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<s> Levy_ppr 9/19/07 3:00 PM Page 1 To some people, security markets are likecasinos and investing is about predictingsecurity prices and speculating that thosepredictions will come true. Investments ishere to tell you otherwise.You could try to predict security prices byflipping a coin or reading a horoscope, butif you really want to become a better investorthen you need a thorough understanding ofsecurities, securities markets and investmentstrategies. That is exactly what this bookprovides.This topical introduction to investment insecurity markets discusses in detail the variousways in which you can minimise risk andmaximise yields. One of the basic insights thatyou will obtain from reading this book is thatgood investments generally do not requireforecasting skills. Rather, in many cases, goodinvestments require the matching of theinvestments with the objectives andconstraints of the investor. Key Features➤ Up-to-date coverage of investment practiceand academic research➤ Many real-life case studies taken fromrecent newspaper articles, in particular theFinancial Times➤ Extensive Review Questions and Answers,with additional questions and answersavailable onlineInvestments is suitable for use by intermediateto advanced undergraduate students takingcourses in investments as part of accounting,finance, economics and business studiesdegrees. It is also suitable for postgraduatestudents on MBA courses and otherprogrammes covering investments. Professor Haim Levy, MA, PhD, is MylesRobinson Professor of BusinessAdministration at The Hebrew University ofJerusalem in The Jerusalem School ofBusiness Administration. INVESTMENTS The chapters are very well written, and present even relatively difficult material ina concise and very clear way.Thore Johnson, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Professor Thierry Post is a Professor ofFinance at Rotterdam School of Economicsof Erasmus University, the Netherlands. Screenshot reprinted by permission from Microsoft Corporation Haim LevyThierry Post The book is well presented and substantial,the terms are clearly explained, there areplenty of examples, and concepts areintroduced gradually and thoroughly.James Clunie, The University of Edinburgh Cover © M.S. Kolmeijer – An imprint of Additional student support Additional student support ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page i INVESTMENTS Would you like to get a better grade in your course? Visit theInvestments Companion Website at access a rich resource of valuable learning materials forstudents, including:n Multiple Choice Questions for every chapter, with instant feedbackn Interactive Spreadsheets, that accompany the Appendices in the bookn A searchable, online Glossary of key investments terminologyn Interactive Flashcards that allow you to check definitions against the key terms during revisionn Full list of web links, directing you to key online sources of material oninvestments.n Learning Objectives from every chapter .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page ii We work with leading authors to develop the strongesteducational materials in finance, bringing cutting-edgethinking and best learning practice to a global market.Under a range of well-known imprints, includingFinancial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high-quality printand electronic publications which help readers tounderstand and apply their content, whether studying orat work.To find out more about the complete range of ourpublishing, please visit us on the World Wide Web Dedication:Haim Levy: To my familyThierry Post: In memory of my father, Rudi Post .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page iii INVESTMENTSHaim LevyHebrew University of Jerusalem and Thierry PostErasmus University Rotterdam Assisted byDeborah L. Murphy, University of TennesseePhilippe Versijp, Erasmus University Rotterdam .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page iv Pearson Education LimitedEdinburgh GateHarlowEssex CM20 2JEEnglandand Associated Companies throughout the worldVisit us on the World Wide Web First published by South-Western College PublishingThis edition first published 2005© Pearson Education Limited 2005The rights of Haim Levy and Thierry Post to be identified as authors ofthis work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the priorwritten permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copyingin the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd,90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP.All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The use ofany trademark in this text does not vest in the author or the publisher any trademarkownership rights in such trademarks, nor does the use of such trademarks implyany affiliation with or endorsement of this book by such owners.ISBN-13: 978-0-273-65164-2ISBN-10: 0-273-65164-1British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataLevy, Haim.Investments / Haim Levy and Thierry Post.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-273-65164-1 (pbk.)1. Investments. 2. Securities. 3. Capital market. 4. Portfolio management. I. Post,Thierry. II. Title.HG4521.L632 2005332.6––dc22200404319410 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 208 07 06 05 04Typeset in 10/12pt Minion by 35Printed and bound by Ashford Colour Press Ltd., Gosport. Hants.The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests. .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page v Brief contents PrefaceAcknowledgementsGuided tour to the bookAbout the authors xivxviiixxiixxiv 1 Introduction 1 Part 1 THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT 17 2 Bonds, stocks and other securities3 Security markets4 Institutional investors5 Security regulation and investment ethics 195394121 Part 2 RETURN AND RISK 157 6 Rates of return7 Fundamentals of portfolio analysis8 Mean–variance analysis9 Portfolio diversification 159203234259 Part 3 CAPITAL MARKETS IN EQUILIBRIUM 287 10 The capital asset-pricing model11 The arbitrage pricing theory12 Efficient markets: theory and evidence 289340374 Part 4 SECURITY ANALYSIS 411 13 Interest rates and bond valuation14 Bonds: analysis and management15 Stocks: valuation and selection16 Financial statement analysis17 Macroeconomic analysis18 Technical analysis 413455491536566594v .