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Networking Your Way to a Great Job Are you networking your way to a great job? If not, find out how you can achieve your career dreams even faster Some people call networking a "hidden job market". Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is not like a job fair where finding a great job is the objective of the event. In a networking situation, the goal is to get to know other people and develop mutual relationships that benefit one another. In some cases, it just happens to lead to a great job offer. The outcome in meeting other people in any given situation can lead you to find a great job whether it is the stated purpose of the meeting or not. Everything depends on what you say and do. Networking your way to a great job is about relationships. networking your way to a great job, networking your way The first thing to realize is that very few people want to meet other people just for fun at networking events. Everyone has an agenda. This isn't a negative, just a statement of fact. Be prepared mentally to
YOU ARE HERE: LAT HomeCollectionsDodgers Q & A: What do free- agent acquisitions mean for Dodgers, Angels? The Dodgers have signed Zack Greinke and the Angels have a deal with Josh Hamilton. Now, what can we expect as the teams head into 2013? Dodgers beat writer Dylan Hernandez looks at the possibilities. December 13, 2012|By Dylan Hernandez Who would have thought the baseball off-season would be so interesting? The Dodgers spent a lot of money and added the top pitching free agent Zack Greinke, getting him from the Angels. And then on Thursday the Angels added Josh Hamilton, the top hitting free agent. What's left are a lot of questions and speculation about what might happen. Here's an attempt at some answers. Does the increased payroll mean increased ticket prices for both teams? Probably not. The Dodgers released their season-ticket prices in October and they weren't significantly different than they were a year ago. Here's something to remember: Ticket prices are largely based on supply and demand.
Hodgson hopes for Nice draw Blackpool Citizen: Roy Hodgson's side have been seeded for the Euro 2016 draw Roy Hodgson's side have been seeded for the Euro 2016 draw Roy Hodgson will take a break from his World Cup preparations this weekend when he travels to Nice to see who his England team are pitted against in their European Championship qualifying group. Ever since England qualified for the World Cup in October, their manager has been a busy man. Hodgson and his coaches Ray Lewington and Gary Neville have travelled across the country watching England's squad contenders. The England manager has also made two flying visits to Brazil - the first in December for the draw and the second one this week when he visited Manaus, where England kick off their World Cup finals campaign against Italy, and attended a coaches' workshop in Florianopolis. But the 66-year-old's attention will shift momentarily on Sunday when he travels to the host nation of the revamped 2016 European Championship. For the first time i
View Full Version : Concussion and Rail dets replaced! 02-15-2002, 12:53 AM Read the info on the official JK2 site about the Heavy repeater. Secondary fire sounds a lot like conc :) Also we have confirmation on a rocket launcher type weapon. One thing that I've noticed is that JK2 has serveral traps/mines/gernade type weapons available. I kinda doubt that the thermal dets will be that great in MP (they were absolutely useless in JK MP) but the mines could be useful if you plant them well, at least in a no-low force game. Most people in JK run out in the open dropping them as they whent along. You have to be smart with mines if you want to get kills with them. Also I wonder if it will be possible to just run pas them with force speed the same way we did in JK. The Golan Arms FC-1 sounds like a pretty sweet weapon. Kinda sounds like a shotgun but I hope it ends up being more like a UT flak cannon. The secondary fire sounds like an improved version of the q3 gernade launcher. Sounds like this weapon is a goo
Take the 2-minute tour × You know how birds perch on powerlines without getting electrocuted? What if by some chance that I find myself falling and I grab on one of them? Let's say both of my hands are on the same line, would i get electrocuted? I am thinking I won't because the current won't rush through me and I won't be part of the circuit - me - powerline. How does the ground play a role in this? I've heard people say that the ground creates a potential difference, but how? There is only voltage across the powerlines, the pole connecting to the ground is wood, an insulator? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 4 down vote accepted The voltage difference is between the lines (e.g. in a 3-phase system) and between the line and ground. This voltage difference exists across the insulators and pole, as well as through the air to ground. These voltage differences are obviously small enough to avoid striking an arc, hence no current flows between the lines or between line and ground
Switch to Desktop Site Why Congress, Bush disagree on waterboarding of terror suspects The president is likely to veto a bill outlawing such harsh interrogation methods, but the debate goes on. About these ads Much of the debate over interrogation techniques in the war on terror is focusing on a tactic called waterboarding. But a bill passed last month outlaws the full range of harsh interrogation methods used by the Central Intelligence Agency to force terror suspects to talk. Supporters say the law is an effort by Congress to bring moral and legal clarity to a murky corner of America's war on terror. Opponents say the bill would forewarn Al Qaeda and help them defeat tactics that US intelligence officers rely on to keep America safe. A promised veto by President Bush may be imminent. And it does not appear there are enough votes in Congress to override such a veto. But the debate is almost certain to continue as the issue arises in high-profile legal cases. The intelligence authorization bill, passed
• The Hollywood Reporter on LinkedIn • Follow THR on Pinterest Lucas Kasdan - P 2012 George Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan Sources tell THR that each will write separate projects, not necessarily "Episode 8" and "Episode 9" -- a plan similar to Marvel's movies around "The Avengers." The post-George Lucas Star Wars universe slowly is taking shape. Soon after it was announced Oct. 30 that Disney would acquire Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, it was revealed that Oscar winner Michael Arndt (Little Miss Sunshine) had written a 40- to 50-page treatment for the new trilogy and would be writing the script for Star Wars: Episode VII. Then reports emerged the week of Nov. 19 that The Empire Strikes Back’s Lawrence Kasdan (CAA, Greenberg Glusker) and Sherlock HolmesSimon Kinberg (CAA, Jackoway Tyerman) would be writing and producing Episode VIII and Episode IX, even as Disney and Lucasfilm refused to confirm their top-secret plans. But now insiders tell THR that while Kasdan and Kinberg indeed have been hired to work
Many times, I need to find out the computers users are currently logged on to. Thus, I wrote FindLogon.vbs, which locates the machine a user is logged on to by looking at the open sessions on the user's home server and determining which computers those sessions-originate from. Listing 1 shows an excerpt from FindLogon.vbs. You can download the entire script from the Windows Scripting Solutions Web site. Go to, enter 48796 in the InstantDoc ID text box, then click the hotlink. I wrote this script for machines running Windows XP. To launch the script, use the command CScript FindLogon.vbs domain\nt_id where domain is the name of the user's domain and nt_id is the user's logon name. FindLogon.vbs assumes that the home directory field in the user's domain account properties isn't empty. This field contains the name of the user's home server, which is needed to access that server's sessions. When a user accesses resources on a server, an active session is established-between the user's computer and that server
Howdy, Stranger! BMW 5-Series Sedans • shiposhipo Posts: 9,152 Dude, it's always a good idea to make sure the brain is in gear before engaging the mouth (or the fingers in this case). First off, for whatever reason, BMWs have historically been much faster than the numbers on paper would otherwise indicate. Like it or don't. Second, the 530i has 255 hp, not 220. In fact, I cannot remember a 530i model ever having 220 hp. Maybe the old V8 version from the early 1990s? As far as calling y'all Trolls, yup, that's what y'all are. Descending upon a dedicated forum and bashing the car in said forum is VERY Trollish behavior. I would expect the same treatment if I was to start posting on the Sonata forum claiming that it is nothing but an overpriced spam can. Now, if this was a comparison forum, then all bets are off of course. As a final comment, BMWs have NEVER been all about horsepower. There have been times when they have evolved to the point where they were near the leading edge, however, I
Discussion in 'SMB' started by gards2, Jan 7, 2011. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. 1. gards2 gards2 Striker It still goes on doesn't it up and down the highways and byways of this great country!!!:lol: 2. luvulongtime luvulongtime Striker prefer heartbreak hotel but there you go 3. Mr Mackay Mr Mackay New Member Is this just another excuse for a thread from you, each one is more pathetic than the other Give it a rest, if you have no decent crack then dont post at all rather than subjecting us to your verbal diarrhea 4. luvulongtime luvulongtime Striker :lol: class. love your posts :lol: 5. Wilfy Wilfy Striker 6. oROSSo oROSSo Striker looking at his history is even funnier, must be a hoot in his house on a night..... 7. zwartekat zwartekat Striker I can feel the love. 8. luvulongtime luvulongtime Striker he's class,,i've actually laughed or at least smiled at everyone he's made,,and what makes the
Essay Color Key Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Drugs Should NOT be Legal Rate This Paper: Length: 1795 words (5.1 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE)       Drugs Should NOT be Legal Everyone agrees that something must be done about the tremendous physical and emotional health problems that drug abuse causes. Concern about the abuse of drugs is so widespread that recent polls indicate it to be one of the most serious problems in today's world, threatening the security and freedom of whole nations. Politicians, health experts and much of the general public feel that no issue is more important than drug abuse. America's other pressing social problems- disease, poverty, child abuse and neglect, and corruption- often have a common element; that is drug abuse. The use of illegal drugs such as cocaine, crack, heroin and marijuana cause extensive harm to the body and brain. Yet, substances that impair memory, concentration and attention s
Alphabetical Movie – The Hurt Locker The Hurt Locker is not made to be an anti-war film but that does not mean it is pro- war.  It is a film about soldiers with an extremely dangerous job and how they deal with that job.  It reduces triumphs and defeats to moments of minimal consequence in the day-to-day life of a soldier in a war zone. Films that could be fairly argued to be pro-war are about tactical victories.  The Dirty Dozen is about a single mission and the victory of that mission.  The Hurt Locker could have been about any single mission but instead, it is about the fact that missions don’t end.  Imagine if most of the Dirty Dozen had survived and returned to base.  There would have been another mission.  And another. Individual soldiers may be heroes but soldiering is a job.  A very dangerous job.  It is not a mission.  It is not a series of heroic encounters.  Most of it is just trying to get through the day without getting yourself killed or wounded. There doesn’t seem to be any glory in what t
