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Mature lavender is fairly drought-resistant, but while lavender is within its first year of growth, it needs regular watering. Normal weather conditions often suffice, but if you live in an area that is particularly dry or if you have not received much rain, you should regularly soak the soil. Allow the soil to dry out in between watering, though. Herbicides, pesticides, and even fertilizers can kill the beneficial organisms that live in the garden soil and help your lavender to thrive. Skip the fertilizer altogether once planted in the ground. If a pesticide is needed, try an organic pesticide solution that contains no chemicals, since this is less likely to have a negative effect. Lavender grows slowly during the first year, and most of the plant's energy goes toward root development and vegetative growth. You should encourage this process by cutting off any flowering stems once the first buds begin to open during the first growing season. After the first year, cut flowering stems after 1/3 of the buds have opened to encourage further growth. Leave behind at least 1/3 of the new growth. Keep the soil warm by applying gravel or bark mulch around the base of the plant, leaving 6 inches (15 1/4 cm) of free space around the stem for air circulation. |
If you want to remove drywall, it's very important that you shut off any utilities in the area of the house that you're working on. Water and electricity should be shut off at the source before you start working on the drywall. Any time you're going to start digging around in a wall, it's important to use a stud-finder and find out exactly what you're messing around with. Most modern stud-finders will come with pipe and electrical settings, meaning that you can use it to identify and locate any fixtures that might be built into the wall, to make sure you can avoid them successfully. Mark areas with studs or fixtures with tape and work carefully around them, working toward the sensitive spots. If you don't have a stud finder, go around the room carefully knocking on the wall. Hollow sounding spots should be unobstructed drywall, but harder knocking spots will have studs and possibly piping throughout. Use caution in those areas, slowing working in that direction. Usually baseboards and ceiling moldings must be removed first, before you can access the drywall and begin removing it. This is done with a flat bar or other prying tool. Both types of moldings are usually affixed with nails, and should be pried from the walls slowly, working from nail to nail. Do the same thing with any molding or trim around windows and doors before you access the drywall. Use a utility knife to score the seam between moldings and drywall. The seam is typically filled with paint, caulk, or some combination of adhesive. If you want to reuse the molding, score the drywall edge of the seams to help fracture the wall where the molding and drywall surface will split. Make sure the power is off on these circuits, then carefully remove the trim from around any electrical devices in the area, including wall switches, receptacles, and thermostats. The drywall is usually fit around the device boxes underneath these covers so they won't be damaged when removing the drywall. |
Write down a few of the things that you like to do for fun. Next, write down a few items that you'd use for that hobby. Choose the ones you really like from that list, and add them to your wish list. Here are some ideas to get you started: If you like to paint or draw, you might need some new graphite pencils, paintbrushes, or paints. If you do oil painting, you might also need some linseed oil or turpentine. Be creative! If you like to show support for your favorite sports team, don't limit yourself to just jerseys, sweatshirts, and hats with your favorite team's logo. A sports game is a great way of showing support. It can also be a great experience. If you like music, why not think about your favorite bands? Are there any new albums that came out or that you don't have? What about posters or shirts? If you are interested in manga or comic books, see if any new volumes have been added to your favorite series. If you like anime, see what new action figures you might have missed out on. Click here for more ideas on specific gifts. Did you recently see a musical that you really liked? The musical might not be playing anymore by the time your birthday rolls around, but there could be another one that you might enjoy. Visit the theater company's website and see what is coming up that interests you. Tickets to performances, such as operas, plays, and musicals, make great, memorable gifts. If you don't like theater, think about other things you have enjoyed. This could be a sports game, a concert, or even a theme park. Click here for more gift ideas based on experiences. Sometimes, figuring out what you need is easier than deciding what you want. Think about the past few months. Ask yourself if there was something you really needed at one point but didn't have. Here are some things to get you started: If you cook a lot, you might find that some of your pots, pans, and other utensils need replacing or updating. You could ask for a new set or blender. If all your cooking gear is in top condition, consider some exotic spices instead. If you have a green thumb, you might like a grow-your-own herb kit. You'll get some pots, soil, and a few popular cooking herbs, such as basil, thyme, and mint. If you play a sport or music, see if your gear needs updating or replacing. Equipment can be expensive, and a birthday is a great chance to get an upgrade. If your birthday is close to winter, it might be a good idea to check and see if your winter clothes still fit. If they don't, you could ask for a new jacket or scarf. Do you have a favorite store that you like to shop in? Visit their website and see if there is anything new that came out since the last time you visited. Sometimes, walking through a store, thumbing through a catalog, or surfing the web may give you some ideas. If you have a free weekend, try visiting your local mall. Be sure to take note of anything that interests you. |
Find the metal knob, and twist it until the outer loop expands. Pop the inner loop out. If you wish to paint your embroidery hoop, twist the knob until it comes out. Place the knob and bolt part some place safe. You can use acrylic paint or spray paint. If your hoop is made from plastic, it might be better to leave it the original color; paint scratches off plastic easily. If your hoop is made from wood, you can paint it any color you'd like. You can also leave it blank, if you'd like something more rustic. You will trim off the excess fabric after you put the hoop back together. Try to center the lace as much as possible. There should be equal amounts of fabric hanging off the edges of your hoop. If you took the knob and bolt off, you will need to put them back in. Place the screw part of the knob through both holes on the metal clasp. Once you have it through, place the bolt at the end of the screw. Start tightening the knob and bolt until the outer hoop closes and you can't tighten it anymore. Try to cut as close to the hoop as possible. Choose some ribbon that matches your earring holder, and cut it. Thread it through the metal closure, right under the screw, and tie the ends in a knot. To hide the knot, rotate the ribbon until the knot is at the bottom. It will rest inside the closure, between the screw and the hoop. You can now stick earrings through the tulle or lace. This works best with hook earrings. |
When substances build up around the teeth of your zipper, it can prevent the zipper from staying closed. As a result, you’ll need to clean the teeth and remove stuff that could be preventing the zipper from closing. Combine water and soap in a small dish, and stir until suds form. Dip a clean rag in the soapy water and wipe down the zipper’s teeth. Grab a fresh rag and run it under the tap. Wipe the soapy mixture off the teeth with the damp rag. Attempt to zip and unzip as normal. |
To grow crystals using this method, you will need alum, two jars, a spoon, hot water, a wood pencil, some clear string, plastic wrap, and food coloring (optional). The food coloring can be used to alter the color of the crystal if you wish, but is not necessary to the creation of the crystal. Alum can be found in the spice aisle at the grocery store. It is generally used for pickling vegetables. Alum is nontoxic, but can cause irritation to the eyes. Avoid touching your eyes or wear protective glasses. Glass jars are recommended because you will be using hot water. Also, it is easier to see the crystals form. The pencil needs to be long enough to sit on top of the jar. In order to start growing your crystal, you need to make a solution of hot water and alum. A saturated solution means that you add enough alum that it can no longer dissolve in the water. The water does not have to be boiling, but the alum will dissolve in warm water faster than in cold water. Add a cup of hot water to one jar. Stir in a tablespoon of alum until it dissolves. Keep adding alum and stirring until the alum no longer dissolves. You may see a small amount of alum powder at the bottom of the jar. Add food coloring at this stage to color the water. If there is no undissolved powder left at the bottom of the jar that you mixed the solution in, you can skip this step. If there is powder, pour the alum solution into a new jar, making sure none of the powder gets into the new jar. In order to grow good crystals, you don't want any particles in the solution. Wash the original jar, you will use it again later for the second stage of growing. You want to keep any dust or dirt particles out of the jar. Do this by covering the lid with plastic wrap, foil, or placing a piece of cardboard over the top. Plastic wrap or foil are preferable because you can make a tighter seal. For a strong seal, wrap a rubber band around the plastic wrap or foil. Store the jar in a place that is out of the way and won't be bumped by anyone. If the jar gets jostled, no crystals will form. Locations with warmer air will help the crystals grow faster. Let the jar sit for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours check for crystal formation. You can leave the jar for longer, but if you have crystals at the bottom, you can use these as seeds to grow larger crystals. Once you have crystals formed at the bottom of the jar, you need to transfer the solution to a new jar so you can choose your seed crystals. When you pour, take care not to let any crystals fall into the new jar. You want only the alum solution to be in the new jar. You can also add another spoonful of alum to the jar to replace the alum that formed into crystals. Pour the crystals out of the bottom of the jar and dry them off with a paper towel. Examine them and choose the largest transparent crystal with flat sides. This crystal will serve as the base to grow your larger crystal. You may notice that some of the crystals are overlapping. These will not work well to grow larger crystals. Choose a single crystal to use as a seed. |
Don’t jump in too fast with a Cancer man. Once you’ve shown him that you’re interested or secured a date, give him a little bit of space. Let him get to know you slowly while sending out signals that you’e committed to allowing him in. For example, don’t set up dates two days in a row or immediately invite him over to your place. Avoid asking him personal questions right off the bat. Let him open up to you in his own time. You’ll love how romantic and compassionate he’ll be! Plan a weekend trip to the coast, rent a kayak or try paddleboarding. Take a casual day-date to the beach during the summer. Cancer is a water sign and Cancer men love being near the sea. Although a Cancer man might be hesitant to invite you over when you’ve just started seeing each other, once he’s beginning to commit to you he’ll definitely want to show you his home. In fact, the perfect date for a Cancer man is a night spent at home together. Turn the lights down, curl up together under a blanket, and let him choose the movie. Cancer men love and are proud of their homes. Compliment him on his place and show him that you love spending time there with him. A Cancer man will still love to go out and be social, but home is his place to recharge and relax. He’ll love that you want to spend time with him there. Cancer men are sensitive and don’t like to be in tense, fraught situations. Keep your temper under control when you’re together and avoid gossiping or critiquing others. For example, avoid snapping if a car cuts in front of you, or complaining about the service at a restaurant. Instead, take a deep breath and let it go. Your calm reaction to a small annoyance is a big plus to a Cancer man. |
The ideal food bowl for your dwarf hamster is small and ceramic. If you purchase a large bowl, you will be more likely to overfeed him. Also, large bowls take up a lot of cage space. Ceramic bowls are chew-resistant, which is a benefit over plastic bowls. Scratches due to chewing can lead to bacterial growth, so a ceramic bowl will decrease the likelihood of bacteria growing in or on the bowl. Ceramic bowls are also very sturdy, which makes them difficult to overturn, unlike plastic food bowls. Place the food bowl as far away as possible from your hamster’s designated ‘bathroom.’ Hamsters choose one spot in the cage to do all of their business. Once you have figured out where that spot is, make sure to put the food bowl on the opposite side of the cage. Clean the food bowl once a week when you clean your dwarf hamster’s cage. There is some debate as to whether hamsters should be fed in the morning of evening. A benefit to feeding them in the evening is that they will already be awake, since they are nocturnal animals. On the other hand, feeding them in the morning means that food will be there when they wake up sporadically throughout the day. Whichever time of day you choose to feed your dwarf hamster, remain consistent with feeding him at the same time. Remember that dwarf hamsters have a very high metabolism, so they will need access to food at all times. Your dwarf hamster's diet should contain a variety of foods so that he receives all of the nutrients he needs in the correct amounts. However, your dwarf hamster may not like everything that you feed him. If you notice that he's consistently not eating a certain food, switch it out for something else. For example, if you notice that he doesn't like one kind of fruit (e.g., apple), replace with it another fruit (e.g., banana). Keeping a variety of foods will allow you to easily switch out one food for another. Discontinue feeding him food that makes him sick (e.g., diarrhea caused by eating watermelon). He will only need about one tablespoon of hamster food each day, plus the occasional treat and fresh food. While a tablespoon of food might look like a lot compared to these tiny creatures, dwarf hamsters actually have very fast metabolisms and can eat the same amount as their larger cousins. Do not be tempted to fill his empty food bowl. Hamsters have cheek pouches in which they will stuff their food to save for later. They also have a tendency to store their food under their cage bedding. The fact that your dwarf hamster’s food bowl is empty does not necessarily mean that he has eaten all of his food. This is especially important for fruits and vegetables, since they can quickly become spoiled and moldy. Feed only the amount of fruit that your dwarf hamster can eat in a day. This may take some trial and error before you determine what that amount is. |
If it is cold, wear warmer clothing, if it is hot, wear cooler clothing. If you really must wear something you'll freeze in, add a coat or jacket. Do not wear anything you'll boil in, it is nigh on impossible to feel comfortable and you may faint or get heat stroke. It might be fashionable, but does it fit and look great on you? If not, don't force yourself into it. Instead, stick with whatever makes you look wonderful. Gone are the days when only one style ruled the roost. You are liberated enough now to be able to choose what brings forth your best features. It's okay if it's not the textbook outfit to wear, it's more important that you feel confident with what you have on. You can give a nod to current trends by adding an accessory that sums up the trend, be it by color, shape or logo. When everything is popping out or you can't distinguish your frame, the look fails to present you at your best. If something is really great and not in your size, get it tailored. A well-tailored outfit is always worth the effort and expense. Fashion doesn't always care about comfort but you should, especially if whatever you're going to requires you to stand a long time, or sit on hard seats, or be blown about by a cold breeze while pretending to like the weather. Think about the venue too––heels on a lawn party will soon grow really exhausting, while running around in just a bikini at the pool party will be less desirable when it comes time to evening drinks indoors at the bar. These are especially useful when you are not sure what the day holds; a cute knee length skirt, layered tanks, and a light jacket will go almost anywhere. Peel or add layers to add or subtract formality. At nighttime, add some eye liner, high heels, maybe an over sized accessory and you'll get a whole new nighttime look. Tons of accessories aren't necessary. Stick to your main piece and build around it with things that complement it. Remember texture, prints, and colors. Contrast is nice, but when everything clashes, it's going to spoil your whole presentation. A scarf is cute, whether it is a silk Hermès scarf or a knitted Burberry scarf. : red lipstick and eyeliner). If you show up in a place and realize you're dressed completely wrong, own it. Make it seem like you did it on purpose—people will admire you rather than be embarrassed for you. |
Once you become a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., you are advised to carry your Green Card with you at all times. This serves as your proof that you are authorized to live and work in the U.S. It also functions as a photo ID, much like a driver's license or passport. for more than 12 months at a time. Remaining outside of the U.S. for more than 12 months could result in the loss of lawful permanent resident status. If you need to be outside of the U.S. for longer than 12 months, you may need to apply for a re-entry permit prior to leaving the country. Green cards typically expire every 10 years. Plan to begin your green card renewal process 6 months prior to when your green card's expiration date. If you have a conditional green card, such as one based on a spouse or family member, you can apply to have the condition removed after 2 years. |
Use a cream-based pomade. Scoop out a fingertip-sized amount of the cream and rub it on your hands. Use your fingers to lather it into your hair as you would with shampoo. Spread the cream thoroughly throughout your entire hair. The cream will help add shine and control your natural curls so they are not too unruly. For a curlier texture, squeeze your curls between your fingers and the heel of your palm. This helps set the product in further and bring out your curls. Avoid using a comb, since this will flatten your hair. Once you’ve styled your curls how you want them, let the pomade air dry so you don’t lose any moisture in your hair. Drying your hair in any other method will be disrupted and lose its texture. |
Regularly inspect the gas lines connecting your grill to the gas tank by applying a small amount of soapy water to the surface of the line and connectors. This should be done each season you are using the grill and monthly during periods of high usage. Use a rag or brush to apply soapy water along the length of the gas line. Make sure to apply soapy water liberally around the connections and valves. Look for any bubbles that indicate gas is leaking causing a potentially dangerous situation. In between every 3-4 times you grill, heat up the grill without any food present. Turn the burners on high. Close the lid to burn up any drippings that have fallen on the burner protectors. Allow the heat to build up inside the grill for 10-15 minutes. Invest in a cover for your grill to protect it from the elements when it is not in being used. Keeping rain and debris from piling up on your grill will help keep it from rusting and extend the life of your grill. |
Make sure that the attention seeker understands that you won’t deal with certain behaviors. If they know that a certain activity won’t get attention from you, they might stop doing it in the future. For example, if you don’t want them touching you, you might tell them, “Would you mind not tapping or grabbing me when you want my attention? How about you knock on my desk if you need me.” Ignore any future touching. You might also say something like, "I know you're fond of parkour, but I get nervous when you show me videos of you jumping off buildings. Please don't show me anymore." An attention seeker can quickly take up your day with their stories and needs. To help you break away, tell them at the beginning exactly how long you have to hang out or talk. When time is up, the conversation is over. For example, if they call you, you might say, “Hey, I can only talk for 15 minutes. What’s up?” If you’re hanging out with them, try saying something like, “Let’s get lunch, but I have to leave by 2:00.” Set an alarm on your phone to tell you when you need to cut off the conversation. When it goes off, it is a signal to you and the other person that the conversation has to end. Some people might overshare or post too much too on social media, like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. If these posts are annoying you, just unfriend the person or remove their posts from your feed. Posting too much on social media might be a sign that the person wants more of a human connection. If this is someone you care about, reach out to them by phone or in person, and ask them to hang out. If they post controversial material on social media, you may be tempted to leave a comment or respond. Try to resist this urge. Likewise, you can also block the person from commenting on your own posts if they continue to search for reactions there. If the attention seeker is creating too much of a burden in your life, cut off contact if possible. If this isn’t possible, reduce your interactions as much as possible. For family members, you might schedule 1 phone call a month or exchange pleasantries at family events. You don’t have to constantly accept their calls, however. Tell attention-seeking coworkers that you prefer only to discuss work-related matters, especially in the office. If they try to come to you with office drama, give them a time limit before returning to work. |