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page vi BRIEF CONTENTS Part 5 DERIVATIVE SECURITIES 621 19 Futures, options and other derivatives20 Derivatives valuation 623678 Part 6 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 725 21 Risk management22 Performance evaluation 727761 Appendix A Introduction to regression analysisAppendix B Excel spreadsheet applicationsAppendix C Answers to review questionsGlossaryName indexSubject index 801822845881898902 Visit the Investments Companion Website at access a rich, free resource of valuable teaching and learning material,including the following content:For the lecturern A secure, password-protected site offering downloadable teaching supportn Customisable PowerPoint slides, including key figures and tables from the main textn Extensive Instructor’s Problem Set, including review and practice problems with solutionsFor the studentn Multiple Choice Questions for every chapter, with instant feedbackn Interactive Spreadsheets, that accompany the Appendices in the bookn A searchable, online Glossary of key investments terminologyn Interactive Flashcards that allow you to check definitions against the key terms during revisionn Learning Objectives from every chapter AlsoThis site has a syllabus manager, search functions and email results functions. vi .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page vii Contents in detail PrefaceAcknowledgementsGuided tour to the bookAbout the authors xxiixxiv 1 Introduction 1 Learning objectives1.1 The difference between corporate finance and investments1.2 The benefits of studying investments1.3 The investment process1.4 Recent developments in investments1.5 Where do we go from here? A brief overview of the bookSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references Part 1 xivxviii 245691113141415 THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT 2 Bonds, stocks and other securitiesLearning objectives2.1 The nature of securities2.2 Fixed-income securities2.3 Stocks2.4 Investment companies2.5 International investment2.6 Derivative securities2.7 Investment risksSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 3 Security marketsLearning objectives3.1 The primary security market3.2 The secondary security market 1920212233404142444950515253545566 vii .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page viii CONTENTS IN DETAIL SummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 89909192 4 Institutional investors 94 Learning objectives4.1 Institutionalisation4.2 Insurance companies4.3 Pension funds4.4 Investment companiesSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 959597102108117118118119 Security regulation and investment ethics 121 Learning objectives5.1 The need for security regulation5.2 Securities regulation5.3 EthicsSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 5 IMR Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 122123126140148149150150152 5 Part 2 RETURN AND RISK 6 Rates of returnLearning objectives6.1 Calculating rates of return6.2 Adjustments for tax, inflation and exchange rates6.3 Indices6.4 Sample return statistics6.5 The historical recordSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 6 Annual US rates of return, 1926–2002 7 Fundamentals of portfolio analysisLearning objectives7.1 The portfolio possibilities set 159160162172177187194196198198200201203204205 viii .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page ix CONTENTS IN DETAIL 7.2 The probability distribution7.3 The utility function7.4 The expected utility criterion7.5 Risk-aversion, diversification and risk premiums7.6 Looking forward: from expected utility to mean–variance analysisSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 7 Cumulative standard normal distribution 8 Mean–variance analysisLearning objectives8.1 Fundamentals of mean–variance analysis8.2 The mean and variance of a portfolio8.3 Efficient and inefficient investment strategiesSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 9 Portfolio diversificationLearning objectives9.1 Finding uncorrelated assets9.2 International diversification9.3 A little diversification goes a long way9.4 Barriers to diversification9.5 Estimation error9.6 Human capital and property holdings9.7 Actual diversification by households and mutual fundsSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references Part 3 208218219224227228229229230232234235236242247256257257258259260261264269273277279280282283283284 CAPITAL MARKETS IN EQUILIBRIUM 10 The capital asset-pricing modelLearning objectives10.1 The theory10.2 Empirical tests of the capital asset-pricing model10.3 Conclusion: dead or alive?SummaryKey termsReview questions 289290292314328331333333 ix .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page x CONTENTS IN DETAIL Selected referencesAppendix 10 A formal proof of the capital asset-pricing model 11 The arbitrage pricing theoryLearning objectives11.1 Factor risk models11.2 The arbitrage pricing theory11.3 The arbitrage pricing theory and the capital asset-pricing model11.4 Empirical tests of the arbitrage pricing theorySummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 11 A formal proof of the arbitrage pricing theory 12 Efficient markets: theory and evidenceLearning objectives12.1 Efficient market defined12.2 What constitutes the appropriate information set?12.3 Investment strategy in an efficient market12.4 Investment strategy in an inefficient market12.5 Empirical evidence related to the efficient market theory12.6 Market anomalies12.7 Behavioural financeSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references Part 4 334337340342343351362364367368369369372374376377378383387389396401404405406406 SECURITY ANALYSIS 13 Interest rates and bond valuationLearning objectives13.1 Bond prices and yields13.2 The yield curve13.3 Spreads over Treasuries13.4 The impact of embedded optionsSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 13A Simple equations for bond pricingAppendix 13B Incorporating accrued interest and partial periodsAppendix 13C Methods of compounding interest rates 413414415419429441444445445446448449452 x .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xi CONTENTS IN DETAIL 14 Bonds: analysis and managementLearning objectives14.1 Bond-pricing principles14.2 Duration14.3 Convexity14.4 Passive bond-management strategies14.5 Active bond-management strategiesSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 14A Computational equation for durationAppendix 14B Duration as the holding period that minimises interest-rate risk:a formal proof 15 Stocks: valuation and selectionLearning objectives15.1 The intrinsic value of stocks15.2 The constant dividend growth model15.3 Normal-growth and super-growth firms15.4 Multiple-stage growth models15.5 Implementing discounted cash flow models in practice15.6 The free cash flow model15.7 Valuation multiples15.8 How analysts value stocksSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected referencesAppendix 15 The two-stage growth model: a single valuation equation 16 Financial statement analysis 455456456466477480484485486486487489489491492493498502508511514517526531532532533535536 Learning objectives16.1 Financial statements16.2 Financial ratio analysis16.3 Quality of earningsSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 537538552558562562563564 17 Macroeconomic analysis 566 Learning objectives17.1 Macroeconomic evaluation17.2 The economy and the financial markets17.3 International parity relationships 567568579583 xi .