class label
6 classes
i am so grateful to have been filled up by general conference and to feel the joyful power of the spirit after such a wonderful weekend
[ -0.86572265625, 4.8515625, -0.23486328125, -1.74609375, -1.873046875, -0.92822265625 ]
i feel like ive come a long way and im proud of what ive achieved not only this week but this year as well
[ -1.0263671875, 4.7421875, -0.1348876953125, -1.7099609375, -1.8857421875, -0.75341796875 ]
i feel welcomed into the barn like a son coming home
[ -1.2021484375, 4.4296875, 0.12054443359375, -1.8896484375, -1.84375, -0.5615234375 ]
i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail
[ 4.61328125, -0.931640625, -1.037109375, -0.81982421875, -1.236328125, -1.8662109375 ]
i feel sure that i will go beyond that
[ -0.79931640625, 4.43359375, -0.849609375, -1.1279296875, -1.154296875, -1.0947265625 ]
i feel uncomfortable telling others what is on the girls wish lists
[ -1.0439453125, -1.849609375, -1.5205078125, -0.5458984375, 3.857421875, 0.263671875 ]
i feel passionate about knitting and seeing really good films and the surprisingly awesome tv programs that are on now i cant believe i just wrote that
[ -1.5888671875, 3.05859375, 2.052734375, -1.6396484375, -1.9111328125, -1.08984375 ]
i am still feeling a tad strange in those pearly whites
[ -1.6064453125, -1.4912109375, -1.146484375, -1.38671875, 2.525390625, 2.2421875 ]
i seem to share an equal passion for long distance touring and harley davidsons so i feel sure wed bore to tears every person within earshot
[ -0.875, 4.546875, -0.75830078125, -1.3095703125, -1.220703125, -1.0634765625 ]
i just tell people i feel like one sweet southern mess right now
[ -0.85400390625, 1.2451171875, 3.470703125, -1.74609375, -1.7822265625, -1.478515625 ]
i just feel greedy and lame making one
[ -0.30908203125, -0.97705078125, -0.95654296875, 4.05078125, -0.92529296875, -1.619140625 ]
i started to feel so overwhelmed
[ -1.462890625, -1.314453125, -1.3349609375, -1.419921875, 2.33984375, 2.474609375 ]
i don t always feel like i have amazing style and most days i choose comfort over anything else but there is one thing that i feel makes all the difference in how i feel about myself and that is makeup
[ -1.3466796875, 3.916015625, -0.43994140625, -1.9453125, -1.6259765625, 0.39697265625 ]
ive feeling a little blank and could think of nothing to write about which might be interesting to explore or had my mind captivated
[ 4.37109375, -0.61572265625, -1.4580078125, -1.3134765625, -0.568359375, -1.521484375 ]
i feel like such a noob when the customers make really dull and stupid jokes that im supposed to find funny
[ 4.453125, -0.394775390625, -1.1728515625, -0.6806640625, -1.513671875, -1.869140625 ]
i will nolonger tell anybody how i feel or what im thinking cause all it seems to do is get me more hated than i already am
[ 2.107421875, -1.0478515625, -0.83935546875, 2.87890625, -1.732421875, -2.298828125 ]
i read it at a time amp place where i was feeling less than perfect
[ -0.587890625, 4.734375, -0.5673828125, -1.6240234375, -1.7705078125, -1.12890625 ]
i just feel tender
[ -0.56005859375, -0.6298828125, 3.779296875, -1.1123046875, -1.1875, -1.1396484375 ]
whenever i put myself in others shoes and try to make the person happy
[ -0.37158203125, 4.546875, -0.38916015625, -1.5302734375, -1.85546875, -1.306640625 ]
i feel a little mellow today
[ -0.93408203125, 4.76171875, -0.225830078125, -1.673828125, -1.73046875, -0.98291015625 ]
i walked to school he felt the bounce in his step the overjoyed feelings of youth and the thrill of excitement of coming to school and meeting his beloved friends