. Boil the water until it just reaches a simmer, then remove from heat and wait 30-60 seconds before using it, so it can cool down a bit. The water temperature and quality of water you use to brew the tea are essential details to making a good cup of green tea. This is called warming the pot, and ensures the tea does not get cooled down by the pot itself. If possible, try to use loose tea leaves for higher quality tea, as opposed to tea bags. The standard guideline is one teaspoon (3 grams) of tea for each 8 ounce cup of water. So if you are serving yourself, just use one teaspoon of tea. Adjust this amount based on the number of people you are serving. The steeping time depends on the type of green tea you are using. Generally, you should steep green tea for 1-3 minutes. Once the tea has been steeped enough, strain out the tea leaves. Green tea that is steeped too long will taste bitter and have an unbalanced flavor. So try not to over steep the leaves. If the tea tastes very mild, use more tea leaves or steep the leaves for a minute longer. Traditionally, Japanese green tea is always served in small, ceramic cups with white color inside, so you can see the color of the tea. Using ceramic cups is important because the pot and cups will affect the taste of the tea. A traditional Japanese tea service will place the pot, cooling vessel, cups, tea coasters, and cloth on a tray. The size of the cups is also considered very important, as the smaller the cups, usually the higher the quality of the tea being served. The first pour of tea is weaker than the last pour of tea, so to ensure the flavor is equally distributed in each cup, fill each cup a third of the way. Then go back and fill the second third in each cup, and then finally fill each cup all the way. This is called "cycle pouring". Never pour someone a full cup of tea, as this is considered impolite. Ideally, the cup should be about 70% full. Green tea has a very robust flavor and if brewed properly, tastes delicious on its own. If you always drink sweetened and flavored tea, the taste of "raw" green tea may seem off-putting at first, but try a few cups before making up your mind. You can often get up to three brews from the same leaves. Do this by simply pouring the hot water over the leaves in the pot and steeping for the same amount of time. |
Make your own decorations instead of using plastic ones. Make wreaths for your door or decorative garlands for the tree using reusable or recyclable materials, like pinecones, paper, or popcorn, that you can recycle or mulch them after the holidays are over. For reusable wreaths, tree, and house decorations, try making them out of scrap fabric, recycled paper, or old decorations you would have thrown away. If you still want to use lights, switch to LEDs. They use at least 75% less energy than traditional bulbs, are cool to the touch, and last far longer. This cuts down on energy usage during the holiday. Plus, it saves you money on your electric bill! Keep your decorative lights on a timer, or make sure to switch them off when you head to bed. Using decorative lights sparingly saves a lot of energy and is better for the planet. |
Unless you want to breed your cat, it's a good idea to have her spayed. You do not want to deal with another miscarriage in the future and caring for kittens can be costly. Spaying your cat will prevent pregnancy altogether. Seeing a vet regularly during your cat's pregnancy can decrease the risk of miscarriage. If your cat is not spayed and is around un-neutered males, she is at risk of becoming pregnant. Watch for signs of pregnancy so you can get your cat evaluated early. Cats usually do not gain weight until the end of pregnancy, so you should look for other signs. The main way to tell your cat is pregnant is to look at her nipples. Early on in pregnancy, a cat's nipples will become noticeably darker and enlarged. A cat will also gain weight throughout pregnancy, so changes in your cat's size can indicate pregnancy. Cats need adequate food during pregnancy. A healthy diet can translate to a healthy pregnancy. You will need to add extra protein to your cat's meals throughout her pregnancy. Talk to your vet about safe sources of extra protein for your cat. Your vet may recommend a particular brand of cat food. Towards the end of your cat's pregnancy, your vet may want to switch her to kitten chow to provide her the nutrients to support breastfeeding. You should always have food out for your cat while she's pregnant. Even if you usually schedule meal times, allow your cat to eat freely while pregnant. Have your cat's stools checked regularly at a vet's office. This is especially important if your cat goes outside or has had fleas in the past. Parasites can cause a miscarriage, so keeping your cat parasite free can help prevent miscarriage. |
To give your lip scrub flavor, you can use any type and flavor of lip balm that you like. Twist the lip balm up in the tube, and use a butter knife to carefully shave off a piece of the balm that’s approximately 2- to 3-inches (20 to 30 mm) thick. Place it in a small bowl. Lip balms are available in a wide range of flavors, including fruit, such as strawberry and cherry, and even candy, such as Skittles or Starburst. Choose your favorite for the lip scrub. While most lip balms are transparent when they go on the lips, they’re often colored in the tube. If you use a colored balm, you’ll wind up with a colored scrub. For example, strawberry lip balm is often pink so you’ll wind up a pink lip scrub. You may need to add more than one piece of lip balm to give the scrub a vibrant color, though. Using additional pieces of lip balm will also intensify the flavor of the lip scrub. With the lip balm in the bowl, mix in 1 part petroleum jelly and 2 parts sugar. Use a spoon to stir all of the ingredients together until you wind up with a thick, grainy paste. You can make as large or as small a batch of lip scrub as you’d like. Adjust the amount of lip balm, petroleum jelly, and sugar accordingly. You don’t necessarily need to worry about exact measurements with the scrub recipe. If you prefer a grainy, textured scrub, add more sugar. If you prefer a smoother scrub, add more petroleum jelly. It’s a good idea to rub a little of the scrub on your lips after you’ve mixed it. If you want it to have more flavor, stir in more of the lip balm. Once you’re satisfied with the texture and flavor of the scrub, use a spoon to carefully transfer it to a small plastic jar or container that has a lid. To use the scrub, massage a small amount over your lips for 30 to 60 seconds, and wipe it off with a damp wash cloth. When you’re putting the scrub in the storage container, pack it down with your finger so you can easily close the lid. |
Use an introductory or lead-in clause so the evidence fits seamlessly in the text. The clause should appear at the beginning of the quote or paraphrase you are using as evidence. For example, you may use an introductory clause like, “According to Anne Carson…”, "In the following chart...," “The author states…," "The survey shows...." or “The study argues…” Place a comma after the introductory clause if you are using a quote. For example, “According to Anne Carson, ‘Desire is no light thing" or "The study notes, 'levels of addiction rise as levels of poverty and homelessness also rise.'" A list of introductory clauses can be found here: https://student.unsw.edu.au/introducing-quotations-and-paraphrases. Another option is to use your own claim or argument to introduce the evidence in a clear, assertive way. Keep the claim or argument short and relevant. Use a colon after the claim or argument. For example, you may write, “In the novel, Carson is never shy about how her characters express desire for each other: ‘When they made love/ Geryon liked to touch in slow succession each of the bones of Herakles' back…’” Or you may write, "The study charts the rise in addiction levels, concluding: 'There is a higher level of addiction in specific areas of the United States.'" You can also try placing the evidence within a sentence so it flows smoothly and naturally. Use a short piece of evidence in the sentence so it does not come across too long-winded or confusing. For example, you may write, “Carson views events as inevitable, as man moving through time like “a harpoon,” much like the fates of her characters.” Or you may write, "The chart indicates the rising levels of addiction in young people, an "epidemic" that shows no sign of slowing down." If you are introducing the evidence for the first time in the essay, always include the author’s name and the title of the reference or source when you discuss it. After you mention the author and title the first time, you can use just the author’s last name when you present evidence. For example, you may write in the first mention, “In Anne Carson’s The Autobiography of Red, the color red signifies desire, love, and monstrosity.” Or you may write, "In the study Addiction Rates conducted by the Harvard Review...". After the first mention, you can write, “Carson states…” or “The study explores…”. If you are citing the author’s name in-text as part of your citation style, you do not need to note their name in the text. You can just use the quote and then place the citation at the end. Always place quotes around any direct quotes you use from your sources. The quotation marks should appear around a full or partial quote so the reader knows you are using someone else’s words. If you are paraphrasing a source, you may still use quotation marks around any text you are lifting directly from the source. properly. Include an in-text citation if that is what is required for the citation style you are using. The in-text citation should appear in parentheses at the end of evidence and contain the author’s last name and the page number of where the quote can be found in the original source. Make sure you cite all quotes, charts, graphs, and other resources in your essay. For example, you may write, “In the novel, the characters express desire for each other: ‘When they made love/ Geryon liked to touch in slow succession each of the bones of Herakles' back (Carson, 48).” Or you may write, "Based on the data in the graph below, the study shows the 'intersection between opioid addiction and income' (Branson, 10)." If you are using footnotes or endnotes, make sure you use the appropriate citation for each piece of evidence you place in your essay. If you are using a paraphrase of a source or a summary of an original text, make sure you still use the proper references and citations. If you feel you use some of the wording from the original source in the paraphrase or summary, include a citation based on the citation style you are using in the essay. You may also mention the title of the work or source you are paraphrasing or summarizing and the author's name in the paraphrase or summary. For example, you may write a paraphrase like, "As noted in various studies, the correlation between addiction and mental illness is often ignored by medical health professionals (Deder, 10)." Or you may write a summary like, "The Autobiography of Red is an exploration of desire and love between strange beings, what critics have called a hybrid work that combines ancient meter with modern language (Zambreno, 15)." Always include a complete analysis of 1 piece of evidence before moving on to the next one. Placing 2 pieces of evidence in succession without analyzing the first one can be seen as sloppy or underdeveloped. The only time you can place 2 pieces of evidence together are very short quotes, less than 1 line long, and you are comparing the 2 quotes. Your analysis should then include a complete compare and contrast of the 2 quotes to show you have thought critically about them both. |
Put the metal blender cup or your blender's jar into the freezer and chill it for 15 minutes before you're ready to blend the vanilla malt. Chilling the blender cup or jar will help keep the malt thick and creamy. Take the chilled blender cup or jar out of the freezer and scoop 2 cups (296 g) of vanilla ice cream into it. Add 1⁄2 cup (120 ml) of milk along with 2 tablespoons (14 g) of malted milk powder and 1⁄2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) of vanilla extract. Look for malted milk powder near the cocoa and chocolate mixes at your grocery store. You can add an additional 1 tablespoon (7 g) of malted milk powder if you like a stronger malt flavor. Turn on the milkshake mixer or blender and combine the ingredients. Keep blending until the mixture is smooth and there are no lumps of ice cream. For a thick malt, stop blending as soon as the ingredients are mixed. Pour the vanilla malt into 1 or 2 serving glasses. For an extra creamy flavor, top the malts with whipped cream and garnish them with maraschino cherries. You can also drizzle a little syrup over the malts to add additional flavor. For example, drizzle caramel or chocolate sauce over the malts. |
This may not be called "prime rib" at your local grocery store or butcher's as "prime" is a grade used by the USDA and, in this context, it refers to a kind of cooking. But, rest assured, Beef Bone-In Rib Roast is what you want. If you are really thinking ahead, you can special order a prime-quality bone-in rib roast. Ask your butcher when he can have you one ready by. Odds are one won't be readily available because the cost incurred is much higher than other grades. You're looking for ribs 6 through 12. If your butcher knows his meat, he'll get you one from the small end toward the back of the rib section. It's generally leaner and gives you more bang for your buck. This is usually called the first cut on the loin, or small, end, because the ribs get larger as they get closer to the shoulder. If you prefer more fat, you may want to go a different route. To help you decide, the small end is where the Ribeye steaks are produced and the large end is used for Delmonico steaks. Does that help? Figure about 2 people per rib. So, for six people, you'll need 3 ribs. For fourteen people, you'll need 7. If you have less than six people, you're better off going with individual steaks -- too small a slab of meat won't cook like you want it to. Always check the date your beef was packaged. If it's been sitting around in the store for a tic, it's not good. It should have a bright red color and absolutely no dry or brown edges. If there's any damage to the wrapping, set it down and choose another option. You'll need the prime rib tied before roasting, so you might as well get it done right when you buy it. If it's left untied, the outer layer will overcook, pulling away from the muscle. This is totally protocol for it to be done for you, so don't be shy. However, if you forget to ask or if for some odd reason he cannot or does not, here's how: Trim your roast of any excess fat -- but leave on a thin layer to protect it while it cooks. If it's more than 1" (2.5 cm) thick, it's gotta go. But leave that much on to give your meal more flavor. Run the twine parallel to the bone and tie at both ends. This literally ties the meat to the bones, keeping it together. Tie around the meat in between the bones and don't forget about the chine bones on the end. This should take about 2-4 hours and is absolutely essential. If you don't let the roast come to room temperature, you'll regret it: It will take longer to cook your roast, your roast won't cook evenly, and you'll end up with well-done slices on the end and raw meat in the center. The amount of time it takes greatly depends on the size of your cut. Use your best judgment on room temperature times. |
There are as many types of curators as there are types of museums - art museums, history museums, children’s museums, science museums, and a vast range of specializations in between. You will need to choose what sort of museum you want to work for in order to pursue the appropriate education. Consider what experiences have influenced your desire to be a museum curator. Were you inspired by an Aztec history exhibit you saw on a school field trip? Do you dream of working in a place like the Metropolitan Museum of Art? Be as specific as possible. If you know you want to work in a science museum, think about what aspects of science interest you the most. Chemistry? Physics? Astronomy? The more specific your choice, the more extensively you can educate yourself in it. Many colleges offer Bachelor’s degrees in museology, or museum studies, but it’s not absolutely necessary that you choose this as your major. Museums will look for candidates with extensive education and experience in a field that is relevant to what they’re curating, such as art or history, as well as knowledge of business administration, marketing, and fundraising. Bachelor’s degrees typically take 4 years to complete, although it may take more if you choose a double major. By this time, you should have some idea of what subject you want to focus on. If you became particularly interested in African art while getting your Bachelor’s in art history, look for Master’s programs that have a focus in African art. Look at the faculty of graduate departments as well as the programs. Who you work with can have a great impact on your education, as well as your career. Many curators find jobs through the recommendations of professors in their field, so building a good relationship with faculty is a must. Graduate programs typically take between 1.5 and 3 years to complete. Many lower-level curatorial positions only require a Master’s, but if you want to become curator at a national museum, you’ll need a PhD. This should be in the field you wish to specialize in. Because of the competitive nature of this field, a specialized degree is increasingly necessary. You want to demonstrate as much expertise in whatever you hope to curate as possible. When you choose a subject for your thesis, it’s ideal to find something unique that will stand out from other research in your field. Educate yourself on what research has already been done and aim to make a distinctive contribution. PhD programs typically take at least 5 years (the average length, however, is 8.2 years). |
You may exert a lot of energy wrestling with your shortcomings, but this only keeps you stuck. Take a moment to label what the issue is and sit with the knowledge that your reaction to this issue is within your power. For instance, if you feel defeated about your low income, admit that aloud. Say, “My salary affects the way I view myself. I feel helpless.” Now, empower yourself by imagining that only you can do anything about the situation. You might say something like, “I am the only one who can improve my income.” Remember that you don't have to be perfect. Learn to accept your weaknesses and shortcomings if they're things you can't change, and find ways to work around them. Acceptance is all about empowerment, so take a look at your shortcomings and decide if you want to work on them or just leave them be. If you want to change, devise a plan using SMART goals to improve in these areas. Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Avoid vague goals like "I want to be happy." A good SMART goal might be: “I want to go up for a promotion to improve my income or apply for higher-paying jobs. I will do this by the end of the month.” Try not to overwhelm yourself— only take on one shortcoming (like income) at a time. Some shortcomings can't be changed, and that's OK. For example, if you think your height is a shortcoming, that's something you can't change. Instead, work on accepting that part of yourself and turning it into a positive. Notice negative or self-defeating language and start to question its validity. Ask yourself questions: Is there evidence to prove this claim? Does that statement make you feel bad about yourself? Is there another more empowering way to look at the situation? For example, you may think “I will never get better at the guitar.” Change the self-talk to something more realistic, like “If I practiced more, I can get better at the guitar. But, right now, my guitar-playing is not a top priority." This revision helps you view situations more realistically and from a position of self-acceptance (i.e., “I'm okay with not being a great guitar player because it's not my top focus” BUT “I could be better, if I wanted to.”). Become more aware of when you are comparing yourself to others. When this happens, go back to your strengths list and remind yourself of all the ways you are uniquely gifted. Typically, you are making comparisons when negative self-talk happens. For example, maybe you criticized your own guitar-playing after hearing a friend play. Spot the negative, critical, and judgmental people in your life and start spending less time with them. These are the people who make a lot of comparisons, gossip, or focus on the negative aspects of situations. Others can get inside your head and undermine your ability to be self-accepting. Getting distance from negative people can help improve your self-acceptance. |
Call or, more likely, visit the recipient’s website. If you are setting up ACH debit payments, you will more than likely be doing so via signing up on the biller’s website. Most companies of any significant size have embraced online bill payment because it cuts down on their costs. Think of all the time and staff it takes to open all those envelopes stuffed with paper checks and payment stubs. These will naturally vary by recipient, but there are some typical features of the process. If you are signing up online, you will have to provide, along with standard information about yourself, your bank account and routing number. You’ll find these numbers along the bottom of your checks. If you don’t have paper checks, you can find your account number on statements or other documents, and contact your bank and request your routing number. Just a reminder: when setting up online payments, or sending out a check, whether voided or active, be careful regarding whom you are providing access to your account and routing numbers. Some security experts recommend that you treat these numbers in the same way you do your Social Security number, so think before you provide them. If you are signing up by filling out a form to be mailed, faxed, or scanned, you may have to provide a canceled check, which will give the payee your account and routing numbers. Write VOID across the middle of the check in bold, large letters (and in ink). If you are setting up automatic payments for your phone bill, you may see an ACH debit for a few pennies or even $0.00 from “GloboFone” (or whatever it may be) on your bank statement. Such a test transaction is the recipient’s way of confirming that your information is correct and that it is able to “pull” funds out of your account. Establish the timing and amounts (recurring amount, balance due, minimum due, etc.) to be withdrawn each month or other time period. You may be able to set up automatic notifications by email or text when you have a new bill, when a payment is posted, etc. This is usually a wise choice. There may be a delay of up to 1-2 billing cycles before an automatic payment plan takes effect, so be prepared to pay another bill or two as you did before. Make sure you have sufficient funds so that an automatic ACH debit does not overdraw your account. If the electric company tries to pull out $100 from your account and you only have $80 in it, expect to pay overdraft fees with your bank, as well as any interest/penalties imposed by the payee. |