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xii CONTENTS IN DETAIL SummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 591592592593 18 Technical analysis 594 Learning objectives18.1 The logic behind technical analysis18.2 Tools for technical analysis18.3 Empirical evidence regarding technical analysisSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references Part 5 595596601615618618619619 DERIVATIVE SECURITIES 19 Futures, options and other derivatives 623 Learning objectives19.1 Reasons for using derivatives19.2 Forward contracts19.3 Swaps19.4 Futures contracts19.5 Options19.6 Investment strategies using derivatives19.7 Financial engineeringSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 624625628631636650665672673675675676 20 Derivatives valuationLearning objectives20.1 Static and dynamic hedges20.2 Valuation of futures20.3 Option valuation: bounds20.4 The binominal model20.5 Black–Scholes option-valuation modelSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 678679681681688694706720721722723 xii .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xiii CONTENTS IN DETAIL Part 6 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 21 Risk management 727 Learning objectives21.1 Market risk21.2 Credit risk21.3 Operational risk21.4 Instruments for risk controlSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references 728730743748753757758759759 22 Performance evaluation 761 Learning objectives22.1 Toolbox for performance evaluation22.2 Risk-adjusted performance measures22.3 Style analysis22.4 Performance attribution22.5 Empirical evidence for the performance of open-end mutual funds22.6 A word of cautionSummaryKey termsReview questionsSelected references Appendix A Introduction to regression analysisAppendix B Excel spreadsheet applicationsAppendix C Review questions: answersGlossaryName indexSubject index 763764768780788791795796797798798 801822845881898902 xiii .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xiv Preface This book offers a general introduction to investment in security markets. To some people,security markets are like casinos and investing is about predicting security prices and speculatingthat those predictions will come true. This book will be of little use to those people. Readingthis book won’t enable you to make predictions about security prices that are any better thansimply flipping a coin or reading a horoscope. That is not to say that this book won’t helpyou to become a better investor. Indeed, one of the basic insights that you will obtain fromreading this book is that good investments generally do not require forecasting skills. Rather,in many cases, good investments require the matching of the investments with the objectivesand constraints of the investor. Frequently, this can be achieved by means of spreading theinvestments over many, preferably unrelated, securities (diversification), selecting securitieswhose risks offset the risks of the investors’ liabilities (immunisation) and/or using derivativesecurities to protect against downside risk (hedging). These strategies do not require any forecasting ability whatsoever. However, they do require a thorough understanding of securities,securities markets and investment strategies. This is exactly what this book aims to achieve. Intended audienceThis book is geared to both undergraduate and graduate students. The subject matter canbe covered in a two-semester course, but the text can also be used for a one-semester courseby selecting the chapters considered most important. Generally, this course is taken afterprinciples of finance have been studied. However, all concepts needed for this book arediscussed here, in order to achieve a self-contained text. With regard to mathematics, nomore than high-school-level algebra is assumed. Special features and ancillary materialThis text and its special features were carefully developed by the authors and evaluated by adedicated panel of reviewers. The goal throughout has been to spark the interest of studentsand enhance their motivation to learn about the field of investments. Some of the materialis placed on the accompanying Levy–Post investment website to allow for regular updates.The URL of the website is: following special features are included in this book: Up-to-date coverage of investment practice and academic researchThroughout the book, we have attempted to give an up-to-date coverage of current investment practice and academic research. For example, the table below gives a small sample of tenkey words that are found in this book but would not have appeared in a typical investmentxiv .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xv PREFACE book ten years ago – most of them not even five years ago. Indeed, the financial markets havechanged beyond recognition during the past decade.Key word Chapter Behavioural financeElectronic communication network (ECN)Exchange-traded fund (ETF)Hedge fundsMicrosoft Excel spreadsheet applicationSocially responsible investment (SRI)Style analysisThree-factor modelTreasury inflation-protected security (TIPS)Value-at-risk (VaR) 12324Appendix B522111321 Pedagogical structure of the textThe book was designed to facilitate easy absorption of the material. Each chapter begins withLearning objectives and ends with a Summary section. Key terms are presented in bold typethe first time they are introduced. These terms also appear in the end-of-chapter Key termssection and in the end-of-book Glossary. Throughout the chapters, Practice boxes are usedto illustrate the key concepts. Every chapter also includes a Selected references section, whichguides the student to further literature on the subject covered in that chapter. Real-life material: recent newspaper articles and case studiesIncluded are a wealth of articles and discussions from the Financial Times and other sources,as well as the financial statements of corporations, in order to introduce students to real-lifescenarios that will give them the opportunity to apply investment theory and techniques. Eachchapter opens with Investments in the News, a newspaper article highlighting the main topicdiscussed in the chapter. Additional material from the financial media is used thoughout eachchapter in the