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1 | Serum CA 125 levels during the menstrual cycle. Serum concentrations of CA 125 were measured in different phases of the menstrual cycle in 16 women with ovulatory and 12 women with anovulatory cycles. CA 125 levels were significantly elevated during menstruation in both groups. In women with anovulatory cycles, but not in those with ovulatory cycles, CA 125 levels were already increased in the premenstrual phase. A negative correlation was found between serum CA 125 and progesterone concentrations in the premenstrual phase of the cycle. We suggest that premenstrual elevation of serum CA 125 in women with anovulatory cycles is related to premature endometrial vascular changes which are the result of the low serum progesterone concentration leading to insufficient endometrial control. Thus the effect of progesterone seems to be indirect rather than a direct effect on CA 125 synthesis. When the CA 125 assay is used for diagnosis of cancer, sampling should not be done immediately before or during menstruation because the physiological elevation of the CA 125 levels may give false positive results. |
5 | Acceleration of scrapie in trisomy 16----diploid aggregation chimeras. We studied the susceptibility to prion infection of the trisomy 16----diploid chimeric mouse, a putative model of Down syndrome. When weanling chimeras were inoculated intracerebrally with scrapie prions, the time until appearance of the first symptoms of scrapie was reduced by 17 days (from a mean control time of 153 days) and the time to death was reduced by 30 days (from control time of 170 days). Our results with trisomy 16 chimeras argue that the susceptibility to central nervous system degeneration caused by prions can be modulated by chromosome imbalance. |
1 | Carcinosarcoma and spindle cell carcinoma of the lung. Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical studies. We examined pulmonary carcinomas with prominent sarcoma-like lesions both clinicopathologically and immunohistochemically. Grossly, two tumors had predominantly endobronchial growths, four bulky parenchymal growths, and two endobronchial, parenchymally mixed growths. In these eight patients, six tumors were completely resected, one patient was given irradiation only, and one patient died in the early postoperative period. On the basis of specific differentiation of the sarcoma-like lesions, the tumors were separated into three groups: two with "true" sarcoma differentiated into soft tissues such as striated muscle or osteoid tissue; three with a fibromatous sarcoma resembling atypical pseudosarcomatous stroma; and three with spindle cell carcinoma with evidence of epithelial differentiation. The prognosis was poor, and tumors with specific differentiation into rhabdomyosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, or spindle cell carcinoma progressed more rapidly than did those with a fibromatous sarcoma. Because the fibromatous sarcoma-like lesions were found to relate to a longer survival time for the patients, we wish to emphasize that a distinction of sarcomatous components should be made with regard to assessing the prognosis of pulmonary carcinoma with sarcoma-like lesions. |
4 | Sotalol versus quinidine for the maintenance of sinus rhythm after direct current conversion of atrial fibrillation This open, parallel-group study compares quinidine and sotalol treatment for maintenance of sinus rhythm after direct current conversion of patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. The patients from 15 centers in Sweden were randomized to sotalol (98 patients) or quinidine (85 patients) after 2 hours of sinus rhythm after direct current conversion. According to primary efficacy assessment, 52% of the patients in the sotalol group and 48% of the patients in the quinidine group remained in sinus rhythm during the following 6-month treatment period (NS). Furthermore, 34% of the patients treated with sotalol and 22% of the patients treated with quinidine relapsed into atrial fibrillation (NS). Heart rate after relapsing into atrial fibrillation was higher in the patients treated with quinidine (109 beats/min) than in the patients treated with sotalol (78 beats/min, p less than 0.001). Patients treated with sotalol were found to be less symptomatic at the time of relapse compared with relapsing patients in the quinidine group. In terms of safety, more patients were withdrawn from quinidine than from sotalol treatment (26% vs. 11%, p less than 0.05), and sotalol was generally better tolerated than quinidine. Twenty-eight percent of the patients treated with sotalol and 50% of the patients treated with quinidine reported side effects (p less than 0.01). The difference was primarily a result of early (within the first month of treatment) gastrointestinal and skin side effects in the group of patients treated with quinidine. |
4 | Characterization of spontaneous termination of sustained ventricular tachycardia associated with coronary artery disease. To characterize the change in cycle length and QRS morphology before spontaneous termination of sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT), electrocardiograms were recorded and VT cycle length measured for the periods 31 to 21 and 11 to 1 beats before termination in 55 episodes from 28 patients with coronary artery disease. Beats 31 to 21 were designated as a period of stable arrhythmia and served as a reference for changes occurring just before termination. Forty-four episodes of VT occurred in the setting of antiarrhythmic drug therapy; 11 episodes occurred in patients not treated with antiarrhythmic drugs. Variability in cycle length was indexed by the standard deviation of the mean cycle length and by the percentage of consecutive cycles varying by greater than or equal to 40 ms (% greater than or equal to 40 ms). There was greater variability just before termination (standard deviation of the mean cycle length, 25.8 ms; % greater than or equal to 40 ms, 16.7%) than during the stable period (standard deviation of the mean cycle length, 8.5 ms; % greater than or equal to 40 ms, 5.4%; p less than 0.001 for both). This was true irrespective of antiarrhythmic drug use, although the differences in the standard deviation of the mean cycle length for beats 11 to 1 and for beats 31 to 21 were greater for the antiarrhythmic drug group (29.6 vs 8.9 ms, p less than 0.001) than for the group not receiving antiarrhythmic drugs (11.0 vs 6.7 ms, difference not significant). No specific patterns of cycle length variability characteristic of VT termination were found. |
5 | Febrile status epilepticus As part of a study of status epilepticus in children (Maytal J, Shinnar S, Moshe SL, Alvarez LA. Pediatrics. 1989; 83:323-331); 44 children with febrile convulsions lasting more than 30 minutes were followed for a mean of 28 months (range 4 to 72). Thirty children were followed prospectively. Children with prior afebrile seizures or evidence of acute central nervous system infection were excluded. Nine (20%) children had prior neurological deficits. The duration of the febrile seizure was 0.5 to 1 hour in 41 cases (85%), 1 to 2 hours in 5 (10%), and greater than 2 hours in 2 children (5%). No child died or developed new neurological deficits following the seizures. The risk of recurrent seizures was increased, but only in the group with prior neurological abnormality. Six (66%) of these children had subsequent febrile seizures compared with 12 (34%) of the normal children (P = .08). Three (33%) had recurrent febrile status epilepticus compared with only 1 (3%) normal child (P = .023). The 2 children in the prospective arm of the study with recurrent febrile status epilepticus were both neurologically abnormal (P = .035). All 3 of the children who subsequently had afebrile seizures (2 prospective) were neurologically abnormal (P = .006 overall, P = .035 for prospective only). It is concluded that the occurrence of febrile status epilepticus in a neurologically impaired child is a risk factor for subsequent febrile as well as afebrile seizures. The occurrence of febrile status epilepticus in an otherwise normal child does not significantly increase the risk for subsequent febrile (brief or prolonged) or afebrile seizures in the first few years following the episode. |
5 | Pyoderma gangrenosum complicating Felty's syndrome. The case of a 54-year-old woman with Felty's syndrome whose course was complicated by mucocutaneous lesions clinically typical of pyoderma gangrenosum is described. Necrotizing sinusitis and saddle nose deformity were distinctive clinical features. Lymphocytic vasculitis and rheumatoid nodule formation observed within panniculus at the base of a cutaneous lesion and in a nasal mucosal lesion were unexpected histopathologic findings. |
1 | Endometrial carcinoma: a pathologic evaluation of 142 cases with and without associated endometrial hyperplasia. The association of some cases of endometrial carcinoma (EC) with hyperestrogenism is well known. The prognostic significance of concomitant endometrial hyperplasia (EH) in EC were evaluated in 142 patients with clinical stage I EC in whom lymph node assessment was carried out in 121 patients. The presence of EH was significantly associated with better differentiated tumor having lesser degrees of myometrial invasion, low segment-adnexal-lymphovascular space and pelvic/para-aortic lymph node involvement. However, the presence of EH was not significantly associated with the less virulent histologic subtypes. The possible existence of two types of EC--a hormonal-dependent EC associated with EH, and an independent EC not associated with EH--is discussed and the prognostic significance of concomitant EH stressed. |
5 | Penile implants in the treatment of Peyronie's disease. The treatment of Peyronie's disease remains controversial. Patients who fail conservative therapy may require surgical intervention to restore the ability to have sexual intercourse. Plaque excision and dermal grafting have not been universally successful, and alternate procedures that rely on the placement of a penile prosthesis have gained in popularity. We reviewed our experience with 35 patients with advanced Peyronie's disease treated with a penile prosthesis. Preoperatively, 55% of the patients were unable to engage in intercourse due to pain or angulation of the penis and 25% were unable to achieve any erection at all. Postoperatively, with a mean followup of 6.9 years, 88% of the patients were able to engage in intercourse and were satisfied with the results obtained. In selected patients with advanced disease the implantation of a penile prosthesis remains a highly successful and satisfying alternative for the treatment of Peyronie's disease. |
3 | Genetic flanking markers refine diagnostic criteria and provide insights into the genetics of Von Hippel Lindau disease. Von Hippel Lindau disease (VHL) is a hereditary syndrome, associated with tumors and cysts in multiple organ systems, whose expression and age of onset are highly variable. The availability of a genetic test for the early and reliable detection of individuals carrying the defective gene would be beneficial for VHL patients and their relatives, since many of the manifestations of VHL can be successfully treated if detected in their early stages, while the complications of undetected disease can be devastating. We have previously shown that the VHL gene maps to chromosome 3p. To provide genetic markers for the development of a reliable diagnostic test, and to further narrow and eventually clone the VHL defect, we have generated DNA markers for chromosome 3p. With these markers, we have performed a multipoint genetic linkage analysis in 28 VHL pedigrees, comprising 470 individuals, 164 of whom were affected with VHL. Here we report the identification of tightly linked markers, including flanking markers that bracket the VHL gene to a small region on chromosome 3p25-p26. This finding has several major implications. While visceral cysts of the kidney, pancreas, and epididymis are commonly found in VHL and are considered diagnostic criteria for this disorder, they also occur in the general population. The presence of cysts, unaccompanied by other more typical lesions such as retinal and cerebellar hemangioblastoma, may therefore represent a major diagnostic problem, leading to errors in the assessment of disease status. The application of flanking markers for the VHL gene for presymptomatic diagnostic testing confirms that epididymal cysts are indeed not suitable as a diagnostic criterion in this disorder. Pheochromocytomas occur nonuniformly in VHL families and may also be associated with other hereditary tumor syndromes; our genetic studies imply that the phenotype in VHL families with and without pheochromocytomas is caused by defects within the same gene. The absence or presence of this tumor type is therefore due to the pleiotropic expression of a single gene rather than to the existence of several different genes for VHL. The region on chromosome 3p13-p14 known to contain several chromosomal translocation breakpoints in families with "pure familial renal cell carcinoma" is quite proximal to the VHL locus in 3p25-p26 we have identified. Chromosome 3p may therefore contain two loci for renal cell carcinoma: one gene (or genes) in 3p13-p14 and the VHL gene in 3p25-p26, whose aberration is also associated with other typical manifestations of VHL.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS). |
4 | Native valve endocarditis due to Pseudallescheria boydii in a patient with AIDS: case report and review. A 53-year-old man with AIDS developed mitral valve endocarditis due to infection with the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii. A limited number of cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by this organism have been described. We report a unique case of pseudallescheria infection of a native valve and describe this disease in a patient with AIDS. |
1 | Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia associated with profound lymphopenia and abnormal T-lymphocyte subset ratios during treatment for early-stage breast carcinoma. Two women with Stage II breast carcinoma treated with lumpectomy followed by breast irradiation and adjuvant chemotherapy developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia while receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. Neither woman had evidence of immunosuppression before therapy. They both had profound lymphopenia, reversed CD4/CD8 ratios, and normal peripheral blood total leukocyte counts at the time of their infections. Both women were seronegative for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and had no risk factors for such an infection. The patients' CD4 lymphocyte counts increased after chemotherapy for breast carcinoma was discontinued. Thus, it appears that the therapy they received may have caused severe T-lymphocyte mediated immunosuppression. |
