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/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation05_patient.wav | [
"Yes. <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> Italy.",
"Uh, yes.",
"So, I have had a <UNIN/> pain in my lower tummy the last two days. I feel kind of hot and sweaty.",
"Uh, not yet, no.",
"Um, so, I don't, what, sorry?",
"So it's my lower tummy.",
"Uh, not, um, with a needle.",
"Uh, no. I'm just a bit nausea but no vomiting.",
"Uh, I had been constipated in, like, in the last, um, last week, but now it's fine. And, yeah, like <UNIN/>",
"Uh, like two hours ago.",
"Um, so there was some, like, slight, uh, blood in the urine, but, like, <UNIN/> it was a little bit pink but.",
"Um, no.",
"Uh, no, that's fine.",
"Uh, yeah, a little bit, but I wasn't drinking a lot in these days.",
"Uh, yeah.",
"Uh, yes, I measured it but it's fine, like, around thirty seven.",
"Um, no, no, I just measured, like, one hour ago.",
"No, no, <UNIN/> but like just a bit of nausea but not vomiting.",
"Uh, no.",
"Um, no, no.",
"Um, no, no, nothing sore. I mean, depends what, like, normal stuff like cold, flu.",
"Uh, yes, amoxycillin.",
"Uh, no.",
"No. I have had the just, the, uh, internal <UNIN/> uh, contraceptive implant, but like, for one year, now, no more.",
"Uh, yeah.",
"Um, no, no, no.",
"Just like <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>",
"Yeah. <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> , yeah.",
"Uh, no back pain. No, I typically don't suffer from back pain, so, no.",
"Uh, so, <UNIN/> actually my mom had the breast cancer. Uh, but, again, not so important. I mean, just, like, the beginning it was <UNIN/>, uh, cured in time.",
"Um, sorry?",
"Uh, with my parents.",
"Uh, yes.",
"Uh, so, I don't smoke. I drink, I <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> .",
"Four times per week.",
"Uh, yeah, a beer <UNIN/> like, per time, let's say. <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> .",
"Uh, let's say a beer.",
"Four times a week on average, yeah.",
"Uh-huh, OK.",
"Uh, yes.",
"Uh, yeah, that's fine. If it helps, yeah. OK.",
"Uh-huh, OK. Sure. OK.",
"Uh, no, that's fine. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Bye."
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation06_doctor.wav | [
"Hi there, it's Doctor Smith from Babylon.",
"Hi there. Could you give me your full name, date of birth, and your, the first line of your address, please?",
"Your full name, date of birth, and your address, please? Yeah, OK.",
"OK. Are you in a private place so you can have a confidential consultation today?",
"What can I do for you?",
"OK. So when did it start?",
"OK. And when you say diarrhoea, what do you mean by that? Is it watery or just loose?",
"OK. And how many times are you going to the toilet?",
"OK. And any, any high temperatures? Are you feeling feverish?",
"Have you checked your temperature with a thermometer?",
"OK. Um, and any nausea or vomiting?",
"OK. And when, when were you last sick?",
"OK. And have you been passing water OK?",
"Yeah, yeah, urinating, yeah. Any, and what sort of color is the urine?",
"OK. And when did you last pass urine, do you think?",
"And any blood in the stool or in the urine that you've noticed?",
"Any episodes like this before? How's your bowels normally?",
"How is your bowels normally?",
"Any episodes of diarrhoea or constipation normally?",
"And <UNIN/> is there anything you think might have triggered this off? Have you been abroad anywhere?",
"So you've been in contact with him, have you?",
"OK. Um, and any other medical problems?",
"Have you had any other symptoms at the moment, like rash?",
"OK. Um, any surgery before, or abdominal problems, or any other medical issues?",
"OK. And whereabouts is the pain that you're getting?",
"Um, and does the pain come and go?",
"Um, and do you take any medication regularly?",
"And have you got a normal diet?",
"Right. Do you smoke or drink alcohol?",
"And do you take any other drugs?",
"And when was, when was your last period?",
"OK. Are you on any contraception?",
"Are you having regular sexual intercourse?",
"Um, and what's your job?",
"Have you had to miss work because of this problem?",
"OK. <UNIN/>",
"And who do you live with at home?",
"OK. OK.",
"And, um, have you tried anything yourself for this problem?",
"What? Could you just repeat that?",
"OK. And how often have you been taking that?",
"OK. Um, and do you feel like your symptoms are easing off, or getting worse, or <UNIN/> ?",
"I mean, it sounds like, because your brother's had a similar thing, it sounds like it might be some, an infectious gastroenteritis that you've got, which is usually caused by a virus. But, it can be from something you've eaten, as well. Um.",
"If the symptoms, they do normally start to settle by themselves with the oral rehydration salts. Um, if the symptoms are continuing to get worse, the key thing is that we want to make sure that you're hydrated enough.",
"Um, sometimes you do require certain medication to help this, if it's, sometimes if it's caused by a bacteria. Um, what I would say, probably worth as it's been going on for a few days and you feel like it's not starting to ease off.",
"I think it's probably important to get a sample of the stool, so we can make sure that you haven't got a nasty bacterial infection which needs specific treatment.",
"Um, and we should also check that you're not getting dehydrated, because if you're, if you're not keeping fluid down, then you can get dehydrated.",
"Um, so.",
"Yeah. So you need to carry on with your rehydration salts, and just have very small amounts. It's a positive sign that you passed urine an hour ago. So, you're obviously still, um, hydrated enough to pass urine.",
"But we, um, we should see you so that we can check your hydration and, um, get that sample sent off as soon as possible.",
"'cause if, if, if you come into the clinic, you can send that sample off straightaway. Otherwise, we would have to post it out to you which would take time.",
"Um, so we can, we can make you an urgent appointment, um, and then you can, you can get the sample sent off and we can check your hydration. Um, but if, in the meantime, you're feeling more unwell, then we would get you seen urgently in A and E.",
"So you can call us back in the meantime.",
"Yeah. If you keep drinking, keep going with the rehydration salts. Just tiny sips constantly, to <UNIN/> so that your stomach doesn't get overfilled and, and you vomit, so just tiny, tiny sips but just keep going with it.",
"Um, and just have very simple food, if you're gonna have anything, like toast or biscuit or something really light like that. Avoid, um, fruit, vegetables, uh, milk, anything like that, which might just make it worse.",
"OK. So you'll have to book an appointment through the support line.",
"Right, OK. We'll do that for you.",
"OK, take care.",
"Thanks, bye.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation06_patient.wav | [
"Uh, hi, Doctor Smith.",
"Um, I.",
"Yeah, my name is Barbara <UNIN/>.",
"Um, and my date of birth, fourth October, nineteen eighty four.",
"And address fifty <UNIN/> Avenue.",
"Yes, I am.",
"Um, I've just been <UNIN/> for the past couple of days. I've been having this serious diarrhoea and this really,",
"Giving me trouble.",
"<UNSURE>It was</UNSURE> three days ago.",
"It's, it's, it's very loose but it started as being very watery.",
"I lost count, um.",
"Today alone, I've been at least four time.",
"Yes, I've been running a serious temperature. I'm literally boiling.",
"No, 'cause I've not got one but like, to the touch, I'm, like, literally roasting.",
"Yes, I've been throwing up. I can't keep to, uh, I can't seem to be able to keep anything in me. Not even water, not even my tea, not even any liquid stuff. I've just been throwing up everything.",
