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1297 | We know that mobile hunter gathers had spaced children to cope with the lifestyle. A child had to be old enough to survive before the mother could have another child.
267 | @MH631 Wow. I'm completely gobsmacked and envious! So cool. I would love to see some of those. The Reivers signed to his mistress and her daughter the day before he died has got to be pretty close to the ultimate version of that one! This confirms that we have to figure out some opportunity for collectors to get together somewhere or sometime and compare notes, swap extras, etc.! Thanks for posting this!
1020 | Synonyms can be used to make search more powerful. If you have for example lots of abbreviations in your posts, but some posts use the non-abbreviated form, you can make those two synonyms for each other. Searching for one will find the other.
421 | @ey814 I didn't know 'The Round House' was a series. I'm going to have to check this out.
200 | I suppose The Sympathizer won't be published as fast as The Goldfinch or All the light we can not see, and i will have to wait, it happened the same with The orphan master's son
94 | that is why i hate justin bieber.
307 | (As a side note, I don't think either Marra or Beatty will win the NBCC. Ferrante has a lot going for her, it will be tough to beat her this year.)
408 | 2. This list essentially uses data from the NYTimes best of lists, the National Book Award finalists/winner, and from the author's previous history with regard to awards (e.g., prior winner of an award, prior finalist, etc.).
723 | But I guess we'll see. You may well be right. I of course will never get to everything, but that indisputable fact does little to quell my voracious appetite. :)
384 | Worth noting: "Oreo" is in contention, but if I"m not mistaken, that novel came out originally in the 70s. Not sure if it qualifies for the pulitzer as a result (which is almost odd, given that a short story collection that contains even one new story or new title will qualify)...any thoughts? I hear it is a very good novel.
680 | @ey814 @EdParks @grahammyers This one is of interest to me and should probably be in the running for this year's prize. His work is often lauded--including the uneven tomes, the best parts of which evidence a potential that (in so far as I can tell from reading reviews) makes the worst parts ever-more disappointing. So to see a book so universally praised this time around....I think there may be something worth keeping an eye on here.
1049 | Hi! Is there any documentation on how to do this?
920 | |
933 | The team in investing up to $24 million in the re-development project, even though the property is expected to be assessed at about $8 million.
1294 | It may have been a strong taboo for a farmer's boy to bring home a "dirty, poor, uneducated tom-boy girl from the forest." If they eloped, her MtDNA would have remained with the hunter-gatherers.
502 | 2. "power transformers tilted up like weary crucifixes, shot through with rust and ice on the far side of a window he could see through only imperfectly, as he could remember the night only imperfectly."
32 | Travelling alone can be a daunting prospect, not least to attend a wedding alone. The original plan had been to go with another neighbour, but she slipped a disc in her back and was unable to fly. Having fully absorbed the message from our esteemed Minister for Disabled People that everywhere is now fully accessible and disabled people don't need any extra money to pay for that perfect access I wasn't put off by such trivial concerns and on thursday I went to Ireland to see my lovely neighbour marry in her home town of Swinford.
581 | Understand, if Ed had spoken of certain aspects to be found in Mr. Clegg's novel (viz., gay characters) in a derogatory manner, I wouldn't have had a problem with mrbenchly's post. But as Ed did not do that, and, in fact, said the novel was the best of the year, I found the charge insulting. Also: untrue.
939 | If you would like a workshop on any aspect of gardening or garden design, do get in touch.
1115 | Because of this, any health effects from a GM food would have to meet unusual conditions before they would be noticed. The health effects would have to:
451 | @AlexKerner @ey814 @BRAKiasaurus I think Prep still stacks up as one of the strongest books of this year or the last. Be amazing to see it win, but yes, the Nov. 2014 first run of the book had me confused. :)
627 | I am 1/2 through THE SUNKEN CATHEDRAL. Although endings can sometimes make me change my entire opinion on a book, so far, I'd have to say, it's the best thing I've read this year. More soon.
713 | @BRAKiasaurus I finished it last month and thought it was fine. If you're going to read over 900 pages I think you want to like it a little more than just okay. I liked A Little Life infinitely more.
1307 | Lol, yes it is. However small chance the engine is salvageable.
