# frozen_string_literal: true lib = File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require "prometheus_exporter/version" Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "prometheus_exporter" spec.version = PrometheusExporter::VERSION spec.authors = ["Sam Saffron"] spec.email = ["[email protected]"] spec.summary = %q{Prometheus Exporter} spec.description = %q{Prometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby} spec.homepage = "https://github.com/discourse/prometheus_exporter" spec.license = "MIT" spec.post_install_message = "prometheus_exporter will only bind to localhost by default as of v0.5" spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject do |f| f.match(%r{^(test|spec|features|bin)/}) end spec.bindir = "bin" spec.executables = ["prometheus_exporter"] spec.require_paths = ["lib"] spec.add_dependency "webrick" spec.add_development_dependency "rubocop", ">= 0.69" spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", ">= 2.2.2" spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13.0" spec.add_development_dependency "minitest", "~> 5.0" spec.add_development_dependency "guard", "~> 2.0" spec.add_development_dependency "mini_racer", "~> 0.3.1" spec.add_development_dependency "guard-minitest", "~> 2.0" spec.add_development_dependency "oj", "~> 3.0" spec.add_development_dependency "rack-test", "~> 0.8.3" spec.add_development_dependency "minitest-stub-const", "~> 0.6" spec.add_development_dependency "rubocop-discourse", ">2" spec.add_development_dependency "appraisal", "~> 2.3" spec.add_development_dependency "activerecord", "~> 6.0.0" if !RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' spec.add_development_dependency "raindrops", "~> 0.19" end spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.5.0' end
module Seek module Roles ADMIN = 'admin' # Roles that stand alone, and are not linked to anything, for example Project or Programme class StandAloneRoles < Seek::Roles::Roles class InvalidCheckException < Exception; end def self.role_names [Seek::Roles::ADMIN] end def add_roles(person, role_info) fail InvalidCheckException.new("This role should not be assigned with other items - #{items.inspect}") unless role_info.items.empty? mask = mask_for_role(role_info.role_name) person.roles_mask += mask if (person.roles_mask & mask).zero? end def remove_roles(person, role_info) fail InvalidCheckException.new("This role should not be assigned with other items - #{items.inspect}") unless role_info.items.empty? return unless person.has_role?(role_info.role_name) mask = mask_for_role(role_info.role_name) person.roles_mask -= mask end def check_role_for_item(_person, _role_name, item) fail InvalidCheckException.new("This role should not be checked against an item - #{item.inspect}") unless item.nil? true end module PersonInstanceMethods def is_admin? has_role?(Seek::Roles::ADMIN) end def is_admin=(flag_and_items) assign_or_remove_roles(Seek::Roles::ADMIN, flag_and_items) end end module PersonClassMethods def admins Seek::Roles::Roles.instance.people_with_role(Seek::Roles::ADMIN) end end end end end
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' require 'uuid' else require 'securerandom' end module OneLogin module RubySaml # SAML2 Auxiliary class # class Utils @@uuid_generator = UUID.new if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' DSIG = "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" XENC = "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" # Return a properly formatted x509 certificate # # @param cert [String] The original certificate # @return [String] The formatted certificate # def self.format_cert(cert) # don't try to format an encoded certificate or if is empty or nil return cert if cert.nil? || cert.empty? || cert.match(/\x0d/) if cert.scan(/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/).length > 1 formatted_cert = [] cert.scan(/-{5}BEGIN CERTIFICATE-{5}[\n\r]?.*?-{5}END CERTIFICATE-{5}[\n\r]?/m) {|c| formatted_cert << format_cert(c) } formatted_cert.join("\n") else cert = cert.gsub(/\-{5}\s?(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE\s?\-{5}/, "") cert = cert.gsub(/[\n\r\s]/, "") cert = cert.scan(/.{1,64}/) cert = cert.join("\n") "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n#{cert}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" end end # Return a properly formatted private key # # @param key [String] The original private key # @return [String] The formatted private key # def self.format_private_key(key) # don't try to format an encoded private key or if is empty return key if key.nil? || key.empty? || key.match(/\x0d/) # is this an rsa key? rsa_key = key.match("RSA PRIVATE KEY") key = key.gsub(/\-{5}\s?(BEGIN|END)( RSA)? PRIVATE KEY\s?\-{5}/, "") key = key.gsub(/[\n\r\s]/, "") key = key.scan(/.{1,64}/) key = key.join("\n") key_label = rsa_key ? "RSA PRIVATE KEY" : "PRIVATE KEY" "-----BEGIN #{key_label}-----\n#{key}\n-----END #{key_label}-----" end # Build the Query String signature that will be used in the HTTP-Redirect binding # to generate the Signature # @param params [Hash] Parameters to build the Query String # @option params [String] :type 'SAMLRequest' or 'SAMLResponse' # @option params [String] :data Base64 encoded SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse # @option params [String] :relay_state The RelayState parameter # @option params [String] :sig_alg The SigAlg parameter # @return [String] The Query String # def self.build_query(params) type, data, relay_state, sig_alg = [:type, :data, :relay_state, :sig_alg].map { |k| params[k]} url_string = "#{type}=#{CGI.escape(data)}" url_string << "&RelayState=#{CGI.escape(relay_state)}" if relay_state url_string << "&SigAlg=#{CGI.escape(sig_alg)}" end # Reconstruct a canonical query string from raw URI-encoded parts, to be used in verifying a signature # # @param params [Hash] Parameters to build the Query String # @option params [String] :type 'SAMLRequest' or 'SAMLResponse' # @option params [String] :raw_data URI-encoded, base64 encoded SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse, as sent by IDP # @option params [String] :raw_relay_state URI-encoded RelayState parameter, as sent by IDP # @option params [String] :raw_sig_alg URI-encoded SigAlg parameter, as sent by IDP # @return [String] The Query String # def self.build_query_from_raw_parts(params) type, raw_data, raw_relay_state, raw_sig_alg = [:type, :raw_data, :raw_relay_state, :raw_sig_alg].map { |k| params[k]} url_string = "#{type}=#{raw_data}" url_string << "&RelayState=#{raw_relay_state}" if raw_relay_state url_string << "&SigAlg=#{raw_sig_alg}" end # Prepare raw GET parameters (build them from normal parameters # if not provided). # # @param rawparams [Hash] Raw GET Parameters # @param params [Hash] GET Parameters # @return [Hash] New raw parameters # def self.prepare_raw_get_params(rawparams, params) rawparams ||= {} if rawparams['SAMLRequest'].nil? && !params['SAMLRequest'].nil? rawparams['SAMLRequest'] = CGI.escape(params['SAMLRequest']) end if rawparams['SAMLResponse'].nil? && !params['SAMLResponse'].nil? rawparams['SAMLResponse'] = CGI.escape(params['SAMLResponse']) end if rawparams['RelayState'].nil? && !params['RelayState'].nil? rawparams['RelayState'] = CGI.escape(params['RelayState']) end if rawparams['SigAlg'].nil? && !params['SigAlg'].nil? rawparams['SigAlg'] = CGI.escape(params['SigAlg']) end rawparams end # Validate the Signature parameter sent on the HTTP-Redirect binding # @param params [Hash] Parameters to be used in the validation process # @option params [OpenSSL::X509::Certificate] cert The Identity provider public certtificate # @option params [String] sig_alg The SigAlg parameter # @option params [String] signature The Signature parameter (base64 encoded) # @option params [String] query_string The full GET Query String to be compared # @return [Boolean] True if the Signature is valid, False otherwise # def self.verify_signature(params) cert, sig_alg, signature, query_string = [:cert, :sig_alg, :signature, :query_string].map { |k| params[k]} signature_algorithm = XMLSecurity::BaseDocument.new.algorithm(sig_alg) return cert.public_key.verify(signature_algorithm.new, Base64.decode64(signature), query_string) end # Build the status error message # @param status_code [String] StatusCode value # @param status_message [Strig] StatusMessage value # @return [String] The status error message def self.status_error_msg(error_msg, status_code = nil, status_message = nil) unless status_code.nil? if status_code.include? "|" status_codes = status_code.split(' | ') values = status_codes.collect do |status_code| status_code.split(':').last end printable_code = values.join(" => ") else printable_code = status_code.split(':').last end error_msg << ', was ' + printable_code end unless status_message.nil? error_msg << ' -> ' + status_message end error_msg end # Obtains the decrypted string from an Encrypted node element in XML # @param encrypted_node [REXML::Element] The Encrypted element # @param private_key [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA] The Service provider private key # @return [String] The decrypted data def self.decrypt_data(encrypted_node, private_key) encrypt_data = REXML::XPath.first( encrypted_node, "./xenc:EncryptedData", { 'xenc' => XENC } ) symmetric_key = retrieve_symmetric_key(encrypt_data, private_key) cipher_value = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "./xenc:CipherData/xenc:CipherValue", { 'xenc' => XENC } ) node = Base64.decode64(element_text(cipher_value)) encrypt_method = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "./xenc:EncryptionMethod", { 'xenc' => XENC } ) algorithm = encrypt_method.attributes['Algorithm'] retrieve_plaintext(node, symmetric_key, algorithm) end # Obtains the symmetric key from the EncryptedData element # @param encrypt_data [REXML::Element] The EncryptedData element # @param private_key [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA] The Service provider private key # @return [String] The symmetric key def self.retrieve_symmetric_key(encrypt_data, private_key) encrypted_key = REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "./ds:KeyInfo/xenc:EncryptedKey | ./KeyInfo/xenc:EncryptedKey | //xenc:EncryptedKey[@Id=$id]", { "ds" => DSIG, "xenc" => XENC }, { "id" => self.retrieve_symetric_key_reference(encrypt_data) } ) encrypted_symmetric_key_element = REXML::XPath.first( encrypted_key, "./xenc:CipherData/xenc:CipherValue", "xenc" => XENC ) cipher_text = Base64.decode64(element_text(encrypted_symmetric_key_element)) encrypt_method = REXML::XPath.first( encrypted_key, "./xenc:EncryptionMethod", "xenc" => XENC ) algorithm = encrypt_method.attributes['Algorithm'] retrieve_plaintext(cipher_text, private_key, algorithm) end def self.retrieve_symetric_key_reference(encrypt_data) REXML::XPath.first( encrypt_data, "substring-after(./ds:KeyInfo/ds:RetrievalMethod/@URI, '#')", { "ds" => DSIG } ) end # Obtains the deciphered text # @param cipher_text [String] The ciphered text # @param symmetric_key [String] The symetric key used to encrypt the text # @param algorithm [String] The encrypted algorithm # @return [String] The deciphered text def self.retrieve_plaintext(cipher_text, symmetric_key, algorithm) case algorithm when 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc' then cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('DES-EDE3-CBC').decrypt when 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes128-cbc' then cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('AES-128-CBC').decrypt when 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes192-cbc' then cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('AES-192-CBC').decrypt when 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes256-cbc' then cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('AES-256-CBC').decrypt when 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-1_5' then rsa = symmetric_key when 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p' then oaep = symmetric_key end if cipher iv_len = cipher.iv_len data = cipher_text[iv_len..-1] cipher.padding, cipher.key, cipher.iv = 0, symmetric_key, cipher_text[0..iv_len-1] assertion_plaintext = cipher.update(data) assertion_plaintext << cipher.final elsif rsa rsa.private_decrypt(cipher_text) elsif oaep oaep.private_decrypt(cipher_text, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA::PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING) else cipher_text end end def self.uuid RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' ? "_#{@@uuid_generator.generate}" : "_#{SecureRandom.uuid}" end # Given two strings, attempt to match them as URIs using Rails' parse method. If they can be parsed, # then the fully-qualified domain name and the host should performa a case-insensitive match, per the # RFC for URIs. If Rails can not parse the string in to URL pieces, return a boolean match of the # two strings. This maintains the previous functionality. # @return [Boolean] def self.uri_match?(destination_url, settings_url) dest_uri = URI.parse(destination_url) acs_uri = URI.parse(settings_url) if dest_uri.scheme.nil? || acs_uri.scheme.nil? || dest_uri.host.nil? || acs_uri.host.nil? raise URI::InvalidURIError else dest_uri.scheme.downcase == acs_uri.scheme.downcase && dest_uri.host.downcase == acs_uri.host.downcase && dest_uri.path == acs_uri.path && dest_uri.query == acs_uri.query end rescue URI::InvalidURIError original_uri_match?(destination_url, settings_url) end # If Rails' URI.parse can't match to valid URL, default back to the original matching service. # @return [Boolean] def self.original_uri_match?(destination_url, settings_url) destination_url == settings_url end # Given a REXML::Element instance, return the concatenation of all child text nodes. Assumes # that there all children other than text nodes can be ignored (e.g. comments). If nil is # passed, nil will be returned. def self.element_text(element) element.texts.map(&:value).join if element end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "bristle/types" require "bristle/util/dry_extensions" require "bristle/util/dsl" using Bristle::Util::DryExtensions module Bristle module Util module Dsl # Accessor base class class Accessor attr_reader :name attr_reader :type attr_reader :access_method attr_reader :set_method attr_reader :default_method attr_reader :variable attr_reader :singular_name def initialize(name:, type:) @name = NAME_TYPE[name] @type = TYPE_TYPE[type] @access_method = name @set_method = :"#{@name}=" @default_method = :"default_#{@name}" @variable = :"@#{@name}" @singular_name = INFLECTOR.singularize(@name).to_sym end def define(target:) setup(target: target) @converter&.setup(target: target, accessor: self) end def setup(target:) raise NotImplementedError, "Subclasses must implement" end def configure(target:, value:) raise NotImplementedError, "Subclasses must implement" end def access_value(target:, value: EMPTY) if value.equal?(EMPTY) result = target.instance_variable_get(variable) if result.nil? default_value(target: target) else result end else target.send(set_method, value) end end def default_value(target:) if target.respond_to?(default_method, true) target.instance_variable_set(variable, target.send(default_method)) end end def set_value(target:, value:) target.instance_variable_set(variable, type[value]) end end end end end
# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values. # The data can then be loaded with the rails db:seed command (or created alongside the database with db:setup). # # Examples: # # movies = Movie.create([{ name: 'Star Wars' }, { name: 'Lord of the Rings' }]) # Character.create(name: 'Luke', movie: movies.first) puts "Cadastrando Categorias ... " categories = [ "Animais e acessórios", "Esportes", "Para sua casa", "Eletrônicos e celulares", "Música e hobbies", "Veículos e barcos", "Imóveis", "Empregos e negócios"] categories.each do |c| Category.find_or_create_by(description: c) end puts "Categorias cadastradas com sucesso ... " ############################## CADASTRO DE ADMINISTRADOR PADRÃO ###### puts "Cadstrando Administrador padrão do sistema" Admin.create!(name:"Admin Padrão", email: "[email protected]", password:"123456", password_confirmation:"123456", role:0) puts "Administrador padrão do sistema cadastrado com sucesso..." puts "Login: [email protected]" puts "Senha: 123456" ############################## CADASTRO DE MEMBRO PADRÃO ###### puts "Cadstrando membro padrão do sistema" Member.create!(email: "[email protected]", password:"123456", password_confirmation:"123456") puts "Membro padrão do sistema cadastrado com sucesso..." puts "Login: [email protected]" puts "Senha: 123456"
class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change create_table :posts do |t| t.integer :user_id t.integer :category_id t.string :content t.integer :uplifts t.timestamps end end end
require 'gh' require 'uri' module Travis::API::V3 class GitHub def self.config @config ||= Travis::Config.load end EVENTS = %i(push pull_request issue_comment public member create delete repository) DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { client_id: config.oauth2.try(:client_id), client_secret: config.oauth2.try(:client_secret), scopes: config.oauth2.try(:scope).to_s.split(?,), user_agent: "Travis-API/3 Travis-CI/0.0.1 GH/#{GH::VERSION}", origin: config.host, api_url: config.github.api_url, web_url: config.github.api_url.gsub(%r{\A(https?://)(?:api\.)?([^/]+)(?:/.*)?\Z}, '\1\2'), ssl: config.ssl.to_h.merge(config.github.ssl || {}).compact } private_constant :DEFAULT_OPTIONS HOOKS_URL = "repositories/%i/hooks" private_constant :HOOKS_URL def self.client_config { api_url: DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:api_url], web_url: DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:web_url], scopes: DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:scopes] } end attr_reader :gh, :user def initialize(user = nil, token = nil) if user.respond_to? :github_oauth_token raise ServerError, 'no GitHub token for user' if user.github_oauth_token.blank? token = user.github_oauth_token end @user = user @gh = GH.with(token: token, **DEFAULT_OPTIONS) end def set_hook(repo, active) set_webhook(repo, active) deactivate_service_hook(repo) if Travis.config.enterprise end def upload_key(repository) keys_path = "repositories/#{repository.github_id}/keys" key = gh[keys_path].detect { |e| e['key'] == repository.key.encoded_public_key } unless key gh.post keys_path, { title: Travis.config.host.to_s, key: repository.key.encoded_public_key, read_only: !Travis::Features.owner_active?(:read_write_github_keys, repository.owner) } end end def set_webhook(repo, active) payload = { name: 'web'.freeze, events: EVENTS, active: active, config: { url: service_hook_url.to_s, insecure_ssl: insecure_ssl? } } if url = webhook_url?(repo) info("Updating webhook repo=%s github_id=%i active=%s" % [repo.slug, repo.github_id, active]) gh.patch(url, payload) else hooks_url = HOOKS_URL % [repo.github_id] info("Creating webhook repo=%s github_id=%i active=%s" % [repo.slug, repo.github_id, active]) gh.post(hooks_url, payload) end end def deactivate_service_hook(repo) if url = service_hook_url?(repo) info("Deactivating service hook repo=%s github_id=%i" % [repo.slug, repo.github_id]) # Have to update events here too, to avoid old hooks failing validation gh.patch(url, { events: EVENTS, active: false }) end end def service_hook(repo) hooks(repo).detect { |h| h['name'] == 'travis' && h.dig('config', 'domain') == service_hook_url.host } end def service_hook_url?(repo) if hook = service_hook(repo) hook.dig('_links', 'self', 'href') end end def webhook(repo) hooks(repo).detect do |h| h['name'] == 'web' && URI(h.dig('config', 'url')) == service_hook_url end end def webhook_url?(repo) if hook = webhook(repo) hook.dig('_links', 'self', 'href') end end def hooks(repo) gh[HOOKS_URL % [repo.github_id]] end def service_hook_url url = Travis.config.service_hook_url || '' url.prepend('https://') unless url.starts_with?('https://', 'http://') URI(url) end def info(msg) Travis.logger.info(msg) end private def insecure_ssl? Travis.config.ssl.to_h.key?(:verify) && Travis.config.ssl.to_h[:verify] == false end end end
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. name 'cpe_bluetooth' maintainer 'Facebook' maintainer_email '[email protected]' license 'Apache-2.0' description 'Manages Bluetooth settings / profile' long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md')) version '0.1.0' supports 'mac_os_x' depends 'fb_helpers' depends 'cpe_profiles'
require 'Gosu' require_relative '../lib/tree.rb' require_relative '../lib/calendar.rb' require_relative '../lib/cursor.rb' require_relative '../lib/maple.rb' require_relative '../lib/menu.rb' require_relative '../lib/menu_item.rb' require 'pry'
share_examples_for 'A semipublic Property' do before :all do %w[ @type @name @value @other_value ].each do |ivar| raise "+#{ivar}+ should be defined in before block" unless instance_variable_defined?(ivar) end module ::Blog class Article include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial end end @model = Blog::Article @options ||= {} @property = @type.new(@model, @name, @options) end describe '.new' do describe 'when provided no options' do it 'should return a Property' do @property.should be_kind_of(@type) end it 'should set the primitive' do @property.primitive.should be(@type.primitive) end it 'should set the model' do @property.model.should equal(@model) end it 'should set the options to the default' do @property.options.should == @type.options.merge(@options) end end [ :index, :unique_index, :unique, :lazy ].each do |attribute| [ true, false, :title, [ :title ] ].each do |value| describe "when provided #{(options = { attribute => value }).inspect}" do before :all do @property = @type.new(@model, @name, @options.merge(options)) end it 'should return a Property' do @property.should be_kind_of(@type) end it 'should set the model' do @property.model.should equal(@model) end it 'should set the primitive' do @property.primitive.should be(@type.primitive) end it "should set the options to #{options.inspect}" do @property.options.should == @type.options.merge(@options.merge(options)) end end end [ [], nil ].each do |value| describe "when provided #{(invalid_options = { attribute => value }).inspect}" do it 'should raise an exception' do lambda { @type.new(@model, @name, @options.merge(invalid_options)) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "options[#{attribute.inspect}] must be either true, false, a Symbol or an Array of Symbols") end end end end end describe '#load' do subject { @property.load(@value) } before do @property.should_receive(:typecast).with(@value).and_return(@value) end it { should eql(@value) } end describe "#typecast" do describe "when is able to do typecasting on it's own" do it 'delegates all the work to the type' do return_value = mock(@other_value) @property.should_receive(:typecast_to_primitive).with(@invalid_value).and_return(return_value) @property.typecast(@invalid_value) end end describe 'when value is nil' do it 'returns value unchanged' do @property.typecast(nil).should be(nil) end describe 'when value is a Ruby primitive' do it 'returns value unchanged' do @property.typecast(@value).should == @value end end end end describe '#valid?' do describe 'when provided a valid value' do it 'should return true' do @property.valid?(@value).should be(true) end end describe 'when provide an invalid value' do it 'should return false' do @property.valid?(@invalid_value).should be(false) end end describe 'when provide a nil value when required' do it 'should return false' do @property = @type.new(@model, @name, @options.merge(:required => true)) @property.valid?(nil).should be(false) end end describe 'when provide a nil value when not required' do it 'should return false' do @property = @type.new(@model, @name, @options.merge(:required => false)) @property.valid?(nil).should be(true) end end end end