3 | Rehabilitation of the pediatric patient with a neuromuscular disease. A rehabilitation program for a patient with a neuromuscular disease can be developed only after an accurate diagnosis has been established. The diagnosis and its ramifications should suggest a natural course of disease which, it is hoped, can be improved upon with a rational and realistic program. The program is best developed by an interdisciplinary team, including a pediatric neurologist, who should have the greatest understanding of the patient's problem and should ultimately be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the program. A child with cerebral palsy commonly requires the services of physical and occupational therapists as well as knowledgeable orthopedists. Is the program appropriate? Does it consider the child's potential as well as his limitations? A child with a traumatic brain injury requires, in addition to the above, psychological intervention and an intensive educational program. Will the child and family need help from mental health professionals? A child with a motor unit disease such as Duchenne's muscular dystrophy requires, in addition to the above services, a "philosophy" of care. Will the child ever ambulate independently? If so, at what cost? What will be necessary for the child to reach this potential, including items such as orthoses and adaptive equipment? Will respirator care become necessary? What issues must be addressed for this form of care to be established? There is no one program for all children. The programs must be individualized to meet the needs of the patient and the family. This point cannot be overemphasized. |
2 | Biliary sludge: a critical update. Biliary sludge has been for many years a poorly defined entity, usually with low amplitude, nonshadowing echoes within the most dependent part of the gallbladder, which shift under the influence of postural changes. From a sonographic point of view, the detection of sludge implies the coexistence of small-sized, solid components and of a gel-like embedding material. The chemical nature of biliary sludge has recently been recognized to be predominantly composed of a coaggregate of cholesterol monohydrate crystals and liquid crystalline droplets, and in some cases, such as obstructive jaundice or symptomatic liver diseases, by bilirubin granules, all embedded in a gel matrix of mucous glycoproteins. From a pathogenic point of view, biliary sludge is often associated with biliary stasis, or with conditions characterized by impaired gallbladder contraction, such as prolonged total parenteral nutrition, fasting, and pregnancy. Other causes include mucus hypersecretion, which may favor cholesterol nucleation and crystal growth, and bile infection. Sludge may be an intermediate step in the formation of different types of stones. From an epidemiological point of view, sludge is quite rare in the asymptomatic, free-living population, but may be common in selected series of symptomatic patients. From a clinical point of view, sludge often has a fluctuating course, including frequent disappearances and reappearances, suggesting that the early stages of gallstone formation are reversible. |
3 | Antivenom therapy in Russell's viper bite. Bleeding and renal failure are the two main manifestations responsible for the high morbidity and mortality in untreated Russell's viper bite victims. This study was an effort to find prognostic factors and a practical therapeutic approach for the care of such patients. Early detection of abnormalities in the clot quality test and/or evidence of systemic bleeding followed by immediate correction of the clotting defects using specific antivenom can reduce morbidity in Russell's viper envenomation. |
5 | Computed tomography staging of the paranasal sinuses in chronic hyperplastic rhinosinusitis. In this study, the computed tomography scans of 100 patients with chronic hyperplastic rhinosinusitis were reviewed to establish a clinical staging system. Fourteen percent of the patients were classified as Stage I (single-focus disease); 36% as Stage II (multifocal disease responsive to conservative therapy); 32% as Stage III (diffuse disease partially responsive to medication); and 16% as Stage IV (diffuse disease associated with bony changes and poorly responsive to conservative treatment). The incidence of recurrent or persistent disease ranged from 13% for Stage II to 30% for Stage IV. Stage I and III patients had 13% and 18% recurrence rates, respectively. Computed tomography staging is shown to be useful in outlining operative strategies and is a reliable prognosticator of the disease process. |
1 | Primary CT diagnosis of abdominal masses in a PACS environment Whether the display medium--film versus cathode ray tube (CRT)--affects observer performance during interpretation of computed tomographic (CT) images is an important research issue in these times of implementation and growth of picture archiving and communications systems in radiology. The authors performed a multiobserver receiver operating characteristic (ROC) study to determine the performance of radiologists who read abdominal CT studies displayed on film, as well as on a high-resolution workstation (video monitor) that made use of three different display modes. A total of 166 examinations were evaluated by eight radiologists, who recorded their ordinal confidence ratings of the demonstration of presence or absence of abdominal masses. ROC analysis showed small differences in the confidence ratings assigned by individual readers for the detection and interpretation tasks. Results for the group as a whole showed no significant reduction or improvement in observer performance when ratings for any one of the workstation display modes were analyzed. The results of this study demonstrate that current CRT display technology is adequate for enabling the primary detection of abdominal masses with CT examinations. |
1 | Multiple myeloma: VMCP/VBAP alternating combination chemotherapy is not superior to melphalan and prednisone even in high-risk patients. The efficacy of alternating vincristine, melphalan (M), cyclophosphamide, prednisone/vincristine, carmustine, doxorubicin, and prednisone (VMCP/VBAP) polychemotherapy was compared with the M and prednisone (MP) regimen as induction treatment in multiple myeloma (MM). Three hundred four MM patients entered this study between March 1983 and July 1986; the analysis was performed in December 1989. The treatment groups did not show significant differences with respect to major prognostic factors. Median overall survival was 33.8 months. In the VMCP/VBAP and MP arms, after 12 induction chemotherapy cycles, 59.0% and 47.3% (P less than .068) of the patients achieved an M component reduction greater than 50%. No significant difference was observed in the two treatment arms in terms of remission duration (21.3 v 19.6 months, P less than .66) and survival (31.6 v 37.0 months, P less than .28). Patients younger than 65 years did not show any advantage from the alternating polychemotherapy. At diagnosis, the plasma cell labeling index (LI) and serum beta-2 microglobulin (beta 2-m) were evaluated in 173 and 183 patients, respectively. A significantly reduced survival was observed for patients with LI greater than or equal to 2% (16.4 months) or beta 2-m greater than or equal to 6 mg/L (20.4 months). Even in these poor-risk subgroups, VMCP/VBAP was not superior to MP. |
1 | Relationship between blood plasma prostaglandin E2 and liver and lung metastases in colorectal cancer. The relationship of prostaglandin E2, of which a large amount is produced in various neoplasms, and hematogenous distant metastases was investigated in a total of 44 colorectal cancer patients because of its varied pathophysiologic potentials. The authors found significantly high levels of PGE2 in local venous blood draining the carcinoma and in peripheral blood in cases with liver or lung metastasis, as well as a significantly large amount of PGE2 production in the carcinoma tissue. The results suggest that increased local blood PGE2 could enhance the metastasis formation, and increased peripheral blood PGE2 may be useful in the detection of such metastasis in colorectal cancer. |
1 | Prognostic factors of hepatocellular carcinoma in the west: a multivariate analysis in 206 patients. To investigate the prognostic factors in Western patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, 206 patients with confirmed diagnoses of hepatocellular carcinoma were studied in terms of survival. All patients were diagnosed between 1983 and 1987. A multivariate survival analysis (Cox regression model) using clinical, biochemical, ultrasonographical and pathological data obtained at diagnosis disclosed that bilirubin (p = 0.0001), ascites (p = 0.0001), toxic syndrome (defined by the presence of weight loss greater than 10% premorbid weight, malaise and anorexia) (p = 0.009), blood urea nitrogen (p = 0.025), tumor size (p = 0.001), gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (p = 0.0006), age (p = 0.0005), serum sodium (p = 0.003) and presence of metastases (p = 0.002) were independent predictors of survival. According to the contribution of each of these factors to the final model, a prognostic index was constructed allowing division of patients in different groups according to their relative risk of death: RRD = EXP (Age x 0.03 + Ascites x 0.8281 + BUN x 0.0137 + Serum sodium x (-0.0538) + gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase x 0.0019 + Bilirubin x 0.0734 + Tumor size x 0.33 + Toxic syndrome x 0.4965 + Metastases x 0.55). These results facilitate the stratification of hepatocellular carcinoma patients to design and evaluate future controlled trials. |
5 | Cheilitis granulomatosa: report of six cases and review of the literature. Six cases of cheilitis granulomatosa, a rare inflammatory disorder of unknown origin, are reported. The condition produces nontender, persistent swelling of one or both lips and affects primarily young adults. Histologically, nonnecrotizing granulomatous inflammation is seen. The clinical findings and results of therapy in these six cases are presented. One patient was treated with hydroxychloroquine sulfate (Plaquenil) that stabilized the process. One of our patients had vesicular-appearing lesions. Microscopic examination showed the lesions to be dilated superficial lymphatic channels, a finding that to our knowledge has not been previously described. |
1 | Predicting radionuclide bone scan findings in patients with newly diagnosed, untreated prostate cancer: prostate specific antigen is superior to all other clinical parameters. Presently, the standard staging evaluation of prostate cancer includes digital rectal examination, measurement of serum tumor markers and a radionuclide bone scan. To evaluate the ability of local clinical stage, tumor grade, serum acid phosphatase, serum prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) to predict bone scan findings, a retrospective review of 521 randomly chosen patients (mean age 70 years, range 44 to 92 years) with newly diagnosed, untreated prostate cancer was performed. Local clinical stage, tumor grade, acid phosphatase, PAP and PSA all correlated positively with bone scan findings (p less than 0.0001). Using receiver operating characteristic curves, however, PSA had the best over-all correlation with bone scan results. The median serum PSA concentration in patients with a positive bone scan was 158.0 ng./ml., whereas men with a negative bone scan had a median serum PSA level of 11.3 ng./ml. (p less than 0.0001). Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, local clinical stage, tumor grade, acid phosphatase and PAP were evaluated in combination with PSA to assess whether these parameters increased the ability of PSA alone to predict bone scan findings. None of these clinical parameters, irrespective of the combination used, contributed appreciably to the predictive power of PSA alone. A probability plot with 95% confidence intervals was constructed that allows the practicing urologist to estimate on an individual basis the probability of a positive bone scan for any given serum PSA value. The most significant finding of this study, however, was the negative predictive value of a low serum PSA concentration for bone scan findings. In 306 men with a serum PSA level of 20 ng./ml. or less only 1 (PSA 18.2 ng./ml.) had a positive bone scan (negative predictive value 99.7%). This finding would suggest that a staging radionuclide bone scan in a previously untreated prostate cancer patient with a low serum PSA concentration may not be necessary. |
1 | Vaginal epithelial abnormalities in patients with CIN: clinical and pathological features and management. Of 4147 women who had CIN treated by laser at the Regional Gynaecological Oncology Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, 103 (2.5%) had co-existing vaginal epithelial abnormalities. CIN 3 was the histological diagnosis most often associated with vaginal lesions. The upper vagina was almost always involved. In 67% the lesion in the cervix appeared to be confluent with that in the vagina. Even when the lesions were confluent, biopsies form the cervical and vaginal components did not always show the same grade of intraepithelial neoplasia and in some biopsies they showed different lesions. Laser treatment appears to be effective for the vaginal lesions and is therefore recommended although, in selected patients, careful follow up alone may suffice. |
3 | Progress report of the Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Study. The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Study recently found and reported (SPAF Investigators, N Engl J Med, 1990;322:863-868) a beneficial effect of both warfarin and aspirin compared with placebo in the primary prevention of ischemic stroke and systemic embolism in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Among warfarin-eligible patients, the event rates were 1.6%/yr for those receiving active antithrombotic therapy (warfarin or aspirin) and 8.3%/yr for those receiving placebo (p less than 0.00005) (risk reduction 81%, 95% confidence interval 56-91). Ironically, we did not find a beneficial effect of aspirin in warfarin-ineligible patients. On the basis of these results, the study has been reshaped to directly compare these two antithrombotic agents. Insight into the apparent aspirin unresponsiveness noted in some patients also is being sought. Interpretation of the preliminary results and the reshaping of the study have been made more complex by the continued blinding of the investigators to certain portions of the data. Presented is an account of the study from its inception through its recent redesign. |
