I scolded my sister without waiting for her explanation.
It was when my father beat my mother while she was ill for three weeks and now she was recovering.
I had the window open and the door was shut so that the kitten would not go out. My partner came in and started talking about something and I forgot about the window and suddenly I saw the kitten hanging from the window frame. I was rigid with fright till I got hold of her.
When I found our my mother didn't have cancer.
A nuisance used to live in our flat a month ago. I experienced this feeling when I tried to chase her out.
When my brother got very low marks in the exams, I was very angry. I put my studies aside to help him, as every time my brother does badly at school, my family members blame me as well.
When I was young, I stole some money from my mother's purse. It wasn't very much, but I can remember when she found it gone I felt very guilty.
When I broke-down while seeing off my friend.
Two timing - going out with 2 guys at once (secretly).
On my birthday when several good friends came to visit me.
When I got engaged to a boy of my choice.
During the oral part of my final examination I made a mistake in speaking so that all the teachers laughed at me.
When I did not get the compound which is known.
After days or weekends where I did not accomplish the amount of sudying that I wanted to because of more pleasant activities which come up.
I was angry at my brother over an argument we had together. We do have a few fights from time to time, and also at times I take out my anger on him.
When my friends and I were caught with our girlfriends outside the school grounds when I was at the secondary school. We were caught by the headmaster.
A drunken man forced me to kiss him.
I shot the decisive goal in an ice-hockey match.
Some students talking when other people are having a nap.
While watching a religious film, I got very excited and made a number of comments which were reproached to me by an elderly person who respected me.
I was in a sanatorium. In front of me a boy fell down from his invalid's chair. I could help him but I didn't. I felt like being paralysed.
Salo, a movie film by Pasolini. People were misused and tortured for the fun of a few elder Italian authorities, during World War II.
I'm crazy about football. When my team lost a goal in the Paulist championship, and so it lost the classifications.
Made mistakes in exam.
At Christmas night there was a good movie on television which I wanted to see for years. I was whining about it till someone told me it was very childish. Then I felt shame.
A boy phoned me at night and wanted to talk to me for 30 minutes outside. I thought that he would reveal what he felt and would question me on our relationship. I treated him as a friend and did not want any misunderstandings. Therefore I refused to meet him and told him that I would see him the coming day. I was very unhappy as I feared having hurt him and got him into trouble.
A friend was assaulted by a young man on her way home.
The editor changed the heading of an article that I had written. He considered the heading to be derogatory towards the person I had written about.
The birth of my child.
Winning Queensland Chess Championship.
I felt sad when a thief stole all the clothes from my friend's cupboard at school (boarding).
When I was acceptted as a student of psychology.
A situation where I stole a friends wife's wallet.
A car came very close to hitting me whilst I was crossing the street.
When my cousin passed away during the holidays at home. He fell ill at night and the next day he died in the evening.
When my father was very drunk and raging at home.
I remember the day my father died. I was 11 years old and my sadness was so great that until today I remember everything about that day, from the clothes I was wearing to the reactions of people, the despair of my mother and brother. It marked me a lot and was the greatest sadness I felt.
Going to Chico to visit a friend.
At work a boy was injured because of my lack of supervision.
I wanted to clear up a misunderstanding with a friend that I had caused. A third person meddled in our conversation, turned my efforts to ridicule so that I did not succeed in what I had intended.
I had a discussion with my wife about an over-weight acquaintance of our's, about her eating habits and the scars caused by her pregnancy.
I had a very good friend in secondary school. The year after our graduation I prepared to celebrate her birthday and I called off all my appointments. I got together the other friends and we were ready to give the entire day to her. However this friend disappeared on her birthday. When I phoned another friend I didcovered thay she was busy, I did not call her anymore.
People not resprcting my opinion.
When my uncle died of leukemia at age 35.
My father died unexpectedly at the age of 53 years. He certainly would have liked to live longer. I was also said because I was confronted with the fact that I would die one day too.
When I realized that I loved someone of the opposite sex.
When I wanted to talk to someone I liked and whom I have been told likes me (by his brother and even by himself) however he avoids any confrontation, and is vague.
The disgust I feel towards a certain person.
[ During a summer holiday a French girl and I had becoe back home, I felt very sad.]
The sense of joy comes to me always after a period of depression, as an organic feeling for an upsurge. I don't exclude the situative feeling but in this case the reason is not in me, it's out of me.
