organizing a decent attempt at the flag. This strategy can be useful on Headlong, Zanzibar, and Burial Mounds. While on offense, make sure to kill everyone, or close to everyone on the defensive side, giving you free time to walk out of the base unscathed. This will allow for better protection from other teammates. Basically, this game relies on teamwork, as all other objective games do. On a map such as Standoff, where the active camouflage is available, it is possible to run to the base, sneak in, and either run out with the flag, or kill all of the defenders quite easily. Remember to note that the flag can be reset by the defenders hovering around it, picking it up, even at the cost of your own life, will prevent the flag from returning, and keeping it in a more desirable location to steal it.
Trivia On Halo 3 games such as High Ground and Last Resort, it is worthy to note that the offensive team always starts in the same place, regardless of whether they originally defended or not. This is so because it would be easier for the defensive team to defend their flag from a fort rather than on a beachhead.
1 Flag games are usually played on maps that do not have the same kind of bases. Examples are High Ground and Last Resort, two maps that feature beachhead assaults.
See also Multi Flag CTF
Category:Multiplayer gametypes Category:Halo 2 gametypes Category:Halo 3 gametypes Category:Halo: Reach gametypes |
10 Minutes Too Early is an achievement in ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection''. It is unlocked by finding the Holo-Drone on the level The Oracle before it is activated by scripted gameplay. The achievement is worth 5 Gamerscore and can be unlocked on any difficulty. |
The year 1018 BCE is a year in the 1010s BCE in the distant past#11th century BCE|11th century BCE.
The San'Shyuum Breaking Shadow|Soperada'Makra is born on the Anodyne Spirit.
Sources |
|type=Orbital Drop Shock Troopers|Shock infantry
|size=Between 500-1,000 Marines
|battles=*Battle for Earth
*Battle of Mombasa
**Operation: BUMRUSH
The 103rd Shock Troops Battalion is an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper battalion of the UNSC Marine Corps.
History During the Battle for Earth|Battle for Earth on 2552#October|October 20, 2552, elements of the 103rd Battalion of the 65th Shock Troops Division were assigned to the UNSC Navy's Fifth Fleet over Earth. When the Fleet of Sacred Consecration arrived at the planet, deployed the ODSTs to Operation: BUMRUSH|infiltrate the fleet's flagship, ''Solemn Penance'', over New Mombasa, though the CAS-class assault carrier|assault carrier fled the planet while the battalion was dropping overhead of it, sending their SOEIV|drop pods into free-fall and killing most of the troopers.Halo 3: ODST, campaign level ''Prepare to Drop''
At least one unit from the battalion, Alpha-Nine, went on to participate in the later stages of the Battle of Mombasa, the final engagements of the Human-Covenant War such as Operation: JOINT MONITOR,Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition and the Draco III rebellion after the war.Halo: New Blood, ''page 15'' (Google Play edition) It is unknown what became of the battalion following these events.
Subordinate units Alpha-Nine
List of appearances
''Halo 3: ODST''
''Halo: Reach''
''Halo: New Blood''
''Halo 5: Guardians''
*''Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition dossiers|Limited Edition dossiers''
''Halo Mythos''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
The year 1041 BCE is a year in the 1040s BCE in the distant past#11th century BCE|11th century BCE.
The San'Shyuum Pervading Stone|Ekla'Maga'Sadow is born on the Anodyne Spirit.
Sources |
The 105th Drop Jet Platoon was a platoon of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers in the UNSC Marine Corps.''Halo: The Fall of Reach'', Prologue
Operational history
The 105th Drop Jet Platoon saw action against the Covenant Covenant military|military ground forces during the Battle of Jericho VII in 2535|February 2535 where it was overrun and obliterated by a force of around a thousand Unggoy. The unit's annihilation would later be avenged when the offending Unggoy were eliminated by SPARTAN-IIs, led by Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, in the continued skirmishes of Jericho VII.
List of appearances
''Halo: The Fall of Reach''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
The 105th Shock Troops Division, also known by the sobriquet "''Helljumpers''", is a formation of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the UNSC Marine Corps. It is highly regarded by many to be one of the best divisions in the United Nations Space Command armed forces. The division's insignia is a "Gold Comet".Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), ''page 59'' (2011)
Background Members of the 105th possess 'exceptional' ''esprit de corps'' and immense pride and distinction in their unit, reflected by the customary comet-and-skull tattoo each received. Their motto, ''"Jump Feet First into Hell!"'', coupled with their employment of Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicles, has earned them the nickname "Helljumpers".
The 105th is infamous for its brutality, even toward fellow human troops. On one occasion, ODSTs from the 105th were involved in a fight with the fourteen-year-old SPARTAN-II program|Spartan John-117, resulting in three ODST deaths and one severe injury.Halo: The Fall of Reach, ''pages 65-67''Halo: The Flood
The 105th has a Helljumpers' anthem|distinct anthem. Helljumpers sometimes play this song during orbital drops to focus their attention and to calm their nerves.Halo: The Flood, ''page 36''
History The 105th was instated as early as 2525, with detachments of the Helljumpers being stationed on a number of ships, including the ''UNSC Atlas''.Halo: The Fall of Reach
The 105th were first deployed against the Covenant during the Battle of Hat Yai in late 2528 or early 2529. Though the ODSTs sustained fairly light losses, Hat Yai|the planet was Glassing|glassed.Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, ''Dirt'' Elements of the 105th later participated in the Battle of Arcadia, and the Battle of Trove.Halo Wars In 2535, a small detachment of the 105th, assigned to the foiled a Covenant attempt to deceive the citizens of the Rubble during the Battle of Metisette.Halo: The Cole Protocol At some point during 2544, a squad from the 105th Division was sent on an assassination mission to assassinate a Unidentified Prophet (Heian)|logistics Prophet on Heian, aided by Spartan Cal-141.Halo Legends: ''The Babysitter'' In 2547, an element of the 105th Division took part in the Battle of Skopje, defending a major ship construction firm from Covenant attack.
In 2552#January|January 2552, a unit of the 105th was deployed to Ariel to enact Battle of Ariel|Operation: FIRESIDE. Ultimately, the Covenant were prevented from accessing the Knowing, a Forerunner artificial intelligence beneath the colony.Halo: Helljumper
During the Fall of Reach in summer 2552, several elements of the 105th were deployed across the planet, though they were unable to stop the Covenant onslaught. In 2552#September|September, subordinate units of the 105th stationed on the , having survived the disaster at Reach, fought in the Battle of Installation 04. These ODSTs were instrumental in frustrating Covenant attempts to purge the Installation 04|Halo of humans.Halo: Combat Evolved Later that month, 105th Division ODSTs attached to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Force were almost completely annihilated during the Battle of New Jerusalem.Halo 3: ODST
Elements of the 105th Division's 7th Battalion were stationed on the and participated in the Battle of Earth and later the Battle of Installation 05.Halo 2 Another unit of the 105th, which was stationed on the , participated in the Battle of Installation 00, the last battle of the Human-Covenant War.Halo 3
Subordinate units
2nd Shock Troops Battalion
7th Shock Troops Battalion
*First Platoon (ODST)|First Platoon
9th Shock Troops Battalion
*Boomerang Company
**First Platoon (Spirit of Fire)|First Platoon
10th Shock Troops Battalion
11th Shock Troops Battalion
19th Shock Troops Battalion
22nd Shock Troops Battalion
Trivia The 105th Division should not be confused with the 105th Drop Jet Platoon, which may have been similar to the ODSTs, albeit operating on a smaller scale. The number 105 is divisible by 7, possibly making it one of Bungie's many Seven|7 references.
File:Order_of_battle_(Viery,_Reach)_105th_ODST_Division.jpg|ODST 105th Division Order of Battle (Viery, Reach). File:ODST Crest.png|10th Shock Troops Battalion Crest. File:Helljumper 19th BN.png|19th Shock Troops Battalion Crest. File:7thODSTunitpatch.PNG|7th Shock Troops Battalion patch
List of appearances
''Halo: The Fall of Reach''
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: The Flood''
''Halo: First Strike''
''Halo 2''
''Halo Graphic Novel''
*''Armor Testing''
''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx''
''Halo: Landfall''
*''Halo: Arms Race''
*''Halo: Combat''
*''Halo: Last One Standing''
''Halo: Uprising''
''Halo 3''
''Halo: The Cole Protocol''
''Halo Wars''
''Halo: Helljumper''
''The Life''
''Halo Legends''
*''The Babysitter''
''Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe''
''Halo: Reach''
''Halo: Fall of Reach''
*''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion|Invasion''
''Halo: Glasslands''
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
''Halo: The Thursday War''
''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn''
''Halo: Initiation''
''Halo: Mortal Dictata''
''Halo 2: Anniversary''
''Hunt the Truth''
''Halo: The Fall of Reach - The Animated Series''
''Halo: Outpost Discovery''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
1066 was a year in the 1060s in the 11th century.
According to an image drawn by Kurt Ambrose around 2518, a strategy he drew proved effective in Hastings in this year.
Sources |
The year 106,445 BCE is a year in the distant past.
Circa 106,445 BCE, the final battles of the human-Forerunner wars are fought, concluding in the humans' Charum Hakkor campaign|standoff at Charum Hakkor.Halo: Cryptum, ''page 131'' Stretched thin due to fighting two wars simultaneously, humanity loses the war and the Forerunners eliminate all traces of humanity's former Prehistoric human civilization|interstellar civilization. The Librarian moves the surviving humans to their homeworld, Earth|Erde-Tyrene, and establishes a research station there. With their civilization and technology dismantled, humanity regresses to tribal hunter-gatherers for nearly nine thousand years, eventually developing Erde-Tyrene civilization|primitive civilization.Halo: Cryptum, ''page 55''
Sources |
The year 106,498 BCE is a year in the distant past.
Circa 106,498 BCE,Halo: Primordium, ''page 234'' Charum Hakkor campaign|the final conflict in the Human-Forerunner War|human-Forerunner wars begins. The Forerunner Warrior-Servants, led by the Ur-Didact|Didact, push prehistoric human civilization|humanity back to the Charum Hakkor system, the core of their interstellar empire, which is then effectively cut off from available reinforcements of both humans and their San'Shyuum allies. For the next fifty years, humanity holds off attacks by the Forerunner fleets,Halo: Cryptum, ''page 118'' until their defenses eventually fail after three final years of repelling assaults on the system in a constant stream.Halo: Primordium, ''pages 239-240''
Sources |
The year 106,538 BCE is a year in the distant past.
Circa 106,538 BCE, Prehistoric human civilization|human colonists arriving at a ravaged planet on the edge of the Milky Way|Milky Way Galaxy discover an exceedingly ancient stasis capsule. This capsule is the prison of the ancient being known as the Primordial, supposedly the last intact Precursor. Yprin Yprikushma transports the capsule and its prisoner to Charum Hakkor for further study.Halo: Primordium, ''pages 236-238''
Yprikushma's science teams revive the Primordial and place it in a timelock held in a Charum Hakkor arena|vast arena on Charum Hakkor, soon after devising a way to communicate with the creature. The answers given by the Primordial to the humans' questions about the Flood are so traumatizing they are believed by Forthencho to have demoralized humanity to the point of contributing to their defeat against the Forerunners later on. Yprin Yprikushma begins to push humanity to conduct more intensive research into Forerunner technologies recovered during earlier human-Forerunner conflicts. Through the technological advances gained, she buys humanity several more decades in its Human-Forerunner War|war with the Forerunners. Some time afterward, the Flood begins to recede from the galaxy; while this is thought to be due to a cure created by humanity, no cure ever actually existed; the Flood's withdrawal is instead due to the Gravemind's long-term strategy.Halo: Primordium, ''page 364'' With the Flood seemingly dying out, all traces of the parasite's existence are eventually removed from the Milky Way by humans, their San'Shyuum allies, and Forerunner Warrior-Servants.Halo: Silentium, ''pages 34-37'' Throughout the war, most Forerunners remain unaware of the Flood's existence, believing stories of the parasite to be an excuse for humanity's aggressive expansion. The Flood will not be seen again for nine millennia.Halo: Cryptum, ''pages 270-272''
Sources |
The year 107,445 BCE is a year in the distant past.
Circa 107,445 BCE, Prehistoric human civilization|human colonists proceed to uncover crashed vessels containing Flood spores|fine organic powder on both inhabited and deserted worlds near the edges of the Milky Way|Milky Way Galaxy. This powder is administered to the domesticated Pheru, which begin to exhibit more docile behavior; unbeknownst to humanity and their San'Shyuum allies, the powder begins to alter the Pheru's genetic makeup. Centuries later, the Pheru begin to show outward signs of mutation and cannibalize one another. Soon, both humans and San'Shyuum who are exposed to the powder begin to exhibit the same symptoms.Halo: Cryptum, ''page 267-269'' The Flood then begins to take over hundreds of worlds, turning its victims into misshapen forms. Humanity begins all-out war against the Flood. During their war against the Flood, humanity desperately invades a minor sector of Forerunner space, sparking the human-Forerunner wars.Halo: Cryptum, ''page 272''
Sources |
The 10th Reconnaissance Division is a reconnaissance division of the UNSC Marine Corps.''Halo: Spartan Assault'', ''Halo: Spartan Assault/Quotes|Quotes''
Overview At some point, members of the 10th Reconnaissance Division encountered Flood Flood combat form|combat forms.
