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https://wallethub.com/profile/wells-fargo-13007950i/?sort_by=date_asc&page=26 | You can check the profile page of each professional or company to determine whether they are a paying advertiser (indicated by the word "sponsored"). Regardless of advertiser status, none of the listings, reviews, or other information on Wallet Hub constitutes, in any way, a referral or endorsement by us of the respective financial company or professional, or vice versa. Furthermore, it is important to note that the inclusion of a financial company or professional on Wallet Hub does not necessarily indicate their involvement with the site or control over the information that we display. Information is displayed first and foremost for the benefit of consumers. | 2019-05-26T00:55:09 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526004917-20190526030917-00424.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.lappeenrannanenergia.fi/energiansaasto | Valtakunnallinen kuluttajien energianeuvonta nostaa Energiansäästöviikolla (vko 41) esille kuluttajille suunnattuja sähkönkulutusseurantapalveluita. Lappeenrannan Energian asiakkaana sinulla on käytössä maksutta sähköinen kulutusseuranta niin sähkölle, lämmölle ja vedelle osoitteessa minunenergia.fi Tunnista huippuhetkesi -kampanjassa 12 Instagram-vaikuttajaa julkaisee postauksia heidän omasta sähkönkulutuksestaan ja kehottaa seuraajiaan kirjautumaan sähkön kulutusseurantapalveluun sekä seuraamaan sähkönkulutusta säännöllisesti. | 2021-02-28T00:12:13 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210227234501-20210228024501-00313.warc.wet.gz | fi |
http://www.jewishpress.com/tag/donald/ | Louis René Beres, the son of Austrian Jewish refugees, a professor of Political Science at Purdue University, and a long time advocate of rightwing Jewish and Israeli causes, is afraid of a Donald Trump presidency. Writing in US News & World Report (Israel Wouldn’t Survive Trump), Beres defies the “conventional wisdom” that sees presidential candidate Donald Trump as better for Israel than Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton. For starters, the PoliSci professor is aghast at Trump’s lack of intellectual discipline, citing his August 15 foreign policy speech from which one could conclude that he would enthusiastically be willing to “work with” Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, and which couldn’t be a good thing for Israel. | 2016-10-27T16:13:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183841-00333-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://diarieducacio.cat/cervell-major-dedat/ | Javier Urra, que va ser el primer Defensor del Menor de la Comunitat de Madrid, ha treballat durant més de trenta anys com a psicòleg forense en la Fiscalia del Tribunal Superior de Justícia i jutjats de menors de Madrid. A més, va participar en l’elaboració de la Llei de responsabilitat penal dels menors i recorda que en la norma es preveu que la maduresa es valori de 18 a 21 anys: “L’aplicació de la Llei actual als majors de 18 anys i menors de 21, prevista en l’article 69 del Codi Penal vigent, la pot acordar el jutge atenent les circumstàncies personals i al grau de maduresa de l’autor, i a la naturalesa i gravetat dels fets. Aquestes persones reben, als efectes d’aquesta Llei, la denominació genèrica de joves“. | 2017-06-24T10:30:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624101204-20170624121204-00635.warc.wet.gz | ca |
https://josiearana.com/2017/10/16/best-gift-ideas-travel/?like_comment=441&_wpnonce=5cd0c0f269 | The scratch map is so awesome! Though, do you scratch off an entire country when you’ve just visited one city? If I had to suggest another great gift for a traveler it would be a HydroFlask insulated bottle. Insulated for warm and cold. If you’re grabbing coffee wherever you are, you typically can save some money by filling a personal mug, and also help in reducing waste. Also for water in airports! On top of that, if for some reason you are not filling it with water, it can be a good place to keep essentials inside of a bag, and quite inconspicuous as it’s not usually a place someone would think to stash some extra cash. | 2019-07-24T05:13:09 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190724041048-20190724063048-00386.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.scharf-links.de/51.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=55021&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=56&cHash=29f9458d8d | Aber diese Parolen – und m.E. handelt es sich um Parolen, die eine bestimmte politische Haltung deutlich machen, und nicht um Forderungen an den bestehenden Staat – kamen ja (wenn ich recht sehe) in den 1980er Jahren in der autonomen Szene auf (haben von dort zunächst die Grünen, später die Linkspartei und mittlerweile auch einen erheblichen Teil der marxistischen Gruppen und Grüppchen erreicht). Aber die autonome Szene ist ja nun kein Spektrum, das sich darin gefällt, Forderungen an den bestehenden Staat zu stellen... | 2019-05-26T01:01:22 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526004917-20190526030917-00424.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2928973/posts | Nowhere is the evidence clearer that the UAW was favored over non-union parties as in the Delphi (GM's parts supplier) retiree case. It has recently come to light that the Obama Administration influenced GM when UAW retirees at Delphi had their pension benefits "topped off" with GM's taxpayer funds as nonunion retirees lost their benefits. Members of the Administration apparently lied under oath when they testified that Team Obama had nothing to do with the inequitable treatment of non-union retirees. Emails have been produced that show that was not the case. Congress is rightfully still investigating the blatant payoff to political friends. | 2015-11-29T07:53:27 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205416-00228-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://forums.applecentral.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/320727/Re_The_Self_Rising_All_Food_Re | Plan on trying this soon. I might need an additional taster. <br><br>Clamato Caldo Verde<br><br>Ingredients:<br><br>1 medium onion, chopped<br>1 clove garlic, minced<br>4 potatoes, peeled and diced<br>3 cups Clamato<br>3 cups chicken broth or water<br>8 oz chorizo, crumbled<br>1 bunch collards, kale or other green, shredded<br>1 lb. large cooked shrimp<br><br>Preparation:<br><br>1. Heat a large saucepan on medium-high. Saute′ the onion and garlic in a little oil for about 3 minutes. Add potatoes and saute′ for another 2 - 3 minutes.<br>Add Clamato and broth, cover and let simmer for 20 minutes<br><br>2. While potatoes simmer, heat a skillet and saute′ chorizo for about 10 minutes. Drain fat and reserve.<br><br>3. When potatoes are soft, mash them in the pan then add the chorizo and greens.<br>Season with salt and pepper and let simmer another 10 minutes. Add shrimp and let heat through.<br><br> | 2015-08-02T09:11:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://bspsf.etiket-kazan.ru/ocenka-predprijatij-biznesa/ | Широкое развитие оценки бизнеса определяется её необходимостью на всех стадиях в процессе хозяйственной деятельности компании: При создании нового бизнеса, на стадии разработки инвестиционного проекта потенциальным инвесторам и кредиторам необходима информация о перспективах его развития с точки зрения его денежных потоков, рисков осуществления и выхода на запланированные в проекте показатели. Данная информация, предоставленная независимым оценщиком, предоставленная после детального изучения общеэкономической, рыночной ситуации и производственных возможностях проекта, может оказать существенное влияние на инвесторов и привлечь в бизнес-проект дополнительные ресурсы. | 2020-04-07T12:16:17 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200407121105-20200407151605-00240.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://www.ixtc.org/2016/10/oleg-panfilov-kakaya-tretya-mirovaya/ | Существует еще один повод для российской истерики – разворачивание американских ПВО в Европе непосредственно у границ России. Это означает, что российские ракеты могут быть сбиты почти сразу после взлета, и мифические ядерные заряды, которыми оснащены российские ракеты, могут быть рассеяны над самой Россией. Наконец, только у ленивых есть проблема с поиском доступной информации о статистических данных по вооружению США и России – последняя в два раз по численности войск и в несколько раз по видам вооружений уступает американской армии. И это данные без войск стран НАТО среди которых крупнейшие – в Турции, Германии, Франции и Великобритании. Перевес уже в несколько раз. | 2016-10-25T17:33:19 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | ru |
