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u really think i would not have been raped by feral hindu or muslim back in india or bangladesh and a neo nazi would rape me as well just to see me cry
[ "Hindu", "Other", "Islam" ]
the uk has threatened to return radioactive waste to the eu if an agreement cannot be reached can not we keep the radioactive waste and send back all the paki migrants instead
[ "Indian", "Refugee", "Minority", "Islam" ]
if english is not imposition then hindi is also not imposition shut up chutiya retards stophindiimposition
[ "Hindu", "Other" ]
no liberal congratulated hindu refugees post cab because they hate hindus
[ "Hindu" ]
he said bro even your texts sound redneck whatever the fuck that means πŸ˜‚ 🀷 🏻 ‍ ♂️ <user>
[ "Caucasian", "Economic" ]
i live and work with many legal mexican immigrants who are great citizens and trump supporters they have no problem with deporting illegals maga
[ "Refugee", "Hispanic" ]
in britain the prime minister a childless woman london mayor a moslem invader in command of london police a lesbian in command of london fire brigade a fat woman scotland first minister a childless woman
[ "Disability", "Homosexual", "Women", "Islam", "Refugee" ]
<user> <user> there shd be a film called no hindus in kashmir wud be perfect islamic fanaticsm movement in kashmir
[ "Hindu", "Arab", "Islam" ]
jews defends jews regardless muslims defend muslins regardless christian european attack christians christian people are on their own and jews and muslims have another home we don ffs we do not why can not people understand that it not that difficult
[ "Christian", "Jewish", "None", "Islam" ]
the non partisan congressional budget office cbo has released their report on sens lindsey graham and dick durbin <number> the dream act the report shows that their legislation would add <number> billion to the deficit over a ten year period and lots more immigrant scum
[ "Refugee" ]
got a couple more companies you can boycott this christmas season first one is ford they have got several <number> ads out featuring blip length shots of white men w other than white women this is becoming the norm too you defile the white man that will drive our women into their hands wn
[ "Caucasian", "Women", "None", "Men" ]
people are going to blame the white nationalists for what happened but they were initially peaceful before antifa showed up what happened yesterday is the result of political correctness and the left legitimising political violence that why the establishment leftists do not condemn antifa <number> <number>
[ "Caucasian", "Other" ]
you are completely correct without it communication breaks down leading to distortions misrepresentations this is a very serious problem among white males who failed to learn the language effectively
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
caucasians wearing masks to prevent coronavirus and still don ’ t wash their hands
[ "Caucasian" ]
<user> <number> americans dead because of an illegal immigrant this is infuriating enforce our laws deport them
[ "Women", "Refugee", "Men" ]
<user> besudes guilt saviour complex among whites has reached such an alarming level that they want to save indian girls from being raped when the rate of sexual assault in their own countries is significantly higher
[ "Caucasian", "Women", "None" ]
thank a white man you live in his world and why do you islanders say you are canadian so rude really if i lived in a brown country even with citizenship i would never call myself ethiopian chinese indian you are a caribbean living in canada
[ "Refugee", "Other" ]
nigger faggot retard beaner dishwasher time to see if i get ban
[ "Disability", "African", "Women", "Homosexual" ]
your idea of compassion is allowing kate steinle killer go free that not compassion it a mental illness let be compassionate to the legal citizens of this country stop funding illegal immigrants stop encouraging lawlessness and build that fucking wall maga gabfam news
[ "Women", "Refugee", "Men" ]
why don ’ t white boys with curly hair comb it looks like a bird ’ nest
[ "Caucasian" ]
blow a stack for yo niggas with yo trapping ass
[ "Nonreligious", "None", "Minority", "African", "Other" ]
<user> yes they put fear in black people jews and even white civil rights workers and they deny the holocaust ever happened
[ "Caucasian", "African", "Jewish" ]
they playing a lot of ethnic music at this white ass wedding
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
that a retarded non argument the bible is also a best seller in communist china
[ "Asian", "Christian", "Other", "None" ]
<user> i think immigrants should replace people like you
[ "None", "Refugee" ]
every time a nigger in africa gets pregnant abort it make it a law you can about up to <number> years
[ "African" ]
nothing royal about this wedding he is a bastard and she is a nignog halfbreed thot and a divorced catholic to boot it is notable that both the father of the bride and the father of the groom did not attend
[ "Christian", "African", "Women", "Other" ]
what sort of white man or woman would vote for this nigger
[ "African" ]
diversity is a code word for white genocide immigrants contribute and integrate 3 rd world retards freeload and fornicate
[ "Refugee", "Other" ]
im literally not a zionist but dear lord how hard is it to just recognize that people just genuinely despise jews
[ "None", "Jewish" ]