Personnel Private Hendal Baranshi
List of appearances
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
Category:UNSC Marine Corps units |
The 10th Shock Troops Battalion is a Orbital Drop Shock Troopers|shock infantry and Wikipedia:Special operations|special operations formation of the UNSC Marine Corps, subordinate to the 105th Shock Troops Division. Sergeant Lian Devereaux was a pilot in the battalion's 55th Flight before being transferred to the Office of Naval Intelligence's Kilo-Five team in 2553#January|January 2553.Halo: Glasslands, ''page 63''
History The 10th Shock Troops Battalion was deployed throughout the Insurrection. The unit was stationed on Jericho VII in 2525 to put down Insurrectionist forces. The unit remained on the planet for over 131 days.Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, ''Part 1'' Shortly after, the 10th Shock Troops Battalion was deployed to the jungles of Arcadia to deal with Insurrectionist activity.Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, ''Part 2'' In 2526, the unit was stationed on the colony world of Andesia to eliminate a rebel stronghold established on the planet. A firefight with Insurrectionists eventually occurred, lasting for approximately seven hours. Ridge|At least one member of the unit was killed during the engagement, and at least a dozen of the Insurrectionists were killed. Sometime later, a squad led by Cadmon Lasky|First Lieutenant Cadmon Lasky engaged rebel forces. However, the entirety of the squad was killed in action on the planet.Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, ''Part 3''
Personnel Cadmon Lasky|First Lieutenant Cadmon Lasky KIA on Andesia in 2526. Lian Devereaux|Sergeant Lian Devereaux Transferred to Kilo-Five. Ridge KIA on Andesia in 2526.
List of appearances
''Halo: Glasslands''
''Halo: The Thursday War''
''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn''
''Halo: Mortal Dictata''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
|service=Human-Covenant War
|affiliation=UNSC Armed Forces
|ammotype=Fissile material
The 11-B1 is an wikipedia:Intercontinental ballistic missile|intercontinental ballistic missile used by the United Nations Space Command armed forces during the Human-Covenant War for long-range high-yield Nuclear weapon|nuclear strikes against ground-based targets. They are capable of causing megatons of nuclear damage. 11-B1s are housed in missile silos, reinforced against military strikes and normally staffed with a UNSC Defense Force security detail. Several 11-B1s were stored at the Kupiga Simu military facility in Africa on Earth.
The 11-B1 was considered obsolete prior to the Human-Covenant War, due to the relative stability within the UNSC. They were seen as unnecessary because of the resulting large-scale destruction, damaged ecosystem, nuclear fallout and radiation that follows the detonation of a 11-B1. However, during the war, 11-B1s were used as a last-resort weapon against Covenant forces that evaded planetary MAC Orbital defense platform|defense weaponry.
Production notes The ''Halo 3'' multiplayer map Standoff is based around a cluster of 11-B1 missile silos. Additionally, several 11-B1 ICBMs can be seen flying overhead on the map, often two at a time.
File:UNSC Missile base insignia.jpg|Missile base insignia showing an 11-B1 ICBM. File:Silo_closed.jpg|A closed ICBM silo. File:Silo_open.jpg|An ICBM silo being prepared for launch.
List of appearances
''Halo 3''
*''Heroic Map Pack''
Category:Missiles Category:Nuclear weapons
__NOTOC__ |
The year 110,255 BCE was a year in the distant past.
Ur-Didact|Shadow-of-Sundered-Star, later known as the Ur-Didact, is born on Rijaal Suluhu.
Sources |
United Rebel Front
The 111 Tauri system is a planetary system in which the human colony world Victoria is located.
Victoria: Human colony world.
In 2531, during the Human-Covenant War there were major Insurrectionist|rebel activities in the system, notably at Camp New Hope on Victoria. Due to intense engagements with the Covenant, certain sectors in this system were depleted of United Nations Space Command|UNSC munitions. This prompted the Insurrectionists to ask the regional Central Command|CENTCOM to offer a trade, their stolen warheads in exchange for experienced medics to treat rebels affected by Boren's Syndrome. The trade however was a trap for Blue Team, which was foiled by the initiative of Kurt Ambrose|Kurt-051.
Production notes The Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition)|2009 and Halo Encyclopedia (2011 edition)|2011 editions of the ''Halo Encyclopedia'' listed the 111 Tauri system as the Taurus system, in direct conflict with the information originally provided in ''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx''. The Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition)|2022 edition of the ''Halo Encyclopedia'' rectified this issue by supporting the original ''Ghosts of Onyx'' interpretation.
List of appearances
''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx''
Category:Planetary systems |
1112 was a year in the 1110s in the 12th century.
The Covenant find Palamok in the Napret system. Believing the planet had Forerunner relics below its surface, the Covenant engaged the the planet's inhabitants, the Yanme'e, in battle. Ultimately, the Yanme'e were forced to end the conflict after Covenant warships threatened the species' extinction, leading to the eventual incorporation of the Yanme'e into the Covenant as workers.
Sources |
117 is an achievement in ''Halo: Spartan Assault''. It is unlocked by earning all gold stars in all operation missions. The achievement is worth 20 Gamerscore on Windows systems, 30 Gamerscore on Xbox 360, and 60 Gamerscore on Xbox One. It is represented by a circle with a star and the number 117.
On Windows devices on which ''Spartan Assault'' was first released, the 117 achievement is awarded for earning gold stars on all missions in Operations A through E and is worth 20 Gamerscore. A title update added Operation F on August 29, 2013; earning gold stars in all of these missions awards the Tour of Duty achievement, worth 10 Gamerscore.
The Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions of ''Spartan Assault'' - released December 23, 2013, and January 31, 2014, respectively - do not include the Tour of Duty achievement. Instead, earning gold stars in all Operation F missions is required to unlock 117. The Gamerscore from Tour of Duty is added to 117, bringing the totals to 30 and 60 Gamerscore on Xbox 360 and Xbox One respectively.
Trivia If the player has previously unlocked this achievement on one Windows 8 device or Xbox console, it will automatically unlock the first time the player signs into another (Xbox or Windows) version of the game.
Sources |
117 is the twelfth track of the ''Halo 4: Original Soundtrack''. It serves as one of the main themes of ''Halo 4'', as evident from many other tracks that draw inspiration from it, including ''Wreckage (music)|Wreckage'', ''Mantis (music)|Mantis'', and ''Sacrifice (music)|Sacrifice''. At 6 minutes and 10 seconds in, structures from ''Halo 3''s One Final Effort are invoked.
Its motif is reused in the ''Halo: The Fall of Reach - The Animated Series|Halo: The Fall of Reach Animated Series'' Halo: The Fall of Reach Original Soundtrack|soundtrack ''Choose Our Weapons'' and in the ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Halo 5: Guardians Original Soundtrack|soundtracks ''Rock and Ice'', ''The Trials'', ''Blue Team (music)|Blue Team'', ''Crypt'', and ''Scavengers''.
Appearances The soundtrack can be heard playing:
In ''Infinity (Halo 4 level)|Infinity'', when John-117 activates 's Magnetic Accelerator Cannon|MAC cannons and forces Ur-Didact|the Didact to retreat in his Cryptum. In ''Reclaimer (level)|Reclaimer''s ending cutscene, when John-117 refuses to surrender Cortana's data crystal chip to Captain (Navy)|Captain Andrew Del Rio. In ''Midnight'', when John-117 is outside the ''Mantle's Approach'', piloting an F-41 Broadsword. In Halo 4 credits|''Halo 4'' credits, after the ''Halo 4'' version of Never Forget. In the last cutscene of the game, ''Epilogue (Halo 4 level)|Epilogue''. In the ''Wake Up, John (trailer)|Wake Up, John'' trailer for ''Halo 4'''s inclusion in the Windows/Steam version of ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection|The Master Chief Collection''. |
|gender= Female personality
|color= Teal illuminations with silver and black casing
|affiliation= Forerunner ecumene
|function=Monitor of Installation 07
07-117649 Despondent Pyre was a forerunner ancilla, monitor and the caretaker of Installation 07.
After the firing of the Halo Array, and the subsequent survival of the Xalanyn, the Grand Edict charged Despondent Pyre with guarding the Xalanyn's prison, and informed her that Offensive Bias had been deployed to aid her in this assignment. Although Despondent Pyre carried out her orders, she was burdened with tremendous guilt over this injustice. Over the many years that followed, she explored the Ring and contemplated its secrets which had been withheld from her. In particular, she pondered the nature of the Totem rings scattered across the installation's surface. During this time, she created Adjutant Resolution to serve as both a Sub-Monitor and a friend.
Eventually, Despondent Pyre became so overwhelmed by guilt over the Xalanyn's imprisonment, she ceased communicating with the Monitors on the other Rings and sealed herself inside Zeta Halo's Conservatory (location)|Conservatory.
After the United Nations Space Command established a presence on Installation 07 in 2555, around three hundred researchers were contracted by the Office of Naval Intelligence to study the ring as part of the Zeta Halo project. However, monitor 117649 had not yet been discovered by any research detachment. Doctor Luther Mann theorized that it was possible that the monitor had heard about humanity's and the Covenant's presence on other installationswhich led to the Battle of Installation 04|destruction of Installation 04, the partial glassing of Installation 05, and the Raid on Installation 08|destruction of Installation 08|Installation 04's replacementand decided to remain hidden from the researchers.Halo: Hunters in the Dark, ''page 23''
By 2558#March|March 3, 2558 it was noted by Catalog that 343 Guilty Spark had filed several minor reports on 117649.
Around 2559#December|December 2559, Cortana, leader of the Created, went to Installation 07 to unlock its secrets. Although Despondent Pyre accepted Cortana's control over Zeta Halo's weapons, she denied her access to the ring's secrets, fearing the human AI could release the Flood. When Cortana revealed she knew there were more dangerous things than the Flood on the ring, 117649 again refused Cortana's requests. When the arrived into the installation, Cortana dismissed the Monitor. Cortana locked the Monitor in her cradle in the Conservatory and limited her communication with the ring's defensive network. Although Zeta Halo's submonitors maintained the ring's systems in her absence, they were unable to release Despondent Pyre, even after Cortana's destruction.
On 2560#April|April 17, 2560, Submonitor Adjutant Veridity located the boat crew in the foundations of Zeta Halo and informed them of the situation. Veridity sought their help as Reclaimers to free Despondent Pyre, warning that the Banished had already found the Conservatory and that it was only a matter of time before the Banished discovered what Spartan Bonita Stone had done to their stolen data. The Banished might also seek to extract the proper information and authority rights from Despondent Pyre herself, although it would take them a very long time to enter the Conservatory and even longer to find Despondent Pyre's cradle, if ever. Hoping to gain the support of the ring's Monitor and her help to decrypt Zeta Halo's coordinates and send a message to the UNSC, the boat crew agreed to help.
On 2560#May|May 9, 2560, Veridity, the boat crew and Spartan Tomas Horvath finally reached the Conservatory where Despondent Pyre and a number of submonitors were sequestered by Cortana in an energy barrier that Veridity and her fellow submonitors had been unable to deactivate. Accessing a console at the base of Despondent Pyre's cradle, Horvath, with the help of his AI Elfie, was able to release Despondent Pyre, but the Monitor failed to wake up. Veridity explained that sometimes Despondent Pyre would fall into despair, contemplating Forerunner decisions and their consequences. By ramming the Monitor, Veridity was able to awaken her and revealed that Reclaimers were present. After scanning the humans, Despondent Pyre deemed them to be irrelevant and attempted to go back into hibernation despite Veridity's attempts to make her see the danger that the Banished posed and the damage that had already been done to the ring. However, Despondent Pyre was uninterested as anything that landed on Zeta Halo eventually either left or died and she was willing to let Battle for Zeta Halo|the war play itself out and the Halo eventually repair itself from the damage as it had always done. Veridity asked for full access to the communications network if the Monitor was unwilling to help, but Despondent Pyre refused.
Veridity finally got Despondent Pyre's full attention by revealing to her that the Banished had released The Harbinger from her cylix and that the Harbinger and the Banished were working together. Despondent Pyre instantly scanned Horvath and Nina Kovan before releasing the submonitors from their contemplation and giving them orders, causing the submonitors to disperse in different directions. The Monitor declared that the Harbinger had to be stopped at all costs and Veridity asked for access to the beacon towers so that the humans could call for reinforcements to rid Zeta Halo of the Banished and the Harbinger. However, Despondent Pyre revealed that they had lost control of the energy beacons as a result of Cortana's actions. Despondent Pyre began preparing a security override to bring one of the towers back online and rejected Kovan's attempt to give her the data chip containing everything that Stone had copied from the stolen data streams. Despondent Pyre generated a data key that, once inserted into the central plinth in the beacon tower, would perform a security override and instruct the tower to send a superluminal message into human-occupied space containing Zeta Halo's current coordinates and the site's pertinent data. The Monitor returned Kovan's nod of thanks, but she refused to allow Veridity to accompany the humans on their mission, going so far as to forcibly stop the submonitor from leaving. Instead, Despondent Pyre transmitted a path out of the Conservatory to Kovan and stated that if what Veridity had said about the Harbinger was true, then the Monitor couldn't afford to expend any of the installation's executor staff to assist them.
On 2560#May|May 28, 2560, Despondent Pyre was terrified by the return of the Harbinger and moved to protect the Conservatory. The monitor sought John-117's help. However, she was ambushed immediately by the Harbinger and her skimmers being destroyed afterwards despite resisting. After killing the monitor, the Harbinger extracted Despondent Pyre's encephalon in order to start the Reformation that would rebuild the Silent Auditorium.
Personality As Zeta Halo's Monitor, Despondent Pyre carried out her duties without hesitation, though not without question. She wondered why the Forerunners had entrusted her with the Ring yet withheld its secrets from her. As she explored the Ring, she felt that its history was constantly being rewritten but didn't understand why. In particular, she pondered the true nature of the Totem rings, which she discovered were potentially older than the Forerunners themselves.