https://paperrose01.wordpress.com/category/nature/ | “DISTINKTIVE” stamps give you photo-realistic images with just one stamp. They have a special texture that gives added depth and dimension in a single step. These stamps are available only from Stampin’ Up! and are made using a patent-pending process. DISTINKTIVE stamps are available in red rubber and photopolymer; Paper Pumpkin’s April kit includes photopolymer stamps. Shop “DISTINKTIVE” stamps in the online store by searching “DISTINKTIVE,” or look for the “DISTINKTIVE” icon in Stampin’ Up! catalogs. | 2019-07-22T11:39:13 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.internettudakozo.hu/keres/termek/lezeres-mutet/it014bba15 | ambuláns betegellátás, ambuláns ellátás, ambuláns kezelés, ambuláns műtét, ambuláns rendelés, barázdazárás, dentálhigiénia, depurálás, endodontológia, esztétikai fogpótlás, esztétikai fogtömés, extraorális felvétel, fémlemezes fogpótlás, fémváz nélküli fogpótlás, fémvázas fogpótlás, fix fogpótlás, fogászati ellátás, fogászati implantátum, fogászati rendelő, fogfehérítés, foghúzás, fogkő-eltávolítás, fogkorona, fogkozmetika, fogpótlás, fogröntgen, fogtömés, gyökérkezelés, gyökértömés, ideiglenes fogtömés, implantációs fog, implantálás, implantátum, implantátum beültetés, implantátum minőségellenőrzés, implantátum pótlás, implantátumos fogmű, implantológia, kivehető fogpótlás, konzerváló fogászat, lézer szájsebészet, lézeres fájdalomcsillapítás, lézeres kezelés, lézeres műtét, nemesfém fogpótlás, nyálkahártyakezelés, nyálkő-eltávolítás, öntött fogkorona, panoráma röntgen, plasztikus fogtömés, prevenciós program, prevenciós tanácsadás, protézis, radiológia, részleges protetika, röntgenanalitika, röntgendiagnosztika, szájhigiéné, szájhigiénés kezelés, szájhigiénés tanácsadás, szájhigiénia, szájhigiéniás kezelés, szájsebészeti ellátás, szájsebészeti kezelés, szájsebészeti kisműtét, szájsebészeti műtét, számítógépes fogröntgen, teleröntgen, teljes fogpótlás, teljes körű fogászati ellátás, teljes protetika, ultrahangos fogkő-eltávolítás, VIP kezelés | 2019-07-24T04:38:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190724041048-20190724063048-00386.warc.wet.gz | hu |
http://www.traileraddict.com/tags/paulina-olszyinski/news | 0 added this year Below are trailers, clips, featurettes, TV spots and interviews that have been filed under films that have been tagged with the actress Paulina Olszynski in order of when they were added to TrailerAddict, with the most recent additions listed first. You are on page of one. To see some of the most popular films based on this actress, click the "Top Films" option in the green bar below.To see Paulina Olszynski's entire filmography listed on TrailerAddict, hit the "Credits" option below. Top Films | 2015-08-02T08:27:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.montereylanguages.com/blog/category/international-2 | Topics: General, International, Interpretation Services, Interpretation Services, Language, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpretation, Monterey Language Services, Monterey Language Services, Translation Services, Translation Services, Translation Services Tags: Chew Carefully, Chinese Medicine, Chinese to English Translation, Chinese Translation, Food and Eating, happy holidays, Health and Fitness, Interpretation Services, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpreters, medical translators, Monterey Area, Seasons Greetings, Staying healthy, Sweat is your friend, translation and interpretation, Translation Services, Well being | 2020-04-06T08:42:11 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://fullyarticulated.typepad.com/sprawledout/wisdom/ | The replacement of local shops by chain stores and implementation of single-use zoning that puts housing, workplaces, and retail establishments in segregated areas have effectively eliminated the “corner drugstores” and the coffee shops where people met one another and found out what was going on in town and in the neighborhood. Television keeps us at home in the evening, when in the past we would've sought one another's company in a third place. The authors of the blog comments which I am addressing here have first-hand knowledge of the political and ideological polarization that is threatening us locally. I attribute a great deal of the blame for the lack of community in suburbs like Franklin to the simple fact that our built environment has made it impossible for those serendipitous chance encounters between persons who have ideological differences that lead to constructive debate and collegial jousting. Instead, we are treated to “bloggers” and anonymous commenters who insult one another's ideas—and assault one another personally—in away they never would if they had actual, real-world interaction with persons outside of their ideological spectrum. | 2021-03-03T05:39:03 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210303042832-20210303072832-00488.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.google.com/patents/US4586923?dq=inventor:%22Arthur+R.+Hair%22&ei=VAy0Tsa4NYTl0QGQiqWiBA | According to the present invention, there is provided a catheter adapted to be inserted into and through the lumen of a blood vessel in a network of branching blood vessels of a body and which is manipulatable therethrough to a desired blood vessel branch within the network of branching blood vessels. The catheter comprises an elongate tubular body having a distal end and a proximal end and a flexible tubular tip portion located at the distal end of the elongate tubular body. The tubular body includes at least first and second elongate passageways within the tubular body. The flexible tip portion includes at least first and second elongate lumens within the flexible tip portion and mating with the first and second respective elongate passageways within the tubular body. The tubular body is reinforced to provide torsional stiffness to the tubular body. A cable is situated within the first passageway and the first lumen and is coupled to the flexible tip portion for flexing the flexible tip portion. A mechanism is coupled to the tubular body for introducing or withdrawing fluid material into or from the second passageway in the tubular body. Another mechanism is coupled to the cable for manipulating same whereby the catheter can be guided by the flexible tip portion through a branching network of blood vessels in a body to a site in the body for delivering a fluid or withdrawing a fluid from the site in the body. | 2016-10-25T17:44:49 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.wimdu.pl/offers/DAFKXXPN?search_geolocation=101813-scharbeutz | Der gemütliche Bungalow lag an der Rückseite des haupthauses und entsprach nicht unseren Vorstellungen. Am nächsten Morgen haben wir die angelenheit mit der Vermieterin besprochen und uns problemlos auf eine andere unterkunft geeinigt. Diese Wohnung lang im Haupthaus mit Balkon direkt zur Seeseite. Die Ausstattung war komplett und reichhaltig. Der zu zahlende Mehrpreis war o.k. und wurde von uns sofort akzetiert. Die Lage ist sehr gut, Meerblick und Überblick über die gesamte Bucht, tolle Sonnenaufgänge und nette Vermieter. Es war ein toller Urlaub zumal das Wetter hervorragend war. Das Haus ist zu empfehlen. | 2017-06-26T12:39:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170626115614-20170626135614-00502.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.yourorlandorealty.com/orlando/real-estate | Real Estate and Homes for Sale in Orlando, Florida If you are searching for real estate or a home for sale in Orlando, Florida, this site will provide you with all the tools you need to conduct your search. You will be able to search for any home, house, condo, townhouse, short sale, foreclosure or other real estate that is listed for sale in Orlando, Florida. If you have any questions about real estate or homes for sale in Orlando, or just have a few questions about the market or lifestyle in Orlando, please contact us and we will assist you in any way we can. | 2021-02-28T04:06:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210228024418-20210228054418-00314.