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100 | train/M63155.wav | Somehow or other we found that things had been made hotter for us than ever since we first turned out go where we would we found the police always quick on our trail |
101 | train/M40074.wav | And losing itself in utter darkness sir i do not exaggerate between such a past and such a future i stand upon this miserable present कल सध गरनसथ तयसक पत मतयक समचरलई मखय |
102 | train/M58754.wav | Whom bentivoglio forced to bathe their hands in this blood so that he might attach them to himself through their fear of reprisals caesars plans with regard to florence were now no longer a mystery since the month of january घर पकक बनउन |
103 | train/M49981.wav | In a little book he thought of marthy as she had been when he first met her in dogtown smart pretty and saucy before the sun had turned the roses in her cheeks brown and the silence of the chaparral had tamed her ambitions |
104 | train/M50804.wav | Was he actually going to listen to reason was he contemplating the abandonment of his plans this was too good to be true as had been my case before the bath is a place of gallantry enough expensive and full of snares i went thither indeed |
105 | train/M80493.wav | They are wholly free of that puerile moral obsession which marks the professor but they so seldom tell it well perhaps some of them have and their penalty is that they are damned and forgotten |
106 | train/M64933.wav | Let us be happy without quibbling and quirking let us obey the sun blindly what is the sun it is love he who says love says woman ah ah behold omnipotence women not their sins of commission or omission but his own misdeeds and negligences |
107 | train/M17661.wav | Wed been almost rich there was plenty but my father wanted to take advantage of the growth of the town he wanted to be richer but instead well just about the time your father finished building next door |
108 | train/M597.wav | Yet i shall not be surprised if you should discover in her a thousand deficiencies of which i have never dreamt she must be very much altered since she was last at howard grove but i will say nothing of her ढचम थपएक धर |
109 | train/M63481.wav | That by the first note i hummd i found myself flying into the other world and from thence discovered the vale from whence i came so deep so low and dismal that i shall never have the heart to descend into it again |
110 | train/M64799.wav | Sometimes she would be seen late of an evening sitting in the porch of the village church and the milk maids returning from the fields would now and then overhear her singing some plaintive ditty in the hawthorn walk दशतर बसकल शरप |
111 | train/M50308.wav | No one can work as neatly as you withers she said gaily and i shall ask you to do the most difficult part i want you to sew my lovely poppies over the collar and facings of the jacket just spacing them a little and making a dainty irregularity |
112 | train/M47045.wav | एक पलट उतपनन And whatsoever he was taught he did not learn it his mother never wished him to do anything he did not like so she said well stay at home my son and he stayed at home eating and sleeping |
113 | train/M62811.wav | Can you tell us where we can obtain a sight of the piazza del popolo ah said the count negligently looking attentively at morcerf is there not something like an execution upon the piazza del popolo yes returned franz |
114 | train/M64514.wav | There was no show of any violence against him if one may except a little hooting from the bystanders when he was being removed in the prisoners van पन रहनछ My companions at tennis or on these rides and walks we gradually grew to style the tennis cabinet and then we extended the term to take in many of my old time western friends such as ben daniels seth bullock luther kelly गरटनल भन क गर अङक हसल |
115 | train/M56428.wav | But i do not possess that valuable solvent yet such as it is the body shall tell us its own wonderful story here the professor laid hold of the fossil skeleton and handled it with the skill of a dexterous showman stooping and rising as though feeding the fire one might have imagined that a door in vulcans smithy |
116 | train/M77341.wav | Do you admit intruders here madame vine cried he with his sweet smile and attractive manner she arose her face burning her heart throbbing keep your seat pray i have but a moment to stay said mister carlyle |
117 | train/M19929.wav | नगरक दनकम He had been more than five hours gone where could he be mister lorry waited until ten but doctor manette not returning and he being unwilling to leave lucie any longer it was arranged that he should go back to her and come to the banking house again at midnight |
118 | train/M22678.wav | And forced his younger sister to be civil also and say what the occasion required she performed her part indeed without much graciousness but missus bennet was satisfied and soon afterwards ordered her carriage upon this signal |
119 | train/M19307.wav | The trans state canal and these scandals had been one of the chief issues in the campaign for the governorship the construction of this work was under the control of the superintendent of public works in the actual state of affairs his office was by far the most important office under me |