module ActiveRecord module ClassMethods alias _new_without_sti_type_cast new def new(*args, &block) _new_without_sti_type_cast(*args, &block).cast_to_current_sti_type end def base_class unless self < Base raise ActiveRecordError, "#{name} doesn't descend from ActiveRecord" end if superclass == Base || superclass.abstract_class? self else superclass.base_class end end def abstract_class? defined?(@abstract_class) && @abstract_class == true end def primary_key @primary_key_value ||= (self == base_class) ? :id : base_class.primary_key end def primary_key=(val) @primary_key_value = val.to_s end def inheritance_column return nil if @no_inheritance_column @inheritance_column_value ||= if self == base_class @inheritance_column_value || 'type' else superclass.inheritance_column.tap { |v| @no_inheritance_column = !v } end end def inheritance_column=(name) @no_inheritance_column = !name @inheritance_column_value = name end def model_name @model_name ||= ActiveModel::Name.new(self) end def __hyperstack_preprocess_attrs(attrs) if inheritance_column && self < base_class && !attrs.key?(inheritance_column) attrs = attrs.merge(inheritance_column => model_name.to_s) end dealiased_attrs = {} attrs.each { |attr, value| dealiased_attrs[_dealias_attribute(attr)] = value } end def find(id) find_by(primary_key => id) end def find_by(attrs = {}) attrs = __hyperstack_preprocess_attrs(attrs) # r = ReactiveRecord::Base.find_locally(self, attrs, new_only: true) # return r.ar_instance if r (r = __hyperstack_internal_scoped_find_by(attrs)) || return r.backing_record.sync_attributes(attrs).set_ar_instance! end def enum(*args) # when we implement schema validation we should also implement value checking end def serialize(attr, *args) ReactiveRecord::Base.serialized?[self][attr] = true end def _dealias_attribute(new) if self == base_class _attribute_aliases[new] || new else _attribute_aliases[new] ||= superclass._dealias_attribute(new) end end def _attribute_aliases @_attribute_aliases ||= {} end def alias_attribute(new_name, old_name) ['', '=', '_changed?'].each do |variant| define_method("#{new_name}#{variant}") { |*args, &block| send("#{old_name}#{variant}", *args, &block) } end _attribute_aliases[new_name] = old_name end # ignore any of these methods if they get called on the client. This list should be trimmed down to include only # methods to be called as "macros" such as :after_create, etc... SERVER_METHODS = [ :regulate_relationship, :regulate_scope, :attribute_type_decorations, :defined_enums, :_validators, :timestamped_migrations, :lock_optimistically, :lock_optimistically=, :local_stored_attributes=, :lock_optimistically?, :attribute_aliases?, :attribute_method_matchers?, :defined_enums?, :has_many_without_reactive_record_add_changed_method, :has_many_with_reactive_record_add_changed_method, :belongs_to_without_reactive_record_add_changed_method, :belongs_to_with_reactive_record_add_changed_method, :cache_timestamp_format, :composed_of_with_reactive_record_add_changed_method, :schema_format, :schema_format=, :error_on_ignored_order_or_limit, :error_on_ignored_order_or_limit=, :timestamped_migrations=, :dump_schema_after_migration, :dump_schema_after_migration=, :dump_schemas, :dump_schemas=, :warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than=, :belongs_to_required_by_default, :default_connection_handler, :connection_handler=, :default_connection_handler=, :skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes, :skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes=, :time_zone_aware_types, :time_zone_aware_types=, :protected_environments, :skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes?, :time_zone_aware_types?, :partial_writes, :partial_writes=, :composed_of_without_reactive_record_add_changed_method, :logger, :partial_writes?, :after_initialize, :record_timestamps, :record_timestamps=, :after_find, :after_touch, :before_save, :around_save, :belongs_to_required_by_default=, :default_connection_handler?, :before_create, :around_create, :before_update, :around_update, :after_save, :before_destroy, :around_destroy, :after_create, :after_destroy, :after_update, :_validation_callbacks, :_validation_callbacks?, :_validation_callbacks=, :_initialize_callbacks, :_initialize_callbacks?, :_initialize_callbacks=, :_find_callbacks, :_find_callbacks?, :_find_callbacks=, :_touch_callbacks, :_touch_callbacks?, :_touch_callbacks=, :_save_callbacks, :_save_callbacks?, :_save_callbacks=, :_create_callbacks, :_create_callbacks?, :_create_callbacks=, :_update_callbacks, :_update_callbacks?, :_update_callbacks=, :_destroy_callbacks, :_destroy_callbacks?, :_destroy_callbacks=, :record_timestamps?, :pre_synchromesh_scope, :pre_synchromesh_default_scope, :do_not_synchronize, :do_not_synchronize?, :logger=, :maintain_test_schema, :maintain_test_schema=, :scope, :time_zone_aware_attributes, :time_zone_aware_attributes=, :default_timezone, :default_timezone=, :_attr_readonly, :warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than, :configurations, :configurations=, :_attr_readonly?, :table_name_prefix=, :table_name_suffix=, :schema_migrations_table_name=, :internal_metadata_table_name, :internal_metadata_table_name=, :primary_key_prefix_type, :_attr_readonly=, :pluralize_table_names=, :protected_environments=, :ignored_columns=, :ignored_columns, :index_nested_attribute_errors, :index_nested_attribute_errors=, :primary_key_prefix_type=, :table_name_prefix?, :table_name_suffix?, :schema_migrations_table_name?, :internal_metadata_table_name?, :protected_environments?, :pluralize_table_names?, :ignored_columns?, :store_full_sti_class, :store_full_sti_class=, :nested_attributes_options, :nested_attributes_options=, :store_full_sti_class?, :default_scopes, :default_scope_override, :default_scopes=, :default_scope_override=, :nested_attributes_options?, :cache_timestamp_format=, :cache_timestamp_format?, :reactive_record_association_keys, :_validators=, :has_many, :belongs_to, :composed_of, :belongs_to_without_reactive_record_add_is_method, :_rollback_callbacks, :_commit_callbacks, :_before_commit_callbacks, :attribute_type_decorations=, :_commit_callbacks=, :_commit_callbacks?, :_before_commit_callbacks?, :_before_commit_callbacks=, :_rollback_callbacks=, :_before_commit_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks?, :_before_commit_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks=, :_commit_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks, :_commit_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks?, :_commit_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks=, :_rollback_callbacks?, :_rollback_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks?, :_rollback_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks=, :_rollback_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks, :_before_commit_without_transaction_enrollment_callbacks, :aggregate_reflections, :_reflections=, :aggregate_reflections=, :pluralize_table_names, :public_columns_hash, :attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads, :attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads=, :table_name_suffix, :schema_migrations_table_name, :attribute_aliases, :attribute_method_matchers, :connection_handler, :attribute_aliases=, :attribute_method_matchers=, :_validate_callbacks, :_validate_callbacks?, :_validate_callbacks=, :_validators?, :_reflections?, :aggregate_reflections?, :include_root_in_json, :_reflections, :include_root_in_json=, :include_root_in_json?, :local_stored_attributes, :default_scope, :table_name_prefix, :attributes_to_define_after_schema_loads?, :attribute_type_decorations?, :defined_enums=, :suppress, :has_secure_token, :generate_unique_secure_token, :store, :store_accessor, :_store_accessors_module, :stored_attributes, :reflect_on_aggregation, :reflect_on_all_aggregations, :_reflect_on_association, :reflect_on_all_associations, :clear_reflections_cache, :reflections, :reflect_on_association, :reflect_on_all_autosave_associations, :no_touching, :transaction, :after_commit, :after_rollback, :before_commit, :before_commit_without_transaction_enrollment, :after_create_commit, :after_update_commit, :after_destroy_commit, :after_commit_without_transaction_enrollment, :after_rollback_without_transaction_enrollment, :raise_in_transactional_callbacks, :raise_in_transactional_callbacks=, :accepts_nested_attributes_for, :has_secure_password, :has_one, :has_and_belongs_to_many, :before_validation, :after_validation, :serialize, :primary_key, :dangerous_attribute_method?, :get_primary_key, :quoted_primary_key, :define_method_attribute, :reset_primary_key, :primary_key=, :define_method_attribute=, :attribute_names, :initialize_generated_modules, :column_for_attribute, :define_attribute_methods, :undefine_attribute_methods, :instance_method_already_implemented?, :method_defined_within?, :dangerous_class_method?, :class_method_defined_within?, :attribute_method?, :has_attribute?, :generated_attribute_methods, :attribute_method_prefix, :attribute_method_suffix, :attribute_method_affix, :attribute_alias?, :attribute_alias, :define_attribute_method, :update_counters, :locking_enabled?, :locking_column, :locking_column=, :reset_locking_column, :decorate_attribute_type, :decorate_matching_attribute_types, :attribute, :define_attribute, :reset_counters, :increment_counter, :decrement_counter, :validates_absence_of, :validates_length_of, :validates_size_of, :validates_presence_of, :validates_associated, :validates_uniqueness_of, :validates_acceptance_of, :validates_confirmation_of, :validates_exclusion_of, :validates_format_of, :validates_inclusion_of, :validates_numericality_of, :define_callbacks, :normalize_callback_params, :__update_callbacks, :get_callbacks, :set_callback, :set_callbacks, :skip_callback, :reset_callbacks, :deprecated_false_terminator, :define_model_callbacks, :validate, :validators, :validates_each, :validates_with, :clear_validators!, :validators_on, :validates, :_validates_default_keys, :_parse_validates_options, :validates!, :_to_partial_path, :sanitize, :sanitize_sql, :sanitize_conditions, :quote_value, :sanitize_sql_for_conditions, :sanitize_sql_array, :sanitize_sql_for_assignment, :sanitize_sql_hash_for_assignment, :sanitize_sql_for_order, :expand_hash_conditions_for_aggregates, :sanitize_sql_like, :replace_named_bind_variables, :replace_bind_variables, :raise_if_bind_arity_mismatch, :replace_bind_variable, :quote_bound_value, :all, :default_scoped, :valid_scope_name?, :scope_attributes?, :before_remove_const, :ignore_default_scope?, :unscoped, :build_default_scope, :evaluate_default_scope, :ignore_default_scope=, :current_scope, :current_scope=, :scope_attributes, :base_class, :abstract_class?, :finder_needs_type_condition?, :sti_name, :descends_from_active_record?, :abstract_class, :compute_type, :abstract_class=, :table_name, :columns, :table_exists?, :columns_hash, :column_names, :attribute_types, :prefetch_primary_key?, :sequence_name, :quoted_table_name, :_default_attributes, :type_for_attribute, :inheritance_column, :attributes_builder, :inheritance_column=, :reset_table_name, :table_name=, :reset_column_information, :full_table_name_prefix, :full_table_name_suffix, :reset_sequence_name, :sequence_name=, :next_sequence_value, :column_defaults, :content_columns, :readonly_attributes, :attr_readonly, :create, :create!, :instantiate, :find, :type_caster, :arel_table, :find_by, :find_by!, :initialize_find_by_cache, :generated_association_methods, :arel_engine, :arel_attribute, :predicate_builder, :collection_cache_key, :relation_delegate_class, :initialize_relation_delegate_cache, :enum, :collecting_queries_for_explain, :exec_explain, :i18n_scope, :lookup_ancestors, :human_attribute_name, :references, :uniq, :maximum, :none, :exists?, :second, :limit, :order, :eager_load, :update, :delete_all, :destroy, :ids, :many?, :pluck, :third, :delete, :fourth, :fifth, :forty_two, :second_to_last, :third_to_last, :preload, :sum, :take!, :first!, :last!, :second!, :offset, :select, :fourth!, :third!, :third_to_last!, :fifth!, :where, :first_or_create, :second_to_last!, :forty_two!, :first, :having, :any?, :one?, :none?, :find_or_create_by, :from, :first_or_create!, :first_or_initialize, :except, :find_or_create_by!, :find_or_initialize_by, :includes, :destroy_all, :update_all, :or, :find_in_batches, :take, :joins, :find_each, :last, :in_batches, :reorder, :group, :left_joins, :left_outer_joins, :rewhere, :readonly, :create_with, :distinct, :unscope, :calculate, :average, :count_by_sql, :minimum, :lock, :find_by_sql, :count, :cache, :uncached, :connection, :connection_pool, :establish_connection, :connected?, :clear_cache!, :clear_reloadable_connections!, :connection_id, :connection_config, :clear_all_connections!, :remove_connection, :connection_specification_name, :connection_specification_name=, :retrieve_connection, :connection_id=, :clear_active_connections!, :sqlite3_connection, :direct_descendants, :benchmark, :model_name, :with_options, :attr_protected, :attr_accessible ] def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if args.count == 1 && name.start_with?("find_by_") && !block find_by(name.sub(/^find_by_/, '') => args[0]) elsif [].respond_to?(name) all.send(name, *args, &block) elsif name.end_with?('!') send(name.chop, *args, &block).send(:reload_from_db) rescue nil elsif !SERVER_METHODS.include?(name) raise "#{self.name}.#{name}(#{args}) (called class method missing)" end end # client side AR # Any method that can be applied to an array will be applied to the result # of all instead. # Any method ending with ! just means apply the method after forcing a reload # from the DB. def create(*args, &block) new(*args).save(&block) end def scope(name, *args) opts = _synchromesh_scope_args_check(args) scope_description = ReactiveRecord::ScopeDescription.new(self, name, opts) singleton_class.send(:define_method, name) do |*vargs| all.build_child_scope(scope_description, *name, *vargs) end end def default_scope(*args, &block) opts = _synchromesh_scope_args_check([*block, *args]) @_default_scopes ||= [] @_default_scopes << opts end def all ReactiveRecord::Base.default_scope[self] ||= begin root = ReactiveRecord::Collection .new(self, nil, nil, self, 'all') .extend(ReactiveRecord::UnscopedCollection) (@_default_scopes || [{ client: _all_filter }]).inject(root) do |scope, opts| scope.build_child_scope(ReactiveRecord::ScopeDescription.new(self, :all, opts)) end end end def _all_filter # provides a filter for the all scopes taking into account STI subclasses # note: within the lambda `self` will be the model instance defining_class_is_base_class = base_class == self defining_model_name = model_name.to_s lambda do # have to delay computation of inheritance column since it might # not be defined when class is first defined ic = self.class.inheritance_column defining_class_is_base_class || !ic || self[ic] == defining_model_name end end def unscoped ReactiveRecord::Base.unscoped[self] ||= ReactiveRecord::Collection .new(self, nil, nil, self, 'unscoped') .extend(ReactiveRecord::UnscopedCollection) end def finder_method(name) ReactiveRecord::ScopeDescription.new(self, "_#{name}", {}) [name, "#{name}!"].each do |method| singleton_class.send(:define_method, method) do |*vargs| collection = all.apply_scope("_#{method}", *vargs) collection.first end end end def abstract_class=(val) @abstract_class = val end # def scope(name, body) # singleton_class.send(:define_method, name) do | *args | # args = (args.count == 0) ? name : [name, *args] # ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[args] ||= ReactiveRecord::Collection.new(self, nil, nil, self, args) # end # singleton_class.send(:define_method, "#{name}=") do |collection| # ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[name] = collection # end # end # def all # ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[:all] ||= ReactiveRecord::Collection.new(self, nil, nil, self, "all") # end # # def all=(collection) # ReactiveRecord::Base.class_scopes(self)[:all] = collection # end [:belongs_to, :has_many, :has_one].each do |macro| define_method(macro) do |*args| # is this a bug in opal? saying name, scope=nil, opts={} does not work! name = args.first opts = (args.count > 1 and args.last.is_a? Hash) ? args.last : {} assoc = Associations::AssociationReflection.new(self, macro, name, opts) if macro == :has_many define_method(name) { @backing_record.get_has_many(assoc, nil) } define_method("#{name}=") { |val| @backing_record.set_has_many(assoc, val) } else define_method(name) { @backing_record.get_belongs_to(assoc, nil) } define_method("#{name}=") { |val| @backing_record.set_belongs_to(assoc, val) } end assoc end end def composed_of(name, opts = {}) reflection = Aggregations::AggregationReflection.new(base_class, :composed_of, name, opts) if reflection.klass < ActiveRecord::Base define_method(name) { @backing_record.get_ar_aggregate(reflection, nil) } define_method("#{name}=") { |val| @backing_record.set_ar_aggregate(reflection, val) } else define_method(name) { @backing_record.get_non_ar_aggregate(name, nil) } define_method("#{name}=") { |val| @backing_record.set_non_ar_aggregate(reflection, val) } end end def column_names ReactiveRecord::Base.public_columns_hash.keys end def columns_hash ReactiveRecord::Base.public_columns_hash[name] || {} end def server_methods @server_methods ||= {} end def server_method(name, default: nil) server_methods[name] = { default: default } define_method(name) do |*args| vector = args.count.zero? ? name : [[name] + args] @backing_record.get_server_method(vector, nil) end define_method("#{name}!") do |*args| vector = args.count.zero? ? name : [[name] + args] @backing_record.get_server_method(vector, true) end end def define_attribute_methods columns_hash.each do |name, column_hash| next if name == primary_key define_method(name) { @backing_record.get_attr_value(name, nil) } define_method("#{name}!") { @backing_record.get_attr_value(name, true) } define_method("#{name}=") { |val| @backing_record.set_attr_value(name, val) } define_method("#{name}_changed?") { @backing_record.changed?(name) } define_method("#{name}?") { @backing_record.get_attr_value(name, nil).present? } end self.inheritance_column = nil if inheritance_column && !columns_hash.key?(inheritance_column) end def _react_param_conversion(param, opt = nil) param = Native(param) param = JSON.from_object(param.to_n) if param.is_a? Native::Object result = if param.is_a? self param elsif param.is_a? Hash if opt == :validate_only klass = ReactiveRecord::Base.infer_type_from_hash(self, param) klass == self || klass < self else # TODO: investigate saving .changes here and then replacing the # TODO: changes after the load is complete. In other words preserve the # TODO: changed values as changes while just updating the synced values. target = if param[primary_key] ReactiveRecord::Base.find(self, primary_key => param[primary_key]).tap do |r| r.backing_record.loaded_id = param[primary_key] end else new end associations = reflect_on_all_associations already_processed_keys = Set.new old_param = param.dup param = param.collect do |key, value| next if already_processed_keys.include? key model_name = model_id = nil assoc = associations.detect do |poly_assoc| if key == poly_assoc.polymorphic_type_attribute model_name = value already_processed_keys << poly_assoc.association_foreign_key elsif key == poly_assoc.association_foreign_key model_id = value already_processed_keys << poly_assoc.polymorphic_type_attribute end end if assoc if !value [assoc.attribute, [nil]] elsif assoc.polymorphic? model_id ||= param.detect { |k, *| k == assoc.association_foreign_key }&.last model_id ||= target.send(assoc.attribute)&.id if model_id.nil? raise "Error in #{self.name}._react_param_conversion. \n"\ "Could not determine the id of #{assoc.attribute} of #{target.inspect}.\n"\ "It was not provided in the conversion data, "\ "and it is unknown on the client" end model_name ||= param.detect { |k, *| k == assoc.polymorphic_type_attribute }&.last model_name ||= target.send(assoc.polymorphic_type_attribute) unless Object.const_defined?(model_name) raise "Error in #{self.name}._react_param_conversion. \n"\ "Could not determine the type of #{assoc.attribute} of #{target.inspect}.\n"\ "It was not provided in the conversion data, "\ "and it is unknown on the client" end [assoc.attribute, { id: [model_id], model_name: [model_name] }] else [assoc.attribute, { id: [value]}] end else [key, [value]] end end.compact ReactiveRecord::Base.load_data do ReactiveRecord::ServerDataCache.load_from_json(Hash[param], target) end target.cast_to_current_sti_type end end result end end end
# encoding: utf-8 module Mutx module Support module Clean def self.start Mutx::Results.reset! Mutx::Support::FilesCleanner.delete_all_mutx_reports Mutx::Support::FilesCleanner.delete_all_console_output_files end end end end
require 'spec_helper' describe Squib::Deck do context '#xlsx' do it 'loads basic xlsx data' do expect(Squib.xlsx(file: xlsx_file('basic.xlsx')).to_h).to eq({ 'Name' => %w(Larry Curly Mo), 'General Number' => %w(1 2 3), # general types always get loaded as strings with no conversion 'Actual Number' => [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], # numbers get auto-converted to integers }) end it 'loads xlsx with formulas' do expect(Squib.xlsx(file: xlsx_file('formulas.xlsx')).to_h).to eq({ 'A' => %w(1 2), 'B' => %w(3 4), 'Sum' => %w(4 6), }) end it 'loads xlsm files with macros' do expect(Squib.xlsx(file: xlsx_file('with_macros.xlsm')).to_h).to eq({ 'foo' => %w(8 10), 'bar' => %w(9 11), }) end it 'strips whitespace by default' do expect(Squib.xlsx(file: xlsx_file('whitespace.xlsx')).to_h).to eq({ 'With Whitespace' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], }) end it 'does not strip whitespace when specified' do expect(Squib.xlsx(file: xlsx_file('whitespace.xlsx'), strip: false).to_h).to eq({ ' With Whitespace ' => ['foo ', ' bar', ' baz '], }) end it 'yields to block when given' do data = Squib.xlsx(file: xlsx_file('basic.xlsx')) do |header, value| case header when 'Name' 'he' when 'Actual Number' value * 2 else 'ha' end end expect(data.to_h).to eq({ 'Name' => %w(he he he), 'General Number' => %w(ha ha ha), 'Actual Number' => [8.0, 10.0, 12.0], }) end it 'explodes quantities' do expect(Squib.xlsx(explode: 'Quantity', file: xlsx_file('explode_quantities.xlsx')).to_h).to eq({ 'Name' => ['Zergling', 'Zergling', 'Zergling', 'High Templar'], 'Quantity' => %w(3 3 3 1), }) end end end
lib = File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'peregrin/version' spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'peregrin' s.version = Peregrin::VERSION s.summary = "Peregrin - ebook conversion" s.description = "Peregrin converts EPUBs, Zhooks and Ochooks." s.author = "Joseph Pearson" s.email = "[email protected]" s.homepage = "http://ochook.org/peregrin" s.rubyforge_project = "nowarning" s.files = Dir['*.txt'] + Dir['bin/*'] + Dir['lib/**/*.rb'] + Dir['test/**/*.rb'] s.executables = ["peregrin"] s.require_path = 'lib' s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = ['README.md', 'MIT-LICENSE'] s.rdoc_options += [ '--title', 'Peregrin', '--main', 'README.md' ] s.add_dependency('nokogiri', '~> 1.5.10') s.add_dependency('zipruby') s.add_dependency('mime-types') s.add_development_dependency("rake") end
class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in) if user.admin? can :manage, :all else #creator can manage list/chores/invites #list admin can manage chores can :manage, List, creator_id: user.id can :read, List do |list| list.users.include?(user) end can :join, :all can :leave_list, List do |list| list.users.include?(user) end can :complete, Chore do |chore| user.chores.include?(chore) end can :read, Chore do |chore| user.chores.include?(chore) end can :manage, Chore, :list => { :creator_id => user.id } can :manage, Invite, :list => { :creator_id => user.id } can :edit, List do |list| List.check_admin?(list, user) end can :manage, Chore do |chore| List.check_admin?(List.find_by(id: chore.list_id), user) end can :update, AdminUser do |admin_user| admin_user.role.to_sym == :node_moderator || admin_user.id == admin.id end end # https://github.com/ryanb/cancan/wiki/Defining-Abilities end end
class City < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :trips has_many :users, through: :trips belongs_to :country validates :name, :travel_advice, :tourist_rating, :presence => true end