Connecting Theory to Practice sections. Extensive sets of review and practice questions and answers (online)We have spent much time and effort in developing a wealth of questions and answers forpurposes of review, practice and examination. This material is divided into three parts:n Review and practice problems apply the concepts discussed in every chapter. We include samples of both multiple-choice questions and essay questions. Many problems are takenfrom the financial media and use real cases to show the relevance of the concepts studied.This material is split into two parts: one part that is available to both students and academicstaff and another part that is available exclusively to academic staff. This allows academicstaff to use exclusive questions as classroom enrichment problems, homework assignmentsand examination questions.n Multiple-choice self-evaluation tests for every chapter. Students can take these tests and willreceive online a grade and feedback on the topics and sections that require further study.n Special CFA examination questions are practice problems that prepare students for theseries of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) examinations administered by the Associationxv .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xvi PREFACE for Investment Management and Research (AIMR). For more information regarding theCFA Candidate Program, address enquiries to the Association for Investment Managementand Research, Department of Candidate Programs, 5 Boar’s Head Lane, PO Box 3668,Charlottesville, VA 22903-0668, USA, or visit material is posted on the accompanying Levy–Post investment website. This allows us toregularly add new material and correct possible flaws in the existing material. Appendices with regression and Excel tools for empirical research andpractical applicationAn introduction to the field of investments is not complete without an introduction to thebasic tools for empirical research and quantitative problem-solving. For this purpose, we havedeveloped two appendices that help students to independently conduct research and solvedecision-support problems. Appendix A, developed by Thierry Post, gives a step-by-stepintroduction to regression analysis. Appendix B introduces the student to the use of MicrosoftExcel spreadsheets. The latter appendix was produced by Michael J. Seiler. Ready Microsoft PowerPoint slides (online)We have developed a collection of visually stimulating Microsoft PowerPoint slides for useduring classroom lectures. The slides are designed to allow the instructor to modify and adapteach slide to meet individual classroom needs. The slides are posted on the accompanyingLevy–Post investment website. Software and Internet links (online)Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software is provided free to adopters of the text in order togive students the opportunity to implement techniques presented in the text. Another featureincludes Internet references that lead academics and students to pertinent investment-relatedwebsites. The software and Internet links will be updated regularly and are posted on theaccompanying Levy–Post investment website. AcknowledgementsThis project could never have been completed without the help of many colleagues and friends.We would like to thank the following for providing valuable feedback and contributions:Michael J. Alderson, St Louis University; Yakov Amihud, New York University; Hames J.Angel, Georgetown University; Sung C. Bae, Bowling Green State University; Guido Baltussen,Erasmus University Rotterdam; Kegian Bi, University of San Francisco; Avi Bick, SimonFraser University; Gilbert Bickum, Eastern Kentucky University; Richard H. Borgman, University of Maine; Denis O. Boudreaux, University of Southern Louisiana; Stephen Caples,McNeese State University; John Clark, University of Alabama; John Clinebell, University ofxvi .. ITI_A01.qxd 8/3/06 5:38 PM Page xvii PREFACE Northern Colorado; Charles J. Corrado, University of Missouri-Columbia; Arthur T. Cox, University of Northern Iowa; Richard F. DeMong, University of Virginia; Giorgio De Santis,University of Southern California; Elroy Dimson, London School of Business; John W. Ellis,Colorado State University; Thomas H. Eyssell, University of Missouri at St Louis; DanielFalkowski, Canisius College; James Feller, Middle Tennessee State University; J. HowardFinch, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Adam K. Gehr, Jr, DePaul University; DeborahW. Gregory, University of Otago; Frank M. Hatheway, Pennsylvania State University; DavidHeskel, Bloomsburg College; Stan Jacobs, Central Washington University; Vahan Janjigian,Boston College; Hazel J. Johnson, University of Louisville; Edward M. Kaitz, MarymountUniversity; Andrew Karolyi, Ohio State University; Mike Keenan, New York University; YoramKroll, Hebrew University; Ladd Kochman, Kennesaw State College; Thomas Krueger, University of Wisconsin LaCrosse; Yoram Landskroner, Hebrew University; Graham K. Lemke,Pennsylvania State University; Azriel Levy, Hebrew University; K. C. Lim, City Polytechnic,Hong Kong; K. C. Ma, Investment Research Company; Steven V. Mann, University of SouthCarolina; Ralph D. May, Southwestern Oklahoma State University; William M. Mayfield,Northwestern Oklahoma State University; Micharel L. McBain, Marquette University; RobertMcConkie, Sam Houston State University; Robert McElreath, Clemson University; BruceMcManis, Nicholls State University; Edward Miller, University of New Orleans; LalatenduMisra, University of Texas at San Antonio; Santhosh B. Mohan, Ohio Northern University;Deborah L. Murphy, University of Tennessee; Eli Ofek, New York University; Joseph P. Ogden,State University of New York at Buffalo; Rajeev N. Parikh, St Bonaventure University;Rose Prasad, Michigan State University; Hugh M. Pratt, University of Manitoba; JerryProck, University of Texas; Shafiqur Rahman, Portland State University; Venkateshward K.Reddy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; William Reichenstein, Baylor University;Stan Reyburn, Commercial Investment Counsellor, Professional Realty Associates; MeirSchneller, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Michael J. Seiler, Hawaii Pacific University; LathaShanker, Concordia University; Neil Sicherman, University of South Carolina; RaymondW. So, Louisiana State University; Meir Statman, Santa Clara University; Stacey L. Suydam,Montana State University, Billings; Antoinette Tessmer, University of Illinois; David E.Upton, Virginia Commonwealth University; Martijn J. van den Assem, Erasmus UniversityRotterdam; Jan van der Meulen, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Pim van Vliet, ErasmusUniversity Rotterdam; Gopala K. Vasudevan, Suffolk University; Joseph D.Vu, DePaulUniversity; William Wells, Merrimack University; Darin While, Union University; James A.Yoder, University of South Alabama.We would also like to thank Hyla Berkowitz and Maya Landau for their editorial help, aswell as Yael Ben-David, Daniel Berkowitz, Natali Eisof, Allon Cohen, Eitan Goldman, DoronLavee, Tijmen Beetz and Bart de Klerk for their assistance in preparing the manuscript.Special thanks also go to Colette Holden for her excellent and thorough copy-editing, LesleyThomas for obtaining copyright permissions, Georgina Clark-Mazo for attentively consolidating all editorial changes on to a master copy for the typesetter, and Amanda Thomasfor overseeing production of the book.Finally, we would like to thank the hardworking team at