hindu army ’ disrespecting islam now πŸ™„ acting like your countries don ’ t mass murder them on a bi yearly basis stfu
[ "Hindu", "Islam" ]
stupid nigger given grades admissioin to school job degree position he never earned and doesnt have iq for fuck off
[ "African" ]
<user> humor negro πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
[ "African" ]
bump dis nigger
[ "African" ]
would be hilarious if the un building was turned into homeless shelter or hell why not a refugee center
[ "Refugee", "Other" ]
i am confused how a president blocked stimulus checks for those who married to immigrants while he himself married to an immigrant
[ "None", "Refugee" ]
how pissed are you if you are japanese chinese korean ya know real asians and now the goat fuckers are called asian too to avoid calling them arabs
[ "Asian", "Arab", "Islam" ]
i ’ ve always wanted to beat up a nigga in front of his child so the child can grow up and remember it forever
[ "African", "Men" ]
they used to have cracker and honky now they have antiracist them to us racist us and nazi does this mean i can say nigger faggot kike sandnigger and spic again fuck you anti white scum 😬
[ "Men", "Jewish", "Hispanic", "Homosexual", "Women", "Arab", "Islam", "African" ]
this nigger calling me juicy lips over the phone wtf
[ "African" ]
a nigger bich will never have strait hair so keep wearing dat horsehair weave
[ "Women", "African" ]
apparently some vile nigger animals kidnapped a white special needs teen and tortured and scalped him while shouting fuck white people fuck trump are you being armed and are you shooting in the head when these zombies approach
[ "African" ]
<user> you need potassium eat a banana you fucking nigger
[ "African" ]
well then send some coon estrogen to my wife she turning more liberal breath by breath due to fake news i do not know how much more i can take hell between her and my two daughters hormones i have started growing breast tissue like pseudo naturally becoming bruce jenner
[ "Women", "African", "Homosexual" ]
it high time we hindus should think that these filthy muslims should be allowed to live here or not kamleshtiwari ypg yourprophetisgay
[ "Hindu", "Islam" ]
<user> why should you ban immigrants from operating small business every business start somewhere and tomorrow that will give people job
[ "None", "Refugee" ]
i am sure you are totally the alpha faggot at the standard fuckparties
[ "Other", "Homosexual" ]
<user> aint he bisexual an lgbt king of gays even his mind
[ "Women", "Men", "Homosexual" ]
you insecure lowlife broke ass desperate woman beating momma boy ass niggas are fucking sick get a grip on reality hoe dumbass dykes
[ "Homosexual" ]
i guess this nigger and his mudshark are unaware of the merchant this is some hilarious trolling
[ "Caucasian", "Indigenous", "Men", "Christian", "Women", "Minority", "Heterosexual", "African" ]
diac detention center is correspond to the same place equally in the transgender and heterosexuals also gay diac
[ "Homosexual", "None", "Heterosexual" ]
the pentagon is like a street nigger constantly bumming cigarettes spare change
[ "African" ]
<user> agree with ananya baby every hindu muslim sikh isai should travel in economy class sonam kapoor
[ "Buddhism", "Hindu", "Arab", "Islam" ]
hilarious insult i just saw on pol if i had a satoshi for every time you shills shitposters made a dumb frankpost i would be able to afford a helicopter off the deep web and throw each and every one of you insufferable faggots off into the middle of the ocean
[ "Homosexual" ]
i ’ m gay so if my man flirting or cheating with a bitch i think is ugly he ’ bugging lmao
[ "Women", "None", "Homosexual" ]
amaka so you are now in a man house because of foodstuffs you are no longer lesbian
[ "Women", "Homosexual" ]
subtly homophobic news story this child is gay twitter influencer who still shits himself thoughts 😳 πŸ€” mike pence himself i like gays and even have a faggot friend but this is too much
[ "Homosexual" ]
the nigger is a true snake charmer
[ "African" ]
they all look like dykes too i am sure that just a coincidence
[ "Women", "Homosexual" ]
ben is cool but he is still a nigger
[ "African", "None" ]
imagine the riots if people actually got food boxes instead of ebt cards every ghetto in america would look like ferguson
[ "African", "Other" ]
first save your white bitches from sucking so many black cocks and giving birth to mixed babies i am not the one threatening your existence you retarded degenerate
[ "Caucasian", "African" ]
i think it worse than that it is almost like the campaign to legalise homosexuality in the early <number> they are wanting to make it normal it only took the queers until about <number>
[ "Homosexual" ]
nigger males are faggots on the down low another reason why aids figures so prominently in their ethnic grouping only the least desirable of white women settle for muh dick these women have either low self esteem daddy issues and or low iq a deadly combination for white women <user>
[ "Caucasian", "Men", "Homosexual", "Women", "African" ]
ah k white nationalism is perfect and infallible and you are a cuck faggot who takes it up the ass from blacks if you disagree in any way that seems to cover it
[ "Caucasian", "African", "Men", "Homosexual" ]
lol trump is gutting that nigger bitch like a carp
[ "Women", "African" ]
ann coulter <user> this daily trump melodrama is worth it only if he really going to build the wall cut off muslim refugees and deport illegals