232 | The Pulitzer Prize has been extremely populist in the last few years, so I just feel A Little Life will take it in the end with A Manual for Cleaning Women and Eileen as finalists. Maybe even there could be a third finalist and A Little Life takes it as the vote of the committee, not the jury.
402 | Essentially, winning the Pulitzer more than once is very rare, so once you've won it, having done so counts against you for future wins, and, apparently, not many people who are one-time finalists actually go on to win for another book. Even though McDermott, DeLillo, and Oates are multiple-finalists, that is a pretty insignificant variable in the long run, mainly because so few people have been finalists more than once since 1982 (when my database begins).
1088 | Summary Of Ammonia Accidents In The United States To Which ...
1192 | 75. U.S. energy conservation and efficiency: Benefits and costs.
1218 | May: The city’s craft beer history has exploded in recent years. The annual, one-day Chattabrewga is dedicated to special releases and rare brews from across the country. Tickets include access to unlimited samplings, food, and live music.
635 | Speaking of which, Joy Williams has a new short story collection out today.
810 | A timeline from Eric Chudler of the University of Washington that goes back thousands of years. The level of detail for any given "event" is low, but very interesting and a great starting point.
354 | so totally skipping ahead to 2017...Alexander Chee's The Queen of the Night has gotten tons of buzz and comes out today and is an early favourite for next year's award
1098 | Africa: What Do These Zillionaires Do With All That Money?
1280 | I can’t remember details, but a while ago I read an article on Neolithic violence and tensions between farming communities and hunter-gatherers in Central Europe. Documented by individuals that showed signs of force that lead to death.
752 | It occurred to me, because I recently received a copy of "Everybody Rise" by Stephanie Clifford in the mail from goodreads, and I (like the rest of the world) am looking for an ARC of "City on Fire" without spending too much (since I will buy it when it comes out anyway).
734 | In that vein, this novel may well be the first in a series of post-humous publications by Lee. I would be shocked if she didn't work on another novel, a set of short stories, etc. Again, we'll see.
1026 | Yes, just use the default search widget. It is not mentioned, because in most cases, you really have to do nothing – just use the search widget your theme already has, and most themes do have one.
188 | The accuracy of this list is almost as amazing as the enjoyment in discussing it. Thank you very much for all you do.
360 | I think Alvar is in fact a citizen.
1323 | |
489 | In terms of the third choice. I would like to say The Shore, again a really interesting novel that is as much about place as it is about characters and plot. It hasn't gotten as much attention as other books this season, but the Pulitzer always seems to chose one dark horse, so lets go with this one.
681 | There have been some particularly strong contenders this year that deal with race, particularly on the subject of being black in America. I think we are likely to see at least one of those get a nomination--and if journalists (inexplicably) help pick the winner, the social relevance could well award it the prize. Thinking in particular of "The Sellout" (which I haven't read) and "Braggsville" (which I have).
416 | I just finished Gillian Flynn's new book and thought it was really good.
159 | Prudent acquisitions such as these support our ongoing strategy to transform both our company and the industry – all while adding value for our clients, shareholders and employees. Acquisitions are made with an eye to advancing technologies, capabilities and efficiencies that help our clients drive top-line revenue and minimize overall costs.
404 | Also, 250 pages into "A Little Life"--hard to read and yet hard to put down. Really devastating after about 65 pages in...
706 | @EdParks I'm a big Joe Coomer fan. The Loop is one of my all time favorite books. Also really liked The Decatur Road. Sorry to hear he's having difficulty finding a publisher.
1146 | • Two-thirds of the energy used in crop production is for fertilizers and mechanization.77
1317 | While he was being investigated for that sexual assault, he was charged with second-degree rape for sexually assaulting another woman after a passerby reported a violent assault in the parking lot at Linder Field off Silverdale Way.
191 | Secondly, thank you to everyone that makes this site possible, I am not a collector, but the recommendations have led me to some of the best books I read this past year.
1331 | 6. Be honest, both with us and with yourself. This is so that people will know the real you, to some degree. You don't have to fill it ALL out, but I'll have a moderator delete your post if I catch someone lying. If you don't like the answer you'd have to give, leave it blank.