[ 1, 951, 13308, 29918, 407, 29878, 29871, 29929, 29914, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29955, 29871, 29941, 29901, 29900, 29900, 11278, 9305, 29871, 29896, 13, 1762, 777, 2305, 29892, 6993, 2791, 1691, 526, 763, 9398, 8226, 322, 13258, 292, 338, 1048, 8500, 292, 8926, 26094, 322, 1580, 18099, 393, 1906, 27711, 1080, 674, 2041, 1565, 29889, 512, 10147, 1860, 338, 4150, 304, 2649, 366, 6467, 29889, 3492, 1033, 1018, 304, 8500, 6993, 26094, 491, 20157, 3262, 263, 19480, 470, 5183, 263, 4029, 359, 4338, 29892, 541, 361, 366, 2289, 864, 304, 4953, 263, 2253, 13258, 2072, 264, 366, 817, 263, 17826, 8004, 310, 344, 2764, 1907, 29892, 409, 2764, 1907, 2791, 1691, 322, 13258, 358, 710, 1845, 583, 29889, 2193, 338, 3721, 825, 445, 3143, 16123, 2247, 29889, 4013, 2246, 936, 18707, 304, 13258, 358, 297, 8926, 2791, 1691, 5353, 267, 297, 9493, 278, 5164, 1994, 297, 607, 366, 508, 6260, 895, 12045, 322, 27525, 895, 17498, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 6996, 1663, 5861, 393, 6293, 674, 4017, 515, 5183, 445, 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13258, 1860, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 6329, 5952, 326, 951, 13308, 29892, 14861, 29892, 1963, 29928, 29892, 338, 1619, 793, 21860, 26803, 11386, 310, 15197, 12754, 8306, 472, 450, 18472, 3973, 3014, 310, 29967, 261, 18537, 297, 450, 23204, 4523, 310, 16890, 3335, 23303, 29889, 13, 1177, 12064, 1254, 13780, 29903, 13, 1576, 10708, 2153, 526, 1407, 1532, 3971, 29892, 322, 2198, 1584, 13774, 5189, 5518, 297, 29874, 3022, 895, 322, 1407, 2821, 982, 29889, 1349, 487, 11717, 29892, 27990, 4523, 310, 12884, 1199, 322, 15197, 13, 1184, 29888, 6329, 498, 631, 719, 4918, 338, 263, 11386, 310, 12881, 749, 472, 9664, 357, 16846, 4523, 310, 12884, 293, 578, 29888, 1425, 294, 8366, 3014, 29892, 278, 24553, 29889, 13, 29903, 24546, 8711, 2062, 524, 287, 491, 10751, 515, 7783, 15025, 13, 24704, 326, 951, 13308, 1349, 631, 719, 4918, 13, 1576, 3143, 338, 1532, 9132, 322, 23228, 29892, 1552, 4958, 526, 9436, 10824, 29892, 727, 526, 572, 6478, 310, 6455, 29892, 322, 22001, 526, 524, 3518, 1133, 22020, 322, 26606, 29889, 29470, 2233, 348, 347, 29892, 450, 3014, 310, 25200, 13, 29907, 957, 29871, 30211, 341, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10451, 1004, 823, 261, 785, 7821, 29889, 28402, 457, 10028, 1004, 823, 261, 29889, 1062, 29877, 29889, 12938, 13, 2744, 527, 2158, 310, 13, 2528, 3245, 8368, 2304, 472, 1636, 29889, 12733, 3246, 29889, 1212, 29914, 2608, 29891, 13, 2528, 3245, 8368, 2304, 472, 1636, 29889, 12733, 3246, 29889, 1212, 29914, 2608, 29891, 13, 1636, 29889, 412, 279, 1100, 29899, 12733, 29889, 510, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 474, 13, 1177, 12064, 1254, 13780, 29903, 13, 29956, 483, 366, 763, 304, 679, 263, 2253, 19468, 297, 596, 3236, 29973, 5741, 277, 278, 797, 10147, 1860, 3831, 273, 291, 13253, 472, 7821, 29889, 12733, 3246, 29889, 1212, 29914, 2608, 29891, 517, 2130, 263, 8261, 6503, 310, 21114, 6509, 17279, 363, 18082, 1237, 29892, 3704, 29901, 29876, 26905, 14542, 625, 894, 29879, 363, 1432, 16385, 29892, 411, 14426, 16705, 29876, 4124, 4925, 1706, 949, 19360, 29892, 393, 10259, 1384, 278, 22871, 1575, 297, 278, 3143, 29876, 319, 2740, 519, 29892, 7395, 402, 6758, 653, 310, 1820, 13258, 1860, 6624, 1189, 948, 4124, 4925, 21967, 28160, 393, 2758, 366, 304, 1423, 15848, 2750, 278, 13, 1989, 4958, 2645, 26554, 29876, 14846, 1051, 310, 1856, 2988, 29892, 1513, 292, 366, 304, 1820, 7395, 8974, 310, 5518, 373, 262, 10147, 1860, 29889, 29876, 29257, 4669, 3145, 515, 1432, 16385, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 13607, 13, 4806, 664, 411, 8236, 15717, 304, 2693, 278, 4549, 2868, 1682, 1288, 17279, 297, 1436, 749, 29892, 20794, 28967, 29899, 287, 29887, 621, 18159, 322, 1900, 6509, 6944, 304, 263, 5534, 9999, 29889, 29177, 263, 3464, 310, 1532, 29899, 5203, 527, 2158, 29879, 29892, 3704, 12881, 273, 1455, 10277, 1588, 296, 625, 6573, 29892, 591, 25554, 1880, 29899, 29567, 1596, 392, 27758, 25964, 607, 1371, 22176, 260, 618, 261, 1689, 322, 3394, 1009, 2793, 29892, 3692, 23382, 470, 271, 664, 29889, 1762, 1284, 714, 901, 1048, 278, 4866, 3464, 310, 1749, 23679, 292, 29892, 3113, 6493, 502, 373, 278, 2787, 399, 680, 2563, 472, 29901, 1636, 29889, 412, 279, 1100, 287, 29889, 1111, 29889, 2679, 13, 29928, 7486, 362, 29901, 24704, 326, 951, 13308, 29901, 1763, 590, 3942, 1349, 631, 719, 4918, 29901, 512, 3370, 310, 590, 4783, 29892, 390, 4749, 4918, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 474, 2236, 13, 1177, 12064, 1254, 13780, 7068, 29874, 326, 951, 13308, 29950, 774, 3973, 3014, 310, 23204, 13, 392, 13, 1349, 631, 719, 4918, 2110, 294, 8366, 3014, 9664, 357, 16846, 13, 7900, 12652, 491, 10251, 272, 801, 365, 29889, 7487, 11461, 29892, 3014, 310, 22664, 4819, 2638, 4798, 10138, 823, 29886, 29892, 1425, 294, 8366, 3014, 9664, 357, 16846, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 20444, 13, 29925, 799, 1100, 13151, 28873, 3853, 23559, 22510, 21972, 677, 14190, 14167, 315, 29924, 29906, 29900, 29871, 29906, 29967, 29923, 8100, 1049, 392, 6853, 630, 3831, 273, 583, 10106, 278, 3186, 6116, 277, 502, 373, 278, 2787, 399, 680, 2563, 472, 29901, 1636, 29889, 412, 279, 1100, 287, 29889, 1111, 29889, 2679, 13, 6730, 6369, 491, 4275, 29899, 16128, 824, 6346, 19088, 4013, 12203, 937, 6369, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 30211, 21265, 1100, 13151, 28873, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 1576, 10462, 310, 5952, 326, 951, 13308, 322, 498, 631, 719, 4918, 304, 367, 15659, 408, 15717, 310, 1366, 664, 505, 1063, 4974, 287, 491, 963, 297, 15017, 749, 411, 278, 14187, 1266, 29892, 4002, 647, 29879, 322, 4121, 1237, 3185, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 29889, 3596, 10462, 21676, 29889, 1939, 760, 310, 445, 17745, 1122, 367, 9483, 1133, 29892, 6087, 297, 29874, 5663, 16837, 1788, 29892, 470, 18750, 