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haters gonna hate ... accept basher... we dont need your opion just shut up.. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Christians are morons. Some people will believe (in) anything. | Other | lgbt | 1Offensive
Because God loves everyone dats why you have to take Him for granted by disobeying Him? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
A froci | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Heidrun that is absolutely a problem. We have designated toilets for males and females. You chose the toilet based on your gender not what you want to identify yourself as in your fairytale world. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve hahaha now that's funny.😂 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Gayle, you wouldn't be assuming hateful things about Michael would you? That would be bigotry! How dare you put him down, maybe he purposely identifies as being single, who are you to judge!? Maybe he is "Transrelationship". | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Thank you, Dr Liner, for your highly educated and skilled medical opinion. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I'm not a homophobe but what's the point? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
@ Mulya: Laurence is stating facts. It's hardly surprising that homosexuals tend to resent Christians given the contents of the bible? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
U should know the gay rights warriors run multibilion Dóllar lobbies that specialise in the harassment politicians at Washington .... | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Woah! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
colourful... | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I have a choice to make. for me,being gay is wrong. you guys should better live with that fools... | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
God loves everybody | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Oh wow calling me gay? Stay in primary school. You could use the education | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
Más plata malgasta la iglesia católica, y tanto niños en la pobreza | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Yes he does - Amen | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Shameful | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Brian, these people don't believe in God anymore they are satisfied with life, never gone broke, no shortages or hardships just the good life. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Amen | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
happy pride day to all of you guys:) | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
And why they celebrating the same parade in Istanbul, Turkey. As I understood they arrested a Dutch journalist. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Why am I almost not surprised? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Martin Paul Woolhouse ;) hands | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Who created you? Who created this universe? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Gays my a*s | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
get off your high horse and stop waving the Constitution around when you have only situational respect for it. What about the life and liberty of our Citizens that have been murdered, raped and destroyed by alien Criminals under deportation orders but released by Sanctuary pukes onto our streets? Want to start a list of those? And that "woman with a brain tumor" had an immigration hearing in January and was denied asylum. That's due process but I'm guessing the only due process you'll acknowledge must achieve your desired result. And all the Trump Admin. did was revoke the "guidance". That guidance did not disappear from the record and Schools can follow any policy they decide such as ...allowing students to choose which bathroom they use. You whining Leftist's want the Federal Government to be your hammer against States rights when it fits you but become ardent Federalists when sanctuary is challenged. I'm so glad Trump is defeating you at every turn. | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
That's a shame... There were gay Ugandan people walking in the parade screaming your country's name. Proud to be a Ugandan. Such a shame some Ugandans are not proud of them. Ah well | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Roy is 'sick of having gay men rammed down his throat'. Methinks he doth protest too much... | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
God s a knob | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
You need to check the list of species again lol because nature reproduces in the oddest ways | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
YOu think racism and bigotry are normal? You must live in a hate filled world of your own choice. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
You spelt cave man wrong | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
True | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I want you to prove to me here and now that god exists? If he does then he/she will be the one to judge not you. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Can't even spell correctly and wants to talk about someone? My guy, go check yourself in at the library. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Well what is stopping them ?? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
What had it to do with rugby???? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
What about infertile people? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
These comments underlie the long term feud between leftists and people with right-wing views over opinion whether transsexualism is a mental disorder or not. This is a similar dicussion like the issue of abortion where some consider it murder while others a medical treatment. I think this is an insoluble problem which always triggering fierce dispute. Although I don't consider transgenders less capable of fighting and having weaker fortitude than others, I think that enlisting them to army would entail more mundane problems like bathrooms, toilets and so on but if any army wanted to accept them, it would tackle this small problem for sure. The problem is whether people with "mental disorder" should be conscripted into army or not. A man without legs wouldn't be accepted by army (although I am not sure) but it is visible disorder while transgenderism is a disputable subject. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Alot of people "People say things" "I heard it from a guy" Also apparently 3 million more people in the US thought so too. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Way too go | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
You do realize that this isn't a unilateral decision by our President. It comes from input from the branches of the military. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
So, there are a lot of transgender people serving right now, successfully. You just want to pull them out because of your preconceived notions!?! That doesn't make sense. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
you are too ignorant for words!!!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
😳 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
sexy xx | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
very good | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Because he's a bigot. That's why. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Indeed. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