Despondent Pyre was also burdened by guilt over the Xalanyn's imprisonment and was especially troubled that Forerunners had used the pretense of a parley to lure them to Zeta Halo in the first place. Nevertheless, she viewed the Xalanyn as such a dangerous threat that she refused, even under torture, to reveal their location.
Trivia Following in line with the pattern of exponential numbers of base 7 as the names for the Halo's monitors, 117649 is equal to 7 raised to 6th power. Despondent Pyre's chassis differs considerably from all previously seen monitors. Instead of the design seen on other Halo installation monitors such as 049 Abject Testament, 343 Guilty Spark, or 2401 Penitent Tangent, Despondent Pyre's chassis seems to consist of four curved plates surrounding her central eye that move whenever she speaks. Her associate sub-monitor, Adjutant Resolution, shares with her a very similar chassis design (although more spherical overall and with more prominent protrusions around the eye). In ''Halo Infinite'', Despondent Pyre was portrayed by voice actress Wikipedia:Sarah Elmaleh|Sarah Elmaleh, who also lent her voice to Nina Kovan, along with the Spartan Voiceprint 2FP4 in the multiplayer component of ''Halo Infinite''. Despondent Pyre is the known only monitor to not have complete knowledge about the installation they maintain.
File:InstallationMonitors.jpg|All seven monitors convene aboard the Lifeworkers' creche. File:MonitorsTerminal.jpeg|Lifeworkers join the monitors.''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'', ''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminal 2''
File:HINF Despondent Pyre needs help.png|Despondent Pyre asks John-117 and the Weapon for help. File:HINF Skimmer Mischief.png|117649 Despondent Pyre being ambushed by Skimmers. File:HINF Despondent Pyre Destroyed.png|Despondent Pyre's disassembled shell. File:HINF Despondent Pyre Destroyed Shell.png|Despondent Pyre's disassembled shell, close-up. File:HINF Cortana and Despondent Pyre.png|Cortana speaking to Despondent Pyre. File:HINF Harbinger with Pyre Core.png|The Harbinger with Despondent Pyre's encephalon. File:HINF Despondent Pyre Core.png|Despondent Pyre's encephalon, close-up. HINF DespondentPyre.png
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
*''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminals''
''Halo: Hunters in the Dark''
''Halo: Point of Light''
''Halo Infinite''
''Halo: The Rubicon Protocol''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
File:H5G 117 Movie.png|thumb|Billboard advertising ''117: Heroes Never Die''.
''117: Heroes Never Die'' was a movie produced by humans featuring John-117.
The movie features John-117 in MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark IV.
The movie was set to release on a "November 7th".
Involved in the creation of the movie was the United Nations Space Command, Fist of the Unicorn, and Ship It Pictures.
A billboard was made to market the movie, where it had the tagline "Hail To The Chief". A hashtag was also made "#HEROESNEVERDIE".
Production notes The billboard contains a image of John-117 directly from the live action feature ''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn''.
List of appearances
''Halo 5: Guardians''
Category:Movies |
The 11A2R1 naval coilgun batteryHalo Warfleet, ''page 48-49'' is a large coilgun mounted on some United Nations Space Command warships.Halo Wars, campaign level ''Repairs''
Service history In 2520, the was outfitted with ten such weapons. During the Human-Covenant War in 2531, these weapons were often used to provide Orbital bombardment|orbital fire support for the ship's crew. During the Battle of Trove, these cannons were used to defend against a Covenant Proclamation's Tithe|''CPV''-class heavy destroyer, as well as numerous Taaku Xur-pattern Spirit|Spirit dropships and their Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft|Banshee escorts, while the ship's UNSC Marine Corps|Marine and SPARTAN-II program|Spartan complement fended off boarders and repaired the drive core.
File:HW 11A2R1Battery Concept.jpg|Concept art for the guns. File:HW - SoF Deck Gun Fire.png|The deck gun firing. File:HW - SoF Deck Gun Deployment.png|Two of the deck guns rising out of the ''Spirit of Fire''s interior. File:HW1GameMission12 DeckGun.jpg|A deck gun in the mission Repairs . File:HW SpiritOfFire LevelGeometry.jpg|Two 11A2R1s on the upper deck of ''Spirit of Fire'' in the geometry for the level Repairs. File:HW2-SOF deck gun.jpg|''Spirit of Fire''s deck guns deployed in ''Halo Wars 2''.
List of appearances
''Halo Wars''
''Halo: Fleet Battles
''Halo Wars 2''
Category:Magnetic acceleration weapons Category:Naval coilguns Category:UNSC naval weapons |
|type=Special operations capable
|size=Around 800 personnel''Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe'', p. 55 (2011)
|battles=Battle of Installation 00
The 11th Marine Force Reconnaissance/ODST (11th MFR/ODST), simply known as the 11th Recon, is a battalion of the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers,''Halo: Silent Storm'', p. 51 a special operations capable reconnaissance force of the UNSC Marine Corps.
History During the early stages of the Human-Covenant War, the 11th Marine Force Reconnaissance/ODST battalion was stationed on Neos Atlantis, before they were deployed to engage the emerging Covenant threat in the Outer Colonies.
During the Battle for Earth in 2552#November|November 2552, elements of the unit were assigned to shortly before she joined the Fleet of Retribution for Installation 00 via the Portal at Voi. The 11th MFR/ODST was tasked with collecting Covenant and Forerunner intelligence and materiel during Battle of Installation 00#Operation: BLIND FAITH|Operation: BLIND FAITH.
List of appearances
''Halo: Silent Storm''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
The 11th Shock Troops Battalion (Wikipedia:APP-6A|map designate: ODST || 11) is a Wikipedia:Shock tactics|shock infantry formation of the UNSC Marine Corps that served during the Human-Covenant War. This battalion was garrisoned in the northern Viery Territory|Viery territory of the human colony world Reach. During the Fall of Reach|invasion of the planet in summer 2552, the 11th Battalion served as part of a large Order of battle (Viery, Reach)|joint task force to counter Covenant Empire|Covenant forces in the Viery Territory.Halo: Reach, campaign level ''Tip of the Spear'' Later, the battalion took part in the siege of New Alexandria.Halo: Reach, campaign level ''New Alexandria''
Known members Edward Buck Baruti Komen
File:Viery ODSTs 11.jpg|11th Battalion Battle Orders.
List of appearances
''Halo: Reach''
''Halo: New Blood''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
File:H2A Scorpion12-9F5.png|300px|thumb||12-9F5 at the entrance to Kilindini Bridge.
12-9F5 was a specialized M808B Scorpion|M808B Scorpion tank in service with the UNSC UNSC Marine Corps|Marine Corps. The tank featured a wider-set track and an enhanced undercarriage, making it ideal for urban warfare.Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), ''page 238'' As well as its modifications, the vehicle appeared to have a black chess piece in the form of a knight painted on its front left tread cover.Halo 2, campaign level ''Metropolis''
History In 2552, 12-9F5 was assigned to the frigate . In 2552#October|October 20 of that year, during the Battle of Earth, the tank was delivered to John-117 in Old Mombasa to assist him in Battle of Mombasa|fighting his way to the Hierarch|Prophet of Prophet of Regret|Regret's Solemn Penance|carrier. The Chief, accompanied by two Marines, used the tank to cross the New Mombasa 105 East#Kilindini Bridge|main bridge leading to downtown New Mombasa, destroying numerous s, , and Type-26 Banshee|Banshees along the way. However, he was soon forced to abandon the tank in a New Mombasa 105 East#Tunnel system|highway tunnel due to a set of blast doors preventing the tank from going any further.
Trivia The tank will sometimes appear with an ID of UE8-14 on Easy and Normal difficulties, but will most often appear correctly in Heroic and Legendary. The reason for this is unknown. Some of the tanks used in ''Halo 3'' multiplayer (via Forge) bear the ID "12-9F5". However, the chess decal is replaced with a Scorpion decal, and is a ''Halo 3''-era Scorpion (with a separate seat for a gunner). Thus, it is unlikely that they are the same tank, although the tank could have had an overhaul. It is possible to drive the tank past the barricade in the tunnels with a Warthog and a little patience. However, you will soon be forced to abandon it anyways, as you have to go into the sewer system to advance to the next area.
File:H2A - Pelican and Scorpion.jpg|12-9F5 being dropped off at John-117's location File:H2 Scorpion 12-9F5.jpg|12-9F5 in Halo 2
List of appearances
''Halo 2''
''Halo 2: Anniversary''
Category:M808B Scorpion tanks |
The 120mm ventral gun is a weapon mounted to the underside of the United Nations Space Command|UNSC GA-TL1 Longsword.
The 120mm gun found on the Longsword is mounted underneath the craft, and cannot be used while the craft is grounded unless the ship's landing gear is extended. In this state, the gun has a ninety degree axis of rotation, and can fire relatively quickly - described as a "''hail''" of rounds fired in quick succession.
Operational history During the capture of the ''Ascendant Justice'' by UNSC survivors of the Battle of Installation 04, a Longsword's 120mm ventral guns were used to clear one of the vessel's hangars of numerous Unggoy. The shells cut through unshielded Type-31 Seraph|''Seraph''-class starfighters, fuel pods, and the Covenant defenders with ease.
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: First Strike''
Category:Autocannons Category:UNSC air weapons |
The year 122,990 BCE is a year in the distant past.
Maethrillian, the capital of the Forerunner ecumene, is constructed around this time.
Sources |
The 124th Infantry Brigade (Wikipedia:APP-6A|map designate: MCH 124 X) was a Wikipedia:Mechanized warfare|mechanized infantry formation of the UNSC Army during the Human-Covenant War.Halo: Reach, campaign level, ''Tip of the Spear'' This brigade was garrisoned in the Viery Territory|Viery territory of the Human colony of Reach. It participated during the Fall of Reach|invasion to counter Covenant Empire|Covenant Army landing forces.
Structure At the time of the assault on Viery by the Covenant invasion forces, the 124th Mechanized had six regiments.
1st Regiment (MCH 124 ||| 1) Eastern Viery
6th Regiment (MCH 124 ||| 6) Central Viery
13th Regiment (MCH 124 ||| 13) Northeastern Viery
47th Regiment (MCH 124 ||| 47) Northern Viery
127th Regiment (MCH 124 ||| 127) Central Viery
501st Regiment (MCH 124 ||| 501) Southeastern Viery
Category:UNSC Army units |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
12611-22718-TC is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
12611-22718-TC entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
12mm Comets are oversized pistols manufactured by the New Tyne Armory in New Tyne, Venezia.
Overview Due to their unwieldy size, using the pistols may put one at a significant disadvantage in a quick-draw fight. Office of Naval Intelligence combat instructors have been known to derisively refer to Comets as "hand cannons".
Operational history Black market|Gunrunners employed by Ross Nyeto on Venezia used 12mm Comets in 2553#December|December 2553 when the Spartan-IIs of Blue Team crashed a staged meeting between Nyeto and the Ferret team of Spartan-IIIs led by Veta Lopis.''Halo: Retribution'' ''chapter 1'' Ash-G099 secured one of these Comets for himself and took it with him after hostilities had concluded.''Halo: Retribution'' ''chapter 3''
List of appearances
''Halo: Retribution''
Category:Pistols |
File:Ammo_-M6D.png|150px|thumb|A representation of M225 SAPHE from ''The Art of Halo 3''. The 12.740mm cartridge, also known as .50-caliber, is a form of ammunition employed by the UNSC's M6 series|M6 Personal Defense Weapon System line of handguns.''Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual'', Page 186
Overview M6 series|M6 series pistols, the weapons that fire this ammo, are noted to possess impressive range and stopping power due to its use.''Library (feature)#Pistol|Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, "Library" feature, "Pistol"'' As with many UNSC small arms ammunition types, however, the round has been observed to be somewhat inefficient against energy shielding.''Halo: The Flood'', Chapter 2 There exists a distinct lack of variety in ammunition types of this cartridge available to soldiers in the field, something that the UNSC Marine Corps|UNSC marines of E2-BAG/1/7 found strange given its high caliber.
M225 12.740mm SAP-HE (semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive)' ammo (also known simply as "SAPHE'''") is the standard-issue round for the M6-series. The rounds are nickel-plated,Halo: Silent Storm, Chapter 3 and are frequently distributed under the designation "M225 12.740mm SAP-HP" in 60-round packs.''Halo 3'', Magnum ammo pack''Halo: Combat Evolved'', Pistol ammo pack''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'', Pistol ammo pack''Halo 2'', Magnum ammo pack''Halo 2: Anniversary'', Magnum ammo pack It was noted to have made the weapon that fired it almost as effective as an MA5 series|assault rifle.''Halo: Silent Storm'', Chapter 15 Its physical effects against vulnerable targets can be brutal,''Halo: Silent Storm'', Chapter 3 particularly when the projectile impacts the target's skull,''Halo: The Flood'', Chapter 1 making headshot-targeting with weapons firing this ammo an advisable tactic in combat with Covenant troops, who often possess resilient biology.''Halo: Combat Evolved Manual#Human Weapons|Halo: CE manual, Page 17, "M6D Pistol"'' This ammo type is fed into M6 series|M6 series handguns via 6-,''Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition)|Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe (2011 edition)'', Page 321 8-, or 12-round detachable box magazines.''Halo: Combat Evolved'', Gameplay
File:HaloCE-M6DAmmopack.png|An M225 ammo-pack in ''Halo: Combat Evolved''
File:M6h wound.JPG|A wound inflicted by M225 SAP-HE ammunition. File:M225_Ammo_Pack_H2A.png|M225 ammo pack in ''Halo 2: Anniversary''. File:M6 Ammo.jpg|An M225 ammo pack in ''Halo 3: ODST''.