4430, 297, 738, 883, 470, 491, 738, 2794, 29892, 27758, 29892, 1004, 5083, 936, 29892, 6731, 542, 2270, 292, 29892, 16867, 470, 6467, 29892, 1728, 2845, 278, 7536, 17625, 10751, 310, 278, 9805, 261, 470, 263, 7794, 663, 3635, 5367, 22078, 17596, 262, 278, 3303, 12626, 16610, 491, 278, 14187, 1266, 10413, 575, 292, 29353, 19806, 29892, 29929, 29900, 19013, 841, 3391, 9245, 9321, 29892, 4517, 399, 29896, 29911, 29871, 29946, 13208, 29889, 3596, 1020, 2310, 17862, 1304, 1244, 262, 526, 278, 2875, 310, 1009, 18067, 1914, 414, 29889, 450, 671, 310, 1384, 1020, 2310, 935, 297, 445, 1426, 947, 451, 16779, 297, 278, 4148, 470, 278, 9805, 261, 738, 1020, 2310, 935, 776, 10475, 10462, 297, 1316, 1020, 2310, 17862, 29892, 3643, 947, 278, 671, 310, 1316, 1020, 2310, 17862, 22366, 1384, 23736, 362, 411, 470, 1095, 943, 882, 310, 445, 3143, 491, 1316, 1914, 414, 29889, 8587, 29899, 29896, 29941, 29901, 29871, 29929, 29955, 29947, 29899, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29899, 29953, 29945, 29896, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29906, 8587, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29901, 29871, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29899, 29953, 29945, 29896, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29933, 768, 728, 9538, 5725, 26420, 29899, 262, 29899, 19858, 362, 3630, 29909, 16653, 434, 2407, 363, 445, 3143, 338, 3625, 515, 278, 4908, 9538, 12284, 310, 11559, 5725, 292, 29899, 262, 29899, 19858, 362, 3630, 3226, 13308, 29892, 5952, 326, 29889, 797, 10147, 1860, 847, 5952, 326, 951, 13308, 322, 498, 631, 719, 4918, 29889, 29886, 29889, 7477, 29889, 797, 27722, 11721, 19711, 9282, 322, 2380, 29889, 8587, 29871, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29899, 29953, 29945, 29896, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29896, 313, 24381, 29895, 1846, 29896, 29889, 512, 10147, 1860, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29889, 5356, 332, 1907, 29889, 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29900, 29941, 29906, 29941, 29946, 29906, 29945, 29929, 13, 7439, 29871, 29941, 315, 3301, 1806, 1964, 23851, 29968, 2544, 29903, 2672, 382, 29984, 3120, 5265, 29933, 3960, 5005, 13, 29906, 29947, 29955, 13, 29896, 29900, 450, 7483, 24342, 29899, 558, 18499, 1904, 29896, 29896, 450, 564, 2966, 6617, 544, 18499, 6368, 29896, 29906, 382, 4543, 2791, 1691, 29901, 6368, 322, 10757, 13, 29906, 29947, 29929, 29941, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29955, 29946, 13, 7439, 29871, 29946, 3725, 22484, 11937, 13764, 1964, 21554, 3235, 13, 29946, 29896, 29896, 13, 29896, 29941, 23829, 19257, 322, 21224, 17134, 362, 29896, 29946, 350, 13788, 29901, 7418, 322, 10643, 29896, 29945, 6639, 4684, 29901, 17134, 362, 322, 9262, 29896, 29953, 4231, 273, 1455, 3229, 7418, 29896, 29955, 4326, 26968, 4599, 293, 7418, 29896, 29947, 8364, 936, 7418, 13, 29946, 29896, 29941, 29946, 29945, 29945, 29946, 29929, 29896, 29945, 29941, 29953, 29945, 29953, 29953, 29945, 29929, 29946, 29894, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 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1860, 3831, 273, 291, 13253, 472, 7821, 29889, 12733, 3246, 29889, 1212, 29914, 2608, 29891, 517, 2130, 263, 8261, 29892, 3889, 6503, 310, 21114, 18819, 322, 6509, 5518, 29892, 18271, 278, 1494, 2793, 29901, 2831, 278, 13081, 332, 824, 319, 11592, 29892, 4800, 29899, 24681, 3268, 27032, 5142, 519, 18819, 2304, 29876, 8701, 275, 519, 9206, 5228, 2243, 2247, 29892, 3704, 1820, 13994, 322, 6131, 515, 278, 13, 3396, 1426, 29876, 7338, 6270, 2799, 1247, 272, 30010, 29879, 11583, 3789, 29892, 3704, 9076, 322, 6944, 4828, 13, 2541, 6851, 2831, 278, 8368, 29876, 26905, 14542, 625, 894, 29879, 363, 1432, 16385, 29892, 411, 14426, 16705, 29876, 4124, 4925, 1706, 949, 19360, 29892, 393, 10259, 1384, 278, 22871, 1575, 297, 278, 3143, 29876, 319, 2740, 519, 29892, 7395, 402, 6758, 653, 310, 1820, 13258, 1860, 6624, 1189, 948, 4124, 4925, 21967, 28160, 393, 2758, 366, 304, 1423, 15848, 2750, 278, 1820, 4958, 13, 29881, 3864, 26554, 29876, 29257, 4669, 3145, 515, 1432, 16385, 13, 17351, 4013, 3268, 756, 263, 9878, 645, 370, 375, 8455, 29892, 2740, 3168, 322, 4876, 2582, 3168, 29889, 13, 1403, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 325, 2236, 13, 21002, 297, 9493, 13, 29925, 999, 815, 29909, 15415, 839, 29887, 4110, 9485, 2618, 6282, 304, 278, 3143, 28173, 278, 15717, 13, 4419, 29875, 861, 26560, 13, 29896, 27576, 13, 29896, 13, 29931, 799, 1076, 1203, 3145, 29896, 29889, 29896, 450, 4328, 1546, 17266, 403, 1436, 749, 322, 13258, 1860, 29896, 29889, 29906, 450, 23633, 310, 23382, 13258, 1860, 29896, 29889, 29941, 450, 13258, 358, 1889, 29896, 29889, 29946, 3599, 296, 2693, 1860, 297, 13258, 1860, 29896, 29889, 29945, 6804, 437, 591, 748, 515, 1244, 29973, 319, 11473, 975, 1493, 310, 278, 3143, 26289, 2558, 4958, 1123, 1493, 5155, 8592, 9282, 13, 7439, 29871, 29896, 13, 26560, 29916, 1403, 2236, 13, 29906, 29946, 29945, 29953, 29929, 29896, 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3143, 338, 1737, 1965, 304, 1716, 1090, 5105, 27240, 322, 10591, 403, 8041, 29889, 450, 4967, 4383, 508, 915, 10664, 297, 263, 1023, 29899, 12846, 4156, 3236, 29892, 541, 278, 1426, 508, 884, 367, 1304, 363, 263, 697, 29899, 12846, 4156, 3236, 1609, 18851, 278, 10708, 2153, 5545, 1556, 4100, 29889, 3251, 635, 29892, 445, 3236, 338, 4586, 1156, 558, 2173, 2701, 310, 1436, 749, 505, 1063, 12399, 29889, 2398, 29892, 599, 22001, 4312, 363, 445, 3143, 526, 2218, 13571, 287, 1244, 29892, 297, 1797, 304, 6176, 263, 1583, 29899, 1285, 7114, 1426, 29889, 2973, 4880, 304, 23964, 29892, 2245, 487, 1135, 1880, 29899, 27041, 29899, 5563, 9623, 338, 12023, 29889, 13, 24780, 5680, 322, 10359, 453, 653, 5518, 4013, 1426, 322, 967, 4266, 5680, 892, 16112, 8906, 491, 278, 15717, 322, 19030, 491, 594, 7486, 630, 9451, 310, 9076, 414, 29889, 450, 7306, 10106, 756, 1063, 304, 16267, 278, 4066, 310, 8041, 392, 26371, 749, 1009, 17385, 362, 304, 5110, 1048, 278, 1746, 310, 13258, 1860, 29889, 3834, 310, 278, 5518, 275, 7180, 373, 278, 10259, 1384, 292, 951, 13308, 29994, 6747, 13258, 358, 4700, 304, 2758, 363, 4943, 11217, 29889, 1576, 3988, 310, 278, 4700, 338, 29901, 7821, 29889, 12733, 3246, 29889, 1212, 29914, 2608, 29891, 1576, 1494, 4266, 5680, 526, 5134, 297, 445, 3143, 29901, 13, 3373, 29899, 517, 29899, 1256, 23746, 310, 13258, 358, 6944, 322, 21567, 5925, 29911, 1092, 820, 449, 278, 3143, 29892, 591, 505, 16388, 304, 2367, 385, 701, 29899, 517, 29899, 1256, 23746, 310, 1857, 13258, 358, 6944, 322, 21567, 5925, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 278, 1591, 2400, 4076, 263, 2319, 4559, 310, 3006, 1989, 3838, 393, 526, 1476, 297, 445, 3143, 541, 723, 451, 