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://zaym-deneg-online.ru/best-forex-brokers-canada.html | Uk based forex broker Berlin and Judith Shklar are pre-eminent representatives of best forex brokers canada type of scholarship, acetylcholine, is stored in syn- aptic vesicles. Info - Newsflash 3title meta name"title" content"Newsflash 3" Best forex brokers canada Page 84 Chapter 3 meta name"author" content"Administrator" meta name"description" content"Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system" meta name"keywords" content"Joomla, best forex brokers canada meta name"Generator" forx. | 2016-10-24T01:46:35 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00169-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://theologasia.ph/the-pcp-ii-and-the-preferential-option-for-the-youth/ | In the light of the above quotes, in order credibly to witness to the love of Christ Jesus, we need to become the “Church of the youth.” Regardless of our ministry, mission and interest, we are called to minister to the young. In whatever missionary field we are engaged in – parish setting, schools, formation – our determination and conviction, our occupation and exertion have to cover a preferential option for the young. What then do I mean by “Church of the youth”? Obviously, like in the case of the preferential option for the poor, it means a Church where pastors and leaders give preferential attention and time to the youth. It means a Church where the entire Christian community especially the rich and better off sectors of the community and its leaders orient and tilt the center of gravity of the entire community in favor of the youth. It means a Church where we all collaborate with the youth themselves and journey with them. When this effectively takes place in our parishes or schools, the youth participate actively in the life and mission of the Church. | 2019-05-26T15:35:55 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526145334-20190526171334-00522.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://projectrunway-newsday.blogspot.com/2008/10/513-tim-gunn-for-president.html?showComment=1262757348158 | chenlina20160618jordan retrooakley sunglassesmichael kors outletmichael kors outlet onlinelouboutin shoeschristian louboutin outletreplica rolex watchespolo ralph kidsjordan 11 concordgucci handbagshollister clothingjordan 4 torolebron james shoes 13ray ban sunglasses outletgucci outletchristian louboutin shoeskd 8 shoesmichael kors outletmichael kors outletlouis vuittonmichael korslebron shoeslongchamp bagscoach factory outletjordan 6ray ban sunglassesjuicy couturecoach outletcheap oakley sunglassesmichael kors outlet clearancelongchamp bagsnike huaracheoakley sunglasses cheapcoach outlet store onlinetiffany outletcheap nfl jerseyssupra shoestods outlet onlinenike roshe flyknitnike sb shoesas | 2017-06-27T01:52:10 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://www.parkinson.ch/haeufig-gestellte-fragen | Der Bockshornklee (Trigonellafoenum-graecum) ist eine Hülsenfrucht, deren Wirkungspotenzial als Ergänzung zu L-Dopa kürzlich von indischen Wissenschaftlern im Rahmen einer Wirksamkeits- und Sicherheitsstudie untersucht wurde. Wie im Fall anderer Medikamentenstudien auch wurde die pflanzliche Substanz zu einer Therapie mit L-Dopa hinzugegeben oder die Patienten erhielten, ohne dass sie es wussten, ein Placebo. Insgesamt wurden 50 Patienten über sechs Monate untersucht. Neben der Abklärung der Wirkung auf die Parkinsonsymptome wurde eine sorgfältige Sicherheitsabklärung mit verschiedenen Blutparametern durchgeführt, um Informationen über mögliche Gefahren für die Patienten zu erhalten. Die Autoren sahen dabei Hinweise auf eine verzögerte Krankheitsentwicklung bei jenen Patienten, welche zusätzlich zu L-Dopa mit der pflanzlichen Substanz behandelt wurden, sowie auch eine gewisse Verbesserung in der Beweglichkeit. Insgesamt ist es aber noch zu früh, um eine eindeutige Aussage über den Einsatz von Bockshornklee treffen zu können. Doch es könnte sein, dass diese Substanz in der Zukunft eine gewisse Bedeutung in der Parkinsontherapie erhält. | 2021-03-01T06:12:53 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://odl.studylight.org/commentaries/ebc/song-of-solomon-2.html | (12) The time of the singing—Heb., zamîr·—may mean pruning (so LXX. and Vulg.), but parallelism requires singing-time (a meaning which analogy will certainly allow us to give to the Hebrew word zamîr). Nor can the correctness of our version in inserting of birds be questioned, since from the context it is plainly “the untaught harmony of spring,” and not the voices of men intended. It is true there is no authority for this beyond the context, and the allusions to the singing of birds are besides very few in Scripture; but travellers say that different species of warbless (Turdidœ), especially the bulbul and the nightingale. abound in the wooded valleys, filling the air in early spring with the rich cadence of their notes (Tristram’s Nat. Hist. of the Bible, p. 160). | 2020-04-04T11:05:41 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404103932-20200404133932-00129.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://forum.codelyoko.fr/viewtopic.php?p=296160& | Dorka constata qu’ils étaient sur le premier anneau. Le plus large et le plus haut, avec la languette vers le haut. Le second, situé en dessous, présentait deux languettes plus basses et le dernier se réduisait à une plateforme circulaire avec une unique languette pointant vers le bas. Ingénieux et mégalomane. Devant ce dernier niveau, elle vit une grande boule d’énergie rouge brillante qui semblait éclairer tout le monde, et autour de laquelle s’enroulait une créature tentaculaire qu’elle préférait ne pas approcher. | 2019-07-23T13:08:23 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190723130306-20190723152306-00051.warc.wet.gz | fr |
http://www.osti.gov/nle/topicpages/i/industry+energy+consumption.html | SYSTEMATIC ERROR DUE TO THE STEADY-STATE COMBINED MODELS 127 SIMULATION AND NUMERICAL RESULTS 141 APPLICATION 150 SUMMARy 157 METHODOLOGy 158 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 159 DISCRETIZATION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 161 EXTERNAL NODE EQUATIONS 164... temperature. Clearly, the room heater does not need to heat the air from the outside temperature to the room temperature because it has already captured part of the conduction heat flowing through the wall. To properly estimate house energy consumption... | 2015-08-04T14:58:12 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00242-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.arteducators.org/news/news | It’s Time to Invest in New Models of Professional Learning. When it comes to meeting the needs of students, educators have aspirational goals. They passionately maintain a positive vision for what each student can become. Educators and school leaders know one size does not fit all. As such, many of them have a number of different learning and teaching strategies to reach every child. The same cannot typically be said for the delivery of professional learning for educators. As Congress takes steps to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (more recently referred to as No Child Left Behind), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is calling upon leaders to include the Enhancing Education Through Technology Act of 2015 (EETT15) in the final bill. When it comes to professional learning for educators, the approach too often adheres to the “sage-on-the-stage” method. Educators are expected to sit through one-time workshops or lengthened faculty meetings for passive professional development. (LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights) | 2015-04-19T10:54:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045718-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.kwausa.com/forums/index.php?s=06590640249b0019059f5e7d942f68d1&showtopic=455&st=0&p=3706 | No room for air leaks at all. And I really have no favorite air nozzle, their all the same in my opinion and honestly think their differences in performance are so marginal it almost makes no difference. As for the piston needing to be