[ "Men", "Hispanic", "Women", "Arab", "Islam", "Refugee" ]
because british men are cuckolds and too cowardly to do what needed it quite pathetic if that happened to my daughter or sister there d be a tribes worth of sand niggers finding out there no virgins waiting for them
[ "Caucasian", "Men", "Hispanic", "Women", "Arab", "African" ]
<user> what about us white arabs
[ "Caucasian", "None", "Arab" ]
bitch you white nigga is a faggot your kids are demon possessed over blk ppl your pussy is worthless you are a whore you and ur household all suck the same dick you are jealous of innocent blk ppl you are a squatter in blk neighborhoods you are jealous of jesus ur disgusting
[ "Caucasian", "Women", "African" ]
not wanting to leave the house due to equal parts depression and not wanting to acknowledge the existence of all the ignorant sister banging idiotic fucking redneck pieces of garbage that live in this shitheel podunk white trash map stain i live in
[ "Caucasian", "Economic", "Other" ]
intense white male listening is just as threatening and violent as the white male gaze stop listening at us
[ "Caucasian", "Men" ]
oh we got somebody trying to defend the murderous negro community and the drug dealing hispanic community you are also defending those mongrels the islam they say white people are all racist and we can only be racist then their stereotype apply as well
[ "African", "Arab", "Islam", "Hispanic" ]
the attention whore will kill canadians just to gain a seat on the moslem run un
[ "Women", "Islam" ]
i have nothing against blacks asians hispanics mixed but if you include them in movies or video games it forced diversity 😑 😑 😑 😑
[ "Asian", "None", "African", "Hispanic" ]
bare naked islam brought to you by the bare naked ladies
[ "Women", "None", "Islam" ]
<user> oh and there the gay rainbow flag these are not women they are mostly lesbians irrelevant termagants with empty wombs
[ "Women", "Homosexual" ]
you was supposed to be my bestfriend like yanno someone i could vent to spend time with share secrets with type shit someone i can call on and they be there when i need em but bitch you only hmu for one thang fuck youu πŸ–• 🏽 fuckin faggot
[ "Women", "None", "Homosexual" ]
that sound you hear in the distance is the 2 nd civil war approaching texas state student paper ran a pro white genocide article ontologically speaking white death will mean liberation for all … until then remember this i hate you because you should not exist
[ "Caucasian", "Refugee" ]
meanwhile little girls are sold in refugee camps where imported men then claim to be their fathers they are only raped and subjected to fgm and slavery but dare <user> find a moral obligation to call that out and strike against it why do not those children matter enough
[ "Refugee", "Other" ]
what a fucking nigger fag pantload i wonder who actually wrote that for this affirmative action push along toy
[ "African", "Homosexual" ]
only when middle school girls drive dykes to the nuthouse underage shitskin rapists get their ids protected
[ "Homosexual", "Asian", "Women", "Arab", "African", "Other" ]
based hot jew andrew mix with asians anglin
[ "Asian", "Jewish" ]
it true <user> ‍ is a faggot πŸ™‚
[ "None", "Homosexual" ]
<user> there does seem to be an uncanny similarity between the current usual suspects and previous β€˜ asians ’
[ "Asian" ]
ugly commie bull dyke cunt
[ "Caucasian", "Women", "Homosexual" ]
stumptown is a shit show the writers are retarded the story is boring it is a total waste of its fantastic cast
[ "Disability", "Other" ]
so i posted on craigslist rnr wondering why there were so many beaners in this town and i get this as a response i knew there were illiterates out there but this one is ridiculous
[ "Hispanic" ]
wow go figure once again the placed crowd at new year rockin eve is mainly chinks niggers beaners muslims kikes dykes faggots and chicks with dicks
[ "Jewish", "Homosexual", "Asian", "Hispanic", "Women", "Islam", "African" ]
why do not you respond to my posts you white nigger lying sack of shit i called you out for being a fed <number> days before you published it on your website faggot <user> ‍
[ "Caucasian", "African", "Minority", "Homosexual" ]
<user> tell us first who are these white supremacists how do we know that you are not one of them
[ "Caucasian" ]
the kike shill psyop ricky vaughn has deleted his post where he stated white identity does not exist so i will post the screen shot here now ask ricky tkr get gassed faggot
[ "Jewish", "Homosexual" ]
worst case he looking at a path to citizenship for the ones who are not violent felons and who meet the criteria that would entitle a legal immigrant to be here under a merit based system <number> <number>
[ "Refugee", "Other" ]
i wonder what the faggot <user> has been up to in norway
[ "Other", "Homosexual" ]
fuck you and your horseshoe faggot
[ "Homosexual" ]
this is atrocious fuck this nigger bitch
[ "Nonreligious", "Women", "Minority", "African", "Other" ]
how dafuk a ching chong gone deliver mah food wit all dis snow out heah shiet nigga best brang mah food
[ "Asian" ]
better call the anti defamation league you gay jew faggot
[ "Jewish", "Homosexual" ]
hell yeah proof that the anti q trolls here are fake alt right kike dick suckers
[ "Jewish", "Homosexual" ]
nice ghetto rims faggot
[ "African", "Other", "Homosexual" ]
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