4 | Regional obesity and risk of cardiovascular disease; the Framingham Study. Risk of cardiovascular events was determined over 24 years of surveillance in relation to general adiposity reflected by relative weight and by regional obesity estimated by skinfolds and waist girth per inch of height. Upper quintile values of relative weight, subscapular skinfolds and waist girth were each associated with increased risks of cardiovascular disease in both sexes. Risk of total cardiovascular events increased with the degree of regional, central or abdominal obesity. Mortality from cardiovascular disease was also increased. Increased relative weight and central obesity were both associated with increased risk factors including cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose and uric acid. Changes in weight were mirrored by changes in risk factors with linear trends over a 15 lb range of weight fluctuations. Subscapular skinfold and the ratio of subscapular-to-triceps skinfold, measures of central obesity, were in either sex also associated with an increased probability of coronary attacks in particular. The subscapular skinfold contributed to CHD risk independent of body mass index (BMI). Multivariate analyses taking all the risk factors into account indicate an independent effect of abdominal obesity on stroke, cardiac failure and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in men. In women, only the subscapular-to-triceps skinfold ratio independently contributes to CHD, cardiovascular and all cause mortality. Regional obesity appears to be an independent contributor to cardiovascular disease at a given level of general adiposity, its effect only partially mediated through promotion of other known risk factors. These data suggest that cardiovascular disease is as closely linked to abdominal as to general adiposity. |
4 | Cardioprotective effects of authentic nitric oxide in myocardial ischemia with reperfusion. BACKGROUND AND METHODS: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of nitric oxide (NO), believed to be endothelium-derived relaxing factor on reperfusion injury after myocardial ischemia (MI). The effects of NO were investigated in a 6-hr model of MI with reperfusion in open-chest, anesthetized cats. A solution containing NO was infused iv starting 30 min after occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery, continuing through reperfusion 1 hr later, and lasting for 5.5 hr. Estimated NO concentration in the circulation was 1 to 2 x 10(-9) M. RESULTS: The areas-at-risk expressed as a percentage of the total left ventricular weights were not significantly different among either of the MI groups. However, the necrotic area (expressed as a percentage of the myocardial area-at-risk) was significantly (p less than .01) lower in the NO-treated MI cats compared with the MI + vehicle group. Cardiac myeloperoxidase activities indicated that significantly (p less than .05) fewer neutrophils were attracted to the necrotic zone of the NO-treated MI cats when compared with MI cats receiving only the vehicle. Sodium nitrate (NaNO2) (pH 7.4), a major breakdown product of NO, failed to exert any protective effect in this same model of MI and reperfusion. CONCLUSIONS: NO appears to provide significant myocardial protection after ischemia and reperfusion. NO may afford cardioprotection by incorporation into circulating blood cells (i.e., neutrophils, platelets), thereby inhibiting their accumulation and adherence in the ischemic region, or by a direct cardiac cytoprotective effect. Further studies using NO donors rather than NO would be an appropriate clinically relevant mode of treatment in MI. |
5 | Prevalence and severity of the premenstrual syndrome. Effects of foods and beverages that are sweet or high in sugar content. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether certain foods and beverages that are high in sugar content or taste sweet are related to the prevalence and severity of the premenstrual syndrome. Specifically, we sought to evaluate whether consumption of "junk foods", chocolate, caffeine-free cola, fruit juices or alcoholic beverages might exert an effect on the premenstrual syndrome apart from any effects of daily consumption of beverages that are high in caffeine (caffeine-containing coffee, tea and colas). The study was based on 853 responses to a questionnaire probing menstrual and premenstrual health and certain daily dietary practices; it was mailed to female university students in Oregon. An analysis of the data revealed that the consumption of chocolate, but not of other junk foods, was related to the prevalence of the premenstrual syndrome among women with more severe premenstrual symptoms. Likewise, the consumption of alcoholic beverages (all alcoholic beverages and beer only) was related to the prevalence of the premenstrual syndrome among women with more severe symptoms, as were both fruit juice and caffeine-free soda. None of the associations was substantially altered when the daily consumption of beverages high in caffeine content was controlled for. Taken together, these data suggest that the consumption of foods and beverages that are high in sugar content or taste sweet is associated with prevalence of the premenstrual syndrome. |
2 | Selective intestinal decontamination prevents spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. In a prospective randomized study, selective intestinal decontamination with norfloxacin was performed during hospitalization in 32 cirrhotic patients with low ascitic fluid total protein levels. The incidence of infections was compared with that in a control group of 31 nontreated cirrhotic patients of similar characteristics. We found a significantly lower incidence of infections [1/32 (3.1%) vs. 13/31 (41.9%); P less than 0.005] and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis [0/32 (0%) vs. 7/31 (22.5%); P less than 0.05] in patients receiving norfloxacin. The lower incidence of extraperitoneal infections [1/32 (3.1%) vs. 7/31 (22.5%); P = 0.052] in the treated group did not reach statistical significance. The incidence of infections [1/28 (3.6%) vs. 9/22 (40.9%); P less than 0.01] and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis [0/28 (0%) vs. 5/22 (22.7%); P less than 0.05] in cirrhotic patients admitted because of ascites was also significantly lower in the treated group. The decrease in the rate of mortality observed in the group undergoing selective intestinal decontamination did not reach statistical significance. These data show that selective intestinal decontamination is useful to prevent spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and extraperitoneal infections in hospitalized cirrhotic patients with low ascitic fluid total protein levels. |
2 | Factors affecting the enterohepatic circulation of oral contraceptive steroids. Oral contraceptive steroids may undergo enterohepatic circulation, but it is relevant for only estrogens, because these compounds can be directly conjugated in the liver. Animal studies show convincing evidence of the importance of the enterohepatic circulation, but studies in humans are much less convincing. The importance of the route and the rate of metabolism of ethinyl estradiol are reviewed. Some antibiotics have been reported anecdotally to reduce the efficacy of oral contraceptive steroids, but controlled studies have not confirmed this observation. Although gut flora are altered by oral antibiotics, the blood levels of ethinyl estradiol are not reduced, and one antibiotic at least (cotrimoxazole) enhances the activity of ethinyl estradiol. |
2 | Towards a true prevalence of peptic ulcer: the Sorreisa gastrointestinal disorder study. This study, designed to overcome methodological problems inherent in earlier prevalence studies of peptic ulcer, was carried out in a municipality in northern Norway. It included the total population of 2027, aged 20-69 years, and comprised a questionnaire and search for previously diagnosed peptic ulcers in the local medical records for all subjects, and additional endoscopy of all subjects with dyspepsia and their matched healthy controls (n = 619). The overall prevalence was 10.5% in men and 9.5% in women, a sex ratio close to one and a higher duodenal:gastric ratio than previously reported from this region. A substantial 1% prevalence of asymptomatic ulcers was also observed. |
4 | Repair of transposition of the great arteries with intact ventricular septum and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Repair of transposition of the great arteries in patients with intact ventricular septum and fixed left ventricular outflow tract obstruction has been restricted to atrial baffle procedures, with or without attempts to relieve or bypass the left ventricular outflow obstruction. However, the suboptimal results of these procedures, coupled with excellent functional results with the arterial switch operation in patients without obstruction, has made anatomic correction the goal in repairing these anomalies. We report a technique for the anatomic correction of transposition of the great arteries, intact ventricular septum, and fixed left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Its consideration in these difficult cases is advocated. |
1 | Familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia complicated by cerebellar ataxia and steatocystoma multiplex. A 55-year-old man with cerebellar ataxia and steatocystoma multiplex was found to have reduced serum concentrations of total cholesterol, betalipoprotein and apolipoprotein B. Computed tomography revealed atrophy of the cerebellum and brain stem. Of the six family members examined, four had hypobetalipoproteinaemia, and one had mild ataxia. Similar skin lesions were noted in five male relatives. This case represents a rare combination of familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia, cerebellar ataxia and steatocystoma multiplex. |
3 | Clinical analyses and short-term prognoses of neonates with subependymal cysts. Twenty-one neonates with subependymal cysts detected by neurosonography soon after birth were prospectively examined. The clinical and cranial sonographic findings were evaluated with respect to short-term prognosis. The prognosis was poor in 6 patients with congenital viral infection (4 with cytomegalovirus infection and 2 with rubella infection). Five patients also had neurodevelopmental abnormalities (2 with neonatal epileptic seizures, 2 with chromosomal abnormalities, and 1 with lissencephaly). The remaining 10 patients had normal psychomotor development. The incidence of congenital viral infection was statistically correlated with a poor neurodevelopmental outcome. A correlation did not exist between the short-term prognosis and each of the other clinical factors or cranial sonographic findings. Our evidence suggests that further investigation of possible subependymal cyst etiologies is required during a careful, long-term follow-up period. |
3 | Cerebral venous oxygen content as a measure of brain energy metabolism with increased intracranial pressure and hyperventilation. In order to test the hypothesis that the cerebral arteriovenous oxygen difference (AVDO2) and venous oxygen content (VO2) could be used to monitor brain energy metabolism in the setting of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). 12 cats were studied with 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. six cats were subjected to intracranial hypertension by cisternal infusion of saline. Energy failure occurred at an average AVDO2 of 8.4 +/- 3.2 vol% (+/- standard deviation) (range 4.7 to 14.7 vol%). The VO2 at the point of metabolic failure averaged 1.45 +/- 0.6 vol% and extended over a narrower range (1.0 to 2.9 vol%). In an additional six cats, ICP was raised to the threshold of metabolic failure and hyperventilation was then instituted (pCO2 10 to 18 torr). Five of the six cats experienced a drop in VO2 with hyperventilation. In two of these animals, hyperventilation resulted in a VO2 of 1.1 vol% or less and in metabolic failure as evidenced by a fall in phosphocreatine. It is concluded that a VO2 of less than 2 vol% is correlated with brain ischemia and that the safety of hyperventilation in the setting of increased ICP can be monitored by the use of VO2. |
5 | Cervical rotation flaps for midface resurfacing. The midface has long served as a focus for creativity in surgical reconstruction. Full-thickness skin grafts, split-thickness grafts, and distal flaps have long been used to attempt to reduplicate existing anatomy in this area. Recent reconstruction efforts have focused on the creative use of microvascular free flaps for this purpose. This article reports on the use of extensively developed regional rotation flaps as an excellent reconstructive modality for use in this area of the face. The details of surgical incisional planning are given. The nuances of surgical creation of these flaps and their rotation and suspension into place are given. The cases we have done using this technique for the past 3 years are reviewed. Our present indications for use of these flaps and their limitations are given. |
5 | Cerebral glucose utilization during sleep in Landau-Kleffner syndrome: a PET study. Three right-handed male children (aged 5, 6, and 11 years) with signs, symptoms and/or history of the syndrome of acquired aphasia-epilepsy (Landau-Kleffner syndrome) were studied during drug-induced, electroencephalographically (EEG)-monitored sleep by positron-emission tomography (PET) and the [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) method. Our data demonstrate that in Landau-Kleffner syndrome, cerebral glucose utilization is not normal during sleep. The metabolic pattern varied between the children but the metabolic disturbances always predominated over the temporal lobes. They were right-sided, left-sided, or bilateral. In the two first patients, EEG recordings showed continuous spike-and-wave discharges during sleep and a right-greater-than-left asymmetry was observed in temporal areas. In patient 1, the asymmetry was associated with a relative increase of glucose utilization of the right posterior temporal region. In patient 2, the glucose utilization was relatively decreased in the left anterotemporal and left perisylvian regions. In patient 3, the sleep EEG showed no discharge and no significant asymmetry was observed; however, glucose utilization of both temporal lobes was decreased. Lower metabolic rates in subcortical structures than in cortex were also noted in the three children. This metabolic pattern may be related to the maturation of the central nervous system (CNS). |
