Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.
Instructor Zybeak Technologies
b. Consensus Mechanisms
c. CAP Theorem and Byzantine Generals Problem
d. Cryptoeconomics and goals
Blocks, Wallets and Addresses
b. Public and Private Key
c. Introduction to Cryptography
d. Transaction Execution and Distribution
b. Other Alternative Coins
b. Mining Algorithms
Ethereum and DApps
b. Decentralized Applications (DApps)
c. AI and Blockchain
Advanced Blockchain Development
a. Security in Blockchain
b. Blockchain as a service
c. Smart Contracts
The curriculum is empty
Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst | CTIA
Certified Cybersecurity Technician certification (C|CT)
Certified Cloud Security Engineer | CCSE
Timely Start and Completion
Airport Pickup and Drop
Once a Student always a Student (Students can attend the Training repeatedly)
Exam oriented Training also or Passing the Exam.
Hands on Training for 40 Hrs. (Laptops for Practice available on Request and iLab will be provided with Nominal Charges)
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zyGrib - Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Login and Registration Issues
I registered but cannot login!
Why do I get logged off automatically?
User Preferences and settings
How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings?
The times are not correct!
I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!
What are the images next to my username?
Formatting and Topic Types
What is BBCode?
What are Smilies?
What are global announcements?
What are announcements?
What are sticky topics?
What are locked topics?
What are topic icons?
User Levels and Groups
What are Administrators?
What are Moderators?
What are usergroups?
How do I become a usergroup leader?
Why do some usergroups appear in a different colour?
I cannot send private messages!
I keep getting unwanted private messages!
I have received a spamming or abusive email from someone on this board!
Friends and Foes
What are my Friends and Foes lists?
Searching the Forums
Why does my search return no results?
Subscriptions and Bookmarks
What is the difference between bookmarking and subscribing?
How do I bookmark or subscribe to specific topics?
How do I subscribe to specific forums?
How do I remove my subscriptions?
What attachments are allowed on this board?
Who wrote this bulletin board?
Why isn't X feature available?
Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?
How do I contact a board administrator?
Login and Registration Issues
You may not have to, it is up to the administrator of the board as to whether you need to register in order to post messages. However; registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users such as definable avatar images, private messaging, emailing of fellow users, usergroup subscription, etc. It only takes a few moments to register so it is recommended you do so.
COPPA, or the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, is a law in the United States requiring websites which can potentially collect information from minors under the age of 13 to have written parental consent or some other method of legal guardian acknowledgment, allowing the collection of personally identifiable information from a minor under the age of 13. If you are unsure if this applies to you as someone trying to register or to the website you are trying to register on, contact legal counsel for assistance. Please note that phpBB Limited and the owners of this board cannot provide legal advice and is not a point of contact for legal concerns of any kind, except as outlined in question "Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board?".
It is possible a board administrator has disabled registration to prevent new visitors from signing up. A board administrator could have also banned your IP address or disallowed the username you are attempting to register. Contact a board administrator for assistance.
I registered but cannot login!
First, check your username and password. If they are correct, then one of two things may have happened. If COPPA support is enabled and you specified being under 13 years old during registration, you will have to follow the instructions you received. Some boards will also require new registrations to be activated, either by yourself or by an administrator before you can logon; this information was present during registration. If you were sent an email, follow the instructions. If you did not receive an email, you may have provided an incorrect email address or the email may have been picked up by a spam filer. If you are sure the email address you provided is correct, try contacting an administrator.
There are several reasons why this could occur. First, ensure your username and password are correct. If they are, contact a board administrator to make sure you haven't been banned. It is also possible the website owner has a configuration error on their end, and they would need to fix it.
It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.
However, if you are not able to reset your password, contact a board administrator.
Why do I get logged off automatically?
"Delete cookies" deletes the cookies created by phpBB which keep you authenticated and logged into the board. Cookies also provide functions such as read tracking if they have been enabled by a board administrator. If you are having login or logout problems, deleting board cookies may help.
User Preferences and settings
How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings?
Within your User Control Panel, under "Board preferences", you will find the option Hide your online status. Enable this option and you will only appear to the administrators, moderators and yourself. You will be counted as a hidden user.
The times are not correct!
I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong!
If you are sure you have set the timezone correctly and the time is still incorrect, then the time stored on the server clock is incorrect. Please notify an administrator to correct the problem.
Either the administrator has not installed your language or nobody has translated this board into your language. Try asking a board administrator if they can install the language pack you need. If the language pack does not exist, feel free to create a new translation. More information can be found at the phpBB® website.
What are the images next to my username?
Ranks, which appear below your username, indicate the number of posts you have made or identify certain users, e.g. moderators and administrators. In general, you cannot directly change the wording of any board ranks as they are set by the board administrator. Please do not abuse the board by posting unnecessarily just to increase your rank. Most boards will not tolerate this and the moderator or administrator will simply lower your post count.