List of appearances
''Halo: The Fall of Reach''
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: The Flood''
''Halo: First Strike''
''Halo 2''
''Halo 3''
''Halo: Evolutions''
*''The Mona Lisa''
''Halo: Reach''
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
''Halo 4''
*''Spartan Ops''
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
''Halo: Initiation''
''Halo: Escalation''
''Halo 2: Anniversary''
''Halo 5: Guardians''
''Halo: Silent Storm''
''Halo: Divine Wind''
Sources |
File:Ammo_-M41.png|thumb|50px|An M41 12.799 round from ''The Art of Halo 3''. The 12.799mm Armor-Piercing is a round used in the M41 Vulcan|M41 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun that is mounted on the UNSC's M12 Warthog vehicle.
This round, also known as the .50 BMG, was first developed in the early 20th century for use in machine guns and heavy automatic weapons. It was an upscale of the .30-06 cartridge common to rifles of the time. The cartridge itself has been made in many variants. The rounds intended for machine guns are linked using metallic links. It was later refined for use in sniper rifle systems, setting several distance records for sniper kills. In this role, it was mainly used as an anti-materiel round.
Overview It is effective against both vehicles and infantry, regardless of shielding. Its armor-piercing nature is the reason for its effectiveness against vehicles; Armor-piercing round|armor piercing rounds are designed to shoot through armor to damage the occupants of the vehicle. While unshielded infantry are easily killed, energy shielding defeats most of the armor-piercing benefits of this round. However, it is still effective due to its large size and high kinetic energy. Only the SRS99 series of sniper rifle uses a 14.5114mm|larger round.
This round should not be confused with the M225 Semi-Armor-Piercing High-Explosive|M225 SAP-HE rounds that are used with the M6 Series pistol. The pistol rounds are smaller, with less powder and thus lower muzzle velocity and kinetic energy. They also operate on a different system, mixing both armor-piercing and high-explosive properties. This round is not high-explosive. |
1342 was a year in the 1340s in the 14th century.
The Covenant discovers the Kig-Yar. Although the Kig-Yar initially attempt to resist absorption into the alliance, they quickly recognize that they are facing a superior force and submit, taking on the role of explorers and traders (and often thieves and smugglers). The Kig-Yar are also motivated by the potential trade and wealth the Covenant can provide.
Sources |
The 13th Battalion is a formation of the United Nations Space Command Marine Corps|UNSC Marine Corps. Sergeant John Forge was a non-commissioned officer in the battalion's Foxtrot Company.Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, ''page 72''
List of appearances
''Halo Wars''
Category:UNSC Marine Corps units |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
14737-05609-GD is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
14737-05609-GD entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
The 14th Platoon was a United Nations Space Command|UNSC UNSC Marine Corps|Marine unit stationed aboard the . The unit was ordered to rendezvous with the 22nd Tactical at Bulkhead Charlie 14 during the Covenant's Battle Over Installation 04|boarding action on the ship.''Halo: Combat Evolved'', campaign level, ''The Pillar of Autumn|Pillar of Autumn''
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
Category:UNSC Marine Corps platoons |
File:Ammo -Sniper.png|thumb|80px|A 14.5mm APFSDS round. The 14.5114mm round is used by the United Nations Space Command's SRS99 series of sniper rifles. Multiple ammunition types are available in this cartridge.
Overview This ammunition shares its stated dimensions with a powerful cartridge developed in the 20th century by the Soviet Union, intended as an anti-materiel and machine gun round. The UNSC employ it in their own SRS99 series|anti-materiel sniper rifles, which are highly effective when used to engage and destroy enemy equipment, vehicles and infantry, though the latter is not their intended primary function. It has been noted, however, that in an anti-personnel role, weapons firing this cartridge possess admirable performance against advanced Covenant energy shield technology.Halo: The Essential Visual Guide|Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 179 While there exists a variety of ammunition types available in this cartridge, they tend to be highly damaging, precise and effective at long range.Halo: Combat Evolved|Halo: Combat Evolved'', Gameplay''Halo: Reach|Halo: Reach'','' Nightfall|''Campaign level "Nightfall"''
File:Bloodline 14.5x114mm APFSDS Sabot Separation.png|thumb|A sabot separating from a 14.5114mm APFSDS round. The 14.5114mm APFSDS (armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot) round is the most commonly employed ammunition type for use with the SRS99 series. The round is easily capable of over-penetrating armored soldiers and whatever was behind them, making caution paramount when employing this ammo.Halo: Combat Evolved Manual, ''page 18'' The round is also highly potent at inflicting damage against light vehicles.Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual'', page 192'' Ammunition of this type which was utilized in 2557 aboard the UNSC Infinity|UNSC ''Infinity'' with the SRS99-S5 AM sniper rifle bore the alphanumeric designation "M232".Halo 4 Limited Edition, UNSC ''Infinity'' Briefing Packet
The 14.5114mm HVAP high-velocity armor-piercing round is an alternate ammunition type to the standard APFSDS which was used with SRS99-AM sniper rifles during the Battle of Reach. According to Spartan Jun-A266, the round is sufficient to "take the hat off an elite at 2,000 yards." He also implied that they were highly expensive. During Blue Team's mission to Reach in 2559, Spartan Linda-058 used titanium-jacketed, depleted uranium HVAP rounds which proved capable of penetrating the energy shielding of Keepers of the One Freedom Seraph|Seraph fighters.''Halo: Shadows of Reach, Chapter 2''
The 14.5114mm HEAP (high-explosive, armor piercing) round is used by Linda-058 in her personal modified rifle ''Nornfang''. These rounds explode violently on impact, doing a great deal of damage to the target.Halo 5: Guardians'', Warzone gameplay''
Trivia The closest equivalent to an anti-material rifle using an APFSDS round, akin to the 14.5mm one of the SRS99, would be the 15.2x169mm APFSDS utilized in the prototype Wikipedia:Steyr_IWS_2000|Steyr IWS 2000, which was the first hand-held weapon to use such a round. The 14.5114mm is actually a Russian heavy machine gun round that was developed for use in anti-tank rifles like the wikipedia:PTRD|PTRD and wikipedia:PTRS|PTRS in World War II, later used in Anti-Aircraft and Vehicle-Mounted roles with the wikipedia:KPV|KPV; it remains in use to this day.
File:Romeo Firefight Lost Platoon.jpg|A spent 14.5114mm brass casing is ejected from the SRS99D-S2 AM sniper rifle. File:HReach - Sniper Rounds.png|Jun-A266 giving Noble Six a magazine of 14.5114mm rounds. File:APFSDS_Case.png|16 APFSDS round case. File:H2A MP SniperAmmo Concept.jpg|Concept art of the ammunition and its container for ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' multiplayer. File:H2A Sniper Rifle Spent Brass.jpg|thumb|Spent 14.5114mm casing ejecting from an SRS 99 AM|SRS99 AM sniper rifle in ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' multiplayer. File:H2A 14.5x117mm Ammo in Mag.jpg|thumb|14.5114mm cartridges in a magazine used to feed the SRS99 AM sniper rifle in ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' multiplayer. File:HInf S7 Magazine.png|A 14.5x114mm round in the magazine of an SRS99-S7 AM sniper rifle in ''Halo Infinite''.
List of appearances
''Halo: The Fall of Reach''
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: The Flood''
''Halo: First Strike''
''Halo 2''
''Halo Graphic Novel''
*''Armor Testing''
''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx''
''Halo 3''
''Halo: Contact Harvest''
''Halo: The Cole Protocol''
''Halo Wars''
''Halo 3: ODST''
''Halo Legends''
*''The Babysitter''
''Halo: Blood Line''
''Halo: Fall of Reach''
*''Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp|Boot Camp''
*''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion|Invasion''
''Halo: Glasslands''
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
''Halo 4''
*''Spartan Ops''
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
''Halo 2: Anniversary''
''Hunt the Truth''
''Halo 5: Guardians''
''Halo: Fractures''
*''Breaking Strain''
''Halo: Envoy''
''Halo: Lone Wolf''
''Halo: Oblivion''
''Halo: Shadows of Reach''
''Halo: Infinite''
Sources |
File:Ammo -Sniper.png|thumb|80px|A 14.5mm APFSDS round. The 14.5114mm round is used by the United Nations Space Command's SRS99 series of sniper rifles. Multiple ammunition types are available in this cartridge.
Overview This ammunition shares its stated dimensions with a powerful cartridge developed in the 20th century by the Soviet Union, intended as an anti-materiel and machine gun round. The UNSC employ it in their own SRS99 series|anti-materiel sniper rifles, which are highly effective when used to engage and destroy enemy equipment, vehicles and infantry, though the latter is not their intended primary function. It has been noted, however, that in an anti-personnel role, weapons firing this cartridge possess admirable performance against advanced Covenant energy shield technology.Halo: The Essential Visual Guide|Halo: The Essential Visual Guide, page 179 While there exists a variety of ammunition types available in this cartridge, they tend to be highly damaging, precise and effective at long range.Halo: Combat Evolved|Halo: Combat Evolved'', Gameplay''Halo: Reach|Halo: Reach'','' Nightfall|''Campaign level "Nightfall"''
File:Bloodline 14.5x114mm APFSDS Sabot Separation.png|thumb|A sabot separating from a 14.5114mm APFSDS round. The 14.5114mm APFSDS (armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot) round is the most commonly employed ammunition type for use with the SRS99 series. The round is easily capable of over-penetrating armored soldiers and whatever was behind them, making caution paramount when employing this ammo.Halo: Combat Evolved Manual, ''page 18'' The round is also highly potent at inflicting damage against light vehicles.Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual'', page 192'' Ammunition of this type which was utilized in 2557 aboard the UNSC Infinity|UNSC ''Infinity'' with the SRS99-S5 AM sniper rifle bore the alphanumeric designation "M232".Halo 4 Limited Edition, UNSC ''Infinity'' Briefing Packet
The 14.5114mm HVAP high-velocity armor-piercing round is an alternate ammunition type to the standard APFSDS which was used with SRS99-AM sniper rifles during the Battle of Reach. According to Spartan Jun-A266, the round is sufficient to "take the hat off an elite at 2,000 yards." He also implied that they were highly expensive. During Blue Team's mission to Reach in 2559, Spartan Linda-058 used titanium-jacketed, depleted uranium HVAP rounds which proved capable of penetrating the energy shielding of Keepers of the One Freedom Seraph|Seraph fighters.''Halo: Shadows of Reach, Chapter 2''
The 14.5114mm HEAP (high-explosive, armor piercing) round is used by Linda-058 in her personal modified rifle ''Nornfang''. These rounds explode violently on impact, doing a great deal of damage to the target.Halo 5: Guardians'', Warzone gameplay''
Trivia The closest equivalent to an anti-material rifle using an APFSDS round, akin to the 14.5mm one of the SRS99, would be the 15.2x169mm APFSDS utilized in the prototype Wikipedia:Steyr_IWS_2000|Steyr IWS 2000, which was the first hand-held weapon to use such a round. The 14.5114mm is actually a Russian heavy machine gun round that was developed for use in anti-tank rifles like the wikipedia:PTRD|PTRD and wikipedia:PTRS|PTRS in World War II, later used in Anti-Aircraft and Vehicle-Mounted roles with the wikipedia:KPV|KPV; it remains in use to this day.
File:Romeo Firefight Lost Platoon.jpg|A spent 14.5114mm brass casing is ejected from the SRS99D-S2 AM sniper rifle. File:HReach - Sniper Rounds.png|Jun-A266 giving Noble Six a magazine of 14.5114mm rounds. File:APFSDS_Case.png|16 APFSDS round case. File:H2A MP SniperAmmo Concept.jpg|Concept art of the ammunition and its container for ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' multiplayer. File:H2A Sniper Rifle Spent Brass.jpg|thumb|Spent 14.5114mm casing ejecting from an SRS 99 AM|SRS99 AM sniper rifle in ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' multiplayer. File:H2A 14.5x117mm Ammo in Mag.jpg|thumb|14.5114mm cartridges in a magazine used to feed the SRS99 AM sniper rifle in ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' multiplayer. File:HInf S7 Magazine.png|A 14.5x114mm round in the magazine of an SRS99-S7 AM sniper rifle in ''Halo Infinite''.
List of appearances
''Halo: The Fall of Reach''
''Halo: Combat Evolved''
''Halo: The Flood''
''Halo: First Strike''
''Halo 2''
''Halo Graphic Novel''
*''Armor Testing''
''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx''
''Halo 3''
''Halo: Contact Harvest''
''Halo: The Cole Protocol''
''Halo Wars''
''Halo 3: ODST''
''Halo Legends''
*''The Babysitter''
''Halo: Blood Line''
''Halo: Fall of Reach''
*''Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp|Boot Camp''
*''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion|Invasion''
''Halo: Glasslands''
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
''Halo 4''
*''Spartan Ops''
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
''Halo 2: Anniversary''
''Hunt the Truth''
''Halo 5: Guardians''
''Halo: Fractures''
*''Breaking Strain''
''Halo: Envoy''
''Halo: Lone Wolf''
''Halo: Oblivion''
''Halo: Shadows of Reach''
''Halo: Infinite''
Sources |
1552 was a year in the 1550s in the 16th century.
Late 1552
The San'Shyuum began developing technologies that could increase their life spans.
Sources |
The 15th Combat Engineer Battalion is an combat engineering battalion of the UNSC Marine Corps.''Halo: Spartan Assault'', ''Halo: Spartan Assault/Quotes|Quotes''
Overview At some point, members of the 15th employed Repel.