5 | Assessment of the biliary tract after liver transplantation: T tube cholangiography or IODIDA scanning. Biliary tract obstruction or anastomotic leakage are common problems following liver transplantation. In a sequential study, 31 patients with a liver transplant were investigated by 99mTc-IODIDA (IODIDA) scanning and T tube cholangiography (TTC) and the results were compared with clinical outcome. Seven patients had an extrahepatic biliary obstruction and one patient had a biliary leak. In the detection of biliary complications TTC and IODIDA scanning were similar in terms of sensitivity (63 per cent for both) but TTC had a better specificity (79 per cent versus 60 per cent) and accuracy (74 per cent versus 60 per cent) than IODIDA scanning. When liver function was taken into account, the diagnostic efficacy of both tests in patients with bilirubin levels of less than 200 mumol/l was similar. With levels greater than 200 mumol/l there was a greater number of false positive results with IODIDA scanning (12 per cent versus 54 per cent). The only significant biliary leak was clearly detected by TTC but not IODIDA scanning. TTC remains the more effective way of evaluating the biliary tract after transplantation. IODIDA scanning has limited value when bilirubin levels are elevated, but may provide additional information about blood supply, hepatocyte function and intrahepatic cholestasis. |
3 | Neurologic complications of the tryptophan-associated eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. A case of tryptophan-associated eosinophilia, central nervous system complications, and multiple white matter lesions by magnetic resonance imaging is presented. Eosinophilia regardless of its cause should be included within the differential of patients exhibiting periventricular white matter lesions. |
4 | Cardiac rhythm disturbances early after orthotopic heart transplantation: prevalence and clinical importance of the observed abnormalities. To precisely define the incidence, type and consequences of cardiac arrhythmias early after heart transplantation, 25 cardiac transplant recipients were monitored continuously for 728 days from the day of surgery to discharge or death. A subset of 15 patients had sinus node function studies with overdrive suppression performed weekly at the time of endomyocardial biopsy. Results revealed sinus bradycardia in 10 patients (40%) and junctional bradycardia in 6 (24%). Supraventricular tachycardia in the form of atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter occurred in 11 patients (44%). Ventricular tachycardia occurred in 15 patients (60%) and was nonsustained in all. Cardiac pacing for 1,403 h was used in nine patients with a pulse rate less than 50 beats/min; seven recovered and permanent pacing was instituted in two. In the subgroup that had sinus node function studies, seven patients were identified with clinical bradyarrhythmia; each had abnormal sinus node recovery time (greater than 1,400 ms) and abnormal corrected sinus node recovery time (greater than 525 ms) in at least one study. These seven patients also had a significantly prolonged ischemic time (236 +/- 26 versus 159 +/- 68 min, p less than 0.01). In conclusion, cardiac arrhythmias, particularly ventricular tachycardia and bradyarrhythmia, occur more commonly early after orthotopic heart transplantation than has previously been reported. Sinus node dysfunction due to prolonged organ ischemic time, antiarrhythmic drug use or surgical trauma, alone or in combination, may contribute to these arrhythmias. |
3 | Vector short-latency somatosensory-evoked potentials after median nerve stimulation. A new method has been developed for recording short-latency somatosensory-evoked potentials after median nerve stimulation. Negative electrical forces recorded with three orthodiagonal bipolar electrodes in the neck had a direction opposite to that of impulse conduction in the proximal peripheral and cervical somatosensory pathway. Sequential tracings of vectors opposite the electrical forces were made in three-dimensional display, thus reproducing the actual time sequence of electrical events in those structures. Fixed generators such as the subcortical nuclei were also analyzed with this technique, and multiple generators of N13 potential (N13a and N13b) were visualized. This technique may be useful in the functional evaluation of the somatosensory pathway in the cervical cord. |
4 | Follow-up of infants treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for newborn respiratory failure. Follow-up studies were conducted to assess the medical and developmental outcome of 92 infants treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation at the University of Michigan. Of 118 near-term (greater than 34 weeks' gestation) infants who received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, 103 (87%) were surviving and available for follow-up at between 1 and 7 years of age. Ninety-two of these children were seen on at least one occasion. Each visit included a history and physical examination, an evaluation by a physical therapist, and developmental testing by a pediatric psychologist. Medical outcome during year 1 found 31% of the children rehospitalized, primarily with respiratory illness. Outpatient-treated lower respiratory tract illness was seen in an additional 31% of the children. New or nonstatic neurologic problems were noted in 6% of the children. Abnormal growth during year 1 occurred in 26% of the children. At last clinic visit 16% of the children exhibited moderate-to-severe neurologic abnormalities, and 8% had moderate-to-severe cognitive delay. Sensorineural hearing loss occurred in 4% of children. Nine percent of the children were receiving speech and language therapy; screening tests showed that an additional 6% had speech and language delay. Overall, at last visit 16 (20%) of the children exhibited some type of handicap. A review of the literature on follow-up studies of non-extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-treated infants with persistent pulmonary artery hypertension produced an impairment rate of 18.5%. Outcome post-extracorporeal membrane oxygenation appears similar to that seen in less ill cohorts of infants treated with more "conventional" therapy. Long-term follow-up of all such infants remains essential. |
1 | Successful Fontan-type operation for a nonresectable right ventricular tumor. A large intracavitary right ventricular tumor in a 24-year-old patient was considered nonresectable because it involved the interventricular septum, the free ventricular walls, and the tricuspid valve. Surgical palliation consisted of closure of the tricuspid and pulmonary valves, and the right atrium was anastomosed to the pulmonary artery bifurcation. The patient is asymptomatic 7 years after operation, and the neoplasm (a rhabdomyoma) has not increased in size. |
4 | Long term follow-up of descending thoracic aorto-iliac/femoral bypass. A prospective study of 26 patients undergoing descending thoracic aorto-iliac/femoral (DTAI/F) bypass was conducted over a 13-year period with an average follow up of 53 months. Reasons for selecting the procedure were occluded aortic bifurcation grafts (9 patients), hostile abdomen (6), infected aortic graft (1), microaorta (10, and surgeons preference in 8 patients who had juxtarenal aortic occlusion. The operative mortality was 3.8% (1 patient). A late mortality of 36% was due to myocardial infarction (1), lung carcinoma (2), renal failure (4), stroke (1) and pulmonary insufficiency (1). Graft failure occurred in 4 patients at 23, 26, 54 and 109 months respectively. Primary cumulative patency was 86% statistically valid at 42 months. DTAI/F bypass is recommended in selected patients when conventional approaches to the aorta are considered unduly hazardous. |
2 | Free radical inhibition and serial chemiluminescence in evolving experimental pancreatitis. Oxygen free radical activity and inhibition were examined in experimental pancreatitis. Twenty-five rats were randomized to five groups: controls received intravenous saline, to simulate pancreatitis one group received intravenous caerulein (5 micrograms kg-1 h-1), and three groups received sodium taurocholate via the pancreatic duct (0.2 ml, 5 per cent), either alone, following allopurinol or immediately before superoxide dismutase. Chemiluminescence (a phenomenon based on the emission of light during chemical reactions and which is dependent on oxygen free radical activity) was used as an index of oxygen free radical activity and was measured in tissue samples at 5-min intervals following induction of pancreatitis. The control mean(s.e.m.) serum amylase level 1 h after induction of pancreatitis was 635(13) units. It was significantly elevated in caerulein-induced pancreatitis, 1833(118) units (P less than 0.05) and exceeded 3000 units in all taurocholate-infused animals. Mean(s.e.m.) chemiluminescence ranged from 44 (8) mV 100 mg-1 at time zero to 404(113) mV 100 mg-1 at 1 h in controls. In caerulein-induced pancreatitis mean(s.e.m.) chemiluminescence peaked at 20 min (1399(239) mV 100 mg-1, P less than 0.02) and in taurocholate-induced pancreatitis at 15 min (2316(95) mV 100 mg-1, P less than 0.004). Superoxide dismutase significantly reduced chemiluminescence and hyperamylasaemia in taurocholate groups. Increasing oxygen free radical activity paralleled evolving pancreatitis. Superoxide dismutase may have a therapeutic role in pancreatitis. |
3 | Hyperhomocysteinemia: an independent risk factor for vascular disease. BACKGROUND. Hyperhomocysteinemia arising from impaired methionine metabolism, probably usually due to a deficiency of cystathionine beta-synthase, is associated with premature cerebral, peripheral, and possibly coronary vascular disease. Both the strength of this association and its independence of other risk factors for cardiovascular disease are uncertain. We studied the extent to which the association could be explained by heterozygous cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency. METHODS. We first established a diagnostic criterion for hyperhomocysteinemia by comparing peak serum levels of homocysteine after a standard methionine-loading test in 25 obligate heterozygotes with respect to cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency (whose children were known to be homozygous for homocystinuria due to this enzyme defect) with the levels in 27 unrelated age- and sex-matched normal subjects. A level of 24.0 mumol per liter or more was 92 percent sensitive and 100 percent specific in distinguishing the two groups. The peak serum homocysteine levels in these normal subjects were then compared with those in 123 patients whose vascular disease had been diagnosed before they were 55 years of age. RESULTS. Hyperhomocysteinemia was detected in 16 of 38 patients with cerebrovascular disease (42 percent), 7 of 25 with peripheral vascular disease (28 percent), and 18 of 60 with coronary vascular disease (30 percent), but in none of the 27 normal subjects. After adjustment for the effects of conventional risk factors, the lower 95 percent confidence limit for the odds ratio for vascular disease among the patients with hyperhomocysteinemia, as compared with the normal subjects, was 3.2. The geometric-mean peak serum homocysteine level was 1.33 times higher in the patients with vascular disease than in the normal subjects (P = 0.002). The presence of cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency was confirmed in 18 of 23 patients with vascular disease who had hyperhomocysteinemia. CONCLUSIONS. Hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for vascular disease, including coronary disease, and in most instances is probably due to cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency. |
4 | The post-occlusive hyperemic response in patients with systemic sclerosis. We investigated post-ischemic hyperreactive cutaneous blood flow in patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon and Raynaud's phenomenon secondary to systemic sclerosis (SSc). Reactive hyperemia was measured over a locally warmed area of skin, using a laser Doppler flowmeter, following 5 minutes of suprasystolic occlusion of blood flow. We found that patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon had normal post-ischemic blood flow compared with normal controls. In contrast, patients with SSc had reduced levels of baseline and peak blood flow compared with either the primary Raynaud's phenomenon patients or the normal subjects. Infusion of carbaprostacyclin, a potent prostacyclin analog vasodilator, did not increase blood flow in the SSc patients, nor did it restore the reactive hyperemic response. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that patients with the nonvasoconstricted condition of SSc have fixed structural defects that limit cutaneous microvascular blood flow. |
5 | Trends in thirty years of vaginal hysterectomy. Vaginal hysterectomy, as currently performed at the University of Vienna, was first described by Halban in 1932. From 1955 to 1985, a total of 9,967 hysterectomies were performed. The vaginal route was used for 6,078 (60.9 per cent) of these procedures. Sixty-four per cent of the women operated upon were multiparous, 27 per cent were uniparous and 8 per cent were nulliparous. A comparison of the periods 1955 to 1975 and 1976 to 1985 revealed the following trends: the incidence of uterine myomas (30.6 to 27.1 per cent), in situ carcinoma of the cervix (6.5 to 7.9 per cent) and endometrial carcinoma (1.4 to 0.6 per cent) remained largely constant. In the past decade, indications for positional abnormalities (uterine descent and prolapse) were encountered more often (27.6 to 41.6 per cent) than in the first observation period, while the incidence of recurrent metrorrhagia was found to decline (33.9 to 22.8 per cent). The most common complications included hemorrhage during the operation, lesions of the bladder, hemorrhage until 48 hours after surgical treatment and hemorrhage from days 2 to 14 postoperatively (around 0.5 per cent, respectively). During the second observation period, no postoperative fistulas developed. Two instances of tubal prolapse were seen. Laparotomy was done in four of 6,078 instances. Two patients died of septic complications. Whenever possible, we prefer vaginal hysterectomy because of its low complication rate, low mortality rate and low postoperative morbidity. |
5 | Comparison of the Goode T-tube with the Armstrong tube in children with chronic otitis media with effusion. Treatment of otitis media with effusion is focused on reaeration of the middle ear cavity. In achieving long-term aeration, the insertion of ventilation tubes that have a long duration of stay can be beneficial. The results are presented of a trial in which the Goode T-tube was compared with the Armstrong tube. Fifteen children were treated between 1981 and 1986 with a T-tube in one ear and a conventional tube in the other. The results are different with regard to duration of stay in the tympanic membrane. Re-insertions were necessary in 47 per cent in the Armstrong group and in 20 per cent in the T-tube group. Otorrhoea occurred in 20 per cent of the Armstrong and 13 per cent of the T-tube intubated ears. A persistent perforation was present in 6 per cent of the ears in both groups. It is concluded that the Goode T-tube is indicated primarily in cases when long-term ventilation is needed. |