My close friend and I applied to TISS for admission last year, unfortunately he failed to get admission. We had done our graduation together and are quite involved with each other, so we had wanted to do our Masters degree together. However, it did not work out as we had expected it to and this saddened me.
When fired unjustly from a job as casual bar-person. Charged with giving away free drinks. Not done so and had witnesses to prove it - both patrons and bar staff. Other staff were supportive.
When I was taken to the place where my uncle had defecated in his pants after having drunk beer.
I have done the teachers training course (B.Ed). During our training I was asked to handle the ninth standard class in a boys school. I was scared to face the class the first day.
Once when I was in the cell group (religious activity) I found that almost everyone in the group read the bible daily and I felt guilty in my heart.
When I broke off with my boyfriend after three years. It was quite unexpected for him and there was no particular reason for the break up, such as someone else.
When my grandfather died.
I am not very affectionate and I feel guilty as I do not give as much affection as I receive.
When I had stayed abroad for a long time and I had remembered about my friends and relatives. I felt sad and I wanted to see them as soon as possible.
When I was late for work and told my boss that it was due to transport problem, whereas the truth was that I had woken up late. I thus cheated my boss.
After my marriage I received the B.Sc results by post, I was very happy to learn that I had got very good marks - first class.
One time I felt guilty when I told one of my previous boyfriends we were through just because I never felt like having one at that particular time.
When people harrass me I feel oppressed by their behavior.
I quarrelled with my brothers (twins) at home on saturday. One of them studies in a private school and the other one is repeating his form five. They do not know what they are doing. They follow every word of their teachers, books and systems. They always try to rationalize their bad acts by some game and they are satisfied with their awkward life. I have tried to persuade them very often but have failed. This time I had a fight as they have no voluntary spirit (they did not polish the floor).
When I failed the M.S.C exams.
My boy-friend came home late one night without having told me about it before.
When my uncle found me having sexual intercourse with a distant relative of mine in the sitting room, on the couch. I failed to stop and get up, I carried on.
In my opinion guilt is a feeling which goes together with shame. Here then I refer to the situation of guilt.
That day I was alone at home after coming home from school. I did not know where everyone else had gone, I kept waiting for them to come back and nobody came. It was getting very late and I was terrified.
When my mother was robbed in a shop.
My 3 children - each top his class in the final exams 1984.
When I insulted my young sister for a very little misconduct of putting on my shoes. She wrote me an apology letter and the message she included made me feel guilty.
When my parents separated temporarily and I was left behind with my father. As I loved my mother I wanted to go with her.
Earlier, I was afraid of speaking in front of a crowd of people.
On the way back from Denmark with a friend on a small yatch, there was a storm and my friend was blown overboard; I was very scared till I managed to get him back onboard.
When I was sitting in a car next to a man who was masturbating.
Selling my used car.
After receiving the grade on the paper mentioned in FEAR.
When I was studying and someone disturbed me.
Not being able to argue against class leaders.
I flet shameful when I learnt that I cooked Nsima which was full of lamps in it.
When I overate at lunch.
When I was at school.
I heard friends grumbling at me in an adjoining room, although they had behaved in a friendly way when I was present.
After I had lived with my boyfriend in a foreign country for half a year, I saw that it was impossible for me to stay with him (for economic reasons). We separated although I loved him.
I found myself involved in a fight in which a person died and I had to intervene with some risk.
I felt very frightened when a robber broke into our house and threatened to shoot my father if he did not part with some money. I was looking at the man with his hand on the trigger.
A good report card (a scholarship) in primary school.
When I came across an old friend whom I had not seen for a very long time.
Falling in love.
When I am angry at someone without a good reason. Later on it proves that he didn't do anything wrong.
When I saw a few people beating a man who seemed to be a stranger.
When the week for Exams came. I got afraid as to how I would tackle the questions.
When I got separated from the man I loved so much.
When I heard that I was not to be provided with another pair of medical uniform.
I felt fear of the purest kind after a car accident. The incident and images of horror kept coming back to my mind. I wondered what could have happened to my sister, my friend and me, though nothing very serious actually happened.
I accused my husband of being late deliberately when he came to pick me up from work.
[ I am quite shameless, not applicable.]
When I was trying for a girl who I really liked and cared for and thought she felt the same way too. But she didn't like the idea and just wanted to stay friends.
A four year girl ran away from her father straight in front of my car. I was forced to use the emergency brakes.