120 | train/M56764.wav | Let them sleep in the bed of honor said the princess medea with a sly smile at jason the world will always have simpletons enough just like them fighting and dying for they know not what and fancying that posterity |
121 | train/M59815.wav | थय र कयनटनक मलक And almost believed herself the midnight companion of a vampire after all visiting with him the terrible corpse in which he lived all day but karl soon reassured her and a few good blows of the axe revealed a very different core to that which teufelsbuerst supposed to be in it |
122 | train/M2605.wav | As she opened the hall door and paused for a moment on the threshold to listen as she listened her old face grew grey and pinched she turned noiselessly and left the house and flew to her husband as one distracted cyrus यसलई परपत गरनक |
123 | train/M80304.wav | Would not be practicable between a number of intercommunicating points edisons phonoplex normally doubled the capacity of telegraph lines whether employed on way business or through traffic |
124 | train/M52920.wav | The difficulty of satisfying these various desires at the same time is the primary cause of the despotism of the will and the appropriation which results from it on the other hand man always needs a market for his products graham had a momentary impulse to leap upon the man fell or stun him it must have shown upon his face at any rate howards movement was quick अनटरकटक महसगर व यह वभनन परकरक |
125 | train/M82556.wav | A lump came into her throat as she thought of gaston in those last moments all inequality of rank had been swept away in their common peril they had been only a white man and a white woman together in their extremity |
126 | train/M47115.wav | By showing men in all varieties of circumstances and situations and furnishing us with materials from which we may form our observations and become acquainted with the regular springs of human action and behaviour these records of wars intrigues उचचरण डहहल दख परसवक करण बसन नचहन कर |
127 | train/M39415.wav | I think i am almost tired and i had rather not go out it would do you good said missus dale i dont want to be done good to mamma besides i should have to come back by myself ill come back with you said johnny |
128 | train/M32209.wav | The jesuit missionaries very rarely distinguish between good and evil deities when speaking of the religion of the northern tribes and the moravian brethren among the algonkins and iroquois place on record गरद मलई थप |
129 | train/M60281.wav | Blue and loving gazed appealingly at the young man who in his turn looked steadfastly into hers you would in any case be my own brave sister he said gently who would remember that |
130 | train/M71638.wav | अमरकक कयलफरनयसथत An icy indifference an idle and unworthy action an ill assorted vocabulary an immeasurable advantage an imminent and overmastering peril गरएक थय जन |
131 | train/M23594.wav | And up the mountain slopes open in some places and in others thatched with dwarf firs resting a minute here and there to refresh ourselves with huckleberries which grew in abundance in open spots about half an hour before sunset |
132 | train/M82956.wav | They might as well be in the narrow passes of the mountains as in our streets and peasants have destroyed the finest armies of our condottieri in time past when they had once got them between steep precipices i tell you florentines need be afraid of no army in their own streets |
133 | train/M80096.wav | Youre very kind grant was springers only response phil got away from the others as soon as he could and hurried home to brood over it it had been a hard blow and he had stood up poorly beneath it |
134 | train/M27021.wav | तशर महमर नगरद र जसत He remembered the expression dolokhovs face assumed in his moments of cruelty as when tying the policeman to the bear and dropping them into the water or when he challenged a man to a duel without any reason |
135 | train/M21567.wav | I see a lot more than that you dont know what an advantage it is to be as i am rather cold and unresponsive to women and unattractive and negligible negligible that is the exact word to them you cant look at a woman for five minutes कठनइहर टढ गरन |
136 | train/M77354.wav | It was as i have said many years before i saw any real manifestations of the so called supernatural it was not halloween if i were telling a story for amusements sake i should probably place it on that night of nights |
137 | train/M80698.wav | यसक परथम परकशन With a pleasing faint aroma and taste and a quality of immediate support and stimulus he put down the vessel and looked about him य अखबरहरक लग |
138 | train/M79486.wav | And he called graces attention to the compass fastened securely near sylvias seat and explained the rules of navigation is that the way the big ships know how to find their harbors asked grace when mister fulton told her of the stars and how the pilots set their course and there had not been the slightest evidence of any desire to conceal or explain away he had spoken instinctively |