4 | Ultrasonographic assessment of placental abnormalities. Current ultrasonographic techniques offer a novel approach for the identification of a wide variety of placental abnormalities usually described postnatally by the pathologist. Placental vascular lesions, placental tumors, and abnormal placentation are potentially associated with perinatal complications and their diagnosis in utero may influence the pregnancy management. An ultrasonographic classification of placental lesions that is based on their location, size, echogenicity, and number is proposed. Repeated ultrasonographic examination, together with biologic investigations, is important for the prenatal differential diagnosis of most these lesions and for full understanding of their pathophysiologic characteristics and significance. |
4 | Effects of heparin versus saline solution on intermittent infusion device irrigation. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride with 10 units of heparin in 1 ml sodium chloride solution, both containing benzyl alcohol, in maintaining patency and reducing the incidence of phlebitis in patients with intermittent infusion devices. The subjects (N = 32) were randomly assigned in a double-blind experimental design. Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed no significant difference between the groups in phlebitis or patency variables. The results from this controlled study would suggest that 0.9% sodium chloride is as effective as 10 units of heparin in sodium chloride solution in maintaining intermittent infusion device patency and preventing phlebitis. |
1 | Moustache appearance in craniopharyngiomas: unique magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographic findings of perifocal edema. This report describes two cases of craniopharyngioma with perifocal edema. In both patients, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed that the tumors occupied the suprasellar cistern, invaginated the floor of the 3rd ventricle and were tightly adherent to the ventricular walls. The intraventricular portions of the tumors were cystic, containing protein-rich fluid as suggested by MRI and confirmed by operative findings. There was perifocal edema in the hypothalamus adjacent to the intraventricular tumor, the optic tracts, and the posterior limbs of the internal capsules, resembling the shape of a moustache on axial computed tomographic and MRI scans. The perifocal edema subsided after treatment of the intraventricular tumor by surgical resection or radiation therapy. The "moustache" appearance seems a unique, characteristic feature of perifocal edema, which is observed infrequently with certain craniopharyngiomas. |
5 | Osler-Weber-Rendu disease and pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas. Deterioration and embolotherapy during pregnancy. Several reports have implicated pregnancy as a cause of deterioration in patients with pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas. We report a 27-year-old woman with multiple pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas who required coil spring embolotherapy in her 24th week of pregnancy due to a spontaneous hemothorax and hypoxemia. |
1 | Surgical approach to the retrocrural lymph nodes. Removal of retrocrural lymph nodes requires an approach other than the infradiaphragmatic retroperitoneal access generally used in the surgical management of testicular tumours. The transperitoneal route given access, at best, to the origin of the superior mesenteric artery, but advanced testicular tumours occasionally require retrocrural node dissection. We describe a useful surgical approach to these nodes and the underlying anatomy. |
3 | Prenatal diagnosis of fetal intracranial calcifications. A case is presented wherein fetal intracranial calcifications as a result of intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection were visualized by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging at 36 weeks' gestation. Diagnosis of in utero cytomegalovirus infection was made by isolation of the virus from amniotic fluid. No symptomatic abnormality has been noted in the neonatal period except periventricular calcifications. |
1 | Primary lymphoma of bone: a clinicopathologic study of 25 cases reported over 10 years. Twenty-five cases of primary lymphoma of bone (PLB) reported over a 10-year period were reviewed. The presenting symptom was related to involvement of a single bone with or without regional nodal disease. None showed dissemination of lymphoma in the subsequent six months. Patients affected were 7-65 years of age. An equal predilection for the axial and appendicular skeleton was noted. Histologically, the commonest subtype was diffuse histiocytic lymphoma (DHL, 17 cases), whereas four were poorly differentiated lymphocytic (PDL) type and another four were unclassifiable. Follow-up was available in 18 out of 25 patients for periods ranging from 7 months to 8 years. On clinicopathologic correlation we found that 75% of disease-free patients had a DHL whereas 60% of those alive with disease had a PDL. This study reiterates the view that PLB has a good prognosis and the DHL subtype is especially amenable to complete eradication. |
1 | Oral contraceptives and breast cancer. Among women in general the risk of breast cancer through 59 years of age does not appear to be affected appreciably by the use of oral contraceptives. Nonetheless, concern continues to be expressed about the effects of early age at first use, long-term duration of use, formulation, and a variety of other factors thought to influence breast cancer risk in the presence of oral contraception. A number of recent studies restricted to young women suggest that long-term use may increase the risk of disease occurring very early, but the present lack of consistent findings in well-conducted epidemiologic studies prevents any certain conclusion with regard to cause-and-effect. However, if an increased risk were indeed present, the most plausible interpretation is that long-term oral contraception promotes earlier clinical manifestation of breast cancer in some women while having no net impact on their lifetime risk of the disease. |
1 | Adjuvant therapy for node-negative breast cancer. The use of prognostic factors in selecting patients. Patients with invasive breast cancer and pathologically negative lymph nodes (NO) have a favorable 10-year survival rate, particularly with small (less than 1 cm) primary tumors. Overall, however, 20% to 35% will experience recurrence with local therapy only. Adjuvant chemotherapy or tamoxifen have prolonged disease-free survival (DFS), but not overall survival (OS). Unanswered questions of optimal end point (DFS or OS) and the risk of treating many to benefit few have prompted clinicians to use prognostic indicators to facilitate treatment recommendations. Currently, the most readily available and accurate information comes from TNM staging, pathologic features, and hormone receptors. Ploidy, S-phase fraction, HER-2-neu amplification or over-expression, and cathepsin-D may be useful prognostic indices. Until a more precise system of weighing several prognostic variables is developed, the decision to recommend adjuvant systemic therapy in this generally good prognosis group will have to be thoughtfully considered by patient and physician. Whenever possible, patients should be encouraged to enter clinical trials. |
1 | Primary Ewing sarcoma: follow-up with Ga-67 scintigraphy. While avid accumulation of gallium-67 citrate and technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP) occurs initially in most cases of primary Ewing sarcoma, uptake after therapy is less well defined. Thirty patients with Ewing sarcoma who underwent Ga-67 and bone scintigraphy at diagnosis, at completion of therapy, and at relapse from 1978 to 1988 were evaluated. All 30 patients showed less primary site Ga-67 activity following therapy. Twenty-three of 28 patients who underwent corresponding bone scintigraphy showed less uptake, but residual activity was usually more intense than with Ga-67. Avid reaccumulation of Ga-67 occurred in four of five patients with primary site relapse, while patients who underwent bone scintigraphy showed less change. It was concluded that a greater decrease in Ga-67 than in Tc-99m MDP uptake often occurs in patients successfully treated for primary Ewing sarcoma. Information obtained at Ga-67 scintigraphy is most likely to be helpful if results of bone scintigraphy remain abnormal or if occult relapse is suspected. |
4 | The evaluation of the abdominal aorta: a "how-to" for cardiac sonographers. A thorough evaluation of the abdominal aorta can be readily achieved by use of the standard views of the echocardiographic examination. The ultrasound evaluation of the abdominal aorta represents a logical extension of the standard echocardiographic examination of the adult patient. This article provides the information needed to carry out a complete ultrasound examination of the abdominal aorta including the anatomy, the vascular disease, and the steps involved in accomplishing the ultrasound examination of the abdominal aorta. |
4 | Abnormal cardiovascular reactivity in borderline and mild essential hypertension. Cardiovascular and hemodynamic reactivity was evaluated with M-mode echocardiography, phonocardiography, and carotidography in correlation with circulating catecholamine levels in 25 normotensive subjects, 15 borderline hypertensive patients, and 42 mildly hypertensive patients during isometric exercise at 30% of the maximum force for 3 minutes. At rest, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels were significantly higher, and the cardiac index was similarly increased in both groups of hypertensive patients, but the cardiac mass index was significantly increased only in the mildly hypertensive group. During isometric exercise, the sympathoadrenal reactivity as well as the pressor and chronotropic responses were similar in normotensive subjects and both groups of hypertensive patients. However, the variations in blood pressure were achieved through totally different hemodynamic mechanisms in normotensive subjects and hypertensive patients. In normotensive subjects, the increase in blood pressure could be linked mainly to an increase in cardiac contractility and performance, whereas in either group of hypertensive patients, the increase in blood pressure was mainly associated with an increase in peripheral resistance. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis of a blunted beta-adrenergic reactivity and a predominance of alpha-adrenergic vascular reactivity in borderline and mildly hypertensive patients. This phenomenon, which appears to be unrelated to age or severity of hypertension, could be an important mechanism underlying the development of hypertension in humans. |
4 | High urinary cAMP in hypertensives despite careful drug treatment--an epidemiological study from the Dalby population. The correlation between serum calcium (S-Ca), plasma parathyroid hormone (P-PTH) and hypertension was determined in a population-based, cross-sectional study of carefully treated hypertensives (n = 391; diastolic blood pressure 90.2 mmHg; 57 years) compared with normotensive controls (n = 328; diastolic blood pressure 82.1 mmHg; 57 years). Levels of urinary cyclic-adenosinemonophosphate (U-cAMP), but not of plasma cAMP (P-cAMP), were higher (P less than 0.001) in hypertensives than in controls. This was the case regardless of the type of drug treatment and the blood pressure level that was reached. U-cAMP correlated with adrenaline in multivariate analyses. S-Ca levels were higher (P less than 0.001) and S-Mg levels were lower (P less than 0.001) in hypertensives than in controls. This was not explained by thiazide treatment. Thus, despite 'adequate' blood pressure reduction, substantial differences in S-Ca, S-Mg and U-cAMP still exist between hypertensives and normotensive controls. |
1 | Pseudocyst of the auricle. Case report and world literature review We treated a patient with pseudocyst of the auricle and reviewed the 113 cases previously published in the world literature. Pseudocyst of the auricle is an asymptomatic, noninflammatory cystic swelling that involves the anthelix of the ear, results from an accumulation of fluid within an unlined intracartilaginous cavity, and occurs predominantly in men (93% of patients). Characteristically, only one ear is involved (87% of patients), and the lesion is usually located within the scaphoid or triangular fossa of the anthelix. Previous trauma to the involved ear is uncommon. The diagnosis may be suggested by the clinical features, and analysis of the aspirated cystic fluid and/or histologic examination of a lesional biopsy specimen will confirm the diagnosis. Therapeutic intervention that maintains the architecture of the patient's external ear should be used in the treatment of this benign condition. |
4 | Fibrin- and fibrinogen-related antigens in patients with venous disease and venous ulceration. Abnormalities in systemic fibrinolysis have been implicated in the pathogenesis of venous ulceration. Patients with venous disease have a prolonged euglobulin lysis time and elevated plasma fibrinogen levels, yet little is known about the metabolism of fibrinogen and fibrin in such patients. In this study, we have used a technique that involves electrophoresis and densitometric analysis of captured fibrin-related antigens to measure the concentration and proportions of the individual fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products in patients with venous disease of the lower extremity. As a group, patients with venous disease had markedly elevated levels of total fibrin-related antigen and D-dimer, the terminal degradation product of cross-linked fibrin. Levels of D-monomer, the breakdown product of fibrinogen and non-cross-linked fibrin monomer, and a measure of fibrinogenolysis were normal in all patients. In patients with ulcers, the levels of D-dimer were disproportionately higher than expected from fibrin monomer levels. On an individual basis, significant elevations of D-dimer were present in six (55%) of the 11 patients with venous disease with ulcers and in three (43%) of the seven patients with venous disease without ulcers. We conclude that patients with venous disease have uniform evidence for enhanced fibrin formation, as evidenced by elevated levels of total fibrin-related antigen and D-dimer. This is regardless of whether the venous disease is accompanied by ulceration. |