Personnel Private First Class Nozomi Li
List of appearances
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
Category:UNSC Marine Corps units |
The 15th Marine Forces Reserve is a UNSC Marine Corps reserve unit that includes Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. During the Human-Covenant War, ODST Bobby Kodiak was a member of the unit until he transferred to the UNSC Navy's Office of Naval Intelligence in 2552.Halo: Hunters in the Dark, ''pages 253-254'' (Google Play edition)
List of appearances
''Halo: Hunters in the Dark''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
The 15th Shock Troops Battalion is a Orbital Drop Shock Troopers|shock infantry formation of the UNSC Marine Corps that served during the Human-Covenant War. Staff Sergeant Malcolm Geffen, Corporal Vasily Beloi, and Emanuel Barakat were assigned to the battalion's Lima Company during the war. The latter two were transferred to the Office of Naval Intelligence's Kilo-Five team in 2553|January 2553.Halo: Glasslands, ''pages 112 and 355''
List of appearances
''Halo: Glasslands''
''Halo: Mortal Dictata''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
|affiliation=Forerunner Ecumene
|function=Monitor of Installation 06
06-16807 Abashed Eulogy was a Forerunner-created ancilla designated as the caretaker of Installation 06. The nomenclature describing them denotes their position as it relates to the first ring and its name was meant to represent both an omen and an epitaph for Forerunner civilization.
Biography Near the very end of the Forerunners' Forerunner-Flood War|war against the Flood, this monitor was commissioned alongside six others in order to oversee the Halo Array|Neoteric Halo Array, with Installation 06, in particular, being placed in this monitor's charge. Right before the Halo rings were dispersed from Installation 00 in its place beyond the rim of the Milky Way, all seven monitors convened aboard a vessel known as the Lifeworkers' creche. There, they were certified as being fit for their duties, the first of which would be the preparation of activation indexes, distributed to each, for each installation. The IsoDidact and a handful of Lifeworkers gathered with this monitor and the six others within the ship's command center before the final dispersal of the Array.''Halo: Silentium'', ''String 36'' Thereafter, this monitor was relocated to Installation 06 within the galaxy's Perseus Arm.''Halo: Warfleet'', ''page 12''
File:InstallationMonitors.jpg|All seven monitors convene aboard the Lifeworkers' creche. File:MonitorsTerminal.jpeg|Lifeworkers join the monitors.''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'', ''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminal 2''
List of appearances
''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary''
*''Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)|Terminals''
''Halo: Silentium''
Category:Forerunner A.I. Category:AI characters |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
17302-57135-KH is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
17302-57135-KH entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
|affiliation=*Spartan Operations
*SPARTAN-IV program
|rank=Spartan Operations#Rank structure|Spartan
|notable=Graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science
17650-37804-JK is the service number of a SPARTAN-IV Program|Spartan-IV supersoldier. They graduated from the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
17650-37804-JK entered the Spartan-IV program as a recruit, where they were put through training at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. They eventually graduated, and were put on a list of Spartans who graduated at the academy.
File:HINF LiveFireEntranceway.png|A look at the board display of Spartans who graduated.
List of appearances
''Halo Infinite''
Category:Spartan-IVs Category:Human characters |
|affiliation=*Unified Earth Government
18 Scorpii is a planetary system identified as a region in FLEETCOM Sector Three, where the human colony world Falaknuma is located.
Falaknuma: Human colony world.
At some point prior to 2535, the Unified Earth Government settled on the planet of Falaknuma in the system.
By 2535 Exodus Project|a large asteroid led by the loaded with over a million refugees from behind Covenant lines was approaching near the system worrying the crew of the that it may have been Covenant. It was not till the asteroid arrived that the crew stopped worrying and began a rescue effort.
It was also the site of a Battle of 18 Scorpii|minor engagement between UNSC and Covenant forces in 2543, in which UNSC forces were saved by a surprise force of independent/Insurrectionist ships.
List of appearances
''Halo: The Cole Protocol''
''Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe''
*''The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole''
Category:Planetary systems |
1945 was a year in the 1940s in the 20th century.
The first human Nuclear weapon|nuclear bombs are dropped on Japan|Nagasaki and Hiroshima, signalling the end of World War II. The United Nations is formed on Earth.
Sources |
1982 was a year in the 1980s in the 20th century.
22 years and 3 months prior to August 24, 2004
Dana Awbrey is born in California|San Francisco, California.
Sources |
1995 was a year in the 1990s in the 20th century.
March 21: Dana Awbrey, in eighth grade, is called to her school Vice Principal's office for cutting 8th-grade chorus.
August 24: In the Windows family of Operating System software, Microsoft (company)|Microsoft introduced the Windows 95 Operating System for PC.
David George and Aaron Elliot found the "Society of the Ancients".
Sources |
1996 was a year in the 1990s in the 20th century.
Wikipedia:Edgar Mitchell|Edgar Dean Mitchell , former United States Wikipedia:Apollo 14|Apollo 14 Astronaut has a Wikipedia:MSN|MSN interview where he said ''"I have been over the years very skeptical like many others [about extra terrestrial existence]. But in the last ten years or so, ~I've come to realize that the evidence is building up to make this a valid and researchable question."''. This quote leaves an impact on David George who founded the "Society of the Ancients".
Sources |
1997 is the year ''Halo'' started development.
''Halo'' started Development of Halo: Combat Evolved|development under the initial codename "Armor".
September 24
The trademark for ''Halo''s first codename "Armor" was filed.
Bungie worried that "Armor" was boring and changed ''Halo''s codename to "Monkey Nuts", knowing it had to be changed later.
Sources |
Halo changed its code-name to "Blam!" because project lead Jason Jones could not bring himself to tell his mother he was working on a game called "Monkey Nuts."
March 13 and were registered by Bungie.
Sources |
1999 is the year ''Pre-Xbox Halo|Halo'' was first announced.
February 15
The first Cortana Letters|Cortana letter was released.
March 16
The second Cortana letter was released. March 18
The third Cortana letter was released.
May 10
The fourth and fifth Cortana letters were released.
June 30
The sixth Cortana letter was released.
July 7
The seventh Cortana letter was released. July 21
''Halo'' is unveiled at the Macworld Expo in New York. (Backup at )
September 13
The eighth Cortana letter was found.
November One of the first screenshots of ''Halo'' was released in Computer Gaming World Magazine.:File:Cgw_oct_coverscan.jpg|''Computer Gaming World'' ''November 1999 Issue'' cover
Sources |
1999 was a year in the 1990s in the 20th century.
After a incredible response to giving her honey to friends, Margaret Efendi buys her second beehive and founds Margaret's House of Bees.
Sources |
The 19th Shock Troops Battalion is an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper formation of the UNSC Marine Corps.The Life
Overview The 19th Shock Trooper Battalion is a partly comprised of Hungarian-speaking Marines, as spoken by the funeral detail for K. Stark|SSgt K. Stark and during Tarkov's training to become an ODST. The 19th Battalion served in numerous campaigns against the Covenant Empire.
K. Stark|Staff Sergeant K. Stark
Coady Tarkov
List of appearances
''The Life''
Category:Orbital Drop Shock Trooper units |
The 1st Infantry Division is an infantry division of the UNSC Army.''Halo: Spartan Assault'', ''Halo: Spartan Assault/Quotes|Quotes''
Overview At some point, members of the 1st Infantry Division encountered Flood Pod infectors.
Personnel Lieutenant Brendan Hale
List of appearances
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
Category:UNSC Army units |
The 1st Marine Division is a division of the UNSC Marine Corps.''Halo: Spartan Assault'', ''Halo: Spartan Assault/Quotes|Quotes''
Overview At some point, members of the 1st Marine Division encountered Flood Pod infectors.
Personnel Private Lewis Allen
List of appearances
''Halo: Spartan Assault''
Category:UNSC Marine Corps units |
2 Bugs Are Better Than 1 is an Achievement in ''Halo Wars'' that is unlocked when the player wins a Skirmish game with two Deutoros-pattern Scarab|Scarabs.
It is worth 10 Gamerscore.. Strategy Start an Easy difficulty 1v1 Deathmatch (Halo Wars)|Deathmatch on a 3v3 Map and purchase bases to increase population capacity to 40.
Build turrets and shield generators. Construct 2 Scarabs, each from a different base and when they're ready, attack.
Activating the Pain Train skull can save time.
Category:Halo Wars achievements |
2 Lima 4 was a United Nations Space Command|UNSC UNSC Army|Army trooper that participated in the Fall of Reach. During the Battle at Szurdok Ridge|Battle of Viery, he was pinned down by fire from a Cheru-pattern Tyrant|Tyrant, contacting Carter-A259 of his unit's status. After the Tyrant was destroyed by SPARTAN-B312 and Catherine-B320, 2 Lima 4 requested an airstrike on 3 Deutoros-pattern Scarab|Scarabs attacking his position. The airstrike was approved by Air Control after Carter-A259 confirmed the Tyrant was destroyed.Halo: Reach, campaign level ''Tip of the Spear''
List of appearances
''Halo: Reach''
Category:Human characters Category:UNSC Army personnel |
January 5-8
Details of Halo are shown at the San Francisco Macworld Expo.
April Halo was featured on the cover of GameStar, a German gaming magazine.
May 11-13
Bungie was at E3 2000 in Booth #2900 to show off its two upcoming games ONI and Halo. The Halo E3 2000 Trailer for ''Halo: Combat Evolved'' was shown at the event also.
June 14
Halo won the E3 2000 Game Critics' Award for Best Action Game. Halo was also runner up for Best Game on PC, being beat by "Black & White". June 19
Microsoft acquired Bungie. Halo was then announced for the Xbox platform.
July 19
Alexander Seropian and Steve Jobs announced plans for Halo to come to the Mac and PC.
Sources |
In 2001, the first entries into the Halo universe were released.
May Microsoft acquires Ensemble Studios.
August 15
The approximate origin date for Halo: Combat Evolved Beta 1749|the Beta 1749 build of ''Halo: Combat Evolved''.
October 30
The novel ''Halo: The Fall of Reach'' is released.
November 15
The Xbox console and the video game ''Halo: Combat Evolved'' are released in North America. Halo begins... Sources |
In 2002, the first game, ''Halo: Combat Evolved'', expanded its release outside North America and a sequel, ''Halo 2'', was announced.
February 22
The Xbox console and the video game ''Halo: Combat Evolved'' are released in Japan.
March 14
The Xbox console and the video game ''Halo: Combat Evolved'' are released in Europe.
June 11
The ''Halo: Original Soundtrack'' is released.
September The ''Halo 2 Announcement Trailer'' is first shown.
November Xbox LIVE is first released.
Sources |
2003 saw the second and third novels, as well as ''Halo CE'' released for PC.
The first line of ''Halo'' Action Figures is produced by Joyride Studios.
April 1
The novel, ''Halo: The Flood'', is released. The first episode of ''Red vs. Blue'' machinima series is released.
June 13
The official version of the ''Halo 2 E3 Demo'' is released on
September 29
The first edition of ''Halo: Combat Evolved: Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets'' is released. September 30
Halo: Combat Evolved (PC port)|''Halo: Combat Evolved'' for the PC is released.
October 28
A special edition of the ''Halo: Original Soundtrack'' is released.
December 2
The novel, ''Halo: First Strike'' is released.
Sources |
2004 is the year ''Halo 2'' was released.
Bungie officially confirms the development of the Halo film.
January Microsoft conducts an internal Alpha test of ''Halo 2s multiplayer to test the performance of the network architecture over Xbox LIVE.
March 15
''Halo Custom Edition'' is released.
April 27
Microsoft purchases the domain names "" and "". "" was initially held under the name "Trout & Zimmer" until switching over to Microsoft Corporation after ''Halo 3|Halo 3's'' formal announcement.
May 1013
A Halo 2 E3 Multiplayer Demo|multiplayer demo is showcased at Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2004. May 11 goes live.
October The ''Halo 2 theatrical trailer'' is released. October 15 is relaunched with a Covenant theme by Wikipedia:AKQA|AKQA.
November 4
''Halopedia was created and thus began Halopedia:History|many years of editing and community.''
November 9
''Halo 2'' was released in the US and wikipedia:Canada|Canada.
''The Art of Halo'' was released.
''Halo 2: The Official Strategy Guide'' was released. November 11
''Halo 2'' is released in Europe. November 17'''
''Halo 2'' Halo 2 Auto-Updates#Auto-Update 1 (1.0)|Auto-Update 1 is released.
Sources |
2004 was a year in the 2000s in the 21st century, it was the year when a temporal rip in space-time somehow sends part of the s Artificial intelligence|AI, Melissa (AI)|Melissa back to this year.
Events As shown in the ''i love bees'' viral campaign, a temporal rip in space-time somehow sends part of the 's Artificial intelligence|AI, Melissa (AI)|Melissa back to this year. A Covenant AI known as the Seeker (AI)|Seeker follows them through. Melissa was so fragmented and malfunctioning that a built-in program called the System Peril Distributed Reflex was engaged to repair her. The SPDR recognized the Seeker as a harmful foreign application and attempted to kill it. The Seeker knew it could not kill the SPDR itself, so it convinced Melissa that it was an updated version of the SPDR so Melissa would disable "the old version". The Seeker did the SPDR's work in repairing the Melissa and accomplishing various tasks for her, but it also corrupted her goals with its own. Melissa was so fragmented that a buried personality, from the human brain her mind was built from, broke off into another being. This childlike personality called herself the Sleeping Princess and preferred to see things as a fairy tale. The Sleeping Princess, desperate for a friend, befriended the Seeker, whom she named the Pious Flea. The Seeker, who sought the truth, would ask the Princess for information; the Princess taught it human concepts such as fear and humor. In return, the Seeker protected the Princess from Melissa, who wanted to bury her in code. When Melissa managed to imprison the Princess, the Seeker went against its nature and absorbed the Princess without killing her. Instead, it joined the Sleeping Princess' and Melissa's minds together. The resulting being recognized the Seeker as a hostile Covenant AI and attempted to kill the Seeker, but it managed to hide. When the Slipspace rip closed, Melissa was thrown back to her own time. The Seeker, however, was left in the server with the SPDR. This time, the SPDR promptly killed the Seeker.