"Um, I was sick just after trying, uh, trying to have breakfast this morning, so maybe about two hours ago.",
"Yeah, I've been, I've been, yeah, urinating OK. Is that what you mean, like?",
"To be honest, I <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> have a look so I really couldn't say.",
"<INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> an hour ago.",
"No blood.",
"Sorry, I didn't catch that.",
"Ah, ah, my, my bowels is normally fine. I would normally go to the toilet every day. You know, in the morning, just once, yeah, and that's fine.",
"No, but then, um, my, um my brother, um, has actually been having similar symptoms, um, for the past, um, few days as well, and he does say like everyone in school's got this so, I, I don't know, that might, that might be something.",
"No, no rash, no, nothing that, um.",
"Well, apart from the fact that this one is giving me abdominal pains, no previous abdominal pains before. Obviously I get the odd, um, you know, menstrual cramps and all that but, you know, that's, you know, that comes and goes.",
"Um, it's kind of like towards my navel area, like I can't touch my navel area. It's just so sore. And it gets, yeah, it's almost like the center of my navel.",
"Yes, it does come. When it comes, I feel this strong urge to go to the, to the loo, and then <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> and sort of like comes again, it comes and.",
"Well, I, I take my, my vitamins, <UNIN/> vitamin D, every day. That's about, that's about all that I regularly take.",
"Yeah, <UNIN/> I eat well, normally.",
"Well, I don't smoke, but, you know, I have a pint from time to time.",
"No. Like I said, I only take, um, vitamins. And for my menstrual cramps, when they come, maybe I might take a, a, an ibuprofen just to ease the pain, but.",
"Um, two weeks ago.",
"Um, um, uh.",
"Um, uh.",
"A graphics designer.",
"Well, yes, I've had to actually work from home today. I'm working from home today because I can't, I can't be out for work. <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>",
"I live with my brother and my mum.",
"Well, I've tried a home remedy. Um, I've tried the, the, uh, ORS, you know, thing I bought from my, my local, my local, uh.",
"The ORS, the, the salt sugar ORS, um, um, mix, the salt sugar mix.",
"I've taken that, I've taken that, like, um, three times a day for the past two days.",
"<UNIN/> I, I, I they're not getting any better, 'cause like I said, I've been, I've been vomiting literally everything I take, so, so I doubt that even that had, had the chance to work.",
"So, how, how do I, how do I get myself hydrated when I'm not able to even, like, drink water? I'm throwing up everything.",
"Ohh, OK. So, when can I come to the clinic to have this done?",
"OK. So, what I'll do is, yeah. If you could, please book me the appointment and, um, yeah, I'll see how I feel, um, for the end of the day. Hopefully I don't need to go to the A and E, and, um <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> .",
"Yes, please.",
"Thank you.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation07_doctor.wav | [
"Hi there, it's Doctor Smith from Babylon.",
"Hi. Can you confirm you name, date of birth and your home address, please?",
" ",
"And your home address?",
"OK, that's fine. Uh, are you in a private place that you can have a consultation at the moment?",
"OK, what can I do for you today?",
"OK. And, and are you normally fit and well?",
"Right, OK. So, just tell me about the last, did you say five days?",
"OK. How about your cough at the moment?",
"OK, you bringing up any phlegm at all?",
"No. Any chest pain?",
"Any pain in your chest?",
"Any difficulty breathing, feeling short of breath or any pain when you take a deep breath?",
"Have you coughed up any blood or anything like that?",
"And what about your nose symptoms?",
"Are you <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> front of your sinuses or anything?",
"OK. And any blood coming from the nose?",
"Right, OK. Any other symptoms, like sore ears? Sore throat?",
"Have you checked your temperature with a thermometer?",
"OK. Um, and are you eating and drinking normally?",
"OK. So, you're drinking well, holding down fluids OK?",
"And passing water OK?",
"No <UNSURE>vomiting</UNSURE>, diarrhoea now?",
"OK, that's fine. Um, any rashes that you've noticed?",
"Any headaches or change in your vision?",
"OK. And normally, do you have any chest problems?",
"Do you ever get wheezing, short of breath?",
"<UNIN/>. And, do you regularly have any infections in your chest, or anything that needs treatment, normally?",
"OK. Um, any other medical problems?",
"OK, and what type of drugs are you on?",
"OK, and when did you last have your blood pressure checked?",
"<UNIN/> Do you know if it, do you know if it's been stable?",
"OK. And with your blood, with your diabetes, have you had a blood test recently?",
"OK, and do you know what dose of the lisinopril you're taking?",
"OK. Have you been able to pass water normally? Any increase in <UNIN/> in frequency that you're passing water or any increased thirst?",
"And has your weight been stable?",
"What is your weight and height?",
"OK. And do you smoke at all?",
"You drink any alcohol?",
"OK.Um, who do you live with at home?",
"And do you work?",
"And have you been doing anything yourself to help with the symptoms? Anything that you've bought in the chemist?",
"Do you, what, what do you mean by quite a few? How many in, in a day do you normally take?",
"OK. Have you noticed any improvement in that?",
"OK. Um, do you have any allergies to anything?",
"Any <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>. Any allergies to any medications at all?",
"OK. So, what you've described to me, it sounds like you, you probably have got an infection in the chest, um, because it's, it, you know, you're obviously getting symptoms of from your nose and your chest. Um, it sounds like you might have a high temperature, it's definitely worth getting a thermometer and checking your temperature.",
"Yeah, and most of the time, these infections are caused by viruses, so they do normally settle by themselves. But it can take, you know, a week or two, um, and you can <UNIN/> persistently have the cough ongoing longer than that.",
"Um, the important thing to do would be to take your temperature.",
"Um, and if you feel like, if the temperature's ongoing, above thirty seven point five, thirty eight, um, and you keep spiking temperatures and that's not settling down, or your cough's getting worse, you're coughing up lots of nasty phlegm or you cough up any blood or get blood coming out your nose,",
"um, or any shortness of breath, chest pain, then we certainly would need to speak to you again. With the diabetes you are a bit more likely to get a bacterial infection than if you didn't have the diabetes, so it's something we do need to be careful of.",
"Yeah, potentially. If it is, if it's not settling or the temperature's ongoing, getting worse, then we definitely need to talk to you again.",
"Um, have you got any other questions?",
"It's fine to carry on what you're doing at the moment, with the lemsip. I wouldn't take, and that, that contains paracetamol so don't take any other paracetamol containing products, um, with that at the same time.",
"Um, the cough syrup isn't advisable in the daytime because it's best for your body if you just keep coughing. But if you're kept up all night and you can't sleep at all, then it, it's OK to have a little bit of cough syrup, just to settle that down.",
"OK? Do you have blood sugar checking equipment? Do you check? No, OK. Well, if you make sure that you have the regular diabetes and blood pressure checkups that your GP has asked you for?",
"OK, great. Alright then, take care. Bye."