How to Install (And Dual Boot) Ubuntu In Macbook Air (5,2) I love Apple for their hardware, but when it comes to the desktop OS, I much prefer Linux (Ubuntu) over the OS X. I recently got myself a MacBook Air (the 2012 version, 5,2) and unsurprisingly, after using the Lion (and subsequently the Mountain Lion) as the default for two months, I have switched to using Ubuntu as the default OS. The installation process is not as easy as previous build of MBA. If you are keen to install and dual boot Ubuntu on your MacBook Air (5,2), here is the full tutorial. If you have an external CD-ROM, it is easier to burn a Ubuntu LiveCD and boot from the CD. For me, I prefer to use the USB installer instead. Note: The usual method of creating the USB installer using the Startup USB Creator tool in Ubuntu will not work in work. You have to follow the steps follow to get it to work. 1. In your Mac, download the 64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD iso. 2. Once the download is completed, plug in your USB drive and open a Termina
Thursday, April 5, 2012 Bridgecorp Directors guilty The Crown says it will seek longer prison sentences for two Bridgecorp directors than have been seen in any finance company case so far. Fellow Bridgecorp director Peter Steigrad was found guilty on six charges and not guilty on four. Justice Geoffrey Venning said "imprisonment is inevitable" for Petricevic and Roest and has remanded the pair in custody until sentencing. Petricevic will be sentenced on April 26 and Roest on May 18. Both Petricevic and Roest asked to be bailed so they could gather with family that had recently returned from overseas, however Justice Venning said that was an insufficient reason to keep the pair from jail. Petricevic's lawyer Charles Cato gathered in a private meeting room with his client's family and friends after Petricevic was led into custody. Steigrad will be bailed to travel between New Zealand and his home in Australia where he has "particular personal circumstances" to attend to. He will be sentenced on May 18. Steigr
Thursday, October 12, 2006 Notes mode Ten free minutes for me, 10 free half-formed opinions for you: 1. Three scattered thoughts on the Pats: 1) I love the Jabar Gaffney signing. If he caught 55 balls last year playing with David Carr, he's more than qualified to be a third or fourth receiver for Tom Brady. 2) Stephen Gostkowski hasn't won my confidence when it comes to putting the ball through the uprights, but his booming kickoffs are justification enough for a secure place on the roster. He gives the Patriots a tremendous advantage in field position. 3) I'm glad to see Hank Poteat found work during the bye week, signing with the Jets. I trust he'll be released from Manginiville in time to rejoin the Pats next weekend at Buffalo. 2. The more I hear from Lou Piniella during his playoff stint in the Fox broadcast booth, the more I wish the Yankees had hired him to replace Torre. Piniella is everything the Yankees don't need at the moment - he's rash, temperamental, and judging by his broadcasting gig, sho
The Register® Original URL: MSI Windows webpad goes on sale How much? By Tony Smith Posted in Tablets, 28th January 2011 15:03 GMT How much would you pay for a 10in tablet running Windows 7 Home Premium? Whatever your answer, you could still be asked to pay as much as £650 for MSI's WindPad 100, which is just such a gadget. MSI WindPad 100W To be fair, retailer Simply Electronics will actually lighten your wallet by only £500, claiming that the £150 difference is a discount it's knocking off the £650 retail price. Still, even at £500, the tablet - spotted in the retail channel by website Hexus - is expensive given it's essentially just a netbook minus a keyboard. Simply WindPad The display is a netbook-standard 10.1in, 1024 x 600. It has 2GB of DDR 2 memory. The CPU is listed as an "Intel Mobile Processor" - an Atom, we suspect. But it does have a 32GB and doesn't come with Windows 7 Starter. It has a mini HDMI port. Simply's website says it has units in stock. ®
Explicit and Implicit Hydrogens: Taking liberties with valence The field of cheminformatics has two concepts of implicit vs. explicit when it comes to talking about hydrogen atoms.  The first concept is at the internal data structure level where explicit hydrogens are each stored as an atom object (like any other element) vs. implicit hydrogens that exist only as a hydrogen count field associated with a parent atom.  The second concept is at the file format or line notation representation level where the number of hydrogens or valence is either explicitly specified vs. encodings where the hydrogen count is implicitly defined by some (often undocumented) valence model.  The existence of these two related but independent concepts is a recent personal realization after discovering what I’d previously called an “explicit hydrogen” differed from what OpenBabel or RDKit call an explicit hydrogen. To demonstrate the difference consider the following three SMILES for methane:  “C”, “[CH4]” and “[H][C]([H])([H])[H]“
Skip to Navigation Impacts of Plantation Age, Fire and Disturbance on Catchment Yield The problem of sustainable water resource management is a key issue confronting Australia in the 21st century. Increasing demand through increased population size, declining rainfall across parts of temperate Australia and consequently an increasing need to allocate water to maintain ecosystem health and ecosystem service provision are the dominant threats to the maintenance of an adequate supply of water to urban, peri-urban and rural communities. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Australian Riverine Environment There is growing community concern about the trace levels of certain organic chemicals in the environment, especially in wastewater or reclaimed water. Certain chemicals in the environment have been shown to interact with the endocrine system of organisms. These compounds are generally referred to as endocrine disrupting chemicals or EDCs. An EDC has been defined as “an exogenous substance or mixture that a
Huffpost Media Edward Wasserman Headshot News Media Blow the Mideast Rioting Story Posted: Updated: The coverage is knit together by primordial bigotry and vile stereotypes. In Muslim countries, the media inflame ancestral hates and rekindle what Fouad Ajami calls "a deep and enduring sense of humiliation." News reports goad the masses, pointing to the video as yet another insult by a decadent, predatory West intent on cruelly defiling the most cherished elements of Islam. U.S. media, for their part, fill their screens with images of bestial fury by throngs of wild-eyed lunatics, incapable of restraint and impervious to reason, fanatics whose forebears once screamed "the Quran or the sword" and held the U.S. embassy in Tehran hostage. Here we go again. Islamist leaders accuse Western governments of furtively promoting anti-Muslim slander; their media scoff at official denunciations of the video here and the use of anti-blasphemy laws in Europe to protect Muslims there from vilification. U.S. leaders i
Android apps for Emergencies  by Deleted User Deleted User says: Your Android phone could be a life-saver, whether you're young or old. Here are a few apps that might just help in a pinch Deleted User's picks 1. ICE: In Case of Emergency ICE: In Case of Emergency This app stores medical data and contacts for first responders in case of an emergency. 2. CPR•Choking CPR•Choking How to help someone who might be choking on something quickly and effectively. 3. Safety NET Safety NET Monitors the phone’s accelerometer for signs of a sudden fall. Could be good for a senior person living alone. 4. Pet First Aid Pet First Aid Remember, pets can face emergencies too, so this app is useful to have just in case. 5. First Aid First Aid Simple but basic information if you need it. Start the Discussion What do you think of Deleted User's curated list? Leave a comment
KGS Home Digital Geologic Mapping at Kentucky Geological Survy Completion of the Digital Mapping Program The Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) has completed the vectorization of 707 1:24,000-scale, geologic quadrangle maps. This milestone was reached in April, 2004 and provides Kentucky with complete digital geologic quadrangle map (1:24,000) coverage. In the process of vectorization, a database of geologic information, entitled Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle (DVGQ) will be generated and appropriate metadata will be created. Approximately half of these DVGQ’s are already released to the public and the remainder are undergoing final reviews and file processing before release. During the past decade, the Kentucky Digital Mapping Program employed 50 staff and students who digitized geologic quadrangles to convert them into digital format at a cost of about 3.8 million dollars. During the original geologic mapping program (1960-1978), over 250 geologists mapped the entire state at a cost of 20.9 mi
[opendtv] Re: Digital radios outstrip analogue At 3:23 PM -0500 3/2/05, Manfredi, Albert E wrote: >Craig Birkmaier wrote: >> What I was trying to ask is why do we have multiple >> infrastructures for broadcasting different services. >One size doesn't fit all. For radio, more robust, less >spectral efficiency affordable. For TV more spectral >efficiency required, less robustness more easily >tolerated. (This is high quality TV, not the cell phone Yes Bert, we have already been over this. You can satisfy all of these requirements with a single properly designed digital broadcast Not only this, but it is NOT correct to lump all video services together. There is a continuum from high quality video services that require high bit rates, with less robustness to lower bit rates with more robustness. Even the ATSC understands this, although 2VSB is never likely to be used by broadcasters. >The analog world accommodated this as easily as the >digital world can. There is a small sliver of spectrum >just abov
Santa Monica is Really Excited About Their Dunkin’ Donuts If you call the Dunkin’ Donuts store in Santa Monica, California today, the first thing you’ll notice is the sound of pandemonium in the background. Then a friendly employee, barely audible over the chaos in the background, is heard: “Dunkin’ Donuts Santa Monica, how can I help you?” The employee sounds upbeat, even as the crowd of people that began gathering outside the Dunkin’ location on Sunday night is now filling the store. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below After reports of eager customers setting up camp outside the Santa Monica location, reached out to learn just how crazy things were getting. The answer we got? “Let me put you on with someone who can answer your questions because I’m kind of in the middle of the line.” Before long, Public Relations Manager Justin Drake was on the phone to explain that they had 300 people waiting outside when they first opened the doors at 5 a.m. and that the earliest customers had actually been campin
Star Wars Star Wars: Shah Rukh Khan vs. Salman Khan Role Reversal Previous4 of 11Next Share this Gallery Salman Khan continued with the sweet, romantic comedies, with dollops of emotions, epitomised by his sensational hit with Madhuri Dixit, 'Hum Aapke Hain Kaun'. His fetish for brawn display too bloomed with a series of unmemorable action flicks. Shah Rukh Khan, the charismatic darling of housewives, did a strategic shift; he went maniac, nay, on serial killer mode. In a way he challenged Bollywood conventions like nobody's business. A handsome hero killing his own girlfriend? Well, that was new. But why did we clap for the villainous Shah Rukh instead of the hero of 'Darr', Sunny Deol? User Poll Who is the real King Khan? 46 % Shah Rukh Khan 7,318 votes 54 % Salman Khan 8,571 votes Total Responses: 15,889 Not scientifically valid. Results are updated every minute.