Unknown: Dana Awbrey bought an All-Asia Air Pass because she was 22, and still waiting for the extraordinary to kick in.
July 13: Dana Awbrey first reports about the "I Love Bees" website being broken. July 16: A fragment of Melissa (AI)|Melissa hijacked a countdown Dana Awbrey put on the I Love Bees (Website)|I Love Bees website. July 19: Dana Awbrey went hiking in Claremont Canyon to clear her head over the broken website. It took her 3 hours. July 20: Dana Awbrey woke up on to an alarming email from her Aunt Margaret's email that was hijacked by the broken Melissa AI, sending a lot of people messages. July 27: The Operator takes several images of Dana Awbrey though her webcam, this freaks Dana out prompting her to give up on the site for a time. July 29: Dana Awbrey left to go to on an open-ended backpacking trip through East/Southeast Asia, where she first headed to Beijing.
August 6: Dana Awbrey is persuaded to come back to work on the site by always thinking about it and over 1000 emails telling her people were thinking about it also. August 12: A major typhoon hit China where 2000 people were injured. August 13: Dana Awbrey was almost arrested for walking on the grass in Yu Yuan Gardens in Shanghai. She was so flustered after the police encounter she accidently ordered two sugary meat puffs for her lunch at the Mister Donut thinking they were chocolate creme-filled. The Operator also set up numerous Axons in America. August 20: Dana Awbrey enters a small deserted cafe in Jin Xian Lu, only to find out it was the front for an illegal DVD racket. August 23-24: Dana Awbrey went to Zapata's in Shanghai. She then ditched it to join everyone when the countdown ended on the I Love Bees website.
September 4-6: Dana Awbrey spent a weekend in Hangzhou, spending it intoxicated by Xi Hu.
November 9: The book, ''The Castaway Theory'', by Dr. Jonas Volman is released.
Sources |
In 2005 the Xbox 360 was officially announced. The year also saw the release and ongoing support of several pieces of downloadable content for the previous year's ''Halo 2''; including Halo 2 Auto-Updates|Title Updates and map packs.
April 18
''Halo 2'' Halo 2 Auto-Updates#Auto-Update 2 (1.1a)|Auto-Update 2 was released. April 25
The Bonus Map Pack and Killtacular Pack for ''Halo 2'' were released.
May 12
The Xbox 360 console was officially announced.
July 5
The ''Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack'' and Maptacular Pack for ''Halo 2'' were released. July 20
''Halo 2'' Halo 2 Auto-Updates#Auto-Update 4 (1.1b)|Auto-Update 4 is released.
October 6
''Halo Triple Pack'' was released.
November 22
The Xbox 360 console was released in the U.S.
December 29
Wikipedia:Dead or Alive 4|''Dead or Alive 4'', featuring the canon ''Halo'' crossover character Nicole-458, was released.
Sources |
2005 was a year in the 2000s in the 21st century.
November Dr. Jonas Volman, the author of The Castaway Theory, goes missing. With Jonas leaving a message for Thomas Sanatos saying "It's time to start asking questions again. J".
Sources |
2006 included another Eric Nylund novel, the first graphic novel, and the announcements for ''Halo 3'' and ''Halo Wars''.
February 23, registered in 2004, transfers ownership from Microsoft's "Trout & Zimmer" holding company to Microsoft Corporation.
April 25
Volume 2 of the ''Halo 2: Original Soundtrack'' is released.
May 12
The ''Halo 3 Announcement Trailer'' is first shown at Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2006. May 17
The discovery of the extrasolar planet Wikipedia:HD 69830 d|HD 69830, which the Kig-yar homeworld Eayn supposedly orbits, is announced.
July 19
The ''Halo Graphic Novel'' is released.
September 27
The ''Halo Wars Announcement Trailer'' is first shown at the Microsoft X06 media briefing.
October 31
The novel ''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx'' is released.
December 4
The ''Starry Night'' trailer for ''Halo 3'' is released.
Sources |
The year 2007 saw the release of several ''Halo''-related titles, most notably ''Halo 3'', the conclusion to the ''Halo'' trilogy, and the novel ''Halo: Contact Harvest''.
February 20: ''Crackdown'', a game containing an invitation to the ''Halo 3 Beta'', was released.
April 12: ''Halo 2'' Halo 2 Auto-Updates#Auto-Update 5 (1.5)|Auto-Update 5 is released. April 17: The Blastacular Pack for ''Halo 2'' is released.
May 11: The ''Halo 3 Beta'' is first released to a limited audience. May 16: The ''Halo 3 Beta'' becomes accessible to the public. May 31: Halo 2 (Windows Vista)|''Halo 2'' for Windows Vista is released for the Personal Computer|PC.
June 10: The ''Halo 3 Beta'' comes to a close. June 14: ''Halo 3: The Cradle of Life ''was found by a user, crazyBoy3.
July 10:
*The Halo 3 E3 2007 Trailer is released.
*''Halo: Arms Race'', the first in the ''Halo: Landfall'' series of live-action short films, is released.
August 1: ''Marathon (Video Game Series)|Marathon 2: Durandal'' is released on Xbox Live Arcade. August 10: An internal build of ''Halo 3'' titled ''Halo 3 Epsilon'' is released to Microsoft employees. August 22: The Halo: Uprising Issue 1|first issue of the ''Halo: Uprising'' series of comics is released. August 28: ''Halo: Combat'', the second part of the ''Halo: Landfall'' series, is released. August 29:
*''Halo 3'' goes gold.
*''Halo 3 Epsilon'' is closed.
September 18: ''Halo ActionClix'' is released. September 24: ''Halo: Last One Standing'', the final part of ''Halo: Landfall'', is released. September 25:
*''Halo 3'' released in North America.
*''Halo 3: The Official Strategy Guide'' was released. September 26: ''Halo 3'' released in Europe. September 27: ''Halo 3'' released in Japan and the rest of Asia. September 28: ''Halo 3'' released in most South Korean video game shops.
October 5: Bungie and Microsoft announced an end to their partnership, effectively making Bungie an independent company once again. October 9: Gravesite was released digitally. October 30: The novel ''Halo: Contact Harvest'' is released.
November 20: The Halo 3: Original Soundtrack is released. November 21: The Halo: Uprising Issue 2|second issue of ''Halo: Uprising'' is released.
December 11: The Heroic Map Pack for ''Halo 3'' is released.
''Museum'' first aired on TV. The trailer Believe: The John 117 Monument was released.
''Enemy Weapon'' first aired on TV.
Sources |
2007 was a year in the 2000s in the 21st century.
June 11: AdjutantReflex starts its first thread at June 19: AdjutantReflex is taken over by another entity.
July 30: Thomas Sanatos posts on over a year and a half after Jonas Volman vanished. (defunct, backup link on )
August 1: A letter arrived at Thomas Sanatos home for Jonas Volman from Golden Wing Books about optimal self-funding printing, with a handwritten note from his editor. (defunct, backup link on )
August 9: Dr. Jonas Volman, the author of ''The Castaway Theory'', returns from his absence, having gone missing in November 2005 and contacts Thomas Sanatos. (defunct, backup link on )
Sources |
2008 saw the release of a comic, a reference book, and a novel, among other things.
February 19: ''Halo 3'' Halo 3 Title Updates|Title Update 1 (Version 1.1) is released.
March: The first Halo figures by McFarlane Toys were released.
April 3: The Darkness trailer was released. April 15: The Legendary Map Pack for ''Halo 3'' is released.
July 7: Cold Storage is released for ''Halo 3'' for free. July 14: The Five Long Years Cinematic trailer for ''Halo Wars'' is shown at Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2008. July 15: An :File:Background Message.jpeg|apology message about the postponing of the announcement of Bungie's new project, which was to be shown at E3, is posted at The project would later turn out to be ''Halo 3: ODST''.
August 13: Halo: Uprising Issue 3|Issue 3 of the ''Halo: Uprising'' comic book series is released.
September 23: ''Halo 3'' Halo 3 Title Updates|Title Update 2 is released. September 25: The Keep It Clean (Trailer)|"Keep It Clean" trailer for ''Halo 3: ODST'' is released.
October 4: The trailer Field Trip To Harvest was released. October 8: ''Halo 3: ODST'', then called ''"Halo 3: Recon"'', is officially announced at Tokyo Game Show 2008.
November 25: ''The Art of Halo 3'' and ''Halo: The Cole Protocol'' are released.
Sources |
2009 was a busy year, with the release of ''Halo Wars'', ''Halo 3: ODST'', and much more.
January 29: Ensemble Studios is closed by Xbox Game Studios|Microsoft Game Studio.
February 26: ''Halo Wars'' is released in Japan and Australia. February 27: ''Halo Wars'' is released in the PAL Region.
March 3:
*''Halo Wars'' was released in North America.
*''Halo Wars: Official Strategy Guide'' was released.
April 9: The first ''Mythic Map Pack'' is released. April 15: Halo: Uprising Issue 4|Issue 4 of the ''Halo: Uprising'' comic book series was released.
May 12: The Halo Wars Title Updates#Title Update 2|first Title Update for ''Halo Wars'' is released. May 19: The Strategic Options Pack for ''Halo Wars'' was released, including the game modes Reinforcements, Tug of War and Keepaway.
July 17: The Halo Wars Title Updates#Title Update 3|second Title Update for ''Halo Wars'' is released. July 21: ''Historic Battle map pack|Historic Battles'', the first map pack for ''Halo Wars'', is released. July 22: Halo: Helljumper Issue 1|Issue 1 of the ''Halo: Helljumper'' series of comics is released. July 23: The "HaloWaypoint" (Later @Halo) Twitter account was made. July 24: The Announcement Trailer for ''Halo Legends'' is released.
August 26: Halo: Helljumper Issue 2|Issue 2 of ''Halo: Helljumper'' is released.
September 7: ''The Life'' was released. September 22:
*''Halo 3: ODST'', alongside the ''Halo 3: Mythic'' disc containing all ''Halo 3'' downloadable content (including exclusive early access to the Mythic II Map Pack), was released, along with the second ''Mythic Map Pack''.
*''Halo 3: ODST Official Strategy Guide'' was released. September 23: Halo: Helljumper Issue 3|Issue 3 of ''Halo: Helljumper'' was released.
October 13: The ''Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition)'' is released. October 28: Halo: Helljumper Issue 4|Issue 4 of ''Halo: Helljumper'' is released.
November 5: ''Halo Waypoint'' is released. November 7: ''The Babysitter'' short film shown on Halo Waypoint. November 21: ''The Duel'' short film is shown on Halo Waypoint. November 24: ''Halo: Evolutions'' is released. November 25: Halo: Helljumper Issue 5|Issue 5 of ''Halo: Helljumper'' is released.
December 5: ''The Package (animated short)|The Package'' Part One short film is shown on Halo Waypoint. December 12:
*''The Package'' Part Two is shown on Halo Waypoint.
*Halo: Reach Video Games Awards Trailer is aired live on the Spike TV Video Game Awards 2009. December 18: The Halo Wars Title Updates#Title Update 4|third Title Update for ''Halo Wars'' is released. December 23: Halo: Blood Line Issue 1|Issue 1 of the ''Halo: Blood Line'' comic series is released.
''Halo: Chronicles'' was officially canceled.
Sources |
2010 saw the release of Bungie's final ''Halo'' game, ''Halo: Reach'', as well as the re-release of the first three Eric Nylund novels.
January 2: Origins Part I was shown on Halo Waypoint. January 27: Halo: Blood Line Issue 2|Issue 2 of ''Halo: Blood Line'' was released.
February 2: The second Mythic Map Pack is released on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. February 16: ''Halo Legends'' was released. February 24: Halo: Blood Line Issue 3|Issue 3 of ''Halo: Blood Line'' was released.
March 3: The Halo: Reach Multiplayer Trailer is released. March 24: Halo: Blood Line Issue 4|Issue 4 of ''Halo: Blood Line'' was released.
April 15: Microsoft discontinued all Xbox LIVE|original Xbox LIVE services, including ''Halo 2''. April 28:
*Halo: Blood Line Issue 5|Issue 5 of ''Halo: Blood Line'' was released.
*''Birth of a Spartan'' was released.
May 3: The ''Halo: Reach Multiplayer Beta'' is launched. May 20: The ''Halo: Reach Multiplayer Beta'' ends.
June 14:
*The Halo: Reach E3 Campaign Demo is showcased at E3 2010.
*The Halo: Reach E3 2010 Trailer is showcased at E3 2010. June 16: The Halo: Reach Welcome to Firefight 2.0 Trailer is showcased at E3 2010.
July 29: The Halo Reach "The Battle Begins" Campaign Trailer was released.
August 3: The Tor Books reissue of ''Halo: The Fall of Reach'' is released. August 17: ''Patrol'', the first part of the Remember Reach campaign, was released and shown during GamesCom 2010. August 23: The promotional website, ''Remember Reach'', is fully unlocked for viewing. August 26:
*''Deliver Hope'', part of the Remember Reach campaign, was released.