Ask yourself why you want to break up with this person, and identify all of the things that make you unhappy in the relationship. Make a list of the things that bother you. Is the distance the problem, or is your partner the problem? Consider whether you can change any of these things, or whether they are simply immutable side-effects of a long-distance relationship. If you are undecided, make a list of positives and negatives: reasons to stay in the relationship, and reasons to leave it. Consider the weight of each point; one very powerful negative may negate a long list of positive aspects. Consider whether you can resolve your frustrations by talking with your partner. If you are certain that you want to break up, then gather your resolve and make a plan. If you are tired of the distance, but you still love your partner, consider talking to him or her about the future. Long-distance relationships tend to work best when there is a light at the end of the tunnel: when you and your partner are planning to close the geographical distance in the near future. If you need to bounce your thoughts off of someone, but you aren't ready to speak with your significant other about the problems in your relationship, consider seeking the advice of a close friend, family member, or counselor. Lay out your grievances and explain why you are thinking about a break-up. Ask your confidante if your reasons are reasonable. He or she may validate your thoughts or help you see your situation in a new light. If your confidante has experienced a long-distance break-up themselves, it may benefit you to ask for their advice. He or she may be able to give you valuable tips. Stop living under the shadow of a long-distance relationship. Open yourself up to the opportunities around you and consider what will make you truly happy. If you think that you want to break up with someone, giving yourself a taste of life on the single side will help you make your decision. If you begin to disconnect from your long-distance partner, and you like it, it may be the right choice for you. Try to meet new friends in your area. Consider joining a meetup group or attending free events around your city. Go exploring on your own, and don't think about the next time that you will speak with your partner. Do the things that your relationship has kept you from doing. Live for yourself and own every moment of your day. You may find that taking these steps actually gives you room to breathe in the relationship. If you've agreed upon an exclusive relationship, but you want to see other people, it may be best to break up with your partner before you move on in a romantic sense. Be respectful. If you cheat on a long-distance partner and they find out, they may be more likely to take the initiative and break up with you. However, the process may be exponentially more painful, and you will only prolong the situation. If you are considering a break-up because you are already romantically involved with another person: you will need to choose, sooner or later. The sooner you choose, the less painful it will be for everyone involved. |
When you are doing lymphatic massage, you want to make sure that you don’t press too hard. The lymphatic vessels are located right under the skin, so if you press too hard, you are going to go deeper than the vessels. Press down enough so that your fingers are not sliding over your skin, but make sure that you can’t feel anything beneath the skin. You may feel like this is too light, especially if you are used to deeper tissue massages. You may be used to giving or receiving massages where you glide along the skin. A lymphatic massage needs to stimulate the lymphatic vessels, which are elastic and attached to the skin. You need to lightly stretch your skin to massage them. The direction of your stretch of the skin is important. You should stretch the skin in the direction that the lymph flows naturally. You want to help stimulate the natural flow. If you stretch the skin the wrong way, you are doing nothing. The lymph flow goes towards your trunk and heart. Make sure to take your fingers off the skin after each stretch. If you move your fingers back and forth, you are just moving the lymph and not helping to drain it. As you massage the lymph vessels, you should go slow. The normal rhythm of their flow is slow, so try to take around three seconds to perform each stretch of the skin. Release and wait for a few seconds before beginning again. |
Depending on your niche's location, it may not have access to ample lighting, meaning the objects inside will be difficult to see. If this is the case, try adding accent lights to your wall compartment. Most people install small, low-watt spotlights inside their niche's ceiling, similar to a museum display. However, you can also install accent lights by: Gluing a LED strip along the edges of the niche. Placing a tap light inside the niche. Pointing external spotlights at the niche. Unlike accent lights, which just add luminance, pendant lamps serve as both a lighting fixture and an artistic statement. Wired via a hole in the niche's ceiling, these lamps hang down and take up a large amount of space, pulling people's eyes to the area. Depending on your desired aesthetic, try going with a sleek, modern lamp or a more elegant fixture reminiscent of a chandelier. If your wall compartment has enough light already, try adding candles for purely aesthetic reasons. Large, tall candles will create an elegant look reminiscent of religious services and holidays. Small tea lights will create a more romantic display, bathing the area in warm light. |
Find a spot outdoors where you want your puppy to go to the bathroom. Take your Saint Bernard to this spot every time they go to the bathroom. The puppy will eventually learn that this is where they need to go and will start wanting to go to do their business in this spot. Your Saint Bernard puppy needs to learn that they have to use the bathroom in their elimination spot. When you first get your puppy, set up a schedule to take them out. Start with taking them out every hour. They should also be taken out first thing in the morning, before bed, and after meals. Setting up a feeding schedule can help reinforce the elimination schedule. Your Saint Bernard will get used to going out within 30 minutes after they eat. Associate the act of going to the bathroom in their elimination spot with a positive reward. When your puppy does their business, give them verbal praise, pet them, and give them a treat. This helps them want to do their business in the elimination spot. Provide the rewards immediately after the puppy finishes. Don’t start verbal praise while they are still going, and don’t wait until you are back inside the house. Rewards need to be immediate. If your Saint Bernard starts to go to the bathroom in the house, calmly interrupt them. Speak their name and clap your hands to get their attention. Then, pick them up and take them outside to the elimination spot. After they do their business, give them a treat to reinforce the positive behavior. Avoid yelling at your puppy if you catch them messing in the house. They are learning, so teach them the correct behavior calmly and positively. Don’t rub their nose in the mess or punish them, which can make them afraid to eliminate. While you are house training them, you should keep them confined to small area of the house where you can keep an eye on them. Your Saint Bernard needs to be monitored until they have learned that they go outside. Confining them helps keep accidents to a minimum and helps you watch them for signs they need to go out. You can use baby gates, dog play pens, or closed doors to help limit where your puppy can roam. Crate training can be a good way to house train your Saint Bernard puppy. Dogs see crates as their space, so they are less likely to mess in it. You can leave the puppy in the crate for short periods of time when you go out. You can also let your puppy sleep in the crate at night. The crate should be big enough for the puppy to stand up comfortably and turn around. Start with a smaller crate that is closer to your puppy’s size and then move up to a larger one more fit for your adult Saint Bernard. Don’t use the crate as punishment. This should be a positive space for your puppy. |
National flags should be raised in a brisk fashion. When lowered, they should be done so slowly and ceremoniously. The flag should be raised at sunrise, and lowered at sunset. Make sure to follow handling etiquette when attaching the flag to the staff. Do not let it drag or touch the floor. Raise the flag as though normal, but once you have reached the peak of the staff, slowly lower the flag to half-mast. When lowering the flag for the evening, first raise the flag to the top of the staff before slowly lowering the flag. Each nation has specific days for flying the flag at half-mast. In the United States, those days are Peace Officers Memorial Day, Memorial Day, Patriot Day, Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, National Firefighters Memorial Day, and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Some holidays only require a flag be flown half-mast for part of the day. On Memorial Day for example, the US flag is flown half-mast from sunrise to noon. People in attendance for the raising and lowering of flags should salute the flag. The salute should be held until the flag has reached the top of the staff, or has been lowered and removed. If music is accompanying the raising or lowering of the flag, the salute should be held until the music has finished. Individuals present in military uniform should perform the military salute. Individuals present who are members of the armed forces or veterans may also perform the military salute. Those in attendance who are not in uniform should remove their headwear and place their right hand over their heart.The headwear may be held in the right hand, allowing the headwear to rest on the shoulder, while the hand is over the heart. Individuals from other countries should stand at attention, though are not required to salute. |
When you launch Messenger, you'll see all of your Facebook conversations in the Chats tab. You can also get to this tab from anywhere by tapping the chat bubble icon at the bottom of the screen. You can insert your location into conversations so that your friends can easily find you. One of these options will appear next to the typing area. It's the paper airplane. If it's your first time sharing your location with Messenger, follow the on-screen instructions to enable location sharing and provide permissions. This shares your current location with anyone who is a part of the conversation. If you'd rather share different location, tap the pushpin icon at the top-right (Android) or bottom-right (iPhone/iPad), drag the pin to the desired location, and then tap Send This Location or Send Pin. |
This first step is very important, because a coin with a low silver percentage mixed with other metals will make for a discolored ring. American quarters made before 1964 are 90% silver, while quarters dated 1965 and later are mixed with copper and nickel. Because of their silver percentage, pre-1965 quarters make excellent rings. Feel free to use other coins, just make sure to Google them beforehand and find out what percentage of silver they are. There are lots of coins to choose from on sites like eBay. The larger the coin, the thicker the ring. A quarter is a great size, but half dollars may actually work better for someone with larger fingers, or someone desiring a thicker band. It is perfectly legal to make rings out of U.S. coins, despite what many people think. It’s important that the surface is smooth and sturdy, so the coin does not become warped. Don't worry if you don't have an anvil, because any hard metal surface will do just fine. The surface should be somewhere comfortable because you will be working on it for a good while. It is important to tap and not pound on the coin, or your ring will become distorted. Roll the coin on the hard surface as you tap along the edge. The ring will slowly start to get smooth and will begin “mushrooming” out. In other words, the perimeter of the ring will start to widen as you tap, and a lip will form along the sides of the coin. This step of the process will take you the longest. You should notice the lip forming after about fifteen minutes of tapping, and it can take up to an hour for the ring to be as wide as you'd like. Continue tapping along the side until the width of the lip is the desired width of the ring. This will take a long time, so turn on the television or some music and make yourself comfortable. A good measure of your progress is to watch the writing along the perimeter of the ring. Slowly but surely, that writing should move to the inside of the lip. |
An eyebrow powder kit will usually come with clear wax. The wax helps hold the hair in place and gives the powder something to adhere to. A small, angled brush helps set the shape. |
Take the measuring tape and drape it around the wearer's neck. Get a comfortable measurement, not too loose or too tight. Keep in mind the ruff is going to fit right over the wearer's shirt collar. Determine how much linen you will need to buy. Look for evenweave handkerchief-weight linen. Go to your local fabric store and ask for samples of linen. For the best looking ruff, try to buy the most tightly-woven fabric available. Fabrics of this quality range from $12-$80 per yard, so buy linen based on your budget. Be wary of Chinese linen, woven from a very short staple fiber and prone to wrinkling. Irish, German, and Italian linens are all good options. Wash it in hot water. Let it dry and then press it with an iron. You're looking for the true grain of the linen. You don't want to cut strips from the length-wise grain, as these strips won't spring up from the neckband of the ruff properly. Draw the thread and then cut along this line. Continue to pull the thread with the needle to get it started. A 3” wide strip produces an average 1570s ruff with a finished depth of around 2 ½”. Hold them so the edges meet. Thread the needle. The, use a whip stitch to attach them. Try to catch the smallest amount of thread possible at the edge of each piece of linen. If you do the stitch properly, the stitch should be barely visible from the exposed side of the linen pieces. There should be a slight ridge on the back side of the linen pieces. Continue to attach pieces of linen together with whip stitches. This will stop them from unraveling. Try to use the least amount of thread possible as you do not want to add bulk to the ruff. Avoid using a zigzag stitch to finish the edges. The ruff will look less authentic. Use a gathering stitch to form the pleats of the ruff. Run the first line of gathering stitches about ⅛” from the unhemmed edge. Run another line of gathering threads about ¼” away from the first line of stitches. Create two to four lines of gathering stitches total. Keep the fabric flat as you make the stitches. Leave a 10” to 12” tail on either end of the linen. Always make the neckband a bit bigger than necessary as the ruff can be bulky. You don't want the neckband to be too tight, but it should fit snuggly. It may help to gather up the ruff and loop it around your neck. Then, use a measuring tape to measure the length. Don't be surprised if the measurement is larger than you thought, as the bulk of the ruff can add up to 2” to your neck measurement. For a 15” x 2” neckband, start with a rectangle that is 16” x 8”. Fold the rectangle in half, lengthwise, and press it with an iron. Unfold the fabric and then fold the two long edges toward the center crease line. Press this fold with an iron. The fabric strip should now be 4” wide. Unfold the strip and then fold it under ½” on the short ends, towards the inside. Press the folds. Refold the two long edges down toward the center fold line and then bring the two long folded over edges together. The neckband should now be 15” x 2”. Press the neckband well. You can use some starch to hold the creases, if desired. Use your needle and thread. Divide the ruff into workable units. For a 15” neckband, for example, mark three 5” sections on the neckband. Gather the ruff to 15” and adjust the pleats so they are even. You can hit the finished, gathered ruff with a shot of steam from an iron to keep the pleats in place. This will make the ruff easier to attach to the neckband. Whipstitch the neckband to the pleated ruff. Work from the center of the neckband to the short ends. Make sure the end of the ruff stops just shy of folded under the short end of the neckband. Once you have completed all the stitching, tie a square knot to the gathering threads. Clip them to about 1” and tuck the tails back into the neckband. Finish the short ends by whip stitching them as close to the edge as you can. Sew 12 to 18 inches of narrow ribbon or cord to each end of the ruff. This will help the wearer tie on the ruff and secure it. Be warned that the ruff will likely collapse when it gets wet. So wash linen ruffs in hot water. Then, dry the ruff by rolling it in a dry towel. Linen absorbs a lot of water, so you may need to use a large towel. Don't wring out wet linen. Instead, hang dry the ruff. There are two methods of starching: Cold starch: dissolve raw starch in water and apply it to the fabric. The starch is then “cooked” (turns into a gel) when the linen ruff is ironed. This produces a nice stiff finish, but requires skill so you don't scorch the fabric or end up with cloth stuck to the iron. Using boiled starch: Mix two tablespoons of starch (corn, wheat, or rice) in 1 cup of water. Either microwave the starch on high or heat it on the stove. Stir it until it becomes thick and transparent. Regardless of the method, starch should always be applied to damp, not dry, linen, so it can penetrate the fibers. Work the starch into all of the folds. Then, gently shake out the excess starch. But make sure there is a rather thick coating on the ruff. Let the ruff dry. Open up the pleats as the ruff is drying so they don't stick together. |
If you can afford it, take your dress, suit, or other formal attire to a tailor for a proper fitting. The right hems will keep you from tripping up the entire evening, and a proper fit that conforms to your body perfectly will leave you feeling confident and at ease. Trim or shave facial hair the day before the event so your skin is not irritable on the day of. If you’d like to wear a little makeup, choose one facial feature to play up while keeping the rest of the look neutral. Choose a style that you can set and forget. If you’re worried about strays and frizz throughout the event, you won’t be at ease. If you want a fresh cut for the event, have it done in time for your hair to relax into the new length and style. High heels may make you look great, but if you are not accustomed to them, they will hurt your feet. Oxfords with a tight vamp will pinch throughout the event. Choose a formal shoe that feels comfortable and familiar. No matter what shoes you decide on, you should wear them a few times before the occasion itself. Wear them around the house, but keep them looking clean and polished. This allows the shoe to conform to your foot, which will make you feel more comfortable during the event itself. A bit of sparkly jewelry can turn a plain ensemble into formal attire. Shirt studs, cufflinks, and tie pins provide a chance to add a touch of personality to a suit or tuxedo. A stylish watch will catch the eye when it peeks from beneath your cuff. A necklace and bracelet combination with sturdy clasps can be topped off with simple gemstone stud earrings. |
Communicating your needs and standing up for yourself probably won't come to you overnight. You may want to practice standing up for yourself in low-risk situations before you try confronting someone in a position of authority or importance (e.g., a boss or romantic partner). For example, if a co-worker asks you to bring him or her coffee whenever you go to Starbucks but never offers to pay, you could remind him or her about the cost the next time they ask. You don't have to be insulting or aggressive when you do this; instead, just say something friendly but clear like “Would you like to give me cash to pay for yours, or would you prefer I put both on my debit card and you can buy the next round?” If you feel taken for granted by others, you need to communicate that to the other person. However, you don't want to simply come out and say “You take me for granted.” Attacks and “you” statements shut down communication and can make a bad situation worse. Instead, use simple, factual statements to explain your discomfort. Stay calm. You might feel resentment, anger or frustration, but it's important to keep those emotions under control. While there may be plenty of negative emotions within you, focus on presenting a calm front and letting the other person know that you're not unstable or attacking but that you do mean business. Stick with "I" language. It's easy to fall into the trap of saying things like "you make me miserable" or “you're a jerk,” but all that does is make the other person defensive. Instead, stick with explaining how things impact you and start your sentences with such phrases as "I feel", "I want", "I need", "I am going to" and "I am doing this from now on". If you're concerned that enforcing a boundary may seem like you don't want to help, you can explain the situation. For example, if a coworker asks for your help, you could say something like “I would normally love to help you with that project, but my son's recital is tonight and I don't want to miss it.” You can establish that you care about the other person without always caving to requests. Don't reward hostile or manipulative behavior with positive consequences. “Turning the other cheek” when someone abuses you may only encourage them to continue that behavior. Instead, express your dissatisfaction with that behavior. Others may not even realize that they've been taking advantage of you. In most cases, they will want to make the situation right once you bring it to their attention, but they may not know how. Offer ways for the other person to address the problem so that you both can feel positive about your relationship. For example, if you feel taken for granted because your contributions to a group project haven't been acknowledged, explain how your boss can remedy the situation. You could say something like “My name was the only one left off of that big project. I felt like my work wasn't valued when that happened. In the future, I'd like you to credit all the team members.” Another example: if you feel like your romantic partner is taking your love for granted because he or she doesn't express feelings clearly, offer some options that would help you feel appreciated. You could say something like “I know you aren't into flowers and chocolates, but I would like you to occasionally express your feelings for me in a way that feels comfortable for you. Even a simple text during the day would really help me feel more appreciated.” You don't have to pick fights to stand up for yourself, and you don't have to pretend to be an uncaring jerk to say “no” to others. Expressing that you care about the other person's feelings can help ease tension in uncomfortable situations and make them more willing to listen to your concerns. For example, if your romantic partner always leaves the dishes and laundry for you to do, begin by making a statement of empathy: “I know that you care about me, but when I always end up doing the dishes and laundry, I feel more like a housekeeper than a romantic partner. I would like you to help me with these chores. We could alternate days, or we could do them together.” It can be helpful to rehearse what you want to say to the other person. Write down the situation or behavior that has upset you and describe what you would like to see change. You don't have to memorize this verbatim; the point is to become comfortable with what you want to express so that you can communicate it clearly to the other person. For example: imagine that you have a friend who often makes plans with you and then cancels at the last minute. You have begun to feel taken for granted because you don't feel like your friend respects your time. You might say something like the following:“Terrell, I want to talk to you about something that has been bothering me. We often make plans to hang out together and you end up canceling on me at the last minute. I feel frustrated by this because I usually can't make new plans with such short notice. I feel like you are taking my time for granted because I always agree to hang out with you when you ask. Sometimes I even wonder if you are canceling because you don't actually want to hang out with me. The next time we make plans together, I would like you to put them in your planner so you don't double-book that time. If you really have to cancel, I would like you to call me more than a few minutes beforehand.” Another example: “Sophie, I need to talk to you about babysitting. You asked me a few days ago if I could babysit your son next week, and I said yes. I agreed because I value your friendship and I want you to know that I'm there for you when you need me. However, I have already babysat for you several times this month, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm always on call. I would like you to ask other people to help out too, instead of always asking me.” It's important to make sure that your words and your behavior match up so you don't send mixed signals to the other person. If you have to say no to a request or enforce a boundary, using assertive body language can help the other person understand that you are serious. Stand straight and maintain eye contact. Face the person you are speaking to. Speak in a firm, polite voice. You don't have to shout to make yourself heard. Do not giggle, fidget, or pull funny faces. While these tactics might seem like they would “soften the blow” of your refusal, they can communicate that you don't mean what you're saying. Make it clear to the person that when you say "no", you mean it. Don't give in to any manipulations or “guilt tripping.” People may initially test your boundaries, especially if you've frequently given in to demands in the past. Be persistent and polite about enforcing your boundaries. Avoid coming across as self-righteous when you maintain your boundaries by not over-justifying your actions. Too much explanation or insistence on your own perspective may come across as arrogant, even if you don't mean it to. For example, if a neighbor repeatedly comes over to borrow your tools but often doesn't return them, you don't have to make a long speech about your personal rights to decline the next time s/he asks to borrow something. Politely tell the person that you do not want to lend him or her any more tools until s/he returns the others s/he borrowed. |