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'date' require 'google/apis/core/base_service' require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' require 'google/apis/core/hashable' require 'google/apis/errors' module Google module Apis module VisionV1 # External image source (Google Cloud Storage image location). class ImageSource include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Google Cloud Storage image URI, which must be in the following form: # `gs://bucket_name/object_name` (for details, see # [Google Cloud Storage Request URIs](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/ # reference-uris)). # NOTE: Cloud Storage object versioning is not supported. # Corresponds to the JSON property `gcsImageUri` # @return [String] attr_accessor :gcs_image_uri def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @gcs_image_uri = args[:gcs_image_uri] if args.key?(:gcs_image_uri) end end # Request for performing Google Cloud Vision API tasks over a user-provided # image, with user-requested features. class AnnotateImageRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Client image to perform Google Cloud Vision API tasks over. # Corresponds to the JSON property `image` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::Image] attr_accessor :image # Image context and/or feature-specific parameters. # Corresponds to the JSON property `imageContext` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::ImageContext] attr_accessor :image_context # Requested features. # Corresponds to the JSON property `features` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::Feature>] attr_accessor :features def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @image = args[:image] if args.key?(:image) @image_context = args[:image_context] if args.key?(:image_context) @features = args[:features] if args.key?(:features) end end # Response to an image annotation request. class AnnotateImageResponse include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # If present, label detection has completed successfully. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelAnnotations` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::EntityAnnotation>] attr_accessor :label_annotations # If present, landmark detection has completed successfully. # Corresponds to the JSON property `landmarkAnnotations` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::EntityAnnotation>] attr_accessor :landmark_annotations # If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully. # Corresponds to the JSON property `safeSearchAnnotation` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::SafeSearchAnnotation] attr_accessor :safe_search_annotation # Stores image properties, such as dominant colors. # Corresponds to the JSON property `imagePropertiesAnnotation` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::ImageProperties] attr_accessor :image_properties_annotation # If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully. # Corresponds to the JSON property `textAnnotations` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::EntityAnnotation>] attr_accessor :text_annotations # If present, logo detection has completed successfully. # Corresponds to the JSON property `logoAnnotations` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::EntityAnnotation>] attr_accessor :logo_annotations # If present, face detection has completed successfully. # Corresponds to the JSON property `faceAnnotations` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::FaceAnnotation>] attr_accessor :face_annotations # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by # [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be: # - Simple to use and understand for most users # - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs # # Overview # The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, # and error details. The error code should be an enum value of # google.rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The # error message should be a developer-facing English message that helps # developers *understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing # error message is needed, put the localized message in the error details or # localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary # information about the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types # in the package `google.rpc` which can be used for common error conditions. # # Language mapping # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C. # # Other uses # The error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of # environments, either with or without APIs, to provide a # consistent developer experience across different environments. # Example uses of this error model include: # - Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client, # it may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial # errors. # - Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may # have a `Status` message for error reporting purpose. # - Batch operations. If a client uses batch request and batch response, the # `Status` message should be used directly inside batch response, one for # each error sub-response. # - Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation # results in its response, the status of those operations should be # represented directly using the `Status` message. # - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, the message `Status` could # be used directly after any stripping needed for security/privacy reasons. # Corresponds to the JSON property `error` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::Status] attr_accessor :error def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @label_annotations = args[:label_annotations] if args.key?(:label_annotations) @landmark_annotations = args[:landmark_annotations] if args.key?(:landmark_annotations) @safe_search_annotation = args[:safe_search_annotation] if args.key?(:safe_search_annotation) @image_properties_annotation = args[:image_properties_annotation] if args.key?(:image_properties_annotation) @text_annotations = args[:text_annotations] if args.key?(:text_annotations) @logo_annotations = args[:logo_annotations] if args.key?(:logo_annotations) @face_annotations = args[:face_annotations] if args.key?(:face_annotations) @error = args[:error] if args.key?(:error) end end # Rectangle determined by min and max `LatLng` pairs. class LatLongRect include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair # of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless # specified otherwise, this must conform to the # <a href="http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/icg/2012/template/WGS_84.pdf">WGS84 # standard</a>. Values must be within normalized ranges. # Example of normalization code in Python: # def NormalizeLongitude(longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees longitude to [-180.0, 180.0].""" # q, r = divmod(longitude, 360.0) # if r > 180.0 or (r == 180.0 and q <= -1.0): # return r - 360.0 # return r # def NormalizeLatLng(latitude, longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees latitude and longitude to # [-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0], respectively.""" # r = latitude % 360.0 # if r <= 90.0: # return r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # elif r >= 270.0: # return r - 360, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # else: # return 180 - r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude + 180.0) # assert 180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(180.0) # assert -180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(-180.0) # assert -179.0 == NormalizeLongitude(181.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(360.0, 0.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-360.0, 0.0) # assert (85.0, 180.0) == NormalizeLatLng(95.0, 0.0) # assert (-85.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-95.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(90.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, -10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-90.0, -10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-180.0, 10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(180.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(270.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-270.0, 10.0) # The code in logs/storage/validator/logs_validator_traits.cc treats this type # as if it were annotated as ST_LOCATION. # Corresponds to the JSON property `maxLatLng` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::LatLng] attr_accessor :max_lat_lng # An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair # of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless # specified otherwise, this must conform to the # <a href="http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/icg/2012/template/WGS_84.pdf">WGS84 # standard</a>. Values must be within normalized ranges. # Example of normalization code in Python: # def NormalizeLongitude(longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees longitude to [-180.0, 180.0].""" # q, r = divmod(longitude, 360.0) # if r > 180.0 or (r == 180.0 and q <= -1.0): # return r - 360.0 # return r # def NormalizeLatLng(latitude, longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees latitude and longitude to # [-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0], respectively.""" # r = latitude % 360.0 # if r <= 90.0: # return r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # elif r >= 270.0: # return r - 360, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # else: # return 180 - r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude + 180.0) # assert 180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(180.0) # assert -180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(-180.0) # assert -179.0 == NormalizeLongitude(181.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(360.0, 0.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-360.0, 0.0) # assert (85.0, 180.0) == NormalizeLatLng(95.0, 0.0) # assert (-85.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-95.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(90.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, -10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-90.0, -10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-180.0, 10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(180.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(270.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-270.0, 10.0) # The code in logs/storage/validator/logs_validator_traits.cc treats this type # as if it were annotated as ST_LOCATION. # Corresponds to the JSON property `minLatLng` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::LatLng] attr_accessor :min_lat_lng def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @max_lat_lng = args[:max_lat_lng] if args.key?(:max_lat_lng) @min_lat_lng = args[:min_lat_lng] if args.key?(:min_lat_lng) end end # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by # [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be: # - Simple to use and understand for most users # - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs # # Overview # The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, # and error details. The error code should be an enum value of # google.rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The # error message should be a developer-facing English message that helps # developers *understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing # error message is needed, put the localized message in the error details or # localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary # information about the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types # in the package `google.rpc` which can be used for common error conditions. # # Language mapping # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C. # # Other uses # The error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of # environments, either with or without APIs, to provide a # consistent developer experience across different environments. # Example uses of this error model include: # - Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client, # it may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial # errors. # - Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may # have a `Status` message for error reporting purpose. # - Batch operations. If a client uses batch request and batch response, the # `Status` message should be used directly inside batch response, one for # each error sub-response. # - Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation # results in its response, the status of those operations should be # represented directly using the `Status` message. # - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, the message `Status` could # be used directly after any stripping needed for security/privacy reasons. class Status include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code. # Corresponds to the JSON property `code` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :code # A list of messages that carry the error details. There will be a # common set of message types for APIs to use. # Corresponds to the JSON property `details` # @return [Array<Hash<String,Object>>] attr_accessor :details # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any # user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the # google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client. # Corresponds to the JSON property `message` # @return [String] attr_accessor :message def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @code = args[:code] if args.key?(:code) @details = args[:details] if args.key?(:details) @message = args[:message] if args.key?(:message) end end # A face annotation object contains the results of face detection. class FaceAnnotation include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is # pointing relative to the image's horizontal plane. Range [-180,180]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `tiltAngle` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :tilt_angle # Under-exposed likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `underExposedLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :under_exposed_likelihood # A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation. # Corresponds to the JSON property `fdBoundingPoly` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::BoundingPoly] attr_accessor :fd_bounding_poly # Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `landmarkingConfidence` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :landmarking_confidence # Joy likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `joyLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :joy_likelihood # Detection confidence. Range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `detectionConfidence` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :detection_confidence # Surprise likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `surpriseLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :surprise_likelihood # Anger likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `angerLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :anger_likelihood # Headwear likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `headwearLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :headwear_likelihood # Yaw angle, which indicates the leftward/rightward angle that the face is # pointing relative to the vertical plane perpendicular to the image. Range # [-180,180]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `panAngle` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :pan_angle # A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation. # Corresponds to the JSON property `boundingPoly` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::BoundingPoly] attr_accessor :bounding_poly # Detected face landmarks. # Corresponds to the JSON property `landmarks` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::Landmark>] attr_accessor :landmarks # Blurred likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `blurredLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :blurred_likelihood # Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation # of the face relative to the image vertical about the axis perpendicular to # the face. Range [-180,180]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `rollAngle` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :roll_angle # Sorrow likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `sorrowLikelihood` # @return [String] attr_accessor :sorrow_likelihood def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @tilt_angle = args[:tilt_angle] if args.key?(:tilt_angle) @under_exposed_likelihood = args[:under_exposed_likelihood] if args.key?(:under_exposed_likelihood) @fd_bounding_poly = args[:fd_bounding_poly] if args.key?(:fd_bounding_poly) @landmarking_confidence = args[:landmarking_confidence] if args.key?(:landmarking_confidence) @joy_likelihood = args[:joy_likelihood] if args.key?(:joy_likelihood) @detection_confidence = args[:detection_confidence] if args.key?(:detection_confidence) @surprise_likelihood = args[:surprise_likelihood] if args.key?(:surprise_likelihood) @anger_likelihood = args[:anger_likelihood] if args.key?(:anger_likelihood) @headwear_likelihood = args[:headwear_likelihood] if args.key?(:headwear_likelihood) @pan_angle = args[:pan_angle] if args.key?(:pan_angle) @bounding_poly = args[:bounding_poly] if args.key?(:bounding_poly) @landmarks = args[:landmarks] if args.key?(:landmarks) @blurred_likelihood = args[:blurred_likelihood] if args.key?(:blurred_likelihood) @roll_angle = args[:roll_angle] if args.key?(:roll_angle) @sorrow_likelihood = args[:sorrow_likelihood] if args.key?(:sorrow_likelihood) end end # A vertex represents a 2D point in the image. # NOTE: the vertex coordinates are in the same scale as the original image. class Vertex include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Y coordinate. # Corresponds to the JSON property `y` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :y # X coordinate. # Corresponds to the JSON property `x` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :x def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @y = args[:y] if args.key?(:y) @x = args[:x] if args.key?(:x) end end # Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of # the image that the color occupies in the image. class ColorInfo include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image. # Value in range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `pixelFraction` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :pixel_fraction # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: # Example (Java): # import com.google.type.Color; # // ... # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() # : 1.0; # return new java.awt.Color( # protocolor.getRed(), # protocolor.getGreen(), # protocolor.getBlue(), # alpha); # ` # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` # float red = (float) color.getRed(); # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); # float denominator = 255.0; # Color.Builder resultBuilder = # Color # .newBuilder() # .setRed(red / denominator) # .setGreen(green / denominator) # .setBlue(blue / denominator); # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); # if (alpha != 255) ` # result.setAlpha( # FloatValue # .newBuilder() # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) # .build()); # ` # return resultBuilder.build(); # ` # // ... # Example (iOS / Obj-C): # // ... # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` # float red = [protocolor red]; # float green = [protocolor green]; # float blue = [protocolor blue]; # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; # float alpha = 1.0; # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; # ` # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; # ` # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` # return nil; # ` # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; # [result setRed:red]; # [result setGreen:green]; # [result setBlue:blue]; # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; # ` # [result autorelease]; # return result; # ` # // ... # Example (JavaScript): # // ... # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); # ` # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); # `; # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; # var resultBuilder = ['#']; # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` # resultBuilder.push('0'); # ` # resultBuilder.push(hexString); # return resultBuilder.join(''); # `; # // ... # Corresponds to the JSON property `color` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::Color] attr_accessor :color # Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `score` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :score def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @pixel_fraction = args[:pixel_fraction] if args.key?(:pixel_fraction) @color = args[:color] if args.key?(:color) @score = args[:score] if args.key?(:score) end end # A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation. class BoundingPoly include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The bounding polygon vertices. # Corresponds to the JSON property `vertices` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::Vertex>] attr_accessor :vertices def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @vertices = args[:vertices] if args.key?(:vertices) end end # A face-specific landmark (for example, a face feature). # Landmark positions may fall outside the bounds of the image # if the face is near one or more edges of the image. # Therefore it is NOT guaranteed that `0 <= x < width` or # `0 <= y < height`. class Landmark include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks. # A valid Position must have both x and y coordinates. # The position coordinates are in the same scale as the original image. # Corresponds to the JSON property `position` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::Position] attr_accessor :position # Face landmark type. # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` # @return [String] attr_accessor :type def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @position = args[:position] if args.key?(:position) @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) end end # Image context and/or feature-specific parameters. class ImageContext include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Rectangle determined by min and max `LatLng` pairs. # Corresponds to the JSON property `latLongRect` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::LatLongRect] attr_accessor :lat_long_rect # List of languages to use for TEXT_DETECTION. In most cases, an empty value # yields the best results since it enables automatic language detection. For # languages based on the Latin alphabet, setting `language_hints` is not # needed. In rare cases, when the language of the text in the image is known, # setting a hint will help get better results (although it will be a # significant hindrance if the hint is wrong). Text detection returns an # error if one or more of the specified languages is not one of the # [supported languages](/vision/docs/languages). # Corresponds to the JSON property `languageHints` # @return [Array<String>] attr_accessor :language_hints def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @lat_long_rect = args[:lat_long_rect] if args.key?(:lat_long_rect) @language_hints = args[:language_hints] if args.key?(:language_hints) end end # Multiple image annotation requests are batched into a single service call. class BatchAnnotateImagesRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Individual image annotation requests for this batch. # Corresponds to the JSON property `requests` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::AnnotateImageRequest>] attr_accessor :requests def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @requests = args[:requests] if args.key?(:requests) end end # Set of detected entity features. class EntityAnnotation include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Opaque entity ID. Some IDs may be available in # [Google Knowledge Graph Search API](https://developers.google.com/knowledge- # graph/). # Corresponds to the JSON property `mid` # @return [String] attr_accessor :mid # Entity textual description, expressed in its `locale` language. # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` # @return [String] attr_accessor :description # The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the # image. For example, the relevancy of "tower" is likely higher to an image # containing the detected "Eiffel Tower" than to an image containing a # detected distant towering building, even though the confidence that # there is a tower in each image may be the same. Range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `topicality` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :topicality # The language code for the locale in which the entity textual # `description` is expressed. # Corresponds to the JSON property `locale` # @return [String] attr_accessor :locale # Some entities may have optional user-supplied `Property` (name/value) # fields, such a score or string that qualifies the entity. # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::Property>] attr_accessor :properties # Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `score` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :score # A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation. # Corresponds to the JSON property `boundingPoly` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::BoundingPoly] attr_accessor :bounding_poly # The location information for the detected entity. Multiple # `LocationInfo` elements can be present because one location may # indicate the location of the scene in the image, and another location # may indicate the location of the place where the image was taken. # Location information is usually present for landmarks. # Corresponds to the JSON property `locations` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::LocationInfo>] attr_accessor :locations # The accuracy of the entity detection in an image. # For example, for an image in which the "Eiffel Tower" entity is detected, # this field represents the confidence that there is a tower in the query # image. Range [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `confidence` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :confidence def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @mid = args[:mid] if args.key?(:mid) @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) @topicality = args[:topicality] if args.key?(:topicality) @locale = args[:locale] if args.key?(:locale) @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) @score = args[:score] if args.key?(:score) @bounding_poly = args[:bounding_poly] if args.key?(:bounding_poly) @locations = args[:locations] if args.key?(:locations) @confidence = args[:confidence] if args.key?(:confidence) end end # A `Property` consists of a user-supplied name/value pair. class Property include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Value of the property. # Corresponds to the JSON property `value` # @return [String] attr_accessor :value # Name of the property. # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` # @return [String] attr_accessor :name def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @value = args[:value] if args.key?(:value) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) end end # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: # Example (Java): # import com.google.type.Color; # // ... # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() # : 1.0; # return new java.awt.Color( # protocolor.getRed(), # protocolor.getGreen(), # protocolor.getBlue(), # alpha); # ` # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` # float red = (float) color.getRed(); # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); # float denominator = 255.0; # Color.Builder resultBuilder = # Color # .newBuilder() # .setRed(red / denominator) # .setGreen(green / denominator) # .setBlue(blue / denominator); # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); # if (alpha != 255) ` # result.setAlpha( # FloatValue # .newBuilder() # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) # .build()); # ` # return resultBuilder.build(); # ` # // ... # Example (iOS / Obj-C): # // ... # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` # float red = [protocolor red]; # float green = [protocolor green]; # float blue = [protocolor blue]; # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; # float alpha = 1.0; # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; # ` # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; # ` # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` # return nil; # ` # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; # [result setRed:red]; # [result setGreen:green]; # [result setBlue:blue]; # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; # ` # [result autorelease]; # return result; # ` # // ... # Example (JavaScript): # // ... # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); # ` # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); # `; # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; # var resultBuilder = ['#']; # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` # resultBuilder.push('0'); # ` # resultBuilder.push(hexString); # return resultBuilder.join(''); # `; # // ... class Color include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `green` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :green # The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `blue` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :blue # The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `red` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :red # The fraction of this color that should be applied to the pixel. That is, # the final pixel color is defined by the equation: # pixel color = alpha * (this color) + (1.0 - alpha) * (background color) # This means that a value of 1.0 corresponds to a solid color, whereas # a value of 0.0 corresponds to a completely transparent color. This # uses a wrapper message rather than a simple float scalar so that it is # possible to distinguish between a default value and the value being unset. # If omitted, this color object is to be rendered as a solid color # (as if the alpha value had been explicitly given with a value of 1.0). # Corresponds to the JSON property `alpha` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :alpha def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @green = args[:green] if args.key?