[ -0.61669921875, 4.3046875, 0.51416015625, -1.876953125, -2.091796875, -1.22265625 ]
i first read this book during college and it has helped me cope with the feeling of helplessness and fear of the uncertain future
[ 1.53125, -1.474609375, -1.7001953125, -1.4130859375, 2.99609375, -0.77783203125 ]
i know it can take weeks for a book to go free on amazon and barnes amp noble and in this age where cents can buy a full length ebook i feel a little funny charging even cents for a work that is almost certain to be under pages possibly under
[ -1.880859375, -0.72802734375, -0.1962890625, -0.87109375, 0.1385498046875, 2.76953125 ]
i looked at mabel this morning i named my left breast mabel my right one is hazel and i feel this weird mixture of anger and loss valerie wrote less than a month after her diagnosis
[ -1.515625, -1.4765625, -1.07421875, -1.3232421875, 2.13671875, 2.45703125 ]
i thought i didnt feel anything anymore it was over it was ok well today a different story i feel him i want him my heart hurts thinking he wont be around i still want him around i guess its still valid
[ -0.24560546875, 4.609375, -0.25634765625, -1.6962890625, -1.9326171875, -1.58203125 ]
i feel utterly disgusted with myself right now and am contemplating death every waking moment ever since she uttered those few words
[ -0.68212890625, -1.115234375, -1.09375, 4.36328125, -0.8583984375, -1.17578125 ]
i just feel so hopeless sometimes
[ 4.625, -0.76611328125, -1.1796875, -1.203125, -0.8564453125, -1.8955078125 ]
i know some people are more fond of the treat of going and getting a pedicure because you can just sit there and enjoy the wonderful feeling of someone else massaging your tender tootsies all the while flipping the pages of a book or magazine
[ -0.83935546875, 0.02239990234375, 3.888671875, -1.3544921875, -1.4560546875, -1.15625 ]
i wanna feel good again
[ -0.677734375, 4.72265625, -0.6220703125, -1.6865234375, -1.7021484375, -1.0322265625 ]
i began to feel shaky and nauseous and yearned for my connection to cairns to make up for some of the deprivation
[ -0.405029296875, -1.5224609375, -1.6748046875, -0.86328125, 4.02734375, -0.30029296875 ]
im feeling cooped up and impatient and annoyingly bored
[ -0.2685546875, -1.3173828125, -1.552734375, 3.787109375, 0.4677734375, -1.65234375 ]
i don t want to i feel irritated
[ -0.884765625, -1.0068359375, -1.0390625, 4.34765625, -0.85888671875, -1.2373046875 ]
im lucky enough in life to meet someone who makes me feel safe happy secure and loved i feel theres no reason to wait
[ -0.876953125, 4.90625, -0.334716796875, -1.693359375, -1.73046875, -1.146484375 ]
i feel dirty talking to people for my personal gain
[ 4.41015625, -1.1328125, -1.4287109375, 0.03350830078125, -1.1650390625, -2.072265625 ]
im feeling completely idiotic by not being ablo to contribute
[ 4.64453125, -0.86181640625, -1.5244140625, -0.98828125, -0.794921875, -1.646484375 ]
i have to give it to men as women we complain a lot about the heals we have to wear but at least we can wear a dress and feel cool in the summer
[ -1.1328125, 4.88671875, -0.350830078125, -1.5859375, -1.75390625, -0.748046875 ]
i feel so pathetic and useless being unable to do anything
[ 4.66015625, -0.7841796875, -1.2431640625, -0.8974609375, -1.115234375, -1.8515625 ]
i was cooking my dinner feeling pretty melancholy when zane lowe gave it the first spin on his radio one show on tuesday and the song matched my mood perfectly
[ 4.578125, -0.79931640625, -0.8818359375, -1.0478515625, -1.1025390625, -1.953125 ]
i don t like outsourcing because i m a picky sod and usually end up feeling dissatisfied with the work of others but i have to force myself to outsource because you need to realize you can t do everything yourself