A small amount of linseed oil will create a dark shine on the stone without causing damage. However, oil attracts dirt and makes the slate harder to clean. For this reason, oil is not recommended for floors or outdoor surfaces. Stone sealer can create as glossy a surface as you like, but can make it very slippery, especially when wet. If the slate is outdoors or in an unheated room, water can seep under the sealer and crack off the sealer when it freezes and thaws. Slate can be honed (smooth) or rough (with small jagged edges). Sealer is more effective on honed slate. If you do decide to apply a sealer, find one specifically designed for slate or at least natural stone, preferably a penetrating sealer for long-lasting protection. Apply a thin layer with a paintbrush, following the grain of the slate. Let dry for two hours (or as the label recommends), and reapply as necessary. Test the sealer on a corner to ensure it results in the desired gloss/matte, slip resistance, and color. Wait for at least 24 hours before walking over the fresh sealer. |
Once all the sugar has dissolved, leave the pot on a medium flame and allow it to boil. Stir the mixture regularly to help it reduce and prevent it from burning. As the milk reduces, it will start changing color from white to caramel. This is a good sign and means that your dulce de leche is nearing completion. The amount of time you let the milk boil depends on how dark you like your dulce de leche. If you prefer it lighter, take it off at 90 minutes. If you want it darker, leave it on a full 2 hours. Place the pot on an unlit burner on the stovetop and allow it to cool. Stir it one final time while it’s cooling. Making dulce de leche this way may produce more chunks and solid pieces than using condensed milk. This is normal. It will still have a syrupy consistency. If you prefer your dulce de leche extra smooth, you can pour it through a strainer to mix out any solid pieces left behind. This is optional and doesn’t affect the final taste. |
When repairing disk errors on Windows, it's wise (though not strictly necessary) to close any open files to prevent further issues. Be sure to save any work you have and close a program by click the "X" icon in the upper-right corner, or use the following steps to close programs in the Task Manager: Press "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" to open the Task Manager. Click an app that is open. Click "End Task' in the lower-right corner. File Explorer has an icon that resembles a folder with a blue clip. It has an icon that resembles a computer monitor. It's usually the one marked (C:), below the "Devices and drives" heading. It may be named "OS (C:)" or have your computer name or drive name. Right-clicking it will display a drop-down menu below it. You can double-click the "Devices and drives" heading to expand it if you don't see any hard drives listed there. If your computer has more than one hard drive, click the hard drive on which the file you want to delete is stored. It's in the drop-down menu. A pop-up window will open. This is at the top of the pop-up window. It's near the top of the window in the box labeled "Error Checking". Doing so allows Windows to begin scanning your hard drive for errors. If Windows finds any errors, they will be repaired automatically if possible. This can take several minutes to several hours depending on your selected hard drive's size and number of errors. Now that you've repaired any issues with your hard drive, you should be able to delete any files which were locked due to hard drive issues. Use File Explorer to navigate to the file and click it to select it. Press the "Del" key to delete it. You may still have to use Safe Mode to delete your file if the file is being used by a program or service. If you still can't delete the file in question, the file is most likely either locked by another user or reserved as a system file. Either way, you won't be able to delete the file. |
Depression can feel endless when the lethargy takes over and everything seems too hard. For this very reason, it's important to view getting well as a journey of gradual steps, rather than something with an instant cure. There will be times that your determination is challenged by self-questioning and despair, but this is precisely when you must do your best to avoid being "depressed about being depressed!" Here are good ways to start: Name your beast. Winston Churchill called his depression his "black dog." By turning it into a pet, he made a difficult situation into a controllable one. In naming it, you make it a condition and not a definition of who you are. You can say something like "My black dog is making me feel irritable today," instead of saying "I'm always an irritable no-hoper." Find a role model. Think you're alone in being depressed? Go to the library and pull out five biographies. It's highly likely that at least one of those high-achievers suffered from depression. Do a little research online to find famous people who have overcome depression. Read about the many celebrities who are revealing their battles with depression. Read their stories. Take heart in the fact that there are others who have overcome depression, and now you have the benefit of their experiences to draw from too! Be gentle with yourself. Life isn't a race or a competition. The reality is that you matter, you have great value as a person, and making things harder for yourself is akin to beating yourself up. Avoid obsessing about your depression or creating a shrine to it to hide behind when things all seem to hard. The feedback loop of hopelessness and despair created by being angry with yourself for being depressed will deepen your despair. Go back to naming your beast and setting it apart from who you are. Accept that the journey to wellness is a matter of baby steps. List the things that are bothering you outside of your depression. It could be unpaid bills, a lack of vacations, or a tough job. In another column, write down some practical things that you think you can do to deal with the things that are bothering you. For example, find ways to pay these bills, plan a vacation, and figure out how to get a new job. This is a vital aspect of working through depression. Depressed persons tend to have what Aaron Beck refers to as an "Information processing bias." This refers to the tendency to self-select the distorted and negative viewpoints of everything, entrenching the depression even further. . As part of progressing, recognizing and defeating negative thinking patterns is a very important aspect to concentrate on. Cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, or other forms of psychological therapy are helpful when you're unlearning negative thinking and establishing patterns of thinking that support your self-esteem and increase your self confidence. While it is best to read up in this area and speak with someone qualified to help guide you through the ways to change your thinking, there are some important things to keep in mind. Acknowledge the feeling will pass. This can be a very difficult step, but it's vital because it helps you to start banishing thoughts of hopelessness. List all of your good points. When you're depressed, it's easy to understate the positive things about yourself. Turn this around by listing everything that is good about you. Include achievements from the past and hopes for the future, however few or random they may seem. If you can't write this list, have a trusted friend or family member start one for you. This is a list to keep building upon as you work through your depression. Self-acceptance is a vital part of recovering from depression because you acknowledge that there are good things about yourself, but also that you have challenges to overcome. This will help you stop judging yourself more harshly than anyone else. Make decisions, however small, and act on them. Again, while this is very difficult to do during depression, it is a vital element in facing the sense of helplessness that tends to overwhelm depressed persons. Small decisions like getting out of bed, calling friends, or cleaning up the kitchen all add up. Once you act on them, they become achievements. Learn how to replace faulty or negative thinking by focusing on it. Ask questions such as: Am I assuming the worst? Am I condemning myself because something bad has happened? Am I focused on my weaknesses rather than my strengths? It is helpful to arrange the negative thought in one column and a rationalization in another column, so that you can confront and undo the negative thinking. In one column you may write the thought: "I'm a failure," and in the other you challenge that thought with: "I made a mistake. I've made mistakes in the past and things have turned out okay. I've also had many triumphs." Learn assertiveness techniques once you've challenged the harder aspects of your negative thinking processes. Assertive techniques will allow you to find a pathway to standing up for yourself without giving in to feelings of anger, fear, or powerlessness. Knowing how to assert yourself is an important part of not falling back into depressive patterns in the future. Sit back and try to find the good in your life. Whatever it is, it is something worth finding. Return to this list regularly and continue to update it. In your initial recovery, it might have one or two things such as "my house" or "my spouse." Over time, it should grow as you start to experience the more joyful side of life again. Replace unhappy thoughts with memories of happier times. You are always in control of what you're thinking about. Make the choice to prefer the positive, happier memories over the unhappy thoughts. Alter the language you use to help yourself look at things more positively. By saying "at least...," this turns a negative into a positive. Other examples include rather than regretting something and feeling a failure, ask yourself, "What have I learned from this?" Once you're affected by depression, your vulnerability to it can mean it has a higher chance of returning in your life if you don't manage its causes. Recognize the warning signs and take constructive actions to deal with it earlier on before it starts. Aim to minimize its impact and duration. If you believe your depression is returning, speak with your doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist right away to begin treatment. |
The sixties was the peace and love decade. Wear them with a pair of bell bottoms and sandals for the hippie look which was fashionable until the mid seventies. |
You will need to combine the salt, sugar, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper. Measure each spice out and put it in a bowl or jar. If you want, you can make this spice mix ahead of time and store it for when you want to make jerk marinade. You will need to add this spice mixture to a blender later to make a milder version of jerk sauce. By mixing the spices ahead of time, you will save time when going to blend the ingredients. Chop these ingredients finely. Set these aside in a bowl. These can be chopped ahead of time to save time. If you do so, store these in the refrigerator in a bowl with plastic wrap. Take care when working with hot peppers. You can use gloves if you want to avoid getting any juice on your skin. Make sure you use caution when cutting the pepper, as any juice can cause eye and skin irritation. Remove the seeds from the pepper and discard them. Pepper seeds are very hot. They can increase the heat in a dish. Cut the pepper into small, fine pieces. If you get any pepper juice on your hands, be sure to wash them thoroughly with dish soap and water. Blend the mixture on high until smooth. If some of the ingredients stick to the side of the blender jar, pause and scrape the sides. Store the sauce in a tightly sealed jar. This can keep for up to a week in the refrigerator. You can also use a food processor to blend the ingredients. This is best on chicken, pork, or fish. Allow at least two hours for your meat to marinade. Bake or grill your dish for best results. Traditionally, jerk chicken is often grilled. You can even grill a pork loin or pork chops. Be aware that even though this version of jerk marinade is milder than traditional jerk seasoning, it still contains hot peppers. If you find your dish is still too spicy, you can top it with yogurt or sour cream to cut the heat. |
Start by taking off any cushions you can to make the couch easier to paint. In addition, tape off any areas that you don't want covered in paint, such as wooden legs. Use painters tape to tape off these areas. Keep in mind that you can also do things like pull off the couch skirt to give the couch a different look. Repair any major cracks with glue made for leather or a patch. Other people have had luck using E6000 glue. You will need to sand any repair you make so it is smooth for painting. One way to help keep the paint supple and smooth is to create thin layers, particularly if you're using a paint you made yourself. The thin layers will help keep the paint from cracking, as well. Of course, that means more work overall, but the end result will be better. Don't gob large amounts of the paint on the couch at a time. Create very thin, quick-drying layers. It will take a number of layers to get your couch covered with paint, so be patient. Start with three layers, but you may need as many as six layers to get the couch covered, along with a bit of touch up. Let the sofa dry completely between coats. The paint should be dry to the touch and not have any shiny spots. As you paint the couch, alternate the way you are painting. That is, on one coat, make your strokes go in one direction. On the next coat, make your strokes go perpendicular to the first layer. This process creates a smoother, stronger surface. Some people find a circular motion works better. Test your pattern in an inconspicuous place first before applying it to the whole couch. Once you have the paint on how you'd like, just leave it alone. Let it set for at least two days before you try anything else on it. In fact, do not touch it or move the leather around. Just let it be so the paint has a chance to cure. Some paints can leave the top feeling rough, particularly if they're not made for leather. To alleviate this problem, sand down the paint once it has set. Start with rougher sandpaper and work down to finer paper. Use your hand to decide when the paint is the right texture. Wipe or vacuum any dust that collects as you sand. In some cases, a finish can be helpful. For most leather paints, a finish is necessary. Choose from high gloss, semi-gloss, or matte, depending on the look you want for your couch. Apply a layer of the gloss at the end of the project. Some people find that using wax over a homemade paint can add durability and shine. However, it's not absolutely necessary. |
You can access this from the Go menu, or from your Applications folder. This program allows you to easily configure your AirPort router without having to use a web browser interface. If you have multiple AirPort routers installed on your network, select the one you want to make changes to and click Edit. Update. This will save the changes for your AirPort router, disabling MAC filtering. |
If you want to respect yourself, then you have to start with respecting the people around you, not just the people who have more experience or are more accomplished, but all of the human beings on this earth who have not caused you harm. Of course, certain people don't deserve your respect, but you should work to treat people like you want to be treated, whether you're talking to your boss or the check-out girl at your local grocery store. Here are some basic ways to respect others: Be honest with people. Do not steal from, harm, or insult them. Listen to what they say, consider their opinion, and avoid interrupting them. A person with self-respect doesn't allow others to treat them badly, and would rather not associate with someone who is disrespectful. This might seem obvious, but there are many times when we accept being treated badly (in both big and small ways) because we believe the person doesn't know any better, or because we're not willing to let that person go, or because we're too down on ourselves to believe we deserve better. When someone doesn't give you basic respect, stand up for yourself and tell that person to treat you better. If someone continues to disrespect you, let him go. Nobody said it was easy to turn your back on someone who has clearly disrespected you, if you care about that person a lot. But once you break the bad habit of associating with someone who makes you feel terrible, you'll feel your self-respect soar. Learn to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship. It can be hard to see when a person close to us is being disrespectful, especially if they're subtle and sneaky and it's been going on for a long time. . When you do confront someone about their disrespectful behavior, try to stick to positive and productive communication guidelines: Don’t resort to yelling or insulting the other person. These types of actions root the conversation in judgment and are not productive. Identify your feelings. Be honest about what you are feeling, taking responsibility for these emotions. Clearly state what you need or want from the situation. You might say, “I need to have a better image of myself, and I don’t want to listen to negative comments about myself.” Many times, in dating or friendships, we might sacrifice our own needs and allow ourselves to be controlled by others because we are too afraid of losing them. You might perceive their opinions to matter much more than your own. In addition, paying attention to everyone else’s needs but your own is a classic sign of low self-respect. Instead, trust your own opinions and put your own needs first. Learn that you do not need to depend on someone else for your happiness. A good place to start is to figure out what you can control and what you can't control. For example, you can't control the actions of other people (you can influence them, but not control them), and you can't control the weather. But you can control how you react to people even in bad situations, and you can control how you decide to feel. You can also take actions to improve the way you are handling different relationship situations, such as learning to be more assertive, and learning about healthy boundaries, how to enforce them, and how to stick to them. This will help you learn healthy behavior patterns that will encourage people to treat you well and increase your self-respect. others. If you want to respect yourself, then you have to learn to forgive the people who have wronged you. This doesn't mean that you have to be best friends with them, but it does mean that you should mentally forgive them and learn to move forward. If you're spending all of your time thinking about all of your grudges and resentments, then you won't be able to think clearly or to live in the present. So, do yourself the favor of forgiving people so that you can move forward. Even if someone has done you unspeakable harm, you need to work on moving on from the experience and the person. You can't let yourself wallow in anger and resentment forever. Forgiving others is a gift you give yourself, and an action you do for your own self-healing. It's okay to be angry for a little while, but if you are angry too long, the anger will interfere with your life and your happiness. Realize that when people treat you badly, it's because they don't have people in their lives treating them well, so they could be worse off than you. So, forgive them for their mistakes and transgressions for yourself, and the person who will benefit most is you |
Its app icon resembles a blue, compass-shaped icon. It's in the top-left corner of the menu bar. A drop-down menu will appear. This option is near the top of the drop-down menu. It's at the top of the "Preferences" window. It's in the "Web content" section. Most pop-up windows will now be blocked whenever you encounter them in Safari. Pop-ups from individual sites cannot be blocked in Safari. |