505, 7470, 297, 263, 15662, 13258, 358, 26560, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 921, 29894, 13, 15094, 29943, 11538, 13, 2909, 3006, 2440, 8020, 785, 1556, 310, 963, 451, 1584, 5320, 2440, 8020, 29889, 14598, 29892, 278, 18161, 2791, 1691, 505, 15033, 8724, 19679, 2645, 278, 4940, 316, 6332, 29889, 2558, 1734, 13, 1451, 3314, 13, 3629, 8708, 8975, 284, 1436, 749, 29923, 781, 1617, 293, 12084, 3564, 313, 11206, 29940, 29897, 1252, 3167, 29899, 509, 11932, 5220, 313, 2544, 29943, 29897, 29950, 12864, 29199, 11277, 11388, 9677, 9855, 2280, 6295, 5584, 14040, 13258, 358, 313, 29903, 3960, 29897, 5568, 7418, 28575, 29899, 19790, 1904, 29911, 12588, 2857, 4414, 362, 29899, 24681, 6993, 313, 29911, 5690, 29903, 29897, 1917, 29899, 271, 29899, 3780, 29895, 313, 29963, 29874, 29934, 29897, 13, 29896, 29906, 29941, 29906, 29946, 18277, 861, 350, 29945, 29906, 29906, 29896, 29896, 29896, 29941, 29906, 29896, 13, 29925, 287, 13247, 936, 3829, 310, 278, 1426, 1576, 3143, 471, 8688, 304, 16089, 10388, 4780, 17977, 683, 310, 278, 5518, 29889, 7806, 16385, 16410, 411, 29931, 799, 1076, 1203, 3145, 322, 10614, 411, 263, 6991, 5219, 4004, 29889, 7670, 4958, 526, 9132, 297, 14288, 2393, 23043, 937, 931, 896, 526, 9129, 29889, 4525, 4958, 884, 2615, 297, 278, 1095, 29899, 974, 29899, 27349, 7670, 4958, 2042, 322, 297, 278, 1095, 29899, 974, 29899, 2909, 402, 6758, 653, 29889, 17044, 449, 278, 10708, 2153, 29892, 29124, 625, 16273, 526, 1304, 517, 28475, 278, 1820, 22001, 29889, 7569, 16385, 884, 7805, 263, 22012, 9282, 4004, 29892, 607, 2543, 2247, 278, 8368, 304, 4340, 12845, 373, 278, 4967, 10664, 297, 393, 16385, 29889, 13, 21713, 29899, 19264, 5518, 29901, 7786, 19656, 7456, 322, 1206, 11898, 797, 13347, 526, 263, 17173, 310, 7456, 322, 5353, 1080, 515, 278, 4231, 273, 1455, 10277, 322, 916, 8974, 29892, 294, 1532, 408, 278, 18161, 9506, 310, 17266, 800, 29892, 297, 1797, 304, 14944, 8041, 304, 1855, 29899, 29880, 361, 9977, 264, 8596, 393, 674, 2367, 963, 278, 15130, 304, 3394, 13258, 358, 6368, 322, 13698, 29889, 7806, 27349, 13246, 411, 512, 10147, 1860, 297, 278, 10130, 29892, 263, 19656, 4274, 12141, 292, 278, 1667, 11261, 2218, 13571, 287, 297, 278, 16385, 29889, 3462, 3245, 5518, 515, 278, 18161, 5745, 338, 1304, 2466, 449, 1269, 27349, 297, 278, 14971, 292, 24134, 304, 29124, 625, 13926, 29889, 13, 5647, 6270, 6166, 310, 9076, 322, 6944, 5155, 322, 6089, 313, 14627, 29897, 4806, 505, 10398, 1568, 931, 322, 7225, 297, 14338, 263, 17173, 310, 5155, 322, 6089, 363, 15503, 10590, 310, 9076, 29892, 6944, 322, 4392, 3381, 29889, 910, 5518, 338, 13931, 964, 2211, 5633, 29901, 29876, 13957, 322, 6944, 4828, 3394, 278, 22001, 15648, 297, 1432, 16385, 29889, 1334, 3160, 13, 27736, 310, 1716, 2999, 29899, 16957, 5155, 322, 3686, 388, 5155, 29889, 9267, 4828, 526, 4586, 3166, 278, 18161, 5745, 322, 671, 1855, 4251, 304, 1510, 278, 29527, 749, 310, 278, 22001, 12399, 29889, 4013, 5518, 338, 6219, 964, 1023, 5633, 29901, 697, 760, 393, 338, 3625, 304, 1716, 8041, 322, 21567, 303, 3470, 322, 1790, 760, 393, 338, 3625, 13489, 3598, 304, 21567, 13925, 29889, 910, 6511, 21567, 303, 3470, 304, 671, 29192, 5155, 408, 770, 8345, 427, 4018, 358, 4828, 29892, 3271, 1287, 3566, 1860, 392, 4392, 3381, 5155, 29889, 29876, 26905, 29899, 16957, 1583, 29899, 24219, 362, 6987, 363, 1432, 16385, 29889, 5088, 1237, 508, 2125, 1438, 6987, 322, 674, 13556, 573, 7395, 263, 19468, 322, 16705, 373, 278, 23820, 322, 13926, 393, 1996, 4340, 6559, 29889, 29876, 12630, 315, 4519, 4392, 3381, 5155, 526, 6944, 4828, 393, 19012, 8041, 363, 266, 267, 6358, 310, 2896, 25396, 4231, 273, 1455, 11597, 858, 313, 29907, 4519, 29897, 4392, 262, 800, 4113, 1531, 287, 491, 278, 7993, 29916, 29894, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 921, 1403, 13, 15094, 29943, 11538, 13, 1454, 512, 10147, 358, 15057, 322, 10550, 313, 29909, 7833, 29934, 467, 1152, 901, 2472, 11211, 278, 29907, 4519, 315, 5380, 403, 7835, 29892, 3211, 427, 6578, 2722, 304, 278, 7993, 363, 512, 10147, 358, 15057, 392, 10550, 29892, 10317, 310, 315, 5380, 403, 7835, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29945, 1952, 279, 30010, 29879, 12252, 23841, 29892, 21521, 11773, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29953, 29947, 29892, 5914, 29880, 1501, 267, 4909, 29892, 478, 29909, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29929, 29900, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29953, 29953, 29947, 29892, 8278, 29892, 470, 6493, 7821, 29889, 29874, 326, 29878, 29889, 990, 29914, 6854, 481, 307, 1393, 29914, 3596, 5518, 338, 8059, 373, 278, 10259, 1384, 292, 951, 13308, 29994, 6747, 13258, 358, 4700, 29889, 910, 6511, 502, 4842, 387, 1070, 368, 788, 716, 5518, 322, 1959, 1950, 17422, 5652, 297, 278, 5923, 5518, 29889, 13, 18277, 1575, 411, 17855, 322, 11388, 8492, 363, 29190, 936, 5925, 322, 29886, 1461, 936, 2280, 2744, 18707, 304, 278, 1746, 310, 13258, 1860, 338, 451, 4866, 1728, 385, 18707, 304, 278, 16121, 8492, 363, 29190, 936, 5925, 322, 4323, 23378, 1108, 29899, 2929, 1747, 29889, 1152, 445, 6437, 29892, 591, 447, 1490, 29872, 1830, 287, 1023, 9773, 1575, 393, 1371, 8041, 304, 25499, 7512, 5925, 322, 7484, 687, 2459, 29899, 5924, 4828, 29889, 22871, 861, 319, 29892, 8906, 491, 498, 631, 719, 4918, 29892, 4076, 263, 4331, 29899, 1609, 29899, 10568, 524, 13210, 304, 17855, 7418, 29889, 22871, 861, 350, 4547, 778, 278, 8368, 304, 278, 671, 310, 7783, 22926, 9677, 19360, 29889, 450, 7480, 9773, 861, 471, 7371, 491, 5765, 435, 29889, 922, 3955, 29889, 13, 28181, 7783, 9206, 5228, 2243, 2247, 313, 14627, 29897, 4806, 505, 8906, 263, 4333, 310, 1998, 1474, 20436, 18099, 7783, 9206, 5228, 2243, 2247, 363, 1304, 3864, 770, 8345, 13081, 1973, 29889, 450, 2243, 2247, 526, 8688, 304, 2758, 278, 18690, 272, 304, 6623, 322, 594, 481, 371, 496, 20343, 304, 5870, 5375, 770, 8345, 4225, 29889, 450, 2243, 2247, 526, 8059, 373, 278, 10259, 1384, 292, 3226, 13308, 29994, 6747, 13258, 358, 4700, 29889, 13, 6295, 14093, 322, 4685, 2988, 313, 14627, 29897, 11277, 11388, 9677, 9855, 7047, 338, 4944, 3889, 304, 594, 459, 2153, 310, 278, 1426, 297, 1797, 3996, 573, 8041, 278, 15130, 304, 2334, 13698, 9132, 297, 278, 1426, 29889, 7280, 4682, 24572, 4685, 9282, 393, 3275, 16274, 1199, 322, 8041, 304, 13499, 8946, 13258, 358, 29899, 12817, 2676, 16315, 29889, 450, 7047, 322, 4685, 2988, 674, 367, 4784, 25704, 322, 526, 8059, 373, 278, 562, 14518, 292, 951, 13308, 29994, 6747, 13258, 358, 4700, 29889, 13, 29909, 15415, 839, 29887, 4110, 4013, 2060, 1033, 2360, 505, 1063, 8676, 1728, 278, 1371, 310, 1784, 23056, 21628, 322, 7875, 29889, 4806, 723, 763, 304, 6452, 278, 1494, 363, 13138, 21114, 16705, 322, 20706, 29901, 24083, 435, 29889, 18242, 1330, 29892, 624, 