(:green) @blue = args[:blue] if args.key?(:blue) @red = args[:red] if args.key?(:red) @alpha = args[:alpha] if args.key?(:alpha) end end # Detected entity location information. class LocationInfo include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair # of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless # specified otherwise, this must conform to the # <a href="http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/icg/2012/template/WGS_84.pdf">WGS84 # standard</a>. Values must be within normalized ranges. # Example of normalization code in Python: # def NormalizeLongitude(longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees longitude to [-180.0, 180.0].""" # q, r = divmod(longitude, 360.0) # if r > 180.0 or (r == 180.0 and q <= -1.0): # return r - 360.0 # return r # def NormalizeLatLng(latitude, longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees latitude and longitude to # [-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0], respectively.""" # r = latitude % 360.0 # if r <= 90.0: # return r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # elif r >= 270.0: # return r - 360, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # else: # return 180 - r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude + 180.0) # assert 180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(180.0) # assert -180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(-180.0) # assert -179.0 == NormalizeLongitude(181.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(360.0, 0.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-360.0, 0.0) # assert (85.0, 180.0) == NormalizeLatLng(95.0, 0.0) # assert (-85.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-95.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(90.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, -10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-90.0, -10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-180.0, 10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(180.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(270.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-270.0, 10.0) # The code in logs/storage/validator/logs_validator_traits.cc treats this type # as if it were annotated as ST_LOCATION. # Corresponds to the JSON property `latLng` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::LatLng] attr_accessor :lat_lng def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @lat_lng = args[:lat_lng] if args.key?(:lat_lng) end end # class SafeSearchAnnotation include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Likelihood that this is a medical image. # Corresponds to the JSON property `medical` # @return [String] attr_accessor :medical # Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification # was made to the image's canonical version to make it appear # funny or offensive. # Corresponds to the JSON property `spoof` # @return [String] attr_accessor :spoof # Violence likelihood. # Corresponds to the JSON property `violence` # @return [String] attr_accessor :violence # Represents the adult content likelihood for the image. # Corresponds to the JSON property `adult` # @return [String] attr_accessor :adult def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @medical = args[:medical] if args.key?(:medical) @spoof = args[:spoof] if args.key?(:spoof) @violence = args[:violence] if args.key?(:violence) @adult = args[:adult] if args.key?(:adult) end end # Client image to perform Google Cloud Vision API tasks over. class Image include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # External image source (Google Cloud Storage image location). # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::ImageSource] attr_accessor :source # Image content, represented as a stream of bytes. # Note: as with all `bytes` fields, protobuffers use a pure binary # representation, whereas JSON representations use base64. # Corresponds to the JSON property `content` # @return [String] attr_accessor :content def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) @content = args[:content] if args.key?(:content) end end # Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores. class DominantColorsAnnotation include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # RGB color values with their score and pixel fraction. # Corresponds to the JSON property `colors` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::ColorInfo>] attr_accessor :colors def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @colors = args[:colors] if args.key?(:colors) end end # Users describe the type of Google Cloud Vision API tasks to perform over # images by using *Feature*s. Each Feature indicates a type of image # detection task to perform. Features encode the Cloud Vision API # vertical to operate on and the number of top-scoring results to return. class Feature include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The feature type. # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` # @return [String] attr_accessor :type # Maximum number of results of this type. # Corresponds to the JSON property `maxResults` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :max_results def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) @max_results = args[:max_results] if args.key?(:max_results) end end # Response to a batch image annotation request. class BatchAnnotateImagesResponse include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Individual responses to image annotation requests within the batch. # Corresponds to the JSON property `responses` # @return [Array<Google::Apis::VisionV1::AnnotateImageResponse>] attr_accessor :responses def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @responses = args[:responses] if args.key?(:responses) end end # Stores image properties, such as dominant colors. class ImageProperties include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores. # Corresponds to the JSON property `dominantColors` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::DominantColorsAnnotation] attr_accessor :dominant_colors def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @dominant_colors = args[:dominant_colors] if args.key?(:dominant_colors) end end # An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair # of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless # specified otherwise, this must conform to the # <a href="http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/icg/2012/template/WGS_84.pdf">WGS84 # standard</a>. Values must be within normalized ranges. # Example of normalization code in Python: # def NormalizeLongitude(longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees longitude to [-180.0, 180.0].""" # q, r = divmod(longitude, 360.0) # if r > 180.0 or (r == 180.0 and q <= -1.0): # return r - 360.0 # return r # def NormalizeLatLng(latitude, longitude): # """Wraps decimal degrees latitude and longitude to # [-90.0, 90.0] and [-180.0, 180.0], respectively.""" # r = latitude % 360.0 # if r <= 90.0: # return r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # elif r >= 270.0: # return r - 360, NormalizeLongitude(longitude) # else: # return 180 - r, NormalizeLongitude(longitude + 180.0) # assert 180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(180.0) # assert -180.0 == NormalizeLongitude(-180.0) # assert -179.0 == NormalizeLongitude(181.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(360.0, 0.0) # assert (0.0, 0.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-360.0, 0.0) # assert (85.0, 180.0) == NormalizeLatLng(95.0, 0.0) # assert (-85.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-95.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(90.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, -10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-90.0, -10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-180.0, 10.0) # assert (0.0, -170.0) == NormalizeLatLng(180.0, 10.0) # assert (-90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(270.0, 10.0) # assert (90.0, 10.0) == NormalizeLatLng(-270.0, 10.0) # The code in logs/storage/validator/logs_validator_traits.cc treats this type # as if it were annotated as ST_LOCATION. class LatLng include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `latitude` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :latitude # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0]. # Corresponds to the JSON property `longitude` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :longitude def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @latitude = args[:latitude] if args.key?(:latitude) @longitude = args[:longitude] if args.key?(:longitude) end end # A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks. # A valid Position must have both x and y coordinates. # The position coordinates are in the same scale as the original image. class Position include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Y coordinate. # Corresponds to the JSON property `y` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :y # X coordinate. # Corresponds to the JSON property `x` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :x # Z coordinate (or depth). # Corresponds to the JSON property `z` # @return [Float] attr_accessor :z def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @y = args[:y] if args.key?(:y) @x = args[:x] if args.key?(:x) @z = args[:z] if args.key?(:z) end end end end end
#-- # Ruby Whois # # An intelligent pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser. # # Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Simone Carletti <[email protected]> #++ require_relative 'base_afilias2' module Whois class Parsers # Parser for the whois.nic.xxx server. class WhoisNicXxx < BaseAfilias2 self.scanner = Scanners::BaseAfilias, { pattern_disclaimer: /^The WHOIS information|^The data in this record|^This service is|^Uniregistry reserves/, pattern_reserved: /^>>> Registry Reserved/, } property_supported :created_on do node("Creation Date") do |value| parse_time(value) end end property_supported :updated_on do node("Updated Date") do |value| parse_time(value) end end property_supported :expires_on do node("Registry Expiry Date") do |value| parse_time(value) end end property_supported :status do if reserved? :reserved else super() end end # NEWPROPERTY def reserved? !!node("status:reserved") end end end end
module SimpleAudioPlayerHelper class NotImplemented < Exception; end def simple_audio_player(dom_id, file, config = {}) result = content_tag(:p, 'Alternative content', :id => dom_id) result += javascript_tag("AudioPlayer.embed('#{dom_id}', { soundFile: '#{file}' });") end # Load WPAudioPlayer files and init the library def simple_audio_player_include_tag(config = {}) force = config.delete(:force) || false config.reverse_merge!(@simple_audio_player_config) simple_audio_player_library_tag + "\n" + simple_audio_player_init_tag(config) if @uses_simple_audio_player or force end # Load javascript (uncompressed when in development mode) def simple_audio_player_library_tag javascript_include_tag development_mode? ? 'simple_audio_player/audio-player.js' : 'simple_audio_player/audio-player-uncompressed.js' end # Load the simple audio player configuration specified in the controller def simple_audio_player_init_tag(config = {}) # TODO: remove invalid config options # Transform the ruby config hash to a javascript styled config hash javascript_tag "AudioPlayer.setup('/flash_files/simple_audio_player/player.swf', #{config.to_json});" end private # Check if we are in development mode def development_mode? RAILS_ENV == 'development' end end
# typed: ignore require "test_helper" module Ektar class MembershipTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "membership role is member by default improved" do membership = ektar_memberships(:alternate_membership) assert_equal membership.role, "member" end test "membership is active by default" do membership = ektar_memberships(:user_membership) assert membership.active? end test "membership can be deactivated" do membership = ektar_memberships(:user_membership) assert membership.active? membership.active = false refute membership.active? end end end
module FactoryTestHelper # # If these aren't defined, autotest can hang indefinitely # and you won't know why. # # I think that there is a way to tell Factory Bot to use # "save" instead of "save!" which would have removed the # need for this MOSTLY. There are a few exceptions. FactoryBot.factories.collect(&:name).each do |object| # # define a method that is commonly used in these class level tests # I'd actually prefer to not do this, but is very helpful. # define_method "create_#{object}" do |*args| options = args.extract_options! new_object = FactoryBot.build(object,options) new_object.save new_object end end end ActiveSupport::TestCase.send(:include, FactoryTestHelper)
module Fix module Protocol # # Maps the FIX message type codes to message classes # module MessageClassMapping # The actual code <-> class mapping MAPPING = { '0' => :heartbeat, 'A' => :logon, '1' => :test_request, '2' => :resend_request, '3' => :reject, '4' => :sequence_reset, '5' => :logout, '8' => :execution_report, '9' => :order_cancel_reject, 'D' => :new_order_single, 'F' => :order_cancel_request, 'H' => :order_status_request, 'V' => :market_data_request, 'W' => :market_data_snapshot, 'X' => :market_data_incremental_refresh, 'Y' => :market_data_request_reject, 'j' => :business_message_reject }.freeze # # Returns the message class associated to a message code # # @param msg_type [Integer] The FIX message type code # @return [Class] The FIX message class # def self.get(msg_type) Messages.const_get(FP.camelcase(MAPPING[msg_type])) if MAPPING.key?(msg_type) end # # Returns the message code associated to a message class # # @param klass [Class] The FIX message class # @return [Integer] The FIX message type code # def self.reverse_get(klass) key = klass.name.split('::').last.gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase.to_sym MAPPING.find { |p| p[1] == key }[0] end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Auto-generated by gapic-generator-ruby. DO NOT EDIT! require "helper" require "gapic/grpc/service_stub" require "google/iam/v1/iam_policy_pb" require "google/iam/v1/iam_policy_services_pb" require "google/cloud/kms/v1/iam_policy" class ::Google::Cloud::Kms::V1::IAMPolicy::ClientTest < Minitest::Test class ClientStub attr_accessor :call_rpc_count, :requests def initialize response, operation, &block @response = response @operation = operation @block = block @call_rpc_count = 0 @requests = [] end def call_rpc *args, **kwargs @call_rpc_count += 1 @requests << @block&.call(*args, **kwargs) yield @response, @operation if block_given? @response end end def test_set_iam_policy # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Iam::V1::Policy.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. resource = "hello world" policy = {} set_iam_policy_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :set_iam_policy, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Iam::V1::SetIamPolicyRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request["resource"] assert_equal Gapic::Protobuf.coerce({}, to: ::Google::Iam::V1::Policy), request["policy"] refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, set_iam_policy_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Kms::V1::IAMPolicy::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.set_iam_policy({ resource: resource, policy: policy }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.set_iam_policy resource: resource, policy: policy do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.set_iam_policy ::Google::Iam::V1::SetIamPolicyRequest.new(resource: resource, policy: policy) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.set_iam_policy({ resource: resource, policy: policy }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.set_iam_policy(::Google::Iam::V1::SetIamPolicyRequest.new(resource: resource, policy: policy), grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, set_iam_policy_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_get_iam_policy # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Iam::V1::Policy.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. resource = "hello world" options = {} get_iam_policy_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :get_iam_policy, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Iam::V1::GetIamPolicyRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request["resource"] assert_equal Gapic::Protobuf.coerce({}, to: ::Google::Iam::V1::GetPolicyOptions), request["options"] refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, get_iam_policy_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Kms::V1::IAMPolicy::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.get_iam_policy({ resource: resource, options: options }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.get_iam_policy resource: resource, options: options do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.get_iam_policy ::Google::Iam::V1::GetIamPolicyRequest.new(resource: resource, options: options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.get_iam_policy({ resource: resource, options: options }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.get_iam_policy(::Google::Iam::V1::GetIamPolicyRequest.new(resource: resource, options: options), grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, get_iam_policy_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_test_iam_permissions # Create GRPC objects. grpc_response = ::Google::Iam::V1::TestIamPermissionsResponse.new grpc_operation = GRPC::ActiveCall::Operation.new nil grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure grpc_options = {} # Create request parameters for a unary method. resource = "hello world" permissions = ["hello world"] test_iam_permissions_client_stub = ClientStub.new grpc_response, grpc_operation do |name, request, options:| assert_equal :test_iam_permissions, name assert_kind_of ::Google::Iam::V1::TestIamPermissionsRequest, request assert_equal "hello world", request["resource"] assert_equal ["hello world"], request["permissions"] refute_nil options end Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, test_iam_permissions_client_stub do # Create client client = ::Google::Cloud::Kms::V1::IAMPolicy::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end # Use hash object client.test_iam_permissions({ resource: resource, permissions: permissions }) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use named arguments client.test_iam_permissions resource: resource, permissions: permissions do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object client.test_iam_permissions ::Google::Iam::V1::TestIamPermissionsRequest.new(resource: resource, permissions: permissions) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use hash object with options client.test_iam_permissions({ resource: resource, permissions: permissions }, grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Use protobuf object with options client.test_iam_permissions(::Google::Iam::V1::TestIamPermissionsRequest.new(resource: resource, permissions: permissions), grpc_options) do |response, operation| assert_equal grpc_response, response assert_equal grpc_operation, operation end # Verify method calls assert_equal 5, test_iam_permissions_client_stub.call_rpc_count end end def test_configure grpc_channel = GRPC::Core::Channel.new "localhost:8888", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure client = block_config = config = nil Gapic::ServiceStub.stub :new, nil do client = ::Google::Cloud::Kms::V1::IAMPolicy::Client.new do |config| config.credentials = grpc_channel end end config = client.configure do |c| block_config = c end assert_same block_config, config assert_kind_of ::Google::Cloud::Kms::V1::IAMPolicy::Client::Configuration, config end end
require File.expand_path("../Abstract/abstract-php-extension", __dir__) class Php71Opcache < AbstractPhp71Extension init desc "OPcache improves PHP performance" homepage "https://php.net/manual/en/book.opcache.php" revision 20 url PHP_SRC_TARBALL sha256 PHP_CHECKSUM[:sha256] depends_on "pcre" def extension_type "zend_extension" end def install Dir.chdir "ext/opcache" safe_phpize system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", phpconfig system "make" prefix.install "modules/opcache.so" write_config_file if build.with? "config-file" end end
=begin Swaggy Jenkins Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: [email protected] Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git =end class SwapSpaceMonitorMemoryUsage2 < ApplicationRecord end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'opal/nodes/base' require 'opal/nodes/literal' require 'opal/nodes/variables' require 'opal/nodes/constants' require 'opal/nodes/call' require 'opal/nodes/csend' require 'opal/nodes/call_special' require 'opal/nodes/module' require 'opal/nodes/class' require 'opal/nodes/singleton_class' require 'opal/nodes/inline_args' require 'opal/nodes/args/normarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/optarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/mlhsarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/restarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/kwarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/kwoptarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/kwrestarg' require 'opal/nodes/args/post_kwargs' require 'opal/nodes/args/post_args' require 'opal/nodes/iter' require 'opal/nodes/def' require 'opal/nodes/defs' require 'opal/nodes/if' require 'opal/nodes/logic' require 'opal/nodes/definitions' require 'opal/nodes/yield' require 'opal/nodes/rescue' require 'opal/nodes/case' require 'opal/nodes/super' require 'opal/nodes/top' require 'opal/nodes/while' require 'opal/nodes/hash' require 'opal/nodes/array' require 'opal/nodes/defined' require 'opal/nodes/masgn' require 'opal/nodes/arglist' require 'opal/nodes/x_string' require 'opal/nodes/lambda'
require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe Jobs::Scheduler, type: :model do describe "ActiveModel validations" do it { expect(subject).to validate_presence_of(:job) } it { expect(subject).to validate_presence_of(:time) } it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:enabled?) } end describe "ActiveModel associations" do it { expect(subject).to belong_to(:job) } end xit "can run it now" xit "can run it at" xit "can set a recurrent" xit "can stop recurrency" xit "can see last run timestamp" xit "can see last run status" xit "can see all versions" xit "can see last version" end