139 | train/M64442.wav | चलचतर थय जसक No boys were allowed in it although ruby gillis opined that their admission would make it more exciting and each member had to produce one story a week that the sooner such articles were turned into cash the better this in substance was the way jack accounted for the sudden change which had come over his master |
140 | train/M12923.wav | Over his shoulder in the direction of the cradle what have you named that young article there the name which ought to have been his by inheritance दख सखक करहर All morality a famished stomach knows no morality all public order certainly the preservation of property |
141 | train/M39213.wav | कभर नपलक मधयपशचमञचल But he went on asking all the same he accustomed himself to speaking to the new jailer although the latter was if possible more taciturn than the old one but still to speak to a man even though mute was something therewith his father waxed wroth and said o son of adultery dost confront me with these words |
142 | train/M31560.wav | To you gentlemen will redound all the glory for it is to your aid and your inspiration that i owe it my purpose in this work is the application of method |
143 | train/M41215.wav | Aint they beauties it seems to me observed patsy gravely that brayleys are just as good we passed his place this morning and wondered how he could raise such enormous melons normous brayleys im sure they are finer than these said beth well ill be jiggered मनतरम सथपत रमयनतरक यदयप चलचतरक कनदरय |
144 | train/M9415.wav | At milking time the girls were in the habit of chanting a particular sort of air in a low gentle voice these milking songs were slow and plaintive something like the nurse tunes झससग जडदछ |
145 | train/M69396.wav | यगदन दद आउनभएक And also one on whose word they could rely it was not until nineteen fourteen that he was recalled from the philippines and then very shortly was sent across the mexican border |
146 | train/M50396.wav | We believe that he had simply studied in holland for an inn keeper this rascal of composite order was in all probability some fleming from lille in flanders a frenchman in paris a belgian at brussels कथ वषयवसतक परतपदन |
147 | train/M39852.wav | पनक नकसक रपम His reception was grave silent and wary the warriors in front stepped aside opening the way to their most approved orator by the action अनय पदरथहरक खजल |
148 | train/M70696.wav | All this she must possess added darcy and to all this she must yet add something more substantial in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading i am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women |
149 | train/M73984.wav | We can linger here until we are taken but oddslife im not so minded come and as he spoke he drew the lad along his foot was upon the topmost stair of the flight |
150 | train/M14907.wav | म एक समरणय मटरदख ६१० मटर कर र वयवहर But in a moment mister glascock of georgia moved that the petition be not received debate sprang up on a point of order and two days later before the question of reception was determined a resolution was offered by mister jarvis of maine |
151 | train/M52674.wav | But in all the instances of ferocious enmity toward the spaniards there has been nothing to equal the feelings of roc the brazilian upon that subject his dislike to everything spanish arose he declared |
152 | train/M85413.wav | But at this season of the year i must have life the moment i came out i bathed in the river and then went home and dressed he added in a satisfied tone and now i am going to the temple ill tell you what julia has been pricked to day with a shuttle |
153 | train/M9248.wav | This was a delicate point for a woman to urge especially so in mentioning it she saw that she must make a sacrifice of her feelings still for me every sacrifice should be made she alluded to the topic of |
154 | train/M32922.wav | The boys imagination was excited and he fancied that he could see and hear strange things in the darkness into his mind came the conviction that he was walking and running in some terrible void where no one had ever been before |
155 | train/M8000.wav | One a zealous young woman from san francisco going to the swedish mission at golovin bay this young person was pretty and pleasant and i was glad to make her acquaintance as well as that of three other women speaking the same tongue मक दइनछ |
156 | train/M51716.wav | Replied gharib say there is no god but the god and abraham is the friend of god so the marid pronounced the profession of faith and was enrolled among the people of felicity now his name was zalzal |
157 | train/M24280.wav | The three headed dog that guards the threshold of pluto undaunted by the terrors of the place orpheus passed through this gate and down a dark and dismal road to the kingdom of the dead करय वजञनदव आचरयदवर नरणय सत रजनतक |
158 | train/M54292.wav | More than in any other field of medicine the physician himself has to extend his influence far beyond the office hours and the strictly medical relations and yet on the other hand there is no department of medicine in which the treatment might not profit by the psychotherapeutic influence गकरणशवर मनदरक पहल कमजर फसलक जवनक परथम रपम भय |
159 | train/M2495.wav | Warm gratitude first to the principal and authorities of manchester college who gave me the opportunity of delivering these chapters in their original form and whose unfailing sympathy and kindness so greatly helped me छ क तनलई Of wealth and social standing that have never been disturbed she was a shrewd careful business woman of more than average ability |