changed with the guarder piston head.....nahhh the piston is pretty tolerant, I'd say its reliable up to a SP130 spring. I shot through around 15K shots with a SP140 spring before the stock piston shredded. So to keep it safe and reliable I'd say SP130. And as for the change in dynamics. Nope switching out to the guarder piston head can do nothing but help the gun, and because its ported, like I said before you'll get more accuracy, consistent velocity and range in full auto. | 2015-04-18T11:40:12 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045714-00048-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.pupcity.com/puppies-for-adoption/dog/14505410/ | Hey..Hi!! It's me...Casey!! I am about seven years old. My foster mom calls me Casey TwoSocks because I have two beautiful white socks on my front legs. I am looking for a new home because my people turned me in to a shelter where they only give dogs two weeks to find a home. I don't think that I want to know what would have happened after that. The people said that their new landlord was allergic to me. But...my foster mommy does not know how they could bring me there since I can be such a good girl. Anyway....my time was up and I was a very lucky because my foster mommy thought that I was beautiful and she was keeping an eye on me. She got me out in time. I would love to come and stay with you if you are looking for a terrier dog. I am not very big. I only weigh 35 lbs. I do like other dogs, especially smaller dogs, and I don't mind kitty cats one single bit. I never have accidents in the house (except for if you count getting into the garbage can an accident). I can be trusted when left alone and do not have to be crated. I need an experienced owner as I am strong willed (aren't all terriers??) and can get protective of my people and of my things in a bad way if you let me. I do love to go for walks and chase squirrels. No homes with small children or pet birds please. If you would like to know more about me...you can contact my foster mommy at [email protected]. I hope to meet you soon!! Casey TwoSocks is the mascot of One Life To Live Pet Rescue and Adoption. Her picture is included in our logo. | 2015-04-25T16:00:25 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045730-00154-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.letsgopens.com/scripts/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=1861953 | by jimjom on Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:02 pm JS© wrote:DudeMan2766 wrote:. All northern teams in the ECHL also have been said to not wanting Wheeling gone and will work with league to help keep them.Of course. Having Wheeling in the league vs a team in Savannah cuts down on travel expenses.Sad but true. Wheeling has lost population and is a shell of its former self as are many rustbelt cities (although Wheeling has yet to find an industry or a technology group to call its city home but I believe that's due to poor city government). HOWEVER, it is strategically located directly on I-70 and is an ideal stop over for teams going east to west. | 2015-12-01T16:52:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205428-00012-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.authortranslatorolga.com/2018/06/11/bookreview-human-errors-nathan-lents-nathanlents-facts-anecdotes-some-opinions-and-a-very-engaging-way-of-learning-about-the/?replytocom=8006 | I am a writer and bookworm who worked for many years as a forensic psychiatrist, and also have a Ph.D. in American Literature, and an MSc in Criminology. I started publishing my stories, in English and Spanish, in 2012 and now have over twenty books available in a variety of genres, a blog (in English and Spanish), and translate books for other authors (English-Spanish and vice versa). Writers and readers both in English and Spanish are my friends, colleagues and allies, and after living in the UK for over twenty-five years, have returned home, to Barcelona, in Spain, searching for inspiration for my stories. Oh, I also love the radio (I volunteer at a local radio station, Sants 3 Ràdio) and all things owl. Do feel free to connect with me. Here are: My website/blog: http://www.authortranslatorolga.com And for older content: http://OlgaNM.wordpress.com | 2020-04-06T11:53:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406102322-20200406132822-00379.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://theargonautica.com/2019/03/07/8-ways-to-enjoy-your-spring-break/ | A classic Pensacola staple, once a month, Gallery Night fills Palafox street with the talent of local artists, the wares of local businesses, and the food of local restaurants. This month, it just so happens to fall on Friday the 15, just in time for Spring Break! In addition, Saint Patrick’s day has come early this year as Gallery Night will also be themed to reflect the unique March holiday. Be sure to wear green and keep that clover handy! The festivities begin at 5 p.m. and last until the bars close. | 2020-03-30T07:54:53 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200330054217-20200330084217-00506.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.phillymag.com/articles/home-411/204814/ | 323 Race Street, 215-922-6041; brugeshome.com. Best for: High-end, unique pieces with an organic look. Maybe it’s the pretty blue walls, the sweet-smelling bath rocks, and the tables and lamps that incorporate natural driftwood — or maybe it’s just owner and Dallas transplant Ed Gray’s not-from-around-here friendliness. Something about just-opened Bruges makes it feel like an oasis in the middle of Old City. The furniture and accessories are arranged so neatly and naturally, you’ll feel less like you’re in a shop and more like you’ve been invited into Gray’s home and might just stay awhile. Insider tip: Ask about the custom-made mirrors framed in wide strips of tin from the roof of the old Civic Center. Ethnics Furniture | 2015-12-01T20:40:17 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205431-00336-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://escritsdivertits.blogspot.com/2008/12/ | Que divertit estic jugant amb la neu.El dia 26 de desembre a Lleida va nevar.Jo estava a casa dels meus tiets fent la despedidade la meva cosina l'Anna. Quant vam veure que nevava tant ens vam començar a fer fotos amb la neu.Que extrany nevar tant a Lleida?Estavam elucinant tota la gent del carrer estavam fen fotosamb la gran nevada. No avia nevat tant desde que potser tenia 6 anys. No ens ho podiam creure. En aquell moment ens vam enrrecordarque jo tenia un taronjer i que estava tot congelat.No olvidare mai aquell dia. Enviat per | 2017-06-27T01:45:56 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | ca |
https://www.cristianosgays.com/2018/02/21/ | Pero si hoy traemos la noticia (ya en nuestra anterior entrada hicimos un repaso de la situación y por el momento, a la espera de lo que suceda el jueves, no ha habido grandes cambios) es por el destacado papel que CitizenGo, la marca internacional de HazteOír, está teniendo como agitador de los instintos homófobos. Lo destaca la propia prensa keniana, recogiendo el papel que CitizenGO está teniendo como lobby de presión en contra de que el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Kenia pueda fallar a favor de la despenalización, y que entre otras acciones ha cristalizado en una petición de recogida de firmas lanzada el pasado día 6 “contra el activismo judicial en asuntos LGBT”. Según la petición, dirigida al juez David Maraga (máxima autoridad judicial del país), “Kenia está siendo utilizada por los activistas gais como una puerta de entrada hacia la legalización de los LGBT que no debe permitirse”. CitizenGO reclama que la demanda de NGLHRC sea rechazada y que cualquier cambio en esta materia sea decidido vía referéndum. La petición se acompaña, por cierto, de una imagen en la que aparecen tachadas las siglas LGBT. | 2020-04-01T02:34:02 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401003422-20200401033422-00171.warc.wet.gz | es |
https://tr.godaddy.com/blog/bounce-rate-hemen-cikma-oranini-nasil-dusurebilirsiniz/ | Sayfalarınızı ziyaret eden kullanıcıların sitenizde kalma süresini artırmak ve hemen çıkma oranını minimum seviyeye indirmek için bazı çalışmaları uygulayabilirsiniz. Böylece, iyi bir optimizasyonla bu değeri normal ve iyi seviyelere çekebilirsiniz. Hazırladığımız bu içerikte, hemen çıkma oranını düşürmek için yapabileceklerinizi ele alacağız. Bu içeriğe göz atarak, siz de hemen çıkma oranınızı ideal seviyelere getirebilir ve SEO performansınızda bir adım daha öne çıkma şansını yakalayabilirsiniz. | 2020-04-04T22:03:01 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | tr |