[ 0.167724609375, -1.1552734375, -1.32421875, 4.16796875, -0.9599609375, -1.60546875 ]
im trying to be understanding open minded and fair but im feeling completely pissed to the max about a few things
[ -0.97705078125, -0.87060546875, -1.103515625, 4.25, -0.68115234375, -1.28125 ]
i feel so peaceful and happy
[ -0.8330078125, 4.78515625, -0.54052734375, -1.5400390625, -1.5986328125, -1.076171875 ]
i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you
[ 3.935546875, 0.6748046875, -1.212890625, -0.6767578125, -1.6865234375, -2.166015625 ]
i just notice what i am doing that is ruining my happy moment because this feelingof discontent is my resistance to receiving love in the genuine way its being delivered
[ 3.681640625, 0.94921875, -0.8896484375, -0.448974609375, -1.87109375, -2.5234375 ]
i find myself in the odd position of feeling supportive of
[ -1.025390625, -0.06085205078125, 3.6640625, -1.244140625, -1.2314453125, -1.0458984375 ]
i feel myself falling into the pit of buying it from her i think he s for real i m just skeptical of the women
[ -1.5234375, -1.455078125, -1.580078125, -0.377685546875, 3.80078125, 0.265869140625 ]
im feeling dazed and alot of things in my mind
[ -1.5302734375, -0.52587890625, -1.3046875, -1.55859375, 1.373046875, 2.728515625 ]
i do feel proud and happy and also very grateful to all who read me
[ -0.91015625, 4.8203125, -0.4384765625, -1.55078125, -1.765625, -0.9345703125 ]
i feel like that is where i can make my most valued input and tried to do as much as possible to ensure i did an equal part in the construction
[ -1.013671875, 4.84375, -0.225830078125, -1.5458984375, -1.7294921875, -1.158203125 ]
i also tell you in hopes that anyone who is still feeling stigmatized or ashamed of their mental health issues will let go of the stigma let go of the shame
[ 4.6015625, -0.89990234375, -1.57421875, -0.98486328125, -0.60595703125, -1.7880859375 ]
i always feel stupid afterwards
[ 4.64453125, -0.73779296875, -1.4423828125, -0.51611328125, -1.240234375, -1.9697265625 ]
i feel i m being nutritionally supportive of it as well
[ -1.03125, 0.67626953125, 3.6171875, -1.4609375, -1.5087890625, -1.3115234375 ]
i can feel the pressure falling more so on my shoulders and im feeling slightly doubtful of myself which leads to unhappy thoughts not usually like my optimistic self i must say
[ -0.1363525390625, -1.5166015625, -1.80859375, -0.80224609375, 3.78515625, -0.39501953125 ]
i like to think i present myself and the life and times of the working mum to a good standard and if i ever do miss a apostrophe or miss spell a particular word please feel free to call me on it
[ -0.81298828125, 4.6015625, -0.27392578125, -1.375, -1.640625, -1.2421875 ]
im feeling very disturbed by tons of things
[ 4.5859375, -1.404296875, -1.455078125, -0.8212890625, -0.2958984375, -1.72265625 ]
im gestating one and feeling pretty thrilled about that
[ -1.23046875, 4.52734375, -0.8515625, -1.5439453125, -1.421875, -0.147216796875 ]
i careened from feeling confident in my abilities as a writer to being equally sure that i will never ever write anything worth reading
[ -0.82080078125, 4.4140625, -1.0009765625, -1.212890625, -1.146484375, -0.9345703125 ]
i start to feel unloved and unappreciated
[ 4.48828125, -1.4326171875, -1.4033203125, -0.9697265625, -0.1959228515625, -1.8583984375 ]
i enjoy the day more when i feel cute
[ -1.35546875, 4.34375, -0.22021484375, -1.810546875, -1.736328125, 0.020843505859375 ]
i have spoken about before but the feeling is getting stronger and i am curious if others have similar thoughts