160 | train/M40375.wav | But old peter force could show you single alcoves of his library which at a fair valuation would buy out all that mass of sumptuosity it was not always easy to find the old gentleman in his dusty dingy wilderness कन सउड पट |
161 | train/M14588.wav | And the bystanders still others led leopards and black panthers on chains as an added protection to those they guarded palanquin after palanquin passed by what arrest you my most faithful servant yes my lord and notwithstanding you had signed the name parry to all my letters my lord बण खस |
162 | train/M668.wav | But not so heavy as he has very often known them in november perry does not call it altogether a sickly season no i do not know that mister wingfield considers it very sickly except ah my poor dear child अवसथत एक गवस ह |
163 | train/M65155.wav | We could make from twelve dollars to sixteen dollars a day each we only commenced work yesterday and we are satisfied that when we get fully under way we can make from five dollars to seven dollars a day each |
164 | train/M54278.wav | And netteke assisted by the current made better speed than she had at any time during the day meanwhile his captors were busy with father de smet come drink to the kaiser shouted the first soldier or well feed you to the fishes पञचदवपसन गरन |
165 | train/M82151.wav | The date of their formation no man yet can tell but that it was vastly distant is certain for the geological era is not over aqueous action still goes on still does frost chip the rocks into fragments |
166 | train/M53092.wav | पढन सजल हनछ And became dumb when he heard that these also were a present from the princely wali dad and were for the princess his daughter he went hastily off to her apartments and said to her i tell you what it is my dear this man wants to marry you |
167 | train/M65146.wav | नबनध वधम अनय It seems therefore as if this deserted child though legally heiress to two large fortunes must owe all her rational expectations to adoption and friendship yet her income will be such as may make her happy यनलई छडय करयकरमहर जसत सनव ईप १०२० ईस |
168 | train/M2627.wav | As they proceeded they passed many rooms with closed doors and before one of these a patched blueskin was pacing up and down in a tired and sleepy way it was jimfred jinksjones the double of the fredjim jonesjinks they had talked with in the servants hall पत वभनन रङक |
169 | train/M43578.wav | Said the angel disgustedly it seems to me that if i had all the things to be proud of that you have id lift up my head and sing and what is it ive to be proud of maam politely inquired freckles why a whole |
170 | train/M43591.wav | Although the atmosphere at some distance above the ground is some degrees above the freezing point the reason for this will be obvious when we consider the facts that have been set forth concerning the power of radiation to produce cold आफन कषमत |
171 | train/M41428.wav | This is a thing which easily happens and defiles very many unless faith be constantly inculcated along with works it is impossible to avoid this evil when faith is passed over in silence and only the ordinances of men are taught आइसएफएआई वशववदयलय नगलनड भरतक रजय नगलनडम अवसथत एउट वशववदयलय ह परकतक दरशनक |
172 | train/M62706.wav | When the princess parizade held in her hands the three wonders promised her by the old woman she said to the bird all that is not enough it was owing to you that my brothers became black stones i cannot tell them from the mass of others but you must know बउल सगतसग नजक छ |
173 | train/M41583.wav | Among the red lilies and smiled to herself for she had heard all this talk she thought if i am wise i can yet save my lord from the persecutions of these quarrelsome queens भरत फलपनस जसत दशक पन भरमण गर |
174 | train/M66192.wav | And the other was mister gunter lake on the megantic one day out from sandy hook who found himself equally sleepless and preoccupied and although mister lake was a man of vast activities and complicated engagements |
175 | train/M12134.wav | His only remaining children ida and gabriella standing by his bedside i know that my redeemer liveth and at half past three it is done he was ready for the great change he had written only a short time before कमर घरक भतत ऋण जसक दई पन तपईल कन |
176 | train/M81795.wav | Half an hour later we heard sisson shouting down among the firs coming with horses to take us to the hotel after breaking a trail through the snow as far as possible he had tied his animals and walked up we had been so long without food |
177 | train/M65517.wav | जनमदख न कड नपलक Chapter six a chapter for schoolgirls every fall a larger number of young girls leave home to come east to the various finishing schools in this section of the country अहलक समपरण शरपहरक |
178 | train/M33851.wav | And come and be my constant companion in this ruined castle there is one habitable room in it in which there is a golden bed there you will have to live all by yourself बदलद समयम अफगनसतनम कवत एक परकरक |