When it comes to break ups, face-to-face interaction is optimal but there are a variety of reasons why writing a letter might be the best option. If you're in a long distance relationship, communication can sometimes be difficult even over a phone or web cam screen. Some people are also simply uncomfortable with phone calls and if that's the case for you, a letter might help you get your words out in a calm, straightforward fashion. If your partner might become hostile or emotional during a face-to-face break up, preventing you from explaining your point of view, a letter might also be a better option. Closure and open communication is important for a clean, healthy breakup and if you don't think your partner will allow this face-to-face, it may be better to write your thoughts out in a letter. A breakup letter should only be used as a last resort. Unless you're experiencing one of the extenuating circumstances from above, it's better to try and communicate face-to-face. Face-to-face communication is ideal because non-verbal cues can provide comfort during a breakup. A smile or hug, for example, can tell your partner he or she still matters even though the relationship is ending. Such moments are absent when breaking up happens in letter form. A breakup letter can also be somewhat cryptic. If there's anything your partner does not understand, he or she will be unable to ask for clarification. A lack of closure can leave him or her emotionally scarred and entering a new relationship may be difficult. If you truly feel a breakup letter is the best route despite its drawbacks, leave room open for communication. Tell your partner he or she can call you or see you in a few days or weeks to talk if he or she needs to do so face-to-face. Give him or her time to cool down, however, so you can both talk calmly as adults. Delivery options are important in regard to a break-up letter. You want to make sure you deliver the letter in a way that does not come off as cruel or spiteful. E-mail, Facebook, and other electronic means of delivering the letter are probably a bad idea. As some many people now have smart phones, that means all day internet access. You do not want your partner to open the e-mail on his way to work, school, or any event where he needs to stay focused. Mailing the letter may be necessary if you're in a long distance relationship. However, give some kind of heads up. Do not pretend things are normal after you've sent the letter. Give your partner a heads-up to expect a letter and tell him or her you've expressed some things you feel are easier to discuss in a written format. If you live in the same town, you could deliver the letter yourself or have a friend or family member do so. |
Try and examine your life from a neutral perspective, without making excuses for bad behavior or over-praising good behavior. If you were your own friend, what advice would you give yourself? What would you want to change? What is going really well? Make a little list of your own "pros" and "cons." Can you expand or spend more time on any of the good things, and can you eliminate some of the bad? Sometimes what we want or "need" to do is not really what is best for us. You need to learn to weed out things that drain your energy without giving you anything positive in return. For example, as much as you love your friends, going out to the bars the night before a big test is not always the best way to spend your evening. On the flipside, spending 2 weeks studying for a test and ignoring your friends can damage important relationships and lead to unwanted stress. Remember that you need to put your own health and happiness first -- no one will blame you for that. Make time in your day for the things that are important to you, but don't make yourself so busy that you can't be spontaneous every now and then. Having a schedule makes you more likely to stick to your goals and keeps you doing the things that matter the most to you. If, for example, you want to be a better writer, schedule 30 minutes each day to write. This makes it easier to tell someone you are busy when offered work or plans. Having some free time, however, makes it easier to fit in a last-minute plan here and there. If something makes you stressful, anxious, or upset, find a way to cut it out of your life. This isn't always easy, but it is necessary to make your life better overall. Examine the patterns in your life that make you unhappy and think of ways to improve them. Relationships, work, and bad habits should all be reflected on from time to time. Start your morning by getting up for the day with vibrant energy. Wake up early and prepare breakfast. Make sure you clean up your mess as you go. Do 15-20 minutes of exercise or yoga, read the paper, and ignore social media or TV for a moment. Starting your day with productive energy makes it much easier to get off on the right foot for a better life. You can't change what has already happened, so stop trying to try. Remind yourself every day that all you can do is work on the present, and make that your priority. This allows you to develop smart, effective habits that will, in time, make you a better person. Practice meditation daily to focus your thoughts. Work on mindfulness techniques. |
There’s no single outfit that signals hotness. Instead, wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, confident, and attractive. Make sure that the clothes are clean and fit your body well, since attention to details like these helps to exude hotness. Context matters, of course. You might look hot in your workout gear at the gym, but not so hot if you wear it to the club. Dress for the occasion, but always wear something that fits your style and makes you feel good. Make sure you have a stylish, well-fitting suit in your wardrobe—a guy can never go wrong with a classic look! Choose a haircut that fits your look and style, and keep your hair clean and well-kept. Trim your nails regularly, and keep up a regular manscaping routine that suits your style. Shave, trim, or manage your facial hair so it shows that you care about your look. Even if you prefer a more rugged or unkempt look, no one finds hair growing out of your ears, dirt under your fingernails, or crumbs in your beard hot! Avoid dousing yourself in cologne like your dad probably does, but do take the time to shower daily, wear a quality deodorant, and freshen up your breath with good dental care. No matter how fit or fashionable you are, you won’t be hot if your body or breath smells bad. If you do use cologne, remember that a couple of sprays is all you need. You don't have to have the look of a hardcore bodybuilder, but it helps to be in shape if you want to be hot. Mix cardio with strength training to sculpt a body that gives you self-confidence. This, in turn, will make others find you more attractive. Hot guys come in every body type. Showing that you care about improving your health, fitness, and appearance is what makes you attractive to others. Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you have existing medical conditions or live a sedentary lifestyle. |
Vets are specially trained to identify potential problems with your cat. Going to the vet is an important part of keeping your cat healthy. A vet who takes cat health seriously will have a separate area for cats and dogs, so look for a vet who conforms to this practice. Take your cat to the vet at least once each year for a checkup, as well as any time you suspect something is wrong with your cat. The American Association of Feline Practitioners has a useful cat veterinarian database online at http://www.catvets.com/cat-owners/find-vets-and-practices. Most cats are spayed between five and eight months old. Depending on your cat, you could get it spayed or neutered as young as two months old. Female cats can be uncomfortable when in heat, and male cats are less likely to roam about outside looking for mates when they are neutered. Consult your doctor about when and how to get your cat spayed or neutered. Try to spay or neuter your cat before it turns one year old. Cats neutered or spayed after this time are known to be more aggressive and less affectionate. Thousands of cats are euthanized every year. Choosing to spay or neuter your pet will prevent this population from rising. Each week, or every time you sit quietly with your cat, look in its ears for waxy buildup. If you see a lot of buildup, or detect a foul smell coming from its ears, your cat may have mites. Contact your vet if this is the case. If you see significant buildup of crust in the corners or your cat’s eyes, wipe it away with a damp cotton ball. Tear-stained fur, constantly closed eyes, discharge, or a milky-looking surface on the corneas should be cause for concern. If you notice any of these conditions, contact your vet immediately. |
People like to connect and help things that are growing, and show results where they can point to. For example, if you are following a petition for "more nature oriented" or "greenery", try doing groundwork in your neighborhood as a role model and upload updates (photos, meetings, work done, and members) in the online format. This will not only engage you in your passion but also help the web community you are interested to attract; as your base grows you will have opportunity to use the web portal of social networking as a mouthpiece for collaboration and a meeting place for common ideas. |
Physical activity can help your mind, body, mood, and mental health. Exercise is an effective way to handle stress and regulate your mood. A regular exercise program can help you sleep better, give you more energy, and improve your memory and thinking. Exercise can also help you if you feel exhausted or overwhelmed. Exercise with activities you enjoy. In addition to going to a gym or fitness center, you can dance, ride your bike, walk the dog, or jump on the trampoline. Encourage exercising together with your wife. Take a spin class together, or go to yoga as a pair. Exercise is an effective treatment for mild and moderate depression and can help lessen severe depression. Don’t let your activities go to the wayside when caring for your depressed wife. Make sure you continue to stay engaged with activities you enjoy. Keep going to your Tuesday night softball games, being a part of your bowling league, or regularly attending church or spiritual activities. Don’t let taking care of your wife overtake your life. Make sure you make room to keep up the things you enjoy. Even if your wife no longer wants to participate in shared activities, keep things in your life that you enjoy. It’s easy to feel roped into caring for your wife and letting that role take over your life. Keep up your social life and engage with friends and family regularly. Don’t feel like you have to suffer alongside your wife in order to support her. Taking care of yourself means that you can take care of her without feeling totally depleted. If you feel exhausted by taking care of your wife, ask friends or family to step in and help out. You may need a space for yourself to process and express your emotions outside of your home. Seeing a therapist to help you through this time can be beneficial, as you may feel drained or exhausted from taking care of a depressed spouse. It’s okay to feel angry, disappointed, or upset with your circumstances, and you may want a safe place to express these feelings. |
Lyft is available for free from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Lyft is not available on Windows phones. You can also sign up by visiting lyft.com in a web browser. The process is virtually identical. Lyft is not currently available in all cities. For a full list of cities that Lyft is available in, see lyft.com/cities. Click a city to see a more detailed map of the coverage area, and whether or not drivers serve the airports. You'll be taken to the account creation screen. If you use Facebook, you can tap the "Facebook Connect" button to log in with your Facebook account. If you have the Facebook app installed, you'll be logged in automatically. If you don't, you'll be taken to the Facebook website to log in. If you don't have or don't want to use a Facebook account, you can enter your first and last name, as well as your email address, and tap "Next." If you're using the app to sign up, your phone's number will be displayed. You can change this to a different number if you'd like. The phone number must be a mobile phone and be able to receive SMS messages. If you're signing up through the website, you'll need to enter your phone number. Make sure you enter an actual phone number, as you'll need to verify it to create the account. You'll need to check the box indicating that you agree to Lyft's Terms of Service. You will be prompted to enter the four-digit code that is sent to your number via SMS. If you are using the number for the phone Lyft is installed on, the code will be entered automatically as soon as you receive the text. This will verify your number and activate your account. |
Don't just lay there like a sandbag. As the receiver of the sharpshooter, help to hold your legs up as much as possible and make it easier by shifting your weight up on your elbow and shoulder as you're being rolled. Depending on the story being told, it might be important to also give the appearance of struggling. Wave your free arm around and put a pained look of fear on your face. It'll look much better. Once you've been rolled over, you've got to start acting. Scream and holler like it's painful, like you're having your legs pulled out of their sockets. Lots of wrestlers will grab their heads, bang on the mat, and start crawling for the ropes. If you just lay there, the move doesn't look good. In a certain way, it's mostly on you to make or break the move. If the match calls for you to tap out–to give up–don't do it right away. Give off the impression like you're trying to hold out, you're trying to get out of it, and you don't want to give the match up. Then tap on your opponent's leg three times, reluctantly, signaling your withdrawal. Check out "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's sell of the sharpshooter at Wrestlemania 13 for inspiration. It's one of the iconic images of wrestling. Just because you're wrapped up in a submission hold doesn't mean the only option is for you to tap out. There are less clear-cut reversals than in some other submission holds, but there are a few you can work out with your opponent, depending on whether or not the story calls for it. Head for the ropes. The best way to break the sharpshooter is to grab hold of one of the ring ropes, which will give your opponent until the count of five to break the hold, or he will be disqualified. If you're in the center of the ring, get up on your elbows and start crawling, dragging your opponent with you. Intestinal fortitude to the max. Straighten your legs. Work with your opponent to power out of the sharpshooter by straightening your legs and pushing his torso toward the ground. If you work together, you could even shift into a roll-over pinning combination. Grab his ankle and flip into your own sharpshooter. If you can reach back and get your opponent off his feet, you'll release the weight and be able to stand up. Now, he'll be in position for the sharpshooter, or another Boston-Crab-type submission hold. |
It's a good idea to have a plan for what you want to say to your family before you start the conversation. This will help ensure that you remember to say all of the important things that are on your mind. You may want to write some notes down and bring them with you when you have the conversation with your family. You may get more emotional than you had expected, and the notes will help keep you on track. If you're worried about getting emotional and accidentally saying something hurtful to your family, try writing out a script and rehearsing ahead of time. Your conversation with your family will go much better if they realize that you are planning to do something about your gambling addiction. Before you talk to your family, develop a clear plan for how you will stop gambling. You may choose to go to an addiction treatment center or see a therapist. There are also many support groups available to help gambling addicts. Many people with gambling addictions also suffer from mood disorders or other mental health issues, so medications like mood stabilizers or antidepressants may help you combat your addiction. If you have children or other young relatives in your family, you should tell them what is going on, but only in as much detail as they can understand. Teenagers are fully capable of understanding a gambling addiction and may feel insulted if you try to leave them in the dark, whereas young children may lack the maturity to understand the nuances of addiction. Younger children may not understand what a gambling addiction is, and that is okay. Making them understand that you have a problem that you are working to solve is good enough. Older children may blame themselves for your addiction, so be sure to let them know that it is not their fault. It may be easier to tell one family member about your addiction before everyone else. This person can help support you through the stress of telling everyone else about it, particularly if you are concerned that some members of your family will react badly. Choose someone who is likely to be supportive and understanding, not judgmental. This person can also help you come up with a plan for your recovery. If you are not sure what kind of treatment you should pursue, ask this person for help so that you can present a solid plan when you talk to the rest of your family. |
Are you telling him that you like him because you think it’s possible he likes you back? Or are you telling him to try to break up him and his girlfriend? Think about the reason you want to tell him that you like him, and make sure it doesn't have any ill intent. If you’re telling him you like him to get it off your chest so you can move on, this is perfectly okay and very reasonable. If you're telling him just to cause drama in his relationship and hope that he dumps his girlfriend for you, your actions aren't going to be coming from a nice place. If you tell the guy that you have feelings for him, it's likely that his girlfriend will find out. Think about how she'll feel if she knows that you like her boyfriend, especially if she's a friend of yours too. If his girlfriend is one of your friends, she might feel betrayed, or it could change your friendship with her negatively. If she doesn't know you, she may encourage her boyfriend not to interact with you anymore now that she knows you like him. If he's clearly flirting with you or making comments that hint that he likes you, this may be contributing to you wanting to tell him about your own feelings. It's okay to want to figure out if he likes you to, but just remember: if he's flirting with you while he has a girlfriend, this doesn't show that he's a very trustworthy person. Consider talking about the fact that you believe he's flirting with you and what his intentions are. Let him know that he should be respectful of his girlfriend's feelings, but also of yours as well. You might say something like, "I feel like you've been flirting with me lately, and it's leaving me a bit confused. Do you actually like me?" Maybe you two are really close friends, and if he finds out that you like him while he has a girlfriend, it might jeopardize your friendship. Think about the consequences of telling him your feelings and decide whether you think it's worth it to tell him that you like him. For example, if you tell him, he might act awkwardly around you or avoid you a little bit more so he doesn't upset his girlfriend. If you're not worried about risking your friendship and just need to tell him to get your feelings off of your chest, go for it. Since he already has a girlfriend, it’s very possible that he won’t have the same feelings for you that you have for him if you tell him. Think about the worst case scenario so that you feel prepared and won’t be taken by surprise. If you do choose to tell him, be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there and telling him how you feel, knowing that admitting your feelings was what was best for you. |
Pessimism tends to come from negative beliefs or thought patterns. When you’re feeling pessimistic, take a step back from your emotions and think about where your feelings are coming from. If you find that you’re holding onto self-defeating ideas or a negative self-image, remind yourself that these ideas aren’t rational and they don’t have to hold you back. Make sure that you are surrounding yourself with optimistic people as well. You can meet new like-minded people by searching for groups on sites like Meetup.com. When you start having pessimistic thoughts, ask yourself, “Is this really true?” Often you’ll find that pessimism is driven by emotions that don’t have much to do with reality. Maintaining a rational mindset can help you see these thoughts for the illusions they are. For instance, if you have the pessimistic feeling that one of your coworkers doesn’t like you, instead of dwelling on the thought, ask yourself why you think that. Is there a more likely explanation? Perhaps your coworker is having a bad day, or they simply have a gruff demeanor. When you’re feeling pessimistic, it’s easy to see all the negative in your life and forget to look at the positive. Remind yourself of the good things you’ve achieved in the past to guide yourself back into a better state of mind. As much as you need to, bring to mind all the accomplishments you have achieved and all the obstacles you have already overcome in your life. Pay yourself on the back for graduating college. Give yourself a round of applause for finally detaching from your toxic best friend. All-or-nothing thinking can easily put you in a negative state of mind because it views any mistake, even a minor one, as a failure. In reality, no one and nothing is perfect. For example, all-or-nothing thinkers may view others as “either you love me or you hate me,” when, in truth, it’s entirely possible to love someone but not like all their habits or qualities. Identify areas of your thinking that match this framework and challenge how realistic they sound. Let go of all-or-nothing thinking by focusing on making progress instead of being perfect. Commit to improving on your mistakes while taking your successes into account, too. Also, be willing to let go of control sometimes and accept that life is unpredictable and uncertain. Feeling alone and unsupported can be a major trigger for pessimistic thoughts. If you’ve been feeling down or negative, reach out to someone else – a family member, a friend, a coworker – who can help you get back into a positive frame of mind. Social support is a powerful tool for boosting your hope and optimism, so don’t hesitate to ask others for help when you need it. Doing something as simple as calling a friend and saying “Hey, I’ve been feeling down lately, do you have a minute to chat?” can work wonders for your state of mind. If you are constantly feeling pessimistic, then consider seeing a mental health professional to help you with this. |
The clothing should be loose enough to allow full range of motion, but not baggy enough to snag on branches. Remove all loose jewelry and accessories, especially from around your neck, as these may snag during the climb. If possible, wear flexible shoes with good traction. If your shoes have hard soles or poor traction, climbing barefoot might be easier. Find a tree with large, strong branches that can support your weight, at least 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter. Before you start the climb, step back far enough to inspect the whole tree. Avoid trees with any of the following signs of danger: Strange shapes or turns in the trunk. Leaning trees are risky but sometimes safe. Deep cracks. Large areas of sunken or missing bark. A forked top is a sign of decay in conifers. Other types of tree might still be safe, but do not try to reach the fork. Approach the tree and inspect the lower trunk and the circle of ground 3 feet (0.9 meters) around it. These are all signs of a damaged or dying tree that is unsafe to climb: Mushrooms or other fungus growing on the tree or around the base. Many dead branches on the ground. (A few dead branches attached to the lower trunk is common, but if they're falling from higher up, there's a more serious problem.) A large hole or several small ones in the base. Severed roots, or a raised or cracked area of soil next to the trunk (a sign of uprooting). Even if the tree is sturdy, weather conditions could make the climb more dangerous. Understand how the following affect your climb: Never climb during a thunderstorm, or in strong wind. Wet conditions can make the tree slippery and very dangerous to climb. Cold temperatures make wood brittle. Plan on climbing slowly and testing every branch before you use it as support. There's one last safety step before you can get started. Look closely for the following dangers. These can be difficult to spot from the ground, so keep an eye out while climbing as well. Never climb if there is a power line within 10 feet (3 meters) of the tree's branches. Do not climb below large branches that have broken off and snagged in the tree. Climbers call these "widow makers" for a reason. Check the tree and nearby trees for bee and wasp colonies, or large bird or mammal nests. Avoid the trees immediately around these animals. |