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation07_patient.wav | [
"Uh, Sandra Bullock, uh, twentieth of February, nineteen fifty eight.",
"Uh, seven three four, <UNIN/> court in St. <UNIN/>.",
"Yeah, yeah, I am.",
"Um, well, like five days ago I started having problems like a cough, and my nose is just constantly streaming.",
"Yeah, normally I'm diabetic, but other than that, like, generally pretty good.",
"Yeah, five days or so ago.",
"Uh, it's quite bad. It's kind of quite dry, um.",
"I'm coughing maybe every twenty, thirty minutes or so.",
"Chest what, sorry?",
"Uh, no.",
"No, that's all fine.",
"Uh, just <UNIN/>.",
"Uh, nothing up in here but just constant streaming, like, using a million tissues.",
"No, it's pretty green.",
"Uh, I <UNIN/> I've been feeling really hot, um, I don't know if it's fever as such, but, <UNIN/> like, to touch I'm quite hot but sometimes I'm feeling really chilly, needing to be under a blanket, that sort of thing.",
"Uhh, no, I haven't.",
"Uhh, yes. Um, kind of around when it started, I had some diarrhoea, but I don't know if that was associated. But since then it's all been pretty fine.",
"Yeah, that's fine.",
"Rashes? Uhh, no, nothing like that.",
"No, um, I've had quite achy muscles, but that's pretty much it.",
"Uh, no.",
"Uh, I mean, like, if I do intense exercise, then yes. But not <UNIN/>.",
"No, uh, I've got hypertension, um, so I'm on some drugs for that, um, but that's it, really.",
"Uh, just the hypertension and the diabetes.",
"Uh, I think something called metformin, and lisinopril I think is the other one.",
"Uh, ooh, uh, <UNIN/> a while ago. Um, <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>.",
"Uh, I can't remember.",
"Um, yeah. Like.",
"Yeah, it was normal. It was around three weeks ago.",
"Uh, two hundred.",
"Uh, no, not particularly.",
"Uh, my height is five foot five, and my weight is sixty five kilograms.",
"Yes, the odd cherry.",
"Uh, my partner and my dog.",
"Uh, yes. I'm an office manager.",
"Um, uh, a quite a few lemon sips. Um, they seems to be helping.",
"Uh, maybe two or three. Maybe, like, at the start of the day and at the end of the day.",
"Yeah. It tends to soothe my throat a bit for when I'm going to sleep.",
"Uh, I sometimes suffer from some, like, hay fever. But, um, but it's not bad <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>",
"Not that I'm aware of, no.",
"OK. I can just get one of those at a pharmacy or something?",
"OK. So, then we would at potentially antibiotics at that time, perhaps?",
"Um, no, that's all fine.",
"OK. Cool.",
"I'm not at home.",
"Alright. Thanks so much. Bye."
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation08_doctor.wav | [
"Hi there, it's Doctor Smith from Babylon. Can you confirm your name, date of birth and your address, please?",
"OK, that's fine. <UNIN/> Are you in a private place so you can have a consultation?",
"What can I do for you today?",
"OK, and how long has that been going on for?",
"And have you ever had similar symptoms in the past?",
"As, was that as an adult or as a child?",
"How long ago was that?",
"How long ago was that, that you had similar symptoms?",
"And any problems with wheezing when you were a child or any asthma?",
"OK, and <UNIN/> when you were a child how bad was your asthma?",
"Did you have to take medication?",
"Do you know which ones you took?",
"And did you ever have to go to hospital with it?",
"Did you ever get severely unwell, have to be on intensive care unit or anything like that?",
"Did you have to miss school?",
"OK. And when do you think it last, when do you think that asthma stopped? At what age did you get to a point where you weren't taking medication anymore?",
"And so this time, how did it start? Did you have any other symptoms? Any chest pain, temperature, cold symptoms, anything like that?",
"Right. Have you coughed any phlegm up or anything like that?",
"Any, any, um, blood in there when you cough?",
"OK. And any chest pain?",
"Have you been woken up at night time at all?",
"Have you been able to do any exercise?",
"OK, and do you have a peak flow meter at home, where you measure your breathing?",
"You have what's called a peak flow meter, which you breathe into to get a score on your breathing?",
"And do you normally take any asthma inhalers over the last few years?",
"You do? So you said you stopped them three to four years ago?",
"OK. How about over the last three to four years?",
"Have you taken any medication?",
"OK, so you, you normally take that do you? Or is that just recently?",
"OK, and how often do you normally need it?",
"OK. What about when you exercise normally, do you have to use medication? Uh, inhalers?",
"OK, um, and do you take any other medications?",
"Any other medical problems?",
"OK, do you take anything for that?",
"And any allergies to medications?",
"Do you smoke?",
"Do you drink any alcohol regularly?",
"How often? Have a glass of what?",
"Every, how often did you say?",
"And who do you live with at home?",
"Who do you live with at home?",
"Who do you live with, do you live on your own, or do you live with",
"OK, and what's your job, day-to-day?",
"And have you been at work in the last few days?",
"OK, and when, at the moment, are you, um, feeling short of breath when you're sitting still? Or just when you walk?",
"Are you able to get <UNIN/> up and down the stairs OK?",
"Right, OK. Um, and did you say you were finding it hard to complete your sentences?",
"OK, um.",
"Right, OK. Um, I mean, it sounds like you've had a flare up of your asthma. It could be, um, triggered by, if there's more pollen around, or there may be, you may have a viral infection, causing it to get worse.",
"Did you say you checked your temperature already?",
"Was it normal?",
"<UNIN/> What was your temperature?",
"OK, that's fine. Um, have you got an asthma inhaler at home?",
"OK. So what I would suggest is you take it more regularly than you are doing at the moment. Have you got, um, a spacer at home?",
"Um, do you have a spacer at home?",
"OK. Um, what I can do is, I can prescribe you a peak flow meter so we can check your breathing level and a spacer to use your inhaler a bit more efficiently, which the pharmacist can show you how you use that when you pick it up.",
"Um, and if you increase it so you're taking it two to four puffs, like, every four hours?",
"Initially, um, if you get a high temperature or your wheezing is getting worse, you need to call us back straightaway so we can just advise you further with that.",
"And it will be a good idea when you're feeling better if we can arrange just a review, just to see how your asthma is, because we may need to start some other medication for you.",
"You could arrange a review in a week or so, um, but, but before that and if you're, if you're feeling worse.",
"OK, and the other thing to do would be to take a regular antihistamine.",
"Which you can get from the pharmacy, I can put a <UNIN/> on your notes about what to take.",
"And then if you, when you get the peak flow meter, if you can take, the pharmacist can show you how to use it, and if you can record a value first thing when you wake up.",
"And in the evening over the next week, and then we can discuss that over the phone when we look at the figures and see whether you need to go on another inhaler as well.",
"Have you got any questions?",
"Thanks a lot, bye.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation08_patient.wav | [
"Uh, <UNIN/> date of birth twenty second of december, nineteen ninety. Uh, address, uh, <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> sixteen <UNIN/> avenue.",
"Yeah, sure.",
"So, um, recently I'm wheezy. Uh, I have feel like kind of short of breath.",
"Mmm, two, three days. Yeah, quite recently.",