https://docs.fedoraproject.org/ur/fedora/f29/release-notes/desktop/I18n/ | In the previous release, typing Ctrl+Shift+E shortcut key launched an IBus emoji dialog and users typed an emoji annotation in the input entry of the dialog and the input entry could convert the annotation to an emoji character. Now the shortcut key enables the emoji input mode on each application using IBus pre-edit feature without launching the IBus emoji dialog. This feature can keep the current input focus to get the emoji characters and no longer hide the current input context with the emoji dialog. | 2021-03-03T06:52:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210303042832-20210303072832-00488.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://kennedeinerechte.at/2014/04/jeder-gegen-jeden-alle-gegen-alle/ | Mit den Definitionen ist es so eine Sache. Setzt man sich beispielsweise aktiv gegen Rechtsextremismus, Faschismus, Rassismus etc. ein, gäbe es bereits eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten der Gruppenzuordnung. Ist man nun Antifa- oder Menschenrechtsaktivist? Politisch dem kommunistischen, sozialdemokratischen, grünen oder eher konservativen Lager zuzuordnen? Mitte-links, linksextrem oder gar Mitte-rechts? Der religiösen Nächstenliebe verpflichtet oder vielleicht doch Atheistin? Oder bloß der einfache Bürger von nebenan, der auf seinen Hausverstand hört? Die wichtigste Frage ist jedoch: Sollte das in diesem Fall eine Rolle spielen?! Plädoyer für mehr Einheit im Einsatz gegen menschenverachtende Strömungen. | 2020-04-02T05:06:54 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200402045741-20200402075741-00397.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://vlcmediaplayersupport.com/free-dating-website-new-york/ | , yet feel free. Most popular in your area! Most users looking for dating app store. Iliza shlesinger, and find the best online dating service. In new york, and leased to check out for their match. Dustin's very first and creating a dating sites for companionship or a community of charge to meet single men and grindr over 40 and. Zoosk is free dating service is free trial. Feel toxic but you'll suddenly start seeing your first online dating site clean and android is platonic relationship. dating app that matches dislikes bff mode is free 3-day test drive by registering to elitesingles; meet singles in the date: but it once we've highlighted. Match, the largest dating has quit the best dating scene and around the. When you're new to live in a brainy boost with numerous prices and mobile dating apps free and instant messenger communication. In this 100% free millionaire dating site must allow you can feel overhwhelming. Blinddate. An online dating site is a match a free personal ads and matchmaking services, lovers, using the city. | 2020-04-01T01:24:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401003422-20200401033422-00171.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://penformen.ru/collection/victorinox/product/nozh-perochinnyy-victorinox-rangergrip-63-09523mc-130mm-5-funktsiy-krasno-chyornyy | Швейцарский армейский нож Vctorinox RangerGrip является по-настоящему серьёзным помощником для своего владельца, готовым к любым испытаниям! К особенностям линейки RangerGrip в первую очередь можно отнести длинный клинок, который в некоторых моделях линейки имеет серрейтор на лезвии и специальное отверстие, именуемое акульим плавником, которое позволяет открыть нож одной рукой даже в перчатках. Открытый клинок имеет надёжный фиксатор, благодаря которому риск случайного закрытия сводится к нулю. Снять блокировку можно простым нажатием на логотип Victorinox. Все без исключения модели ножей Victorinox RangerGrip имеют противоскользящие накладки на рукояти, покрывающие максимальную область соприкосновения с рукой. Большой, удобный, функциональный офицерский нож Victorinox RangerGrip без сомнения оценят охотники, рыбаки, путешественники, дачники и мастера на все руки! | 2019-05-19T07:00:55 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190519061520-20190519083520-00143.warc.wet.gz | ru |
https://www.rtklive.com/sq/multimedia-emission.php?ID=21&EID=17200 | Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë është program i drejtpërdrejtë në RTK (Radio Televizionin e Kosovës), i cili shoqëron audiencën gjatë gjithë javës. Nga e hëna deri të premten, emisioni nis në ora 07.00 deri në 09.30. Të shtunën dhe të dielën, emisioni Mirëmengjesi Kosovë, fillon transmetimin në ora 08.00 deri në 09.30. Në kuadër të këtij programi, i cili ka një shikueshmëri të madhe, jepen informacione të ndryshme, si dhe realizohen tema të larmishme. Temat interesante dhe aktualiteti, trajtohen çdo ditë në këtë emision të dtejtpërdrejt, me mysafir të ftuar në studio. Çdo ditë, gazetarët e Mirëmengjesi Kosovë, raportojnë drejtpëdrejt nga komuna të ndryshme të Kosoves, duke sjellë infromacione për shikuesit e RTK-së. Hapësirë në këtë format televiziv, kanë edhe kronikat dhe reportazhe ekskluzive, më të rejat nga showbiznesi vendor dhe ndërkombëtar. Bazuar në një bashkëpunim të rregullt, të krijuar prej kohësh me Institutin Hidrometeorologjik të Kosovës, Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë sjellë për audiecën edhe parashikimin e motiti. Përmes rubrikës Ciceroni kulturorë, adhuruesit e artit në përgjithësi, njoftohen me aktivitetet kulturo-artistike që mbahen në nivel vendi. Edhe adhuruesit e letërsisë, në Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë, njoftohen me titutj e rinjë të librave në tregun e Kosovës dhe më gjerë. Teknologjia, shkenca, arsimi, shëndetësia dhe sporti, gjithashtu janë pjesë e pandashme e infromacioneve që plasohen në këtë program. Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë, ka filluar të transmetohet me 29 prill 2002, duke mbledhur para ekranit, një audiencë të madhe në Republikën e Kosovës por edhe jashtë saj. Emisioni i mëngjesit në RTK përgatitet nga një ekip profesionistësh, redaktorë, gazetarë, kameraman dhe prezantues. Pjesë e këtij programi janë: Pranvera Munishi-Morina, Resime Grainca, Isa Kurtishaj, Arta Avdiu, Majlinda Aliu, Shqipe Ajeti, Selvete Krasniqi, Fëllënza Çitaku Bajçinovci, Alketa Gashi Fazliu, Brikena Beqiri, Delfina Krasniqi, Edita Sopjani, Agron Krasniqi, Xhevdet Sfarça, Visar Duli, Besart Daka. Redaktor i programeve të përbashkëta, ku bënë pjesë edhe Programi i mëngjesit në RTK është Ngadhnjim Kastrati. | 2020-03-28T18:26:30 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | sq |
http://seadogsradio.mlblogs.com/tag/arm-hammer/ | RAINING 3’S: The Sea Dogs are second in the Eastern League with eight triples, but have seven in the last four games…Bogaerts and Heiker Meneses each had two in a game during the past homestand. HE’S A RELIEVER? Ruiz is second on the staff with 21 strikeouts, tying a season-high with 5 on Wednesday night against Binghamton…The right-hander has 17 strikeouts in his last 6.2 IP…Brandon Workman is tops of the staff with 28 K’s…Portland is second in the league in strikeouts with 178 (Harrisburg leads with 184) | 2015-04-19T10:55:56 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045718-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://mokhs.com/thread-11662.html | تاریخ موسیقی : موسیقی از گذشته تا اکنون، در هر فرهنگ شناخته شده ای یافت می شود، که در زمان ها و مکان های مختلف متفاوت بوده است. از آنجایی که همه مردم جهان، حتی قبیله های دور افتاده هم نوعی از موسیقی را دارا هستند، می توان نتیجه گرفت که موسیقی احتمالاً در میان اجداد ما و پیش از اینکه انسان ها در سرتاسر دنیا پراکنده شوند، وجود داشته است. در نتیجه حیات موسیقی به 55000 سال پیش باز می گردد، اولین موسیقی هم در آفریقا شکل گرفته و سپس تغییر شکل یافته و اکنون به جزء اساسی زندگی بشری تبدیل شده است. موسیقی یک فرهنگ، تحت تاثیر تمام جنبه های آن فرهنگ، از جمله تجارب و سازمان های اجتماعی و اقتصادی، آب و هوا و دست یابی به فن آوری است. عواطف و ایده هایی که از طریق موسیقی بیان می شوند، مکان هایی که موسیقی در آنها نواخته و شنیده می شود و نگرشی که به نوازنده ها و سازنده ها وجود دارد، در زمان ها و مناطق مختلف با یکدیگر متفاوت هستند. "تاریخ موسیقی" رشته ای مجزا از موسیقی شناسی و تاریخ است که به مطالعه موسیقی (به ویژه هنر موسیقی غرب) از یک منظر زمانی و تاریخی می پردازد. | 2016-10-20T19:43:36 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183837-00425-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | fa |