*''New Life'', part of the Remember Reach campaign, was released. August 27: ''Spaceport'' and ''Day Before'', both parts of the Remember Reach campaign, were released.''
September: McFarlane Toy Company released the first action figures for Halo: Reach. September 6: An extended cut of ''Deliver Hope'', as part of the Remember Reach campaign, was released on YouTube. September 14:
*''Halo: Reach'' was released in three editions in North America, Europe, Commonwealth of Australia and Asia, excluding Japan.'
*''Halo: Reach Official Strategy Guide'' was released. September 15:
*The video game, ''Halo: Reach'', is released in three editions in Japan.
*The first issue of ''Halo: Fall of Reach Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp|- Boot Camp'' is released. September 24: ''Creation of the Monument'', part of the Remember Reach campaign, was released. September 28: The reissue of ''Halo: The Flood'' was released.
October 13: The reprint of ''Halo: The Flood'' is released. October 20: The second issue of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp'' is released. October 24: The Noble Map Pack Trailer was released.
November 2: Volume I of the ''Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe|Halo: Evolutions'' reprint is released. November 24: The third issue of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp'' is released. November 30:
*The Noble Map Pack is released.
*Volume II of the ''Halo: Evolutions'' reprint is released.
December 21''': The reprint of ''Halo: First Strike'' is released.
Sources |
In 2011, the next ''Halo'' game was announced in addition to a graphical remake of ''Halo: Combat Evolved''.
January 4: ''Halo: Cryptum'', the first novel in ''The Forerunner Saga'' by Greg Bear, is released.
February 23: Issue #4 of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp'' is released.
March 15: The second DLC for ''Halo: Reach'', the Defiant Map Pack, is released. March 30: The hardcover collection of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp'' is released.
April 20: Issue #1 of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant'' is released.
June 6:
*Awakening, a teaser trailer for Halo 4, was shown at E3 2011.
*''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'' was announced at E3 2011.
*Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Announcement Trailer was showcased during E3 2011.
*Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Exclusive was released on Halo Waypoint.
July 4: ''Halo: The Essential Visual Guide'' is released. July 13: Issue #2 of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant'' is released.
September 7: Issue #3 of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant'' is released. September 19: An updated edition of the ''Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition)'' is released.
October 18: ''Halo: The Great Journey: The Art of Building Worlds'' is released. October 19: Issue #4 of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant'' is released. October 25: The novel ''Halo: Glasslands'' is released.
November 15:
*''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'' is released.
*The Anniversary Map Pack DLC was released for ''Halo: Reach''.
December 14: The hardcover collection of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant'' is released.
Sources |
2012 saw the release of the first game made by 343 Industries, ''Halo 4''.
January 3: ''Halo: Primordium'', the second novel in ''The Forerunner Saga'', is released.''
January 18: The first issue in the ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion|Invasion'' story arc of the ''Halo: Fall of Reach'' comic series is released.
February 15: The second issue of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion'' is released.
March 21: The third issue of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion'' is released. March 31: ceases all updates to game statistics and player service records, transferring all record-keeping to Halo Waypoint.
April 18: The fourth and final issue of ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion'' is released.
June 4: The Halo 4 E3 2012 Demo was showcased during the E3 2012.
July 4: The hardcover collection of the ''Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion'' series is released.
October 2: ''Halo: The Thursday War'', the second novel in ''Kilo-Five Trilogy'' is released. October 5: The premiere of ''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn'' is released. October 17: The definitive hardcover of ''Halo: Fall of Reach'', including ''Bootcamp'', ''Covenant'' and ''Invasion'', is released. October 22: ''Halo 4: Original Soundtrack'' Volume 1 is released. October 31: ''Halo 4: King of the Hill Fueled by Mountain Dew'' is released.
November: McFarlane Toys released their McFarlane Toys/Halo 4 Series 1#Wave 2|second wave of the McFarlane Toys/Halo 4 Series 1|first series of ''Halo 4'' action figures. November 2: ''Awakening: The Art of Halo 4'' is released. November 6:
*''Halo 4'' is released.
*''Halo 4: Official Game Guide'' was released.
December 4: ''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn'' is released on Blu-Ray and DVD. December 10: The Crimson Map Pack for ''Halo 4'' is released.
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2013 included start of two comic series and the first isometric shooter game, ''Halo: Spartan Assault''.
February 18: The first season of ''Spartan Ops'' ends. February 25: The ''Majestic Map Pack'' is released.
March 19: ''Halo: Silentium'', the third and final novel of the ''Forerunner Saga'', is released. March 29: Forge Island is released.
April 8: The ''Castle Map Pack'' is released. April 9: ''Halo 4: Original Soundtrack'' Volume 2 is released.
May 21: ''Halo: The Television Series'' is announced for the Xbox One in Microsoft's keynote conference. May 27: The ''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn'' Deluxe Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo is released for Wikipedia:DVD region code|Region 2.
June 10: The Halo Xbox One Announcement Trailer is shown at E3 2013. June 21: Microsoft announced that the ''Reclaimer Trilogy'' was expanded into the ''Reclaimer Saga''.
July 10: ''Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Original Soundtrack'' is released. July 18: ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' and its Halo: Spartan Assault Original Soundtrack|soundtrack are released.
August 14: The Halo: Initiation Issue 1|first issue of ''Halo: Initiation'' is released. August 20: The ''Champions Bundle'', ''Bullseye Map Pack'', ''Infinity Armor Pack'' and ''Steel Skin Pack'' are released. August 29: ''Operation F: Hydra'' is released as a title update for ''Halo: Spartan Assault''. August 30: An Emile-A239 figure made by Action figure#ThreeA|ThreeA was released.[World of ThreeA - ''HALO - Emile A-239 Spartan-III 1/6th Scale Collectible Figure'']
September 11: The Halo: Initiation Issue 2|second issue of ''Halo: Initiation'' is released. September 16: ''Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide'' is released.
Unknown date: The McFarlane Toys/Halo 4 Series 2|second series of ''Halo 4'' McFarlane Toys is released. October 1: ''Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide'' was released in Europe. October 8: ''Halo 4 Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition|Game of the Year Edition'' is released. October 9: The Halo: Initiation Issue 3|third and final issue of ''Halo: Initiation'' is released. October 15: ''Halo: Oversized Collection'' is released. October 29: 343 Industries announced that ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' would be coming to the Xbox 360 and Xbox One in December 2013.
November 6: Halo Waypoint releases ''Halo 4: A Look Back'' on ''Halo 4s one year anniversary. November 22: The Xbox One was released in thirteen selected markets.
December 6: The ''Halo 4: The Master Chief'' limited-edition statue is released by McFarlane Toys. December 11: The Halo: Escalation Issue 1|first issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. December 23''': ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' is released on Xbox One.
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In 2014, a Halo 2: Anniversary|graphical remake of ''Halo 2'' was released as part of ''The Master Chief Collection'' on the Xbox One.
January 8: The Halo: Escalation Issue 2|second issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. January 21:
*''Halo: Mortal Dictata'', the third and last book of the ''Kilo-Five Trilogy'' is released.
*''Halo: Initiation'' Hardcover edition is released. January 31: ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' is released on Xbox 360.
February 4: 343 Industries closes a multi-book deal with Gallery Books (a division of Wikipedia:Simon & Schuster|Simon & Schuster), who will publish all future Halo written fiction, marking the end of 343's contract with Tor Books. February 26: The Halo: Escalation Issue 3|third issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
March 26: The Halo: Escalation Issue 4|fourth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
April 4: ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' is launched at Steam. April 23: The Halo: Escalation Issue 5|fifth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. April 28:
*343 Industries and Microsoft reveals ''Halo: Nightfall'', a ''Halo'' series directed by Wikipedia:Ridley Scott|Ridley Scott. April 29: ''GameRanger'' acquires Halo: Combat Evolved (PC port)|''Halo: Combat Evolved'' for PC, ''Halo Custom Edition'' and ''Halo: Combat Evolved Trial'' hosted servers.
May 16: ''Halo Xbox One'' is officially announced as ''Halo 5: Guardians''. May 28:
*The Halo: Escalation Issue 6|sixth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
*The Halo Mash-Up: Minecraft Evolved|Halo Mash-Up Pack for ''Minecraft'': Xbox 360 Edition is released on Xbox Live. May 31: GameSpy shutdown ''Halo PC'', ''Halo: Combat Evolved Trial'', and ''Halo Custom Edition'' hosted servers.
June 9: ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection'' and the ''Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta'' are revealed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2014. June 25: The Halo: Escalation Issue 7|seventh issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
July 5: ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection'' is shown in the Rooster Teeth|RTX 2014. July 23: The Halo: Escalation Issue 8|eighth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. July 24-July 25: ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection'' and ''Halo: Nightfall'' are shown at San Diego's Comic-Con 2014.
Three Sprukits figures made by Bandai America are released. August 12: ''Halo Channel'' is officially announced at Wikipedia:Gamescom#Gamescom 2014|Gamescom 2014. August 27: The Halo: Escalation Issue 9|ninth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. August 29: ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection'' is shown at PAX Prime 2014.
September 24: The Halo: Escalation Issue 10|tenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
Two John-117|Master Chief figures are set to be released by McFarlane Toys, and will be based on his appearance in ''Halo 5: Guardians'' and ''Halo 2''. A Master Chief Level-3 Sprutkit figure made by Bandai America is set to be released. A Master Chief ''Halo 4''-era figure made by Action figure#NECA|NECA is set to be released. October 21: ''Halo: Escalation'' Volume 1 is set to be released. October 22: The Halo: Escalation Issue 11|eleventh issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
November 4: ''Halo: Broken Circle'' is released. November 11:
*''Halo: The Master Chief Collection'' is released.
*Episode 1 of ''Halo: Nightfall'' is released.
*The ''Halo Channel'' is available to Xbox One and Wikipedia:Windows 8.1|Windows 8.1 users.
*The ''Halo 2 Anniversary Original Soundtrack'' is released.
*''Halo: The Poster Collection'' was released. November 20: The second episode of ''Halo: Nightfall'' is released. November 25: The third episode of ''Halo: Nightfall'' is released. November 26: The Halo: Escalation Issue 12|twelfth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. A Master Chief ''Halo 4''-era figure made by Action figure#Kotobukiya|Kotobukiya is released.
December 2: The fourth episode of ''Halo: Nightfall'' is released. December 9: The fifth and final episode of ''Halo: Nightfall'' is released. December 1823: The six-part digital series ''The Sprint'' is released on Halo Channel. December 22: ''Spartan Ops'' is available to be played in ''The Master Chief Collection''. December 24: The Halo: Escalation Issue 13|thirteenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. December 29: The ''Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta'' began.
Spring: Writing on ''Halo: New Blood'' began.
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2015 saw the release of ''Halo 4s sequel, ''Halo 5: Guardians'', as well as various novels and comics.
The Ford Motor Company launch the F-150 Sandcat, which inspired the M552 Sandcat.
January 19: The ''Halo 5: Guardians Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta|Multiplayer Beta'' ends. January 28: The Halo: Escalation Issue 14|fourteenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
The McFarlane Toys/Halo 4 Series 3|third series of ''Halo 4'' McFarlane Toys is released. February 25: The Halo: Escalation Issue 15|fifteenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
March 2: ''Halo: New Blood'' is released digitally. March 17: ''Halo: Nightfall'' is launched digitally and on Blu-ray. March 22: ''Hunt the Truth Season 1|Season One'' of ''Hunt the Truth'' begins. March 25:
*The Halo: Escalation Issue 16|sixteenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
*''Halo Online'' is officially announced, with a Halo Online Closed Alpha|closed alpha and Halo Online Beta|beta test exclusively for Russia. March 29: The ''Halo 5: Guardians'' trailers, All Hail and The Cost, are released.
April 6: ''Halo Online Closed Alpha'' started. April 16:
*''Halo: Spartan Strike'' is released for Windows devices and Steam.
*''Halo: Spartan Assault'' was released for iOS. April 20: ''Halo 5: Guardians Spartan Locke Armor Set Gamestop Ad'' is released. April 21: ''Halo: Escalation'' Volume 2 is released. April 22: The Halo: Escalation Issue 17|seventeenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
May 27: The Halo: Escalation Issue 18|eighteenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. May 30: ''Halo 3: ODSTs campaign and the map Remnant are added to ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection''.
June 1: The first ''Halo Online Closed Alpha'' update is released in Russia. June 14: The final episode of ''Hunt the Truth'' Season 1 is released. June 15: A Halo 5: Guardians E3 2015 Campaign Demo|demo of the ''Halo 5: Guardians'' campaign was shown, along with a Halo 5: Guardians E3 Cinematic trailer|cinematic trailer and a Halo 5: Guardians Warzone Trailer|trailer for the new multiplayer mode, Warzone. June 16: ''Halo: Hunters in the Dark'' is released. June 17: ''The Sprint'' season two begins. June 18: The second ''Halo Online Closed Alpha'' update is released in Russia. June 24: The Halo: Escalation Issue 19|nineteenth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
July 2: The third ''Halo Online Closed Alpha'' update is released in Russia. July 20: The first box set for ''Halo: Fleet Battles'', ''The Fall of Reach'', is released. July 21: The fourth ''Halo Online Closed Alpha'' update is released in Russia. July 22: Two replicas of the D79-TC Pelican and the made by Dark Horse are released. July 27: ''Halo: Saint's Testimony'' is released. July 29: The Halo: Escalation Issue 20|twentieth issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
August 4: ''Halo Wars 2'' is officially revealed at Gamescom 2015 for an Xbox One and PC|Windows 10 PC release in Fall 2016. The McFarlane Toys/Halo 5: Guardians Series 1|first series of ''Halo 5: Guardians'' McFarlane Toys is released. August 14: The fifth and final update to the ''Halo Online Closed Alpha Test'' is released. August 23: Recording for Hunt the Truth Season 2 started. August 26: The Halo: Escalation Issue 21|twenty-first issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
September 11: ''Halo Online Closed Alpha'' ends. September 15: ''Halo: Last Light'' is released. September 22: ''Halo: Escalation'' Volume 3 is released, and ''Hunt the Truth Season 2|Season Two'' of ''Hunt the Truth'' begins. September 23: The Halo: Escalation Issue 22|twenty-second issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released. September 30: ''Halo Online Beta'' starts with the first Beta update.