Huffpost Politics The Blog Brian Ross Headshot Throw the Bums In! Posted: Updated: When the economy stinks, and CEOs are getting millions in bonuses for firing enough of you, and you can't toss GE's Jeffrey Immelt out on his ear, but you can vote, it can seem mighty appealing to "throw the bums out" to vent your rage. The bums poised to be thrown in, though, make reality TV contestants look like Rhodes scholars, and become the very thing that the Founding Fathers of this country feared the most. Tea Party Taxes the Political System The Tea Party umbrella is bigger than the Travelers' Insurance company's. Its leadership covers a wide spectrum of the disaffected, from the more extremist Republican fiscal conservatives and rebranded GOP Libertarians who want to dismantle the government; to the varied temperatures of racist who fear "their" America slipping away; to the delusionals who confuse their flag-wrapped zealotry with true patriotism, to the religious whack-jobs on messianic missions to reshape the
Welcome! Log in or Register Leighton Denny Immaculate Diamond Manicure Kit • image Brand: Leighton Denny / Type: Nail Treatment • Write a review > Write your reviews in your own words. 250 to 500 words Number of words: Number of words: Write your email adress here Write your email adress Your dooyooMiles Miles • Product Details The ultimate treatment kit for the best dressed hands and nails, containing: Leighton Denny Best Defence Hand Cream 50ml Applying Best Defence is like wearing invisible gloves / Best Defence has high levels of sunscreen, AHAs, rich moisturisers and s
Medical miscellany: Why hangovers get worse with age By Daily Mail Reporter Older people feel the effects of hangovers more than young drinkers Young people - and regular drinkers - produce more of this enzyme, so they don't feel the effects of alcohol as much as older people, says consultant hepatologist Dr Rajiv Jalan of University College Hospital London. The only good news is, with age, hangover headaches become less of a problem.  The headaches are the result of alcohol damaging the brain, causing it to swell temporarily and crash against the skull. But as we age our brains shrink, so there is more room for it to swell before it hits the bone.
Opinion: Academies, the dismantling of our state education system? Guest blogger and Leeds schools campaigner Victoria Jaquiss looks at the increasing role academies play in education and asks: Are teachers the new miners? primrose high school protest leeds Pupils protest at Primrose High School in March. The school could be closed and turned into an academy Photograph: John Baron/ Chapter One: What is an Academy and how does it manifest itself? An academy is a school, with a pretentious title. Full-stop. No, make that a comma. It's a school, with a pretentious title, and with a bit more money to play around with than other schools. Academies aren't really anything. They have no vision or educational philosophy. This makes fighting the introduction of academies into the educational world like fighting jelly. The previous ("Labour") government thought they would like to replace "failing" schools with academies. So just in the neighbourhoods where children were most vulnerable, and most in n
RSS Feeds Albanian voters urged to remember 'ties to world' Saturday - 6/22/2013, 1:49pm  ET Trash bins in capital Tirana Saturday, June 22, 2013, are filled with posters, banners and other materials used by the political parties during the month- long electoral campaign. Political campaigning stops in Albania Saturday, a day before parliamentary elections which are considered a crucial test for its ambitions for closer ties and eventual membership in the European Union. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina) Associated Press TIRANA, Albania (AP) -- Albania's president on Saturday warned voters to remember the country's "ties to the world" during parliamentary elections considered a crucial test of the impoverished nation's ability to hold fair elections. Conservative Prime Minister Sali Berisha is seeking a third term but faces a strong challenge from Socialist leader Edi Rama in Sunday's vote. Both have ambitions of closer ties and eventual membership in the European Union, which is pressing for broad reforms and a
Could $100 oil turn dumps into plastic mines? LONDON Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:53am EDT 1 of 3. A man collects recyclable plastic materials, washed ashore by waves, which will be sold for 21 pesos ($0.48) in exchange for food in Manila in this August 2, 2008 file photo. Sparked by surging oil, a dramatic rise in the value of old plastic is encouraging waste companies across the world to dig for buried riches in rotting rubbish dumps. Credit: Reuters/Cheryl Ravelo LONDON (Reuters) - Sparked by surging oil, a dramatic rise in the value of old plastic is encouraging waste companies across the world to dig for buried riches in rotting rubbish dumps. With this in mind, leaders of the world's waste management industry are planning to come together in London in October for what is being billed as the first "global landfill mining" conference. "Once plastic is in a landfill site, it pretty much sits there doing nothing -- and the beauty of that is that you're able to go back and recapture it in the future," said
Almost a year ago, we brought you news of a seemingly crazy scheme to generate electricity from the footfalls of pedestrians and we're happy to update that with word that the scheme was such a success it's being expanded. The experiment is being run by JR East, one of Japan's national rail operators, in Tokyo station and now features much-improved technology that increases the previous power-generating capacity. Power up Piezoelectric elements in the floor around ticket gates convert the kinetic energy of footsteps to electricity, with improvements boosting the capacity by a factor of ten from the earlier trial. JR East says it expects the power floor to generate 1,400kW per day, which will be more than enough to power the RFID-reading ticket gates as well as electronic billboards in the station. Numbers game Of course, Tokyo being home to almost 13 million people greatly helps JR East in its drive to harness the energy they expend on the daily commute, so we don't expect to see this technology in Accri
Memory Alpha Dominion cold war 36,470pages on this wiki The Dominion Cold War is an unofficial term for the period from the Federation initial contact with the Dominion in late 2370 to the outbreak of the Dominion War in late 2373. During this time, the Alpha and Gamma Quadrant powers strived to establish strong diplomatic and military positions in preparation for the coming conflict. First Contact Edit With the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369, vessels from the Alpha Quadrant began exploring the Gamma Quadrant. Rumors were soon heard of a great Gamma Quadrant power known as the Dominion. For quite some time, the Dominion had been secretly collecting extensive information on the cultures of the Alpha Quadrant, but it was not until late 2370 that direct contact with the Dominion was established by Starfleet Commander Benjamin Sisko on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant when his team was detained by Dominion forces. USS Odyssey firing phasers The Odyssey fires on a Jem'Hadar fighter. In response,
Starting to look like a donkey Bad Dad Behavior Babies are not light packers. Even a simple trip to the corner store often requires three Sherpas just to carry all of their toys, diapers, clothing, and accessories. However, under no circumstances is it acceptable to store any of those odds and ends in a fanny pack. There are just some things big boys don't wear. The day you wear a bum bag in public is the day you should be required to donate your testicles to charity. More Like This Best of the Web Special Features
A few nuggets • The Lakers-Mavericks game is getting me pumped up for what could be one of the greatest 1-2 punches in years: the NHL playoffs and the NBA's Western Conference playoffs. It's quite possible I might go as far as taking a human life in order to acquire a DVR/TiVo for all these great games I'll be missing at work. It also brought up another question. Is there an NHL player who is as unstoppable, but at times unappreciated like Kobe Bryant? At 36, Jaromir Jagr cannot really physically dominate like he used to, but that's the first name I could come up with. Both stars are generally disliked, they both won championships early in their careers and they both demanded a trade that would separate them from their bigger-than-life running mates (for Kobe it was Shaq; for Jagr it was Lemieux even if the Jagr situation probably had more to do with his obese gambling debts). I think the most shocking similarity is that Jagr and Bryant have exactly one regular season MVP trophy between the two of them
An advertising agency for BMW has paid to name a cold weather front sweeping Europe “Cooper” in Germany, after the lawmakers Mini Cooper. Germany’s meteorology institute allows the sponsorship of weather systems. On its website, advertising agency Sassenbach says that naming the front after the open-air vehicle was a “wind- and weather-proof idea”. It is encouraging people to follow the path of the weather on meteorological websites. While the snow and ice have brought some stunning scenes across Europe, the freezing temperatures have led to at least 100 deaths, mainly in Poland and Ukraine. In Ukraine alone, nearly 950 people are being treated in hospital with hypothermia and frostbite, the Associated Press news agency reports. The Munich-based advertising agency said it was no longer commenting on the unfortunate correlation between the progress of the severe weather and the car it sought to publicise. It has also named a warmer weather front to follow “Minnie”. BMW has apologised for the stunt, wh
Sunday, September 30 On Mock-up and Cheating at Writing, initting the Moebian Strip We write to learn. (Even if this were writing, but it isn't.) In comes Elvis, asking where the building is. For me it is quite obvious we are in the process of closing a circle, and thereby initting a new cycle that we will only recognise fully when it is running and we are all in it. Speaking of avant-garde in this context is simply ridiculous. There is no battle, you can't scout a future that isn't happening yet. Rhetorics can only be truly understood within the timeplace of their functionality. Avant-garde was pretty good for people living in the first decades of the 20th century. Anyone waving the flag of avant-garde now is just making a fool of herself. What circle? Which closing? How's that 'initing' anything? Let's get to the what do we have here and now first. What do we have here and now? A silly poet talking on a blog. A stand-alone comedian, pointing his own floodlights at himself in an empty theatre. Aargh, th
Faith, Hope & Charity Trivia, Quotes, Notes and Allusions Quotes (8) • MacGyver: Wait a minute! You can't just bury someone. There are laws. You got to have a death certificate, a burial permit, all kinds of stuff. Faith: Oh, poop. Lighten up, MacGyver. • Hope: You are something else, Mr. MacGyver. Faith: Oh, I wish I were thirty years younger. • Gorman: If you cooperate, I promise you nobody gets hurt. Hope: Forget it, sucker! You mugs will have to come in and get us. Isn't this exciting? MacGyver: Oh yeah. • MacGyver: But I would like to know why you didn't tell me about the money. Faith: Well, we thought you were such a goodie two-shoes, maybe you'd make us give Leo's money back. • Faith: You mean we're trapped? MacGyver: Well, in the military, they call it "taking a defensive position." Hope: Well, I like that much better. • Hope: (to the man tying her up) Ow, shame on you. What would your mother say? Faith: What mother? He's the kind of thing you find under a rock. • Hope: Mr. MacG
