is everything ok?
Izd koulchi howa hadak
is it raining?
iss ila onzar
is it cold?
iss ila ossamid
is it far?
izd tla7t
is it hot?
izd ir4a
should I wait?
izd ad9al7
what is this?
mayga 4aya
where are you from?
mani igan daroun
where is he?
which one?
manwa gissan
how is the weather
manik ayga jouw
I am ready
ankin oujadh
I have seen it
it is too late
izd tzri lo9t
I don't know
I am bored
I am tired
I need to go
ikhassa adoh
I have never
oujoud ankin
you are right
I am grateful to you
ora toh alkhir ank
gh l9oron lwossta
I am hungry
ya4iyi laz
I am thirsty
ya4iyi irifi
it costed 20 dhs
i4li s 20dh
it costed me 30 dhs
i4liyi s 30dh
good idea
blaan almlii7 ayana
my colleagues
wili diti khdamn
point of view
ayli bayiin
that's okay
thana lo9t
you know
tssant matsskart
he's late
tzri lo9t anss
spend time
zri lo9t
in a way
i4 tzriiit man
I wish you good days
ayssfalki arbi ossan ank
leave him alone
fass tissa3
leave her alone
I just got back.
yalahd iwari4
How was your day?
manik assizri anhar / manik assizri ghassa
My day was awful.
ghassa izri machi howa hadak
The train was late and I got soaking wet.
imataln traan okan 3arg7
Then my boss called me in to his office to tell me that I wouldn't be getting a pay rise this year as the business wasn't doing very well
yalah yi4ra wali fala ilan 7 charika bach ayini orayi izayd 7 khlass al3amad achkou charika ortkhdim mzyaan
How was your day?
manik assizri anhar / manik assizri ghassa
It was hard!
The customers have been bothering me all the time.
iziwziyi client hogayouno lo9t kolo
Besides, a child came and insulted me!
sol yachkiid obarhoch issboyi
Oh God!
aa waliyi ikhal9an
Maybe we could go out to eat
i9ad adfa47 adch7 kra
although I should be thinking about saving money if I'm not going to get a pay rise
rayi ikhissi ad7doh alflouss i7or ira ayizayd 7 alkhlass
Yeah, we can go out for lunch.
yiih zond walo ranfa4 ant9hwa
But if the money's a problem, then why are we having a home-cooked dinner.
wayni i7iga alflouss aygan amoukriss 3lach darna7 imanssi h tigami ?
Do you mean dish?
izd tbssil at9ssat
It's very good.
ifoulki bzaaf
And we can enjoy it
rassarss anfjij
I do like duck
i3za dari albat
A nice bottle of water sounds good.
yat t9ar3iit waman artbayan tfjij
What do you suggest?
madak ibayiin
It's perfect!
mayad ifoulki
But since the day was intense for both of us, what do you think of preparing for a good dessert too?
ayli7 arna7 izri anhaar mahowach siin madak ibayiin ansoujad kra alfakiit ?
It tastes better now.
almada9 anss ifolki 4ila
It's so good!
mayad ifoulki
On my side, I'm gonna cook a great tagine!
man na7iya no ankiin rang7 kra antajiin ifjijn
We can associate it with ice cream
ratan anssmoun dpolo
Well, let's not forget to do a bit of sports in the week to eliminate all this.
ajaah ador anto ansskar kra anriyada bach afalah an7iyiid 4ayad
We have a deal ... bon appetite!
antaf9.. bsa7taak
Bon appétit, of course!
Fouad, how many more minutes before the desserts for table four will be ready?
Fouad manch ayagoun bach atoujad alfakit an tbla tiss kousst
Uh... actually, I have a problem, boss...
yeah .. waynii dari yan omoukriiss alpatron
I didn't know how to tell you... but I think I burned it
orsan7 manik assradakt iniih. wayni wa9ila 7arg7tiin
I did what you asked for, boss, but I didn't pay attention to the time and I let it burn...
skar7 4ayli siyi taniit achaf wayni or rour7 al3a9l s lo9t ayliih i7arg
I think it's time to start over
wa9ila lo9t maha dah anbdo man jdid ayad
Yes start again.
wayiih bdo man jdid
That's the second mistake you've made today and you were late for work.
al4alaat wissin litsskart 4assa ayad d7ta tmatalt f alkhdamt
Is there something bothering you?
izd ila dark kra ibarztaak
Yes, it's not too good right now...
yiih orta asswant lomour sa3taad
my dog is sick, plus I have roaches in my apartment!
aydino imriid tzaytass dari sar9zit h tgami
But it's all right, I'll do the dessert, and I promise I'll be on time and I'll be careful!
walakin kolchi howa hadak, radsasswa7 4ik fakiit. d galhaak abla 7ad tachka7 7lo9t d rad rour7 al3a9l.
You can count on me, boss!
safi 3owal fala achaf
And perhaps you can take some of the waste food for your dog.
wa tossit imik almakla lidichidan iwaydink
You're very kind, boss.
tgiit lay3amar hadar achaf
But, you know, sugar isn't very good for dogs.
wayni ati tssant skar ori3dil bzaf idan
He might get even sicker!
i9dar ayzayd h marda
Oh, can I get a piece of meat instead?
wakha ossih yan tarf antfiyi 7blasstanss
It's perfect for black eyes.
antat tga almliih iwaln tissganin
Try a piece of our best steak.
jarab yan taf antfiyiyad lidarnah ifolkiin
but it must be true!
wayni ikhassa atg alm39ol
You want me to love my mother?
triit adari t3zo imi
Or is it a technique for her to come and buy us some meat?
More customers would be great.
ratflki lo9t i7ila bzaf an alkliyan
...steak over your eye.
tifiyi higi walnak
Uh, all right, if you want!
yiih mzyan i7triit
Sorry sent message by mistake - complete garbage!
sam7iyi safd7ak sal4alat
I think I'm the one who needs to quit!
ibayniyi ankin aykhassan aydo
fjij || hakiin
Good luck, boss!
adfalak issahal arbi achaf
It's starting to look like we're not moving.
ariyi itbayan zond i7a ornt7araak