5 | Thermographic findings in cranio-facial pain. This work assesses the differences in the thermographic findings in the craniofacial and neck areas between normal individuals and patients with craniofacial pain or headache, and investigates the influence of muscle contraction on such findings. Thermographic records were taken in 10 healthy subjects and 47 patients suffering from craniofacial pain or headache of different kinds. In the patients with painful episodes the record was taken between attacks. In all the normal subjects and in 19 patients lateral thermograms were also taken during and after maximal tooth clenching for three minutes. The majority of the patients, as compared to the normal group, showed some thermal alterations and asymmetry. Such alterations seem to be due both to vascular instability and muscle contraction: these two factors may be variably superimposed in the different conditions. In patients with cluster headache or chronic paroxysmal hemicrania the presence on the symptomatic side of a cold spot along the supraorbital area and/or the inner orbital canthus, was a constant finding. We conclude that thermography is useful as an additional diagnostic means in patients with head and face pain, and that the clenching test may increase the amount of information provided. |
1 | Implementation of cancer prevention guidelines in clinical practice. Data from several sources, including consumer surveys, physician surveys, and medical record audits, indicate that consumers do not receive cancer screening tests as recommended by the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Performance rates are consistently below published standards for all tests except Pap tests. Major reasons physicians do not perform the recommended tests include physician forgetfulness, disagreement with recommendations, lack of time, and patient refusal. Physicians also tend to overestimate their own performance rates. Barriers to screening test performance can be categorized into patient factors, physician factors, test factors, and health care delivery system factors. Interventions, such as computerized reminder systems, physician audits with feedback, and patient education and reminders, can be effective in promoting performance of such screening. Interventions that target both physician and patient may be particularly effective. |
5 | Triiodothyronine in the recovery of stunned myocardium in dogs Two groups of dogs were subjected to a 15-minute period of regional myocardial ischemia by snaring the left anterior descending coronary artery proximal to its first diagonal branch. After release of the snare, the dogs were given either placebo (group 1: n = 7) or triiodothyronine (T3) therapy (group 2: n = 6). The dose of T3 given was 0.2 microgram/kg at 30-minute intervals to a total of six doses. Plasma free T3 level fell significantly during the ischemic period in both groups and continued to fall after reperfusion in group 1. In both groups, cardiac function deteriorated significantly during the period of ischemia and rapidly returned to control level after reperfusion. After 90 minutes of reperfusion, however, deterioration of left ventricular function was observed in group 1 and was significantly worse than in group 2, in which hemodynamic function was maintained and, in fact, improved to levels superior to control. It is suggested that T3 therapy may be worthy of trial in patients in whom reperfusion of the myocardium takes place after a relatively short ischemic period (the "stunned myocardium"). |
5 | Two urogenital sinus syndromes. Interstitial cystitis and focal vulvitis. Forty-six young women had unusual and presumably noninfectious disorders of unknown etiology involving tissues derived from the embryonic urogenital sinus (urogenital sinus syndromes). Ten women had interstitial cystitis, and 25 had focal vulvitis. Eleven women had both interstitial cystitis and focal vulvitis. The affected groups were similar in demographic and other characteristics. Most were white and in their mid-20s. Both unusual conditions occurred in the same woman more often than could be expected by chance. This observation suggests that some common, perhaps autoimmune mechanism may be involved in the etiology of these syndromes. |
3 | Manifestations of migraine. Migraine is a disorder with multiple manifestations affecting the circulation, gastrointestinal tract, and the central nervous system. Involvement of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for many of the clinical features. An attack of migraine can vary from a fragment of the clinical spectrum to one with several phases and potentially permanent sequelae. |
3 | Strokes in Asians and Pacific-Islanders, Hispanics, and Native Americans. Stroke in Asian and Pacific-Islander populations remains the principal cause of death among adults, but its incidence in the United States approximates that of Caucasians. Although controversial, uncontrolled hypertension in certain population groups (e.g., northern Japanese) and high dietary saturated fat in others (e.g, Pacific-Islanders) are believed to be responsible for the high stroke incidence rates. The recent reduction in stroke frequency rates in these areas is thought to be the result of better hypertension control. In the Ni-Hon-San Study, the level of hypertension and its frequency were similar in Hawaii and Japan, but ischemic infarction and intracerebral hemorrhage were less frequent in Hawaii. Reduced meat and fat intake may contribute to small vessel disease in Japan. Stroke is the third major cause of death among Hispanic-Americans and Native Americans, yet there is a paucity of information, especially about stroke, in subgroups of these populations. There is also considerable ignorance and controversy about risk factors for stroke in these populations. The need for additional research is urgent. |
5 | Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. The Emory University experience. The ileal pouch-anal anastomosis has become a practical alternative to proctocolectomy for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and polyposis coli. To evaluate its success, the Emory University Affiliated Hospital experience from February 1984 to March 1989 was retrospectively reviewed. There were a total of 50 patients identified; 84 per cent had ulcerative colitis, and 16 per cent had polyposis coli (familial polyposis and Gardner's syndrome). The majority of these patients underwent a two-stage operation, but one-third required a three-stage procedure due to difficulty in mucosal proctectomy or toxic megacolon. J-pouch construction was performed in 72 per cent of patients, S-pouch construction in 14 per cent, straight ileo-anal anastomosis in 8 per cent, and lateral isoperistaltic ileo-anal anastomosis in 6 per cent. Of the 50 patients, 36 (72%) have had closure of the temporary ileostomy. Fourteen patients have not had ileostomy closure due to change in diagnosis to Crohn's disease, operative complications, or ileostomy closure pending. The combined operative morbidity per patient for the ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and the closure of the ileostomy was 32 per cent. This included bowel obstruction, 16 per cent; pelvic abscess, 6 per cent; and ileo-anal separation, 4 per cent. Follow-up on patients with ileostomy closure ranged from 6 months to 4 years (mean, 1.3 years). Stool frequency was 5.9 stools per 24 hours at 6 months and improved with time. During the follow-up period, all patients were eventually completely continent of stool during the day, and most became completely continent of stool at night. |
3 | The floppy infant: recent advances in the understanding of disorders affecting the neuromuscular junction. The clinician is often asked to evaluate the floppy infant. Numerous conditions that cause hypotonia in infancy are briefly outlined in this article. These conditions may affect the brain, spinal cord, or motor unit. Several disorders of neuromuscular transmission, including four distinct and recently described congenital myasthenic syndromes and infant botulism, are discussed thereafter. |
5 | Reliability of the clinical and electromyographic examination of tendon reflexes. The reliability of clinical examination of the tendon reflexes was examined by studying inter-observer agreement. Twenty patients were examined by three neurologists. The briskness of the tendon reflexes in arms and legs was scored on a nine-point scale. In 28% of the 160 examined reflexes the observations disagreed 2 scale units or more. Disagreement on the presence of asymmetry occurred in 45% of the 80 reflex pairs. In 15% one observer judged a reflex pair to be symmetrical while another observer found asymmetry of at least 2 scale units. In a second experiment clinical observation of apparently asymmetrical quadriceps reflexes was compared with measurement by surface electromyography. A significant, semi-logarithmic relationship was found between clinical scores and measured reflex amplitudes. Measured reflex asymmetry always agreed with clinical asymmetry, and the magnitudes of right-left amplitude differences were correlated with the magnitude of clinically observed asymmetry. The bedside examination of tendon reflexes is subject to considerable inter-observer disagreement. |
4 | Transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of left atrial appendage aneurysm. Intrapericardial left atrial appendage aneurysm is rare. We describe the transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiographic findings in a 42-year-old man with atrial arrhythmia and an abnormal left atrial appendage on chest roentgenogram. Presence of an intrapericardial left atrial appendage aneurysm was confirmed at surgery. |
1 | Intraventricular diamorphine via an Ommaya shunt for intractable cancer pain. We describe two patients in whom diamorphine was administered into the intraventricular space via an Ommaya reservoir, producing excellent pain relief. The use of this technique for long term administration of analgesia is reviewed. |
4 | The effect of low-dose warfarin on the risk of stroke in patients with nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation. The Boston Area Anticoagulation Trial for Atrial Fibrillation Investigators BACKGROUND. Nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke, presumably from atrial thromboemboli. There is uncertainty about the efficacy and risks of long-term warfarin therapy to prevent stroke. METHODS. We conducted an unblinded, randomized, controlled trial of long-term, low-dose warfarin therapy (target prothrombin-time ratio, 1.2 to 1.5) in patients with nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation. The control group was not given warfarin but could choose to take aspirin. RESULTS. A total of 420 patients entered the trial (212 in the warfarin group and 208 in the control group) and were followed for an average of 2.2 years. Prothrombin times in the warfarin group were in the target range 83 percent of the time. Only 10 percent of the patients assigned to receive warfarin discontinued the drug permanently. There were 2 strokes in the warfarin group (incidence, 0.41 percent per year) as compared with 13 strokes in the control group (incidence, 2.98 percent per year), for a reduction of 86 percent in the risk of stroke (warfarin:control incidence ratio = 0.14; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.49; P = 0.0022). There were 37 deaths altogether. The death rate was markedly lower in the warfarin group than in the control group: 2.25 percent as compared with 5.97 percent per year, for an incidence ratio of 0.38 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.17 to 0.82; P = 0.005). There was one fatal hemorrhage in each group. The frequency of bleeding events that led to hospitalization or transfusion was essentially the same in both groups. The warfarin group had a higher rate of minor hemorrhage than the control group (38 vs. 21 patients). CONCLUSIONS. Long-term low-dose warfarin therapy is highly effective in preventing stroke in patients with non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation, and can be quite safe with careful monitoring. |
1 | Value of retesting subjects with a positive Hemoccult in screening for colorectal cancer. Within a prospective randomized screening study for early detection of colorectal cancer with rehydrated Hemoccult II test, the possibility of increasing the specificity of the test by retesting patients with an initially positive Hemoccult II test was investigated. Of those offered the test 3561 (62.6 per cent) returned it and it was positive in 210 cases (5.9 per cent). The repeat test was performed by 184 patients and was positive in 68 (1.9 per cent). All those with a positive initial test had rectosigmoidoscopy to 60 cm and a double contrast enema. A carcinoma was found in one in seven patients with a positive retest but in only one in 100 patients with a negative retest (P less than 0.001). The specificity of the test was, therefore, increased from 95 per cent to 98 per cent and the sensitivity was unchanged. Rescreening was offered at a later date and increased numbers were available: 7147 patients returned the test and 369 (5.2 per cent) were positive. The test was repeated in 360 patients and 118 (1.7 per cent) were positive. A colorectal neoplasm was found in one in three of those with a positive repeat test, compared with one in seven of those with a negative repeat test. In conclusion, screening for early detection of colorectal cancer with a rehydrated Hemoccult II test may be followed by investigation of only those patients with a positive retest. Such a procedure will reduce the work-load by 60 per cent without reducing sensitivity. |
4 | Probe angioplasty of total coronary occlusion using the Probing Catheter technique. Coronary angioplasty (PTCA) of total coronary occlusion is limited by the inability of guidewires and conventional dilating catheters to cross all such lesions. A new technique was therefore prospectively evaluated for PTCA of these lesions using the ultra-low-profile Probe "balloon on a wire" device. An intracoronary Probing Catheter was used to facilitate crossing the stenosis with a guidewire and then to deliver a Probe into the obstruction for balloon dilatation. This technique was utilized in 64 consecutive patients with "absolute" coronary occlusions demonstrating no angiographically detectable antegrade coronary flow. Successful dilatation was achieved in 47 (73%). Among 33 occlusions of less than 3 mo duration 31 (94%) were successfully dilated whereas only 16 of 31 more chronic occlusions were dilated (P less than .01). Chronic occlusions with a tapered morphology and those located more than 1 cm from a branch point were more frequently dilatable. There were no serious complications including no vessel perforations with this technique. The Probing Catheter technique offers a safe and effective method for the dilatation of recent coronary occlusions by using balloon on a wire technology. |