Laptop Mag praises Apple tech support By Justin Aug 7, 2009 Topic Status: Not open for further replies. 1. For all the things we could criticize Apple about, there are some aspects in which they do excel and deserve some praise. Laptop Magazine found that this is the case with the company’s tech support, recently giving Apple a glowing review when pitting their service up against some of its competitors, including Acer, Asus, Dell, Fujitsu, Gateway, HP, Lenovo, Sony and Toshiba. Read the whole story 2. Tekkaraiden Tekkaraiden TechSpot Enthusiast Posts: 874   +52 It's about time they backed their superior attitude with superior service. 3. Rage_3K_Moiz Rage_3K_Moiz Sith Lord Posts: 7,277   +22 I think it's the main reason Apple's popular. I've read about companies like HP charging people $380 for replacing an entire laptop keyboard for 3 missing keys. The Apple store fellows just go to the back, pop new ones in, and set you on your way. 4. There reason apple has come out on
Masterius: Sundered Sisters; PG13; PPG fanfic Moderator: Mod Squad Masterius: Sundered Sisters; PG13; PPG fanfic Postby Masterius » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:27 pm Yes, this really is a Powerpuff Girls fanfiction. The "Prologue" chapter is an introductory section, setting the stage for the rest of the story, so even though the Powerpuff Girls are not (directly) mentioned there, please be assured that Sundered Sisters is, most certainly, about them. Sundered Sisters Book One: Break on through (to the other side) And at the occurrence of the Grand Conjunction, as prophesied by Phatak —High Priest, Acolyte of the Most Secret, Voice of the Destroyer— Dread Sheldor would lay in Superior juxtaposition to all. And at that moment would His obedient, devoted people finally be raised up above all others, becoming His Chosen. And as his Priests and acolytes were servants of Dread Sheldor— And as his Chosen were to be servants obedient to His Priests and acolytes— Given to them would be all that lived on the surfa
Personal iPad 3 review Related: Josh's iPad review. Hey fellow Verge followers, the following is my review of the New iPad, off the bat you should know I'm presently a student, but studying journalism to hopefully become a tech journalist. Now, onto the review. To be quite frank, as much as I love Apple products until now the iPad always seemed a little half baked to me. As is often the case the second generation felt as though it should have been the first - a sleek design with faster graphics. Ultimately however they shot themselves in the foot by introducing the iPhone 4's retina display after the iPad had only been on the market for a couple of months, a phone with an insanely high res display is cool, the thought of a high res display in the tablet market was planted in the collective tech lovers brain ever since. Coming a little less than two years later, the folks over at Couportino have finally delivered, but what exactly makes the new machine tic and in the end is it really worth it? Spoilers, ye
Endangered Panamian sloths, new research This video is called Pygmy three-toed sloth swimming HD. From Wildlife Extra: First population census of Critically Endangered pygmy three-toed sloth In search of the pygmy sloth May 2012. A group of tiny sloths living on an uninhabited island will finally counted, after a team from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) conducted the first ever population census of the pygmy three- toed sloth (Bradypus pygmaeus). Only found on 1 small island The team undertook a nine-day expedition to Escudo Island, 17km off the coast of Panama, which is the only place in the world where the sloths are found. There, they conducted the first detailed population and habitat survey of the area, and spent time monitoring the unique behaviours of the world’s slowest mammal. 16th most endangered mammal At half the size of their mainland cousins, and weighing roughly the same as a newborn baby, pygmy sloths are the smallest and slowest sloths in the world. They are ranked at number 1
Part I- Fragmentation in Health Care: The Patient’s Perspective This past September, I had the unfortunate and ironic experience of transitioning from conducting research on the American healthcare system to being a patient in the American healthcare system.  In September, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer, while working as a research assistant for Professor Einer Elhauge, scouring the Affordable Care Act for regulatory powers with potential for defragmenting our national healthcare system. Professor Elhauge, recently described fragmentation as a systemic lack of coordination between physicians, as well as between physicians and hospitals.  This fragmentation results in increased medical cost and medical errors.  My experience as a patient has led me to believe that defragmentation could help reduce other, less quantifiable, emotional and psychological costs to patients.  I will attempt to demonstrate this through recounting the first half of my story.[1] Let me begin with a little more information ab
Chilean Australian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Australia Chilean Australian Chile Chileno Australiano Total population 33,626 (by ancestry, 2006) 23,305 (by birth, 2006).[2] Regions with significant populations Sydney (2006 est.) 10,909 Melbourne (2006 est.) 6,530 English and Spanish  · Roman Catholic (Predominantly) · Protestant · Evangelical · Jewish  · Atheist  · Agnostic Related ethnic groups other Latin American Australians, Spaniards, other Europeans, others Chilean Australians are Australians of Chilean descent or Chileans who have obtained Australian citizenship. In Australia, Chilean Australians are the biggest group of Latin American Australians residing in the nation. The biggest Chilean Australian communities are primarily found in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.[3] According to the 2006 Australian Census, 23,305 Australians were born in Chile[2] while 25,439 claimed Chilean ancestry, either alone or with another ancestry.[4]The Australian 2001 Census re
By Chris Harris Much has been made about the tightness of this season's Premier League title race but Arsène Wenger expects the battle at the bottom of the table to be even more intense. Bolton travel to Emirates Stadium on Saturday sitting relatively pretty in 11th place. However, Wanderers remain in a precarious position with just five points separating the bottom 10 clubs in the top flight. Wenger attributes that to a general improvement among the 'second tier' of Premier League clubs and, as a result, the Frenchman is predicting a nail-biting battle to avoid relegation. "What I make of the league is what we’ve seen since the start is that it’s a very tight league," said Wenger at his pre-match press conference. "You play a game where if you win you are playing for Europe and then next week it’s not to go down. "Apart from the top six or seven, everyone can be involved in relegation. That means the quality has gone up and the difference between the teams has become smaller.  "The top teams have drop
In this article, the authors address the question of whether and how the appreciation of popular music consumers has globalized in the four decades since the mid-1960s. They use information from American, Dutch, French, and German popular music charts from 1965 through 2006. They find no corroboration for an overall trend toward an internationalization of hits. However, important shifts are noticeable underneath the surface. For the period up until 1989, the authors find increasing international diversity as well as increasing Americanization. From the 1990s onwards, they find a growing popularity of national music in all three European countries in the study. Additional Metadata Keywords Americanization, glocalization, neonationalism, popular music Persistent URL, Achterberg, P.H.J., Heilbron, J., Houtman, D., & Aupers, S.D.. (2011). A cultural globalization of popular music? American, Dutch, French, and German popular music charts (1965 to 2006). American Behavioral Scientist, 55(5), 589–608. doi:10.1177/0
Sign in with Sign up | Sign in Your question System Time Problem Last response: in Motherboards I've come here to find answers to many problems over the years and this one has me stumped and I can't seem to find a solution even after days of searching (never failed to this point.) I have a P4 2.0Ghz computer that is mostly a bunch of parts I had lying around but centers on a Compaq board that was "rescued" from a box of parts. I'm pretty sure the processor came with the board but everything else is non stock (meaning isn't original equipment). The problem I'm having is that the CMOS doesn't seem to want to keep track of the time. By example I noticed the time was wrong after freshly installing Windows XP Pro onto the machine even after adjusting the time in the BIOS before starting the install. The time was 3:10pm. I manually adjusted the time continued with the installation of drivers and programs and such until I had to restart. Upon restarting the time went back to 3:10pm despite it being after 4 now.
Movie News TRON 3 Will Likely Happen! Published at: April 6, 2011, 8:43 a.m. CST Nordling here. I'll give TRON: LEGACY another shot.  I have the double-feature Blu-Ray at the house.  I didn't like the film when I first saw it in December.  I think the film's got too much fat on it, and in comparison with the ideas of the original film, I thought LEGACY didn't add much to the table.  But I'm willing to see it again and reassess it if the film warrants it. Harry's said for months that another sequel will probably happen, and according to Deadline, since T:L broke box office records for first-time director Joseph Kosinski, it looks like we'll get another go-around on the Game Grid.  Kosinski would likely return, along with LEGACY screenwriters Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz.  I don't think they'll get the budget they received for LEGACY, so I'd imagine the story should wind up much tighter.  The original film, in regards to pacing, is practically a Swiss clock in relation to LEGACY.  I liked the idea of t
Print 26 comment(s) - last by TacticalTradin.. on Dec 30 at 4:09 PM The LES will simulate everything on Earth including climate and environmental status  (Source: Monstrous amounts of data will be fed into supercomputers that utilize technology never used before A researcher from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has joined forces with a group of scientists to create a grandiose computer project capable of simulating everything we know.  Dr. Dirk Helbing, chairman of the FuturICT project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, along with a team of scientists, have begun to collaborate on an Earth project that could change how we see the world -- literally.  The computer project has been nicknamed the Living Earth Simulator (LES), and the idea behind it is to simulate everything on Earth, such as the spread of diseases, congestion on roads, international financial transactions and weather patterns. The project is aimed to epitomize both human and environmental actions that shape our world. 