Encourage your friends to hang out together, even if they have dates. This will help your awkward friends feel more comfortable with their dates and give you plenty of people to talk to. For example: Encourage everyone to sit around the same table. Guide your friend group towards the buffet so you can eat while you talk. Drag your friends and their dates onto the dance floor when “your song” starts playing. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know your single friends better. You’ll have much more fun laughing, eating, and dancing with friends than you would with a date you barely know. Additionally, you won’t have to suffer through any awkward slow dances. If your prom has a photo booth, consider taking date-style pictures with your single friends. These hilarious photos will be treasured mementos when you’re older. . Even if you don’t have a date, you can have a great time dancing. Dance with your friends, with your best friend and their date, or alone. If you know how to dance well, show off your moves! If not, you can still have fun by trying your best or dancing badly on purpose. Remember that everyone feels self-conscious while dancing. They’ll be too busy thinking about themselves to pay attention to any dancing mistakes you make. You don’t need to avoid your close friends just because they have a date. In fact, they may appreciate having a familiar face around while they’re making awkward conversation with their date. To help you relax, think of the event as a large group of people instead of a lot of different couples. Make an effort to talk to your friends' dates. This will help you get to know them better. Some of your friends may have come with boyfriends or longtime crushes. Throughout the night, there may be several moments when they’ll want alone time. Make an effort to recognize these moments and give them space to avoid wearing out your welcome. For example: Avoid interrupting couples that are kissing. If you see a couple arguing, don’t get involved. If your friend is slow dancing with their date, give them some space. |
If the person really loves you, then the idea of you being in their future is an absolute given, not something that they would ever have anxiety or uncertainty about. If the person routinely talks about what you're going to do in the future, about what your lives will look like one, two, or even ten years in the future together, then they are probably in love with you. True commitment means seeing a forever with another person. If the person talks about the future and always includes you in it, then there is a good chance they truly love you. If the person talks about what your kids will look like, where you will retire together, or where you will go for your honeymoon, then they may really love you. There's a difference between saying, "I like your new haircut" and "You have the ability to make me feel better no matter what." If the person gives you compliments that show that they really appreciate the important aspects of your character and personality, then there's a good chance they really love you. Your loved one doesn't have to shower you with compliments all the time — it's the quality, not the quantity, that makes a difference. Remember that there is a big difference between "Love ya!" and "I love you." If your special someone really loves you and tells you this much while looking into your eyes, sounding earnest, and not wanting anything from you, then it's likely that they really mean it. If the person undeniably loves you, then they will say it for no reason at all, not just because they need a favor or because it feels like the right thing to say. If your loved one really loves you, then they will really open up to you and tell you what they are thinking, feeling, fearing, and longing for. If the person really opens up about their childhood, greatest regrets, most painful moments, or most romantic dreams for the future, then it's likely that they like you because the person is so comfortable telling you about almost everything. If the person tells you, "I've never told anyone this before...", then there's a good chance that they really love and trust you. If you and your loved one are apart, but they still text you, call you, or email you to let you know how much they miss you, then it means they can't imagine their life without you. If you go on a three-week vacation and don't hear a word from them, then it may not be love. They don't have to call you constantly to let you know if they miss you. If that person truly loves you, then they don't have an idealized picture of you in their mind. If it's truly love, then that person will be comfortable with telling you when you've made a mistake, said something illogical, or acted badly. Though the person shouldn't criticize you all the time, giving you a healthy amount of criticism just means that the person really knows you in and out and accepts your mistakes as well as your best qualities. If the person never argues with you or never criticizes you, then you should be on the look out. Make sure that the person truly loves you instead of an ideal version of who you are. A certain amount of idealization is normal and even healthy since it makes your partner more willing to accept the whole "you" in a positive light. If your partner emphasizes your abilities over your inabilities, it could still be love! It's only when idealization becomes unrealistic that problems arise, e.g., when they pretend that you have positive qualities you don't genuinely possess. If the person truly loves you, then they'll care about what you think — whether it's about their new pair of shoes or the political situation in your country. If they really love you, they'll ask for your advice and opinions, whether it's on big or small matters. They may feel self-conscious about asking for your opinion, but they'll do it because they love you. They don't have to ask for your opinion on everything — only the things that really matter. |
Millet is a general term for annual grass crops grown in the warm season, so there are many species, varieties, and hybrids to choose from. Some farmers grow millet as forage crops or to attract wildlife, while farmers in India, Africa, or China harvest the grain to sell as food for humans. Be sure to select a variety suited to your purpose and to your local climate and soil. The following are the most common types of millet, but note that each one has many subtypes with varying characteristics: Pearl millet is most commonly grown to produce birdseed or poultry feed in the southwestern United States, or as human food in India and Africa. Foxtail millet grows reliably in semi-arid conditions, and has a fast growing time that allows it to be planted later than other crops. Proso millet is another hardy millet with fast growing times. Inside the United States, its growth is concentrated in Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Finger millet can grow at higher altitudes or hillier conditions than many other crops, and is favored by some subsistence farmers due to its cheap cost and long storage times. Millet is sensitive to cold and should only be planted when soil temperatures at a 1 inch (2.5 cm) depth are consistently at 65 °F (18 °C) or above to ensure reliable sprouting. This is typically 3 or 4 weeks after corn planting time and 1 to 2 weeks after sorghum planting time in your area. Most millet grows to maturity within 60 or 70 days, and some in even shorter periods if the climate is warm. Clear the seedbed of all weeds and prepare it depending on soil type. Deep-till hard or textured soil to break up hardpan soils. If your soil has high clay content or erodes, you may have better success with no tillage or conservation tillage (leaving last year's crop remains on the soil). For limited tilling, planting later is advisable as these seedbeds will be cooler. You may plant some varieties of millet on fallow fields, although you will likely not receive maximum yields if you do not provide nitrogen fertilizer. Standard millet planting depths range from 1⁄2 to 1 inch (1.3 to 2.5 cm), as the seeds are rarely strong enough to reach the surface if planted any deeper. You may wish to plant to a depth of 3⁄4 inch (1.9 cm) for small seed. A seed drill with a small seed attachment may be required for some varieties. The seeds can also be planted by hand in furrows that are closed over them. Soil type, climate, and millet variety all affect the density your field can support, so seeking local advice is recommended. As a general rule, millet can produce good forage when sown at 4–5 lbs/acre (4.5–5.5 kg/ha), but can support seeding as high as 20–30 lbs/acre (22–34 kg/ha) if irrigated. Space millet rows farther apart if grown for cultivation rather than forage. Many millet varieties can grow in poor soil or even fallow fields, but fertilizing is recommended for higher crop yields. Apply 40–50 lbs of nitrogen per acre (45–56 kg/ha) after planting, and another 40–50 lbs/acre (45–56 kg/ha) after 3 or 4 weeks. Some soils may require potassium, phosphate, magnesium, or sulfur as well. If you cannot find recommended levels of these minerals for your millet, you may follow guidelines for sorghum instead. Drill row fertilizer applications may harm millet, unless the fertilizer is straight phosphorus. Foxtail millet, and possibly other varieties, deteriorate quickly if left alone after the growing season. Swathe and windrow them instead, leaving the cut plants in the field until late fall or early winter to dry before you bale the hay. Millet is a type of grass, and so can be killed by some grass-controlling herbicides; other herbicides and insecticides may not be safe for use on forage crops, cultivated crops, or both. The exact diseases and insect pests that attack millet crops vary widely by region, and can be best prepared for with crop rotation and seed treatment. Learn as much as you can from local millet farmers or your regional agriculture department or society. Keep a careful eye on grain development and bird activity, as the harvesting window can be short between the ripening of the grain and the appearance of large bird flocks. Harvesting methods vary by millet variety and intended use, but be sure to cut low enough to obtain the entire ear. Millet seeds should be stored at 13% moisture or less. |
If you don’t know how wills and estates work, you may need to learn some key vocabulary. It’s not necessary to become a legal expert overnight, but you should familiarize yourself with the following terms: Estate – everything that the deceased person owned, consisting of both real and personal property Real property – land, buildings, and other permanently fixed items belonging to the deceased Personal property – movable assets (furniture, clothing, jewelry, etc.) belonging to the deceased Petition – a formal written request asking the court to oversee the distribution of the estate Executor or Personal Representative – a person appointed by an individual to administer their estate after death; if you are seeking to probate a will, you probably have been named as the executor of the estate in the deceased person’s will Administrator – a person appointed by the court to oversee the affairs of an estate if someone dies intestate, or without a legal will Heir – a person named in a will who is to receive part of a deceased person’s estate Creditor – a person to whom a deceased person owes a debt Decedent – the deceased person, or the person who wrote the will This role carries a great deal of responsibility and legal liability. An executor is responsible not only for overseeing the estate, but also for finding and protecting assets belonging to the estate. A person typically is named as an executor in a will. The testator, or person making the will, names the executor as the person that they want to administer their estate after death. In some cases, a will designates two people to act as co-executors of the estate. A will also may provide for a secondary, or back-up, executor, just in case the first person who is named executor is deceased or otherwise unavailable or unwilling to act as executor. Probate proceedings can be complex, particularly if someone challenges the will or your role as executor of the will. Some states or counties have probate forms that you can fill out on your own, but other states or counties do not. It can be difficult to handle an estate correctly without the guidance of an experienced probate attorney. Typically, the attorney’s fees can be paid out of the estate assets or property. Not only will you need a copy of the death certificate in order to file a petition for probate with the court, but you also will need copies for other entities, including banks, creditors, and the Social Security Administration. You typically can get a copy of a death certificate from your state records office. There is also likely to be a fee for getting copies of a death certificate. Using the death certificate, you should notify relevant entities of the testator's death. You should notify the Social Security Administration first, and then banks and other businesses to whom bills may be owed, such as utility companies and mortgage companies. If you are the executor of someone’s will, your first step will typically be to file a petition to probate the will. You should file the original and at least two copies of this petition, so that you can keep a file-stamped copy for your records. Essentially, this petition asks a probate court to establish that the will is legal and valid, name you as executor, and grant you permission to distribute assets according to the will. When you file the petition, you also must provide the court with both the decedent’s death certificate and their original will. Note that this petition must be filed with the probate court located in the deceased person’s county of residence. You should file the probate petition, will, and death certificate as soon as possible after the person’s death. You will be required to pay the court’s filing fee. The amount of this fee varies widely from state to state and county to county, but is likely to be in excess of $100. If you live in a state that has adopted the Uniform Probate Code (UPC) and do not expect anyone to contest the will or your role as the personal representative, you may have the option of filing a petition for informal probate or administration of the will. This avenue lets you bypass a court hearing in favor of simply filing paperwork. Those who receives assets from an informal or summary administration may be liable for claims from creditors for up to two years. Informal administration is generally reserved for estates with values of less than $100,000 and little or no debt. As of 2014, the states that use the UPC include Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. Another potential option under the UPC is referred to as succession without administration or small estate. This option is only available for estates that contain solely assets that are exempt from creditors. The total value of the estate’s non-exempt property, or property that is subject to creditors’ claims, must not be more than the costs of paying medical bills for and burying or cremating the decedent. These are the expenses that typically must be paid first in an estate. Once you’ve filed the petition for probate with the court, you are required to inform heirs and creditors about the proceedings. If possible, send official letters to the current addresses of all of these people. Otherwise, try to get a current address by reaching out to them by telephone or through email, and, as a last resort, mail notices to last known addresses. Legal formalities regarding this notification process vary from state to state. Make sure to check your state’s specific laws to ensure that you notify each appropriate person in the correct and legal manner. Some states require that you draft a Notice to Creditors document that contains specific information about the estate and can be issued by the court. In some states, you will have to mail notices to interested parties yourself, usually by certified mail, return receipt requested. In other states, the Clerk’s office for the court will mail the notices for you. In addition to sending individual notifications, you’ll need to publish a newspaper notice in the city or town where the deceased person lived. Doing so allows potential creditors or other interested parties, some of whom you may not know about, to be made aware of the probate court proceedings and participate if they wish. Depending on your state, you are likely to be required to show the probate court proof that you have notified all of the appropriate people and published a notice. If this is the law in your state, you’ll need to do so before your hearing can be scheduled. After you file the probate petition, contact interested parties, and publish a notice in the newspaper, you can ask the court to schedule a hearing. The primary purpose of this hearing will be to validate the will, and, if there are no objections, to make you the official executor. Note that it may take weeks or even months for your hearing to be held. Some court dockets, or schedules, are very busy and may not have a time slot available for your case for a long period of time. This timeline varies from state to state, as well as from county to county. |
Shoes with good treads will help support your feet as you walk down stairs. Wearing high heels, slippers with soft soles or socks are more likely to allow for slips down stairs. If your ankles are weak, make sure you also include ankle support when walking down stairs. A turned ankle may result in a fall. Keep your feet turned slightly out for better stability. It's easy to step on long, flowing skirts or pants when walking up and down stairs. This will usually result in a fall. For best outcome, avoid wearing clothes of this nature when walking on stairs. If you find yourself wearing these clothes in a situation where walking down stairs can't be avoided, be careful to gather the excess material in one hand as you walk. Hold carefully to the stair rail with your other hand. Wearing clothes that are overly long prevents you from seeing your feet. Not visually knowing where your feet are on the stairs raises the risk of falling. Skirts which don't allow for free movement of the knees and legs can also be a hazard. When skirts are too tight, people can't properly walk from stair to stair. If you must wear tight skirts, walk up and down stairs by putting both feet on each stair, rather than alternating stairs. Another way to navigate stairs in a very tight skirt is to push the skirt as far up the thigh as you politely can. This allows your knees more leeway, and aids in walking up and down stairs more safely. |
You can find your TV model's DIRECTV programming code by doing the following: Go to https://www.directv.com/DTVAPP/content/remote_codes2 in your browser. Click your Genie remote's model number. Click the TV option. Select your TV's manufacturer (e.g., Samsung). Scroll down and click Enter my model number Scroll up and type in your TV's model number, then press ↵ Enter. Review the five-digit code. In order for you to program your Genie remote, your Genie receiver must be plugged into your TV and a power source, and the receiver must be powered on. Possible models of the Genie receiver include the Genie HD DVR, Genie Mini, and Wireless Genie Mini. Genie remotes can have any one of the following model numbers: RC-73, RC-72, RC-71B, or RC-71. You should see the appropriate model number in the upper-left side of your remote. If you're using a non-Genie remote, you can't program it for use with your Genie receiver. If your TV isn't set to use the Genie receiver as its input, you'll also need to switch to the Genie receiver's input channel by pressing the Video or Input button before proceeding. You should have a direct line of sight from your remote to your Genie receiver. Doing so will prompt your Genie remote to begin connecting to the receiver. When you see the lights blink twice on your remote, you can release the MUTE and ENTER buttons. Again, you'll do this until you see the lights flash twice. At this point, you should be prompted to enter a code for your DIRECTV Ready TV. Type in the code that you obtained from the website earlier, then press ENTER. The rest of the setup should occur automatically. If you didn't look up your TV's code, common codes include the following: Samsung DirecTV Ready TV - 54000 Sony DirecTV Ready TV - 54001 Toshiba DirecTV Ready TV - 54002 |
To give yourself a gorgeous manicure, make sure you have all the right supplies. You might have to spend a bit up front, but next time you want to paint your nails, you'll already be covered. Get the following products: Nail polish remover Cotton balls or cotton swabs Cuticle trimmer Nail buffer Nail trimmers Nail file Cuticle or hand cream Nail polish Base coat Top coat Nail polish and remover can damage many surfaces such as cloth, wood finish and plastic. Wear an expendable t-shirt and no valuable accessories, sit at a desk or table, and protect it with scrap paper (not newsprint, which smudges). Make sure the table itself and anything near it is not particularly valuable or important to keep perfect because there might be a spatter or spill soaking through. You might not want to work near a computer, for instance. Get a bowl or stopper the sink and fill it with warm (not hot!) water and a few drops of soap. Soak your hands only for a few minutes. The water and soap will help to loosen dirt, dead skin, and any dust left over from filing and buffing, and soften cuticles. Use a nail brush to gently clean your nails and the skin around them. Gently scrape under your nails if necessary to remove dirt. If you want your nails and cuticles really manageable, you can soak them in Dawn dishwasher soap. If you have dry skin or fragile nails you should not soak them; just rinse them. Don't go overboard with scraping, since you can damage your nails if you remove the white powdery substance that is actually part of your nails. |