# # Be sure to run `pod lib lint WPInjection.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec before submitting. # # Any lines starting with a # are optional, but their use is encouraged # To learn more about a Podspec see https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'WPInjection' s.version = '0.9.1' s.summary = '简单易用的轻量依赖注入框架' # This description is used to generate tags and improve search results. # * Think: What does it do? Why did you write it? What is the focus? # * Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point. # * Write the description between the DESC delimiters below. # * Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it! s.description = <<-DESC TODO: Add long description of the pod here. DESC s.homepage = 'https://github.com/codernash/WPInjection' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.author = { 'stevepeng13' => '[email protected]' } s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/codernash/WPInjection.git', :tag => s.version.to_s } s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0' s.source_files = 'WPInjection/Classes/**/*' s.dependency 'WPDelegates' end
# frozen_string_literal: true json.ancestors @relations.ancestors json.descendants @relations.descendants json.current_doc @relations.search_id
# frozen_string_literal: true require "project_types/script/test_helper" describe Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Languages::AssemblyScriptTaskRunner do include TestHelpers::FakeFS let(:ctx) { TestHelpers::FakeContext.new } let(:script_id) { "id" } let(:script_name) { "foo" } let(:extension_point_config) do { "assemblyscript" => { "package": "@shopify/extension-point-as-fake", "version": "*", }, } end let(:extension_point_type) { "discount" } let(:language) { "assemblyscript" } let(:as_task_runner) { Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Languages::AssemblyScriptTaskRunner.new(ctx, script_name) } let(:command_runner) { Script::Layers::Infrastructure::CommandRunner } let(:package_json) do { scripts: { build: "shopify-scripts-toolchain-as build --src src/shopify_main.ts -b script.wasm -- --lib node_modules", }, } end describe ".build" do subject { as_task_runner.build } it "should raise an error if no build script is defined" do File.expects(:read).with("package.json").once.returns(JSON.generate(package_json.delete(:scripts))) assert_raises(Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::BuildScriptNotFoundError) do subject end end it "should raise an error if the generated web assembly is not found" do ctx.write("package.json", JSON.generate(package_json)) ctx .expects(:capture2e) .with("npm run build") .once .returns(["output", mock(success?: true)]) assert_raises(Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::WebAssemblyBinaryNotFoundError) { subject } end describe "when script.wasm exists" do let(:wasm) { "some compiled code" } let(:wasmfile) { "build/script.wasm" } before do ctx.write("package.json", JSON.generate(package_json)) ctx.mkdir_p(File.dirname(wasmfile)) ctx.write(wasmfile, wasm) end it "triggers the compilation process" do ctx .expects(:capture2e) .with("npm run build") .once .returns(["output", mock(success?: true)]) assert ctx.file_exist?(wasmfile) assert_equal wasm, subject refute ctx.file_exist?(wasmfile) end end it "should raise error without command output on failure" do output = "error_output" File.expects(:read).with("package.json").once.returns(JSON.generate(package_json)) File.expects(:read).never ctx .stubs(:capture2e) .returns([output, mock(success?: false)]) assert_raises(Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::SystemCallFailureError, output) do subject end end end describe ".dependencies_installed?" do subject { as_task_runner.dependencies_installed? } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p("node_modules") end it "should return true if node_modules folder exists" do assert subject end it "should return false if node_modules folder does not exists" do Dir.stubs(:exist?).returns(false) refute subject end end describe ".library_version" do subject { as_task_runner.library_version(extension_point_config["assemblyscript"][:package]) } describe "when the package is in the dependencies list" do it "should return a valid version number" do command_runner.any_instance.stubs(:call) .with("npm -s list --json") .returns( { "dependencies" => { extension_point_config["assemblyscript"][:package] => { "version" => "1.3.7", }, }, }.to_json ) assert_equal "1.3.7", subject end end describe "when the package is not in the dependencies list" do it "should return an error" do command_runner.any_instance.stubs(:call) .with("npm -s list --json") .returns( { "dependencies" => {}, }.to_json, ) assert_raises Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::APILibraryNotFoundError do subject end end end describe "when CommandRunner raises SystemCallFailureError" do describe "when error is not json" do it "should re-raise SystemCallFailureError" do cmd = "npm -s list --json" command_runner.any_instance.stubs(:call) .with(cmd) .raises(Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::SystemCallFailureError.new( out: "some non-json parsable error output", cmd: cmd )) assert_raises Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::SystemCallFailureError do subject end end end describe "when error is json, but doesn't contain the expected structure" do it "should re-raise SystemCallFailureError" do cmd = "npm -s list --json" command_runner.any_instance.stubs(:call) .with(cmd) .raises(Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::SystemCallFailureError.new( out: { "not what we expected" => {}, }.to_json, cmd: cmd )) assert_raises Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::SystemCallFailureError do subject end end end describe "when error contains expected versioning data" do it "should rescue SystemCallFailureError if the library version is present" do cmd = "npm -s list --json" command_runner.any_instance.stubs(:call) .with(cmd) .raises(Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::SystemCallFailureError.new( out: { "dependencies" => { extension_point_config["assemblyscript"][:package] => { "version" => "1.3.7", }, }, }.to_json, cmd: cmd )) assert_equal "1.3.7", subject end end end end describe ".install_dependencies" do subject { as_task_runner.install_dependencies } describe "when node version is above minimum" do it "should install using npm" do ctx.expects(:capture2e) .with("node", "--version") .returns(["v14.5.1", mock(success?: true)]) ctx.expects(:capture2e) .with("npm install --no-audit --no-optional --legacy-peer-deps --loglevel error") .returns([nil, mock(success?: true)]) subject end end describe "when node version is below minimum" do it "should raise error" do ctx.expects(:capture2e) .with("node", "--version") .returns(["v14.4.0", mock(success?: true)]) assert_raises Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::DependencyInstallError do subject end end end describe "when capture2e fails" do it "should raise error" do msg = "error message" ctx.expects(:capture2e).returns([msg, mock(success?: false)]) assert_raises Script::Layers::Infrastructure::Errors::DependencyInstallError, msg do subject end end end end describe ".metadata" do subject { as_task_runner.metadata } describe "when metadata file is present and valid" do let(:metadata_json) do JSON.dump( { schemaVersions: { example: { major: "1", minor: "0" }, }, }, ) end it "should return a proper metadata object" do File.expects(:read).with("build/metadata.json").once.returns(metadata_json) ctx .expects(:file_exist?) .with("build/metadata.json") .once .returns(true) assert subject end end describe "when metadata file is missing" do it "should raise an exception" do assert_raises(Script::Layers::Domain::Errors::MetadataNotFoundError) do subject end end end end end
class CreateEmployeeGrades < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :employee_grades do |t| t.string :name t.integer :priority t.boolean :status t.integer :max_hours_day t.integer :max_hours_week end create_default end def self.down drop_table :employee_grades end def self.create_default EmployeeGrade.create :name => 'Fedena Admin',:priority => 0 ,:status => true,:max_hours_day=>nil,:max_hours_week=>nil end end
module DataAbstraction::SensorData class EarthMagnetometer < Generic STANDARD_UNIT = "nT" def initialize(data, meta_values = {}, unit = STANDARD_UNIT) super(data, meta_values, unit) @values = Array.new @values[0] = MagneticValue.new(data['values'][0].to_f, @unit) @values[1] = MagneticValue.new(data['values'][1].to_f, @unit) @values[2] = MagneticValue.new(data['values'][2].to_f, @unit) end def build_part "\"values\":[#{@values[0].value},#{@values[1].value},#{@values[2].value}],\"unit\":\"#{@unit}\"" end def self.unit_class MagneticValue end def self.standard_unit STANDARD_UNIT end def self.dummy super({ 'data_class_name' => self.name.split('::').last, 'data' => { 'values' => [ 30, 40, 50], 'unit' => 'nT' } }) end end end
class AddClassroomIdToPresentations < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :presentations, :classroom_id, :integer end end
require "omniauth-firmafon/version" require 'omniauth/strategies/firmafon'
covers 'facets/kernel/try' test_case Kernel do method :try do test do example = Struct.new(:name).new("bob") example.try(:name).assert == "bob" end test "without argument" do example = Struct.new(:name).new("bob") example.try.name.assert == "bob" end end end test_case NilClass do method :try do test do nil.try(:name).assert == nil end test "without argument" do nil.try.name.assert == nil end end end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require "kasoba/version" Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "kasoba" s.version = Kasoba::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Lacides Charris", "Guillermo Iguaran"] s.email = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"] s.homepage = "https://github.com/guilleiguaran/kasoba" s.summary = %q{Interactive tool for large scale code refactors} s.description = %q{Kasoba is a tool meant to assist programmers with large-scale code refactors.} s.rubyforge_project = "kasoba" s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n") s.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) } s.require_paths = ["lib"] end
module Tanker module Pagination autoload :WillPaginate, 'tanker/pagination/will_paginate' autoload :Kaminari, 'tanker/pagination/kaminari' def self.create(results, total_hits, options = {}, categories = {}) begin backend = Tanker.configuration[:pagination_backend].to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } # classify pagination backend name page = Object.const_get(:Tanker).const_get(:Pagination).const_get(backend).create(results, total_hits, options) page.extend Categories page.categories = categories page rescue NameError raise(BadConfiguration, "Unknown pagination backend") end end module Categories def categories @categories end def categories=(val) @categories = val end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true describe Facter::FactManager do let(:internal_manager) { instance_spy(Facter::InternalFactManager) } let(:external_manager) { instance_spy(Facter::ExternalFactManager) } let(:cache_manager) { instance_spy(Facter::CacheManager) } let(:fact_loader) { instance_double(Facter::FactLoader) } let(:logger) { instance_spy(Facter::Log) } def stub_query_parser(withs, returns) allow(Facter::QueryParser).to receive(:parse).with(*withs).and_return(returns) end def stub_internal_manager(withs, returns) allow(internal_manager).to receive(:resolve_facts).with(withs).and_return(returns) end def stub_external_manager(withs, returns) allow(external_manager).to receive(:resolve_facts).with(withs).and_return(returns) end def stub_cache_manager(withs, returns) allow(cache_manager).to receive(:resolve_facts).with(withs).and_return([withs, Array(returns)]) allow(cache_manager).to receive(:cache_facts) end before do Singleton.__init__(Facter::FactManager) Singleton.__init__(Facter::FactLoader) allow(Facter::Log).to receive(:new).and_return(logger) allow(Facter::InternalFactManager).to receive(:new).and_return(internal_manager) allow(Facter::ExternalFactManager).to receive(:new).and_return(external_manager) allow(Facter::CacheManager).to receive(:new).and_return(cache_manager) allow(Facter::FactLoader).to receive(:new).and_return(fact_loader) end describe '#resolve_facts' do let(:os) { 'os' } let(:os_klass) { instance_double(Facts::Linux::Os::Name) } let(:user_query) { [] } let(:loaded_facts) do [ instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'os.name', klass: os_klass, type: :core), instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'custom_fact', klass: nil, type: :custom) ] end let(:searched_facts) do [ instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: os, fact_class: os_klass, user_query: '', type: :core ), instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: 'my_custom_fact', fact_class: nil, user_query: '', type: :custom ) ] end let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact(os, 'Ubuntu', '') } before do allow(Facter::FactLoader.instance).to receive(:load).and_return(loaded_facts) stub_query_parser([user_query, loaded_facts], searched_facts) stub_internal_manager(searched_facts, [resolved_fact]) stub_external_manager(searched_facts, nil) stub_cache_manager(searched_facts, []) end it 'resolved all facts' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_facts(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eq([resolved_fact]) end end describe '#resolve_fact' do context 'with custom fact' do let(:user_query) { 'custom_fact' } let(:fact_name) { 'custom_fact' } let(:custom_fact) { instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: fact_name, klass: nil, type: :custom) } let(:loaded_facts) { [custom_fact] } let(:searched_facts) do [ instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: fact_name, fact_class: nil, user_query: '', type: :custom ) ] end let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact(fact_name, 'custom', '', :custom) } let(:cached_fact) { mock_resolved_fact(fact_name, 'cached_custom', '', :custom) } context 'when is found in custom_dir/fact_name.rb' do before do # mock custom_fact_by_filename to return resolved_fact allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_fact).and_return(loaded_facts) stub_query_parser([[user_query], loaded_facts], searched_facts) stub_internal_manager(searched_facts, [resolved_fact]) stub_external_manager(searched_facts, [resolved_fact]) stub_cache_manager(searched_facts, []) # mock core_or_external_fact to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_internal_facts).and_return([]) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_external_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_internal_manager([], []) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager([], []) end it 'tries to load it from fact_name.rb' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in file: #{user_query}.rb") end it 'loads core and external facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in core facts and external facts") end it 'does not load all custom facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).not_to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in all custom facts") end it 'resolves fact' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eql([resolved_fact]) end end context 'when is not found in custom_dir/fact_name.rb' do before do # mock custom_fact_by_filename to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_fact).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_external_manager(searched_facts, []) stub_cache_manager([], []) # mock core_or_external_fact to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_internal_facts).and_return([]) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_external_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_internal_manager([], []) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager([], []) # mock all_custom_facts to return resolved_fact allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_facts).and_return(loaded_facts) stub_query_parser([[user_query], loaded_facts], searched_facts) stub_external_manager(searched_facts, [resolved_fact]) stub_cache_manager(searched_facts, []) end it 'tries to load it from fact_name.rb' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in file: #{user_query}.rb") end it 'loads core and external facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in core facts and external facts") end it 'loads all custom facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in all custom facts") end it 'resolves fact' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eql([resolved_fact]) end end context 'when fact is cached' do before do # mock custom_fact_by_filename to return cached_fact allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_fact).and_return(loaded_facts) stub_query_parser([[user_query], loaded_facts], searched_facts) stub_internal_manager(searched_facts, []) stub_external_manager(searched_facts, []) stub_cache_manager(searched_facts, cached_fact) # mock core_or_external_fact to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_internal_facts).and_return([]) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_external_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_internal_manager([], []) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager([], []) end it 'returns the cached fact' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eql([cached_fact]) end end end context 'with core fact' do let(:user_query) { 'os.name' } let(:os_klass) { instance_double(Facts::Linux::Os::Name) } let(:bool_klass) { instance_double(Facts::Linux::FipsEnabled) } let(:nil_klass) { instance_double(Facts::Linux::Virtual) } let(:core_fact) { instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'os.name', klass: os_klass, type: :core) } let(:bool_core_fact) { instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'fips_enabled', klass: bool_klass, type: :core) } let(:nil_core_fact) { instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'virtual', klass: nil_klass, type: :core) } let(:loaded_facts) { [core_fact, bool_core_fact, nil_core_fact] } let(:searched_facts) do [ instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: 'os', fact_class: os_klass, user_query: '', type: :core ), instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: 'fips_enabled', fact_class: bool_klass, user_query: '', type: :core ), instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: 'virtual', fact_class: nil_klass, user_query: '', type: :core ) ] end let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact('os.name', 'darwin', '', :core) } before do # mock custom_fact_by_filename to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_fact).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_external_manager(searched_facts, []) stub_cache_manager([], []) # mock core_or_external_fact to return the core resolved_fact allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_internal_facts).and_return(loaded_facts) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_external_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], loaded_facts], searched_facts) stub_internal_manager(searched_facts, [resolved_fact]) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager(searched_facts, []) end it 'tries to load it from fact_name.rb' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in file: #{user_query}.rb") end it 'loads core and external facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in core facts and external facts") end it 'does not load all custom facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).not_to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in all custom facts") end it 'resolves fact' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eql([resolved_fact]) end context 'when nil' do let(:user_query) { 'virtual' } let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact('virtual', nil, '', :core) } before do # mock all custom facts to return [] allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_facts).and_return([]) end it 'does not resolve fact' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to be_empty end end context 'when boolean false' do let(:user_query) { 'fips_enabled' } let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact('fips_enabled', false, '', :core) } it 'resolves fact to false' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts.first.value).to be(false) end end end context 'with non existent fact' do let(:user_query) { 'non_existent' } let(:fact_name) { 'non_existent' } let(:custom_fact) { instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'custom_fact', klass: nil, type: :custom) } let(:loaded_facts) { [custom_fact] } let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact(fact_name, 'custom', '', :custom) } before do # mock custom_fact_by_filename to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_fact).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager([], []) # mock core_or_external_fact to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_internal_facts).and_return([]) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_external_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_internal_manager([], []) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager([], []) # mock all_custom_facts to return nil allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_custom_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([[user_query], []], []) stub_external_manager([], []) stub_cache_manager([], []) end it 'tries to load it from fact_name.rb' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in file: #{user_query}.rb") end it 'loads core and external facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in core facts and external facts") end it 'loads all custom facts' do Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(logger).to have_received(:debug) .with("Searching fact: #{user_query} in all custom facts") end it 'resolves fact' do resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_fact(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eql([]) end end end describe '#resolve_core' do let(:user_query) { [] } let(:ubuntu_os_name) { class_double(Facts::Linux::Os::Name) } let(:loaded_facts) do instance_double(Facter::LoadedFact, name: 'os.name', klass: ubuntu_os_name, type: :core) end let(:searched_fact) do instance_double( Facter::SearchedFact, name: 'os', fact_class: ubuntu_os_name, user_query: '', type: :core ) end let(:resolved_fact) { mock_resolved_fact('os', 'Ubuntu', '') } it 'resolves all core facts' do allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_internal_facts).and_return(loaded_facts) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:internal_facts).and_return(loaded_facts) allow(fact_loader).to receive(:load_external_facts).and_return([]) stub_query_parser([user_query, loaded_facts], [searched_fact]) stub_internal_manager([searched_fact], [resolved_fact]) stub_cache_manager([searched_fact], []) resolved_facts = Facter::FactManager.instance.resolve_core(user_query) expect(resolved_facts).to eq([resolved_fact]) end end end
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' module ActiveRecord::Turntable class Config include Singleton def self.[](key) instance[key] end def [](key) self.class.load!(ActiveRecord::Base.turntable_config_file) unless @config @config[key] end def self.load!(config_file, env = (defined?(Rails) ? Rails.env : 'development')) instance.load!(config_file, env) end def load!(config_file, env) @config = YAML.load_file(config_file).with_indifferent_access[env] end end end
cask "iina-plus" do version "0.6.6,22042822" sha256 "584d29420fe82cdf3980bc7df4b54a052f6fbef4a31f64d0e837a85a985af1af" url "https://github.com/xjbeta/iina-plus/releases/download/#{version.csv.first}(#{version.csv.second})/iina+.#{version.csv.first}.dmg" name "IINA+" desc "Extra danmaku support for iina (iina 弹幕支持)" homepage "https://github.com/xjbeta/iina-plus" livecheck do url "https://github.com/xjbeta/iina-plus/releases/latest" strategy :page_match do |page| match = page.match(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\((\d+)\)/i) next if match.blank? "#{match[1]},#{match[2]}" end end app "iina+.app" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/com.xjbeta.iina-plus", "~/Library/Caches/com.xjbeta.iina-plus", "~/Library/Preferences/com.xjbeta.iina-plus.plist", "~/Library/WebKit/com.xjbeta.iina-plus", ] end
module Linter class Ruby < Base FILE_REGEXP = /.+(\.rb|\.rake)\z/ private def job_name "RubocopReviewJob" end end end
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require "csv" module Arrow class CSVReader def initialize(csv) @csv = csv end def read values_set = [] @csv.each do |row| if row.is_a?(CSV::Row) row = row.collect(&:last) end row.each_with_index do |value, i| values = (values_set[i] ||= []) values << value end end return nil if values_set.empty? arrays = values_set.collect.with_index do |values, i| ArrayBuilder.build(values) end if @csv.headers names = @csv.headers else names = arrays.size.times.collect(&:to_s) end raw_table = {} names.each_with_index do |name, i| raw_table[name] = arrays[i] end Table.new(raw_table) end end end
module Hammock module ActionControllerPatches MixInto = ActionController::Rescue def self.included base base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :extend, ClassMethods # base.class_eval { # alias_method_chain :clean_backtrace, :truncation # } end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods private def clean_backtrace_with_truncation exception if backtrace = clean_backtrace_without_truncation(exception) backtrace.take_while {|line| line['perform_action_without_filters'].nil? }.push("... and so on") end end end end end
require 'sinatra/base' require './controllers/application' require './controllers/account' require './controllers/item' require './controllers/category' require './models/category' require './models/account' require './models/item' require './models/location' require './controllers/location' require './controllers/setting' require './controllers/sell' require './controllers/search' map('/') {run ApplicationController} map('/login') {run AccountsController} map('/dash') {run ItemsController} map('/categories') {run CategoriesController} map('/locations') {run LocationsController} map('/settings') {run SettingsController} map('/sell') {run SalesController} map('/search') {run SearchController}
require "test_helper" class StimulantTest < Minitest::Test def test_that_it_has_a_version_number refute_nil ::Stimulant::VERSION end end
require "geny/command" require "geny/registry" require "geny/actions/geny" RSpec.describe Geny::Actions::Geny do let(:command) { instance_double(Geny::Command) } let(:registry) { instance_double(Geny::Registry, find!: command) } subject(:geny) { described_class.new(registry: registry) } describe "#run" do it "runs a command with arguments" do expect(command).to receive(:run).with(["--name", "foo"]) geny.run "cmd", "--name", "foo" end end describe "#invoke" do it "invokes a command with options" do expect(command).to receive(:invoke).with(name: "foo") geny.invoke "cmd", name: "foo" end end end
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/connection_content") require 'fileutils' describe ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter do before(:each) do @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection end describe :load_content_from do it 'should load from uncompressed file' do @connection.load_content_from("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/data/content.sql") end it 'should load from compressed file' do @connection.load_content_from("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/data/content.sql.gz") end end describe :dump_content_to do before(:each) do @tmpdir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tmp') FileUtils.mkdir_p @tmpdir end it 'should dump to uncompressed file' do pathname = File.join(@tmpdir, 'content.sql') @connection.dump_content_to(pathname) File.exists?(pathname).should == true @connection.load_content_from(pathname) FileUtils.rm_r @tmpdir end it 'should dump to compressed file' do pathname = File.join(@tmpdir, 'content.sql.gz') @connection.dump_content_to(pathname) File.exists?(pathname).should == true @connection.load_content_from(pathname) FileUtils.rm_r @tmpdir end end end