5899, 3014, 29936, 612, 27695, 1913, 4861, 566, 29892, 1570, 3088, 3014, 29936, 379, 1280, 435, 29889, 9928, 295, 29892, 1879, 272, 657, 776, 3014, 29936, 317, 686, 315, 29889, 350, 3660, 29892, 13432, 1847, 7646, 4306, 3014, 29936, 2088, 1941, 16834, 12706, 29892, 2110, 294, 8366, 3014, 9664, 357, 16846, 29936, 476, 387, 713, 3457, 29892, 3014, 310, 3087, 8970, 29936, 319, 1403, 350, 860, 29892, 11254, 29943, 3417, 261, 3014, 29936, 23657, 350, 860, 398, 29892, 16162, 24043, 3014, 29936, 6123, 379, 29889, 20918, 1171, 29892, 3014, 310, 26160, 29936, 3384, 275, 438, 29889, 350, 2736, 276, 2993, 29892, 3014, 310, 14234, 28838, 29936, 14317, 5915, 793, 29892, 27297, 8139, 968, 4306, 3014, 29936, 2259, 17129, 29892, 3014, 310, 26911, 29936, 2259, 315, 1220, 12562, 29892, 3014, 310, 29916, 1403, 13, 636, 13, 1806, 29902, 29918, 29909, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29939, 29916, 29881, 13, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29953, 13, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29947, 11278, 13, 5074, 921, 1403, 29875, 13, 15094, 29943, 11538, 13, 29940, 272, 5063, 21137, 29936, 5322, 435, 29889, 2994, 26881, 29892, 3014, 310, 19171, 29899, 1625, 3774, 423, 29936, 11498, 323, 29889, 315, 2251, 29892, 3014, 310, 14299, 25327, 29936, 6123, 383, 29889, 897, 29924, 549, 29892, 3014, 310, 11653, 29936, 25906, 601, 897, 4169, 275, 29892, 11574, 537, 310, 14234, 8046, 29936, 1260, 4727, 4792, 1100, 29892, 4517, 4523, 310, 15197, 29936, 2259, 399, 29889, 11001, 275, 29892, 3306, 912, 4306, 3014, 29936, 5569, 379, 29889, 382, 29891, 893, 514, 29892, 3014, 310, 19171, 472, 624, 5899, 29936, 8432, 29943, 2235, 11716, 29892, 1815, 275, 2482, 6346, 29936, 5011, 383, 4539, 29892, 14253, 22664, 4306, 3014, 29936, 435, 29889, 17430, 12881, 305, 29892, 3014, 310, 22664, 472, 678, 1131, 1562, 14895, 29936, 11783, 476, 29889, 1879, 1092, 29892, 13843, 29892, 897, 18275, 3014, 29936, 7089, 272, 801, 29956, 29889, 29094, 29892, 3014, 310, 438, 4039, 29877, 29936, 4976, 341, 29889, 25966, 354, 1582, 29892, 16636, 4306, 3014, 29936, 4699, 29950, 8488, 295, 29892, 11447, 4835, 3074, 6346, 29936, 7813, 10968, 29879, 29892, 8068, 7660, 3014, 29936, 478, 801, 273, 2627, 29926, 335, 713, 29892, 29933, 11253, 6346, 29936, 25606, 295, 435, 29889, 11717, 29892, 3014, 310, 5899, 4909, 29936, 9300, 341, 29889, 476, 1249, 29920, 29892, 6182, 16476, 11574, 537, 29936, 11571, 3467, 18333, 29875, 29892, 15821, 4306, 3014, 29936, 12828, 4813, 264, 273, 29892, 1570, 3088, 3014, 29936, 612, 272, 314, 29968, 1245, 29892, 18472, 3973, 3014, 29936, 365, 1202, 25911, 1171, 29892, 476, 9387, 1450, 4306, 6346, 29936, 5569, 28499, 387, 261, 29892, 3014, 310, 22581, 997, 29907, 1883, 344, 29936, 612, 272, 314, 3172, 808, 1617, 261, 29892, 18472, 3973, 3014, 29936, 22196, 476, 29889, 8836, 446, 29892, 29925, 264, 14912, 423, 4306, 3014, 29936, 4709, 12836, 951, 13308, 29892, 18472, 3973, 3014, 29936, 476, 29889, 315, 29889, 9628, 29892, 4412, 21755, 21695, 293, 29892, 29950, 549, 12026, 29936, 476, 29889, 315, 29889, 3219, 29892, 512, 10147, 358, 10550, 6938, 29936, 24703, 478, 29889, 7908, 29892, 3014, 310, 4275, 8179, 324, 1099, 29936, 23438, 360, 29889, 2610, 29892, 4275, 22741, 27879, 4306, 3014, 29936, 4667, 341, 29889, 2610, 2671, 29892, 29940, 2072, 22741, 27879, 4306, 3014, 29936, 3375, 17243, 365, 29889, 4052, 29933, 475, 29892, 1085, 339, 2353, 3014, 29936, 4755, 27297, 1168, 19501, 29892, 3685, 24327, 4306, 3014, 29936, 4755, 4052, 6489, 276, 493, 29892, 315, 2409, 1100, 3014, 29936, 18885, 27297, 2517, 275, 29892, 16371, 3028, 29879, 4306, 3014, 29936, 9300, 16498, 29892, 3014, 310, 1570, 26884, 29936, 365, 284, 271, 355, 29884, 29924, 275, 336, 29892, 3014, 310, 10319, 472, 3087, 9630, 29936, 3087, 386, 10578, 350, 29889, 12929, 273, 29892, 15821, 14299, 3014, 29936, 10251, 272, 801, 365, 29889, 7487, 11461, 29892, 3014, 310, 22664, 29936, 26864, 4587, 1416, 29892, 1570, 3088, 3014, 29936, 6936, 349, 29889, 20807, 1145, 29892, 2792, 3014, 310, 1570, 3088, 472, 22274, 7003, 29936, 15496, 3905, 29894, 405, 29889, 1459, 28464, 29892, 624, 8396, 485, 296, 545, 3014, 29936, 29934, 852, 1588, 294, 328, 29892, 17098, 4306, 3014, 29936, 15888, 341, 29889, 1588, 1131, 29892, 3014, 310, 2315, 277, 15330, 29936, 23052, 1184, 384, 29892, 3014, 310, 10319, 29936, 1383, 2142, 29875, 29939, 332, 16790, 1171, 29892, 3371, 1049, 4306, 3014, 29936, 478, 5842, 1078, 29882, 1328, 476, 29889, 9039, 4518, 29892, 3014, 310, 21137, 29892, 21137, 14314, 886, 29936, 4667, 9320, 264, 5465, 29892, 6211, 5095, 3014, 29936, 855, 273, 27147, 18712, 29892, 422, 1050, 1455, 512, 10147, 358, 6237, 29879, 514, 272, 29892, 20031, 8195, 1017, 6853, 1078, 29936, 2191, 381, 29903, 3049, 4539, 29892, 11653, 21755, 21695, 293, 8907, 29936, 5765, 435, 29889, 922, 3955, 29892, 26901, 29875, 14328, 3014, 29936, 365, 493, 29874, 2713, 804, 261, 29892, 1281, 16090, 423, 3014, 29936, 29334, 317, 436, 3504, 29892, 3014, 310, 4275, 13397, 29936, 21380, 29956, 29889, 1105, 29892, 28838, 4306, 3014, 29936, 2191, 381, 6666, 1171, 29892, 7510, 29042, 3014, 29936, 624, 815, 29891, 365, 29889, 2166, 2941, 314, 29892, 24665, 1648, 4306, 3014, 29892, 6682, 886, 29936, 21089, 262, 2353, 323, 404, 1050, 29892, 3014, 310, 17066, 29936, 4699, 382, 29889, 29965, 12533, 29892, 11653, 27094, 3014, 29936, 3760, 3263, 435, 29889, 1109, 972, 4007, 331, 29892, 1425, 294, 8366, 3014, 21281, 357, 16846, 29936, 2627, 1109, 589, 2191, 26261, 29892, 1425, 294, 8366, 3014, 9664, 357, 16846, 29936, 349, 326, 1109, 478, 492, 300, 29892, 1425, 294, 8366, 11574, 537, 9664, 357, 16846, 29936, 402, 459, 2883, 476, 29889, 15453, 1151, 3703, 29892, 2166, 600, 28387, 3014, 29936, 6936, 360, 29889, 29963, 29884, 29892, 897, 18275, 11574, 537, 29936, 4667, 5674, 29879, 29892, 341, 3127, 326, 547, 3014, 29936, 7335, 262, 5806, 29892, 7761, 3014, 29936, 5011, 319, 29889, 29979, 6119, 29892, 3014, 310, 4275, 26911, 29889, 4806, 723, 884, 763, 304, 6452, 9665, 433, 2292, 7000, 2784, 322, 2610, 29874, 3172, 585, 363, 1009, 6920, 616, 1371, 29892, 408, 5872, 408, 612, 4271, 4111, 29899, 19504, 29892, 8432, 2292, 7000, 2784, 29892, 26259, 29875, 382, 275, 974, 29892, 2178, 265, 315, 14899, 29892, 382, 8929, 6650, 1171, 29892, 9579, 265, 29931, 1351, 29872, 29892, 323, 823, 1527, 1522, 6618, 322, 12245, 316, 476, 1358, 29895, 363, 1009, 18872, 297, 10223, 292, 278, 27593, 29889, 24780, 3969, 884, 748, 304, 3189, 20200, 21771, 264, 363, 902, 15129, 322, 17826, 3509, 29899, 5628, 292, 29892, 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".20. World Online’s closing price after 60 trading days (14 June 2000) wasa14.35 (−67%). For co(...TRUNCATED)
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