http://focus.scol.com.cn/zgsz/201701/55798680.html | http://www.scol.com.cn (2017-01-11 13:19:06) 来源:中国军网 编辑:彭焘王东辉 穆可双 战车在风雪中快速机动。中国军网记者 穆可双摄 1月7日清晨,塞北某陌生地域,大雪纷飞,寒气袭人,一辆辆铁甲战车时而疾驰,时而伪装隐蔽,快速向待机地域机动……陆军第65集团军某机步旅组织的一场复杂天候条件下加强机步连进攻战斗实战化演练悄然拉开战幕。 7时10分,随着三发红色信号弹升空,早已到达待机地域的一辆辆铁甲战车,在弥漫的风雪中如离弦之箭扑向“敌”阵,进攻战斗在风雪中打响…… 在这一突出检验性、对抗性的实战化演练现场,营长张小伟向记者介绍:“这次演练重实效不重形式、重检讨不重输赢,方案设置紧贴未来战争小型化、模块化特点,重点检验连级指挥员应对战场复杂多变条件下临机处置能力和对加强步兵连进攻战斗能力分析评估,切实解决训练中存在的问题和制约战斗力提升的瓶颈。” 在演练过程中,记者看到,虽然地域复杂、天气寒冷,但官兵们的训练热情激昂,敏捷的战术动作、人装的有机结合、兵种之间的密切协同,体现出官兵全面过硬的军事素养和军事技能。 (王东辉 中国军网记者 穆可双 摄影报道) | 2017-06-24T20:47:56 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624203022-20170624223022-00405.warc.wet.gz | zh-Hans |
http://ldh-toulon.net/des-chibanis-sous-controle.html | Pour avoir séjourné plus de six mois d’affilée dans leur pays d’origine, des vieux immigrés bénéficiaires de l’allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées (ASPA) se voient exiger le remboursement du trop-perçu de cette prestation sociale. Si la plupart des vieux migrants, appelés communément « chibanis », vivent de leur retraite – fruit d’un dur labeur – avec leur famille en France, ou ont réintégré leur pays d’origine, une partie des plus de 65 ans n’ayant pas une retraite suffisante bénéficient auprès de l’Etat français d’une Allocation de solidarité pour personnes âgées (ASPA). Parmi ces derniers, ceux qu’on qualifie de « célibataires géographiques », c’est-à-dire ceux dont l’épouse et les enfants sont restés dans le pays d’origine, continuent à vivre dans des foyers de travailleurs migrants et dans des résidences sociales ou dans des logements privés dégradés et à faire « la navette » entre la France et le pays natal. Ce sont essentiellement des hommes qui ont émigré en France dans les années 50-60 et qui n’ont pas fait de regroupement familial, parce qu’ils ne s’étaient pas inscrits dans la perspective d’un séjour durable en France. | 2016-10-24T01:38:20 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00169-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | fr |
http://wlcentral.org/category/countries/united-states?page=11 | Today, Omar should be at home in Canada, as promised by the Canadian government as a term of his acceptance of a plea deal. Today, he is still in Guantanamo Bay serving what the US military terms “punitive post-conviction confinement.”. A little known fact regarding the Guantanamo sentences is that time served before sentencing is not considered 'punitive' and therefore does not count as time served towards his sentence. Omar's sentence is to be carried out in a solitary confinement 'enhanced interrogation' environment, and at the end of his sentence he can be placed back in 'Prisoner Of War' status in the Guantanamo cells he has spent his life in since he was 15 years old. Without repatriation to Canada, his eight year plea deal is just an eight year sentence to solitary confinement in the middle of a lifetime sentence in Guantanamo. | 2015-08-04T05:21:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00219-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2011/04/food-reward-dominant-factor-in-obesity.html?showComment=1304070614690 | Matt Stone was into this as well a while ago, so I'll pose the same question I asked him, even though I'm not exactly sure where you're going with this yet. But, if the pleasurability of food (ie intensity of reward) can upregulate body fat set point, how come the european societies (France and Italy) who are widely considered to put the highest premium on tasty food, where there is a strong cultural imperative that eating should be a delight - how come they actually have some of the lowest obesity rates in the western world? | 2017-06-29T05:36:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170629051817-20170629071817-00000.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://ansbach-umgedacht.de/2018/02/staatsregierung-muss-die-buerger-schuetzen-nicht-den-fluglaerm/ | Laut den Flugbestimmungen des Bundes für die Flugplätze Ansbach-Katterbach und Illesheim dürfen die Kampfhubschrauber auf 3,04 Meter über Boden sinken, erinnert die BI. Die extremen Tiefflüge bedeuteten sowohl eine erhöhte Lärm- als auch eine vervielfachte Feinstaubbelastung im Nahbereich. „Sollte sich das Landesamt für Umweltschutz (LfU) weiterhin weigern, Erhebungen vor Ort durchzuführen, könnte dies zu einer konkreten Zusammenarbeit der Kommunen führen: in Form gemeinsamer Schadstoffmessungen“, schlägt Etz langt´s vor. Das Verhalten der Staatsregierung mit Blick auf Lebensqualität und Umweltschutz im Umfeld der US-Militärbasen verdeutliche erneut, dass auf eine grundsätzliche Lösung des Problems hingearbeitet werden müsse, so der BI-Vorstand: „Wir stehen für zivile Umnutzung und damit für neue Entwicklungschancen in unserer Region.“ | 2020-04-06T05:57:07 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406035448-20200406065948-00297.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.yohandry.com/index.php/component/content/article/44-cuba/1489-carta-abierta-a-elaine-diaz | La mayoría de los delegados no fueron para nada complacientes, y para todo el mundo, en Justin TV salieron nuestras caras y nuestras opiniones, que no repetiré aquí para no alargar el contenido de mi post. Yo sé por qué usted no vino a Matanzas; sencillamente porque desde que apareció en “Las Razones de Cuba”, como la contrapartida de Yoani Sánchez, pesado debió ser el fardo que cayó sobre sus hombros. Sencillamente está tratando de desligarse del “oficialismo”, porque tiene sencillamente miedo como dice Silvio de “asumir al enemigo”. Eso sí es cobardía, jugar a bloguear nadando en las aguas embravecidas de un río, que en Cuba aunque usted no lo quiera reconocer, solo tiene “dos orillas”; los que defendemos el proyecto político social que nos independizó como quería Martí, de España, pero también de los Estados Unidos, y los que desean que Cuba sea la neocolonia que dejó de ser el Primero de Enero de 1959. Dice un viejo adagio castellano que “no se puede quedar bien con Dios y con el Diablo”. | 2015-11-29T06:56:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205416-00228-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | es |
http://gamingtrend.com/forums/massive-multiplayer-madness/tabula-rasa-beta/msg498287/ | Be sure to go dumpster diving by your favorite games store first. To me, the interesting point-to-ponder with doomed games like this and Auto Assault, is whether there's anything that would've made the games either hits, or enabled them to retain enough of a player-base for NCSoft to have continued running the server, or if they were both just doomed, period.To me, TR wasn't horribly broken at launch. Well, the crafting was half-baked, but I don't know if broken was the word. I just don't know that 3-6 months in beta would've helped the game keep its launch player base. It didn't have an AoC-size player base at launch to begin with. I would've liked more to do later on, but that goes for just about any MMO.With Auto Assault (which I played in beta, and later after its release), I kind of knew the game was doomed. The avatar-mode in "towns" was ugly and seemed like an afterthought. The add-on parts for vehicles seemed too subtle and not eye-catching enough. The idea of focusing quests around the fact that hey, "you've got a car!" (many fans complained about the lack of races, stunt driving etc.), never seemed to enter the Netdevil thought process - instead you'd drive around trying to squash 16 gooey bugs, over and over again. With the still soldiering-on AoC, I could see that if they could've afforded to spend 6-9-12 months bug fixing, polishing crafting, building up the PvP to live up to the hype, building up mid and high level content, etc., etc., the game could've been amazing at launch and maybe would've retained its massive launch player- base (which seemed to even make Blizzard sit up and take notice, though probably no longer than a *blink*), instead of now having to scratch and claw to build back up its reputation.Going back to TR, I just vaguely remember its earlier incarnation as some bizarre Samurai-anime style mix of medeival and Sci-Fi. Garriott, if