The Sime Darby Australia Limited group of companies (‘the Group’) is committed to ensuring that personal information held by the Group remains private and is protected. Personal information must relate to a natural person. A natural person is a human being rather than, for example, a company, which may in some circumstances, be recognised as legal 'person' under the law. Individuals have the right to know:  1. who will receive their information; 2. what the information is being collected for; 3. why the information is being collected; and 4. how the information will be used. The object of this policy is to comply with the 10 National Privacy Principles (‘NPPs’), which are high-level statements of principle that form the core of the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (‘the Act’).  The Act and this policy are concerned with the collection, handling and use of ‘personal information’, that is, information about an individual who can be identified, or whose identity could be reasonably ascertaine
sub committee stuff (Kelsey Farnham) 2.6.13 Higher Education Committee CFO of USC, Ed Walton ​Main Discussion: When looking at future projects at the university, two main costs are ​calculated. ​​Renewal Costs (which include Deferred Maintenance) and Improvement Costs. When an ​​old building is gutted, and renovated, it depletes the deferred maintenance costs and ​​​enables use for the next 40 years or lifetime of that building. ​Minor topic- considering charging for more parking on campus as a new source of income. Cutting spending? Colleges are always broke and always building. 2.6.13 LCI Sub Committee Erica Von Nesson ​Removing staff people from DEW offices statewide based on a lower workload in some areas. ​Unemployment rate is down, and less staff is needed. Estimated 2 million dollars will be saved. ​90% of claims made online, therefore not as many staff needed in offices. ​follow ups on claimants are being done, but they are in the process of working on a more ​consistent way to ensure claimants are j
Kangaroo business meeting - adjourned!!! Kangaroo business meeting by Russell McMahon submit your photo Hall of Fame View past winners from this year Please participate in Meta and help us grow. Tell me more × When reading about lenses, sometimes I come along the term '3D pop' and I think I have a rough idea about what it means; but I'd love to have a precise or scientific explanation (optics) of it. Examples and tips welcome! :D share|improve this question Only Zeiss lenses create popping 3D photos, I'm afraid it's a trade secret ;) –  Matt Grum Aug 7 at 9:30 @MattGrum Not so! Pentax's FA Limited series of lenses does too, although every True Loyal Pentaxian knows that the secret was callously discarded for the designed- for-digital DA series. –  mattdm Aug 7 at 13:04 add comment 1 Answer up vote 11 down vote accepted All conventional photographs are 2D representations of 3D scenes. Our brain creates the illusion of depth based on cues from the image. This process is easily manipulated, see forced
• • Stagg Music: Guiro Style Tone Block And Beater Verisign secured  In Stock. Usually ships in 24 hours Reserve product at Store Our store will contact you to confirm the reservation. Please do not travel until the store has contacted you. Our Price: £5.99    Change Currency Sales Rank: Not Specified Customer Rating: Instrument: Latin Percussion (LATIN PERC) Catalogue #: EMD11856 This Item Earns 11 Musicroom Points This Guiro Style Tone Block And Beater is a sturdy and durable item made with a natural wood finish. Ideal for classroom use. Contoured handle for comfortable grip. Customer Reviews Write Review  Write a review! Write a review to win Share this product with your friends using the icons below.
• Print • Email • Share: Why Bother? So evidently illegals will be able to thumb their noses at the Guardsmen as they stream by, as long as they are unarmed. Recommend this Power Line article to your Facebook friends.
assassin's creed 3 pc game free download Assassin's Creed 3 is set in an open world and presented from the third person perspective with a primary focus on using Desmond and Connor's combat and stealth abilities to eliminate targets and explore the environment. Connor is able to freely explore 18th century Boston, New York and the American frontier to complete side missions away from the primary storyline. The game also features a multiplayer component, allowing players to compete online to complete solo and team based objectives including assassinations and evading pursuers. Ubisoft developed a new game engine, Anvil Next, for the game. The game follows the series’ standard level- based gameplay during the 21st century, as well as the open world gameplay set in 18th century colonial America, in which the player has access to a huge wilderness known as the Frontier (which is 1.5 times bigger than Rome in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood),the cities of Boston and New York as well as portions of the Eastern Seaboa
Cookiepocalypse: Implementing New Law Drops Use by 90% ICO website traffic impact of cookie opt in by Vicky Brock Update: Cookiepocalypse is over (possibly). The ICO have updated their advice, suggesting implied consent is sufficient for users. Read more Imagine a 90% drop in website visitors that are willing to accept a cookie from your website. be tracked through your analytics tool? Or your advertising targeting? Or your third party shopping basket? Ouch. That's what happened with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) implemented the new law with existing technology, over 90% of site visitors declined to accept a Google Analytics cookie, thereby disappearing from their analytics. Whilst the powers-that-be have allowed a year for industry to figure out a way to implement the new 'daft by European standards' cookie law, its impact is dramatic, as illustrated by the graphs obtained by leading web analytics expert, Vicky Brock (@brockyvick), under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. UPDATE: Vi
low light shot of Sony NEX-6 vs Fuji X100 Started 8 months ago | Discussions thread Contributing MemberPosts: 654Gear list In reply to Pete peterson, 8 months ago Pete peterson wrote: Interms of exposure, yes the camera should adjust the shutter speed and ISO to compensate. The issue when comparing quality at different appartures that with less light coming through the lens on one you are either introducing more blur through a lower shutter speed or more noise through a higher ISO. Either way the final image quality will be reduced in a low light situation as there is only so much movement that stabilisation can counter. This is why people take pay much more for faster lenses (that and the added depth of feild control). Photography is all about light and how you control and adapt to it. a test that only lets in half the light in one scenario compared to the other is invalid if you are trying to compare quality. The only way to compare the quality of the camera (ie the actual sensor) is to have the same
Breaking News Neal Barton's POV Think twice before you strike POSTED: Thursday, August 29, 2013 - 3:50pm UPDATED: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 2:11pm I've always said everyone should work retail for six months out of their life. If they did, they'd treat the person behind the counter better and put the items back where they belong after they look at them. I worked in a record shop in college and boy, what a lesson in life that was. I can just imagine how intense it would be working at a fast food place. Now, fast food workers in some bigger cities in the country are planning to go on strike, if they're not already on strike. Really? Most make $7.25 an hour and they are demanding $15 an hour. Where did they get that number? Just a few weeks ago one of the California senators, I think it was Boxer, said the minimum wage needs to be $10 an hour. Where did she get that number? What business has she run? These jobs are entry level jobs which were never intended to be a career. The career person is th
Deal Divas Alice in Wonderland accessory shopping makes us late for tea White rabbit clock SOME people get the creeps from the previews for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, but I get nothing but GLEE. GLEE, I tell you. Every time the White Rabbit yells, "You're late for tea!" and then hurls his cup at the screen, I devolve into preschool giggles followed by a chorus of "Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay." I love the freakish decadence of all things Carrollian (Burtonian?), and I can't wait to see it with a frosty $25 Diet Coke in hand.  I would also reallyreallyreally love this necklace by designer Tom Binns, who created a high-end Alice in Wonderland line for Disney Couture (seriously, that exists). It's a cross between Salvador Dali and the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, and it makes me happy. Unforch, it's $74.95, and I need to buy contact lenses and groceries this month, not to mention that movie theater Diet Coke. (RELATED: Mac and cheese was 49 cents at Publix the other day, guys! Time to stock up.) Anyway, I
or, sign in with: strategy and business Published: April 10, 2002 Once Upon a Time Even when the listeners are adults, all they have to hear are words akin to “once upon a time,” and the judgmental doors of their left brains tend to swing closed. The doors of their right brains — always eager to hear life turned into a story — swing open. Consider this fable: Once upon a time there was a crow. She was a hot, thirsty crow, and she soared from east to west and north to south in search of water. After many hours, she spied a pitcher full of water in a gravel courtyard. But, alas, the neck of the pitcher was too narrow for her to insert her beak. What could she do? As her black feathers baked in the sun, inspiration struck. She picked up a bunch of stones from the courtyard, and tossed them, one by one, into the pitcher. As the water rose to the rim of the pitcher, she could drink. This Aesop fable has a moral: Necessity is the mother of invention. But the moral, however relevant, is not what’s most notable
Saturday, August 28, 2010 This is an edited verion of an article that appears in the current issue of Tin House. Once a week, as I was growing up in the north of England, I watched my Irish grandfather eat a boiled pig’s trotter. I watched with fascination rather than envy, since my parents had assured me, with the certainty parents so often have, that I wouldn’t enjoy the taste of a pig’s trotter. Later in my life I learned this wasn’t true, but at the time I didn’t argue. There were, for sure, other, much bigger battles to be fought against my parents, but when I look back on it I wonder quite why they were so insistent that pigs’ trotters weren’t for me, and I think the answer is because they’d decided pig’s trotters weren’t for them. My parents were making a long, arduous journey from the working class to the middle class, and instinctively they’d decided that eating pig’s trotters would slow their social ascendancy. Trotters were peasant food, and my parents were no longer prepared to be peasants. To
[RFC] Automatic localisation of templates Simon Wistow simon at Thu Jan 19 12:22:56 GMT 2006 I've written a plugin for TT that, given this [%- USE Localisation('MyTranslation') -%] [%- SET foo = "_GREETING_" -%] [% foo %] [% "_GREETING_" %] and a Locale::MakeText lexicon module called 'MyTranslation' which contains an entry for __GREETING__ mapping to 'Hello' and changing the first line to [%- USE Localisation('MyTranslation','fr') -%] prints (providing you've provided a french lexicon) Obviously something like [% USE CGI %] [% USE Localisation('MyTranslation',CGI.http('Accept-language')) %] would be very useful. Strings not in the lexicon are left untranslated. There's still a couple of issues to be sorted out and I'm not convinced that Locale::MakeText is the right il8n module to use for various reasons (it's really good but a litle too complicated to use the advanced parts of it. Easier than making .po files though) but I think this could be really useful for doi
Universal Studios Hollywood Opens “King Kong—The World’s Most Chilling 3-D Experience” By    |   Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Filed under: Uncategorized Tags: , , , , , , , , Using the newest technology out there, Universal Studios Hollywood's King Kong attraction is a thrilling, unique, intense 3-D experience. The previous King Kong attraction, opened June 1986, was destroyed by a fire in June 2008. The King Kong ride was created by Peter Jackson, who produced the 2005 King Kong movie. Like before, guests will go on the studio backlot tour, but will now enter a sound stage. The ride will take guests into the middle of the jungle on Skull Island. In the jungle, there will be an epic King Kong/Dinosaur battle. It's a motion sensor ride, but it's also in 3-D. One feature is that the screens are 360. They're 40 feet tall and 180 feet long. The display uses 60 frames a second. (A normal movie uses 24.) The ride touches all five senses, so it's really like being in the jungle at Skull Island. "You'll see something y
Five Ways to Destroy a Healthy Salad When we think of a healthy meal, salad is among the first thing that comes to the mind. Salad is a healthy choice, but at times it is the worst option for several reasons. It has been proven that certain salads carry a very high number of calories and are unhealthy for the body. To help you differ between healthy and unhealthy salads, given below are five common features that destroy a healthy salad. Make sure you do not engage in the following when you feast yourself with a delicious bowl of salad. Crunchy Munchies Crunchy toppings, such as nuts and croutons, are extremely popular because they enhance the taste of the salad. However, they have some drawbacks too. The problem is that they add calories and fats with the taste, which is not a very good bargain. Toppings, such as Chinese noodles are not very rich in nutrient. They do more bad than good. A very good option that you have is adding small pieces of apple. They add sweetness and crunch to the dish, and are extre
(permanent link) added: 2010-01-03 13:54:22 sponsor: TBeholder (last reply: 2010-01-11 14:10:13) Add Tag: or Loose Canon It's not quite in Canon. It's not quite out of Canon. No events of this episode are referenced in Canon, ever, but unlike Big Lipped Alligator Moment it's not just a random throwaway gag: it serves to highlight characters or setting that do belong to Canon. It's not a Canon Discontinuity, because it was not firmly tied into the continuity to begin with, as opposed to being demoted later. May contain Reset Button, Or Is It, Or Was It a Dream? or Perspective Flip for Unreliable Narrator, thus having a weakened link to Canon. Anime Web Comics replies: 18 Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Privacy Policy