You can mix these colors to make a dark grey, which is about as close as you can get without buying black food coloring. If you're making icing or frosting, use gel or paste food coloring. Liquid food coloring is less intense and can make the icing runny. The end result is always better when you start with a dark recipe. If you're using white frosting, you can fix this by mixing in cocoa powder, one spoonful at a time. Black cocoa powder gives the best result, but ordinary cocoa powder should work fine for this method. If you skip this step, you'll need to use much more food coloring, which can affect the taste and texture. Start with just a couple drops of each color, stirring them in well. Repeat until the mixture darkens to a deep grey, always adding equal amounts of the color. You can use yellow instead of green, but the lighter color makes it more difficult to achieve black. If you see hints of other colors in the grey, make these adjustments: If it looks green, add more red. If it looks purple, add more green. Make all adjustments one drop at a time, stirring thoroughly between each drop. Most food coloring will deepen in buttercream and fade slightly in royal and boiled icing. If you are making the latter type of icing, consider adding the color a half hour before serving to minimize the fading. In some regions, chemicals in the water can change the color. Buttercream usually has a more reliable color when made with milk instead. Keep the recipe away from direct light and heat, which can cause fading. |
This method is a simple way to dress up a plain pair of flip flops or dress sandals. Here's a list of what you will need: Flip flops or sandals 1 – 1 ½ inch (2.54 – 3.81 centimeter) wide chiffon/fabric flowers Felt (matching flower color) Scissors Fabric glue You can find them in fabric stores, usually in the ribbons and trims section, or on bolts of fabric in the special occasion fabrics section. They will usually come on some fabric netting. You want them to be between 1 – 1 ½ inch (2.54 – 3.81 centimeter) wide. If you have very small shoes or feet, you might want to go for something even smaller. You can also include one or two larger flowers to use as a focal point. The more delicate your flowers look, the better. If you aren't certain what color to choose, get a color that already matches your flip flops or sandals. You can also go with a contrasting color. Do not use fake flowers that come on a stem for this project. Not only will the stem poke you in the foot, but the flowers will look cheap and unprofessional. You may notice that the flowers have been stitched onto the netting. You will need to cut them out. This way, you can rearrange them as you like. Try to cut the flowers as close to the base as possible so that, when you look down at the flowers, you do not see any of the netting. Be careful not to cut this thread, or the flowers may fall apart. If you accidentally snip a thread, then glue it to the back of the flower with a small drop of glue. Just because the glue feels dry does not necessarily mean that it is fully cured. If you wear the shoes too soon, they glue may not hold, and the flowers may fall off. Refer to the label on your glue bottle for precise drying and curing times. Every brand of glue is different. Your shoes may be ready to wear in as little as two hours. They may also require a full day to dry. |
Once the piercing has healed, you can wear a clear retainer. The retainer is smaller than a stud and designed to hide your piercing while keeping the hole filled. You should never use a retainer in the first few days after getting your piercing. Always keep the piercing filled with jewelry or a retainer while it's healing. The opening of the piercing can close up quickly if you remove the jewelry. You can also find retainers in a variety of skin tones or beauty marks. If you are unable to get a retainer, try using a small, flat piece of jewelry that matches your skin tone. a stud or other piece of jewelry that blends into your skin or looks like a freckle can also be a great option. Make sure to find one that sits flat against your lip and is comfortable to wear. You might feel like everyone is staring at your piercing. To ease your mind and take the focus off of your lip piercing, wear distracting clothing or accessories. Instead of noticing your piercing, your parents or boss may be too busy paying attention to your stylish new look. For example, wear large bright scarves, bandanas or necklaces. You could also wear fun patterned ties or shirts to draw the eye away from your face. If you're talking to your parents or boss, it may seem like a good idea to hold your chin in your hand and cover your mouth. But, touching your piercing area can introduce bacteria and cause an infection. To keep your piercing site healthy and clean, avoid touching, picking, or playing with the jewelry. Bringing your hands to your lip may actually draw attention to your mouth and the piercing instead of concealing it. If you're a man and are planning on hiding the lip piercing for quite a while, you could grow facial hair. This will easily cover a clear retainer if you have a labret piercing. If you do grow facial hair to cover the piercing, you'll still need to maintain good hygiene by washing and cleaning the pierced area on a regular basis. |
The Bhramari pranayama, often called "the bee breath," focuses on a smooth nasal inhalation and a steady, vocal exhalation through the nostrils. Breathe in slowly and deeply through both nostrils. As you exhale, you should train your throat to make a soft, elongated hum of the letter "e." This should produce the characteristic buzzing sound associated with "the bee breath." Exhale slowly through both nostrils. Start out with a soft, silent "eee" buzz, and gradually increase the volume as you become more comfortable with this breathing routine. Do not strain your throat. The buzzing should feel somewhat natural. Once you've sufficiently practiced the bee breath, you can add some variety to your technique. This can help give you a deeper sense of calm as you perfect the Bhramari pranayama. Extend your fingers, and use the thumb of your right hand to block your right nostril. Perform the same inhalation and exhalation as before, but push all of your breath in and out of your left nostril. Switch sides, using your left hand to block your left nostril. Push all of your breath in and out of your right nostril. |
Jive is danced with the woman and the man facing each other. The man leads the jive and the woman follows his movements. The man will start with his left foot and the woman will start with her right foot so that there is no bumping of knees and the dance moves smoothly. Imagine an invisible string connecting the man’s feet to the woman’s feet. As the man moves, the women’s movements should follow. This means the man will have his right hand on the left side of the woman’s upper back and the woman will have her left hand on the man’s right shoulder. The woman’s arm should sit above the man’s arm. There should be roughly an arm’s length of distance between the man and the woman. The man and woman’s other hands should be clasped together rather loosely. In jive, you don’t want to keep the arms too stiff or rigid. There should be a looseness to the arm position. Rotate your bodies so your feet are turned slightly away from each other at an angle. This will allow you both to move freely without bumping knees. You can both count out loud to hit each count. Make sure the man begins on his left foot and the woman begins on her right foot. Keep your arms loose and relaxed. This will help you master the basic jive movement and avoid getting distracted by the music. Once you both feel comfortable with the basic jive steps, begin to jive to music. There are several popular mixes with good jive tracks available online. Jive music tends to have a faster tempo than swing music, so as you practice the steps and get better, you can also learn to move at a faster speed or tempo. Mimic the music’s tempo by accenting your foot and leg movements. To do this, shift your hips as you shift your weight back to your left foot or your right foot in the rock step. Keep your knees bent and try to highlight the counts in the music with the 6 counts in the jive steps. Continue practicing the basic jive steps with accented movements to music until you both feel confident enough with the dance. |
With your meal plan as your guide, you can draw up a shopping list that has everything you need and nothing you don’t for the week ahead. So make sure you buy what’s on the list and nothing more! Especially when you’re new to meal planning, use recipes to guide the amounts of different foods you need to buy. Over time, you’ll be able to accurately estimate how much you’ll need each week. Focus on your list while you shop, and check off items as you pick them up. Fight the temptation to buy foods (especially unhealthy ones) that aren’t on the list! You may find it easier to stick to your list if you don’t grocery shop when you’re hungry. For the most part, you’ll want to avoid processed and packaged foods when planning your meals and buying your groceries. However, there are some ways to cut back on your prep time without sacrificing nutritional value. Fresh-frozen fruits and vegetables have the same nutrients as fresh ones, as do, for the most part, canned fruits and veggies. However, watch for added sodium in canned vegetables and added sugar in canned fruits. You can also buy pre-cut, washed, and bagged salads and veggies, diced melons and pineapples, and other similar options. Additionally, you might consider getting pre-grilled and frozen chicken breast strips that you only need to heat and serve. Such conveniences will increase your grocery bill, however. Since you’ve planned your meals for the week ahead and have all the ingredients you’ll need, consider setting aside an afternoon to prep (and, in many cases, cook) all your meals for the week. Use your refrigerator and freezer to keep the meals ready to go until the appropriate mealtime. Once you get the hand of batch cooking, you may want to start taking a whole day or weekend to prepare all your meals for the month ahead. You may need to invest in a larger freezer, though! Consider starting a batch-cooking club with friends or neighbors. That way, you can trade some of your dishes for some of theirs, thereby cutting back on the number of different dishes you need to make. You may want to add in a few eat-out or take-in meals per week to your meal plan, but keep them as limited as you can. It’s more difficult to eat healthy this way, as opposed to when you prepare your meals yourself. When you are eating out, try the following: Study the menu beforehand, ideally even before going to the restaurant. Ask for advice on healthy menu options from the restaurant staff. Eat a healthy snack beforehand, and order small portion sizes. Drink water with your meal instead of sugary beverages or alcohol. |
One trick you can use is to put regular nail polish on before the glow-in-the-dark variety. You will want to paint your nails with a regular nail polish or nail polish base first. This will make it easier to remove the glow-in-the-dark nail polish later if you want to do so. It will also help people see it. It’s a good idea to choose a lighter color base, or you will need to apply more coats of the glow-in-the-dark nail polish. Choose neutral colors. White is a good choice, or just a clear gloss or light beige color. Now you’re ready to put the glow-in-the-dark nail polish on your fingernails. This can be a great idea for Halloween! You might need three to four coats of the polish for the effect to take its full effect. Apply a coat, let it dry, and then apply another coat. You may need fewer coats, perhaps as few as two, if you’ve used a lighter nail polish color like white as the base. It will take your nail polish a little longer to dry than normal, so make sure that you don’t touch anything for awhile or you could ruin your nails. Now that you’ve put the glow-in-the-dark nail polish on, you’re ready to check out the effects! You could test out the glowing effect in a dark room if you’re too excited to wait until it’s actually dark outside. The effect isn’t going to last forever. The glowing effect on your nails will probably only last for a couple of hours. You could always reapply more polish if you notice the glowing effect starting to wear off. You’re going to need a black light in order to make the highlighter glow, and some highlighters won’t work. However, it's possible to use some highlighters to make your nails glow! Yellow highlighter is a good choice because it usually does glow. You can check the highlighter under a black light before you paint your nails. Apply a base of nail polish before applying the highlighter to your nails. This is because highlighter will stain your nails. Use the highlighter pens to draw on your nails. Then put your nails under black light for a few seconds. Apply a top coat of clear nail polish to seal the look. |
Some drugs have a stimulatory effect on appetite. These are usually a treatment of last resort in kittens for several reasons. First, many of the drugs are human medications, so breaking the tablets down to provide a small enough dose is extremely difficult. Second, young kittens do not have fully developed hepatic and renal function. These organs are not yet operating to maximum capacity to break drugs down, and so the kitten is potentially more vulnerable to overdose toxicity than an adult cat. Lastly, these drugs have been known to cause unpleasant side effects even in smaller doses. When your kitten is not eating because of a health problem, it is important to diagnose the underlying problem rather than mask the signs. A qualified animal care professional should make the decision on which drug to prescribe your kitten, if any. The most common options are described below so you can ask a veterinarian about them, and understand the general function and dosage. This is a human medication from the tricyclic antidepressant group. No information is available as to why, but it is noted that it has a stimulatory effect on appetite in cats. The smallest tablet size available is 15 mg, and the dose per cat is 3.5mg, equivalent to a quarter of a tablet. For a small kitten weighing less than a kg (2.2 lb) it is extremely difficult to calculate a proper dose, and you end up giving a small crumb of a tablet. This dose can be repeated once every three days. This is another human medication. It is an antihistamine and a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. Again, the mechanism is not understood, but this medication stimulates appetite in cats. The dose is 0.1 – 0.5mg/kg given by mouth two or three times daily. The smallest tablet size is 4 mg, and so (just as for mirtazapine) it is extremely difficult to cut the tablet accurately into small enough pieces. As an example, a 1 kg (2.2 lb) kitten require one eighth of a 4 mg pill, and it should be kept in mind that many kittens do not reach 1 kg (2.2 lb) until they are 3 months old. Some cats have an idiosyncratic reaction such that a one-off dose of intravenous diazepam makes them very hungry. This only works by IV, and in small kittens it can be very difficult to find a vein large enough to catheterize. The dose is 0.5-1.0 mg/kg given once only, intravenously. Thus a 1 kg (2.2 lb) kitten requires 0.2ml of a vial of 5mg/ml emulsion of injectable diazepam. This is a treatment of last resort because it is also associated with an unpredictable side effect that causes liver failure. Vitamin B plays an important role in maintaining appetite. If the level of Vitamin B, specifically cobalamin, falls too low in the bowel wall, or in the blood stream, then the kitten's appetite can fail. This is easily rectified by four, weekly subcutaneous injections of a multi B vit injection. A typical dose is 0.25 milliliters (0.0085 fl oz) given by subcutaneous injection once every four weeks. A side effect of steroid is appetite stimulation. In most cases of sick kittens this option would not be used because steroids also suppress the immune system, which could weaken the kitten's ability to fight off infection. If however, the kitten is protected with antibiotics, and the vet assesses that steroid is unlikely to worsen the existing infection, then a one-off dose of steroid to kick start the appetite may be appropriate. The dose range is wide, ranging from 0.01 – 4 mg/kg of dexamethasone, but a conservatively low dose is advisable for the purpose of appetite stimulation. Thus a 1 kg (2.2 kg) kitten requires 0.5mg of dexamethasone, which in a formulation containing 2mg/ml equates to 0.25ml by intramuscular injection. |
Ideally, you should use bowls or containers that will not be used for food. You can also use just 1 bowl or your sink, but you will have to empty, rinse, and refill it twice throughout the process. The bleach will open up the hair's cuticles and make it easier to detangle. It will also remove oils and dirt that have collected in the hair. Bleach can irritate skin, so you may want to wear rubber gloves as an extra precaution. Use a wide-toothed comb or a vent brush to slowly comb through the wig while it's in the bleach water. It should detangle easily. Be careful not to leave the wig in the bleach water for more than 3 minutes, as it may affect the color of the wig. This will clean the hair and help bring it back to a natural level of acidity after it interacts with the bleach. Move the wig around in the water for 1-3 minutes to get the bleach out and work the shampoo in. The ammonia will help neutralize what's left of the bleach in your wig. Use a wide-toothed comb or vent brush to gently comb through the wig for 1-2 minutes while it's in the ammonia water. Hold the wig so that the bottom of the cap, or the part that will touch your head, is facing up. This will keep the hair falling downwards and prevent it from tangling while you rinse it. |
A theme essay usually responds to a specific prompt given to you by a teacher or professor. Most essay prompts will ask you to identify the theme, or the overarching message, in a text. Look at the terms used in the prompt and highlight keywords or important terms. This will help you identify what you need to address as you write your essay. For example, an essay prompt may ask you to reflect on the theme of good versus evil in John Steinbeck's East of Eden. Once you've read and considered the essay prompt, brainstorm how you can write your essay. In your essay, you will use research and evidence to support a central argument. Start to jot down examples you can use to reflect on the theme. Make a list of everything you know about the topic. This can be information you learned in class, as well as information you found on your own. Write down keywords or key scenes in the text that respond to the essay prompt. Think about what words or scenes from the text come to mind when you think of a specific theme. For example, when you brainstorm ideas on East of Eden, you may write down any moments in the text that seem to speak to the theme of good and evil. . A thesis statement is a single sentence that summarizes the entire essay. You'll need to include this thesis statement in your introductory paragraph, and the rest of your essay will need to support it. Your thesis statement will need to address the theme, your primary example or examples, and the stance you will take on the topic. For example, your thesis might be: "In East of Eden, John Steinbeck rejects the Biblical idea of good and evil and instead focuses on the contradictions and complications found in good and evil." Once you've figured out your thesis, you can begin outlining your essay. Some teachers may require a 5-paragraph essay while others may want the essay shorter or longer. A typical essay outline has three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. For example, using the East of Eden prompt, your outline might be: Introduction: Discuss landscape as metaphor, include thesis statement. Body: Describe mountains in opening scene, elaborate on how they symbolize good vs. evil, state how characters live between the mountains, showing how people are caught between good and evil. Conclusion: Restate thesis statement, return to landscape as metaphor. |
For each cutting you plan to make, select a small branch attached to the outside base of the lavender plant. A young, bendable branch is required, or a branch growing horizontal just above the soil surface. There are several related methods of propagation referred to as "layering." This one is simple and low-risk, but can be labor-intensive if you plan to create more than a few cuttings. Refer to the tips below if you want to turn your lavender plant into dozens of new cuttings instead. Dig a 4–6 inch (10–15 cm) hole in the soil, a short distance from the mother plant. Position this hole so you can bend the middle of the selected branch down into it, with the leaves and flowers at the end above ground on the other side of the hole. Hold the branch in place with rocks or a bent stake to prevent it springing out of the hole. Bury the center of the branch in soil to fill the hole, leaving the flowering end above ground. Water the buried section occasionally, keeping it moist but not soggy. Take care not to let the soil dry out during hot summer months. Watering is not recommended while the plant is dormant for the winter. Mulch can help the soil retain water, but may cause plants to overheat during hot weather. While you can begin this process any time, the branch may not develop a strong stem and roots until the growing season in spring and summer. After three or four months of growth, preferably as cool autumn weather begins, carefully dig around the buried branch to look for roots. If they are present and clumping the soil together, cut off the branch so all the roots are on the same piece as the flowering end. Move the cutting directly to its new location, moving the surrounding soil along with it to avoid damaging the roots. Keep the plant sheltered from wind until stronger roots develop, and care for it as you would any lavender plant. |
These kits are sold at hardware and home repair stores as well as online. Some just come with the epoxy paint, while others include rollers and sprayers for application. Read over what each kit contains and compare prices to determine the best choice for you. Expect to spend around $80-$100 for a kit with everything included. Before you start the glazing process, unpack your kit and spend some time going over the step-by-step instructions. If you are unclear about the directions, look for a customer service number or helpline that you can call. The instruction booklet will also tell you what kind of safety gear you’ll need. Pay close attention to any of the kit’s warning labels or notices. For example, it might advise you that certain types of tile, such as laminate, are not good candidates for refinishing. In this case, you may need to replace the tiles or talk with a professional installer. A new finish will probably make any imperfections even more obvious. Remove all caulking with a scraper and then follow up with a caulk remover liquid. If the refinishing glaze that you are using is opaque, don’t worry too much about matching the replacement tile’s color exactly with the old ones. After all, they will all look the same after the paint coating. Repair small cracks or minor chips by applying a polyester putty to the area and then smoothing it out. This will make the tile waterproof once more and the repairs will be covered up by the refinishing process. Scrape out enough grout and adhesive so the new tiles sit slightly below the existing tile. This makes it less noticeable if you reglaze it. , if desired. If your grout is cracking, falling apart, or extremely moldy, then go ahead and chisel it out before moving forward. Use a flat head screwdriver, small hammer, and utility knife to apply pressure to the caulk beads. They may peel right up or you may need to gradually chip them away with the knife. Always keep your hands away from the knife’s path and go slowly. This step can get pretty messy, so keep a vacuum close by to suck up the dust and debris. Use a mix of muriatic acid and water to loosen the grout. Only use the acid if you are working in a well-ventilated area and wear a mask and gloves while handling it. You’ll want to replace the grout either before painting or after the epoxy paint has cured. It is really your choice. Grout covered with epoxy paint will be uniform and easier to clean. But, some people like the look of grout lines. Your kit will likely come with specific cleaning instructions. It might ask you to mix together an enclosed powder with water and then scrub it on the tile. If instructions are not provided, clean the tiles with bleach, a powdered cleaner (such as Comet), and a rust and lime remover. After each cleaner application, do a full rinse with water. If you are working with kitchen tiles, use a degreaser cleaner or rubbing alcohol to remove any oily residue. Go over each tile with 400/600 grit sandpaper. Choose the wet/dry type of paper, so that you can move on to sanding directly after cleaning. Move your hand in small circles or back and forth motions and try to cover all tiles evenly. Rinse off the tiles with water when you are finished. Remember that your goal is to remove any surface bumps and imperfections, not to sand it down to its base. Porcelain tiles need to be prepared with an etching liquid or a pumice block so the glaze will adhere to it. Sanding increases the lifespan of your refinishing job by allowing the epoxy paint to more fully adhered to the surface of your tiles. Don’t get too discouraged if you can’t see clear results from your sanding. Just keep going and rub your hands over the tile’s surface to feel the change in texture. Wait at least a day or two for the grout and tiles to fully dry before moving forward. If you apply a refinishing paint to a wet surface, it will not stick as well and may even leave air bubbles behind. |