"Um, I think so. It was a while before, yeah, but I can't remember.",
"Sorry? Oh, as a <UNIN/>, as a adult, yeah.",
"I can't remember, sorry.",
"Uh, yes, I had asthma. I also had, uh, <UNIN/> hay fever and <UNIN/> <UNSURE>eczema</UNSURE> <UNIN/>, sorry.",
"Uh, it's quite bad.",
"Yeah, I take the asthma inhaler.",
"No, I can't remember.",
"Yeah, sometimes.",
"No, not that bad but still, sometimes, need to go to hospital to check if it goes well.",
"Uh, yeah, occasionally.",
"Few years ago, like, three or four years ago I think? Yeah.",
"Yeah, so I have, I have cough and cough a lot, and I have a fever. Um, I also used to walk to work but recently I can't because it's, I, I feel like very short of breath and sometimes I feel like I can't even finish <UNIN/> sentence is quite difficult to, to complete the, the the talking sometimes, yeah. Occasionally.",
"No, I don't think so.",
"No chest pain, no.",
"No, just daytime working, yeah.",
"No, I can't.",
"No, no.",
"Yes, yeah.",
"Ohh, um, when I had asthma I used to take this inhaler, yeah.",
"Um, I took salbutamol? Salbutamol? Yeah.",
"Normally, yeah.",
"Every, every few weeks? I'm not sure.",
"<UNIN/> Yeah, yeah, a bit.",
"No, nothing else.",
"Uh, I have, uh, hay fever as well.",
"No, no allergies.",
"No, I don't smoke.",
"Yeah, one glass.",
"Today, yeah.",
"Uh, one glass of wine.",
"Every two or three days? Depends, yeah.",
"Yeah, <UNIN/>.",
"I live with my partner.",
"Uh, I'm engineer.",
"No I can't because I used to walk <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> walk to work, but recently I, I work from home or sometimes I take sick leave, yeah.",
"Just walk or sometimes, but currently I feel, I feel well.",
"Yeah, sometimes.",
"Yeah, <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>, days, yeah.",
"Yes, I checked, I have fever <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>.",
"Yeah, yeah.",
"Uh, thirty seven, yeah.",
"Um, do you want to show me how to do it or somehow?",
"Yeah, sure.",
"OK, sounds good, yeah.",
"In a week, right? OK.",
"Yeah, they'll be helpful.",
"Oh, awesome, thank you.",
"Um, no, that's fine, yeah, thank you very much.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation09_doctor.wav | [
"<UNIN/> Hi there, it's Doctor Smith from Babylon.",
"Hi, can you confirm your name, date of birth and your home address, please?",
"Your address.",
"And are you in a private place where you can have a consultation today? What can I do for you?",
"OK, um, so when do you think you were last well?",
"So do you think it started when you were on holiday or after you got back?",
"Were you well when you were on holiday?",
"Did you get any infections, chest infections, diarrhoea, vomiting, anything like that?",
"OK. So, just tell me what symptoms you've been having, in terms of just your general health. Any persistent cold symptoms or earaches, sore throat, chest <UNIN/> cough, shortness of breath, phlegm, anything like that?",
"Any change in your weight at all?",
"OK, and are you eating different amounts?",
"Any difficulty swallowing or acid in your throat, or abdominal pain?",
"Any change in your bowel habit, diarrhoea, vomiting or blood in the stool?",
"Any difficulty passing urine or blood in the urine?",
"OK, and any other general symptoms like rashes?",
"OK, right, yeah, whereabouts was it?",
"When did you first notice it?",
"Did you have any fevers at that time?",
"Do you know where you got that, when it started? Had you been walking, did you get any bites that you noticed?",
"Whereabouts were you in the States?",
"OK, and any headaches, blurred vision, tingling, numbness?",
"And have you been able to go to work as usual?",
"And what's your job?",
"OK, and has your concentration been affected, or your tiredness levels in the daytime at work?",
"Have you been able to exercise OK?",
"OK, fine, and, um, how's your mental health, your stress levels, all that?",
"OK. Apart from that rash, any other rashes on your skin, or swelling of your joints, or pain in your joints?",
"Any <UNIN/> swelling that you've noticed?",
"<UNSURE>Your</UNSURE> hands, wrists, ankles, toes.",
"OK, um, and any other significant medical problems in the past?",
"OK. Any flare-ups of your asthma recently?",
"Do you take your regular inhalers or other medication?",
"You haven't been using it, you said?",
"And any, erm, do you take any other medications?",
"Yeah, that's fine. Um, and do you smoke?",
"Drink any alcohol?",
"OK, and who do you live with at home?",
"Sorry, um, so with this rash, we would need to investigate whether this has been a contributing factor to your symptoms. And just because of your symptoms, which have been ongoing for six weeks, that's obviously quite a long time to notice a change in your energy levels.",
"Um, I think it's important to get some blood tests, checking all the normal things, like liver, kidneys, blood count, <UNSURE>etc. But</UNSURE> also, some more specific things like, um, a bacterial infection you can sometimes get, uh, including one which you can get which can produce a rash like that. So, that would involve blood tests. Are you happy to do that?",
"Well, you can get, uh, you can get a bacterial infection caused which is called, um, it's called lyme disease that you can get a rash <UNSURE>like</UNSURE> that from a tick bite.",
"So that's something we would do a test for, as well. Um, and if that comes back positive, then there are specific antibiotics that we would give you to treat it.",
"So it's definitely worth checking for, but we would also check just for <UNIN/> which can cause reduced energy, tiredness and aching for, persistent over six weeks.",
"So if you're happy to do that, if you book that through the support line, and then when you've had the test arrange a follow up about a week after, after you've had the test done.",
"Um, yeah, we can do that over the phone to start with.",
"Any other questions?",
"OK, that's great. Take care.",
"Sorry <UNIN/>"
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation09_patient.wav | [
"Hi there.",
"Yeah, it's Matt Carter, and it's fourteenth of August, nineteen eighty nine, and <UNIN/> what was the last bit?",
"And it's one Babylon Avenue.",
"Um, <UNIN/> coming, I, I don't really know what's been going on, but it's just aching all over, but, <UNIN/> definitely the last six weeks, it might have been slightly longer than that, but it's just sort of that, feeling really tired, run down.",
"Uh, where are we now, we've just started April. I, definitely Christmas, New Year, I felt relatively well, I think.",
"Um, so, since then. Actually, yeah, I, I was on holiday in, um, in the States. And yeah, it probably coincided with some time around then. End of January, start of Feb.",
"Uh, probably a couple of weeks after I got back.",
"Yeah, had a had a great time, very active, uh.",
"Um, no, not that I recall. Um, yeah, not.",
"No, the symptoms sort of all started afterwards.",
"Uh, no.",
"Uh, I don't think so. Like, I'm probably less hungry, but no, no weight change, just a bit.",
"Uh, yeah, probably slightly smaller portions, or it, yeah, more of an effort to, to actually eat everything that's in front of me.",
"Uh, no.",
"No, that's all fine.",
"Um, I don't have any rashes now, but there was, uh, in fact I've got a photo, um, on my phone if if that's helpful. I can try and show you, hang on. Um, because this, yeah, this was weird, this sort of came up, and then, uh.",
"Disappeared after a couple of weeks, <UNIN/>where's the light, <UNIN/> that, you see that?",
"Uh, I think sort of calf, back of my calf, because I didn't notice it, my wife noticed it actually.",
"Um, probably, uh, around the end of February, the middle to end of Feb. And then it, like, it didn't actually cause too much itching, or anything, at the time. And, I, it faded over a couple of weeks, I guess.",