Beware of the Long Arm of the Law, p.5 Main image: collection Although a court may ultimately determine that it does not have jurisdiction over you or your beauty business, you can’t afford to ignore a lawsuit. If you or your business fail to contest a lawsuit, the court may enter a default judgment, which means that the plaintiff wins simply because no one answered to contest the case. You should consult your lawyer about answering the complaint promptly for the purpose of challenging the court’s exercise of personal jurisdiction over you or your business. There is no federal law that controls when a court has personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state company. Each state has established its own laws and rules about long-arm jurisdiction, and the courts apply the law of the state in which they are located. Just because you are an Iowa company doesn’t mean that a court in California will follow Iowa law on this issue. As a result, it is important to consult the laws in any state in which you may be sued t
[ By popular demand, here are links for all 5 parts in the series Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5   -Rico ] I love Linq.  Really.  That might scare you because it has all these wacky new constructs and as a performance guy you'd think that I'd be all about getting rid of abstractions and just getting to the metal.  But don't be scared, I haven't lost my mind.  Linq is great because, even though it adds some levels of complexity, it simulataneously increases the chunkiness of the work that the framework receives in such a way that it creates fantastic opportunities to deliver performance.  Just like SQL can do a great job optimizing database queries because they are chunky enough. And speaking of databases, DLinq is really where the opportunities for amazing coolness are present. I first started looking at the performance of DLinq (it's officially called Linq to SQL but I still call it DLinq)shortly after the May 2006 CTP -- the very same one many of you are still using.  There were some great opport
Comic 2: Vengeance of Axonn From BIONICLEsector01 Jump to: navigation, search "I have known your kind before, Piraka. For more than 100 centuries, I have looked into the face of evil again and again. It sickens me." External Image Comic 2: Vengeance of Axonn Outside/Alt. Title Ignition Author Greg Farshtey Illustrator Stuart Sayger Vengeance of Axonn is the second comic in the BIONICLE Ignition series. The comic was included with the May/June LEGO Magazine in 2006. The Piraka (minus Hakann) are battling amongst themselves. Zaktan breaks up the fight as the Piraka will not be able to find the Mask of Life if they keep quarreling. After a brief exchange between Thok and Reidak, Zaktan continues and explains that there was a seventh Piraka named Vezon, and that he betrayed them and left. Zaktan orders Reidak and Thok to find him. Thok and Reidak come across the canister that he had used to come to Voya Nui, and deduce that he is not far from there from his footprints. They follow his trail. Suddenly, th
Afghan vet has no love for Taliban or invaders October 04, 2001|By Tom Hundley, Tribune foreign correspondent. PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Zakirya, an Afghan chicken farmer, hopes his jihad days are behind him, but he said that if the U.S. or any other foreign power attacked Afghanistan, he and his four sons would be duty-bound to pick up their guns and defend the homeland. Zakirya--like many Afghans, he uses only one name--has no use for the Taliban. He held a senior position in Afghanistan's previous government, serving as personal secretary to Ahmed Shah Ahmedzai, the last non-Taliban prime minister. Zakirya was forced to leave Afghanistan and settle in one of Pakistan's wretched refugee camps when the Taliban consolidated its power in 1996. Nevertheless, he said he would feel obliged to return and fight alongside the Taliban if the United States came to invade his country. Zakirya, 40, is a soft-spoken, serious man, not given to the boastful zealotry of the Taliban. His jihad, or holy war, was against the S
Ways to avoid paying your taxes? Tax avoidance is not a crime.  You can’t get away with not paying your taxes without legal and criminal consequences. There is a difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion.  Tax evasion is a criminal offense. No one likes having to pay taxes but we pay our taxes so that the government has the necessary resources to take care of some of the basic necessary of your lives. While, tax avoidance is defined as doing everything possible within the law to reduce your tax bill. A taxpayer may lawfully arrange their affairs to minimize their taxes through several creative vehicles. It is perfectly lawful to take advantage of all available tax deductions. It is also lawful to avoid taxes by making charitable contributions.   There are also many other vehicles or steps that you can take to reduce your taxes. Remember, there’s a difference between avoiding taxes, and evading taxes. The former is legal and the latter will put you in prison.  So work within the law to lower your ta
Results 1 to 5 of 5 Thread: Difference between slow/medium/fast? 1. #1 Join Date Jul 2011 Difference between slow/medium/fast? OK, I know slow is slower than medium, and fast is faster, but what exactly is the difference? Difference in harvest speed? Difference in countdown to battle? Difference in contests? Difference in trickle? What all changes between the different speeds? Or has this been documented (hah) somewhere and I just missed it? 2. #2 Join Date Jul 2008 The Great Mexican Empire! just that one guy said on my thread about gladiators.. its one of those games you got to play to learn it :P 3. #3 It's very strange, everything grows so slowly in slow games. (I really don't know how else to explain it lol) It takes more time to discover techs, because it takes MUCH longer to get the science. Same with the food and production... it just takes forever! I don't like slow games. I haven't tried fast ones though. 4. #4 I am now playing in a slow gam
Take the 2-minute tour × If I watch movies directly off my USB Flash Drive, will the many reads somehow cause the drive to deteriorate faster? Or is there any other harm in doing this? My alternative is copying the movie to my hard drive. Would that be better? share|improve this question 4 Answers 4 up vote 21 down vote accepted A simple check on Wikipedia can help a lot: The method used to read NAND flash memory can cause other cells near the cell being read to change over time if the surrounding cells of the block are not rewritten. This is generally in the hundreds of thousands of reads without a rewrite of those cells. The error does not appear when reading the original cell, but rather shows up when finally reading one of the surrounding cells. So indeed reading from a flash memory will cause it to rewrite some blocks every now and then. Writing to a flash memory happens block wise, and every block can only be rewritten a certain amount of times (actual number differs). But considering that this
Insurance Blog Finance Blogs » Insurance » CBO: ‘Obamacare’ cuts deficit CBO: ‘Obamacare’ cuts deficit By Jay MacDonald · Tuesday, July 31, 2012 Posted: 10 am ET You may have seen a few election-year TV ads that claim President Obama's landmark health care reform, aka "Obamacare," will add "trillions" to the federal deficit. Turns out they're off by, well, trillions. The latest estimates from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicate the Affordable Care Act will actually cut rather than increase the national debt over the next decade. In its first budget projections since the Supreme Court upheld most of the health care reform law last month, the CBO adjusted its cost estimate down slightly to reflect the one provision of the ACA that the court struck down: the requirement that states expand Medicare to provide health insurance to lower-income residents. Since states now have the option to accept or reject the government's offer to pay 100 percent of the initial cost to expand Medicaid, the
Another name for tuberculosis. This is what they meant in the 2001 movie, Moulin Rouge, when they said that Satine had a fatal disease - tuberculosis is usually fatal unless treated with antibiotics ... which would not be available in the era in which the movie was set. The thing about Moulin Rouge, of course, was how these people so calmly said that Satine had consumption yet stood nearby while she coughed up blood. Equally so for the doctor who so gallantly pronounced that she had consumption right in front of her. Didn't these people know anything about infection control? Having recently (July 2001) seen a young person with consumption, I can appreciate why they used to call it such. It's like having your organs consumed from within. This 23 year old man was literally coughing his lungs out. Haemoptysis (coughing up blood) by the cupful. Poor guy. Luckily for him, modern anti-tuberculous treatment is pretty good - after less than one week, he had recovered sufficiently such that he was well enough to wal
Subject: Re: lang/guile update to 1.8.1 To: None <> From: Greg Troxel <> List: tech-pkg Date: 06/04/2007 08:13:46 2) blindly point all the packages which currently use guile to lang/guile16 and bump their PKGREVISIONS. 3) update lang/guile to 1.8.1. lang/guile where possible. That sounds fine, and thanks for doing this. I believe that executing your plan and the pending removal of guile14 once all guile14-depending packages have been updated to at least guile16 are entirely separate issues and that there's no need to combine them. (You didn't say that, but it came to mind.) The difficulty that we'll encounter in your plan is that there are packages like guile-slib, guile-gtk, g-wrap, and maybe guile-lib that can be built with either 1.6 or 1.8 and some packages will depend on them. In an ideal world with infinite resources we'd have a way like python does to build for various guile versions and have named packages guile14-slib, guile16-slib, and guile18-slib. But this is a lot of
DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2008-03 DragonFly BSD DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2008-03 Re: FreeBSD 7, DragonFly's status To: Dave Hayes <dave@xxxxxxxxxxx> From: Kris Kennaway <kris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:03:25 +0100 Dave Hayes wrote: Does an objective metric of stability actually exist? ( If you say "uptime" I'll take that as a "no" ;) ) If it does, I would really like to learn what that metric is. Do you know of any current low-project-bias work that has been done in this area? Thanks in advance. :) It's easiest to define "stability" by "lack of instability", i.e. "system does not crash no matter what you do to it". The best method I know to evaluate this is by brute force (other techniques like static code analysis and formal model checking can help). You have to try really hard to put the system through all kinds of bizarre contortions in the workloads you care about (which is "everything" for a general OS developer) until you find something that breaks. Then fix it
From book to big screen: Your guide to film adaptations 2014 Story highlights • Many classic books will be made into films this year • The batch kicks off with "Labor Day," released on January 31 • Culminates in highly anticipated "Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1" in November Many beloved books, new and old, are being transformed in movies this year. Tales from Lois Lowry's classic young adult tale "The Giver" to the popular dystopic novel "Divergent" are making feature film debuts. Adaptations are always a tricky business, and sometimes it's more fun when you've read the book first. With that in mind, here is a guide to all the books becoming movies in 2014 and what you need to know. "Labor Day" Author: Joyce Maynard Movie release date: January 31 Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin What it's about: A 13-year-old boy and his depressed, divorced mother (Winslet) encounter an escaped convict (Brolin) who becomes part of their lives and initiates a romance with the boy's mother. What to expect: Directed by
Powered by Max Banner Ads   Powered by Max Banner Ads  Obama Repeats False Claim Abortions Haven’t Declined Under Bush / Pro- Life Anti-Abortion Video. During the presidential forum on Saturday night, pro-abortion presidential candidate Barack Obama repeated the erroneous claim that abortions have not declined under President Bush. The idea behind is the claim is to make it appear that pro-life policies don’t reduce abortions. During a discussion of abortion, Obama declared his support for the Roe v. Wade decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions. Following his statement, he made the attack on President Bush’s pro-life policies. “The fact is that — although we have a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years — abortions have not gone down,” Obama said. Yet that claim doesn’t square with the latest national abortion numbers put forward by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a research firm associated with Planned Parenthood, the abortion business that has endorsed Obama. In January,
Oh bummer. That mystery missile near LA that neither the Pentagon nor the Navy would take credit for? Well John Herrman, a fellow Gizmodo writer, lays out a pretty convincing case for it actually being a regular old vapor trail from a regular old jet. This is why we can't have nice conspiracies. [SmartPlanet]
Last modified on 15 September 2011, at 14:31 Momma's Restaurante Momma's Restaurante in GTA III (2001). Momma's Restaurante (also called Cipriani's Restorante or Ristorante Italiano) is a restaurant located in Saint Mark's, Portland, Liberty City. The restaurant has been in business since 1968 and is run by Ma Cipriani. Ma lives at the restaurant and her son, Toni, moves in between 1998 and 2001. The restaurant is frequented by Leone Family gang members, including Salvatore Leone. The restaurant is the starting point for Ma's missions in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Toni's missions in Grand Theft Auto III, and Vinnie's missions in Grand Theft Auto Advance.