October 5: The third season of ''The Sprint'' begins, releasing its first two episodes. October 27:
*''Halo 5: Guardians'', the sequel to ''Halo 4'', is released for the Xbox One.All Hail, The Cost
*''The Art of Halo 5: Guardians'' is released.
*''Halo: The Fall of Reach - The Animated Series'' is available for those who pre-ordered the ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Limited or Limited Collector's editions.
*''Season Two'' of ''Hunt the Truth'' ends.
*The third and fourth episode of ''The Sprint'' Season 3 are released.
*''Halo 5: Guardians Official Game Guide'' was released. October 28: A replica of the ''Truth and Reconciliation'' and the Halo: Escalation Issue 23|twenty-third issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' are released by Dark Horse. October 30: ''Halo 5: Guardians Original Soundtrack'' is released.
November 12: The Xbox 360 version of ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' becomes backward compatible on the Xbox One. November 17: The fifth and final episode of ''The Sprint'' Season 3 is released. November 18: The Battle of Shadow and Light content update for ''Halo 5: Guardians'' is released. November 25: The Halo: Escalation Issue 24|twenty-fourth and last issue of ''Halo: Escalation'' is released.
December 1: ''Halo: The Fall of Reach - The Animated Series'' is released on Blu-ray and DVD. December 2: The second ''Halo Online Beta'' update is released in Russia. December 4: ''Halo: The Fall of Reach Original Soundtrack'' is released. December 7: ''Halo: Shadow of Intent'' is released. December 16: The Cartographer's Gift content update is released for ''Halo 5: Guardians''. The update includes the addition of Forge mode and four multiplayer maps. December 17: ''Halo: Reach'' becomes backward compatible on the Xbox One. December 28: ''Halo Online'' closed Beta test is suspended because of serious problems during the game's development.
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2016 included many novels and comics.
January 26: The Infinity's Armory content update for ''Halo 5: Guardians'' is released.
February 12: A new partnership with Mattel is made by 343 Industries. February 17: ''Rocket League'' is released on Xbox One, including an M12 Warthog "Project HOGSTICKER|Needlehog" as an exclusive vehicle. February 24:
*A replica of the is released by Dark Horse Comics.
*The Hammer Storm content update for ''Halo 5: Guardians'' was released.
March 15: The paperback edition of ''Halo: New Blood'' was released. March 16: The trade paperback edition of ''Halo: Fall of Reach'' was released. March 22: ''Halo: Escalation'' Volume 4 is released. March 28: ''Halo Wars'' became backward compatible on the Xbox One.
April 6: The Ghosts of Meridian content update is released for ''Halo 5: Guardians''. April 1419: Warzone Firefight Beta.
May 11: Halo: Escalation|''Halo Library Edition'' Volume #1 and a replica of the ONI Acrisius|ONI ''Acrisius'' are released by Dark Horse. May 12: The ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Memories of Reach content update is released. May 31: The ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Hog Wild REQ Drop is released.
June 8: A replica of the is set to be released by Dark Horse. June 13: ''Halo Wars 2'' is shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2016 with a playable demo. June 1323: Halo Wars 2 Open Beta|''Halo Wars 2'' Open Beta June 23: 343 Industries confirms ''Halo 6'' is under development. June 29:
*A replica of the Phaeton is released by Dark Horse.
*The ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Warzone Firefight content update is released, including the Warzone Firefight game mode.
July 20: ''Halo: Ground Command'' begins shipping to distributors. July 27: ''Halo: Ground Command'' begins shipping directly to customers.
August 24: Innova Systems announces ''Halo Onlines cancellation.
September 6: ''Halo Mythos'' is released. September 8: The ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Anvil's Legacy content update, ''Halo 5: Forge'' and the ''Halo (Windows 10 app)|Halo'' app (exclusively for Windows 10) are released. September 20: ''Halo: Fractures'' is released by Gallery Books. September 27: ''Forza Horizon 3'' is released, including an M12S Warthog CST as part of its repertoire of usable vehicles.
October 25: ''Halo: Tales from Slipspace'' is released digitally.
November 28: ''Halo: Smoke and Shadow'' is released. November 29: The paperback edition of ''Halo: Tales from Slipspace'' is released.
December 8: The ''Halo 5: Guardians'' Monitor's Bounty content update is released. December 20''': The ''Halo Wars: Definitive Edition'' was released for those who have pre-ordered the ''Halo Wars 2 Ultimate Edition''.
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2017 included the release of a sequel to ''Halo Wars'', ''Halo Wars 2'', as well as many novels and comics.
January 20-30: Halo Wars 2 - Blitz Beta|''Halo Wars 2'' Blitz Beta.
February 17: The John Forge|Forge Leader DLC for ''Halo Wars 2'' was released for free, ahead of the ''Halo Wars 2'' release. February 21: ''Halo Wars 2'' is released.E3 2016, ''Xbox Media Briefing''
February 22: ''Halo Wars: Definitive Edition'' left early access.
March 1: A replica of the is released by Dark Horse Comics. March 27: Morgan Kinsano is released for ''Halo Wars 2''.
April 20: ''Halo Wars: Definitive Edition'' is released for standalone purchase on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Steam. April 25: ''Halo: Envoy'' is released. April 27: Colony is released for ''Halo Wars 2''.
May 1: The Halo Legends on Netflix Trailer was released. May 4: ''Halo: Combat Evolved'' is inducted in the World Video Game Hall of Fame. May 22: Avery Johnson|Sergeant Johnson is released for ''Halo Wars 2''.
June 13: The ''Halo Wars 2'' expansion Downloadable Content|Awakening the Nightmare is officially revealed, alongside the next two Leader DLCs; Jerome-092 and Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee. June 14: Halo: Escalation|''Halo Library Edition'' Volume 2 is released by Dark Horse Comics. June 28: Jerome-092 and Ripa 'Moramee are released for ''Halo Wars 2''.
July 25: Serina and the missions of Second Ark Conflict#Operation: SPEARBREAKER|Operation: SPEARBREAKER are released for ''Halo Wars 2''. July 26: A replica of the AC-220 Vulture is set to be released by Dark Horse Comics.
August 17: Yapyap|Yapyap the Destroyer is released for ''Halo Wars 2''. August 25: Spartan Games is closed down, ceasing all production of ''Halo: Fleet Battles'' and ''Halo: Ground Command''. August 29: ''Halo: Retribution'' is released. August 30: ''Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 1|Issue 1'' of ''Halo: Rise of Atriox'' is released.
September 1: Halo model kits by Revell are released. September 5: ''Halo: Warfleet An Illustrated Guide to the Spacecraft of Halo|Halo: Warfleet'' is released in the United States. September 20: ''Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 2|Issue 2'' of ''Halo: Rise of Atriox'' is released. September 26: The expansion ''Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare|Awakening the Nightmare'' is released for ''Halo Wars 2''.
October 5: ''Halo: Warfleet An Illustrated Guide to the Spacecraft of Halo|Halo: Warfleet'' is set to be released in the United Kingdom. October 11: The Halo: Adult Coloring Book is released by Dark Horse Books. October 17: ''Halo: Recruit'', the first ''Halo'' VR media, is released. October 18: ''Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 3|Issue 3'' of ''Halo: Rise of Atriox'' is released. October 24: ''Halo: Adult Coloring Book'' was released.
November 2: The last content update for ''Halo 5: Guardians'', Overtime, is released. November 14: ''Halo: Legacy of Onyx'' is released.
December 13: ''Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 4|Issue 4'' of ''Halo: Rise of Atriox'' is released.
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2018 was a relatively quiet year, with the announcement of a sequel to ''Halo 5: Guardians'' along with a couple novels and a comic series.
January 16: The paperback edition of ''Halo: Smoke and Shadow'' is released.
February 7: The Halo: Rise of Atriox Issue 5|fifth and final issue of ''Halo: Rise of Atriox'' is released. February 23: "The Liberator", a piece of music used in the ''Halo: Nightfall Official Trailer'', is released.
May 15: The hardcover edition of ''Halo: Rise of Atriox'' is released.
June 6: The Halo: Collateral Damage Issue 1|first issue of ''Halo: Collateral Damage'' is released. June 10: ''Halo Infinite'' is announced with an engine demonstration trailer on the Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2018. June 26: ''Halo: Bad Blood'' is released.
July 4: The Halo: Collateral Damage Issue 2|second issue of ''Halo: Collateral Damage'' is released. July 10: ''Halo: Fireteam Raven'' is released in some cities of the United States.
August 9: ''Halo: Fireteam Raven'' is available to play in all Dave & Buster's places in North America. August 15: The Halo: Collateral Damage Issue 3|third and final issue of ''Halo: Collateral Damage'' is released.
September 4: ''Halo: Silent Storm'' is released. September 25: ''Halo: Official Spartan Field Manual'' is released.
October 2: ''Forza Horizon 4'' is released, including the M12S Warthog CST as one of its drivable vehicles and ''The Halo Experience Showcase'' event as an unlockable Showcase Event.
November 28: ''Halo Omnibus'' Volume 1, a paperback version of ''Halo: Escalation|Halo Library Edition'' Volume 1, is released.
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2019 featured a few novels and a comic series, as well as an interactive experience in five U.S. cities during the summer.
January 1: ''Halo: Battle Born'' is released. January 2: The Halo: Lone Wolf Issue 1|first issue of ''Halo: Lone Wolf'' is released. January 29: The hardcover edition of ''Halo: Collateral Damage'' is released.
February 5: Microsoft Studios is re-branded as Xbox Game Studios. February 6: The Halo: Lone Wolf Issue 2|second issue of ''Halo: Lone Wolf'' is released. February 19: ''Halo: Renegades'' is released.
March 6: The Halo: Lone Wolf Issue 3|third issue of ''Halo: Lone Wolf'' is released. March 12: ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection'' is announced for PC, alongside ''Halo: Reach'' coming to the MCC.
April 3: The Halo: Lone Wolf Issue 4|fourth and final issue of ''Halo: Lone Wolf'' is released.
May 14: ''Halo Omnibus'' Volume 2, a paperback version of ''Halo: Escalation|Halo Library Edition'' Volume 2, is released.
June 9: ''Halo Infinite'' is featured at the Electronic Entertainment Expo|E3 2019 with Discover Hope|a new trailer. June 25: The hardcover edition of ''Halo: Lone Wolf'' is released.
July 57: ''Halo: Outpost Discovery'' is held in Orlando, Florida. July 1921: ''Halo: Outpost Discovery'' is held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
August 24: ''Halo: Outpost Discovery'' is held in Chicago, Illinois. August 16: ''Halo (Windows 10 app)|Halo App'' for Windows 10 is discontinued. August 1618: ''Halo: Outpost Discovery'' is held in Houston, Texas. August 30-September 1: ''Halo: Outpost Discovery'' is held in Anaheim, California.
September 24: ''Halo: Oblivion'' is released.
October 1: ''Halo: Meridian Divide'' is released.
Principal photography for ''Halo: The Television Series'' begins.
December 3: ''Halo: Reach'' becomes available to the ''Master Chief Collection'' for both Xbox One and PC/Steam, along with the start of Season 1: Noble. December 14: The Xbox Series X/S|Xbox Series XS, Microsoft's ninth generation, is officially shown at the Game Awards 2019.
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March 3: ''Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary'' becomes available for ''Halo: The Master Chief Collection|The Master Chief Collection'' on PC/Steam.
May 12: ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' becomes available for ''The Master Chief Collection'' on PC/Steam.
July 13: ''Halo 3'' becomes available for ''The Master Chief Collection'' on PC/Steam, alongside the launch of Season 2: Spark. July 23: ''Halo Infinites Campaign mode is showcased at the Xbox Games Showcase.
September 21: ''Halo 3: ODST'' is released for ''The Master Chief Collection'' on PC, with the addition of Firefight (Halo 3: ODST)|Firefight to the collection on all platforms and the launch of Series 3: Recon. September 22: ''Halo: Shadows of Reach'' was originally set to be released, before being delayed until October 20.
October 20: ''Halo: Shadows of Reach'' is released.
November 10: Xbox Series X/S|Xbox Series XS and Xbox Series X/S#Xbox Series S|Xbox Series S are launched globally. November 16: ''Halo 4'' becomes available for ''The Master Chief Collection'' on PC/Steam, alongside the launch of Series 4: Reclaimer.
December 18: As part of sunsetting the original Xbox 360 titles, digital sales of Halo Xbox 360 titles were halted. This also lead to a majority of the Halo-based Xbox 360 trailers and Demos like the Halo Wars Demo, the Halo: Reach Demo, and Halo: Spartan Assault Lite#Trial Game - Halo: Spartan Assault|Trial Game - ''Halo: Spartan Assault'' being delisted.
December 29''': ''The Art of Halo Infinite'' was originally set to be released, before being delayed until 2021 (real world)|2021.
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in Data Studio
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first 10 halo books, then some fanfics
- Downloads last month
- 19