puts "\noptimize position:\n\n" class Position attr_accessor :x, :y, :z def initialize( x, y, z ) @x = x @y = y @z = z end end position_values = [] position_base_values = [] position_identical = 0 File.readlines( 'scripts/position_values.txt' ).each do |line| values = line.split( ',' ) position = Position.new( values[0].to_i, values[1].to_i, values[2].to_i ) position_values.push position position_base = Position.new( values[3].to_i, values[4].to_i, values[5].to_i ) if position.x == position_base.x && position.y == position_base.y && position.z == position_base.z position_identical += 1 end position_base_values.push position_base #puts "#{position.x},#{position.y},#{position.z},#{position_base.x},#{position_base.y},#{position_base.z}" end class PositionBandwidthEstimate attr_accessor :small_bits_xy, :large_bits_xy, :small_bits_z, :large_bits_z, :total_bits def initialize small_bits_xy, large_bits_xy, small_bits_z, large_bits_z @small_bits_xy = small_bits_xy @large_bits_xy = large_bits_xy @small_bits_z = small_bits_z @large_bits_z = large_bits_z @total_bits = 0 end def evaluate position_values, position_base_values bits = 0 small_threshold_xy = ( 1 << ( @small_bits_xy - 1 ) ) - 1; large_threshold_xy = ( 1 << ( @large_bits_xy - 1 ) ) - 1 + small_threshold_xy; small_threshold_z = ( 1 << ( @small_bits_z - 1 ) ) - 1; large_threshold_z = ( 1 << ( @large_bits_z - 1 ) ) - 1 + small_threshold_z; position_values.each_index do |i| position = position_values[i] base_position = position_base_values[i] dx = position.x - base_position.x dy = position.y - base_position.y dz = position.z - base_position.z if dx.abs >= large_threshold_xy || dy.abs >= large_threshold_xy || dz.abs >= large_threshold_z bits += 1 + 18 + 18 + 14 else small_x = dx.abs < small_threshold_xy small_y = dy.abs < small_threshold_xy small_z = dz.abs < small_threshold_z bits += 1 + 3 if small_x bits += small_bits_xy else bits += large_bits_xy end if small_y bits += small_bits_xy else bits += large_bits_xy end if small_z bits += small_bits_z else bits += large_bits_z end end end @total_bits = bits end def name "#{small_bits_xy}-#{large_bits_xy}-#{small_bits_z}-#{large_bits_z}" end end position_bandwidth_estimates = [] for small_bits_xy in 2..6 for large_bits_xy in 8..10 for small_bits_z in 2..6 for large_bits_z in 8..10 bandwidth_estimate = PositionBandwidthEstimate.new( small_bits_xy, large_bits_xy, small_bits_z, large_bits_z ) puts bandwidth_estimate.name bandwidth_estimate.evaluate position_values, position_base_values position_bandwidth_estimates.push bandwidth_estimate end end end end position_bandwidth_estimates.sort! { |a,b| a.total_bits <=> b.total_bits } absolute_position_bits = ( 1 + 18 + 18 + 14 ) * position_values.size puts puts "num position samples: #{position_values.size}" puts puts "absolute position: #{absolute_position_bits} bits" puts for i in 0..9 bandwidth_estimate = position_bandwidth_estimates[i] puts "compression #{bandwidth_estimate.name}: #{bandwidth_estimate.total_bits} (#{(bandwidth_estimate.total_bits/absolute_position_bits.to_f*100.0).round(1)})" end best = position_bandwidth_estimates[0] puts "\naverage bits per-position: #{(best.total_bits/position_values.size.to_f).round(2)}" puts
class Gssdp < Formula desc "GUPnP library for resource discovery and announcement over SSDP" homepage "https://wiki.gnome.org/GUPnP/" url "https://download.gnome.org/sources/gssdp/1.0/gssdp-1.0.2.tar.xz" sha256 "a1e17c09c7e1a185b0bd84fd6ff3794045a3cd729b707c23e422ff66471535dc" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "c8ac9c7c755749b7a6ea9790efab2311c9fc3d62a1af62b719968f14a7c25b62" => :high_sierra sha256 "3786f067d3b19ce3021618aaf434fd325862f90d03b7fd5ac12f6f37f8715e42" => :sierra sha256 "7927b712f8f9570c0a7e21593786bd41edf0daf2e14b7998886af9a00a8c2ab0" => :el_capitan end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "intltool" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "glib" depends_on "libsoup" def install system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include <libgssdp/gssdp.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GType type = gssdp_client_get_type(); return 0; } EOS gettext = Formula["gettext"] glib = Formula["glib"] flags = %W[ -I#{gettext.opt_include} -I#{glib.opt_include}/glib-2.0 -I#{glib.opt_lib}/glib-2.0/include -I#{include}/gssdp-1.0 -D_REENTRANT -L#{lib} -lgssdp-1.0 ] system ENV.cc, "test.c", "-o", "test", *flags system "./test" end end
development: bucket: <%= @name %>_development access_key_id: secret_access_key: test: bucket: <%= @name %>_test access_key_id: secret_access_key: production: bucket: <%= @name %> access_key_id: secret_access_key:
class CreateTableAnswers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change create_table :answers do |t| t.string :text t.boolean :is_correct, :default => false t.integer :question_id end end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Test to see if Struct can be inherited from usefully. BEGIN { base = File.dirname( File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{base}/lib" require "#{base}/utils.rb" include UtilityFunctions } try( "to subclass Struct as ConfigStruct" ) { class ConfigStruct < Struct def to_h rhash = {} self.members.collect {|name| name.to_sym}.each {|sym| val = self.send(sym) case val when ConfigStruct rhash[ sym ] = val.to_h else rhash[ sym ] = val end } return rhash end end } try( "to make ConfigStruct derivatives" ) { ArrowConfig = ConfigStruct.new( "ArrowConfig", :templates, :apps ) TemplateConfig = ConfigStruct.new( "ArrowTemplateConfig", :path, :cache ) AppsConfig = ConfigStruct.new( "ArrowAppsConfig", :path ) } tconf, aconf, conf = nil, nil, nil try( "to make some ConfigStruct derivative objects" ) { tconf = TemplateConfig.new( "/www:/www/templates", true ) aconf = AppsConfig.new( "/www/apps" ) conf = ArrowConfig.new( tconf, aconf ) [tconf, aconf, conf] } try( "conf.templates.path", binding ) try( "conf.templates.cache", binding ) try( "conf.apps.path", binding ) try( "to dump the toplevel configstruct to a hash" ) { conf.to_h }
require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) require 'enumerator' describe "Enumerable#each_slice" do before :each do @enum = EnumerableSpecs::Numerous.new(7,6,5,4,3,2,1) @sliced = [[7,6,5],[4,3,2],[1]] end it "passes element groups to the block" do acc = [] @enum.each_slice(3){|g| acc << g}.should be_nil acc.should == @sliced end it "raises an Argument Error if there is not a single parameter > 0" do lambda{ @enum.each_slice(0){} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda{ @enum.each_slice(-2){} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda{ @enum.each_slice{} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda{ @enum.each_slice(2,2){} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "tries to convert n to an Integer using #to_int" do acc = [] @enum.each_slice(3.3){|g| acc << g}.should == nil acc.should == @sliced obj = mock('to_int') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(3) @enum.each_slice(obj){|g| break g.length}.should == 3 end it "works when n is >= full length" do full = @enum.to_a acc = [] @enum.each_slice(full.length){|g| acc << g} acc.should == [full] acc = [] @enum.each_slice(full.length+1){|g| acc << g} acc.should == [full] end it "yields only as much as needed" do cnt = EnumerableSpecs::EachCounter.new(1, 2, :stop, "I said stop!", :got_it) cnt.each_slice(2) {|g| break 42 if g[0] == :stop }.should == 42 cnt.times_yielded.should == 4 end ruby_version_is "1.8.7" do it "returns an enumerator if no block" do e = @enum.each_slice(3) e.should be_an_instance_of(enumerator_class) e.to_a.should == @sliced end it "gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" do multi = EnumerableSpecs::YieldsMulti.new multi.each_slice(2).to_a.should == [[[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], [[6, 7, 8, 9]]] end end end
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::ImportExport::Mgmt::V2016_11_01 module Models # # Contains the job information. # class JobResponse include MsRestAzure # @return [String] Specifies the resource identifier of the job. attr_accessor :id # @return [String] Specifies the name of the job. attr_accessor :name # @return [String] Specifies the type of the job resource. attr_accessor :type # @return [String] Specifies the Azure location where the job is created. attr_accessor :location # @return Specifies the tags that are assigned to the job. attr_accessor :tags # @return [JobDetails] Specifies the job properties attr_accessor :properties # # Mapper for JobResponse class as Ruby Hash. # This will be used for serialization/deserialization. # def self.mapper() { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'JobResponse', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'JobResponse', model_properties: { id: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'id', type: { name: 'String' } }, name: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'name', type: { name: 'String' } }, type: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, read_only: true, serialized_name: 'type', type: { name: 'String' } }, location: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'location', type: { name: 'String' } }, tags: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'tags', type: { name: 'Object' } }, properties: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'properties', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'JobDetails' } } } } } end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # Cloud Foundry Java Buildpack # Copyright 2013-2018 the original author or authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'spec_helper' require 'component_helper' require 'fileutils' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_access_logging_support' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_geode_store' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_insight_support' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_instance' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_lifecycle_support' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_logging_support' require 'java_buildpack/container/tomcat/tomcat_redis_store' describe JavaBuildpack::Container::Tomcat do include_context 'with component help' let(:component) { StubTomcat.new context } let(:configuration) do { 'access_logging_support' => access_logging_support_configuration, 'external_configuration' => tomcat_external_configuration, 'geode_store' => geode_store_configuration, 'lifecycle_support' => lifecycle_support_configuration, 'logging_support' => logging_support_configuration, 'redis_store' => redis_store_configuration, 'tomcat' => tomcat_configuration } end let(:access_logging_support_configuration) { instance_double('logging-support-configuration') } let(:lifecycle_support_configuration) { instance_double('lifecycle-support-configuration') } let(:logging_support_configuration) { instance_double('logging-support-configuration') } let(:geode_store_configuration) { instance_double('geode_store_configuration') } let(:redis_store_configuration) { instance_double('redis-store-configuration') } let(:tomcat_configuration) { { 'external_configuration_enabled' => false } } let(:tomcat_external_configuration) { instance_double('tomcat_external_configuration') } it 'detects WEB-INF', app_fixture: 'container_tomcat' do expect(component).to be_supports end it 'does not detect when WEB-INF is absent', app_fixture: 'container_main' do expect(component).not_to be_supports end it 'does not detect when WEB-INF is present in a Java main application', app_fixture: 'container_main_with_web_inf' do expect(component).not_to be_supports end it 'creates submodules' do allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatAccessLoggingSupport) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(access_logging_support_configuration)) allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatGeodeStore) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(geode_store_configuration)) allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatInstance) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(tomcat_configuration)) allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatInsightSupport).to receive(:new).with(context) allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatLifecycleSupport) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(lifecycle_support_configuration)) allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatLoggingSupport) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(logging_support_configuration)) allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatRedisStore) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(redis_store_configuration)) component.sub_components context end it 'returns command' do expect(component.command).to eq("test-var-2 test-var-1 JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS #{java_home.as_env_var} exec " \ '$PWD/.java-buildpack/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh run') end context do let(:tomcat_configuration) { { 'external_configuration_enabled' => true } } it 'creates submodule TomcatExternalConfiguration' do allow(JavaBuildpack::Container::TomcatExternalConfiguration) .to receive(:new).with(sub_configuration_context(tomcat_external_configuration)) component.sub_components context end end end class StubTomcat < JavaBuildpack::Container::Tomcat public :command, :sub_components, :supports? end def sub_configuration_context(configuration) c = context.clone c[:configuration] = configuration c end
# # Be sure to run `pod spec lint SNetwork.podspec' to ensure this is a # valid spec and to remove all comments including this before submitting the spec. # # To learn more about Podspec attributes see http://docs.cocoapods.org/specification.html # To see working Podspecs in the CocoaPods repo see https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/ # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "SNetwork" s.version = "0.0.1" s.summary = "Simple and lightweight networking for your App" s.description = <<-DESC This pod helps you make simple network requests. DESC s.homepage = 'https://github.com/kurtulusahmet/SNetwork.git' s.license = 'MIT' s.author = { "kurtulusahmettemel" => "[email protected]" } s.social_media_url = "https://twitter.com/_kurtulusahmet" s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/kurtulusahmet/SNetwork.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" } s.framework = "XCTest" s.requires_arc = true s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0' s.source_files = 'SNetwork/**/*.{c,h,hh,m,mm,swift}' s.dependency 'Alamofire', '~> 4.7' s.swift_version = '4.2' s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'SWIFT_VERSION' => '4.2' } end
class Hash def symbolize_keys inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = value options end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' require_relative 'env/version' module RuboCop # Rubocop Cop for checking ENV module Env class Error < StandardError; end PROJECT_ROOT = Pathname.new(__dir__).parent.parent.expand_path.freeze CONFIG_DEFAULT = PROJECT_ROOT.join('config', 'default.yml').freeze CONFIG = YAML.safe_load(CONFIG_DEFAULT.read).freeze private_constant(:CONFIG_DEFAULT, :PROJECT_ROOT) end end
class ProfilesController < Profiles::ApplicationController include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper before_action :user before_action :authorize_change_username!, only: :update_username skip_before_action :require_email, only: [:show, :update] def show end def applications @applications = current_user.oauth_applications @authorized_tokens = current_user.oauth_authorized_tokens @authorized_anonymous_tokens = @authorized_tokens.reject(&:application) @authorized_apps = @authorized_tokens.map(&:application).uniq - [nil] end def update user_params.except!(:email) if @user.ldap_user? if @user.update_attributes(user_params) flash[:notice] = "Profile was successfully updated" else messages = @user.errors.full_messages.uniq.join('. ') flash[:alert] = "Failed to update profile. #{messages}" end respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_back_or_default(default: { action: 'show' }) } end end def reset_private_token if current_user.reset_authentication_token! flash[:notice] = "Token was successfully updated" end redirect_to profile_account_path end def audit_log @events = AuditEvent.where(entity_type: "User", entity_id: current_user.id). order("created_at DESC"). page(params[:page]). per(PER_PAGE) end def update_username @user.update_attributes(username: user_params[:username]) respond_to do |format| format.js end end private def user @user = current_user end def authorize_change_username! return render_404 unless @user.can_change_username? end def user_params params.require(:user).permit( :avatar, :bio, :email, :hide_no_password, :hide_no_ssh_key, :hide_project_limit, :linkedin, :location, :name, :password, :password_confirmation, :public_email, :skype, :twitter, :username, :website_url ) end end
class Span < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :application belongs_to :host belongs_to :grouping, :primary_key => :uuid, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :layer belongs_to :trace, :primary_key => :trace_key, :foreign_key => :trace_key belongs_to :parent, :primary_key => :uuid, :class_name => "Span" has_many :children, :primary_key => :uuid, :foreign_key => :parent_id, :class_name => "Span" has_many :log_entries, :primary_key => :uuid has_one :database_call, :primary_key => :uuid has_one :backtrace, :as => :backtraceable, :primary_key => :uuid has_one :error, :primary_key => :uuid, :class_name => "ErrorDatum" delegate :name, :to => :layer, :prefix => true def tags payload end def has_error? tag("error") == true end def tag(key) if payload.is_a?(Hash) payload[key.to_s] else nil end end def source @log_entry ||= log_entries.where(:event => "source").first || LogEntry.new if @log_entry.fields @log_entry.fields.fetch("stack", nil) || @log_entry.fields.fetch(":stack", nil) else nil end end def is_root? parent_id == nil end def is_query?(uuid) grouping_type.eql?("DatabaseCall") && grouping_id.to_s.eql?(uuid) end def end timestamp.to_f + duration.to_f end def exclusive_duration duration - children.inject(0.0) { |sum, child| sum + child.duration } end def ancestors ancestors = [] metric = self while parent = metric.parent ancestors << parent metric = parent end ancestors end def send_chain(arr) Array(arr).inject({}) { |o, a| o.merge(a => self.send(a)) } end def dump_attribute_tree(attributes = [:id]) if children.present? [ self.send_chain(attributes), :children => children.map {|c| c.dump_attribute_tree(attributes) }.flatten ] else [self.send_chain(attributes)] end end # Returns if the current node is the parent of the given node. # If this is a new record, we can use started_at values to detect parenting. # However, if it was already saved, we lose microseconds information from # timestamps and we must rely solely in id and parent_id information. def parent_of?(span) start = (timestamp - span.timestamp) * 1000.0 start <= 0 && (start + duration >= span.duration) end def child_of?(span) span.parent_of?(self) end end
cask "quarto" do version "0.3.118" sha256 "b8d87cf3ce36157c483b438a44f1012b588b422de3f607f92329b19cdbfc77ee" url "https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/releases/download/v#{version}/quarto-#{version}-macos.pkg", verified: "github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/" name "quarto" desc "Scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc" homepage "https://www.quarto.org/" depends_on macos: ">= :el_capitan" pkg "quarto-#{version}-macos.pkg" uninstall pkgutil: "org.rstudio.quarto" zap trash: "~/Library/Caches/quarto" end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' # Unit test for io/tcpserver.rb require_relative '../../io/tcpfns' require_relative '../../io/tcpserver' class TestTCPDbgServer < Test::Unit::TestCase include Trepanning::TCPPacking def test_basic server = Trepan::TCPDbgServer.new({ :open => false, :port => 1027, :host => 'localhost' }) server.open threads = [] msgs = %w(one two three) Thread.new do msgs.each do |msg| begin line = server.read_msg.chomp assert_equal(msg, line) rescue EOFError puts 'Got EOF' break end end end threads << Thread.new do begin t = TCPSocket.new('localhost', 1027) msgs.each do |msg| begin t.puts(pack_msg(msg)) rescue EOFError puts "Got EOF" break rescue Exception => e puts "Got #{e}" break end end t.close rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED skip "Can't open client port 1027" end end threads.each {|t| t.join } server.close end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Resolvers module AccessGrants class UserCollectionResolver < GraphQL::Schema::Resolver include SearchObject.module(:graphql) include Resolvers::PageBasedPagination include Resolvers::SimplyOrdered type Types::UserCollectionAccessGrantType.connection_type, null: false scope do if object.respond_to?(:access_grants) object.access_grants.with_preloads.for_collections.for_users else AccessGrant.none end end end end end
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::DataMigration::Mgmt::V2018_07_15_preview module Models # # Results for schema comparison between the source and target # class SchemaComparisonValidationResult include MsRestAzure # @return [SchemaComparisonValidationResultType] List of schema # differences between the source and target databases attr_accessor :schema_differences # @return [ValidationError] List of errors that happened while performing # schema compare validation attr_accessor :validation_errors # @return [Hash{String => Integer}] Count of source database objects attr_accessor :source_database_object_count # @return [Hash{String => Integer}] Count of target database objects attr_accessor :target_database_object_count # # Mapper for SchemaComparisonValidationResult class as Ruby Hash. # This will be used for serialization/deserialization. # def self.mapper() { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'SchemaComparisonValidationResult', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'SchemaComparisonValidationResult', model_properties: { schema_differences: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'schemaDifferences', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'SchemaComparisonValidationResultType' } }, validation_errors: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'validationErrors', type: { name: 'Composite', class_name: 'ValidationError' } }, source_database_object_count: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'sourceDatabaseObjectCount', type: { name: 'Dictionary', value: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'BignumElementType', type: { name: 'Number' } } } }, target_database_object_count: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'targetDatabaseObjectCount', type: { name: 'Dictionary', value: { client_side_validation: true, required: false, serialized_name: 'BignumElementType', type: { name: 'Number' } } } } } } } end end end end
require File.expand_path('../../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Gem::DependencyResolver#development_shallow" do it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness" end describe "Gem::DependencyResolver#development_shallow=" do it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness" end
# # The MIT License # Copyright (c) 2019- Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS) # Copyright (c) 2018 Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), # Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS), Population Register Centre (VRK) # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), Population Register Centre (VRK) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # class FeedbackController < ApplicationController def index # NOP end end
module AbAdmin class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name 'ab_admin' initializer 'ab_admin.assets_precompile', :group => :all do |app| app.config.assets.precompile += AbAdmin.assets end initializer 'ab_admin.setup' do ::Mime::Type.register 'application/vnd.ms-excel', :xlsx ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::CarrierWave::Glue ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Utils::Mysql ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Concerns::DeepCloneable ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Concerns::Utilities ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Concerns::Silencer ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, AbAdmin::Concerns::Silencer ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Concerns::Validations ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Concerns::Fileuploads ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, AbAdmin::Concerns::TranslationsMacro ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, EnumField::EnumeratedAttribute end ActiveSupport.on_load :action_mailer do ActionMailer::Base.send :include, AbAdmin::Mailers::Helpers end ActiveSupport.on_load :action_view do ActionController::Base.helper AbAdmin::Views::Helpers ActionController::Base.helper AbAdmin::Views::AdminHelpers ActionController::Base.helper AbAdmin::Views::AdminNavigationHelpers ActionController::Base.helper AbAdmin::Views::ManagerHelpers end end end end
# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'support/editor' require 'support/playground_actions' RSpec.feature "Using third-party Rust tools", type: :feature, js: true do include PlaygroundActions before { visit '/' } scenario "formatting code" do editor.set 'fn main() { [1,2,3,4]; }' in_tools_menu { click_on("Rustfmt") } within('.editor') do expect(editor).to have_line '[1, 2, 3, 4];' end end scenario "linting code with Clippy" do editor.set code_with_lint_warnings in_tools_menu { click_on("Clippy") } within(".output-stderr") do expect(page).to have_content 'deny(clippy::eq_op)' expect(page).to have_content 'warn(clippy::zero_divided_by_zero)' end end def code_with_lint_warnings <<~EOF use itertools::Itertools; fn example() { let a = 0.0 / 0.0; println!("NaN is {}", a); } EOF end scenario "sanitize code with Miri" do editor.set code_with_undefined_behavior in_tools_menu { click_on("Miri") } within(".output-stderr") do expect(page).to have_content %r{pointer must be in-bounds at offset 1, but is outside bounds of alloc\d+ which has size 0}, wait: 10 end end def code_with_undefined_behavior <<~EOF fn main() { let mut a: [u8; 0] = []; unsafe { *a.get_unchecked_mut(1) = 1; } } EOF end scenario "expand macros with the nightly compiler" do editor.set code_that_uses_macros in_tools_menu { click_on("Expand macros") } within(".output-stdout") do # First-party expect(page).to have_content('core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1') # Third-party procedural macro expect(page).to have_content('block_on(async') # User-specified declarative macro expect(page).to have_content('fn created_by_macro() -> i32 { 42 }') end end def code_that_uses_macros <<~EOF macro_rules! demo { ($name:ident) => { fn $name() -> i32 { 42 } } } demo!(created_by_macro); #[tokio::main] async fn example() { println!("a value: {}", created_by_macro()); } EOF end def editor Editor.new(page) end end
module Outpost class SessionsController < Outpost::BaseController skip_before_filter :require_login before_filter :get_authentication_attribute respond_to :html def new redirect_to outpost.root_path if current_user end def create if user = Outpost.user_class.authenticate( params[@authentication_attribute], params[:password]) session[:user_id] = user.id user.update_column(:last_login, Time.zone.now) redirect_to session[:return_to] || outpost.root_path, notice: "Logged in." session[:return_to] = nil else flash.now[:alert] = "Invalid login information." render :new end end def destroy @current_user = nil session[:user_id] = nil redirect_to outpost.login_path, notice: "Logged Out." end private def get_authentication_attribute @authentication_attribute = Outpost.config.authentication_attribute end end end
class AddSlugToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change add_column :posts, :slug, :string add_index :posts, :slug, unique: true end end
require "spec_helper" describe Paperclip::Processor do it "instantiates and call #make when sent #make to the class" do processor = double expect(processor).to receive(:make) expect(Paperclip::Processor).to receive(:new).with(:one, :two, :three).and_return(processor) Paperclip::Processor.make(:one, :two, :three) end context "Calling #convert" do it "runs the convert command with Terrapin" do Paperclip.options[:log_command] = false expect(Terrapin::CommandLine).to receive(:new).with("convert", "stuff", {}).and_return(double(run: nil)) Paperclip::Processor.new("filename").convert("stuff") end end context "Calling #identify" do it "runs the identify command with Terrapin" do Paperclip.options[:log_command] = false expect(Terrapin::CommandLine).to receive(:new).with("identify", "stuff", {}).and_return(double(run: nil)) Paperclip::Processor.new("filename").identify("stuff") end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'zenaton/refinements/date' RSpec.describe Date do using Zenaton::Refinements describe '#to_zenaton' do subject { described_class.new(2018, 8, 1).to_zenaton } let(:expected) do { 'y' => 2018, 'm' => 8, 'd' => 1, 'sg' => 2299161.0 } end it { is_expected.to eq(expected) } end describe '.from_zenaton' do subject { described_class.from_zenaton(props) } let(:props) do { 'y' => 2018, 'm' => 8, 'd' => 1, 'sg' => 2299161.0 } end it { is_expected.to eq(described_class.new(2018, 8, 1)) } end describe 'json serialization' do let(:object) { described_class.new(2018, 8, 1) } let(:props) { object.to_zenaton } let(:json) { props.to_json } let(:decoded_props) { JSON.parse(json) } let(:new_object) { described_class.from_zenaton(decoded_props) } it 'is bijective' do expect(new_object).to eq(object) end end end
module Minitest module Tagz VERSION = "1.7.0" end end
# frozen_string_literal: true class RatingRequestIssue < RequestIssue # :nocov: def rating? true end # :nocov: end
# # Required `:let` examples: # # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { [["[data-describe='tooltip-icon']", etc] } # # let(:nested_toggle) { false } # shared_examples_for 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' do # it 'activates tooltips on tooltippable component' do # tooltippable_component_selectors.each do |selector| # maybe_open_dropdown_menu(maybe_open_dropdown: dropdown, dropdown_data_describe: dropdown_data_describe, nested_toggle: nested_toggle) # confirm_tooltip_presence(selector: selector) # end # end # end # RSpec.describe 'Activating a tooltip on all tooltippable components', type: :feature, js: true do # let(:tooltip_text) { ComponentAttributeDefaultsHelper::feature_spec_tooltip_text } # let(:typeface_component_css_selectors) { # ["h6[data-toggle='tooltip'][data-describe='tooltip-typeface-title']", # "h5[data-toggle='tooltip'][data-describe='tooltip-typeface-heading']", # "h6[data-toggle='tooltip'][data-describe='tooltip-typeface-subheading']", # "p.font-size-sm[data-toggle='tooltip'][data-describe='tooltip-typeface-caption']", # "p[data-toggle='tooltip'][data-describe='tooltip-typeface-body']"] } # let(:tested_additional_component_css_classes) { ['.fa', "h6[data-toggle='tooltip']"] } # let(:additional_component_css_classes) { [*typeface_component_css_selectors, *tested_additional_component_css_classes] } # before { visit tooltip_feature_spec_views_path } # # Do what we can to ensure we're not missing some # # new tooltippable components along the way. # it_behaves_like 'a page that contains all of the utility enhanced components', tested_method: :tooltip, component_suite: :nfg # describe 'activating the tooltip' do # let(:describe) { nil } # let(:element) { '' } # let(:dropdown_data_describe) { '' } # let(:nested_toggle) { false } # let(:dropdown) { false } # before { scroll_to_element("[data-describe=\'#{dropdown_data_describe}\']") if dropdown } # describe 'activating tooltips on typeface components' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { typeface_component_css_selectors } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # end # describe 'tooltips on badges' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-badge']", "[data-describe='tooltip-badge-with-link']", "[data-describe='tooltip-badge-pill']", "[data-describe='tooltip-badge-pill-with-link']"] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # end # describe 'tooltips on icons' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-icon']", "[data-describe='tooltip-icon-with-text']"] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # end # describe 'tooltips on buttons' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-button']", # "[data-describe='tooltip-button-link']", # "[data-describe='tooltip-button-with-nil-modal']", # "[data-describe='disabled-button-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip']"] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # end # describe 'tooltips on dropdown items' do # let(:dropdown) { true } # let(:dropdown_data_describe) { 'dropdown-menu' } # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-dropdown-item']", # "[data-describe='tooltip-dropdown-item-with-nil-modal']", # "[data-describe='disabled-dropdown-item-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip']"] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # end # describe 'tooltips on nav items' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-nav-item']", # "[data-describe='tooltip-active-nav-item']", # "[data-describe='tooltip-nav-item-with-nil-modal']" # # "[data-describe='disabled-nav-item-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip']" # ] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # pending "[data-describe='disabled-nav-item-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip'] does not yet work" # end # describe 'tooltips on slact actions' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-slat-action']","[data-describe='tooltip-slat-action-with-href']","[data-describe='modal-slat-action-with-tooltip']","[data-describe='disabled-slat-action-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip']" ] } # it 'activates tooltips on tooltippable slat action items' do # tooltippable_component_selectors.each do |selector| # page.find("[data-describe='slat-actions-menu'] .dropdown-toggle").click # sleep 0.25 # confirm_tooltip_presence(selector: selector) # page.find("body").click # end # end # end # describe 'tooltips on steps' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { [ "[data-describe='tooltip-step-visited']", # "[data-describe='tooltip-step-active']" # # "[data-toggle='disabled-tooltip-step-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip']" # ] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # pending "[data-toggle='disabled-tooltip-step-wrapper'] [data-toggle='tooltip'] doesn't work yet." # end # describe 'tooltips on progress' do # let(:tooltippable_component_selectors) { ["[data-describe='tooltip-progress']"] } # it_behaves_like 'tooltippable components that activate a tooltip' # end # end # end # private # def wait_for_tooltip # sleep 0.5 # end # def confirm_tooltip_presence(selector:) # page.find(selector).hover # wait_for_tooltip # expect(page).to have_css tooltip_id(selector: selector) # end
class Plugins::CamaleonMandrill::AdminController < CamaleonCms::Apps::PluginsAdminController def settings @mandrill = current_site.get_meta('mandrill_config') end def save_settings current_site.set_meta('mandrill_config', { smtp_username: params[:mandrill][:smtp_username], smtp_password: params[:mandrill][:smtp_password], default_from: params[:mandrill][:default_from], }) flash[:notice] = "#{t('plugin.mandrill.messages.settings_saved')}" redirect_to action: :settings end end
module Editframe class VideoClip attr_reader :layers def initialize(source, options = {}) @id = Util.uuid @form = {} @filters = [] @layers = [] @options = options || { } @resolution = { width: nil, height: nil } @trim = { start: 0, end: nil } @volume = 1.0 configure_source source end def filter(name, options = {}) @filters.push({ :name => name, :options => { **options } }) self end def resize(resolution) return unless !resolution.nil? set_resolution resolution self end def set_resolution(resolution) return unless !resolution.nil? values = resolution.split('x') @resolution = { width: values[0].to_i, height: values[1].to_i } self end def set_volume(volume) @volume = volume.to_f if volume > 1 then @volume = 1.0 end if volume < 1 then @volume = 0.0 end self end def trim(trim_start, trim_end) @trim[:start] = trim_start @trim[:end] = trim_end if @trim[:start] < 0 @trim[:start] = 0 end if @trim[:end] < 0 @trim.delete(:end) end self end def mute set_volume 0 self end def encode @form[:config] = Faraday::ParamPart.new(generate_config, 'application/json') Editframe::Video.encode_from_clip(@form) end private def configure_source(source) case source when String @form["url#{@id}"] = source when File @form["file#{@id}"] = Faraday::FilePart.new source, 'application/octet-stream' end @source = source end private def generate_config clip = { :id => @id, :filters => @filters, :volume => @volume } options = @options if !@trim[:end].nil? clip[:trim] = @trim end if (!@resolution[:width].nil?) and (!@resolution[:height].nil?) clip[:resolution] = @resolution end options.stringify_keys! options.deep_transform_keys! { |key| key.camelize :lower } { **options, :layers => @layers, :clip => clip }.to_json end end end
module KMP3D module HTMLHelpers def tag(name, attributes={}) content = "#{yield}</#{name}>" if block_given? return "<#{name}#{attributes_to_html(attributes)}>#{content}" end def sidenav(index, callback_method, options=[]) tag(:div, :class => "sidenav") do sidenav_children(index, callback_method, options).join("") end end def select(selected_id, attributes={}, options=[]) tag(:select, attributes) do select_children(selected_id, options).join("") end end def checkbox(label, attributes={}, checked=false) attributes[:type] = "checkbox" attributes[:checked] = "true" if checked tag(:label) { tag(:input, attributes) + label } end def br "<br/>" end def callback(name="", args="") "window.location='skp:#{name}@#{args}';" end def on_scroll(id) "window.location='skp:#{id}Scroll@'" \ "+document.getElementById('#{id}').scrollTop;" end def scroll_onload "document.getElementById('types').scrollTop=#{@scroll_types};" \ "document.getElementById('table').scrollTop=#{@scroll_table};" end def toggle_select(row_id, selected) "var element = document.getElementById('row#{row_id}');" \ "if(#{selected}) { element.className = 'selected'; }" \ "else { element.className = ''; }" end def puts_js(js) "window.location='skp:puts@'+#{js};" end def append_row_html(row) "var table = document.getElementById('table');" \ "var index = table.innerHTML.lastIndexOf('</tr>') + 5;" \ "var start = table.innerHTML.slice(0, index);" \ "var end = table.innerHTML.slice(index);" \ "table.innerHTML = start + #{row.inspect} + end;" end private def sidenav_children(index, callback_method, options) i = 0 options.map do |option| opts = {:onmousedown => callback(callback_method, i)} opts[:class] = "selected" if i == index i += 1 tag(:button, opts) { option } end end def select_children(selected_id, options) i = 0 options.map do |option| opts = {:value => i} opts[:selected] = "selected" if i == selected_id i += 1 tag(:option, opts) { option } end end def attributes_to_html(attributes) attributes.map { |k, v| " #{k}=#{v.inspect}" } * "" end end end
class SessionsController < ApplicationController def new end def create user = User.find_by(email: params[:session][:email].downcase) if user && user.authenticate(params[:session][:password]) # success if user.activated? log_in user params[:session][:remember_me] == '1' ? remember(user) : forget(user) #redirect_to user redirect_back_or user else message = "Account not activated. " message += "Check your email for the activation link." flash[:warning] = message redirect_to root_url end else # failure flash.now[:danger] = "Invalid email/password combination" render 'new' end end def destroy log_out if logged_in? redirect_to root_url end end
module Moneta module Api module Responses # Ответ на запрос получения информации по операции. # Transaction information response. class GetOperationDetailsByIdResponse include Moneta::Api::DataMapper # @return [Moneta::Api::Types::OperationInfo] property :operation, type: Types::OperationInfo end end end end
=begin #Datadog API V2 Collection #Collection of all Datadog Public endpoints. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0 Contact: [email protected] Generated by: https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-api-client-ruby/tree/master/.generator Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/). Copyright 2020-Present Datadog, Inc. =end require 'date' require 'time' module DatadogAPIClient::V2 # Global query options that are used during the query. # Note: Only supply timezone or time offset, not both. Otherwise, the query fails. class RUMQueryOptions include BaseGenericModel # Whether the object has unparsed attributes # @!visibility private attr_accessor :_unparsed # The time offset (in seconds) to apply to the query. attr_accessor :time_offset # The timezone can be specified both as an offset, for example: "UTC+03:00". attr_accessor :timezone # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. # @!visibility private def self.attribute_map { :'time_offset' => :'time_offset', :'timezone' => :'timezone' } end # Returns all the JSON keys this model knows about # @!visibility private def self.acceptable_attributes attribute_map.values end # Attribute type mapping. # @!visibility private def self.openapi_types { :'time_offset' => :'Integer', :'timezone' => :'String' } end # List of attributes with nullable: true # @!visibility private def self.openapi_nullable Set.new([ ]) end # Initializes the object # @param attributes [Hash] Model attributes in the form of hash # @!visibility private def initialize(attributes = {}) if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash)) fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `DatadogAPIClient::V2::RUMQueryOptions` initialize method" end # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym)) fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `DatadogAPIClient::V2::RUMQueryOptions`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect end h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'time_offset') self.time_offset = attributes[:'time_offset'] end if attributes.key?(:'timezone') self.timezone = attributes[:'timezone'] else self.timezone = 'UTC' end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons # @!visibility private def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid # @!visibility private def valid? true end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param o [Object] Object to be compared # @!visibility private def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && time_offset == o.time_offset && timezone == o.timezone end # @see the `==` method # @param o [Object] Object to be compared # @!visibility private def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Integer] Hash code # @!visibility private def hash [time_offset, timezone].hash end end end
cask "book-ends" do version "14.0.2" sha256 "ca8989518200773ba88facdd450f10f1f01436b4e3301279214d33176630f002" url "http://das-nas.myasustor.com/dapp-dmg/Bkends-#{version}.dmg" name "Bookends" desc "Reference management and bibliography software" homepage "https://www.sonnysoftware.com/" livecheck do url :homepage regex(/version\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) end depends_on macos: ">= :high_sierra" zap trash: [ "~/Library/Application Support/Bookends", "~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/Bookends_F55C8E1F-1E92-5D69-B336-4E6BBE2AB04C.plist", "~/Library/Cookies/com.sonnysoftware.bookends.binarycookies", "~/Library/Preferences/com.sonnysoftware.bookends.plist", "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.sonnysoftware.bookends.savedState", ] app "Bookends.app" end
json.extract! user, :id, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :biography, :purpose, :days, :active, :password_digest, :created_at, :updated_at json.url user_url(user, format: :json)
require 'spec_helper' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' module LicenseFinder describe GoVendor do include FakeFS::SpecHelpers let(:logger) { double(:logger, active: nil) } subject { GoVendor.new(options.merge(project_path: Pathname(project_path), logger: logger)) } before do allow(logger).to receive(:installed) allow(logger).to receive(:active) end context 'package manager' do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(fixture_path('all_pms'), 'vendor') end it_behaves_like "a PackageManager" it 'installed? should be true if go exists on the path' do allow(PackageManager).to receive(:command_exists?).with('go').and_return true expect(described_class.installed?).to eq(true) end it 'installed? should be false if go does not exists on the path' do allow(PackageManager).to receive(:command_exists?).with('go').and_return false expect(described_class.installed?).to eq(false) end end let(:project_path) { '/app' } let(:options) { {} } context 'when there are go files' do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p project_path FileUtils.touch File.join(project_path, 'main.go') FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(project_path, 'vendor', 'github.com', 'foo', 'bar') end it 'detects the project as go vendor project' do expect(subject.active?).to be true end describe '#current_packages' do let(:go_deps) { ["github.com/foo/bar", true] } before do allow(subject).to receive(:capture).with(%q[go list -f '{{join .Deps "\n"}}' ./...]).and_return(go_deps) allow(subject).to receive(:capture).with(%q[git rev-list --max-count 1 HEAD]).and_return(["e0ff7ae205f\n", true]) end RSpec.shared_examples 'current_packages' do |parameter| it 'only returns the parent package' do packages = subject.current_packages expect(packages.count).to eq(1) expect(packages.first.name).to eq('github.com/foo/bar') end end include_examples 'current_packages' it 'uses the sha of the parent project as the dependency version' do packages = subject.current_packages expect(packages.first.version).to eq('vendored-e0ff7ae205f') end context 'when sub packages are being used' do let(:go_deps) { ["github.com/foo/bar\ngithub.com/foo/bar/baz", true] } include_examples 'current_packages' end context 'when only sub packages are being used' do let(:go_deps) { ["github.com/foo/bar/baz", true] } include_examples 'current_packages' end context 'when unvendored packages are being used' do let(:go_deps) { ["github.com/foo/bar\ntext/template/parse", true] } include_examples 'current_packages' end end end context 'when there are go files in subdirectories' do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p project_path FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(project_path, 'vendor', 'github.com', 'foo', 'bar') FileUtils.touch File.join(project_path, 'vendor', 'github.com', 'foo', 'bar', 'main.go') end it 'detects the project as go vendor project' do expect(subject.active?).to be true end end context 'if no go files exist' do let(:project_path) { '/ruby_app' } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(project_path, 'vendor') end it 'should not mark the project active' do expect(subject.active?).to be false end end end end
class Whitedb < Formula desc "Lightweight in-memory NoSQL database library" homepage "http://whitedb.org/" url "http://whitedb.org/whitedb-0.7.3.tar.gz" sha256 "10c4ccd754ed2d53dbdef9ec16c88c732aa73d923fc0ee114e7e3a78a812849d" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "9ec140c350c8233dcbd67def0607eb1cdb764fd3f14ac57ac3901eeeda554e0f" => :catalina sha256 "05673924ef2226616618002bcbcee6241db8f1ce34339ff38785fd4fe82cda43" => :mojave sha256 "3dc724386650bbbf608c4742d954c338e1927427e4c4f1a9c0d6255cc8deee5d" => :high_sierra sha256 "44639bc83668def2e81b68318dbdb5347f9262937ddb6cfdfd7303aae1ce05a6" => :sierra sha256 "c0f4e666e9cc755bbff0711a1494c9705928a34a565701147bae31793f505163" => :el_capitan sha256 "0fa38dca524c08f51fa724fb49df5a3ebdde46a3251b2a282d5343b36c4c249f" => :yosemite sha256 "ba756975f0dbdfa4259a5a4271414765644b0abe8c771d0c091238909f0968d2" => :mavericks end def install # https://github.com/priitj/whitedb/issues/15 ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-std=gnu89" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/wgdb", "create", "512k" system "#{bin}/wgdb", "add", "42" system "#{bin}/wgdb", "select", "1" system "#{bin}/wgdb", "free" end end