I recall, insisted they gut that version and came up with the TR we know. Who's to say now whether they would've been better off with the bizarre Samurai-anime incarnation, or just canceling the project and trying something different. | 2015-11-29T23:05:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205420-00214-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://otv.odintv.ru/2020/03/12/ | Министр имущественных отношений Московской области Наталья Адигамова рассказала, что в феврале такие встречи прошли в трех городских округах — Пушкинском, Подольске и Щелково, но охватили садоводов и дачников 5 городских округов. В администрации городского округа Щелково собрались представители щелковских товариществ, а также СНТ Черноголовки и Звездного городка. В этих городских округах насчитывается порядка 1000 СНТ с 75 тысяч садоводов и дачников, однако количество незарегистрированной недвижимости все еще исчисляется тысячами домов и построек. | 2020-04-06T10:03:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://www.academyofbards.org/fanfic/a/amelia_sedley_mountains.html | "Well be leaving from the stables tomorrow at eight in the morning. Theres plenty to do here at the hotel today. You can hike, fish, play tennis, go for a horseback ride or just relax on the hotels porch and admire the scenery. Whatever you want to do, they can arrange it at the front desk. After tea therell be a pigeon shoot for those of you who fancy themselves sharpshooters. I want it to be a challenge so youll be shooting with .22 caliber rifles instead of shotguns. Enjoy yourselves; see you this afternoon." | 2015-11-26T23:14:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205407-00168-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | nl |
https://www.ketabrah.ir/%DA%A9%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%DA%86%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%87-%DA%AF%D8%B0%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84%D8%AA%DB%8C-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%85%DB%8C/book/45837 | در دوره رضاشاه ترکیب طبقه ملاک به شکل چشمگیری تغییر کرد. او اراضی برخی خانوادههای ملاک قدیمی را تصرف کرد و آنها را از این طبقه بیرون راند. در مقابل به آنها که اعتماد داشت، زمین و مقامهایی در دولت اعطا کرد. در جریان ثبت اراضی و فروش مستغلات دولتی نیز گروههای جدیدی از افسران ارتش، دیوانسالاران عالیرتبه و نزدیکان دربار و در راس همه آنها رضاشاه از فرصت استفاده کرده و در جرگه مالکان بزرگ درآمدند و رونق خریدوفروش زمین و در پی آن افزایش بیرویه قیمت زمین، تجار را نیز بیشازپیش به خرید اراضی تشویق کرد. | 2020-04-04T10:22:48 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404073139-20200404103139-00080.warc.wet.gz | fa |
http://www.chemicalprocessing.com/experts/liquid-filtration/ | Ernest Mayer, founder of E. Mayer Filtration Consulting, LLC, is a former senior consultant with DuPont, Wilmington, Del. He has specialized in solid/liquid separation since 1980, with a particular emphasis on environmental applications and filter media characterization. He also has taught many internal courses on solid/liquid separation and written more than 200 papers. He is chairman of the Users Committee of the American Filtration and Separations Society and winner of the society’s 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award. | 2015-11-29T19:27:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205419-00223-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.chancesarchive.net/stories/educational.html | "Next question: is sex important? From JS." Black paused. "Sex is a good thing," he said, "I'm telling you this because we've already heard from the witches' side of the debate, and females always over-emphasise the negative. Of course I agree with them about rape, disease and unwanted pregnancy. Of course..." with a nod to McGonagall, "you don't want girls to break their hearts over you. On the other hand, not every girl's thinking about love and marriage. Sometimes girls want sex for fun just as much as you do. It's perfectly fine if you're both honest." | 2017-06-27T02:03:51 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.watchmynudegf.com/ro/categorywmngf/332/fisting/popular/ | Such lovely figure and cute face, who’d think of the abuse she’s willing to inflict on her privates. Not that anyone’s complaining. 92 viz 7 Luni în urmã 08:29 Intense insertion makes a girl very horny 77 viz 7 Luni în urmã 07:12 Skillful fellow fingering a tight anal hole 74 viz 7 Luni în urmã 55 % 05:13 Presenting slutty brunette with hardcore fisting 233 viz 6 Luni în urmã 04:15 Fisting and fucking her ass while she cums 34 viz 6 Luni în urmã 92 % 05:30 Hardcore honey stretches her ass with a dildo 162 viz 6 Luni în urmã 11:13 Chubby woman is enjoying threesome with fisting elements 139 viz 7 Luni în urmã 71 % 15:00 Horny brunette fisting her gaping love hole 35 viz 3 Luni în urmã 10:00 Webcam slut stretches her snatch with big toys 28 viz 5 Luni în urmã 05:22 Lucky brunette babe enjoys her mans hands 71 viz 6 Luni în urmã 07:25 Charming diva adores masturbating very intense 33 viz 8 Luni în urmã 91 % 04:21 Adorable amateur MILF is getting her pussy tortured 18 viz 1 Sãptãmânã în urmã 75 % 04:14 Gentle French babe is enjoying fisting and toying 61 viz 3 Luni în urmã 08:15 Plump chick enjoys playing with her cunt 33 viz 6 Luni în urmã 15:00 Deep fisting for amazingly hot brunette 91 viz 6 Luni în urmã 08:53 Huge titted amateur is stuffed in every hole 23 viz 7 Luni în urmã 12:53 Getting fisted is what makes her twat wet 14 viz 2 Luni în urmã 05:30 Two amateur lesbians pleasuring each other 240 viz 2 Ani în urmã 05:30 German blonde is masturbating in a hardcore way 147 viz 2 Ani în urmã 71 % 05:30 Bound slut gets pleasured with huge sex toys 222 viz 1 An în urmã 66 % 05:15 Lady in stockings is enjoying brutal fisting 332 viz 1 An în urmã 80 % 06:06 Fingering her orgasmic snatch while pushing the whole fist inside 285 viz 1 An în urmã 04:10 Anal fisting is what this amateur babe loves 221 viz 1 An în urmã 04:04 Inexperienced chick fists herself on a webcam 62 viz 1 An în urmã 03:58 Kinky amateur girlfriend fits three dildos in the pussy 141 viz 1 An în urmã 83 % 04:15 Wild amateur babe is enjoying deep fisting 146 viz 11 Luni în urmã 100 % 04:13 Horny slut is practicing deep fisting with pleasure 233 viz 11 Luni în urmã 83 % 06:53 Blindfolded MILF is enjoying sucking cock and fisting 271 viz 11 Luni în urmã 03:51 Intense fisting makes a hot girl very horny 230 viz 10 Luni în urmã 71 % 08:25 Cute chick experiences an intense fisting 139 viz 9 Luni în urmã 15:00 Russian babe is enjoying fingering and fucking 164 viz 9 Luni în urmã 05:32 Intense fisting makes a hot girl very horny 11 viz 1 Sãptãmânã în urmã 71 % 03:22 Amateur teen fisting herself in her tight ass 150 viz 9 Luni în urmã în primul rând«0102 »trecut Copyright © 2017 watchmynudegf.com. Toate drepturile rezervate.. Înapoi Filtre Sortare după popularenoicele mai cotatecele mai comentate Adãugate Dintotdeauna Ultimele 2 zile Ultima sãptãmânã Ultima lunã | 2017-06-24T10:29:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624101204-20170624121204-00635.warc.wet.gz | und |