David kept it for him. It said so much about them as a team. . .as partners. . .as friends. Colby Granger wanted – no, needed, more than anything – to talk to his friend, to thank him for keeping the small token of his heritage safe for him. That his friend hadn't tossed it away meant far more to Colby than it seemed to mean to everyone else. He doubted they understood his feelings about this one small action. It meant that no matter how David had felt over the course of the revelations resulting from the Janus list, and the Chinese spying case, David never lost faith in him, not altogether. Leastwise, that was how Colby saw it, how he felt it. They hadn't really talked yet, not the way they needed to. They were on their way back to being partners, of that there could be no denying. And man did it feel good. This last case, a disturbing one that found them finally capturing the man killing people the way Jesus' disciples had died, had showed them both that they could work together, even as they ignored the f
Grab some sunglasses and watch this video to experience the Pulfrich illusionS Having a good weekend? Got some sun? Great. Grab some sunglasses and stare at the computer screen. We’ll show you an example of the Pulfrich illusion. The Pulfrich illusion, or Pulfrich effect, was first noticed by Carl Pulfrich, who described it in 1922. All you need is something that acts like a pendulum swinging in front of you. Grab a pair of sunglasses, and put one lens in front of one eye. Look at the pendulum again. It should suddenly look like it’s moving in an elliptical path, instead of just swinging from side to side. The same thing can be done with film of objects moving in a circle on a plain. If you don’t happen to have a pendulum handy, just click the video link and watch through your single lens. It should look suddenly three dimensional. Pulfrich theorized that this effect as due to the brightness reduction in one eye, which the eye responds to with a tiny delay in its optical information. This gets your brain t
Source: The Detroit News Comments     Threshold foreign oil, eh? By MadMan007 on 6/26/2012 1:17:53 AM , Rating: 2 Stinkin' foreign oil...from Canada - our #1 source of foreign oil for about the last decade. Curse their flappy oil heads and beady oil eyes! Mexico is #2 or 3 depending on the month, swapping places with Saudi Arabia. Not only is the oil foreign, it probably came here illegally tightly packed in a truck! Send it back where it came from I say, no amnesty. RE: foreign oil, eh? By lagomorpha on 6/26/2012 2:33:55 AM , Rating: 2 swapping places with Saudi Arabia You mean the nation al-Qaeda received most of its funding from and which has spent billions of dollars exporting Wahhabism? Yeah, no reason we'd want to stop giving them all our money. RE: foreign oil, eh? By boeush on 6/26/2012 8:50:02 PM , Rating: 2 Let's not forget Iran and Iraq (yeah, we've no problems with either of those, either... LOL) Not to mention Russia, who's trying hard to come back as the world's premier Evil Em
Prior arrests put jam in obtaining pistol permits Close-up of a gun Michael Polito of New Fairfield recently stood before the state Board of Firearms Permit Examiners, trying to get a pistol permit, which had been denied at the local level. "My wife and I want to have a hobby and go shooting, we have friends who go shooting," Polito told the board members. New Fairfield First Selectman John Hodge said he denied Polito because the application asks for any arrests or convictions and Polito checked, "No," but a background check showed a driving under the influence case. Hodge said he denied the application for "lack of accuracy." Hodge said he called to question Polito, asked if he'd ever been arrested, and he again said, "No." After further questioning, Polito said he had a DUI arrest, but the case was dismissed. Later, Hodge said he received documentation that showed Polito had paid a fine. "I felt he lied three times," Hodge told the board. "Too many people don't take those two questions (about prior ar
Walker, Cutch happy to see Hurdle extended Walker, Cutch happy to see Hurdle extended PITTSBURGH -- Clint Hurdle was unsure of the impact his contract extension would have in the clubhouse. In his view, players who care will be neutralized by those who do not. "That's been my experience," said Hurdle, attributing that to both his playing and managerial careers. "There will be some players who care, and some that don't. So I don't know how much difference it will make for players." Two veteran Pirates players, however, saw positives in the stability, citing the transparency that makes Hurdle easy to play for. "He lets us do our own thing in the clubhouse. It's our clubhouse, and he doesn't interfere with that," said second baseman Neil Walker. "He just does his job. At the same time, he knows when to voice an opinion or a thought, and when to lay off." "It's pretty simple to get along with Hurdle," said center fielder Andrew McCutchen, who recalled that getting a read on the new manager in 2011 was also
Take the 2-minute tour × I'm completely new to WPMVC. Followed and finished their tutorial for creating plugins. Now I'm trying to add a search page to search Venues (that comes from their example!). This page should appear as a submenu page of the Venues menu. I created a file named search.php in the app/views/admin/venue/search folder. What should I do now? Googling didn't help much! Any help regarding this (and any other stuff a noob should learn to get better with WPMVC) is welcome! share|improve this question 2 Answers 2 Finally after a lot of digging into the core files, I found the way to add a submenu page. Here's the stepwise solution if anyone is stuck on it! Lets assume you want to add a submenu page called 'Sample'. 1.First, in the app/config/bootstrap.php file (you have to manually create it if it doesn't exist) of your plugin, add the following code. This will add the new page as a submenu of the venues parent menu item: //sample is appended to the venues array, meaning it will be a subm
Mettrix Technology specializes in Quick-turn electronic assembly services specifically tailored toward Prototyping, Small and Medium quantity PCB production runs, Box Builds, and Fulfillment Services. Mettrix Technology provides a full range of electronic assembly services from prototyping to medium quantity production runs of up to 10,000 pieces or more depending on the type of assembly required. Their assembly services are divided into two tiers: Quick Turn Prototyping, and Production. Quick Turn Prototyping is limited to smaller quantities typically built on an accelerated schedule of anywhere from 24 hours to two weeks. Production runs are scheduled based on lot size, customer delivery requirements, and other services requested by the customer. Their design services complement their assembly services. Their team of engineers and technicians are skilled at the design of electronics, printed circuit boards and mechanical assemblies. Because they are skilled at assembly, they apply their knowledge of the a
Getting Down With the Sickness: Pestilence in Pauper Bookmark and Share One of the most distinctive things about Pauper which allows so many creature-based strategies to thrive is its lack of board sweepers and mass removal. Sure, there are things like Seismic Shudder, Shrivel, and maybe even Echoing Decay to some extent. But there is nothing that comes remotely close to a Wrath of God that can decisively shut down a would-be onslaught. It is this feature of the format that underlies the flourishing of the many aggressive creature-based strategies. This opens a unique window to competitively attack the metagame. Enter Pestilence: Pestilence gives us a way to Crypt Rats the board each turn, which completely hoses any opposing creature-based strategies, and to chip away at the opponent’s life total each turn, which means that it also acts as a win condition to a degree. Of course, Pestilence will require some work to do both of these things efficiently. This article will explore the most efficient ways of u
HOME > Chowhound > Cookware > ISO indoor, electric grille that puts out enough heat to actually grill meat • 7 We have a second home that has no balcony for cooking out and neither the ground floor nor roof are available. When we go it's generally for several weeks at a time and it's in the tropics so we really miss being able to grill. We do have a huge window in our laundry area where we could place an electric grill and any smoke could be pulled right out. The only thing I've seen so far is by All-Clad and cost $300! I just can't seem to get my brain around spending that much. $200, perhaps; $300 just hurts. It has a maximum temp of 480 and other things that appeal, but mostly just the heat. Is anyone aware of any other brand that you like? Only electric will work. No propane or charcoal. Any recs would really be appreciated. Thanks. 1. Click to Upload a photo (10 MB limit) 1. Delonghi makes one: Can't personally vouch for it as I don't own one. 1
Our Common Good Chief Justice John Roberts, wary of the potential repercussions should he have cast the deciding vote to nullify the entire Affordable Care Act, backed away from his initial desire to overturn the law for fear that doing so would strip the Supreme Court of its nonpartisan authority. That revelation is one of a few new insights into the Supreme Court’s deliberations on the ACA revealed in excerpts, previewed Saturday by Politico, from a forthcoming book by New Yorker writer and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. According to Toobin, Roberts initially wanted to declare the law unconstitutional, but his position grew “wobbly” as he worried that making such a seemingly political move at a crucial point in the presidential race could have undermined the court’s future credibility. From the book: What’s more, Toobin reports that Roberts’ switch was in part prompted by the Court’s conservative members’ insistence that he join them in striking down the entire law. “The four conservatives had over