5 | Amenorrhea. Amenorrhea, the lack of menstruation, is a gynecologic disorder that may arise from a variety of causes. If a logical and orderly schema is followed, the correct diagnosis and appropriate management plan can be formulated. |
3 | Unilateral hydrocephalus in adults. The authors report 14 cases of unilateral hydrocephalus in adults. Headache was the most common presenting symptom. Unilateral hydrocephalus was documented in each patient with computed tomography scans; magnetic resonance imaging was also used in seven patients in the latter part of the series. Unilateral hydrocephalus was caused by tumor (seven patients), venous angioma (one patient), ependymal cyst (one patient), postinflammatory gliosis (one patient), and was idiopathic in four patients. The primary surgical treatment was craniotomy with fenestration of the septum pellucidum, which relieved symptoms in eight of nine patients for whom long-term follow-up data were available. |
4 | Symptomatic pericardial effusion in breast cancer patients: the role of fluid cytology. Clinical and cytologic findings in 21 breast cancer patients with symptomatic pericardial effusion are presented. The etiology of the pericardial effusion was definitely malignant, by cytology/histology in 13 patients (62%), and suspected malignant by cytology in 2 patients (9%). One patient (5%) with definitely nonmalignant pericardial effusion by cytology was found to be histologically positive at autopsy. In 5 patients (24%) there was no histological/cytological evidence of malignancy; radiation pericarditis could be the etiology in 4 of these 5 patients. The median time from the diagnosis of breast cancer to the development of symptomatic pericardial effusion was 60 months (range: 1-219 months). Ten patients developed cardiac tamponade; they were treated by either pericardiocentesis or pericardiectomy. The mean survival of patients with negative cytology/histology was 12 months; patients with suspicious cytology had a mean survival of 9 months; patients with malignant effusion, treated by pericardiectomy, had a mean survival of 22.3 months, while patients with malignant pericardial effusion, who were not subjected to surgery, had a mean survival of 4.7 months, only. It is concluded that the etiology of symptomatic pericardial effusion in breast cancer patients is not always malignant, which emphasizes the role of fluid cytology in establishing definite diagnosis. The survival probability is a function of the extent of extracardiac disease; among patients with malignant pericardial effusion those selected for pericardiectomy have a longer than average survival. |
1 | Analysis of interferon-inducible genes in cells of chronic myeloid leukemia patients responsive or resistant to an interferon-alpha treatment. Recombinant human interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) can induce a hematologic remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. However, some patients are resistant and others develop late resistance to the IFN-alpha treatment. To understand the molecular mechanism of this resistance, we have analyzed the expression of 10 IFN-inducible genes in the cells of three resistant patients, two responsive patients, and six healthy controls. Northern blot hybridizations showed that all the genes were induced in in vitro IFN-alpha treated peripheral blood cells of the patients and healthy controls. These genes were also inducible in peripheral blood and bone marrow cells of two out of two resistant patients administered an injection of IFN-alpha. We conclude that the resistance to the IFN-alpha treatment of the chronic myeloid leukemia patients we studied is not due to (1) the absence of induction of any of the 10 IFN-inducible genes we studied, including the low-molecular-weight 2'-5'oligoadenylate synthetase; (2) the presence of an antagonist of IFN-alpha in the peripheral blood or bone marrow cells; and (3) the presence of neutralizing anti-IFN-alpha antibodies. |
4 | Hemodynamic determinants of subdiaphragmatic venous return during closed-chest CPR in a canine cardiac arrest model. OBJECTIVE: To assess the hemodynamic determinates of peripheral subdiaphragmatic venous-to-right-heart return during closed-chest CPR. MODEL: Seven anesthetized dogs subjected to electrically induced ventricular fibrillation for five minutes. INTERVENTIONS: Conventional closed-chest CPR and closed-chest CPR with continuous abdominal binding at a chest compression rate of 60 per minute, a compression-to-relaxation ratio of 50:50, and a ventilation-to-compression ratio of 1:5. METHODS: Solid-state catheters were positioned in the ascending aorta, right atrium (RA), and inferior vena cava (IVC). Cannulating electromagnetic flow probes were inserted into the IVC and a carotid artery. Analog-to-digital conversion was performed electronically. Five minutes after ventricular fibrillation was induced, interventions were performed in an alternating sequence. Systolic, diastolic, and mean pressures and flows were measured and compared. STATISTICAL METHODS: Two-tailed, unpaired t test applied to equal sample size, linear regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: Abdominal binding during CPR significantly increased (P less than .05) all measured systolic and diastolic CPR intravascular pressures compared with CPR without abdominal binding but did not affect IVC-to-right-heart venous return. During conventional CPR without abdominal binding, venous return was dependent on the diastolic IVC pressure (r = .86, P = .014), mean IVC pressure (r = .80, P = .03), and carotid blood flow (r = .99, P = .001) but not on the IVC-to-RA pressure gradient. With abdominal binding, venous return was not correlated with any study hemodynamic variable, including the peripheral venous-to-RA pressure gradient. CONCLUSION: Venous return from the subdiaphragmatic venous bed during CPR is dependent on venous pressure, not on the peripheral venous-to-right-heart pressure gradient. Abdominal binding during CPR does not affect venous return. Venous return during CPR diastole is highly dependent on central venous capacitance (left heart outflow during CPR systole). |
5 | Comparison of symptom characteristics of indwelling ureteral catheters. The signs and symptoms produced by 4 different types of 7F double pigtail catheters, including Cook polyurethane pigtail stent, Surgitek Silitek Uropass, Cook C-Flex and Van-Tec Soft stent, were analyzed prospectively. The stents were placed in 45 men and 28 women ranging in age from 23 to 72 years old. A total of 44 catheters had a suture attached to the bladder end of the catheter, which exited from the urethral meatus to facilitate removal. The remaining 29 catheters had no suture attached. Symptoms were evaluated at 2 and 6 days after insertion and 1 week following removal of the catheter, and included urinary frequency, nocturia, hematuria, flank pain, suprapubic pain, dysuria and pain on removal of the catheter. Frequency and nocturia were evaluated in minutes, pain was graded on a subjective scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (severe pain), and dysuria and hematuria were assessed qualitatively. There were no significant differences among the 4 types of catheters in terms of frequency, nocturia, hematuria, flank pain, suprapubic pain and dysuria. In addition, there was no significant difference in urinary symptoms between catheters with and without a suture at either 2 or 6 days after insertion nor was there any difference in pain on removal of catheters with (mean 3.9) and without (mean 5.0) suture. We found that catheter composition and use of suture to facilitate removal did not significantly affect patient morbidity. |
3 | Tumoral thrombosis of cerebral venous sinuses: preoperative diagnosis using magnetic resonance phase imaging. Intracranial, dural-based neoplasms will not infrequently invade adjacent venous sinuses. Therefore, the preoperative diagnosis of venous invasion is important, as it will alter the surgical approach to the lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging is a noninvasive means of visualizing the cerebral venous sinuses. The preoperative diagnosis of venous thrombosis can, however, be difficult and confusing with conventional spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging because of variable appearances produced by blood clot degradation products as well as flowing blood. Phase magnetic resonance imaging is a simple method that can be acquired simultaneously with conventional spin-echo sequences, and is based primarily on whether protons are stationary or moving. In the context of venous sinus occlusion, phase imaging can demonstrate the presence or absence of blood flow more easily than spin-echo imaging. Three cases of dural-based neoplasms are presented that demonstrate the utility of phase imaging in diagnosing tumoral occlusion of the venous sinuses. |
2 | Achalasia in the elderly. Effects of aging on clinical presentation and outcome. Clinical and manometric data from 13 elderly subjects with idiopathic achalasia (mean age 79 +/- 2 years) were compared with findings from younger subjects with the same disease (n = 79) to see if aging altered the presentation and outcome of this motor disorder. Fewer elderly subjects complained of chest pain (27% vs 53%), and the pain was significantly less severe (P less than 0.01). Other presenting features (including sex, duration of symptoms, and presence and severity of dysphagia) did not differ between the groups. Across all patients, age weakly and inversely correlated with residual postdeglutitive lower esophageal sphincter; (LES) pressure (R = -0.34), and residual pressure was significantly lower in the older subjects (8.0 +/- 1.3 mm Hg vs. 11.9 +/- 0.8 mm Hg; P = 0.02). No differences in basal LES pressure or esophageal-body contraction amplitudes were present between the groups. Initial success with pneumatic dilation was similar in the two subject groups, but the number of older subjects available for analysis was too small to draw strong conclusions. These results indicate that aging decreases the elevation of LES residual pressure that occurs with achalasia. As elderly achalasia patients also present with less chest pain, the findings may be interrelated. |
1 | Blood transfusion and recurrence of colorectal cancer: the role of platelet derived growth factors. Efforts to explain the possible effects of blood transfusion on the recurrence of colorectal cancer have been based entirely on the immunosuppressive effects of blood transfusion. However, the relationship between solid tumour development and the immune system is inconclusive. We have investigated an alternative mechanism involving the potential role of growth factors in this phenomenon. Using a human fibroblast: [125I]deoxyuridine uptake mitogenesis assay, the relative amounts of growth factor in the plasma of stored blood were measured. There was a progressive increase in mitogenesis from day 0 (n = 6) to day 28 (n = 6; P less than 0.001, Mann-Whitney U test). The effect of growth factors on the development of liver and intraperitoneal metastases was studied in Hooded Lister rats. Following an intraportal injection of 10(5) MC28 tumour cells, the experimental group (n = 25) received 2 ml of syngeneic serum intravenously for 4 days. Likewise, colonic anastomoses were performed on omentectomized rats and the peritoneal cavity seeded with 10(3) cells. The experimental groups (n = 20) received either 2 ml serum intravenously repeatedly or 3 ml serum intraperitoneally (n = 19). There was no significant increase in liver metastases or peritoneal disease following intravenous infusion of serum but serum delivered intraperitoneally resulted in a significant increase in tumour from 22 per cent in the controls to 89 per cent in the study group (P less than 0.01). Growth factors released from platelets following blood loss into the peritoneal cavity may be important in enhancing local recurrence of colorectal cancer. |
1 | Power drills to fenestrate exposed bone to stimulate wound healing. Power drills can be used to stimulate the formation of granulation tissue over exposed cortical bone. These tools allow for the rapid fenestration and selective abrasion of large areas of exposed bone; fenestration and abrasion create the multiple bleeding points essential for the production of granulation tissue. The granulation tissue thus produced is allowed to grow out through the holes to cover bone. This procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting, usually without the need for either local or general anesthesia; it is particularly useful for patients considered to be poor risks for general anesthesia. Healing by granulation tissue is a somewhat slow process, but it has a high success rate, causes few complications, and produces very good cosmetic results. Two cases illustrate the method of fenestration of exposed cranial bone to stimulate granulation tissue. Specific instructions describe the needed care of exposed bone. |
3 | Recurrent thoracic outlet syndrome. Recurrent symptoms develop in 15% to 20% of patients undergoing either first rib resection or scalenectomy for thoracic outlet syndrome. Over the past 22 years 134 operations for recurrence were performed in 97 patients. Four operations were used: transaxillary first rib resection (26); supraclavicular first rib resection with neurolysis (15); scalenectomy with neurolysis (58); and brachial plexus neurolysis (35). Complications included temporary plexus injury (0.7%), temporary phrenic palsy (3.7%), and permanent phrenic palsy (1.4%). The combined primary success rate of all four operations for recurrence was 84% in the first 3 months. This fell to 59% at 1 to 2 years; 50% at 3 to 5 years; and 41% at 10 to 15 years. No significant difference was found in results between the four operations used for recurrence. When recurrence was caused by trauma the results of reoperations were better than when recurrence was spontaneous. The primary success rates of three initial operations for thoracic outlet syndrome were compared to their secondary success rates (improved after reoperation). By use of life-table methods, reoperation improved the 5- to 10-year success rate of transaxillary first rib resection from 69% to 86% and for scalenectomy from 69% to 84%. Reoperation is successful in most cases of recurrent thoracic outlet syndrome and better when recurrence is the result of a neck injury. |