"Um, I, to be honest that actually turns out it was a bit of a sore throat I had, um, so possibly a little bit feverish, but I, I sort of put it down to that.",
"Uh, I <UNIN/> like, I do quite a lot of walking, and we did, um, quite a lot while we were out in the, on holiday as well, but definitely, um.",
"Yeah, I mean, I don't, I don't recall any bugs, I don't remember seeing anything bitten but you often, like, yeah, as you're walking through, I was in shorts and, and boots but <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>/",
"Um, just sort of, um, he examined me, so.",
"Um, no.",
"But it's the sort of headache maybe in just generally feeling a bit crappy.",
"Um, I've been going to work. I don't know how effective it's been. But, yeah, been, been.",
"Um, I work for a health technology company actually.",
"Yeah, definitely sort of tired and, um, yeah, less energy, sort of probably <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> than I, I would normally be.",
"Not as much. I, I don't know if it's, I haven't been able to or I've just been a bit lazy with it. I <UNIN/> I'm not exercising as I would normally.",
"<UNIN/> Pretty good at the moment, actually. Like, it previously that has been an issue, but, um.",
"Other than, sort of, physically feeling a bit.",
"Uh, crappy, I've.",
"Yeah, in a pretty good place.",
"Uh, yeah, sort of aching shoulders, back, the hips, knees, but sort of, yeah. Not <UNIN/>,",
"No, <UNIN/>.",
"Uh, no.",
"Uh, I mean.",
"<UNIN/>Asthma and hay fever if they can help.",
"Uh, no, <UNIN/> pretty well <UNIN/>, I think.",
"Uh, yeah. I've got one of those, um, preventative, I think. Yeah <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>, but I've not used one.",
"I, I have it. I've been using the <UNIN/> everyday for the morning and night but not the, uh, <UNIN/>.",
"Um, <UNIN/> I take, um, one of the antihistamines <UNIN/> it might be <UNIN/> can I get that from, just from the pharmacy.",
"<UNIN/> uh, <UNIN/>.",
"Sorry, occasionally, that was.",
"Uh, just my wife.",
"Uh, yeah, I <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> but, uh, what, what's the infection?",
"OK, so, do the test first and then, <UNIN/> and that follow up we can just do over the phone again? Or, <UNIN/> yeah.",
"<UNSURE>All right</UNSURE>. Excellent.",
"That, that's really helpful, thank you very much.",
"Oops, sorry, you broke up a bit <UNSURE>there</UNSURE>.",
"Ohh, no, not <UNIN/>, no.",
"OK, take care, thank you, bye.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation10_doctor.wav | [
"Hi there. It's Doctor Smith from Babylon.",
"Can you confirm your name, date of birth, and your home address, please?",
"<INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>. Um, I can't hear you at the moment actually. Could you turn it up, the, volume up?",
"<INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>. Yeah, that's better. Thank you.",
"Are you in a private <UNSURE>place you</UNSURE> can have a consultation?",
"What can I do for you today?",
"OK, and any headaches in the past before this?",
"So, how did this start?",
"OK, and whereabouts in your head is the pain?",
"OK. Any problems with your vision? Or, any problems tolerating the light?",
"OK, and um, any, any nausea or vomiting?",
"Any tingling? Or numbness? Or weakness anywhere?",
"Any change in your smell or taste?",
"Um, and, in the past, when you've had headaches, what have they been like?",
"OK, and, with, with this, has it been there all the time? Or is it coming and going?",
"Um, and what would you say, the severity is? If, if ten is the worst pain you've ever had, and zero is nothing, what would you say the pain is like?",
"OK, and what about at night-time, are you able to fall asleep?",
"Is it waking you up in the night-time?",
"OK. Any worse when you change position, or bend over, or cough, or anything like that?",
"OK. And have you had any, uh, eye checks recently?",
"OK. And have you had any cold symptoms, sore throat, sore ears, or pain over the sinuses? Any <UNSURE>cough</UNSURE> or flem?",
"No. Any, any nose bleeds, or coughing up any blood or anything?",
"And just recently, have you been well, or have you had any general problems? Any change in your weight? Or, tiredness, lack of energy, anything like that?",
"<UNSURE>Have you</UNSURE> been at work recently?",
"So, you've been, you've had a headache for three days. <UNIN/>, how many days have you missed off work?",
"OK. And, any other, medical problems in the past?",
"OK. Have you been abroad recently at all?",
"Do you take any medications?",
"Which one?",
"And when did you start that?",
"Any side effects with that?",
"Have you noticed any, any um, increased frequency of headaches since you started that?",
"OK. And when you'd <UNIN/>, when you've had, when you described your headaches in the past, you said they were just general. Did you have any visual symptoms? <UNSURE>Flashing</UNSURE> lights? Nausea, vomiting with them?",
"<UNSURE>Have you had</UNSURE> your blood pressure checked recently with your pill?",
"And when was that?",
"OK. Um, and any allergies to anything?",
"And who do you live with at home?",
"Who do you live with at home?",
"OK. And do you smoke?",
"Do you drink any alcohol regularly?",
"How much in a normal week do you think?",
"<INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>. OK. And do you take any other drugs at all?",
"Um. So, uh, I mean it's obviously the first time you've had such a bad headache. And you said you'd had some altered light in front of your eyes as well?",
"But you haven't had a high temperature. Have you checked your temperature?",
"OK. Um, I mean it, it, it could possibly be a migraine type headache.",
"But, <UNSURE>the</UNSURE> fact it's still ongoing for three days, we probably should, book you into an appointment to get an examination.",
"Um, obviously <UNIN/>, if it settles, in the meantime then, we can cancel that. But we should do a neurological examination, look at the back of your eyes as well.",
"Um, in terms of medication, I can prescribe you something, similar to Ibuprofen, but a bit stronger which you can take instead of Ibuprofen. And you can also take Paracetamol at the same time.",
"So if you're happy to book a, <UNIN/>, appointment with us, with the support line, for us to do a full examination.",
"And start, the medication which I prescribe to you, take it with food.",
"If, if you're, you said that when you go to bed your headache's, OK, and not waking you up in the night-time.",
"OK. Any other family history of medical problems?",
"OK that's fine. Um, I mean if, if in the meantime before your appointment your, headache is getting unbearable, getting worse or changing. Then <UNIN/>, um, if it's that bad, then you should go to A and E and have an examination.",
"Um, <UNIN/>, you can call us for further advice on that.",
"<UNSURE>And</UNSURE> when, when you have a, an examination with us, we'll check your blood pressure as well.",
"Just to, make sure your pill's still appropriate for you, because <UNSURE>sometimes if we</UNSURE>, if we do think it's a migraine, then you would have to change your pill. If you've had these flashing lights, and things like that.",
"Well <UNIN/>, some <UNIN/>, so that pill if you were having <UNIN/>, regular migraines with um, flashing lights, or <UNIN/>, other symptoms. It wouldn't be suitable to stay on that pill, particularly, we'd have to change it to something else.",
"But you can carry on with that for the moment.",
"Have you got any other questions?",
"Yeah, <UNSURE>if you</UNSURE> book an appointment with the support team, then we can do a full examination then.",