576 | Mrbenchly seems weary of Ed's "bemoaning" (and I must admit that I perceived a shift in his general tone after this past year's award toward something a little more didn't bother me. Kept the forum interesting and active, but I did notice it).
1122 | Nevertheless, there are signs that all is not well with the US food supply. A report by the US Centers for Disease Control shows that food-related illnesses increased 2- to 10-fold in the years between 1994 (just before GM food was commercialized) and 19997 . Is there a link with GM food? No one knows, because studies on humans have not been done.
109 | Soften the landing zones with a pair of Rubber Mats , made from dyed rubber chips, heat compressed and available in dark green or brick red.
1133 | GM companies focus on producing cash crops for animal feed and biofuels for affluent countries, not food for people.
977 | The Facebook user who granted the token changes his/her password.
367 | @Guardiands I have one--if anyone wants me to keep an eye out, happy to do so.
366 | Will be surprised if "A Little Life" isn't among the finalists.
772 | @EdParks @BRAKiasaurus Yeah, I don't share your opinion of "Freedom" at all, but sometimes that has more to do with timing. I think there are books which, were I to revisit them, i would experience them completely differently.
903 | I'll have paintings on the walls and I will be set up with prints and magnets. Hope you can make it. Should be a blast! The paintings will stay up for about a month after the show.
101 | i dont think he is g*y i just dont like the fact he didnt have to work to become famous.
1320 | The woman told a state Department of Corrections interviewer that she was satisfied with the five-year sentence and that she was in treatment.
396 | They also bring up why it is called "A Little Life", reminding me who first says the phrase, and then why the phrase--applied more broadly to the themes of the novel--was used as the title. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but it made me really appreciate the novel in some ways. It is a very thoughtful choice--we can discuss more when you're finished.
571 | When it comes to artists with whose work I'm unfamiliar -- this is when I consider what others artists have written regarding blurbs. But for the blurbs to pique my interest or influence me in any way, they have to come from artists whom I trust.
992 | |
194 | Unexpected for sure. I checked it out from the library/started it, but had to return before I finished. The last evacuation happened in April so kind of fitting. PBS did an excellent documentary marking that anniversary last year. 'Matterhorn' was also phenomenal. I tried to read 'Get in Trouble' but it was too out there for me. Haven't even heard of Maud's Line' but will look into that one. Thanks again for an awesome year everyone!!
629 | @ey814 I will send you my ARC when I'm finished with it if you'd like. I haven't gotten to it yet, so it may be a month before I'm finished. Let me know if you're interested.
1219 | June: Spread across a good chunk of the Tennessee River, Riverbend Festival is the closest thing Chattanooga has to a local Woodstock. The lineup changes each year, but 2017 featured almost 100 artists across five stages with eight days of performances. For more than three decades, it has drawn some of the biggest musicians, such as Boz Scaggs, Ludacris, George Thorogood, and Toby Keith. There are plenty of vendors, food tastings, and beer throughout the event, which culminates in a fireworks finale on the last day. The roughly $40 ticket is a bargain since it includes admission to every performance for the entire week-long event.
73 | -He is 16... how does he even know what love is all about or have the life experience to back it up?
518 | @ey814 BtWaM is difficult, tiny, and so so important. Glad you read that wonderful book! I hope it wins a pulitzer, frankly, but I'm not entirely certain what category would have it. It could sneak into general nonfiction, but (like "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" before it) it would be something of an outlier.
1132 | • In the late 1980s, a food supplement produced using GM bacteria was toxic41, initially killing 37 Americans and making more than 5,000 others seriously ill.
817 | VERY little finance per se, but so interesting I had to include it: "A Canadian man who was believed to have been in a vegetative state for more than a decade, has been able to tell scientists that he is not in any pain. It's the first time an uncommunicative, severely brain-injured patient has been able to give answers clinically relevant to their care."
1236 | |
1069 | 1. What is the latest version of PHP you are supporting?
1205 | Among Tennessee cities, Chattanooga has always been overshadowed by its bigger brothers, Nashville and Memphis. It’s smaller, rough around the edges, and, of course, lacks the same music industry cachét as its siblings. It also didn’t help that the EPA once dubbed it “the dirtiest city in America” — a place where the air was so thick with pollutants that residents had to drive with their headlights on during the day just to see. It took decades for the city to shake that charming moniker.