# coding: utf-8 lib = File.expand_path("lib", __dir__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require "metanorma/iec/version" Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "metanorma-iec" spec.version = Metanorma::Iec::VERSION spec.authors = ["Ribose Inc."] spec.email = ["[email protected]"] spec.summary = "metanorma-iec lets you write IEC standards "\ "in AsciiDoc." spec.description = <<~DESCRIPTION metanorma-iec lets you write IEC standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active development. DESCRIPTION spec.homepage = "https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-iec" spec.license = "BSD-2-Clause" spec.bindir = "bin" spec.require_paths = ["lib"] spec.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") spec.test_files = `git ls-files -- {spec}/*`.split("\n") spec.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 2.5.0") spec.add_dependency "metanorma-iso", "~> 1.10.0" spec.add_dependency "ruby-jing" spec.add_development_dependency "byebug" spec.add_development_dependency "equivalent-xml", "~> 0.6" spec.add_development_dependency "guard", "~> 2.14" spec.add_development_dependency "guard-rspec", "~> 4.7" spec.add_development_dependency "iev", "~> 0.2.0" spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 13.0" spec.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.6" spec.add_development_dependency "rubocop", "~> 1.5.2" spec.add_development_dependency "sassc", "2.4.0" spec.add_development_dependency "simplecov", "~> 0.15" spec.add_development_dependency "timecop", "~> 0.9" end
# frozen_string_literal: true module PageMeta class HashMetaTag < MetaTag def render return if content.empty? content.each_with_object([]) do |(attr, value), buffer| next if value.blank? attr = attr.to_s.tr("_", ":") buffer << helpers.tag(:meta, property: "#{base_name}:#{attr}", content: value) end.join end end end
require 'test_helper' class UploadsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest context "The uploads controller" do setup do @user = create(:user) end context "image proxy action" do should "work" do url = "https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2017/11/21/17/06/44/65985331_p0.png" get_auth image_proxy_uploads_path, @user, params: { url: url } assert_response :success assert_equal("image/png", response.media_type) assert_equal(15_573, response.body.size) end end context "batch action" do context "for twitter galleries" do should "render" do skip "Twitter keys are not set" unless Danbooru.config.twitter_api_key get_auth batch_uploads_path, @user, params: {:url => "https://twitter.com/lvlln/status/567054278486151168"} assert_response :success end end context "for pixiv ugoira galleries" do should "render" do get_auth batch_uploads_path, @user, params: {:url => "https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59523577"} assert_response :success assert_no_match(/59523577_ugoira0\.jpg/, response.body) end end context "for a blank source" do should "render" do get_auth batch_uploads_path, @user assert_response :success end end end context "new action" do should "render" do get_auth new_upload_path, @user assert_response :success end should "render with an url" do get_auth new_upload_path(url: "https://cdn.donmai.us/original/d3/4e/d34e4cf0a437a5d65f8e82b7bcd02606.jpg"), @user assert_response :success end end context "index action" do should "render as an anonymous user" do create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user) get uploads_path assert_response :success end should "render as an uploader" do create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user) get_auth uploads_path, @user assert_response :success end should "render as an admin" do create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user) get_auth uploads_path, create(:admin_user) assert_response :success end context "for a search" do setup do CurrentUser.user = @user @upload = create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user, source: "http://example.com/foobar") end should respond_to_search({}).with { [@upload] } should respond_to_search(source: "http://example.com/foobar").with { @upload } should respond_to_search(status: "completed").with { @upload } end end context "show action" do should "not show uploads to other users" do upload = create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user) get_auth upload_path(upload), create(:user) assert_response 403 end should "render a completed source upload for the uploader" do upload = create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user) get_auth upload_path(upload), @user assert_response :success end should "render a completed file upload for the uploader" do upload = create(:completed_file_upload, uploader: @user) get_auth upload_path(upload), @user assert_response :success end should "render a failed upload" do upload = create(:upload, uploader: @user, status: "error: Not an image or video") get_auth upload_path(upload), @user assert_response :success end should "render a pending upload" do upload = create(:upload, uploader: @user, status: "pending", source: "https://www.google.com") get_auth upload_path(upload), @user assert_response :success end should "render a processing upload" do upload = create(:upload, uploader: @user, status: "processing") get_auth upload_path(upload), @user assert_response :success end should "redirect a completed upload to the original post if it's a duplicate of an existing post" do @upload = create(:completed_file_upload, uploader: @user) @post = create(:post, md5: @upload.media_assets.first.md5, media_asset: @upload.media_assets.first) get_auth upload_path(@upload), @user assert_redirected_to @post end should "prefill the upload form with the URL parameters" do upload = create(:completed_source_upload, uploader: @user) get_auth upload_path(upload, post: { rating: "s" }), @user assert_response :success assert_select "#post_rating_s[checked]" end end context "create action" do should "fail if not given a file or a source" do assert_no_difference("Upload.count") do post_auth uploads_path(format: :json), @user assert_response 422 assert_equal(["No file or source given"], response.parsed_body.dig("errors", "base")) end end should "fail if given both a file and source" do assert_no_difference("Upload.count") do file = File.open("test/files/test.jpg") source = "https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm" post_auth uploads_path(format: :json), @user, params: { upload: { file: file, source: source }} end assert_response 422 assert_equal(["Can't give both a file and a source"], response.parsed_body.dig("errors", "base")) end should "fail if given an unsupported filetype" do file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("test/files/ugoira.json") post_auth uploads_path(format: :json), @user, params: { upload: { file: file }} assert_response 201 assert_match("Not an image or video", Upload.last.status) end should "fail if the file size is too large" do skip "flaky test" Danbooru.config.stubs(:max_file_size).returns(1.kilobyte) file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("test/files/test.jpg") post_auth uploads_path(format: :json), @user, params: { upload: { file: file }} perform_enqueued_jobs assert_response 201 assert_match("File size must be less than or equal to", Upload.last.status) Danbooru.config.unstub(:max_file_size) end context "for a corrupted image" do should "fail for a corrupted jpeg" do create_upload!("test/files/test-corrupt.jpg", user: @user) assert_match("corrupt", Upload.last.status) end should "fail for a corrupted gif" do create_upload!("test/files/test-corrupt.gif", user: @user) assert_match("corrupt", Upload.last.status) end # https://schaik.com/pngsuite/pngsuite_xxx_png.html should "fail for a corrupted png" do create_upload!("test/files/test-corrupt.png", user: @user) assert_match("corrupt", Upload.last.status) end end context "for a video longer than the video length limit" do should "fail for a regular user" do @source = "https://cdn.donmai.us/original/63/cb/63cb09f2526ef3ac14f11c011516ad9b.webm" post_auth uploads_path(format: :json), @user, params: { upload: { source: @source }} perform_enqueued_jobs assert_response 201 assert_match("Duration must be less than", Upload.last.status) end end # XXX fixme context "for a video longer than the video length limit" do should_eventually "work for an admin" do @source = "https://cdn.donmai.us/original/63/cb/63cb09f2526ef3ac14f11c011516ad9b.webm" post_auth uploads_path(format: :json), create(:admin_user), params: { upload: { source: @source }} perform_enqueued_jobs assert_response 201 assert_equal("completed", Upload.last.status) end end context "when re-uploading a media asset stuck in the 'processing' state" do should "mark the asset as failed" do asset = create(:media_asset, file: File.open("test/files/test.jpg"), status: "processing") file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("test/files/test.jpg") post_auth uploads_path, @user, params: { upload: { file: file }} upload = Upload.last assert_redirected_to upload assert_match("Upload failed, try again", upload.reload.status) assert_equal("failed", asset.reload.status) end end should "work for a source URL containing unicode characters" do source1 = "https://cdn.donmai.us/original/d3/4e/d34e4cf0a437a5d65f8e82b7bcd02606.jpg?one=東方&two=a%20b" source2 = "https://cdn.donmai.us/original/d3/4e/d34e4cf0a437a5d65f8e82b7bcd02606.jpg?one=%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9&two=a%20b" upload = assert_successful_upload(source1, user: @user) assert_equal(source2, upload.source) end context "uploading a file from your computer" do should_upload_successfully("test/files/test.jpg") should_upload_successfully("test/files/test.png") should_upload_successfully("test/files/test-static-32x32.gif") should_upload_successfully("test/files/test-animated-86x52.gif") should_upload_successfully("test/files/test-300x300.mp4") should_upload_successfully("test/files/test-512x512.webm") # should_upload_successfully("test/files/compressed.swf") end context "uploading a file from a source" do should_upload_successfully("https://www.artstation.com/artwork/04XA4") should_upload_successfully("https://dantewontdie.artstation.com/projects/YZK5q") should_upload_successfully("https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/029/978/large/amama-l-z.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://www.deviantart.com/aeror404/art/Holiday-Elincia-424551484") should_upload_successfully("https://noizave.deviantart.com/art/test-no-download-697415967") should_upload_successfully("https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/8b472d70-a0d6-41b5-9a66-c35687090acc/d23jbr4-8a06af02-70cb-46da-8a96-42a6ba73cdb4.jpg/v1/fill/w_786,h_1017,q_70,strp/silverhawks_quicksilver_by_edsfox_d23jbr4-pre.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Afrobull/795025/kuroeda") should_upload_successfully("https://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/a/Afrobull/795025/Afrobull-795025-kuroeda.png") should_upload_successfully("https://yande.re/post/show/482880") should_upload_successfully("https://files.yande.re/image/7ecfdead705d7b956b26b1d37b98d089/yande.re%20482880.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://konachan.com/post/show/270916") should_upload_successfully("https://konachan.com/image/ca12cdb79a66d242e95a6f958341bf05/Konachan.com%20-%20270916.png") should_upload_successfully("http://lohas.nicoseiga.jp/o/910aecf08e542285862954017f8a33a8c32a8aec/1433298801/4937663") should_upload_successfully("http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4937663") should_upload_successfully("https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/image/source/9146749") should_upload_successfully("https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg389884") should_upload_successfully("https://dic.nicovideo.jp/oekaki/52833.png") should_upload_successfully("https://lohas.nicoseiga.jp/o/971eb8af9bbcde5c2e51d5ef3a2f62d6d9ff5552/1589933964/3583893") should_upload_successfully("http://lohas.nicoseiga.jp/priv/3521156?e=1382558156&h=f2e089256abd1d453a455ec8f317a6c703e2cedf") should_upload_successfully("http://lohas.nicoseiga.jp/priv/b80f86c0d8591b217e7513a9e175e94e00f3c7a1/1384936074/3583893") should_upload_successfully("http://lohas.nicoseiga.jp/material/5746c5/4459092") # XXX should_upload_successfully("https://dcdn.cdn.nimg.jp/priv/62a56a7f67d3d3746ae5712db9cac7d465f4a339/1592186183/10466669") # XXX should_upload_successfully("https://dcdn.cdn.nimg.jp/nicoseiga/lohas/o/8ba0a9b2ea34e1ef3b5cc50785bd10cd63ec7e4a/1592187477/10466669") should_upload_successfully("http://nijie.info/view.php?id=213043") should_upload_successfully("https://nijie.info/view_popup.php?id=213043") should_upload_successfully("https://pic.nijie.net/03/nijie_picture/728995_20170505014820_0.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://pawoo.net/web/statuses/1202176") if Danbooru.config.pawoo_client_id.present? # XXX should_upload_successfully("https://img.pawoo.net/media_attachments/files/000/128/953/original/4c0a06087b03343f.png") if Danbooru.config.pawoo_client_id.present? # XXX should_upload_successfully("https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/64476642") should_upload_successfully("https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62247364") should_upload_successfully("https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2017/08/18/00/09/21/64476642_p0.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://noizave.tumblr.com/post/162206271767") should_upload_successfully("https://media.tumblr.com/3bbfcbf075ddf969c996641b264086fd/tumblr_os2buiIOt51wsfqepo1_1280.png") should_upload_successfully("https://twitter.com/noizave/status/875768175136317440") should_upload_successfully("https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCdZ_FhUIAAYKFN?format=jpg&name=medium") should_upload_successfully("https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/2371694594/1581832507/1500x500") should_upload_successfully("https://twitter.com/zeth_total/status/1355597580814585856") # XXX should_upload_successfully("https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EWHWVrmVcAAp4Vw.mp4") should_upload_successfully("https://www.weibo.com/5501756072/J2UNKfbqV") should_upload_successfully("https://wx1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/0060kO5aly1gezsyt5xvhj30ok0sgtc9.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://art.ngfiles.com/images/1254000/1254722_natthelich_pandora.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://art.ngfiles.com/comments/57000/iu_57615_7115981.jpg") should_upload_successfully("https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/puddbytes/costanza-at-bat") should_upload_successfully("https://kmyama.fanbox.cc/posts/104708") should_upload_successfully("https://downloads.fanbox.cc/images/post/104708/wsF73EC5Fq0CIK84W0LGYk2p.jpeg") end end end end
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_contraq_session'
require 'test_helper' class Api::V1::SourcesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # test "the truth" do # assert true # end end
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy| policy.connect_src :self, :https, 'http://localhost:3035', 'ws://localhost:3035' if Rails.env.development? end
module FidorApi class Collection module KaminariSupport def last_page? current_page == total_pages end def next_page current_page + 1 end def limit_value per_page end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Webhooks class ConfiguredWebhookAction include Dry::Transaction def call(params) Success(true) end end end
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) require 'rails/all' Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) require "sanitycheck" module Dummy class Application < Rails::Application # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. # Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC. # config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)' # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] # config.i18n.default_locale = :de # Do not swallow errors in after_commit/after_rollback callbacks. config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true end end
class User < ApplicationRecord # Include default devise modules. Others available are: # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :trackable and :omniauthable devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable, :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:google_oauth2] has_many :pacientes, dependent: :destroy def self.from_omniauth(auth) # Either create a User record or update it based on the provider (Google) and the UID where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first_or_create do |user| user.token = auth.credentials.token user.expires = auth.credentials.expires user.expires_at = auth.credentials.expires_at user.refresh_token = auth.credentials.refresh_token end end end
require 'git_utils' require 'r10k_utils' require 'master_manipulator' test_name 'CODEMGMT-84 - C59271 - Attempt to Deploy with Invalid r10k Config' #Init env_path = on(master, puppet('config print environmentpath')).stdout.rstrip git_repo_path = '/git_repos' git_control_remote = File.join(git_repo_path, 'environments.git') git_provider = ENV['GIT_PROVIDER'] || 'shellgit' r10k_fqp = get_r10k_fqp(master) r10k_config_path = get_r10k_config_file_path(master) r10k_config_bak_path = "#{r10k_config_path}.bak" #In-line files r10k_conf = <<-CONF cachedir: '/var/cache/r10k' git: provider: '#{git_provider}' sources: broken: dir: "#{env_path}" remote: "#{git_control_remote}" CONF #Verification if get_puppet_version(master) < 4.0 error_message_regex = /ERROR.*can\'t\ convert\ nil\ into\ String/ else error_message_regex = /ERROR.* -> no implicit conversion of nil into String/ end #Teardown teardown do step 'Restore Original "r10k" Config' on(master, "mv #{r10k_config_bak_path} #{r10k_config_path}") end #Setup step 'Backup a Valid "r10k" Config' on(master, "mv #{r10k_config_path} #{r10k_config_bak_path}") step 'Update the "r10k" Config' create_remote_file(master, r10k_config_path, r10k_conf) #Tests step 'Attempt to Deploy via r10k' on(master, "#{r10k_fqp} deploy environment -v", :acceptable_exit_codes => 1) do |result| assert_match(error_message_regex, result.stderr, 'Expected message not found!') end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' class OrgThrityDayActivityDecoratorTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase describe 'project_count_text' do it 'should return "S" for small orgs' do ota = create(:org_thirty_day_activity).decorate stub_orgs_projects_count(10) ota.project_count_text.must_equal 'S' end it 'should return "M" for medium orgs' do ota = create(:org_thirty_day_activity).decorate stub_orgs_projects_count(20) ota.project_count_text.must_equal 'M' end it 'should return "L" for large orgs' do ota = create(:org_thirty_day_activity).decorate stub_orgs_projects_count(55) ota.project_count_text.must_equal 'L' end it 'should return "N/A" with no projects' do ota = create(:org_thirty_day_activity).decorate stub_orgs_projects_count ota.project_count_text.must_equal 'N/A' end end private def stub_orgs_projects_count(count = 0) Organization.any_instance.stubs(:projects_count).returns(count) end end
require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "FileTest.grpowned?" do it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness" end
module Cryptopals module CtrSubstitutions include AES include Xor SAMPLES = %w[ SSBoYXZlIG1ldCB0aGVtIGF0IGNsb3NlIG9mIGRheQ== Q29taW5nIHdpdGggdml2aWQgZmFjZXM= RnJvbSBjb3VudGVyIG9yIGRlc2sgYW1vbmcgZ3JleQ== RWlnaHRlZW50aC1jZW50dXJ5IGhvdXNlcy4= SSBoYXZlIHBhc3NlZCB3aXRoIGEgbm9kIG9mIHRoZSBoZWFk T3IgcG9saXRlIG1lYW5pbmdsZXNzIHdvcmRzLA== T3IgaGF2ZSBsaW5nZXJlZCBhd2hpbGUgYW5kIHNhaWQ= UG9saXRlIG1lYW5pbmdsZXNzIHdvcmRzLA== QW5kIHRob3VnaHQgYmVmb3JlIEkgaGFkIGRvbmU= T2YgYSBtb2NraW5nIHRhbGUgb3IgYSBnaWJl VG8gcGxlYXNlIGEgY29tcGFuaW9u QXJvdW5kIHRoZSBmaXJlIGF0IHRoZSBjbHViLA== QmVpbmcgY2VydGFpbiB0aGF0IHRoZXkgYW5kIEk= QnV0IGxpdmVkIHdoZXJlIG1vdGxleSBpcyB3b3JuOg== QWxsIGNoYW5nZWQsIGNoYW5nZWQgdXR0ZXJseTo= QSB0ZXJyaWJsZSBiZWF1dHkgaXMgYm9ybi4= VGhhdCB3b21hbidzIGRheXMgd2VyZSBzcGVudA== SW4gaWdub3JhbnQgZ29vZCB3aWxsLA== SGVyIG5pZ2h0cyBpbiBhcmd1bWVudA== VW50aWwgaGVyIHZvaWNlIGdyZXcgc2hyaWxsLg== V2hhdCB2b2ljZSBtb3JlIHN3ZWV0IHRoYW4gaGVycw== V2hlbiB5b3VuZyBhbmQgYmVhdXRpZnVsLA== U2hlIHJvZGUgdG8gaGFycmllcnM/ VGhpcyBtYW4gaGFkIGtlcHQgYSBzY2hvb2w= QW5kIHJvZGUgb3VyIHdpbmdlZCBob3JzZS4= VGhpcyBvdGhlciBoaXMgaGVscGVyIGFuZCBmcmllbmQ= V2FzIGNvbWluZyBpbnRvIGhpcyBmb3JjZTs= SGUgbWlnaHQgaGF2ZSB3b24gZmFtZSBpbiB0aGUgZW5kLA== U28gc2Vuc2l0aXZlIGhpcyBuYXR1cmUgc2VlbWVkLA== U28gZGFyaW5nIGFuZCBzd2VldCBoaXMgdGhvdWdodC4= VGhpcyBvdGhlciBtYW4gSSBoYWQgZHJlYW1lZA== QSBkcnVua2VuLCB2YWluLWdsb3Jpb3VzIGxvdXQu SGUgaGFkIGRvbmUgbW9zdCBiaXR0ZXIgd3Jvbmc= VG8gc29tZSB3aG8gYXJlIG5lYXIgbXkgaGVhcnQs WWV0IEkgbnVtYmVyIGhpbSBpbiB0aGUgc29uZzs= SGUsIHRvbywgaGFzIHJlc2lnbmVkIGhpcyBwYXJ0 SW4gdGhlIGNhc3VhbCBjb21lZHk7 SGUsIHRvbywgaGFzIGJlZW4gY2hhbmdlZCBpbiBoaXMgdHVybiw= VHJhbnNmb3JtZWQgdXR0ZXJseTo= QSB0ZXJyaWJsZSBiZWF1dHkgaXMgYm9ybi4= ] SAMPLES2 = %w[ SSdtIHJhdGVkICJSIi4uLnRoaXMgaXMgYSB3YXJuaW5nLCB5YSBiZXR0ZXIgdm9pZCAvIFBvZXRzIGFyZSBwYXJhbm9pZCwgREoncyBELXN0cm95ZWQ= Q3V6IEkgY2FtZSBiYWNrIHRvIGF0dGFjayBvdGhlcnMgaW4gc3BpdGUtIC8gU3RyaWtlIGxpa2UgbGlnaHRuaW4nLCBJdCdzIHF1aXRlIGZyaWdodGVuaW4nIQ== QnV0IGRvbid0IGJlIGFmcmFpZCBpbiB0aGUgZGFyaywgaW4gYSBwYXJrIC8gTm90IGEgc2NyZWFtIG9yIGEgY3J5LCBvciBhIGJhcmssIG1vcmUgbGlrZSBhIHNwYXJrOw== WWEgdHJlbWJsZSBsaWtlIGEgYWxjb2hvbGljLCBtdXNjbGVzIHRpZ2h0ZW4gdXAgLyBXaGF0J3MgdGhhdCwgbGlnaHRlbiB1cCEgWW91IHNlZSBhIHNpZ2h0IGJ1dA== U3VkZGVubHkgeW91IGZlZWwgbGlrZSB5b3VyIGluIGEgaG9ycm9yIGZsaWNrIC8gWW91IGdyYWIgeW91ciBoZWFydCB0aGVuIHdpc2ggZm9yIHRvbW9ycm93IHF1aWNrIQ== TXVzaWMncyB0aGUgY2x1ZSwgd2hlbiBJIGNvbWUgeW91ciB3YXJuZWQgLyBBcG9jYWx5cHNlIE5vdywgd2hlbiBJJ20gZG9uZSwgeWEgZ29uZSE= SGF2ZW4ndCB5b3UgZXZlciBoZWFyZCBvZiBhIE1DLW11cmRlcmVyPyAvIFRoaXMgaXMgdGhlIGRlYXRoIHBlbmFsdHksYW5kIEknbSBzZXJ2aW4nIGE= RGVhdGggd2lzaCwgc28gY29tZSBvbiwgc3RlcCB0byB0aGlzIC8gSHlzdGVyaWNhbCBpZGVhIGZvciBhIGx5cmljYWwgcHJvZmVzc2lvbmlzdCE= RnJpZGF5IHRoZSB0aGlydGVlbnRoLCB3YWxraW5nIGRvd24gRWxtIFN0cmVldCAvIFlvdSBjb21lIGluIG15IHJlYWxtIHlhIGdldCBiZWF0IQ== VGhpcyBpcyBvZmYgbGltaXRzLCBzbyB5b3VyIHZpc2lvbnMgYXJlIGJsdXJyeSAvIEFsbCB5YSBzZWUgaXMgdGhlIG1ldGVycyBhdCBhIHZvbHVtZQ== VGVycm9yIGluIHRoZSBzdHlsZXMsIG5ldmVyIGVycm9yLWZpbGVzIC8gSW5kZWVkIEknbSBrbm93bi15b3VyIGV4aWxlZCE= Rm9yIHRob3NlIHRoYXQgb3Bwb3NlIHRvIGJlIGxldmVsIG9yIG5leHQgdG8gdGhpcyAvIEkgYWluJ3QgYSBkZXZpbCBhbmQgdGhpcyBhaW4ndCB0aGUgRXhvcmNpc3Qh V29yc2UgdGhhbiBhIG5pZ2h0bWFyZSwgeW91IGRvbid0IGhhdmUgdG8gc2xlZXAgYSB3aW5rIC8gVGhlIHBhaW4ncyBhIG1pZ3JhaW5lIGV2ZXJ5IHRpbWUgeWEgdGhpbms= Rmxhc2hiYWNrcyBpbnRlcmZlcmUsIHlhIHN0YXJ0IHRvIGhlYXI6IC8gVGhlIFItQS1LLUktTSBpbiB5b3VyIGVhcjs= VGhlbiB0aGUgYmVhdCBpcyBoeXN0ZXJpY2FsIC8gVGhhdCBtYWtlcyBFcmljIGdvIGdldCBhIGF4IGFuZCBjaG9wcyB0aGUgd2Fjaw== U29vbiB0aGUgbHlyaWNhbCBmb3JtYXQgaXMgc3VwZXJpb3IgLyBGYWNlcyBvZiBkZWF0aCByZW1haW4= TUMncyBkZWNheWluZywgY3V6IHRoZXkgbmV2ZXIgc3RheWVkIC8gVGhlIHNjZW5lIG9mIGEgY3JpbWUgZXZlcnkgbmlnaHQgYXQgdGhlIHNob3c= VGhlIGZpZW5kIG9mIGEgcmh5bWUgb24gdGhlIG1pYyB0aGF0IHlvdSBrbm93IC8gSXQncyBvbmx5IG9uZSBjYXBhYmxlLCBicmVha3MtdGhlIHVuYnJlYWthYmxl TWVsb2RpZXMtdW5tYWthYmxlLCBwYXR0ZXJuLXVuZXNjYXBhYmxlIC8gQSBob3JuIGlmIHdhbnQgdGhlIHN0eWxlIEkgcG9zc2Vz SSBibGVzcyB0aGUgY2hpbGQsIHRoZSBlYXJ0aCwgdGhlIGdvZHMgYW5kIGJvbWIgdGhlIHJlc3QgLyBGb3IgdGhvc2UgdGhhdCBlbnZ5IGEgTUMgaXQgY2FuIGJl SGF6YXJkb3VzIHRvIHlvdXIgaGVhbHRoIHNvIGJlIGZyaWVuZGx5IC8gQSBtYXR0ZXIgb2YgbGlmZSBhbmQgZGVhdGgsIGp1c3QgbGlrZSBhIGV0Y2gtYS1za2V0Y2g= U2hha2UgJ3RpbGwgeW91ciBjbGVhciwgbWFrZSBpdCBkaXNhcHBlYXIsIG1ha2UgdGhlIG5leHQgLyBBZnRlciB0aGUgY2VyZW1vbnksIGxldCB0aGUgcmh5bWUgcmVzdCBpbiBwZWFjZQ== SWYgbm90LCBteSBzb3VsJ2xsIHJlbGVhc2UhIC8gVGhlIHNjZW5lIGlzIHJlY3JlYXRlZCwgcmVpbmNhcm5hdGVkLCB1cGRhdGVkLCBJJ20gZ2xhZCB5b3UgbWFkZSBpdA== Q3V6IHlvdXIgYWJvdXQgdG8gc2VlIGEgZGlzYXN0cm91cyBzaWdodCAvIEEgcGVyZm9ybWFuY2UgbmV2ZXIgYWdhaW4gcGVyZm9ybWVkIG9uIGEgbWljOg== THlyaWNzIG9mIGZ1cnkhIEEgZmVhcmlmaWVkIGZyZWVzdHlsZSEgLyBUaGUgIlIiIGlzIGluIHRoZSBob3VzZS10b28gbXVjaCB0ZW5zaW9uIQ== TWFrZSBzdXJlIHRoZSBzeXN0ZW0ncyBsb3VkIHdoZW4gSSBtZW50aW9uIC8gUGhyYXNlcyB0aGF0J3MgZmVhcnNvbWU= 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U28gSSB3YWxrIHVwIHRoZSBzdHJlZXQgd2hpc3RsaW4nIHRoaXMgLyBGZWVsaW4nIG91dCBvZiBwbGFjZSAnY3V6LCBtYW4sIGRvIEkgbWlzcw== QSBwZW4gYW5kIGEgcGFwZXIsIGEgc3RlcmVvLCBhIHRhcGUgb2YgLyBNZSBhbmQgRXJpYyBCLCBhbmQgYSBuaWNlIGJpZyBwbGF0ZSBvZg== RmlzaCwgd2hpY2ggaXMgbXkgZmF2b3JpdGUgZGlzaCAvIEJ1dCB3aXRob3V0IG5vIG1vbmV5IGl0J3Mgc3RpbGwgYSB3aXNo J0N1eiBJIGRvbid0IGxpa2UgdG8gZHJlYW0gYWJvdXQgZ2V0dGluJyBwYWlkIC8gU28gSSBkaWcgaW50byB0aGUgYm9va3Mgb2YgdGhlIHJoeW1lcyB0aGF0IEkgbWFkZQ== U28gbm93IHRvIHRlc3QgdG8gc2VlIGlmIEkgZ290IHB1bGwgLyBIaXQgdGhlIHN0dWRpbywgJ2N1eiBJJ20gcGFpZCBpbiBmdWxs UmFraW0sIGNoZWNrIHRoaXMgb3V0LCB5byAvIFlvdSBnbyB0byB5b3VyIGdpcmwgaG91c2UgYW5kIEknbGwgZ28gdG8gbWluZQ== J0NhdXNlIG15IGdpcmwgaXMgZGVmaW5pdGVseSBtYWQgLyAnQ2F1c2UgaXQgdG9vayB1cyB0b28gbG9uZyB0byBkbyB0aGlzIGFsYnVt WW8sIEkgaGVhciB3aGF0IHlvdSdyZSBzYXlpbmcgLyBTbyBsZXQncyBqdXN0IHB1bXAgdGhlIG11c2ljIHVw QW5kIGNvdW50IG91ciBtb25leSAvIFlvLCB3ZWxsIGNoZWNrIHRoaXMgb3V0LCB5byBFbGk= VHVybiBkb3duIHRoZSBiYXNzIGRvd24gLyBBbmQgbGV0IHRoZSBiZWF0IGp1c3Qga2VlcCBvbiByb2NraW4n QW5kIHdlIG91dHRhIGhlcmUgLyBZbywgd2hhdCBoYXBwZW5lZCB0byBwZWFjZT8gLyBQZWFjZQ== ] EN_TRIGRAMS = %w[the and ing her hat his tha ere for ent ion ter was you ith ver all wit thi tio] def possible_bytes_at(bytes, alphabet, i) (0..255).select do |byte| r = bytes.map { |e| e[i] }.compact.map { |e| [e ^ byte].pack("c*") } r.all? { |e| alphabet.include?(e) } end end def possible_keystreams(cipherbytes, x1, x2, x3, x4) b1s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, x1) b2s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, x2) b3s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, x3) b4s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, x4) pks = [] b1s.each do |b1| b2s.each do |b2| b3s.each do |b3| b4s.each do |b4| pts = cipherbytes.select { |bytes| bytes.size >= x4 }.map { |bytes| xor(bytes.drop(x1).take(4), [b1, b2, b3, b4]).pack("c*") } count = pts.count { |s| EN_TRIGRAMS.count { |tri| s.downcase.include?(tri) } > 0 } pks << [count, [b1, b2, b3, b4]] if count > 0 end end end end pks end def statistical_attack key = random_bytes(16).pack("c*") ciphertexts = SAMPLES2.map { |s| aes_128_ctr(Base64.decode64(s), key) } size = ciphertexts.map(&:size).min cipherbytes = ciphertexts.map { |s| s.bytes.take(size) } key = probable_keys(cipherbytes.flatten, [size]).first decrypt(cipherbytes, key.bytes) end def encrypt key = random_bytes(16).pack("c*") ciphertexts = SAMPLES.map { |s| aes_128_ctr(Base64.decode64(s), key) } cipherbytes = ciphertexts.map(&:bytes) b1s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ("A".."Z").to_a, 0) b2s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, 1) b3s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, 2) b4s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, 3) b5s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, 4) b6s = possible_bytes_at(cipherbytes, ALPHABET, 5) pks = [] b1s.each do |b1| b2s.each do |b2| b3s.each do |b3| b4s.each do |b4| b5s.each do |b5| b6s.each do |b6| pts = cipherbytes.map { |bytes| xor(bytes.take(6), [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6]).pack("c*") } count = pts.count { |s| EN_TRIGRAMS.count { |tri| s.downcase.include?(tri) } > 0 } pks << [count, [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6]] if count > 13 end end end end end end keystream = pks.first.last bts = cipherbytes.select { |bytes| bytes.length > 22 } (6..(bts.map(&:size).max)).each_slice(4) do |x1, x2, x3, x4| c, keystream_bytes = possible_keystreams(bts, x1, x2, x3, x4).max { |x, y| x.first <=> y.first } keystream += keystream_bytes decrypt(bts, keystream) puts "="*100 end end def decrypt(cipherbytes, keystream_bytes) cipherbytes.map do |bytes| puts xor(bytes.take(keystream_bytes.size), keystream_bytes.take(bytes.size)).pack("c*").inspect end;0 end end end
cask 'thunder' do version '' sha256 '197e6c77b36ca7647fd07eabc45acdf6d9a9161149ccde65a97d83e622902e0d' # down.sandai.net was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "http://down.sandai.net/mac/thunder_#{version}.dmg" appcast 'https://static-xl9-ssl.xunlei.com/json/mac_download_url.json' name 'Thunder' name '迅雷' homepage 'https://mac.xunlei.com/' auto_updates true depends_on macos: '>= :yosemite' app 'Thunder.app' zap trash: [ '~/Library/Application Support/Thunder', '~/Library/Caches/com.xunlei.Thunder', '~/Library/Caches/com.xunlei.XLPlayer', '~/Library/Cookies/com.xunlei.Thunder.binarycookies', '~/Library/Preferences/com.xunlei.Thunder.loginSDK.plist', '~/Library/Preferences/com.xunlei.Thunder.plist', '~/Library/Preferences/com.xunlei.XLPlayer.plist', '~/Library/Saved Application State/com.xunlei.Thunder.savedState', '~/Library/Saved Application State/com.xunlei.XLPlayer.savedState', '~/Library/WebKit/com.xunlei.Thunder', ] end