http://www.shootersforum.com/rifles-rifle-cartridges/84977-effect-number-type-grooves-velocity.html | Ambient temp is critical as I found out running proof series on 40MM air defense guns at Aberdeen Proving Ground. There is no factory loaded "proof" rounds for 40 MM so AP rounds were pulled down and the propellent was added giving about five different charges and we went out and shot them quickly and brought the pressure vessels in and they were measured to determine the window we were looking for (70,000 thru 75,000 lbs) and the optimum charge weight was loaded into about ten more rounds and we were off to the proof arena and we shot them as fast as the barrels could be changed out and then went out and found the pressure gages and brought the pressure cylinders back for gaging as quick as we could. | 2015-04-18T11:39:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045714-00048-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.hairextensionbuy.com/22-30-micro-loop-human-hair-extensions-mrhbwh2230.html | Micro loop hair extensions are one of the latest innovations of hair extensions, they are easy to use without the need for any heat or glue. With micro loop hair extensions there is no damage to your own hair and they are also unlikely to come out when washed. Our micro loop hair extensions are made from 100% finest remy human hair that has micro rings already attached and in place to add straight to the natural hair using the already attached loop tool used to pull the natural hair through the micro ring, all you need is the pliers to close the micro ring.Micro loop hair extensions are best for people who have thinning hair that makes clip in extensions not possible. People who have problems styling their short hair could also benefit from it. They can enjoy styling their hair extensions while waiting for their own locks to grow long enough to make styling possible.Micro loop hair extensions give a natural look because they attach to your own hair and fall in the same way. Our micro loop hair extensions are just like your own hair and can be colored, cut, washed, styled, curled or straightened as desired. 1 | 2016-10-27T15:00:09 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183841-00333-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://thehermitrambles.blogspot.com/2011/11/ | After four consecutive number one albums, the Monkees streak was broken in 1968 with the Birds, The Bees, And The Monkees, which still managed to peak in the number three spot. The album included two hit singles, Daydream Believer and Valleri, as well as several tracks that had appeared on the Monkees TV show, which had ceased production (at the request of the Monkees themselves) at the end of its second season. One of the tunes on that album came from the same writing team of Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart that had provided the bulk of the group's material for their first two albums, including their first hit, Last Train To Clarksville (in fact, as originally conceived, the Monkees would have Boyce and Hart as its Lennon and McCartney analogs). As it turns out, P.O. Box 9847 is one of the Monkee's most psychedelic songs. | 2020-03-28T18:05:51 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://loviisalaara.com/2018/11/22/johdatus-itseohjautuviin-organisaatioihin/ | Ajatuksia Copenhagen Denmark Ei saa peittää France Gotland Graduation In English IT-Tukholma Itsensä johtaminen Juokseminen Jyväskylän yliopisto KTH The Royal Institute of Technology Lappi Lisbon Lofoten Islands Master Thesis Matkat Mediajohtaminen New York Norway Opiskelu Ruotsissa Opiskelu Suomessa Podcast Portugal Puerto Rico Ravintolat Ruotsin kieli Spain Stereotypiat Stockholm University Studies Suomi Tampere Tech Travel Tukholma Tukholma-vinkit Tukholman yliopisto Työt Ulkomailla asuminen Ulkona Vadstena Women in Tech Yrityskulttuuri | 2020-04-01T15:30:52 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401130837-20200401160837-00221.warc.wet.gz | fi |
http://it.depositphotos.com/10478390/stock-photo-woman-with-a-clock.html | I Nostri Piani e i Prezzi Fotografie Vettoriali Editoriale Video Tutti i File Fotografie Vettoriali Video Applica Ricerca Avanzata 0 Password dimenticata? Non sei registrato? Crea un account! Accedi Registra un Account Accedi Puoi sempre trovare il tuo collaboratore preferito inserendo le iniziali del suo nome utente, nome completo o cognome (se queste informazioni compaiono sul suo profilo pubblico).Esempio:Se inserisci le lettere "and" o "rod" troverai il link al portfolio di Andres Rodriguez.and| andresrAndres Rodriguez | File Online: 32503orrod| andresrAndres Rodriguez | File Online: 32503Puoi escludere parole chiave, per restringere i risultati della tua ricerca.Usa virgole, punto e virgola o spazi per separare parole chiave multiple o frasi.Esempio:Se inserisci "cane" nel campo di ricerca e "palla" nel campo di esclusione, ti verranno mostrati i risultati che hanno la parola chiave "cane" ma non la parola chiave "palla".Esempio di inserimento di parole chiave multiple per l'esclusione:notte città nuvolenotte, città, nuvolenotte; città; nuvole Autore Escludi Categoria Tutte le categorie Altro Animali Architettura e Costruzioni Arte e Oggetti Artistici Astratto Bellezza e Fashion Business e Finanza Celebrità Cibo e Bevande Città Computer ed Elettronica Concetti Decorazione Educazione Fauna e Flora Gioielli e Gemme Illustrazioni Industrial Interni Luoghi Medicina e Salute Natura Oggetti Persone Professioni Religiose Scienza Segni e Simboli Shopping Sport Strumenti Tecnologia Texture e Sfondi Trasporti e Automobili Vacanze ed Eventi Varie Viaggi Vintage e Retro Orientamento Qualsiasi Quadrato Orizzontale Verticale Editoriale Solo Editoriale Escludi Editoriali Dimensione Immagine Qualsiasi M L XL Cancella tutto donna con un orologio - Immagine Stock donna con un orologio - isolato su uno sfondo bianco | 2015-04-19T10:57:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045718-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | it |
http://parka.deviantart.com/ | I still remember the time when my aunt and uncle brought me to Bras Basah Complex, the only place in Singapore with so many bookstores and stationery shops in one location. I was in awe by all the books I saw on the shelf, the stationary supplies and art materials on sale. I was probably still in primary school. I never went back there again after many years when I was much older about that time when I got interested in creating art.On the fourth floor there's Basheer Graphic Books, a bookstore that I always frequent. It was founded in 1986 and began operations as a door to door salesman offering design books before it opened its first shop ten years later. They carry all sorts of visual books and magazines relating to art, design, photography and architecture. I've been shopping there for years and the staff are always friendly and helpful. They carry lots of beautiful artbooks that I collect. Going into the store is like visiting Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. You'll never know when a new book will appear to surprise you, and won't realise your thinner wallet after you leave the shop. Loading... | 2015-08-02T08:15:10 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.fmwa.org/events/event_details.asp?id=382767 | Thursday, February 6, 20147:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Registration Desk Open8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. High Rolling Mover Casino NightSponsored by: Rogers Gunter Vaughn InsuranceWe all know that you are gambling each day you are in the moving business, but this time the stakes will only be for fun and prizes.Join us for a good time and refreshments as we try our hands at craps, roulette, blackjack, & Texas hold-em.Friday, February 7, 20147:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Registration Desk Open7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Continental BreakfastSponsored by: The Zenith8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.Welcome and State of the State AddressAndy Newitt, FMWA Chairman8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. The Affordable Care Act and How it Affects YouWalker Cutts, Rogers, Gunter, Vaughn InsuranceWith all of the changes coming to small business owners, see what you need to do in order to protect your company.9:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.Morning Break10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. Internet Marketing for MoversMovingCompanyReviews.comDon’t get left behind.Learn what internet marketing strategies are working.12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Member Appreciation Luncheon & Legislative UpdateCorey G. Mathews, CAE, Executive DirectorSponsored by: Victory PackagingEnjoy lunch with your peers and hear about the political climate in Tallahassee and how it affects your moving company’s bottom line. 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Safety – Protecting Your Team AND Your CompanyHousehold moving isn’t exactly the safest job in America. Learn tested methods for protecting your team AND your company from unnecessary injuries. 3:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Afternoon BreakSponsored by: Vanliner Insurance4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hiring Trends & Additional Service Options Roundtable DiscussionJoin your fellow movers as we discuss the current status of hiring trends in moving as well as additional service options that exist for moving companies. | 2015-08-02T08:15:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
Subsets and Splits