[ -1.951171875, -0.77490234375, -0.96337890625, -1.287109375, 1.0693359375, 2.935546875 ]
im in such a happy mood today i feel almost delighted and i havent done anything different today then i normally have it is wonderful
[ -1.1259765625, 4.73046875, -0.5224609375, -1.5625, -1.6279296875, -0.483642578125 ]
im not sure why but im just feeling delicate
[ -1.08203125, -0.279296875, 3.419921875, -1.55078125, -0.818359375, -0.67431640625 ]
i feel your frustration but it s time to calm the hell down
[ 0.2158203125, 3.248046875, -0.9580078125, 0.0782470703125, -1.119140625, -2.08984375 ]
i already feel him kicking my ribs making it harder to breath sometimes and taking over precious space where my stomach once was
[ 1.6513671875, 1.396484375, -0.95751953125, 0.572265625, -1.3935546875, -2.046875 ]
i feel shy to admit that i was struggling to haul a single computer up
[ -0.7353515625, -1.810546875, -1.240234375, -0.93115234375, 3.84375, 0.1495361328125 ]
im feeling extremely fabulous with my jacket and shoes aint no bitches gonna bring me down hahah
[ -1.001953125, 4.64453125, -0.76708984375, -1.55078125, -1.5341796875, -0.548828125 ]
i feel like i just doomed myself
[ 4.40625, -0.41796875, -1.3759765625, -0.9326171875, -0.92578125, -2.017578125 ]
i don t know about you but i m feeling amp blessed
[ -0.68017578125, 3.435546875, 1.78125, -2.03515625, -2.169921875, -1.4814453125 ]
i feel insulted by how those heroes of cosplay goons said they don t care if you re if
[ -0.94677734375, -1.09765625, -0.97705078125, 4.30859375, -0.82080078125, -1.0693359375 ]
i really feel like we were successful in identifying some pretty scary early warning signs and sticking our foot in the door before it shut
[ -0.701171875, 4.59375, -0.92626953125, -1.2861328125, -1.349609375, -1.0673828125 ]
i feel that the suffering is more than i can bear i take refuge in the lord in the blessed sacrament and i speak to him with profound silence
[ 0.077392578125, 2.544921875, 1.8623046875, -1.712890625, -2.03515625, -1.734375 ]
i need to step up my game but im just feeling like i cant be bothered
[ -0.44140625, -1.31640625, -1.4150390625, 4.359375, -0.466064453125, -1.4462890625 ]
im tired of feeling unhappy about things and unmotivated
[ 4.6328125, -0.72265625, -1.197265625, -0.62841796875, -1.271484375, -2.046875 ]
i lie down he feels my belly listens to babys heartbeat gets mad at me for sitting up without rolling onto my side first and then tells me theres some protein in my urine nothing to be worried about though and asks if anything is bothering me
[ -0.7138671875, -1.072265625, -1.2763671875, 4.375, -0.50341796875, -1.4111328125 ]
i feel bothered by any of these things i open a door
[ -0.9111328125, -1.3505859375, -1.3798828125, 4.26171875, -0.1629638671875, -1.2333984375 ]
i understand that they are reacting to what we re doing i think they re observing us closely and i become happier i can actual feel that they re supporting us
[ -0.68310546875, 3.505859375, 1.7255859375, -1.9365234375, -2.111328125, -1.806640625 ]
ive tried bare minerals but it makes me feel like my face is dirty
[ 4.66015625, -1.0478515625, -1.4365234375, -0.6513671875, -0.94091796875, -1.9306640625 ]
im very hurt and i feel unimportant
[ 4.4921875, -1.208984375, -1.712890625, -1.0283203125, -0.01837158203125, -1.8388671875 ]
i am feeling a bit ungrateful and choose to correct that
[ 4.703125, -1.0263671875, -1.1787109375, -0.96630859375, -0.931640625, -1.8681640625 ]
i really feel like they were gentle reminders that while god hasnt always promised an easy road he has promised to be with us as we travel the rough ones