How to make sharp headlines in Photoshop ?? superfetz's picture Hey people, Does anybody know how to make those sharp text- headlines in Photoshop ?? I normally use smooth but still I'm still not satisfied... I need to get them clear and sharp! Please share some thoughts here... superfetz's picture Hkrrm.. my fault! Perhaps I should mention that I was refering to the sharpness of web-headlines - jpgs or gif! Look here for instance The text-graphics are so clear and strong! Thanks again, aschmidt's picture the graphics you're admiring are in .png file format - a lossless web compression; i'm guessing that's why the text looks so good on the web. info: superfetz's picture Hey Andrea, It's not quite what I'm looking for... I would like to render the text in Photoshop - the compression is a different thing :-) I've tried different render-options in the text-palette but it's not really computing... Christian Robertson's picture You'll never get sharp text in photoshop. You'll never get sharp dow
A. Daniel Stark sent the following letter (response sent from [email protected]). The problem with drivers today is neither the speed or the enforcement. The problem is we have no sense of community on the highway. I, too, get annoyed with people driving in the left lane at or below the speed limit. However, I find the idiot wanting to use the left lane to see how fast he can accelerate his car before suffering severe nosebleeds to be an even greater annoyance. Why can't we just realize it takes a village to make us responsible members of the highway community? To foster this idea, I propose that we replace the need for highway police by giving each and every driver a sufficient supply of suction darts that can be used to identify a stupid or annoying driver. As we drive down the highway and witness rude or stupid behavior on the part of a fellow driver, we simply roll down the window and shoot a dart at the offending vehicle. Inspection plazas will be installed at appropriate intervals where each car is qu
WebCars! The Corvette Story Sell - Buy a Corvette Part II With the introduction of the 1968 model, Chevrolet was greeted with something it had not heard with regards to the Corvette for a long time: criticism, much of it quite harsh. Although the new styling was well liked - and time has proven it to be a winner - it did require compromises. 1968 Corvette interior 1968 Corvette interior 1968 Corvette interior The interior was hard hit by the critics, who marveled at how the Corvette managed to grow bigger in the exterior while at the same time shrinking the insides. To accommodate a lower roofline, the seats were angled at 33° vs. the 25° in the previous generation. Support and padding was also lacking as was the overall level of comfort. The other problem was the center console which was widened to accommodate a three speed automatic transmission. Making matters worse was the door panels which intruded into the passenger area. There was also a sometimes perceived, sometimes reality based quality control p
HOUSTON — How do you lift weights in microgravity? Exercising on a satellite floating 200 miles above the surface of the planet presents some unique challenges. But working out is so essential to counter the adverse effects of weightlessness on the body that astronauts aboard the International Space Station devote about 2 to 21/2 hours to exercise every day. “I'm a little less disciplined here on Earth,” said NASA astronaut Doug Wheelock, whose first spacewalk was in 2007. “Up there, I just stayed to my schedule because I was so distressed about being able to get back to the Earth and not being able to walk. I lost like 12 pounds and like 10 percent body fat. Of course I let that go when I got back to Earth.” Last month, NASA invited reporters and social media experts to a daylong event at Johnson Space Center to learn how astronauts stay fit during missions. Astronaut Mike Hopkins, who will be heading to the space station in September, has launched a new social media fitness program, Train Like Mike. View
The message you selected is no longer available for viewing. Super Mario Bros 2 is hard AF, just as I remember it. #1NewportBox100sPosted 8/7/2014 5:31:40 PM Dat Club Nintendo free game. My gawd this game makes me rage. Had it as a young child, and it did the same back then. #90sBaby #2random_man9119Posted 8/7/2014 5:35:43 PM Wait, is it 2: USA or 2: Lost Levels? Haven't actually checked the Club Nintendo rewards... Currently playing:Skyrim,Borderlands 2,Dragon Quest IX,LoZ: Minish Cap,Wario Land 4,Guacamelee!STCE,Fallout 3 #3neogeoftwPosted 8/7/2014 5:37:13 PM Got it too on club Nintendo. Its the only Mario game I've never beat.... #4The Top CrusaderPosted 8/7/2014 6:25:46 PM For whatever reason I never owned SMB2 as a kid, just 1 and 3. I could play those backwards and forwards, but I'd borrow 2 occasionally and always struggled past the first couple worlds. I did manage to beat it but had a harder time with it than the others of the day. The last couple levels are brutal! Author of Titans of Toho: An Un
Nuclear-powered HMS Astute fires its first Tomahawk missilepgWired UK The Royal Navy's latest attack submarine, the next-generation HMS Astute, has demonstrated its might by firing its first Tomahawk missile across the Gulf of Mexico and into a target in the United States. Just for testing, you understand, not because we've suddenly declared war on America. The Astute Class of submarines can fire the 5.5-metre-long cruise missiles at speeds of 550 miles per hour, and shoot them more than 1,000 miles in range -- that's more than the entire length of the United Kingdom. Plus, with the largest weapon-carrying capacity of all the Royal Navy's attack submarines, the new Astute Class can hold a combination of up to 38 Tomahawk missiles and Spearfish torpedoes. This new generation of subs will progressively replace the Trafalgar Class, which are currently in service. The monster 97 metre-long craft is built entirely in Britain, and is constructed by UK defense corporation BAE Systems. It's kitted out with some
"some music was meant to stay underground..." Leprous Streaming Entire New Album "Bilateral" Photo of Leprous Band Photo: Leprous (?) The up-and-coming Norwegian avant-garde metal sensation Leprous will release the band's third album (and InsideOut Music debut) "Bilateral" tomorrow in North America. Starting today is hosting a full album stream of "Bilateral." Check out hte album by heading over here. The complete track listing for "Bilateral" reads as follows: 1. Bilateral 2. Forced Entry 3. Restless 4. Thorn 5. Mb. Indifferentia 6. Waste Of Air 7. Mediocrity Wins 8. Cryptogenic Desires 9. Acquired Taste 10. Painful Detour What's Next? Please share this article if you found it interesting. 0 Comments on "Leprous Streaming Entire New Album"
Saturday, October 18, 2008 Cash is King: The 10 richest tech companies (Off-topic) We try to keep some focus at Climateer Investing but as firm believers in the interconnectedness of everything, it takes diligence. Sometimes though, we come across something totally off-topic but potentially useful to our readers. Here's an example, from Valleywag: 1. China Mobile, $31.0 billion 2. Cisco Systems, $26.2 billion
HOME > Chowhound > Spirits > bullet to the head, in that new movie, what drink does Sylvester Stallone request at the bar but the bar doesn't carry and then Stallone brings in his own bottle ? • k Was it Bulleit Bourbon, which is essentially the same as the title of the film ? Btw, for those who haven not seen the movie, in my humble of opinions it's quite terrible. 1. Click to Upload a photo (10 MB limit) 1. Yes, he orders Bulleit Bourbon. No, I haven't seen the film, but a spirits industry person was talking about it the other day. 1 Reply 1. re: JMF I was curious why they didn't serve it in the bars in the film and he had to bring his own bottle. But then again, I'm probably reading way too much into this very crappy film. 2. Interestingly enough, the quality of the Bulleit Bourbon seems to be much higher than the movie's: "Critical Reviews, an aggregator of expert reviews and ratings for bourbons and other spirits, rates both the Bulleit bourbon
All these people rule ur face, right? Hey Twitter, Twitter E R I C A  R E I T M A N * Pisces * Reality TV addict * Ranty Bitch Erica knew she was destined to be a writer when her mom discovered a soap opera in her backpack that she had written during recess in the 4th grade. It was about two people who fall in love at the post office, and yes they did have sex (in case you were wondering). Dear Famous Asshole was her first interwebz foray into blogging, followed soon after by her legendary (in her own mind, at least) Park Slope blog, Fucked in Park Slope. She's got zero training in interior design, and aside from her claim to fame that she still owns every single issue of Domino magazine ever published, she's otherwise completely unqualified be talking about any sort of design shit. Except for the fact that she's kinda obsessed (also her apt has been featured in Apartment Therapy's Small/Cool contest!). She's written for MTV Buzzworthy, the New York Observer, the NY Press and lots of other places. She's
Take the tour × Is there an string equivalent to LPTSTR? I know of string and wstring. Is there a tstring? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 8 down vote accepted You could define one: typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> mystring; mystring test = _T("Hello World!"); share|improve this answer Would you need to make new traits too? –  GManNickG Dec 1 '09 at 6:59 AFAIK TCHAR is either char or wchar_t. The standard provides a specialization for both types. –  AraK Dec 1 '09 at 7:02 GMan: tstring becomes an alias for either string or wstring (they are typedefs of basic_string<char> and basic_string<wchar_t>, respectively). –  Roger Pate Dec 1 '09 at 7:24 Indeed, I was thinking completely wrong for a bit. This solution seems rather clean, then. (Just rename it tstring and throw it in a namespace :P) –  GManNickG Dec 1 '09 at 7:26 Hah, oops, I actually read the answer as 'tstring' instead of 'mystring', since that is the common name. –  Roger Pate Dec 1 '09 at 7:31 show 1 more comment Anot
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