"All right then. Take care.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation10_patient.wav | [
"Um, it's <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>.",
"Uh, can you hear me <UNSURE>better now</UNSURE>?",
"Um, OK. Sorry about that.",
"Uh, yes.",
"Um, I've been having this, blinding headache for a few days. Um, and it's like, really bothering me and <UNIN/>, I find it very hard to focus or, like I can't even go to work.",
"<UNSURE>Not</UNSURE> really just <UNSURE>they're</UNSURE>, on and off. Um, I recently had a, <UNSURE>a</UNSURE> one for like two days, um, but it just went away with Ibuprofen, so nothing like, more, longer than two days before.",
"Um, it just started all of a sudden. I woke up one morning with a headache, and that was three days ago, and I just keep having it.",
"Doesn't really go away with Ibuprofen either, I try that, but it just. It gets a little bit better but like, doesn't go away.",
"Um, it's kind of all over but, I feel like over my right eye, it's um bit, stronger.",
"Um, lights definitely make me more sensitive. Like, um, I don't really, like strong lights.",
"Um, and um, yeah, vision I think, I get this, shooting light sometimes.",
"Um, not sure how to explain it. Just a bit of um, weird kind of vision.",
"Uh, no, feeling a bit sick, but no vomiting.",
"Um, no.",
"No, <UNSURE>none</UNSURE> at all.",
"Um, I was sick <UNSURE>but I had</UNSURE> no more headache, <UNSURE>it's</UNSURE> just um, a bit of a pressure, in between my eyes, um.",
"But nothing major.",
"Kinda all the time. Um, so when I take Ibuprofen it gets a bit better, so it's a bit, like less um, it, it bothered me less, but then I still have it, it's still there.",
"I guess it's mostly, eight, and then it kinda comes down to maybe a five.",
"Um, yeah, I'm, sleeping well.",
"No, no, no. But I can wake up with it in the morning.",
"Sometimes when I stand up, quickly I get a bit of a, stabbing pain. Um, or if I throw my head like, it I kind of feel like something is moving inside.",
"Um, yeah, actually had one recently and, nothing changed my vision.",
"No, <UNSURE>no</UNSURE>.",
"Um, no change of weight, maybe um, lack of energy but it might be because, I'm just having these headaches. so I'm find it quite difficult to go through my daily activities <UNIN/>, you know when you have this constant headache.",
"Um, I work from home but, couldn't really manage to, do it all the time. So sometimes I just took a day off.",
"Um, so I worked from home all these three days and, um. First day I worked from home and then, um, the second I just took the whole day off. And, today I just tried to work from home the first half of the day but, I, I just stopped in the morning 'cause, I couldn't focus.",
"Um, I think I only had a, a <UNIN/> pain, um, when I was younger but, no causes found and that went away, but that's, the only thing I know of.",
"Um, just the pill.",
"Um, <UNIN/>.",
"Um, about a year ago.",
"Uh, no I don't think so.",
"Um, no, <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>, these <UNSURE>headaches</UNSURE> just very recently, but nothing um, <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> but nothing really <UNSURE>changes</UNSURE>.",
"No, no.",
"No nothing, none of those.",
"Um, yeah, I had it checked in the pharmacy when I got the pill, and they <UNSURE>say</UNSURE> it was normal.",
"Uh, a year ago.",
"Uh, just by myself.",
"Uh, no.",
"Um, probably like, three <UNIN/>, once a week.",
"Um, no apart from the Ibuprofen that I take, sometimes when, the headache <UNIN/> gets really bad, nothing else.",
"Uh, no I didn't, I don't really feel, feverish or anything.",
"Yeah it's <UNSURE>not</UNSURE>, um but, you mentioned migraine and that um, reminded that, my mum, suffers from, like she has migraines, um.",
"Um, no I think that's it, but I know that my mum like, she has quite bad migraines, she's like, has the vomiting and everything, <UNIN/>.",
"Mm-hmm, OK.",
"Is there anything in the pill that can cause it? Or is it?",
"All right.",
"Um, so will you like, um, send me a referral to a specialist, or do I have to <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> to confirm?",
"OK. Perfect.",
"Thank you very much.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation11_doctor.wav | [
"Hi there. It's Doctor Smith from Babylon.",
"<UNSURE>Hi Doctor Smith</UNSURE>. Hi, can you confirm your name, date of birth, and your home address please?",
"OK, <UNSURE>I</UNSURE>, are you in a private place where you can have a consultation today?",
"What can I do for you?",
"<UNSURE>OK</UNSURE>, that's fine. So when do you think it started?",
"OK. Um, and, any joint problems before that?",
"OK, So, um, at the moment, just tell me about the exercise that you're doing, normally.",
"And, have you had, any times when the knee feels like it's giving way underneath you?",
"So, it means if you're, if you're there and <UNSURE>uh</UNSURE>, you just feel it sort of jolt, like give way, feel unstable underneath you.",
"And does it hurt, uh, how far into the run does it generally hurt?",
"OK. Ooh you're fast. Um.",
"<INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> Um. And, um, do you have to stop running, or can you run through the pain?",
"Right. And, you said before, it's both knees.",
"<UNSURE>And</UNSURE>, any problems with your left one?",
"OK, <UNSURE>and</UNSURE>, can you just describe in the knee, or show me whereabouts the pain, is happening mainly?",
"OK. Have you noticed any tenderness when you press over any areas in the knee?",
"OK. <UNIN/>, does it look swollen to you?",
"Does the knee look swollen?",
"OK, and, if you're sitting, still for a while, do you have any problems when you stand up, any locking up of the knee?",
"Can't straighten it. Any problems going up and down stairs?",
"Any problems just walking normally?",
"And <UNSURE>intervals</UNSURE> of range of movement. Are you able to fully straighten the leg?",
"And what about fully flex it?",
"OK. Are you taking any medication for the knee?",
"OK, and any other joint problems, that you're getting? Any back pains? Small swelling of your, hands, feet, elbows, wrists? Any pain?",
"On your right <UNSURE>side</UNSURE>.",
"Any change in colour, or temperature of your lower legs?",
"Any swelling which stays if you push in, and then you release it, that it stays there?",
"Yeah, any, or any pain in the back of the calf or anything like that?",
"Um, and, with your foot, has that gone back to normal now? Do you feel any altered senstation, tingling numbness, anything like that?",
"OK.And any pain in the joints of your foot or <UNIN/>, on the underside in the arch? Any problems walking round on hard floors?",
"OK, have you had, any other medical problems before?",
"OK, <UNSURE>and</UNSURE>, do you take any other medications, apart from the ones you told me about?",
"OK. And, any problems with your stomach, or asthma, indigestion, acid <UNSURE>reflux</UNSURE>?",
"<UNIN/>. <UNSURE>And</UNSURE>, what I would suggest is, definitely carrying on with the ice therapy that you've been using. So, as much as you can, 'cause that really does make a difference to injuries.",
"<UNSURE>Brings</UNSURE> the healing blood into the area, and it gives it the best chance of, getting better. So, as much as you can, use the ice.",
"Um, obviously you're trying to stick to a marathon programme, but.",
"Um, I would, try and ease up on the running, if you can. And if it, if it's painful enough that you're, having to stop running, then it's not a good idea, to do that.",
"Um. It's fine to take the Ibuprofen. Um, I can prescribe you a slightly stronger, anti-inflammatory that you can take regularly instead of the Ibuprofen, but not with the Ibuprofen.",