You’ll need to isolate the cats as described above but for a longer time frame. You’ll also need to reintroduce them to each other at a more gradual pace, which can range from several days to a few weeks. You’ll want to do a daily reintroduction to cats with an already established history of not getting along. Complete this by slowly moving the cats closer to another each day while you provide close supervision. It might be helpful to have both cats on a harness or lease throughout the sessions, or keep one or both cats confined inside a crate. Keep both cats distracted with food or toys can always help the transition. Keep the sessions brief, and keep them separate between the reintroduction sessions to improve chances of success. If the reintroduction sessions prove to be ineffective, consult a veterinarian to determine if behavioral medication should be considered. Behavioral medication such as benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants, and selective serotonin inhibitors can be helpful in modifying aggressive behavior in cats. You’ve been a patient and attentive cat parent throughout this entire process. However, you must keep the new cat in the isolated room for the first few weeks of the reintroduction process. After that, start off by providing the cats with short periods of unsupervised access, then gradually increase their alone time together. Do not leave the cats alone until you are confident that neither cat will display aggressive behavior toward the other. In addition, you can leave the cats alone once they are peacefully eating and playing within a couple of feet away from each other. |
com. Make sure you are signed into an account there. Click "Jetpack" on the dashboard menu at the left of the page. Jetpack is under Welcome. Click "Configure." A pop-up box will appear asking you to sign into your Twitter account and then if you’d like to grant permissions to the app to post to your timeline. If you’re already signed in, it will just ask you to grant permissions. Wait to be redirected back to the site. A dialog box will appear with a checkbox next to the sentence “Make this connection available to all users of this blog?” Select which choice you prefer and click "Okay." You have now synced a Twitter account to your blog. When you write posts, on the right side in the Publish box at the top, you will see a line that says Publicize with your Twitter handle next to it. By default it will tweet the title of the post. You may change it or add hashtags by clicking the Edit link beneath it. |
Talk to someone you know is going to take a photo and get their cooperation in your plan to photobomb the image subjects. See if the photographer can help give you subtle cues or distract the subjects long enough for you to get in place for your photobomb. This is easiest if you are already friends with the photographer. If you can’t make friends with the photographer, have another friend assist you with the timing or plan for your photobomb. Ask your friend to position themselves behind the camera-person so they can see the image on the camera. Then your friend can cue you to jump into the frame and make a face at just the right time. A friend can also get in on the photobomb with you for a coordinated surprise. Try a more elaborate photobomb that involves you wearing a costume or using props to add to the total prank value of the photo. Hold up a sign, throw confetti, or even use a noisemaker of some sort to surprise the photo subjects at the last moment and hopefully catch their shocked faces in the photo. Try dressing in a silly animal outfit, clown costume, or other unusual getup that the people involved in the photo will never expect and hopefully find funny later. Try a photobomb for which you get a whole group of people in on the plan to get into the photo all at once. It will be more difficult to be stealthy for a group photobomb, so it’s even more important that you wait till the last possible moment to jump into the frame. Make sure everyone in the group is in on the same plan of what to do and when to do it. This method can even be a pleasant surprise for the photo subjects. Have everyone in a wedding party sneak up behind the bride and groom for a silly wedding photo, for example. |
Children thrive when they feel secure in their environment and understand what is expected of them. Develop a consistent household structure, clear expectations, and logical consequences if these expectations are not met. Avoid responding to your child's poor attitude with anger. Instead, calmly deliver your request and then disengage. If your child is younger or may place him or herself in a dangerous situation, disengaging may mean selectively ignoring your child's poor behavior while continuing to actively supervise. If your child is older or in safe circumstances, leave the room (always remain within earshot of a young child). While counting to three, five, or ten is often recommended as a tool to redirect a child's behavior, it may provide even greater benefit for a beleaguered parent. Count in your head before responding to your child's frustrating behavior. Doing so gives you a few seconds to regroup and calm your own frayed emotions. Let reality be your child's teacher. Follow through on the consequences you've set for poor behavior. If your child has been told, for example, that if she responds to your requests with sarcasm she cannot attend Friday's football game, hold firm in your resolve. She'll learn that poor behavior has real consequences. Issue reminders -- but hold your child responsible for following through. Developing brains do sometimes forget what they've been asked to do, so plan on allowing some leeway for a reminder or two. You might even try a written reminder. Consider developing a system of "warnings," but follow through with consequences if those warnings aren't heeded. Remember that to attain the long-term goal of a well-behaved child you may have to deal with short-term personal discomfort. You may have heard the adage, "punishing the child punishes the parent," and while you're listening to a temper tantrum or dealing with an angry teenager you'll recognize the truth of this saying. In the end, though, your job as a parent is to struggle through the immediate discomfort of a situation, recognizing the long-term benefits at stake. Children often display poor attitudes and other bad behavior because they feel out of control. Employing a time-out interrupts the cycle of this behavior, giving the child a moment to regroup and reflect. Consider targeting the length of a time-out to the age of your child (for a 2-year-old, for example, set a timer for two minutes). Ensure the privilege withdrawn relates in some way to the poor behavior you're trying to correct. A child who refuses to put down his video game console, for example, may lose the use of this toy for a day. This technique works best as part of a pre-arranged behavior management strategy. Sit down with your children and decide upon behaviors you expect -- and privileges they'll receive in return. For example, you might agree that your child will receive the privilege of watching a favorite television program if she completes her homework without fussing. Creating a system helps children learn that with increased privileges come increased responsibilities. |
If you're prone to vomiting, you might want to alternate each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water during the night. In the event you get very drunk and perhaps a little nauseous, switch entirely to water. Drink water steadily, but never chug or drink water to excess, as this can upset your stomach. Inexperienced drinkers sometimes drink too much water out of fear of becoming dehydrated. Drink water throughout the night, but not to uncomfortable excess. Alcohol filters quickly into blood from the stomach. If you don't have food in your stomach, the alcohol will absorb into your blood intoxicating you rapidly, which could leave your world spinning and your stomach heaving. A little food in your tummy can be the difference between a night on the town and vomit city. Food high in fat content, like most bar food, takes a considerable time to digest in your stomach, making it the perfect choice for the start of your night out. Healthy pre-drinking foods include: nuts, avocados, and seeds. It is important to use a remedy that agrees with your system, so if chalky antacids don't usually calm your upset stomach, popping one of these might not be the best solution. If you have a default over the counter medicine you use for upset stomachs or nausea, take it preemptively when you begin feeling queasy. One of the biggest causes of both hangover and drinking related nausea is dehydration. Dehydration occurs when your body either doesn't have enough water in its system or else can't hold onto water because it doesn't have the right balance of electrolytes. As an important electrolyte, you might help your body retain water by eating a food high in potassium, like a banana. But be careful when considering a sports drink, as most sports drinks have modified formulas loaded with sugar, which are more palatable to the general population. These sugary drinks, however, could lead to more dehydration. Plenty of studies agree that ginger has powerful anti-nausea properties that you can enjoy when drinking ginger tea or ginger soda. You can add powdered ginger to food or drink, chew on a piece of raw ginger, or eat a ginger candy to enjoy ginger's stomach soothing influence. These have been found to aid digestion and lessen the effects of nausea. One tablespoon of crushed fennel seeds stepped in water for 10 minutes will create a sour stomach easing brew. Chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds, while maybe not the most appealing option, might also save you from throwing up. |
Modern HE washers use a slow, longer tumbling action to wash clothes. Although any contact with the washbasin can be hard on fibers, it is gentler than the traditional agitator washbasin. Purchase a detergent that is intended for HE washers. Fill it to less than the maximum amount, unless there is very heavy soil. You want to use a cold setting of approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) and the minimum level of mild detergent. Don’t let the temperature rise above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius). Most modern detergent brands are just as effective in cold water. Again, unless there is heavy soil, it will be enough to wash the clothes and prevent fading. If you have heavy soil in your socks, gym clothes or underwear, purchase an enzyme detergent. Wash these heavy soil items separately at 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 26 degrees Celsius). If you live in a cold climate, your cold-water wash may run at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) instead of 60 (16 degrees). Since this temperature is too low to wash your clothes with most detergents, you will need to use a warm setting while the water is colder. Vinegar is said to set colors. Textile makers use salt to set dye in fabrics, so the clothes are less likely to bleed. Salt is a commonly used ingredient in color safe detergents. |
With helpers at each corner, lift the tub off the ground high enough to slide the 4x4 boards under the tub. Then slide furniture dollies at the tub's front and back sides. Make sure the dollies are centered at both ends, then slide the boards out to lower the tub so its base sits flat on the dollies. If your dollies have straps, secure them to the hot tub. Slowly push the tub to the moving truck, and keep an eye on the dollies to make sure they don’t slide out of position. You’ll need at least 2 or 3 people to lift the tub onto its side. Lift and push up the side opposite the one that will rest on the ground. Have 2 people on the other side to guide the tub and ensure it doesn’t tip over. Once the tub is on its side, slide the appliance dolly under it so the base of the tub faces the dolly. Make sure the side that rests on the ground doesn’t have any access or control panels. The weight of the tub might damage them. Wrap the dolly’s straps around the tub and make sure they’re secured tightly. Then carefully lift the tub and dolly backward to put the weight of the load onto the dolly’s wheels. Have at least 2 people guide the dolly from the front and 2 from the back. Go up or down stairs one step at a time, and make sure everyone is ready for the next step before proceeding. Lower the moving truck’s ramp, then line up the wheels of your furniture or appliance dolly with the ramp. As you roll the tub up the ramp slowly and steadily, make sure it stays balanced. Have 2 people on either side to make sure it doesn’t tip. If you’re using an appliance dolly, you’ll have to pull the dolly up the ramp backwards, or so the side of the dolly with the handle goes up the ramp first. Have 2 people pull from the handle side and 2 to 3 people push from the other side of the tub. Cover the tub with moving blankets, and push it so it’s flush with the inside wall of the truck. Tie it securely with moving straps so it doesn’t jostle around and get damaged during transport. You’re now ready to head to your new location—drive safely! If you’re using furniture dollies, leave them in place under the tub. The weight of the tied-down tub will keep them in place. If you’re using an appliance dolly, you can keep it strapped to the tub, but you should take precautions to prevent it from damaging the tub during transport. Slide a blanket between the appliance dolly and the tub, then wrap moving straps around the dolly and tub to secure both to the inside of the truck. |
" "Wa gwaan" is by far the most common way to great people in Jamaica. The phrase is more accurately translated to mean "how's it going" or "how are you doing," but it is also used as a general "hello." Other ways to say "hello" include "ello," "hail up," or simply "gud day." If you're traveling in Jamaica, it's a good idea to say this only if the other person says it to you first. If they say "hello" or "hi" to you, say the same back. It might seem condescending to use this greeting if you are clearly a foreigner. Just as in English, you can use different greetings in the morning, evening, and at night. These greetings are roughly similar to what you would say in English. Gud mawnin: good morning Gud evenling: good evening Gud nite: goodnight While "wa gwaan" is sufficient both to say "hello" and ask the person how they're doing, you can also combine it with another phrase. One such phrase is "weh yuh ah seh." You can literally translate this phrase as "what are you saying," but it's used to mean "how are you doing." Other alternatives include: Wat a guh dung?: literally "what's going down?" How yuh stay?: literally "how's your status?" Howdeedo?: "how do you do?" (more common among older people) If someone asked you how you were doing in English, you'd probably respond "fine" or perhaps "I'm well." In Jamaican Patois, there are numerous ways to say you're doing well. If someone speaks to you first in Patois, you might use one of these responses. Some examples include: "Everyting criss" "Everyting cook an curry" "All fruits ripe" "Mi deh yah" "Everyting cris n curri" "Mi irie" After you great someone, they may say "Wah yuh name?" or "What's your name?" Reply by saying "Mi name" followed by your name. You can then turn the question around to them, or simply say "yuh?" If you want to ask the person where they're from, say "Frah wha pawt yuh deh?" If the other person asks you this question, respond "Mi deh" followed by the name of the place where you're from. Generally, Jamaican is a casual language. There's not much emphasis placed on being polite or formal. However, native speakers will appreciate if you're polite and mind your manners. Some words and phrases to learn include: Jus a word: "excuse me" Beg yuh pass: "excuse me" (when you need to get through or past someone, as in a crowd) A beg yuh: "please" Hush: "sorry" Tanks: "thank you" The phrase "mi gaan" literally means "I'm gone," and is a common way to say "goodbye" in Jamaican Patois. You can also say "likkle more" or "likkle more den," both of which essentially mean that you'll see the person later. Another common expression when parting ways in Jamaica is "walk good." While this is more or less English, it's used to mean "take care." This expression is most commonly said to someone who is traveling a longer distance. |
This method does not use powers. As such, it is simpler for converting large numbers in your head because you only need to keep track of a subtotal. The first thing you need to do is to write down the binary number you'll be converting using the doubling method. Let's say the number you're working with is 10110012. Write it down. Since you're working with the binary number 10110012, your first digit all the way on the left is 1. Your previous total is 0 since you haven't started yet. You'll have to double the previous total, 0, and add 1, the current digit. 0 x 2 + 1 = 1, so your new current total is 1. Your current total is now 1 and the new current digit is 0. So, double 1 and add 0. 1 x 2 + 0 = 2. Your new current total is 2. Just keep going. Next, double your current total, and add 1, your next digit. 2 x 2 + 1 = 5. Your current total is now 5. Next, double your current total, 5, and add the next digit, 1. 5 x 2 + 1 = 11. Your new total is 11. Double your current total, 11, and add the next digit, 0. 2 x 11 + 0 = 22. Now, double your current total, 22, and add 0, the next digit. 22 x 2 + 0 = 44. Now, you're down to your last number and are almost done! All you have to do is take your current total, 44, and double it along with adding 1, the last digit. 2 x 44 + 1 = 89. You're all done! You've converted 100110112 to decimal notation to its decimal form, 89. Write your final answer as 8910 to show that you're working with a decimal, which has a base of 10. Doubling is used because the given number is of base 2. If the given number is of a different base, replace the 2 in the method with the base of the given number. For example, if the given number is in base 37, you would replace the "x 2" with "x 37". The final result will always be in decimal (base 10). |
When you prune your buddleia matters greatly in terms of care. You should always prune your plant in early spring. Usually, March is the recommended time for pruning. However, when to prune truly depends on your region. Severe frost, present in late spring in some areas, can cause damage to a buddleia. Making a decision on when to prune your buddleia heavily depends on the weather in your area. As stated above, if you prune too soon early spring frost can harm the plant. However, waiting until later in the summer, or even the fall, can be deadly for the buddleia. If new growths do not harden before winter, they will be killed by the cold. This results in a dead plant the next spring. Keep an eye on the forecast, especially if you live in a colder area or an area with unpredictable weather patterns. If you see freezing temperatures or snow in your 10 day forecast, hold off on pruning. Wait until the weather's been consistently warm and above freezing for a few weeks before pruning. Buddleias bloom on new wood. Even if there is no sign of rot or damage to existing branches, cut all of the branches back to the ground in early spring. This will stimulate blooming and growth from your buddleia during the flowering season. Buddleias grow in bunches of stems sprouting from the same patch of ground. You prune the plant by cutting these stems downward towards the ground. Stems should be at least a foot tall. Stop pruning once your stems are about a foot in length. Trimming any shorter could cause damage to the plant. When you finish pruning your buddleia, it should look somewhat like a stag's antlers. Don't be alarmed by how much you cut from the plant. Such intense pruning is what helps the buddleia grow new flowers when the rainy season passes. Buddleias can become overcrowded if too many branches sprout. If your buddleia bush looks crowded, remove older branches completely rather than just trimming them down. It's fairly easy to differentiate old stems from young stems. Young stems tend to be green. Old stems are of a darker shade and usually have peeling, gray-brown bark and appear woodier. You should dig out old branches by the roots. This will prevent them from re-blooming in the coming season. The main pruning should be done in spring. The buddleia flowers in multiple places. Both main stems and side shoots that grow from main stems may flower. When seeking out dead flowers, look in all these places. |
You can use any web browser on your PC, Mac, or mobile phone. This logs you into your Verizon account on the website. You can also log in using your phone number in place of your User ID. This displays the menu options for your Verizon account. This displays your account details and options related to your account. This is available in your Verizon account options. This allows you to view and edit your account safeguards and controls. It's the second tab at the top of the "View Details and Edit" page. It's between the "Activity" and "Profiles" tabs. This displays a drop-down menu. It's in the "Controls" drop-down menu. This displays a list of blocked contacts on your Verizon account. Blocked contacts can be either phone numbers or email addresses. This removes the number from the list of blocked contacts. If you need assistance, call 1-800-922-0204 to contact Verizon customer service. If you blocked calls from your phone, see Method 1 to learn how to unblock numbers from your Android phone. See Method 2 and to learn how to unblock numbers from an iPhone. |
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