[ -0.62451171875, -0.07330322265625, 3.822265625, -1.1552734375, -1.4375, -1.3359375 ]
i want you to feel just as humiliated as you made me feel in school
[ 4.6015625, -1.076171875, -1.486328125, -0.82275390625, -0.56640625, -1.759765625 ]
i just feel so virtuous when we go on a fieldtrip
[ -1.0087890625, 4.921875, -0.44677734375, -1.64453125, -1.6005859375, -0.927734375 ]
im feeling envious already
[ -0.42333984375, -1.0517578125, -1.154296875, 4.3125, -0.8603515625, -1.375 ]
i honestly feel extremely shy to ask my friends to take pictures of me how vain must they think i am
[ -0.66796875, -1.853515625, -1.3046875, -0.82421875, 3.845703125, 0.09783935546875 ]
im feeling generous this week
[ -1.3251953125, 3.048828125, 2.30078125, -1.8671875, -1.990234375, -1.3232421875 ]
i am no longer even remotely ok with my body and i feel ugly to the person who swore to love me
[ 4.578125, -0.92333984375, -1.451171875, -0.31201171875, -1.138671875, -1.9912109375 ]
i still feel confused and guilty about the whole thing
[ -1.240234375, -1.7158203125, -1.607421875, -0.8388671875, 3.546875, 1.0546875 ]
i wake too early so i feel grumpy
[ -0.5537109375, -1.0546875, -1.1416015625, 4.35546875, -0.88916015625, -1.451171875 ]
i feel at leaving work is hot and complicated and tempered with the disquiet of a future that feels out of my hands
[ -1.0966796875, -0.8828125, 3.201171875, -0.334716796875, -1.025390625, -0.5732421875 ]
i hear someone say we should just let gardeners be let folks do whatever they want i feel pretty aggravated
[ -0.34375, -0.974609375, -1.4951171875, 4.1953125, -0.394775390625, -1.6591796875 ]
i had told gerry yesterday that if i feel isolated it is my own fault
[ 4.515625, -1.0625, -1.7685546875, -0.54443359375, -0.437255859375, -2.0546875 ]
im okay with her getting married whirlwind style at the courthouse and going off to kentucky to live with him but im still feeling hurt by the betrayal and secretive style she had adopted
[ 4.4375, -1.421875, -1.076171875, -0.6318359375, -0.7021484375, -1.876953125 ]
im feeling optimistic to finish out these last two weeks strong and probably continue with what i have been doing
[ -0.75048828125, 4.65234375, -0.91552734375, -1.4423828125, -1.3544921875, -0.97509765625 ]
i did about nothing today and feel a little regretful
[ 4.53515625, -0.6005859375, -1.0263671875, -0.7314453125, -1.294921875, -2.01953125 ]
i could empathize with tab because of raging hormones and the connection feeling like someone else gets you thinks youre smart pretty worth attention
[ -0.88818359375, 4.75, -0.7373046875, -1.2138671875, -1.4677734375, -1.0869140625 ]
i feel like i wouldnt have a longing if only we could have a baby and have that new experience together
[ -0.19384765625, -0.446533203125, 3.662109375, -1.3984375, -1.40234375, -1.1328125 ]
i have a good feeling about this so i am excited
[ -0.97119140625, 4.38671875, -1.0673828125, -1.203125, -1.1865234375, -0.55712890625 ]
i journaled about my tendency to sometimes overcommit myself which can make me feel exhausted and overwhelmed
[ 4.53125, -0.83984375, -1.6474609375, -1.1396484375, -0.1837158203125, -1.759765625 ]
i feel fine now even though ive just burned the dinner oops
[ -0.423828125, 4.65234375, -0.67724609375, -1.7099609375, -1.6396484375, -1.1435546875 ]
i feel bad saying this because i should be happy but i dont think this way that im going is for me anymore
[ 3.93359375, 0.440185546875, -0.74609375, -1.298828125, -1.7275390625, -1.9873046875 ]
i feel so cold a href http irish
[ -0.34326171875, -1.29296875, -0.67822265625, 4.0703125, -0.81982421875, -1.455078125 ]