"But make <UNSURE>sure</UNSURE> that with food. Ultimately we probably need to, examine the knee.",
"Um, so, the best thing I would, suggest, getting a appointment with the physiotherapist first, who can do like a long, assessment, and examination of the knee.",
"And then <UNSURE>we can</UNSURE> make an assessment as to whether we need to do any, um, imagery to <UNIN/>, have a look inside the knee, and see if there's any problem with the, cartilage.",
"Um, it's, it's not really possible to, diagnose that over the <UNIN/>, over the video. So we definitely would need to, see you. And, the, a physio is the best point of call, because they'll probably be the most likely initial treatment.",
"But certainly if the appointment time's too long to wait, then we can see, we can see you <UNSURE>in</UNSURE> our clinic as well.",
"Yep, <UNIN/> we can, we can do a referral before that. If in the meantime you develop like persistant swelling, heat, redness, um, of the knee, or high temperature, feel unwell, or it completely locks up and you can't bend and stretch it.",
"Then, you'd need to see a doctor urgently, so call us back <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> in that, case. <UNIN/>.",
"OK. I'll send it through to your pharmacy for you. OK? Thank you, bye.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation11_patient.wav | [
"Hi Doctor Smith.",
"Yes. My name is Mary Jo. Date of birth is January first, nineteen eighty.",
"And my address is uh, sixty Sloane Avenue, London.",
"So, a couple of things. I, I, think I may have, overdone my workouts, and now my knees are hurting, and they're clicking a lot, and it's starting to worry me.",
"Um, I can't run very far, um, any more without just feeling, pain in my knees.",
"And then, sometimes I also get this weird tingling in my toes. Um.",
"So yeah, that's, that's it. I'm just concerned and I figured you know I'd call and, see if you can, help me figure out what's going on.",
"So probably, it's been about two weeks.",
"You know not, not really. I mean I play a lot of sports. Um, and I had a <UNIN/>, like I play some ice hockey, and I had this injury a few months ago.",
"You know I just like, fell on the ice and, and, you know had a, huge bruise but, I think that's about it.",
"So I'm training, well, I'm currently training for a marathon, um, that's gonna happen in, June. And so, I'm trying to run like.",
"I mean right now, I'm actually not even doing such long runs, maybe like seven or eight miles. And so, I started about uh, maybe a month ago.",
"Uh, I've done like, you know, four or five miles, and I've just done like a couple of seven, mile runs.",
"And then uh, uh, and then you know I go to the gym like few times a week and, kinda do my, usual routine.",
"Um, but, yeah, I think the only thing that's really different has, have been, the runs, the longer runs.",
"Um, well, I, what do you mean by that? I'm not sure what, what <UNSURE>that</UNSURE> means.",
"Not, not bad, I mean it just kinda starts hurting, you know. Um.",
"You know I would say probably starts off like after, uh, maybe, twenty minutes or so. Which is, probably I don't know like somewhere around mile, three maybe, two and a half or three miles.",
"<INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/> switching my kilometres and miles, I'm not sure, <UNSURE>all right</UNSURE>.",
"Yeah, that is a good question. So, um, you know the last few times, the last time I actually stopped, I mean I ran a little bit longer, but then I stopped, because it was um, I, I feel like it's getting worse.",
"Um, and, when I start doing my abs, that's, you know when I do my abs. <UNSURE>It's</UNSURE> kind of requiring me to move my you know, um, to kind of go from the flex position on my knees, and straighten my legs, then I feel all this clicking.",
"And, I think that's also freaked me out, and uh, I just figured you know, something's wrong <UNSURE>here</UNSURE>.",
"So it's more, um, it's actually my right knee that hurts.",
"So, ah, you know I, I feel it, it's kind of weird, I feel it in the middle, but I almost feel like maybe it kind of uh, um, moves to the right, to the right of my knee a little bit.",
"So, yes, well it's, I have, probably some fluid. I googled it, and you know it says that sometimes <UNIN/> fluid accumulates uh, <UNSURE>I</UNSURE>.",
"Um, well it did, like, the first time I ran, it was a little bit swollen, but then I just put some like ice on it, and it went away.",
"Um, but, right now, right now it's not swollen, and right now it doesn't hurt, you know.",
"Um, but, it just kind of comes on when uh, um, or you know right now when I flex and extend my leg, it, there's no clicking but, I'll notice it in the gym and then, you know, when I run it'll start hurting.",
"No, <UNSURE>none</UNSURE>, I don't.",
"Well, um, since you're asking. Um, yes I <UNIN/>, I take Ibuprofen, um, and I'll just kinda, use it sometime like uh, um, like sometimes I have some joint issues, but you know, that kind of, is not very frequent. So I'll take Ibuprofen for that.",
"But you know it's nothing like major maybe, like, four hundred milligrams max, something like that.",
"I also sometimes will um, you know, smoke a joint.",
"Um, and, yeah, other than that, that's it.",
"Uh, well I have sometimes, you know how sometimes like if you stand for a long time, your feet will kinda, or your legs will swell up. Like I noticed it because of my socks, I'll just kind of, notice this indentation.",
"And then, another weird thing. I've felt this just once, but there was this tingling in my toes, like uh, um, after the run.",
"There was tingling in my toes like on my, you know my right toes, um, so.",
"Well I don't know if I really try that, but I, I will tell you that, what I noticed is like if I, you know when my socks come off, I kind of notice that indentation a little bit, I mean it's not like major, right but, I. Uh, I mean do you mean I just need to like press and see what happens, if it like kind of stays or, <UNIN/>.",
"<UNSURE>No</UNSURE>, no, nothing like that, no.",
"No it was just, it was that time, uh, but it was just really weird, because it kind of went on for a while.",
"Uh, well, I had uh.",
"You know <UNSURE>what</UNSURE> just, kind of your garden variety stuff, right, colds and, uh. I mean I, I do have, I'm far-sighted, and so I had uh, I had Lasik surgery.",
"And then, once I had this really bad UTI, they thought it was kidney stones, and so they had me actually in ER.",
"And if my GP didn't call them, tell them, that you know, they don't need to give me Morphine.",
"Um, that was kind of an awful experience but, uh, other than that, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty good.",
"Well, I'll take uh, I take vitamin D.",
"Uh, I take melatonin. Sometimes, you know, just for cramps, I'll take, like, uh, um, ibuprofen, or actually <UNIN/>, uh, I'll take, what am I taking? Aleve. Whatever Aleve is.",
"Think that's maybe um, Acetaminophen, or, I can't remember what class of drugs.",
"You know occasionally, if I'm really having hard times, like I'll, I'll sleeping, I'll take Xanax.",
"Um, but, I prefer Melatonin, it's just sometimes Melatonin doesn't work.",
"No, no, no problems.",
"I see.",
"Well, you know I read, I read some stuff online that, that maybe like my ligaments there's, I think it's like ACL or, or something like that right, and so if that. I mean I'm kind of like freaked out that <UNSURE>that</UNSURE> may break.",
"So do you think it's that, or?",
"Can you, so are you going to send referral for that?",
"<UNSURE>OK. Great</UNSURE>.",
"<UNSURE>That sounds</UNSURE> good. Thank you yeah. <UNIN/>, sure I mean, give me the, stronger medicine, I'll give that a try.",
"<UNSURE>OK</UNSURE>. Sweet. Thanks so <UNSURE>much. OK</UNSURE>. Bye, bye."
