

A geography question

by cahya - opened

I found a question in the dataset:
"Jika diketahui jarak dari kota X ke kota Y di peta 10 cm, skalanya 1:100.000 maka jarak sebenarnya adalah…."
and the options is ['A. 10 cm', 'B. 100 cm', 'C. 1.000 cm', 'D. 10 km', 'E. 1 km']
but the answer is A (10 cm). Is it correct? :-)

Thank you for reporting this and we will take a note.

Please note that we have manually investigated the correctness of 50 random samples, and find an accuracy of 100%. Although such error is still possible, but its very likely that they are rare.
And even we can confidently infer that the maximum score meaningfully achievable for IndoMMLU is more than 95-98%

indolem changed discussion status to closed

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