They are just a bunch of losers! It's the only thing they know. A sorry bunch. Dejected, disturbed, demented. Just an excuse for horrible behavior and inability to control themselves. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
God made everythng perfect but you think he made mistakes in making transgender people? Education isn't all that great in Nigeria is it.... | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Tell you what Chris... you prove to me that leprechauns don't exist and I will then use your method to do the same (just to show you how much of a ridiculous request that was) | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
What if you aren't religious Aminu? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Don't think it's hate they are spewing it's based off the good book. Not hating here good for them just stop bashing the Christians they are suppose to hate sin not the people | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Makes me feel sick...... | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
God loves every one by condition you will be follow HIM not will follow this kind of satanic laws.... | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Wanted to curse Romania but decided to pray for them. May God have mercy on the country, the Church and it's people. Amen | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
You don't have to read or reply. 🙄 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Love is what makes the world go around | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
The good thing Joe, is that once we go to heaven we will not have to deal with it any longer. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Idiot | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
Being gay outside London is still a problem! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Law is above everyone ;) | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Being a gay is the biggest disaster in the world | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
God loves everyone but not gays. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Pipe down boy, the grown ups are talking. | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
sorry to disappoint you but I'm not into your games I'm afraid | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
OK so what is your answer for making all the not born gay people to become straight then? This should be good for a laugh | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I agree with Guiliano on that one - it's a very irrational fear to have that the human race is going to die out any time soon because of homosexuals. We are an overpopulated planet, and especially because of that, we actually have more of a moral duty to adopt and look after orphaned children with our partners than we do to have our own kids. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Devon when you look up the word bigot, its an accurate self-description for you | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
so when you criticise their not supposed to respond ? That's pathetic | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
How do i disable comments | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Hey hey ho ho the same rights that gives you the right to speak about getting rid of the nra also has the same rights for guns Hahha | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
uuh! I can imagine how the "erase of the sin" just having a saw! next second there it goes your head !! sin gonne!! end of the story! right? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Gay people have won more Olympic medals than you have | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Are u gay? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Some frogs can spontaneously change their gender. So I find it awesome that you used a frog in your joke. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Surely this gay culture has gone beyond reasonable. Gays are a SMALL percentage of total population and this should control the amount of media coverage! It's being rammed down our throats. Enough is enough!!! | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
They would still fight for your country what ever their gender | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Get educated. | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
If there is a god lol ??? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
There is no sensual love between man and woman and even the reproductive organs will guide you what you should enjoy not same sex of course | No target | lgbt | 1Offensive
Are the hands of the other priest in the background measuring de size of his benediction to the claiming priest? Does it happens only in Romania? So much religious fervor! 😱 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
start up a group and give it heaps of letters and it will be accepted and then become a hate group belittling and ridiculing anyone who disagrees with your views like Blm and lgbt do. Awesome. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
No rights have been removed. He's left it to individual states. Non-argument | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Adam and eve , not adam and steve , ''male and female created them '' GEN 1.27 | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
what are you live at | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
that was how obama said nice things but turned out to be the son of perdition,a jihadis apologist,a heterophobia,hate Christians, hate American patriots and a murderer | Other | lgbt | 1Offensive
SICK! | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
judge not lest you be judged and found wanting. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye whilst ignoring the log in your own etc etc. You cannot claim to be religious when you are judgemental, clearly do not love thy neighbour as thyself and you doubtless go against a whole host of other Christian values. Why is it that the people who do not claim to be religious can actually be more godly and "Christian" in their attitudes and behaviour than some of those that do? In my experience the so called religious people that I have met have shown themselves to be right nasty pieces of work when it suited them. Give me an atheist any day! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Hurry and come for you land father hope u see what's going on | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
And he wonders why no one wants to go to his church 😇 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I'm not at all sure you know how any of this works. Hate less. Read more. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
im from south Africa the richest county in Africa we are in the G20 im a student mechanic research cities like pretoria ,sandton ,capetown ,rose bank .Our currency is even giving some European nations like crèche rupublic ,Slovakia ,Bulgaria ,Russia a run many guys from other countries like india china and Pakistan are fleeing this side we have an immigration problem .Im sorry that you didn't know Africa is nade out of many countries and south African is the power house economically , you just believe what the media tells you .go into my Facebook account look at my pics n send me a message lol | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Ridiculous misinformed comment!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Men and women get married. If men and men or women and women want to be together, then call it something else. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
God forgive them!!!! | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
I think your role will be to shut up and do as you are told. If not don't sign up. | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
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