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation12_doctor.wav | [
"Hi there. It's Doctor Smith from Babylon.",
"<UNSURE>How are you doing</UNSURE>? <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>. Good thank you. Can you confirm your name, date of birth, and your, home address please?",
"OK that's fine. Are you in a private place <UNSURE>so</UNSURE> you can have a consultation today?",
"What can I do for you?",
"OK, and when did it start?",
"OK. Can you just tell me whereabouts in your head it is?",
"<UNIN/>. OK. Just on the left side.",
"And, when did it start? What time of day did it start yesterday?",
"And how did it feel when it first started?",
"OK. And did you get uh, have you got any other symptoms along with that? Any nausea, vomiting, tingling, <UNSURE>numbness</UNSURE>, weakness, anywhere?",
"OK, and, uh. Sorry <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>.",
"Um, any blurred vision, or any pain over your eyes?",
"Any <UNIN/>, any funny lights or, anything like that in your vision area? Any problems when you look into the light?",
"Um, and have you been eating and drinking OK?",
"<UNIN/>. Are you feeling sick, or vomiting, or anything?",
"Any high fevers? Are you feeling shivery? Sweaty?",
"Any <UNIN/>, any rashes at all?",
"And, in the past, have you had any headache before?",
"OK. How bad would you say the headache is from, zero to ten, if ten is the worst pain that you could have, and zero is nothing?",
"OK. And have you taken any pain killers?",
"OK, and did that make any difference?",
"And last night, did you manage to sleep through the night OK?",
"Has it been worse at any particular time of the day?",
"Any difference if you lie down, stand up, bend over, cough or sneeze, or anything like that?",
"And, have you got any other medical problems?",
"Anything you take medication for?",
"Um, any over-the-counter medications or allergies?",
"<UNSURE>That's fine</UNSURE>. And any stomach <UNSURE>problems</UNSURE>, or asthma at all?",
"Anyone in your family got any medical problems?",
"<UNIN/>. And, have you had your blood pressure checked <UNIN/>?",
"And who do you live with at home?",
"Who do you live with at home?",
"And what's your job, day-to-day?",
"Have you had to miss any work at all?",
"OK. Um, and do you smoke at all normally?",
"Do you drink any alcohol regularly?",
"Um, and any other drugs?",
"No, OK. Um, I mean the fact that you haven't had headaches before, um, is, is unusual the fact that they've developed. Is there anything you think's changed? Any increased stress, <UNIN/>, <UNSURE>change</UNSURE> in your diet or lifestyle?",
"OK. So, what we would suggest is, trying a slightly stronger, pain relief.",
"Uh, so, similar to Ibuprofen, but taking instead of Ibuprofen not at the same time, and taking that regularly with food.",
"Um, hopefully that will settle it down. You can take Paracetamol along with that.",
"Try and um, take rest, have lots of good hydration.Um, but if the pain's getting worse, or you get new symptoms, fever, rash, <UNSURE>vomiting</UNSURE>, neck stiffness.",
"Um, or you keep getting <UNSURE>episodes</UNSURE> of the same type of thing, then we need to speak to you, and, and make a plan for, for what we can do next.",
"<UNSURE>Have you</UNSURE> got any other questions?",
"Well I should think it should <UNIN/> down, if it's getting worse or not settling in the next day or two.",
"Then certainly give us a call back, if, when you've tried the medication that I've prescribed from the pharmacy.",
"All right then. Thanks a lot. Bye.",
] | [] |
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/main_folder/validation_audio/day5_consultation12_patient.wav | [
"Hey. How are you?",
"Um, yes I can. Uh, it's, Mary Smith.",
"Um, I'm twenty eight, and I live at apartment four oh five, nine C, Clerkenwell Road.",
"Yes I am.",
"Um, I keep having a headache.",
"It started yesterday, um.",
"Uh, it's unusual for me, to have a headache.",
"It's on the left side at the back, sort of here.",
"About mid-morning.",
"Um, just quite, intense, and kinda quite throbbing. It kind of built up gradually <UNSURE>after</UNSURE>, over.",
"A short period of time.",
"No, nothing.",
"Yes, yes, like normal.",
"No, nothing like that, <INAUDIBLE_SPEECH/>.",
"No, no fever, no <UNIN/>.",
"Not really.",
"I'd say about eight.",
"Um, I took some, um, um, Nurofen, yesterday.",
"Not really.",
"Uh, yes I did.",
"No, it hasn't made any difference, the time of the day.",
"Um, no.",
"Um, no I haven't.",
"No I don't.",
"No, only the, Nurofen I took yesterday, Ibuprofen.",
"Uh, my mother's had hypertension, and she does get migraines.",
"Um, no, not recently.",
"My partner.",
"I'm a designer.",
"Uh, no, but I don't feel that, I'm finding it really hard to <UNIN/>, to do any of, my work, or, normal things.",
"No I don't.",
"Not that I can, not that I can think of.",
"Thank you.",
"How long do you think it will last for?",
"Thank you.",
"<UNIN/>, bye.",
] | [] |
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