179 | train/M18667.wav | Mister benyon urged the fielders on hurry up bill hedges mister hedges did not hurry up he never could have hurried up even if his manner of fielding the ball had not wholly deprived him of his wind but the ball was at last thrown in |
180 | train/M47718.wav | Thank heaven that your lines are cast in pleasant places yes please i will take one more glass it does me good tell me some more about that tribe you were speaking of in your sermon |
181 | train/M37028.wav | That the hair was her own she instantaneously felt as well satisfied as marianne the only difference in their conclusions was that what marianne considered as a free gift from her sister elinor was conscious must have been procured by some theft or contrivance unknown to herself टलफन दर सञचरक |
182 | train/M45268.wav | We do not mister redmain and if this occurs again i shall go to durnmelling she spoke with a vague idea that he also stood in some awe of the father and mother whose dread however well she hid it she would never while she lived succeed in shaking off |
183 | train/M30443.wav | २०६७ सलम In seventeen sixty three and in seventeen seventy eight were allowed to be drawn back upon exportation the two imposts of five per cent imposed in seventeen seventy nine and seventeen eighty one upon all the former duties of customs |
184 | train/M66294.wav | It took my breath away in a manner of confounded by this lapse into banality conseil left his sentence hanging my friends i replied very moved |
185 | train/M24659.wav | करथ नपलक मधयमञचल It is by the activity of our passions that our reason improves we covet knowledge merely because we covet enjoyment and it is impossible to conceive why a man exempt from fears and desires should take the trouble to reason एक समकषम मनसहर गरमण असटरलयम आफभनद तलल शरणक |
186 | train/M2320.wav | इनच उततरदख २८० Closing the letter after reading it aloud to the assembled family mamma papa edward उहल कनदरय करगरम म तमलई दवय |
187 | train/M35300.wav | She was called lucy it did not suggest itself to him to mention whether he thought the name pretty and then they died but he was a bearded tranquil byron who might live on a thousand years without growing old certainly an englishman it was more doubtful whether phileas fogg was a londoner |
188 | train/M83398.wav | अभनय धर उतकषट रहय And let me wish you joy also dear friend he added looking sadly at the earl and speaking in the same hollow tones that had startled us so much thank you the old man said simply and heartily |
189 | train/M50512.wav | यसल यसक शरणकरण But curiosity prevailing she drew it out again and read it dear miss pond as i have been obliged to leave college on account of my health i inclose my resignation to the german club i thank you very sincerely for your kindness to me this year |
190 | train/M63444.wav | And started out with her sheep that they might feed upon the tender juicy grasses with which the hills abounded the little girl usually accompanied her mother and sat by her side |
191 | train/M41542.wav | अरथ क ह Since none but thou can end it into thee such vertue and grace immense i have transfusd गवसम महल एक |
192 | train/M16135.wav | धर महततवपरण हनछ २० पनडलई एउट They hold their seats some for life some for six three and one years from two provinces they continue in appointment during pleasure the states general have authority to enter into treaties and alliances |
193 | train/M58359.wav | कमपनमल एक परकरक Who styled himself governor of new sweden if history belie not this redoubtable swede he was a rival worthy of the windy and inflated commander of fort casimir for master david pieterzen de vrie in his excellent book of voyages |
194 | train/M24938.wav | Don quixote sighed on hearing the duchesss request and said if i could pluck out my heart and lay it on a plate on this table here before your highnesss eyes it would spare my tongue the pain of telling what can hardly be thought of for in it your excellence would see her portrayed in full |
195 | train/M16390.wav | And all the modification on this point which his judgment could obtain from his impetuous and excited heart was that he would watch her words and manner well when he announced his approaching absence and if in them he read the slightest token of tender regretful feeling परवतक मधय भगम उनक वशजक |
196 | train/M6389.wav | नक परभवत छ यसक परभव रहक She muttered ah sir and this was all you do not answer madame exclaimed the terrible interrogator then he added with a smile yet more terrible than his anger were hard on the horses in this place we had no sunday rest |
197 | train/M72197.wav | यसक आखल कम धर कम छ आमछर दवलई His actions spoke for the peace and friendship that at the present moment were most dear to my heart of course i might have been a babbling brook for all the intelligence my speech carried to him |
198 | train/M57061.wav | Only the gables of a few houses can be seen from the river whose banks of yellow clay and brown mud are here twenty five feet high during the first third of the present century this place was the site of a winnebago village whose chief गरन छवछतक भदभवक |
199 | train/M50360.wav | The ladies peace concluded at cambrai in fifteen twenty nine lasted up to fifteen thirty six incessantly troubled however by far from pacific symptoms proceedings and preparations |
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