4 | Angiographic progression to total coronary occlusion in hyperlipidemic patients after acute myocardial infarction. POSCH Group. The progression of coronary artery stenosis to total occlusion was assessed in 413 hyperlipidemic patients with a previous myocardial infarction. Coronary angiograms were recorded at baseline, 3 (n = 312), and 5 years (n = 248) after initial study and analyzed by 2 independent readers. There were 177 (43%) patients with 1-, 130 (31%) with 2-, and 61 (15%) with 3-vessel disease (greater than or equal to 50% diameter narrowing), whereas 45 (11%) did not have significant disease within a major coronary vessel at baseline. A new finding of total occlusion occurred in 4% (30 of 748) and 7% (40 of 605) of major coronary artery segments at 3 and 5 years, respectively. The risk of progression to total occlusion was higher if the initial stenosis was greater than 60% compared to lesions less than or equal to 60% both at 3 years (19 of 143 = 13% vs 11 of 605 = 2%; p less than 0.001) and 5 years (27 of 91 = 30% vs 13 of 514 = 3%; p less than 0.001). The frequency of occlusion was highest for the right coronary artery by 5 years (18 of 167 = 11% for right vs 8 of 225 = 4% for circumflex vs 14 of 213 = 7% for left anterior descending coronary arteries; p less than 0.02). Clinical and laboratory data revealed that myocardial infarction was associated with a new total occlusion in 23% of patients (7 of 30) at 3 years and in 64% (25 of 39) at 5 years. |
4 | Diastolic dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Effect on active force generation during systole. We tested the hypothesis that intracellular Ca++ [( Ca++]i) overload underlies the diastolic dysfunction of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Myocardial tissue was obtained at the time of surgery or transplantation from patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and was compared with control myocardium obtained from patients without heart disease. The isometric contractions and electrophysiologic properties of all myocardial specimens were recorded by standard techniques and [Ca++]i was measured with the bioluminescent calcium indicator aequorin. In contrast to the controls, action potentials, Ca++ transients, and isometric contraction and relaxation were markedly prolonged in the hypertrophic myocardium, and the Ca++ transients consisted of two distinct components. At 38 degrees C and 1 Hz pacing frequency, a state of relative Ca++ overload appeared develop, which produced a rise in end-diastolic [Ca++]i, incomplete relaxation, and fusion of twitches with a resultant decrease in active tension development. We also found that drugs with increase [Ca++]i, such as digitalis, exacerbated these abnormalities, whereas drugs that lower [Ca++]i, such as verapamil, or agents that increase cyclic AMP, such as forskolin, prevented them. These results may explain why patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy tolerate tachycardia poorly, and may have important implications with regard to the pharmacologic treatment of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. |
5 | Intrahepatic arterioportal fistula after blunt hepatic trauma: case reports. Intrahepatic arterioportal fistula (APF) was found in five out of 65 consecutive patients following blunt hepatic trauma. In four patients the fistula was located peripherally and the blood flow was small. These fistulas closed spontaneously within 3 months. However, a centrally located fistula with early visualization of the trunk of the portal vein persisted in one patient and necessitated transcatheter embolization. The APF in this patient caused portal dilatation which was detectable by CT scan. We conclude that spontaneous closure can be expected when an APF is located peripherally and the shunt flow is small, while centrally located APF with large flow require active treatment, preferably by transcatheter embolization. An APF detectable by CT scan suggests the need of intervention. |
2 | Decreasing the risk of human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis B virus infection during endoscopic surgery. The risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus infection is small but finite. Urological surgeons are exposed through needle punctures in open surgery and splashes during endoscopic surgery. Safety glasses are difficult to use during endoscopic surgery and they do not offer complete protection. The Steri-Shield, a facial shield designed to be fixed to the endoscope, is described. |
3 | Morbidity, mortality, and quality of life for patients treated with levothyroxine In a population study of 1462 middle-aged women initiated in 1968 and 1969 we identified 29 women treated with levothyroxine from 1 to 28 years. In a 12-year follow-up in 1980 and 1981 we investigated the subjects for end-point myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, stroke, cancer, and death (the status of 99.7% of the initial participants was established). The women treated with levothyroxine showed no increase in morbidity or mortality. Of the 24 women still receiving levothyroxine in 1980 and 1981, 22 had serum thyrotropin and triiodothyronine concentrations with-in reference limits. These individuals were compared with the 968 women from the population study having no history of thyroid disease, and appeared identical as to laboratory and clinical data, with the exception of a slightly higher body mass, taller stature, and lower serum cholesterol concentration. The treated group did not differ in a life quality estimate based on 19 questions regarding life satisfaction and sensory function. We conclude that the levothyroxine-treated woman suffers no side effects from her life-long therapy. |
4 | Ischemic heart disease and platelet aggregation. The Caerphilly Collaborative Heart Disease Study. The Caerphilly Collaborative Heart Disease Study is based on a large cohort of men (2,398) aged 49-66 years at the time of study. Platelet aggregation induced by collagen, thrombin, and ADP was measured in fasting blood samples and was related to prevalent angina, past myocardial infarction, and electrocardiographic evidence of ischemic heart disease. A number of subjects had taken aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or other drugs affecting platelet aggregation 7 days before blood sample collection; after the exclusion of these subjects, data were available for 1,811 men. No relations were demonstrated with angina, but significant relations were shown between past myocardial infarctions and electrocardiographic evidence of ischemia and ADP-induced aggregation (both primary and secondary) and between electrocardiographic evidence of ischemia and thrombin-induced aggregation. The strongest relation indicated more than a twofold increase in the odds of a past myocardial infarction in subjects of the highest fifth of ADP-induced primary platelet aggregation compared with the lowest fifth. No significant relations were detected with collagen-induced aggregation. Accounting for a number of possible confounding factors had a relatively small impact on the relations between platelet aggregation and ischemic heart disease. Other evidence, including the well-established effect of aspirin on reducing the incidence of ischemic heart disease, indicates that the relations we describe are unlikely to be simply an effect of IHD on platelets. |
2 | Etiology and mechanisms of acute infectious diarrhea in infants in the United States. Infectious diarrhea, caused by a wide variety of viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens, is a common reason for morbidity and hospitalization for children in the United States. Overall, rotavirus is the most common cause of acute diarrheal disease in infants. Salmonella, Shigella, and Campylobacter are the most frequently isolated bacterial pathogens, and Giardia and Cryptosporidium are the parasites that most commonly produce acute infectious diarrhea. The mechanisms by which these enteropathogens cause diarrhea are highly variable, and include crypt cell proliferation, cellular invasion, elaboration of enterotoxins or cytotoxins, and enteroadhesion. In infants the incidence of diarrheal disease is higher and the severity of the illness is greater than in older children and adults. An increased rate of exposure to enteropathogens, as a result of fecal-oral contamination, may explain some of the increased incidence of diarrhea in infants. However, age-specific differences in host defense mechanisms may also account for the increased susceptibility to and severity of certain enteric infections in infants. |
4 | Therapeutic considerations in the elderly hypertensive. The role of calcium channel blockers. Hypertension is an extremely common problem in the elderly. The optimum antihypertensive agent to use in this population is not certain. In this paper, the factors influencing the choice of antihypertensive therapy are reviewed. They include efficacy, safety, comorbidity, utility in special populations, drug interaction, dosage schedule, cost, the mechanisms of action of the drug, and the pathophysiology of the patient's hypertension. Calcium channel blockers are effective and safe in the elderly. They improve other conditions frequently seen in that population and, with the exception of cardiac conduction abnormalities associated with some calcium channel blockers, do not adversely affect other comorbid diseases. They work well together with other antihypertensives and as vasodilators, they may be specifically appropriate in elderly hypertensives, whose hypertension is associated with reduced cardiac output and increased peripheral vascular resistance. Once- and twice-a-day preparations are available to foster compliance, but calcium channel blockers are expensive. |
1 | Parascapular free flaps for head and neck reconstruction. We report our experience with single-stage, primary reconstruction of the head and neck in 29 consecutive patients using parascapular free flaps. The commonest indications were for craniofacial defects (9), oropharyngeal soft tissue defects (10), and combined mandibular and soft tissue losses (4). Ablative surgery was performed for squamous carcinoma (22), melanoma (2), and malignant fibrous histiocytoma (2). Seven patients died of recurrent disease during a 3 1/2 year follow-up. Seven patients are alive with recurrence. Flap complications included total loss (2) due to unsalvageable microvascular thrombosis, wound breakdown with oropharyngeal fistula (2), mandibular osteomyelitis (1), trismus (2), neck contracture (1), and donor site wound dehiscence (1). The overall success of this reconstruction was 93%. Primary wound healing was the general rule with lower morbidity than with other reconstructive techniques. The flap is thin, pliable, and conforms well to three-dimensional defects. The lateral border of the scapula can be incorporated on the same vascular pedicle for single-stage mandibular reconstruction. No muscle is sacrificed, and the posterior donor defect is an added advantage. The parascapular flap is our first choice for reconstruction of major defects in the head and neck. |
5 | Antiepileptic drug intoxication: factors and their significance. A retrospective chart review (1979-1985) was performed to identify probable causes of intoxication with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). We identified 141 patients meeting clinical and laboratory criteria for intoxication and 17 with clinical signs but with serum concentrations within the therapeutic range. The majority were epileptic patients; almost half were treated with monotherapy, most with phenytoin (PHT). The causes of intoxication in the epileptic patients were iatrogenic (41%), inappropriate dose self-adjustment (34%), suicide attempt (18%), inappropriate caretaker dose adjustment (9%), accidental ingestion (8%), unrecognized drug interaction (6%), and association with intercurrent illness (2%). Twenty-two patients had more than one probable cause of intoxication. In nonepileptic patients the causes were suicide attempt (50%), accidental ingestion (27%), and iatrogenic (23%). Most patients had signs of ocularmotor and vestibulocerebellar dysfunction. Rarely described manifestations of intoxication, such as seizures or choreoathethosis, were observed in a few patients. The average hospital stay was 6.9 days; there was no mortality, and all patients recovered fully. We conclude that AED intoxication is a major but preventable cause of morbidity and that suicide attempts are an important and underrecognized contributor in both epileptic and non-epileptic patients. |
2 | Modified technique of Pringle's maneuver in resection of the liver. Crushing of the hepatic parenchyma with hepatic clamps to minimize blood loss during resection of the liver leads to mechanical damage of hepatocytes. Pringle's maneuver may precipitate liver failure by hepatic warm ischemia as well. Therefore, we controlled bleeding from the surface of the resection by using light compression on the hepatic parenchyma with a band while applying a hepatic arterial clamp at the hepatic hilus. This vascular control method can be done because the portal pressure is about one-tenth of the hepatic artery pressure and provides an efficient and harmless transection of the liver. |
4 | Effects of pressure and volume of the receiving chamber on the spatial distribution of regurgitant jets as imaged by color Doppler flow mapping. An in vitro study. Regurgitant jet dimensions imaged by color Doppler flow mapping have been used to evaluate the severity of valvular insufficiency in clinical studies. To study the effect of pressure and volume within the receiving chamber on the magnitude of spatial distribution of regurgitant jets assessed by color Doppler techniques, we designed a simple constant-flow model in which a jet was driven through a known orifice (1.5 mm2) into a compliant receiving chamber by a steady-flow pump. A distal tube at the outflow closed the system and maintained the volume of the chamber constant during pump operation. We varied flow rate from 60 to 270 ml/min into elastic balloons with different static compliances of 1, 2, 4.5, and 9 ml/mm Hg (pressures of 57, 28, 18, and 8 mm Hg, respectively); the balloons served as receiving chambers at the constant volume of 150 ml. We also evaluated the effect of different volumes of a receiving chamber (110, 130, and 150 ml and pressures of 5, 15, and 24 mm Hg) with a static compliance of 2 ml/mm Hg over the same range of flow rates. For each of the different balloons, jet area correlated linearly with the jet velocity across the orifice (r = 0.98, 0.99, 0.98, and 0.97) and also with flow rate (r = 0.97, 0.99, 0.98, and 0.99). At the same flow rate and volume of receiving chamber, however, the jet area imaged by color Doppler decreased as the pressure in the receiving chamber increased, although receiving-chamber volume was constant. |
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