1130 | While industry conducts less than rigorous studies on its own GM products, 28 it has, in parallel, systematically and persistently interfered with the ability of independent scientists to conduct more rigorous and incisive independent research on GMOs. Comparative and basic agronomic studies on GMOs, assessments of safety and composition, and assessments of environmental impact have all been restricted and suppressed by the biotechnology industry.29 30
449 | this is an interesting piece about the backlash some of the bigger books have faced this year
1067 | Thank you for your excellent work and plugin.
520 | By the way, did Yanagihara do a book tour? The "events" page on her publisher's page was never up-to-date, and I swear she seems to have forgone any sort of formal signings....but maybe I'm mistaken? Anyone else notice this?
762 | "Paris, He Said" by Christine Sneed (I haven't read her novels, but her short stories were solid, very promising, and garnered a bit of attention.) This novel got a good review on The Millions. It is out already.
1145 | • Approximately 8 million kcal/ha are required to produce an average corn crop and other similar crops.76
1023 | This list shows the 25 most common words in your index. These words often make good stopword material, so if you want to, you can click the icon after the word to make it a stopword.
1364 | [b]8. Which do you consider more important: family or friends? [/b]
768 | That said, these writing samples (found in the one-star reviews on amazon) really put me off:
205 | @JohnZ Best book I've read all year--and I've read most of the big names, I think.
533 | I have to say, this has been a fantastic year for books, a significant improvement from last year.
1369 | [b]15. What is your sexual orientation? Where do you fall on the [url=]Kinsey scale[/url]?[/b]
553 | I've been reading A Little Life, and while it hasn't been an awful experience, neither has it been very enlivening. The prose, I am finding, registers as little more than functional. Pervading Yanagihara's voice is a thread of detachment which, thus far, has not served the characters well. Now, perhaps this will change (I do have that hope); however, should it prove not to be true, I cannot say that I expect to experience much in the way of shock.
1128 | But GM crops that caused ill effects in experimental animals have been approved for commercialization in many countries. This suggests that less rigorous standards are being used to evaluate the safety of GM crops than for new medicines.
479 | @jfieds2 so Fortune Smiles won. It was good but I have to say that I was not overwhelmed by it and thought it wasn't as good as Mara's collection. Kudos to Johnson though.
603 | I haven't heard much about Jesse Ball's "A Cure for Suicide"...maybe it will fall off the shortlist? Curious if anyone has read it. Same goes for "The Turner House".
246 | @ey814 @proseimprint Well it looks like your post has stirred up the hornets nest. I have an extra copy of Delicious Food if your interested.
269 | The American Academy of Arts and Letters announced their 2016 Literature Award Winners. This isn't one of the predictor variables (though I'll have to see if I can find information about past winners, might be able to include it if it goes back far enough), but some familiar names are on the list:
1352 | [b]9. Are you more likely to act, or to react? [/b]
719 | @EdParks @BRAKiasaurus @JohnZ She can be, though she often makes very good and fair points about books. I wonder what James Wood is going to say about the novel...such a unique situation, this.
1339 | [b]13. Do your clothes fit well? Do you feel and look comfortable in them? [/b]
1184 | 32. The Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science
1180 | 22. A three-year longitudinal study on the effects of a diet
1206 | Fast-forward to today and Chattanooga has quietly come into its own as a hip, progressive, ultra-green destination. For adventure-lovers in particular, it’s an ideal home base with access to some of the country’s best hiking, biking, paddling, and more. The town also boasts an easily walkable, bustling downtown core full of gastropubs, craft beer bars, year-round concerts and events, and direct access to the Tennessee River. Whether you’re planning to relocate or just spend a weekend in Chattanooga, Tennessee, here are our favorite places to eat, play, and stay.
476 | Adam Johnson has had a pretty good couple of years. I'll have to see if I can figure out when the last time an author's back-to-back books won NBA or Pulitzer. But, I heard Adam Johnson read Nirvana from Fortune Smiles, and it was very good (and he was a very nice guy.)
1358 | [b]1. Describe your relationship with your parents. [/b]
Subsets and Splits